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Session Start: Thu Dec 27 22:58:26 2001

<Kameko> Why don't you ask Klork?

* Kameko rolls onto her side, away from him

<Kameko> He wants into my business so damn badly, he can speak for me, too.

* Angelo blinks...then is already out the door*

* Kameko sighs ... then curls into a ball .. finally breaking down now that she's alone and sobbing uncontrolably

* Kameko slowly gets up .. still crying, walking out into the kitchen and just kinda standing in front of the knife set ... staring at them

* Kameko picks up a small thin one .. looking at the blade ... watching the light bounce off of it

* Kameko pinches her eyes shut, resting the sharp end delicately against the wrist of her dead hand

* Angelo comes back in a few seconds later..pausing, eyes a bit wide* ~~Kame..~~--Kame! *runs over, snagging the knife away*

<Angelo> What are you doing..?!

* Kameko blinks ... having let go of it more from shock than anything, just kinda staring up at him

* Angelo furrows his brow, eyes worried beyond belief as he pulls her close* ~~Kame..c'mon, please..?~~

* Kameko tenses, forcably drying her tears

<Kameko> ~~.......would have served him right....~~

* Kameko 's voice is almost silent

* Angelo blinks, brow furrowing* ~what..?~

<Kameko> ~~.......... he would have had something to really be angry at me about..~~

<Kameko> ~~.......if i'd died .......i would have had the last word..~~

* Kameko then lunges for the knife

* Angelo BLINKS, snagging her close* Kame..!! *voice is almost pleading* Kame--*pushes the knife away and opens a portal out of desperation...carrying her to Thera's* NO, Kame..please don't EVEN...

* Kameko fights his hold, almost completely spastic now

<Angelo> Kame..!! Please?! {{Thera!?!}}

<Kameko> NO!! DAMN him! He had NO right!! He's just like Muso--JUST like MUSO!!

* Angelo grits his teeth, trying to hold her still, looking frantically around for Thera* {{THERA?!!}}

* Thera isn't at home .. but can hear him {{Yes, Angelo?}}

<Angelo> {{I need you, Now, PLEASE?!}}

<Angelo> {{Kame's losing it..! AND is injured!}}

* Thera is right there immediately

* Kameko continues to fight Angelo's hold, trying to lunge out of his hold, half-crazed, if not all there

* Angelo grits his teeth, looking to Thera for any help she can give..*

* Thera walks over .. closing her eyes and grabbing her daughter's face, pressing her forefinger and index fingers against her temples .. whispering something that knocks her out completely, then pulls back, looking worn herself*

<Thera> What...happened?

* Angelo sighs shakily* I'm not really sure..

<Angelo> I just know her and Klork got into a HUGE fight..they both hit each other..and I came home to her trying to commit suicide..

* Thera blinks, glowing green eyes wide before she sinks back against a wall, swallowing a little

<Thera> ....Suicide..? A fight..? *sighs, shaking her head* What did she do to start this one?

* Angelo shakes his head* Next thing I know she's hollering about how Klork is no better than Muso..I..I don't know..HLM said she was moody and it just progressed...

<Kameko> It had to be Kame...It's always Kame who starts them.

* Thera blinks, looking at him

<Thera> She..actually said he was no better than Muso? Did she tell HIM that?

* Angelo shakes his head* I..he was pretty quiet when I saw him..she may very well have..

* Thera sighs, looking at her daughter's now limp and unconscious form in his arms

<Thera> Take her in, put her to bed. She'll wake up in about tweleve hours..

* Angelo nods, brows still creased..* Then what..?

* Thera sighs

<Thera> Then... I go talk to my son..

<Angelo> ....all right..

<Thera> Just keep any sharp objects away from her. You're home now, I can tell by your ankle.

* Angelo nods* Her hand is busted tho...

* Thera hands him some numbing cream out of a pouch at her side, then sighs

<Thera> Do you know how to place broken bones?

* Angelo blinks* Not in somebody's hand....

<Thera> Then take her to the hospital in Japan. I can take you there, if you'd like. You'll be able to return.

<Thera> Just.. make sure that you put this on her hand before you have them bandage it up. It'll help the bones set easier.

* Angelo nods* Yeah..thanks...will do..

* Thera walks over .. blipping them to the hospital and leaving them there, then going to the asylum

Session Close: Fri Dec 28 03:08:44 2001

