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Session Start: Sat Oct 27 23:28:43 2001

* Emerald_Isle shapes her shoes to sneakers before walking home *G*

* Emerald_Isle looks at Diana...

<Emerald_Isle> So, how long you been living here?

* DianaManashevitz reaches back to loose her hair* the city or the asylum...? Asylum for about...uhm....6 months I think we've been open...NYC...three years...

<Emerald_Isle> Oh

<DianaManashevitz> You...? *looks to her and smiles in a friendly maner*

<Emerald_Isle> Klork brought me to the Asylum a few weeks ago...don't remember when I got to New York. Sometime in the last four years

* DianaManashevitz nods a bit* Oh? What brought you here...?

<Emerald_Isle> Um...I think New York was the travelling pork salesman

* DianaManashevitz blinks and arches a brow* ah...hitch-hiker...?

* Emerald_Isle nods

<Emerald_Isle> All across Canada & the US

<DianaManashevitz> Wow...if I may ask...any reason in particular...?

<Emerald_Isle> To get away from Ireland.

* DianaManashevitz blinks and nods* problems...?

<Emerald_Isle> Nova Scotia was the first port of call on the ship that I ... um... got on. Figured that was as good a place as any.

* Emerald_Isle nods

* DianaManashevitz nods...

<Emerald_Isle> Yeah. Every family...

* DianaManashevitz blinks, giving her a slightly confused look

<Emerald_Isle> I had a few foster families, my real family killed off two of them, trying to get to me. My last foster family lasted a long time, but they started trying to run my life, so I left.

* DianaManashevitz frowns, nodding a little* I see...

<Emerald_Isle> What about you? Why'd you come to New York?

<DianaManashevitz> Ah...well...*chuckles softly* I had no choice, really...for several years before I got here, I had been trapped between realities....this is my home reality...I got dropped in an ally, slashed up and misscarrying a child...HLM discovered me and saved me...

* Emerald_Isle blinkblinks at the 'trapped between realities' line

<Emerald_Isle> Man, and I thought having a father that's an alien was weird...

* DianaManashevitz blinks* Ah...hai...that is a bit odd...sometimes I thought my father was an alien...he'd probably be a better person...*shakes her head a little*'re half alien...?

<Emerald_Isle> Yeah...never met my dad, but I've been told he's an Alien. A Shaper

<DianaManashevitz> Ah...*smiles slightly, then pauses and blinks* I didn't know this reality had those...

<Emerald_Isle> You've heard of Shapers?

* DianaManashevitz nods..* In a different reality...a long time ago...I don't remember much of it because someone erased most of those memories...

<Emerald_Isle> Oh

* Emerald_Isle says no more, feeling now is not the time to mention just who 'dear old dad' is

* DianaManashevitz brushes a lil' at her dress, glancing a lil' at her...

<Emerald_Isle> I think you're the first person I know of that's heard of Shapers...

* DianaManashevitz nods a bit, smiling slightly* Hai...I would imagine so...this is the first time I've heard of them in this reality..

<Emerald_Isle> Ah

* Emerald_Isle looks around

<Emerald_Isle> Is this neighbourhood safe?

* DianaManashevitz glances around* Not really..

<Emerald_Isle> And do you choose to walk alone often?

* DianaManashevitz nods slightly* Sometimes it's the only way I get any peace...I defend myself well...

<Emerald_Isle> Oh

* DianaManashevitz smiles wryly...

<Emerald_Isle> So'm I, I guess...that's kinda how I met Klork...I ducked into his bar to hide from a few guys that didnt' appreciate me being a good samaritan

<DianaManashevitz> Oh...? Who where these guys...?

* Emerald_Isle shrugs

<Emerald_Isle> Just some bozos that tried to attack a young teenage girl. I stopped them, she ran away to safety and the guys turned their attention to me.

<DianaManashevitz> Ah...*nods* Iie...they don't like people doing that...

<Emerald_Isle> I'm used to it...I've stopped more than a few idiots

* DianaManashevitz nods* have I...there are a lot of those out here...*shakes her head* A good castration each does wonders...

<Emerald_Isle> If I could do it fast enough, I would, believe me...

<Emerald_Isle> But the last thing a runaway needs, is to be caught by the cops with her hands on some guy's crotch.

<Emerald_Isle> No...that just did NOT sound right...

* DianaManashevitz nods...* Hai...very true...hmm...have you met Rica yet?

<Emerald_Isle> I don't know...I've had so many names thrown at me, I barely know who's who

* DianaManashevitz nods a little* Ah...she's another red head...*pauses* Hai...there are only three of us in the Asylum as far as I know...

* Emerald_Isle chuckles

<Emerald_Isle> Are we almost there? <G>

* DianaManashevitz nods...opens the door for her* Hai <G>

<Emerald_Isle> Oh...heh

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly

Session Close: Sun Oct 28 01:24:00 2001

