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Session Start: Tue Sep 25 22:48:46 2001

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs, rubbing her eyes a lil'

* Klork follows, stretching longly

* HappyLittleMoron flops down on the couch..

* VertigoFox trots through the front door covered by his cloak whisteling Bohemian Rhapsody

* Red nudges TN

* `TurtleNinja yawns and slowly opens her eyes.

<`TurtleNinja> Hn?

* HappyLittleMoron looks over at Klork

<Klork> Is this the realll liffee..

<Klork> is this just fantasyyy

* Klork pauses, wavign with his fingers to HLM

<Klork> Yo!

* VertigoFox ::whistles about half way into the song and sings:: I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me ::chorus high piched voice:: He's just a poor boy, nobody loves him...

* Red kisses TN* Morning, TN.

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies and laughs, waveling back before draping a leg over the back of the couch

<Klork> heis just a poor boy from a poor family, spare him his life from this monstrosity..

* Klork comes over, peering down at her

<Klork> hey you <G>

* HappyLittleMoron grins up at him* Hihihi hansome

<VertigoFox> ::stops whistling and starts humming quietly sitting down on a nice soft spot on the floor, eyes closed, enjoying the song::

* HappyLittleMoron reaches over and pokepokes Klork

* Klork erks

<Klork> heeeyy

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks innocently* Whaaaa'?

<Klork> you poked me..

* HappyLittleMoron pauses...looks thoughtful...then nods* Yep

* Klork leans back, falling on the ground & stretching

* Kameko comes in, kinda wearin' baggy clothes again, brow furrowed, face white

* HappyLittleMoron bblinkblinks and peeks over the back of the couch at him, then up at Kame, brow furrowed* ...sup?

* Klork blinks, slowly standing

<Klork> Kame...?

* Kameko blinks, looking up, kinda dazed, face still pale

<Kameko> Huh..? Oh...sorry, didn't realize I..I'd gotten here..

<Kameko> ..already... uh..

* Kameko runs a hand through her hair, which is down today, and then points to the kitchen

<Kameko> I'm uh..gonna go get some water..

* HappyLittleMoron gets up and hops off the couch, being careful not to step on Klork as she heads over to Kame* ...uh...k...

* Kameko heads that way, looking really out of it

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Klork...the follows Kame..

* Klork blinks, going after her

<Klork> Kame..????

* Kameko yelps in alarm, dropping the cup she'd grabbed, thankfully it was plastic, picking it up and filling it with water quickly

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, leaning on the counter by her* ...something happen...?

* Klork leans on the other side, brow furrowed

<Klork> Kame...???

* Red lays in bed and reds an arm around TN's shoulders as he reads some of her poetry

* `TurtleNinja looks at Red.

* Kameko blinkblinks, glancing at the both of them .. shaking her head a little

<Kameko> N-no..just.. cold.

<Klork> Kame...

* Kameko forces a shakey smile, drinking the water

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> You ran into him again, didn't you?

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, brows wrinkling...

* Kameko closes her eyes so she doesn't have to see any disapproving looks

<`TurtleNinja> Enjoying the poetry, hun?

<Klork> He's the only one that scares you this much..

* Kameko frowns, finishing off the glass slowly, turning and pouring another

* Red smiles and nods* You're really good. If I said I kne someone who'd publish it, would you be willing?

* `TurtleNinja shrugs.

<`TurtleNinja> Didn't think I was that good...

<Kameko> *mutters* ~...He's not the only one.. but the main one, yes..~

* HappyLittleMoron nods quietly* <q> Kame...what happened?

* Kameko starts drinking, going to walk between them

* Klork blinkblinks, snagging her back gently

* Red raises an eyeridge* You vastly underestimate yourself.

<Klork> Hey now...

* Kameko erks, the water going down her sweater, frowing as she rolls her eyes his way in a glare

<Kameko> ......Thanks..

* `TurtleNinja blushes.

* Klork frowns

<Klork> Don't give me that look, Kame, when I'm trying to figure out what's wrong..

<Klork> it's not like I'm out to hurt you..

<Kameko> Yeah, but right now, I'm trying to find a way to get dry.

* Kameko pulls away, looking for a towel

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs and manafests one, holding it out to her...brows still wrinkled

* Kameko blinks ... then visably sinks, taking the towel, knowing that was her only way out

<Kameko> ....He was at the park with his brother.

<Kameko> Shitako DIDN'T do anything.

* Kameko says that quickly, eyeing Klork as if to say* Don't you DARE tell Nissa she can't see him.

* Kameko sighs, tracing her fingers around the cup ..

* HappyLittleMoron frowns slightly...* ...what about Muso..

<Kameko> ~~......He knows.. his entire family knows about me being pregnant.... They're watching my every move.. Hell, they probably followed me up until I got here and will follow me back home.~

* Kameko furrows her brow

* Klork frowns...

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw..

<Kameko> ~They said it's his. That the timing of the pregnancy proves that it's his.~

<Klork> I can give you a portal home..

* Klork sighs

<Kameko> I can blip home, too.. that's not the problem.

<Kameko> They could be watching my house.. Watching Mother.. and we'd never know.

<Klork> They'll say anything to get you to feel like you need to join them..

* Kameko pales again .. then looks around

<Kameko> I need a phone...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...and even if it is his, he sure as hell don't need to see it...*blinks* Uh...wanna use the office one...?

<Kameko> They said they were going to 'cause an accident' at the construction sight...A..Angelo..

* Kameko looks kinda helpless

<Kameko> I..I don't know the number there...

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her fists...eyes starting to take on that sullen glow...

* Klork frowns

* Klork taps her head gently

<Klork> try contacting him this way?

* Kameko blinks

<Kameko> I..I hadn't thought of that...

* Kameko pauses, looking at Mo

<Kameko> I...I'm sure he's alright..

* Klork nods

* Kameko pats her shoulder, going out of the room .. not wanting to show how scared she really is to either of them..

<Klork> I'm pretty sure as well, 'Gelo's a tough guy..

* HappyLittleMoron takes a deep breath, and closes her eyes, nodding a lil'* <q> Can't stand this bastard though...

* Kameko goes and sits where she won't bother anyone, looking like she's concentrating

 * Klork nods

<Klork> neither can I....God I want to kill him...

* HappyLittleMoron nods, opening her eyes, forcing the glow out of 'em* You and me both, hon..

* Klork nods, the muscles in his jaw the only clue to show his irritation

* Red hugs TN

* `TurtleNinja hugs back.

* HappyLittleMoron reaches over to gently squeeze his shoulder...halfway wanting to suggest going out to hunt..

<Red> Well, do you want me to see about getting you published?

* Kameko blinks, eyes going a little wide before she concentrates again

* Klork chews at his lip, brow furrowed as he shakes his head

<Klork> ~I don't know where to find him...~

<`TurtleNinja> Ok. *blushes*

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'* <w> Had the feeling as much...*chews her lip* Maybe we should set up a watch or something....

* Klork nods

* Kameko leans back, looking relaxed now

* HappyLittleMoron glances at Kame and grins slightly before turning back to Klork..

<Klork> ~~I think Angelo's fine...~~

* HappyLittleMoron nods* <w> Me too...thank the gods...

* Kameko groans, looking irritated

* HappyLittleMoron licks her lower lip a lil'* <w>'re we gonna do this...? Ugh...*blinks and looks to Kame*

* Klork shrugs, brows furrowed

<Klork> ~no clue..~

* Kameko looks a bit preturbed.. but is smiling a little

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her temples and sighs

* Klork picks HLM up, smirking

<Klork> 'ey you seksay teeng.

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies and chuckles, slipping her arms around his neck* Mee? Seksay? Nah..

<Klork> Oh yeah, you veddy seksay

* HappyLittleMoron eyes him, pursing her lips a lil* You da seksay one...

* Kameko smiles, standing, but is rubbing her temples

<Kameko> He's okay.... but I'm headin' home.. I have a headache now.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks over at Kame* careful... *bites her lip*

* Kameko smiles a bit

<Kameko> I will be.

<Klork> nope...

* Klork nods

<Klork> take care, Kame..

* Kameko holds her arms over her head and *blips* out in a pink spark* G'bye Klork!

* Klork kisses M' on the cheek

<Klork> nope, you seksay

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and giggles, looking at him again <G>

* Klork smirks, pulling her close

* `Lisette shows up in the shadows, eyes furious

<Klork> So, around what time of night do we wanna hold the wedding?

<Klork> sunset? duskish..?

* `Lisette growls, forcing them apart with an invisable barrier

<`Lisette> There will be NO WEDDING!!

* HappyLittleMoron grins, resting her forehead against his* ...suns...ACK!! *eyes widen and flash brightly, looking over at Lisette and standing*

* Klork blinkblinks, stumbling back a few feet before looking around wide-eyed

* `Lisette growls at Klork

<Klork> Holy--~oh great..~

<`Lisette> How COULD you?!

<`Lisette> You are MINE! You were MINE the moment you changed!

<Klork> How could *I*?? What right do you have to--I AM NOT ONE OF YOU! Not anymore!!

<HappyLittleMoron> He belongs to no one*growls softly, claws unsheething*

<`Lisette> You will ALWAYS be one of us!

<`Lisette> You are PART of me!

* Klork growls, eyes sparking


<Klork> Like HELL I am!!!

* `Lisette 's own eyes glow a golden brown back at him

<`Lisette> THAT will NEVER leave you!

<Klork> I don't CARE! I have my parents blood in me and I'm not going off & marryin' them, am I??

* HappyLittleMoron eyes Lisette, circling to stand by Klork...fists clenched, claws bared...

* `Lisette shrieks with rage

<`Lisette> I MADE you what you are!!

<`Lisette> I GAVE you powers you have not yet learned to control or use!!

<Klork> So did my parents *shrugs* I dont care for what you gave me.

* Klork growls, pressing his fists together and then sending an arrow of electricity at her

<Klork> Back off!

* `Lisette stands where she is, taking the blow as if it were nothing, but her eyes dim to show that it hurt her

<`Lisette> I will NOT.

<`Lisette> You NEED me to become what you are DESTINED to become!

<Klork> Yeah, Mo's husband, deal with it, Lisette..

* Red walks into the kitchen and gets a gallon of chocolate Ice Cream out and turns towards the stairs. He sees lisette* Who the hell are you?

* HappyLittleMoron nods in agreement with Klork, glairing at Lisette

<`Lisette> No! You are to rule AT MY SIDE!

* Klork snorts

<`Lisette> My daughter CANNOT be born without you! My son!

<HappyLittleMoron> Not if he doesn't want to...get the hell over yerself

<Klork> They WON'T be born, DEAL with it!!

* `Lisette suddenly looks desperate, the wicked leaving for a little bit

<`Lisette> They HAVE to be born! Without them, I DIE!

* Klork frowns

* `Lisette blinks, then growls, sending just some energy force at them, furious that she let that out

<Klork> So give them birth through somebody else...

* Klork erks, flying back a few feet before skidding to the floor

* HappyLittleMoron growls and leaps at Lisette, claws flashing with bright green energy, getting grazed and slowed down

<`Lisette> I CAN'T! You don't understand because you WON'T LISTEN!

<Klork> I dont HAVE to listen!! *slowly stands, rubbing at his thigh* Damnit, leave me be!

* Red whips the Gallon of Ice Cream at Lissette's head

* `Lisette tries to duck but gets slashed despite the reduced speed, Mo's claws leaving long gashes from her shoulder to her ribs as she turns

* `Lisette does manage to duck the ice cream container, but it hits the wall and explodes against the back of her head, covering her hair in a sticky gooey mess

<HappyLittleMoron> What he said...get OUT of our home!

* Klork glares, staggering a bit

* `Lisette holds her bloody, torn clothing to her, her eyes fading ... just looking straight at Klork, tears in her eyes

<`Lisette> ~...You have sentenced me to death..~

<Red> Let my friends alone.

* Klork frowns

<Klork> You've sentenced yourself to death, Lisette...

<Klork> You should have changed somebody willing.

<Red> Why the hell not go change someone else?

* `Lisette is very quiet now, just looking beaten, the bleeding actually getting worse instead of healing like it should

* Klork arches a brow

<Klork> Quit using imagery, I know you can heal that....

* HappyLittleMoron celnches and unclenches her jaw, frowning as she watches...eyes still glowing...eyeing her energies...

<`Lisette> ~...because he needed to be changed. Tell them what had happened, Klork... then tell them it was all me.~

* `Lisette grimaces, doubling over slightly before refusing to let it be shown, standing straight again

<`Lisette> ~I don't need you willing. I don't even need you. I just need the child.~

* Klork shakes his head

<Klork> So use somebody else to help you birth it..if you don't need me..

* HappyLittleMoron nods...moving to stand by Klork again

<`Lisette> ~~I CAN'T. I tried to tell you that.~~

<`Lisette> ~This was predetermined by Others, not by me. Without your child... I die.~

* Klork sighs

* HappyLittleMoron clenches and unclenches her jaw, brow furrowed in confusion...

<Klork> so you're telling me that THOUSANDS of years ago they knew I'd exist and that I'd be your end or your salvation?

* Klork wraps an arm around HLM's shoulders

* `Lisette does sink now, unable to hold herself up anymore .. bleeding much worse as she speaks to the floor, unable to lift her head

<`Lisette> ~~...yes..~~

* `Lisette looks up at them both

<Klork> I'm not buying it now, Lisette, I'm not even OF this dimension!

<`Lisette> ~Congratulations to you both. Perhaps I'll see you in the afterlife.~

* `Lisette fades out slowly, her blood leaving pools of red on the floor

* HappyLittleMoron looks between KLork and Lisette...frowning...blinking when she fades...* ...wha...??

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> I don't know..and I don't quite understand...

* HappyLittleMoron sheeths her claws and slides her arm arouuund his middle

* Klork yawns slightly

<Klork> ~I do know I'm exhausted however...>

* HappyLittleMoron nods and sighs* <w> Me too...let's go bed...

* Klork nods, heading up to bed w/ her

* HappyLittleMoron uh...goes with obviously...

Session Close: Wed Sep 26 00:13:02 2001

