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Session Start: Fri Sep 21 22:09:31 2001

*  Red waves TN over

* HappyLittleMoron comes in with her bag thrown over her shoulder, running a hand through her hair

* Klork follows, poking her in the side

<Klork> Boo!

<Mondo_Gecko> here Shiva, knock yourself out

* TurtleNinja smiles and heads over to Red.

* HappyLittleMoron yelps and jumps, turning to face him with a grin* Goof..

* Mondo_Gecko offers her the computer to play with

<Klork> heya!

* Klork smirks, stretching

* HappyLittleMoron grins, manafesting her bag to her room* How you, handsom?

<Klork> not bad, sekzay.

<TurtleNinja> Mind if I join you? :)

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and pulls off his shirt

<Mondo_Gecko> much better

* Red hmms "Of course not."

* HappyLittleMoron tickles his belly lightly* Hungry?

* Klork blinks as his tummy growls back

<Klork> hm..yea <G>

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* C'mon then...let's see what we've got left in the kitchen..

* Red hugs back* I thought you'd like something a bit more fitting

* Klork nodnodnods, following

* RicaChica blinks, looking up from her notebook, brow arched....sensing dejavu

* Shiva looks at Mondo* What are you doing?

<TurtleNinja> I love it, Red. *smiles* Thank you very much.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and heads into the kitchen...and blinks waveling to Rica...?

<Mondo_Gecko> "It's Christmas eve and I've only wrapped two fucking presents, It's Christmas eve and I've only wrapped two fucking presents, And I hate hate hate your guts and I'll never talk to you again, Unless your dad'll suck me off, and I'll never talk to you again, unless your mom'll touch my cock, I'll never talk to you again, Ejaculate into a sock"

* a drop of paint falls just beside Rica's book

<Mondo_Gecko> Singing..

* Shiva pulls her head back, wondering what Mono's saying

* RicaChica quirks a brow...scooting away from the dripping paint...

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a lil' and hrmmms...* Feel like stir-fry?

* Klork nodnods

<Red> So, how're you this morning?

<Klork> that sounds verrrryyy good..

* HappyLittleMoron grins and pulls out the leftovers...warming up portions for the two of them..

<Mondo_Gecko> "It's labour day and my grampa just ate seven fucking hotdogs, it's christmas eve and my grandpa just ate seven fucking hotdogs and he shit shit shit his pants, he's always fucking shitting his pants and I'll never talk to you again, Unless your dad'll suck me off, I'll never talk to you again unless your mom'll touch my cock, and I'll never talk to you again "Ejaculate into a sock" and I'll never talk to you again, talk to you

* Klork sits on the counter, watching

* Mondo_Gecko winks at Shiva

* Mondo_Gecko grates cheeze and sprinkles alot of it ontop of the nachos

* Shiva smiles

* HappyLittleMoron streatches her hands up to the ceiling, going up on her toes and blinking when her back cracks...wrinkling her nose

* Klork cringes

<Klork> aaggh

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehehe...guess my wings need a streatch...*grins*

<Red> "So, up for a spar tonight? Or we chould just hang out."

<Mondo_Gecko> else to nachos need?

<Klork> good idea...*smirks*

<RicaChica> peppers..

* RicaChica doesn't look up...

<RicaChica> chicken ... olives..

* RicaChica smirks

<RicaChica> salsa.

<TurtleNinja> I'd rather hang out...*smiles, sitting back*

* Mondo_Gecko gets a tomato from the fridge and slices that up, then sourcreme..jalapinos..

<RicaChica> some like ground beef and others refried beans.

<Mondo_Gecko> olives..

<Mondo_Gecko> salsa

* Mondo_Gecko pours them on making a mess

<Mondo_Gecko> mmmmm...dinner

* Mondo_Gecko urrps

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies at Mondo* Ooh...that sounds good too...but...egads...*wrinkles her nose and hands Klork his food..*

* Ladon lets himself fall to the ground, landing on his feet. He shows Rica a painting of her eating, painted from ariel perspective

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm

* Mondo_Gecko looks down..

<Mondo_Gecko> ACK!!!!!

<Mondo_Gecko> I"M FAT!!

* Mondo_Gecko cries!

* RicaChica blinkblinks, looking up from her notebook...

* Red smiles

* HappyLittleMoron blinks at Mondo, munching on her stir-fry..

* Klork munchmunches

* Mondo_Gecko pats his belly..he's put on a few pounds..

<TurtleNinja> nice and warm....

* Mondo_Gecko 's belly is slightly rounded..the rest of him is still all skinny and whiplike and muscular.. he's still narrow in the waist too.. but his stomach is stiching out slightly mommy to cook for him so all he eats is junkfood now

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't understand how this happened!

* Red smiles and tickles TN's foot with his tail

* RicaChica chuckles quietly

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Hmm...Mondo! You're pregnant!

* the microwave dings*

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh! nachos!

<HappyLittleMoron> Who's the father? *grins*

<Ladon> What do you think, Rica?

* TurtleNinja squeeks and slides underwater...

* Shiva acks

* RicaChica chews on her lip

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm what!!?

<RicaChica> It's nice..

* Mondo_Gecko looks like he's giving this serious thought for a moment

<Mondo_Gecko> oh wait...I'm a guy! HEY!

* Klork cackles..

* Red slips under and smiles at TN

* RicaChica smirks

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!* So? It's possible...the movies even say so! *grins*

<Mondo_Gecko> your all making fun of my obesity!

* TurtleNinja sticks her tongue out at Red, grinning.

* Shiva sighs with relief the laughs

* Mondo_Gecko stuffs some nachos in his mouth

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

<Mondo_Gecko> *with a full mouth* and it's not funny!

<Klork> Maybe you should...go on a diet?

<Klork> Exercise?

* RicaChica snaps the nachos away

<RicaChica> Stop eating so much crap...

<Mondo_Gecko> what crap??

* RicaChica sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> these are good nachos man...woman!!

<RicaChica> When's the last time you had a BALANCED real meal?

<RicaChica> Like steak & potatos...with vegetables??

<Mondo_Gecko> ..uh...I dunno..the last time my ma cooked for me.

<HappyLittleMoron> We can train you...set a fire under your feet...*finishes her stir-fry and washes her plate*

<Mondo_Gecko> since then I've just been eating junkfood 4 meals a day...

* Red grabs TN, tickling

* Klork finishes and puts his stuff away

<Mondo_Gecko> and McDonalds for lunch everyday..

* RicaChica sighs, getting up and going over to splunk' the cupboard

<RicaChica> no wonder..

<Mondo_Gecko> wait..

* TurtleNinja squeeks and squirms, being very ticklish.

<Mondo_Gecko> ohh that's how it happened

* Mondo_Gecko smacks his forehead

* Red bobs to the surface

<Mondo_Gecko> I guess that's what my nana ment by you are what you eat

<Shiva> You are a nacho?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

* RicaChica nods, pulling down a few things...putting meat into the frig to thaw

<Mondo_Gecko> yes Shiva

<RicaChica> Yes, he is, Shiva..

<HappyLittleMoron> He's crunchy..

<Klork> a big...cheesey...nacho.

* Red looks at TN, smiling

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

<Mondo_Gecko> ...are you guys making fun of me again??

<Mondo_Gecko> I wanna be something else!

* TurtleNinja gasps as she surfaces....

<Klork> No, Monacho...of course not.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...can I be a sloppy Joe?

<HappyLittleMoron> Joe? Nah...I like Mondo better...

<RicaChica> Hm, no.

<Mondo_Gecko> why the heck not?

<RicaChica> cuz.

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail flip flops behind him

<Mondo_Gecko> aww

* RicaChica sits back

<Mondo_Gecko> that sucks donkey balls

<RicaChica> I'm cookin' t', save your appetite'll be a late dinner

* Red winks* I take it you're ticklish?

* Diana comes down the stairs, and blinks at Mondo's last comment* 'Eh?

<Mondo_Gecko> I can't be a sloppy joe!

* HappyLittleMoron looks at Klork* So...wanna join me on the roof...?

* Klork smirks

<Klork> sure <G>

* Diana blinks* Uh...sorry to hear? *looks confused*

* Mondo_Gecko stands there all shirtless and he's getting a beer belly thing going on

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<TurtleNinja> Yeah, I'm ticklish. :P

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

* Red Chuckles

<Mondo_Gecko> I guess I'm not "hotstuff" anymore huh

<RicaChica> eh...nope.

* Diana chuckles* Sure you just need to do a few crunches...

* RicaChica grins sheepishly

<RicaChica> you were never my type in the frist place tho *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron leads the way up to the roof...pausing at her room* Ehehe...gotta put a different shirt on...don't wanna tear this one...

* Red tries to grab her again

* Mondo_Gecko huffs at Rica

<Mondo_Gecko> gee thanks

* Klork chuckles, nodding & waiting

* RicaChica smirks

<RicaChica> no prob!

* Shiva looks at everyone, feeling more then a bit confused

* HappyLittleMoron grins, dissapears into her room brielfy, coming back in jeans and a sports bra that leaves her back free for her wings to come out

* Klork drapes his arm over her shoulder

<Klork> ait!

* HappyLittleMoron grrins and slides her arm around his middle* TO the roof we go...

<Klork> up up n'away!

* TurtleNinja squeeks, swimming away from Red, or trying to....

* Red submerges and swims under TN to come up in front of her

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and leads to the roof, shivering when the wind hits them

* Klork shivers slightly

<Klork> whoa! ..geeze.

<HappyLittleMoron> Man...getting might want a sweatshirt or something.....

* Klork reaches into a spork portal, dragging out a huge blue sweater and pulling it on

<Mondo_Gecko> there any real food aroudn?

<Klork> this works *smirks*

<TurtleNinja> ACK! *laughs*

* RicaChica chuckles

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and takes a deep breath...stepping away from him to let her wings out of her back

* Red laughs. He gives her a peck on the tip of her beak

<RicaChica> I'm workin' on it...*sets the oven...getting out a pot & putting water in it

* Klork grimaces slightly, watching

<Klork> sounds so painful..

* Ladon looks at Rica* So, how you feeling Rica?

<Mondo_Gecko> cool

* HappyLittleMoron cringes a little, streatching and flexing her wings* It is...pretty much as painful as it sounds...get used to it though...

<Mondo_Gecko> I should work out or something..

<Mondo_Gecko> ....but I dunwanna

* TurtleNinja blushes to Red.

* Klork grimaces

<RicaChica> go do that to work up a's gonna be big food...ait?

* Red turns a reddish grey

<TurtleNinja> So, um....

<Mondo_Gecko> hehehe!!

<Mondo_Gecko> are you a G!?

* RicaChica arches a brow

<RicaChica> No...have a few friends that are...language rubs off on me easily..

* Red's color returns to normal

* RicaChica thppppts

* Mondo_Gecko snickers

<Mondo_Gecko> yea that kinda talk doesn't go well with you

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh well...*leaps into the air...thrusting her wings and swooping around behind him...grabbing him under his arms* Where d'you want to go...?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(So If I'm not her type..I wonder what is)

* RicaChica chuckles, pulling a bag of mixed veggies from the freezer

* Red kisses her on the mouth before pulling back and smiling as he looks in her eyes

<TurtleNinja> Mm....*blushes*

* RicaChica puts them in a glass bowl, putting some butter in and readyin' them ofr the microwave..then pulls out the meat...dundundun

* Red just sits there looking into TN's eyes

* TurtleNinja looks back, blushing.

* RicaChica starts putting the steaks onto the broiler in the oven, setting it on high

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs and then heads to the dojo and grabs a horizontal bar and starts doing vertical crunches, his abs under the fat layer on his stomach constracting..

* Red sits back up, disiplin finally kicking in.* Sorry if...Um...I offenedd you TN.

<TurtleNinja> It's ok, Red. I'm not offended. I liked that.

* Red smiles, sighing in relief

* HappyLittleMoron llifts Klork off the roof...swooping through the air..

* Klork ...goes with, obviously <G>

* RicaChica puts potatos into the pot to boil...

* HappyLittleMoron hrmms...circling the city..

* Red gently ssqueezes TN's hand

* TurtleNinja squeezes back and looks to the stars...

<TurtleNinja> So pretty....

*  Red looks up* Yes they are.

* Klork purrrs

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(then again, Shin said I wasn't her type.. and she also called me hot stuff...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(where the hell is Shin anyway)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(She was an awesome chick..)

* Shiva slides her chair closer to Mondo so she can get a better look att the laptop

* HappyLittleMoron grins, swooping lifting them higher up, beautiful view of all the lights of the city...being sure to stear clear of planes :-P

* TurtleNinja sighs softly....

<Red> Are you okay?

<TurtleNinja> Yeah...just thinking...

<Red> About what?

* Klork thinks that'd e a good idea..bad to hit planes..

<TurtleNinja> Eh...'bout stuff....

* Red nods

* HappyLittleMoron agrees...planes hurt when you hit them...

* RicaChica drains the water, mushin' the potatos

<Red> Any thing you'd care to share?

<TurtleNinja> you do any stargazing?

<Red> When I was little.

* TurtleNinja looks up.

<TurtleNinja> There's Orion....

<Red> The hunter.

* HappyLittleMoron passes over TN and Ddraco with Klork

* Red Serpentina is a 7' 867 LB, Mutant Snapping Turtle. He is Grey, tinted with green. His Carapace has short spikes all over it. He bears an uncomfortable resemblence to the turtle from TMNT2

* Klork goes to spit..then realizes who it is....waving

<Klork> Hiiiii!!!!

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* Wanna land...?

* Klork swallows it down..muttering

* TurtleNinja waves to HLM.

<TurtleNinja> Yo, M-chan!

* Red waves

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Hey, TN! Red! *uhm...DOESN'T wave...Klorkie would fall if she did <G>*

<TurtleNinja> Come on down! Water's warm!

<Klork> Nah thanks!

<TurtleNinja> Hee!

* RicaChica starts servin' the food onto plates...mashed potatos, mixed cooked vegs' and steak...

* Shiva looks at it "Waht is this?"

<Ladon> Thanks Rica.

* Mondo_Gecko hooks his knees over the bar and starts doing situps on it

<RicaChica> good food...

<RicaChica> don't worry, this is what people eat to stay healthy for's got what your body needs, basically *smirks*

* Shiva smiles and begins eating

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, continuing on her way, kinda circling..

<Red> You were saying TN?

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<TurtleNinja> Uh, well...I was pointing out constellations....I think that one's Casseiopeia...

<Red> There's Draco.

<TurtleNinja> The dragon...*smiles*

* Red nods

<TurtleNinja> What else? Isn't Lyra in the fall sky?

<Red> Not familiar with that one.

* Red slips his right arm around TN's loweer back as tey star gaze

* TurtleNinja snuggles closer.

<TurtleNinja> It's been awhile, so I forget. Nephrite'd know. He knows every last constellation and where it is and when you see it...

* HappyLittleMoron swoops back to the Asylum...gently landing them both on the roof...streatching her wings again

* Klork smirks...stretching

* RicaChica dishes her own plate up, going into the sparring room

<RicaChica> hungry, Mondo?

* Red nods

<RicaChica> there's food in here...*says that..then goes back to the kitchen*

<TurtleNinja> hungry, Red?

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...that was fun...

<Red> A little.

* Klork smirks, nodding

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at her from where he's doing his situps off the bar* I I?

<Klork> t'was..

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<TurtleNinja> I know I'm hungry. *smiles* Shall we go find food?

* HappyLittleMoron turns to him and wraps her arms around him...her skin cool...cheeks slightly flushed...

* RicaChica rolls her eyes, sitting at the table to eat w/ everybody else, puttin' A1 on her steak

* Red nods. He stands and gets outa the hottub and helps TN out.

* TurtleNinja takes his hand and steps out as well.

* RicaChica calls out

<RicaChica> Dinner for anybody that needs foood!!!

* RicaChica then goes back to eating

* Red kisses the back of her and in a gentlemanly fashion

* Mondo_Gecko leaps down from the bar and heads to the kitchen

* TurtleNinja looks to Red.

<TurtleNinja> Um...hehehehe....race ya downstairs!

* Red nods* One two... *Runs towards the stairs* Three!

* TurtleNinja runs.

<TurtleNinja> No fair! Cheater! *laughs*

* Red laughs

* RicaChica munches

* Red slips and slides into the kitchen

* TurtleNinja dashes downstairs to the kitchen right behind Red.

<TurtleNinja> Someone mention FOOOOOD?! *grins*

<RicaChica> steak, smashed' taters, and veggies..go ahead, there's plenty for all..

* Red dishes some out for him and TN

<Mondo_Gecko> anything left?

<Mondo_Gecko> ohh

<RicaChica> yep..

* Mondo_Gecko loads his plate with chow and starts eating

* Red gets Mondo a bowl as well

* TurtleNinja slobbers.

<TurtleNinja> Thanks, Red. *sits down to eat*

* Shiva scoots over and pats the seat next to her, looking at Mondo

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(manners dude! your trying to prove to the woman that your not a slob! you wanna be hot stuff!? act like it!)

* Mondo_Gecko actually uses *GASP* a knife and fork

* RicaChica arches a brow slightly...

* RicaChica gets up and pours herself some water,drinking it slowly

* HappyLittleMoron hugs close, wrapping her wings around them both

* Klork purrs quietly

* Red looks up at TN from time to time as he eats

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(haha! look at her face man! that's a start)

* RicaChica sips, going back to writing

* TurtleNinja blushes, smiling at Red.

* RicaChica crosses her legs, sitting indian style on the chair, writing

<Ladon> So, what you writing Rica?

* RicaChica looks up, shrugging

<RicaChica> a journal.

<Ladon> Cool.

* Mondo_Gecko goes to whipe his mouth on his sleeve and then realizes he's not wearing a shirt

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(wait..that's a bad thing..not wearing clothes when eating)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(D'oh! I won't let her win this!)

* RicaChica goes back to writing

* Mondo_Gecko uses a napkin!!!

* RicaChica doesn't seem to notice, too affixed on her writing

* Mondo_Gecko goes to throw it on the floor and hears his mothers voice nagging in his ear "Shawn! You think you live in a pigstye?! pick that up"

<Mondo_Gecko> ulps..

* Mondo_Gecko carries the dishes to the dishwasher and puts it away and then tosses the napkin in the trash

<Mondo_Gecko> See..I can be clean!

* RicaChica quirks a brow, not looking up however

<RicaChica> Did anybody say otherwise?

* RicaChica sips her water, going back to writing

<Mondo_Gecko> uh..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(D'OH!!)

<Mondo_Gecko> and well mannered...

* Mondo_Gecko flips his tail at her and walks off smirking

* HappyLittleMoron shivers again* Mm...inside...?

<RicaChica> that's nice...*mutters that, not seeming to hear him*

* Klork nodnods

<Klork> definately inside...cooold out here..*leads her inside quickly*

<Mondo_Gecko> *little chipmunk Mondo on the inside of him is jumping up and down and yelling in his chipmunk voice" you gonna let that girl get away with ignoring you!?*

* HappyLittleMoron eh hehs...folding her wings against her back and going with him...very obviouse just how cold she is

<Mondo_Gecko> HELL NO!

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

* RicaChica quirks a brow

* Red smiles at TN

<Mondo_Gecko> uh

<RicaChica> You denyin' digestion? It happens..sorry to say *goes back to writing, still not looking up*

<Mondo_Gecko> they ..shouldn't show re-runs of Mamma's Family.....

* Klork passes Mondo on the way, brow arched..then ooohhs, sniffing the air

<Klork> foood..

* TurtleNinja blushes.

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks at Mondo* Uh...damn strait? *snickers*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(Whatta snot!!)

* Red finishes eating

* Klork inches into the kitchen, getting himself some mashed potatos

<Klork> food food..

* HappyLittleMoron manafests her huuuge hoodie to her...sliding it on over her's so big they're almost completely hidden...still room left, too

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(that's it..this is my mission to make that chick think I'm worth paying attention to! I hate it when snotty chicks ignore me and this one has it commin)

* RicaChica finishes writing, putting her notebook in her bag, going upstairs to her room

<Red> Up for a sparing match TN?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(then she'll think I'm "hotstuff" and wanna pay attention to me and I can ignore her!! haha!!)

* TurtleNinja blushes.

<TurtleNinja> Ok.

* Mondo_Gecko taps his fingers together like Mr Burns

<Mondo_Gecko> ..exaactly..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh heh heh

* RicaChica comes back down in a two piece, going into the hot tub..

* Red offers her a hand up

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I've got it!)

* Ladon raises an eyeridge and head into the hotub room

* TurtleNinja smiles and takes it.

* Mondo_Gecko runs upstairs adn then comes down again smoking a pipe in a lounging jacket witha book of Hamlet in his arms and his hair tied back.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(sophistication)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(you gotta look the part)

* Mondo_Gecko struts in

* Red walks up to the training room

* RicaChica lays on her stomach, head rested in her arms as she rests...eyes closed

* Shiva looks at Mondo with her head cocked

<Mondo_Gecko> *Hack cough cough*

<Mondo_Gecko> *hack*

* RicaChica sighs, not opening her eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> ....maybe I shoulda taken up smoking before I *hack* tried this approch *hack*

<RicaChica> you might want to try cough drops.

<Mondo_Gecko> uh...I'll do that

<Ladon> Hey Rica.

* Mondo_Gecko stomps off

* RicaChica opens an eye

<RicaChica> hrnh?

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies at Mondo, chuckling

* Klork eats mashed taters...then blinks

<Klork> what's with him??

* TurtleNinja goes with red to the training room...

<Ladon> Up for that backrub I been promising you? *Cracks knuckles*

* RicaChica quirks a brow..then shrugs slightly

<HappyLittleMoron> I think he's trying to catch some girl's fancy <G>

<RicaChica> ~s'pose...~

<Red> Figured we chould go try it without weapons.

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> who?

<HappyLittleMoron> IIIIIIIIII...think Rica's...poor boy keeps getting blown off, though...

* Ladon kneels next to Rica and starts working her neck

* Klork blinkblinks, then laughs!!!

* Klork tries not to choke on his mashed potatos

* HappyLittleMoron giggles and pats his back* You ok? Need mouth to mouth? <G>

* RicaChica closes her eyes again, just resting

<TurtleNinja> Ok.

* Klork pulls HLM aside, chuckling and whispering in her ear (what're they sayin'?)

* TurtleNinja blinks.

<TurtleNinja> Backrub?

* HappyLittleMoron listens...

* Mondo_Gecko comes back down in his old cutoffs, his JoeBoxers peeking out the top

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(AHH!)

<Mondo_Gecko> O @

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes widen and she coughs! Whispering back..

* Klork snigers, coughing slightly

* Klork shakes his head slightly, chuckling

* RicaChica falls asleep..

* HappyLittleMoron nods

* Klork chuckles

* Ladon chuckles.

* Klork winks to HLM, chuckling

* Mondo_Gecko huffs, his tail swishing behind him, his attempt thwarted for now and sits down in the hot tub, scheeming

* HappyLittleMoron grins and kisses him

* Klork chuckles, returnin' it

* Diana's in the workout room, lifting weights*

* Ladon nudges Rica

* RicaChica hrnhs..?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I need help..I'm no good at pretending to have manners and be neat and worth a snobs precious time)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I need a chick's help)

* Mondo_Gecko scans the room..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(must find chick)

<Ladon> Rica, not exactly safe to doze of in a hot tub.

* Diana goes to the pull-up bar...hanging from her knees and doing sit ups like that*

<RicaChica> hrnh? Oh...sorry..

<TurtleNinja> Hey Diana! *waves*

<Ladon> It's okay. Want me to help you back to your room?

<Mondo_Gecko> I can do it!

* Red drops into a ready position

<TurtleNinja> Hey kame!

<RicaChica> Ah, no...I'm gonna go change...and then go to the workout room for a bit *quirks a brow*

* Kameko comes in, looking much better than yesterday.

<Kameko> Heya!

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Kame and wavels* You look better!

* Mondo_Gecko grumbles again

* Kameko smirks

* Ladon nods

<Kameko> I feel better.

* Diana blinks at TN, waving a lil' bit and then goes back to her sit ups*

<HappyLittleMoron> Good to hear *grins*

* TurtleNinja looks to Red.

<TurtleNinja> Ok, um, so how do we do this?

<Klork> sis'ta!!!! *tacklehugs Kame....gently*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, sticking her hands in the pockets of her hoodie and follows Klork a bit more sedately <G>

<Red> Do you have any martial arts training?

* RicaChica heads upstairs...

<TurtleNinja> It's been a long time....

<TurtleNinja> I only remember how to do a punch.

* Mondo_Gecko huffs and sinks under the water

* Kameko erks, bein' tackled, then grins, using her legs to kick n' flip him, grinning

* Klork flips off voluntarily, preferring not to be kicked in the gut

<Red> Show me.

* Kameko pouts, sitting up

<Kameko> You did that on purpose... I barely felt your weight at all!

* RicaChica comes back down in a tank top & loose jeans, going into the workout room to stretch..

* Klork smirks, offering a hand

<Klork> yeah..

<Klork> better'n getting a foot in the gut..

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

* TurtleNinja shows Red, doing a karate-type punch like she's supposed to.

* Diana waves upside-down to Rica as she works at her abs*

* RicaChica waves, chuckling, doing some traditional american stretches..

* Red nods* Descent form. Try this. *Does a different puch*

* Kameko pouts still

* Diana chuckles*

<Kameko> Aww.. you never spar.. and you always seem to know when I'm going to BEFORE I get a chance to move!

* Klork smirks

<Klork> bingo *ruffles her hair*

<Mondo_Gecko> *a little baby Mondo inside of him cries and screems and shakes it's fists*" No one's paying attention to me"*

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm...maybe we should try bllind-folding him...

* TurtleNinja attempts the new punch....

<Klork> AH ah..nono..

* Red stands beisde her. He holds her arm gently and moves it* Like this.

* Klork tickles at Kame

<Klork> Soooooo?? Did you tell him YET?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and eyes the two of them...

* RicaChica gets up, going over to the treadmill and jogging..

* Kameko acks, trying to swat at his hand .. then sighs, shaking her head

<Kameko> ~I don't know how...~

<HappyLittleMoron> ...tell him what...?

* TurtleNinja nods.

<TurtleNinja> Ok. *smiles* Thanks.

* Klork furrows his brow, then glances at HLM....then back to Kame

* Red smiles* Try again, like I showed you.

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and gets out of the hot tub and wrings his shorts out so they're damp..kinda liking being damp

* Mondo_Gecko wrings out his long hair

* HappyLittleMoron just watches the two...

* Klork looks at Kame again, then looks at HLM, as if asking if it's ok to tell her...

* Kameko blinks ... then bites her lip .. nodding slowly

<Red> Know any kicks?

* Mondo_Gecko wanders back to the workout room

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Hay Diana

* Diana grins at Mondo, upside-down...* Heya, Mondo..

* Klork sighs shakily

* TurtleNinja thinks.

<TurtleNinja> Well, one I dunno what it is and where I got it from...

<Klork> ~she's pregnant, Mo'...~ *squeezes Kame's shoulder*

<Mondo_Gecko> whatcha doin?

* RicaChica still jogs, keeping the same pace

<Red> Lets see.

<TurtleNinja> *does a roundhouse, but is probably inproper*

* Kameko furrows her brow, looking down at her feet ... hands twisting white-knuckled in front of her

* Red smiles.* It's like this. *Does a round house*

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes widen* <w> ...oh...I...*reaches over to touch Kame's shoulder* ...Angelo's...?

<Klork> ~~~~she doesn'tknow...~~~

* Kameko swallows, shaking

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Oh geeze...*gives Kame a hug...*

* Klork sighs, wrapping an arm around her and dragging her into a one-armed hug ....and manages to get em' both

* Kameko shudders, hugging him back

* Mondo_Gecko looks at TN

<Kameko> ~~I .. I don't know how to tell him....I-I'm afraid to..~~

<Mondo_Gecko> what'er ya doin?

* RicaChica finishes running, slowing to a walk as she pulls her hair up into a bun, a few reddish curls falling loose

* Red nods his head towards Mondo

<Diana> Uhm...sit ups *grins lopsidedly*

* Diana pats her exposed, muscular belly...scars and brands visible*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(what's with me and Redheads)

<TurtleNinja> Hey Mondo. *smiles and turns back to Red*

<Red> "Now try it like I showed you."

* Klork sighs

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> He truely loves you, Kame...

* Klork nods...

<Klork> ~the best thing to do is to tell him...~

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> ..and he needs to know...hee won't leave you if it's not couldn't help it...

* HappyLittleMoron nods

* TurtleNinja nods and tries it...

* Kameko furrows her brow ... shaking

* HappyLittleMoron strokes Kame's back, biting her lip

<Kameko> ~~I.....I feel trashy... I don't want it to be anybody's BUT his...a-and I'm afraid..~

* Klork nods, motioning for the kitchen

<Klork> ~in there? so we're not standing in the doorway?~

* HappyLittleMoron nods...gently guiding Kame towards the kitchen* <w> ...I can understand that...

* Kameko blinks .. then goes with .. kinda dragging her feet

* Red shakes his head. He leans TN back, balancing her with one arm. He holds her knee then makes the motion* Like this. Then snap your lower leg out.

* RicaChica finishes, turning the tread mill off, rubbing at her legs before going and doing a few stretches

* Mondo_Gecko hooks his legs over the bar and starts crunches again

<TurtleNinja> Ok. *nods and does so*

<Diana> *speaks as she works*'re you doin', Mondo?

* HappyLittleMoron pulls a seat out for Kame..

* Klork pulls out glasses of water for all, sittin on the table

* Red smiles* Perfect. *he stands her back up*

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno

<Mondo_Gecko> I've got a fat layer here..tryin ta work it off

* Mondo_Gecko pinches it with his thumb and forefinger

* Diana chuckles and nods* This is the right way to do'll have a six pack before you know it...

* RicaChica sprawls out on the floor

* Shiva gets on the bar and begins Mimicing Mondo's movements

* HappyLittleMoron straddles a chair, chewing her lip a lil'

* Klork reaches in his pocket,pulling out a cell phone

<Klork> ~hn...just a sec, I'm gonna get 'Gelo in here...~

* TurtleNinja stands, smiling to Red.

<TurtleNinja> Thanks.

* Klork looks at HLM

<Klork> help her find a way to tell him?

* Kameko BLINKS

* Kameko stares at him, eyes pleading for him not to call

<Klork>'s gotta be done...he loves you..~

* Red smiles and bows* A pleasure.

<Mondo_Gecko> Well I do have a six back..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', looking to Kame* <w> It does...the best way might be just the strait forward approach...

<Mondo_Gecko> that's just it...It's just buried under some fat

<RicaChica> under the layer of nachos and junk food.

* Diana laughs!!!*

* Kameko pales, whimpering

* Mondo_Gecko glares at Rica

* RicaChica goes back to her sprawledness,not looking at him

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I'll get her...oh yes..I'll have that snob right where I want her)

<Diana> Oh'll work the layer off...I can get you all pumped up...*grins*

* Mondo_Gecko crosses his arms behind his head and kees doing situps

<Mondo_Gecko> can??

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at her

* Ladon watches Rica.

* Klork dials, going off into a corner to talk on the phone

* Diana nods* I'll get you on a diet and get you on an excersize regemine...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..a diet!?

* Mondo_Gecko whines like a dog's whine through his nose

* RicaChica chuckles

* Diana laughs* Well...yeah...if you want to get the fat off...

<RicaChica> that'll last.

* RicaChica gets up, heading out and sitting on the couch to watch a movie

* Mondo_Gecko watches her go

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Diana..I need you

* Red looks at TN* Wann go back to the tub?

* Diana blinks, stopping to stare at Mondo* Never knew you cared..

* Klork hangs up his phone, looking at Kame

<Mondo_Gecko> nono!

<Klork> He's on his way...I'll greet two....think of how to tell him?

<Mondo_Gecko> I mean..I need you to help me

* HappyLittleMoron nods...scooting closer to Kame

* TurtleNinja smiles.

* Kameko BLINKS, face incredibly pale

<TurtleNinja> Yeah! Waaarm. *smiles*

* Klork goes out to the entry way, waiting for him..

<Diana> How so..? *flips off the bar and streatches*

<Kameko> I...NO, Klo--call him back?! Tell him not to come?!

* HappyLittleMoron rests an arm around Kame's shoulders* has to be done..

<Mondo_Gecko> See that chick over there..oh she left..

<Mondo_Gecko> that Erica chick..

* Diana blinks* Uh huh..?

<Mondo_Gecko> Rica

* Red smiles and heads for the hot tubs

* Diana nods..*

<Mondo_Gecko> She thinks I'm not hot stuff..

<Mondo_Gecko> she said I'm not her "type"

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm gonna prove her snobby snotty butt wrong!

<Diana> Uhm...I was under the impression she had a boyfriend already...that might be why...

* Diana chuckles and stretches* How do you plan on doing that?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...she does?!

<Mondo_Gecko> who??

* RicaChica stretches over the couch, falling asleep on the cushions

* Red waits for TN by the door

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Kame, rubbing her shoulder lightly* Well...what do you feel more comfortable with...? Telling him outright or hints...?

<Diana> I don't know...I don't think he's in the asylum..

<Mondo_Gecko> oh..

<Mondo_Gecko> well I don't actually wanna get with her

* Angelo comes in, brow arched at Klork as he walksin slowly...* Ok, I am NOT falling for Amish porn again, WHAT is going on?

<Mondo_Gecko> I just wanna prove her wrong!

* Kameko just stares at him .. face pale

* Klork smirks

<Klork> Surprise, Gelo!

* Angelo blinks* huh...?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Klork hugs him

* HappyLittleMoron then grins and chuckles

* Angelo sloowly shoves him off, brow arched* Whaat are you doing?

* Klork smirks

* Diana blinks* Well...ok...*grins* Maybe we should try setting her up for a..."trap" of sorts...?

<Mondo_Gecko> ohh

* HappyLittleMoron squeezes Kame's shoulder

<Mondo_Gecko> a trap

<Mondo_Gecko> I like the way you think

<Mondo_Gecko> do tell

*Mondo_Gecko hangs down and rubs his palms together

* TurtleNinja heads up to the hot tub with Red...

<Klork> filming amish porno! You just did the first scene of the studly amish guy walking in the door to find his father sorta brother sleeping with his girl!

* Diana laughs* Well...uhm...*runs a hand through her hair* Let's think about thhhis...

<Klork> It's a JErry Springer/Amish porno crossover!!!

* Kameko BLINKS

* Angelo BLINKS*

* Kameko looks ill...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...hey!

* RicaChica throws a pillow at Klork

* HappyLittleMoron looks around for something to throw at Klork

<Klork> unf!

<Klork> Hey!

* Red jumps into the hottub

* Klork sighs

<Klork> sorry, c'mon into the kitchen, 'Gelo..

* Angelo arches a brow..inching away from him to get into the kitchen* Yeah...

* HappyLittleMoron rubs Kame's shoulder* <w> We're here for you...

* Kameko is shaking like crazy .. eyes staring intently at the tabletop, white as a ghost

* Angelo blinks, sitting down next to Kame* What's going on...?

* TurtleNinja follows, only getting in carefully. :P

<Diana> Maybe to get the two of you alone somewhere...once we get you worked out...

* HappyLittleMoron rests an arm around Kame's shoulder* Ahh...she has*grins a lil' at Angelo and looks back to Kame...*

* RicaChica sleeps, curling up on the couch, brow furrowed

<Mondo_Gecko> na

* Angelo blinks, then looks at Kame...brow furrowing at the expression on her face* ~I..what kinda news...?~

<Mondo_Gecko> I gotta prove it too her in more ways than I look hot

<Mondo_Gecko> Chicks don't always care for that

* Red hugs TN lightly* Maybe tomarrow we can go out to eat.

<Mondo_Gecko> sometimes they want a guy who's all brainy and shit

* Klork props himself against the doorframe

* Diana shrugs a lil'* It's an idea...*sits on a bench* True...gotta get your mind involved too...uhm...lessee...

<Mondo_Gecko> shich blows for me..because I'm an idiot

* Diana blinks* No you're not

<Mondo_Gecko> sure I am..

<TurtleNinja> Ok. *smiles and snuggles close*

* RicaChica would agree..but is sleeping ;)

* Kameko whimpers .. otherwise silent ... honestly not knowing how to tell him at all

<Mondo_Gecko> you mean you didn't notice my idiotness?

<Diana> It's not really idiocy...just...*shrugs* Youth?

* Angelo furrows his brow, reaching over and lightly taking her hands* What is it...?

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm 21

<Mondo_Gecko> so it sure as hell isn;t youth

* Diana shrugs* A young 21...

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..

<Mondo_Gecko> I gotta act older..

<Mondo_Gecko> sophisticated..

<Mondo_Gecko> smart..

* Kameko flinches .. nodding a little to 'Mo's question..

<Mondo_Gecko> like some kinda..dorkus

* Diana snickers* I guess...

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip and stands* Angelo..? Can I talk to you in the other room for a moment...?

* Klork watches, brow furrowed

<Mondo_Gecko> well.. I managed to use a napkin at dinner

<Mondo_Gecko> and a fork..and a knife too

<Diana> Good start...*grins* Just need to work on it more...

* Angelo blinks...then sighs, letting go of her hands after squeezing gently...getting up to go over with her* Sure...

* TurtleNinja sighs contentedly, enjoying the closeness to Red...

* HappyLittleMoron leads Angelo to a secluded spot...offers some privacy

* RicaChica curls, facing the back of the couch, shivering as she sleeps

* Angelo goes with....* ~What's going on???~

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Kame's...*sighs* remember when that bastard raped her...?

* Angelo 's eyes harden..nodding slowly* ~~Yeah....?~~

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Well...*takes a deep breath* she's pregnant...and...she doesn't know whether it's from that...or if it's yours...she's afraid to tell you...

* Kameko sinks off of the chair ... sitting under the table and wrapping her arms around her knees, rocking back and forth

* Angelo blinkblinks*

* Klork blinks, looking under at her

<Klork> ~hey you..don't worry...~

* Angelo sighs, running ah and through his hair* ~~I see...I...why is she afraid to tell me?~

* Angelo shakes his head, heading into the kitchen as if to say he'll find out for himself*

* HappyLittleMoron sighs and sticks her hands in her pockets...* I..ok...

* Klork blinks, heading out of the room when Angelo comes in...

* Angelo kneels, looking under the table, brow furrowed

* HappyLittleMoron a distance, then going over to Klork..

<Angelo> ~Kame...?~

* Kameko doesn't hear him .. still just rocking herself

* Angelo reaches under, slowly sitting beside her and putting an arm around her...resting a hand on her stomach

* Mondo_Gecko goes and turns on the CD player and sticks one of his mixed CD's into it..Gigi D'Agostino the riddle

* HappyLittleMoron wraps her arms around Klork and sighs softly

<Mondo_Gecko> that's way better

<Mondo_Gecko> I can't work out without music

<Angelo> ~Kame, no matter who's baby it is, I'll always love you ...and the know that...?~

* Klork sighs, resting his head on hers

* Diana nods, hrmming softly*

* Kameko furrows her brow, swallowing as she looks up at him

<Kameko> ~~I want it to be yours...!~~

* Mondo_Gecko leans back and puts his hands on the floor behind him, his body contorting in ways that look frightening and unatural..

* Klork wraps his arms around her, brow furrowed as he purrs lightly

* Red hugs TN and sighs contentedly

* Mondo_Gecko pulls his torso up into the air and casually walks on his hands, back and forth

* Angelo wraps his arms around her, brow furrowed as he purrs lightly

* Diana blinks* .oO(Huh...I can do that!)

* Kameko sinks back against him, shaking

* Angelo kisses her brow* ~~As do I, but if it's not....I'll still treat him/her like my own...~~

<Kameko> ~~......I...I'm scared it won't be..~~

* HappyLittleMoron rests her head on Klork's shoulder, chewing her lip..

* Klork picks her up and spins her around a few times

* Mondo_Gecko lets his feet down slowly to the ground and curls his torso up again

<Mondo_Gecko> wee

* Mondo_Gecko dances to the music as if he was at a rave

* HappyLittleMoron yelps and laughs!* Wheeeeeeeee!

* Diana chuckles, watching*

* Mondo_Gecko does the robot

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey Diana! look!

* TurtleNinja snuggles Red in the hot tub...

* Kameko is silent for a while .. then speaks quietly

* Diana laughs* You're good..!

<Kameko> ~~I....don't want you to feel like you're trapped in this relationship because you don't know, either...~~

* Angelo takes her hands, rubbing his thumbs over her hands..then blinks* ~I purred for you Kame...I would NEVER feel trapped...for a change, I actually feel like I belong...not trapped....~

* RicaChica gets up after sleeping for a bit, going into the work out room to jog more on the treadmill

<Mondo_Gecko> Thanks!

<Mondo_Gecko> I used to go to raves sometimes

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm no raver..but I know what's fun

<Diana> I've never been to one...

<Mondo_Gecko> You can come with me!

<Mondo_Gecko> do mutants have raves?

* Kameko sighs heavily .. saying nothing .. afraid he's just saying that to make her feel better

* RicaChica just jogs..

* Red gives TN a peck on her beak as he watches the stars

* TurtleNinja smiles, watching the stars as well.

* Angelo sighs, pulling her close* ~I mean that Kame..with all of my soul...~

* Diana shrugs* Probably...*grins a lil'* I haven't been to any sort of party in one hell of a long time...

* RicaChica jogs ... then hops off the treadmill, going over and getting some water from the kitchen before returning

<Mondo_Gecko> Well you can come with me to the bar an stuff

* Kameko sighs ... nodding a little, shaking still

<Kameko> ~~..I know...~~

<Mondo_Gecko> or we should have a big block party like we said we would!

<Mondo_Gecko> yea!!

<Mondo_Gecko> I could get my band out here to play with me!

* Angelo rests his chin on her shoulder* ~~I love you...~

<Mondo_Gecko> that would kick ass

* `Correy walks up to the building .. eyes looking up at it before he sighs .. pulling his cowboy hat down over his eyes a little and knocking on the door

* RicaChica takes a long drink of water, hopping back on the treadmill

* HappyLittleMoron looks up

<HappyLittleMoron> We're so busy...*grins lopsidedly at Klork and heads to the door...opening it*

* Klork shrugs, following

<Klork> sure are..

* HappyLittleMoron looks at Correy and grins lopsidedly, a fang peeking out* Can we helpl you?

* `Correy looks up from under his hat

* Klork quirks a brow at him, resting his hands on HLM's shoulders

<`Correy> I'm lookin' for someone.. I was wondering if you've seen her?

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Well now...that sort of depends on who you're looking for and why...

* RicaChica jogs..

<Red> I'm going to start coming up here more often. It's beutiful out.

* Klork nods, puffing up

* `Correy sighs, lookin' a little reluctant, although hopeful

<TurtleNinja> Yeah...all the diamond stars against the infinite blanket of space...

<`Correy> ~I'm lookin' for someone named Rica...~

<`Correy> ~I..thought I saw 'er come in here.~

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> how can we tell if you're friend or foe?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...arching a brow and nodding in agreement with Klork

* `Correy looks a little hurt

<`Correy> ~I....I'm her fiance...~

<`Correy> ~She..she hasn't said anything about me?~

* Diana smiles* That would be wonderful!

* Klork blinkblinks

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!* I...uh...*trails off*

<Klork> Ooooooh, so you're,, HLM? you wanna go get her...????

<Mondo_Gecko> yea?

<Mondo_Gecko> wanan go now?

<Mondo_Gecko> go out somewhere?

<Mondo_Gecko> I's friday night..

<Diana> Sure..*smiles* That would be a niec change

<HappyLittleMoron> I uh..sure...? *grins lopsidedly, reaching up to pat Klork's hand before heading into the workout room* Hey...Rica...?

* RicaChica slows her jogging to a stop, sipping at her water

<RicaChica> Yeah..?

<Mondo_Gecko> sticking around here to be ignored by snotty chicks :P

* RicaChica quirks a brow at Mondo...ignoring him <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm gonna go change into actual clothes

* `Correy stands outside the door .. actually taking his hat off to hold it in his hands .. hoping she'll recognize him -- seeing as he's an Irvine from FF8 look alike..

* Diana nods and chuckles* I should too...*pauses* Uh...anything in particular I should wear?

<HappyLittleMoron> There's someone here to see you...saying he's your fiancée?

* RicaChica arches a brow..then BLINKS..

* Klork stands back

<Klork> C'mon in...

<RicaChica> I...~~~he's here???!~~~

* Shiva looks at Mondo* I am not snotty.

<Shiva> Never even had a cold.

* RicaChica looks scared shitless for a minute before trying to collect herself

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...heading over to Rica* ok?

* RicaChica blinks

<RicaChica> I-y..yeah..fine...just...tell him..I'll be right there?

* Mondo blinks* ..uh...sorry Shiva

* Mondo_Gecko looks at Diana and shrugs

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Uh..ok...

* `Correy steps in .. glancing around

* HappyLittleMoron heads back to Klork and Correy* Heh...she'll be right out...

* `Correy nods a little, just standing there in his long tan trench coat

* RicaChica looks at HLM

* Kameko looks up at Angelo over her shoulder, furrowing her brow

<RicaChica> I look like shit, don't I?

<Kameko> ~~.....I'm sorry... I was afraid..~~

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...pausing* Not at all...

* Angelo nods, snuggling her to him* ~It's ok...~

* RicaChica arches a brow

* Mondo_Gecko heads off and gets changed into a black net gothic shirt and a black tanktop that fits snuggly over it and a pair of shiny black plastic pants and his big boots.

<RicaChica> you're telling me I look good after running a mile?????

* Diana heads up the stairs*

* Klork snorts, hearing Rica

<Klork> Will you just get out here, you prob' look fine..

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...*snickers* Not fresh as a rose, maybe, but not bad...

* Mondo_Gecko puts a spiked collor around his neck and lines his eyes with black liner and smudges it..

<Mondo_Gecko> wee..

* Mondo_Gecko skoots downstairs

<Mondo_Gecko> Diana?

* TurtleNinja looks to Red.

<TurtleNinja> Wanna go in?

* Diana comes down the stairs, wearing pleather pants that cling to her figure and a halter top with a mesh top over hair flowing free*

* RicaChica mutters, trying to tuck her hair behind her ears...slowly coming out..

<`Correy> ~She's look beautiful to me covered in mud... so long as I got to see her again..~~

* Red nods* It's getting a tad chilly.

<Mondo_Gecko> Lookin good

<RicaChica> ~Heh...I guess you found me, huh?~ *looks at Correy, brow furrowed*

* `Correy furrows his brow

<`Correy> ~...Why'd you run..?~

* `Correy pauses, just shakign his head, putting his hat down..walking over and just wrapping his arms around her, holding her close

* Diana grins lopsidedly* look good too.

<`Correy> ~~...Nevermind.. I don't care...~~

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to Klork again

* RicaChica nearly tackles him, burrying her face in his shoulder

<RicaChica> ~I always do...~

* Klork chuckles

* `Correy rubs his hands over her back, trying to hide that they're shaking

<`Correy> ~~...And I always find you... I'm not going to let go.~~

<Klork> ~Ok, I didn't know they were engaged..I thought she just had a boyfriend...~

* TurtleNinja smiles to Red.

<TurtleNinja> Ok.

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey!! were goin out to party anyone wanna come?!

* Red swallows hard then kisses TN again

* Shiva stands next to Mondo

* RicaChica sighs shakily

<Mondo_Gecko> you commin?

* `Correy pulls back, framing her face gently with his fingers

<`Correy> ~please...please don't run from me again..?~

* `Correy rests his brow on hers, eyes begging

* RicaChica sinks slightly brow furrowed

* Kameko leans back against Angelo, resting her hands over his on her stomach .. then blips them both home

<RicaChica> ~I'm sorry...I just, we only have 3 years left......~~~~I'm afraid..~~~~~

* TurtleNinja wraps her arms around Red, kissing back.

* Angelo go blip*

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> guess not......

<Mondo_Gecko> ok Diana..

<Mondo_Gecko> lets mosey..

* RicaChica blinks, looking over at Mondo

* `Correy frowns, kissing her chin lightly

<`Correy> ~..I am, too ... but I'd rather live the three years with you and find you again than live one day without you.~~

* RicaChica sighs shakily...

<RicaChica> ~I know...~

* RicaChica blinks, then glances at Mondo again

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Rica

<RicaChica> I, no, sorry, not going..*looks back at Correy*

<Mondo_Gecko> wanna come out and get drunk and party with me and Diana?

* RicaChica blinks

* Red smiles. He cups the side of TN's face with a talon

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil' to Klork


<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(what's she lookin at me for )

* `Correy holds her close ... just closing his eyes, his trenchcoat wrapping around her as he holds her

* RicaChica buries her face in Correy's jacket

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(that must be her wonder I'm not good enough for her..look at that guy)

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(guess you just gotta know when your beat)

* Diana nods to Mondo, belatedly, too <G>*

* Mondo_Gecko slips out the door

* Shiva fallows

<Mondo_Gecko> Don't think I'll ever win that kinda challange

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> ahh well...tomorows another day

* Diana follows and pats his shoulder* True...and there are other fish in the sea..

* `Correy pulls back slowly, smiling down at her .. pulling his hat back on to hide the red in his eyes from emotion

<Mondo_Gecko> well see..

<Mondo_Gecko> I didn't wanna get with her either..

<`Correy> ~~...I missed how you felt... The smell of your hair.. We'll find him this time...~~

* RicaChica chuckles

<Mondo_Gecko> she's not my type..

<RicaChica> ~I know...~ *pauses, grinning mischeviously* Irvine...

<Mondo_Gecko> I just wanted to prove her that I'm not some looser she can roll her eyes at

<Mondo_Gecko> I hate it when people do that

* `Correy mutters, eyeing her momentarily

* Diana chuckles softly* I can understand that...*shrugs* I just beat the crap out of them...*grins and winks*

<`Correy> ~You'd better call her, you know...~

* Red holds TN's hands just outside of TN's door.* Guess this's goodnight.

<Mondo_Gecko> I mean..I know I'm not like.. the king of england or something

* RicaChica nods..

<Mondo_Gecko> but people don't have to look down their nose at me

<RicaChica> In the morning?

* Shiva walks along silently beside Mondo

* TurtleNinja smiles.

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..I'm not nearly that violeltn

<TurtleNinja> Only if you want it to be, Red.

<Mondo_Gecko> I mean..I am if I have to be

* Red hmms

<Diana>, too...I was joking, Mondo...

* `Correy waggles his eyebrows, grinning a smooth 'cowboy' smile

<Mondo_Gecko> oh..heh..sorry

<`Correy> ~Ah...wanna play "catch up?"~

* `Correy winks to show he's kidding

* Red hmms?

* TurtleNinja blushes.

* RicaChica blinks, then baps him slightly

<TurtleNinja> <q>You wanna stay with me tonight?

<RicaChica> Correy..jeeze..

<Diana> It's alright...*chuckles*

* Red smiles and hugs her, kissing deeply.* Of course.

* HappyLittleMoron wraps her arms around Klork, resting her head on his shoulder again

* TurtleNinja kisses back.

<TurtleNinja> Ok. :)

* `Correy smiles, chuckling a little

* Red opens her door and fallows her inside

* Klork pokes her slightly

<Mondo_Gecko> So, know any good bars around here?

<Klork> ~e'y you ~

* Klork chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Who, me? *grins at him*

<`Correy> ~I... do know that I don't want to let go...~

<Diana> Hmm...there's the Barstage...where HLM works...

<Klork> *poke*

* RicaChica chews at her lip

<RicaChica> I...hungry?

* HappyLittleMoron pokes back* What about me? *grins*

* `Correy looks down at her, eyes searching hers

<`Correy> ~...No sleeping drug crushed up in it this time..?~

<Klork> sexsay?

* RicaChica sighs

<RicaChica> No...

<Mondo_Gecko> Cool! lets go there

<HappyLittleMoron> I am? the seksay one...*grins*

* `Correy picks her up easily, kissing her quickly and smirking

<`Correy> Then tell me where to go, beautiful.

* TurtleNinja smiles and flops down on her bed.

* RicaChica blinks, pointing to the kitchen

<RicaChica> thar'..

<Diana> Alright...*grins* It's not too far from the mutant ghetto part of town...

<Mondo_Gecko> there's a mutant ghetto?

<Mondo_Gecko> damn..

<Mondo_Gecko> what have I been missing

* `Correy arches a brow, carrying her there

* RicaChica points

<RicaChica> mashed potatoes & steak?

<`Correy> Are you makin' fun of the little bit of accent I'm tryin' t'kill?

* Diana shrugs a little* You wouldn't know about it unless you've been part of the community for a long time..

<RicaChica> Wha' no sir!

<Mondo_Gecko> guess not

* HappyLittleMoron leans up to plant a quick kiss on Klork's lips

* TurtleNinja motions for Red to come on over...

<Mondo_Gecko> see...there's a community too

<Mondo_Gecko> and I wouldn't know about that

<Mondo_Gecko> cause I don't socialize

<Mondo_Gecko> and I don't know why

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

* Klork purrs, picking her up and carrying her to the couch

<Klork> movie! WHatcha wanna watch?

* `Correy mmms .. the mashed spuds and steak just clickin in his hearing

<HappyLittleMoron> 'bout...uh...Holey Grail!!

<`Correy> Mmm..y'sure know how to cook for a man! Please?

* Klork laughs, pulls out the movie and puts it in, sitting by her

<Klork> Oh I s'pose that works..

<TurtleNinja> C'mon over, Red. S'ok. :)

* RicaChica snorts, chuckling and putting them out on a plate for him

* Red nods and lays next to TN

<RicaChica> I actually made them an hour just got lucky *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron grins and curls up to him* Indeed...*grins up at him lopsidedly* Y'know...we're gonna have to raise our kids on Python...whenever we decide to have 'em...

* `Correy grins, leaning down and kissing her, taking the plate

<`Correy> ~Thanks, darlin'.~

* `Correy winks

* RicaChica chuckles

<RicaChica> OH mah' hero! *sniggers*

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> that and 80s cartoons *smirks*

* `Correy swats her on the rear, sitting down and eating .. just digging in, his hat covering his eyes as he scarfs

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!* Ninja Turtles...*grins* And She-ra

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> yup! heeman!

<Mondo_Gecko> long till we get there?

* RicaChica erks, then snags his hat, running for the stairs

* Red hugs TN and kisses her

* TurtleNinja sighs softy, curling up to Red, kissing back.

* HappyLittleMoron giggles* She-ra can kick He-man's butt any day *grins*

<Klork> yeah, this is true...

* Klork puffs up

* `Correy BLINKS, then tosses the fork down, swallowing and dashin' after her

<Klork> but does She-ra have the HAIR??!

<`Correy> Gimme my hat back, girlie!

* RicaChica cackles, running up to the roof, diving into the pool with it, managing to keep it above water, still fully clothed

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and grins, running her fingers through Klork's hair*'s long and blond...but I doubt it's nearly as nice as yours...*grumbles* Ya lucky devil...

* RicaChica swims to the middel of the pool

<RicaChica> comen' get it!

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> I didn't mean to *winks* It was just hereditary <G>

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe...but stiiiiiill...

* Klork chuckles

* HappyLittleMoron grins, fiddling with his hair still

* Mondo_Gecko stops..

* Klork purrs

* Mondo_Gecko narrows his eyes in the dim light of the streets at night and watches

<Diana> *arches a brow at Mondo...they're almost there...just a block away..*

* TurtleNinja snuggles close to Red.

<TurtleNinja> G'nite, Red. *smiles* Sleep well.

<Mondo_Gecko> wait..

* Shiva's head snaps up She whispers* What is wrong?

* Mondo_Gecko sniffs the air

* Diana glances around...sinking into a ready stance...*

* `Correy blinks, then mutters, tossing off his trenchcoat, pulling off his shirt and his boots .. socks, too .. then his belt.. diving in in his jeans

* RicaChica erks, nothaving expected him to do that, swimming away

* HappyLittleMoron grins and curls close to Klork, tracing patterns oon his chest as she reads the subtitles about sacking people and stuff

<RicaChica> Crapcrap!!! *tries not to get his hat wet at the same time..

* Klork chuckles, arms wrapped around her shoulders

* `Correy swims after, coming up directly underneath her, sending her up out of the water

<`Correy> HA~

<RicaChica> A--aCK!!!

* `Correy jumps up, grabbing his hat and throwing it to the side of the pool before grabbing her

<RicaChica> ER--CHEATER!

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail whips

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* he's here......somewhere

* `Correy smirks, pulling her close .. tracing his fingers through her wet hair

<Diana> <w> ...who?

<`Correy> ~Heh...surprise..~

* RicaChica mutters, sputtering

<RicaChica> CHEATED...dangit..

* `Correy smirks .. just looking at her

* Mondo_Gecko hisssssssssses

<`Correy> ~Yeah..I did.. But I gotcha back in my arms.~

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* where is he...........

<Mondo_Gecko> time to go hunting..

* RicaChica sighs

<RicaChica> ~Only cuz you wanted your hat...~ *winks*

* Diana narrows her eyes, summoning her sword*

* `Correy looks a little wounded

<`Correy> ~The hat was an excuse, Rica...~

<`Correy> ~I just wanted to get YOU.~

* HappyLittleMoron hrmms softly...looking like she's seriously contemplating the coconut question

* Shiva 's color darkens, matching the oattern of shadows falling on her skin

* RicaChica arches a brow...

* Mondo_Gecko looks over to Diana

<Mondo_Gecko> you know what I told you...

<Mondo_Gecko> the guy who did this to me...

<RicaChica> ~*sigH* y'always did one way or another...~

* Shiva nods

* Klork chuckles, just shaking his head

* `Correy furrows his brow

<`Correy> ~...Do you want me to?~

* RicaChica smirks slightly, poking him

<Mondo_Gecko> he's here...somewhere..

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly

<RicaChica> ~I was kidding....yes..I do want you to get to me...I..just *shrugs* you know the schpeel~

* Diana nods...* I see...*unsheeths her sword, seeming to faid a little* Shall I try flushing him out for you?

<Mondo_Gecko> no....not just yet

<Mondo_Gecko> he's close......

* Diana nods..*

* `Correy sighs, kissing her brow

<Mondo_Gecko> but not close enough for a surprize attack

<`Correy> ~Yeah.. I know.. but I ....I think I know who did it this time..~

* Mondo_Gecko grins darkly

* RicaChica blinkblinks

<RicaChica> ~who.....????~

<`Correy> ~I'll tell you later....?~

* Diana nods...eyes going cold*

* Mondo_Gecko turns into a back allyway

* RicaChica nods slowly..

<Mondo_Gecko> come on..

* Diana follows silently, solid now..*

* Mondo_Gecko sniffs the air again and grins..

<Mondo_Gecko> he's around the left corner

* Shiva fallows, her tounge flicking in and out of her mouth, picking up a new scent

* Diana nods and grins silently* <q> You're the boss here, Mondo..

* `Correy smiles, swimming with her to the edge of the pool, just looking at her silently

* RicaChica pulls out of the pool, shivering

<RicaChica> ~damncold!~

<Mondo_Gecko> hehe..the boss

<Mondo_Gecko> hold on..

* Diana chuckles softly...nodding*

* `Correy smirks a little, eyes trailing over her before just snickering to himself

* Mondo_Gecko leaps and catches the wall and scurries up it as if gravity didn't exist.

* RicaChica blinks

<RicaChica> Oh fine, JUST because m' damn tank is white *gives him a look* YOuuu butt...

* RicaChica thpppts

* Shiva fallows, her climbing skills have obviously improved

* Diana glances up at him...stepping into the shadows...tracking him ninja-style*

* `Correy sniggers .. waggling his eyebrows

<`Correy> ~Sorry..can't blame a man fer lookin', can you? Not when you're beautiful as you are..~

* RicaChica mutters, crossing her arms over her chest

<RicaChica> Oh harmph.

* Mitch and his friends stand in the ally, sparking up..the scent of chronic whafts through the air around they're laughing about some girl..the ho..the one he took with force.. and then suddenly there's a loud noise which sounds like a raptor in the distance..or is it in the distance?"

* Diana stalks towards the alley...moving as silently as any Ninja...*

* `Correy pouts, coming out, dripping wet and his jeans clinging to him

<`Correy> Whaa? It's true, darlin'.

* RicaChica smirks, looking slooowly up at him

<RicaChica> yup, and viseversa..*smirks, hopping up and running, grabbing his hat and disappearing down the stairs

* RicaChica disappears into her room, knowing he won't know which one it is...changing

* Mitch silences them for a moment* ..wha...what the hell is that shit?

* `Correy blinkblinks, grabbing his stuff .. dripping his way down the hall

* soon the boys laugh again, nervous laughter... they don't know what it is..but they're too high to care*

<`Correy> Hey...Rica?? Anyone here got some scrubs I could borrow? Ain't nice leavin' me with wet clothes, you know.

* And again the terrifying sound comes*

* one boy speaks up, saying that it sounds pissed and they should leave...and several turn and go..some stay, Mitch says it nothing..some want to impress him*

* Diana grins wickedly...bringing up a feint...COLD breeze around them...*

* Shiva accompining it is a loud screech, sounding like a hawks

<Mitch> it's just a freakin bird!

* And then out of no where a voice echos in the darkness of the ally*

* RicaChica pokes her head out the door, watching him after he went by..

<RicaChica> ~Psst!~

<Mondo_Gecko> "You thought you did it..didn't you Mitch..... you thought you got away with it too.."

* Shiva drops to the ground, cutting of his escape path

<Mitch> ..Shawn?

* Some of the guys laugh*

* Diana stays in the the gang...ready to reach out and grab a few if needed...fangs slowly extending...*

* Shiva hisses loudly, her tail twitching

* `Correy blinks .. then comes back, walking in

* Mondo_Gecko leaves his boots at the top of the building and grins..looking down at his sharp claws

* HappyLittleMoron yawns a little and giggles at the Knights Who Formorly said NIH

<Klork> Nih! NIH!

<Mondo_Gecko> "You thought you could do thought Candy would be yours and you could git rid of me...because I don't look like you...isn't that right?"

* RicaChica closes the door behind him

<RicaChica> can borrow some sheets til' you're clothes dry?~

* HappyLittleMoron giggles* Weeeeee...are no longer the knights who say "NIH!" We are NOW the knights who say ECHIEECHIEGaZUmparoo...

* `Correy arches a brow .. but grins a little

<`Correy> S'long as they're your's, darlin'.

* Klork cackles

* Now the voice sounds like a whisper right in his ear..but it's not..some kind of illusion?* "Well I have news for you Mitch, I'm alive..and well and alot stronger..and more dangerous...and I look a whole hell of a lot less like you...humanfreak"

* RicaChica blinks, blushing a little

<RicaChica> I...heh!

* Candy_Fine fumbles a piece of paper, trying to get the directions right.... with all the people bumping to her rudely, and the stress at home... is too much for her to concentrate, even for a minute...

* `Correy smirks .. unfastening his pants .. kinda grinning a little

<`Correy> Suggest you get them right quick, Rica.. I don't wanna wear these all night.

* RicaChica rolls her eyes, picking up his clothes and throwing the sheet at him

<RicaChica> goof.

<Mondo_Gecko> and then a horrid scree sound and at an amazing speed the lizard creature comes down the side of the building at him and then he feels a pair of claws sink into his neck.. a weak sound comming from him, and the creature tosses him across the ally with its legs as its balanced on it's hands

* RicaChica heads out of the room, taking them to the laundry & putting it into the dryer

* `Correy catches them easily, holding them up and using them to change behind .. then wraps the sheets around himself, tossing her the jeans

* Shiva watches his friend incase he tries any thing

* Mitch's freinds are frozen in fear and then what's left turn and run*

* Mitch's body skids to a stop.. and Mondo hisses, pacing up to it, looking more like a raptor than ever, tail swishing with his body as he stalks hsi prey*

* Diana cringes*

* Mitch gurgles..his throat bleading*

<`Correy> Thanks, darlin'.

* Shiva stands by and watches without any expression on her face

* RicaChica chuckles, coming in and closing the door

<RicaChica> goof..

<`Correy> But.. please don't run with my hat again? It'd be kinda embarassin' to run out like this.

* RicaChica OOoooohs, looking tempted

* Mondo_Gecko picks up Mitch and pushes him against the wall and then looks back at Diana and Shiva* Go on! Get outta here! I don't want you ladies to see this....

* Shiva nods and takes to the rooftops

* Candy_Fine yelps, wincing, as a big... big... big man steps on her foot and rudely pushes her off, as if he hasn't seen the angry expression on her face

<Diana> don't want to become a murderer

* Mitch's eyes which are pull of panic and fear ...fear because he knows now his life is over, and his voice cords are cut so he can't even say anything..*

* `Correy pouts, then just lays back on the bed

<`Correy> Please..?

* Shiva makes her way towards the asylum

* Diana sighs...backing off and shaking her head...*

<RicaChica> fine fine..

<`Correy> I'm tired, Rica.. been looking for you for a long time.

* RicaChica nods, tossing him a blanket

<RicaChica> I know..

* `Correy smirks .. then kinda holds out an arm .. eyes asking if he can just hold her while he sleeps

* Diana dissapears, reappearing on the roofs*

* RicaChica goes into the batrhroom & changes into dry pj's...sighing, coming over and curling up next to him

<RicaChica> ~nite...~

<Mondo_Gecko> He's as good as dead anyway....

<Candy_Fine> Now, where is that...

* `Correy smiles .. holding her firmly but gently .. not wanting her to slip away again

<`Correy> ~G'night, love.. I'll be here in the morning.~

<Mondo_Gecko> he was as good as dead the day he murdered me

* Mondo_Gecko pins him up against the wall again with his one foot, the claws sinking into the already torn skin*

* Candy_Fine finally sees the building and quickly goes over to the door, knocking on it (The building... you know... where mutants sleep and live... aslyum... something.... gonna stop thinking... me head is hurting)

* Shiva jumps to the ground and lands right next to Candy

* Klork stands, heading up to bed

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Klork* I'll join you in a lil' bit, hon..

<Klork> ~if ya wanna meet me in bed, see ya there, Mo'~ *smirks*

* `Correy falls asleep with his fiance in his arms

* HappyLittleMoron nods and chuckles* <w> My cold feet will wake you up..

* Mondo_Gecko looks back to see if Diana has left yet

* Candy_Fine shrieks a bit, twirling around to see who it is, and coming face to face with Shiva, her eyes wide

* Diana's on the rooftops...out of sight*

* Mondo_Gecko looks right into Mitch's eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> Now you know what it feels like to be drowning..and to be too weak to save your own fucking life

* Shiva looks Candy up and down, trying to descide if she's a threat

<Mondo_Gecko> only I was drowning in water..and mud and chemicals...lots and lots of chemicals

* FWL_MeRc walks our of his room

* Mitch watches "Shawn" and suddenly understands..his eyes sill showing so much fear...panic..the kind of panic in your eyes before you meet your maker..the kind of panic you feel when you know your maker won't be pleased to see you*

* and your drowning in knowledge and fear and your own blood*

<Candy_Fine> Um.... uh... is Shawn here?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* say hi to the man upstairs for me...because they say mutants don't have souls.. and I think it would be a shame to miss meeting him

* Shivas head pops up.* Mondo?

* a SCREEEE and a roar comes from the ally and sick sounds that would make even the most hardened criminal sick*

* Shiva's head swivels around towards the sounds

* Candy_Fine blinks for a while.... looks at the direction Shiva is looking, then back at her

<Candy_Fine> Do you know where he is?

<Shiva> He will return shortly. *Opens the door* You can wait inside.

<Candy_Fine> Thank you.... *frowns, wondering what he's doing...*

* Mondo_Gecko steps back when his handywork is done and looks up as the sounds of cop cars in the distance grow closer... someone must have heard it.. the friends wouldn't have done it..for if their story to make sense they would have to take responsibility for the attempted murder of Shawn Solomon and the illegal creation of a mutant"

* FWL_MeRc looks at HLM...* hard day?

* Mondo_Gecko scales the walls and retreves his boots and puts them on his feet and heads back to the Asylum on the roof tops..entering the asylum from the roof

* HappyLittleMoron grins a lil' at Merc and nods, wearing a huge hoodie...her wings are out, under it* Yeah...long day at work...

<HappyLittleMoron> How're you doin'?

<FWL_MeRc> still needing work

* Mondo_Gecko heads into his room and tosses hsi boots on the mat by the door and then tosses his clothes on the hamper and goes to the shower and turns on the water as hot as he can and washes away the blood, the water running pink...

* FWL_MeRc sniffs* ... thats odd

<HappyLittleMoron> Hm?

<HappyLittleMoron> What is?

<FWL_MeRc> ... nothing

<FWL_MeRc> anyhow i need work

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow...* Well..uh...I don't think the Barstage needs any more people...but you can talk to Klork about Richardo's....

<FWL_MeRc> ok

<FWL_MeRc> i think i will

<FWL_MeRc> ifs hes not too afraid of me

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...I doubt he would be...but he's in bed now...

* FWL_MeRc grins evilly

<FWL_MeRc> oh... really....

* Mondo_Gecko watches the red running from under his claws...and sighs...Mitch's death was deserved... but it doesn't make the lonliness go away

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(maybe this is what my nana ment when she said revenge is useless)

<HappyLittleMoron> Hey trying to scare off my fiancée

<FWL_MeRc> c'mon its fun *smirks*

* Shiva walks up to Mondo's room, enters and knocks on the bathroom door.* Mondo, visitor.

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> can come in the bathroom Shiva! you don't have to knock or something....I trust you not to peek..

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head

* Shiva walks in.* it's some human female.

<FWL_MeRc> ... you know i can't help it... i smell blood

<Mondo_Gecko> ..oh...I thought you wanted in here

<HappyLittleMoron> Nonono...*snickers and thing blinks* Oh?

* HappyLittleMoron stands* Know where it's comin' from?

* FWL_MeRc sniffs* its faint... but coming from there *points to mondos room*

* Candy_Fine rubs her hands together, chilly

<Mondo_Gecko> some human female huh

<Mondo_Gecko> what's she look like?

* HappyLittleMoron frowns* Huh...think we should investigate...?

<FWL_MeRc> ...maybe so

<FWL_MeRc> but it could be someone just... having their period or something

* Mondo_Gecko frowns..Jamie?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Heh...then we'll put it off...ya don't wanna mess with a chick who has PMS <G>

* Shiva descibes Candy

<FWL_MeRc> ... tell me about it... i got the scars and the sore balls to prove it

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(couldn't be Candy..she hasn't answered her phone in a month...)

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<Mondo_Gecko> .....Candy??

<HappyLittleMoron> Poor guy...*streatches her legs and plops back down on the couch...*

<Shiva> She also used your ral name. Shawn.

* Shiva is a 5' 3" 147 LB, mutant iguana. She is blue-green, tinted with orange in places. She has black spikes, the first three come down over the front of her face like bangs.

<Mondo_Gecko> Candy!?

<Mondo_Gecko> She's here!?

<Mondo_Gecko> but..

<FWL_MeRc> yea poor me

* Mondo_Gecko looks down and the water is running clear so he leaps out of the shower without any decency and Shiva gets an eyeful!

* Shiva stares

<FWL_MeRc> i ahve a question... do we have a basement here?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Yeah...but it's unfinished

<FWL_MeRc> damn...

* Mondo_Gecko skitters alont the bathroom floor and towel tries himself off and pulls on a pair of boxers.. then an old black tshirt over it and then a pair of grey socks and heads downstairs

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Candy?

* Mondo_Gecko smells faintly of blood but it's obviously him to anyone with super sensitive smelling

<HappyLittleMoron> ...why?

* FWL_MeRc sniffs again...* washed away *turns to face mondo*

* Candy_Fine sniffs, trying to hide her disdain for a smell that's been hanging in the air, and stands up

<FWL_MeRc> ... scuse me a moment HLM *walks up to mondo*

<Candy_Fine> Shawn!

* Mondo_Gecko freezes..watching her....

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* you came back..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> ..k..

* Mondo_Gecko swallows

<Candy_Fine> Of course... what else did you think?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I......I dunno what I thought....

* HappyLittleMoron took a shower already...shaved her legs and everything! <G>>

 * Candy_Fine walks up to Mondo and tries to give him a hug... then stops dead in her tracks, sniffing, her nose wrinkled

<Mondo_Gecko> ..uh..

<Mondo_Gecko> excuse me??

<Mondo_Gecko> what is it?

* Candy_Fine shudders, waving a hand in front of her nose

* Shiva sits on the stairs, watching them coldly

<Mondo_Gecko> uh..sorry

<Mondo_Gecko> I kinda put someone out of their myserty..

<Mondo_Gecko>'m gonna go shower again....still kinda..bloody..

* Mondo_Gecko mumbles something and disapears again

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(oh my god...Candy's back..what does this mean?)

* Candy_Fine frowns...

<Candy_Fine> Put someone out of their misery... bloody?

* Mondo_Gecko goes back into the shower and scrubs himself like hell...

* Candy_Fine looks back at Shiva...

<Candy_Fine> What does he mean by that?

* Candy_Fine .oO(Maybe he... no, not Shawn.... )

* Shiva shrugs* He fought some one named Mitch.

<Candy_Fine> Good... Lord... He..

* Mondo_Gecko shampoo's his hair and comes back out and dries it off again and combs it out..the scent of blood has gone..he just smells like himself again, and he puts on the tshirt and shorts and socks again and comes back down the stairs

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Candy?

* Candy_Fine suddenly pales.... Sure, Mitch was someone who would surely be first in line to Hell.... but... Mondo... a killer?

* Mondo_Gecko watches her face...she doesn't looking well...what's wrong?

* Candy_Fine looks at Mondo, terrified and somewhat sickened...

Session Close: Sat Sep 22 03:23:59 2001

