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Session Start: Wed Sep 19 22:14:29 2001

* Klork looks up from the couch, where he's enjoyed his day off, smirking

<Klork> Hey Mo'!

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies and looks over to Klork, manafesting her bag away before pouncing on him semi-energetically* Heya!

* Klork omphs, rufflin' her hair

<Klork> Hi!

* HappyLittleMoron grins at him* Enjoy your day off...?

* Klork nodnodnodnodndos

<Klork> was your day?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Looooooooong...good now..

* Klork smirks

* HappyLittleMoron tickles him a lil'* What ya do..? Lay around? *winks*

<Klork> yup!

* Klork grins

<HappyLittleMoron> Lucky...*wrinkles her nose at him and chuckles softly, leaning over to kiss him*

* Klork purrs, abidin' to that

* HappyLittleMoron cuddles close...then grrrrs a lil', sitting up1 I gonna go shower...feel icky....

<Klork> ait..*smirks* I'll be here, lazy sittin on the couch :)

* HappyLittleMoron snickers and ruffles his hair* Heh...and here I was gonna offer to let you join me...*winks and heads for the stairs*

* Klork blinkblinks, snifflin'

* HappyLittleMoron looks over her shoulder and grins at him* I didn't say aaaaaaaaanything about taking the offer back...but if you want to sit there...*grins teasingly and slowly starts up the stairs..*

<Klork> shoulda told me that before you headed....

* Klork runs after, nearly tackling her halfway

* HappyLittleMoron pauses and grins at hiim

* HappyLittleMoron aaaaaaaaaaacks and laughs!

<Klork> you don't have to tell a man twice *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron giggles aand slipps an arm around his middle* C'mon then...*grins lopsidedly*

* Klork nodnodnods, obeying obediently

* TurtleNinja comes down out of her room and heads for the kitchen, yawning.

* HappyLittleMoron wavels to TN as she passes them...then opens the door for Klork when they get to her room..

* Klork follows

* Rica looks up from her spot on the recliner* Heeyyoo TN..

* TurtleNinja waves back and heads towards the fridge,rummaging around.

<TurtleNinja> Hey Rica.

* Rica yawns* So how're you today?

* TurtleNinja comes out with fried rice and miso.

<TurtleNinja> Mmm...good. Heh. Just woke up. :P You?

* Rica shrugs* Feeling much better, not so sick anymore...

* Diana's in the workout room, doing a few katas in her gi and hakama*

* Rica stretches out on the chair, smirking* Heya Kame..*waves a little*

* Kameko comes in, then smiles over at Rica

<Kameko> Hey...feeling a little better?

* Rica nods, smirking*

* TurtleNinja wavies to Kame.

* Klork runs out of HLM's door, down the stairs and tackles Kame in a hug, then sets her down

<Klork> IproposedtoHLMshesaidyes!

* Klork waves and runs back upstairs

* Klork pauses at the top of the stairs

<Klork> HI by the way!

* Kameko acks, then BLINKS

* Klork goes back in

<Kameko> KLORK!! Get your BUTT back down here!

* Klork goes back in to HLM's room, lockin the door <G>

* Diana steps out of the workout room, blinking confusedly*

* TurtleNinja looks to Diana.

<TurtleNinja> Yo! *smiles*

* Kameko furrows her brow .. looking a bit upset that he didn't explain details to her, huffing down onto a chair

* Rica blinks*...what was that?

<Kameko> ~Well .. damn him. I'm glad for him, but still...~

* Kameko pouts

<Kameko> ~I like gossip.~

* Diana waves and snickers* Ehehe...

* Rica glances over at Kame* I'm sure he'll come back out after he's done..and besides, he's a guy, you can gossip w/ HLM, right?

* Kameko twists her mouth to the side

<Kameko> ~It's more fun to try and gossip with him. He gets all flustered n' fidgety..~

* Kameko sighs, crossing her arms

* Rica chuckles* I'm sure he'll be out soon..

<Kameko> Fine. I don't need him, either.

* Kameko heads out

* Diana blinkblinks and follows* Woah...Kame...

* Rica blinks* Hey...

* Diana reaches over to rest a hand on Kame's shoulder lightly*

* Kameko shrugs it off, but not roughly

<Kameko> ~Sorry... I'm just gonna go walk.~

* Diana frowns, letting her hand drop* <q> ...uh...alright...ah...if you need company...

* Kameko shakes her head

<Kameko> No..I'll be okay, thanks.

* Kameko smiles a little

<Kameko> ~And I'm sorry.~

* Kameko heads out

* Diana furrows her brows* ...uh...

* Rica furrows her brow, glancing at Diana* What was that...?

* Diana looks after her until she's out of sight, brushing a stray curl from her eyes*

* Thera blips in a few moments after her daughter leaves, glowing green eyes glancing around

<Thera> Pardon me.. I heard that Klork was staying here..?

* Rica sighs, standing, then falls backwards onto the chair again when Thera appears right there*

<Rica> Ag-*blinks*

* Diana blinks* Uh...hai...*smiles* That he is...

* Diana looks at her with an arched brow*

* Thera smiles, bowing low

<Thera> I am Thera Shikiba .. His 'mother,' so to speak.

* Diana blinks and bows with a soft smile* A pleasure...I'm of this place...

* Thera sets her sword and her large round, orange, metallic fan against the wall

* Thera smiles

<Thera> Ahh.. You are the other woman who's name was on the check I sent here.

* Rica blinks...then slinks over to the fan, looking it over* ~wow..big..~

<Diana> Hai...and we can't thank you enough! *smiles again*

* Thera smirks a bit

<Thera> I hope it will be enough.

* Thera glances over at Rica

<Thera> You can experiment with that, if you'd like. I don't mind.

* Rica looks up, sitting cross-legged on the floor...then blinks* OH no...don't mind's just..heh *smirks* kinda neat..

* Thera chuckles

* Thera looks at Diana

<Thera> May I have a tour? I would like to see where my son is living, if that isn't too much?

* Rica blinks, looking up* He's in HLMs room right now..his room's probably open ..

* Diana nods and chuckles softly* Of course...We can start down here...HLM and I built this place from the ground up...with help from the construction workers...

* Thera nods, following Diana around after nodding to Rica

* Diana leads her to the workout room, since that's closest...* We've got a hot tub through that door, too...ah...*grins a lil' bit, not really comfortable with tour guide duty*

* Thera pauses

* Rica goes into the kitchen, then comes out..looking at TN* wanna swim for a bit?

<TurtleNinja> Ooh, ok! *finishes her food and takes her dishes into the kitchen, then comes back out*

<Thera> Miss Diana .. if you would prefer for me to do a 'self guided tour,' I will do so. I don't wish to make you uncomfortable.

* Rica comes out of her room, after running there, in her swim suit, towel around her* shall we?

* Diana shrugs a little bit* Well...I can show you where Klork's room is anyway...*grins a little sheepishly* I was never good at tour guide duty...

<TurtleNinja> Yeah, let's. :)

* Rica heads up to the pool, draping her towel over a chair and diving in after putting her glasses down*

* Thera smiles

* TurtleNinja goes with, diving on in as well.

* TurtleNinja resurfaces.

<TurtleNinja> Ooh, cold!

<Thera> it's quite alright. That would be fine. It'd be a little surprise for him to find me there?

* Rica nods, surfacing, eyes wide* Agghh! VERY!

* Diana chuckles* That it would be...*shakes her head a little bit* He's with his girlfriend...or...I guess fiancee the moment...

* Thera blinkblinks

<Thera> Fiancee?? Why didn't anybody tell me this?! I have gifts to plan!

<TurtleNinja> Ahh...there we go....gettin' better...

* Ladon walks up to the roof, looking like he's getting ready to fly off. He notices TN and Rica in the pool

<Ladon> Hey TN

* TurtleNinja waves.

<TurtleNinja> Heya Ladon!

* Diana blinks!* I...heh...*blushes a little bit* I just thought you knew already...*tucks a curl behind her ear* It only just happened last night I think...

<Thera> Ahh...STILL!

* Rica waves, tredding water* Heya! Feelin' better now!

* Ladon looks at Rica "You're looking better tonight, Rica."

* Rica smirks, nodding before going under*

* Thera gets a calculating look in her eyes ... planning honeymoon money, gifts.. catering (which she'll have Kame do, naturally..) completely forgetting that it isn't UP to her..

* Ladon smiles and takes off into the air. He flys up high, snaps his wings closed and dives into the pool with a big smirk.

* Diana covers her mouth to hide her soft chuckle*

* Ladon bobs to the surface

* Rica blinks, hurriedly swimming out of the way of that dive, hair looking like fire under the water with her movements

* Ladon rolls onto his stomach, paddling around with his wings watching Rica under the water

* Rica surfaces in the deep end, taking a deep breath*

<Rica> Fwa! Still a little too weak to do that...

<TurtleNinja> Oof....heh...*swims around*

* Ladon smiles and splashes Rica with his wings

* TurtleNinja floats on her shell, looking up at the sky....

<Rica> Gyah! Hey! *goes under, kickin' her feet together like a whale to send a splash his way...something she learned from watchin' the little mermaid one too many times when she was little*

* Ladon laughs and ducks under

<TurtleNinja> Look at all the stars....

* Ladon swims under Rica and yanks at her ankle

* Thera waits in Klork's room .. smirk on her face

* Rica erks, going under* HE--FNh*glupB*

* Diana smiles to Thera* If you need anything, I'll be in the training room, alright..?

* Ladon sticks his tounge out under water as he swims away from her, backwards. It's 9" long and deeply forked

* Thera nods

* Rica blinkblinks, surfacing again breathing* AGgghh

* TurtleNinja sinks underwater, snickering when she sees this....

* Ladon bobs to the surface and takes a deep breath, his breath coming out as steam

* TurtleNinja surfaces, spluttering and laughing...

* Klork comes out of HLM's room in the clothes he was wearing before, hair wet however

* Shiva is sitting on the roof, looking out over the city

* HappyLittleMoron follows, wearing jeans, and a sweat-shirt, hair wet, too..

* Rica mutters, going over to the side of the pool and pulling out, sitting on the ledge and dangling her feet in* Harrrumph.

* Klork hrms..

<Klork> I'm gonna go down to my room...get a different pair of clothes...meetcha in the kitchen or do you wanna come with? *looks down at HLM, smirking*

* Ladon swims over "I was just goofing around, Rica."

<HappyLittleMoron> choices...*grins lopsidedly* I'll meet you in the kitchen...*kisses his cheek* I need foooood...

* Rica nods, stretching* Yea, I know...just taking my breath right now..don't wanna exert myself after recovering from the flu...

* Klork nods

<Klork> see ya there! *smirks, heading down to his room

* Klork blinks...pausing in the doorway, smirking slightly

<Klork> Well it's about time someone visited me!

* HappyLittleMoron heads down to the kitchen...humming as she chops stuff up for her own version of stir-fry

* Ladon nods* Up for that backrub I was talking about yesterday?

* Mondo_Gecko comes downstairs

* Rica blinks, shrugging slightly* Hn..after th' swim n' some food?

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<TurtleNinja> I ate already guys. *grins* I'll just watch the stars.

* Ladon nods

* Thera smirks up at him

* Thera then stands, her face going stern

* Ladon pulls himself out. He goes a ways away from Rica and shakes off, doglike

<Thera> "About time I came and visited you?"

* Klork nodnodnods

<Thera> What, have your legs been broken?

<Klork> shyeah! *blinks* I've visited yoouu!

<Klork> This is your first time here, however *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron starts actually stir-frying to veggies, chicken and tofu...adding in her own blend spices...verrrrrry nice smell filling the air

* Thera crosses her arms, stepping forward, looking him in the eye

* Ladon goes over and waits by the stairs

* Klork blinks...

<Klork> Hnrhnh???

<Thera> ~And what is this about you proposing to this lucky woman of yours and NOT telling me about it?~

* Rica dives in again, not quite finished with her swim*

* Klork blinkblinks

<Klork> I--heey hey, I just barely did so last night, I haven't had the chance to tell you--I called three or four times and you didn't pick up!

* Ladon shrugs and ives back in

* Thera arches a brow

* Thera just keeps giving him the "mom" look

* Klork sighs

<Klork> I'm sorry..

* Klork lowers his head, lookin' like a scolded kid

* Thera smirks, hugging him tightly

* Mondo_Gecko looks around the place

<Mondo_Gecko> hello?

<Thera> ~'Bout time for a hug, don't you think?~

* Klork ernfs, hugging her back

<Klork> ~yeah, I s'pose, mom~

* Rica does a few laps, surfacing now and then to breathe*

* Thera blinks, pulling back, looking a little stung

<Thera> "You s'pose??"

* TurtleNinja floats onher shell, looking up at the stars....

* Klork winks

<Klork> I was kiddin', goof *smirks, picking her up in a bear hug*

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

* Mondo_Gecko heads to the kitchen

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Mondo and grins, workin' on the stir-fry* Heyhey...

<Mondo_Gecko> What's up?

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Ohh...not much...*smiles brightly* Got good news...

* Thera acks, then chuckles

<Thera> I figured you were "busy..." so I'd wait here.

* Thera winks

* Klork sets her down, then blinks, looking flustered

<Mondo_Gecko> what??

<Klork> I..heh, wasn't ...*clears his throat*

<Klork> I well, I was..but..*just shuts up, going over and changing into his blue tank top

* Klork tucks it in, glancing over to her

<Klork> So do I get a congrats? *smirks slyly*

* Thera sniggers, trying to hold it back, knowing she's got him flustered

* Mondo_Gecko leans against the counter

* Thera pauses

<Thera> And the hug wasn't enough?

* Thera bats her eyes innocently, smirking despite it

* Klork sniffles, pouting

* Thera smirks a little more

<Thera> So .. the two of you need to decide on a honeymoon so I can set up reservations.

* Klork blinkblinks

<Klork> I..heh, we haven't even made wedding plans yet, Mom...

* Klork heads out, motioning for her to follow

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Mondo and grins, eyes sparkling* Klork and I are enggaged... *holds up her left hand...showing him the silver ring with the ruby and black pearl set in it*

* Mondo_Gecko smacks his cheeks and gives a girly screem

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!!!

<Mondo_Gecko> *gay lisp* I'm tho proud of you!

* Mondo_Gecko eeks again and dances on the spot and hugs her

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and hugs back!

* Thera sighs, looking a bit distraught .. but follows

<Mondo_Gecko> So!? when's the wedding?!

<HappyLittleMoron> Well.uh...*grins lopsidedly* He only proposed yesterday so...we haven't had the chance to talk about it...

* Klork chuckles

<Mondo_Gecko> ohhh

<Mondo_Gecko> well..can I be the flower girl!?

<Klork> I'll be sure to inform you as soon as we know, Maw' *smirks, heading down the stairs*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs again!!* Mondo...I...sure...if the positionn isn't filled...*snickers and puts the stir-fry intto a serving bowl* You'd be so cute in a lil' pink dress ... <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> I have a matching tu-tu!

* Klork blinks, hearing pink dress, then shudders

<Klork> eeeeeaggh.

* HappyLittleMoron snickers, cleaning up as she lets the stir-fry cool a lil'

<HappyLittleMoron> We'll put some perty flowers in your hair, too *grins, running a hand through her hair..*

<Mondo_Gecko> wow, that's totaly cool HLM

* HappyLittleMoron grins* I know...I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life!

* TurtleNinja comes downstairs after swimming, looking around.

* Rica pulls herself out of the pool, hurriedly drying off*

<TurtleNinja> Brr...need hot cocoa...or a sweater....*looks around for Diana*

<HappyLittleMoron> Soo...hungry, Mondo?

* Diana's in the workout room, uh...working out <G>*

<Klork> So you gonna join us for dinner, Mom?

* Klork waits at the top of the stairs for her...still

* TurtleNinja peeks in.

<TurtleNinja> Hey, Diana! *smiles*

* Diana blinks and freezes mid- strike, grinning* Konbanwa, TN

<TurtleNinja> Konbanwa! *smiles* S'up?

* Rica heads down the stairs to her room, showering the chlorine off and changing..coming out in jeans and a large sweater, heading down to the kitchen..stomach growling

* Diana sheeths her sword* Not

* Thera is comin

* HappyLittleMoron looks at Rica* Hey're looking better...*grins, motioning to the stir-fry as she serves some for herself...* Help yerself...nice and spicey..

<TurtleNinja> Not much...just got done swimmin'...

* Rica nods...then ooooooohs* I'll take you up on that..*serves herself up some*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, stepping aside and leaning on the counter

<TurtleNinja> I was wonderin' if you were busy, Diana...

* Thera is down in the kitchen, I guess, since she followed Klork who didn't seem to notice

* Diana shrugs* Huh...not really, I guess...what's up?

* Ladon walks into the kitchen

<TurtleNinja> Was wonderin' if you wanted to go shoppin?

* Klork sighs, guess he's in the kitchen then :P

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Thera

<Klork> Ooh, foods..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..oh! hey!

* Mondo_Gecko waves

* Klork blinks, then pauses

<Klork> Ah, Mondo? This is m' mom, This is Mondo...

* HappyLittleMoron smiles* Hi! *blinks a little and smiles shyly at Thera*

<Klork> And..this is my fiance, Mom, HLM...

* Rica sits at the table, eatin*

* Thera smiles, bowing to HLM and Mondo

<Thera> Nice to meet you both.

* HappyLittleMoron sets the stir-fry aside and bows back the way her own mother taught her..

* Thera grins at Klork

<Thera> Oh, I like her. Beautiful and polite. WONDERFUL.

* Thera winks at Mo to let her know she's kidding

* Klork smirks, chuckling

* HappyLittleMoron blushes and chuckles softly* Heh! Thank you...

* Klork pauses, sniffing the air

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit, watching everyone

<Klork> Oooooh, is that stir fry...?

* Ladon gets something to eat

* Rica still eats* YEs! And it's good!

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yep...*grins* Mom's recipe...*smiles at Thera* There's a lot here...

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly at Rica in thanks

* Thera smiles, going over to HLM and giving her a gentle hug

<Thera> It was wonderful to meet you. If Klork loves you, you're a daughter to me.

* Thera smiles, backing off, then goes over to hug Klork

* HappyLittleMoron hugs back, smiling softly, blinking a little* <q> Thanks..

* Klork blinks...then smirks a bit, hugging her

<Klork> See you soon, mom? I plan on bombardin' on ya tomorrow night..

* Thera smirks

<Thera> You'd better.

* Thera lifts her hands over her head, then pauses..

* Klork chuckles

* Thera goes and grabs her fan and her sword .. then resumes her hands over her head, disappeaing in a bright orange BLIP

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and blinks at the blip, grinning

<HappyLittleMoron> I like her...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I havn't been this scared in a long time.. and I'm so unprepared so here's your valentine.. bouqet of clumsy words..a simple melody..this worlds an ugly place..but your so beautiful to me)

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little

* Ladon finishes and sits, watching Rica as she eats

* Rica still eats..munchmunch*

* Klork serves himself up a bowl, eating quietly

* HappyLittleMoron finishes up her bowl, setting to wash it...a grin on her face

* Mondo_Gecko wanders up to his room and picks his guitar up and tunes it, then turns on the amp..not really loud..but loud enough that he can be hear faintly downstairs

* Mondo_Gecko starts playing...and singing...

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at the sound...

* Klork looks up, mid-mouth full of food

<Klork> ?

<Klork> hm, not bad..notbad..

<HappyLittleMoron> Not at all...*grins, putting dishes away and whiping her hands*

<Mondo_Gecko> Please take me by the hand

<Mondo_Gecko> It's so cold out tonight

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll put blankets on the bed

<Mondo_Gecko> I won't turn out the light

* Rica eats still.the first real meal she's been abl to hold down*

* HappyLittleMoron grins at Rica* Good to see you're feeling better...

* Mondo_Gecko strums loudly singing out with all his passion..and suddenly..he's back on stage at the club..Candy screeming and jumping up and down in the front of the crowd..Axel playing base behind him..Diablo Diablo they cheer...the thrill of being on stage. the Rush!!

* Rica nods* Me too...

<Mondo_Gecko> Just don't forget to

<Mondo_Gecko> Think about me

<Mondo_Gecko> And I won't forget you

<Mondo_Gecko> "I'll write you once a week", she said

* HappyLittleMoron pauses...listening...

<Mondo_Gecko> Why does it feel the same

<Mondo_Gecko> To fall in love or break it off

<Mondo_Gecko> And if young love is just a game

<Mondo_Gecko> Then I must have missed the kick off

<Mondo_Gecko> Don't depend on me

<Mondo_Gecko> To ever follow through on

 <Mondo_Gecko> Anything, but

<Mondo_Gecko> I'd go through Hell for you and

* Klork listens...

* Mondo_Gecko feels the sweat pouring from his body, the red and green and blue lights in his face..

<Mondo_Gecko> I haven't been this scared in a long time

<Mondo_Gecko> And I'm so unprepared, so here's your valentine

<Mondo_Gecko> Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody

<Mondo_Gecko> This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll think about the times

<Mondo_Gecko> She kissed me after class and

<Mondo_Gecko> She put up with my friends

<Mondo_Gecko> I acted like an ass

<Mondo_Gecko> I'd ditch my lecture

<Mondo_Gecko> To watch the girls play soccer

<Mondo_Gecko> Is my picture

<Mondo_Gecko> Still hanging in her locker?

* Mondo_Gecko sings out..

<Mondo_Gecko> I havn't been this scared in a long time.. and I'm so unprepared so here's your valentine. Bouquet of clumsy words.. a simple melody This world an ugly place but your so beautiful to me..

* Mondo_Gecko finnishes the song..and it fades..and he's no longer human..and no longer on stage..and she's no longer there....she's not there anymore...

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Geeze...*runs a hand through her damp hair*

* Klork nods, hair already dry...having just finished his dinner

* Mondo_Gecko sighs..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I can't do this anymore....Shawns dead...and Candy's love died with him....)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(there's nothing left but the I gotta be the gecko....I gotta move on...)

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm

* Mondo_Gecko picks up the phone and dials

<Mondo_Gecko> Hay..Axel!

* Shiva 's still sitting on the roof; looking out over the city

<Mondo_Gecko> it's Shawn...yea...

<Mondo_Gecko> bummer..

<Mondo_Gecko> together? Maybe I could talk to the other guys..I;m used to people freaking now kinda...

<Mondo_Gecko> you did? ....well? ..what did they say? ...really?

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> You know..we could go with this... "Diablizard"

<Mondo_Gecko> yea well..I miss seeing my name in lights..

<Mondo_Gecko> ok..well..tell Jamie hi for me..I'll phone you tomorow..

<Mondo_Gecko> ah...Hay you too....... you dawg..hehe..ok..bye man

<Mondo_Gecko> bye

* Mondo_Gecko clicks

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head and then heads up to the roof

<Mondo_Gecko> Shiva?

* Shiva looks around "Yes?"

* Mondo_Gecko sticks his hands in his pockets..

<Mondo_Gecko> whacha doin?

* Mondo_Gecko wanders up to her and stands beside her, watching the city at night

* HappyLittleMoron goes over to Klork, sliding her arms around him..

* Shiva turns back and looks over the city* Thinking. Mondo, what was it like to be human? I went for a walk last night. These people attacked but I got away. It's just...some of the things they said. To be accepted?

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

* Klork sets his finished food down, pulling her close

<Klork> ~boo~

<Mondo_Gecko> being human was alot like being a lizard..

<Mondo_Gecko> I wasn't accepted then..and I'm not accepted now

<Mondo_Gecko> but it's not about that...

<Mondo_Gecko> it's about what you do with your time

<Mondo_Gecko> get it?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, looking up at him* <w> I so scared...*grins*

<Shiva> What is there to do with my time? It's not like there's anything I can do...

* Klork flexes

<Mondo_Gecko> that's BS

<Mondo_Gecko> there's always something you can do

* Ladon looks to Rica

<Mondo_Gecko> I make music...and go to work

<Mondo_Gecko> and people watch

<Mondo_Gecko> and I day dream..alot

* Shiva nods, still a bit sad

<Mondo_Gecko> what?

* Rica has fallen asleep at the table now..*

* Shiva shrugs* a lot of things going thru my mind.

<Mondo_Gecko> like what?

* Ladon smiles he picks Rica up "I'll take her up to her room."

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> big strong man...

* HappyLittleMoron nods to Ladon

* Klork nods to Ladon as well

* Rica still sleeps..*

<Klork> a'it..

* Ladon chuckles and Carries Rica up to her room and lays her on the bed. He sits on the floor and rests his head against the headboard and dozes off

<Shiva> Like, what to do with my life.

<Mondo_Gecko> well..what do you wanna do?

* Shiva shrugs* That's the problem.

<Mondo_Gecko> dunno huh

* Mondo_Gecko perches on the edge of the building, curling his tail around his feet

* Rica snooozes*

* Shiva nods and sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> don't weorry too much about it

<Mondo_Gecko> you'll figure it out soon

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno what I'm gonna do with my life now either

<Mondo_Gecko> I was gonna be a big rockstar..

<Mondo_Gecko> atleast..that was the dream

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe it'll still come true

* Shiva chuckles a little bitterly* We're two of a kind.

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..we kinda are huh

* Draconigeno nods

<Mondo_Gecko> ...we both just went through mutations..confusion... I used to be a human..and you were an animal.. and I have all this knowledge..and your still innocent

<Mondo_Gecko> ....wait..maybe your not so innocent

* Mondo_Gecko grins

* Shiva laughs

<Mondo_Gecko> and we both gotta figure out what were gonna do with the rest of our lives

* Shiva nods

<Mondo_Gecko> it's funny..cause old man used to come down hard on me alot..

<Mondo_Gecko> he said I was a lazy little faggot

<Mondo_Gecko> and I needed to figure out what I was gonna do with the rest of my life..

* Shiva nods

<Shiva> At least you knew your parents. Remember Iguana's burry their eggs in the sand and take off.

<Mondo_Gecko> I just flipped him the bird and told him to kiss my ass and I went off with Axel to drink beer and watch porn

<Mondo_Gecko> now I wanna have a real life..but I dunno if I can

* Mondo_Gecko nods a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> yea my parents did that too

* Shiva laughs and smirks* They burried you in sand?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..pretty much

* Mondo_Gecko looks at his arm ..a tiny circular scar

* Shiva looks taken aback, not really expecting this response

<Mondo_Gecko> they suffocated me in more toxic shit that Mitch ever could

<Shiva> Who is this mitch?

<Mondo_Gecko> the bastard that did this to me

<Mondo_Gecko> he was trying to kill me

<Mondo_Gecko> but he failed..he just mutated me

* Shiva frowns, her color darkening to a dark Blue/Green

<Mondo_Gecko> don't worry...

<Mondo_Gecko> he'll get what's comming to him..

<Mondo_Gecko> I just gotta track him down

* Shiva rests a talon on his forearm* I'll help.

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> na..

<Mondo_Gecko> I wanna do it aline

* Shiva nods

<Mondo_Gecko> I wanna know that when he took his last breath he was looking into MY eyes and was at my mercy and I didn't grant that mercy

<Shiva> I can relate.

<Mondo_Gecko> Who's on the receiving end of your inner demons?

* Shiva frowns "My former owner."

* Shiva lifts the flap of fabric covering where he tail comes out of the back of her jogging pants

<Mondo_Gecko> ..what's up with him

* Shiva's tail bends at an extreame angel a short distance from her rear.* Broke my tail for one.

<Mondo_Gecko> whoa..

<Mondo_Gecko> how?

* Mondo_Gecko gently runs a hand over the kink in her tail

* Shiva shrugs* He was what you call a shithead.

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> give him all he deserves an more

<Shiva> He picked me up by the tail one day and it partialy seperated.

* Mondo_Gecko scowls

<Mondo_Gecko> I woulda never treated my gecko like that

<Mondo_Gecko> he was my best buddy

* Shiva shrugs* You're not a shithead.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea I am

* Mondo_Gecko grins

* Shiva shakes her head* Ladon said you're a wise ass, there's a difference.

<Mondo_Gecko> wow..I've never had someone call me wise before

* Mondo_Gecko winks

* Shiva laughs

* Shiva looks out over the city again* "I'll find him, eventually."

<Mondo_Gecko> me too

* Mondo_Gecko hops down

<Mondo_Gecko> I think I'm gonna go catch some Z's

* Shiva nods and fallows

<Shiva> Likewise.

<Mondo_Gecko> you think your gonna get your own room ever?

* Shiva shrugs* I like this arangement.

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> I bet..

* Mondo_Gecko falls asleep

* Shiva crawls into bed and lays back, looking at the ceiling, still thinking

* someone knocks loudly on the asylum door

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up...

* FWL_MeRc walks out* if its death tell him I'm not in

* Klork chuckles

* Rica sits up, rubbing at her head lightly* Hn...g'way..*falls back to her bed & sleeps*

* knocks again

<Klork> Ah...someone getting that?

<HappyLittleMoron> Hrmph...I guess I will...*grins and answers the door* Yeeeeeeees?

* Red Serpentina is a 7' 867 LB, Mutant Snapping Turtle. He is Grey, tinted with green. His Carapace has short spikes all over it. He bears an uncomfortable resemblence to the turtle from TMNT2

* Klork follows, hands pocketed in his jean pockets

<Red> "I'm looking for a room."

* Klork quirks a brow..

* Red speaks with a low voive

* Gregg_the_GrimReaper walks in after the newguy

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and grins a lil'* Ok...uh...c'mon in...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks at Gregg

* Gregg_the_GrimReaper speaks in a british accent* right now... where are we... ah.... yea...

* Red nods and walks in

* Gregg_the_GrimReaper looks like the grimreaper only 2 feet tall and a gold tooth, his scyth towers over him

<Red> Is there anything I should know?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks at Gregg a little then heads to the desk* Ah...we have three rules pull your own in clean up after yourself and pay your portion of the fighting in here unless absolutly neccessary and to respect the privacy of others...

* Red nods and looks around

<Gregg_the_GrimReaper> SILANCE INFADEL!!! *points sctyhe at HLM* DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* A midgit with a Napolian Complex?

* Klork blinks, looking WAAAYYY down at the grimreaper

* Klork chuckles

<Gregg_the_GrimReaper> ... I'M DEATH YOU LITTLE PRICK!

<Klork> Eh...that guy offa Willow?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks*'re calling me little? *looks dooooooooown at him*

* Red looks at Greg* Ummm, he's not with me.

<Klork> big talk for such a little man..

* Klork looks at Red

<Klork> I'll take your word for it..

<Klork> OH! OH! I know!

<Klork> Mini Me!!

* Klork snaps his fingers

<Klork> I KNEW I recognized you!

<Gregg_the_GrimReaper> ... *snaps his fingers and Klork gets a 5 min preview of hell in 1 second*

* Red walks up to the training room

* Klork arches a brow, shuddering

<Klork> Oh god, it was horrible, Kame was decorating my room in pink!! *convulses*

<Gregg_the_GrimReaper> any more questions about my idenity?

<Klork> hm, well you are an incarnate of hell.

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and snickers

<Klork> So..what're you doing here anyway?

* HappyLittleMoron hugs Klork close

* Klork drapes his arm over her shoulders

* Gregg_the_GrimReaper dissappers

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm...

* Klork arches a brow

Session Close: Thu Sep 20 02:59:31 2001

