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Session Start: Sat Sep 15 15:57:33 2001

* Diana sits at the desk, filling out some paperwork with her left hand...her right hand resting on her lap*

* Zack walks ito where Diana is, having that look like he did when he went crazy*

* Diana looks up at Zack and blinks, frowning, her sword appearing at her side*

<Zack> I'm not here to fight you this time..

<Diana> What do you want then?

* Zack walks in a little farther* Well, I'd like to get to know who you really are..Zack isn't letting me get all the information, so I though i would ask myself.

* Diana leans back in the chair, crossing her arms over her chest, arching a brow at him* Why do you want to know?

<Zack> Curious of my enemy so to say.

<Diana> Have a seriously think that I'll tell you whatever you want me to? *has got all her mental sheilds up, quite a massive amount, on guard*

* Zack sits down, smirking that evil smile* Well, we can start with what you want to, but eventially yes..

* Diana arches the brow again and eyes him, bright eyes sharp*

<Zack> So then..what shall we start with?

<Diana> Let's start with you.

* Zack laughs slightly, then looks to her* Very well.

* ZeroTrigger walks out of his room, gunblade in hand slung over his shoulder

* Diana's eyes don't waver from him* So...what are you? A part of Zack or an outside being?

* Zack leans back in the chair* Ask away.

* ZeroTrigger "holsters" his gunblade and walks into the kitchen

<Zack> I am very much a part of him...but made from outside influences.

<Diana> Magic?

<Zack> No nothing mystical or anything..just physical influences.

<Diana> What kind?

* Zack shakes his head* You would have to ask Zack that sometime, I don't know anything of the time before I came.

<Zack> I only know bits and pieces.

<Diana> I see...what's the nature of these bits and pieces?

* Kameko comes in, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, hair pulled back in a long braid, hands pocketed in a grey hoody as she comes in

* Diana looks up at Kame and wavels before looking back to Zack*

<Zack> Isn't it obvious? Zack is pathetic..he doesn't deserve theses powers..he couldn't handle pressure.

* Diana shakes her head* He's young...he has to learn how to use them.

<Zack> No, he his afraid, afriad to kill, to I do that. *smile*

* Kameko smiles, waving a little, going out into the kitchen to make herself a salad

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs with a yawn

<Diana> As well he should be...I've never enjoyyyed hurting and killing others...

* HappyLittleMoron rubs at her hair with a towel as she heads into the kitchen

* Zack shrugs* Too bad for you then..I feel it to be very enjoyable..a life of torture, to make up for his life of torture, kinda screwed up. *laughs*

* Diana purses her lips and shrugs* An eye for an eye then, I take it.

<Zack> I was created within Zack to take all the pain and suffering he didn't want to see..what it was exactly, I don't know.

<Diana> Ahh...I you are a part of would be a lot easier for the both of you if you were able to become one...

<HappyLittleMoron> Heyas Kame.. *grins and drapes the towel around her shoulders, wearing her blue pj bottoms decorated with silver dragons and black tank top*

* Zack lets out a loud laugh, then looks back at Diana* You gotta be kidding me..He will never use this power I will just sit there..I intend to use it.

* Diana shrugs* If you two became one, it would be used...and you'd both be one hell of a lot happier.

* Kameko blinks, looking up from preparing her salad and smiles

<Kameko> Heya HLM.. how're you?

<HappyLittleMoron> Pretty good...*turns a chair around and straddles it, folding her arms over the back and resting her chin on her arms*

<HappyLittleMoron> You?

<Zack> Hehehe, you are a foolish person Diana.I thought you were smarter then that.

<Diana> Perhaps I am the smart one...and you the foolish one.

* VertigoFox ::yawns and slowly blinks into the world of the living. He puts on his cloak and his shorts and slowly meanders down to the first floor::

<Zack> Sorry, but I doubt that.

* Kameko smiles a bit

<Kameko> ...Better. Angelo and Klork keep makin' me go out... at some points, it drives me crazy. Others, I feel spoiled. But all around, I guess I like it.

* Kameko winks

<Kameko> I don't have to pay for anything that way.

<Zack> Are you through questioning me?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Too true..

* VertigoFox ::reaches the first floor and slowly heads to the couch, blinking and yawning the whole time::

* Diana shrugs* I suppose...

<Zack> Then i shall ask you something..where did you gain that wonderful sword?

* Kameko sighs a bit, grating some cheese to top her salad

<Kameko> ...Still don't want to go out at night much, though.. Unless it's STRAIGHT to somewhere and STRAIGHT know?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Makes good sense.....none of us want you hurt again...

* Diana shrugs* In this lifetime? From a rat...but it's been with me longer...I can't remember when I first got it.

* VertigoFox ::finally makes it to the couch and flops down rubbing his eyes::

<Zack> Hmm, that's too bad... *gets up and glances out the window& I think it is time to go play..

* Diana clears her throat slightly* I'd prefer you didn't.

* Zack starts walking away, and looks back to her* You gonna try to stop me? I wouldn't hold back this time if you did.

* Diana stands, her armor shimmering on* Nor would I. *eyes glint dangerously* Though, we would have to step outside.

* Kameko smiles a bit, finishing preparing her salad and cleaning up after herself, putting the ingredients away, too ... coming and sitting next to HLM, grabbing two forks

<Kameko> Share with me?

* Zack chuckles slightly* I don't know if I want to play with you today.

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...I've had my food for the day...*smiles* But thanks anyway..

* Diana arches a brow* At least tell me what you're planning to do.

* Kameko shrugs, setting the extra fork down and nibbling

* VertigoFox ::almost fully awake now he gets up and walks over to the front doors. Just looking back and forth through the glass::

<Kameko> I didn't want to eat in front of you without asking first.

* Kameko smiles, forking some in

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* ' never have to worry about that with me...*grins lopsidedly* I was designed to eat only once a day...

<Zack> Mabye wreak a little havoc, make my powers stronger.

* Kameko blinks, swallowing before talking

<Kameko> "Designed?" How so?

<Diana> I'll have to stop you then..

* VertigoFox ::lets out a quiet sigh and opens the door. He peeks outside and slips out the door convinced that there is nobody outside to catch him. As he begins to walk down the sidewalk, he raises his cloak's hood to cover his face::

<Zack> hmmmm, I don't think i am going to let you.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ah...well...*grins a lil', eyes focusing on the table* I'm a government experiment...

<Diana> Shall we dance, then?

<Zack> No, not today.

<Diana> Then stay home.

* VertigoFox ::turns into the alley way next to the Happy Little Asylum and begins to climb the fire escape to the roof::

<Zack> Uhmmm, no! *flies up out of the Asylum and to the roof*

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh...I don't really have real family...I was made outside a womb...developed in an artificial womb...and was almost destroyed as soon as I was "born"... a lab assistant was able to somehow take me home and fake my death...

* Diana touches her wind stone and follows*

* VertigoFox ::begins finishes his ascent and looks around as he sets foot on the roof::

<HappyLittleMoron> So...uh...they don't know I'm alive...and..*shrugs* I'm supposed to be the perfect soldier or something...

* Zack stays floating, and turns around* your gonna try huh?

* Diana shrugs, in a breathy voice she replies* Us Irish are stubborn.

* Kameko hrms, then kinda shrugs a little, taking another forkful, chewing and swallowing again

* Zack chuckles evily again* Well, so are us evil ones.

<Kameko> Yer just "'Mo" to me. *smiles*

* Diana switches to her soul stone*

* VertigoFox ::looks around sniffing the air. He then turns and sits crosslegged on the roof's edge looking at the tops of the buildings all around. He sits there watching the lights of the city and just thinking::

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly and chuckles1 Good to hear..

<Zack> Hehehehe, how about don't let me go, i will send a pulse into this building so big it will shatter.

* VertigoFox ::sighs and closes his eyes, just letting the slight wind rustle his fur and cause his cloak hood to wave.::

* Diana narrows her eyes, sinking down next to him* Who said I was going to stop you from leaving at all?

<Zack> Why else are you out here?

<Diana> To make sure the casualty rate will stay down.

<Zack> Well, I doubt that can happen.

<HappyLittleMoron> Anyway...*runs a hand through her damp hair*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...what's your mom like...? I know she raised Klork until he came here...but I've never actually met her...

* Diana simply shrugs, watching him coldly*

<Zack> Very well then, goodbye. *floats off*

* Kameko smiles a bit

* Diana follows*

<Kameko> Well.. she's kinda like me, I guess. But much more CALM... brunette, very Japanese ... glowing green eyes.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little and blinks a bit* Heh...I see...what part of Japan is she from...?

* VertigoFox ::stares up at the stars:: .oO(What put me here, why am I here. And what do I think I am doing?)

* Zack lands on a large building in downtown, and looks down at the people*

* Diana hovers above him, hardly more than a shadow, watching him and primed to interrupt..*

* VertigoFox ::sighs:: .oO(I keep asking myself, why do I even bother to keep waking up. I fade in and out of every day. Not doing anything more then is necessary. I don't have any more connections to this place... so why do I stay?)

<Zack> you know...I wouldn't do that if i were should leave..

<Diana> Not gonna happen.

<Zack> Hmmm, ok then, I destroy the Asylum then?

<Kameko> Northern Islands..near the Teshio Mountain Range.

* Kameko smiles, eating again

* VertigoFox ::looks at the ground below:: .oO(So many options left. Yet at the same time none left at all. Why doesn't anything ever make scence. Why don't I ever make sence...)

<Diana> Do you seriously think you can? You seem to underestimate us.

<Zack> I don't think I do..would you really kill Zack?

* Diana grinds her teeth together*

<Zack> That's what I thought.

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm...*strokes her lip a little in thought* I might have been there...*shrugs a little*

* VertigoFox ::stands to get a better view of the surroundings:: .oO(It doesn't matter does it, in the end my relation to the whole is nothing. I am as a grain of salt in the ocean.)

* Zack looks back to the people, and slowly raises his hands at them

* Diana sends a pulse of unease into them...trying to make them leave...or want to anyway...*

* VertigoFox ::looks at the people walking around on their own:: .oO(Look at them, they walk around scurring along in thier lives. No matter how pointless. But atleast they have a place. They have their part. I have none...)

* Kameko smiles a bit

<Kameko> Lucky you.. I've yet to visit there. Mother doesn't want me to see our lands until she's regained or rebought all of them.

<Zack> See ya later.. *sends a lare blast down, killing multiple people*

* VertigoFox ::looks up and sees a flash and hears feignt screaming. His ears perk up and he begins to hop from roof top to roof top to get a better look::

<Zack> Hehehehe...

* Diana growls softly and slams a sheild down around Zack, eyes glowing, complexion getting paler*

* TurtleNinja comes down from her room, yawning, heading straight for the kitchen.

* VertigoFox ::bounds down the sides of two buildings and runs along the streets. He finally reaches a spot brandishing burned bodies. He looks around for the source::

* Zack looks up at Diana* What, don't like what you see?

<Diana> I've seen enough of that to last several life-times. *starts to close the sheild around him...*

* Zack raises his hands, and closes his eyes, trying to reopen the shield off of him

* TurtleNinja rummages around in the fridge, looking for food...

* Diana holds her hand out and clenches it into a fist, fighting him...*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at TN and waves a lil'

* VertigoFox ::is looking at the chared remains when a large man comes running around the corner with a metal bar screaming "FREAK!" He begins to swing at VertigoFox screaming the entire time. Vertigo trys to defend himself, blocking the swings, but one can only take so many hits from a metal bar before one is bowled over....::

* VertigoFox ::the man finally gets a chance and smashes VertigoFox upside his head with the metal bar. VertigoFox flies sidewise onto the sidewalk and sits there for a second, stunned.::

* TurtleNinja waves to HLM.

* Diana looks down at VF, growls slightly and looks back to Zack*

<TurtleNinja> What's for breakfast?

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* Whatever you can dig up..

* VertigoFox ::slowly begins to growl gaining his bearings. The man is setting up to deal a deathblow to the skull. VertigoFox's cloak has been removed and his morphic head is showing. He is bearing his teeth::

* Zack looks down at VF* Leave him alone!!! *launches a blast down at the man*

<TurtleNinja> Do we have any rice?

* VertigoFox ::the man swings and VertigoFox rolls to one side, letting loose his cloak while thrusting his clawed paw into the chest of the man. The man lurches forward over VertigoFox spitting blood::

* Diana blinks, letting the sheild go..*

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh...probably...

* TurtleNinja grins.

<TurtleNinja> Yay! *hunts for rice and finds some, beginning to make some*

<VertigoFox> ::VertigoFox is breathing heavily. He slowly removes his paw from the man's innards and lets him fallto the ground:: .oO(So long since I've felt the warmth of another's blood in the heat of battle...) ::he begins to lick the blood from his hand, cleaning it off::

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and shrugs*

* Kameko chuckles a bit

<Kameko> How're you doin', TN?

* Zack looks back at Diana* Let me do what I please..or the Asylum goes boom..

* Kameko munches on her salad

<VertigoFox> ::Finally notices that durring his little scuffle another blast was fired near the man. VertigoFox looks up into the sky at the floating people and yells:: And who might you be?

<Diana> I hate to do this to Zack, but if you keep it up, you'll be short a place to live.

<TurtleNinja> Doing ok. *smiles* You?

* Kameko smiles, making sure to finish chewing and swallowing before she answers

<Kameko> Good.. I was telling HLM that Klork and Angelo have been making me go out a lot lately. But they pay for everything that way, so it has it's perks.

* Zack looks down at VF, but says nothing, then looks back at Diana

* TurtleNinja chuckles

<TurtleNinja> Sounds like it does.

<Zack> Let's go then...*grits his teeth and clenches his fists* Bring it on!

<VertigoFox> ::begins to growl under his breath:: I ASKED you a QUESTION! ::he begins to try to find a way to the top of the closest building::

* Diana glows a blue as she tries reaching into his head*

<VertigoFox> ::finally finds an avalible fire escape and speeds to the roof::

<Zack> ~You won't mess with my head this time...~*the block is stronger then before*

<TurtleNinja> You guys hungry?

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head1 Thanks no...

* Diana narrows her eyes and tries to tug his energies themselves*

* VertigoFox ::reaches the top of the closest building and looks at the figures, he finally recognises Diana but is at a loss for the other figure:: You! Who are you? Why are you fighting?!

<Diana> <q> That's Zack's evil half...

<TurtleNinja> Kame?

* Zack pushes out a hand at Diana, backfiring some of her power at her

* VertigoFox ::smiles slightly:: Mmm... that should make things slightly more interesting shouldn't it?

* Kameko shakes her head a little, holding up a forkfull of salad

<Kameko> No thanks. I'm eating my dinner. *smiles*

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<Diana> <q> Indeed..

<TurtleNinja> Ok. *sits down with a bowl of rice and deftly eats with her chopsticks* what's been going on around here?

* VertigoFox ::looks up:: You, Zack was it? Why did you fire at me? ::growls::

* Zack diverts his attention to VF, but keeps hi mind guard up* I didn't fire at you fool, I fired at the man.

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a little* Same old same old...

* Diana narrows her eyes still trying to worm her way in..*

<Kameko> Pretty much what 'Mo said..I guess. I haven't seen anything new.

* VertigoFox ::growls:: And why are you firing at humans, you give the rest of us a bad name... ::crouches and stares at the figure, unable to reach him::

* Zack looks back at Diana, ignoring VF now* How about we fight without the mind games...put it to each others bodies instead of mind..

* Diana lands and shrugs* If you insist.

* VertigoFox ::watches intensly::

<TurtleNinja> Same old, huh? Man...we need some action here. *grins* Well, not TOO much action. Heh.

* Zack lands also

* Zack forms energy into a staff, and points it at Diana* Let's do it..

* Diana holds her sword up in front of her*

* HappyLittleMoron 's sittin' in the kitchen, straddling a chair, arms folded on the back, her chin rested on her arms

* Kameko is sitting in the kitchen with her, and is eating a salad

* Zack charges Diana, ramning the butt of the Staff for her gut

* TurtleNinja is chowing down on rice.

* Diana slides to the side deflecting the staff with her sword and sliding it up to slice at his hands*

* Klork comes in the front door, bag slung over his shoulder

<Klork> I'm hooo-ooome!

* Zack spins around, stopping her sword, and flipping to the side

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and grins* 'Scuse me...*tackle/hugs Klork and smoochies him*

* Klork ooomphs, picking her up

<Klork> Hey you!

* Klork smirks n' smooches back

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Hi!

* Zack smiles and swings the staff in Diana's direction, sending an invisisble blast of tele energy at her

* Diana ducks and sweeps her leg out to snag at his legs*

<Diana> You said no powers. *blasts him with a hurricane force wind* I can fight dirty, too.

* Klork lifts her onto his shoulders

<HappyLittleMoron> Eep...*chuckles*

* Zack starts getting tossed back, but stops himself, and slams some of the wind back at Diana

<Klork> so what'd I miss?

* Diana falls back afew steps, and growls softly, touching the fire stone and trying to start a fire under him*

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* Not much, really...

* Zack jumps to the side, and sends another blast at Diana

* Klork sets her down at the table, smiling to Kame

<Klork> hey sis!

* Kameko smiles back a bit, finishing up her salad

* HappyLittleMoron grins, running a hand through her hair

<Kameko> Heya..

* TurtleNinja continues to eat the rice.

<TurtleNinja> you sure you guys don't want some?

 <Klork> ooh, food *holds a hand over his growling stomach*

* Diana gets winged, something in her shoulder crunching, eyes glowing slightly at the pain, but touching her water stone, trying to blast him with the water in the air after condencing it*

* TurtleNinja grins.

<TurtleNinja> There's plenty more fried rice if you want....

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Klork oooooohs, spelunking for it..

* Zack gets the full brunt of the hit, and flies back, hitting the wall of a building next door

* Kameko munchies, eating the little scraps of cheese left in her bowl, then gets up to wash her stuff off

* Diana dissapears, only to reappear at the asylum, shoulder bleeding pretty badly, armor gone*

* Klork blinks...

<Klork> Di..????

* Zack climbs out of the rubble, laughing slghtly

* Klork looks up from his bowl of rice

* HappyLittleMoron stands and frowns* ...what happened??

* Diana grasps her shoulder, sweat gleeming on her skin* Fight...shoulder's hurt...

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to Diana* I TOLD you you should have had that thing taken care..

* Kameko furrows her brow .. drying off her dishes

* TurtleNinja drops her chopsticks and hurries over.

<TurtleNinja> Diana?!

<Kameko> Di... there anyone around who can help her..?

* Klork finishes his food down, setting the bowl aside and goes over

<TurtleNinja> Zoe....if she wnats her to...

* Zack bleeding from almost everywhere, looks about, that smirk still on his face

* HappyLittleMoron kneels by Diana who's kneeling on the floor...bone sticking out from the skin

* Zoe teleports in.

<HappyLittleMoron> You need surgery or something..

* Diana shakes her head, squeezing her eyes shut*

<HappyLittleMoron> Damnit girl...if I have to knock you out to have you healed, I'll do it...secrets or no

* Klork furrows his brow

* Zoi furrows her brow.

<Zoi> Diana-chan...

* Diana clenches her jaw and closes her eyes, grip tightening on her shoulder, complexion getting paler and paler*

<Klork> I times like this....we veto her stubborness and heal that thing...

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Nah shit...Zoi...c'mere...

<Zack> It's time...that place has to go.

* Zoi comes over....

* Kameko sighs, coming over and looking at Diana, eyes worried

* Zoi kneels down...

<Zoi> Diana-chan...

* Diana looks to the side, refusing to look at anyone directly, hand still on innjured shoulder*

* Klork grimaces..

<Zoi> Diana-chan, hon, we've gotta do something about that shoulder...either I heal it or you go to a doctor. Which would you rather have?

* Zack slowly goes back to the Asylum, and lands right in front of it, his back torn up

<Zack> damnit...I'm too weak..He's coming back..

<Diana> <q> heal it...the doctor wouldn't understand...*looks at Zoi peircingly* Whatever you find out...keep secret...please...

* Zoi blinks.

<Zoi> Um....ok. *glows green, beginning to scan for injuries to heal them*

* Zack falls to a knee, his face looking to the ground

* Shiva sits in the kitchen, sitting on the wall. She's drinking a can of beer, still shaken from the events of last night

* Klork arches a brow

<Zack> ~Diana...I'm sorry...for what he won't happen again...we are going to die..~

* Zoi raises a brow, but continues with the healing...

<Diana> {{Wh'...Zack no!!}}

* Zack gets up slowly, blood trickling from his mouth* ~There is no other way..I can't have him hurt you anymore..your too nice..~

<Diana> {{ need to figure out a way to stop him yourself..}}

* Zoi finishes the healing of Diana's shoulder.

<Zoi> There we go...should be good as new, hun.

* Diana closes her eyes, then looks back to Zoi and nods* <q> Thanks...Zack's out front...I think he wants to kill himself...

<Zoi> O_O Oh man...*dashes for the front door*

* Klork grimaces

* Diana slowly stands and follows Zoi*

* Zack wraps a force field around himself so no one can get near

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head confusedly and uh...follows, too..

* Zoi opens the door.

<Zoi> Zack!

<Diana> Zack...this isn't the answere..

<Zack> But it is..there is no other way...

<Diana> You have to become one with your other half!

* HappyLittleMoron glances at Klork, then the others, scratching her head confusedly

* Zack falls back to his knees* I can't...I just can't...

* Klork follows, brow furrowed

* Diana steps closer* Yes you can! He's a part of just need to accept him!

<Klork> <w> What's going on, Mo'?

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head and spreads her hands* <w> I have no clue...

<TurtleNinja> I'm lost here, too.

<Zoi> Ditto...

<Zack> I can't accept something that was created like that! I just can't let that back in my life..I'm sorry... *stands back up, and looks at everyone*

<Diana> Zack...try! Please..

<Zoi> Try! It's not your fault!

<Zack> You just don't know...I can't let him back in my life..

<Diana> He's a PART of you as it is! He's IN your life! You can't get rid of him all the way!

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip and slides an arm around Klork's middle

* Klork rests an arm around her shoulders, watching

* Zack walks up to Diana, his force field allowing her in, he looks into her eyes* Diana..we never got to talk about your past..even though I know every detail of it...I want you to stay strong, and keep beliving...

* Zoi furrows her brow.

* Diana's brows wrinkle and she reaches up to touch his jaw* I will but...stay with us...keep fighting...

<Zack> I can't risk hurting you all again.

<Diana> Figure out how to control don't deserve to lose your life because of him...

<Zack> I was my fear and weakness that created him the way he is..and he won't stop..ever...

* Klork watches..

<Diana> Then accept your fear and weakness...! That's the only way you can live with it...that's the only way any of us live with our demons...

<Zack> It is much more difficult then that...much more.. *he begins backing away from her

<Diana> How can we help you...?

<Zoi> Yeah. There must be some way...

* Klork nods

<Zack> Diana...there are some mountains to the the face of the mountain you will find an entrance...go there...and you will find out.. *backs her out of the force field* goodbye were so kinda to me.. *begins to fly away*

* Klork blinkblinks

* Diana nods...* Aliright...*takes a deep breath and rises into the sky, faltering slightly at a few feet off the earth before falling to the ground*

* Zoi dives forward to catch her.

<Zoi> Diana-chan!

* Zack soon dissapears into the distance

* Diana shakes her head, struggling to stand on her own, resting a hand to her forehead, trembling slightly*

* Diana slowly begins to pass out...exhausted*

* Zoi furrows her brow and begins to carry Diana inside to her room.

* HappyLittleMoron sighs and runs a hand through her hair* Nighhht allll...*heads up to her bed, too*

Session Close: Sun Sep 16 01:23:16 2001

