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Session Start: Sun May 05 10:51:42 2002

* Nox sits with Brenna and Iris as they color/do homework*

* music can be heard filtering up from the basement*

* Nox blinks and heads over to the basement door after making sure the girls are behaving, etcetc*

* ^Pippen^ is...sleeping w/ KT ^o^

* Anora is down thar' with Klork's new fiddle fer'sher..

* Nox smiles a bit, coming down to listen quietly*

* Anora , for a startling change, is playing something upbeat, if not a little intense...easy to kick your heels to

* Nox, if she weren't so quiet, mysteriouse, etc, would do just that*

* Anora continues to play , tapping her bare feet on the matted floor

* Nox smiles silently, watching her play*

* Anora gets more intense, just letting the notes glide off the fiddle

* knockknockknocking at the Asylum door*

* Anora slows to finish, glancing up

* Nox smiles lightly* Very good..

* ^Pippen^ yawns and jumps offa the bed and goes downstairs

* ^Pippen^ hears the knocking

* ^Pippen^ goes to the door....barks at it

* Iris looks up then goes to the basement* Nox...? Someone's at the door...

* Anora blinks...putting the fiddle down

* Nox blinks a little* Alright, Iris...*grins a bit to ANora before she heads up the stairs..*

* ^Pippen^ still barks

* Anora follows, all barefoot n' stuff...avidly avoids the kitche

* Nox pulls Pippen back before opening the door a crack* Yes...?

* ^Pippen^ sits down

* small Japanese woman stands there, Iris goes over to Pippen and scritches her ears*

<Woman> Is Shawn Murphy home?

* ^Pippen^ perks and bats her tail

* Anora arches a brow...walking over...

<Anora> Shawn..Murph...OH! Mondo! *heads upstairs to see if she can find him*

<Nox> Ah...*smirks a little and steps back* WHy are you looking for him?

* ^Pippen^ goes over to the woman...sniffs

* Mondo_Gecko is asleep on his bed in his boxers...

* the door is partway open still*

* Woman smiles in a friendly manner, reaching down to pat Pippen on the head, shouldn't smell funny or anything* We are looking for a friend of his...he should know I'm here...

* Anora pokes her head in

* Nox ushers the woman in, etc*

<Anora> MOndoo...wake uupppp

<Mondo_Gecko> mmmnnuuuhgghh

* Mondo_Gecko curls his face into teh blankets

* Anora mutters and goes over, putting her cold toes on his leg

<Anora> Up!

* ^Pippen^ runs over to the couch and jumps up on it..sitting

<Mondo_Gecko> ACK!!

* Mondo_Gecko half skitters up the wall and slides back down..

<Mondo_Gecko> whatthe...what?

<Mondo_Gecko> what's going on?

* Anora puts her hands on her hips

* Mondo_Gecko pats around the bed...

<Anora> Some japanese woman downstairs askin' for a Shawn Murphy--that would be you, right??

<Mondo_Gecko>'gone.. huh?

<Mondo_Gecko> um..yea....yea..

* Anora arches a brow

* Anora turns, heading out

<Anora> just thought I'd letcha know..

* Mondo_Gecko stumbles out of bed and reaches around for pants off the floor, pulling some on and running a hand though his messy hair and heading down the stairs

* Anora heads down the stairs, holding up her baggy green cargos so she won't step on them, meandering into the kitchen for some food

<Mondo_Gecko> yea...m'comin

<Mondo_Gecko> h'lo?

* Woman looks up* Shawn Murphy?

* Woman's in jeans and a denim jacket...just looks like a "normal" person*

<Mondo_Gecko> yea

* Woman nods* We spoke over the internet last night.


<Woman> Mohonoryu...*nods again*

<Mondo_Gecko> Where's my friends at?

* Anora blinks, looking up over her bowl of oatmeal with raised brows..

<Woman> At our headquarters, they're safe. I'm Cho, by the way..

* Mondo_Gecko extends a hand

<Mondo_Gecko> I gotta hand it to guys are pretty hard to track down

* Cho shakes his hand and smirks a little* We aim to be.

* ^Pippen^ lays down..

<Cho> Thank you

<Mondo_Gecko> comming from me that's a real compliment

<Mondo_Gecko> So...what's going on?

<Cho> Can we go someplace a bit more private to discuss this?

<Mondo_Gecko> um..sure

* Mondo_Gecko turns and heads back upto his room

* Cho follows quietly*

* Mondo_Gecko sits down on his bed.. the room smells the outside. the bedsheets are tumbled and cool from the outside air..the blinds are mostly down.. just a bit of the window at the bottom is uncovered... making the room dark and cool with the bedsheets a bit lighted up...

* Cho looks for a place to sit* What do you know of us?

<Mondo_Gecko> Little to nothing

<Mondo_Gecko> I know some japanese vampire ...dragon..people kidanpped Diana..

<Mondo_Gecko> I know there's bad ones and good ones..

* Cho nods...*

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm assuming your the good ones

<Mondo_Gecko> I know your hiding from the bad guys..

<Cho> Yes...yes we are...we hide from the bad side as well as the rest of the world...however...we're searching for our opposites as we hide from them...*smirks a bit* They hide from us as well..

<Cho> We're not all vampires, however...Diana and Klork are the only two of our number I know of with any vampire within them...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> So....what are you?

* Mondo_Gecko crosses his legs... the strange lightning scar above his heart shines blue for a second

* Cho smiles a little* A hacker, such as of the dragon clan...*shrugs a little* A simple

* Mondo_Gecko laughs a little

<Mondo_Gecko> no no I ment the clan

* Cho blinks and smirks a little* do you mean?

<Mondo_Gecko> but...I'm a lizard human hybrid.. a hacker..a rocker...

<Mondo_Gecko>'s your story

* Cho smiles a bit* The story...that is only shared with members of the clan...the most I can say is that we date back centuries and tap into the magic of the dragon...of life...the good protect those who need it...the bad thirst for power and pray upon the weak and vulnerable to get it...

* Mondo_Gecko nods a little

* Cho folds her hands, the fingers slender and graceful* We also protect our own as best we can...from a distance if need be...I Diana's case...*sighs a little* We have failed...but...we will get her back...*smiles a little* And we are willing to accept the help of some of her friends...

<Mondo_Gecko> ....Diana's one of my best got any help from me that you need

* Cho nods* Thank you...we may be able to use you with computers...what other skills do you have?

<Mondo_Gecko> heh heh..

* Mondo_Gecko stands and leans against the if he's just leaning there..then puts his hands on it and walks up..very spidermanesque

<Mondo_Gecko> this help? *g*

* Cho blinks, watching him, then chuckles* You know...that could come in handy once we actually find the place...

<Mondo_Gecko> sure it could..

<Mondo_Gecko> I got some nice sharp claws too..

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm really really fast..

<Mondo_Gecko> I jump very far..

<Mondo_Gecko> oh..

* Cho nods, listening...*

* Mondo_Gecko drops from the wall and the lightning scar starts glowing blue...and electricity starts cracking around him

<Mondo_Gecko> this help?

* Cho hmms softly* Perhaps...for a lot of this, we will need to wait to see what developes to see how useful it is...both sides have powerful magic...but most do not have mutant powers...

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> they'll be just as slow as humans then?

* Cho nods* If they do not use their powers...yes. There are great warriors amongst them, as well...

<Mondo_Gecko> Well I'll kick their asses *smirk*

* Cho chuckles softly* We will see...we must find them first..

* Mondo_Gecko nods a little

* Cho motions to the laptop* This is what you use..?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> yea

<Cho> Do you mind if I look at it? We may be able to tweek it so it performs better...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> sure..

* Cho heads over to look at it...seeing how fast it is...performance levels, etcetcetc*

* comp is pretty fast...would be faster except there's porn footprints all over it :P*

* Cho smirks a little* Looks like you could use more...memory...something takes up a lot of space *looks up at him, still smirking a bit, knowing exactly what is*

* Mondo_Gecko laughs a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I'll clean the porn off

* Cho chuckles softly* It would improve preformance

<Mondo_Gecko> not like theres any shortage of porn

* Cho nods with a laugh* I'll take your word for it..

<Mondo_Gecko> So.. how long until we have more info on those guys..

* Cho shrugs, rubbing her hands a little* The sooner we search the sooner we get it...we have people on the streets...on the net...and working in the magical feild searching...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> man...Imma rip'em to shreads when I find'em

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail starts to swish in an aggressive way

* Cho stands and smirks* Oh and pretty much the rest of her friends and family...believe me...

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> ...difference is I have the claws and teeth to do it

* Cho chuckles softly* Of for now, those claws and teeth will have to wait...I need to return..

* Mondo_Gecko gives her a big smile, showing off those teeth

<Mondo_Gecko> sure

* Cho smiles in return, seemingly unphased* We will be in contact. Take care.

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> ..sure

* Cho nods to him again and turns to go*

<Mondo_Gecko> See ya..

<Cho> Until later...*waves then dissapears*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and heads into the shower


* ^Pippen^ walks in....snatches it quickly then runs back outside....sits out there eating it

* Anora smirks a little sadly .. it's a start..

* Anora stands, giving Elyce a look

* Elyce nods to Anora, seriously.

<Anora> Don't do that again. I don't care what your logic for it is--dogs are very simple. All she saw was you threatening her. That's enough to freak a dog out.

<Anora> She's smart enough to keep away but you better keep your distance too. *heads to the kitchen*

* Anora finishes making her blt

<Elyce> "....."

* Calantha just stands there quiet

<Calantha> .oO(Don't...say...anything)

<Elyce> "The dog told you how it felt?"

* Anora sits out on a chair, eating her BLT

* Anora tilts her head back at Elyce

<Anora> In a way, yes. You gonna question it?

<Anora> and Pips is a SHE. Not an it.

* Anora eats

* Elyce grabs a seat of her own. "Not at all. Asylum turf, Asylum rules. Just curious what it would -- SHE would -- think."

<Anora> She thinks in a way you couldn't possibly understand.

<Anora> *under her breath* or handle.

<Elyce> *raises a brow at Anora* "I take it I didn't make any friends this evening."

<Anora> Not with Pips, and you're considerably rubbing my wrong end as well.

* Anora eats s'more...

<Elyce> "I can't believe the most difficult thing about adjusting to this world is going to be dealing with dogs."

<Elyce> <q> "They were meat to be fought over..."

* Anora gives her a disgusted look

<Elyce> "That meat you're eating, what animal did it come from?"

<Anora> Dogs are NOT eating.

<Anora> TO BE eaten.

* Anora looks appaled

<Anora> PIG!

<Anora> Not DOG. THat's ...well hell, in my case, carniverous!

<Elyce> *nods* So why aren't New Yorkers out buying squeaky toys and diamond collars for their pigs?

<Calantha> Ohh.. I wouldn't mind having a diamond collar ;)

<Anora> Because they're usually made to be eaten--and actually, some DO do that.

* Anora chuckles

<Elyce> *glances at Cala*

* Calantha makes a pathetic attempt at lightening the mood

<Anora> III prefer silver or leather myself..

<Elyce> "Collars are for slaves."

<Elyce> *dampens the mood*

* Anora snorts

<Calantha> Well.. I'll just stick with my choker then.

<Anora> Right. I'd like you to try and find slavery--LEGAL slavery on this contenant--much less on this planet. No-slave places greatly outnumber slave places.

<Anora> Geeze, get out of the 17th century.

<Elyce> "It's a precious thing, on this world. And for me...slavery is much more recent than 400 years ago."

<Anora> That's nice. You're in THIS world.

<Calantha> Well. there's always the BDSM'ers

* Anora blinks

<Anora> BDSM'ers??

* ^Pippen^ lays down outside...

<Calantha> Ya know.. the whole bondage thing.. doms and subs.. *shrugs and leans against the doorway*

* Anora sniggers

<Elyce> *looks over at Anora* "I can't like the dog. But I won't touch it. Her. It's the best I can do for now."

<Elyce> "She' no danger from me."

<Anora> Better not be.

* Anora tilts her head

<Anora> You got a lot to catch up on here.

<Elyce> "You're telling me.

<Elyce> *eyes Anora* "Why...what are you thinking of?"

* Nox comes down the stairs from putting kids to bed*

<Calantha> So do you, Anora ;) *mimicks Anora* BDSM'ers?? *back to her own voice* This IS New York.. ;)

* Calantha grins a bit

* Anora shrugs, chuckling

* ^Pippen^ watches...

<Anora> None of your business, Elyce. And, Cala..yes, but we called them Bondage freaks in SanDiego..*smirks*

* Calantha snickers

* Calantha gives an innocent look, then glances over to Nox

<Calantha> Hi there..

* Nox arches a brow, having been silently listening* Hello...

<Elyce> "San Diego? On the far side of the United States?"

<Elyce> *concentrates on Anora*

<Anora> Yep...*waves to Nox* Yo!

* Anora smirks

<Anora> How're you??

* Calantha smiles, then turns back to the conversation


* ^Pippen^ looks at Anora

<Calantha> I've been to San Diego. I liked Chicago better.

* Anora chuckles

<Anora> Dooin' good, eatin, *looks at Cala* Hn..never been there..*smirks*

* Anora pats the couch beside her

<Anora> C'mere Pips!

<Elyce> *squints at Anora*

* Nox nods a little with a bit of a smirk, staying to the background*

<Calantha> I grew up there.

* ^Pippen^ stands....inches towards the door

* Elyce sits a few feet from Anora.

<Anora> Ahh, cool.

* Anora eyes Elyce

* ^Pippen^ stops....just watches.....

<Anora> Hey, you mind? I'm trying to EAT here.

<Elyce> *smirks* "I'm trying NOT to. And you're bringing the dog over why? To see how I behave?"

* Calantha looks at the floor for a minute, so as not to say anything, then looks back up again

* ^Pippen^ whines...

* Elyce takes a deep breath and looks over at Pippen. "It's all right, dog. Come on."

* ^Pippen^ bares her teeth and steps back.....

* Anora sneers at Elyce

<Anora> How about you just back off, ok?

<Elyce> *squints back* "What are you afraid of?"

* Calantha bites her lip, fidgeting a bit, doing very good at staying out of it

<Elyce> "I'm not coming after you. And I gave you my word on the dog."

<Elyce> *glances at Cala and Nox* "My word is good."

* Anora sighs...

<Anora> I'm not afraid of you, I'm rather annoyed. And you're irritating me further. USUALLY, people here don't sit and STARE. It's RUDE.

* Nox arches a brow and shrugs a little, kneeling and gently calling Pippen over, having missed whatever brought up to this part*

<Anora> Especially when told to BACK OFF.

* Calantha stays quiet, backing out of the doorway just a bit

* ^Pippen^ looks over at Nox..inches to the door again....but puts her head down and stops

* Nox shrugs a bit and stands again, leaning against the wall, and crossing her arms over her chest, closing her eyes*

<Elyce> *shrugs and watches Nox with Pippen instead*

<Anora> the way, quit freakin' Pips out too. *stands, shooting Elyce a glare before heading into the kitchen*

* ^Pippen^ sits and looks at Anora

* Calantha whistles low, then walks out into the living room, looking around for anyone else alive and not angry

* Anora comes out with a few strips of bacon, heading over to Pippen

<Elyce> "Hey. Does that work?"

* Nox is leaning against a the stairs sure, eyes closed* Hm? Does what work..

* ^Pippen^ perks her ears at Anora

<Elyce> "Bribing the dog with food."

* Nox opens her eyes...looks Elyce, shrugs a little and closes them again*

* Anora ignores Elyce, sitting and scritching Pippen behind the ear, settling the food before her

* ^Pippen^ leans down and eats

* Anora watches, then tilts her head back at Elyce

<Anora> It's not bribery. If you did it, she'd take your hand before the bacon.

* Anora smirks at that, petting Pippen again

* ^Pippen^ looks a little happier

<Elyce> *gets up and goes to the kitchen in search of bacon*

* Anora watches her go, then pets Pippen with a grin* <q> That's right girl, Elyce hand is tasty!

* Calantha snorts, choking back a laugh

<Anora> <q> yes it is! num bum bum

* Nox smirks a little, shaking her head slightly and heading back up the stairs to lie down*

<Elyce> *comes back and stands behind Anora*

* Syan nearly runs into her, blinking* Hey..

<Elyce> "I hate to say it, Anora, but I was here before you."

* Anora narrows her eyes

* Elyce crouches down and offers bacon to Pippen.

<Anora> That's nice. Back off.

<Elyce> *ignores Anora for the moment*

* Nox blinks* Hm? *looks up to him and smiles a little* Hello love...

* Anora leans back to watch, glaring at Elyce

* Syan smirks*'re you doin...? You look tired...

* ^Pippen^ backs away....baring her teeth

<Anora> ..oO(Five seconds to McFinger Sandwich and counting..)

<Elyce> <softly, albeit flatly> "It's okay, dog. I'm not going to hurt you. Here." *tosses the bacon about halfway between them*

* Nox shrugs a little* I am a bit...children were rather rambunctiouse for a while...and there's been a bit of bickering down

* Syan blinks, then shifts, shrugging a little* Can't hungry?

* ^Pippen^ barks at her....teeth still bared

* Nox pauses...then blinks, almost taking a sheepish look to her* In fact...yes...

<Anora> It'd be wise to move away Elyce..before your hands start to look tasty.

* Elyce jerks her chin at Pippen. "It's all right. Go on."

* Syan smirks, offering a hand..or an arm*

<Elyce> "I may have lost any powers I had, Anora, but no dog's that fast."

* Nox smiles, taking his arm*

* ^Pippen^ inches closer..barling and growls

<Anora> I don't care. You're not only pissing her off, but you're pissing me off.

* Calantha sighs and stis on the couch, looking around a bit

<Elyce> *gritting her own teeth* "Look, I know how to deal with a kicked kid. This dog's not that far off. If you'd calm down and give me a few minutes, we could resolve this."

* OikawaNishimaru thinks about RPing... but decides that it'd be pointless to try to RP for 15 minutes so he doesn't

* Nox looks to Syan* {{Your sister and Elyce do not get along...}}

<Anora> Yeah.right. Whatever. *shakes her head and gets up, shooting a look at Elyce before heading to a chair* It's your hand, not mne.

* Syan blinks, seeing this as he gets to the bottom...heading to the kitchen with her* {{She's pretty tempermental...}}

<Elyce> "Thank you."

* Nox nods a little as she goes with him* {{I've...noticed}}

* ^Pippen^ snaps her teeth at El

* Anora watches, eyes narrowed

* Syan tugs out some food and starts making..uhh...hell, a's all in the family* {{Usually because she's pretty stouthearted and stubborn..}}

<Elyce> *snatches her hand just out of reach, takes out another piece of bacon and holds it out. She continually speaks in a low and reassuring voice, and doesn't make any threatening movements, staying crouched small.*

* Nox nods a little, going to tiredly sit down* {{Ahh...}}

<Elyce> "C'mon, baby. Get over it. Mmhm. Or this is gonna be a long night."

* Calantha shakes her head at all the tension

* Elyce ...doesn't seem to be tense at all.

<Calantha> I'll see you guys later.. tell Shawn I left him a cheesecake in the fridge to make up for the smushed one..

* Syan watches, makin' food*

<Anora> k...later Cala..

* Nox nods to Cala*

* ^Pippen^ backs up again

* Calantha slips out the door and down the street to her place

* Syan sets a BLT out for nox as well as some apple juice, sitting beside her*

<Elyce> *jerks the bacon a little*

* ^Pippen^ barks loudly

<Anora> You're teasing her..

<Elyce> *winces* "Yep, you tell me. I can't understnad a word of it."

<Elyce> *out of the side of her mouth, to Anora, same steady tone* "What do I do instead?"

<Anora> She's intimidated by you and you're holding food, and waving it. She sees it as you teasing or taunting her.

<Nox> Thank you love...*kisses Syan's cheek before munching delicately*

<Elyce> "Okay..." *lowers the food to the ground and pushes it forward*

<Anora> I'd leave the food out of it, personally..

<Anora> in her sight, you owe her if you want to make ammends. and food makes it a bargaining tool.

* Syan nods, smirking, eating...he's a bit gruff from not shaving*

<Elyce> *looks thoughtful* *smoothly scoots over a few feet from the bacon, closer to Anora.*

* Anora rubs her temples...

* Nox smiles a bit* Growing a beard, love...?

<Anora> And, lower yourself below the dog. The higher up you are, the more intimidating.

<Anora> ..oO(Or easier to chew on...depends on how pissed Pips is..)

* Syan blinks* .. hafta buy a razor..*eats...pouting mid chew at her*

<Elyce> *raises a brow* "LOWer? How do I get lower than something 10" tall?"

* Nox mmhmms a little, smirking lightly*

<Anora> Lay down...on your front. Be creative.

* Elyce is tempted to offer Syan a razor. NOT the kind you find in the drugstore.

* Anora says this flatly

<Elyce> *cringes*

<Elyce> "Whaddaya think, Pip? You're reeeeally going to make this difficult, aren't you?"

* Syan scratches his chin*

* ^Pippen^ ruffs and growls

* Elyce backs away and gets to her feet, walking over to Syan and Nox. "Hey, you two. Can I ask a favor?" *NOW she looks tense*

* Nox looks up* Hm?

* Syan blinks* Eh?

* Anora chuckles, sliding to sit on the floor

<Anora> 'Mere pips!

<Elyce> Cover my ass.

* Nox arches a brow*

* Elyce turns back and -- pauses when Anora pulls her move.

<Elyce> *sighs*

* Syan blinks* Huh? From what??

* Syan blinks, lost at this*

* Nox is looking pretty lost herself*

* ^Pippen^ inches to the door again

* Syan is looking like he can't believe she needs cover from a border collie..*

<Elyce> <Q> Cover me...because I have to make up with this dog...

<Elyce> <q> ...and I'm going to be uncomfortable.

* Anora lays on her stomach..patting the ground..lower n' pip now

<Anora> C'mere...?

* Elyce watches Anora's efforts, going back to a crouch.

* ^Pippen^ inches towards Anora...

* Anora rolls on her back, looking up at Pippen, hands flat on the ground, palms up, towards pippen..leaving herself open..

<Anora> C'mere..? You's got an ear that needs scratchin'..

<Elyce> <Q> Oh gods...

<Elyce> *looks helplessly at Nox and Syan*

* Nox smirks a little and shrugs*

* Syan shrugs*

* ^Pippen^ gets closer....sniffs Anora..ears perked...licks her face

* Anora giggles genuinely, scritching her neck gently

<Elyce> *closes her eyes and looks to the heavens*

<Anora> Heeyy...s'not bad is it?

<Elyce> <w> Yes. Yes it is.

<Anora> ..oO(I was talking to the DOG...)

* ^Pippen^ 's tail wags a little

* Anora grins, petting Pippen, getting licked..

* Elyce starts to inch forward, then lurches back, getting to her feet. "I can't. I can't do that. I'm sorry. Maybe -- maybe some other time. That thing's safe around me, just -- keep it away."

* ^Pippen^ moves to stand over Anora...jumps away as El moves

* Nox arches a brow lightly, finishing up her BLT and going about cleaning up*

* Syan gets up to help*

* Anora rolls her eyes, scritching Pippen

<Anora> Ignore her..she's eerie.

* Elyce backs off to the stairs with as much as dignity as she can scrape back together

* ^Pippen^ lays down next to Anora

* Anora rolls over, drapping an arm around Pippen

<Anora> She's weird, huh?

* ^Pippen^ just groans and lays her head down

* Nox looks to Syan* Did you want to go to the store tonight?

* Syan shifts..then shrugs with a smirk* Sure..

* ^Pippen^ lifts her head and barks at Sy

* Syan looks over, smirking and waving* Hey Pip!

* ^Pippen^ wags her tail again

* Anora smirks and stretches out

* Nox finishes cleaning and dries her hands off from doing the dishes*

* ^Pippen^ stands up and wanders around the livingroom...wanders into the kitchen

* Syan tugs his coat on, snagging his keys*

* Nox slips her own on as well*

* ^Pippen^ stays away from the table and goes to the fridge....stands..wrapping her front paws around the handle and trying to tug it open

* Anora heads for the front door, offering a hand to Nox

* Anora blinks...rolling to watch this, brows arched

* ^Pippen^ pulls it open...jumps back...then gets into the fridge,,sniffing for food

* Nox takes his hand, twining her fingers with his and goes with im*

* Anora stands and hurries over

<Anora> Whoawhoa..!

* ^Pippen^ looks at Anora...

<Anora> hold up...*scoots beside her and tugs out .. something she should be able to eat and closes the door* Nah ah..that ain't a good idea..

* Syan smirks, heading out the front door..and out to his..whatd he have again? A random motor bike?

* Nox thinks so...yeah <G>*

* Syan hops on, handing her a helmet after he slips his own on*

* Nox slips it on and gets on behind him, slipping her arms around him from behind*

* ^Pippen^ whines

* Anora shakes her head, petting her

* ^Pippen^ sits...

<Anora> You know..klork'd be really pissed if you got in there..*says that, not scornfully, but sympathetically*

* ^Pippen^ lowers her head

* Syan starts his bike and turns it around, heading down the street*

* Vrooooommmm*

* vroooomvroom!*

* Nox...holds on 'n such <G>*

* Anora puts some food on the floor before's nothing overly special, but it's better'n dog food

<Anora> <q> here..between you n' me, k?

* ^Pippen^ goes for the food..inhaling it

* Anora chuckles, closing the door

* Anora stands, stretching

* ^Pippen^ runs back to the livingroom couch

* Syan pulls into a supermart...turning the bike off and helpign Nox off..before getting off as well*

* Anora follows, sitting on the couch

* ^Pippen^ looks out the window

* Anora blinks..

* Syan .. heads into the supermarket! *loud dramatic music plays over the loudspeaker**

* Nox gets off with his help, strangly in jeans and a blouse, and of course her jacket, instead of her customary dress, going with Syan*

* Several clerks turn to give suspicious eyes to them both...seeming to be moving with the music, eyeing them s'more*

* Syan...inches to the toiletries aisle..*

* Nox...goes with him...* {{Methinks these people have been working a bit too long...}}

* Music changes to disco after they're out of view...several clerks can be seen wearing even has an afro wig*

* Nox...steps closer to Syan*

* Syan nods, eyes wide, picking up a pack of razors*

* Disco gets louder...somebody dressed as John Travolta scoots by the aisle carrying a bag of prodcue*

* Syan looks at her* <vqw> ....I think we should go now.

* Nox NODS, eyes wide*

* music screaches to a halt..then goes into country western*

<Nox> .oO(This is worse than anything those slave traders could throw at me...)

* Some guy runs by with a cowboy hat..Correy..? The world will never know...he's chasing some loose bull tho*

* Syan tries to get to the cash register...many clerks are too busy line dancing to see them*

* Syan looks at Nox* {{I think ... I'd rather steal than wait in line...}}

* Nox does toooo*

<Nox> {{...I as well...this is truely frightening}}

* Syan...inches towards the door just as the music goes to fifties...suddenly the clerks duck behind their counters and hop out in poodle skirts..yes..the men too*

<Nox> ...*whimper*...

* Syan bolts for the door, trying to avoid the sudden onslaught of Thriller music and moonwalkers*

* Nox goes with him!*

* Syan runs out, panting, eyeing the store..which seemingly goes normal when they leave* I've never..been so buy shave in my life!

* Nox shivers, eyeing it as well and sticking close to his side* Me neither, love...I believe I am going to have nightmares again because of that...

* Syan settles on his bike, handing her a helmet* Let's go. Now. While we live.

* Nox puts the helmet on and gets on behind him, holding close and nodding*

* Syan takes of outta there like .well hell..he just goes damn fast*

* ^Pippen^ falls asleep on the couch

* Anora smirks, watching her do so..then heads down to the basement to play on the piano

* Nox....goes with!*

* Syan pulls up, razor packet in hand, hops off and helps Nox off, shuddering* That was FREAKY.

* Nox gets off with him, shuddering* That it time...we can go to a different one...

* Syan nods...headinginside* Amen to that..

* Nox goes with him, slipping her jacket off once the get in and shaking her hair out a little*

* ^Pippen^ wakes up...looks up at them

* Syan puts his coat on the rack

* ^Pippen^ ruffs...

* Syan waves a bit to Pippen

<Syan> Heya..

* Nox does the same with hers, smiling a bit to Pip*

* Syan looks relieved

<Syan> ..oO(Well .. if Pip ain't doin' must be over..)

* ^Pippen^ yawns again

* Nox smiles a bit, rubbing Syan's shoulders*

* ^Pippen^ jumps down...jumps at Sy

* Syan erfs, rubbing her behind the ears

<Syan> Heh! down girl..*smirks*

* ^Pippen^ sits and smiles

* Nox chuckles softly*

* Syan smirks, ruffling her fur before heading up the stairs to change..shower..shave etc

* ^Pippen^ watches him go

* Nox watches him as well, smiling softly before going to curl up on one of the couches*

* Syan comes back down..all shaven...and for the heck of it, heads into the sparring room..

* Syan eyes the equipment..not sure where to start..

* Nox turns to watch through the doorway quietly*

* Rev steps in from work, streatching*

* Syan tugs his shirt off..then goes to the new punching bag, eyeing it over....

* punching bag...hangs there menacingly*

* Syan wraps some tape around his and, then starts beating the bag

* Rev blinks a little at hearing the beating and peeks into the workout room...blinking again when he sees Syan there, not expecting it*

* Syan pauses, looking up and waves...then punching bag knocks him over due to being caught off guard

<Syan> Unf!

* Syan blinks, sitting on his ass..completely startled

* Rev chuckles softly and waves back* Ah...! Appears it has won..

* Syan mutters, getting up and rubbing his jaw

<Syan> I'm used to outdoors trainin..*smirks sheepishly* Runnin' mostly. THIS thing has completely thrown me off.

* Rev chuckles again and nods* does take a bit of getting used to, aye...*leans against the doorway, looks like he's had a rough night*

* Syan arches a brow

<Syan> Care to talk about it?? Id' spar ya but..*shrugs* I suck at it.

* Syan pauses

<Syan> Oh yeah...saw Ryu earlier, think she's swimmin' topside

* Rev arches his brows* Ah...thank you, nae...*smirks* Just a long...long night at work...and thank you...*smiles* How've you been?

* Syan shrugs, rollling his shoulders

<Syan> Doin' good...'cept..y'know that supermarket on fourth n' bleecker?


* Rev blinks* ...ah...

<Syan> it's SCARY.

<Rev> Dare I ask why...?

* Syan shakes his head

<Syan> just ask nox.

* Nox chuckles softly from the background, nodding in agreement when Rev looks back*

* Rev arches a brow* Uhm...I will...take your word for it...

<Syan> just take my word for it..

* Syan nods, going after the punching bag again

<Syan> Good idea.

* Rev chuckles softly* Ah...well...enjoy yourself...I believe I'll go join Ryu...farewell...

* Syan nods, but doesn't get distracted enough this time

* Rev nods to Nox and heads upstairs to clean up, change into swimming trunks and head to the roof*

* ^Pippen^ crawls over onto Nox's lap

* Ryu's in human form, swimming laps in the pool..seemingly less afraid of it*

* Nox smiles gently and strokes Pippen's fur* Hello, little one...

* Rev watches with a grin*

* ^Pippen^ snuggles into her

* Nox holds Pippen gently as she strokes her fur, skritching her ears, etc..*

* Syan punches the punching bag

* ^Pippen^ bats her tail

* Ryu bikini..not seeing him*

* Rev's grin widens, going to sit at the edge of the pool, just admiring her*

* Ryu swims etc <G>*

* Rev hmms and dives in, swimming after her...lightly running a finger along the side of one of her legs before swimming away from her, watching her with a smirk*

* Ryu sputters and blinks, surfacing,eyes wide as she looks around for Rev*

* ^Pippen^ faalllsss asleepp

* Rev stays behind her...trailing a finger down her back, and moving to stay behind her...she'd see ripples <G>*

* Ryu arches her brows, then ducks down to the bottom of the pool, kicking up quickly to snag his foot*

* Rev ERKs and swims back with a chuckle, her fingers just brushing over it*

* Ryu goes after him*

* Rev grins, staying juuuuuust out of her reach*

* Ryu surfaces, heading towards him* Nae' cheater'

<Rev> Me?? Nae...! Of course not...*smiles charmingly to her*

* Ryu smirks, then backs away, swimming faster on her back* A'course ye are..

* Rev smiles and goes to swim by her side* And why do you say that, m'lady?

* Ryu chuckles* Cuz ye know ah kinnae swim fast..

* Rev chuckles softly* Aye...but you're getting better...perhaps one day you'll be able to beat me, hm?

* Ryu smirks, poking him in the side* Ah'd be able te in m' dragon form.

* Rev erfs, catching her hand* Well...aye...those beautiful wings of yours..

* Ryu erks, swimming one handedly..mostly with her legs tho* Aye..flatter'r

<Rev> And no one, beautiful one, deserves that flattery more than you

* Ryu rolls her eyes with a smirk as she stands in the shallow end* Eye...flatterer.

* Rev chuckles softly with a smile, standing by her and going to slip his arms around her*

* Syan...pinned by a dog...*

* Syan beats the punchingb ag into submission

* Ryu smirks, then snags his trunks down, diving into the deep end with a cackle*

* Rev ERKs and goes after her*! There ARE easier ways to get a peek!

* Ryu cackles, hopping out of the pool with his trunks, wicked grin on her face* Aye?

* Rev looks up at her and almost seems to...pout?* Love...

* Ryu sniggers, backing away from the pool, holding them up* Ayyyee??

<Rev> ...I...need those, you know...*folds his arms aand rests his chin on them*

* Ryu just grins, still backing away..* Y'do now?

* Rev eyes her and nods...*

* Ryu tilts her head..still smirking* Y'know..ah could name plenty o' people who would luv' t' see ye in yer skivvies...

* Rev arches his brows and grins, placing his hands flat on the edge of the pool* Really now...

* ^Pippen^ sleeeps

* Nox kinda looks at Pippen...helplessly*

* Ryu jogs backwards, just grinning* Aye! Ah could name many! *heads to the door*

<Rev> ...Ryu...! *pulls himself partway out of the pool*

* Ryu grins, being quite mischevious, opening the door* REVELYN! NAKED IN THE POOL!? *hollers this down the stairs, veerry wicked grin on her face*

* Syan .. stops punching the punching bag..eyes going round

* Rev just...sinks down...*

* Nox BLINKS, then coughs*

* Syan shakes his head, going back to busying himself with the punching bag...what a pretty punching bag it is *thwackthwack*

* Ryu pouts a bit* Awww...

* ^Pippen^ yaawnnsss...but stays put

* Rev chuckles, pulling himself out of the pool at last and tackles her, ready to teleport if anyone else shows up tho ;P*

* Ryu ACKS, tumbling down the stairs backwards*

<Ryu> REv! *laughs, tossing his trunks faar awayyyy*

* Rev ERKs and teleports them both to his room, so they fall on the bed*

* Ryu bounces..woo...springs*

* Ryu bounces...woo bikinis.*

* Rev grins down at her*

* ^Pippen^ yawns again and looks up w/ bleary eyes

* Nox scritches Pippen's ears, trying to shift a little and wincing at that lovely leg-sleeping feeling*

* ^Pippen^ bats her tail...laying her head on Nox's chest

* Nox smiles softly as she scritches the ears* Hello there..

* ^Pippen^ licks up at her face

* Nox chuckles softly and pulls her face away, whiping at it* No...slobbery...

* ^Pippen^ ruffs

<Nox> Oh?

* ^Pippen^ lays her head back on her chest

* Nox smirks a little, stroking her fur*

* Syan heads out...hearing the byplay has quieted

* Nox looks up at Syan*

* Syan waves, smirking...

* Nox smiles softly* Did you win?

* Syan blinks

<Syan> Did I wi--erg..yeah..I won *chuckles*

* Nox grins* Oh good..

* ^Pippen^ looks over at Sy and barks

* Syan ruffs back at him

* Nox chuckles softly* Hm...and while you're at it love...tell her to move...? I cannot feel my legs..

* ^Pippen^ makes a kewte bark...then whines at Nox

* Nox looks down at Pippen* ...what...?

* Syan tilts his head...heads into the kitchen with a smirk

* ^Pippen^ smiles

* Nox scritches the ears again with a smirk*

* ^Pippen^ bats her tail

* bacon smell sifts to the livingroom*

* ^Pippen^ perks her ears and looks to the kitchen

* Syan finishes making bacon, making sure to make a loud noise when he puts the bacon into Pippen's bowl

* ^Pippen^ goes all alert....licking her lips....

<Syan> PPiiipppsss

* ^Pippen^ jumps off and RUNS into the kitchen and to her bowl...inhaling the bacon

* Syan heads out, chuckling and helps Nox up

* Nox owwwwwws as the pins and needles come in, leaning on Syan* Thank you, love...ow...

* Syan wraps an arm around her with a chuckle

* ^Pippen^ eats up quickly...licking her lips again

* Torrance is wide awake, blue eyes staring around the nursery*

* ^Pippen^ runs back out...panting

* Takeo streatches massively...well...for a newborn anyway...*

* Syan chuckles

* HappyLittleMoron 's...probably worrying about the kids and wanting to see 'me ;P

<Syan> Heya pips...I'm gonna take her to bed, a'right? *smirks*

* Klork is too...whine, pace mutter*

* ^Pippen^ whines

* Syan pouts

<Syan> It's my turn thoo

* Nox arches her brows*

* ^Pippen^ bares her teeth but her ears are perked

* Syan pouts, whines at Pippen, pulling Nox close

<Syan> I had first diibs..

* Takeo looks over to Torrance, making a bit of a face*

* ^Pippen^ makes a high-pitched bark

* Nox chuckles softly, slipping her arms around him*

* Torrance looks over...bllbs at him .... looking crosseyed*

* Syan matches the tone with his voice

<Syan> Miinnee..!

* ^Pippen^ barks again

* Takeo almost seems to smirk, blblbing back*

* Syan picks up Nox...toting her towards the stairs with a pout at Pippen

* Nox chuckles softly, getting carried away*

* Torrance almost smiles .. sticking a finger up his if to be making faces at him*

* Takeo blinkies and does that almost laugh thing, screwing up his mouth and reaching over to poke at his brother*

* `Thera blips into the hospital room .. having sensed her grandchildren .. she can do that, uhm..yeah.. <G> .. looking down at the duo, having appeared with a bright orange spark

* Takeo starts and looks up to Thera with wide, ice blue eyes*

* Torrance wraps his tiny fingers over Takeo's then blinks...looking up with rounded eyes* ..oO(HOly's ... are we dead?)

* `Thera smiles, her eyes are hidden, contacts in so they just look green, smile on her face

* ^Pippen^ lies down and whines

<`Thera> <vq>'s quite alright... I will not harm you. No need to look like I'm going to..

* Torrance almost seems to arch a dark eyebrow,tilting his head to the side*

* `Thera speaks soothingly, knowing they'll more likely know the tone of her voice

* ^Pippen^ is alloonnee again

* Takeo blinkblinks and tilts his head, like his brother, reaching a tiny hand up to Thera, curiously*

* Torrance blinks at Takeo, reaches his hand up as if to say "mine first!"*

* `Thera reaches a finger over to him, letting him reach out to grab her and not the other way around, not wanting them to think she's going to harm them, then puts out her other hand, letting each grab a finger at the same time

<`Thera> <vq> Nah-uh, boys... gramma loves both the same, no favorites..

* Torrance wraps his fingers around hers, squinting* ..oO(So who do you think this one this is gramma..)

* Takeo glances over and makes a bit of a face at him, before blinking and wrapping his little fingers around hers, looking up at her with that almost smile*

* Torrance blbls curiously* ..oO( Heh heh .. this is where the presents come from)

<Takeo> .oO(Was wondering when she was gonna show...wonder where the folks are...ooooh...presents...)

* Torrance eyes smile..seeing he cant quite get his mouth to do so yet, fingers flexing over her fingers*

* `Thera .. is true to that, pulling her hands away and tucking a very very small stuffed grey kitty into Torrance's hand, a black one into Takeo's

<`Thera> <vq> These..are for you two..

* Takeo blinks, seeming to examine it before pulling it close and looking up at her, tilting his head with that smile in his eyes*

* Torrance's eyes go round...taking it and looking it over before purrrring*

* Takeo purrrrrrrrrrrs too, fergot he could do that <G>*

* `Thera chuckles softly, her finger reaching over and tracing over Torrance's belly when she realizes he's purring .. gently doing the same to Takeo

<`Thera> <vq> Very much your father's children...

* ^Pippen^ wanders arounndd

* Takeo blinkblinks and kinda smirks up at her, blblbing a little to her*

* Torrance purrs, holding the kitten, just relaxing at the tummy rub*

* `Thera tickles Torrance a little* <vq> YOU, my little koneko..will be JUST like your father..

* Torrance sprawls..quite happy...a little cold tho*

* Takeo watches them, holding the kitty close, purring softly*

* `Thera looks at Takeo, chuckling* And you, my karasu ...will be a little less ..HARD..on your family..

* `Thera looks between them, her eyes laughing

<`Thera> But the two of you together..Saints help us.

* Torrance bls* ..oO(Damn. She's onto us.)

* `Thera arches a brow down at Torrance

<`Thera> <vq> You can't play innocent, koneko.. I raised your father.

* Takeo tilts his head, almost seeming to smirk at both her and Torrance*

* `Thera .. is good. <G>

* Torrance blinks....* ...oO(whoa.)

<Takeo> .oO(...should be fun...)

* Torrance seems to grin at that*

* `Thera hrms .. then chuckles

<`Thera> <vq> Fine..You are permitted to be hard on your parents; it's your duty as children.. but give your old gramma a break, will you? *winks*

* Takeo almost seems to laugh*

* `Thera gnetly tucks a blanket around Torrance, since he'd felt a little cold to her earlier, doing the same with Takeo

* Torrance lblbs, then purrs..warm now* ..oO(I think shes got a

* Takeo purrrrrs*

* `Thera smirks at Takeo* You understand me, karasu..I know you do..with your parents' brains, you have to, on some level

* Takeo seems to smile at that, then yaaaaaaaaawns one of those cute lil' baby yawns*

* Torrance yawns too..damn contageous*

* Takeo looks over, then seems to snicker*

* Torrance bllllbblbs at Takeo*

* Takeo yaaaaaaaaawns again, adding a streatch in for affect*

* Torrance's nose twitches..he glares at Takeo.....and then yawns*

<`Thera> <vq> nice to eachother.. you need your brother to stick up for you when you both get in trouble..

* `Thera sighs, chuckling, then yawns herself before eyeing them both, her eyes watering slightly

<`Thera> You look what you've done..*winks again, pulling out her contacts now that her eyes are watering*

* Torrance watches her..not afraid..more curious*

* Takeo...seems to cackle now, kicking his legs under the blanket*

* `Thera pulls up a chair, sitting next to the incubator, smiling at them when they don't seem frightened

<`Thera> <vq> I was worried I would scare you... I'm glad to see I don't.

* Takeo gives her a look like..."Have you seen our mom?? Please..."*

* `Thera just smiles... nodding a little

<`Thera> <vq> would be used to it, wouldn't you.

* Torrance lblbls, reaching his hands out*

* Takeo blblbs softly, kicking his legs again, still holding the kitten close...*

* `Thera chuckles, sliding her hands in again, gently rubbing their bellies again, making sure Takeo's blanket stays on him

<`Thera> <vq>'ll lose the blanket and get cold..

* Torrance purrs...sprawling...under the blanket happily*

* Takeo pauses and purrrs more, stilling and kinda tilting his head up at her, gaze peircing for a newborn*

* `Thera just chuckles, then looks straight down at Takeo .. just letting him look

* Torrance seems a bit more relaxed, just happy to have a belly rub*

* Takeo watches her blblbling softly, reaching a hand up to her again, the other arm curled around the kitty*

* `Thera chuckles

<`Thera> <vq> you're welcome, koneko .. karasu ..

* Torrance purrrs, eyes drooping*

* Takeo tilts his head, and does that almost-smile thing again, curling up with another yawn*

* Takeo purrs softly as he starts drifting off*

* `Thera just sits .. giving them tummy rubs until they fall asleep.. letting a tear slip from her eye once they're both laying with their eyes closed..incredibly proud

* Torrance zonks*

* Takeo, yeah, sleeps 'n stuff <G>*

* Pippen is asleep on the floor in the middle of the livingroom*

* Nox is sleepin' too <G>*

* Syan too!

* HappyLittleMoron 's worryin' fer the kids...Diana's being tortured...Kern's doing dad stuff...Iris 'n Brenna are sleepin'...Rev's...hehe...bein' REAL innocent...

* Klork is worried..but sleeping

* HappyLittleMoron ...wasn't built to get that much sleep so...yeah...thaaaaat's it...uhm...sure...

* Pip's asleep cuz no one else was down there and she doesn't wanna go upstairs*

Session Close: Mon May 06 00:32:42 2002

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