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Session Start: Sat May 04 15:32:08 2002

* HappyLittleMoron sits on the couch with Brenna and Iris, reading with 'em <G>

* Klork swims laps in the pool

*Diana blinks, having just come up to the roof, then smirks a little, watching Klork before going to look over the city*

* Klork surfaces, pushing his hair out of his face before pulling up and out of the pool, wrapping himself in a towel

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Hey, Di!

* Diana blinks a litttle and looks over to him* Konbonwa, Klork...daijubu?

<Klork> Eh, not bad, *towels his hair out* You?

* Diana shrugs a little* Alright, I suppose...

<Klork> You just suppose? *furrows his brow, toweling off his shoulders etc*

* Diana smiles a little* Ah...been thinking...a lot as of late...*shrugs slightly*

* Klork nods, draping the towel over his shoulders and heads over* 'Bout what..?

<Diana> Ah...past life...*shifts a little, slipping her hands into her pockets*

* Klork blinks, nodding, sitting on the ledge of the roof * You wanna talk about it at all?

* Diana bites her lip a little, brows knitting slightly* Ah...not...long ago...memories of...a life long past...flooded into my mind...I'm trying to deal with it...

* Klork nods, brows furrowing..

<Klork> Flooded..?

* Diana nods, bright eyes troubled* Hai...just...all at once...

* Klork blinks ..

<Klork> You copin' ok..?

* Diana sighs shakily* trying...

* Klork reaches out, patting her shoulder gently

<Klork> If you need any help...I am here.

* Diana nods, looking over with a small grin* <q> Hai...domo...

* Mondo_Gecko heads downstairs from his room

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey?

* Mondo_Gecko looks around

* HappyLittleMoron looks up

<HappyLittleMoron> Heyo

<Mondo_Gecko> hey! sup?

<HappyLittleMoron> Nadda much *grins lopsidedly, the two girls curled up to her dozed off* I'm resident pillow

<Mondo_Gecko> well I'm not so much a pillow...

* Mondo_Gecko pulls up his shirt..Eki is sleeping on his chest

<Mondo_Gecko> more of a portable bed

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* Cute..

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..

* Mondo_Gecko smooths out his shirt

<HappyLittleMoron> How ya been?

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> oh...pretty good

<HappyLittleMoron> Goooood

<Mondo_Gecko> Yerself?

* Klork leans back, rubbing his neck

<Klork> I think I'm gonna go get dressed...see you downstairs sometime t'night?

<HappyLittleMoron> Pretty good...

* Diana nods* Hai...ja ne...

<Klork> ja ne..*smirks, heading downstairs to his room to shower & dress*

<Mondo_Gecko> That's cool..

* HappyLittleMoron noddles

<Mondo_Gecko> Place is pretty quiet...that's always unnerving.

<Mondo_Gecko> quiet..

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...quiet before the storm usually...

<Mondo_Gecko> me and it have a love hate relationship

* Klork heads down the stairs, stretching..

* Calantha slides up to the door of the asylum, knocking

* Mondo_Gecko gets up and heads over to the door

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey! sup?

<Calantha> Not a lot.. which is why I came here. ;) Anything going on over at this place?

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..noooooo

* Klork shifts...waving to the happy couple before heading into the kitchen

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey Klork

* Calantha waves

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs and goes and lays down on the couch, petting Eki

* Calantha follows and sits on the arm of the couch, yawning

* Klork starts makin' spaghetti

* Eki yawns under his shirt, waking up and climbs out of his shirt and up his face to perch on his head*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, looking up and smiles over to Klork, waveling a little, trying not to disturb the girls

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> ..morning

* Mondo_Gecko sniffs

<Mondo_Gecko> ...ooh

<Mondo_Gecko> fewd

* Klork waves...cookin..etc

* Diana comes down shortly, Nox following to take Iris up to bed, Brenna wanting to stay with HLM*

<Calantha> Heh.. always hungry.

* ^Pippen^ is asleep inna corner of the livingroom

<Mondo_Gecko> ..what?

* Mondo_Gecko grins a little

<Mondo_Gecko> it's not like I should be worried about ruining my girlish figure

* Calantha laughs a bit

* Klork keeps cookin

<Calantha> True

* HappyLittleMoron gets up, carrying Brenna, waveling with a grin to Cala and Klork and heads into the kitchen

* Calantha waves

* Klork drains the noodles, setting them out into a heated bowl

* Klork pours the meat...sauce into another bowl and pulls down a plate for Brenna, HLM and himelf

<Klork> All hows wants some best gets some!

* Diana nods to 'em all before dissapearing into the workout room...eyeing the weapons*

* Mondo_Gecko jumps up and heads to the kitchen

<HappyLittleMoron> know how much we love your meat...sauce, love *winks*

* Mondo_Gecko snickers

<Mondo_Gecko> no matter how many times I hear that it still makes me laugh....

<Mondo_Gecko> just how Big bird still makes me laugh..

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

* Calantha steals Mondo's spot, laying out on the couch

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Mondo_Gecko starts to chuckle to himself

<Mondo_Gecko> hehe...bigbird funny

* Klork chuckles, handing her a plate...smirking..then arches a brow at Mondo, serving himself up before seating himself at the table

* ^Pippen^ yawwwnnsss and wakes up

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks love...*smils and sets herself and Brenna up 'n stuff, settling by Klork, Brenna on her other side*

* Mondo_Gecko makes himself up a plate of s'kettie and sits at the table..lizard on his head, slurping noodles and getting his face saucy

* Klork eats..chuckling

<Mondo_Gecko> Cala! food!

* ^Pippen^ walks tiredly into the kitchen...sniffing

<Mondo_Gecko> mmmm spskettie..

<Calantha> I ate already, thanks..

* Calantha yawns

* Eki climbs down Mondo's hair, reaching out for the noodles as their slurped

* ^Pippen^ walks over to the table and sits....looking up

* HappyLittleMoron 'n Brenna munchie as Diana experimentallly works with a bo

* Klork eats, etc

* ^Pippen^ stares at Klork w/....puppy eyes

* Klork doesn't see Pippen, still eating

* HappyLittleMoron 's helpin' Brenna out 'n stuff

* ^Pippen^ lays her head on Klork's thigh

* Klork growls low...territorial over his food..

* ^Pippen^ perks her ears...whines

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows, getting up to put food in the dogs' bowls

* Klork finishes, wiping his mouth before looking downat Pippen

<Klork> Pips..don't you go beggin'...I don't like that.

<HappyLittleMoron> you have food...*goes back to cleaning Brenna up*

* Mondo_Gecko growls at Klorks growl

* ^Pippen^ goes to the bowl....checking to see if it's what they were eating

* Calantha rolls off the couch and idly walks into the kitchen to stand behind Mondo's chair, running her claws through his hair as she looks at the group

<HappyLittleMoron> ...*eyes botha 'em*...*and it obviously isn't, but she ain't gettin' none o' that*

* Klork arches a brow at Mondo

* Mondo_Gecko grins and closes his eyes

* ^Pippen^ goes back to Klork...wanting the food on the table

* Klork stands to clean his plate

* ^Pippen^ jumps onto the chair...checking for food on the table

<Klork> Hey!

* Klork claps his hands, pointing

<Klork> OFF!

<HappyLittleMoron> Down! *glares at Pippen*

* HappyLittleMoron cleans up the table once Brenna finishes...

* ^Pippen^ looks back at Klork....then to HLM...tucks her tail and jumps down....has ears and head down....looking like she just got slapped

* Klork pushes the chair in

<Klork> I dont care HOW much you beg, you do NOT do that.

* ^Pippen^ lays down...putting her paws over her head...whining

* Klork cleans off the table, ignorin' her..

* HappyLittleMoron oys, lifting Brenna up* I'm gonna put this lil' one to bed after a b-a-t-h....

* Klork smirks an dnods

<Klork> A'right

* ^Pippen^ watches HLM..still looking sad

* Brenna blinkies a little* Tankies, daddie...*smiles to him sleepily*

* HappyLittleMoron ignores her..

* Calantha runs her claws through his hair idly, thinking

* ^Pippen^ gets up...head and tail still down and walks slowly out....walks to a corner of the livingroom and curls up

* Klork finishes cleaning and sits at the table to do some bills etc

* HappyLittleMoron brings Brenna upstairs etc

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and closes his eyes, looking all relaxed

* Diana sighs a little and puts the bo back, and comes out, snagging her jacket* I'm going for a bit of a walk...I will return in a bit...*smiles slightly* Ja ne...

* Diana heads out the door*

* Klork nods

<Klork> later!

* Klork continues to do .. bills

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs after a bit, smirking and shaking her head

* Calantha starts rubbing his neck, watching the dog leave, just coming out of her thoughts

* Klork looks up..

<Klork> Hey Mo

<HappyLittleMoron> Heya hon...*heads over and kisses the top of his head* How's it goin'?

<Klork> not bad....I hate bills so many for the store..

* Mondo_Gecko whipes off his face, leaning back and getting all relaxed

* ^Pippen^ just stays pushed up in the corner

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...I understand...need some help..? *smirks a little* Just finished the ones for this place...

* Klork shakes his head

<Klork> nah..almost done

<HappyLittleMoron> OKies...*smiles gently*

<Calantha> Heheh.. you ok? *smirks a little and moves to his shoulders*

<Mondo_Gecko> mmmmmhhhmmmmm

* HappyLittleMoron streatches a little and goes something or another...yaaah...

* Klork finishes pushing them aside..stretchin

* Diana walks down the sidewalk, hands burried in the pockets of her jacket, eyes watching the sidewalk as she goes, brows lightly wrinkled*

* HappyLittleMoron heads over and starts massaging his shoulders

* Klork purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs

* Diana pauses, looking towards the shadows when she hears her name called*

* Diana watches the shadowed figure, arching a brow lightly* I know you...?

* Figure nods...* You did...

* Diana furrows her brows* ...who are you...?

* Figure shakes its head* I can't tell you here...come with me...?

* Klork shifts uneasily in his chair

* Diana shakes her head...* Iie...*narrows her eyes and goes to move on, blinking a bit when she finds herself held in place*

<HappyLittleMoron> Hn?

<Figure> I'm afraid you do not have a choice..

* Klork shakes his head

<Klork> just got a bad feelin'..kinda eerie..

* Diana furrows her brows, looking over to it* Let me go.

* Mondo_Gecko opens his eyes a little

<HappyLittleMoron> ...that ain't good...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* what?

* Klork shifts..looking around

* Figure shakes its head and becons for her to come closer* must come with me...

<Klork> Just..weird..can't shake it off* stands, going to the front windows and looking out*

* Diana clenches her jaw, finding her mental sending blocked as she skids closer, resisting...she's out of the view of the Asylum*

* Calantha looks over to HLM and Klork, having missed something..

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm...

* Klork tugs on his coat

<Mondo_Gecko> can't think right now

<Klork> Mind if I borrow the hog, Mo?

<Mondo_Gecko> too relaxed

<Calantha> Hehe.. my fault, sorry.

* Calantha stops massaging

* HappyLittleMoron runs a hand through her hair, watching and shaking her head* Don't mind...*manafests the keys to him* Be careful...?

<Mondo_Gecko> no no no..

<Mondo_Gecko> don't gotta stop that

* figure smirks, murmering something under its breath, clenching its hand and drawing Diana close, muffling her suprised cry*

<Calantha> Oh.. ok then. *smiles and starts massging his shoulders*

* Klork takes em, then nods..heading out and hopping on the hog, heading down the street..scanning the area

* Mondo_Gecko meeellttsss

* Diana struggles, forced imobile and powerless by the spell, bright eyes wide as her dragons start glowing and burning without her doing anything...a feignt echo should be felt in Klork's*

* Klork flinches a little, rubbing at his upper arm as he goes...riding on the feeling and turning the bike in that direction

* Calantha smiles

<Calantha> You're gonna melt into a puddle on the floor if I keep this up...

* Figure smirks* <vqw> It is time you rejoined your clan, kyuketsuki... *they're several blocks to the north, hidden within the shadows...a soft green and red glow coming from the figure, green from Diana...muted by their clothing*

<Mondo_Gecko> mmnnnngguuhhh

* Klork heads that way, pausing the bike by the alley, squinting to look around...

* Calantha blinks

<Calantha> Wow.. the power I have with these hands.. heheheh

* Diana struggles to say anything, cringing as the magic levels suddenly spike massively, sending a bolt of agony through Diana's body, which should also be felt by Klork, she goes limp in the figure's hold before fading away...the figure smirking lightly and sinking back into the shadows, watching Klork*

* Klork grits his teeth, holding a hand to his arm before parking the bike, tugging his coat off as he rubs his arms, looking around

<Klork> Di...???

* Calantha yawns

<Mondo_Gecko> you sleepy too now?

* Figure hmms softly, eyeing him and stepping forward, a tall man, looking to be from the East somewhere, tattoos peeking from under the collar of his shirt* A brother?

<Calantha> I didn't sleep much today.

<Mondo_Gecko> you can go to sleep now if you want

* Klork blinks..shifting..eyeing the tattoos before nodding

* ^Pippen^ gets up from the floor....shuffles back into the kitchen....and goes to her bowl

<Calantha> Nah.. I'll sleep tomorrow :)

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..didn't get much sleep last night either actually

* Calantha snickers

<Calantha> Can't imagine why..

* Mondo_Gecko snickers!

<Mondo_Gecko> nooooooo

<Mondo_Gecko> no idea at all

* Man nods with a slight smirk* Worry not...our sister is safe...she is where she belongs now.

* Klork shifts

<Calantha> Don't worry.. I won't let it happen again.

* Calantha smirks

<Klork> I need to speak with her...we have issuses to discuss..

* ^Pippen^ sits there..watching Cala and Mondo

* Calantha looks to Pip

<Calantha> hungry?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> aww

* Man arches a brow, his stance relaxed, hands resting in the pockets of his trench* What issues?

* ^Pippen^ just keeps watching

<Klork> Personal sorts.

* Calantha walks over and gets some food out, leaning down and filling the dog bowl

* ^Pippen^ takes some bites of the food...then lays down

* Calantha walks back over and starts running her claws through Mondo's hair again

<Man> Then they can wait. *nods a bit to him* Once she is cleansed and shown the path she is meant to follow...I will return for you. I am sure she saw you suitible for the clan for a reason.

* Klork arches a brow..

* ^Pippen^ yawns....

<Klork> My time is money, I need to see her as soon as possible..

* Calantha hums a bit

* Man smiles chillingly* Then the process will be sped up. Until then...*starts to fade, the tattoos glowing dully*

<Klork> Whoa whoa!

<Calantha> I'll take you.. I'll break you.. I'll crush.. I'll break you..

* Calantha hums

<Klork> Where can I reach her when I'm allowed-hold up!

* man smiles a bit* I will come for you then. *poofie...aaaaaaall gone*

* Klork grits his teeth, eyes sparking...turning for the bike and hopping on, frustrated

* HappyLittleMoron 's just kinda...watching out the window, worried

<Calantha> I'll hurt you, you'll love me.. I'll scratch you, I'll cut you.. You'll kiss me, you'll miss me.. I'll laugh at your torment..

* Calantha hums as she works on his shoulders again

* Mondo_Gecko shivers a little..

* Klork pulls up to the asylum...parking the bike and heading in, lookin a tad panicked

* Calantha looks over when she hears the door

<Calantha> ...things didn't go well..

<Klork> Mo..?! Can you tell me anything about Diana's vampire clan..?!

<Mondo_Gecko> .......

* Calantha blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* shit

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...looking over and furrowing her brows

* Mondo_Gecko gets up

<Mondo_Gecko> what happened?

<HappyLittleMoron> What...happened??

* HappyLittleMoron heads over, brows knit

<Klork> Shit..

<Klork> Well, let's just say one of her clan members just took off with her--and I haven't a fucking clue as to WHERE..

<Klork> ANd, on top of things, he said he'd be back for me!

<Calantha> Not good..

<HappyLittleMoron> ...oohshit...*eyes widen* Oh...HELL no...goddamnit...mebbe she has something up in her room...all I know is she didn't want to be part of it and they wanted her to be a breeder...

* Klork nods, heading up to her room

* HappyLittleMoron follows, running a shakey hand through her hair...

* Klork pushes the door open, searching

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a bit

* room's neat, for the most part...a box of papers is sitting out, looking like it's be riffled the closet are more chest with all sortsa perty weapons in it...deeper back are more boxes...a lot with drawings...others with newspaper clippings...some of the drawings are of her conversion...kinda an illustrated history of what happened..

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* that's it... I'm gonna kick some vampire ass

* Calantha sighs

* Klork sits, reading through the stuf..

<Calantha> *q* count me in..

* HappyLittleMoron sighs, sitting by Klork and looking at them* Can't do that if we dunno whose ass to kick...wanna help? Search with us. *pulls a box over, searching through it*

* Mondo_Gecko looks over to Cala

<Mondo_Gecko> don't gotta do this..

* Calantha pulls up a box and searches through it

<Calantha> I know..

* Klork nods...looking through stuff bit by bit

* Mondo_Gecko looks over

<Mondo_Gecko> ...okay then..

* articles are related to family stuff, and supernatural happenings, tracing mutant stories and all that...the ones right before her amnesia connected to the Asylum...drawings are tattoo designs and that illustrated history...Klork should come across one with dragon designs...almost seeming to tell a story if you look closely enough*

* Mondo_Gecko helps, looking through her stuff

* Klork pauses...pausing to read, looking closer..

* no words...they're sort of like the stories you see on ancient pottery...just in Diana's style...flowing and very deep in the elements...of dragons battling each other through time...more dragons being born of the living and protecting the land...*

* Klork leans back, examining..brows furrowing here and ther

* Calantha looks up at Klork

<Calantha> ..find something?

* partway through, half of them turn dark and thirst after power, driving the good half into hiding...darkness...*

* Mondo_Gecko looks over

<Mondo_Gecko> what is it?

* Mondo_Gecko comes over, looking

<Mondo_Gecko> ..whoa

* Klork furrows his brows...holding up a finger as he continues to look

* Calantha moves over and looks as well

* the bad rule over the upper world, in sunlight, while the good opperate in secret in the recent past, the people outside of the clan begin to rule while all the dragons are forced into secret...the bad continue to grow, grabbing and converting the unwilling...the good finding volunteers and saving the more willing of the converts from the bad side...protecting them*

* HappyLittleMoron watches quietly

* Klork rubs at the tattoos on his arms unconsciously ... furrowing his brows..

* it ends with an unfinished drawing of the asylum protected in secret by the good, the bad lurking just around the edges. The entire drawing a sketch, not finished like the rest*

<Calantha> .oO(And Angela wonders why I don't want to move back...)

* Klork grimaces..putting it down and sighing shakily

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip lightly, brows furrowed, reaching over to rest a hand on his shoulder...

* Klork rubs at his temples

<Klork> I don't know..I still don't know where she is..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I hate to say this..but...where's her diary

* HappyLittleMoron shifts closer, rubbing his shoulders gently* the bed...

* Klork sighs, leaning over to her

* HappyLittleMoron kisses Klork's hair gently

* Mondo_Gecko sits down and opens it, leafing through from the begining , scanning pages for anything that might give clues..looking for words like "Dragon" "vampire"

* there's a summary of the spells she did with and without Klork to put the vampire part of herself down...and the spell to make Klork her blood brother...but nothing in specific...more like her thoughts and a summary of in the controller's DJ <G>*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> two spells..

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't think there's anything in here

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly and pulls back from Klork, pulling back from Klork and opening another box...blinking at the sheets of paper covered in a forign script...

* Calantha looks over to HLM

<HappyLittleMoron> weird...

* Mondo_Gecko sets down the diary and comes over, looking

<Mondo_Gecko> what the hell?

<HappyLittleMoron> words exactly...

* Calantha looks over it

* Calantha furrows her brow a bit

* it's not recognizable as any language known to the main populus...*

<Calantha> Looks familiar.. dunno why though

* Klork blinks...peering at it..

* script would speek to something deep inside Klork, should send a tingle through the dragons..*

* Klork shifts uncomfortably .. rubbing a hand over his upper arms..

<HappyLittleMoron> ...'sup?

<Klork> dunno .. stuff's eerie

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a little

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little, chewing her lip, looking over the papers and shaking her head again..

* Klork tries to read it...dunno if anything happens tho

* `KuroiTenshi walks up to the door, and pauses, before heading in

* dragons react by tingling a little more...gotta dig deep inside for any understanding to happen...*

* Klork shudders, sighing shakily before closing his eyes...not sure if that's whatcha meant by diggin' deep, but he's concentrating

* `KuroiTenshi is real tierd, she's been raving since she left last night, lost in a sea of bodies and music and lights and beat, and her legs are barly holding her up, she's so tierd

* spell slowly...slowly comes into understanding, the script glowing softly on the paper...lotsa papers in the box, tho...this is a spell for...oh...relief of constipation without the use of laxitives...sure...*

* `KuroiTenshi grips the doorknob, closing her eyes and swalloing her fatigue, and heads on in, all happygolucky

* Klork mutters frustratedly, going to the next spell

<Klork> I don't need a kaopectate spell..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...!

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows, exchanging a look with Mondo

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> hahaha!!!

* Klork goes to the next

* HappyLittleMoron smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> man. Magic is so useful!

* `KuroiTenshi sees no one around, so she heads to the kitchen, to grab some ice cream

* after a few spells...notes of what seems to be notes from an investigation surface, a description of the man who was in the ally, among others...seems like the writer was tracking them...magically and physically*

* Klork blinks, continuing to look it over

* HappyLittleMoron watches, kinda going about straightening up the stuff they don't need...

* Klork rubs at his chin..

<Klork> <q> Doesn't help me on where he is..

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> ...what about to find him...or who he is...?

<Klork> well..there's a description of him here...and a few others..

<Klork> looks like whoever wrote this was tracking them down..but ..*shrugs*

* Klork shifts..

<Klork> They're underground somewhere..

<Mondo_Gecko> the vampires?

* Klork nods..

* ^Pippen^ is laying by her bowl....

* `KuroiTenshi doesn't even notice pips, she's damned tierd. she heads straight for the fridge, downing half a carton of orange juice and devouering half a tub of ice cream

* ^Pippen^ looks up at Kt..looks a bit happier

* `KuroiTenshi eats her ice cream, and also feels happier

<`KuroiTenshi> hey, pipsqueak

* ^Pippen^ perks her ears ^o^

* `KuroiTenshi talks as loud as she can, which is barely above a whisper

<`KuroiTenshi> yeah, i missed you too

* `KuroiTenshi reaches down and messes up her ears

* ^Pippen^ barks ^o^..stands..her tail still down

<`KuroiTenshi> you ok, dog?

* `KuroiTenshi sits next to pip, lookin over

* `KuroiTenshi offers her a spoonful of ice cream

* ^Pippen^ licks the spoon

* `KuroiTenshi smiles, and takes another bite herself, speaking to the dog, with her mouth full

<`KuroiTenshi> what's wrong, dog?

* ^Pippen^ ruffs

<`KuroiTenshi> everyone ditch you too hun?

* `KuroiTenshi nods

<`KuroiTenshi> know the feeling

<`KuroiTenshi> cala ditched me for sex.

* `KuroiTenshi sighs

* ^Pippen^ sits..listening

<`KuroiTenshi> but that's ok. new boyfriend and all... *she sounds a bit wistful, and teeny bit sad*

<`KuroiTenshi> it's understandable.

* `KuroiTenshi frowns

<`KuroiTenshi> who am i kidding?

<`KuroiTenshi> the bitch... she ditched me for sex.

* ^Pippen^ sits at KT's heels

* `KuroiTenshi sighs, and feds pip somemore ice cream, and then leaves, to check on her pot roast.

<HappyLittleMoron> So they' the sewers?

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> your guess is as good as mine..

* Klork shifts..

<Klork> names of people she's working with..headquarters..that might help..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, brows knit...

* ^Pippen^ keeps next to KT

<Mondo_Gecko> ugh...sewers..

<Mondo_Gecko> nasty

<Mondo_Gecko> I always thought vampires lived in cool places..

<Mondo_Gecko> like castles and shit

* HappyLittleMoron sighs alittle* Mebbe there are castles in the sewer...? They're really ninja turtles in disguise?

<HappyLittleMoron> Wonder if we can track the people she was working with down...

<Klork> maybe..*looks over the stuff again*

<Klork> Hn...mentions a woman and a man...small..dark..*squints* twins..japanese...

<HappyLittleMoron> hnn...names...?

<Klork> Lookin'...

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm

<Klork> hn..Cho and Sen..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, brows furrowed..

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her arms a little, Diana, atm, going through all sortsa fun torture...mostly experimentation with her vampirism...seeing what its turn ons and turn offs are...

* `KuroiTenshi feeds pippen and herself one more bite of ice cream each, and hoists herself up, heading for her room

* Klork studies the papers still, brows furrowing and unforrowing

* ^Pippen^ follows

* Klork sighs, putting it aside

<Klork> Cant make anything much else out that'll help..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm assuming you tried a mental connection

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, chewing her lip lightly, rubbing his shoulder lightly* Well...we can track those two down...somehow...and mebbe drag Mondo into the sewers too...

<Klork> didn't work..she's blocked..

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll do it..

* ^Pippen^ looks up at KT

* `KuroiTenshi smiles down at pippen

* `KuroiTenshi stumbles, tring to shake of her fatgue

* ^Pippen^ walks close

* `KuroiTenshi sighs, and flops on her bum in the middle of the hall

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, sighing softly and grumbling under her breath

<`KuroiTenshi> just give me a minute, sweetie...

<`KuroiTenshi> i'll be alright. soon as my legs work again

* ^Pippen^ stops....putting her ears down...nuzzles her face

* Klork leans back..

* `KuroiTenshi smiles, leaning on the dog for support

<`KuroiTenshi> i'm fine.

* HappyLittleMoron rubs KLork's shoulders

* ^Pippen^ makes a small whine

* `KuroiTenshi smiles at pippen

<`KuroiTenshi> kay. i'm good again

* ^Pippen^ perks her ears ^o^

* `KuroiTenshi stands up, fighting off vertigo, and stumbles towards her room

* ^Pippen^ follows closely

* Calantha slips out into the hallway

<`KuroiTenshi> *the going is slow, she's giggling at her own pateticness*

<`KuroiTenshi> i don't care, it was worth it.

<Calantha> Uhh.. you ok?

<`KuroiTenshi> i haven't partied so hard for months and months and months.

* `KuroiTenshi blinks, and looks up

* ^Pippen^ looks over at Cala

* `KuroiTenshi shakes her head a bit, and waits untill her eyes focus

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* oh. you. hi, cala. what up?

<Calantha> Diana's been kidnapped to a vamp clan.. other than that? Not much.

<`KuroiTenshi> diana?

<`KuroiTenshi> oh. mondo's friend.

* `KuroiTenshi frowns

<`KuroiTenshi> she ok? anything i can do to help?

* `KuroiTenshi is still wearing the outfit from last night. it's agood lookin dress, but not something to sleep in. she's been out all night

* Calantha shrugs

<Calantha> They're in Diana's room.. you can ask them..

* `KuroiTenshi nods, and smiles, and looks over cala's shoulder, into di's room

* HappyLittleMoron looks up from rubbing Klork's shoulders

* `KuroiTenshi waves

<`KuroiTenshi> cala said there was trouble.

<`KuroiTenshi> anything i can help with?

* Klork rubs his brow

<Klork> Not til' we know what we're gonna do first..

* `KuroiTenshi nods, and stands there a bit, half waiting to see if there gonna be up to stuff, half cause staying still makes her body happy

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* What he said...

* `KuroiTenshi smiles slowly at klork and hlm, then at the girl she met last time she went... swiming, and then at mondo.

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* hi.

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey Angela

* Klork sighs...

<Klork> Well..let's start researching..on this..Cho and Sen ppl..

* `KuroiTenshi smiles at them again, then, realising that the best way to help is to stay out of the way, she starts back to her room

* HappyLittleMoron nods and stands...

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* call me if you need any help with anything...

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

* ^Pippen^ goes w/

* `KuroiTenshi changes itno a big baggy shirt, flops onto the bed, and doesn't move

* ^Pippen^ jumps onto the bed

* `KuroiTenshi wraps an arm around the dog like a teddy bear

<`KuroiTenshi> *mumbles* big huge, warm teddy bear that smells like dog breath

* ^Pippen^ lays there w/ her eyes closed..tail swishing...ruffs

* HappyLittleMoron runs a hand through her hair...

<HappyLittleMoron> Gads...let's try the computer or somethin'...

<Mondo_Gecko> I have a comp too..

<Mondo_Gecko> a lap top..

* HappyLittleMoron looks over..* Think you'd be able to try trackin' 'em down...?

* Klork shakes his head

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> Probably

<Mondo_Gecko> Dunno what kinda result I can get..I'm a great hacker though..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, furrowing her brows and looking to Klork..* We the streets or something...

* Klork nods, rubbing his neck and standing

<Klork> Yeah..

<Mondo_Gecko> ok..

* ^Pippen^ just stays in bed

* Mondo_Gecko cracks his knuckles

* HappyLittleMoron gently rubs Klork's shoulder

* `KuroiTenshi sort of drifts, halfway between sleeping, and being to tierd to sleep

* Calantha slips down the hallway to Kuro's room, lightly rapping on the door

<`KuroiTenshi> mmmmmmm?.........

* ^Pippen^ looks up

* Mondo_Gecko heads to his room, leaving the door open and sits down, booting up his laptop

* Calantha peeks her head in

<Calantha> ok?

* `KuroiTenshi manages to nod, and smile

<`KuroiTenshi> just pooped.

<`KuroiTenshi> danced all night.

* `KuroiTenshi giggles

<`KuroiTenshi> fun...

* Calantha smiles a bit

<Calantha> That's good.. sorry for punking out on you.. my head really hurt..

* `KuroiTenshi shrugs, burying her face into pippen a bit

<`KuroiTenshi> s'ok.

<`KuroiTenshi> understandable

* ^Pippen^ puts a paw over KT

<Calantha> Heh.. I'd be pissed if it was me. I'd be like "Suck it up and get your ass out the door!"

* Calantha smirks and sits on the edge of the bed

* `KuroiTenshi says nothing, just ... breaths in dog fur

<`KuroiTenshi> ur loss. it was a great night.

* Klork pats HLM's hand, then tugs his coat on

<Klork> Shall we?

* Mondo_Gecko starts going through the internet..*

* Calantha shrugs

* ^Pippen^ keeps her eyes on Cala...

<Calantha> My night didn't turn out so bad... you sure you're ok?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Let's shall...*slips her own coat on, rubbing her neck a little* Never a break...

* `KuroiTenshi nods a bit

<`KuroiTenshi> i met the nicest guy at the club

<Calantha> Oh yeah?

<`KuroiTenshi> he was sweet. fun.

* `KuroiTenshi smirks, evily

<`KuroiTenshi> really fun

<Calantha> You gonna see him again? .oO(Say yes.)

<`KuroiTenshi> wish i knew his name though...

* Calantha laughs

<`KuroiTenshi> naw. it ruins the whole thing if you hunt them down

<Calantha> .oO(dammit)

<Calantha> Well.. maybe you'll meet another nice guy.

* `KuroiTenshi shrugs again

<`KuroiTenshi> whatever.

* `KuroiTenshi rolls over onto her stomach, and looks up at cala

<`KuroiTenshi> how's ur head?

<Calantha> It's better. Headache went away after a while.

<Klork> nope..never..*heads out the door, down the steps*

<`KuroiTenshi> good

* HappyLittleMoron goes with him..

* Klork reaches heads out the front door, hopping onto the hog and tugging a helmet on

* Klork hands the other helmet to HLM

* HappyLittleMoron slips it on and hops on behind him, grinning lopsidedly* Mebbe they shoulda gotten this for you...*winks and slips her arms around him*

<`KuroiTenshi> how's shawn doin?

* Yahoo asks Mondo for what kinda pet he has..."cat", "dog", "other" or "none"...*

* Klork chuckles, revving the engine before rolling to the street, taking off in whatever direction suits him, harley rumblin' loud n' clear

* Calantha shrugs

* ....*types in other* *

<Calantha> We didn't talk much

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail flips back and forth

* ^Pippen^ lays halfway on KT's back now

* `KuroiTenshi smiles a smile that doesn't reach her eyes

* Yahoo thanks him for making the selection then offers its...options...*

<`KuroiTenshi> *pets pips's head, lookin down at her*

<`KuroiTenshi> hello, dog.

* Calantha looks around

<Calantha> You should probably sleep..

* HappyLittleMoron ...goes with him...slight pull to the west

* `KuroiTenshi looks at cala for a long moment, then sighs, and lets her head flop onto the bed

<`KuroiTenshi> yea.. guess so.

* Calantha sighs

<Calantha> Look.. I think I know what's going on.. and I'm sorry.. I just don't feel the way you do..

* `KuroiTenshi closes her eyes, and doesn't move no more, though she's not asleep

* `KuroiTenshi opens her eyes to give cala a look

<`KuroiTenshi> hun???

* ^Pippen^ keeps looking at Cala

* `KuroiTenshi blink blinks

<`KuroiTenshi> ok...

* `KuroiTenshi looks a bit confused, then flops back to bed, snuggling pipp more

<Calantha> Anyway, go to sleep. I'll see ya tomorrow or something.

<`KuroiTenshi> night...

* Klork heads west

* Calantha stands and heads out the door, down the hall to peek in Mondo's room

* `KuroiTenshi watches cala leave

<`KuroiTenshi> *whispers to pip* what was THAT about?

* `KuroiTenshi sighs, and snuggles more, and falls asleep

* ^Pippen^ lays there protectively

<Mondo_Gecko> *Eminem's Without me is playing..he's laying on his bed with his laptop*

<Calantha> Finding anything?

* the pull gets stronger the farther west they go*

* Klork keeps going that way, brows furrowing

<Mondo_Gecko> nuttin but phat beats :P

* Calantha smirks and sits down next to him

* Mondo_Gecko is searching vampire stuff

<Calantha> You even sure what you're looking for?

<Mondo_Gecko> yea

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows lightly...approaching a dark tunnle

<Calantha> Just checking.

<Mondo_Gecko> yea yea

* Mondo_Gecko types

* Calantha lays out on the bed on her stomach, watching the screen

* Klork squints, driving into it, flipping his light on

* Calantha sighs, then gets back on her knees behind him and starts massaging his shoulders, looking over them at the monitor to watch his search

* HappyLittleMoron holds on, the pull seeming to veer sharply to the left...into the wall..

<Mondo_Gecko> mmmmm.. *typing slows*

<Calantha> Oops.. sorry.

* Calantha stops

* Klork pulls to a stop...eyeing the wall befuddledly...walking the bike over whilst still on it....examining it with his eyes..

* Mondo_Gecko snickers

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm gonna need to steal a printer soon

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* ...heh? *wall looks like a...WALL to the nekkid eye...some graffiti...*

<Mondo_Gecko> something nice to go with the stolen laptop

* Klork scoots the bike next to it, running his fingers over the wall as he sorta footpedals the bike slowly by it..

<Calantha> Heh.. dammit.. now I have nothing to do with my hands except fidget.

* Calantha looks around a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> HAHAHA!!

* Calantha blinks

* Mondo_Gecko snorts and laughs into the crook of his arm

* Almost indistinguishible seam in the wall...hidden within the graffiti...*

<Calantha> Whatever you're thinking, I don't wanna know ;P

* Calantha starts massaging his shoulders again

* Mondo_Gecko coughs and laughs

* Klork hesitates...pushing against various parts of the still humming lowly

<Calantha> Hush, you, or I'll bite ya.

* Mondo_Gecko snickers and keeps searching the net

* Calantha works back and forth from his shoulders to his neck

* Mondo_Gecko seems to be a really good hacker.. he gets into some hidden governmental files which are about coverups of strange occourences

* a section sinks in and the pavement suddenly drops out from benieth them*

<Calantha> Hmmm.. cool.

* Calantha works down his arms a little, then back up

* Klork ...the harley...and hlm....fall?

* yah! they go down a biiiiiiiiiig long slide, pavement sliding back into place over their heads*

* Klork ... screams


<Calantha> Where'd you learn to hack anyway?

* HappyLittleMoron more or less does the same...until they land...hard on a huge mat...

* Klork erfs, lands, glad he didn't land on the harle

* HappyLittleMoron ergs as she lands too, slowly getting to her feet and shaking her head to try clearing it...

<Mondo_Gecko> Have alot of slippery friends

* Klork tugs his helmet off, rubbing his temples as he looks around

<Mondo_Gecko> same way I learned to fight break and steal cars..

<Mondo_Gecko> it's all in who you know

* HappyLittleMoron slips the helmet off too, running a shakey hand through her hair...pure darkness all around...that pull has come to surround Klork, as if pulling him in all directions

* Klork grits his teeth, looking around..

* Calantha shrugs

<Klork> Mo..??

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm right here, hon...*steps closer to him, touching his hand with hers*

<Mondo_Gecko> Who you hang with makes you who you are

<Mondo_Gecko> never ferget that

* Klork takes her hand..

<Klork> <q> We're not alone..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, narrowing her eyes...

* voice from the dark <oh the melodrama...>* Who are you?

* Klork wraps an arm around her..squinting..eyes glowing..

* Calantha wraps her arms around his neck from behind, watching the computer

<Klork> ..oO(Crap .. baddies or goodies? Might as well try an easy answer..) A brother..

* HappyLittleMoron slips her arm around his middle, watching around, her own eyes taking up a glow, blinking at the energies

<Voice> Of the dark or the light?

<Klork> ..oO(Crap..) So far neutral.

<Klork> I'm kinda new at this.

* Mondo_Gecko is reading through various information..and then come across something..but its not what he's looking for...still

<Mondo_Gecko> WHAT!?

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

<Mondo_Gecko> *reads* Case of "Lizard boy" Shawn Murphy

* Calantha blinks and looks at the screen

<Mondo_Gecko> oohhhmaann..

<Mondo_Gecko> the governments on my ass

* Calantha sighs

<Calantha> No telling who's after mine.. I'm worth a lot of money.. heh..

<Calantha> What all does it say?

* bright flood lights suddenly flash on...the two of them are surrounded by about 13 people, of different races, etcetc, the oriental man described in Diana's note opposite him* I suppose that will have to do.

* HappyLittleMoron cringes at the lights and mutters a curse under her breath, shielding her eyes, the floodlights amplifying energy patterns too

* Klork blinks, sheilding his eyes til' they adjust before he rubs his temples..squinting at the guy..

* Klork shifts

<Klork> You Cho??

* guy smirks a little* Sen...Cho's my sister. are...?

<Klork> Erf..sorry. Klork ... Diana's blood brother..

* Klork motions to HLM

<Klork> My wife, Eloise..

<Mondo_Gecko> "thought to be deceased a Lizard human hybrid has been seen a few times in New york.. It's uncertain, however beleived this could possibly be a young man by the name of Shawn Murphy. A local from Brooklyn New York.. Shawn Murphy was delcared a missing person in September of 2001 by the local police.."

* Sen nods* Ah...sorry for the cold shoulder...what brings you and your...companion here...?

<Sen> Wife...*nods* A pleasure

* Klork sighs

<Calantha> Hmmmm..

<Klork> Lemme put it this way .. the dark/bad side of your...OUR Diana..

<Klork> Which isn't good for the simple fact that she probably doesn't remember anything ... lost her memories.

* Sen blinks* What?? *motions for them to come off of the mat* Yes...we knew she got amnesia...damn...when did this happen?

* Klork follows..

<Klork> About two hours ago tops..

* HappyLittleMoron steps down with him, squinting a little, eyes not glowing anymore, just still semi-blinded as Sen nods

<Mondo_Gecko> "After the arrest of Robert Bowing and Ashter Loft, who later plead guilty to the murder of a one Shawn Murphy by beating and drowning the case was closed. However the story takes a sinister twist when questioned Candy Fine, the then girlfriend, told police Shawn survived and disapeared. She denys knowing his whereabouts to this day."

* Klork keeps his arm around HLM

<Sen> Where? Who else knows of this? *leads out of the large room into a more home-like setting...a combination of ancient Japanese and CHinese mixed with Gothic direction..*

* Calantha shakes her head

<Klork> Ah .. me, HLM, Diana obviously ... um...and a few people living in the asylum

* Sen nods* Who else is searching? *has the air of anger and self-blame about him, but also the determination to do something about it*

<Klork> Ah, Shawn ... he's doing some computer work..

<Mondo_Gecko> "Many belive that Shawn Murphy was mutated somehow and went into hiding. Until solid evidence is presented this is a urban legend that will go unsolved!"

<Mondo_Gecko> Wow!!

<Mondo_Gecko> ....I'm an urban legend..

<Calantha> Congradulations.

* Mondo_Gecko takes a bow

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I'd like to thank all the little people..

<Mondo_Gecko> it couldn't have happened with out them

* Calantha snickers

* Mondo_Gecko keeps on searching

* Sen nods* We'll get in contact with him...he won't find much over the internet besides rumors...*he sends off someone to the computers to send a message to Mondo...window should pop up from Mahonoryu saying "You are looking for Diana?"*

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

<Mondo_Gecko> what the fuck?

* Mondo_Gecko types "Identify yourself"

<Mahonoryu> A friend.

* Klork rubs at his lower back

* Calantha blinks

<Calantha> That is the lamest answer I've ever seen.

<Sen> Ah...we can find you two a place to sleep for the night...

<Mondo_Gecko> Diablizard: How did you know

<Mohonryu> Klork and Eloise are here.

<Klork> A'right ... ugh. The guy also mentioned he'd be coming back for it a good idea or bad for me to be here..?

* Klork shifts

<Mondo_Gecko> Diablizard: Harm them and you will live to regret it. Mark me

<Sen> For the night? I don't think it matters...unless Diana's changed, she can withstand whatever they're doing until WE find HER...

* Klork nods..

<Mohonryu> We will not harm them. We're helping to find Diana. A messenger will be sent tomorrow to the Asylum.

<Klork> All right..*shifts* About that place to sleep for the night.

<Mondo_Gecko> Diablizard: Tell them to ask for Shawn Murphy

* Sen nods* This way... *leads them to a room, traditional Japanese style*

* Klork follows

<Mohonryu> Will do.

* HappyLittleMoron does too

<Klork> Heh. I could get used to this place...

* Klork smirks, stretching

<Mondo_Gecko> Diablizard: ThNx

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and rubs her eyes, wrinkling her nose* Energy patterns are WEIRD tho...*smirks*

<Mohonryu> NP.

<Mondo_Gecko> *closed the window*

* Klork smirks and settles on the bed

<Mondo_Gecko> ...well well..whatta you think of that

* Sen smirks and nods a bit* Rest well...

<Calantha> Nothing surprises me about this place.

* Klork nods, settling

* HappyLittleMoron nods as well, settling with Klork as Sen dissapears out the door after pulling it shut

* Klork sprawls, scooting to make room for HLM..yawning

* Klork . . . sleeps with her! *shockamaze*

* HappyLittleMoron slips in by him, curling up to him...and...sleeps with him! *doesn't know if her poor heart can take it*

* Diana...keeps getting tortured...bwah*

* Syan is getting laid..bwaahaa...well..not reallly, but he could be dreaming abou tit*

* Kevley is drooling in his sleep..more than likely keeping Rislyn up*

* Rica ... is hiding Correy's hat*

* Puddles is twitching in Diana's bed while he sleeps...he dreams of chasing Neko around and actually having the upper hand*

* Torrance ... sleeps. He's a week old, what the hell else DOES he do?*

* Kern is...changing Nerissa's diaper probably...Nox, well we already knows...Brenna, Takeo and Iris sleeeeep...*

* ANgora sleeps, plotting the asylum's destruction from her chained up, some room*

* Myrae sleeps in the bathtub...damn.*

* Jira .. shit, she's doing something, but I haven't a damn clue*

* Rev's...with Ryu...Dev's...I dunno...playing something on his flute?*

* Teirnan's dead (?)*

* Erwyl's dead <?>*

* Calantha yawns and lays back on the bed

* Random shark belches up one of Teirnan's random body parts*

* The underhill squirrles..just...STAY THERE*

Session Close: Sun May 05 01:19:22 2002

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