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Session Start: Wed May 01 11:11:15 2002

* Diana glides through the water, swimming laps in the pool on the roof, just...thinking things over and stuff*

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs from puttting Brenna to bed, skin a bit less red than before..

<Git> *approaches the Asylum wondering if this is the right place...*

* ^Pippen^ wakes up and yyaawwwnsssss..stretchhesss

* HappyLittleMoron runs a hand through her hair

* Diana closes her eyes, just kinda drifting on her back now as her mind works, her hair fanned out around her moving with the water*

* ^Pippen^ wanders into the kitchen

* ^Pippen^ looks around for someone

* Mondo_Gecko out racing across the rooftops, headed for home

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little, seeing Pippen

<HappyLittleMoron> Heya dog..

* ^Pippen^ sits by the fridge door and looks up at HLM hopefully

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, going about putting dog food down for her, along with fresh water..

* ^Pippen^ looks all happy now...eating and drinking

<Git> *approaches the building and knocks on the door a couple times*

* HappyLittleMoron watches Pippen, smirks a bit, then looks up and heads for the door, peeking out, blinking a little then opening the door* Uhh...can I help ya?

* Git looks somewhat like a mummy. His entire body is wrapped up in thick dull white medical bandages. His yellow blonde hair sticks out the top. His eyes are covered up by dark red lensed goggles. He's usually dressed in a red jacket, green t-shirt, green pants and wears sandals.(Pic available)*

* ^Pippen^ run out and looks at the new person...ears perked

<Git> This th' Asylum?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep...need a place ta stay? *steps back, opening the door wider for him*

<Git> *nods entering and looking around a bit; he turns towards HLM and puts out a hand* I'm Git.

* ^Pippen^ gose up to Git and sniffsniffs

* HappyLittleMoron shakes his hand* Nice ta meeeeetcha...I'm HLM...

* Mondo_Gecko finds a nice perch on a building, watching the city..

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to the desk* We got three rules here...keep your fighting to a minimum...pull yer own weight, as in clean up after yerselllf and keep up with the rent 'n bills...and respect the privacy of others...sound good?

<Git> *nods*

* Mondo_Gecko grins as a cool breeze blows over his body and then turns and leaps off, darting from building to building

<HappyLittleMoron> Cool...*takes out the book and opens it up* Just need you to sign here...

<Git> *scribbles his name, it looking just like that, a scribble. His cursive handwriting is horrible*

* ^Pippen^ pulls onna peice of bandage on Git...unless something's covering it...on his arm..hand...wrist area

* HappyLittleMoron offers a pen 'n stuff...

<HappyLittleMoron>, leave him be...

<Git> *looks down at the dog pulling on his arm, he pulls back a little trying to get it to let go*

* ^Pippen^ lets a small whine

* Mondo_Gecko lands on the asylum roof, skidding a little, tail swishing

<Git> *finishes his signature, if one can call it that*

* HappyLittleMoron offers the key to him* Number on the key matches the one on your edoor...

* Diana's still in the pool...just kinda drifting, doesn't seem to notice him*

<Git> *nods again taking the key and putting it into one of his jacket pokects

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehh...and...being what we are...we're sometimes attackked by outside forces...just as a warning...

* Mondo_Gecko straightens up and brushes himself off a little and then glances at Diana..he smiles a bit and turns, heading to go inside

<Git> *nods* Understandable *he seems to almost be out of breath after saying this long word*

* ^Pippen^ barks

* Diana shivers a little and opens her eyes, blinking a bit and straightens up* Konbonwa...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( you've got your ball, you've got your chain, Tied to me tight, tie me up again. Who's got their claws in ou my friend? Into your heart I'll beat again)

* Mondo_Gecko looks over his sholder

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Hey :)

* Diana smiles and pulls herself from the pool...scarred and tattooed skin glistening because of the water* How are you?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( Sweet like candy to my soul, sweet you rock, sweet you roll. Lost for you, I'm so lost for you)

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm

<Diana> I'm alright...*smiles a bit as she heads to the hot-tub and settles in it*

<Mondo_Gecko> That's cool. How was your day?

* Mondo_Gecko goes and leans over the edge of the hottub

* ^Pippen^ just watches Git

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* from the city?

* Diana shrugs a little* It was alright...and yours?

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...had better.. I'm getting lazy..almost got caught..

<Git> Kinda...

<Mondo_Gecko> hehe..oh well. Not like he coulda caught me anyways

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh?

* Diana chuckles softly* Hai..

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> heh! you don't even know what I do

<Git> On th' move lots...

<HappyLittleMoron> Oohh...

* Diana smirks a bit* Iie...I don't...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...heh.. then I'd best not tell you..*cracks his fingers*

<Mondo_Gecko> cause last time I checked you had some job that had to do with the law

* Diana chuckels* I don't even remember that...

* ^Pippen^ ....sits...looks around

<HappyLittleMoron> So uh...*leans against the desk* How'd ya heaar about this plaec?

<Mondo_Gecko> Well when I met you you were a tattoo artist.. But you wouldn't even tell me what job you had after that cause it was confidential :P

* Klork pushes into the front door

<Diana> Ahh...

<Git> Around...rumors...

* HappyLittleMoron blinnks and...opens the door for Klork? nodding to Git

<HappyLittleMoron> Gotcha..

* ^Pippen^ barks at Klork

* Klork closes the door behind him, hanging up his hoodie

* Klork hisses at Pippen

<Klork> Don't bark at me ... it was MY house first..

* HappyLittleMoron blinnks* You ok, hon? *looks to Pippen and oys*

* Klork nods

<Mondo_Gecko> So, you a prune yet?

* ^Pippen^ mrr's questioningly and cocks her head to the side

<Klork> Oh, I'm good. *points at Pippen* Still not used to that.

* Diana looks at her fingers* Oh hai...*shrugs*

<Mondo_Gecko> heh... that never happens to me

<Git> *looks at Klorl* 'ello

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and goes to hug and kiss him in greeting

<Diana> Oh?

* ^Pippen^ sits proud-like w/ ears perked and tail wagging

<Mondo_Gecko> well, no course not

* Diana pauses, then chuckles* Hai...that would make sense...

* Klork purrs, kissing her brow before kneeling at Pippen

* Mondo_Gecko holds out his hand to her, showing his plams..his hands are covered in these very tiny ridges. If you bend his finger back you can see the space between them..

<Klork> Ok..listen here mutt .. I don't like dogs .. but .. I think you n' me can make an agreement..

* ^Pippen^ smiles at Klork, looking happy

<Klork> You don't bark at me...don't...chew on me .. I'll tolerate you, got that?

* ^Pippen^ licks his face

<Klork> And Maaybe I'll get you a chew---eguhh..okok, no licking either..

* Klork props the dog slightly away from his face, wiping his face off on his shoulder

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, shaking her head

* ^Pippen^ whines

* ^Pippen^ puts her head down and sulks

* Klork sets the dog down

<Klork> Dude, I don't let Puddles lick me..why would I let you lick me?

* Klork ruffles Pippen's headfur

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Klork stands, stretching

* ^Pippen^ looks back up.....ruffs

* Klork ruffs back, heading to the kitchen, toting plastic bags behind him..

* ^Pippen^ follows him in

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* Need help?

<Klork> Here I thought I was done shoppin' yesterday..*plops the bags down on the klunks against the wood*

<Mondo_Gecko> Kinda neat huh?

<Klork> Nahh .. it's .. *motions to Pippen* Canine stuff.

<Diana> I see...hai it is...

<HappyLittleMoron> ooh *noddles*

* ^Pippen^ perks and wags he tail high in the air

<Mondo_Gecko> Sticks to stuff..

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> I used to hate this..looking this way... But now I think I'm happy this way..

<Diana> So you can...climb wallas and such..?

<Git> *looks to HLM* Anythin' else?

* Diana nods* Good *smiels*

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* Klork tugs out four bowls, tugging out a sharpee and writes Pips on one Puds on the other.* Don't have rome to write Pipsqueak like KT calls ya so this'll do..

<HappyLittleMoron> Mm...nope..! You can go on 'n get settled...

<Mondo_Gecko> I frequently wake up on the ceiling

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little

* Diana blinks, arching her brows*

* Mitch , at Foss, drowses fitfully... for anyone keeping tabs, his back is doing MUCH better, the angry red gashes closing up into raw keloid scars

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..I mean..I guess somethings I've lost..

<Mondo_Gecko> but it's not worth it in the end

* Diana nods a little...*

<Git> *nods and heads up to his room to check it out*

* ^Pippen^ makes a high-pitched whine-bark noise

* Shingami is still at Foss aswell, been staring at the ceiling since dusk

* Klork puts the bowls down on the ground .. the two reading' "Pips" on one side of the kitchen..the ones reading "Puds" on the otherside

* Klork fills one of each with water..

* HappyLittleMoron grins as she watches

* Mondo_Gecko picks at something stuck under his claws

* Klork then pulls out two rather large bags of dog food, filling the bowls with Dog chow..the other with Puppy chow..then puts them into .. oh, let's say we suddenly have a pantry cuz there ain't no way it'll fit into a cupboard

* HappyLittleMoron thinks that works...

* Shingami sits up rubbing the back fo her head and takign a look around... spots mitch and gets up, walkign voer to where he is

<Shingami> (( HES NOT DEAD... YEAY!!))

* ^Pippen^ goes right for the food..eating mooorreee

* Klork then tosses some chew toys on the ground by the bowls each..some squeaky, some rope tugs .. one way or another they'll be on the floor anyway

<Mondo_Gecko> So.. How's your life then?

<Mondo_Gecko> Like it here?

<Diana>'s alright...*shrugs a little* Figuring things out..

<Mondo_Gecko> oh? Like what>?

* Klork leans back a little, glancing over to HLM

<Klork> Ok .. so ..

<Diana> Ah...just...peicing little bitsss of what I remember together...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> is it working?

* ^Pippen^ looks at the toys...picking up a rope and runs out into the livingroom

* Mondo_Gecko rests his jaw in his hand

* Diana shifts a little and shrusg* To a degree...hai...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..did you find a diary or something?

<HappyLittleMoron> So...

<Mondo_Gecko> cause if you could find that I'm sure I'd help

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( Even if she'd lose allkinds of respect for me ..heh)

<Diana> news articles...Revelyn brought me my journal a while ago...

* Klork watches Pippen, then grins to HLM

<Mondo_Gecko> news articles?

* Mondo_Gecko blinks a bit

<Klork> Ready to .. get ready for .. tonight? *smirks*

* Diana nods..* Hai...

* ^Pippen^ lays down and cheewwsss

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> bout what?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and nods...leaning in to kiss him beforee heading upstairs with a wink..

* Klork grins, watching her go, then snags the other bag he snuck in..running into the downstairs bathroom to change

* HappyLittleMoron ...changes and stuff

<Diana> things...

* Klork comes out of the bathroom, muttering as he tries to figure out the damned bow tie..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> whaaat?

<Git> *exits his own room, sans jackect, and goes exploring, learning the lay of the building*

<Mondo_Gecko> Your funeral!?

<Mondo_Gecko> look pretty alive to me

* Diana smirks* Apparently people thought I'd died a few years back...

* Klork is in a TUX...rather wishing he could be wearing a suit of armor rather than the evil tie he cannot figure out

<Mondo_Gecko> O o

<Mondo_Gecko> whoo

<Mondo_Gecko> ...when I left my old life I left a suicide note

<Mondo_Gecko> said I blew my head off

* Diana chuckles softly*

<Mondo_Gecko> it kinda sucked cause my ma thinks I'm dead *sigh*

<Mondo_Gecko> I love'er alot...I wish I could see her again.. But she's scared of mutants...She'd never accept it

* Diana nods...* I see...

* Mondo_Gecko shurgs a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> Well, I should probably head in..

<Diana> Me as well, actually...

* Mondo_Gecko nods and looks around for a towel for her and hands it over

* Klork waits for HLM, eyeing his watch

* HappyLittleMoron comes back edown after a bit, wearing the beautiful red satin dress Klork got her, along with the matching shoes, earrings and up partially, save for spirals framing her face, she's got a little make up on, but hey...she looks goooood

* Klork blinks..

* Diana smiles and gets out, wrapping the towel around herself* Domo...

<Klork> Ooooo, hey! You look goooooood!

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and blushes a little, looking him over with a grin* So do you...

* Klork watches her .. were the complement not enough, the fact that he can't take his eyes off her should be

* Klork smirks, puffing his chest out

<Klork> Oh, well, y'know..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles again, heading over...

* Klork holds an arm out for her, smirking

* Mondo_Gecko turns and heads back inside

* HappyLittleMoron takes his arm, gazing up at him

* Diana heaeds in too*

* Klork smirks, heading for the door and opening it for her with a front of the house is a limozine..

* Calantha stretches out as she stands up.. been lying on the roof a while

* Mondo_Gecko blinks, seeing Klork and Mo

* HappyLittleMoron heads through and BLINKS!* I...woah...

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* whoa..

* Klork grins..

* Calantha moves to the edge of her roof, seeing the limo in the distance

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(....HAHAHA!! Klork's in a penguin suit!! HAHA!)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( never catch me wearing one of those..)

* Klork shoots Mondo a look ...oO(Heh heh..I got a sexy woman to accompany me tho..he he hee...)

* Klork smirks, taking her arm again and heading down the the limo..where ze driver hops out

* Mondo_Gecko snickers a bit under his armpit

* HappyLittleMoron goes with him

<Mondo_Gecko> thbbbbttt!

* Calantha jumps across the rooftops, heading toward the asylum

<Mondo_Gecko> and have a nice time!

* HappyLittleMoron 's just speechless...

<Klork> Will do!

* Klork offers her to go in first

<Klork> After you of course..*grins*

* Calantha slips down to the street, idly nearing the asylum, watching everyone and smiling just a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> Wonder where they're going

* HappyLittleMoron heaeds in with a smirk

* Diana...didn't see this...she stopped off in her room*

* Calantha waves to the departing couple as she walks up

* Klork climbs in after, smirking* I hope you don't mind dinner first..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles over at him, twining her fingers with his* Not at all, love...this is...amazing...

* Klork smirks, just watching her before clearing his throat

* Calantha slips up to the door with a small yawn

<Klork> Oh yeah..champagne's over there? Could you grab it whilst I get the glasses?

* Mondo_Gecko goes into his room and changes..

* HappyLittleMoron grabs the champagne with a soft grin

* Calantha steps in the main room, looking around

<Calantha> ..hello?

* ^Pippen^ looks up and barks

* Klork takes the glasses, holding them out for her to pour

* Diana comes down, having changed* Konbonwa..

* ^Pippen^ is chewing on rope toy

* HappyLittleMoron poars...

<Calantha> Hi puppy.. *scritches Pip's ears*

* Klork ..after stuff is poured, hands her a glass, taking the other

* ^Pippen^ perks and wags her tail

* Calantha looks up to Diana

<Calantha> Hi again...uhh... Diana!

* HappyLittleMoron accepts with a smile...

* Diana smiles a bit*

* Klork holds his glass up

* HappyLittleMoron does as well

<Git> *walks down into the main room as well, done having his look around the place*

<Klork> To our family.

* ^Pippen^ goes back toooo cheewwwing

* HappyLittleMoron nods* To our family... *smiles and gently klinks glasses with him*

<Calantha> Heh.. still trying to remember everyone and all.

<Calantha> How are things?

* Klork klinks, then sips, purring...watching her

* Diana nods* Hai...I understand...they're alright...*shrugs a little* You?

* HappyLittleMoron sips with a soft smile

* Calantha shrugs

<Calantha> My side's healing. No more ruined shirts, so that's a plus.

* Klork sips .. leaning back with the glass and wrapping an arm around her shoulders

<Klork> I think we should get there in about five to ten minutes..

* HappyLittleMoron sips lightly, leaning into him and watching him* Ok...*smiles softly*

* Klork grins, watching her before watching the lights of the bright billboards and streetlaps pass them by as they enter Times Square

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, doing much the same, content

<Calantha> Everything.. well.. eheh.. RELATIVELY calm tonight?

<^Pippen^> *chewchewchew..gnawgnawchew*

* Klork finishes his champagne as the limo comes to a stop, looking up at her with a smile

* Diana chuckles softly and nods* Hai...

* HappyLittleMoron finishes her own as well, setting the empty glass aside, smiling at him, demeanor soft and tender..

* Klork motions for her to get out when the driver opens the door for them

<Calantha> Good... um.. how's.. life? *smiles a bit sheepishly* Kinda hard to get a conversation going between two people with bad memories, eh?

* HappyLittleMoron hops out and stuff..

* Diana chuckles softly* Very true...*smirks* Life is...alright...*shrugs a bit*

* Klork follows suit, the driver hopping in to drive around while they eat

<Calantha> That's about my attitude right now..

* the restaurant is a veddyyy expensive steak house sorta deal...only fancy schmancy*

* HappyLittleMoron slips her hand into his, just smirking a little and shaking her head* <q> Wow...

* Diana nods..*

<Calantha> Everyone doing better after that fiasco?

* Klork smirks, taking her hand and squeezing it before leading her inside...within 2 minutes they have a seat by the windows..overlooking Times square

* Diana nods* Hai...I think so anyway...

* HappyLittleMoron settles in her chair, watching him with a grin before looking at the menu..

* Calantha hums a bit

* Klork sits, looking over the menu himself

<Calantha> Jodie wears a hat although it hasn't rained for six days... she says a girl needs a gun these days, hey, on account of those rattlesnakes..

* Calantha hums

* Diana blinks a little and arches a brow*

<Calantha> She looks like Eve Marie Saint, on the waterfront.. she reads Simone de Beauvoir in her American circumstance...

* Calantha hums

* Klork puts his menu down when the waiter comes over, wheeling a cart of potatoes, different slices and cuts of beef, veal, and chicken...going about elaborately of what they have to offer before deciding to take their order

<Calantha> She’s less than sure if her heart has come to stay in San Jose.. and her neverborn child haunts her now as she speeds down the freeway.. as she tries her luck with the traffic police out of boredom more than spite...

<Calantha> She never finds no trouble, she tries too hard, she's oblivious despite herself...

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Klork, smiling softly before looking back to the weighter...knowing HE'S ordering soemthing chicken and figgering she'll go along with it <G>

* Calantha hums a bit more, playing with a piece of her hair, making a small braid

* Klork orders Chicken Corodon Bleu with the Berneise sauce .. n' ... points out the potato he wants...

* Mondo_Gecko comes downstairs after taking a shower and changing into a pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt

* Klork orders an ice tea with it just cusz he wants to be sober for the play

* Calantha hums some more of her song as she idly looks out the window

* The waiter looks to HLM .. obviously not approving of her hair, but knows they're high-paying, so plays very well at masking his irritation*

* Calantha trails off in her humming, thinking, like she's trying to figure out the next part of the song. She waves a bit to Mondo and leans back against the wall

* HappyLittleMoron grins charmingly, knowing she could kick his butt very easily if she wanted to, but orders...pretty much what he does, pickin' out a different potato and water...using perfect manners and "upper-class" speach, just to piss 'im off

* The waiter smiles...wanting to twitch..but turns with the order to go to the kitchen*

* Klork smirks a bit, looking over at her with a grin

<Klork> <q> Tight ass, isn't he?

* Calantha walks over to the couch, leaning over the back a bit

* HappyLittleMoron grins and nods* <q> Big time...hehehe

<Calantha> So.. what's new in the world of Mondo?

* Diana looks up and wavels to MondO*

<Mondo_Gecko> oh..hey

<Mondo_Gecko> Not much

* Mondo_Gecko goes and leaves the rent in an envelope on the asylum desk

<Calantha> Heh.. sleep well after that little event?

* Calantha smirks a bit

<Calantha> You slept through getting you home and all that.

<Mondo_Gecko> I know...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> I used up alot of energy.

* Calantha nods

<Calantha> I noticed. I'm the one that carried ya.

<Calantha> ;)

* Calantha rolls over the back of the couch to sit on it

* Diana chuckles softly and curls into a chair*

* Klork rolls his shoulders, then leans back as the food is brought to them..

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm not that heavy..

<Calantha> No, you're not.

* HappyLittleMoron folds her hands on her lap with a soft grin

<Mondo_Gecko> ..hmm..wonder how much weigh..

* Calantha shrugs

<Calantha> More than me.

<Mondo_Gecko> how much do you weigh?

* Klork watches the waiter leave after they get their food, smirking and sipping his iced tea

<Calantha> I haven't weighed since this..*gestures to her tail*

<Mondo_Gecko> Tail's are heavy but geckos are light :P

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a bit, sipping her water and y'know...eating, nice manners and stuff, shaking her head* <q> I can only imagine what he's telling is coworkers in the back...

<Calantha> I was under 100 when I was human..

* Klork eats..etc..glancing up at her

<Klork> Wouldn't matter..nothing can spoil an evening with you..

<Mondo_Gecko> I was about .. um.. 145 as a human

<Mondo_Gecko> I was purdy skinny though

* HappyLittleMoron smiles as she munches* Goes both ways, m'love...

* Calantha nods

<Calantha> Same here..

* Mondo_Gecko goes over and sweeps Cala off her feet into his arms

* Klork grins, eating with a low purr as he watches her

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm.. I'd say about 115

* Calantha blinks and scrambles to get down.. gut reaction

<Mondo_Gecko> eek!

<Mondo_Gecko> careful!

* HappyLittleMoron munches, unable to take her eyes from him as she eats...

* Klork purrs, munchin' and eating

* Calantha pants a bit, trying to calm down

<Diana> ...are you alright?

* Calantha nods a bit

<Calantha> ..fine..

* Diana nods a little...*

* HappyLittleMoron ...finishes after a bit!

<Mondo_Gecko> ??

* Klork does too!

<Mondo_Gecko> oohh kaay

<Mondo_Gecko> what was that all about?

<Calantha> I told you... I just.. I freak out when someone touches me.. can't help it.

* Klork pays the check when it comes, standing to take her hand

<Klork> Ready..?

* HappyLittleMoron nods, standing and taking his hand with a smile

* Klork smirks, taking her hand and heading out..the limo is waiting for them there already

<Mondo_Gecko> ooh..

<Mondo_Gecko> Sorry..

* Driver hops out and opens the door for HLM first*

* Calantha shrugs a bit* It's ok..

* HappyLittleMoron slips in with a smile to the driver..

* Klork nods to the driver, hopping in

* HappyLittleMoron shifts close to him again with a grin..

* Diana's...fallen asleep, actually, hair dried into a mass of curls*

* Calantha looks over to Diana

<Calantha> *w* Heh.. quiet time..

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* she does that alot..

* Klork wraps an arm around her as he's driven all of .. 3 blocks to the theatre

* Mondo_Gecko pulls the blanket over her

* Calantha nods, heading for the stairs

* HappyLittleMoron smiles..

* Diana mmms and murmers a thank you..*

* Klork chuckles, once againthe door is opened for her

* HappyLittleMoron grins, blinking a little and hopping out with a thank you..

* Mondo_Gecko goes and lays out on the couch and starts flipping through channels

<Calantha> *w* that won't wake her up?

* Klork hops out with a smirk..leading her up to the box office of the theatre

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* not if it's quiet I don't think

* Calantha shrugs and sits on the arm of the couch

* HappyLittleMoron goes with him...

* Klork pays..heading in and.. up the stairs

* Calantha looks toward the door

* HappyLittleMoron ...goes with him

* Klork leads HLM to a personal box seat, smirking, letting her take a seat's practically right over the stage

* Calantha hums quietly, thinking, working something out in her head

* HappyLittleMoron settles and just shakes her head in awe* <q> Wow...oh love...

* Klork grins, settling beside her

* Calantha pulls a small section of hair free and makes it into a rope, tying it off at the end, humming softly as she makes it.. her hair is waist length now..

<HappyLittleMoron> *before it startss, obviously* <q> This is so amazing...think you so much...

* Klork nods, grinning...pointing out the stage..the sides up the wall are covered with sculptures of angels all of gothic of origin...of course .. they're barely visable due to being covered by cloth all the way around

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and grins, chuckling softly

* Calantha slowly looks up to the tv, seeing what's on..

* Klork smirks, leaning back, watching ppl get to their seats

* Mondo_Gecko is watching Cops

* HappyLittleMoron sits back as well

<Calantha> *q* Think I might go home in a bit.. work on this song..

* Klork watches...a few moments later the lights dim...the stage set up is an old storage looking area with boxes and several items ...a chandelier in the middle of the stage, covered in a large cloth..

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* Sure

<Calantha> *q*.. you mad at me or something?

* HappyLittleMoron grins, watching..

* the play starts...etc..etc..loud happy music after the first scene*

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* no...*blinks* ..why would I be mad at you?

<Calantha> *q* If I knew, I wouldn't have asked :P

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(why is it every time I wanna watch TV women think I'm mad at them?)

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head a bit and continues to zone out to garbage

* Calantha starts to say something, then stops, getting up and heading to the door

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( would be nice...then again..the fridge is...waaaaay over there... Where's that dog that looks like Lassie?)

<Calantha> *q* I've gotta pick up some things before I go home.. you need anything?


<Calantha> *q* No, I'm sorry.. I asked if you NEEDED anything ;P

* Calantha smirks

<Calantha> *q* I'll get you some beer.. heh.. so predictable..*slips out the door with a small spin*

* Mondo_Gecko grins and taps his claws together

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( it's all comming together now.. mwahaha!)

* Calantha comes back a while later, peeking in the door

<Calantha> I got your beer.. but see, then I started thinking..

<Calantha> And I thought, what has Shawn done for me lately?

* Calantha smirks a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> uh oh

<Calantha> So then I decided maybe I should just keep it..

<Calantha> But then I thought, no.. that would be mean.. and I'm not mean, am I?

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head!!

<Calantha> But then my dark side awoke, and told me I am a very mean and nasty woman..

* Calantha holds the bag up a bit, idly swinging it a little back and forth

<Calantha> And it wouldn't be very mean and nasty to give you something for nothing...

* Mondo_Gecko 's eyes go back and forth watching the beer

<Calantha> Then again.. everyone picks on the Mondo.. so why should I be one of the crowd and join in?

<Calantha> I'm just so torn up about it... what do you think?

* Mondo_Gecko whimpers

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

<Calantha> You're right. *nods a bit* I'll take it home and drink it myself.

* Calantha smiles

<Calantha> Thanks, Shawn.

* HappyLittleMoron 's watching a play with Klork...Diana's passed out in the living room

* Klork is still a'watching

* HappyLittleMoron too <G>

* Calantha starts to walk out the door again, grinning

<Mondo_Gecko> O O!!

* Mondo_Gecko starts to fake cry

* Diana hnns? and sits up, blinking a little*

* Calantha laughs, turning around

* Mondo_Gecko looks over his arm and then starts to cry again

* Diana blinkblinks confusedly*

<Calantha> Well.. that convinces me I was right. I mean, beer IS a barbituant.. it would only make him more depressed.

* Diana chuckles softly*

* Mondo_Gecko cries fer real!!

<Calantha> Oh all right all right.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...whoohoo!

<Calantha> Drama Queen.

* Calantha comes over to the couch and plops down, pulling out a can and tossing it to Mondo

* Diana nods and yawns a little*

* Mondo_Gecko catches it

* Calantha reaches into the bag

<Calantha> Hey Di.. chocolate cheesecake?

* Calantha pulls out a small one, setting it on the table.

<HappyLittleMoron> *Diana oooooohhhhhhhhs...eyes going really big*

* Mondo_Gecko looks over the edge of the can at Cala

* Calantha gestures for her to take it

* Mondo_Gecko 's eyes ZING to the cheesecake!

* Calantha sighs

<Diana> Dooomo...I love you, Cala...*grins and gets to grab a few plates and utensils, pausing to eye Mondo* Hands off, lizard-boy...

<Calantha> So.. so.. SO predictable.. *pulls out another one, holding it out to Mondo without even looking at him*

* Diana settles down with a smirk, going about serving up cheesecake*

* Kameko blips into the asylum .. eyes .. kinda bulging as she sees the cheesecake

<Kameko> Oooohhh...goodies--oh, cheesecake. Nevermind.

* Kameko sighs

* Klork stands to applaud as the show ends..

* Diana blinks* Konbonwa...*smiles...not recognizing Kame...*

* HappyLittleMoron stands as well...applauding

* Calantha blinks

* Mondo_Gecko hides under the table

<Calantha> Well, I got a whole bunch of crap in here.. have a look *pushes the bag across the table toward Kame.. tons of junk food in it* I was planning on going home and writing some music with my roomie's band.

* Kameko blinks ...then sticks her entire head into the bag

* Klork smirks, taking her arm as they head out when it's done..

<Kameko> Goooodies?

<Klork> Like it..?

* Calantha blinks

<Calantha> Mondo? Don't want your cheesecake? Allll right.. I'll eat it.

* Kameko comes out, shaking her green hair out

<Kameko> Heh...nah, I' sneak some coffee..

* Calantha lifts it up slowly toward her mouth, grinning

* Kameko smirks, then kinda waves at Diana -- no one's told her Diana don't know what's up yet <G>

<Kameko> Heya Diana! Don't..tell on me, please???

* Klork leads her out to the waiting limo, letting her get in first

* Angelo leans against the counter...having portalled there .. he's got a cast on his foot from having accidently jack-hammered his foot*

* Mondo_Gecko bumps his head under the table

<Mondo_Gecko> cheesecake?

<Mondo_Gecko> ow

<Calantha> I bought one for you too, dummy. Like I said, you're predictable.

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, nodding* Very much so...

* Angelo eyes Kame ...... and the coffee*

<Calantha> But since ya don't waaaaant it.. I'll eat it.

* Diana arches her brows*

* Mondo_Gecko skirts out from under the table, tail whiping around!

<Mondo_Gecko> Wherezthacake!?

* Calantha is holding it about to take a big bite out of it

<Calantha> Right here.. mmmmmmmmmm....

* Diana chuckles softly, blinking a little at Angelo*

* Kameko turns, grinning, then jumps, shrieking in alarm, dropping the coffee all over the floor

<Kameko> GYAH!!!!!

* Mondo_Gecko zooms up to her and licks the cake!

* Kameko holds a hand over her heart, eyes all ..wide n' stuff

<Calantha> think that bothers me?

<Kameko> I...dear GODdon'tdothattome!

* Angelo erks...then just chuckles, going over and taking her hands* Whaa? Did I scare you? *winks*

* Calantha smirks

* Kameko whines

<Kameko> Diannaaaaa! He scared me! Beat him up??

* Kameko looks over at her, kinda pouting

<Diana> Nee....I...don't even know him...!

* Kameko blinkblinks ...

<Kameko> don't.....??

* Kameko looks all confused

* Kameko looks up at Angelo ...?

* Angelo blinks, glancing over...* Well, *looks at Kame* I only met her .. once I think..

<Kameko> Oh...I....*sighs overdramatically*... ohfine..

* Klork hops out once they get home, offering a hand to HLM to help her up

* Diana smiles a little apologetically* I...have lost my memory...

* Calantha shrugs and breaks off a small piece of the cheesecake, popping it in her mouth melodramatically

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, taking his hand and getting out* <q> Thank you, love...

<Mondo_Gecko> ew

<Mondo_Gecko> I just licked that one

<Calantha> I've kissed you.. it's the same thing.

* Klork nods, leading her up to the asylum and opening the front door of the asylum for her..all decked out in his tux n' whatnot

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> not really

<Mondo_Gecko> one involves cake

* HappyLittleMoron heads through, dressed in the beautiful red satin dress he got up save for spirals framing her face...wearing matching shoes and jewlery, lil' bit of make up on...all perty 'n stuff..

<Calantha> One that I'm holding hostage

<Mondo_Gecko> one involves tounge...

* Klork closes the door behind them, smirking as he looks around

<Klork> OH good, the place is still standing!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<HappyLittleMoron> Very good...*grins lopsidedly and wwavels to everyone in the living room..*

* Calantha waves a bit, holding the cheesecake way away from Mondo

* Klork tilts his head at the conversation before shaking his head

<Klork> I don't wanna know what involves cake and what involves tongue but I'm pretty sure it can't be good

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Calantha snickers

* Mondo_Gecko snatches some of it with his claws

<Calantha> eeek!

* Calantha leans waaaaaaay over the arm of the couch to hold it farther away

* Klork smiles, stretching

<Klork> Bed..? I'm beat..

* Mondo_Gecko pouts and crawls up, reeeeeeaching for the cake, hovering over her

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Bed gooooood...

* Kameko blinkblinks, looking up at Klork and 'Mo

<Kameko> Hii..Uhm..I'll...clean up the mess...

<Calantha> nonononono!

* Klork purrs, stretching..

* Klork blinks, looking at Kame

<Klork> Heya..!

* Kameko pulls away from Angelo, cleaning up her coffee mess

* Calantha kinda waves it around, trying to avoid his grasp

* Angelo goes to help her, still in the cast*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Ooooookeis

* Kameko chuckles a bit

<Kameko> You two are all decked out..where'd you go?

* Mondo_Gecko grabs it in his hands, squishing it!

<Mondo_Gecko> WEE!

* Klork grins

* Kameko looks up from having had to slowly work her way down to the floor

<Calantha> ick!!

<Klork> Dinner..and Phantom..*smirks*

* Kameko oooohs

<Kameko> Good choice, good choice.

* HappyLittleMoron smiles* D..what he said *grins*

<Calantha> Mondo! You got it all over me too!

* Angelo has knelt as well, helping*

* Kameko bapples Angelo

* Mondo_Gecko sits back looking triumphant and licking cake off his hands

<Kameko> You stay up! You're not gonna be able to get back to your feet with that!

<Mondo_Gecko> want I should lick it off you too? ;)

* Calantha looks at her hands, Mondo, hands, Mondo, then gets and evil glint in her eye

<Angelo> Ow..hey! *pouts* I will too!

<Calantha> Hmmm.. bet this stuff is really great for your hair...

* Mondo_Gecko licks this side of his mouth, catlike

* Kameko finishes, pulling herself to her feet by using the counter

<Kameko> Oh?? SHOW me.

* Calantha licks a bit off one finger

<Calantha> mmm..

* Mondo_Gecko blinks and watches...corner of his mouth twitches

* Calantha licks off the next finger slowly, not used to eating off her hands

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( whooo..)

* Angelo stands, using one fooot* LIke this? *grins, cat-balance*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( beer..cake...a woman covered in cake.. Could this get any better?)

* HappyLittleMoron reaches up to let her hair edown...then chuckles* Cats, hm?

* Calantha blinks

* Kameko snorts, pushing at his chest lightly with one hand

<Kameko> Oh..? Balanced, eh?

<Calantha> Wow.. this is cool.. I have 8 more fingers too..

* Calantha starts licking another finger off

* Angelo erks, hopping, trying to keep balanced* h-HEY! Don't do that..?? *pouts*

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail twitches

* Klork chuckles, undoing the tie

* Calantha moves to her ring finger, smiling, oblivious to Mondo

* Diana blinks a little, having zoned, smirking a little*

* Mondo_Gecko cocks his head a little

* Calantha licks her pinky, blinking when she notices Mondo watching her

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail twitches

* Kameko chuckles, blowing a kiss at him .. then sighs

<Calantha> ...wha?

<Kameko> <q> So Klork..'Mo...? When was someone gonna tell me Di had amnesia..??

* Angelo steadies himself by the counter, sighing* whew..

* Klork blinks..


<Klork> <q> I thought you knew..

* Mondo_Gecko goes back to licking cake

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* <q>, too...

* Calantha blinks, then starts on her other hand slowly

* Kameko shakes her head slowly..

* Klork furrows his brow..

<Kameko> I....haven't..really been around much...I didn't even know she'd been hurt...

<Klork> <q> I'ms orry, I thought you were there when she woke up...

* HappyLittleMoron nods and heads over..* <q> Yeah...happened before I had the twins...really...reeally sorry...

* Kameko shakes her head again, then looks at Diana

* Kameko pauses

<Kameko> No...I was there...but I still didn't know about the amnesia

* Klork nods...coming over slowly, rubbing at th eback of his neck

* Diana sorta curls up a little, brows furrowed, watching and listening quietly*

<Calantha> ...I'm already getting sick of this..

* Calantha still has her four fingers left

* Kameko chews at her lip, looking at Diana

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..must...control ..libedo...)

<Kameko> <q> You...okay other than that..? We'll help you remember..promise.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( why? ..why must I again?)

* Diana nods a little* <q> Hai...I'm alright...I...think it will come back eventually...*smiles a bit* Domo...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( girlfriend... every girl that I like doesn't want me.. nothing tying me down)

* HappyLittleMoron hns a little, running a hand through her hair

* Calantha looks at her hand and sighs a bit

<Calantha> I'm gonna go wash my hand.. such a waste.. .oO(He HAD to go and smush it..)

* Klork stretches

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little

<Mondo_Gecko> ...ok

* Calantha blinks

<Calantha> ..what?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( A'course I'm not good enough for Cala either..)

* Calantha looks at her hand, then at Mondo, her hand..up at Mondo.. then offers her hand with a questioning look

* HappyLittleMoron hmms...tickles Klork's side mid-streatch

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...ormaybe..)

* Kameko sighs .. then looks up at Angelo..then at Klork

* Mondo_Gecko leans forward and sucks the cake off her finger

<Kameko> was hot chocolate, really!

* Kameko waddles as quickly towards exit as she can <G>

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows then smirks

<Klork> agh!

* Calantha blinks, and just kinda watches him

* Klork snags her hands

* Angelo arches a brow* If it had chocolate, it was a mocha .. III smelled coffee.

* Mondo_Gecko moves to the next and the all her fingers off

<HappyLittleMoron> Eep...hehe

<Mondo_Gecko> ...heh..don't wanna waste perfectly good cake

<Calantha> true...

* Kameko shakes her head quickly

* `KuroiTenshi shuffles a few grocery bags in her arms, and struggles with the front door

<HappyLittleMoron> Eh heh...Iiiiii think you're busted, Kame..

<Kameko> nopenope! Just coff---er, chocolate!

* Mondo_Gecko smirks and sits back

* Kameko kicks at the floor

* Calantha looks at the clock

<Angelo> Heh...

* Klork nods

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I miss being the object of female attention..)

<Kameko> <q> Damnit...just...want coffee..she makes me crave it, y'know..

<Calantha> Oops.. everybody's gonna be gone now when I get home..

<Klork> Yep...*points at the stairs* Bed...<G>

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..good attention)

* Angelo chuckles* I know..* smoothes her hair back* She can't have it either tho

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Bed...niiiiiight gguys...

* Kameko swats at his hands, muttering and blatantly pouting

<Mondo_Gecko> Night!

<Kameko> G'night 'Mo, Klork..Mother wants to see her GRANDCHILDREN sometime this week, you two!

<Calantha> ...don't suppose you might wanna come keep me company for a bit? I mean, ya don't have to..

* Calantha waves g'night to the couple

* Mondo_Gecko looks over

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Will do! The twins aren't going anywhere just yet so...heh...

<Mondo_Gecko> you want me to?

* Diana wavels* Oyasumi...

<Calantha> ..would I have asked you if I didn't?

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

* Mondo_Gecko gets up

* Klork shirks down

* `KuroiTenshi finally manages to get the door open, and walks inside, shoving her bags out of her feild of vision, and sees....

<Klork> ERff..Heh! sorrrryy

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly and...blinks?

<Calantha> Heh.. it'd be pretty silly to come in thinking "Damn, I don't wanna be around Mondo. He's such an ass," then turn to you "Mondo, wanna come back to my place?"

* Calantha smirks a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> Weeellll...I AM an ass

* Angelo leans back*

<Klork> just..been meanin' to get in touch with her

<Calantha> But, to me, that's one of your GOOD qualities ;)

* Calantha smirks and heads for the door

<HappyLittleMoron> Ahh...*noddles* Tomorrow...*smiles*

* Kameko chuckles

<Kameko> K. She'll hold you to that. <G>

* Kameko looks up at Angelo, then looks down at his cast

<Kameko> How's yer leg..?

* Angelo blinks..then shrugs, pointing to it* ...casted.

* Klork grins, heading upstairs

* Mondo_Gecko grins and follows her

* HappyLittleMoron waffles and goes with Klork

* Calantha waves to whoever is still there.. then slips out the door with a small spin, humming a bit

* Klork ...crawls into bed after stirpping down, purring

* Kameko mutters, shaking her head

<Kameko> S'what you get for jackhammerin' yer foot, goof..

* HappyLittleMoron strips down...washes her face and slips into bed with him, curling close

* `KuroiTenshi smiles at everyone, and heads for the kitchen

* Angelo pouts*

* Angelo looks up and waves down to KT..just kinda..standin in his t-shirt and foot in a walking cast* So I got distracted..damnit, the ice cream truck went by!

* Mondo_Gecko slips after Cala

* Klork curls up..zonking

* Kameko sighs, rubbing at her belly absently--then stops

* Diana blinks and laughs* cream truck??

* `KuroiTenshi blinks

<Kameko> The..."ice-cream truck..went by" ...? Ohdeargod..

<`KuroiTenshi> .o(hey...)

* Calantha hums a bit, still the same song, trying to remember a bit

* Kameko groans, shaking her head, waddling away

<`KuroiTenshi> hi!

* `KuroiTenshi waves at the guy

* Angelo mutters*

<Calantha> The buidling's actually not far.. just over there *points a couple blocks away*

<Angelo> Hey, YOU be part cat and see if that jingling tune doesnt distract you!

<Kameko> Tenshi, hon... there is ice-cream at HOME!

* Diana clears her throat a little* Ah...gomen..gomen nasai...*looks down to the floor, trying to cover a smirk*

* `KuroiTenshi unloads all her bags, mostly junk food and ice cream, and dog food

* Kameko plants her hands on her hips

* `KuroiTenshi blinks, and looks at kame

<Kameko> That jingling tune makes me want to RUN, because it reminds me of fat, grubby-fingered little monsters!

<Angelo> But-but..*pouts, lower lip quivering*

* `KuroiTenshi blinks again an looks away, realising she's not talkin to her

* Kameko looks at Diana, smiling herself and trying not to laugh

* Diana looks up at Kame through the curls, smirking a bit*

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh cool

* Mondo_Gecko skips along the street

* `KuroiTenshi offers angelo one of her many tubs of haggen daaz

* Kameko winks at Diana, as if to say, "Yes, he's always like this"

* Angelo goes round-eyed* ...Hiii....*is talking to the tub of haggen daaz*

* Kameko sighs, going over and then blinks

* `KuroiTenshi giggles

<Kameko> Oh fine..! Was just about to ask you if you wanted to come home and see red..but fine!

<`KuroiTenshi> bailey flaverd haggen daaz. girls best friend.

* Diana shakes her head, chuckling*

* Calantha looks ahead, then toward Mondo, then smirks, taking off in a full-fledged run

<`KuroiTenshi> i'm sure that guys can apreciate it too.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> HEY!

* Kameko waddles towards the sparring room, arms crossed over her swellin' belly

* Mondo_Gecko speeds after her

* `KuroiTenshi smiles apolegeticly at kamedo

* people scatter at the sight of the two lizards running

<`KuroiTenshi> *.....blink blink*

<`KuroiTenshi> sorry?

<Calantha> I'm gonna beat you!!

* Kameko waves it off with a smile to Kuroi, face saying she's just playin' with Angelo

* `KuroiTenshi nods

* `KuroiTenshi smiles to angelo, sticks out her hand

<`KuroiTenshi> hi! i'm KT.

* Angelo eyes Kame...they go rounder* Reedd?? With..lace??

* Kameko blinks, eying him over her shoulder

* Angelo blinks, shaking KT's hand

* `KuroiTenshi chukles, and goes back to stuffint the frezzer

<Kameko> With THIS stomach you want LACE?! I'd look like a wrapped HAM!

<Klork> Ah, Angelo..

* Angelo then strides over..half gimping in the cast* I like lace! *pouts/sniffles*

<Kameko> But you don't like ham, do you, tenshi?

* Kameko ..looks at him pointedly, face saying "NO LACE."

<Mondo_Gecko> probably! you know where your going!

* Angelo mutters..then brightens* cleaavagge??

* Kameko BLINKS, nearly tripping

<Kameko> ANGELO!

* Kameko groans, disappearing into the sparring room

* Angelo grinnns, cackling* HA!

* Calantha stops suddenly without warning

* Mondo_Gecko keeps running and runs into a lamp post

* Diana laughs, just holding her sides* Great GODS...*shakes her head*

<Mondo_Gecko> @ o

<Calantha> eep!

<Mondo_Gecko> ...wee

* Angelo follws, biiig grin on his face* Cleavage and lace and spaghetti! *pauses* Er, spaghetti straps!

<Calantha> ..sorry

* Kameko chokes, eyes all wide

<Kameko> I am NOT giving into your noodle fantasy, damnit!

* Angelo has a shit-eatin' grin on his face*

* Kameko winks at him, poking her head out and disappears again

<Angelo> Whyyyyy?? *follows her*

* Calantha runs over to him

<Calantha> ok?

* Calantha tries not to laugh, but she does a little

* Diana coughs a little and goes into the kitchen for water*

* Mondo_Gecko rubs his snout

* Kameko comes out just as quickly as he follows her in

<Mondo_Gecko> dunno..ask me when teh stars go away

<Kameko> Because I'm FAT and would be humiliated..

* Rev looks up, having slipped into the kitchen and getting himself a glass of milk* How are you, mother...?

<Calantha> Awww... come on.. I'll put ya to bed :P

* Diana coughs, chuckling softly and sipping her water* Good...good...and you?

* Kameko heads towards the kitchen again, muttering about needing chocolate

* Kameko comes in, looking over at Rev

* Calantha takes his hand really gently and leads him over to her building

* Angelo follows Kame, pausing, then grinning as he dangles a bag of hershey kisses w/ almonds*

* Kameko waves to Rev

* Rev sips the milk and nods, arching a brow* Good to hear...*looks up and nods to Kame* Good eveniiing, m'lady...

<Kameko> Heya, Revelyn! How's your evening been? *goes over and hugs him, she's just a huggy person*

<Mondo_Gecko> mmmm.bed

* Rev blinks and chuckles, hugging her back, careful not to spill his milk* Well, well, and yours?

* Kameko smiles

* Angelo chuckles, tossing the chocolate up and down in his hands...pauses..eyeing the milk*

<Kameko> Good ..ooooh..

* Kameko blips over, snatches the distracted Angelo, and blips to a chair with a happy smile and chocolate in her hands

<Calantha> Come on.. *jumps up a bit and skitters up the wall a few stories, up to an open window, slipping inside

<Kameko> Ooh..and better now that you've distracted the cat-man.

* Kameko grins, popping a kiss in her mouth

<Kameko> Want one?

<Rev> Good to hear...*blinks at Angelo* Ah? *looks back to Kame aned shakes his head* Thank you, no... "cat-man"...?

* Mondo_Gecko jumps up to her window and climbs through

* Kameko nods, pointing to Angelo

* Angelo blinks..then mutters*

* Angelo sits, pouting*

<Kameko> S'Klork's, from the future..and..a different dimension..s'confusing--NO, I'm NOT sleeping with my nephew!!

* Kameko awwwwss..going over and sitting in Angelo's lap CAREFULLY, afraid she'll break him if she sits too hard

<Kameko> Here...have chocolate.

* Rev chuckles softly* Ahhh...alright...*shrugs and offers a hand to Angelo* I am Revelyn...and you are...?

* Angelo wraps his arms around her, oogling the chocolate..purring

* Angelo shakes his hand8 Angelo..

* Kameko pops one into his mouth* Shake hands with the Lord, Angelo..good boy.

* Angelo arches a brow at her..expression reading "um..lord?"*

* Kameko smiles, looking up at Revelyn

* the room is fairly big, a couple mattresses on top of each other as a bed, a blanket and a pillow thrown into the corner of the room as well.. music sheets, a keyboard and an electric guitar up against the wall.. some clothes and junk on the floor

<Kameko> Yes, Rev had a title before. <G>

* Rev chuckles* Nae...not Lord anymore, m'lady...*leans against the counter, sipping his milk*

* Angelo looks skyward...looks at Rev...looks at Kame as if to say 'he don't look like jesus to me..'*

<Kameko> I feel funny calling him anything else, he's so CULTURED.

* Angelo goes back to his chocolate*

* Rev chuckles softly, shaking his head* My thanks, m'lady...

* Kameko flutters her eyelashes at Rev, her look saying to him that "Yes....Ris and I DO have THAT much in common..we like ..dull men. <G>"

<Mondo_Gecko> Looks like my room but it's messy

* Calantha shrugs

* `KuroiTenshi plugs herself into her discman, props herself in a kitchen chair, and proceeds to demolish one of her tubs

* Rev smirks and nods to her* So...Angelo...where do you hail from?

<Calantha> None of it's MY stuff..

* Angelo gives Kame a look .. catching that..*

* Angelo looks up* Eh? New York born and raised, yourself?

* Diana watches the interchange, smirking a bit*

* Kameko smirks, kissing Angelo on the nose before blipping out of his lap to avoid the sneeze

* Angelo sneezes*

<Mondo_Gecko> ....oh?

<Rev> Underhill...*blinks* Bless you.

<Mondo_Gecko> where's your stuff?

* Kameko giggles, blipping back to his lap

* Calantha points to the closet and the dresser

<Calantha> put away

<Kameko> Sorry..just teasin'.

* `_Angelo mutters, leaning back with herin his lap again

* Rev chuckles softly* Though...if things went the natural way, I would be nothing more than a babe within his mother's womb still...

<`_Angelo> Underhill? *shifts* Ah..I remember now...

* `_Angelo just..nods ... that part passed him by..

* Diana smirks a bit, murmering something about there being SOMEE things she's glad she doesn't remember*

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> who do you bunk with?

<Calantha> Mark.. remember?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...oh right

* Kameko giggles a little

* Rev smirks a little* Diana's my mother...

<Kameko> Tenshi..he's a lot in common with you, in that sense.

* Kameko nods

<Calantha> He let me have the bed..

<Kameko> Take a look between the two.

<`_Angelo> OH...*pauses...the nods* Ah! Gotcha...*eyes Kame* Yes, I know, I caught on

* Calantha flops down on the bed on her back

* Mondo_Gecko flops down beside her

* Kameko blinks .. looking more than a little scolded, shutting up and putting the chocolate aside

<Calantha> ..stars go away yet?

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* yep

* `_Angelo sighs, smoothing her hair back and putting his brow to hers

<`_Angelo> {{I didnt mean to scold..}}

* Calantha hums a bit

<Calantha> *q* stupid song..

* Kameko snorts a little, trying to look indifferent

* `_Angelo pouts

<Kameko> {{<q>Did so..}}

* Rev furrows his brows a little, going about washing out his glass before putting it back away*

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* what song?

<`_Angelo> {{I didn't, Kame ..}}

<Calantha> *q* Rattlesnakes..

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* who by?

* Kameko chuckles, scratchinb behind his ear

<Kameko> {{I know. Just givin' you a hard time.}}

* Calantha smirks a bit

* `_Angelo purrrrrrrrrs, tilting his head to the side

<Calantha> *q* Nobody important.. :P

* Rev bows a bit to them* If you will excuse me...I believe I will go rejoin my love now. Good night...

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

* Kameko chuckles, looking up at Rev

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* I hear ya

<Kameko> He's..not AS much fun as Kevley, Rev, but he's close.

* Kameko nods, waving goodnight

* `_Angelo nods..

<`_Angelo> G'nite, Revelyn

<Kameko> G'night! Tell her I said "Hi," when she wakes up in the morning. <G>

* Mondo_Gecko starts to sing softly "You've got your ball you've got your chain tied to be tie me up again"

* Calantha smiles a bit, closing her eyes and listening to him

* Rev chuckles softly* Of course, m'lady...*looks to Angelo* 'Twas a pleasure meeting you, sir...see you in the morning, mother... *smiles to them all before heading up the stairs and rejoining Ryu in bed*

<Mondo_Gecko> "Who's got the claws in you my friend? Into your heart I'll beat again, sweet like candy to my soul. Sweet you rock and sweet you roll. Lost for you..I'm so long for you.. and you come crashing into me..and I come into yooooou"

<Mondo_Gecko> "touch my lips just so I know, in your eyes, love, it glows. I'm bare-boned and crazy for you When you come crash into me"

* Kameko just keeps scritchin' Angelo's ear...grinning a bit..wickedly

<Kameko> Heh..hi.

* Diana streatches a little* Ah...oyasumi, you was nice meeting you...again...*smiles a bit*

* Kameko smiles

<Kameko> G'night Diana.. I'll have to make you dinner..maybe food will help jog your memory--at least, when it comes to me. <G>

* `_Angelo purrrrs, kinda..gimpylimpy

<`_Angelo> NiiteDii

<Mondo_Gecko> "If I've gone overboard then I'm begging you to forgive me in my haste, when I'm holding you so girl...close to me"

* Diana chuckles softly*'re rumored to bee an excelent cook...*winks a bit* Sleep well...whenever you GET to sleep...*grins again and heads upstairs to curl up with...her pillow...*

* Kameko ..flushes brightly at that remark, clearing her throat

* Kameko tries to just hide behind her hair

* `_Angelo grrinnnnssss

* Calantha smiles, rolling her head to the side to look at him

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh and you come crash into me baby..and I come into you..Hike up your skirt a little more and show the world to a boys dream

* Kameko hehs a little...lookin' up at him

<Kameko> Hee..uhm...we head home..?

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh I watch you there through the window, and I stare at you, you wear nothing but you wear it so well. Tied up and twisted, the way I'd like to be, for you, for me..crash into me.."

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes, song finnished

* Calantha smiles a bit

<`_Angelo> suuree

* Calantha sits up and crawls over him to the keyboard, pulling it to her

* Kameko smiles, climbing up off his lap

* Calantha plays a few soft keys

* Mondo_Gecko listens

<Calantha> Well, the smart money's on Harlow, and the moon is in the street, and the shadow boys are breaking all the laws.. You're east of East St Louis, and the wind is making speeches, and the rain sounds like a round of applause

Session Close: Thu May 02 00:39:07 2002

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