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Session Start: Mon Apr 08 19:46:01 2002

* AriaStormsinger zips up the back stairs of the hotel.

* AriaStormsinger leaps from its upper fire escape platform, starts to drop

* AriaStormsinger 's wings appear and she floats over to the hospital, leaning in at what was Klork and Diana's room...

<AriaStormsinger> *point*

* Mitch is, in fact, out of work and en route via subway, turning a book over in his hands

* AriaStormsinger puuuuuushes the window open (conveniently left unlocked when she last left)

* AriaStormsinger climbs in and looks around, then comes over to Diana and gently brushes some limp hair out of her landlord's face.

<AriaStormsinger> *pulls up a chair near Diana and sits thoughtfully, trying to sift through the myriad energies of the hospital to feel if she can find anyone recognizable.*

* Mitch hits the lobby and heads up, elevator music attempting to steal his soul

* AriaStormsinger has no luck, cause she's still pretty clumsy with the mass-distance-listening bit

* Mitch comes down the hall, pretty much time-burning the trip - who cares - and slips in quietly... he takes it in, and smiles a little. Softly, "Hi, Aria."

* AriaStormsinger looks up all wide-eyed and worried. "Where is everyone?"

<Mitch> "Oh..." *glances over, and sets the book on the little nightstand thing - yep, it's Small Gods - and gestures for her to come out into the hall with him*

<AriaStormsinger> *gets to her feet and comes with*

* AriaStormsinger looks nervously for hospital staff...

<Mitch> "Aria... Klork's in a coma again. He relapsed. They've got him under observation. Mrs. Happy had... she, y'know, almost gave birth, and it's too early, so they did something to keep it from happening and they're making her rest... too much stress..."

* AriaStormsinger looks stricken.

<Mitch> "They're both downstairs in the maternity ward if you want to go see them..."

* AriaStormsinger stands a moment, then turns away from him suddenly and wraps her arms around herself.

<AriaStormsinger> <w> it was true...

* Mitch hesitates, about to give her one of those trademark uncomfortable-Mitch hugs. "What?"

* AriaStormsinger shakes her head a little.

<Mitch> "Aria? What is it?"

* Mitch, depending on how perceptive he's feeling, may notice Aria's head comes a little higher on him than it used to*

* AriaStormsinger takes a deep, shaky breath. "Nothing. Just nothing. I -- " *sees someone in a hospital uniform down the hall*

<AriaStormsinger> *ducks back into Diana's room*

* Mitch rubs his neck, following, standing there uncertainly. "Is something wrong?"

<AriaStormsinger> *watches Mitch uncertainly for a long moment*

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch? We're friends, right?

<Mitch> .oO(There's that F-word again.) "...yeah. Yeah, we're friends. Why? What is it?"

* Diana, until furthur notice...LIES there <G>*

* AriaStormsinger drops her arms to her sides and looks terribly sad and worried.

<AriaStormsinger> I saw it...coming. Everything you just said.

* AriaStormsinger moves backward to the nearest chair or patch of floor and drops to it.

<Mitch> *blinks* "You saw Klork going back under?"

<AriaStormsinger> It's more like, feeling it. Like a shape lying somewhere, and I knew it was Klork, it felt like him. And then a sheet came over him.

* AriaStormsinger fiddles with the hem of her woven shirt.

<AriaStormsinger> HLM was like, weird spirals and marks and jumps of colors spinning all around her, out of her, and she was crying, and then...

* AriaStormsinger lays her hands on her tummy "Then it hurt here."

<Mitch> "Oh, Aria..." He crouches by her, rubbing his neck. .oO(Fuck... how do I handle this? I SHOULDN'T handle this...)

<Mitch> "Has this, y'know, ever happened before?"

* AriaStormsinger leans her head on one of his shoulders and just closes her eyes, expression of stress and worry not changing.

<AriaStormsinger> <vqw> remember the FoH and Stacie?

* Mitch gets an arm around her - he's in "two-arm mode" right now, as he basically always is outside the Asylum proper

<Mitch> "Yeah..."

<Mitch> "It was like that?"

<AriaStormsinger> I don't tell people about what I see anymore.

<Mitch> "Why not?"

<AriaStormsinger> Because they might make things worse, like they did at NYU.

<Mitch> "You didn't make things worse, Aria..."

* AriaStormsinger coils some hair around one of her's a sliiiightly darker shade...but it could just be the light.

* AriaStormsinger tilts her head up and looks at Mitch. "Why do you say that? Just cause you want to make me feel better."

<Mitch> "Hell, we saved-" *barest hesitation* "-Stacie... didn't we?"

<AriaStormsinger> *gives him a look*

<AriaStormsinger> And we're supposed to measure her life against all the others?

<AriaStormsinger> I should never have said anything.

<AriaStormsinger> If I'd said something about HLM and Klork...

<AriaStormsinger> about you...

<AriaStormsinger> People might have gotten themselves killed trying to protect them.

<Mitch> He shakes his head. "I don't do that, Aria. Look, things got fucked up at the rally. None of us could've known Jaerlani was going to go apeshit on us. She could've gone beserk at any time. It could've been at the ASYLUM."

* AriaStormsinger shrugs and relaxes against Mitch's side a little more.

<Mitch> "You can't take responsibility for shit that's out of your control. You did NOT cause that. But you did save her life."

* AriaStormsinger scratches her nose, staring absently across the room at Diana's sleeping form.

<AriaStormsinger> You just don't understand.

<Mitch> He chuckles, a little sadly, a little grimly. "I don't understand half the stuff that happens around here, Aria."

<AriaStormsinger> But you know what to do when they happen. *absolute certainty and peace*

<Mitch> *shrugs a little* "I do what's gotta be done. If I spent time trying to understand..."

<AriaStormsinger> Well, I know what has to be done when I get premonitions, now.

<AriaStormsinger> Steve says they do the same thing at Foss.

<AriaStormsinger> Just watch and wait, and be there to help afterward, when you can.

<Mitch> Slowly. "Aria... you could make the difference with a, a premonition. Don't write it off. If you think what you see is important, if someone's life is hanging in the balance, I think you should tell someone."

* AriaStormsinger looks uncomfortable.

<AriaStormsinger> I don't know, Mitch...

<Mitch> He shakes his head. "Listen, I'm not gonna, y'know, tell you what to do. Nobody should tell you what to do, ne? Listen to the people you trust, listen to yourself, decide for yourself. That's all." *squeezes the half-hug*

* AriaStormsinger nods.

<AriaStormsinger> And that's what I want to do for everyone else.

<AriaStormsinger> Let them make their own decisions.

<Mitch> "Yeah, but... you gonna let them listen to you?"

<AriaStormsinger> Like with Brenna. If I made her like me with my happy vibes, it wasn't HER liking me. If I try to save people with what I do...then it won't be THEM living.

* Mitch frowns. "It's not the same thing, Aria. You're not... look, say you tell me something and it saves my life. You haven't changed me, you haven't, y'know, made me something else. You've given me a chance, a choice. That's a GOOD thing."

<AriaStormsinger> You really think so?

<Mitch> "Hell yes. You give me a chance, you give anyone close to me a chance, you give everything I impact a chance. I'd say that's good."

<AriaStormsinger> Okay. Cause you're going to die when you walk out of hte hospital tonight.

<Mitch> "You can't treat all your powers the same way. They-"

<Mitch> "...what?"

* AriaStormsinger manages to keep a straight face for about four seconds.

* AriaStormsinger collapses into giggles.

<AriaStormsinger> Did I really get you??

* Mitch looks at her stunned for a few moments, then coughs and laughs, muffling it with a glance at Diana.

<Mitch> "-yeah, you did... shit, Aria..."

* AriaStormsinger scrambles up a little and looks at him. "I didn't scare you too badly did I?"

<Mitch> .oO(More than I'm gonna admit.) "A little. 'sokay, Aria."

* AriaStormsinger smiles again and settles back, leaning against him.

<AriaStormsinger> Have you been at the hospital all day?

<Mitch> "Iie... I had a day off over the weekend, but I had to go in and work today."

* AriaStormsinger idly lifts a hand, sets it glowing lightly, and starts waggling her fingers, letting them ripple with energy banners

<AriaStormsinger> You still like your job?

<Mitch> He kinda sighs, looking over at Diana again. "I would've stayed if I could... but I need the money. Some of the stuff I'm doing on the side is gonna get expensive."

<AriaStormsinger> Like what?

<Mitch> *shrugs* "Yeah, I guess... it's... not my usual line of work. But it pays and it's something I can do."

<Mitch> .oO(Like a couple hundred feet of high-test steel cable and a gas-lance.) "Just some stuff you don't find in the stores."

* AriaStormsinger looks delighted.

<AriaStormsinger> You're an artist!!!

<AriaStormsinger> Like Kayla!!

<Mitch> He blinks, then laughs. "'s an art, yeah."

<Mitch> "Kayla?"

<AriaStormsinger> She's my friend at Foss. *settles back*

<AriaStormsinger> She and Tom are "an item"

<Mitch> "Oh. Pete got somebody too?"

<AriaStormsinger> *thoughtful* I think, it depends on the day.

<Mitch> "What do you mean?"

<AriaStormsinger> He likes a lot of girls, usually whoever's around at the moment. He thinks we're all dreeeeeeamy. *teehee*

* Mitch chuckles, leaning his head back against... whatever. "I guess..."

<AriaStormsinger> *wall near the windowsill*

* AriaStormsinger looks at Mitch.

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch?

<Mitch> "Yeah?"

<AriaStormsinger> Do you have somebody?

<Mitch> "No."

<AriaStormsinger> Did you ever?

* Mitch shakes his head, flicking off his glasses - he's resigned about it, really. "I've always had to keep the arms under wraps. It didn't make for the best place to work over, y'know, the dating scene."

<AriaStormsinger> Oh.

<AriaStormsinger> You mean, if you look different, you can't get a girl?

<Mitch> *chuckles* "If you'd- well, yeah. That's about it."

<AriaStormsinger> That's dumb.

* AriaStormsinger scrunches her face.

<AriaStormsinger> You...hear that?

<Mitch> "Shit." He hauls himself to his feet and heads to the phone, punching up security thanks to the handy-dandy list taped to the side.

* AriaStormsinger glances from him to the door, shifting her weight from toes to toes

* Security dude* Floor three.

<Mitch> "Yeah, listen, I'm over in" <insert room number here> "and we're hearing some screams from down the ways... what's going on?"

* Security dude* Ah, we'll check on that.

<Mitch> "Thanks."

<AriaStormsinger> <q> What'd they say?

* Mitch hangs up... to Aria, "Just sicced the rent-a-cops on it... whatever it is, it'll get handled."

* Mitch quietly closes the door, just in case, and heads over, glancing down at Diana and then at her chart to see if anything's changed...

* AriaStormsinger watches, still listening.

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch...I'll be right back.

* AriaStormsinger hoists the window

<Mitch> "Aria..." He blinks a little. "...uh, yeah. Be careful?"

* ...nadda's changed...the amnesia's noted, she's still not stable enough to be moved, internal injuries 'n such*

<AriaStormsinger> Mmhm.

* AriaStormsinger dives out and drops a couple floors, then moves slowly along the windows, peeking in where possible from a yard or two out, listening

* AriaStormsinger reaches the enclosed stairwell at the back corner of the building, its window open, sill littered with cigarette butts

* AriaStormsinger winces at the smell and slips inside, finding her way to the nearest door.

* Mitch sits by Diana... he looks down at her for a while, face smoothing, almost getting that puppy love look, before sighing and shaking his head, looking away and towards the window.

* AriaStormsinger finds her way into a hall of doors. All of them are solid, but for little plastic/wire-lined windows in the upper middle

* The windows be too high for lil' Aria*

* The screams start up again down the far end of the hall.

* AriaStormsinger moves slowly toward it, as if drawn, trembling a little...

* Someone's banging on one of the doors as she passes, and she looks up, seeing a scratched face with wild eyes and shaved hair leering at her

* AriaStormsinger shrieks and shrinks back. He waggles his tongue at her and shouts things she can't make out thru the door

* closes her eyes and hurries past*

* A woman with straggling red hair stands behind another window, blank-faced, sallow, jaw slack, unblinking

* AriaStormsinger slows, anyway, reluctant to find out what the source of the screaming is, exactly. It's a man's voice...

* AriaStormsinger clutches her little fists, takes a few deep breaths, then goes up to the door and raises herself with a little hoverpower.

* A dark-haired man is banging around the padded walls, howling and shrieking, perhaps in his 40s, aged beyond his years, formerly muscled dark skin shrunken, once-strong features distorted with emotional abandon

* AriaStormsinger lunges back, clapping her hands over her mouth, stifling a scream of her own

* AriaStormsinger FLIES harder and faster than she ever has before past the long corridor of nightmares

* AriaStormsinger bangs into the stairwell and out the open window

* A minute later, a bundle of blue hysteria hurtles through Diana's room window and insta-bonds to Mitch

* Mitch half-stands as Aria comes into view and then erks as she zips over the bed and into him - he stumbles back and sits down with a thump, rattling the bedstand, the phone jangling a little in complaint.

<Mitch> "Aria! What's wrong?!"

<AriaStormsinger> *sobs*

<AriaStormsinger> "We've got to get out of here!!! *voice breaks and she squeaks unintelligibly a few times, before finally getting it out at freaked-out pitch* He's HERE!"

<Mitch> "Shh, calm down... who's here?"

* heart racing like an overpaid basketball player's, Aria tries feebly to send a mental image to Mitch*

* Mitch pales, and almost flinches back, but gets a grip, closing his eyes...

* He gets a half-glimpse of a tall, dark and handsome Brazilian dude with guns grappling with HLM, the image pretty much overpowered by teh emotions of fear and guilt and panicked defenses*

<Mitch> "...what happened? Y-you saw this guy?"

* AriaStormsinger clings to Mitch. "SOrry!! It *choking* 's J-ja-JAvier"

* AriaStormsinger looks around wildly

* Mitch hugs her tightly, opening his eyes. "Where?"

<AriaStormsinger> HLM and D-Diana and - and Klork -- they're all out -- who's gonna protect 'em? WHo'll keep us s-safe!?!?

<AriaStormsinger> Down STAIRS

* AriaStormsinger sends out some random sparks of interrupted blue and white

<Mitch> "Aria... the guy doesn't know me. Lemme go see how things are. We can call in the Asylum - those guys aren't the only ones with powers..."

<AriaStormsinger> He'll KILL you *sob* He will -- Mitch, I'm too scared to move!

* Mitch kinda clambers to his feet, which probably means he's got a hundred pounds or so of Aria hanging from his neck - drops to one knee, holding on tight. "Aria... if he killed EVERYONE, he'd, y'know, he'd never get ANYTHING done. I'll be fine. You just... you gotta tell me where he is..."

* only 54 lbs now*

* AriaStormsinger hyperventilates, trying to speak, staring with huge wet eyes

* AriaStormsinger gives up and sends him images of floating down a couple of floors and finding the back stairs

<Mitch> "It's okay. It's okay. You're not premonning, are you?"

* AriaStormsinger gives him a helpless look

<Mitch> "Okay." .oO(Won't be the first time I've used the fire escape... shit...) "Aria, stay here. Stay with Diana. Okay? I need you to watch her."

* AriaStormsinger gives him a panicked look

<AriaStormsinger> <w> gonna *hic* kill you -- ?

<Mitch> "No one's gonna kill me. Hell, he didn't kill you..."

<AriaStormsinger> *gulps breath, standing on her own now*

* Mitch takes her by the shoulders. "I'll be fine. I promise. I'm not gonna stick around if shit goes down."

* AriaStormsinger leans forward, pressing her forehead to his chest

<AriaStormsinger> <w> be safe...

<AriaStormsinger> *shoulders still shaking*

* Mitch swallows. .oO(It's so weird to hear that...)

<Mitch> "Be back soon."

* AriaStormsinger spins away and grabs Diana's hand, pulling herself up onto the bed and hunching there, humming brokenly

* Mitch slips through the window quickly and skillfully, heading down the fire escape towards the stairwell at the bottom

* a rat skitters away at his approach*

<Mitch> .oO(Shin... or maybe Rislyn... hell, even Merc...)

<Mitch> Softly. "Ho, grey brother."

* rat watches suspiciously from under a box*

* Mitch walks over to the windowsill in question and spins around, tucking his feet under him and slipping to the floor without fanfare.

* a few ashes fall in his wake*

<Mitch> .oO(The hell... I didn't know this place had a solitary...)

* A pale boy pushes the side of his face against the plastic, watching Mitch pass with orange-edged eyes*

* Mitch flicks the cap out of the jacket's pocket and tugs it on... he starts spot-checking the observation grilles, turning his head just enough to eye each in turn.

* The various detritus of human- and mutant-kind lie, gibber, scramble, stand, lean, twitch and mumble in their rooms*

* Plastic card with three-digit numbers are set in scratched plastic holders by each door, electronic keypads beneath them, apparently holding the codes for the door locks*

* Mitch is going along the hall, rubbing his neck and watching for this Javier character...

<Mitch> .oO(If he's in here... maybe she saw him in the hall? I don't know...)

* flickery fluorescent lights...white walls and metal doors*

* Mitch gets there eventually :P

* Mitch sees: A battered, worn and deteriorating body, sallow and wild-eyed, throwing himself against the walls in futile frustration, emptiness behind his eyes..

* Mitch peers in, looking from under the brim of his cap.

<Mitch> .oO(Jesus Christ in a bad musical adaptation... don't they put these types in straightjackets or something?)

* The figure turns, catches sight of him and lunge-stumbles forward to bang with both arms on the door, sobbing and howling*

* Mitch takes a step back, then forward again. Slowly, he raises an arm and raps with his knuckles against the grille.

* Javier Quinonez pauses, then, drooling a little, whimpers something inaudible behind the glass*

* It's a solid metal door, electronically opened by the keypad*

* Javier's number is 476*

<Mitch> .oO(He's not killing anyone.)

* Mondo_Gecko sighs, asleep on the bed in teh room, looking VERY pale and not too good (stoopid boy getting off to run around the city. Now he's suffering from dehydration and exhaustion)

* Mitch considers taking the card, just to piss people off, but decides things are better left alone... he jogs back down the hallway towards the window

* Javier turns and turns and turns and pounds and stands limply

* Mitch pauses a moment and crouches, scooping up the minutae, the ashes he brushed in with him and dumping them out - no tracks, no trace... he slips through the window again and buffs the place where he touched the sill, both times, with one sleeve, before heading over and up the fire escape.

* Mitch returns and explains to Aria that Javier ain't going nowhere

* AriaStormsinger looks up as Mitch comes back in, tears silently welling and falling with relief.

* AriaStormsinger doesn't quite believe him, but nods and finally crawls off to curl up and worry herself to sleep

<AriaStormsinger> Thanks him multiple times first

* Mitch reassures her and hugs and so on

* Mondo_Gecko glances down at his arm..there's an IV in it!

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( What the heck!?)

* Mitch , following this, settles down and drops back into normal time, checking to see if Diana's awake yet. :P

* Diana's still asleep <G>*

* Mondo_Gecko clears his throat

* Mitch looks up as Mondo stirs, and gets up, walking over.

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Hello?

<Mitch> "Mondo... how you feeling?"

<Mondo_Gecko> *croaky* crappy.....what happened

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, it's almost amusing to watch his face when he realizes who it is.)

<Mitch> "I dunno..." He takes a few steps back and picks up the clipboard, scanning it. "...uh, I guess they picked you up in the city. You're... recovering from... dehydration and exhaustion. And still some shock. Don't take any more vacations for a while, ne?"

* Mondo_Gecko grumbles

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* ...where's Klork?

* Mitch sighs, putting the clipboard back and flicking off his glasses... he leans against the wall, more than a little tired himself by now. "He relapsed. He's in a coma again. Mrs. Happy went into labor... too fucking much stress. They stopped it, but she's resting with Klork down in the maternity ward. They're both, y'know, under observation."

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

* Mondo_Gecko scrambles to get up!

<Mondo_Gecko> ...the babies!? ..jesus!!

<Mitch> "Christ, lie down! I WILL call a nurse and get you put to sleep!"

* Mondo_Gecko sighs shakily and lays back down slowly

<Mitch> "The babies are okay... they're still inside her. She just needs to take it easy. Like you."

<Mondo_Gecko> m'fine

* Mondo_Gecko goes to tear our the IV needle

<Mitch> "My ass." He picks up the call button thingy, thumb over the trigger.

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> they can't keep me here Mitch..

<Mitch> "Actually, I think they can. But that's besides the point. You need to rest, okay? You're fucking wasted, Mondo."

* Mondo_Gecko rubs his face

<Mondo_Gecko> I've been way more wasted that this

* Mondo_Gecko lays back again

<Mondo_Gecko> ..How's Diana doin?

<Mitch> "No real change..." He closes his eyes, letting the call thingy drop and leaning his head against the wall. "She's recovering. In, y'know, body."

* Mondo_Gecko nods a little

<Mondo_Gecko>'s fucked...I know it's still her...but it's ...I miss her

<Mitch> "Yeah. I know."

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes ...breathing deeply

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Mitch? .....nobody knows me anymore

<Mitch> "...I dunno what you're leading up to, but just get the laughing-at-Mitch bit out of the way, ne? I'm not feeling too kosher myself."

* Mondo_Gecko opens his eyes.... there's hurt in them, looking up at Mitch for a second

* Mitch 's eyes are still closed, soooo

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and closes his eyes again

* Mitch finally pushes off from the wall and walks over to "his" chair, settling in and pulling out his cap... he folds up the glasses and tucks them into his shirt, tugging the cap low over his eyes and prepping to doze

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( there's danger in friendship... danger in love)

<Mitch> .oO(At least he gave it a rest. Note to self: stay in hospital more often.)

* Diana mmms a little, moving her head a little on her pillow*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I wanna be hunter again, I wanna see the world alone again, to take a chance at life again, so let me go)

* Mitch is drowsy and blind - so doesn't see Diana's movement

* Mitch does, however, hear the somatic component... he blinks a little and pushes himself up, the cap falling to his lap.

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* ...Diana?

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and closes his eyes again

* Diana mmphs a little, eyes slowly blinking open*

* Mitch picks up the cap and folds it up, stuffing it into one pocket, giving Diana some time to wake up

* Klork assumes he's still .. out <G>

* HappyLittleMoron 'd guess so...she's...taking care of Brenna or something...still layed out next to him...

* Klork .. sleeps .. in a sense.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...There's nothing stopping me...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I could do it....I could....)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( rip this thing from my arm... fly out the window.. get my stuff and disapear into the night...)

* Diana slowly sits up...winces then lays back down*

* HappyLittleMoron looks over to Klork, sighing softly and brussshing her fingertips over his cheek...eyes glowing slightly, checking his energy patterns...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I could disapear into the one would know who I was.. people would keep away....)

* Klork remains the same as the night before...

<Mitch> Quietly. "Daijoubu?"

<Diana> Hnn..? *looks over to Mitch and grins bleerily* Ne...ok...painful...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( people have always kept away matter what I look like..I have plenty of bread stashed away.. that could keep me goin until I could make connections on the west coast)

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly and curls her daughter close, still stroking Klork's cheek getnly

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I could be someoen else...I could have a new name.)

<Mitch> "Need some water? You've been out for a while..."

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( could have this...out there....but why am I still laying here then?)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(why am I not getting up? .....what changed? ..did I go soft?)

* Klork grimaces slightly ...

* Diana nods a little* Hai...I'd appreciate that...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, brows furrowing* <w> Love...?

* Mitch pushes himself up, stifling a yawn, and goes to the bathroom - there BETTER be one right there - filling up a cup and bringing it back to her

* Klork purses his lips together .. goes through a series of facial movements before opening his eyes slightly ..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( there's the window Shawn... )

* HappyLittleMoron bites her liiip, brows wrinkled as she watches, gently stroking his cheek

<Diana> Domo...*smiles a little, sipping* How is everyone?

<Mitch> .oO(...I should just write it down.) .oO(Mitch!) .oO(Gomen. Christ.)

* Klork slowly glances over ... his pulse having picked up a bit..

<Klork> <vqw> Hey ..

<Mitch> He lets out his breath. "...not so good. Klork's relapsed, dropped back into a coma. Mrs. Happy's under observation - she damn near went into labor after overdoing it one too many times..."

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly* <q> ya feeling, love?

<Klork> <vqw> Drained ... you?

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Ok...considering...*sighs softly, gazing softly at him*

* Klork smiles faintly .. looking down at Brenna

<Klork> <vqw> How's she takin' to it ..?

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> She's confused...really doesn't understand most of what's goin' on...seems to be doing decently...

* Klork nods, reaching over with a shaky hand to smoothe Brenna's hair back* <vqw> Poor kid ..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( it's even open for you Shawn... the window is open)

* Brenna purrs softly, tilting her head to her dad's touch*

* HappyLittleMoron nods with a soft sigh..

* Klork smiles softly .. his purr scratchy ..

* Diana furrows her brows and frowns* Oh...I'm...sorry...

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Want some water or something...?

<Mitch> "Yeah... I'm gonna run down there to see how they're doing before I nod off." He pushes himself up, then blinks and pushes on his glasses, adjusting and snagging the book from the nightstand. "Oh, yeah... here." *hands it to her*

* Diana blinks and acceptss* Ah...domo...*smiles a little* Ah...send them my regards...

<Mitch> He kinda smiles, a little wanly. "Trust me, you like him. Hai, I will..."

* Diana chuckles a little and nods*

<Mitch> "Ja ne..."

<Diana> Hai...oyasumi nasai..

* Mitch slips out, yawning again - he hesitates, halfway down the hall, then turns back and grabs a cup of coffee from the machine, taking it with him. .oO(How does "nasai" work? I think it's, y'know, more formal or something, but I don't know...)

* Mitch heads down to the maternity waaaard

* Klork glances over, stretching his arms a little..

<Klork> <q> Mm ... maybe ... actually .. yeah..

* HappyLittleMoron hits the call button...then gets a nurse to bring him some water...

* Mondo_Gecko sits up when Mitch is gone...watching the window

* Klork sips at the water gingerly, propping his bed up a bit..

* HappyLittleMoron watches him quietly...

* Diana blinks* Nani?

* Mitch comes in, and blinks. "-Klork?"

<Mondo_Gecko> huh?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..oh...I don't speak japanese..

<Mondo_Gecko> you used to talk japanese to me all the time...

<Diana> G...err...sorry...are you alright?

* Diana tilts her head* Oh?

<Mondo_Gecko> still never figured it out thogh

<Diana> I never taught you...?

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...yea

<Mondo_Gecko> I used to have you say it in english all the time.. but after a while I just gave up and started trying to guess what you were sayin'

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head

<Mondo_Gecko> na

* Mondo_Gecko knocks his head with his knucles

<Mondo_Gecko> can't teach me nuthin

* Diana chuckles softly, wincing lightly* Ne...I'm sure that's not truuue...

* Klork looks u at Mitch ..

<Klork> <vqw> Hey...*sets the water aside*

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...that's cause you don't remember me

<Mitch> "Konbonwa... how're you? How long have you been up?"

* Diana sighs a little and nods, bowing her head* Hai...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(Lucky Diana...why can't 'I' forget my life?!)

<Mondo_Gecko> ...don't feel bad...It'll probably come back

<Klork> Um...about ten minutes I think..

<Mondo_Gecko> and if it doesn't..then you don't have to remember the bad shit

<Mondo_Gecko> ...think of it like got a whoel new fresh start on life

<Mondo_Gecko> You can be whatever you whatever you choose..

<Mondo_Gecko> there's nothing holding you down

* Diana smirks* Hai...I suppose...demo...there are do I know Japanese...? How did I become who I am...?

* Mitch walks over and hitches his hip up on the foot of Klork's bed - then stands again, turning away as he yawns. "...urgh..." *sits, glancing between them* "Anyone know what happened yet?"

<Mondo_Gecko> ......I dunno.....I never got a chance to know who you are..

* Mitch is referring to Klork's titchy batteries

<Diana> Ah...

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little...

<Klork> <vqw> Nadda...

<Mitch> "Shit... I'm glad to hear you're okay. Lot of people gonna be."

<Mondo_Gecko> We wern't together that long..only a few months..most of which I wasn't around..*sigh*

<Diana> I see...

<Mondo_Gecko> You can ask questions..

* Klork nods .. then blinks .. pausing

<Mondo_Gecko> I can answer the best I can if you want

<Klork> <vqw> How long have I been out .. ??

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* Uh...I think...what...since yesterday...? <mind's mush...>

<Mitch> "A day... a little longer... you just went comatose again..."

* Klork sighs shakily ..* <vqw> Great .. man ..

<Mitch> "Diana's... well, she's recovering." His lip twitches. "And Mondo doesn't wanna believe he's hurt."

* Klork sighs ..

<Klork> <vqw> great .

* Klork sighs...* <vqw> I'm beginnin' to feel exhausted .. again .. damn this head wound ...

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly* <q> Rest then, love...we'll be right here for you...

<Mitch> "Asylum's pretty quiet..." He sighs, flicking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. "Mrs. Happy... Aria thinks she's named one of the solitaries down below as Javier."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* ...oh...

* Klork nods to them both ... slowly drifting to sleep ..

<Mitch> "Get to sleep, man."

* Klork .. gets to sleep, man

* Mitch stands, stepping away from Klork just on principle.

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly, looking up to Mitch* <q> Thannnks...

<Mitch> "Yeah. I went down there. Dunno what Javier is, but the guy down there ain't going nowhere."

* HappyLittleMoron nods and sighs a little* I'll tell ya sometime later...

<Mitch> "Okay. I'm gonna..." He glances up, and looks back, not really meeting her eyes. "...y'know, go keep an eye on Diana."

* Mondo_Gecko glances at the window again

* Diana nods a little* Maybe later...*smiles a little sheepishly* I'm exhausted...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* You ok, Mitch?

<Mondo_Gecko> sure..

<Mitch> "Yeah... I'm just... tired."

<Diana> Domo...take care...*smiles a little...drifting off...*

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Mebbe you should just go home...sleep in your own bed...

* Mondo_Gecko nods and lays back again

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( Tomorow night....tomorow night I'll run...)

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes

<Mitch> He shakes his head. "Nah. I'll catch the sub to work tomorrow." His lip twitches. "I'm used to, y'know, watching over her in hospitals. I'd feel guilty if I didn't stay."

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little and nods, resting her head on the pillow* Heh...ok...

<Mitch> "Oyasumi, Mrs. Happy... take care of yourself..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...I'll do my best...oyasumi, Mitch...

* Mitch heads out, and up, and in, and everyone's asleep, but he shakes Mondo's shoulder gently... quietly, "Mondo?"

* HappyLittleMoron sleeps

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( this is not a good time to need a smoke)

* Mondo_Gecko opens his eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* yea?

<Mitch> "Klork's up. Thought you'd wanna know."

Session Close: Tue Apr 09 00:53:57 2002

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