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Session Start: Sun Apr 07 10:49:15 2002

* AriaStormsinger flits up the steps of the Asylum <any damage from Angora visible?> in her nicest streetwear

* Mondo_Gecko twists slowly on the bed and groans, he's not wearing his shirt anymore..still his pants though. he crawls off the bed slowly..still very weak and shakey and forces his legs to stand up...but they slip from under him again

* Mondo_Gecko winces as he hits the cold ground on his knees

* AriaStormsinger comes in and runs to the kitchen for a tall drink of watah

* HappyLittleMoron mphs and looks up, waking up, then heading over to Mondo, was sitting by Klork

* Mondo_Gecko crawls across the floor and lays his snout in her lap like a tired dog and snorts and closes his eyes again

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little, sighing softly and stroking his hair

<HappyLittleMoron> awwww...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* how are they

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Still out...Klork's drugged...Diana's just...out...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs slowly

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* you need anything? ..I can crawl downstairs and get it

* AriaStormsinger looks around... "HLM? Diana?"

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* <q> get back on your bed, hon...

* AriaStormsinger glances at the desk, then the envelope in her coat pocket

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head

* Nox looks up, coming down the stairs with a melencoly Brenna in her arms* They are not here, Aria...

* AriaStormsinger heads upstairs, instead.

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I hate laying down when shit needs to be done..

<AriaStormsinger> Oh, hihi Nox!

<AriaStormsinger> Hey, Brenna.

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* it's not that bad....

<AriaStormsinger> *soft smile*

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> You need to rest...yeah it is...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I just feel like I've been stripped and gutted adn strung up )

<AriaStormsinger> I've got something for them, should I just leave it on the desk?

* Brenna wavies a little, head resting on Nox's shoulder*

* Nox nods* Yes...I think that should work...

* AriaStormsinger looks quizzical, runs the letter over and then comes back up. "You look tired. Are you okay?" *wavelsmiles at Brenna*

<Brenna> I miss mama 'n daddie...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* don't guys need me...

* Mondo_Gecko nuzzles

<AriaStormsinger> *frowns* How come, little one?

* HappyLittleMoron strokes his hair gently* <q> Yeah..we need you to get better...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I'm better!

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little, eyes saying she knows better

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I'm not throwing up the stringy stuff..

<Brenna> Daddie's hurt...mama's at the hospital with him an' Auntie Diana 'n Unka Mondo...

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> True...but you still need to let yourself recover more

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I can't stand just sitting still..

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> I know...I understand...

<AriaStormsinger> *gives Nox a wild look*

* Mondo_Gecko pets her belly

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* how're the kids?

<AriaStormsinger> Oh no....

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a little as a very soft purr starts up* <q> They're ok...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* good.....

<AriaStormsinger> Do tehy need any help?

<AriaStormsinger> Do YOU need any help?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* listening to purring always makes me wanna fall asleep hehe..

* Nox shakes her head, just craddling Brenna close* We will be will they, I believe...I imagine you can visit if you wish...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, holdingg him gently as her belly purrs* <q> Does the same to me..

* AriaStormsinger pats Brenna's head. "You going to keep Nox company?"

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* have you been up all night?

<HappyLittleMoron> *Brenna nods, just staying there in Nox's arms*

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her eyes a little* Most of it anyway...yeah...

<AriaStormsinger> Ok then. *to Nox* Where?

* Nox...tells her! <G>*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* did you get any sleep?

* AriaStormsinger runs up to her room, fetches her light saber and runs back out

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> A little...I'll be ok...

<AriaStormsinger> *20 minutes later...*

<AriaStormsinger> {{HLM?}}

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up..* {{...yeah...?}}

<Mondo_Gecko> *w*If you need to sleep more take my bed.. I can stay on Klork watch if you want

<AriaStormsinger> {{It's Aria. I'm just outside the hospital -- Nox said you and the others are here. Where are you?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{*gives her the room location! <I love shortcuts <G>>*}}

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* Nah...'sokay...Ariia's on her way up anyway...

* Mondo_Gecko nods a little

<Aria> *a happy blue glow appears outside the room window*

* Mondo_Gecko glances up

* Aria peeks in, then waves and tries to push it open.

* Mondo_Gecko gets up and rushes over shakily and opens it!

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and blinks a little, arching a brow before getting up to open the window...or not!* ...uhm...

<HappyLittleMoron> Door woulda been easier...

* AriaStormsinger slips through and drops into a hug of Mondo

* Mondo_Gecko hugs back

<Mondo_Gecko> Aira!

<AriaStormsinger> *shakes her ehad over hsi shoulder* Hospital people are scary.

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail waves back and forth happily

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* amen to that

<AriaStormsinger> Do you need any help?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a little and shrugs going to sit by back Klork, Diana still in the gown, IV hooked up...heart monitor...etcetcetc

* AriaStormsinger checks it all out

* HappyLittleMoron 'd imagine Klork's much the same way <G> stitches accross his brow from what she remembers

* Mondo_Gecko winces as his legs go again and he hits the floor and gives a strange little sound that no one has heard him use before.. some kinda chhhrrrrr-chirp! it sounds sorta aggrivated

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail slaps the ground a few times and he forces himself up again..not about to give in to weakness

* AriaStormsinger drops next to him. "Should you be out of bed?"

* HappyLittleMoron winces and heads over*'t argue withh the pregnant moron...

<AriaStormsinger> *nodnods*

* Mondo_Gecko smirks and goes over to Dianas bed and sits down and puts his muzzle on the edge of it

<Mondo_Gecko> part of me is in bed

* AriaStormsinger raises an eyebrow at HLM

<HappyLittleMoron> Oi...I think I'm just goonna call you "Bart" from now on...

* Diana...lies there <G>*

* Mondo_Gecko grins, tail "wagging"

* HappyLittleMoron snickers, sitting down again, pulling a chair up for Aria

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little and then nuzzle's Diana's limp arm a moment and closes his eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(Come back soon angel.......)

* AriaStormsinger shakes her head at the proffered chair. "HLM, is this a time it would be okay to help them heal?"

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(please...)

<AriaStormsinger> I can't ask them if they're unconscious.

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno what you could do, Aria...Revelyn did all he could already...

<AriaStormsinger> Revelyn? Is that Diana's son?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> yea

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'..

<AriaStormsinger> He has a healing factor?

<AriaStormsinger> That's what they call it at Foss.

<HappyLittleMoron> No...he just knows how to do some healing...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs softly and curls his arms up on the edge of the bed and puts his head down

<AriaStormsinger> We wno't know unless I try.

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little and shrugs

<AriaStormsinger> I'll be careful.

<Mondo_Gecko> You can try to heal me of you want...but..I mean..if I'm tottaly better I'll have to go home..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't wanna go...I wanna stay right here incase they wake up and need something

* AriaStormsinger stands a little closer to HLM and brushes her lightly to catch her eye

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at her..

<AriaStormsinger> I know they're important to you. I won't hurt them.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...*grins a little...tired if anything..*

<AriaStormsinger> *smiles back, relieved a little, worried for everyone, ready to tackle it*

* AriaStormsinger squeezes Mondo's shoulder.

<AriaStormsinger> I'll help you after Klork and Diana...ok? And I'm sure we can get you to stay here.

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and leans back in the chair, slumped a bit, but it's generally hard to sit up

<Mondo_Gecko> Sure..

<Mondo_Gecko> that's ok..

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm not that bad..

* AriaStormsinger nods. Takes a deep breath. Looks resolutely at the others.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..maybe I can fall from the ceiling and rupture something to stay longer :P

<AriaStormsinger> *giggles a little* *with that, a tiny surge of blue appears at her hands*

* AriaStormsinger comes to Klork first and closes her eyes for a moment.

* Mondo_Gecko watches it..

<Mondo_Gecko> *a strange kind of peaceful feeling comes over he's very calm and in a trance

* AriaStormsinger lays her hands over his lower left abdomen and just above the crown of his head, not contacting.

<AriaStormsinger> *The light that gently spreads aroudn him and her lower arms and at her back is a deeper shade of blue, almost violet-tinged, than seen in the past*

* Mondo_Gecko shivers a little..being very sensitive to the "vibe" of a place

<AriaStormsinger> After a few minutes, it fades away and she glances at the others.

* HappyLittleMoron grins a lil'..

* AriaStormsinger goes to Diana's side, then hesitates.

* Mondo_Gecko cocks his head

* Diana....lies there <G>*

<AriaStormsinger> HLM, my healing wave hurt her, when I first came to the Asylum. Do you think...

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...she was still really raw from Teirnan...but...I...don't think I'd wanna risk it...

<AriaStormsinger> *DEEP sigh*

<AriaStormsinger> I'm sorry.

<Mondo_Gecko> ....I dunno....this may be a freaky guess but.....who says that Diana isn't really in her body that much right now *raises a hand and then winces adn lowers it*

<AriaStormsinger> *looks at Mondo*

* Mondo_Gecko arches a brow

* AriaStormsinger comes to a decision, then moves to stands behind Mondo

* AriaStormsinger holds her hands over him and lets the deeper blue fall like rain over him

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes, giving a soft mmmmm as she heals him

<Mondo_Gecko> *internal injuries close..pain subsides*

* AriaStormsinger gives a wry grin as the energies fade out on their own. *brief hug from behind*

<AriaStormsinger> HLM, I think Klork will be okay...

<Mondo_Gecko> *a shimmer of blue passes over his skin for a second and then he returns to normal*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I know he will..

<AriaStormsinger> You're right, I don't think I could do much, but support what healing he was already doingl.

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* they both will..

<AriaStormsinger> Now...what happened to you guys?

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'..* Ok...thanks...

<AriaStormsinger> Was it a magic attack?

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...I was in the basement with Mitch and the kids...

<Mondo_Gecko> Some kinda ..psionic attack

<Mondo_Gecko> that's my best guess

<AriaStormsinger> (to HLM) Like when Angora attacked?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...yeah? I think she actually did attack...

<Mondo_Gecko> ....well it was a whole lot like when Angora attacked...

<Mondo_Gecko> because it was Angora attacking

<AriaStormsinger> Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. *biiiiiiiiiiig eyes*

<AriaStormsinger> That's awful!

<HappyLittleMoron> That would explain things...*smirks a little, resting one hand on her belly, the other on one of Klork's, nodding*

* Mondo_Gecko yawns

<AriaStormsinger> Is she dead?

* Mondo_Gecko growls a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> No but she will be

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, just staying quiet

<AriaStormsinger> {{Mondo...what does she want?}}

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* no one does this to my family and gets away with it

<Mondo_Gecko> :: I dunno....::

<AriaStormsinger> Well, we made it through this time!

<AriaStormsinger> Maybe I'll learn something soon that can help.

<AriaStormsinger> Kayla says next week she'll let me pick some focuses and work with some special professors. I'm a college freshman now!

<HappyLittleMoron> Congradulations, Aria *smiles*

<AriaStormsinger> Did you ever go to college?

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little

<Mondo_Gecko> ..awesome

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* Nah...

<Mondo_Gecko> I never even graduated highschool. You should be proud

<HappyLittleMoron> Yes, you should be..

<Mondo_Gecko> I only got out of highschool last year though

<Mondo_Gecko> hehe

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Last day of high school was when that nasty quake hit...wasn't gonna go to college anyway...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't even remember the last day of highscool

<Mondo_Gecko> I was stoned

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...I'm never gonna forget it...was canceled..

<AriaStormsinger> Stoned? For being a lizard??

<AriaStormsinger> That's like in the history books.

<AriaStormsinger> And...earthquake?

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> haha

<Mondo_Gecko> no Aira..I only got turned this way last September

<HappyLittleMoron> Lived in Japan at the time...that's the quake where I was crushed with my

<Mondo_Gecko> I got out of highscool last May

<AriaStormsinger> nods to Mondo, then hears HLM...

<AriaStormsinger> *whimpers in sympathy*

<AriaStormsinger> Did your mom... ?

* Mondo_Gecko wince

<Mondo_Gecko> you were in a earthquake?

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head, rubbing her belly lightly* She didn't make it...died in my arms...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...big one...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs..

<Mondo_Gecko> jesus

* AriaStormsinger offers a hand.

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* 'Sokay...good four...five years ago...

<AriaStormsinger> You still miss her?

<HappyLittleMoron> I always will...but she's always watching over my family and me...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

<AriaStormsinger> *tilts head* How?

<Mondo_Gecko> that's a good way to think of it

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Angels

<HappyLittleMoron> She...just is...*shrugs* Kinda...

<AriaStormsinger> Wow.

<Mondo_Gecko> Havn't you ever heard of angels Aria?

<HappyLittleMoron> When Klork and I visited her grave last time we were in Japan...*smiles a little and gazes at her husband, brushing the back of her ffingers over his cheek* She visited us...

* AriaStormsinger shares a mental image with Mondo and HLM of angel paintings by Michelangelo

* Mondo_Gecko watches HLM and then sniffs a bit

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<AriaStormsinger> She did? How wonderful...

<Mondo_Gecko> umm.....yea

<Mondo_Gecko> that's it

* HappyLittleMoron nods, smiling lightly, tho a little sadly..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs softly

* AriaStormsinger looks at Mondo. "You feel okay?"

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..I'm good

<Mondo_Gecko> Just...really sick of depressing things

<Mondo_Gecko> I wish everyone was safe...and happy..

<AriaStormsinger> *nods*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...and consious *sighs and strokes Diana's hair a little

* Diana...still lies there <G> Unconsiouse people are fun to RP!*

<AriaStormsinger> Oh! HLM. Some people at Foss gave me a letter for you and Diana.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh?

<AriaStormsinger> I don't know what it's about, I left it at the Asylum on your desk

* Mondo_Gecko arches a brow

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Ok...uhm...hmm...*closes her eyes...and...manafests the letter to her!* This it? <G>

<AriaStormsinger> *WWOWWIE*

<AriaStormsinger> *blinks* Yes!

* HappyLittleMoron really loves her powers sometimes <G>

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little and opens it...

"Dear HLM, Diana Manashevitz and other Asylum directors,

* HappyLittleMoron ...reads!

* Mondo_Gecko cocks his head and listens

"It has been a pleasure working with Aria since her visit to Brazil with Foss Associates. As you may know, we are a corporation founded by the late David Foss, who first approached you about taking Aria into your protective care in early February of this year.

"Your efforts and support have been greatly appreciated. 

"Foss Associates' divisions are primarily philanthropic and research-oriented

* Mondo_Gecko yawns a little... although his injuries are healed he's still relativly wasted in energy

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows, still reading...

* Diana...predictibly enough...LIES THERE <G>*

* Mondo_Gecko arches his brow

"While we are happy to have Aria with us, (she has been of tremendous assistance as we work with the three surviving chrysalises from Brazil, and made important contributions to our work on her own), we do not feel that our current security levels would be enough to protect her or certain other assets."

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip..

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm..

"We would like to meet with your directors to discuss this issue and a proposal for Foss and the Asylum, at a time of your convenience. Please feel free to call me personally at <number edited to prevent Mitch from harassing some poor old lady in southern Wyoming>."

"Sincerely, Jeff Helder, CEO, Foss Associates, Inc."

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, furrowing her brow and folding the letter to put it back in the envelope* Aria...? You know a Jeff Helder?

<AriaStormsinger> *nods, wide-eyed*

<HappyLittleMoron> Tell me about him?

<AriaStormsinger> He's come down a few times when I'm taking tests and things.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<AriaStormsinger> *thoughtfully* He's kind of quiet. He thinks a lot, and likes to know what people are doing.

<AriaStormsinger> He was David's friend -

<AriaStormsinger> you remember David Foss?

* HappyLittleMoron nods again...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...I...I do...

<AriaStormsinger> *sad nod* I wish I'd gotten to know him better. Everyone talks about him like he was their favorite person.

<AriaStormsinger> Jeff was an old friend of his, and he's in charge of the whole company now.

<AriaStormsinger> Maybe he'll be people's favorite person too, someday?

<HappyLittleMoron> He seemed like a great guy...ok...*nods a little, running a hand through her hair* I'll call hhim sometime....*blinks* I dunno...

<HappyLittleMoron> Depends on the kind of person he is...

<AriaStormsinger> He wants you to call him?

<AriaStormsinger> did I do something wrong?

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...just wants to talk to me about fact...I might as well do that now...let him know about the situation..

<HappyLittleMoron> 'Scuse me...*kisses Klork's cheek before quietly heading to the pay phones...dialing, etc*

* ring ring* Jeff Helder.

* Mondo_Gecko yawns again, looking kinda sleepy..he crawls over to the bed and against the other wall and curls up, pulling the silvery lined blanket back over him..looking tired

* AriaStormsinger sits next to Mondo, watching over the room.

* AriaStormsinger sings softly.

<HappyLittleMoron> Hello...this is Eloise of the owners of the Asylum...? I got the letter from you...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs, closing his eyes, falling asleep to the melodic singing

<JeffHelder> I see... Aria's Asylum?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...she lives there..

<JeffHelder> Are you one of the directors, then, Ms. Curric?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...Diana, the co-owner, a coma at the moment...

<JeffHelder> I'm sorry to hear that!

<JeffHelder> Do you have care for her?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...I'm at the hospital now...husband's also in a coma, so...we won't be able to hold the meeting for a little while...

<JeffHelder> sounds like the need for our meeting came too quickly.

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, rubbing her lower back a little* If it's really urgent, though...

<JeffHelder> It may be mutually beneficial to set up an emergency arrangement... Ms. Curric, thank you for calling. Would you allow me, and perhaps a representative from Foss, to come and meet you at the hospital?

<JeffHelder> You see...

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure...*quiets to listen..*

<JeffHelder> Aria speaks quite highly of your home, and my company agrees that you have achieved nothing less than a modern wonder.

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh..! Thanks..

<JeffHelder> However, it's obvious that there are some -- forgive the terms -- shortfallings.

<JeffHelder> Some of which Foss may be able to offer...including advanced medical care, for those beyond the normal human spectrum.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Woah..ok...

* Rich, cultured, professional voice -- the kind you'd hear from high-level corporate execs at conferences or on the golf course*

* HappyLittleMoron holds herself back from lunging through and smacking some street into him <G>

<JeffHelder> Ms. Curric, we can be at the hospital in 20 minutes. Would we meet you in the lobby, or may we come directly to your husband and friend's rooms?

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow* Fergive me fer askin' do you know where we are?

<JeffHelder> The phone line.

<JeffHelder> You're on payphone 32b at *such and such hospital*

<JeffHelder> *gives address*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and hehs* Oh! Heh...a trace...sorry...yeah, we can meet in the know ta come to me if anything changes...

<JeffHelder> We'll see you shortly. We'll be wearing lapel pins with the Foss logo. Are you familiar with it?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...I'll be the only winged pregnant woman there...

<JeffHelder> Then you are HLM. Aria did not know you had another name.

<JeffHelder> She's spoken most highly of you...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohhh...heh..yeah, I'm HLM...*blinks a little and hehs* She's a sweet girl...glad she likes me too..

* Diana...breaths (and here you thought I was gonna say "lies there" again)*

<JeffHelder> Twenty minutes then.

<HappyLittleMoron> .

<HappyLittleMoron> Ait...see ya then...

<JeffHelder> Thank you.

<JeffHelder> *clicks*

* HappyLittleMoron hands up and goes to sit Aria a mental rundown of what was said 'n stuff

* AriaStormsinger nods. "They have a whole floor for hospital stuff. We do a lot of tests there."

<HappyLittleMoron> {{What kinda tests?}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{They have me look in machines and see what I can read in them, and they took samples of my blood and skin and stuff, and I have to show them how much weight I can lift.}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{ physical stuff...}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{*giggle* They stuck a lot of wires and things on me a few times, and had me do my healing buzz, too.}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{We do the school tests and all the questions upstairs.}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{*grumble* They ask a LOT of questions. But they give a lot of answers to. And I like Kayla, and the others.}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Huh...they ever tell you why they do all those tests?}}

* Mondo_Gecko snorts in his sleep

* AriaStormsinger lays a soothing hand on his shoulder, absently

* HappyLittleMoron massages her temples as she waits..

<AriaStormsinger> {{Why did they do all the tests? I think so they can figure out what's going on if the others ever hatch. And so they know more about other non-humans, anywhere.}}

* Mondo_Gecko licks his eye

* Mondo_Gecko whimpers suddenly and seemily to still be asleep skitters up the wall and hangs on the roof

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Ahh...gotcha...}}

* AriaStormsinger blinks back to focus on Mondo.

<AriaStormsinger> Whoa... Mondo?

* Three dudes in suits, two with briefcases, come through the lobby. The front one scans, then focuses on HLM.* (kinda like the Agents in Matrix -- only a lot less ominous!)

* AriaStormsinger floats up to Mondo and pats his face. "Mondo? You awake?"

<AriaStormsinger> "Ms. Curric?"

* Mondo_Gecko 's eyes are still closed

<AriaStormsinger> {{Mondo, wake up! You're on the ceiling!}}

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at stands, arching a brow* Yeah...y' tha folks from Foss...

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

<Mondo_Gecko> AHHH!!

* front dude holds out a hand* "Jeff Helder. Good to meet you in person, Ms. Curric."

* Mondo_Gecko wakes up suddenly at the yelling in his head

* Mondo_Gecko 's eyes are all wide and his teeth gritted

<AriaStormsinger> *blinks at him, hovering*

<AriaStormsinger> Are you awake?

* HappyLittleMoron nods, shaking his hand with a suprisingly firm grip* Likeways...y' can call me HLM...

* Diana...lies there in reaction!*

<Helder> nods.

<HappyLittleMoron> *bets Klork does too!*

<Mondo> .....bad...dream..

<Mondo_Gecko> ugh!

<AriaStormsinger> You okay?

* Mondo_Gecko looks down and realizes he's done it again

<Mondo_Gecko> ....yea.....yea fine

<Helder> Where are your friends?

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and curls his head into his chest, catching his breath

<AriaStormsinger> You have bad dreams?

<HappyLittleMoron> Down the hallway...*motions to the seats, sitting down* I'd rather hold the meeting out here, though...

<Mondo_Gecko> um......yea..

* Helder raises a brow*

<Helder> "Let's try somewhere a bit more private." *waves a finger to one of his men, who goes in search of someone in authority to find a private discussion one of the ones where they break news to families*

<AriaStormsinger> What about?

* AriaStormsinger signals for him to come off the ceiling...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...bad stuff Aria...

<Mondo_Gecko> it's always different

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a little and nods, folding her hands over her belly...

* A couple minutes later in the little room...*

* HappyLittleMoron 'em <G>

<Helder> Now, Ms. Curric, we're not asking to rush into anything. I understand this is a difficult time.

<AriaStormsinger> Like...bad people chasing you?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<AriaStormsinger> How do you get away?

<Mondo_Gecko> bad people hurting my friends and I can't help them

<Mondo_Gecko> bad stuff happening to Mo and Diana...or Iris..

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* sometimes it's dreams about my father though..

<Helder> What we're offering right now is free, confidential medical care for any of the Asylum residents, at our facilities. *Second man hands HLM some folders of paperwork detailing the medical facilities*

<AriaStormsinger> Did someone hurt him?

* HappyLittleMoron looks through the papers, brows furrowing* An' what wouldya want in return?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w No Aria....he hurt me..and my mom...he was a bad person

<Helder> That's on behalf of Aria, as I think David would have wished.

<AriaStormsinger> *frowns* That's...that's terrible.

* HappyLittleMoron nods slowly, thoughtfully

<AriaStormsinger> Why didn't anyone stop him?

<AriaStormsinger> Other things...can be arranged at a more appropriate time.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...oh..Stacie already got someone to beat the shiznit outta him

<AriaStormsinger> *BLINKS*

<AriaStormsinger> Stacie?

<Mondo_Gecko> yea

<AriaStormsinger> You mean, when she was...

<AriaStormsinger> controlled?

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno..

<Helder> We're simply asking that the lines of communciation stay open for now.

<Mondo_Gecko> She went to some guy and said to screw my dad up..I didn't even know what was going on really

<Helder> Please, feel free to look through the paperwork. 

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* Yeah...I'll...give this some thought...*looks up and nods again* O'course...

<Mondo_Gecko> then I ..

* Mondo_Gecko shuts up

<Helder> I'm sure you'll find what Foss can offer to be above teh, or most other hospitals in the area.

<AriaStormsinger> *squints at Mondo*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Helder> *leans forward* You've done very well on your own in a difficult, dangerous world for mutants, Ms. Curric.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little thumbing through the papers* Care here seems to be perty good...I'll talk to m' husband and co-owner when they awaken...*pauses and nods* Thanks..

<Helder> On behalf of Aria, and David, and all those you protect, we're offering the resources so you can continue that path for as long as possible.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, still quiet

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* it's no big deal

<HappyLittleMoron> I'll think about it..

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* my folks think I'm dead anyways

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I'd kinda like to keep it that way too

* Second dude hands HLM a few folders and sheaves of paper. "These are materials on Foss Associates and our role in the U.S. and abroad."

<AriaStormsinger> I...guess that makes sense.

<Mondo_Gecko> they don't like mutants Aria

<Mondo_Gecko> my dad is an mutie-hater

<Mondo_Gecko> my mom is frightened of them

<AriaStormsinger> Stacie's dad was, too. I guess it's pretty common.

* HappyLittleMoron nosd...then smirks a lil'* Givin' me a lotta reading material..

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> yea...I dunno much about her...but it sounds like she has the same kinda past as me

* Helder chuckles.*

<AriaStormsinger> She says you came to see her. Are you going back?

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little..

<Mondo_Gecko> yea...

<Mondo_Gecko> Stacie's nice to me....I like her

<Helder> You have my personal number. Call me as soon as you make a decision.

<Helder> *turning back at the door* Ms. Curric?

<Helder> Could I ask a favor?

* HappyLittleMoron stands, holding the paperwork in one arm,r esting her other hand on her lower back* Yeah?

<Helder> Would you allow my staff to take a look at your friends?

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows a little...

<Helder> It would help us to prepare in case you decide for them to come to Foss.

<HappyLittleMoron> long as I can be there...forgive me fer bein' paranoid but...*nods...*

<Helder> It's perfectly understandable. WHen you've seen some of the treatment of mutants we've seen... *trails off* But, then I'm sure you have. Thank you for your trust.

<AriaStormsinger> I'm glad! I think she likes you too.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> really?

<AriaStormsinger> She felt really awful about everything that happened before she got to Foss.

<AriaStormsinger> *nods*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a little and nods* C'mon...they're this way...*leads the way*

* Mondo_Gecko cocks his head a little

<Mondo_Gecko>'dya know?

<AriaStormsinger> *shrugs* Because she asks about you.

* HappyLittleMoron knocks on the door to warn of their coming...

<Mondo_Gecko> ....what's she ask?

* AriaStormsinger looks up as we're interrupted

<AriaStormsinger> I better hide!

<AriaStormsinger> I'm not supposed to be here.

* Mondo_Gecko looks over from the ceiling...up there half naked

<Mondo_Gecko> er...

<Mondo_Gecko> *points to the closet*

<AriaStormsinger> *dives*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( d'oh! ...I almost found out what Stacie asks about...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( oh well...maybe something are just not ment to be known hehe..)

* HappyLittleMoron ...leads them in...? Going to stand by Klork...blinking up at Mondo

<Mondo_Gecko> uuh..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...great...view..... > <

<Helder> *raises a brow*

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* Riiiiight down woomen's shirts...yeah...

<Helder> Shawn Murphy, I presume?

<HappyLittleMoron> Mondo...? This is Jeff Helder...Mr..uh...yep...

<Mondo_Gecko> ......

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..heh.

* Other two dudes go with HLM and look over Klork and Diana

* Mondo_Gecko leaps down from the roof

<Helder> I'm Jeff Helder, wtih Foss Associates.

* Mondo_Gecko extends a hand..

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey

* Diana ...lies there...all limp and stuff...yepyep...bandaged and whatnot but y'know...*

* Helder shakes it.*


* Mondo_Gecko scratches the back of his head

<Helder> We're here to meet with...HLM. You've been a visitor to Foss, haven't you?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> ..yea to see Stacie

<Mondo_Gecko> just once...but I'm gonna go see ehr again soon

<Helder> You're welcome, any time.

* AriaStormsinger peeks out of the closet. "Mr. Helder?"

<Helder> Aria! I didn't expect to see you here.

<Helder> Have you been sharing your gift with your friends?

* AriaStormsinger glances at HLM. "Um. A little."

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<AriaStormsinger> {{Did the meeting go well?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Heh...gave me some to think about}}

* HappyLittleMoron strokes Klork's hair, staying out of the way of the people

* Agent dudes confer briefly and take some notes and then back off, one stopping to nod and shake HLM's hand*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks shaking back

* Klork is .. still asleep then, huh? <G>

* HappyLittleMoron 'd guess so...

* Diana's been...LYING...there...limp 'n stuff <G>*

* Klork stays out..

* Mitch , to make things easier, has been dozing fitfully beside Diana's bed, and missed anything of importance

* Diana...bets you all know what she's doing!*

<Helder> "HLM, do you have a cell phone?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Nope...*smirks a lil' sheepishly* I'd lose my head if it weren't screwed on...

* Helder hands her one. "Take this one. Use it any time."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* Uhm...thanks...

<AriaStormsinger> {{Heh heh. He doesn't have telepathy.}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{I know...ohboy...I'm gonna have to remember not to manafest this thing...}}

<Helder> I'll see you tomorrow, Aria. *gives her kind of a...mixed look*

* AriaStormsinger 's eyes slide guiltily away.

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow lightly..

* Helder and crew head on out...

* HappyLittleMoron looks over to Aria* {{...'sup?}}

* Mitch 's nightmares keep being twisted around by dim voices permeating his surface consciousness... he's falling, he's flying, he's thrown through a plate glass window and kneeling unharmed beside a shattered, shredded Diana, and a figure silhouetted against the flare of a flashlight raising a pistol...

* Mondo_Gecko pets Aria's back

<AriaStormsinger> *sighs* (after door closes) He doesn't understand why I don't want to stay at Foss all the time.

<AriaStormsinger> I think he worries too much. It's safe with you guys.

* Mitch mumbles something, clawing his way up through the alpha state, and opens his naked eyes, looking upon Diana's aura, the first thing to meet his gaze...

<AriaStormsinger> I mean...most of the time.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok....

* Diana's aura hasn't changed at all*

* Mitch fumbles out his glasses and pushes them on, shifting around in the chair and stretching - his lower arms nearly stretching as well until they refold with a grimace, strange shifting movements under his jacket.

<Mitch> To Mo. "...any change?"

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little

* Klork grimaces, shifting uncomfortably in his sleep..

* AriaStormsinger perks her head a little, watching Klork

<Mitch> "Aria... hi... ugh."

* Mitch pushes himself up and shuffles out into the hall, getting another cup of coffee

* HappyLittleMoron looks down, doing what she can to help Klork

* AriaStormsinger nods as Mitch goes by.

* Klork winces, bringing his hand up shakily to his head..

<Klork> Unh...*winces, pulling his hand away* Oww..

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Love...?

<Mitch> .oO( least the whiplash passed. Mostly.)

* Klork squints ... peering up at her..* <q> I'm still here, aren't I...?

* AriaStormsinger stands on her tippytoes, WIDE eyed, watching Klork and HLM

* Mitch downs the cup, refills it, and rejoins them, settling into his chair again.

* Mondo_Gecko bites his lip

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Yeah...want me to call you a nurse...?

* Klork shakes his head .. the action is quickly followed by another wince..

<Klork> <q> Nah...hurts, yea .. but that crap knocks me out ... tired of bein' asleep ...

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Ok, love...*very lightly kisses his cheek*

* Klork smiles faintly, trying to look around without movin' his head...* <q> How's Di n' Mondo...??

* Mondo_Gecko comes over

<Mondo_Gecko> ..m'ok

* Mitch watches Klork concernedly - he knows better than anyone the kind of fall he took...

* Klork squints, smirking a little ... could def. use some chapstick ..* <q> Hey .. Betcha look better'n I do ...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

* AriaStormsinger glances up at Mitch briefly, and keeps on watching

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Yeah...*looks up and grins a little at Mondo before looking back to Klork* Diana's still*digs in her pocket* Want me to help you with chaptstick?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...heh.. na, traction is a good look for you ;)

<Klork> <q> Fuckin' .. head hurts a bitch .. *blinks ..squinting at HLM* Wha for..?? *pinches his lips together experimently* <q> Oh .. damn ..

* HappyLittleMoron hehs a little, going about gently putting the stuff on him...cherry flavor mmmmmm

<Klork> *Muffled* Fanks mo..

<HappyLittleMoron> No problem, love...*caps it and puts it back in her pocket*

* Klork grimaces..

<Klork> <q> I know I took some scrapes .. where else m' I 'urt ...?

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Uhm...*tells him in her own unique way? <G>*

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Rev healed you...couldn't get your head though...

* Klork nods .. wincing again..

<Klork> <q> God .. didn't realize how much you move your head ..

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Yeah...just stay still, huh...?

* Klork goes to nod .. thinks better of it* Yea .. ow ... gyah ... maybe I will go for those pain meds .. just .. ask if they have somethin' that WON'T knock me out ...?

<HappyLittleMoron> Alright love...I'll go find a nurse...*squeezes his hand gently before finding a nurse...bringing him back with her...I'd imagine they would have something...just not as strong...*

* Mitch just watches quietly, wordlessly, hands curled up around the styrofoam cup of glimmering heat.

* Mondo_Gecko stands beside Klork's bed

* Nurse puts th pain meds in* This should dull the pain a won't knock you out...

<Klork> <q> Thanks ... 'preciate it..

* Klork winces a little, looking up at Mondo

<Klork> <q> Did we get any good hits in at all..?

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno...I think so

* Nurse nods, then heads off after checking 'em both over*

<Mondo_Gecko> She's still out there though

* Klork mutters under his breath ..* <q> Great .. *sighs* What hits did you take.?

<Mondo_Gecko> the last one...the three of us took it

* Klork winces ...* <q> I don't remember it .. all I remember is dangling from the roof .. *pauses* Shit .. did I fall??

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head

<Mondo_Gecko> I got you back up

<Mondo_Gecko> she hit us all with a heavy electrical and psi attack

<Mondo_Gecko> I ended up just absorbing the electricity..

<Mondo_Gecko> it like..over loaded me..there was some internal injuries I'm sure..I was throwing up some nasty striny blood

<Klork> <q> Shit .. *rubs his chin* I should've absorbed it too ... maybe the psi attack ... god, howd I hit my head..?

<Mondo_Gecko> thrown back

* Klork grimaces* <q> Gah .. sorry to hear

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> it's ok...Aria helped me..

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm ok now..just..feeling really whiped

* HappyLittleMoron just kinda quietly listens

<Klork> <q> Good to hear.. *shifts, rubbing his side idly* <q> I take it Diana took it hard too ... ?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> I think she's on the astral

<Mitch> "...the astral?"

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> know.. the other side

* Mitch shakes his head, obviously not comprehending.


<Mondo_Gecko> Where Zen masters go when their meditating

<Mitch> "She's, uh... dreaming?"

<Mondo_Gecko> ...kinda

* Klork blinks ... then closes his eyes...

<Mondo_Gecko> it's hard to explain..

* Mitch rubs his neck, glancing at Mo and Klork

<Mondo_Gecko> like..the spirit plane

<Klork> {{Di ...?}}

* Klork grimaces, eyes pinching* <q> Son of a...God that hurts...!!

<Diana> {{......*nothing no body home*....}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Ack...<q> Love...nuh

* Mitch sighs, looking back to Diana and watching her. .oO(Wherever you are... be all right...)

<Mondo_Gecko> I think if anyone wanted to reach her they'd have to do all sorts of meditating and shit

* Klork shifts, shaking his head* When did it start to hurt so much .. to just talk mentally..?

<Mondo_Gecko> like..Om out of it

* Mitch 's lip twitches, glancing back at Mondo.

<HappyLittleMoron> You had a head injury...thye had to do surgery...

<Mondo_Gecko> need to relax..

<Mondo_Gecko> just let the psychic thing go for a bit

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, if there's a chance it would... tonight. Once everyone's out.)

* Klork blows out some air* <q> I've gone astral before .. damnit, I was hurt WORSE than this ..

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Not in the same

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..just give it a rest need to just chill the psi stuff

* Klork sighs shakily * <q> Damnit .. I want to know if she's ok .. It's my fault that Ang' got back to the asylum as is...

<Mondo_Gecko> Or you'll end up like me *wink*

* Mondo_Gecko looks over to Mo

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip* <q> We'll find just rest...

<Mondo_Gecko> there any way we can reach her?

* Klork sighs shakily, sinking..

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...I don't know much 'bout the astral plain stuff...know there are others around who do...get one of them, mebbe....?

* HappyLittleMoron holds Klork's hand gently...

<Mondo_Gecko> Man..I don't know a thing about it

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip thoughtfully

* Klork swallows..

<Klork> <q> Di taught me ... but Idon't know that I could teach somebody else .. *winces a little* Maybe .. one of those elf type ppl..?

* Mondo_Gecko sighs as another wave of exhaustion comes over him..

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> That's what I was thinking...I'll try getting in contact with one of 'em...

<Klork> <q> Maybe even Revelyn...?

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Mebbe...

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly and closes her eyes, reaching out...

* Klork rests ... just letting his mind relax..goin' puddy'esque in looks. Kinda pale .. lips are a little blueish ... basically looks like shit

* HappyLittleMoron ...tries for...Keelin...or...Kevley...or...whoever else.....? Doesn't feel like playing with herself...RP wise...or the other way either...

* Rica meanders down the stairs to HLM & Klork's room, poking her head in* <q> Brenna ..??

* Brenna looks up from half-heartedly coloring, Nox watching over her and Iris*

* Mondo_Gecko leans back against the wall, looking like he's about to pass out

* Rica furrows her brow, meandering over and sitting* <q> How're you guys holdin' up...??

* Brenna shruggles a little, looking down at her picture* I d'no...mama's callin' fer help...Auntie Diana's gone...

* Nox blinks and looks down at the little girl*

* Rica blinks ... * She's calling for help ...?? *she glances at Nox*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(god..this keeps happeneing..I keep getting sleep but it's like I havn't slept at all!)

* Nox blinks and closes her eyes briefly then arching her brows* Yes...she you know where any of the Underhill group is...?

* Rica blinks, shaking her head before standing* I'm gonna go look...*heads out .. knocking on doors*

<Mondo_Gecko> *swish* *THUMP*

* Mondo_Gecko passes out

* Klork blinks, slowly pushing himself up...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, startled out of her telepathic enquiries

<HappyLittleMoron> Agh...

<Klork> M-Mondo-OW...

<HappyLittleMoron> Hon...lie me get him back to his bed?

* Klork sinks, gritting his teeth, having almost pulled an IV out ..

<Mitch> "...yeah..." He shakes his head, letting his train of thought leave the station, and helps Mrs. Happy horse him up and onto the cot.

* HappyLittleMoron goes about helping Mitch get Mondo to his bed...

<HappyLittleMoron> *hmmmmm...Dev...yeah, Dev! Haven't played him in a while...answeres the door*

* Rica pokes her head in* Hey um .. you guys .. any of you .. Underhill people?? Mo needs you guys at the hospital ...

* Dev blinks and stands, having had his sheilds up* ...what...? Why? Is she alright?

<Rica> Ah .. she's ok, from what I know Diana, Klork and Mondo are the ones hurt ... she just .. needs one of you underhill people there..

* Mitch looks over at Klork, rubbing his neck, then up at Mo. " do you, y'know, get into an astral plane?"

* Dev blinks and nods a little* Alright...

* Mondo_Gecko shifts, starting to come to again

<HappyLittleMoron> I...dunno...far as I know meditation 'n visualization...

<Mitch> "Visualization?"

<HappyLittleMoron> get a picture in your head...

<Mitch> "What picture, though? I mean, what do you look for?"

<HappyLittleMoron> I...guess her? I dunno...never done it...

* Rica shifts, brow furrowed...* Got' a jeep, I-I can drive us there..

* Dev looks to Keelin then..* Do you wish to come with us, love?

* Keelin tilts her head, slowly standing* Certainly ...

* Mitch nods slowly and sighs. "Klork gonna be okay?"

* Rica shifts, going back into Klork n' Mo's room, glancing at Brenna..

<Mondo_Gecko> mmm..what happened?

* Mondo_Gecko blinks bleerily

<HappyLittleMoron> Y' passed out...

* Dev nods and pulls on his jacket, offering Keelin hers*

* Rica kneels* <q> Brenna hon..? You want to go see your mommy n' daddy?

* Mitch turns, and takes a step back, getting out of the path of conversation.

* Brenna's still coloring all depressed 'n stuff*

* Keelin stands, pulling her jacket on*

<Mondo_Gecko> ....your shittin me

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I've never passed out!

* Mondo_Gecko grumbles and lays back again

<HappyLittleMoron> Now you stay put..

<Mondo_Gecko> ok ok...

<Mondo_Gecko> *sigh*

* Mitch pulls up his chair, pondering. .oO(Get a picture of Diana in my head. Yeah, that'll be hard.)

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and closes his eyes...if anyone was too look at his aura it would be very small and pretty electricity, obviously dammaged

* Rica kneels, looking over at Brenna* Bren' wanna go see your mommy n' daddy?

* Mitch looks over at Diana and bites his lip for a moment before flicking off his glasses, forcing himself not to focus on her face. .oO(Shimatta.)

* Klork mmphs...drifting to sleep again

* Brenna perks and nods, standing and holding her arms up to Rica*

* Keelin follows Dev, glancing at Rica*

* Dev...uh...heaads downstairs I gess*

* Rica lifts her up, propping her on her hip, following Dev & Keelin* You got your cat doll, chica??

* Brenna nodnods and hugs it close to her chest*

* Rica smiles, snagging her keys n' leading Dev & Keelin out to her jeep* Yer gonna hafta sit in the back tho, is that ok?

* Brenna noddles* Uh huh...

* Keelin follows, shifting to street clothes before hopping into the back* I'll sit with her *smiles*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I thought I had all my injuries healed...what the heck is wrong with me)

* Dev nods, kissing Keelin's brow, opening the door and flipping the chair forward*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( that's so pansy of me....then again.. so is what I wear... how I act and everything else about me)

* Keelin hops in, holdng her arms out for Brenna as she's handed to her from Rica*

* Brenna curls up to Keelin, Dev hopping in as well*

* Keelin holds her close, buckling them both in*

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, stroking Klork's hand gently, stearing clear of the IV

* Rica revs the engine..then pauses* Uh ... what hospital are we goin' to?

* the name! <G>*

* Rica drives there!*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I can't let myself fall asleep again..what if I go up the wall?)

* Rica pulls up there, reaching back to take Brenna as she's passed so Keelin can get out, propping her on her hip*

* Dev hops out 'n all that*

* Rica totes Brenna in, looking around and flagging down a hospital member to inquire where they are etc..*

* Keelin follows, dusting her jeans off before heading inside*

* Dev follows tooooo, Brenna obviously going with, cat clenched to her chest*

* Rica totes her up to the room, knocking lightly on the door before poking her head in* <q> Hey guys ...

* Klork mrnhs...opening his eyes a little..

* Mondo_Gecko looks over

<Mondo_Gecko> ...hey

* Mitch looks up, flicking on his glasses. "Hi..." .oO(Dammit! What was her name?)

* HappyLittleMoron looks up* <q> Hey...*smiles and gets up to take Brenna from Keelin, hugging the little girl close*

* Dev follows, looking over the situation 'n stuff*

* Rica heads in, letting HLM take Brenna..Keelin stepping in after her*

<Mitch> "Hi, Brenna..." He nods to the others as they come in.

* Brenna wavels before going back to clinging to her mom*

* Klork reaches over her head and drags a few pillows beneath him..* <q> Hey princess..

* Keelin looks over to Diana, settling across from Mitch on her other side* <q> How does she fare..?

* Mitch just kind of scootches over to the wall, staying out of the way of everyone - in his eyes, they've got more of a right to be there than he does

* Dev settles by Keelin*

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes again, forcing himself to stay awake, but having difficulting with the eyes open part

* HappyLittleMoron helps him with the pillows, Brenna whimpering softly and holding her arms out to Klork

<Brenna> Daddie...!

* Mitch glances over, then looks down. "...not good. She's... she's doing okay in form... but she's been under and no one knows why."

* Klork smiles, holding his arms out, making sure IV tubes are outta the way n' whatnot..

* Dev nods a little*

* Keelin nods..* <q> Has anybody tried to contact her on the astral plane..?

<Mitch> "Some of 'em think she's stuck on the astral plane."

* HappyLittleMoron carefully settles Brenna in Klork's arms...

<Mitch> He shakes his head, looking up at Keelin. "Klork's out of it, and no one else here knew how..."

* Rica leans against the wall, glancing over at Mondo* Hey leezard ..

* Brenna cuddles close, a purr starting up*

* Mondo_Gecko opens his eyes again

* Klork purrs quietly, just holding her close* <q> You been good ..?

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...hey Rica

* Keelin nods, closing her eyes and bowing her head, wasting no time as she begins to murmur in elvish*

* Dev watches*

* Mitch looks at Dev questioningly...

* Brenna nods* <q> Uh huh...been scared for you...

* Mondo_Gecko swallows and glances over at Keelin and Diana..

* Rica watches as well .. brows furrowed*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(Please let this work)

* Dev looks up at Mitch, goes to stand by him* <q> She's doing a spell...

* Keelin continues .. when the spell comes to an end she slumps...slowly slipping back int he chair*

* Mitch watches Diana, flicking his glasses off to watch her aura...

* Diana just seems to lie there, motionless*

* Mitch glances up at Keelin, checking out her aura as well on a hunch...

* Klork smiles, stroking Brenna's hair gently, purring

* Brenna purrs softly, cuddled close*

* Klork smiles, just holdingher close..

* HappyLittleMoron watches those two...and Diana and Keelin...

* Rica just watches it all .. having not seen any of the injuries before ... wincing a bit*

* Mitch just watches Diana... yeah, no one saw THAT coming

* Mondo_Gecko bites his lip. Watching from across the room..holding his breath

* Keelin stays .. limpish! <G>

* Rica leans over, brows arched* <q> Yer' gonna suffocate if you keep holding your breath ..

* lie there...woo...*

<Mitch> .oO(...kudasai, tomodachi...)

* Diana takes a deep breath and groans softly, turning her head a little on the pillow...*

* Rica blinks, pushing away from the wall*

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* ...Diana..

* Keelin tilts a hand up to rub her brow, slowly sitting up ...

* Dev heads over, resting an arm around Keelin's shoulders*

* HappyLittleMoron looks over, chewing her lip lightly

* Keelin leans back against him..smiling ..* <q> She'll be ok ..

* Mitch kinda bolts upright, flicking on his glasses hastily.

* Diana slowly opens her eyes, winces and hurridly closes them again, moaning again and bringing a hand up to rest over them*

* Mitch glances up at Keelin... mouths the words "thank you" before looking down at Diana again, worriedly...

<Diana> <w> Itai...

* Mondo_Gecko gives a soft doglike whine

* Keelin nods..

* Rica sighs, pushing Mondo's bed a little closer *squeakysqueaky* Whiner..

* Mitch looks around at the others, then slips past Rica, heading to the door and flicking off the lights - the room still dimly lit by the flourescents in the hall

* Klork smiles, curled close to Brenna..purring

* Brenna cuddles close*

* Rica blinks ..* I coulda closed the blinds ...

<Diana> <w> Ne...what happened...where...?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Yer ok Diana.....yer in the hospital

* Mitch gets back to the side of the bed, breathing easier as he sees her moving again

* Diana nods a little and winces, narrowing her eyes and looking around, looking like she's concentraiting hard on something...*

* Rica shifts..then scooches Mondo's bed between Diana's n' Klorks..* <q> There..

* Keelin scoots out of the way, slowly standing ...

<Mondo_Gecko> ooh...I feel so much looove

* Mondo_Gecko grins a little

* Dev keeps a steadying arm around her*

* Klork chuckles, reaching over and flicking his arm* Nah, just in-range now..*smirks*

<Mondo_Gecko> hey!

<Mondo_Gecko>'re you :P

* Diana slowly props herself up, brows furrowed, not seeming to recognize a lot of the least not fully...*

* Rica sits on the window'sil..realizing she can't get out...oops*

* Klork grins..

<Mondo_Gecko> ....Diana?

<Klork> But you wouldn't cuz Di'd hitcha..*grins*

* Keelin looks over Di, brows furrowed..

<Mitch> Quietly. "Welcome back..."

* Diana cringes and lies back again, holding a hand over her stomach* <vqw> I...itai...wh...who...?

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a little...getting a sense that's something's not so right here....

* Klork looks view due to bein' propped up* Sis..?

<Mondo_Gecko> babe? ....what is it?

* Mitch glances up - other people are asking how she is, she doesn't need him chiming in... :P

* Diana swallows, brows wrinkled, eyes confused* <w> Who...are all of you...? I...I can't remember...anything...

<Keelin> <q> She mentioned .. that things were fading from her memory .. when I spoke to her on the astral plane ..

* Klork blinks, then looks over at Mo...

<Mitch> .oO(Oh god.)

<Klork> <q> She should at least remember you, right???

<Mondo_Gecko> .....Diana....

* Mondo_Gecko swallows..

<Mitch> " you know who you are?"

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...*gets up and heads over, Diana giving her a sort of blank, frightened look*

* Diana shakes her head a little, kind of shrinking into herself*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* man..

<Klork> <q> Oh god...

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes for a second

* Mitch gives Mo a scared, helpless look, pulling back a little and giving her room...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..angel.....)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(listen....)

* Mondo_Gecko opens his eyes again..

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, kinda drawing back, brows wrinkled as Diana lies back, brows furrowed as she tries remembering anything...

* Keelin steps over to the foot of the bed, motioning for Dev to stay back* <q> Do you at least recall me from your mind... ?

* Dev stays in the background*

<Diana> <w> I remembeer...seeing you in a...forest? *furrows her brow as she looks at Keelin* You wore white...

* Mondo_Gecko turns on his side...he puts his head down on the pillow again, resting

* Keelin nods ..* <q> The astral plane ... Diana .. you were hurt horribly last night .. a bad fight ... everybody here is a friend, you needn't be afraid ..

* Rica watches, sitting indian style on the windowledge*

* Diana sighs shakily* <w> H...hai...I just...can't remember anything...

* Keelin nods .. brows furrowed* <q> Perhaps you should rest then ... let your memory return on its own??

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Don't worry Diana...just lay back and take it easy..

* Diana sighs a little and nods* <w> I...I'll try....

* Mitch swallows, watching her wordlessly.

* Diana swallows a little, relaxing into the pillows and letting her eyes fall closed*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( man...this must really suck for her.. all these ppl watching her ..people who she doesn't know.. all wanting her to remember stuff she doesn't)

<Mitch> .oO( to get out of here.)

* Mitch pushes away from the wall, slips between two of them, and is out the door, walking down the hall

* Mondo_Gecko opens his eyes, looking up as he goes again and sighs and puts his head down on the pillow..the exhaustion comming back..

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip as Mitch goes...not wanting to leave her family..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...selfish)

* Mitch yanks out his cap and tugs it on tight as he heads down the stairs and out the doors, hailing a taxi... it's a Fight Club night now

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Hey Mo?

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> ..I...y..yeah...? *looks like she's on the verge of tears*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* ...never mind

* Mondo_Gecko forces himself to sit up and pats the bed

* HappyLittleMoron nods shakily, going to sit by him quietly

* Mondo_Gecko wraps his arms around her

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* s'okay....things are gonna be ok...relax..

* HappyLittleMoron kinda leans into him* <vqw> I...I hope so...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* have faith..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little..

* Mitch shoulders past a puzzled octogenarian, heading up the stairs of a slumlord's paradise... finally, he steps out onto the roof, slamming the door behind him, and rips his jacket off as Bill turns to give him a puzzled look.

<Bill> "What the hell's gotten into-"

* Klork watches Mondo n' HLM, holding Brenna close and cradling her

* Mondo_Gecko rubs her back

* Brenna blinkies a little, looking between them and her daddie* <w> Wha' happened...?

* Mitch lunges forward, a fist arcing around to jackhammer into Bill's chest - and is trapped, the soldier's experience shining through as Bill stop-blocks it with one hand, catching his fist... he whips the other hand around and is trapped, then yanks his shoulders around as his LOWER hands reach up, slamming three sharp punches into Bill's midriff before Bill brings a foot up and around and hurls Mitch back with a pile-driver side kick..

<Mondo_Gecko> Mo...I'm serious about this..I want you to go home and take a shower and get some chow ok?

* and Fight Club commences*

<HappyLittleMoron> But...*looks to Klork and Brenna*

<Mondo_Gecko> but nuthin...your gonna burn yourself out babe..

* Klork sighs shakily, rubbing her back* Lots of stuff has happened...*looks over at HLM & Mondo* I'll be ok .. if you want, I'll take care of Brenna too .. I'll be fine, promise ..

<Mondo_Gecko> that's no good for no one..

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* Keelin nods .. glancing up at Rica ..

<Mondo_Gecko> Klork can do it..I can help..

* Rica shifts* I'll stay too just n' case .. you take yer'truck n' go, k? I've got my jeep if any of em' are released..

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...I..o...ok...*sighs shakily and stands* Th...thanks...*hugs Mondo before going over to Klork, kissing him very gently and then Brenna's brow, straitening and nodding* if anything happens? Please...?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* Klork kisses her back, then nods to HLM..

<Klork> Take care of yourself ... ok .. ?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Sure babe... luv ya..

* Mondo_Gecko lays back again sighing..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( that' chick takes on way too much)

* Keelin goes over, rubbing HLM's back* <q> We'll take you home, Mo'..

<HappyLittleMoron> I..I will..*looks up and nods thankfully to Keelin and Dev, who's just over her shoulder*

* Keelin rubs at HLM's back* <q> C'mon .

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, tugging on her jacket...glancing worriedly back at the rest before heading out

* Keelin leads her out ..

* HappyLittleMoron goes out with Keelin and Dev, fishing her keys oout of her pocket

* Keelin holds her hands out for them* I can drive if you'd like ..

* Klork just holds Brenna close, purring quietly

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* You know how...?

* Brenna nuzzles close, purring softly in return*

* Keelin shifts .... looking a bit sheepish* <q> Ah .. sort of ..

* HappyLittleMoron actually chuckles softly* Maybe it'd be better if I drive...

* Keelin smiles..

<Keelin> Alright..if you insist then..

* Mondo_Gecko looks up at Diana

* HappyLittleMoron unlocks the doors* Hope on in...

* Mondo_Gecko looks around the room

* Diana's trying to sleep anyway*

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm...

* Rica leans back, doodling on a sketch pad, tearing off a piece of paper and getting out her colored pencils, setting them down on the desk/thing by Klork's bed* Wanna Color, Bren'?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I'll ask her when she wakes up again..unless she's awake now...they could bring something 'round for her)

* Brenna nodsnods, then looks up at Klork as if asking for permission*

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey Klork..

<Mondo_Gecko> Would you be interested in chow?

* Klork 's brows raise a bit, helping Brenna sit to color

<Klork> Actually .. yea..I'm starved ..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...cause it's been ages

* Mondo_Gecko lowers his voice

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* I'd ask her but..she seems kinda peaceful right now...*sigh* ...don't wanna like..bother her

* Rica doodles something .. inks it .. a little cartoon char .. sets it down so Brenna can color it*

* Klork nods ..* We'd better wait for a bit on her? Maybe when they bring the food up she'll wake up .. want some ya know?

* Keelin goes w/ HLM home then, hmm? <G>

* Brenna sits up and colors*

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods and drives 'em home!

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..

* Klork watches, smoothing a hand over Brenna's back as he does so

* Mondo_Gecko yawns..yay! everyone can look at those nice sharp canines!

* Brenna colors, then blinkies at Mondo's teeth*

<Rica> (. .)

* Mondo_Gecko licks the corner of his mouth

<Mondo_Gecko> healed me but...I dunno how to describe it..

<Mondo_Gecko> it's like..somethings broken

* Brenna hmms and starts trying to draw him*

* Klork grimaces..

<Klork> That doesn't sound good ..

<Mondo_Gecko> I know

<Mondo_Gecko> I mean..dude..i fainted..

<Mondo_Gecko> how pansy

<Mondo_Gecko> and it's matter how much sleep I've gotten I'm still tired

<Mondo_Gecko> and my legs keep going out from under me

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno..could that be from psishock?

* Brenna tilts her head* Mebbe you sick...?

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...Maybe Brenna

* Klork chuckles ..

<Klork> Maybe .. it is a possibility .. maybe some food will help..?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..jeeze..yea maybe

* Brenna goes back to coloring*

<Klork> *reaches over and snags the nurse button...pressing it...pausing when he finally notes the tv & vcr * ooooo

<Mondo_Gecko> ooohhhhhbaby

<Mondo_Gecko> sports?

<Mondo_Gecko> MTV?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...other? *winkwink*

* Brenna blinks* Cartoons!

<Mondo_Gecko> Cartoon! yay

* Mondo_Gecko claps like a 5 year old

* Brenna giggles!*

* Nurse shows up, btw <G> After...a while <G>*

* Klork chuckles, snagging the remote and turning it on ... flippin' to cartoons with a chuckle..

<Klork> Cartoons it is..

* Brenna ooohs and carefully leans back against her daddie to watch*

* Klork looks up at the nurse..* Yea .. can we get .. possibly .. some food?? Possibly somethin for the squirt too?

* Klork smiles, wrapping his arm around her

* Nurse chuckles and nods* Of course...anything in particular?

* Brenna purrs softly*

<Klork> Well .. *glances at Mondo* Any requests?

<Mondo_Gecko> oohh..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...How's the lobster this evening?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...raspberry tortes?

* Nurse chuckles* It's hospital food, what do you expect?

* RicaChica snorts...

<Mondo_Gecko> any of those mini hotdogs with the red sauce?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...OH right!

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm thinking of jail!

<RicaChica> Oh geeze..if ya have hot dogs or hamburgers, I'm game *smirks*

* Nurse laughs* We can have a runner gggo down to the kitchen for you...they have hot dogs and hamburgers down there...

* Klork smirks ..

<Klork> Anything with chicken in it for me n' the tyke *grins* I'm not picky otherwise ..

* Nurse nods* Alright...

* Klork pokes Mondo

<Klork> Off' Chicken cordon bleu and back to mcdonalds, whatcha want Leezard?

* Mondo_Gecko yawns adn looks over all dreamy

<Mondo_Gecko> .....I'll have what he's eating

* Klork oys...chuckling

* Nurse chuckles softly, looks up to Rica*

<RicaChica> from fine french cuisine to Easily pleased

* Mondo_Gecko leans over on his bet and sits up half way and gently squeezes Diana's sholder

* RicaChica glances at the Nurse

* Nurse heads off to get a runner to get 'em food*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Diana?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* babe? ....

* Diana murmers in her sleep*

* Mondo_Gecko lays back again

<Mondo_Gecko> ...she can eat later then

* runner comes back shortly and...hands out food!*

* RicaChica nods, watchin' the cartoons

<Klork> wooo...praise the runner...

* Klork sets up the tray so he n' Brenna can both get to their food..

* RicaChica stands, takin' her burger n' helpin' hand out food

* Mondo_Gecko sits up and starts to eat

<Mondo_Gecko> jesus..I never realized how hungry I was until I had food right infront of me

* runner nods 'n stuffs...heads off <G>*

* Brenna purrrrrrrrs munching*

* RicaChica chuckles, munching at her windowsill spot

* Klork munches as well ..* Amen to that, Mondo ...

* Mondo_Gecko wolfs down his food, for all the world looking like a ravenous..wolf

* Mondo_Gecko licks his fingers when he's done and leans back

* Brenna munchies purrrring*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> man..I needed that

* Klork munches ..

<Klork> Good ...

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I'm gonna try to catch some ZZ's man

* RicaChica chuckles

<Mondo_Gecko> Wake me up in a bit ok?

<RicaChica> REst well, Mondo ..

<Brenna> Sweet dreams unka Mondo!

<Klork> A'right ..

* Mondo_Gecko nods and closes his eyes drifting off

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Night guys

* Klork snoozes in his bed, still holding Brenna

* Brenna cuddles close, purring softly*

* Diana finally sighs softly, coming around again*

* RicaChica glances up ..

<RicaChica> <q> Di...??

<Diana> Hnn...

* RicaChica scoots over, looking down at her...

<RicaChica> <q> You hungry ..?

* Diana nods a little* <q> Hai..actually...ddomo..

* RicaChica smirks, offering her her side of veggies..

<RicaChica> This'll be an ok start ..... you want anything in particular..?

* Diana shakes her head* This will be alright...thank you very much...*smiles a little*

* RicaChica smirks and nods, sitting back on the windowsill

<RicaChica> Lemme know if ya need anythin'..*grins*

* Diana nods a little, munching quietly, just kinda watching her*

* RicaChica leans against the windowsil, staring at the cartoons up above ..

* Diana shifts up and winces a little* Thank you...

* RicaChica glances down, then nods, smirking..

<RicaChica> No prob .. need any help with anything .. ?

* Diana hehs a little* Besides remembering my life...? Iie...

* RicaChica shifts, sitting down on a chair between hers & Mondo's beds ..* What would ya like to know .. ?? I'm sure I could try n' help ..

<Diana> Uhm...who are you? *grins a little sheepishly*

* RicaChica smirks, offering a hand

<RicaChica> Rica .. we were .. well, friends. I don't know ya much and neither vise versa but we never pissed each other off so *smirks*

* Diana chuckles softly and shakes hands with her* Ahh...nice to meet you again...

<Diana> Who are the others...?

* RicaChica hmms, motioning to Mondo..

<RicaChica> This is Mondo .ah ... *smirks a bit sheepishly* *I* am not entirely sure, but the two of you at least WERE an item. Dunno if you still are tho. It's hard to tell.

* RicaChica points over to Brenna & Klork ..

<RicaChica> That's .. Klork ..he has the same tattoos as you .. you're kinda .. blood brother/sister sorta deal from what I know .. and thats Brenna, his daughter ...

<RicaChica> Um .. the lady that was in with the big wings .. she's Klork's wife .. um , Happy Little Moron .. you two are real' close friends ...

* Diana nods a little, brows furrowed...*

* RicaChica shifts ..

<RicaChica> She might be able to tell you more than I can ..

* Diana nods* Hhai...domo...*smiles slightly and sighs a little* What do you know of how we came to be...well...*motions to the hospital*

<RicaChica> <q> How you got here..??

* Diana nods, watching her*

<RicaChica> Shoot .. I'm not sure .. I just know that you n' Mondo and Klork took a major beatin' in some fight..

* Diana hehs and nods slightly* Ahh...more information for later, ne?

<RicaChica> I think it was .. Klork's sister or something ... ?

* RicaChica chuckles, nodding a bit sheepishly

<RicaChica> <q> Yea, when they wake up the could tell you more ..

* Diana nods a little and streatches, grimacing*

* RicaChica leans back..

* Diana leans back in the bed* Heh...I don't even remember what city we're in...*smirks and sighs a little*

* RicaChica blinks..

<RicaChica> Ah .. New York City ..

* Diana nods* Domo again...

* RicaChica smirks..

<RicaChica> No prob ..

* Diana's sitting up in bed...watching cartoons with Rica <G>*

* Mitch jerks away from a sharp roundhouse, but doesn't see the knee until it's too late - he folds up, dropping to his knees and gasping for breath... then to hands and knees, head hanging, just panting out his emotions, shoulders shaking...

* Bill crouches by him, glasses held out, slightly winded but in a hell of a lot better shape than Mitch at this point.

<Mitch> "...I don't... I... I trusted her, damn it... I didn't, y'know, I didn't, didn't TRUST her, not with everything, but I thought I... I thought I could turn my back to her... I trusted... and now... now it's all... it's gone, it's, it's all dead..."

* Mondo_Gecko whimpers in his sleep, kicking against the sheets a bit

* Bill has NO idea what he's talking about, but kinda shrugs, glasses still held out. " ya find something new."

* Diana blinks a little, looking at him*

* Mondo_Gecko breaks out in a cold sweat , giving another little whimper

* Mitch weakly reaches out with a lower hand, uppers supporting him, and pushes the glasses on, rolling onto his back and panting... while they stayed away from the face this time by mutual consent, he's still got a nice shiner along one side of his jaw. Body, of course, is another story.

* Diana furrows her brows, reaching over to rest her fingertips oon Mondo's shoulder...that being as far as she can reach, body still aching badly*

<Mitch> "I don't want something new. I want my tomodachi back."

* Mondo_Gecko jerks awake quickly, giving a loud chirp!

<Bill> "Kid, I've no fuckin' clue what you're talkin' about... but if something's gone, it's gone. Ya don't need me to tell ya that."

<Mondo_Gecko> O O *pant pant pant*

* Diana pulls back, brows wrinkled, kinda shrinking away in suprise*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( more cat...)

* Mondo_Gecko sits up slowly and rubs his face

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Diana?

<Mitch> "...yeah."

* Bill just settles back, letting Mitch work it out.

<Mitch> "I owe it to her. Don't I."

* Mondo_Gecko looks up at her..reality slowly comming back now

<Mondo_Gecko> ..oh geeze....

* Bill shrugs and straightens up. "Fuck me up the ass with a serrated wooden spoon if ah know. That's yer call."

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm sorry....did I scare you? ...what was I doing?

* Diana calms herself* You were having a nightmare...*smiles sheepishly* When startled me...

* Mondo_Gecko flops back

<Mondo_Gecko> oh man...sorry..heh...gecko's make all sorts of little noises

<Diana> Ne...that's ok...ordinarily...I'd know that...

<Mitch> "Sorry, Bill... I just..." He shakes his head, slowly and painfully getting to his feet.

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> ..yea

<Mondo_Gecko> drawing a tottal blank on like..everything huh?

<Bill> "Sheeyit, I'm not the one limpin'. Don't stress it."

* Diana nods* Hai...

<Mondo_Gecko> on yourself too?

<Diana> Hai...*sighs a little*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> that's really crappy hun..

* Diana nods, bowing her head a little*

* Mondo_Gecko leans over and rubs her sholder gently

<Mondo_Gecko>'s ok..

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm sure it'll come back

* Mitch takes a few minutes to relax, letting his breath settle and his ribs figure out where they like being, before heading down to the street and cabbing back to the hospital.

* Mondo_Gecko sighs "I hate seein you lookin so down....I'd get up and go through the whole Time warp for ya..

<Mondo_Gecko> but that would get me kicked out hehe

<Mondo_Gecko> or kicked in teh tail

* Diana chuckles softly* Ahh...

<Mondo_Gecko> So..what all's injured there?

<Diana> insides...stomach still hurts a lot...

<Diana> You?

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

* Mitch also wastes a few minutes convincing the people in the lobby that he's a visitor, not checking in, before managing to head upstairs towards the recovery room. :P

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno what's broken...last night I was throwing up this nasty stringy blood crap and they had me wrapped up in this silver lined blanket here..for shock..

<Mondo_Gecko> So my best guess is I was in shock..

* Diana nods...* Ah..

<Mondo_Gecko> I think I ruptured something in my belly..

<Diana> Itai..

<Mondo_Gecko> but my friend Aria healed it ..I think..the pains mostly gone

<Mondo_Gecko> it just just feels weird

* Diana nods...* Ahh...

<Mondo_Gecko> but I dunno.. I think there's something wrong with my..I dunno..engery thing

<Mondo_Gecko> I can sleep for hours and then only be able to stay awake for one..or two

<Mondo_Gecko> then I feel like I've been up for ages..

<Mondo_Gecko> oh shit.. I forgot to intoduce myself..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..that sounds so fucked

* Mondo_Gecko extends a long hand with facinating looking talons

* Diana nods a little, grinning apologeticly..*

<Mondo_Gecko> Shawn Murphy

<Diana> Hai...nice to meet you...again...

* Mondo_Gecko laughs a little

<Mondo_Gecko> nice to meet you too ;)

<Mondo_Gecko> oh.. my friends call me Mondo

* Diana nods, chuckling softly*

<Mondo_Gecko> and no..I can't save you thousands on car insurance

* Diana blinks a little*

<Mondo_Gecko> er...maybe you forgot that commercial

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I never will..that one will haunt me to the end of my days

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

* Diana chuckles softly*

* Mondo_Gecko leans over and whispers *w* BTW Your name's Diana Manashevitz

* Diana chuckles softly* Diana Manashevitz...*pauses* ...I wonder how long it took me to figure out how to spell that the first time...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Do what spell??

<Diana> Manashevitz...

<Mondo_Gecko> oh

<Mondo_Gecko> heh,,'

<Mondo_Gecko> well dunno how to spell it

* Mitch - despite the interruption - comes into the ward... he rubs his neck, looking at the doorway to the room, before going and filling up a cup of coffee, bringing it as he glances in to see whether or not the room is quite as populated as it was before...

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..if you remembered who I was you'd kick my ass for that

<Diana>'s alright...I'm sure I'll see it somewhere...*blinks a little and smirks* Ne...Rica did say we used to be an item...

* Brenna's still curled up with Klork, fast asleep*

* Mondo_Gecko blinks and then a sort of blush comes over his cheeks

<Mondo_Gecko> ...s..sorta....yea

<Mondo_Gecko> heh

* Mondo_Gecko looks down a little

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( damnit....someone had to go tell her)

* Diana blinks a little, brows furrowing*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(Guess it was bound to happen)

* Mitch 's lip twitches, seeing Brenna, but it fades as he leans his head against the doorframe, looking at Diana... finally, he straightens up and coughs, in a polite "I'm entering the area" fashion.

* Mondo_Gecko blinks and then sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(how approptiate)

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey Mitch

* Diana blinks and looks up, smiling a little to Mitch, constantly embarrassed it seems for not remembering*

<Mitch> "Hi, Mondo... hi, Diana." He hesitates, then walks over and pulls up the chair again. "Mitch Williams."

* Diana nods* Hai...nice to meet you again, as well...*grins a little*

* Mitch blinks, then chuckles. "Daijoubu?"

<Diana> Ne....I could be better...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and then leans back crossing his arms behind his head and trying to watch the tv

<Mitch> "Yeah... gomen..."

* Diana hehs a little and leans back* You?

* Mitch shrugs - and doesn't wince, since he saw the pain coming from a mile away. "'Could be better' about covers it..."

* Diana nods a little, blinking slightly* Ne...are you...always so bruised?

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> hey..come to think of it your sporting alot of black and blue man

<Mitch> *lip twitches* "Recently? Pretty much, yeah."

<Mondo_Gecko> what the hell happened

* Mitch looks over at Mondo and shrugs again. "Just getting my head on straight."

* Diana nods a little, tilting her head a little..

<Diana> Ahhh..uhm...ok...

<Mondo_Gecko> looks more like you got your head knocked off

<Mitch> "Nandemo dai... daiben okoru, tomod-" He cuts himself off, closing his eyes for a brief moment. "...Diana."

<Mitch> .oO(Hah. Show him your ribs.) .oO(Fuck off.)

* Diana blinks* Ah...hai...that it does...ah...if we were friends before...we can still be them...

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a little..feeling it's the absolute height of rudeness to talk in another language infront of someone else and gives a soft snort and goes back staring in the direction of the TV

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(See..she has manners)

<Mitch> "...dunno if you'll want to. I'm not gonna, y'know, assume it."

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..I musta got hit harder than I thought, since when do I care about manners)

* Diana nods a little, brows furrowed lightly*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( So that's what he's on about! ..sheesh! )

<Mitch> He rubs his neck. "What can you remember? I mean... anything?"

* Diana shakes her head* Iie...nothing...

* Mitch nods slowly. .oO(Maybe she could get into someone's head, someone who's known her... Mrs. Happy? I dunno...)

<Mitch> "...well, you've got family. I... Christ, I don't know how it feels, but just... remember you're not alone, ne? You've got people watching your back."

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(How do you think it feels numbnuts! it sucks!)

* Diana nods a little* Hai...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( this guy is SO Cheezy!)

* Mitch leans back, looking down at the coffee - his head hurting enough without trying to focus on the television

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( Help! ..drowning in..After school..specieal GACK!)

* Klork groans, rubbing what little of his head isn't wrapped..

<Klork> Ungh...

* Brenna stirrs a little, still curled up to him*

* Mitch looks up as Klork stirs, pushing himself up and walking over to his bed.

* Klork goes to move .. then pauses, gaze lowering to Brenna .. stroking her back gently..

* Klork glances up at Mitch

* RicaChica stays fast asleep in the windowsil perch she's taken to .. has a pillow with her this time..

<Mitch> Quietly. "Hi... how you doing?"

* Klork smiles weakly..

<HappyLittleMoron> *Brenna purrs softly*

<Klork> <q> Physically..? Could be better .. otherwise..*smiles, looking down at Brenna* <q> Doesn't matter ... so long as she's safe..

* Diana grins a little, looking over*

* Mitch gives a small smile, nodding.

* Mondo_Gecko grumbles, looking at the roof..wishing he was up there...wishing he was running...wishing he was doing anything other than laying around..almost afraid to get up again incase he faints! embarassing

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( weakling is NOT the kinda first impression I wanna make on Diana)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I want her to think higher of me this time)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( keep my distance.. be nice..nothing serious..nothing deep..don't get close)

<Mitch> "Yeah... uh. I took the kids down to the basement when Sparky hit... I dunno, you know this sort of thing better than I do - what should I do if it happens again?"

* Mondo_Gecko sighs, suddenly wishing he was somewhere dark and alone

* Klork shifts, looking up at Mitch ..

<Klork> <q> Get to safety .. *sighs shakily, just holding Brenna close* <q>I should've ..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( atleast somewhere without Mitch)

* Brenna blinkies and cuddles gently, purring a little more soothingly*

* RicaChica snores quietly, hair in front of her face moving with each inhale and exhale

<Mitch> "Klork... Christ, man..." He hesitates, then reaches down and squeezes his shoulder - gently. "You did what you had to... Sparky would've fucked us over if it weren't for you guys. Don't, y'know, beat yourself up over it."

* Klork shakes his head, grimacing..

<Klork> <q> Not what I mean ... Mitch .. I've got a family that I have to take care of .. I cant go off n' almost get myself killed ...

* Klork sinks a little, smiling a bit as he watches Brenna...even though the look on his face is broken* <q> Maybe I'd better just sit back and let somebody else handle things from now on ..

<Mondo_Gecko> let guys like me and Mitch take care of it...

<Mitch> "What d'you think you were doing? Taking care of your family. It's not like you, you waltzed into Harlem with white pajamas and a starch job. Trouble came to you, Klork."

* Klork sighs shakily ...

* Diana furrows her brows, listening quietly...*

<Klork> <q>I could have walked away ..

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

* Brenna yawns a little, kinda semi-waking up..*

* Mitch blinks, glancing up at Mondo, then looking down to Klork again. "And let her bust up the Asylum?"

<Mondo_Gecko> Klork..buddy..don't go beating yourself up over it man

<Mondo_Gecko> it won't like..change anything

<Mondo_Gecko> You did what you thought you had to do at the time

<Mitch> "You didn't go looking for trouble. You defended your home. Hell, you helped save it from what I've heard."

<Mondo_Gecko> yea man..your like..a hero

* Mondo_Gecko gives him thumbs up

<Klork> <q> She wouldn't have come to the asylum if I hadn't picked the fight with her clear across town, damnit ..

* Klork shakes his head, eyes lowered .. just watching Brenna

<Klork> <q> I'm no hero ..

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

<Mitch> "She's got a thing for the asylum with or without you."

* Brenna looks up with sleepy eyes* *groggie voice* Daddie....? Wha's wrong...?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* dude....your braver than alot of ppl..and you tried to save the place

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Diana and sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> some ppl just can't take compliments I guess

* Klork blinks at Brenna .. shifting the conversation* <q> Daddies' just thinkin' Hon' .. *smiles shakily .. weak purr coming form his chest* Is'all right, sweetheart ..I'm right here..

* Diana nods a little, brows furrowed*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs much saddness around him..

* Brenna nods and cuddles close again, purring softly as she closes her eyes and drifts off again*

* Mondo_Gecko curls up into a little ball and pulls his tail around himself and he puts his head down and huffs doglike

* Klork watches her sleep ... expression just lost in her ...

* Brenna sleepies, purring gently*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( wish I had what Klork has....he's gotta be the luckiest guy on earth)

* Klork leans back, just holding her close..

<Mitch> Quietly. "If it weren't for you... and you guys... she probably wouldn't be here, Klork. I still dunno what happened. But Sparky never made it down there. If you wanna blame yourself for something - blame yourself for that."

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..nah..I gotta put that shit outta my mind)

* Diana chews her lip a little as she liestens*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(dwelling on it doesn't to anything but make me feel crappy in the end)

* Klork sighs shakily ... looking up at him* <q> I would do anything for her, Mitch ... none of this is for me.

<Mitch> "I know, man. And you did something for her last night. 'Sall I'm saying."

* Klork nods ... closing his eyes* <q> I know .... just still shouldn't have started that fight ..

* Mitch rubs his neck. "She say anything through all this?"

* Klork shakes his head...

<Klork> <q> Nothing .. I tried to corner her to talk ... she got pissed .. and well ... got possessed ..

* Diana furrows her brows, leaning back against the pillows*

* RicaChica yawns, slowly opening her eyes..

<RicaChica> Huuuhh...?

<Mitch> He shakes his head. "What the hell's controlling her?"

* Diana waves a little to Rica, looking like she's getting tired*

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> <q> No clue ... if I knew I'dve killed it by now ..

* RicaChica waves back, scooting to just over her head

<RicaChica> <q> How're you??

<Diana> <q> Tired...bit

* Mitch nods, glancing over at Diana and Rica... he watches for a moment, sighs and looks away.

<RicaChica> Mm ... the first more or less *smiles* Eat, sleep ....... drive ..what more is there? *grins*

* Diana chuckles softly* Hai..

* RicaChica pauses ...

<RicaChica> <q> Where's your sword...??

* Diana blinks* <q> ...I have a sword?

* Klork sinks into the pillows .. grimacing as a wave of pain seems to hit his head..

* Brenna purrs softly cuddling him*

<RicaChica> <q> Yea ... some sorta reality hopping sword ..*pauses* Ohhh ... Dude, does Revelyn know she's awake?? *looks wide-eyed at Mitch*

* Diana blinks, not recognizing the name*

* Mitch looks up at Rica. "I dunno... I haven't been around... I'll call and find out."

* RicaChica nods...settling by Diana..

<RicaChica> <vqw> Yer gonna end up finding out sooner or later but . Rev's your son ...

* Mondo_Gecko stares at the ceiling, counting the holes in the ceiling tiles*

* Mitch goes for the courtesy phone, dialing up the outside line - all hospitals are the same, g-dawg - and calling the Asylum

* Diana blinkblinks, eyes widening* <q> Nani...? How old is he...?

* Nox picks up* Hello?

* Ryu glances up at Nox*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( maybe I'm mental)

<Mitch> "This is Mitch... at the hospital... listen, does everyone know Diana's awake again?"

<RicaChica> <vqw> Er ... about 19 .. but he...well, I'll try not to make this confusing .. he's from another dimension where time travels faster so technically he hasn't been alive in THIS time morethan a few months

* Nox blinks* did she wake up?

* Mondo_Gecko hops up suddenly

* Diana blinks and looks up*

* Mondo_Gecko pounces off the bed

<Mitch> "A few hours ago..." He cradles the phone, voice coming quieter. "She's... lost a lot of memory. Doesn't remember damn near anything."

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I'm gonna go for a walk

<Nox> Oh no...

<Mondo_Gecko> I need to streach...I can't stand sitting in one place for too long

* Diana...nods a little* Alright..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..see you later babe

<Mitch> "Is Revelyn around?"

* Mondo_Gecko waves a bit to Diana

* Mondo_Gecko turns and grabs his shirt and pulls it on and then laces up his boots and slips off

* Mondo_Gecko kicks along the corridor

* Ryu tilts her head, listening to the conversation*

* Klork winces .. just kinda..sinking deeper into the pillow .. teeth clenched

* Mondo_Gecko cheaks to see no one's looking and slips out a window and heads up the side of the building

* Mondo_Gecko scales the building, a look of giddy glee on his face .oO(Wee!)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( freedom!)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( hmm....while I'm out smelth! )

<Nox> Ah...aye....Revelyn is here somewhere...think he's in the shower at the moment...

* Mondo_Gecko starts making his way off to the Foss industries

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I think I'll pay Stacie a visit...)

<Mitch> "Yeah... let him know once he gets out. Someone there that can bring him over?"

* Nox nods* Of course..thank you, Mitch..

<Mitch> "Christ, don't worry about it. Everything okay on that end?"

<Nox> Yes...we're all just very worried here...HLM is sleeping..

<Mondo_Gecko> um...long crappy depressing story..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll tell you later....

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't wanna think about that right now

* RicaChica gargles "alo-ha-hoii...eekay oo haa hoiii" this time...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..You look alot better..

* Nox looks to Ryu* Ah...Diana is awake...whenever REvelyn finishes with his shower...

* Ryu blinks, then nods, standing .. heading up the stairs* Ah'll let em' know...thanks, Nox..

* Nox nods...* Not a problem...

<StacieGreene> Thanks.

* Klork just ... seems to sink ... face going blank .. looks like he's asleep

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little

<Mondo_Gecko> I was just getting really bored and lonely..

<StacieGreene> So...besides what you don't want to talk okay?

* Mitch hangs on the line, hearing Nox speak.

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little

* Brenna curls close, purriing...*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...been tell the truth

<StacieGreene> *gives Mondo a look* Glad I could accommodate you... *sarcastic*

<Nox> Ah...they will be there shortly...thank you again...

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

* Ryu gets up to his room and pushes inside, poking her head ino his bathroom* Rev..??

<Mondo_Gecko> I....

<Mitch> "Nandemo dai... how are things over there?"

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(What did I do wrong? ..I was lonely and I missed my friend...)

<Mondo_Gecko> Stacie?

* Rev blinks, has a towel wrapped around his waist, drying off* Aye...?

<Nox> Well...we're all worried...

<Ryu> Diana's awake, luv .. but she's ..nae remembrin' a thing ...

* StacieGreene shakes her head. "No, it's okay. I'm glad to see you. Just wish you'd have come don't have to wait til you're in dire straits to say hello."

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> I've been in the hospital..Angora attacked the place..

* Klork is out again..

* Rev blinkblinks, and furrows his brows* Oh no...ah...let me get dressed...then we can go?

<StacieGreene> Okay...

* Ryu nods* Aye, ah'll fly ye ther'..

* Diana looks over at Klork, brows furrowed a little, hoping he's just asleep*

<Mondo_Gecko> Diana doesn't remember ANYTHING..Klork's had brain surgury and I spent all last night throwing up blood

<Mitch> "Yeah..." He lets out his breath slowly. "Here too. Good luck... uh..." A little sheepishly. "...who am I talking to?"

* Mondo_Gecko 's voice cracks with emotion and he closes his eyes, slowing his much emotions

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I don't have a long time...I just missed you

<Nox> Nox...

* Rev gets dressed quickly, etcetc*

<StacieGreene> *looks really concerned*

<StacieGreene> Is there anything I can do?

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head

<Mondo_Gecko> na...

<Mitch> "Okay. Luck, Nox. Give Mrs. Happy a hug or something."

<StacieGreene> *frowns* Come here.

<Nox> Of course...

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm not even supposed to be out of bed...Mo's gonna have kittens if she finds out I was building hopping

* Mondo_Gecko slips over, his tail dragging on the ground

* StacieGreene reaches out from the bed and points to his chest. "Listen. I'm going to tell you something."

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* Klork seems to just fall limp ... pulse on the heart moniter slowing rapidly ...

<StacieGreene> Whatever happens out there, you keep your tail safe and do your best to keep your friends and whatever you're fighting for safe.

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* kay

<StacieGreene> When things got rough at school or work, or with my dad...

* Mitch hangs up... he takes a sip of the coffee, settling into the chair - then bolts up, dropping the cup. "Shit!"

* Diana punches the call button frantically...nurse rushing in...attending to Klork...a doc coming in too, trying to find what's wrong after getting Brenna out of the way*

<StacieGreene> I just told myself:

* Rica tilts her head over .. then blinkblinks* Umumum..that's not .. *frowns, reaching over to take Klork's pulse* This um..Mitch..!?

* Mitch went for the call button too, but...

* Mitch takes Brenna, holding her and watching worriedly.

* Klork 's pulse slows .. barely there ... but stable ...

* Brenna blinnnkies confusedly, slowly starting to cry...doc continues his examiination...trying to find what's wrong....*

* Rica furrows her brows, pushing off the sil to stand by Mitch n' Brenna..* <q> Want me to take her ...?

<StacieGreene> Nothing matters in the long run. Only looking back and saying, I gave it my best shot.

<Mitch> "Brenna, ssh, shh... it's okay..."

* Mondo_Gecko nods, swallowing

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea...yer right..

* Brenna reaches for Klork* Bu'...daddie...? Wha's wrong with daddie...?!

<StacieGreene> *squeezes his hand*

<StacieGreene> Look, get back to the hospital. You want a ride?

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head

<Mondo_Gecko> na...I only get so much free time...

<StacieGreene> Call me tomorrow...

* Doc straitens up, brows furrowing* He's back in a coma...but...stable...we'll have to move him...see if we can find what's wrong...

<Mondo_Gecko> I'd rather exhaust myself to the point where I can collapse for a while..

* Rica shakes her head, smoothing Brenna's hair gently* <q> Shhh, he's just .. he'll be ok, Brenna hon..just napping ...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> ..ok

<Mondo_Gecko> ....See ya Stace..

<Doc> We'll call his wife...

* Rica blinkblinks..* ..oO(Oh lordy ...)

<StacieGreene> Then how can you fight when the next attack comes on? Be it == Angora, or whatever?

* Mondo_Gecko turns and slips off

* Brenna sniffles, tears flowing*

<StacieGreene> See ya...

<StacieGreene> Thanks...

* Mitch glances up a little desperately, holding Brenna and letting Rica soothe her as he looks over at Klork.

* StacieGreene watches him go, thoughtfully.

* Diana furrows her brow, shivering a little, holding her belly a little...painig her*

* Rica looks at Mitch, imploring* <q> Mitch .. let me..? Mo' will want somebody to explain ..

* A nurse wheels Klork off to be examined? That work..? <G>*

* Mitch nods, transferring Brenna with a minimum of fuss - he's actually more than happy to do so, it still weirds him out to be holding a child...

* RicaChica cradles Brenna close, rubbing her back...* <q> He'll be're momma's gonna be here soon, Hon..promise ..

* Brenna nods a little, crying softly*

* Mitch steps towards the phone, punching it on... as it rings, he talks over it, speaking to Diana... "...are you okay?"

* Diana nods a little, brows furrowed*

* Klork stays ...out ....

* Ryu picks up the phone*

<Ryu> Aye??

* Mitch recognizes this voice - it's distinctive enough. "Ryu? Where's Mrs. Happy? Can you get her?"

* Ryu leans to the side, rubbing at her hip* She al'ready lef' fer' th' 'ospital with Rev, Luv..

* HappyLittleMoron 's driving to the hospital with Rev...slowly becoming more and more of a mess...

<Mitch> .oO(...that makes life easier.) .oO(Dammit, knock it off!) .oO(Well, it does.)

<Ryu> Y' may wan'te meet 'er tho ... she's a wreck ...

<Mitch> "Okay... Klork just went comatose again..." He smacks the wall with an open hand, muttering something in Spanish.

* Ryu grimaces* Watch yer' mouth .. ah've nae a clue what yer' sayin', but et ain't clean.

<Mitch> " don't wanna know. Okay, thanks."

* HappyLittleMoron gets there...parrking and hurrying in...Rev heading to the room Diana's in...she talks to the doc again...

* Mitch heads downstairs to meet Mo, briefing her when she gets in :P

* Ryu nods, hanging up the fone*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Mitch...AND the doc...yeaaaaah* Wh...where is *rubs her belly a little, brows wrinkled*

<Mitch> "They moved him..." He glances at the doc.

* Doc nods* He's being examined now...

* RicaChica walks back and forth, pacing as she holds Brenna to try and calm her..

* Brenna cries softly into her shoulder*

<Doc> As soon as we know he's safe to be visited you and your daughter can see him...*rests his hand on HLM's shoulder* I'm sorry you have to go through all this, Mrs. Curric...

* RicaChica swallows, waving Rev down when he gets near, still goin' with Brenna* <q> Shhh .. everything's gonna be ok ..

* Rev heads over to Diana...chatting softly with her*

* HappyLittleMoron nods shakily* I..y..yeah...*sighs*

* Mitch waits, hands in pockets and head down, looking at the ground.

<Doc> Your daughter is still with your friend...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, shakily heading in that direction, barely holding back tears..

* RicaChica still holds Brenna, just totingback and forth

* Mitch follows, staying nearby in case he can put his bruised shoulder to good use

* HappyLittleMoron pauses, furrowing her brow, holding a hand over her belly, murmering something in a pleeding voice in Japanese...

<Mitch> "Nani kore?"

* StacieGreene unhooks her IV and climbs out of bed...dresses slowly in simple clothes bought by Foss

<HappyLittleMoron> I...uhm...<vqw> now...*winces again and presses her free hand to the wall*

* RicaChica still ...paces, brows furrowed..wondering where the heck HLM could be..

* Docs eventually wheel Klork back into the same room Diana, Rica and Brenna are in*

* Mitch blinks, and reaches out, getting an arm around her back. "Mrs. Happy... what's... are you all right?"

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Mitch...get a

* RicaChica blinks, looking up ..

<RicaChica> Is he ok..??

* Mitch fills his lungs, twisting away, and yells "Hey RUUUUUBE!"

* Nurse stops Mitch* ....what??

<Mitch> "Get a doctor!" He jerks his head towards Mo.

* Klork stays out .. pulse steadily slow ..

* Nurse eyes widen, HLM by now is on one knee, holding her belly, tears streaming down her face, nother nurse comes gets HLM in a wheel chair and brings her to the maternity ward..*

* Mitch follows, walking on eggshells... .oO(...oh fuck, you've GOT to be joking...)

* Diana chews her lip, watching Klork quietly, trying to figure out what she's feeling...*

* RicaChica watches, settling beside Klork with Brenna in her arms..* <q> Just ... sleeping deeply ..

* Brenna sniffles, reaching down to touch Klork's cheek*

* RicaChica leans forward to let her, brows furrowed......

* HappyLittleMoron gets examined...and the docs find a way to get her contractions to stop...a different doctor looks to Mitch

<Doc> Are you the father...?

* Mitch just *BLINKS*... "-no. No."

* Brenna rests her brow to her dad's purring and closing her eyes, trying to reach out to him...probably not doing well...but y'know*

* HappyLittleMoron chokes on a sob, laying in the hospital bed..

* Doc nods* Where is he...?

<Mitch> "He's in a coma right now... Klork Curric... I dunno where you put him, he's being examined... look, would you just-" He shoulders past the doctor and takes Mo's hand, squeezing it tightly.

* HappyLittleMoron squeezes back..

* Doc blinks and nods* I see...*sighs softly* Well...this young woman should not be moving around any all...

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, like that's going to happen.) He glances up. "...I'll see what I can do."

* StacieGreene goes into one of the dark office/study areas of her quiet, mostly unoccupied floor, and switches on one of the computers in the dark

* Doc nods* We're going to keep her overnight for observation...what floor is her husband on...?

* Klork 's pulse seems to quicken momentarily .. brows creasing ..

* Mitch ... tells him

* Diana blinks, both her and Rev looking over*

* RicaChica blinks .. watching Klork quietly ..

* Klork relaxes again .. going comatose

<Mitch> .oO(Fuck. Who the hell am I supposed to stay with? Where's the operations manual for this?)

* Doc nods* I see...alright...*sighs softly* Is there anyone with him...? Anyone else who should know about this?

* Mitch does the math, like he did last night... and realizes that he can't watch Klork, and Diana really doesn't NEED it.

<Mitch> "Yeah... Diana Manashevitz and Mon- eh, Shawn Murphy. Recovering patients. Klork was with them."

* Doc nods* Alright...we'll be sure they're informed...

<Mitch> "I'm gonna stay with her if it's okay... just so she's got a familiar face..."

* Doc nods* Of course...

<Mitch> .oO(Someone'll call the Asylum, I'm sure...)

<Mitch> "Thanks, Doc." He looks down at Mo, still holding her hand - feeling a little weird as he realizes this, but staying with her.

* HappyLittleMoron stares at the ceiling, eyes a little distant, tears still flowing

* StacieGreene accesses a mutant research database at Foss

* RicaChica sighs shakily, sitting by Klork, holding Brenna..

<Mitch> "What happened?" To the doctor, or a doctor, or something.

<Doc> Too much stress...

<Doc> Her body went into premature labor...

<Mitch> "Shit."

<Mitch> "Is she gonna be okay?"

* Doc nods* So long as she rests...the less stress the better...she's a high risk pregnancy as it is...

<Mitch> He nods, rubbing his neck with his free hand.

<Mitch> .oO(When it rains, it fucking HAILS.)

* HappyLittleMoron sighs shakily, looking between the two* <q> Is there any way I can be with him...?

* StacieGreene checks out the skimpy descriptions of Asylum folks in Foss' database, pausing at Mondo's...

* Doc looks down at her and furrows her brows* Mrs. really need to rest if you want to keep the twins...

<HappyLittleMoron> I..I would be better if I could be with him...less stress...? I'm not gonna get up and run a marathon or anything...just...a wheel chair...? Have a bed by him or something?

*AriaStormsinger smiles and curls in her sleep.

<Mitch> "...later, Mrs. Happy... you need to just lie down and rest for now..."

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Mitch, pleading expression* I can rest with him...!

* Doc sighs and shakes her head* We can figure something out...just...stay here for now? We can find a way for you two to have a room together...

<Mitch> "Give things some time to settle, ne?"

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw and fists* They ARE...

* Mitch yelps as his hand gets clenched

* HappyLittleMoron ...could easily crush it...completely forgot he was holding her hand...but...she forces her hand to relax* Sorry...

* Mitch gets his hand back, his face a little pale as he rubs it

* Doc has since left...setting something up...ok.....lessee...Klork will be getting moved soon...yeah...<G>*

* HappyLittleMoron ssighs shakily* I'm really sorry...just...

* RicaChica looks up when .. ppl come in to take Klork ..?

<Mitch> "'s okay. Nandemo dai."

* StacieGreene scrolls to Mitch's profile.

* Nurse looks to Rica, giving her a tired look* Heh...we're moving hiim up to the maternity ward to be with his wife...stubborn woman...

* RicaChica blinks..

<RicaChica> Ah .. um..this is their daughter .. can she come with them..??

<Mitch> "Just rest, Mrs. Happy... please?"

* Nurse hehs* Ah...sure...why not...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, holding her hands over her belly now* Heh...I'll try...*sighs shakily* Thanks, Mitch...

* RicaChica nods.. following the Nurse that wheels Klork ..

* Nurse starts rolling Klork to an HLM's room...getting set up there next to her bed*

* Mitch steps away as Klork gets wheeled in

* RicaChica follows after, still holding Brenna...

* StacieGreene adds in a few details of her own...

* the guard rails between the beds get folded down, HLM reaches over to take his hand*

* HappyLittleMoron looks upand smiles shakily at Rica and Brenna...

* Klork seemingly relaxes, very low.. very dull and barely audible purr emits ....

* StacieGreene moves on to HLM's.

* RicaChica looks at HLM

<RicaChica> <q> You want me to set Brenna here...??

* HappyLittleMoron nods, opening her arms for the little girl

* RicaChica smiles, gently setting Brenna down into her arms...

* Mitch watches, still rubbing the hand absent-mindedly.

* StacieGreene rests her chin on her hands, the screen sending flickering green shadows over her face. *sighs*

* StacieGreene reads her own profile.

* StacieGreene eventually goes back to bed, still thinkin' hard.

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks, Rica...*gently holds the trembling girl close, also holding Klork's hand* I'm...sorry for all of this...

* RicaChica shakes her head..* <q> Hey .. it's ok ...

* RicaChica goes over to Mitch, gently squeezing his shoulder* <vqw> C'mon ...

<Mitch> Quietly. "Someone oughta stay with 'em..."

<StacieGreene> Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd she added that Mitch not only has four arms, wears glasses and is really nice as Aria reported, but knows how to go about breaking into major security sites like NYU's laser lab...

* RicaChica sighs shakily ...

* HappyLittleMoron watches Klork, eyes glowing slightly, trying to get a bit of a reading off of him...

<RicaChica> <vqw> I know ... but at least give the family .. a little time..?

<Mitch> "...yeah." He slips out with Rica, sighing and leaning against the wall.

* RicaChica heads out, brows furrowed..

<RicaChica> I'm gonna go home for a bit ..

<RicaChica> <q> You're welcome to join with so you can get a break .. people will be willing to take you back at any time...

* HappyLittleMoron sighs shakily and squeezes Klork's hand gently, shifting closer, Brenna nuzzling between her parents

<Mitch> "...I should." He glances up. "Can we stop by the other room? I wanna say goodnight to Diana..."

* RicaChica nods

* Mitch blinks, suddenly realizing something, and almost chuckles.

<RicaChica> No prob .. I'm gonna go get my car warmed up..I'll meet you in the parking lot, k??

* RicaChica blinks, then tilts her head

<RicaChica> What..??

<Mitch> "Nothing... I just realized I get to introduce her to Pratchett all over again... I'll be down soon."

* RicaChica slowly shakes her head, chuckling, jinglig her keys and heading out of the hospital

* Mitch heads up and over and sideways or whatever to get to the Other Room

* Mitch pokes his head in to see what things are like...

* RicaChica gets into the jeep .. warming it up..yawning widely as she leans back in the driver's seat

* Diana blinks, looking up from chatting with Rev* Konbonwa, Mitch..

* HappyLittleMoron dozes off...

<Mitch> "Hi... hi, Rev..." He steps in a little, leaning tiredly against the edge of the door. "Sorry for interrupting... just stepping in to say goodnight..."

* Diana nods* Ah...Oyasumi nasai, Mitch...

* Rev nods a bit* Rest well...

* RicaChica waits .. warmed up now .. half asleep in the driver's seat..

<Mitch> "Oyasumi, t-Diana. Feel better..."

* Diana nods tiredly* Hai...

<Mitch> "Ja ne, Rev..." *slips out*

* Rev nods, going back to chatting with Diana...*

* Mitch heads downstairs, limping down to where Rica waits

* RicaChica waits ... unlocks his door

Session Close: Mon Apr 08 00:11:27 2002

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