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Session Start: Fri Apr 05 12:02:29 2002

* Mondo_Gecko shifts on the couch, groaning softly

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( everything...hurts)

* Mondo_Gecko forces himself to open his eyes and wines as light hits his pupils, he spots the painkiller and swallows it down with the now stale water and closes his eyes again.

* Diana hmms? and looks up*

* Mondo_Gecko shivers a little...thankful he's back to being himself..but the pain..

<Diana> Mondo?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* yea?

<Diana> Can I get you anything?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* medic...

* Mondo_Gecko forces himself to sit up, muscles BURNING..the transformations he went through last night a terrible strain

* Diana reaches out to help him*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* thanks

* The soft 'thud' of large paws upon the stairs sounds as the strange, six toed 'furred' draconic looking beast makes her way down the stairs, burning crimson eyes scanning thoes few present as she stops at the base of the stairs, as usuall a small amount of ghostly activity is present swirling around her form like stirred wisps of smoke from a fresh fire..

* Diana nods and blinks, looking up*

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

<Mondo_Gecko> .....this place is getting weirder and weirder

* NightJade blinks once, tilting her head slightly at all thoes whom stare and merley sparing them a half crooked grin

* NightJade finds a couch then..

* Diana grins a little and nods to NJ*

<Diana> It's always been weird

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> ....yea..I mean..who am I to talk

<Mondo_Gecko> I can't even picka speices..*winces as he moves slightly*

* Diana sighs softly and rubs his shoulder gently*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I'm ok..really...just..a little stiff

* Diana nods a little and sits back again*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* don't have to stop rubbing me though *sheepish grin*

* Diana hehs a little, going about rubbing his back again*

* NightJade yawns, and rolls over onto her back, stretching out upon the couch and boredly watching the only others within the main room..

* Mondo_Gecko siiiiiighs and starts to chuurrrrr softly, closing his eyes

* Diana continues*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I should go and sit in the hot tub..

* Diana nods a little* Might help...hai...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Thanks Diana....for everything....for putting up with me

* Diana smirks lightly and chuckles* It's not a problem..

* Daithi walks down a street, talking to his friend "I don't care ro... I still blame inflation"

<Ro> Yea... inflation sucks ass... err... what were we talking about?

<Daithi> the downfall of insect socity

* Mondo_Gecko gazes up at her...saddness in his eyes, feeling increadibly guilty over all this

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* ok

<Daithi> Seriouly The government have fucked us over one... and you see the election poster for Fiánna Fáil? i mean.... good oul bertie looks like hes giving the stare of death! and then the "Peace, Prosperity, protection" slogan? it should be "Bullshit Bullshit and a little more of the same"

* Diana smiles thinly* Need help...?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* sure..

* Diana goes about gently helping him up*

<Ro> looks like we're into more of the same then... Celtic Tiger me hole!

<Daithi> yea those tax exampt deals were sweet but when they exprired everyone pulled out

* Mondo_Gecko gets to his feet... pains shooting up his legs..

* Diana slips her arm around him to support him*

* Mondo_Gecko leans on her a little bit

* Mondo_Gecko heads up the stairs to the roof

* Diana helps him as they go*

* Mondo_Gecko gets to the roof, he's walking pretty's obviously very painful

* Diana helps the best she can...*

* Mondo_Gecko goes and turns on the hot tub, wincing in the sunlight

* Mondo_Gecko slowly peels off his shirt, wincing and sucking in air

* Diana...uhm...does what she can to help 'n stuff*

* Mondo_Gecko slips into the hot tub and leans back painfully, sighing when he can at last rest again in the hot water..

<Daithi> hold on ro... wanna see something *walks up to the asylum door, knocking on the door*

* No body here but us chickens..*

* Diana rubs her shoulder a little, up on the roof with Mondo*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* jesus....what a releif.

* Diana chuckles softly* Ne...the warm water?

* HappyLittleMoron erks...ccomes from...the workout room and answeres the door

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeeeeeeeeeeessss?

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little, opening his eyes again

<Mondo_Gecko> yea that know...being me again

* Diana chuckles softly and nods* Hai..

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* feelin better?

* Diana nods a little* Ah...slightly...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I was scared you'd never wanna speak to me again or something..

* Diana shakes her head* Iie...I...don't think that would ever happen...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little

<Mondo_Gecko> don't know how much I can screw up Diana

<Diana> Would it be on purpose?

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm a walking disaster area

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head no

<Diana> Then I would not get to that point...

* Mondo_Gecko looks down a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* still scares me..

* Diana nods a little*

* Mondo_Gecko whipes his cheek

* Diana reaches over to lightly stroke his hair*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and closes his eyes again..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I ever feel stupid...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(more so than ussual)

<NightJade> .oO(At least ya don't -look- stupid...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( yea...atleast I don't look stupid anymore...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ....wait...)

<NightJade> .oO(Don't mind me.. I'm just another voice in your head..)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( oh! ..ok!)

* Mondo_Gecko settles back again, sighing

* NightJade covers her muzzel with her paws to smother her laughter..

* NightJade just grins lopsidedly..

* Mondo_Gecko starts to gently dig his claws into his arms, kneeding the muscles

* NightJade , out of sheer boredom begins to sing mentally..* ~* I've got a lovley bunch of cocanuts a dee dee and there they are alying in the sun..*~

<Mondo_Gecko> mmkay

Session Close: Fri Apr 05 16:22:22 2002

Session Start: Fri Apr 05 17:48:34 2002

* Diana's coming back in the front door, eyes sorta downcast*

* Mondo_Gecko is asleep in the hot tub

* Klork is hunched over at the couch, drawin'..

* Diana blinks and heads over, hands in her pockets* Ne...what're you working on?

* Klork looks up, blinking

<Klork> Eh, jes' drawin..*smirks*

* Diana ccomes around and sits by him* What, if I may assk...?

* Klork glances over at her before doodlin' again...

<Klork> Mo'....

* Diana nods* Ahh...*smiles lightly* Ne...I'll leave you to it then, ne...?

* Klork smirks

<Klork> A'right..*doodles*

* Diana smiles a little and stands, heading up the stairs*

* Mondo_Gecko lays by the cool's a warm summer evening.. they're camping. Klork and HLM are cooking something...there are three children..two little boys and Brenna playing tag.. Kameko is standing by the fire, watching it.. Shin and Wing are swimming in the lake..Diana sits beside him braiding wild grasses into a crown.

* Mondo_Gecko watches the movment of the water.. the sparkles in the sunlight..feeling very calm..and peaceful.

* Klork rolls his shoulders before he continues

* Mitch absent-mindedly shifts with the movements of the subway train as it hurtles through the tunnels, anticipating it, feeling an odd sense of jubilation despite the weariness that suffuses him.

* Diana heads up to her room...stripping down before stepping into the shower, letting the water pound her back, running through her hair*

<Mitch> .oO(It's weird... it's such a pathetic thing... still, y'know, still feels good. Like I've managed to accomplish something.)

<Mitch> .oO(But... hell. I've got to keep it to myself. How can I tell people about this when they believe it's happened a hundred times before?)

<Mitch> *one of his inner hands touches his pocket, his wallet* .oO(How do I tell 'em I just got my first real paycheck?)

* Mitch , as the train slows and enters the eternal twilight of a station, hauls himself out of the cheap seat and crosses the tiles, stepping up and out into the night air

* Mondo_Gecko twitches

* Mitch heads to the Asylum, all his introspection done for the moment

* Mondo_Gecko wades in the cold stream and grins, looking back at Diana on the shore as he hikes up his jeans

* Mondo_Gecko watches little fish swim between his feet

* Mondo_Gecko sighs, the bubbling of the stream so calming...he lays down in the middle of it and then lets the water wash over him, sinking under

<Mondo_Gecko> *Bubblebubble* *Mondo sinks under the surface of the hot tub*

* Mitch opens up the front door and comes inside, unzipping his jacket and rotating his neck tiredly... Klork's in the living room, Diana's taking a shower, Mondo's in the hot tub - am I missing anyone?

* Rislyn comes down the stairs .. all gussied up in leather and an oversized black hoodie, black leather gloves covering her hands once again, looking ready to kill something

<Mitch> "Hi, Klork... Rislyn..."

* Mitch doesn't even really notice her getup - this IS the Asylum - heading into the kitchen and snagging a beer, popping it open and taking a nice long drag on it.

* Rislyn glances at Mitch .. kinda doin' the head nod thing to acknowledge him before going and standing in front of a window to just stare outside

<Klork> Yo...*doesn't look up*

* Mitch comes back in, shrugging out of the jacket and working his lower arms... he glances over Klork's shoulder. "...damn, that's nice."

* HappyLittleMoron comes in the Asylum, carrying Brenna on her hips* Hello all you llucky people you..

<Mitch> He glances up at Mo. "Lucky?"

* Klork hrnhs..looking up.

<Klork> Huh..? Oh, lucky?

<HappyLittleMoron> Suuuuuure

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a little, helping Brenna get her jacket off* Better'n...unlucky...

* Mitch blinks, rubbing his neck.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehh...never mind...

<Mitch> To Klork. "...anyway... has, y'know, Diana gotten back yet?"

<Klork> True ... how're you? *pauses, looking up at Mitch* Yea..went up to her room 15 minutes ago or so..

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm okie...*blinks a little, heading into the kitchen after settling Brenna down to color*

<Mitch> "Okay... guess I'll wait. Hi, Mrs. Happy. Hi, Brenna."

* Rislyn just continues to glare out the window, rubbing absently at her hand

<Mondo_Gecko> *the dream longer peaceful, he's in the basement of one of his old friends..water is pouring into the basement, there is no way out...outside there is earthquakes...fires...flooding...he climbs to the window and tries to peer out seeing his friends on the street in the middle of this, Klork carrying Iris and Brenna in his arms and running as half a building falls.. Mitch is trying to push debris off Diana's crushed body.. he SCREEMS

* Klork arches a brow at Ris..

<HappyLittleMoron> Heyhey...*blinks a lil'* ok, Ris?

<Klork> Did the .. road or .. something offend you, Ris..

<Mondo_Gecko> *bubbles rise in the water and he claws his way to the surface, gasping!!

* Rislyn blinks, turning and looking at them

<Rislyn> Hmmm..? What..?

<HappyLittleMoron> Y'look troubled...

<Mondo_Gecko> "O O "

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* no more Godzilla movies..

* Rislyn furrows her brow, forcing a slight smile

<Rislyn> <q> I'm okay...thanks for the concern, though... just thinking.

* Mondo_Gecko looks around, making sure the city really isn't falling apart

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhhh...k...if youo need ta talk...

* Mondo_Gecko lays his cheek down against the side of the hot tub, gathering his breath...

* Rislyn nods

<Rislyn> Will do...

* Rislyn chews at her lip .. then turns back to look out the window

* HappyLittleMoron nods, patting her shoulder lightly before heading into the kitchen to fix...uhm...lasagna sounds good

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( that was CREEPY)

* Mitch crouches down beside Brenna - then settles to his butt, just feeling so good to sit down. "How's it going?"

* Mondo_Gecko slowly pulls himself from the hot tub..the painkiller has dulled the pain and his muscles feel much better from his hot tub nap

* Mondo_Gecko rubs his face and bends over a bit stiffly and picks up his shirt and pants and heads back inside after turning off the hot tub, dripping on the floor all the way to his room

* Brenna smiles up at Mitch* I

<Mitch> "...pretty good, actually. Yeah. Pretty good."

* Rislyn frowns, glaring at something unseen outside

* Mondo_Gecko goes and dries off and then pulls on a the old jeans and black shirt and his patched black hoodie and heads downstairs again

* Brenna grins, colorin'* Good...

* Klork draws..etc

<Mitch> "Whatcha up to?" *leans his head over her shoulder*

* Mondo_Gecko goes to the kitchen, realizing it has been AGES since he's eaten and starts heating corn dogs and gets OJ, sticking his face in a chip bag while he waits

* Mitch glances up. "Hi, Mondo... how you feel?"

<Mondo_Gecko> rigormortius set in a bit early

<Brenna> I colorin'! Wanna help?

* Brenna blinkies* Ri...gor...wha'?

* Mitch swaps to Brenna. "It's like being really, really tired... I dunno, Brenna. I don't think I can do that."

* Mondo_Gecko smirks, knowing that when he has kids he won't sugar coat things

<Brenna> Ooh...aww...

* Mondo_Gecko grabs his chips and OJ and his plate of corndogs smothered in ketchup

<Mitch> Back to Mondo, apparently actually being able to keep track of the dual conversations. "No weird side-effects? I mean... you're back the way you were?"

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea...just as f- ...messed up as ever

* Brenna goes back to happily colorin'*

* Mondo_Gecko finds himself a seat and then starts eating corndogs like he's being starved

* The flames within the fire place suddenly become rather 'active', swaying and dancing about as if an unseen breeze is dancing amongsts them then they flair up within the confines of the stone(or concrete =p) incloser and once they settle to their origional state again a rather odd figure is left sitting within the center of the fireplace..

* Mitch watches Brenna for a while, just glad to get off his feet and in a vaguely comfortable position

<Klork> A'right. Which of the fire elementals here is messin' with the fire place?! I'm tryin' to draw here..!

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..I don't feel like dealing with this..I'm eating now)

* Mondo_Gecko urrrrrpppps and goes through his third corndog*

* Mitch glances up, and shifts position slightly, putting himself completely between Brenna and the newcomer

* Brenna blinkines and furrows her brows looking up*

* Well.. it's a Element... so if the fire place is small.. for now it's small.. that is until it chooses to step forth from the flames and seats itself infront of the fire place.. ignoring Klork's irritated protests and takes on the generall size and form of a Japanese anime neko.. well.. sortta..

<Mitch> .oO(Note to self. Ask Diana how to say "here we go again" in Japanese.)

* Brenna blinkies, watching, tilting her head to the side*

* Mitch quietly pushes himself up and heads into the other room, clasping his lower hands behind him.

* Klork nudges it with his toe..seeing that he' sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace

<Klork> Eh...?

<Mondo_Gecko> *mouth full* What the hell is that

<Klork> Cat. Kinda firey. Deformed.

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

* The kat mews back.. and casually walks away from the fire place with a typical feline heir of 'look at me, I'm special'.. still not letting their odd comments bother it.. It merley 'smiles' at them all through half lidded eyes..

<Mondo_Gecko> if you were in a fire maybe you'd be deformed too..

* Mitch comes back in, hands still folded up behind him, and walks to stand beside Klork

* Mondo_Gecko picks up his fewd

* Klork glances at the cat

* HappyLittleMoron kinda watches...

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm gonna go hang in my room for a bit..I'll see you guys later

* Brenna blinkines* ...kitty?

<Klork> Puddles will like it.. *lips curl a little before he goes back to drawing, were he in cat for his tail would twitch with annoyance at another cat's presence*

* Klork glances over at Mitch ... pausing to glance behind him .. before sniggering

* The kitty glances over at Brenna and ruffles a rather unruley looking fiery coat, meowing curiously..

* Brenna immitates the mew, giggling softly*

* Klork pauses...standing before going over to stand next to Brenna ... cautious..

* Mitch shrugs, just a little, watching the newcomer

* Brenna looks up at Klork and points to Kerackan* Kitty...

* Klork nods ... rubbing at her shoulder

<Klork> Mhmm .. I see it.

* Mitch curls his hands carefully, glancing at Mo, kind of like for a cue.

* The 'kitty' happily dances about a good few feet away from the others, its long flowing furr imitating the very dance of live flame itself as slender paws seem to glide across the floors surface..

* Brenna nodsnods and watches the cat curiously*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little, brows furrowed

* Klork picks Brenna up, propping her on his hip ... eyeing the cat..

* Brenna blinkies and slides an arm around his neck*

* Klork purrs quietly, rubbing at her back

<Mitch> .oO(...thing's fuckin' heavy.)

* It then dips its head, chest and stomach coming inches from the floor followed by the stretching of slender hind legs behind it and flame tufted tail coiling inward above it.. Then it swiftly half twists in a half circle turn before raising up upon hind paws.. still dancing..

* Brenna watches, icey eyes fasinated*

* HappyLittleMoron comes up to stand by Mitch, whiping her hands on a dishtowel...* Hellova way fer a stray ta get in a place...

* Klork yawns .. eyes shifting to Mitch n' Mo..

<Mitch> "I take it this thing ain't a resident?"

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head

<Mitch> "Want me to..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...hasn't caused any damage...wonderin' what it is...'sides a flamin' cat...

<Klork> Eh .. no it ain't..*pauses .. glancing to the two*

* HappyLittleMoron pauses and smirks, realizing just how much she sounds like Logan when she says that last part...

<Mitch> He shrugs a little. "Wasn't in the Monster Manual. Least I don't think it was."

<Klork> Nope.

* And as the dance continues, a soft 'breeze' plays at its fur, and it's form beings to grow as it begins to grow in size, and shift in form.. becomming more human like.. The feline eyes and ears remaining though, the tail elongating to fit its form.. human forarms remaining pawed and furred, as with its legs up to the knees.. and a loincloth appears to cover the 'no fly' zone.. and thus he takes on his 'human' form..

* Brenna BLINKS and yelps*

<HappyLittleMoron> Eeeeeeeeyah...heya...

* Klork rrrs low in his throat, tucking Brenna out of view, fangs growing*

* HappyLittleMoron erks and steps forward* So...flaming cat-guy...what can we do for ya...

* Mitch , a little wryly, applauds - clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.

<Kerackan> * He chuckles softly, losing no grace whatsever from his step but eventually the strange dance finds an end, and forpaws come to fold in behind his back.. As thoes feline eyes dance with amusement and a warm smile paints itself across his face..* "Hmmm.." *He seems to consider that.. whilst watching Klork out of the corner of his eye..

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows...

* Kerackan just grins at her, revealing feline fangs..* "Tough crowd tonight.."

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehh...yeah...not really fond of people comin' in without uhm...knocking first...

* Klork nods .. shifting .. eyes sparking a little

<Kerackan> "Ahh.. Well.. I tend to travel only by Flame.. or in some places.. by fire place.."

<HappyLittleMoron> noticed...

<Klork> You seem to be able to walk just fine now.

* Kerackan eyes Klork oddly..* "For now.."

<Klork> So use the door next time.

<Kerackan> "Why bother..?"

<Klork> Because we don't take kindly to people coming in unwelcome.

<Kerackan> "We.. as a whole, or we as in yourself..? No one else is complaining.."

<HappyLittleMoron> Look're in our home...a bit more respect is called for..

<Kerackan> "He started it.."

<Klork> Don't push me, furball.

<Klork> I'm allowed. This is my home.

<Mitch> "...'He started it'?"

<HappyLittleMoron> I don't state your bussiness or get out...

* Klork shifts, holding Brenna close ... electrifying glare not leaving Kerackan

<Kerackan> "Hmmm... I take it hostility runs in the norm in this place.." He simply shrugs.. and then simply disappears.. in no mood to deal with moody mortals..

<Klork> Good ridance.

* Klork shifts, rubbing at Brenna's back..

<Klork> I hate it when ppl enter with a "holier than thou" attitude...*shifts, going to set her down*

* Mitch sighs, and half-turns, setting down the fire extinguisher with a heavy thump. "-Jesus Christ in a Three Stooges short... that thing got HEAVY."

* Klork chuckles quietly ...

* Brenna purrs softly, going back to her drawing*

* Klork watches Brenna .. purr rising lowly in his throat..

* Brenna pauses to smile up at her dad before going back to her coloring...HLM's cookin' more...*

* Mitch rubs his lower arms for a moment before crouching and hefting the extinguisher, toting it back and putting it where he got it

<Mitch> "...hey, you got a, y'know, a grate for that fireplace?"

<Klork> No, but I think glass might be a better idea.

<Mitch> He shrugs, glancing up the stairs. .oO(Wonder if she went to bed... it's early...)

* Klork shifts from foot to foot, meandering in the kitchen to look over HLM's shoulders..

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm?

* Mitch finds his beer, where he, uh, set it down... right... and settles in, still camping the Diana spawn point at the bottom of the stairs

<Klork> Oh .. just . watchin' you cook..n' all..*purrrs* smells gooood

<HappyLittleMoron> Goooood...*grins and kisses his jaw as she cooks 'n stuff*

* Klork purrs, rubbing at her back

* HappyLittleMoron mmmsss...leaning back when the point where just cooking is needed...

* Mitch glances in, watching them a little wistfully.

<Mitch> .oO(Of all the impossible things I've seen here... a really happy couple is probably in the top five.)

* Diana finally comes down the stairs silently, jeans and a t-shirt, her damp hair bound in a loose braid that hangs down her back*

* Mitch is watching Mo and Klork, and doesn't notice - dammit

* Diana blinks, smirks and silently perches next to him* Enjoying the show?

* Mitch DOES sense her as she comes up behind him, and half-turns, catching her aura in his peripheral vision. "...yeah... just... I dunno. Not used to seeing happy couples."

* Klork leans over, sneaking a bit of the food..

<Klork> Mmmmm

<HappyLittleMoron> Hey..! *lightly whaps his hand*

* Diana chuckles softly* neither...

<Klork> Erf!!..*pouts, mouth slightly upturned*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and kisses hiiis jaw

* Klork purrs, the sound rough in his chest...

<Klork> S'good stuffs..

* Mitch glances at her, adjusting his glasses slightly. "Daijoubu?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Thaaaank you...

* Diana shrugs* Ne...alright I

* Klork nodnodnods...purrrring

<Mitch> "Okay... wanna try for a lesson again?"

* Diana shrugs and stands heading for the workout room* Alright...

* Mondo_Gecko comes back downstairs with his guitar, unplugged and sits in a chair, cross legged, the mucles on his legs a bit strained at this..

* Mitch hauls himself up, takes a moment to rub his arms wearily, then heads in to abuse his body some more.

* Mondo_Gecko strums "here's to the night" by Eve 6

* Mitch bows again to her on the mat, muttering "...take two..." under his breath.

<Diana> *bows in return after taking up a stance* Ne...have you been working on your falls and rolls?

* Mitch nods. "Yeah... I dunno if I have enough, you never said how much..."

* Diana smiles slightly and shrugs* We shall see, ne...?

<Mitch> "Tomodachi - how do you say 'here we go again' in Japanese?"

<Mondo_Gecko> So denied, So I lied, Are you the now or never kind? In a day And a day love love, I'm gonna be gone for good again Are you willing

<Mondo_Gecko> To be had Are you cool with just tonight? Here's a toast To all those who hear me all too well

* Diana...uhm...tells him <G>*

<Mondo_Gecko> Here's to the night you felt alive, here's to the tear you knew you'd cry, Here's to goodbye, Tomororw's gonna come too soon

<Mondo_Gecko> Put your name, on the line, along with place and time, wanna stay, not to go, I wanna Ditch the logical. here's a toast to all those who here me all too wel..

* Mitch , for now, uh... memorizes it

<Mondo_Gecko> All my time is frozen in motion, I can't stay an hour or two or more..Don't let me let you go

<Mitch> "...domo. THAT'S gonna be handy."

* Mitch copies her stance, waiting to find out what they're going to be doing

* Diana chuckles softly*'re going to practice your following skills, alrright?

<Mondo_Gecko> here's a all those who know me all too well. Here's to the nights we felt alive. Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry. Here's to goodbye.. Tommorow's gonna come too soon..

<Mitch> "Following?" A little confused.

* Diana holds up her wrist* This...grab my wrist...and...follow..

<Mitch> "Ah, okay..."

* Mitch begins the practice with her

* Klork tries not to drool at the food, purring loudly ..

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly, letting the food finish before taking it out 'n stuff...

* Klork ooooooooooooooss...., sitting to watch

<Mitch> *instinct kicks in, and he starts talking, still working at it* "Where'd you learn this?"

* HappyLittleMoron lets it cool, then serves it up, going out to pick Brenna up, pausing by the workout room...uhm...Diana tteaches him a few techniques 'n pins 'n stuff <G>...HLM tells 'em dinner's ready...

<Diana> Originally, my dojo...then just...wherever I could

<Mitch> "You were in the dojo before you, y'know, started reality-hopping?"

* Diana nods as she works with him* Hai...I snuck out of the house when I was 8...almost got killed in front of the sensei saved me, and once I was out of the hospital, I started going, whether my parents wanted me to or not..

<Mitch> "Christ... gomen... well, not for how it worked out."

<Diana>'s alright...shook me up at the time, first time a stranger had tried to harm me, was a long time ago...

* Mitch nods, erking a bit as he overextends and catches himself. "What about the kung fu?"

* Klork watches, settling with his plate with a happy purr

<Klork> foood

<Klork> *scarfs*

<Diana> battlefield and just random teachers throughout the realities...

* HappyLittleMoron and Brenna munchie too..

<Mitch> "How long were you... out from Earth for?"

<Diana> Ahh...three years according to the feels like at least five or six, though...

* Mitch is sticking strictly to aikido - Bill's training is his dirty little secret :P

<Mitch> "Underhill isn't the only place with, y'know, fucked-up time scales, right?"

<Diana> I don't think so...demo...I suspect there was a fair bit of time traveling in my reality hopping as well..

* Mitch gets thrown and pinned and stuff - Mondo, wanna make comment? }:D

* Mitch blinks. "Time travel?"

* Klork finishes, getting up to clean

* HappyLittleMoron cleans Brenna up, lifting her into her arms, sleepy lil' girl* I'm gonna go put her to bed, k, love?

* Klork n ods..

<Klork> A'right..

* Brenna wavels sleepily* Nini, daddie...

* Klork kisses Brenna's brow , purring

<Klork> Nite Princess..

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little and gives Brenna a wave

<Mitch> "Christ..." *unfs as he hits the mat and taps out, grabbing her hand and tugging himself up to his feet* "I keep thinking I've heard it all."

* Brenna purrs softly, leaning her head on HLM's shoulder*

* Klork smiles, watching quietly ..

<HappyLittleMoron> I'll be back...*heads out, Brenna wavels sleepily back to Mondo, HLM adding a wave of her own before heading upstairs*

* Diana smirks and shrugs* Hai..

<Mitch> *chuckles a little, concentrating on getting a move right* "...I'll get over it one of these days. Really."

* Diana chuckles softly, helping however she can* Ne...I won't hold my breath...

<Mitch> "Oh, domo ariGATo." *grimaces good-naturedly* "You ever tried time-travelling, y'know, this reality?"

* Klork hums...* "Play that funky music white boy...

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> ..any requests?

* Klork bobs his head a litte whilst washin' dishes

* HappyLittleMoron comes back and arches a brow, chuckling

* Diana shakes her head* Iie...and...I'd prefer not to...

<Klork> Hmm...dunno ... can you play that new song by for the lonely? It's STUCK in my goddamn head!

<Mitch> "Doushite iie?"

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Mondo_Gecko> I guess I can try to do that..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...I'm really more of a rock goes

* Klork cackles

<Klork> I was kidding Mondo ...

<Mondo_Gecko> .....

<Mondo_Gecko> aww...I had an idea for an improv punk version..

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm sure it woulda gone over good

* Klork heads over .. wiping his hands off..

<Klork>, go for it?

<Diana> I don't want to get lost again...

* Mondo_Gecko starts playing the song rather hand, very punk like and sings out the lyrics

* Klork sings along ... well .. mostly .. he only knows the line "This is a song! For the Lonely!"....the rest he mumble/stumbles through..

<Mondo_Gecko> When you're standing on the edge of no where

<Mondo_Gecko> There's only one way up so your heart's got to go there

<Mondo_Gecko> Through the darkest nights

<Mondo_Gecko> You see the light shine bright

<Mondo_Gecko> When heroes fall in love or war they live forever

* Mitch nods, saving his response as he gently tries a throw. "...makes two of us."

<Mondo_Gecko> This is a song for the lonely, can you hear me tonight?

<Mondo_Gecko> For the broken hearted, battle scarred

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll be by your side

<Mondo_Gecko> And this is a song for the lonely

<Mondo_Gecko> When your dreams won't come true

<Mondo_Gecko> Can you hear this prayer

<Mondo_Gecko> Because someone's there for you

* Diana goes with the throw, then goes about correcting what he did wrong, etc*

<Mitch> *gets corrected, etc*

* Mondo_Gecko stops and grins

<Klork> You don't hafta look no moooreee...

* Klork ergs...

<Mondo_Gecko> hahaha!!

<Klork> Damn, where'd you learn all them lyrics??

<Mitch> "How you feel about... the whole thing with Mondo?"

<Mondo_Gecko>'s kinda fucked up..but I have a really bad memory..but if I hear something sung or put to music I can remember it like..forever

<Klork> Ooh. Note to self. Remind Mondo about upcoming rent in ballad form.

* Diana sighs a little* I'm...not sure...

<Mitch> .oO(Give her an out, schmuck.) "'s made me think. I never bothered asking myself this, I always figured it for impossible, but... had to ask myself - if I could lose the arms, would I?"

* Diana nods a little* Ne...would you?

<Mitch> *pauses a moment, ordering his words* "Well, at first... yeah, I wouldn't have to hide, and I wouldn't have to pretend. I could, y'know, even shop off the rack. But then... hell!" *shakes said arms out, flexing the hands* "They're useful. They're a part of my life... I can do all sorts of shit that I had to learn because of 'em. And... well... they're a part of me."

* Diana nods* Hai..

<Mitch> *gets back into the practice* "No matter what face I show to the world, I know there's someone on the inside, and he's one of a kind. It's worth a lot, y'know... some nights."

<Mondo_Gecko> Ohh Rent..

* Diana works with him 'n stuff* Very true...

* Mondo_Gecko gets up and comes back with an old sock that looks rather heavy

<Mondo_Gecko> lesse

<Mitch> "What about you?"

* Mondo_Gecko pulls out a wad of twenties and counts out 100 and then 10's and counts fifty and hands it over

<Mondo_Gecko> here ya go!

* Diana shakes her head* I would not get rid of anything within is a part of me...I've learned from it and have much more yet to learn from it...

* Klork blinks..then hands it to HLM

* Mitch nods, trying a pin. "...wouldn't be Diana without being... different?"

* Diana nods, adjusting his hands so it's more effective* Hai...

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks..! Heh...*manafests it to the rentplaec*

* Mondo_Gecko blinks, listening to the conversation

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a little

* Mitch concentrates, getting it right. "...wouldn't be my tomodachi without being different."

<Diana> Good...this is true...

* Mitch , a little embarassed, pushes himself up and helps her after him. "Had a visitor today... someone came in through the fireplace..."

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I know what THAT'S about....they seem to be forgetting though...I wasn't born this way..I was born a human..)

<Diana> Domo...*blinks* Oh?

<Mitch> "Yeah... cat thing just walked out of the fire... showed off for a little before turning into this, this haughty Indian thing."

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little, and picks up his guitar again, strumming softly

<Mitch> "Didn't seem to grasp the idea of 'breaking and entering STILL bad even if it's magical'. Finally got miffed and portaled out."

* Diana smirks* Oy...

<Mitch> .oO(Breaking and entering's only bad if you get caught.) .oO(Urusai.) .oO(I don't hear you arguing.) .oO(I'm not arguing. Urusai anyway.)

<Mitch> "Yeah... I think Klork's gonna put up some glass over the fireplace or something."

* Diana nods* Probably a good idea, hai...

<Mitch> He snickers a little. "That's why I asked about >here we go again<..."

* Diana smirks a little and nods* Hai..

<Mitch> "How'd things go for you with the unimportant unmentionable gig?"

<Diana> Well..

* Mitch is starting to wind down - his body's damn near ready to quit on him - but is still pushing, still straining to do better... he hesitates a moment, watching her querulously.

* Diana eyes him a little* Ne...*steps back and bows* I think that's enough for the night...

<Mitch> "Domo, sensei..." *bows, but straightens up* "Tomodachi... what were you gonna say?"

* Diana blinnks* ..I was answereing your in "It went well" *grins softly*

<Mitch> "Oh... I thought you- gomen. Yeah, it's been a long day." He quirks an apologetic smile.

* VertigoFox meanders downstairs slowly visibly exausted... unsure if he's actually gonna RP or just grab a sandwitch and walk back upstairs to fall asleep...

<Mitch> "Domo arigato... I really appreciate it, Diana."

* VertigoFox grabs a sandwich and walks back into his room munching ready to go back to bed...

<Diana> Hai...nandemonai...

* Diana chuckles* And hai..that it has been..

* Klork watches VF go ..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little...

<HappyLittleMoron> ooooookie

* Klork shruggles..

<Mitch> "Lemme know if you wanna talk about... whatever. I'm gonna grab a shower." .oO(Before I collapse.)

* Diana nods* Hai...of course...take care..

<Mitch> "You too..." *heads upstairs, managing to mask most of his stagger*

* Mondo_Gecko strums Angels by Tea party

* Mondo_Gecko sings "Another holiday from all the vampires..and all the sick events, caught on high wire..

<Mitch> .oO(Ever wonder if you're pushing it too hard?) .oO(Let's see. Diana's talking AND listening. You've got a very narrow window before the inevitable happens. Oh, and let's not forget how many people want you DEAD. Any more stupid questions?) .oO(Just trying to help out.)

* Mitch takes a long shower

<Mondo_Gecko> All this life that's filled with wanton tragady.. just like a run away..with no escape zone, you think you've found away..

* Mondo_Gecko throws his head back singing

* OikawaNishimaru comes out of his room and goes up to the roof

<Mondo_Gecko> Where's My angels?! I'm a naked soul....Where's my angels I'm a naked soul!

* OikawaNishimaru is on the roof now, watching the stars

* AriaStormsinger practices with her light saber behind him, reciting the Periodic Table

<Mondo_Gecko> This is a song for the lonely, can you hear me tonight?

<Mondo_Gecko> For the broken hearted, battle scarred

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll be by your side

<Mondo_Gecko> And this is a song for the lonely

* Mondo_Gecko sings "SO just for heaven's sake, I'll try to face this, It's just a last chance you take to get a last kiss"

<Mondo_Gecko> So sexy sexy babe, You know I need some, to pass the time away, to get releif from..all this life that's     filled with wanton tragedy

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and hehs

* OikawaNishimaru leaps into the air and lands behind Aria

* AriaStormsinger spins and holds her saber at the ready

<Mondo_Gecko> Just like a runaway..with no escape zone!

<Mondo_Gecko> You think I'll find a think I'll fake one..

<AriaStormsinger> Hello Kawa.

<Mondo_Gecko> Where's my Angel's I'm a naked soul! Where's my angel's I'm a naked soul!

<OikawaNishimaru> Hello

* Diana blinks and leans against the fraim of the workout room, watching 'em*

<Mondo_Gecko> Now don't you hide from me...don't you hide from me..

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm

<Mondo_Gecko> now I wanna listen to Tea party

* Mondo_Gecko heads upstairs and gets his Tea party CD and comes back down, putting it in the stereo and plays The Grand Bazzar

* OikawaNishimaru holds his lightsaber out horizotal so the blade extends away from his body

* AriaStormsinger stands beside Kawa and imitates him, concentrating.

* OikawaNishimaru starts circling Aria

<OikawaNishimaru> *slowly

* Mitch groans, placing two palms flat against the wall of the shower and leaning into the spray, holding himself up.

* AriaStormsinger 's eyes widen and her saber shivers a couple times. She follows him with its point...

* Mondo_Gecko dances looking almost egyptian...but female

* OikawaNishimaru throws his saber like a spear at Aria, while quickly jumping up and landing behind her while his saber is still in the air

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Klork looks awkwardly at Mondo ..

* AriaStormsinger drops to the roof in a hunched little ball with her arms over her head, her mini-saber dropping at her side and rolling a couple of inches away

* AriaStormsinger scuttles sideways, grabbing for it, and looking up very embarrassed

<Mondo_Gecko> wee...I swear I was egyptian

* OikawaNishimaru holds his hand out as the saber slows to a stop in mid air, retracts and attaches to his belt

<Mitch> .oO(How long can I keep this pace up?)

<Diana> ne...and female as well, hm?

<Mondo_Gecko> what ?

* AriaStormsinger gets to her feet slowly and brushes some hair otu of her eyes. "Sorry."

* Mondo_Gecko arches a brow

* Klork cackles...

* Diana chuckles* You're dancing like an Egyptian woman...

<OikawaNishimaru> don't worry about it, you have to learn to react with your telepathy

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> ...jeeze..

<Mondo_Gecko> your right

<Mondo_Gecko> I can't help it! It just like..flows outta second nature

* AriaStormsinger thinks about that.

<Diana> Ahh...*heads over and curls in a chair* Hai...perhaps you were one in a past life...

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe..

* Mitch finally drags himself out of the shower, toweling off wearily

* OikawaNishimaru clips his lightsaber off his belt and throws it aside* attack me

* Klork sits..chucklng ..

* AriaStormsinger smiles. "Okay."

* AriaStormsinger raises her saber and aims a double-handed swing at him, kinda like taking a running swing at a baseball...

<Mondo_Gecko> How does one go about finding out their past lives?

* OikawaNishimaru calmly steps just out of the saber's arc

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> No clue..

* HappyLittleMoron hmms and slides her arms around Klork

* AriaStormsinger swings at Kawa again.

<OikawaNishimaru> use more control, its not a clumsy weapon.

* OikawaNishimaru steps back slowly

* Klork purrrrrrs

<Klork> Heybabaayy

* AriaStormsinger nods. Tries again.

* AriaStormsinger sends a few short zigzags and then a piercing strike.

<HappyLittleMoron> Hehe...come here often, handsome?

* OikawaNishimaru dodges* better

<Klork> Hmm .. ah could come aroun' more often' if all of ya are this friendly, *purrs at her, scooching close*

* Mondo_Gecko shivers...a little day dream comming on..a grand hall off gold..the floor is cold on his bare feet..lit by many torches..there is food..fruit and wine and meat..heavy perfumed incense in the air..Diana is all layed out in an egyptian dress sipping wine while he dances seductivly..calling her to him..

* Mondo_Gecko stands there with a hazed grin

* Diana arches a brow*

* AriaStormsinger tries a series of moves like Wesley's in Princess Bride vs. Inigo

* HappyLittleMoron grins, curling close

* OikawaNishimaru does a flip over Aria

* Klork ... eyes Mondo

<Klork> I so don't wanna know what he's thinking of ..

* AriaStormsinger leaves distinctive swordfighting footmarks in the sand.

* Mondo_Gecko grins and dances off damaticly to the kitchen to get a beer

<Klork> Ohdear..

<HappyLittleMoron> Meeee neither...

* Diana shakes her head*

<Mondo_Gecko> You will all bow down to pharo Mondo1

* OikawaNishimaru closes his eyes, Aria should feel as though someone's grabber her wrists

* Klork peers at Mondo

<AriaStormsinger> Yipes! *struggles*

<Klork> Pharoh .. Mondo ... riiiight

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooooooohboy...

* Mitch eyes the half-collated blueprints... considers the door and the people downstairs... ponders the half-open textbooks on the bed... then finally looks at the bed itself

<Mondo_Gecko> hey! When I get my concubines..and my advisors..and my golden clothes and spiffy eye-makeup you'll all want in on the deal..

<Mondo_Gecko> Diana can be my queeeeen :P

* OikawaNishimaru smiles

* Diana chuckles softly* Just don't paint me gold and get overpossesive..

* Klork points at HLM

<Klork> Concubines? Right..she'd kill me.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..heh...ok ok.

* AriaStormsinger glances wildly about. "Did you do that, Kawa?"

<Mitch> .oO(...I'm gonna need coffee.)

* OikawaNishimaru walks up behind Aria

<OikawaNishimaru> yes

<HappyLittleMoron> Yes...yes I would...*grins lopsidedly, curled up to hiim*

<Mondo_Gecko> golds not your color...I was thinking black..

* Diana chuckles*

* Klork chuckles quietly ..

* Mitch tugs on some light clothes - yanking on the boots without even thinking about it - and snags the physics text, carrying it downstairs as he heads for the coffee

<AriaStormsinger> Awesome. *blinks*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

* AriaStormsinger thinks about telepathy and Kawa...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...the next life I MUST come back as royalty..

<Mondo_Gecko> *sight all haughty like too*

* AriaStormsinger 's blue flickers a little...

<HappyLittleMoron> Gotta put that on your to do list, heh?

<Klork> Um .. *stares at Mitch* You ok? Nice boots...

<Mondo_Gecko> yep..

<AriaStormsinger> *nada mas happens*

<Mondo_Gecko> born into the sweet life

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and wavels

<Klork> Right. And what royalty?

* Mitch blinks at Klork, a little puzzled. "Yeah. Domo."

* OikawaNishimaru watches

<Klork> You gonna come back as Prince William's son??

<Klork> or .. daughter?

<HappyLittleMoron> could be INBRED

<Mondo_Gecko> haha!!

* Mitch heads into the kitchen, pouring himself a big mug of coffee as he opens the text, finding his place

<AriaStormsinger> Did you feel anything? *turns to Kawa*

<Mondo_Gecko> that's really funny...they used to call me Princess Mondo

<Mondo_Gecko> my buddies...they were being butts :P

<OikawaNishimaru> no

<Klork> Princess Monda? Hmm?

* Mondo_Gecko snickers!!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<AriaStormsinger> *frowns*

<Mondo_Gecko> I I'm not a man's man..but hey! I'm not that bad!

<AriaStormsinger> *tries again*

* Mitch 's lip twitches, overhearing snatches of the conversation as he downs half the coffee in one go and tops the mug off.

* Klork walks like an egyptian over to Mo...definitely MALE

* HappyLittleMoron laughs*

<Mondo_Gecko> I think all of the hundreds of satisfied women can testify to that

<AriaStormsinger> *blue hums in her hands and at her back, and a feeling like a wave of heat coming at you when you leave an air-conditioned building hits Kawa -- only there's no heat, just the wave*

* Klork flexes

<OikawaNishimaru> hmmmm

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooooohh...*slides a finger along his chest*

* Klork flexes

<OikawaNishimaru> interesting

* Klork bounces his pecks back n' forth for the hell of it

* Klork then struts off..

* Mitch heads back in... he almost sits on the couch by the fireplace, but looks at the fire dubiously and chooses a chair further away, settling in and setting the mug on the end table

<HappyLittleMoron> Awww...*stands and goes to follow*

* Mondo_Gecko leans back and puts his feet on the coffee table and folds his hands behind his head

<AriaStormsinger> Did it feel like that?

<Mondo_Gecko> *smug look*

<OikawaNishimaru> yes

* Klork runs over, lifting his feet from the table and dropping them from the floor before running out

<Mondo_Gecko> ...HEY!

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

* Mondo_Gecko puts them back and sits there, looking smug again

* AriaStormsinger smiles.

* Mitch blinks, as he looks up at Klork's movement... he shrugs, leaning back and starting to study.

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

<Klork> Mablemable strong and able get yo' smelly ass feet of d' table! *runs in, drags the coffeetable outta reach*

<AriaStormsinger> Nobody ever mess with me again! *beams*

* OikawaNishimaru attemps to levitate Aria up* that's not the way to think about it, do not go around looking for trouble

* Diana chuckles*

* AriaStormsinger giggles, looking down on him from a few feet up.

<AriaStormsinger> Self-defense only, right?

<OikawaNishimaru> yes

<Mondo_Gecko> hey!! I just washed those!

<Klork> An' Ah jes washed the table, smelly boy! *swaggers out like a woman with a huge ass, kinda waddle/swaying it*

* HappyLittleMoron cackles, sitting again

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> whacha gonna do about it?

<Klork> <trailer trash accent> Ah gon' take the table from yes..and if THAT don' stop ye, I'll jes chop her feets off!

* OikawaNishimaru lets Aria down slowly* I must be going now

* Mitch tunes them out, wading through the concept of visible energy

* HappyLittleMoron cackles

* OikawaNishimaru waves his hand as he turns invisible

<Mondo_Gecko> EEK!

<AriaStormsinger> Thank you for the lesson, Kawa. *bows to the air*

* Mondo_Gecko pulls his legs up close

<Mondo_Gecko> Not my precious feet! I walk all over ppl with these!

* Klork waggles his eyebrows, eyeing Mondo's feet

<Mondo_Gecko> take something I don't use like my brain!

<Klork> Not no more ye' ain't! I's gonna have Mondo legs fer' supper I am!!

<Mitch> .oO(I have the right to remain silent.)

* AriaStormsinger jogs downstairs happily, tucking her saber into her skirt pocket. (Purple outfit night!)

* Mondo_Gecko scampers up the wall and hangs on the celing

<Mondo_Gecko> thhbbbttttt!!

<HappyLittleMoron> Oooooohboy...honey, make sure they're well cooked 'fore ya eat 'em..

<Mondo_Gecko> haha!!

<Mondo_Gecko> big dumb cat...can't catch me up here!!

<Mondo_Gecko> *tail hangs down*

* Klork grins, snatching a raphter and scooching close, easily hanging

<Klork> Wanna bet, leeezard....

* AriaStormsinger runs in as Mondo and Klork

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> bring it on pussy *EG*

<Klork> sure thing! *hops down, snagging his tail and swinging by it*

* AriaStormsinger smiles up at them. *runs over to stand by HLM*

<HappyLittleMoron> Hehehe

<Mondo_Gecko> EEKK!!

* Klork hops down, cackling and running around

* Mondo_Gecko get dragged around

* Mondo_Gecko cries!!!

<Mondo_Gecko> sensitive tail!!

* Klork drags Mondo around by his tail????

* Klork drags Mondo around by his tail!!

<Diana> Nee...Klork? His tail might still be sore from when we sparred...

* Mondo_Gecko claws at the carpet trying to grab on!

<Mitch> Muttered. "...half a mind to send 'em both to their rooms."

* Klork pauses, looking down at Mondo

* AriaStormsinger turns. "Oh, hi Mitch!"

<Klork> Oh .. that hurt leezard??

* Mondo_Gecko is scrabling to get away, but is attached by the tail

* AriaStormsinger sits happily by HLM and Diana if they're anywhere near each other.

<Mondo_Gecko> *pantpantpant*

<Mitch> A little absent-mindedly, still trying to concentrate on light and the visible spectrum. "Hi, Aria."

* Klork tilts his head, letting go to see how far he'llscatter*

* Mondo_Gecko scattters back up the wall, near the ceiling, his sides going in and out very quickly just like a panicly little lizard!

* AriaStormsinger picks up her feet as Mondo goes skidding by

* Klork looks up at him

<Klork> Dude ...

<Diana> Gah..

<Klork> Do it again!!!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

<Klork> ^.^

* Mondo_Gecko whines, panting, pink tounge hanging out!

<AriaStormsinger> Mondo! Want a boost? *holds up a hand*

<Mondo_Gecko> *there's lines dug into the carpet where Mondo clawed along

<AriaStormsinger> *hand glows a wee*

<Mondo_Gecko> no..*gasp* thanks..thinnk I'm *gasp* ok..

* Mondo_Gecko slides down teh wall stuck by his pads and the soudn it makes isn't far off from nails on a chalkboard

<AriaStormsinger> *winces*

* Mondo_Gecko gives a little thump as he hits the ground, his tail now THROBBING

* Klork cringes..

* Diana gets him ice, then offers it to him*

<Mondo_Gecko> thanks

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( you could kiss it better Diana..)

* Diana nods a little and curls up in a chair*

* Mondo_Gecko sprawls out on the floor, ice pack on the top of his tail

* Mitch is starting to drowse - the chair's too damn comfy

* Mondo_Gecko smirks at Klork

<Mondo_Gecko> know...

<Klork> eh?

* Klork glances over ..

* Klork pauses .. scooching behind mitch silently, pointing to him as he looks at Mondo .. eeevil grin on his face..

<Mondo_Gecko> parts of lizards tails are erogenous zones

* Mondo_Gecko grins

* AriaStormsinger hums happily, watching

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows

* Mitch is STARTING to drowse, not fully there - he knows damn well Klork is there...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(that should keep his hands off my poor tail..)

<Mondo_Gecko> O O oooh

<Klork> That's nice. What'serogenous mean?

* Klork looks quizzically at him

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<AriaStormsinger> It means it's sexually arousing.

<Mitch> "...I'll keep it in mind."

<AriaStormsinger> Biology 101.

<Mondo_Gecko> holy. that was really backward

<AriaStormsinger> It was?

<Klork> Oh...that's nice. Not like I care, I mean, I am married. If I turn you onthat's your problem *Grins mischeviously*

* Mitch blinks at Aria, then shrugs, going back to his own textbook.

* HappyLittleMoron coughs and snickers

* Klork dances ...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I mean don't yank on it! :P

* Mondo_Gecko huffs and his tail flips back and forth in mild annoyance

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and pets his tail

<Mondo_Gecko> one understands you

<Mondo_Gecko> *the tip flips a bit in his hands*

<HappyLittleMoron> He talks to his body parts...

<Mondo_Gecko> would to if you had a tail..this thing is like a seperate entity

<Mondo_Gecko> It moves on it's own..I don't like..control it

<HappyLittleMoron> Oohh...

<Klork> Not really ... *glances at his ass* Tho I lost my tail a few years ago ...

<Mondo_Gecko> it just reacts with how ever I'm feeling

* HappyLittleMoron blinks andd hehs a little, listening quietllly

<Mondo_Gecko> So if I'm pissed and it lashes back and forth it's not me like..making it move

* Mitch blinks, glancing up. To Klork, "You had a tail?"

<Klork> Well yeah ... I used to be well .. a humanoid cat .. *shrugs* Tail came with the do.

<AriaStormsinger> *watches curiously*

* Mitch nods, leaning his head back with a non-editorial yawn

<Klork> When I was fifteen I evolved into what I am ...

<Mondo_Gecko> *the tail flips a little like a cats tail when relaxing*

* Klork shrugs, sitting

<Klork> N' that's all..

* HappyLittleMoron wraps a wing around him

<Mitch> "Oh..."

* AriaStormsinger sits with her knees up, arms linked around them, looking up at HLM and Klork next to her.

* Klork purrs, leaning into her hand..

<AriaStormsinger> Hey Diana?

* AriaStormsinger gets up and fishes in her shirt pocket

* HappyLittleMoron hmms? a little, scritching Klork behind the ear

<Diana> Ne? Hai?

* AriaStormsinger hands her plenty o' cash

* Diana blinks* Rent..?

<AriaStormsinger> Mmhm. This is from Foss, the people I'm working with during the day. They said it's like an allowance.

<Mondo_Gecko> Whoawhoawhoa!

<Mondo_Gecko> they PAY you at Foss?

<Diana> Ahh...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...for what?

<Mondo_Gecko> what do I gotta do to get money?/

* AriaStormsinger glances over at Mondo, half-turning. "Uh huh. For helping them with the other chrysalises, and studying, and talking, and...just helping them."

<Mondo_Gecko> ohh..

* Mondo_Gecko pouts

<Mondo_Gecko> I can't help with that

<Mondo_Gecko> ....they can study me though..if they want

<AriaStormsinger> *half-smiles* You can always ask.

<Mondo_Gecko> just..not like they did at TGRI

<AriaStormsinger> I don't think these people are like that.

<Mitch> .oO(Oh hell... I'm gonna crash. Any longer and I'm gonna give in to another chair.)

<AriaStormsinger> Oh, and Mondo!

<Mondo_Gecko> ?

<AriaStormsinger> Stacie says hi.

<AriaStormsinger> *fumbles in pocket again and hands him a note*

* Mondo_Gecko blinks and then a little blush comes over the bridge of his snout and under his eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> ooh?

* Mitch hauls himself out and quietly heads upstairs

<AriaStormsinger> Night, Mitch!

* Mondo_Gecko takes the note

<Klork> Night Mitch!

<Mitch> "Night, Aria... night, Klork, Mrs. Happy..." *stifles a yawn* "Oyasumi, tomodachi..."

<AriaStormsinger> *in precise, but light handwriting -- "Shawn, It meant a lot to me that you came to see me the other day. If you want to come by again, you're more than welcome. Thanks, Stacie"

* Mondo_Gecko blushes a little deeper

<Mondo_Gecko> oohh...hehe..

<Mondo_Gecko> cool

<Mitch> "Night, Mondo..."

<Mondo_Gecko> Night Mitch

<HappyLittleMoron> NIgheters, Mitch...

* Mondo_Gecko gets up

<Diana> Oyasumi...

* Mondo_Gecko heads off to his room

* Mitch crashes, flopping - yes, with boots - onto his bed and zonking out

* AriaStormsinger looks around.

<AriaStormsinger> Do we have any games here?

<AriaStormsinger> We play games at Foss, it's great. I beat Kayla in chess this morning.

<Klork> Um...twister..?

* HappyLittleMoron chukcles* I'll spin if ya wanna play it...

<AriaStormsinger> Do you have a board?

* Klork gets the stuff out, flattening te twister mat..

* Klork hands HLM the spinny thingie

<AriaStormsinger> How do you play?

* HappyLittleMoron takes the spinny thing, Diana standing to play too

<Diana> You follow her orders...

* Klork nods.

<Klork> It's pretty easy..*smirks, taking his shoes off

<Klork> SOcks only..

<Diana> Hai...just need to keep your balance...last one still up wins...

* AriaStormsinger pulls off her sandals, looking curious and excited.

* Klork glances at HLM

<Klork> Your call *smirks*

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh! heh...*grins lopsidedly and spins* Right foot green!

* Klork puts his right foot on green <G>

* AriaStormsinger follows Klork's lead.

* Diana does too!*

* AriaStormsinger giggles

* HappyLittleMoron spins again* left hand blue!

* Klork snakes his hand down to a blue spot

* Diana snags a blue spot*

* AriaStormsinger leans over Diana's leg to reach one.

* HappyLittleMoron spins* Right hand orange..

* Klork snakes a hand down to orange

* AriaStormsinger looks about wildly

* Diana snags one*

* AriaStormsinger spots one and snags it, now looking something like a confused spider.

* HappyLittleMoron spins* Right!

* Klork erfs, snaking his foot over quickly

* Diana does toooooo*

* AriaStormsinger picks her foot up and it hovers as she tries to see an open spot. Slams it down just as Diana's hits the same one.

* Klork cackles..

* Diana erks and assumes another one before her foot gets smashed* Heh...take it easy Aria...

<AriaStormsinger> Sorry...

<AriaStormsinger> *searches*

<AriaStormsinger> *plants*

<AriaStormsinger> Okay!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and spins again* Left foot yellow

<AriaStormsinger> But I don't have another left foot!

<AriaStormsinger> *watches the others*

* Klork moves his other left foot to a yellow spot

* Diana shifts her foot to yellow* Just means to move your foot...

* AriaStormsinger gets a little untwisted. "Neat!"

* HappyLittleMoron cackles and spins* Right hand blue..

* Diana moves, kinda getting a little more twisted*

* Klork reaches over Diana and under Aria to get there, cackling to try and throw things off*

* AriaStormsinger tries to get more untwisted and drops a little, right shoulder scuffing the mat before she can pop back up.

* AriaStormsinger BLINKS at the Klork arm under her.

<Klork> *The arm is muscular .. with a little bit of hair..very pretty*

* Diana snickers*

<Klork> *the arm flexes*

* HappyLittleMoron spins again, snickering* right foot yellow

<AriaStormsinger> *slightly distracted, Aria finds the next spot, her head now pinned against Diana's knee

* Diana moves then smirks down at Aria*

<AriaStormsinger> Hi Diana. :)

* Klork snakes around, scooching his right foot under Diana, kinda hovering over them both* ...look! we're one giant knot!

<AriaStormsinger> I hope we don't unravel!

<HappyLittleMoron> Now if only we had something slimey we could make money offa this...*snickers and spins again* Left hand orange

* Klork cackles, putting his arm between Diana and Aria to get his hand down

* AriaStormsinger looks around frantically

<AriaStormsinger> Help?!

* AriaStormsinger spots one. Behind her.

* AriaStormsinger pulls a half-yumper.

* Diana laughs, snaking a hand between the two of them to get a spot*

* HappyLittleMoron spins again* Uhmmmmm...left!

* AriaStormsinger glances around, upside down. And just...whimpers.

* Klork cackles, scooting a foot under Di to get there*

* Diana chuckles, snaking a leg around Aria to get to a spot*

* AriaStormsinger lifts a foot, toe tapping about, terrific strain as she leans backwards trying to do this.

* AriaStormsinger collapses

* Diana looks to Klork* Looks like it's just you and me now, bro...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Come sit by me, Aria...

<Klork> Erf!

* Klork nods..

* AriaStormsinger scrambles over

* AriaStormsinger grins at HLM

<HappyLittleMoron> Hnn...*spins* Right

<AriaStormsinger> Fun game.

* Klork scoots his foot around DIana's leg to get to a spot, staying perfectly balanced

<AriaStormsinger> ooh.

<AriaStormsinger> He's good.

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep it is *grins as Diana erfs a little, trying to manuver to a spot, then erking as her right hand goes out and she falls too*

<Diana> *muttered* neko...

<Klork> Woohooo!!!

* Klork stands, stretching, then helps Diana up

<AriaStormsinger> *applauds*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* The winner and still champeen, Klork!

* Diana chuckles accepting his help up*

* Klork flexes

<AriaStormsinger> I like that game.

<AriaStormsinger> We should play with Mitch sometime, *giggles*

* Diana chuckles* ne...I suppose...

* Klork chuckles

<AriaStormsinger> *hugs HLM, Diana, and Klork*

<AriaStormsinger> Thank you, guys!

<AriaStormsinger> I'll be going to bed now.

* Diana hugs back* Oyasumi nasai, Aria...

<HappyLittleMoron> Nigheters *hugs back*

<Klork> erf...*hugs back*

<Klork> Nite Aria..

<AriaStormsinger> *jogs off upstairs*

* Klork stretches..

<Klork> Bed..?

* HappyLittleMoron noddles, streatching as well and hauling herself to her feet* Bed good...

* Klork helps her, practically carrying her up to bed..

* HappyLittleMoron goes with..

* Klork settles her in the bed, joinin' her

* HappyLittleMoron cuddles close, grinning sleepily

* Klork cuddles .. falling asleep..

* HappyLittleMoron dozes off

* Klork le zonk

* HappyLittleMoron ...yeah...pretty much the same

Session Close: Sat Apr 06 01:29:39 2002

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