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Session Start: Tue Apr 30 08:05:01 2002

* HappyLittleMoron lies sprawled on the couch, very red-looking still with a few of those lovely partially healed gashes still showing, Brenna gingerly cuddled close as they read together...

* Calantha lightly taps on the front door

* HappyLittleMoron looks up, gently sets Brenna to the side, telling her too stay put, and heads to the door, checking who it is 'fore opening the door* C'mon in, Cala...

<Calantha> Hey... doing any better?

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehh...not really *shrugs a lil' and heads over to the couch after closing the door behind her* How you holdin' up?

* Calantha follows over and sits on the edge of the arm of the couch

<Calantha> I'm ok. Little gash on my side, but I don't notice it til it's bleeding.. kinda annoying.. heh..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, smirking a little as Brenna carefully cuddles up to her again* I'm just very...burned...*shrugs a bit* So long as yer healin' alright..

* Calantha nods

<Calantha> Hope you feel better soon.

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks...give it a few days...

* Calantha nods

<Calantha> Not much going on, eh?

<HappyLittleMoron> Not tho...don't feel much like more fighting...

<Calantha> Heh.. can't imagine why.. ;)

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Tough one that <G>

* Calantha looks around idly

<Calantha>'s so strange..

<Calantha> I mean.. one minute it's serene.. the next a demon is crashing through the wall or something..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Yep...veddy true...

<Calantha> Still weird.. remembering some things and not others.. quite inconvenient.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* You getting more memories tho?

<Calantha> Not really.. probably got back all I'm gonna get.

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Ok...some of the stuff is probably best left unremembered...

<Calantha> You think?

<HappyLittleMoron> Not often...*grins lopsidedly* But yeah...the more painful ones can probably go unremembered...

* Diana's on the bus...goin' to Foss*

<Calantha> Hmm.. eheh.. the stuff I do remember's painful enough.. *smirks a bit*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a little and nods..

* Mitch is kind of drifting, on his stomach with the sheets up over his arse... his back still torn up, but uncharacteristically knitting at the rate of "holy fuck that's fast" into solid scars

* Calantha sighs a bit

<Calantha> Wonder how everyone else is doing... Angela seemed pretty freaked out last night.

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...

<HappyLittleMoron> It was a freaky fight...and she...seems to be coming across new poewrs...

* Calantha nods

<Calantha> I had to sit with her and help her get rid of some negative energy so she'd stop freezing the water and be able to wash off


<Calantha> She's got some real learning to do.

<HappyLittleMoron> Geeze...a LOT of it...*shakes her head a little* Just needs to do a lotta growin' up...

* Calantha nods

<Calantha> I almost ripped her arm off last night.. heh... had to work really hard not to.

<HappyLittleMoron> Gah...geeze...

<Calantha> She doesn't understand the words "don't touch me"

<Calantha> and after I absorbed a good amount of her negative energy, it wasn't time for a hug, ya know?

<HappyLittleMoron> No kidding...

* Diana eventually gets to Foss, trying to find out if she could visit Mitch at all..*

<Calantha> I tell her to let go, so she clings harder.. And the thing is, before, I probably woulda just ripped into her.. maybe being so numb calmed my temper too? Heh..*laughs a bit sadly*

* Diana taps on his door*

<HappyLittleMoron> Gah...mebbe...

<Mitch> *silence... well, slight rustling sounds if she's got ninja ears, he's kind of shifting around and trying to decide whether or not he actually heard that*

* Calantha shrugs a bit and leans back on the arm of the couch

<Diana> Ne...Mitch?

* Mitch blinks, and fumbles at the little stand thingy beside the cot, dragging his glasses over and getting them on as he twists around. Voice a little vague: "...hello?"

* Diana kinda peaks in* Konbonwa, tomadachi..

<Calantha> How are the babies?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles* They're doing reeally good...

<Calantha> ..that's good.

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yeah...can't wait to bring 'em home...

* Mitch pulls himself up a little, lower hands tangling up in the sheets and dragging them further up to his lower chest... flushing slightly like a scrawny, Irish, soft-core bish pic. "Hi, Diana."

* Diana blinks and smiles slightly, focusing on his face* are you feeling?

<Mitch> "I'm ok-" His back moves the wrong way, and his breath hitches, eyes closing briefly. "...been better. I'll, y'know. Be okay."

* Calantha yawns

* Diana cringes sympathetically* Hai... *heads over..* Is there anything I can do?

<Mitch> *shakes his head, letting breath out slowly. "Iie... domo... just need time... whatever Aria pushed... it's still with me a little. It's fading, I guess. But until it's gone I'm knitting up like a motherfucker." He seems about to shrug, then thinks better of it. "...I ain't arguing."

* Diana nods...* Hai...

<Mitch> "Dai- daijoubu? How's everyone at the Asylum?" *looking up*

* Klork pushes into the asylum, peering around..

<Diana> They're alriight...HLM is still very...lobster red with stripes...dunno about the rest...

* HappyLittleMoron looks up

<HappyLittleMoron> Heyas hon

* Calantha looks over

* Klork blinks

<Calantha> Hi.. um... sorry.. name again?

* Mitch blinks a little. "Huh?"

<Klork> Heya...*blinks* Er, Klork.

<Calantha> That's right.. I'll get it straight, I promise.

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> S'ok..*comes all the way in, toting a few plastic baggies*

* HappyLittleMoron stands a little painfully* Need help...?

<Diana> Ne...HLM was apparently cut and burned in the fight enough to stop her healing factor from working...

<Klork> nOoo, sit *grins, tossing her a bottle of aloe vera*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, catches and ooooooOOOOOooooooooooooooohs...

<Mitch> "Oh shit... is she okay?" *worried - past a certain point, he only remembers a very narrow part of the proceedings*

<Diana> hai...hai she is...just very sore...

* Klork chuckles..

* Klork then heads into the kitchen...progressively in a MUCH better mood

<Klork> I figured it'd be at least a little help seein' you can't take asprin or anything..

<Calantha> Heh.. sometimes they can read yer mind, eh?

<Mitch> "What about Aria?"

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, smoothing it on her arms and sighing with relief, avoiding the cuts* Helps a lot...I'm glad to see you're in a better mood...

* Klork nods...putting groceries away

<Klork> Yeah...heh heh, I caught him...*grins as he puts stuff away*

<Calantha> .oO(I don't want to know.. stay out of it)

* Klork rolls his shoulders once he's finished re-stocking the fridge .. then goes about getting dinner started

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Nice *G*

<Diana> I don't know...

<Klork> Hope nobody's eaten...I picked up a lot of imports downtown today...I want chicken katsu..*grins*

<HappyLittleMoron> Sounds veddy good...

* RicaChica pushes the front door open, eyes narrowed, holding a carbon copy piece of paper wrinkled in her hand

<Calantha> What's that?

<Mitch> He nods slowly. "You doing okay? Still, y'know, recharged from your..." He searches for the word. "...alter ego?"

<Klork> Hmm..chicken ..boneless..breaded and baked..put into a katsu sauce..which has the density of barbeque..but kind of a mix of sweet and sour and soy..

* Diana smirks a little and nods* Hai...I'm alright...just a bit tired...

* Klork gets out a pan and starts breading the chicken, laying each breast out on the pan

* RicaChica closes the door with a light *click*

<Calantha> Sounds good.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* It's rilly good...*blinks and looks up* Heyas Rica...

* Calantha turns when she hears the click

* RicaChica ... sort of waves...she seems to be twitching..

<RicaChica> I ... hate .. cops.

* RicaChica holds up the piece of paper

<RicaChica> THIRTY a THIRTY ZONE. *sneers, tossing it aside*

* Calantha tries not to smirk

<RicaChica> AND THEN! After giving me a $60 ticket *glares at it* HE ASKED ME OUT~

<HappyLittleMoron> Eeeek...sorry...gyah...

* Calantha snorts a bit

<Mitch> His lip twitches and he shakes his head. "Tomodachi... how do you say 'then get off your feet and rest already' in Japanese?" *obviously rhetorical*

* Klork blinks, then slooowly shakes his head, putting the chicken into the oven before starting up the salad

* RicaChica grits her teeth

<RicaChica> "Oh, don't let it ruin your day!" he says.."How about coffee?" He says..

<RicaChica> "How about I shove this and coffee up your ass?" I says..

<RicaChica> "How about we raise that to $100" he says.

* Calantha laughs!

* RicaChica grrrrsss...

<HappyLittleMoron> Eek...that sucks...

<RicaChica> "How about I sue your ass!" I says

<RicaChica> "How about you just pay the $60 and drive slower" he says..

* RicaChica mutters

* Diana chuckles softly* English or Japanese, you already know I wouldn't listen...

<Mitch> "Hai..." *grins* "Had to give it a shot." *leaning back* "...Christ, it's weird- usually, you're the one in-"

* RicaChica pauses..sniff the air

* Mitch 's face blanches as his back hits the bed, and he jerks up, hands going white-knuckled on the sheets

<RicaChica> Oohhh, is that...chicken katsu?

* HappyLittleMoron noddles..

* Diana cringes in sympathy, reaching out to try helping him while avoiding contact with the wounds*

* Klork nods, putting out a bowl of salad garnished mostly with carrots, cucumbers and lettuce..topped in a soy/vineger dressing

<Klork> Ok...whoever wants salad, it's ready!

<Mitch> "...note to self..." *takes a deep breath, shaky* "Don't... do that again."

<Calantha> Mmm.. *heads over but waits for everyone else to take some first*

* RicaChica follows, seemingly forgetting her ticket on the floor by the door

* Diana nods* Hai...

* HappyLittleMoron takes a moment to just...enjoy not burning before lifting Brenna up and heading over too

<Mitch> "I... I'm gonna..." A little awkwardly, he pushes himself around, trying to keep the sheet in place while settling face-down again - yeah, his back basically matches hers now, except for the whole dragon thing. And the excess shoulderblades.

* Diana nods, cringing with sympathy*

* Mitch turns his head, glasses brushing against the sheets as he lays it down, eyes half-closed. "...Christ... was saying... usually you're the, the one in traction... feels, y'know. Feels wrong somehow."

* Diana chuckles softly* hai...demo...there is karma and all of that...

* Calantha makes a small plate of salad, nibbling at it.

<Mitch> "Karma? Isn't that what they... make fortune cookies from?"

* Diana blinks and smiles a bit, sitting by his bed* Iie...karma is basically "You get what you give out.."

<Mitch> "...good, you're sitting... I'm making progress. Another few hours and, and they'll be able to thorazine your ass until you're actually feeling rested."

* Diana blinks and smirks* more meds...Iiiiii'll be's your turn to go into happy drug land...

<Mitch> .oO(So I'm gonna get that sixty bucks back from the camper?)

* Klork sets a plate of sushi side vegetarian, the other .. not so vegetarian, before going back to makin' foodages

* HappyLittleMoron makes up a little plate for Brenna

* RicaChica settles, going after some salad and the veggie sushi..shuddering at the thought of fish..

* Calantha takes a small amount of veggie sushi, nibbling

<Mitch> "Iie. No drugs. Don't wanna mess with Aria's juice."

* Diana nods* Ahh...hai..

* Klork plops a few california rolls into his mouth before settling over the large pot at the table..makin' souupp

* RicaChica pauses..then eyes the pot

* ^Pippen^ wakes up from the corner of the livingroom

<RicaChica> ...Miso souuuupp??? *sits up, eyes going oogly*

<Mitch> "But... tomodachi... kudasai... you rest..."

<Klork> Yyeeaaahhh

* ^Pippen^ yaawwnnsssss....stands and walks to the kitchen

<Klork> no seaweed tho *makes a face* Prefer it without..

<HappyLittleMoron> *Diana smiles a bit* I will...I long as you do the same...

<Mitch> "As much as I like w..." His tongue stumbles as his brain realizes what it's saying. "...don't wanna see you in here when I get out. Take care of yourself."

* RicaChica munches the salad, eyeing the soup pot..

<Mitch> .oO(Oh. FUCK. Note to self. Never talk again.)

* ^Pippen^ sits by the table....looks up at ppl w/ big kewte eyes

* Diana smiles a bit* Hai...I still have energy to visit with you if you want...

* ^Pippen^ jumps onto a chair at the table...

* Mitch turns his face away, the tips of his ears matching his hair... muffled, "...yeah... later... rest now, okay? Once you're... y'know, feeling better..."

* Diana nods a little and sstands, lightly resting her hand on his hair briefly* Hai...alright...heh...tomorrow then?

* Calantha gives a small piece of veggie sushi to Pip

* Mitch 's eyes close, his face threatning to set the sheets on fire. "Hai... tomorrow..."

* ^Pippen^ sniffs at it...then eats it all quick-like

<Diana> Oyasumi nasai...*grins a little to him and heads out...*

<Mitch> "Oyasumi, tomodachi."

* ^Pippen^ looks back at Cala

* Diana smiles a little, softly closing the door behind herself*

<Calantha> *w* want another one?

<Mitch> .oO(...what the hell does 'nasai' mean, anyway?) .oO(You can think about THAT at a time like THIS?) .oO(Well, c'mon! You can throw it on top of "goodnight", you can throw it on top of "I'm sorry"... it's weird.) .oO(...point.)

* ^Pippen^ perks her ears

* Calantha slips another piece to Pip

* ^Pippen^ eats that one up as well..then sniffs the soup

* Diana hops on a bus and settles into a seat, watching out the window*

* ^Pippen^ watches Cala.....noottt blinking

* Calantha looks back at the dog

<Calantha> ...what?

* ^Pippen^ wags her tail...

* Mitch ... LIES THERE... until further notice

<Calantha> *w* ..want some more, puppy?

* ^Pippen^ ruffs

* Calantha gives another small piece

* ^Pippen^ takes that one too

* Calantha breaks off another little piece, this time popping it up into the air a bit for Pip to catch

* ^Pippen^ watches and catches it..

* Calantha smiles just a bit

* ^Pippen^ puts her paws on the table and kinda 1/2 lays on it

* HappyLittleMoron serves food up for Brenna and herself 'n stuff...

* Calantha smiles a little more

* ^Pippen^ lays back down on the table...watching Cala

* Calantha scritches the pup's ears

* ^Pippen^ closes her eyes and bats her tail

* `KuroiTenshi sits bolt up right in her bed, sweat pouring down her back, she's shaking, eyes wide, gasping for breath, clutching her blankets so hard her knukles turn white

* `KuroiTenshi sees the reflection in the mirror on her dresser, pale as a ghost, frightened as all hell

* Calantha slips out and up to the roof for a while

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* good morning to you too...

* ^Pippen^ looks up...watching Cala leave

* `KuroiTenshi runs her hands through her hair, pushing back the dreads, reaching beside her, grabbing a bottle of water and chugging half of it away

* Klork sets the chicken and the katsu sauce out..cutting it up into small pieces for Brenna..

<Klork> There..done!

* `KuroiTenshi sands, slowly, still shaking, grabbing her housecoat and heading for her windows

* RicaChica takes some chicken and starts to eat, happy look on her face..

* Brenna purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs as she munches* Thankie Daddie...

* Klork sets out some green tea on top of it, chuckling with a nod to Brenna before finally eating

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* ^Pippen^ yawns...hops offa the chair and walks out to the livingroom

* `KuroiTenshi pushes open her windows, and stands there, breathing in the night air, feeling the wind in her face, letting it carry away her nightmares

* RicaChica finishes, then goes over and picks up her ticket..muttering and heading uptstairs to write a check...

* Klork covers a belch, finishing off and leaning back happily, purr exceedingly loud

* `KuroiTenshi 's fingers reach out beside her, gripping an object that rests on the drawers, she doesn't need to look for conformation, her minds eye remembers exactly where it lay.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, smiling as she cleans up...still such a preetty red color

* Klork stands to help..

<Klork> Erf, should sit and rest for a bit...

* `KuroiTenshi brings the flute up to her lips, lost in thought and dreams, almost in a daze, a haugnting yet melodic and beautiful tune spilling softly into the night air, the notes drifting away over the city, carring with them all her anguish and troubles

* Calantha listens to the tune, humming a bit in harmony as she picks it up..

* ^Pippen^ looks up the stairs....

* `KuroiTenshi stops playing abruptly, leaveing off in the the end of a tune, a note hanging in the air, waiting to be played, anticipation and a feeling of unease trembling with the note

* Klork tilts his head to listen for a while before glancing at Brenna..then at his watch

* Calantha continues her absentminded humming up on the roof

* Brenna blinkblinks, then kinda...pouts...knowing what's ocming next*

<Klork> I think th' midget's time t' rest is up...

* Klork pouts back at her

* `KuroiTenshi smiles, feeling better, and breaks into entirely different piece, somehow making the flute sound cheerful, up beat, like dance music.

* Calantha zones out, staring up at the stars

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles as Brenna blinkblinks, and does her best to cover a yawn

* Klork smirks, standing and picking her up

<Klork> <q> C'mon sleeping beauty..

* ^Pippen^ runs up the stairs and sits outside KT's room..just looks at the door

* Brenna puts her arms around his neck*

* HappyLittleMoron kisses Brenna's brow* Night sweetie...

<Brenna> nini mama...*purrs softly*

* `KuroiTenshi is playing something that sounds like Jungle mixed with celtic

* Klork smiles, toting her up the stairs..purring with her

* Klork gets into his room and settles Brenna down in her crib, smirking and putting Bacon and her Cat doll with her..

<Klork> <q> Gotta keep these guys company..they can't sleep without you here after all *winks*

* Brenna smiles and nods* <q> Okie...I help dem sleep...

* Klork smirks, smoothing her hair back

* ^Pippen^ stays outside the door

<Klork> <q> Oh good...sweet dreams..*purrs, kissing her brow*

<Brenna> <w> You too...*smiles and purrs...dozing off*

* Klork grins, heading out and closing the door to a crack for some light, then heads downstairs

* `KuroiTenshi doesn't notice the dog, cause the door is locked, and the dog aint makin no noise

* HappyLittleMoron finishes cleaning and looks up at Klork, smiling softly* She asleep...?

* Klork nods, smirking and stretching elaborately

<Klork> Yep!

* ^Pippen^ paws the door a coupla times

<HappyLittleMoron> Good...*heads over to kiss Klork's jaw*

* Klork purrs, nuzzling her jaw before leaning back a bit to look her over

<Klork> Hmm ..

* `KuroiTenshi blinks, stoping her tune

<Klork> Yep. *nods reassuringly to himself*

* `KuroiTenshi puts the flute down, and aproaches the door, cautiously

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little

* HappyLittleMoron looks down at herself...

* HappyLittleMoron looks at him...

* Klork grins

* HappyLittleMoron looks down at herself again...then up at him again* ...dwah?

* ^Pippen^ sits there..looking up

* `KuroiTenshi opens the door cautiously, looking both sides of the hall

* `KuroiTenshi looks down

<`KuroiTenshi> oh.

<`KuroiTenshi> hi there!

<Klork> hehehee...

* ^Pippen^ smiles up at her..tails swishing

<HappyLittleMoron> ...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...wha??

* Klork grins, then crooks his jaw towards the stairs

<Klork> What was your favorite color again?

* ^Pippen^ runs into her room and jumps onto her bed

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows and twines her fingers with his* Uhm...deep red...?

<Klork> Oooooooo good!

* `KuroiTenshi smiles, and leans on the door frame, and just looks at the dog, smiling

* Klork grins, inching backwards towards the stairs

<`KuroiTenshi> well, u sure made urself at home

* ^Pippen^ walks inna circle and lays down...tails still moving

* `KuroiTenshi rolls her eyes

<`KuroiTenshi> now ur going to sleep???

<`KuroiTenshi> and i just woke up!

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows and grins, going with ihm...

* ^Pippen^ barks ^o^

<Klork> heee

* Klork inches..*scoochscooch*

* Calantha hums absentmindedly

* `KuroiTenshi sighs

* `KuroiTenshi walks over to pippen, sitting beside her, petting her head

<`KuroiTenshi> well, at least ur not mad at me.

* HappyLittleMoron goes with, curiouse...

* ^Pippen^ scoots up to her and lays her head on KT's leg

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* cala's mad at me.

* ^Pippen^ looks up at her w/ a questioning "mrr?"

* `KuroiTenshi sighs again

<`KuroiTenshi> i pushed too hard.

<`KuroiTenshi> i'm always doing that...

* Klork heads up, going in and being sure not to disturb Brenna

* HappyLittleMoron goes with hiiiiim quietly

* `KuroiTenshi shakes her head mournfully, petting the dog, feeling the comfort in her fur

* ^Pippen^ closes her eyes..scoots up closer

* Klork pulls out a bag and hands it to her, smirking

<Klork> <q> I never really got to take you out on a nice date .. sooo

* Calantha stands and stretches, singing out into the night

* HappyLittleMoron looks in the bag... blinking a lili'..

* `KuroiTenshi slaps pippen in the rump, shoving her off the bed

<`KuroiTenshi> kay, that's enough!

<`KuroiTenshi> no more sad ickys.

<`KuroiTenshi> it's mourning, ... well, sorta, and i'm hungry

<`KuroiTenshi> lets get breakfast

* HappyLittleMoron 's jaw drops...she covers her mouth then gives him a huge hug and kiss

* ^Pippen^ lands and whines up at KT

* Klork erfs, repaying her the gesture before smirking

<Klork> Try it on..?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and nods, heading into the bathroom...

* HappyLittleMoron comes back shortly in the veddy nice red satin dress, with the shoes..smiling shyly..

* Klork smirks...

<Klork> It fit...?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yes it does...*turns in front of him, modeling it, looks gooooood ;)*

* Klork purrrrrrrrrs

<Klork> I liiike. Hm, I have good taste *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and saunters up to him, slipping her arms around his shoulders* <q> That you do..

* Klork purrs

<Klork> Of course I do! I'm married to my best choice after all *grins*

* ^Pippen^ just looks up at KT...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and kisses him, blushing lightly

* Klork purrrrrrs, snugging her close

<Klork> Tomorrow night *grins* I got some reservations on broadway n'whatnot..

* `KuroiTenshi laughs at pipp, and bounds off downstairs

* ^Pippen^ runs after her

<`KuroiTenshi> me eating a mongo, dont want keys sticky. one sec>>

<Klork> *Puddles sniffs around the table, picking up scraps that fell*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles* <q> That's gonna be wonderful...I'll get someone to watch Brenna...

* Klork nods..shifting a little

<Klork> Might be a good idea...

<Klork> seein' that..well .. I don't think Phantom would be appropriate *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* Veddy'll be like our wedding all over again <G> change out of this real quick...don't wanna...ruin it or anything...

* Klork purrs, nodding

<Klork> Ohkie dokie..

<Klork> gads, you getta see me in a tux again *sticks his tongue out, making a face* Eevil tux..

* HappyLittleMoron kisses his chin and grins* You look great in a tux...!

* Calantha is up on the roof

* ^Pippen^ is w/ YOOUUUU KT!

* Klork binks, then purrrsss

* `KuroiTenshi heads into the kitchen, looking into the frigde

* HappyLittleMoron grins, kisses him with a winnk and heads back to the bathroom

* ^Pippen^ squeezes in...looking too

* Klork watches, purrrrring

* `KuroiTenshi pulls out some cold rabbit, roast duck, a pitcher of mead and some young boiled shoots.... wait, that can't be right>>

* `KuroiTenshi smiles at the soup

<`KuroiTenshi> these ppl really do eat a hell o a lotta soup, eh pippy?

* ^Pippen^ barks

* ^Pippen^ looks at the food

* Klork stretches, watching Brenna while he waits..

* `KuroiTenshi passes a hand over the chicken, it's still warm, and she basically ignores it, after pulling off a hunk for pippen. she takes the sushi and the salda out, hoping no one will care too much that it's gond

* HappyLittleMoron comes back shortly, having hung the dress up, in the loose tank top and shorts...

* Klork looks over, purrs, smirking

<`KuroiTenshi> well, hey. sushi can't keep that long, right pippy?

* ^Pippen^ barks!

<Klork> Sup!

* HappyLittleMoron grins, slipping her hand into his* Nuuuuuutin'...

* `KuroiTenshi tosses the chicken at pippen, and closes the fridge with her bum, her arms full


* `KuroiTenshi looks very sternly at pip

* ^Pippen^ jumps and catches it...blinks at KT....

* ^Pippen^ sits down and eats

<HappyLittleMoron> What's up wit' yooooooou?

<Klork> Nammuch..*grins*

<HappyLittleMoron> Heeheeeeee

* Klork holds an arm out

* HappyLittleMoron takes his arm...

* ^Pippen^ looks up at KT..licking her lips

* Klork hrms..

<`KuroiTenshi> now way, you pig!

<`KuroiTenshi> this is mine!

<Klork> Where to? Or..what todo?

* `KuroiTenshi holds the sushi to her greddyly

* `KuroiTenshi offers pip a piece o letuce tho

* ^Pippen^ sniffs...snorts at the lettuce

* `KuroiTenshi giggles, and gives her a piece of sushi

<`KuroiTenshi> here, dog. have raw fish and seaweed.

* ^Pippen^ snatches it and swallows

* HappyLittleMoron hmmmmms...* moovie?

<Klork> ooohhh, out or couch?

<HappyLittleMoron> Couch...*grins lopsidedly* Easier to snuggle

* ^Pippen^ hops up on the chair at the table and sits

<`KuroiTenshi> hums, and goes over to the book shelf, plucking out something, and settling herself down with her food, reading with one hand, eating with the other

* ^Pippen^ watches

* `KuroiTenshi tosses pip a piece of carrot

* ^Pippen^ catches it...then drops it...

* HappyLittleMoron heads downstairs with Klork...

* Klork follows

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm...moviemoviemovie...

<Klork> What movie we wanna watch?

<HappyLittleMoron> Huuuum...whatcha in the mood for?

<Klork> Um,

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm...*heads over to their collection, bending to look it over*

* Diana...finally gets in from Foss <G>*

* Klork oohhs, admiring the view <EG>

* Klork looks up, waving to Diana

<Klork> Hi!

<Diana> *blinks* Konbonwa...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and straightens upp ewith...uh...the first TMNT movie! <G>

<Klork> Ohh, early ninties fuun *grrrinns*

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods and grins lopsidedly, popping it in

* Diana chuckles softly*

* ^Pippen^ starts gnawing on the table edge

* Klork settles..then claps his hands loudly, eyeing Pippen

<Klork> Hey! OFF!

* Calantha stands again, stretching and realizing she must have been up on the roof a long time

* ^Pippen^ blinks and looks up....

<Klork> No gnawin' on that..

* Klork stands, going over to a cupboard and pulls out a rawhide bone..tossing it to her

<Klork> Her...chew on this

* Klork settles by HLM again..

* HappyLittleMoron curls up to him carefully, still raw 'n stuff, Diana curling up in a chair tooooo

* ^Pippen^ catches it and lays on the floor...gnawgnawgnawchewchew

* Klork purrs, watching d' movie with gnawing sound effects

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, just leant back...

* ^Pippen^ keeps..gnawing and chewing

* HappyLittleMoron mmmmmms softly...

* Klork watches, purrin' etc

* HappyLittleMoron watches...but doesn't purr...'cause...well...she can't purr...but she does watch!

* Diana stands about partway through the movie, excusing herself and heading for the roof*

* Klork blinks, watching her go worriedly..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, looking up as well..

* Diana stands by the ledge, just watching the city quietly*

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> <q> She ok?

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, not answereing for a moment before nodding a little* <q> She says she is...just...said she needed some air...

* Klork nods..sighing shakily..

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, watching him* <q> I think everyone worries for her....

* Klork chuckles quietly..

<Klork> <q> Yeah ... more now than ever .. it's gotta drive her crazy..

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* <q> Nah shit...she's living her life with very little past...

* Klork nods...rubbing the back of his neck..

<Klork> I wish I knew something to do..just .. can't think of anything..

* HappyLittleMoron nods again and sighs* <q> Yeah...

* Klork sighs..raggedly running a hand through his hair

<Klork> Maybe just give her time..?

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...*sighs shakily*

* Klork stands, clicking the tv off via the remote, holding a hand out to her

<Klork> Bed..?

* HappyLittleMoron noddles and takes his hand, standing slowly

* Klork smirks, heading for the stairs

* HappyLittleMoron goes with him, twining her fingers with is

* Klork heads to their room,s tripping down and crawling into bed, scooting over for her

* HappyLittleMoron carefully slips in with him, curling close* <w> Love you..

* Klork purrs, nodding

<Klork> <q> Love you too

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly and dozes...

* Klork snoozes

Session Close: Tue Apr 30 23:30:26 2002

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