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Session Start: Sun Apr 28 10:46:24 2002

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs, toting Brenna along on her shoulders

* FWL_MeRc is in the workout gym, pounding on the punching bag

* Klork is sprawled on the couch, looking ill

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and furrows her brows, going to kneel by Klork* <q> Love...?

<Klork> I hate...water... I

* HappyLittleMoron nods sympathetically* <q> Anything I can do...?

* Klork makes like his hand is a gun, pointing it to his head and exhaling a "pssH!" as if firing the gun

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little and shakes her head* <q> 'Sides that...

<Klork> Asprin works I s'pose..

* HappyLittleMoron nods and gets up to get him asprin, after taking BBrenna from her shoulders and letting the little girl stand by the couch, purring soothingly to him

* Klork smiles, lifting her up into his arms as he props himself up on the couch

<Klork> How's my angel..?

* Brenna smiles and cuddles close, purring softly* I okie...

<Klork> You've been a good girl tho, right? *grins, purring quietly*

* Brenna nodnods* Uh huh...I been helping mama as best I could...'n...visiting the babies with her too...

* Klork smiles

<Klork> Whatcha think of yer' lil' brothers?

* Brenna smiles brightly* They cute!

* Klork smirks

* HappyLittleMoron grins, returning with milk and asprin for Klork

<Klork> You're gonna be a good big sister, right?

* Klork oohhs, eyeing the milk

* Brenna nodnods* Uh huh!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, offering to take Brenna while he downs the asprin and milk

* AriaStormsinger runs in the front door. "Is Myrae back safe?"

* Klork nods to let her, taking it quickly, yet savoring the milk

* Klork blinks, looking up

<Klork> Yeah...she's upstairs...out cold last I saw..

* HappyLittleMoron holds Brenna* She ok? Kern's gotta be witth her too...

* Klork nods

<Klork> Yeah..just worn out..

* HappyLittleMoron nods* long as everyone's alright...

<AriaStormsinger> She is!? *looks SO relieved*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

<AriaStormsinger> Did the person who took her...will he be back?

* Klork shifts..then slowly shakes his head..

<Klork> No...and speaking of which.

* Stacie comes in, carrying a backpack*

* Klork stands, heading for the stairs

<Klork> I gotta go talk to Diana..

* AriaStormsinger watches him go, then waves to Brenna.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little..

<Stacie> "Hi Mo... Everything okay here?"

* Brenna looks up at Aria and wavels, sitting in her mom's lap*

* Klork knocks at Diana's door..pausing...pulling the floaties off his arms

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Yep!

* no answere...door's unlocked though...*

* Klork mutters then pushes the door open quiely

* Stacie nods. "That's really good." *unloads her backpack, it's got books and some tools and some folded-up posters and a box of hot chocolate packets*

<Klork> <q> Di...?

* Diana's lying in her bed, sleeping...looking more or less dead, but hey, she can't help that*

<AriaStormsinger> Stacie grins up at HLM. "We stopped at WalMart..."

* Klork kneels by Diana after closing the door, nudging her gently

<Klork> <q> Hey..sis? you there?

* Diana, after a few moments, mnnsss a little and stirrs* <q> Eh...*streatches a little* Hai?

* Mitch ... is at work! Why'd he change his nick? I don't know.

<Klork> How're you feelin'..?

* Diana smiles a little and sits up, shrugging* Ah...strange...*shrugs a bit*

* Klork shifts

<Klork> tired ... lil' seasick ... did you do the ritual...?

<Diana> Iie...did not...quite have the energy to...a lot of magic was used last night...

* Klork nods

<Klork> Need to feed..??

* FWL_MeRc walks out of the training room glaceing around at everyone present

* Stacie and Aria look up

<FWL_MeRc> hey people

* Diana shrugs a little* Ne...I do not know...I don't thirst after blood at the moment...I magical energy needs to recharge...

* Klork nods, leaning back

<Klork> <q> So just rest...?

* Stacie shakes her head and zips the backpack up, heading for the kitchen with the hot chocolate. "Where should we put the hot cocoa, Mo?"

* Anora heads down the stairs, wearing her dark green khakis, belt, and tank top, hair back in a loose braid once again

* HappyLittleMoron lokos up and wavels to Anora...

* Anora waves, turning on the coffeepot and fixing some up* <q> Cofeeeee

* Diana nods a little* <q> Hai...demo...the materials for the ritual need to be gathered...I...cannot remember the specifics...and I don't think I can do it on my own...

* FWL_MeRc leans against the wall... watching everyone oddly quiet

* Klork nods..rolling his shoulders

* Stacie grins at Anora. "Hi. You go for the potent stuff."

<Klork> I'll get what I rest til' tonight, ok?

* Stacie heats up water for hot chocolate.

* Anora nods* Gotta stay awake somehow..

* AriaStormsinger sits and plays with Brenna.

* Diana nods with a tired grin* Domo...take care, brother...

* Brenna...plays with Aria <G>*

<Stacie> "I know the feeling. What, you have a test in the morning?"

* Klork smiles and nods, heading out, turning off the lights

* Diana smiles a bit and..passes out again*

* Klork turns, hanging a sign on the door that says "Klork's orders--Let Diana SLEEP -- Arigato!"

* Klork draws a little smiley face under the "Arigato"

* Anora shakes her head with a smirk* Nah, didn't finish high my GED..and that's as far as I go.

* Stacie nods. "College got me OUT of my home state."

* Anora chuckles* I just moved here from San Diego .. I was given the altematum "Finish High School or Move out" Soooo I moved out. Came here to live with my brother..

* Stacie gives Anora a look-over. "Let's see...Wing?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Oohh

<Stacie> Nah...

<Stacie> "You look a little like Evy..."

<Anora> I have wings? *looks back at her self..only way her and Syan look a like is skin color and eye color*

* Anora arches a brow* Yea, but how would she be my brother??

* Stacie grins. "I was hoping you'd explain that."

* Stacie fills mugs wtih steaming water and brown drug powder.

* Anora shakes her head, sipping her coffee as she leans back against the counter* Ah, actually, we're not related so.

* Stacie nods. "Then I'll bite. Who's your brother?"

* FWL_MeRc eyes flash red then he shakes his head violently "ugh... "

* Anora smirks* GOtta have three guesses first.

* AriaStormsinger glances up from singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" at Merc.

* Stacie grins. "Ok. Shawn's sister?"

* FWL_MeRc looks at aria for a moment, then smiles "hey"

<Anora> *blank look* Uh, no.

<Stacie> "Hmm. *ticks fingers* Not Wing, not Shawn. Definitely not Merc. What other boys are Who -- who was the guy who could become a wolf?"

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow

* Anora sips her coffee* SYan's..

<Stacie> "Syans. You're his sister?"

* Anora smirks, eyes glinting* Yep..

<Stacie> "Coolness. Welcome to New York!"

* Stacie grabs teh mugs and walks into the common area, offering to Aria, who takes one, then HLM and Merc...?*

* Anora nods, finishing her coffeee and wahshing the cup* Thanks..

<HappyLittleMoron> Tankies...*sips*

* AriaStormsinger sips, smiling over the mug at Brenna.

* Anora comes back out, bare feet scuffing along the carpet, settles on a chair*

* AriaStormsinger sets it down and looks at HLM. "We're going ahead with the scanning."

* Stacie looks over at that, then comes over and sits near Aria and HLM

* Klork heads down the stairs, sitting to put his shoes on

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up* Feeling better, love?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

* FWL_MeRc takes a mug and smiles "thanks"

<HappyLittleMoron> Scanning...? Wha'?

<AriaStormsinger> "It's one of the tests for the chyrsalises. We didn't want to trigger anything before."

* Klork nods, blinking at them

<Stacie> "It's scanning by light, and ultrasound."

<HappyLittleMoron> ooh...k...

* HappyLittleMoron looks mildly confused, glancing at Klork and shrugging

* AriaStormsinger nods.

<AriaStormsinger> "We're going to try to hatch them. *glances down and runs her fingers along the edge of her skirt*

<HappyLittleMoron> Good luck...

<AriaStormsinger> "I guess waiting all this time was kind of pointless. I just iddn't want to rush things."

* Klork nods in agreement

<HappyLittleMoron> Makes sense...

* AriaStormsinger looks at them hopefully. "Will you come for the, um, birth?"

* Stacie raises a brow.

<Klork> Sure...*snags his coat and pulls it on* I gotta grab some stuff for Di' first tho

<AriaStormsinger> *looks down* "It's not til tomorrow..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...*nods to Aria* I'll go too...*looks to Klork* Need company or...?

* Klork shifts..

<Klork> Sure...if I cant remember it all..

<AriaStormsinger> "Thanks." *kinda brightens.* "Hey Brenna, do you know 'Over The Rainbow'?"

* Diana tilts her head and shakes it* Nuh uh...

* Brenna tilts her head and shakes it* Nuh uh...

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Ok...*looks to Brenna and smiles gently* Wanna play with Aria while daddie and I go out for a little while...?

* AriaStormsinger looks up with awe and grins at HLM. "I'll take care of her."

* HappyLittleMoron grins and nods, eyes saying she's still keeping tabs on a mental level...* Ok...**kisses Brenna's brow* Be a good girl, ok, sweetie?

* Brenna smiles, nodding*

* AriaStormsinger looks back at Brenna and starts singing the theme from Wizard of Oz. Her voice is weak and still a little hoarse, but it's mostly on key and hitting the notes well.

* Brenna smiles, purring softly as she listens...*

* HappyLittleMoron joins Klork

* Klork heads out of the room

* AriaStormsinger poinks Brenna's nose gently. "Okay, your turn!"

* AriaStormsinger sings again.

* Brenna sings with her*

* AriaStormsinger grins. "You'll make the choir too someday!"

* Klork heads to the truck, opening a door for HLM

* Brenna giggles softly*

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks honey...*hops in*

<HappyLittleMoron> How's she doin'?

* Klork nods, hoopping in afte

<Klork> Magically drained.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a bit..

<Klork> Gonna get stuff for the ritual tonight..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...anything I can do to help...?

<Klork> You know the stuff she needs for the ritual? I can remember some but not all..and Di..can't recall hardly any..

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...I know some of the herbs and stuff...she told me once...*runs a hand through her hair* She's gotta have the swords and stuff...I dunno the...clensing things or anything...

* Klork nods

<Klork> I can recall the other stuff...*heads to a ..herbal store! yea!*

* HappyLittleMoron noddles

* Klork gets there, hopping out

* HappyLittleMoron hops out too

* Klork heads into the store to look around

* HappyLittleMoron does too

* Klork picks up stuff here n' there

* Old store manager lady wearing a flowing skirt and lots of beads and long grey-blonde hair: "Good afternoon."

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and grins a bit, wearing her shades* Heya

* Deanna leans her elbows on the glass countertop over a display of exotic herbs and crystals.

* Klork smiles to the lady, nodding...putting stuff into the basket

<Deanna> "If you need any help, let me know." *scribbles some things on a yellow note pad*

* Klork nods to her..

* HappyLittleMoron noddles

* Klork heads to the back of the store, picking through a few things

* HappyLittleMoron looks at stuffs

* HappyLittleMoron picks up stuff they need Klork doesn't 'member...

* ...after a few minutes, Deanna glances up at the two. "Are you looking for anything in particular?"

* Klork blinks ..

<Klork> Ah..I think we got it...

* Deanna nods and pushes some things she's workign with on the counter aside

* Klork settles the basket on the counter

* HappyLittleMoron steps up by him, 'n stuff

* Klork digs for his wallet, pulling it out and snagging a credit card

<Deanna> I'm sorry, we don't have the capability to accept credit cards here.

<Klork> Oh, ok, checks or cash?

<Deanna> The business is too small...the cards take 4% of all our earnings if we use their services.

* Deanna gives an apologetic look.

<Deanna> Personal checks are accepted with a valid driver's license, or cash is fine. *smiles*

* Klork tugs out his check book, sliding his lisence across the counter

<Klork> Understandable..

* HappyLittleMoron noddles..

* Deanna checks, smiling, nodding, bagging, etc.

* Klork slides the check over when he's done writing it, pocketing the check book in his back pocket

<Deanna> "Do you need any information on working with the herbs, or do you have experience?"

* Deanna paper clips the check to several others in the register and closes the drawer.

<Klork> Ah..*chuckles* I have worries

<Deanna> "I thought so." *smiles warmly* "I hope to see you both again, soon."

* Klork nods..

* Deanna tucks an extra packet of dried leaves in the bag, smiling knowingly

<Klork> Yeah, you too! ..oO(Hopefully the case won't arise....)

* Klork blinks, smirking a bit in thanks before heading out to the car

<Deanna> (to HLM): "This will help with the little ones when they won't sleep."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...* Uhh...thanks! *grins lopsidedly* You take care...*smiles and heads out with Klork*

* Deanna nods knowingly and goes back to her notepad.

* Klork opens the truck door for her with a smirk

<Klork> Hop on in!

* HappyLittleMoron hops in! <G>

* Klork hops in after her..revving the engine and going to the next store to get some other stuff

* Klork hops outta the truck and into the store, grabbing the few other key items and comesback out, hopping in the truck again

* HappyLittleMoron helps 'n stuff toooo...

* Stacie gives Aria a backrub, listening to the singing.

* Klork drives back to the asylum, grabbing a bag and heading inside

* HappyLittleMoron grabs the other and follows

* Klork heads upstairs into his room, setting the stuff out..trying to remember how to organize it

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, followed and helps the bestt she can..

* Klork finishes setting it up and leans back, looking over at her

<Klork> We wait til' tonight to do this tho..*sighs* She needs her rest

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...*rubs his shoulders genttly*

* Klork leans back, purring

<Klork> Mmm..hi

* HappyLittleMoron smiles as she massages* Heya...

<Klork> goddesssss *purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, working knots

* Klork melts..purring still

* AriaStormsinger , a floor or two below, does the same.

* HappyLittleMoron smiles

<Klork> loveyouuu*covers a yawn*

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Love youtoooooooo...

<HappyLittleMoron> You go sleep...nap...

* Klork nods...laying back against her with a goofy grin

<Klork> k.

<Klork> I'll nap here.

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and wraps her arms around him* No problem

* Klork purrs, drifting

Session Close: Sun Apr 28 15:33:20 2002

Session Start: Sun Apr 28 19:04:15 2002

<GC> "Ok, ok, it's cool yo, put the frickin' steel away -- "

* Mitch lets his breath out slowly. "I'm busy tonight. So here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna hand over today's take. You're gonna walk away. And the next time a brotha tells you he's landed you fucking LISTEN."

* Goldchains breathes hard: "Fuck you, I ain't giving you SHIT."

* Woman with baby looks over and gives a short scream, then backs off down to the far end of the platform, moving backwards and fast.

<Mitch> Quietly. "This heat ain't registered. I pop a round through your knee and you gonna feel it the rest of your life. That's IF you're smart enough to go to a hospital and get the ability to walk back. This is one of, y'know, those life choices. You're gonna learn a lesson tonight one way or the other. Which way is up to you."

* One of the homeless guys glances at Mitch and GC and mutters something, stays sitting with his buddy against the tiles*

<Goldchains> <less pissy> "Get that thing off my head. What the fuck you want."

<Mitch> "You heard. The train's coming in twenty seconds. You got that long to hand it over or start learnin' how to use a cane."

* GC grins: "You a mad freak, whiteboy." *reaches up slowly and yanks a folded roll of wrinkled cash out of a pocket in his dark cargo pants

<Mitch> "Fucking A." He backs up a step, two, gun still trained. "Toss it over."

* GC, still grinning, turns slowly, getting to his feet, watching the train's headlight fill the tunnel behind Mitch.

* GC's teeth, by the way, are not shiny and white.

<Mitch> "What're you waiting for, a signed invitation?"

* The train pulls in, sparking, with a roar."

* GC unfolds the wad of cash and tosses half to the ground. "Earned it, suckah." *takes a step backward*

* Mitch eases the gun up, slips it into a pocket - still aimed in GC's general direction - as he crouches down and scoops it up. "...I ain't a niggah. I'll let it go. But you work the fucking suits, catch? Lay off the little guys."

* GC snorts, kinda like a bull.....

* GC ducks out the exit turnstile

* A handful of folks discharge from the train, looking bored and busy*

* Mitch slips into the train, waiting until it gets underway before getting into a corner and quietly transferring the gun back to its former "holster"

* Woman...waits for the next train.(

* Mitch tips his cap to the woman as the clears the station }:D

* Aria, having stared at Mitch's physics book thoughtfully for about 10 minutes, finally goes down to the nearest phone and calls Foss. "It's Aria. Can I speak to Jeff?"

* Mitch ... hops trains for a while, clearing out his trail, before heading back over to the hospital like he'd planned

<AriaStormsinger> "Hi. Um... I was just talking to Mitch, and there's something you should know. ...No, we're all right. It's Javier. found him. He's at a mental ward, at St. Unpronounceable's. ...No, we don't think so. Mitch said he wasn't dangerous anymore, without Kthal in him. ...Hm? No, Mitch went out, he said he had some stuff to take care of. ...Just us. No one else knows."

* Mitch heads back over to the hospital like he'd planned!

<AriaStormsinger> "Okay. ...Okay, I will. See you later!"

* Mitch slips up to Site A, then out the window, tucking up the neck of his jacket and catwalking down to the ward the same way he did before

* The Ward...IS THERE.

* Mondo_Gecko is in his room, playing with a gameboy..the old style kind

* Mitch scopes it from the window, getting an eye around to see if anyone's in the hallway

* It's a quiet Sunday afternoon in the ol' mental ward, and most of the inmates are pretty subdued.*

* Mitch ninjas through the window, and heads for Javier's cell, pulling out the ubiquitious notebook and pencil

<AriaStormsinger> JQ's room is fairly quiet. There's some regular thumping sounds coming through the padded door. The little window is dark.

* There's a panel with the locking code keypad for JQ's cell, and a little array of room controls -- temperature, lighting, voice speaker, etc.*

* Mitch ... turns on the lights!

* The pounding doesn't stop. Comes at about 4-second intervals.

* Mitch looks in

* JQ, looking thin, hair cut not very neatly, 5 o'clock shadow, is slowly pounding his head against the padded wall. HIs whole body rocks back and forth.

* Mitch switches on the speaker and listens for a moment...

* JQ's breathing is irregular.

* Mitch taps a finger against the mike to attract his attention.

* JQ pauses, breath changing, then shuffles over to the door, waiting expectantly.

<Mitch> "What's your name?"

* StacieGreene sits tucked up on Shawn's bed, writing in a journal as he plays the GameBoy

* JQ rocks a little and mumbles something in Spanish... "Berramo la siesta muy negra a desperto ciao monstrado que llame feo, feo, FEO"

* Mitch switches over. "Déme su nombre."

* JQ tilts his head and scratches at the window, drooling a little. "Sea su primavera que hablabamos con Marietta que duerme que duerme con los pescados ai madre..." *coughs*

<Mitch> .oO(Shit.) *in Spanish* "You had something in you. You can help stop it from taking anyone else again. But I need to know you're the right one. Give me your name!"

<JQ> "Cosa.... Cosa...."

* JQ moans a little and glances at the window.

* Mitch sighs, and snaps the light off. .oO(Useless.)

* JQ shrieks as the light goes out.

* JQ pounds at the door.

<JQ> "Ese cosa! aiii... No metoma, Kthal -- El Kthal! El Rey Kthal!"

* Mitch , already several steps down the hallway, just kind of stops.

<Mitch> .oO(Jesus Christ in an abbatoir. I have to question THAT.0

* JQ pounds and shrieks for about 20 seconds before cutting off into silence.

* Mitch flicks on the light again.

* JQ whimpers....

<Mitch> In Spanish. "I can take you out of here. But you need to follow me. You need to do what I say. Or you'll go back. Do you understand?"

<JQ> (mix of Spanish and nonsense) Understand. No Kthal...

<Mitch> .oO(I'm gonna regret this.)

* Mitch takes out the keycard, studies it, and punches in the combination.

* Lights flash, but stay red.*

* Mitch frowns, tries the door...

* Doesn't open*

<Mitch> .oO(Shit.) *punches in the combination in reverse*

* lights flash green! Door clicks.*

<Mitch> .oO(Smartasses.) *pushes open the door... or pulls it... whichever*

* pushing works*

* JQ drools at Mitch, attempting to straighten his shoulders and look respectable in his pale green hospital shirt and pants.

* Mitch doesn't even want to THINK about trying to get him past the nurse's station in his condition... quietly, "Come on."

* Mitch leads him to the window, holding his hands in the universal gesture for "leg up"

* JQ moves surprisingly well, if weakly, and quietly, working with Mitch and giving a leg up.

* Mitch gives JQ a leg up... he's ninja-Mitch, he gets out on his own, shutting the window behind him

* Mitch rubs his neck, thinking of the layout, and plots a course that takes them quietly off hospital grounds, headed for the nearest Salvation Army

* JQ...follows, mumbling and seeming distressed then fading into confidence and then back into weirdoland and then crying a little and muttering

* It being New York, the few people who notice don't make eye contact.

* Stacie looks up at Mondo. "How's the game going?"

<Mondo_Gecko>'s going..

* Mondo_Gecko yawns a little..he looks pretty tried

* Mitch snags a windbreaker and a pair of sweatpants from the donation bin, coaxing Javier into trading up

* JQ obliges.

* Clumsily.

<AriaStormsinger> Stacie closes her journal and looks over. "Yeah, things were pretty busy here last night."

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* Mitch leads him to a Taco Bell, figuring on basically calming the bugger down with a taste of human living before pumping him for information...

<Mondo_Gecko> takes alot out of you...walking at the bottom of the sea

<Stacie> "Mmm. What was it like?"

<Mondo_Gecko> Beautiful...*sighs happily*

* JQ continues his disconnection with reality. He eats about half a tortilla wrap, slowly, getting the rest of it on himself and the table.

<Mondo_Gecko> there were so many beautiful women..and the place was like a dream. Except all the guys were facists bastards

* Stacie raises a brow. "That's not cool."

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> Yea..I may be a guy but I'm all for women being equal

* Mitch pushes some napkins over. Quietly, "Okay. Let's start small. I'm gonna ask you some questions and I don't want you to make a scene. If you don't like a question, don't yell, just say so. Do you understand?"

<Mondo_Gecko> I mean, without men you can't have women, and without women there's no men

<Stacie> *dryly* And life's pretty boring.

* JQ blinks at Mitch. "Jesu. hablo dolamente..."

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> yea. Agreed

<Mondo_Gecko> Whacha doin?

<Mitch> .oO(Okay, I can do this. Just pick out the word that fits in.) "You once had the King in you. Why isn't he now?"

* Stacie glances at the journal. "Just catching up on life...trying to figure out where to go from here. ...That stuff Aria was talking about last night was pretty freaky. I wanted to put it down, try to sort it out a little more clearly."

* Mondo_Gecko nods a little

<Mondo_Gecko> I have a journal too..but it's online

<Stacie> "Do you ever do that?"

<Mondo_Gecko> no one knows the adress either, so no one I know could ever read it

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> yea...I write songs too

* JQ's eyes roll a little and he staaaaaares out the window, mouth open at the folks going by in the wet streetlights. "El Rey...."

* Mitch , luckily, has NO idea he sounds like the front page of the National Enquirer.

<Mondo_Gecko> I play piano too

<JQ> "El trato con el Rey me duerme nada..."

* Stacie grins. "Could I hear you sometime?"

* Mitch rubs his neck. "You made a deal with him."

* JQ tries to put his head down...

* JQ begins, slowly, wretchedly, to weep.

<Mitch> Quietly. "What do you mean that you would not sleep?"

* JQ just weeps.

<Mitch> He lets out his breath slowly. "You're afraid of the dark. He uses the darkness?"

* JQ's right hand slides up and clutches at one of Mitch's wrists.

* Mitch lets it happen - but a lower hand is twitching around the butt of the revolver.

* JQ looks up, eyes watery and red and not quite focusing on Mitch's.

<Mondo_Gecko> Sure..

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

* Javier, slowly. "Castigo...eterno."

<Mitch> *pushes the napkins over a little bit more* "You need to tell me everything you can."

* Mondo_Gecko goes over to his gecko's cage and pulls him out and sits back on the bed with Eki on his stomach

* Stacie smiles and reaches out a finger to tickle Eki's throat.

* Javier...slowly...painfully...over an hour if Mitch keeps pressing, eventually explains that a girl of light came from the jungle, and the king offered life eternal.

* Mitch keeps pressing!

<Mitch> "...for what?"

* Eki lifts his head, chuurrring

<Javier> "Fuerza." <Power.>

* Mitch tries to steer the questioning towards the king himself, how he works, how he thinks... how to stop him... and why Javier is no longer the host

* Klork meanders downstairs..

* JQ lets on that he could use Kthal a little, use the power for himself, but Aria's light was too strong. Kthal just wanted power... and --

* HappyLittleMoron follows, kinda...limping and muttering aboout how he put her leg to sleep, eyeing him from behind

<JQ> "El Rey fue cuando la luz hace me dormir." <The King went when the light made me sleep.>

* Klork pouts up at her

<Klork> Soorrriieeeee

* Javier coughs...tongue lolls a little, still with pieces of tortilla meat stuck to it.

<HappyLittleMoron> Suuuuuuuuure you are...*smirks then blinks* Owieeeeeeeeeee pins'n'needlespins'n'needlespins'n'needles! *rubs her leg, making a face*

<Mitch> .oO(So Aria did it. Shit! I was hoping...) "Where is the King now? Where would he be?"

* Mitch passes over the water

* Klork offers a hand

* Javier clumsily uses both hands to drink the water, sucking at it like there's a straw...

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly and just pounces him, regardless of the pins and neeeedles, tickling him* Next time it's myyyyy turn

<Mitch> .oO(Wages of sin.)

* Mitch waits patiently

* Klork args, then plops her over his shoulder

<Klork> yeayeayea..

<HappyLittleMoron> ERK...

* JQ looks up: "No duerme."

* HappyLittleMoron kinda...squirms...

<Klork> Heh heh hehe....

<HappyLittleMoron> Mm...grrrr...put me down??

<Mitch> "Everything sleeps."

<AriaStormsinger> Javier drooooooooooools.

* Klork sets her down

<Klork> Suresure

<Mitch> .oO(Christ. I wish I'd brought a telepath.) "You didn't sleep when he was with you?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Hehe...taankies...*kisses his nose and heads for the kitchen*

* Klork smirks, follows, purrrs

<HappyLittleMoron> Hungry?

* Javier whimpers.

<Klork> foooood

<HappyLittleMoron> Hehe...whatcha want?

<Klork> yeah, I'll need it for tonight..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* Yeah...

<Mitch> "Javier. I don't understand. Help me understand. Help me figure out how to kill this thing."

* Javier moans. "Morilo?"

<JQ> "Hace el dormi?"

<Klork> Fish, bird, Ohh, got any sushi?

<Klork> Wonder if Di remembers how to make her stir fry..

* Mitch blinks, suddenly connecting things.

* Diana comes down the stairs, just catching the tail end of that and smirking* It should not be THAT hard to make...

<Klork> Hey..! Rested up, sis??

<Mitch> "...yeah. Make him sleep forever."

* Diana nods with a small grin* Hai...I would Feed seems to me I should not before this ritual, hai?

* Klork nods..

<Klork> Yea...while me on the other hand *winks* Tho it's a different kinda feedin' on my part..

<AriaStormsinger> Javier, after a moment of head bobbing and grimacing at the restaurant and street, snaps his head up and meets Mitch's eyes in what could almost be taken as a sly expression if it weren't for the twisted ruin of his mind.

* Diana nods a bit and chuckles softly* Hai...*goees abouut getting out stuffs for stir-fry...body remembering it more than mind*

* Klork blinks, watching

<Klork> Hey, well some things ocme back *smirks*

* Mitch waits for it, watching him...

* Diana nods...chopping up veggies* If...I do not think about it...*shrugs a little*

<JQ> <in English for the first time> Get Aria.

<Javier> Get the others.

* Klork nods, going in to give a hand..

<Javier> Like the cops...make the bastards come to you.

<Diana> Domo..

* Klork nods..helpin

<Klork> We have what we need..your call on when

<Mitch> *staying in Spanish* "How do we protect ourselves? How do we keep from being taken?"

* Diana nods...* as possible...? Perhaps after you've eaten..

* Klork nods

<Klork> I'll make m'meal quick then

* Javier blinks. " los gusta." <Kthal...doesn't like them.>

* Mitch watches him over the rims of his glasses... sussing out Javier's aura... checking for influences...

<Diana> Domo...*smiles a bit as she cooks*

* Javier's aura is extremely distorted. It doesn't look like anything natural, in fact, it looks like pieces of many different energies all fluxing together, but there's a strong pulse of color that keeps shading over and through them>

* There are no threads of energy control coming to him from anywhere*

* Nothing looks even remotely like Kthal or Torres' energies.*

<Mitch> *shaking his head slightly* "...what can Aria do?"

* Javier drifts a little, then swings back. "Hace luz."

<Mitch> "Any light?" He jerks a thumb towards the ceiling flourescents.

* Klork sets the table

* Javier snorts.

<Mitch> "Help me out here. What can the rest of us do? What can I do?"

* Javier shrugs. "Duermen." <You (plural) sleep.>

* Klork rolls his shoulders

* Diana finishes up, serving food up for Klork and HLM*

<Mitch> "Let's just assume that sleep isn't an option."

* Javier...swings his head from side to side, slow long rolls, knocking over the water on one pass, not noticing...

* Klork settles, eating...going about it rather quickly

* HappyLittleMoron munches too

<Mitch> .oO(Dammit, I'm losing him...)

<JQ> "Quiero la pan chica fue la jardin ah mio calor...Hacenlo enojado..." <I want the bread girl went the garden ah my hot...You'll make him angry...>

* Mitch dumps the napkins over the spill

<Mitch> *tries to work out how much of that was coherent* "How do I piss him off? I already k- put one host to sleep. It didn't do the trick."

* Javier whines. "QUien!? quienquien ohhhhhhhh no..."

<Mitch> "Torres."

* Javier's eyes glaze a little. "El hombre..."

<Mitch> "El cadáver."

* Javier LUNGES across the table at Mitch, going for the throat.

* Mitch , caught off-guard, brings his hands up but Javier's already there...

* Taco Bell staff look up alarmed. "Someone call the police!"

* Javier's grip is weak and he's speaking in garbled noises.

* Mitch gets an arm in between and jerks, breaking the hold... he throws up the other hand, twisting around. "Wait! It's okay. It's okay."

* Javier sobs and glares adn rambles and curls on the table, sending food and tray sliding.

* HappyLittleMoron finishes up and goes to do dishes

* Girl with the phone in her hand slooooowly lowers it back to the cradle, EVERYOEN in the store looking.*

<Mitch> "He's just had, y'know, a little too much to drink. We're cool."

* Klork finishes soon after,heading up to his room to ready himself

* Javier starts banging his head rhythmically on the table.

* Diana smiles a bit to HLM and follows Klork*

* Man in trenchcoat at the next table gets up. "My god... Is he autistic?"

* Mitch drags Javier up, standing. He gets his head in close, whispering intensely, Spanish again, "I tried stopping the King. Help me get it right!"

* Javier stumbles against Mitch, getting food bits and drool on the smaller man.

* Trenchy: "Do you need some help? My wife works with developmentally challenged children..."

<Mitch> .oO(Huh?) To the man. "He's just blasted. I'm gonna get him home now."

* Trenchy frowns. "No, he's not..."

* Most of the restaurant's folks have gone back to business, a grumbling waitress coming over to clean up the table.

* Mitch sighs, and leans over to Trenchy. "...look, you wanna embarass him in front of everyone some more, or you just wanna, y'know, smile and nod?"

* Trenchcoat dude looks embarrassed. <q> "I'm sorry. *Do* you need any help?"

<Mitch> .oO(Got a cattle prod?) "No. Thanks. I've got it."

* Mitch gets a shoulder under one arm and gets them the hell out of Dodge

* Javier moves along, once he gets the idea, mumbling about Torres...right hand man...too much for him...

* Klork finishes setting things up, rolling his shoulders and taking a shakey breath

* Mitch listens quietly. .oO(Fuck... almost blew it... goddammit...)

* Diana taps the door...*

* Klork looks up

<Klork> Come in..

* Diana peeks in, a bit of nervousness peeking through the cool, calm exterior* Ready...?

* Mitch finds a park bench and eases him down, settling beside him.

* Klork nods

<Klork> Yeah..ready

* Diana nods a little, brows furrowed as she takes heer seat* Domo..

<Mitch> "...if we gather, the Ice- the King will come. And Aria's light will destroy him?"

* ^Pippen^ is...sleeping on the couch

* Klork presses her sword to her, taking up his own this time..the happy steal one

* Javier rocks.

* Diana smiles a bit and goes about doin' the hand slicin'*

* Klork follows lead, grimacing..

<Mitch> "Do you know who he was in before you?"

<Javier> "Recuerdo el pollo I griega. Cama." <Remember the chicken y. bed.>

* Diana draws the blade down...cutting and bleeding...*

* Klork cringes, following lead again, hating this part the most.

* Diana clenchesss her jaw as she bleeds iinto the bowl, magic starting to rise 'n stuff*

* Klork grits his teeth, clenching his hand over the bowl to do much the same, dragons glowing on his arms..

* Diana shudders lightly as her dragons start moving over her body, withdrawing once enough blood has been...uh...bled*

* Javier weeps and opens his mouth to the sky.

<Mitch> .oO(Chicken?)

* Klork 's dragons begin to move as well ... hoping she knows the next move

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a bit, setting the game boy aside

<Mitch> "...okay. Javier, c'mon. Get up."

* Mondo_Gecko sits up slowly on the bed, sniffing the air

* Diana lifts the bowl once he's done bleeding into it, drinking hhalf and...leaving the rest for him, iff'n he needs it, closing her eyes and clenching her jaw in agony*

* Javier rolls his head to his opposite shoulder and stares across the path.

* Stacie watches Shawn. "What's up?"

* Klork tilts it up to drink it, body cringing as he puts it down...feeling sick to his stomach

* Mitch shoulders Javier up to his feet again and heads off... back towards the hospital

* Javier stumbles along...

* Diana kinda curls as the dragons race and glow, lettingo ut a short scream as her body convulses*

<Javier> "...que llame?" <What are you called?>

* Klork splays his hands on the floor, crouched...gritting his teeth as his tattoos do the same...keeping his reactions inside

* ^Pippen^ wakes up...yawns.....hops offa the couch and heads into the kitchen..looking for ppl

* HappyLittleMoron looks down at Pip...* Heya dog...

<Mitch> *thinks about it for a moment* "El rata." <The rat.>

* Diana eventually stills...hand no longer bleeding or anything, just...lying there*

* ^Pippen^ goes over to HLM...sits down on her feet

* HappyLittleMoron looks down, kinda shivering at the magic she senses in the air

<HappyLittleMoron> ...comfy?

<JQ> <q> "El rata dormi."

* Klork ...LIES THERE

* Anora sleeps .. her head in her the table*

* Diana...LIES THERE, too...*

* ^Pippen^ yawns big....looks up at her..leaning her head on HLM's a smile

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno..

* HappyLittleMoron smirks and scritches Pippen's ears

<Mondo_Gecko> a ...very strange sense

* ^Pippen^ closes her eyes and swishes her tail

* Stacie looks alarmed. "Should we...go downstairs?

<Mondo_Gecko> ....I dunno

* HappyLittleMoron hehs a little, continuiing to scritch...

* Mondo_Gecko gets up and then heads downstairs to take a look around

* Stacie follows

<Mondo_Gecko> everything ok down here?

* ^Pippen^ makes a li'l moan and just sits there, enjoying it

<Mitch> "Él no no esta noche." <Not tonight he doesn't.>

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and nods...* More or less...yeah...

<AriaStormsinger> Javier: "Fantasma-rata... Los otros...son la amenaza." <Ghost-rat... The others...are the threat.>

* Mitch turns his head, just slightly, sweeping for auras. .oO(...ghost-rat?)

* JQ, in the shattered fragments of his mind, now considers Mitch to be one of the many young proteges who died as members of his drug operation over the years...sent to haunt him in his eternity...

* Mitch sees the auras of a squirrel or two...and a homeless girl asleep in the bushes.

<Mitch> " hay otros." He makes a quiet detour, digging out about half of the wad he swiped from GoldChains and slipping it under the girl's hand.

* Diana moans softly...*

* Javier stands and wavers in the path as Mitch detours.

* The girl flinches and moans in her sleep, fist tightening around the cash*

* Mitch gets a hand on Javier's shoulder, drawing him along.

* Klork is .. awake...eyes opening......but he dosen'treally wanna move

<Javier> "Menos la cruza." *drool* <Less the cross>

<Javier> "Las otras de luz son la amenaza."

* Diana takes a deep breath...slowly opening her eyes, murmering in Japananese* <IJ> Now...I know...why I don't like...this spell...

* Klork nods..looking over at her

<Klork> <q> Kinda hurts huh?

* Mitch doesn't respond, stopping and waiting for the light to turn red.

<Diana> <q> Hai...wee bit....yes...itai...

<Mitch> .oO(Not to me, they aren't. Not yet.)

* Klork nods..wincing at that.

* ^Pippen^ is in the kitchen on HLM's feet ^o^

* Javier...drips.

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Pippen...* Sorry, dog...I gotta go check on my hubby and Diana...*slips her feet out from under Pippen and heads for the stairs*

* Diana closes her eyes again, waiting to see if the pain'll pass*

* ^Pippen^ whines..then lays down...

* `KuroiTenshi sits next to zulu, reading him a really sappy book

* Klork slowly props himself up, gritting his teeth...

<Klork> Ow ow ow ow...

* Mitch brings him back in the same way... in the enclosure outside the ward, he pauses. "You're gonna have to go back. Once the King's taken care of, I'll get you out of here. Okay?"

* HappyLittleMoron erks, heading over and kneeling to help...

* `KuroiTenshi sits next to Zac, reading him a really sappy book

* Javier's eyes glaze and he grips at Mitch, then hugs him, sobbing.

<JQ> "No quiero dormir! No quiero... No dormir..."

* Klork leans agaisnt HLM

<Klork> Heya..*winces*

* Mitch 's lower hand tightens about the revolver again - then relaxes.

<Mitch> " won't sleep forever. No one's going to let that happen."

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Heya, love...*supports him as Diana groans and slowly begins sitting up* You two ok now...?

* Klork nods..

* ^Pippen^ travels back out to the livingroom...hopping on the couch and watching outside the window

<Klork> In Pain...but ok...Di..?

<Javier> "Dame sus manos solamente el sol que cree si mi nombre esta revuelve..."  <Give me your hands only the son that thinks if my name is turning>

* Diana nods a little, rubbing her eyes a bit* Hai...the same....

* Klork grimaces

<Klork> Need anything?

<Mitch> "...I wish I understood what that meant." *spot-checks the window* "I really do."

* Window's still clear*

* Javier....DROOLS THERE.

* Diana shakes her head a little, holding it*

* Mitch horses Javier through the window, opening up the cell again

* JQ complies.

* Mitch figures he'll let Javier keep the clothes as a souvenier... and a way of confusing the fuck out of the smartass techs who reversed the keycode. }:D

* Mitch closes the door, leaving the lights on and making sure it's locked again

* JQ drops to his knees, then curls in a ball and rocks, crying and mumbling and laughing and whispering and coughing.

* ...and drooling.

* Mitch lets out his breath, then snaps off the speaker - and ninjas out of there

* Shingami has figured out where she is.. shes is at.. Kinkos

<Diana> <qe> Ne...we need to get the book Mitch gave me and the flowers from the hospital...

* Klork nods...leaning back

<Klork> <q> We can do that in time..

* HappyLittleMoron supports Klork, nodding a little, Diana not moving, just kinda hunched over, holding her head

* Shingami shells out a good $200 for a lot of enlargments of photos of the city from a fairly good altitude

* Mitch heads on back to the Asylum, trying to piece it all together

<Shingami> oO(how the ehll am i goign to get all these home)

* Klork crawls his way over to Diana, helping support her..

* HappyLittleMoron stands, brows furrowing* Uh...want me to help you guys get to your respective beds?

* Shingami comes out of Kinkos dragging a big box with her, looks like th kind you put artwork in

* `KuroiTenshi sighs, closes the book at the end of the chapter, and stares at zac, foot on the bed, pushing herself back a bit so she's balanced on the back legs of the chair

<Shingami> *grumbels*figures wing wotn let me use his scanner gunna have to do this the hard way... *grumble mumble curse ect*

<Klork> Erf..nah, downstairs for me..just.. a couch..

<Klork> How about you, Di?

<Diana> Heh...the same sounds good...

* `KuroiTenshi stares at the guy, saying nothing.

* ^Pippen^ is still looking outside..watching birds and stuff

* `KuroiTenshi reaches into her poket, and pulls out a ciggerette. she puts it in her mouth, and inhales, though it's not lit.

* HappyLittleMoron goes about helping them..

* Shingami gets on the train to head back to the asylum

* Klork heads down to the couch with help, wrapping up in a blanket and settling down..scooting for Diana to do the same

* HappyLittleMoron helps settle Diana by him

* Klork wraps her in the blanket

* `KuroiTenshi sighs, staring at zac, and then lowers her eyes, and plays with the ciggerette, rolling it in her fingers, her mind lost deep in thought

* Mitch comes in the door, a little uncharacteristically leaving his jacket on and looking around

* ^Pippen^ looks at Mitch...then looks back outside

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and waves, Diana wrapped in a blanket by Klork, very human looking

* Mitch comes over, hands in pockets... quietly, "Everything okay?"

* Shingami makes her way back pausing just outside the asylum to catch her breath

* `KuroiTenshi looks up at zac again, and growls, her hand gripping into a fist, crumpling and ripping the delicate paper and tabbaco

<Shingami> *siiiigh* merdi

* Diana nods a llittle* Hai...*smiles a bit, veddy human looking again* You...?

* Mitch was actually talking to Mo, but...

* HappyLittleMoron nods then..* Yeah...'sup?

* Mitch blinks, glancing down at Diana... he'd thought she was asleep. " all right? You don't look... well... uhm. You look different."

* Shingami opens the door puttign the box in first then comign in herslef

* Diana nods, smiling a bit up at him* Hai...I am...human again...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...Klork helped 'er with the ritual to put the vamp down...

* `KuroiTenshi sighs, standing. she throws the ruined ciggerette into the trash, with the force of an olympic javiliner..(dunno the term)

<Shingami> *m* shrot three blocks to the station my ass...frigin kinko's

* ^Pippen^ looks at Shin....then lays down again...

* Klork looks up...kinda groggy himself..

<Shingami> taidaima

* Mitch nods and half-smiles, reaching down to bump fists. <IJ> "I'm glad, tomodachi..."

* Klork leans back, dozing...completely out of it

* `KuroiTenshi shakes her head, and runs out the building, as fast as she can, and heads towards the asylum, as if she's trying to outrun the tears

* `KuroiTenshi stops dead, about half a block away. she shakes her head when she thinks of the ppl that are probably over there.

* Diana smiles, weakly returning the gesture, kinda semi-asleep herself* <IJ> are you doing?

<Mitch> "...looks like it, y'know, took it out of you. Rest..." *glances up to Mo, wordlessly asking if there's anything he can do*

* Shingami leans the box up agsint the wall and digs though her pack finding micalanious gardenign equipment, wires, half empty box of poky and... acrylic paints

* `KuroiTenshi slowly turns around, heading towards central park.

* ^Pippen^ yaawwnnsss

* Klork sleeps, deep circles under his eyes..last night and tonight together were not good on hi health

* Shingami heads for the sparing room

* AriaStormsinger comes downstairs, drawn by the sounds of people and a sense of suffering.

* AriaStormsinger comes quietly over and watches Klork and Diana mutely.

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little with a small sigh, eyes saying they just neeeeeed to rest for the next few days...

<Mitch> "I'm okay... don't worry about it. Just sleep, tomodachi."

* Klork sleeeeeeps

* AriaStormsinger glances at her hands, then smoothly tucks them inside the front pocket of her sweatshirt.

* `KuroiTenshi finally, after trying for like, two weeks, finally reaches central park.

* Diana nods a little, curling up by her bro and konking*

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little

* Klork unconsciously drapes an arm around hershoulders...just..out of it

* Shingami starts pulling out vatious images ofm Manhatten from above, different sizes and such takes oen that has the majority fo the east end and sets it down takign out osme of te paint and a brush

* ^Pippen^ falls right back asleep

* Diana just sleeeeeeeeps*

* AriaStormsinger whispers to HLM: "I thought everyone was okay? Did someone else get kidnapped?"

* Mitch straightens up... nooo, he's not about to tell people what he's been up to tonight... he slips upstairs, unlocking his room

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, patting Mitch's shoulder, then Aria's* <q> Nah...they just did a ibg spell is all...they're rilly drained...

* `KuroiTenshi walks slowly under the trees, enjoying the stars and the air and the trees and the silent humming of peace

* Anora mutters, looking up* Huh? S'what...I miss s'mthin?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and heasd over* Heh...nah...go back ta sleep...

* AriaStormsinger nods to HLM.

* Anora blinks, rubbing her eyes* Can't..gyah..sorry ..

<HappyLittleMoron> ' some left-over stirfry if ya want any...

* `KuroiTenshi looks up at a tree, smiles at it, and scrables up it's branches as easily as a monkey

* Anora oooos* Stir fry?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yepeprs

* ^Pippen^ snores

* `KuroiTenshi lays in it's branches, watching the full moon, (it IS a full moon tonigh, by the way. real pretty), breathing in the night air

* Shin pulls out her laptop aswell as more paints, gunna be up a while

* Syan howls, goes ravaging about upstairs ;)*

* Mitch slips off his jacket once in his room, putting the revolver back in the closet and tossing the wad onto the dresser. .oO(Made a profit. And that bitch better work the right side of the street from now on.)

<Mitch> .oO(But what did he mean?)

* ^Pippen^ perks her ears...waking up and looking up....

* `KuroiTenshi reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a ciggerette.

* Anora dishes up some stir fry, munching*

* `KuroiTenshi studies it for the longest ttime, and finally, brings it to her mouth, lighting it up

<Mitch> *sighs* .oO(...I need an assistant.)

* Nox blinks!??*

* `KuroiTenshi takes a long drag, closing her eyes, savoring the buzz she feels, and the buring that races down her esophogus

* Mitch heads downstairs for his workout

* `KuroiTenshi smiles, feeling nicotine in her blood for the first time in 8 months...

* AriaStormsinger uses the phone...and after a minute hangs up.

<AriaStormsinger> "Mitch?" *waves just before hanging up*

* `KuroiTenshi and starts coughing...

* Shingami is well, sittign in the midle of the room basicaly painting on pictures

<Mitch> "Hi, Aria." He pushes his glasses up a little tighter, heading for the gym. "How's it going?"

<AriaStormsinger> Good. They're worried.....

* AriaStormsinger looks over to HLM. "HLM? I need to go back to Foss. Have you seen Stacie?"

* `KuroiTenshi coughs so hard and so violently she falls out of the tree, landing hard on her palms, a coat of ice instantly forming around her wrist, but she ignores the pain, trying to stop coughing long enough to breath

<HappyLittleMoron> Earlier today...yeah...dunno where she is now...

<AriaStormsinger> *back to Mitch* "The readings aren't of the chrysalises doesn't seem like the others..."

* `KuroiTenshi looks at the ground, it's covered with specks of blood, she coughs again, and red tinged iceicles fly out of her mouth

<AriaStormsinger> *back to HLM* "Okay..." *closes her eyes* {{Stacie? It's me... Are you still at the Asylum?}}

* Mitch rubs his neck, pausing in the doorway.

* Stacie blinks, back up at Mondo's room. {{Yes -- you ready to go back to Foss?}}

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and wavels to Mitch

<AriaStormsinger> {{Yes, if that's okay.}}

<Shingami> so this one is now here and.. deeper nwo and... man i cant see all these damn lines what am i kiding myself*bashes ehr ehad ont he laptop a few times*

<Stacie> {{I'll be right down.}}

* `KuroiTenshi groans, and closes her eyes, forcing her mouth closed, muffling the coughs, willing herself to stop choking

* Mondo_Gecko is on his bed again

* Nox streatches*

* `KuroiTenshi the fit finally subdues, and she rolls over onto her back, half moaning, half sobbing, and mostly mentally kicking herself

* `KuroiTenshi curls up, fetus style, looking at the world, whis is vertical to her now

* `KuroiTenshi gives one more muffled cough, frozen blood coming out of her mouth.

* Syan meanders down the stairs, rubbing the back of his head*

<`KuroiTenshi> .oO(gee, that's great. i have a new weapon now. smoke a ciggerette, and i can shoot bits of frozen blood and flem as shrapnel)

* Nox follows quietly*

* Mitch watches Aria's Jim Breuer face subside

* Syan looks around* Hey guys...sup?

* Stacie jogs downstairs carrying her backpack. "Ready to go? Hi HLM...Mitch."

* Mitch nods, just a little stiffly, to Stacie.

<Shingami> *muttering to self*wow thats a biggin...wel duh shin its only the biggest tragity to ahppen in the world for a really logn time.. but all that energy.. shaddap.. okok fine m shaddaing up...

* ^Pippen^ sleeeppss

* `KuroiTenshi 's focus shifts up about half a foot, eyeing a bright orangy red glow, the ciggerette that survied in one peace, even if she didn't

* HappyLittleMoron waffles to Stacie

* Syan...shrugs a little.then oohhs, running up the stairs, changing into his shorts and diving into the pool

<AriaStormsinger> Aria nods to Stacie. "Let's go..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Err...and heya Sayn...nadda you doin'?

* HappyLittleMoron 's really gotta work on that timing

* `KuroiTenshi watches the smoke trail, sideways, into the air

* Stacie, glancing at Aria, "Pretty well. Hoping things work out for everyone."

* `KuroiTenshi lays on the grass, waiting for her throat to thaw out, a slow, painful process

* Nox changes into her swim suite...joinging Syan*

* Syan swwiwimmms*

* `KuroiTenshi eyes the ciggerette burn away, with contempt

* Shingami looks at a photo.. then down at the groudn benath her.. photo.. ground phot

<`KuroiTenshi> .oO(i hate you...)

<Shingami> well aint that somethin...

* Nox swims after him, hair fanning and looking like black satin under the water*

* Stacie gets dragged out of the Asylum with Aria.

* `KuroiTenshi wants to curl up and cry, but can't really move, so she just simply, cries.

* Syan sprawls around under water, just endulging in it*

* Mitch ... WORKS OUT

<Shingami> Hey mitch

<Mitch> "Hi, Shin..." *setting up the bowflex again - it's the least pain in the ass of all of 'em, and much less likely to drop weights on his feet*

* Shingami gets up walkign over to mitch

<Shingami> you can see auras right?

* Nox watches him quietllly*

* `KuroiTenshi closes her eyes, saddened at the face that her one drag of niccotine has worn away, her body aching for more, her mind screaming for the stuff it once knew, E, Crys, shrroms, K... all that wholesome stuff, as well as the chems her friends sometimes just made up on the spot

<Mitch> "Hai..."

* Syan swims around*

<Shingami> Think you could try and spot an aura in this picture?

* Mitch blinks. "...uh... I could try. But I doubt it."

* `KuroiTenshi curses shingami silently, for making her promise to stop taking them

* `KuroiTenshi curses her conscience silently, for agreing with shing

<`KuroiTenshi> .oO(shut up, body... what do you know?....)

<Shingami> please i need someoen to conferm y suspissions

* Mitch flicks off his glasses, looks at the picture... looks at it some more... shakes his head slowly. "...gomen. I can only, y'know, suss living things."

* `KuroiTenshi closes her eyes agin, wanting to bury herself into a hold and die, but she doesn't have the strenght to dig

* `KuroiTenshi groans, as she feels the toes of a boot nudge her side

* `KuroiTenshi tries to look up, but her head wont turn, her eyes wont open

<guy> wake up.

* `KuroiTenshi just groans more

<`KuroiTenshi> guy: your not dead, so get up

* `KuroiTenshi just ignores him, she doesn't want to move, even if she could

<guy> get up! *nudges her side somemore

* `KuroiTenshi groans in protest, but doesn't move.

* `KuroiTenshi feels a pair of strong hands grip her arms, a bit ruffly, pulling her to her feet

<guy> if you're not really dying, i swear, i'm gonna...

* `KuroiTenshi turns her head away from the voice, not wanting to deal with him

* the guy watches her body sort of... loll around, and he sighs, draping her arm around his neck, and half caries, half drags her away

<guy> you're such an idiot, KT.

<guy> don't start that mutant stuff, KT. *reaches up to her face and flicks the ice away*

* the guy sighs, and picks her up, carrying her damsel-in-distres style down the street*

* `KuroiTenshi tries to open her eyes, but doesn't quite manage, and wonders where he's taking her

* the guy finally reaches the asylum, and looks up at the building he's seen her come in and out of for the last few days*

* he shifts her in his arms, and heads up the front steps, to ring the doorbell*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and heads over...answereing the door

* Syan swims around in the pool happily*

* ^Pippen^ looks up...hops down and goes to the door

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...* Uuuh...hi? *opens the door more* What happened??

* ``Luca shifts kuroi in his arms again, and just stands there, looking over hlm, trying to... figure her out.

* ^Pippen^ sniffs at Luca....barks

* Nox watches him, smiling softly*

* ``Luca is what most ppl would catergorize as "jock". short brown hair, with a hint of a wave, blue jeans, lettermans jacket that is worn, but well cared for. he's got that good lookin high school quarter back feel to him

<``Luca> i found her laying in the middle of central park.

* `KuroiTenshi doesn't move

* ``Luca looks down at the girl, with a frown, and shifts her again

<HappyLittleMoron> Gyah...come in...uh...*leads to the couch* Set her down here?

<``Luca> *grumbles under his breath* you need a diet, girl.

* `KuroiTenshi groans, but doesn't move

* ^Pippen^ trots over to the couch

* ``Luca nods, and unloads the girl onto the couch, dumping her more then setting down gently

* ^Pippen^ licks KT's face

* ``Luca looks at hlm with a wry, untrusting, sarcastic glint in his eyes. he doesn't really seem like he's being rude, more like, he just looks like that all the tiem

* `KuroiTenshi whimpers

* HappyLittleMoron kneels, checking her vitals and stuff, returning the look :P

<``Luca> you got a kitchen nearby?

<``Luca> she prob just needs some water

<``Luca> she stinks of smoke.

* Anora tilts her head, watching from the table* Geeze. *kinda sneers, eating her stirfry*

* ^Pippen^ nuzzles her...wanting her to wake up

* ``Luca glares at KT

<``Luca> your not supposed to smoke, you little idiot. you knew this would happen

* HappyLittleMoron nods, brows furrowd* Kitchen's that way...*motions with her chin* You know her?

<`KuroiTenshi> .oO(if i could move, i swear, i'd can you....)

* ``Luca nods

<``Luca> i work with her.

<``Luca> known her since she slide into town.

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Gotcha...who are ya?

* Anora mutters, coming out with a cup of water, handing it to Luca*

* ``Luca nods at anora, muttering his tahnks

* ``Luca holds KT's head steady, and slowly pours the water into her mouth

* Anora mutters a your welcome back at him, turning on her barefeet back to the kitchen*

<``Luca> my name is Lucas Kityanna.

* HappyLittleMoron nods* 'M HLM...

* `KuroiTenshi coughs a bit, the water that leaks down her chin red, but she feels the ice in her throat melt, and she can breath easier

<``Luca> *mutters* you feeling better, KT?

* `KuroiTenshi gathers just enough strenght to mutter *jerk*

* ``Luca just chuckles

<``Luca> yeah.

* ^Pippen^ lays her head on KT's stomach...

* Anora comes back out with a mug of cocoa.

* ``Luca stands, wiping his hands dry on his jeans

<``Luca> she'll be fine.

* `KuroiTenshi opens her eyes, slowly, looking at luca, pippen, anora and hlm.

* `KuroiTenshi smiles weakly at everyone save lucas

* Klork and diana are zonked on the other couch

* Anora nods curtly, sipping the cocoa*

* Diana's, yeah, conked, leaning against Klork*

* ``Luca gives pippen a harsh look, that says "get away from me, mutt"

* Anora quirks a brow, sneer still on her lips...almost as if SHE is growling at him* I'd be wary of what you say around here. There are more animal types here than you realize..

* ``Luca nods.

<``Luca> i know.

<``Luca> been keepin an eye on the place, lately.

<Anora> *muttered* That don't much like big dumb humans.

<``Luca> you have a few ... odd tenents living here.

<``Luca> looks like KT finally found somewhere she fits in.

* HLM smikrs* yeah..

* `KuroiTenshi closes her eyes again, praying for him to leave

* Anora sneers a little* I'd define odd if I were you.

<HLM> Thanks fer bringin' her here..

* ``Luca nods, curtly

* ^Pippen^ gets closer to KT....growling quietly at Luca...

<``Luca> i know about the ppl that live here, * he saids ppl with something almost like a snicker*

* HLM stands and crosses her arms* Do you now.

* Anora leans down to smooth Pippen's fur back* <q> Easy, big dumb human ain't worht it. Probably tastes sour as his attitude.

<``Luca> and she's a friend of mine, so i keep an eye on her.

<HLM> Uh huh...well, what do you know about us, then?

<``Luca> but YOU ppl are her friends now, so it's your turn to watch her.

<``Luca> i know ur freaks.

<``Luca> muties.

<Anora> You act like you did some great favor to her. How about doing US one and leaving?

* ``Luca nods

<HLM> Y'know're digging yeourseeeeeeeeelf a REAL early grave with that talk

<``Luca> was just bout to.

* Klork has been awake for some time now..eyes boring a hole into Luca...

* ^Pippen^ barks loudly at Luca...

<``Luca> look, you guys just keep your eye on her, alright?

<``Luca> she make be a freak of nature, but i guess that's not her fault.

* Anora sneers* We will. Only because the underdeveloped species known as humans can't seem to do anything for themselves.

<``Luca> she's gotten herself into a lot of crap lately.

<``Luca> ran into the wrong ppl.

<Klork> <scratchy voice, eyes sparking> You're one to talk..

* ``Luca looks at hlm, not bothering with anora

<``Luca> you think i'm bad?

<``Luca> the name Cole Athby ring a bell to you?

* HappyLittleMoron narrows her eyes* I've seen worse, but I don't tolerate your kinda crap under my roof.

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow and shakes her head

<``Luca> he's a punk that prowls around our street.

* Mondo_Gecko comes down the stairs

<Mondo_Gecko> ...who's this jerkus?

<``Luca> he thinks he "runs" the hood.

* ``Luca looks over mondo

<``Luca> sooo...

* Klork slowly settles Diana away, standing...he's at least six feet...all muscle..looks a little worse for wear but his expression looks set to kill

<``Luca> you must be the guy that KT's been yammering about for the last week and a half.

* ``Luca blinks

* HappyLittleMoron just quietly watches and listens

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Klork> Listen...Do a favor..

<Klork> Just...stop talking.

* Diana mphs a little, but stays out*

* Calantha walks along the street toward the asylum, Mark beside her.

* ``Luca looks at klork

<``Luca> i'm just SAYING, man.

* Klork shifts, eyes sparking electricity now and then

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

* ^Pippen^ snaps her teeth at Luca

<``Luca> she's run into Cole, and he has her targeted now.

<Mondo_Gecko> want me to kick his ass?

<Klork> And if you think words have NO power over emotions you're TALKING in the wrong place.

* ``Luca turns, and heads for the door.

* Mondo_Gecko cracks his knuckles

* ``Luca looks at them all, before stepping outside

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw...

<``Luca> he's watching her, which means he's watching you.

<Klork> that's nice, I've killed things more threatening.

* Mark stands about 5'11, short black hair, thin and wiry*

<``Luca> and cole athby is part of an old group most ppl thought died.

<Klork> <muttered> More threatening than a human.

<``Luca> a group called "friends of humanity"

* ``Luca chuckles, shakes his head, and leaves

<HappyLittleMoron> We've edealt with them...we'll do it again.

<Klork> Guess what. I've killed a majority of that group off.

<``Luca> good luck on that.

<``Luca> you guys may know how to deal with them,

* HappyLittleMoron grumbles and looks to KT* You gotta watch what you're doin', girl...

<``Luca> but i can promise you.

<``Luca> that girl there cant.

<``Luca> she can't even smoke a ciggerte and stand on two feet.

<Klork> Out.

* ``Luca laughs, and heads down the street

<``Luca> yeah, yeah, i'm gone.

* ``Luca does a cool melt into shadows thing

* Calantha nears the asylum with Mar, humming

* ^Pippen^ lays her head on KT's shoulder and licks her face

* HappyLittleMoron just shakes her head...

* Mondo_Gecko narrows his eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> ...dickwad

* `KuroiTenshi opens her eyes

* Klork heads over, hand on the door, eying Luca

<Klork> You're pretty full of insults and sarcastic remarks, buddy. I'd watch where you throw them out.

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* i am SO sorry about him....

* Anora sits*

* Mondo_Gecko looks over to KT

* Klork closes the door, deadbolting it..

<Mondo_Gecko>'s ok..

<Klork> So help me he comes back..

* `KuroiTenshi shakes her head

* HappyLittleMoron rubs Klork's shoulders* <q> I know...but for sit, heh?

<`KuroiTenshi> he doesn't mean it...

<HappyLittleMoron> Then he shouldn'ta said ti

<`KuroiTenshi> he just.. IS that way.

* Klork mutters..sitting again

<Klork> Then he had better not say it.

* `KuroiTenshi groans, and uses the couch to pull herself up

* HappyLittleMoron massages Klork's shoulder with a sigh* KT...what've you gotten yerself into?

<Mondo_Gecko> Don't worry.. *scottish accent* I've seen bigger chunks a corn in me shite!

* Calantha walks up and peers into the asylum

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his fist

<Calantha> Wow.. the mood in here feels lovely.. heh..

* Anora chokes on her cocoa, giving a bewildered look to Mondo*

* ^Pippen^ jumps onto the couch...lays half on KT's lap

* `KuroiTenshi giggles, then grimaces, and clutches her throat

* Anora mutters, wiping cocoa from her nose*

* Calantha steps in, Mark behind her, looking around

* `KuroiTenshi notices the lizard girl and smiles

* Mondo_Gecko snickers

<Calantha> ...what did I miss?

* `KuroiTenshi looks around

<HappyLittleMoron> ...KTT....answere me

<`KuroiTenshi> thanks, though, you guys.

<`KuroiTenshi> for stickin up for me.

<`KuroiTenshi> ....

<`KuroiTenshi> i don't know, hlm.

<`KuroiTenshi> i've never heard of that group he talked about...

* Calantha blinks

* Klork sighs..

<Klork> FOH..

<`KuroiTenshi> i never even knew cole's last name

<Klork> We've kicked their asses several times..

<Calantha> to Mark *w* well we have perfect timing.. yeesh..

<`KuroiTenshi> i don't even know how luca knew it...

* Mark blinks, taking a look at all the people around*

* `KuroiTenshi smiles at cala, and her friend

* HappyLittleMoron nods in agreement with Klork..* With the way he was ttalkin'...prob'ly had a part in it...

* `KuroiTenshi looks at pippen, and pats the seat beside her

* `KuroiTenshi shakes her head

<`KuroiTenshi> lucas is a racist bastard, but he's not a bad guy.

<`KuroiTenshi> otherwise he wouln't take care of me like that.

* ^Pippen^ looks up...ears perked..

<`KuroiTenshi> even if he thinks i'm a freak.

<HappyLittleMoron> Wehat exactly happened?

* Anora shifts* He just likes to think "lesser" beings depend on him.

* `KuroiTenshi sighs

<Calantha> That is such a messed up statement... *holds up one hand* racist bastard.. *hold up the other hand* not a bad guy... hmmmm...

<`KuroiTenshi> cole is the guy that gave the bad drugs to zac.

<HappyLittleMoron> No shit...

<`KuroiTenshi> you know, my boss? the guy that's in a coma at the hospital.

* HappyLittleMoron nods, continuing to massage Klork's shoulders

* `KuroiTenshi smiles at cala

* `KuroiTenshi hugs pippen, petting her absently

<`KuroiTenshi> well, i got real upset, drugged up, and well... hunted him down.

<`KuroiTenshi> tried to kill him.

<HappyLittleMoron> ...gah...

<Mark> .oO(I knew she said they were different... but whoa... this is crazy...)

* ^Pippen^ baps her tail..happy again

<`KuroiTenshi> keeping in mind i was drugged up, and really out of it, cause my boss nearly died, and i was kinda.... *glances at mondo, and blushes* hung up over a guy...

* `HappyLittleMoron nods a little...

* `KuroiTenshi looks at mark, looking him over

* Calantha tries to hide a smirk toward Mondo

<`KuroiTenshi> anyways, i got drugged up, and tried to kill him.

<`KuroiTenshi> and i bumped into him at the hospital, and he threatend me a bit, shoved me around.

<`KuroiTenshi> i mean, i've seen him around since, but he's never DONE anything.

* Anora settles at the table, just observing..*

<`KuroiTenshi> called me names, made bad jokes.

<`KuroiTenshi> stuff like tat.

<`KuroiTenshi> stalks me a bit.

<Mondo_Gecko> ........

<Mondo_Gecko> you want me to kill him?

<`KuroiTenshi> the other night, i was kinda... stalked. bottles and rocks thrown at me, but i'm not really sure that it was cole...

<Calantha> I'll help?

<Calantha> Heh..

* `HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* Well...stay out of dangerouse situations...don't og out alone at night...hell, during the day should know what parts of town to stay out of...

<`KuroiTenshi> maybe a goon, though.

* `HappyLittleMoron shakes her head..

* `KuroiTenshi shakes her head

<`KuroiTenshi> i dont' know how to find him, shawn. and even if i did, i already tried to kill him.

<`KuroiTenshi> which is what got me into this mes...

* `KuroiTenshi sighs, and looks self pityish

* `HappyLittleMoron rolls her eyes

* `KuroiTenshi shakes her head, suddenly embarased at the attention

* Calantha is obvisouly holding back on saying something, crossing her eyes a bit

* Klork sighs, leaning back to HLM's hands..purring...quiet..

<`KuroiTenshi> anyways, never mind about it.

* Mark snicksers a bit at Cal*

<`KuroiTenshi> it's not like i got attacked tonight,

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..don't worry.. I'm a pretty eficiant hunter

* `HappyLittleMoron continues to massage...

<`KuroiTenshi> that was just my own dumb stupidity.

<`HappyLittleMoron> can happen...*bites off a comment of her own*

* `KuroiTenshi smiles gratfully at shawn

<Calantha> *to HLM* :: You holding back to? Heh.. ::

<Anora> Right. And getting attacked usually comes FROM one's own dumb stupidity..*sighs, sipping hr cocoa*

* `KuroiTenshi shrugs at anora

* Klork melts..smiling...blocking out the conversation

<`HappyLittleMoron> {{No kiddinnng...sheeze...}}}

* `KuroiTenshi britens, and looks at cala, trying to throw the subject

<`KuroiTenshi> anyways, hi, cala!

<`KuroiTenshi> who's ur friend?

* `HappyLittleMoron looks down at Klork and grins softly as she works his muscles

* Anora arches a brow* .oO(My God..)

<Calantha> Oh yeah! Heh.. sorry. This is Mark.

* Klork purrrrrrrrs

* Mark gives a small wave* Sorry for the bad timing? Eheh..

* Mondo_Gecko licks his sharp teeth and heads to the kitchen*

* Klork manages a half-wave to Mark ... very absorbed in the massage

<`HappyLittleMoron> Heh...can't help it...niecta meetcha, Mark...*massagies Klork, just still...kinda discusted with KT's attitude toward the whole thing*

* Mark is still a teeny bit wide-eyed..but is doing pretty well*

<Mark> Nice to meet you..too.

* `KuroiTenshi sticks out a hand

<`KuroiTenshi> i'm KT.

* Mark shakes her hand: Mark.

* `KuroiTenshi smiles

* `KuroiTenshi 's eyes are welcoming, a rare, but natural viloet color. her pupils, however, are erie. a smoky blue, you can almost see fog rolling aroudn in them

* Klork slips back to sleep

<Mark> .oO(Well, she looks human..kinda)

* `HappyLittleMoron kisses the top of Klork's head, resting her arms around his shoulders from behind

* Mondo_Gecko comes out again with chips

* `KuroiTenshi shoots cala a 'he's cute, u've got good taste' wink

<Mondo_Gecko> ...How's Diana? *glances over at her*

<`HappyLittleMoron> Heh...yeah...I'm HLM...the sleeping one here is my husband, Klork...the sleeping one over there *motions to Diana* is Diana...and she back there...*motions to ANora* Is Anora...the big lizard is Mondo *Grins lopsidedly*

<`HappyLittleMoron> Sleepin'...

* Calantha blinks

<`KuroiTenshi> other big lizard.

* Mondo_Gecko gives Mark a little wave

* Diana...sleeps, curled up...veddy human looking and actually looking cute, sweet 'n innocent*

* Anora manages a wave, sipping her cocoa*

<Mark> I've met him *waves back* My name is staring boy.. I mean Mark. Heh.. still sorry 'bout that. You can imagine hearing a story about a dead guy then seeing him is kinda weird...

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> I've heard stranger

* Mondo_Gecko goes over and kneels down by Diana and pulls the blanket on teh couch down around her*

<Mark> .oO(Ok...)

* Klork snoozzzes..

* `HappyLittleMoron manafests a blanket and gently drapes it around Klork after settllng by him and tugging him close

* Diana smiels a little in her sleep*

* Mark blinks at HLM* Whoa.. that's pretty cool.

* `HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly, flashing her fangs a bit* It is a nice blanket, yeah <G>

* Anora sighs, standing* <q> I'm gonna go to bed...*slinks...changing shape to a lanky, but not overly big black wolf..elaborately stretching*

<`HappyLittleMoron> Sleep well, Anora..

<`KuroiTenshi> i heard of a guy once, that stuffed his wife when she died, and positioned her in bed so that he could always have her near.

<`Jullyn> i heard of a guy once, that stuffed his wife when she died, and positioned her in bed so that he could always have her near.

<`Jullyn> beat that one.

* Anora sneezes a little, tail wagging slightly before trotting up the stairs*

<Mark> Hehe.. *sits down on the couch next to KT*

* `Jullyn smiles, and looks him over

<Mondo_Gecko> *he leans over and kisses her forehead gently* *w* pleasent dreams babe..

* Calantha sits down on the arm on the couch next to Mark

<Mark> .oO(She wasn't kidding about him..)

* Mondo_Gecko gets up again and parks himself on the other couch, sticking his face in the bag of chips

* Diana curls up a little under the blanket*

* `KuroiTenshi smiles at mondo and diana

<`KuroiTenshi> .oO(these are such nice ppl...)

* Klork purrs in his sleep, curled up against HLM

* `HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, just holding him close

<`KuroiTenshi> .oO(i can't believe they stuck up for me like that... i feel like i'm in a room full of friends. for like, the first time in my life...)

<Calantha> So.. besides everyone getting riled up over FoH, what have I missed while I was sleeping?

<`KuroiTenshi> we had a wet and wild frat party.

<`HappyLittleMoron> Diana's human again...and she and Klork are now worn out...

* `KuroiTenshi nods, keeping her voice serious

<Calantha> Damn... too bad I sleep during the day.

* Calantha smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

<Mondo_Gecko> frat party?

<`KuroiTenshi> hlm let us fill the place up with soap bubbles

<Mondo_Gecko> *G*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> with togas?


<`KuroiTenshi> mondo stripped naked and danced for us.

<Calantha> I miss those..

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

<Mondo_Gecko> yes..yes I did

<Mondo_Gecko> :D

* `KuroiTenshi giglles

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( boy..was I ever drunk!)

<Mark> Uhh.. glad we missed it then.

* Calantha smirks and kinda hits Mark with her elbow

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I don't even remember it)

* `HappyLittleMoron dozes off with Klork

Session Close: Mon Apr 29 00:03:06 2002

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