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Session Start: Wed Apr 24 09:13:43 2002

* Diana sits in a wheel chair by the window of her room, gazing out...*

* Mitch rumbles through the bowels of the city, encased in a steel shell and a whole lotta darkness, headed for the hospital

* Mitch gets there, having indulged in adjectives enough for the time being, and heads up to Diana's room

* Diana streatches a little, rubbing her shoulder slightly bewilderdly*

* Mitch works his arms a little - yeah, he's sore - before knocking on the doorframe quietly.

* Diana looks up* Hai? Come in...

<Mitch> "Hi, Diana..." *slips in*

* Diana smiles a bit tiredly over to him* Konichiwa, are you...?

<Mitch> .oO(Bruised, beaten, and bewildered. Just another Asylumite.) "Doing okay..." He hooks a chair over and settles, flicking off his glasses tiredly.

<Mitch> "You? Daijoubu?"

<Diana> Better...first day of physical therapy...*shrugs a little and represses a wince with a sheepish grin* Been taking care of yourself?

<Mitch> "Gomen... I'm glad you're, y'know, up on your feet... sometimes..." His lip twitches, a tiny shrug. "Yeah, kinda... putting myself through some therapy of my own."

* Diana smirks a bit and nods* look...worn...

<Mitch> "You look good, though... tired, but good. What're they making you do?"

<Diana> Domo...light resistance...supported walking...*shrugs a little* Things most people would be able to do with ease..

* Mitch pushes himself up, dragging the chair to get over beside her, hitching his hip up on the back. "Don't stress it, tomodachi... it'll come with time... you've been through a hell of a lot, ne?"

* Diana nods a bit* Hai...*smirks a little up at him, hands folded in her lap* I can't help but be impatient...*shrugs*

<Mitch> He shakes his head a little. "I know... and I can't really tell you not to be. Christ, if I was..." He shrugs a little sheepishly. "But you'll get there."

* Diana nods again with a smirk* Hai...I know...what have I been missing...?

<Mitch> "Uh..." He drops into the chair, rubbing his neck and trying to think. "Mrs. Happy gave birth... I don't know if you'd picked up on that?"

* Diana nods a little...* Hai...are are she and the little ones...?

<Mitch> "They're all fine... she's feeling a LOT better... the kids are, y'know, still growing in incubators, but they're gonna be out and keeping people awake right on schedule."

* Diana nods* Good..

<Mitch> "Then there's the usual stuff... this thing with Rislyn... I still dunno just what happened, but somebody tried possessing her so people went over to the other reality, kicked ass, brought her and her brother back..."

<Mitch> "Mondo got kidnapped by traders and hauled to, to Texas, I guess. And that got taken care of, everyone's back again."

<Mitch> "There's a lot of Syan's relatives around... I dunno, tomodachi. It's pretty much business as usual. Seeing a lot of new faces when all is said and done, though."

* Diana just...blinks... and nods* Hai...

* Mitch blinks a little himself and goes over what he just said, mentally... "...Jesus Christ in a padded room. I'm getting too used to that place."

* Diana cchuckles softly* Should I be frightened?

<Mitch> "*I* am." He shakes his head, chuckling wryly. "Anything... how're you doing with the art stuff?"

<Diana> ne...alright...*sits back and rubs her eyes a little* Mostly very shaddowed...

<Mitch> He blinks a little. "-shadowed?"

* Diana nods, reaching over for her drawing pad, flipping it open and showing him one of the drawings...scary, mystical stuff...pretty well done, but looking like something out of a nightmare*

* Mitch adjusts his glasses slightly, taking the pad and putting it at the optimum focal length... he studies it, a little disturbed, but hell, it's not HIS nightmare. "'s very good..."

* Diana smirks a little, eyes returning to the windo* Domo...

* Mitch glances out, checking out the view.

* ain't that good...just a patch of sky between buildings...*

<Mitch> Quietly. "You wanna get out of here for a while?"'

* Diana blinnks and looks over before nodding quietly* <q> Hai, actually...

* Mitch ponders the thought, glances towards the door, and suddenly grins, pulling the cap out from his pocket. "Why the hell not? You've got wheels and they want you to, y'know, get back into your daily routine."

* Diana blinks and chuckles softly*

* Mitch puts the pad on the bed as he pushes himself up, padding over to the door and checking out the hall. "...yeah, we're clear. Elevator's right down there. It's a cakewalk."

* Diana smiles* <q> Domo...

<Mitch> He grins. "Nandammit dai." Getting over behind her, he pushes her out slowly, getting used to the wheelchair's physics.

* Diana chuckles softly, grin curving her lips as they go*

<Mitch> .oO(You're loving this, aren't you.) .oO(Morgan. I'm a thief. I'm stealing the most valuable thing in this hospital. I'm fucking STEALING DIANA. My life's friggin' complete.)

* Mitch gets the elevator open and backs her in, tapping the doors closed and hitting ground floor. "Anywhere you wanna go? In general, I mean?"

* Diana shrugs a little, still grinning* Iie...just...outside...? There's a courtyard in the back...

<Mitch> *tips his hat, putting on his taxi driver face* "Sure thang, ma'am. Courtyard it is."

* Diana chuckles*

* Mitch wheels 'em over and out, and just acts like they're meant to be there, and as it goes nine times out of ten people think they are... he gets 'em out the automatic doors and into the cool air.

* Diana smiles softly, squinting a little in the natural light before her eyes get accustomed to it, breathing in the non-hospital air*

* Mitch just kinda starts a run over the grounds, going nowhere in particular but getting there slowly anyway

* Diana smiles lightly, smaller and paler 'n stuff from being out of action for so long, but a feint hint of happiness actually shining through..*

* Mitch kinda watches her from the corner of his eye, keeping an eye on where they're going, but... .oO(...I don't think I've ever seen her happy. I mean, really happy...)

* Diana...enjoys it <G>*

* Mitch ... enjoys it toooooo... "Not too cold?"

<Diana>'s nice feeling the air...*smirks a bit, glancing up at him* Especially air that does not smell of "hospital"...

<Mitch> He glances at the face of the building. "Windows don't open?"

<Diana> Not not enough to let enough air in...iie...

<Mitch> "Gomen nasai... there's gotta be something we can do about it..." .oO(Well-aimed rock.) .oO(Urusai.)

* Diana shrugs a little*'s alright...with time I will no longer need to be here...

<Mitch> "Don't mean you gotta ignore it. They're only allowed to, y'know, torture you in the name of therapy."

* Diana chuckles softly* Well...hai...that is a good point...

<Mitch> "I'll see what I can do about being annoying enough 'til they do something. Move you to another room, I guess."

* Diana smiles* Domo...I would really appreciate that...

<Mitch> He smiles. "What are tomodachis for?"

* Diana chuckles* Hai...

<Mitch> .oO(At least this time there's something I can do.) "I wonder how long it'll take 'em to notice you're gone?"

<Diana> Ne...another half hour until the nurse comes back...

<Mitch> "Another twenty minutes, and I'll drag you back in... if we, y'know, make this a ninja thing, I can haul you out here for some theraputic breathing whenever you want."

* Diana smiles again, eyes very grateful* Domo, Mitch...this means a lot to me...

<Mitch> "Nandemo dai, tomodachi. I'm just glad I can help."

* Diana smiles up at him again before sitting back with a grin*

<Mitch> .oO(Oh, do that again.) "I oughta hook you up with the Shinmobile..."

* Diana chuckles* "Shinmobile"?

<Mitch> "Yeah... when Shin was in a wheelchair, it got a little customized." He grins, looking up at the city. "Right down to the fuzzy dice."

* Diana laughs softly* Ahh...hai...not someone to get in the way of, ne?

<Mitch> "I dunno. I don't think she ever got around to adding the machinegun."

* Diana blinks a little, that seeming to give her some pause* Hmm...I find myself glad she did not..

<Mitch> "I'm just SURPRISED she didn't. But, yeah. Thing's motorized, bumper stickers, the works. It's wheels with class."

* Diana chuckles softly and shakes her head* Where there many broken toes during this span of time?

<Mitch> "Nah, nobo-" He blinks, lifts a hand to rub his neck. "...nobody ADMITTED any."

* Diana arches her brows lightly, smirking a bit up at him* Ah...I see..

* Mitch shrugs a little, putting the hand back on the... handle. "She's pretty good about that kinda thing. I think we escaped with our toes intact."

<Diana> Good good...*smirks softly*

* Mitch keeps waaalking

* Diana keeps...roooolling...oh joy...oh rapture...*

* Mitch glances at the bank clock across the way... .oO(...shit. I don't wanna do this...)

<Mitch> "...we oughta be heading back in..."

<Diana> Aww...*sighs a little, then smiles up at him again* ...domo...

<Mitch> "Gomen... just wanna keep the future open, y'know?" *starts roooollling... back in*

* Diana nnods with a smirk* Hai...

* Mitch returns her to her room... discretely

* Diana gets returned* Thank you, Mitch...I feel far better than I have in quite a while...

* Mitch smiles and bumps fists as he gets her back around to the window. "Anytime, Diana."

* Mitch checks out the window - why can't it open, anyway?

* Diana smiles, bumping fists back* Hai..

* can't open that widely...just like a crack...meds can make people nuts :P*

<Mitch> "I'm gonna go see who I have to kill to get an open window. Ja ne..."

* Diana chuckles softly* Hai...ja ne...take care and all...

* Mitch slips out, and heads over to the administration to make some flunky's life hell until she gets moved to a room with a window that opens }:D

* Diana...evenutally gets a room with a view and window that can open! Woo*

* Mitch rules!

<Mitch> .oO(Damn. Maybe I can convince the cafeteria that flavor is their friend.) .oO(Don't push your luck.)

* Mitch assists in the move, quietly grabbing the newly-delivered basket of flowers and bringing them to the new location (Site E: Mitch Rules)

* Diana settles in and stuff* Where you the one who sent those...?

<Mitch> .oO(Shit. Should I? Why not?) .oO("Weaseling into people's hearts...") .oO(...shimatta.)

<Mitch> The barest hesitation. "No..."

* Diana smiles a little and nods* Ah...

<Mitch> "You're not allergic or anything, are you?"

* Diana shakes her head* Iie...I like them very much..

<Mitch> "Okay, good." *sets 'em up... somewhere... what does he look like, a florist?*

<Mitch> "I'm gonna go take care of stuff... y'know, tell Mrs. Happy you've switched rooms... see you later?"

* Diana nods* Hai...and domo take care...

<Mitch> "Nandemo dai, tomodachi... you too..."

* Diana nods again, smiling lightly*

* Mitch heads out and for the Asylum, and his step would be bouncier than it usually is if he wasn't so freakin' sore

* HappyLittleMoron 's in the workout room with Iris, who looks much better than she was before, and Brenna, supervising their lesson...

* Mitch comes in the door, ditching the jacket and hanging it on... y'know, something

* HappyLittleMoron 's just bringing Brenna and Iris up the stairs to put 'em to bed...

* Mitch missed his chance to RP with the kids... aww... oh well... he waits downstairs, putting off the exercise room a little longer to talk to Mo

* HappyLittleMoron comes down shortly, running a hand through her hair

<Mitch> "Hi, Mrs. Happy..." How's she look?

<Draconigeno> i gtg all

* HappyLittleMoron looks...ok! Little tired, little worn, but ok

<HappyLittleMoron> Heyas Mitch..

<Mitch> "Listen, I wanted to let you know... they moved Diana to a new room, one with a window that actually opens so she can, y'know, get some fresh air."

<Mitch> He... names the room. :P

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and grins* Great to hear! I'll pay her a visit tomorrow when I bring Brenna to visit the twins...thanks...

<Mitch> "Nandemo dai... how're things here?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Perty good...quiet for once...'snice

* Mitch steps into the exercise room and a tad wearily sets the weights on a pec deck. "I'm not gonna say anything... every time I start to say 'hey, it's quiet, we can relax', a giant robot, y'know, tears the roof off or something."

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* Or someone falls in the pool *winks and streatches a little before unleashing on the punching bag*

<Mitch> "Hey-" He straightens up, looking over his shoulder. "I was there first!"

* HappyLittleMoron grins wickedly

* Mitch 's lip twitches as he pulls himself into the machine's caring arms

<HappyLittleMoron> You want me to beat up on you? <G>

<Mitch> "No, I meant the pool..."

<HappyLittleMoron> OH *laughs, going back to beating up the punching bag* You started a trend...

<Mitch> "Heh... yeah." *clank clank and all that* "Not exactly what I wanted to be known for, but if it works..."

* Mitch alternates, doing ten reps with one pair of arms and then switching off pairs, continuing in this vein for a while

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* True...well...two outa three*shrugs as she works out* That ain't bad...

<Mitch> "...frickin' majority rule, anyway."

<Mitch> He blinks, looking up. "Wait. Three? Two? Huh?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...while back there was another after Revelyn showed of the corpses fell into the pool...

<HappyLittleMoron> Then the newest chick crashed into the pool, too...after we got it all cleaned up...

<HappyLittleMoron> You and she survived...the corpse obviously didn't...

<Mitch> "Yeah, I knew that one... I found the thing..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Ahh...ok...then it's the chick you didn't know about?

<Mitch> "You mean the one hanging around Mondo's neck?"

<Mitch> "Yeah... unless Mondo's picked up some REAL interesting jewelry..."

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* one of 'em, yeah...

* HappyLittleMoron snickers...

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...the boy's a lady-killer for some reason...*shrugs*

<Mitch> *clank clank* "I dunno... the water heater again. Hormones or something. This place just seems to throw people together. Syan's sister... Anora... and then that new guy, Rislyn's brother, who thinks everyone should hate him? I dunno where it's gonna end up, but they only been here a few days and they're already spending a lot of time together."

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* It's the love-shack, what can I say?

* Mitch pauses for a moment, just looking at her. "...think I'll stick with 'Asylum'."

* HappyLittleMoron cackles

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh c' wouldn't enjoy the B52s being cranked up 24/7??

* Mitch blinks. "The what?"

<Mitch> .oO(Isn't that an airplane?)

* Mitch starts throwing himself against the weights again

<HappyLittleMoron> The...B52s...they're a musical group...did the Love Shack...

<Mitch> "...okay..."

<HappyLittleMoron>'ve never heard it?

* Shingami is... ummm... on her way.. home yes... thats right..

<Mitch> "I haven't had what you'd call a classical education in popular culture."

<HappyLittleMoron> Nothin' classical about it...*grins lopsidedly* You want me to sing a lil' of it?

<Mitch> *grunts* "Would I regret it if I said yes?"

<HappyLittleMoron> More than likely...

* Mitch pulls himself off and begins to work on something else... yeah... dumbbells again

<Mitch> "I'll, y'know, I'll take your word for it, then."

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* Oh finefine...*eases up on the punching bag and hmms softly...ooooooohing and picking up a sword to do kata's with, staying a safe distance away from him*

* Mitch stays an even safer distance away from her!

<Mitch> "Feeling all better?"

* Shingami tries to open the door, though having problems carring the banzai tree and bamboo plants...knocks on othe door with her head

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep! Missed this...

<Shingami> taskete! onagai!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Mitch erks and sets the dumbbells down. "Enjoy..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Shin's home...*carefully puts the blade away and gets the door for Shin*

* Mitch , uh... okay... picks 'em up again, settling down as Mo goes to get the door

<Shingami> thankies...

<HappyLittleMoron> No prob...need help carrying...uhm...greenery?

* Shingami has the banzai in on ehand, a dasie plant balanced on her head and the bamboo in another hand

<Shingami> *grins* coudl you grab the dasies?

* HappyLittleMoron smirks and does so...

<HappyLittleMoron> Turnin' yer room into a jungle?

<Shingami> its a sick lant brought it home to take care of it... since apparently my room makes a grat greenhouse.. adn no im not growing pot just poted plants

* Shingami closes the door behidn her

<HappyLittleMoron> Oooookies...

<HappyLittleMoron> Y'should get Kern ta lookit 'em...plants're his thing...

<Shingami> it was a weird day.

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh?

<Shingami> it was oen of thsoe 4 funerals and a wedding kinda day

<HappyLittleMoron> Eeesh...

<Shingami> maybe i will ask kern for a bti fo help this widdle banzai got really sick somehow...

<HappyLittleMoron> Aww..

<Shingami> its a cute widdle tree...

<Shingami> thinkin of bring it over to Diana after it gets better

* Mitch listens in with half an ear, rather disturbed to hear Shingami using a term like "widdle"

* HappyLittleMoron smiles* I'm sure she'd love it...

<Shingami> cool.. jsut gotta ditch this stuff un my room and maybe.. get soemthign to eat...

* Shingami heads for the stairs

<Shingami> hey mitch...

<Mitch> *pumping iron... not a lot of it, but hey* "Hi, Shin..."

* HappyLittleMoron noddles...and follows* Just tell me to put lil' miz daisy here an' I'll be outa yer hair...

* Shingami opens her door, one corner of he rroom defiantly lookin tropical plants and such

<Shingami> on the night stand works

* HappyLittleMoron noddles and sets the plant down, then heads out of the room* See yas downstairs...

<Shingami> akie

* Shingami gets the new plants set up and figures otu the right amount of light and ntrence for the widdle banzai before getting out of her uniform and into somethign less covered in mirical grow

Session Close: Wed Apr 24 20:37:42 2002

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