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Session Start: Mon Apr 22 17:42:37 2002

* HappyLittleMoron 's in the nursery, spending time with the twins and Brenna <G>

* Mitch , down to a tank-top and light pants, steps into the exercise room, looking around at the shadows and the dull glimmer of steel... and the controller puts on Bodyrock...

* Red walks down the stairs, still half asleep

<AriaStormsinger> {{HLM? You around?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Hm? yah...'sup?}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{Oh good. Do you think I could come down and see the little ones now? They--said I can move around in the hospital now.}}

* Red looks around

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Oh need me to go up and getcha or...?}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{I think I can make it. They have a little motorized wheelchair. It's fun.}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{ right down.}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{*chuckles* Ok..}}

* AriaStormsinger strolls via wheel, gets to an elevator, punches in buttons, rides down to HLM's floor, cruises over to the nursery

* Aria appears at the entrance of the room, even shorter than usual, hair kinda dark and unkempt around her face. Most of the bruises have healed up nicely.

<AriaStormsinger> <q, kinda hoarse voice> Hi there. Hey, Brenna.

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and waves her over, there should be enough room for her room to get through...sitting by the incubator with the twins in it...

<HappyLittleMoron> Heya, ya doin'?

* Brenna looks over, smiles, then points proudly to the babies, soft purr in her chest* My baby brothers!

<AriaStormsinger> <q> (to Brenna) Very nice. *rolls up*

<AriaStormsinger> <q> You helping take care of them, Brenna?

* Mitch begins exercising... and like every other self-improvement he's made in his time here, he doesn't do it halfway, pushing himself as hard as he can

* Takeo's just waking up, looking around with an expression saying "boring place...", with his icey eyes*

* Brenna nodnodnods*

* AriaStormsinger peeks in, hands staying on her wheelchair's arms, smiling at the little ones. "They're even cuter in person, HLM."

* HappyLittleMoron grins softly* Thanks...rilly glad that they're doing so well so far...

* Takeo turns his head to semi-watch Aria...not able to focus just yet...*

* AriaStormsinger nods and backs up a bit, moving around the incubater a bit to see them from a different angle.

* Takeo yawns and kicks his legs a little*

<AriaStormsinger> <q> They'll grow up really awesome, I bet.

<AriaStormsinger> *grins*

* AriaStormsinger rolls back and takes a good look at Brenna. "Did you get bigger?"

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly* If we play our cards right, hey will...

* Brenna straightens up and nodsnods* Mama said I grew an inch *smiles, bit of shyness in it, despite her demeanor**

* Elyce comes downstairs, hears Mitch working out, and slips into the kitchen

<AriaStormsinger> <q> You keep that up. You're gonna be as big as your mom soon. And then, maybe if you're really lucky, as big as your dad!

* Brenna nods again with a grin* An' then I c'n do big people stuff!

* AriaStormsinger looks slightly stricken.

* Red heads inbto the living room, coffee in his hand

<AriaStormsinger> <vq> I sure hope so, kiddo.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, ruffling Brenna's hair* Hey, now...don't need to go speeding time up...

* Mitch strains against the, uh... pec deck with his upper arms, doing dumbbells with the lower... there's not a hell of a lot of weight being lifted here, he's NOT that strong, but he's grimly throwing himself into it

* Elyce comes out of the kitchen, smoothing back her blonde hair.

* HappyLittleMoron grins a little and reaches out to touch Aria's shouder gently* ANythin' you wanna tlk about?

* AriaStormsinger blinks up at HLM. <q> "You're an empath on top of everything, aren't you?"

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* <q> Nah...just know how to read people...'sup?

* Red yawns, raising an eyeridge ar Elyce .oO(Must be a newby)

* Elyce nods to Red. "Hello." She's a petite and expensively dressed woman with sharp features, no visible "mutantness" or anything.

<Red> "Hello."

<AriaStormsinger> <q> Not much for now. I think I know what I'm supposed to be here for, but I'd kinda hoped I'd get the chance to have fun on the side, too.

* Elyce sits down on a nearby chair. "Do you live here?"

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, brows furrowed* I'm sure you'll be able to...

* Red nods, sitting down. "Got a room upstairs with my wife."

* TurtleNinja comes downstairs, yawning....

<AriaStormsinger> *shakes her head a little* <q> Not now. I asked the doctor today when I could go back to choir practice. I'm sure I've missed so much.....

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...

* Red smiles to TN

* Elyce looks up, rises gracefully to her feet and offers a well-manicured hand to TN. "Greetings. My name is Elyce."

* Elyce shakes Red's hand too.

<TurtleNinja> Hello. *smiles and shakes her hand*

<TurtleNinja> New here?

* Red smiles "Just got over the flu, sorry if I'm not that talkitive, Elyce."

* Elyce eyes him. "Contagious?"

* Elyce nods to TN. "I am."

* Red shakes his head

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<TurtleNinja> It shouldn't be contagious if we're careful...and welcome to the Asylum. :)

* Red smiles and nods

* Elyce nods and sits back down.

* Red Macroclemys is a 7' 5" Mutant snapping turtle. He is a deep grey/green color and sports a large, ridged carapace. He lacks the spines but he still looks a little like the snapping turtle from TMNT2.

* AriaStormsinger sighs shakily and squeezes the arms of her wheelchair. <q> "She said I probably wouldn't -- wouldn't be able to sing, again. Some kind of damage to the...the vocal cord."

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh no...

* HappyLittleMoron gently squeezes her hand* I'm so sorry...

<AriaStormsinger> *jerks her hand back* Don't touch --

<AriaStormsinger> I mean, thanks.

* AriaStormsinger puts her hand back down and stares at the little ones.

<AriaStormsinger> It'll all be better soon.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and nods a little, drawing back and just holding Brenna...

<AriaStormsinger> How long before they go home to the Asylum?

* Red snugs TN "How're you feeling tonight Aisai?"

<TurtleNinja> Better. Chibi seems to be kicking a bit....not sure just yet.

<HappyLittleMoron> Month or two...depends on how quickly they grow...

<Elyce> Is Chibi your child? *indicates TN's belly*

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

* Red smiles proudly

<TurtleNinja> For now....until Chibi is born and we know it's a boy or girl, it's just "Chibi" for now. But yes...our baby. *smiles at Red*

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm...just glad they're ok...hope to keep 'em that way..

<AriaStormsinger> How about everyone else? Are they back at the Asylum? Is Diana all right?

<AriaStormsinger> *nods*

* Elyce nods. "Is it your first?"

* Red nods "Yep

<HappyLittleMoron> Everyone else seems to be ok...Diana's slowly getting better.e..

* TurtleNinja nods as well, smiling proudly.

* AriaStormsinger nods. "So you think we could have that meeting soon?"

* Red holds TN close, smiling. "So Elyce, how long've you been here?"

<Elyce> At the Asylum? A week, now.

<TurtleNinja> Cool. :)

<Elyce> It's an extraordinary place.

<Elyce> And yourselves?

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...*sighs a little and leans back* I think eeveryone needs a little more time before anything reeally big can be done.e..

<TurtleNinja> Uhhh....almost since the beginning, I think. Heh. Last fall for certain.

* Red smiles and nods

* AriaStormsinger gives HLM a questioning look.

<HappyLittleMoron> ...long story...

<AriaStormsinger> *keeps looking at her, same expression* <q> Okay.

* HappyLittleMoron sighs and shakes her head a bit, stroking Brenna's hair gently* I'm gonna have to tell you when you're a little better, k...?

<Elyce> This is a haven for you?

<TurtleNinja> could say that. :P

* Red hands TN a cup of coffee. Red nods.

<Elyce> I can see why...

* AriaStormsinger nods and leans back, running her fingers through her hair and pulling out some of the bedsnarls

<Red> "About the only place where one doesn't have to watch their backs."

<TurtleNinja> You sure coffee's good for me? :P

* Elyce raises an eyebrow

* Red smiles "My mother drank coffee when she was pregnant with me and I'm normal. More or less."

* Elyce jerks her chin at TN. "I'd avoid it."

<TurtleNinja> -_-

<TurtleNinja> Depends on if we want to see me hyper....

* Red smiles "Point taken love."

* HappyLittleMoron nods a bit, covering a tired yawn

<AriaStormsinger> How long have you been here today?

<HappyLittleMoron> All day...kinda sleep depped...

* Red drinks his coffee

* TurtleNinja sets the coffee down.

<AriaStormsinger> *looks around for a cot in the room* Do they let you sleep here, when you're with Takeo and Torrence?"

<HappyLittleMoron> They would...if I wanted to..

<AriaStormsinger> You say that like you don't want to.

* Elyce eyes the coffee. She stands up abruptly and nods to the two. "It was a pleasure to meet you two. Good luck with your pregnancy, TurtleNinja."

<TurtleNinja> Thank you....enjoy your stay here. *smiles*

<HappyLittleMoron> I don't...want to watch them...*sighs a little and shrugs** It's rough not being able to take care of 'em...

* Red nods and bows to Elyce

<AriaStormsinger> *squeezes a small half-fist* Must make you feel...helpless.

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...

<AriaStormsinger> <q> But it won't last forever. And when they're finally with you, you'll be the best mom ever.

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly* I know...and thanks, I'll try my best...

<AriaStormsinger> <q> Just...have to be patient. And they're in a good place.

<AriaStormsinger> <q> Helder doesn't understand why you won't come to Foss, though. But...I think I do... *glances up at HLM*

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, looking up at Aria and tilts her head, curiouse about her point of view...

* Red Snugs TN as he channel surfs

<AriaStormsinger> <q> You...want to know they're safe. And the people at St. Unpronounceable's already showed you can trust 'em. And they leave us alone. Let us work things out on our own.

<AriaStormsinger> <q> You don't know if people at Foss would do that....

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* <q> Exactly...

<AriaStormsinger> <q> It's okay. They really wouldn't. But it's still okay.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* <q> Thanks...

* Elyce heads over to the workout room and glances in.

* TurtleNinja snuggles Red back, watching TV.

* Mitch is still going, but he's sweating like a hog and breathing hard by now...

* Elyce looks like the type of girl to wrinkle her nose and go off, and tell some gaggle about that gross sweaty guy.

* Instead, Elyce admires Mitch's efforts, if not his, um, effects.

* Elyce slides in unobtrusively and does some stretching.

* Mitch continues... he hauls the dumbbell up, it jerks down... hauls it up... it trembles, halfway up... he gasps, face red...

<Elyce> Move your elbow outward more. You've got the wrong angle. *flat toned*

* Mitch starts moving the elbow out, but his arm gives and he drops the dumbbell, narrowly missing his foot... he hunches over, dropping to one knee and just breathing

<Elyce> You'll breathe better if you keep your chest up.

* Elyce arches over and slides her wrists past her toes.

* Mitch seems about to snap at her, but decides to conserve his energy... he slowly picks himself up, reaches down, and picks up the weight again, basically lifting with his back to get it off the ground

* Elyce winces, watching.

* Mitch starts straining, trying to get it up again, and he's not gonna be able to but he'll be damned if he's going to give up

<Elyce> You're going to do more harm than good. Look. *stands up, dusts off her black-jeaned butt and stalks over to another bench, lifting a dumbbell the same size as Mitch's*

* Elyce, demonstrating perfect form, begins working with it, breathing calmly, body alert

<AriaStormsinger> HLM, maybe if we took video tape of them, you could sleep, and then sit with them and watch teh video tape when you wake up?

* Mitch ignores her, trying... trying... failing, it drops and he hunches over sharply, trying to keep it from hitting the floor

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* Not the same, hon...

* AriaStormsinger half-grins.

* Elyce sighs. "Sore, yet?"

* Elyce puts back her own and goes over to the lat pull.

* Mitch starts to say something - and it doesn't sound nice - but cuts himself off, just holding himself there and choosing his words carefully. "Annoying, yet?"

<AriaStormsinger> I know what you mean.

* HappyLittleMoron grins a little and nods* when're you getting out of here?

* Elyce gives him a sharp look. "You looked like the kind who'll work like hell for what he wants. But you can't get it the way you were just trying."

<Mitch> "Been working so far."

<AriaStormsinger> A couple of days, I hope. They said the air can be dangerous until my lungs are all better.

* Mitch crouches down and picks up the dumbbell - using all four hands, he gets it up easily, despite his exhaustion, and manhandles it back onto the rack.

* Elyce smirks. "Sure, keeping you where you're at. You want to get to the next level?"

* Elyce pulls down about 60 pounds.

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yeah...

<AriaStormsinger> *looks thoughtful* HLM? What's a "second opinion"?

<Mitch> "Fine." He straightens up, running a hand through his hair and shaking the sweat off it. "You're the expert, ne? You tell me what to do."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* Uhm...well...if you're talking about what a doctor said, that's when you go to anotheer doctor to get examined and diagnosed to see if it's the same or different from what the first doctor said...

* Elyce nods. "You're too tired now. Your muscles won't listen. Two days from now, I'll meet you back here, if you're still willing to learn." *drops her last set and gets to her feet, walks over to him* "It's Mitch, right?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Why?

<Mitch> .oO(She's right. It's not like studying, schmuck. Your body won't outlast your attention span.) .oO(Whose side are you on?)

<AriaStormsinger> <q> Helder said he thought I should get one. About singing. But I don't know.

<Mitch> He sighs, and takes a step or two over to one of the bench-oriented machines, dropping down and flicking off his glasses wearily, getting off his feet. "Yeah."

<Elyce> Elyce.

<Elyce> What else do you do besides beat up dumbbells?

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Would probably be a good idea, Aria...I know you love doing it and you havee a very pretty voice...

* AriaStormsinger smiles.

<AriaStormsinger> <q> Thanks. I probably a few weeks.

<Mitch> He lets out his breath slowly - or tries, anyway, as he catches it back. "I work in a library."

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Good...

* Elyce raises a brow. "You? How'd that happen?"

* Mitch looks up rather blindly. "Why not me?"

<Elyce> I didn't have the impression the people at the Asylum worked...well...with the others in this world.

* Mitch sighs. "Arms. Right?"

<Elyce> You noticed.

<Mitch> "It doesn't really work with a tank. But." Rapidly, he folds the lower arms up behind him, slipping them through the armholes of the tank top and tucking them in close to his back... like he said, it really doesn't work with a tank-top, but it's easy to see how they could get lost on a scrawny guy like him with the right clothes.

<Elyce> Impressive. A good adaptation.

* Nox comes down the stairs, looking like she's slowly getting better*

<Mitch> "Want to, y'know, question anything else I do, or can we call it a day?"

* Elyce raises a brow. "And here I thought all men enjoyed my questioning."

<Mitch> "You learn something new every day, don't you."

* Nox goes about making some soup*

* Elyce snorts, then sniffs soup.

* Mitch pushes himself up tiredly, letting the arms back out and rubbing them as he steps past her.

<Elyce> See you in two days. Unless you' some food... *drifts toward the kitchen*

<AriaStormsinger> *indicates the boys* <q> Do they behave differently?

* Nox looks up, noddiing a little to Elyce as she makes soup stuff*

* Mitch would, actually, but doesn't particularly feel like dealing with the attitude that her judgement is the only one that matters - he heads upstairs for a long shower

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Yep...Takeo tends to be a bbit more active than Torrance...but Torrance tends to like starting little bickerings with Takeo...

<Elyce> Hello, Nox. How are you feeling?

<AriaStormsinger> *blinks* <q> Already?

* HappyLittleMoron nods and chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...

* Nox smiles tireedly* A bit better...and yourself?

<Elyce> Still adjusting.

<AriaStormsinger> <q> That's really funny. I wonder...

<Nox> I understand well...

* HappyLittleMoron tilts her head a little

<Elyce> You're making soup? It smells delicious.

<Nox> Would you like some?

* Elyce nods slowly. "That...would be nice." *thinks for a moment, then goes for the cupboard with the bowls*

<AriaStormsinger> <q> I wonder if the chrysalises hatch, will they act that way too?

* Nox smiles a bit as she lets the soup...cook...whatever...*

<HappyLittleMoron> Mebbe...

<AriaStormsinger> <q> Helder says everyone really wants to start scanning and testing them...

<AriaStormsinger> <q> But they're holding off until I can be there, just in case. It might trigger them to hatch. *shrugs* We just don't know anything! It's really frustrating.

* AriaStormsinger coughs a little and shakes her head, tangled hair ends swinging.

* HappyLittleMoron cringees at the "scanning and testing" and nods a little* I guess...*blinks* You ok?

<AriaStormsinger> <vqw> mmph. Talked too loud.

<AriaStormsinger> *rubs at her throat a little*

<AriaStormsinger> <q> How's Klork? Is he at work?

<HappyLittleMoron> Ah...*nods* Yeah...I sorta understand...*leans back, holding Brenna close* Got shot in the throat a few years back...if not for the healing factor, I'd be itt was I didn't have a voice for a good week...

* HappyLittleMoron nods* He's doing pretty well...workin', yeah...

* AriaStormsinger looks up sharply. "But it -- " <q> "got better?"

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...'cause of the healing factor...

* AriaStormsinger looks thoughtful.

<HappyLittleMoron> ..penney for yer thoughts?

<AriaStormsinger> *looks confusedly at HLM*

<HappyLittleMoron> uh..

<HappyLittleMoron> Wanna share what you're thinking...?

<AriaStormsinger> Oh! I...think so.

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a bit, posturee and expression listening...

<AriaStormsinger> After...after the meeting, I dunno, I was just thinkign I might try using healing again.

<AriaStormsinger> <quickly> On myself.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a bit, brows furrowed* Ah...well...might be worth a shot...

* AriaStormsinger watches her thumb trace a circle on the wheelchair arm.

* Elyce checks the living room to see if the big turtles are still in there.

<Elyce> "TN? Red?"

* Nox dishes the soup bowl for Elyce, one for Iris, one for Syan, one for herself and still some left over for whoever wants any*

<AriaStormsinger> <q> You think that's a good idea?

* Red's dozing, his mouth gaping open as he snores

* TurtleNinja looks up.

<TurtleNinja> Hn?

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...I dunno if you'd react alright...

<Elyce> I think there's some soup, if you're hungry.

<AriaStormsinger> <q> Why not?

<TurtleNinja> Oh, thanks! *SMILES*

* TurtleNinja turns and nudges Red gently.

<TurtleNinja> Hon?

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* I'm not an expert on you, hon...if you think you'd be safe, go ahead...

<AriaStormsinger> <q> It can wait.

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

* AriaStormsinger reaches up to trace the glass of the incubator, then pulls her hand back down and gives HLM a brave grin. "Get some sleep. They'll be okay." *glances over at Brenna* "You make sure to play a lot, girl!"

* Brenna smiles and nods* I will...*smiles*

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Will do, take care of yourself...

* TurtleNinja chuckles at Red and decides to let him sleep, standing and heading into the kitchen.

<TurtleNinja> Mm...smells goooood in here....

* AriaStormsinger nods and rolls backwards, moving the joystick and cruising on out

* Elyce nods and points her to the bowls.

<Elyce> Nox, these going upstairs?

* Nox nods* And so am I...

<TurtleNinja> Thanks. *gets out a bowl and dishes up, sitting down* Mm...

<TurtleNinja> What kind is it?

* Elyce shrugs. The good kind.

<Elyce> *sits too* How long before the birth?

* `KuroiTenshi is sitting outside the hospital, bored of the depressing monotinay of the passing days events. she plunks herself down on a curb, and strats tossing pebbles across the street, wondering if she can get them to skip like stones on water, instead of making them bounce....

<TurtleNinja> Hee! Uh...let's see....

<TurtleNinja> Red and I learned iiiiinnn....March I it's been only about a month I think. *blinkblink* Wow, I thought it had been longer. Guess that isn't chibi moving in there....*sweatdrops*

<TurtleNinja> I think it's anywhere from six months to nine months...not really sure.

<Elyce> Good luck.

<Elyce> are babies dealt with New York?

<TurtleNinja> Thank you. :)

<TurtleNinja> How do you mean?

<Elyce> *thinks* How do you help them be born?

<TurtleNinja> Uh, well...a friend of mine is a doctor here...she'll probably help me deliver them.

<Elyce> I was raised in a camp. What we witnessed was not particularly pleasant, but I assume it would be different here.

<TurtleNinja> Ah.

<TurtleNinja> Well, heh....most people have their babies in a hospital. I'll either go to the hospital where Charon works or if I can't get there for some reason, she has a small office in her room here where she could maybe help.

<Elyce> *nods*

<TurtleNinja> Where are you from, Elyce? :)

<Elyce> Another world. My people were the A'tel.

<Elyce> You?

<TurtleNinja> Uh...well, far as I know...New York. Been to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and a few other Japanese cities over the course of my life...but medical scans on me seem to show I'm from another world. I'm not a mutant...but what planet I'm from, they don't know.

<Elyce> And you don't know how you came here?

<TurtleNinja> Uhuh.

<TurtleNinja> My first memories are of New York...moving to Japan as a teenager...coming back here last fall and finding the Asylum here...

<TurtleNinja> If I'm from another planet, then I have no clue how I ended up here on Earth.

* Elyce nods. "Perhaps it was meant to be that way."

* TurtleNinja nods.

<TurtleNinja> I don't mind. *smiles* I have plenty of friends...a husband...a child or perhaps two children on the way...

<Elyce> A new family.

* TurtleNinja nods.

<TurtleNinja> Can't say a part of me isn't curious, but this is my home now. :)

<TurtleNinja> What about you? Are you from outer space as well?

<Elyce> Not exactly...At least, that's not how I traveled. We used portals...

* `KuroiTenshi sighs, and starts wandering around in bordom. she considers going to the asylum, to hunt out mondo, but she sighs, remembering the not so great relationship that developed...

<TurtleNinja> Ah. Another dimension perhaps?

* `KuroiTenshi wonders breifly about hunting down shin, to see if she's up to teaching her to harnes her powers like she promised, but realises she has no idea how to find her.

* `KuroiTenshi gorwls, thinking she should probably get more friends....

<Elyce> It's possible.

* `KuroiTenshi tries to find central park again, but not quite sure how to get there, she just closes her eyes, points, and follows her eyes, praying under her breath that she doesn't get too lost...

<TurtleNinja> How long have you been here on Earth?

<Elyce> On Earth? A month.

* TurtleNinja smiles.

<TurtleNinja> Enjoying your stay?

<Elyce> *looks around* I'm...beginning to.

<TurtleNinja>'s a good place here at the Asylum. Crazy, but, heh, I think that's why we call it the Asylum. ;P

<Elyce> *nods*

<Elyce> It's good to be here. And nice to meet you.

<Elyce> *gets up and clears her place*

<Elyce> Take care of yourself...and your new family.

* `KuroiTenshi shrudders, as the alley ways get darker and creepyer, more from unfamiliarity then from actual atmosphere

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* toto, if this is kansas, the travelguides were lying....

* `KuroiTenshi spins fearfully as she hears maniacle laughter from behind, but it's only some kids playing and running across the street

<`KuroiTenshi> *dumb kids... don't you have a bedtime???...*

* Mondo_Gecko twitches in his sleep

* TurtleNinja finishes her soup and washes her dishes, humming to herself.

* `KuroiTenshi turns as a gruff voice hidden from shadows taunts her from nearby

<weird guy> little girl, you're not from around here. shouldn't you go home??? it's not safe on the streets at this hour

* `KuroiTenshi shrudders, turning slowly to pinpoint the vioce, with no avail.

* HappyLittleMoron walks along the street, Brenna sheltered safely under her jacket...

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* excuse me, do you know how to get to central park???

* `KuroiTenshi 's innocent pleas are met with laughter, nothing else.

* Shingami gets home from her first day back at work, has some birds of paradice, orchids and a few other exhotic flowers in hand

<Shingami> q* taidaima...

* `KuroiTenshi shrudders more, rubbing her arms, feeling chills, if not cold. she continues walking, something in the back of her mind telling her that maybe shes going the wrong way

* Shingami toes off her sneakers and heads upstairs, been basicaly asleep for the last few days

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow, seeing Kuroi up ahead, kinda jogging to catch up...* ...hey...?

* Mitch is in his room, towel around waist, wearily trying to focus on the physics textbook

* `KuroiTenshi looks around her, searching for a sign of trees, a leaf, fresh wind... nothing. just rather dead, roughly kept mini-lawns

<TurtleNinja> Okaeri, Shin! *smiles from the kitchen*

* Shingami goes into he rroom, arranging soem of the flowers in a vase before taking oen o fthe birds of paradice and heading for Mondo's room

<Shingami> {{Hey tn}}

* `KuroiTenshi turns around, scared at the voice and footsteps, scared it'll be another freaky guy, or some overpowering 13 yr olds

<TurtleNinja> {{How're you tonight?}}

<Shingami> {{tiard worked my rear off}}

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and arches a brow, still holding her sleep daughter close* Uh...Kuroi, right?

* `KuroiTenshi squints, trying to see in the darkness. she doesn't recognize hlm at first, but as the form grows closer, she vaguly remembers it

<TurtleNinja> {{Good day?}}

* `KuroiTenshi a smile of relief graces her face, and she nods

<`KuroiTenshi> you're... hlm? that nice lady from the hospital, right?

<Shingami> {{ a bussy one... though had to bring everythign inside.. since it started to snow}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...*grins lopsidedly* Whatcha doin' out so late at night...?

* `KuroiTenshi notices the child in hlm's arms, and thinks hopes this isn't such a bad neighborhood, wlse a mother prob won't bring a baby near it

<TurtleNinja> {{Snow? This time of year?}}

<Shingami> {{yep}

<TurtleNinja> {{Wow. Hehehe. Frosty. Bet it won't last. :P}}

* Shingami knocks lightly on Mondo's door

<`KuroiTenshi> um...

<`KuroiTenshi> i'm...

<`KuroiTenshi> *think of something smart, think of something smart*

<`KuroiTenshi> shopping???...

<`KuroiTenshi> *d'oh*

* Mondo_Gecko jerks away and runs his hand down his sweaty face, his chest rising and falling

<Shingami> {{ not too much longer}}

<Mondo_Gecko> ...w.who is it?

<Shingami> Mondo?

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows and looks around* Eeeeeeeeeeeyah...*shifts Brenna a little and strokes her hair softly, the little girl starts purring softly* Y'got a place ta stay?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Shin?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Hey..

<Shingami> Its shin...mind if i come in?

* TurtleNinja hums and finishes the dishes before heading to her room to pay her bills....

* `KuroiTenshi nods, but then frowns, remembering that the guy that lets her in the house is still unconscious at the hospital, and the nurses finally kicked her out for health reasons. they couldn't get the room's thrmostat fixed, or something...

<Shingami> yeah

<`KuroiTenshi> not really....

<Mondo_Gecko> Um..*his voice sounds shakey*

<Mondo_Gecko> S..Sure

<`KuroiTenshi> i thought i'd go hunt down central park...

<`KuroiTenshi> climb a tree or something.

<Shingami> can i come in?

<`KuroiTenshi> avoid the big spiders and werewolves.

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...'s snowin'...stay at the Asylum fer a while...we got rent too...

<`KuroiTenshi> the... asylum???

* Shingami goes into mondo's room quietly, flower first

<`KuroiTenshi> *live with crazies???? well, she either thinks i'm nuts or she's not around a lot of teens....*

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* PLace I co-own...uhm...asylum as in..."safe haven"...not "crazy house"... *pauses, then mutters* though sometimes it resembles a crazy house more than anything...

<`KuroiTenshi> the snow doesn't really bother me.... i mean..

<`KuroiTenshi> um....

* Mondo_Gecko looks up at side of his jaw is black and eye on the other side purple adn swollen shut

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( Jesus..I must look like a mess)

<`KuroiTenshi> *knows that last time she met hlm she was drugged up, but she's not sure if shes redy to bunk in with THEM either....*

<Shingami> brought somethin.. ta cheer you up


<`KuroiTenshi> *w* i don't really have money....

<`KuroiTenshi> my boss is in the hospital, and i'm not getting paid till he wakes up...

* Mondo_Gecko swallows thickly...his ego hurting far more than any part of him

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* 'Sup ta you...*shifts Brenna a little again, the lighting making her look even more tired than before* 'Sokay...y'c'n make up for it then...

* Shingami nearly drops the flower, but calms herself down

<Shingami> great maker what happend to you

* `KuroiTenshi smiles, apreciatively. bunking with druggies still might be better then living in a grotto at zacs...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* guess not

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* thanks...

* Mondo_Gecko looks down

<`KuroiTenshi> i think i'd like that...

<`KuroiTenshi> i mean, if there's room...

<`KuroiTenshi> and i'm not a bother...

<`KuroiTenshi> or anything else...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...she brought me flowers? cheer me up??)

* `KuroiTenshi shuts up, realizing she's blabbering again

<Shingami> ive been asleep since friday night... woke up this morning because i got called into work. been there all day

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* um...something..really crappy

* TurtleNinja comes back down and puts the bills in the appropriate mailbox and then plunks down to watch TV.

* HappyLittleMoron smirks*'s ok...c'mon...don't want Brenna here getting sick...*starts leading for the Asylum*

<Shingami> i can tell.. you ahve anythign i can put this on?

* `KuroiTenshi coos gently at the child

* Mondo_Gecko motions to the beside table*

<`KuroiTenshi> *it's gotta be a safe place if a baby sleeps there, right???*

* Brenna murmers softly before her ice blue eyes open and look bewilderdly at Kuroi*

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...I'm not the kinda guy that keeps vases

* Shingami hummms

<Shingami> got any empty bottles?

* Mondo_Gecko gets up, you can see his back now, he's just wearing boxers..his backs been whipped

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* you have pretty eyes, little girl. like Xena.

<Shingami> oioi sit down... ill find something

* Mondo_Gecko goes into his closet and comes out with an empty JackDaniels bottle..he's drunk the whole thing himself..there's way more empties in the box...he goes to the window ledge and smashes the neck off and chucks it to the ally and goes to the sink and fills it with water, not even wincing when he's cut*

* Brenna smiles* Thank you...

* Mondo_Gecko comes back

<Mondo_Gecko> ..this?

* `KuroiTenshi smiles. it's been a long time since she's seen a little kid this close. she falls in love imediatly

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* what's ur name??? i'm KT.

<Shingami> .. will work...

* Brenna rests her head on her mom's shoulder with a sleepy smile* Brenna nice to meet you, KT...

* Shingami takes the bottel. bittign the end of the flower off so it sucks up water better and puts it in, setting it down on th ebedside table

<Shingami> anyone take a look at your wounds yet?

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head

<Mondo_Gecko> naw

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and sits back on the bed, rubbing his belly a little

<Shingami> stay put... ill grab you soemthin ta eat.. then take a look at those booboos of yours.

* `KuroiTenshi blinks*din't shawn know a little girl named branna??.... naw.... ur just leaping buildings, kuroi*

* Mondo_Gecko nods and sighs heavily...he seems very quiet now

* Shingami smiles a little and heads back downstairs

<Shingami> (( payback time))

* HappyLittleMoron ...for sake of sanity...gets there with KKuroi, opening the door for her* Here we be...

* `KuroiTenshi walks as close as she thinks is apporpiate to a near stranger/potential landlord, thing to memorize the road, in case her directionally impairedness takes her back someday

* `KuroiTenshi blinks, gaping

<`KuroiTenshi> *aw... CRAP*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks bewilderdly...

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* i know this place....

<HappyLittleMoron> ...heh...oh?

<`KuroiTenshi> *know. yeah. i drowned in the friggen pool a week ago*

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* shawn lives here....

* Shingami makes... PB&J

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a little and nods* <q> Heh...had a hunch...he's...not doin' so hot...gonna be up in his room for a while...

<Shingami> (( ok so my culanary skills arnt workign tonight...atleast i can wield a butter knife))

* `KuroiTenshi slowly dawns on her that this might not be such a great idea... but where else dows she have to go???

<`KuroiTenshi> um...

<`KuroiTenshi> i don't know....

<`KuroiTenshi> we're not...

<`KuroiTenshi> what if he doesn't...

<`KuroiTenshi> i mean...if he's not feeling good, i don't want to make him worse...

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...*shifts brenna again, who's fallen asleep again, purring softly still* Play it by ear...? Streets ain't the best place ta be...learned that from experiance

* `KuroiTenshi closes her eyes, remembering cole's threats, and nods, following hlm through the door, trying to play 'neutral'

* TurtleNinja looks up from the TV.

<TurtleNinja> Hello.

* `KuroiTenshi blinks

<`KuroiTenshi> hi.

<Shingami> TN we got any OJ left?!

<HappyLittleMoron> Heyas, TN...*leads over to the desk after closing the door behhind Kuroi* Got some rules ffer ya ta follow...gotta pull yer own weight in clean up after rent, when you can *grins a little, understandingly* Keep personal fights out of here and to a minimum, and to respect others privacy...

<`KuroiTenshi> *blinks again* that was a turtle.

<TurtleNinja> Uh, I think so.

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep...

* `KuroiTenshi nods, absently.

<`KuroiTenshi> sure...

* TurtleNinja shuts off the TV and stands, walking over.

<`KuroiTenshi> yeah. anything. i'm real good. can clean. can cook a bit too... i work in a deli...

<TurtleNinja> Welcome to the Asylum. *smiles to Kuroi*

* Shingami serches for the OJ, beating bakc the mold monster behidn the mayo and pouring two glasses

* HappyLittleMoron opens the book* just need you to sign here...*snags a key*...and the number on the door matches the one on the key...

<`KuroiTenshi> *two big turtles and a big lizard. there is something REALLY odd about this place.*

* `KuroiTenshi gives hlm a lookover, trying to hide her sketisism

* Shingami takes the sandwiches and Oj and heads for the stairs.. then stops dead

* HappyLittleMoron slips her shades off, eyes green on black, and grins, friendly save for the fangs* We're a safe house for mutants and others who are hunted by people who fear the different...

<Shingami> *blink* hi
* `KuroiTenshi digs around in her really big pockets for a pen, giving a glance at TN, and at hlm's teeth, takes a REALLY big breath, and signs her life away

<`KuroiTenshi> *i can handle that... maybe they won't be too harsh on me when they notice the heating bills gone up...*

* TurtleNinja smiles and then looks to HLM.

<TurtleNinja> Nee, HLM, I got this month's bills in just a lil' while ago.

* `KuroiTenshi takes off her sunglasses, looking at hlm with her smoky blue pupils

* `KuroiTenshi smiles, shyly

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* i'm different too.

<`KuroiTenshi> it's nice to know i'm not... alone...

<Shingami> Oh.. Bills.. umm yeah eheh.. ill egt thsoe to you soon HLM Promise

<HappyLittleMoron> Kewlness, TN *grins to Kuroi and nods...nodding to Shin too* K, Shin...and, yeah...figgered it'd be easier with other "different" people around...

* `KuroiTenshi turns, noticing shin for the first time. a big grin spreads ear to ear

<`KuroiTenshi> Hi!!!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and smirks, heading upstairs to put Brenna to bed for the night

* Shingami nods

* `KuroiTenshi waves at the disapeaing brenna

* Brenna wavels sleepily back*

<`KuroiTenshi> *well, THIS is a nice place.*

<Shingami> Hey

<`KuroiTenshi> i'm so glad you arn't all crack addicts.

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<`KuroiTenshi> um... *blushes* i mean... um...

<TurtleNinja> Coffee addicts some of us, dunno 'bout crack tho. :P

<`KuroiTenshi> yeah.

<Shingami> id sooooo love to chat it up with you right now KT .., demo i.. have something i really need to take care of right now.

<TurtleNinja> I prefer chocolate myself, though. ;P

* `KuroiTenshi nods, and smiles

* `KuroiTenshi grins at TN i've got a thing for ice cream.

<TurtleNinja> Ice cream's good. :)

* Shingami heads upstairs carefuly balancing dindin...knocks agsin on Mondo's door

<Mondo_Gecko> C'm in

<`KuroiTenshi> so...

* `KuroiTenshi stands a bit ackwardly in the middle of the living room.

<`KuroiTenshi> i'm Angela Black. KT for short.

<TurtleNinja> Nice to meet you. *smiles* I'm TurtleNinja. TN for short.

* `KuroiTenshi grins, and looks at the snoring 'tortise'

<`KuroiTenshi> hi!.. um./.. nevermind.

<`KuroiTenshi> this is a nice place.

* Shingami blinks.. ummmmms and.. manages though shear luck to open the door with her bare foot

<Shingami> (( i love yoga))

<Shingami> umm hope.. PB&J is ok with you

<`KuroiTenshi> i knew that shawn lived here, but i never really met the other residence sides shin.

<`KuroiTenshi> i din't realise there were so many... um... ppl here.

* Shingami goes into Mondo's room shutting the door behind her and walking over to mondo

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<Shingami> Dinner.. how ever so simple... is served

<TurtleNinja> Yeah...we're in and out and Red here...*pats her sleeping hubby sleeping on the sofa next to her* and I have been sick with the flu for awhile...just recently felt well enough to come down without fear of spreading it about.

* HappyLittleMoron comes back down the stairs streatching expansively...

* `KuroiTenshi smiles

<`KuroiTenshi> that's good.

<`KuroiTenshi> sick sucks.

<`KuroiTenshi> i remember the last time i got sick. threw up all over the place.

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks

<`KuroiTenshi> it wasen't prtty.

* `KuroiTenshi notices hlm, and blushes again

<HappyLittleMoron> Mmm...pleasent thought that...*smirks and heads into the workout room, in gi-pants and a sports bra*

<`KuroiTenshi> it's ok, though,..,, i ahven't been sick in a long time, and i'd clean up after myself and...

<`KuroiTenshi> stuff...

<Shingami> Shawn?

<HappyLittleMoron> No worries

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<TurtleNinja> It's ok.

<Mondo_Gecko> *his smile is weary and beaten* ..thanks

<HappyLittleMoron> Trust me...*starts beating up on the punching bag* It can get messy here sometimes...we all pitch in in cleaning up the place

<TurtleNinja> Yup. Oh! Got the pool clean the other night, HLM!

<Shingami> no problem.. skipped lunch today at the shop.. started to snow...

<`KuroiTenshi> yeah... i might have damaged that the other night....sorry.

* Shingami sets Mondo's dinner beside him, sitting on the floor to eat

* `KuroiTenshi watchs in rapture at hlm ponding the bag *poor bag.*

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks! Though you damn well better take it easy as time goes on...don't want your little one stuck in an incubator like mine are...

<`KuroiTenshi> ???

<HappyLittleMoron>'s ok...*poundpoundpound* Isn't the first time we've had someone fall into our pool...

<`KuroiTenshi> is that y u were in the hospital? babies???

<`KuroiTenshi> ur so lucky....

* the bag has a big stripe of ducktape aorund it now*

* Mondo_Gecko takes it and starts eating rather quickly

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep...twins...*grins lopsidedly, not looking like a woman who gave birth what...a week ago?* Just had a c-section not long ago...thanks...

<`KuroiTenshi> ouch...

* Shingami eats abotu a quarter of it... then offers it to mondo

<Shingami> dozo

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* s'ok

* TurtleNinja nods and smiles.

<HappyLittleMoron> Among other when anesthetics don't work either...

<TurtleNinja> I'll be careful, HLM. It wasn't that tough. Perhaps I should, heh, work on dishes and the like, eh?

<HappyLittleMoron> If you want...sure...though Mitch tends to do those when he feels like it...

<Shingami> you look like you need it mro ehten me

* `KuroiTenshi cringes

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs a bit

<`KuroiTenshi> you wanted a natural birth?? ur a brave woman.

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...

* Mitch ... sleeps

* TurtleNinja nods.

<HappyLittleMoron> Couldn't have a natural birth...that's why they cut me open...

<HappyLittleMoron> Painkillers just don't wokr on me

* Shingami splits it in half

<Shingami> here

<`KuroiTenshi> oh? *looks a bit lost, and stis on the floor, watching hlm pound the bag* no one's invented strong enough asprin?

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and takes it, eating

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little* Don't think they can...

<Shingami> you dotn ahve to tell me what happend... less you really want to.

<HappyLittleMoron> My body takes chemicals and just...I dunno...obliteeratess them right away...part of the healing factor I guess...

* TurtleNinja leans on the sofa, watchign the two.

* Mondo_Gecko looks down

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* ..mutant traders

<`KuroiTenshi> healing factor???

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<`KuroiTenshi> like woverine from the comics???

* Shingami pauses... then nods getting up again

* HappyLittleMoron snickers and nods* You have noooooo idea...

<`KuroiTenshi> cool... that must be why you look so good for a new mother.

<Shingami> back in a flash

<`KuroiTenshi> you should get one of those really big asprins that are made out of chocolate. i bet ur body could handle chocolate.

<`KuroiTenshi> it'd be a shame if it didn't...

* Shingami heads back over to her room, grabbing the emd kit she uses on herself, a very very well stocked kit, and heads back into mondo's room

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Thanks...oh sure it can handle pretty much everything...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooohh...I should show you some of the things I can do...*pauses* Unless you have a weak stomach...

<TurtleNinja> They make chocolate-flavored aspirins?

* `KuroiTenshi cocks her head like a lost puppy, rumabing through her brain for memories, an involentary chill creeps down her spine

* `KuroiTenshi smiles.

<`KuroiTenshi> i'm 17. i can handle anything.

* `KuroiTenshi nodnods at tn

* HappyLittleMoron steadies the bag and grins wickedly

<Shingami> a first aid kit that would make any EMT's kit look like a box of bandaids

<TurtleNinja> Mmmm....chocolate aspirin.....

<`KuroiTenshi> i saw them once in Los G. there like, half a foot, and there big huge circles with "aspirn" written on it in icing

* Mondo_Gecko heh's softly

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* I can see

<TurtleNinja> Hee...sounds yummy

* `KuroiTenshi smiles

* HappyLittleMoron hmms softly and manafests a metalic rod, filed to a sharp point at one end, just kinda watching Kuroi ponderously...

<`KuroiTenshi> it's one of the ..few.. things i miss about home.

<Shingami> mind if i patch you up?

* `KuroiTenshi raises an eyebrow, and waits, hesitaingly

<`KuroiTenshi> *i can take it, i sat through the movie "blade" i can take this....*

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* cool.... ya gotta teach me that

* HappyLittleMoron hholds the opposite arm up and suddenly, without warning rams the pin through her forearm, stopping when her arm is halfway along the length of it, not even grimacing

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* Go-ahead..

* `KuroiTenshi stands quickly, startled

* TurtleNinja tries not to wince.

<`KuroiTenshi> um....

* after a few long moments the pin falls in two seperate peices, her arm completely healed*

<`KuroiTenshi> you want a bandaid or somthin?....

* `KuroiTenshi tries VERY VERY hard not be for scared, or grossed out, or run away screaming

* Shingami sits on the edge of the bed pullign out what is needed and starts on his back, being as gentel as she possably can

<`KuroiTenshi> *vq* something with snoopy on it?.....

<Shingami> tell me if i hurt you ok?

* HappyLittleMoron bends to pick them up* Nah...*grins lopsidedly* I'm ok, see? *whipes the little bit of blood off, offeering the two peices of pin to her to show her the smooth edges from where it used to be one*

* `KuroiTenshi reaches out tentivly to touch hlm's arm

<`KuroiTenshi> wow....

<`KuroiTenshi> at least we know where to go when we can't find a breadkinfe....

* Mondo_Gecko hurts..and feeling fingers touching him is unnerving..but he stays put, biting his lip..eyes downward

* HappyLittleMoron 's ok...just...y' arm, then snickers, unsheething her claws, yeah, like Wolvies claws, from her free hand* That's where these come in handy! *resheathes 'em*

* `KuroiTenshi jumps back

<`KuroiTenshi> whoa...

<`KuroiTenshi> um... what do you... where did you.... COOL!!!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, unsheething them again and holding her hand out so Kuroi can see...bone claws, diamond sharp* can look...just...don't touch, they're sharp

* Shingami takes care of Mondo's wounds as fast as she can but still doing a through job, last thign to do is his jaw

* `KuroiTenshi grins, stupidly, and reachs out to touch, but withdraws at the warning

<`KuroiTenshi> wow!!!

* TurtleNinja smiles, watching.

<`KuroiTenshi> ur like, wolvie, but a chick.

* Mondo_Gecko looks up..his normally shiny eyes are dull

<`KuroiTenshi> and not as old.

<Shingami> lemme see your jaw...

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* Done?

<Shingami> Almost doen Hot Stuff..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs..his head down..

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* ...ok

* Mondo_Gecko looks's got a bit of a cut ont he purple swollen bruise

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Not nearly as hairy either...*smirks and resheethes her claws* Got more powers, too *shrugs*

<`KuroiTenshi> wow... did it hurt when you got that in???

<`KuroiTenshi> or out?

<`KuroiTenshi> or whatever

<HappyLittleMoron> Hm? Oh they hurt like hell when they first came out, yeah...

<`KuroiTenshi> i bet it must've been a scare.

* Shingami treets his jaw just as carefuly as the rest of him

* Mondo_Gecko winces a little

<Shingami> there all done...sorry if that made you uncomfertable...

<HappyLittleMoron> was...*shrugs a little*

<`KuroiTenshi> happily painting the house one minute, ripping it to shreds the next,

* `KuroiTenshi looks over at TN

<`KuroiTenshi> do you have neat stuff too??

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

* Shingami smiles a little for him

<Shingami> just take it easy ok?

* TurtleNinja grins.

<TurtleNinja> Well....*extends her talons that are like an extention of her fingernails like cat's claws* I have these.

* `KuroiTenshi blinks

<TurtleNinja> They're like cat's claws, in a way.

<`KuroiTenshi> i guess no one has trouble opening a bag o chips round here.....

<`KuroiTenshi> i never knew turtles had claws.

<`KuroiTenshi> just... fins.

<`KuroiTenshi> or somin.

* Shingami sighs and hugs him gently

<Shingami> im sorry this happend to you big brother...

* Mondo_Gecko catches himself before he flinches

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* I'm sure it'll get better...

<TurtleNinja> Well, they do...although I don't know if I've ever seen a turtle with claws like mine.

* Mondo_Gecko slowly wraps his arms around her back..she can feel he's shaking a little

<Shingami> dotn meen to make you feel weird, i dotn kwnwo aht they did to you but whatever it was you didnt deserve it

<`KuroiTenshi> *w* i wish i had claws or somthin.

<`KuroiTenshi> i'd feel alot safer when i'm wandering around this city.

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...*rubs her arms a little and shrugs* I dunno...

<TurtleNinja> There's always training...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...most of us know one form of martial arts or another...

* `KuroiTenshi stares at the battered bag

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* bad shit Shin...bad shit

<Shingami> *q*im sorry i wasnt there to help you

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( am I that obvious?)

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little and then kisses her forehead

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* don't worry about it

<`KuroiTenshi> shin said that she'd teach me some stuff when she gets time, but i don't think i'll ever be able to do THAT

* Shingami blinks

<Shingami> i owe you so i worry

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* ...beat up a punching bag?

* `KuroiTenshi can practically hear the bag groaning, and thanking her for distracting hlm from her pounding

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

* `KuroiTenshi walks over and punches the bag as hard as she can.

* it doesn't even swing

<Mondo_Gecko> ...owe me?

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

* Shingami nods

* `KuroiTenshi pokeys the bag

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, taking up a stance* Try standing like this...*lets loose a punch once Kuroi is clear of it, setting the bag a swing* Punch with your whole I just did...and...heh...when you make the fist, make it like this *shows her how so her thumb won't get broken*

* it scoffs her, evilly*

* TurtleNinja chuckles, watching.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...fer...what?

<Shingami> helpin me out

* `KuroiTenshi blinks, and tries coping her moves as best she can. her platforms get in her way, so she kicks them off, shrinking half a foot

* `KuroiTenshi tries the stance again, going through the same motion as hlm, slowly, then once more, in a real atempt

<`KuroiTenshi> OW!!!!

<TurtleNinja> You ok?

* `KuroiTenshi yelps, and shakes her hand

<`KuroiTenshi> *bloushes, and giggles* i think i did that wrong.

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh!'ll hurt 'till you toughen your hand up...*offers to look at her hand...*

<Shingami> want me to get you anythin else?

* `KuroiTenshi tries to hide it, a touch of frost growing on her knukles

<`KuroiTenshi> i'm ok.

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little at her

* `KuroiTenshi smiles again, and tries the punch once more, managing to make a cool plop sound and swingin the thing a whole 2 inches

<Mondo_Gecko> ..heh..helping you?'s ok..

* `KuroiTenshi grins happily.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and nods, watching her and folding her arms over her chest* Nice..

<`KuroiTenshi> *yeah, i'm so great. (mentally does a arnie swasanegger stacne)*

* TurtleNinja smiles, watching and nodding.

* Shingami nods and gets up off the floor

* `KuroiTenshi a bit of frost, like frezzer burn is left on the punching bag. KT notices this, and frowns, trying to wipe it off before the other two notice

<`KuroiTenshi> *funny... my hand doesn't hurt that much...*

<Shingami> i... have somethin to take care of...i'll be back later ok mondo?

* Klork pushes the front door open, looking around..

* TurtleNinja looks over, hearing the door open.

<Klork> Heloooo??

* HappyLittleMoron hns...then looks up and peeks out of the workout room* Hiiiiiii honey!

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* Sure babe

* `KuroiTenshi switches stance to southpaw, tring the punch with her other hand

* Shingami gives mondo a littel kiss on an undamaged cheek

<TurtleNinja> Okaeri, Klork! *smiles*

* Klork wavvess

* `KuroiTenshi yelps in pain again, frowning at the sudden extra hardness at the bag

<Shingami> get some rest okie?

* `KuroiTenshi looks up as the new guy walks in

* Klork closes the door..

* `KuroiTenshi waves, shyly

<Shingami> thanks...

* Shingami makes sure the flower is ok, takin the dishes and heading back out

<Klork> What's up..?

* TurtleNinja looks over at Kuroi.

<TurtleNinja> You ok?

<Shingami> night...

* HappyLittleMoron heeads over to give him a hug and kiss, in gi pants and a sports bra* Nadda

* Klork tosses his back pack over the couch, hanging his coat up on the rack and heading towards the HLM

<Klork> Good good..OOohh, workin' out? *grins impishly*

* `KuroiTenshi nods, but gives her hand, and the bag a worried frown

* `KuroiTenshi shakes her head, not wanting to ponder it, and smiles at klork

* HappyLittleMoron winks* I gotta get back in shape somehow *grins lopsidedly*

* TurtleNinja watches, a bit worried.

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit and lays bacl

<Mondo_Gecko> Night

* Mondo_Gecko curls up, closing his eyes

<`KuroiTenshi> she's teaching me how to hurt inaamite objects.

<`KuroiTenshi> it's fun.

* Shingami deposits dishes in the pile in her room vowign agin to take care of them at a later date... and grabs a bamboo vase, with two orchids and some askura blossoms and... knocks on Mitch's door

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and nods* Everyone needs to hurt innanimate objects every now and then

* Mitch is SO asleep

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<Shingami> (( woudl eh even be in tonight?.. i dont know... wait sint the guy suppsoed to bring the girl flowers.. well im backwards enough already so it doesnt matter))

* Klork chuckles, glancing at Kuroi

<Klork> Ah, cool .. *nods* Punching bag is a good example. *pauses and eyes HLM* What sorta inainimate objects?

* `KuroiTenshi points at the poor, sad, dact taped bag

<`KuroiTenshi> just that.

* HappyLittleMoron smiles innocnetly* Oh...just the punching bag...honest!

* TurtleNinja giggles and nodnods!

<TurtleNinja> Just the punching bag. :P

<Klork> Uh huh....*arches a brow* Three women and a punching bag..*holds his hands up, inching towards the stairs* And a shwoer that hails me, I'm goin' to safety *smirks, jogging up that way*

* Shingami slips in and leaves the flowers on a table before slipping out again

<HappyLittleMoron> Hehe...don't want company? <G>

* Klork smirks back at her

* TurtleNinja giggles.

<Klork> I was hopin' to make it quick unfortunately *winks* Maybe later tho *grins, jogging out of sight*

<TurtleNinja> Poor guy...scared off by too much estrogen. ;P

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and snaps her fingers, heeading back to the workout room

<HappyLittleMoron> I know...most would be more than happy to stay...*winks and smirks*

* `KuroiTenshi giggles, felling happy and safe around these nice ppl that can kick the butts of anyone who threatens her

* Shingami heads back to her room to sleep for a few hours before its back to the flower shop at 4 am

* TurtleNinja giggles.

<TurtleNinja> Ooh, kinky. :P

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep...always 'n ferever...*snags a bo and starts in on a nasty lookin' kata*

* TurtleNinja watches.

* `KuroiTenshi prods the punchingbag lightly, satisfied that it's thawing, before watching hlm with undisguised awe

* `KuroiTenshi laughs, clapping

* HappyLittleMoron grins and bows once she finishes that kata* Geeeze...ego-boost night...

* `KuroiTenshi frowns at her hands, realizing that the frost still hasen't come off her knucles\

<`KuroiTenshi> *maybbe i'm just tired....*

* `KuroiTenshi grins at hlm

<`KuroiTenshi> your really amazing, and i'd love to stay and watch and learn more, but... i think i should get to bed.

<`KuroiTenshi> i gotta open the resturant tommmorw

<HappyLittleMoron> take care...

<`KuroiTenshi> maybe tommorow, if your not to busy, you can show me more???....

<HappyLittleMoron> Onec i get back from the hospital and errands...sure...

* `KuroiTenshi an admiring, pleading smile joins her hope

* TurtleNinja grins and laughs.

* `KuroiTenshi grins, and smiles, pauses, and bows at hlm like she sees in the movies, and takes off down the hall to find her new room

<TurtleNinja> Nitenite Kuroi. Take care 'n sleep well, 'kay?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and smirks a bit, waving

<HappyLittleMoron> Sheeze...that ain't somethin' I'm used ta...hero worship or whatever...*smirks and goes into another kata*

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<TurtleNinja> I don't see why're awesome! :)

* Klork jogs down the stairs in sweats and a wifebeater

<Klork> Prepare for yer' ass kickin, Mo! *cackles*

* Klork pokes his head into the workout room .. winking

<Klork> Hi!

<HappyLittleMoron>, you know what I like *winks back* Heya love *grins lopsidedly*

* TurtleNinja grins, watching.

<Klork> I think I'll take you up on that spar you offered..*heads in, tying his hair back

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Weapons or no?

<Klork> hmm .. none for t'night *smirks* *starts stretching* Lemme just get warmed up first..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and nods, doing a kata while he warms up* Okie,'s the hand...?

* Klork shifts, watching the cast on his left hand as he warms up

<Klork> It's ok.. still casted so I'll have a handicap..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...should make us even then...

* Klork nods, getting into a stance

<Klork> ready...?

* HappyLittleMoron noddles, putting the bo up on the wall aned taking a stance up opposite him* You bet..

* TurtleNinja watches from a vaulting horse.

* Klork smirks ...bowing...then circling..bouncing on the balls of his feet

* HappyLittleMoron bows in return, circling with him, her movments less...bouncy <G> smoother...she lets lose with a quick kick to one of his knees

* Klork hops back, cackling

<Klork> Ya miiisssed meee...*grins, waggling his eyebrows before trying the exact move on her*

* HappyLittleMoron hops up and spin-kicks at him* Missed meeee tooooo

* Klork flips backwards, using no-hands rather than one hand to do so, trying to snag her foot between his legs

* HappyLittleMoron juuuuuust barely manages to get out of the way in time, landing and stalking him..

* Klork cackles, crouched when he lands...eyes watching her with a smirk..

<Klork> I almost had you, you know I did! *winks*

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh, you've had me many times, love...*feins hurt* I was that forgettable?

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Now hey, you know what I meant! *pauses...then rrrooowrrs* How COULD I forget??

* HappyLittleMoron giggles, ducking low to try snagging his feet out from under him

* Klork lifts up on his arm to get out of the way...basically still crouched..hand holding him up tho

<HappyLittleMoron> Aaaaaaaaagh...cats..*smirks and aims for his hand this time*

* Klork hops up, trying to snag her foot as it goes

* TurtleNinja chuckles and claps.

* HappyLittleMoron gets snagged...though trying to entrap his hands with her other foot

* Klork cackles..

* Klork erfs, splaying his feet down and looking up at her ...his hand snagged

<Klork> HEyy...

* Klork yanks back, aiming to flip her

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeep! *cackles and flips back willingly after letting go*

* Klork stands...still in stance

<Klork> MY hand..*grins*

<HappyLittleMoron> Hehe...*circles* And a nice hand it is...

* Klork purrs, circling opposite her

<Klork> Oh I know...

* HappyLittleMoron jabs out at him with a fist...

* Klork eases out of the way, grinning..evilly

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows, watching him warily...* ...uh oh...

* Klork jogs back, flipping right over her with momentum..landign and doing a roundhouse at her ankles

* TurtleNinja watches in anticipation.

<HappyLittleMoron> Eesh! *falls, but does one of those spin-kick things to get back up to her feet, continuing on to do a kick to his shoulder*

* Klork erks, barely dodging and throwing his balance off

<HappyLittleMoron> Bwahah..*ducks down again to try sweeping his feet out from under him*

* Klork rolls with the fall, getting to his feet soon after

<Klork> Whoooaa..niicee

* Klork winks

* HappyLittleMoron grins, standing and circling* Thanks, love...

* Klork chuckles, circling slowly in the opposite direction

<Klork> Oh, any time *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* HappyLittleMoron watches him

* Klork purrs, waggling his eyebrows

<HappyLittleMoron> Trying to distract me...? *grins lopsidedly, jabbing out at him a few times*

<Klork> Me? *dodges...pulling a ranma impression..both hands behind his back with a cocky grin on his face*

<TurtleNinja> Oh no...which type are you, Boy type or Girl type? ;P

* Klork blinks, standing straight to give her a dry look

<Klork> I dont have a quadroople F chest do I??

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow, then drops to sweep his feet again

* Klork acks, falling on his ass

<Klork> HEY! you distracted me!

<HappyLittleMoron> Bwahah! *goes to pin him*

<TurtleNinja> True true...*chuckles* You chose to listen. ;P

* Klork props his feet up between them to flip her off

* HappyLittleMoron erks, lands on her hands and flips to her feet

* Klork cackles

* HappyLittleMoron thbts, circling him more

* Klork cackles..watching her..jabbing out with his uncasted hand

* HappyLittleMoron dodges, trying to grab at the hand to pull an Aikido move

* Kameko comes waddling in, rubbing at her belly, kinda grimacing .. not having blipped in, surprisingly

* Klork slips his hand outta the way, eyeing her

<Klork> Heyy...

* HappyLittleMoron whistles innocnetly

* Klork waves to Kame..keeping his eyes on HLM as he goes to kick at her ankels

* Kameko just waddles .. still rubbin', heading into the kitchen, waving back

* HappyLittleMoron leaps up and kicks at his chest

* Klork ducks back, trying to snag her leg with his

* HappyLittleMoron erks, getting snagged breifly but trying to squirm free* Footsie??

<Klork> rrroowr, you bet!

* TurtleNinja grins and returns to watching the two

* HappyLittleMoron heheeeehes, squirming free before trying to pin him

* Klork cackles, tackling her all out, trying to reverse the pin

* Kameko takes a small little oatmeal pouch and nukes it .. pacing as she waits for it to finish heating

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, rolling with him, stubborn on trying to pin him

* Klork rolls with her..they roll n' roll...damn them both for being stubborn

* HappyLittleMoron gyahs, getting stuck on the bottom after a while, looking up at him and winking, breathless* You...just like being on top...

* Klork grins, beaming

<Klork> YEP!

* TurtleNinja snickers.

<HappyLittleMoron> You may have won the battle...*snakes her hands down to tickle his sides and belly* But you will never win the war! *cackles*

* Klork acks, trying to snag her hands with one free hand

<Klork> Noticklenotickle!

<HappyLittleMoron> Bwahah!! Yestickleyestickle! *giggles as she continues*

* Kameko groans from the kitchen .. from the conversation or from something else, dunno <G>, and then pulls out the little now well heated pad, waddling out to the living room to sit on one of the couches, putting the warm pad against her belly

* Klork hops up, jogging out of the sparring room

<Klork> Can'tcatchcan'ttickle!

* TurtleNinja peeks out and hops down, heading over to Kame.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, and gets to her feet, catching her breath, lovely sheen of sweat over her skin* Hush you! Iiiiiii needta workout more...

<TurtleNinja> How're you doing? :)

* Klork cackles, tossing random thingies at her

* HappyLittleMoron erks, blocking, catching a few and tossing 'em back

* Klork ducks, catches..tosses back or just plain gets smacked..those are followed with dry looks

* Kameko smiles a small smile up at TN

<Kameko> Heh..sore.. baby's been really active lately.. My insides aren't used to it.

<Kameko> You..?

* HappyLittleMoron snickers at the looks, continuing the pillow-ish fight with 'im

* Klork hops over the couch, hiding behind the two pregnant ones..

<TurtleNinja> Doing good....chibi's growing inside....not moving yet tho. :P

* Kameko erks .. looking over at them..

<HappyLittleMoron> Aaaagh...he cheats...*sticks her tongue out at him and flops down onto a chair*

<Kameko> Please...just..don't hit me? *looks in enough pain already*

* Klork furrows his brows..

<Klork> seen a doc lately?

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, concerned 'n stuff...

* Kameko just gives him a terrified look at hearing "doc"

<Kameko> .....Hell no....

* TurtleNinja blinks.

<HappyLittleMoron> ...uhm...*furrows her brow* ....might be a good idea....

<Kameko> I is growing long legs like her father... *grimaces, shifting a little* She's been alot ..more active, and my kidneys have GOT to be bruised..

<Klork> Kame ..

* TurtleNinja looks between the three....

<Klork> Angelo hasn't even tried to convince you to do so---THERA hasn't??

* Kameko looks determined, shaking her head

<Kameko> <q> ....Don't let them know it hurts.

* Kameko gives Klork a pointed look

* Klork eyes her...look just as pointed

<Kameko> But because I KNOW you won't push me into something that terrifies me...I'm alright suffering here.

<HappyLittleMoron> ...damnit, Kame...*furrows her brows and leans forward* Do it fer the don't wanna lose her...

* Kameko blinks, looking more than a little surprised at that comment

<Klork> Not even the hosptial in japan ...

<Kameko> ..It's not like that guys, I promise.. It's just like when you have a sore muscle in your side from running too much after eating.. Just..all around my stomach.. She's just stretching it out.

<Kameko> I'll be okay.

<Kameko> Just..keep me warm.

* Kameko smiles at all three of them

<TurtleNinja> Y'know...that doesn't really sound good....

* HappyLittleMoron looks at Kame, gaze peircing* ...damn well better be...*stands and brushes the gi pants off, mood obviously dampened, if not soured completely* I'm gonna take a shower... *heads for the stairs, murmering under her breath*

* Klork sighs...just watching her worriedly..

* Klork blinks, watching Mo' go..before looking at Kame

<Klork> <q> She knows what she's talkin' about Kame...she's lost a baby before...

* Kameko blinks ... then sighs, shrinking down a little

<Kameko> <vq> But..I am okay... sore's all...

* Kameko looks incredibly scolded ... lip quivering a little because of emotions

<Kameko> <q> I...I didn't mean to upset her..

* HappyLittleMoron ...showers <G>

<Klork> The minute anything feels wrong .. please..?? Just .. at least the one in Japan..

* Klork smoothes her hair back

<Klork> S'ok .. just ... we worry is all

* Kameko nods slowly, hands wringing at that promise, though ..

* Klork sighs..

<Klork> Thank you...

* Kameko just nods a bit again, shifting a little to move the heated oatmeal pad elsewhere

<Kameko> <m> Damn..I need a heating pad..this little pouchy thingy isn't big enough..

<TurtleNinja> Do you want some hot tea, Kame?

<Klork> Hmmm...heating pad..*looks thoughtful*

* Kameko ooohs, looking up at TN with a greatful smile

<Kameko> That..would be wonderful..thank you.

<Kameko> Although..can you make it decaffinated, or Klork here won't let me drink all of it. <G>

* TurtleNinja smiles.

<TurtleNinja> You're welcome....*chuckles* I'll try to find the decaf.

* Klork grins..

<Klork> Oh good good.

* Kameko mutters good naturedly towards him

<Kameko> I learn eventually... now that there is only about a month to go..

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs after a bit, shaking her hair out a little, pj bottoms and a tank top is what she wears now

* Klork chuckles..stretching

<Klork> Well, it takes time..*winks* *waves to HLM*

* HappyLittleMoron wavels back* Heh...sorry 'bout stormin' off...*shrugs a little sheepishly*

<TurtleNinja> Want any tea, HLM? Klork?

* Kameko looks up .. still looking sheepish

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...thanks anyway, TN...

<Kameko> <q> I'm sorry, 'Mo..I didn't mean to upset you.. she really is good, though... And, I promised Klork that if anything DID go wrong... I'd..go get looked at..

<Klork> Nah .. I should go to bed soon.. I gotta open up the place tomorrow moring..

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* llong as you keep that promise, Kame...I don't want what happened to me to happen to you, too...

<TurtleNinja> Ok. *smiles and heads off to get some tea*

* Klork nods in agreement..covering a yawn

* Kameko chuckles, winking up at her

<Kameko> You think I'd break a promise to either you OR Klork? I don't have a death wish!

* Klork hmms

<Klork> I'll meet you'mgonnagotobed...

* TurtleNinja returns with the tea.

<TurtleNinja> Oyasumi, Klork. :)

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, kissing Klork g'night..* I'll see you in a lil' bit, hon...

<Klork> Nii..*grins* I'll be countin' oni t

* Klork hugs her, purring to comfort

* Kameko holds out an arm for a hug, face looking like "TCH..don't you think of leaving without a hug!"

* Kameko chuckles, then pulls back

* Klork sniggers...

<Klork> Take care..k?

<Kameko> G'night bro. *takes the tea, sipping* Oooh...thankies again, TN..

* Kameko looks up at Klork again, nodding over the rim of her cup

* Klork heads up the stairs groggily

<Klork> niiiite

<HappyLittleMoron> Nighters hon...

* Kameko looks at 'Mo again, chewing at her lip nervously

* TurtleNinja smiles and sits down with her own cup.

<TurtleNinja> You're welcome.

* HappyLittleMoron sits by Kame, lacing her fingers together

<Kameko> <q> Really..I didn't mean to offend you. Sorry I did. I know you said it was okay, just..felt like apologizing again.

* Kameko sips, face all happy-like because of good teeeaaaa

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...I know...'sokay....rilly...just worry...haven't had great experiences with pregnancies...I get paranoid

* Kameko chuckles a bit

<Kameko> You have every right, 'Mo..

* HappyLittleMoron grins a bit lopsidedly..

<Kameko> If it gets worse, I promise, I'll go get it checked up and you and Klork'll be the first to know--er..other than Angelo, though..

<TurtleNinja> How's Angelo doing?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Good...and *sighs melodramaticly and winks* I suppose Angelo should be the first to know...just this once <G>

* Kameko chuckles, looking over at TN

<Kameko> He's good. Been enjoying himself at his job. He's just .. gotta stop trying to put the jackhammer through his boot.

* Kameko grimaces

<Kameko> That..wasn't pretty to try and clean up..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and shakes her head...* Egads...ow...

* Kameko nods

<Kameko> S'better than jumping in front of the wrecking ball, though..

<Kameko> He's .. done that, too..

* Kameko makes a face again

<TurtleNinja> Ooh, ouchie...on both counts....

<Kameko> It wasn't -- for fun or anything. Uh..his sister's boyfriend.. Uh, Vala, not Nissa .. that's kinda how she met him.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

<HappyLittleMoron> By...having her brother jump in front of a wrecking ball?

* HappyLittleMoron just gives her a confuseed look

<TurtleNinja> O_O

<Kameko> She's blind, right? Well, the kid who Angelo shoved out of the way and took the blow for was on site looking for his blind sister who had disappeared in the area..

* Kameko chuckles

<Kameko> Nonono..

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...! *noddles* Goooootcha...*smirks*

<Kameko> He came over to Angelo's place, and his sisters are staying with him.. and .. they kinda hit it off from there, because he understood her.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* Kameko smirks* And, didn't think of her as handicapped for it. <G>

<HappyLittleMoron> That's kewl...

<Kameko> Needless to say, Angelo's glad he busted a couple ribs for the guy.

* Kameko .. again .. makes a face

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...but still...yow...*rubs her ribs in sympathy*

* TurtleNinja nods.

* Kameko sips at her tea again now that she's stopped talking

<Kameko> Mmmhmmmm...

<HappyLittleMoron> Tell him not to do that anymore...I'll have to go over there and duct tape him down or something...*pauses* Afteer I get back in shape...*smirks and shrugs*

* TurtleNinja giggles.

* Kameko sniggers, trying not to spit tea out her nose

<Kameko> Heh.. Like you need to be in shape to beat him! Just tickle his belly--he's just like Klork, in that aspect. Only, he doesn't guard his as well.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohnow...*gets that disturbingly wicked grin on her faec and pops her knuckles* The tricks we could pull on him...

<TurtleNinja> Oh, that poor boy....tickle torture....

<Kameko> He curls up all cute like, too. It's gotta be the turtle in him. He tries to "pull into his shell." He tucks his arms and legs all close to him..! It's so adorable!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles..

<HappyLittleMoron> Geeze...hard to picture a big guy like him doin' that...*shakes her head and smirks*

* TurtleNinja giggles.

<TurtleNinja> Oh, I bet that's cute....

<Kameko> But then.. *sips for dramatic affect ...* Then...he pouts, and it's no fun anymore..

<Kameko> He gets THAT from Klork, too..damn it..

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...yes he DOES...*mutters*

<Kameko> I've got to stop thinking like that..grosses me out EVERYTIME..

* HappyLittleMoron hehehehes

<TurtleNinja> Heh

* HappyLittleMoron chants "Jer-ry! Jer-ry! Jer-ry!" then ducks to hid from any projectiles...a little futile consideering she's sitting next to Kame...

<Kameko> Because.. it's weird..technically.. I'm sleeping with my non-blood related nephew... aren't I? Even though I died before he was born in his time..if I HAD been alive..I would have been his aunt..right..?

<Kameko> Duuuuuddee....

* Kameko seems to consider this...

* HappyLittleMoron kinda blinks at Kame...* ...Diana would be...err...would have BEEN the one to talk to about that...

<Kameko> People get PAID to go on that show... we could SO do that! And then I could do the whole, "I've been keeping a secret from my lover," even though my lover would already know..and come out and tell him I'm a stripper!

<HappyLittleMoron> She can't remember the reality stuff anymore...

* Kameko giggle hysterically now

* TurtleNinja tries not to laugh....

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

<Kameko> And then YOU could come out, and we could say we dance together, and people would just get these really kinky ideas -- and THEN and only then would we bring out Klork!

* Kameko squirms, fett kicking out as she laughs

* TurtleNinja snickers.

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

<TurtleNinja> Oh...that would be a show to tape!

* Kameko pauses, then looks at 'Mo, face completely serious

<Kameko> Just, don't expect me to kiss you in front of the audience. No offense..

* Kameko winks then, going into giggle fits again

<Kameko> So what would the title of that show BE, anyway?!

<HappyLittleMoron> hehe...'sokay *snickers* Noo problem...

<Kameko> "I'm Sleeping With My Nephew Who Doesn't Know I'm A Stripper With His New Stepmom?"

* HappyLittleMoron coughs, then just falls out laughing

<Kameko> Er...hmm..

<Kameko> "I'm Sleeping With My Nephew Who Doesn't Know I'm A Stripper With His --SURPRISE --New Stepmom!"

* TurtleNinja giggles.

* Kameko almost falls off the couch, she's laughing so hard

<HappyLittleMoron> So...that would my sister- AND step-daughter-in-law...*pauses...* I have the sudden urge to move south...

* Kameko sniggers

<Kameko> Should we add "And We're Amish Porn Stars With Your Father!"

* TurtleNinja LAUGHS

* HappyLittleMoron rolls

<TurtleNinja> Oh no...and they'd be playing country music the whole time!

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh heeeeeell no...*sniggers*

<Kameko> So we'd have to come onstage in long black gowns and bonnets .. just to strip in front of the audience as we made our appearances, right? At least..strip down to our skivvies.

* HappyLittleMoron snickers!

<Kameko> We could keep the bonnets. *winks*

* TurtleNinja giggles

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh, I'm sure I at least have some pasties...Thanksgiving style...*cackles*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...matching...thongs...*holds her belly, laughing hard*

* TurtleNinja falls off the sofa, laughing hard, wiping away laugh-tears....

<Kameko> Gyaaahh..I think..I need sleep..before I laugh so hard I go into labor..!

<HappyLittleMoron> hehe...go bed, Kame...*grins lopsidedly and reaches over to hug her* I need to go bed, too...stuff to do tomorrow...*smiles* Gonnna spend more time with the boys...

* Kameko huggles her, then reaches over and huggles TN, handing her a tissue

* TurtleNinja sits up, wiping at her eyes.

* TurtleNinja huggles back, still giggling.

<Kameko> Hee..g'night you two..thanks for the tea, TN!

<TurtleNinja> Oh prob!

<TurtleNinja> You two are gonna be the day-eth of me. *snick*

* Kameko gets up, sniggering .. and sighs, reaching above her head and winking

<Kameko> G'bye, my fellow Amish Porno Stars!

* Kameko blips out

<HappyLittleMoron> See yas! *snickers*

* HappyLittleMoron pats TN on the shoulder* Take care, TN, nighters...

<TurtleNinja> You two.

<TurtleNinja> Gonna see the chibis tomorrow?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and nods* Yeah...I just wanna bring 'em home...*looks down at her chest and wrinkles her nose* Tired of relying on that machine so I stay lactating so I CAN breast feed...*shakes her head and shrugs*

* TurtleNinja nods.

<TurtleNinja> Would they allow visitors? :)

* HappyLittleMoron nods* They ahve been...the babies are just so tiny...

* TurtleNinja nods.

<TurtleNinja> Would you mind if I went with for a visit? :)

<HappyLittleMoron> Not at all...*grins* For now though...I've been losing a lot of*grins a little*

* TurtleNinja smiles and hugs.

<TurtleNinja> Oyasumi, HLM. I'll see ya tomorrow. :)

* HappyLittleMoron hugs back* Oyasumi, take care *pats TN's belly gently and speeks to the baby inside* Let your mama get some sleep, kiddoo *winks and heads up to join Klork in bed*

* TurtleNinja smiles and giggles, watching her go before heading to bed as well.

Session Close: Tue Apr 23 01:50:50 2002

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