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Session Start: Sun Apr 21 11:35:31 2002

* Rev is in the workout room...working out*

* Anora meanders down the stairs quietly, rubbing at her back*

* Kameko .. is kinda pacing, rubbing her belly, the baby restless this morning

* `Riyan knocks at the asylum door ... determined to get he information this time

* Kameko blinks .. then waddles over to the door, opening it up

* Anora watches, half-oace to the kitchen..

* Kameko just .. kinda blinks again .. knowing through Rislyn who this guy is (that, and he looks the same <G>) .. and kinda .. fidgets, not knowing what to do

<`Riyan> Good morning, miss .. I'm here looking for my sister, Rislyn. Has she happened to return yet?

* Rev continues his kata thing, concentraiting*

* Kameko furrows her brow .. then clears her throat a little, shaking her head, looking around nervously for some kind of help ..

* `Ryu is makin' bacon in the kitchen <GG>

<Kameko> I... uhm... I .. don't..don't think so..h-hold on..??

* Anora glances over, heading towards the door

* Kameko chews at her lip, then darts (as quickly as she can waddle), towards ..somewhere for help

<Kameko> <q> Uhm..someone help me to get him to leave?? He's not welcome...!

* Anora erfs..

* Anora blinks at Kame..then shrugs a little, crooking a thumb towards the workout room

<Anora> Ask Rev..??

* `Riyan sighs .. watching with a slight nod, eyes watching out of the corner

* Kameko nods, then waddles in there

<Kameko> Uhm...Rev..?

* Kameko pokes her head in

* Revelyn looks up, blinking a little* Aye?

<Kameko> I...I know the other night, ...uhm...

* Kameko mutters, then just spits it out

<Kameko> Riyan's back..I know you dealt with him last time..

* Anora arches a brow, watching Riyan...

<Anora> You know she's not back .. why are you trying..?

* `Riyan shrugs

<`Riyan> I'll try every day until she does come back.

<`Riyan> What's it matter to you? This is a family affair.

<Revelyn> Ah...*shakes his head* Thank you, m'lady...*smiles a bit at her, patting her shoulder as he passes her, still carrying his bo-staff*

<Anora> Some family..*sneers a little*

<Revelyn> We know of what has happened. You will get no information from us.

* Kameko nods .. then head to the kitchen to out the kinks in her belly. <G>

* Revelyn just cooly watches Riyan

* `Ryu holds up a plate of bacon

<`Ryu> Food..?

* `Ryu holds up a plate of bacon

<`Ryu> Food..?

* Kameko ooohs, eyeing the bacon, grabbing a piece as she paces

* `Riyan arches a brow

* `Ryu chuckles, putting a plate on the table..she's watching the door out of the corner of her eye as she goes to the eggs..

<`Riyan> I told you once; I'm here to apologize.

<`Riyan> I can't do that if I don't know her whereabouts.

* Revelyn shrugs a bit* Forgive us for not trusting one such as you.

<Anora> Right .. *Shakes her head and backs off, letting Rev handle this* I have my doubts.

* `Riyan moves a foot inside the door, as if completely intending to come inside

<`Riyan> You once invited me to wait. Now, I take you up on that offer.

* `Ryu lets the eggs settle on the pan, setting it to low..

<`Ryu> <q> Kame, lass..could ye' watch these..?

* Kameko blinks ... then nods, heading over to do so, grimace on her face but ..that's not Ryu's fault <G>

<Kameko> Sure thing..

<Revelyn> I made no promise to make the wait a pleasant one. *casually spins the bo*

* `Riyan arches a brow

<`Riyan> You make threats to my wellbeing, half-breed?

* `Ryu smirks .. then puts on her "bitch' face and heads to the door to stand beside Revelyn..she's eye level with Riyan .. in her human form and walks with a slight limp..

<`Riyan> I have made none towards you.

<`Ryu> Aye .. but y'd'nae 'ave good purposes en' yer mind, lad.

<Revelyn> Perhaps, perhaps not. Needless to say, you are not welcomed here.

* Revelyn nods in agreement with Ryu

* Anora watches, arms crossed loosely at her waist before she turns to go over to Kame, sneaking a strip of bacon

<Anora> mm..

* `Riyan shrugs

<`Riyan> I will be once my sister returns.

<`Riyan> She will see I mean no ill-will.

* `Riyan smirks a little, bowing his head mockingly

* `Ryu sneers

* Revelyn smirks cooly* I find myself doubting that.

<`Ryu> Y'mock me tha' way one more time, lad n' ah'll 'av yer' head.

<`Riyan> I simply .. wish to regain her trust as my sister.. so we can make ammends where we left off.

<`Ryu> Y'wish te' benefit yer'self n' no other.

* `Riyan looks up slowly at Ryu, eyes set in a glare

<Revelyn> Then allow her to return in her own time and seek you out. *narrows his eyes at Riyan for the look*

<`Riyan> You do so, m'lady, and my sister will have yours. The reason she left was to save my life. Not to have it vanquished.

* `Ryu returns it..

<`Ryu> Aye .. she also left t' save 'ers.

* `Riyan sighs, shoulders slumping slightly .. actually looking guilty for a moment

<`Riyan> ...I wish to make ammends for how we were seperated that night ..

<`Riyan> ..Although I do not blame you for your harsh words; she probably wishes to have nothing to do with me.

* Anora snorts, eating quietly .. just watching him from her perch

<`Riyan> ..Although I do not blame you for your harsh words; she probably wishes to have nothing to do with me.

* `Riyan goes quiet for a few moments .. then stiffens again, looking like he regained his thoughts to figure towards his "mission" again

<`Riyan> You ..

<`Ryu> Aye .. so respect et lad.

* `Riyan points to Anora

* Anora shifts, nibbling on her bacon

<Anora> What.

<`Riyan> You smell of her magic. You've seen her recently, and spoke of it yestereve.

* `Riyan looks at Revelyn

* Anora shrugs

<Anora> Point being...?

<`Riyan> You also know of her whereabouts. Why won't you tell me?

* Revelyn arches a brow, nodding in agreement with Ryu, watching Riyan warrily* Because you have not proven you are trustworthy.

* `Riyan sighs, shaking his head again

<`Riyan> If one cannot trust family, who can they trust? I mean her no harm.

* `Riyan just doesn't add the person he intends to take her to does. <G>

* Revelyn smiles a bit cooly* Do not speak to me of trust in family. We do not trust you for the simple fact that you and she share blood.

* `Riyan arches a brow

<`Riyan> Do you not trust her, then? If so, why do you protect her?

* `Riyan pauses, looking quietly between he and Ryu, coming to the conclusion that Rislyn and Revelyn aren't together .. but still looks at him in a demand to know

<Revelyn> Nae...I said nothing of my trust in her. She is a friend, you have yet to reach that point.

* `Ryu sneers

<`Ryu> An yer' nae workin' to et fast enough..

* Anora leans back..ignoring Riyan's question as she eats

* Revelyn smirks, nodding

* Mitch is, well... at work, shelving indices and shaking off vestigial urges to float down instead of using the ladder.

* `Riyan sighs, looking frustrated

* `Ryu tilts her head to the side..

<`Riyan> Look .. I have told you I simply wish to apologize. The long I have to wait, the more and more frustrated I become. I would rather NOT blow up at her for ignoring me when I finally do see her.. as I tend to do with my sister. Please..just let me know where she is so I can do so peacefully..?

* `Ryu sneers

<`Ryu> Control yer' patience, lad. She'll show when she wants, aye? Until then, deal with et. We d'nae act on yer' time.

<Anora> Nor does she..*sips at a glass of oj

<Revelyn> Well, forgive us, m'lord, for not bowing to your wishes. *nods again inagreement with Ryu*

* `Riyan blinks, suddenly looking quite a bit pale for him .. shaking his head

<`Riyan> <q> I am no lord .. do not call me such, please..

* Revelyn arches his brows

* `Ryu shrugs

<`Ryu> Yer' makin' some high n' mighty demands fer' nae bein' one, aye?

<`Riyan> <q> ...I am trying to see my little sister. I am used to having to make demands for anything. I apologize..

* `Riyan .. actually sounds sincere

<Revelyn> would almost think you answere to another...

* `Ryu sighs..

* `Riyan sighs .. running a hand through his hair nervously, head lowered

<`Ryu> Well, ah'd luv' te' help ye. But Ah d'nae even know of 'er where'ab'ts..

<`Riyan> ...when .. she comes back, please tell her I'm looking for her, then? I wish she were back now .. but obviously I will be getting no help.. so please..simply tell her? convince her to see me..?

* Anora fingers through a book, looking up through her bangs idly to watch..

* `Riyan looks at Ryu .. then looks up at Revelyn, then over to Anora

<`Ryu> AH'll nae convince 'er ef'n she does nae wantte'.

<`Riyan> <q> Aye.. I was a fool to think you did, I suppose...

* Revelyn watches him measuringly...nodding very slightly...

* Anora nods

* `Riyan just shakes his head .. then turns and heads off .. just looking a bit crushed that he was declined again

<Anora> Told you so..

* Revelyn shakes his head a little, resting an arm around Ryu's shoulders, brows lightly knit

* `Ryu slowly shakes her head a bit..

* `Riyan .. just kinda .. goes to a bench ..?? somewhere nearby and sits, holding his head in his hands

<`Ryu> <q> Ah d'nae know what t' think of im'...*closes the door* Suspicious..aye?

* Anora stands, heading up to the roof quietly..then slowly heads down the fire escape

* Kameko calls out to Ryu

* `Ryu tilts to look back at Kame

<`Ryu> Aye..??

<Kameko> Uhm...Ryu?? You gonna come finish these, or you want me to?

* Kameko points to the eggs

<`Ryu> Oh! aye..*limps her way over* Aye..ah'm sorr' fergot about em'..

* Kameko chuckles, then shrugs

* Anora meanders behind Riyan, tucking her hands in her pockets

* Revelyn nods* Aye...*shakes his head* He does care for her...but judging from the way he reacted to my "lord" comment...*follows with a bit of a shrugs* I doubt he looks completely of his own free will...

<Anora> You're seriously going about things the wrong way you know ...

* `Riyan .. just holds his head .. leaning his elbows on his knees and thinking..

* Revelyn shrugs and gets himself some water

* `Ryu dishes up the eggs, sitting down

<`Ryu> Aye ..*nods in agreement with Rev*

* Revelyn sits by Ryu with his water..

* `Riyan mutters, looking up at her after rubbing his hands over his face

<`Riyan> <q> You are not helping me, either. None of you are.

<`Riyan> .....I simply wish to find her and .. have this over with.. this guilt..

<Anora> Guilt eh?

* `Ryu rubs at Rev's shoulders..

<`Ryu> Ow're ye..?

* Anora leans against the wall..

<Revelyn> Mm? *grins up at her, leaning into her hands, bruises healing up nicely...roughly the shade of a pale turtle in places <G>* Alright, m'love. And you?

* `Ryu smirks

<`Ryu> Better, aye .. leg's a pain en th' ass..but'ealin.

* `Riyan sighs, glancing at her

<Revelyn> Very good to hear. Is there anything I can help you with?

<`Riyan> <q> It obviously does not matter to any of you. If it did, I would have obtained your help by now.

* Anora chuckles

<Anora> Apparently we're more worried for her safety than you are.

* `Riyan snorts at that

* `Ryu shrugs..

<`Riyan> If you're worried for her safety, you do not know her very well.

<`Ryu> Ah d'nae know..ah think et's well enough..

<`Riyan> She can take care of herself, well enough.

<Anora> Perhaps..*sits beside him, lounging* But there is one that is after her that you work for ..

* Revelyn nods* Of course...if there is anything you need of me. *smiles up at her* Never be afraid to ask.

* `Ryu smirks

<`Ryu> Ah'll nae b' afraid..te..*winks, snagging a strip of bacon*

* Revelyn chuckles softly, sipping his water

* `Ryu offers him a strip ..

* `Riyan sighs, leaning his head forward again

* Revelyn smiles and accepts, nott super hungry...managed to scrounge something up to eat without blowing anything up when he first woke up...

<`Riyan> <q> ...You know nothing about how we live.. My sister and I are the LOWEST rank we can possibly be .. lower than a SLAVE.. I have no choice.

<`Riyan> If I wish to live, I work.

<Anora> So..? Why don't you tell me. If you don't I can simply ask her...

* `Riyan blinks .. looking at her

<Anora> Correction--if you wish to live THERE, you work.

<`Riyan> Tell ... you what..?

<Anora> About how you live if you think I know nothing..

<`Riyan> No, if I wish to live. My lord can find me anyplace he needs to.

* `Ryu chuckles

<Ryu> Ye' ate already, aye?

* Revelyn nods* Aye...and left everything in one peice as well! *smirks* A first...

<Anora> So .. you know the people here are pretty powerful .. if you would gain their friendship you might be able to defeat this lord guy you answer to..

* `Ryu sniggers

<`Ryu> Aye, let's hope et lasts! *winks*

* `Riyan ..looks horrified

* Anora sighs...shaking her head

<`Riyan> <q> You cannot possibly mean that... You know not what Lord Telomar can do.

* `Riyan stands, pacing, looking frustrated, waving a hand in the direction of the asylum

<`Riyan> How can you POSSIBLY--NONE of you have what it takes to fight him!

<Anora> You .. apparently .. haven't a CLUE what they can do..

* Kameko .. comes back .. needing an ingredient or something .. and looks out the window .. then calls to the others

* Revelyn laughs* Aye...the kitchen can be more dangerouse than a battlefield..

<Kameko> Hey guys..when did Anora start talking to bad guys by herself..??

* Anora stands, looking around for passerbys...then shifts to a wolf form..she's black..sits on the bench to see if he'll notice*

* Kameko looks out at Revely and Ryu .. puzzled

* Anora stands, looking around for passerbys...then shifts to a wolf form..she's black..sits on the bench to see if he'll notice*

* Revelyn blinks and looks up, standing to head over...

* `Ryu blinks

* `Riyan mutters, looking irate now

<`Ryu> Um..*stands...gimps over*

<`Riyan> I simply wish to FIND her, apologize--holy!

* Anora sits, head tilting..panting...a black wolf with hoops in her ears..

* `Riyan jumps back, sword -- an exact duplicate of Rislyn's -- drawn at his side

<Anora> {{Surprised..?? You seriously are clueless...}}

* `Riyan blinks .. then slowly lowers it, the sword vanishing quickly

<`Riyan> .....Startled. You could have warned me first.

<Anora> {{Why..? This is much more fun..}}

* Anora 's tail swishes in amusement

* `Ryu peers out the window..

<`Ryu> E's talkin to a wolf..aye..?

* Revelyn smirks amusedly* I imagine that would be Anora...she is Syan's sister, after all...

* `Riyan mutters, shaking his head

<`Riyan> It does not matter what you can transorm to. We have many lycanthropes in our world.

<`Ryu> Ah! She es then?? *shakes her head* AH'd nae e'er guess..they d'nae look alike..

<Anora> {{So..? Do you have mutants tho..??}}

* `Riyan arches a brow

<`Riyan> If you can ask me that, then you have not met my sister.

<Revelyn> Nae...they do not...if not for someone telling me, I would never have guessed it..

* Anora seems to chuckle

<`Riyan> Her kind are uncommen, a rare mistake of mixed bloods.

<Anora> {{She's a breed of sorts .. mutants are a little different ... you should meet Klork .. I've heard he's got vampire and electrical abilities...}}

* `Riyan snorts

<`Riyan> I care not. I only want to see my sister.

* Anora shakes off..shifting back to human form

<`Riyan> If you will not help me, I will simply have to find another way to achieve my goal.

<Anora> Keep dreamin' then.

* `Ryu nods..

<`Ryu> Think she's safe out ther' with im'..?

* `Riyan glares .. then spins quickly, sword lashing out to stop just short of her .. (or so he hopes, she is wolf, probably would have moved fast <G>)

<`Riyan> .....Do not cross me again then, m'lady .. until you chose to help.

* Anora doesn't even flinch, just watching him cooly..

<Anora> I wouldn't do that if I were you.

* Anora points back at the house

<Anora> You're being watched..

* Revelyn 's eyes flash, tensed to teleport out there

* `Ryu is already out the door in her dragon the ready...eyes glowing

* `Riyan shrugs, still just glaring at her

<`Riyan> Then don't mock me with how you will not help me!

* `Riyan sounds ..more pleading than anything, honestly

* `Riyan mutters, looking up at Ryu coming his way, then draws the sword back into him

<`Ryu> Ye'd best be sheathin' that sword, lad or ye'll be dead en' two seconds.

* Anora shrugs

<Anora> Who said I was mocking...simply offering advice.

<`Riyan> ...Then tell the wolf woman to stop sniffing where her nose is not welcome.

* Revelyn teleports out by Ryu, seeming to appear out of no where, just walking with her now..

* `Riyan shoots at glare at her, then blinks at Revelyn coming .. rolling his eyes skyward

<`Riyan> Wonderful .. you know who my sister is, and still seem alarmed when the temper comes. You do not know her at all.

<Anora> I'd rather you stop poking your nose where it is not welcome.

* `Riyan pulls his white cape around himself and shoot her a look

* `Ryu sneers ...

<`Ryu> Lad, ye're about two breaths from gettin' ripped ...ahd'w atch what ye's ay..

<Revelyn> Aye..

<`Riyan> Fine then. I will find a way to find her myself. It will, you need not know that.

* `Riyan smirks a little, then bows, face set

<`Riyan> Until we meet again, although I prefer it not to happen.

* `Riyan then walks off, shoulders set and determined as to how he's going to get her back

* `Ryu sneers again, fire at her fingertips..

<`Ryu> Ah d'nae like im'...

* Anora watches him go...then stands...cooly dusting herself off

<Kameko> <q> She's in Underhill, you know..

<Kameko> <q> She's there to avoid him...

<Anora> I've been more afraid of muggers and theifs. Beenthreatened worse by my own brothers..*shrugs* He was nothing..*nods to Kame* I know..

* Kameko , obviously, doesn't know they know

<Kameko> Oh...I..*pauses, cocking her head to the side* How do you know?

* Revelyn shakes his head* Nor do I...*then nods to Kame..*

<Anora> Syan n' I visited her n' Kevley yesterday..*shrugs* Apparently Syan n' Kev are good friends..

* Revelyn smirks a bit* They seem to have a bit in common...aye...

* `Ryu nods in agreement ..

* Kameko giggles

<Kameko> Only when Syan goes all "surfer. "

* Revelyn blinks

<Revelyn> "surfer"?

* Anora groans..

<Anora> You dont want to know ..

* Kameko sniggers

<Anora> His intellegence goes into his physical being just so he can stay balanced on a board riding waves on the ocean

<Kameko> "Hey Duuuuude? Wanna hang ten and catch some waves, man?" <in a laid back, surfer voice>

* Anora crinnnges

<Kameko> Surfer talk.

* Revelyn BLINKS...getting a slightly...frightened look on his face* ...great gods...

* Kameko chuckles

<Kameko> I used to live in SanFrancisco..I know surfers.

<Revelyn> This makes me thankful for living in Underhill...

* Kameko chuckles

<Kameko> Uhm..should we let Rislyn know that he's being persistant..?

* Revelyn nods...* I can contact her again...

* Kameko blinks

<Kameko> You.. can contact her?

<Kameko> Didn't think she could do the whole telepathy thing.

<Anora> Probably..

* Revelyn grins a little sheepishly* I was casting out to find any of them the first time he showed up...I got her...*shrugs a little* I will go try now...

* Anora nods ...

* Kameko blinks

<Kameko>, I guess.

* Kameko pauses

<Kameko>'d better be careful, Rev..Kevley could get jealous you're in Ris's mind.

* `Ryu nods ... limping in that direction

* Kameko winks, then waddles inside

* Revelyn nods and heads in with them...then smirks, shaking his head* Nae...Ryu is my one and only...*smiles at Ryu as he goes*

* `Ryu grins

* Kameko blinks

<`Ryu> Ah'd 'ope so, aye..

* Anora walks in, settling on the couch..

<Kameko> I didn't say she wasn't..I was saying Kevley might get jea--gyah..nevermind, i was teasing.

* `Ryu sniggers

* Revelyn chuckles

<Revelyn> Aye...aye...

* Revelyn bows to the laides* If you will excuse me...*heads into the workout room to work on contacting Ris*

* `Ryu nods..sitting at the table

<`Ryu> Want some eggs, lass? *looks up at Kame*

* Kameko blinks, then shakes her head

<`Ryu> Y' sure?

<Kameko> No, thank you..I had lunch when I went home to make some for my boy-toy. *winks*

<`Ryu> Ahh...makes sense then *winks*

* Anora goes about starting the fire in the fireplace..sprawling on the couch there...

* Anora hums ...

<Anora> oO(figaro figaro fiiigaaroo...)

* Anora drums her fingers...

<Anora> ..oO(Oh give me a hommee...where the buffalo roaamm...)

* Revelyn furrows his brows, kinda bowing his heead as he concentrates

* `Ryu watches worriedly

<Anora> ..oO(Damnit .. now it's stuck in my head...)

* Anora looks down as her stomach growls

<Anora> ..oO(And now I want to hunt--damnit, Inever want to hunt .. this is all Syan n' Kevley's faults..)

* Kameko looks over at Anora

<Kameko> hungry?? Ryy's got eggs...

* Anora blinks

<Anora> *looks sheepish*

* Revelyn stands, after cuuutting off the link and heading over to Kame...* M'lady..?

* `Ryu blinks, watching..

* Kameko blinkblinks, looking up at him

<Kameko> Yeah, Rev?

* Anora tilts her head back to listen

<Revelyn> I've just finished speaking with Rislyn...there is a pennndant up in her room she asked me to retrieve and destroy...she said you have a key...?

* Kameko blinks, then nods, pulling out her keychain and handing it to him, holding Ris's room key seperate

<Kameko> Sure thing.

* Anora blinks ..

* Revelyn nods* I thank you...*smirks a little* She...said it would make it will buy her more time once it's destroyed...*heads for the stairs*

* Kameko blinks .. arching a brow

<Kameko> "Buy ..her more time..??"

* Kameko shrugs

* `Ryu blinks..

<`Ryu> Ye're sure..?

* Revelyn nods...* 'Tis what she said m'love...*pauses and hehs* You are welcome to accompany me if you wish...

<Kameko> Just..don't do anything kicky in Rislyn's room. She'd kill you!

* Revelyn laughs

* Anora cackles..

* Revelyn heads up to Ris's room...unlocking the door and looking abuot for the pendant...trying not to be too intrusive

* the room is very clean and pretty spartan .. the pendant laying on a table next to her bed*

* Revelyn picks up the pendant and carries it out...closing and locking the door behind himself...

* Anora follows curiously

* Revelyn brings it up to the roof, grinnning a bit to Anora, before kinda levitating it in the air and setting a ball of super-hot fire off around it...aiming to melt it...

* it would melt pretty easily .. is just silver .. but a bright blue ball of energy shoots upwards, explodes into a shape of a large spider .. and then disappears..the pendant destroyed*

* Anora watches..blinking..

<Anora> Wow..

* Revelyn blinks and shakes his head, letting the melted metal drop to the rooftop to cool* Aye...magic...

<Anora> Dang..

<Anora> no kiddin'..

* Revelyn closes his eyes breifly

<Anora> You ok..?

* Revelyn nods, opening his eyes and stoopiing to pick the now cooled metal up* Aye...simply passing the word to Rislyn...

<Anora> Oohhh

* Anora heads down the stairs with a small stretch..

* Revelyn follows, shivering a bit, still shirtless from his workout before..

<Anora> Dude, you should invest in a coat.

* `Ryu leans back, brows furrowed

* Rislyn comes in, wearing a long, deep blue dress, a corsette like top that laces up the front, shoulderless, the sleeves fanning out at her wrists as she comes in the living room

* Anora blinks

<Anora> Ris...hey! What're..*blinks*

* Revelyn chuckles and shrugs, then blinks, nodding to Ris and heading over to Ryu* Do you want the reminents of the pendant, Rislyn?

* Rislyn sighs .. closing her eyes .. face more than a little angry ..then shakes her head

* `Ryu blinks, looking up..

<Rislyn> No.. I don't want to touch it and possibly reactivate any lingering magic..

* Anora winces..

* Revelyn nods and teleports it into...a...volcano! yeeeeeeah...then slips his arms around Ryu

* Kameko leaves again ..yep!

<Anora> Gads .. understadable..

* `Ryu leans against him..blinking a bit

* Rislyn sighs ... then opens her eyes .. her face now looking a little tired

<Anora> Sit .. ?

<Rislyn> <q> I have contacted him the way you taught me,, it's only a matter of time..

* Anora pulls a chair out for her ..

<Rislyn> No...I want to be standing when he comes...

* Rislyn sighs, wringing her hands for a moment before lifting her chin

<Rislyn> <q> Pray Kevley doesn't find out I'm here before my brother returns..

* Rislyn heads towards the door to wait

* Revelyn nods...* Aye...we are here to back you up if need be...

* Anora nods .. going over to stand beside her..

<Anora> Yeah ..

* Revelyn sighs a little andholds Ryu close

* `Ryu watches, leans, staying concerned..

* `Riyan walks up towards the door, blinking when Rislyn steps out to meet him just before he knocks

* Anora watches..standing behind her..

* Revelyn watches as well, ready to head over...

* `Riyan blinks .. then looks at her

<`Riyan> <q> I would prefer to do this in private. Your commrades already do not trust me.

* Anora shifts, looking at Ris

<Anora> <q> Up to you ...

* Rislyn crosses her arms .. but nods, walking a bit further away, glancing back at Anora .. knowing she can get there quickly if there's a problem and they're only about a hundred feet away

* Anora nods, staying where she is then...

* `Riyan and Rislyn have a quite heated debate .. words obviously unpleasant, but mostly unheard .. Rislyn standing with her arms crossed the entire time

* `Riyan 's hands are kinda .. flailing as he tries to emphasize points that Rislyn just shakes her head to

* Anora watches cautiously

* `Riyan sighs .. sinking .. looking .. incredibly contrite..

* Rislyn blinks ... and .. because she doesn't know what else to do .. just stands there..

* Revelyn arches his brows, watching..

* `Riyan holds out his arms in a hug after a while .. Rislyn hesitating for a long time before complying ... Riyan hugging her with one hand first ... it having come out of his cape....then hugs her with both

* `Riyan 's arms then move quickly, and he snaps a collar on her neck, a piece in each hand, the two fusing together with magic and sealing it to one solid band

* Rislyn BLINKS, throwing him back and gripping at it, eyes wide before she kinda sinks, trying to tear it off .. the back of her hand bleeding anew

<Rislyn> A-ANORA!

* `Riyan .. then kneels .. whispering an apology to her before trying to bolt

* Anora BLINKS! goes to wolf form chasing Riyan down with a snarl

<Anora> {{GET her to underhill, Rev!!!}}

* Revelyn 's eyes widen he runs over and teleports them both Underhill

* Rislyn 's brand is completely finished, it was completed with one she just remains in the same position ....suddenly very still

* `Riyan .. gets tackled, trying to roll so she is only attacking his cape

* Anora snarls, bolting after Riyan, teeth bared..snagging him back swiftly by his cape..exceedingly stronger than one might realise*

* `Riyan .. gets jerked to the ground ...trying to cover up and avoid fangs

<`Riyan> I HAD NO CHOICE!!

* Anora shapes to human form, holding a knife to his throat

<Anora> BULL SHIT!

* Anora sits on him, eyes glowing fiercely

* Revelyn furrows his brows, eyeing Rislyn magically...guess they didn't get transported then, huh? <G>

<Anora> You just made the wrong fucking move!

* `Riyan just freezes, looking up at her with sorrowful eyes

<Revelyn> ...Rislyn?

* Anora's purely feral .. he says the wrong thing and she will snap on him

<`Riyan> <q> ....So I still die, when all I tried for was to stay alive..

* `Riyan 's eyes close ...

<Anora> <q> You should have realized that .. when I warned you before..

<`Riyan> <q> ....Tell her I'm sorry... if she ever escapes..

* Anora growls, standing and snapping him up, knife still to his throat

<Anora> No--I think YOU will. To her face. You're in no way getting out of thise.

* Rislyn doesn't seem to notice him .. eyes completely blank

<`Riyan> <q> I cannot remove it.. It is Lord Telomar's magic.. he is the only one who can..

* Anora growls, turning him around and slamming him to a building side, still holding the knife to him

<Anora> THen TAKE me to him!

<`Riyan> <q> I can'-*umphs, being slammed* I cannot! You are not our kind!

* Anora sneers

<Anora> If you can be HERE, then I can be THERE!

* Anora presses the tip closer

<Anora> If you are so desperate to save your life then DO IT!

* `Riyan swallows .. then closes his eyes .. murming something in an odd tongue .. the two of them disappearing to his world...

* Anora still holds his collar, looking around at the surroundings..

* the entire world is underground .. entire buildings made that reach hundreds of feet high..only to seemingly be reaching towards the ceiling of some endless cavern ... the entire world dark and dirty .. oil torches lighting then entire city so the place smells greasy*

* `Riyan sighs shakily .. looking exhausted

<`Riyan> <q> We...are here...

* Anora sneers at him

<Anora> Pretty general. Keep leading the way.

* `Riyan sighs .. doing so .. having to stop and bow to just about every drow they meet .. they just look at Anora for what she is .. they can sense the lycanthrope in her and let her pass .. Riyan is a lesser drow, anyway..

* `Riyan leads her through winding pathways, besides buildings that spiral and snarl .. going deeper and deeper into the earth ..

* Anora keeps the knife to his back..eyes narrowed

* Anora walks with

* `Riyan stops after a long while of walking .. in front of a building that is much much farther away than any of the others .. as if it is the home of an outcast .. and stops at the door

<`Riyan> <q> I cannot enter. I am not of rank..

* Anora presses the knife closer

<Anora> You just became of rank, OPEN it.

* `Riyan grimaces, shaking his head

<`Riyan> I cannot! The only way to get in is for you to demand it of the guards.

<`Riyan> They WILL NOT listen to me.

* Anora glances at the guards...

<Anora> OPEN it..!

<`Riyan> <q> And they only respect you the ruder you are..

* `Riyan flinches as the guards snort and ingore her

<`Riyan> <vq> ...I warned you..

* Anora growls, grabbing his throat and walking over to one, outright kneeing him

<Anora> I said OPEN IT!

* `Riyan watches the other guard grin in appreciation, doing so, then beating the shit out of the other guard when he's down, stealing his weapon and the better pieces of his armor..letting them through

* Anora goes in, draggin Riyan behind her...

<Anora> What was his name, this lord.

* Anora goes in, draggin Riyan behind her...

* a voice is heard from the other end of the long hallway in which they've entered*

* Voice* Lord Telomar, m'lady wolf. You have business with me?

* Anora sneers, pushing Riyan in front of her..

<Anora> I have a complaint of your worker. *growls* And a demand of you to release a friend.

* Lord_Telomar comes down the winding, knarled steps of the second floor, curious look on his face .. wearing a chainmail like material that is specifically designed in the drow world .. other than that, he wears all whites .. his black skin taunt over a very muscular frame, long white hair pulled back as his black eyes look her over curiously

<LT> Ahh.. Riyan. You succeeded. Wonderful. I will begin right away.

* Anora glares up at him .. eyes still glowing lightly .. big knife at her side..

<LT> I'm afraid in my world, m'lady wolf.. Rislyn belongs to me, despite how you wish it otherwise.

<Anora> Release her...*glares sharply*

* Anora growls..

<Anora> Like hell. Like THIS belongs to you? *motions the knife at Riyan* Pathetic.

<LT> *chuckles quietly, coming down to stand beside her, seemingly not worried at all about her armed state* Aye, the both of them are mine, m'lady.

<LT> Their entire family belonged to me. My best slaves.

* Anora sneers

<Anora> Well you'll be disappointed to know that it's his fault you won't be able to find her.

<LT> *sighs a little* It was unfortunate that she killed her other brothers--

* Anora glares at Riyan..look saying that he'd better think of something fast before she gets him killed ..formulating a plan

<LT> *pauses* I have no need of finding her, m'lady... if I call her, now that her brand is complete.. she will come to me.

<Anora> She can't cross dimensions. Not where she is.

<LT> You have little faith in the magic she knows not how to use..

* Anora sneers..

<Anora> You have little idea at how close I am to slitting your throat.

<LT> Would .. you like to see her, then? I can assure you, she is unharmed, other than her brand.

<LT> *smirks darkly, but seems more than happy to oblige*

* Anora growls, flashing the knife out to his throat

<Anora> No, I'dlike to see you dead.

<LT> *chuckles .. then fades like smoke, reappearing on the other side of her ..

* Anora sneers, watching him

<Anora> coward.

<Anora> It's no wonder you're confined here

<LT> *an invisable hand then reaches out to snag her wrist, pinching painfully* But am I really there?

* Anora blinks..then grimaces...sneering to show incisors

* Anora then slashes out at the source with her knife..

<LT> *both seemingly disappear .. and he's next to Riyan now*

<LT> You wish to see your sister..?

* Anora growls, hurling the knife at LT

<Anora> Damnit, hold still you filth!

<LT> *chuckles, holding up a hand and the knife stops inches from his palm* You wish to hurt someone so badly...? *moves the dagger down, lifting Riyan to his feet .. the blade now hovering just in front of his heart* ...continue, and it will be him.

* Anora growls..

<LT> ahh..there she is now...

<Anora> What on earth could make you wish to possess one woman so fiercely?!

<Anora> What on earth could make you wish to possess one woman so fiercely?!

<Anora> Coward! *spits* HIding behind her!

<LT> *looks upwards as a large blue-violet sphere appears over them*

* Anora glances up..blinking..thrown off by this..

* Rislyn comes into the room .. lowering herself to her feet slowly .. suddenly quite calm .. but still in harpy form .. eyes still blank

* Keelin stumbles in afterwards, rolling to her feet before blinking*

<LT> *blinks* LIGHT elves..? *snarls .. drows naturally hating their 'sister race'*

* Revelyn follows through, looking up and narrowing his eyes, once on his feet

* Keelin blinks, then narrows her eyes .. walking between Ris & LT* Great. Drows.

* `Riyan .. rolls out of the way .. pushing himself up against a wall .. watching wide-eyed, honestly terrified of this side of his sister

* Anora takes the opportunity to snatch her knife back

* Revelyn shakes his head, glaring at LT

* Rislyn just hovers .. then lunges for Keelin, swiftly moving herself between she and Lord Telomar, her voice a low, sing-song that almost isn't her own

<Rislyn> ....You will not lay harm on my lord....

* Keelin spins, grasping at her to keep her off, eyes narrowed* You know not of which you speak of! *tries to murmur a spell in mid tackle*

* Rislyn moves one wing .. her sword flashing into her talons .. before she thrusts herself upwards and away from Keelin .. looking down at her

<Rislyn> ..I do what my lord wishes..

* `Riyan erks .. actually calling out

<`Riyan> WATCH out! She'll dive

* Keelin glares, watching her, hand at her side, waiting*

* `Riyan is cut off as LT slams him against the wall using a wall of energy

* Revelyn growls softly* You...are even worse than my father...*magically tries breaking the bond between LT and Rislyn*

* Anora blinks..tries tackling LT with her knife in hand whilst the distractions come

<LT> *blinks .. looking at Revelyn .. grimacing slightly before waving a hand, Rislyn immediately diving for him, a bright blue sword appearing in LT's other hand to swing at Anora as he tries to move out of harm's way

* Rislyn .. yep, dives for Revely, face intent to kill

* Keelin growls, lunging at Rislyn to stop her*

* Revelyn erks, diving and rolling out of the way, putting a wall of energy up between himself and Ris

* Anora erks, knife clashing with his sword, she slashes at him again

* Rislyn slams into the wall .. then gets slammed into by Keelin, rolling and fighting with her, talons trying to grip at her hair to give herself an advantage of tearing it out

* `Riyan watches, eyes horrified .. LT fighting as if amused with Anora, chuckling to himself

<LT> Never knew she would make so many friends, the monster that she is..

* Keelin keeps her hair out of reach, using her knife to try and still her, murmuring spells to try and stop her from moving*

* Revelyn again goes for the bond between LT and Rislyn

* Anora growls, slashing again, getting very pissed

<Anora> YOU are the monster!

<LT> *falters, the bond breaking momentarily, Rislyn blinking and looking perplexed before it snapes back, a large shockwave of blue energy snapping out at all others in the room

<LT> LEAVE me to my business.

* Keelin throws a sheild up around as many as she can...wincing as she falters back

* Anora growls, getting protected by the sheild before going to wolf form, snarling and ripping with teeth at LT*

* Rislyn lunges upwards again, arms spread as she looks at Anora .. then dives straight for her, sword behind her before she draws it, this lifting her up so she can drop straight down onto her with her sword

* Revelyn throws a sheild up around himself then growling as he mutters a spell, continuously attacking the tie between them

* `Riyan growls, then lunges for Rislyn, tackling her and causing her sword to vanish, his own coming out

<`Riyan> Damnit, STOP IT!

* Anora growls, still tackling then..barely getting missed it seems

* Keelin stands, murmuring spells..she's practically useless without her bow & arrows*

<LT> *blinks, being ripped, growling before he sends a direct bolt at Anora, trying to send her back into Revelyn to stop both attacks at once, grimace on his face from the pain and the magic*

* Rislyn shrieks .. an obviously harpy cry -it's painful to all of their ears- and then falters again, her head actually slamming into a wall on the other side of the room.. looking dizzy, but not disconnected yet..

* Anora goes to human form in mid fly backwards, missing Rev and hitting feet first to a wall..she uses this to propell herself back..changing to wolf form to attack again

* Revelyn continues to glare at LT with glowing red eyes, sending a bolt at LT as he continues to attack the tie, determined...

* Rislyn then lifts Riyan easily, her talons digging deeply into his shoulders and throws him head first into Revelyn, Telomar ordering her to kill them all as she goes air-borne again

* `Riyan cries out in pain .. then kinda does summersaults over himself as he's thrown .. laying where he landed for a while

* Keelin growls, snagging the closest sharp item..hurling it at LT*

* `Riyan cries out in pain .. then kinda does summersaults over himself as he's thrown .. laying where he landed for a while

* LT gets the sharp object (whatever it may be) between the ribs, eyes wide in alarm before he looses his connection ... slowly sinking to a kneel, just .. looking surprised

* Rislyn drops like a stone the instant the connection is lost

* Revelyn erks, getting Riyan hurled into him, laying him down before erecting a sheild around himself and Riyan, then dives to catch Ris

* Anora skids to a stop....eyes wide as she looks down at him..

* Keelin dives as well..skidding so she won't run into Rev*

* Anora sniffs at LT...making sure he's dead..

* LT watches as Rislyn is caught by Rev (I'm guessing..) .. eyes kinda going glazed .. then he slowly disappears ..

<Anora> ..oO(Smells foul enough ...)

<LT> I ... will be time..

* Revelyn catches Ris...right? And kneels, eyeing her, holding her

* Anora blinks..barks loudly..growls...

* Revelyn shakes his head at LT, cursing in Elvish

* Keelin shifts, then goes over to Riyan...murmuring a healing spell..

* Rislyn 's collar shatters, like ice .. bouncing off the floor around them

* `Riyan shakes his head, standing slowly, looking at Keelin

* Anora shifts to human form, grimacing......sinking...sitting..

<`Riyan> Nae, light elf... 'tis my punishment. Leave them..

* Revelyn stands, still holding her

* `Riyan slowly makes his way over to Anora ... then kneels to help her up

* Keelin looks at him* Only if there are none that are life threatening..

<`Riyan> <q> I am sorry... let me help you home..?

* `Riyan shakes his head slowly, looking over at Keelin

<`Riyan> None, m'lady..

* Anora sighs, shaking her head and standing on her own, rubbing at her leg where the leather material is torn* <q> Why.

* Rislyn .. just lays there .. unconscious and it looks like she will be for a while .. the brand on her hand still bleeding as if fresh ... the feathers slowly molting from her arms and her hands and legs returning to normal .. leaving more than the back of her hand bloody

<`Riyan> <vq> It is my fault there were injuries here...

* Keelin nods...going over to RIslyn & Revelyn ..* <w> Do you need help healing her.. if we can..?

* Anora shifts, rolling her shoulders and looking for her knife..

* `Riyan holds it out to her

<Anora> <q> Yeah. It is partially. I hope you've learned from them too.

<`Riyan> ...Your blade..?

* Revelyn nods a little* <w> Aye...tho we should get away from this place first...

* Anora blinks..then takes it..sighing

<Anora> <q> Thank you.

* Keelin nods, glancing over at them* Have we any way to teleport out of here...? *glances at Rev* To underhill preferably..

* `Riyan nods .. then sighs .. closing his eyes .. another blue violet sphere opening .. this one having a very hazey view of the asylum before he blinks

<`Riyan> I..."Underhill?" *the other portal fades as he sinks*

* Anora rubs at her side, sheathing her knife..

* Revelyn blinks, looking to Keelin...'sup to her 'n stuff <G>

* Keelin shrugs* Either or.. I cannot do it either way.

<`Riyan> I..can get us back to the other world...if someone can do it from there...?

* `Riyan slowly closes his eyes again ...the portal once again appearing

<`Riyan> <q> Make it quick...I know not how long it will remain open..

* Revelyn nods a bit* I can...someone else would need to heal her, however...or...Devnet or Aiden...*shakes his head and heads through*

* Keelin follows*

* `Riyan just remains where he is..unable to move and exhert the energy to keep the portal open

* Anora watches..then mutters and picks him up and totes him through..gimping

* `Riyan gets toted to the asylum.. shoulders bleeding pretty badly (Oh, Riyan's another bare-chested male. He only wears what drow warriors would .. which .. they only wear breeches unless they are high of rank)

* Rislyn gets carried, too ... a few of her feathers sticking in the now torn fabric along the back of her sleeves .. which are soaked with blood from where the skin ripped when they emerged

* Anora totes him anyway ... she's seen worse naked men..she has four brothers...she's not gentle about it either

* Keelin heads up into the asylum* Here will work for now we can heal the wounded..

<`Riyan> <q> There... we..*grimaces..unable to cry out, he's that tired* <q> The up to you...

* `Riyan goes out

* Revelyn nods, heading in with Ris, settling her onto one of the couches and going strait to healing

* Anora mutters, dropping him on the couch...

* Myrae, on cue ..comes down the stairs*

* Revelyn murmers the healing spell, starting to struggle a little

* Kern is right behind her*

* Myrae heads over...

<Myrae> Rest, REv...

* Ryu wraps an arm around Rev..leading him to sit*

* Revelyn furrows his brow, looking up* But...*sighs a bit as he gets led, going with Ryu tiredly, got lotsa Ris-blood all over him*

* Myrae kneels beside Rislyn first....going to water form and attempting to heal her...

* Ryu sighs, getting some stuff to clean him off..*

* Anora starts bandaging Riyan, cursing under her breath*

* Kern...uhm...helps where he can <G>*

* Rislyn 's controller has all KO'd players right now.. so.. sit's back and watches <G>

* Revelyn sighs a bit...never did get that shirt back on :P, leaning his head back

* Myrae heals her..? doesnt' heal her..?

* Ryu continues, sighing* Are ye' injuredan'where..?

* Anora cleans Riyan off..just doing her best first aid..muttering idly...

* Rislyn gets healed .. but the entire time it looks like she's in pain from it .. up until it's done, that is.. then just looks worn

* Myrae steps back..

<Myrae> She should rest...*glances around* Anybody else...?

* Myrae solidifies..inspecting Keelin ... nothing wrong .. inspects Revelyn*

* Kern nods in agreement with Rae, looking around, eyes settling on Riyan*

* Revelyn 's just got a big time power drain <G>

* Anora glances up...then shakes her head

* Kern nods to her*

<Anora> Don't...bother with him... He's bandaged. He'll live.

* Myrae watches..brows furrowed..

<Myrae> Is he still bleeding...?

* Anora shifts .. then checks..muttering..

* Revelyn just kinda...slowly falls asleep

* Rislyn jerks upright suddenly, eyes panicked .. as if she just remembered something in her sleep

<Rislyn> KEVLEY!?

* Rislyn goes to launch herself off of..wherever she was laid down (couch, was it) eyes frantic

<Rislyn> <voice hoarse> Kevley....?!

* Rislyn instead..falls

* Revelyn erks awake, kinda, half-consiously reaching out to try catching her, not really abble to get up so he kinda...jerks in the chair...that teleport to underhill is finally getting to him

* Kern instead, reaches out to catch her*

* Rislyn looks up at him, eyes pleading

<Revelyn> *muttered* Saw...Dev runnin' help...

<Rislyn> <q> K-Kevley..?! Where's Kevley?!

* Myrae goes over...healing the larger cuts, trying to back away from thefrantic Ris

* Rislyn is just scared to death she killed him, too

* Kern shakes his head, gently getting Ris back to the couch* I'm sure he's alright...sit back...

* Anora winces, leaning back....

* Rislyn grips his wrists, the pain from that action visable on her face, and pleads with him outright

* Revelyn closes his eyes, weakly contacting Dev...then nods...kinda sinking in the chair* He's asleep...Underhill...

<Rislyn> <q> PLEASE..!? I need to see him..!?

* Anora holds her head

<Anora> Ris .. he's fine ... we have no way of getting to underhill currently ... just .. calm down??

* Kern furrows his brows, glancing to the others before looking back to Ris, nodding*

* Myrae stands and waddles upstairs when she's done

<Rislyn> No..I can't..I..NOW..! It'll come back..!

* Rislyn rubs at her arms, rocking herself back and forth

* Kern watches Rae go then back to Ris, kinda helpless in this*

<Revelyn> *muttered* ...I would...can't...keep*trails off, dropping back into sleep again*

* Keelin mutters..contacting Dev mentally*

<Myrae> {{Dev....?? open a portal...? Ris is going crazy...}}

* Ryu sighs, watching him quietly*

<Dev> {{Aye...}} *a portal opens shortly...*

* Rislyn drags herself through as quickly as she can ..

* Revelyn sleepies

* Keelin mutters* He's through there, Ris..go on..

* Kern lets her go, just kinda looking bewildered*

<Dev> {{Are you staying there, love? Or do you wish to come back, too?}}

* Anora sighs shakily, slowly standing...leaning heavily against the couch

* Keelin goes in* {{On my way..}}

<Kern> Are you alright, Anora...?

* Anora looks up....nods lightly

<Anora> <q> Yeah ... worried about the thug here but more or less ok..

* Yeah...portal closed, btw :P*

* Kameko comes back and blinks .. seeing Anora leaning on the couch next to a now unconscious Riyan

<Kameko> Uhm...what happened...?

* Anora looks up

<Anora> Long story short, Ris is fine, Riyan's ... beat up, and we're all happy for now..

* Anora shrugs..brows furrowed

* Kameko blinkblinks, eyes wide

* Kern nods a bit...*

<Kameko> What...happened?!

* Revelyn sleeps...worn out

<Anora> Um...*looks around, then sighs to see she's the only one to tell make it easier, TELLs her it <G>*

* Kameko blinks, incredibly concerned, and swallows a bit

<Kameko> <q> Jesus...a-anything I can do to help?

* Anora shifts..

<Anora> <q> THey all went back to Underhill..sans Rev and Riyan..I think we'll be ok for now..

* Kern nods, excusing himself to go be with Rae*

* Anora nods to Ker

* Kameko furrows her brow .. then sighs .. heading over and draping a blanket over Rev .. looking at Ryu

<Kameko> <q> He gonna be okay..?

* Ryu nods* Aye..with time 'e will

* Kameko goes and does the same for Riyan .. not really caring that this was his fault. All she sees is someone injured

* Anora looks up...sighing..

* Kameko glances at Ryu ... * Too much power..?

* Ryu nods* Aye..

* Kameko sighs .. furrowing her brow

<Kameko> <q> Wish I could have helped..

* Ryu shifts* <q> Et's al'righ..

* Anora mutters at Riyan..sitting by him

* Revelyn mms a little

* Kameko blinks .. wondering how Riyan actually got brought BACK when he was the bad guy originally.. but hey..<G>

* `Ryu smiles, smoothing his hair back..

* Revelyn yawns a little, awakening slowly

* `Ryu smirk

<`Ryu> How're ye..?

* Anora rolls her shoulders, fingering the tear in her pants

<Anora> <q> Damnit ...

* Kameko looks at Anora

<Kameko> You okay..?

<Revelyn> Alright...*shrugs a little wornn* Ye...? And everyone else?

* `Ryu nos..

<`Ryu> Ah'm well..

* Kameko looks at Rev

<Anora> Yeah..fine...*sighs* Irked but fine.

<Kameko> From what I was told..Rislyn and Keelin went back to Underhill..

* Kameko furrows her brow, looking back to Anora

<Kameko> Need help with that..? *points to the tear*

* Anora shakes her hea

<Anora> I have another pair..thanks tho..

* Revelyn nods a little, looks up at Ryu, smirks a bit and gently pulls her into his lap before looking back to Anora* So long as you're not hurt, m'lady...

* Kameko sighs .. hovering like a mother hen..kinda fidgety

<Kameko> Can..I get anybody anything to eat or drink..? I-I don't know how else to help..

* Revelyn shakes his head, grinning a bit sleepily at Kame* Nae...thank you, m'lady...

* Kameko nods a little .. then frowns

<Kameko> <q> Thank you, Revelyn..Ryu..Anora...for helping her..

<Kameko> <q> She's .. not all that bad once you get to know her... she.. just..had a rough time before...

* Revelyn nods a little, smiling a bit* <q> Aye...*smirks* I am still greatful for all of you not killing me, so...*shrugs a bit*

* Kameko winks a little

<Kameko> I had nothing to do with that one. I wasn't there.

* Revelyn chuckles softly and nods* Aye...

<Kameko> Although.. Ris sure wanted to, from what I heard.. at least, at first.

<Kameko> But she says now that you've helped her understand herself, and she thinks of you as a friend for it.

* Revelyn nods..then blinks a little, chuckling softly* I am glad for that...

* Kameko pauses .. then sighs

<Kameko> Uhm... I really can't be of any help, can I? I just...feel like I should be doing something..

<Revelyn> Hm...well...*tries thinking of something she can do...grins a bit sheepishly when he can't think of anything*

<Mitch> From upstairs, as if on cue, comes a bump, then a heavier thump, and a yelp of pain, cut off abruptly.

* Revelyn blinks, looking up at this

* Kameko mutters, then blinks, running --as best she can with her belly--towards the stairs

* the stairs... LIE THERE*

* Revelyn moves to follow...but...grumbles a little when he's too drained to

* Kameko waddles up the stairs

<Kameko> Uhm..Everybody okay up there?!

* Nox meets her in the hallway, still looking a little sick* Ah...I take it you heard it too..

<Mitch> From Mitch's room, a little faintly. "...yeah. Stupid." *seems to be calling HIMSELF stupid, not them*

* Kameko blinks .. coming just outside of Mitch's door .. looking at Nox worriedly

<Kameko> be up and walking around so soon..?

* Anora gets up to follow, gimping a little..

* for the sake of RP, it's unlocked*

* Nox blinks, then shrugs a little* I am awake...*smiles a bit and shrugs, looking towards the door*

* Ryu curls close to rev..watching*

* Anora peeks the stairs..blinking...

<Anora> WHat's going on up here..?

* Kameko hesitates .. then tries the doorknob

<Kameko> Mind if we come in, Mitch?? You sure you're okay?

* Revelyn shakes his head* No..idea...

<Mitch> *rustling sounds, the scrape of metal against metal, a low stream of gutteral spanish, and if you're not fluent it just plain SOUNDS nasty*

* Kameko blinkblinks .. looking at Nox like "Should I even THINK of opening the door??"

* Anora blinks ... coming to the door with them, pushing it open..

* door comes open... lemme describe...*

* Mitch's been doing some interesting redecorating. Most of the furniture has been pushed back along one wall. Parallel to the wall, stretching from one end of the room to the other, is a skeleton frame, supporting a taut metal cable that runs the length and terminates just above a massive taped-together mural that covers the entire wall... it's covered with a strange, complex pattern, polygonal zones numbered and coordinates noted.

* Kameko blinkblinks

* Anora just ... blinks

<Kameko> are you doing..??

* Nox...blinks...ritual magic the first thing that pops into her head*

* There's a tear down the center, and it seems pretty likely that Mitch caught it as he fell - there's a cable anchored to the one above, a loop so it moves free, with about twenty feet pooled around his waist and legs before drawing up to attach at his belt, to a harness of sorts. He's picking himself up with a rather disgusted, pained expression, holding one arm.

<Anora> Um, are you ok??

* Nox...nods...was about to ask that*

<Kameko> Mitch...?? You okay??

* Mitch looks up, adjusting his glasses (seriously out of whack until he gets 'em right). "...yeah. I'm okay." He grimaces, looking down. "Just a sprain."

<Anora> You need asprin or something?

* Mitch yanks at the cable where it attaches to the harness with his lower hands, getting it free and basically slinging it to the floor

<Mitch> "Iie. Domo. Just..." Muttered. "Stupid. Should've... yeah."

* Nox just kinda nods...backing away*

<Anora> uH .. right..*sighs, shaking her head and going back downs tairs...the bruise on her leg where her pants are torn is turning a lovely deep shade of purple beneath the scrape of rugburn*

* Mitch basically picks himself up and shakes himself off... he eyes the torn paper... then obviously decides "fuck it" and hauls on his jacket, just slinging it on over the harness, leaving it open as he heads for the door, holding his arm.

* Kameko blinks .. seeing her bruise

<Kameko> Anora.?? You need ice for that..?

* Kameko moves out of Mitch's way .. watching him to

<Kameko> Or..for yours..?

* Anora gimps to the stairs, pausing to look back

<Anora> Ah .. nah, I'm good..*heads down the stairs slowly*

<Anora> I have four brothers..*smirks* This is nothin'.

* Mitch locks the door behind him, tucking the key into one pocket. "I'll take care of it... ain't, y'know, the first time."

* Anora sighs, going over to check on Riyan...

* Nox nods* Alright...*covers a cough, kinda stepping away from the rest, going back to her room*

<Mitch> He glances up. "Nox... you doing okay?"

* Kameko furrows her brow .. then sighs, looking a bit put out and just nods..

* Syan waits for her there...brows furrowed*

<Kameko> Alright...

* Kameko chews at her lip..then blips out

* Nox pauses and looks back, grinning a little* Ah...yes...a little sick...

<Nox> Thank you, Mitch..

* `Riyan groans quietly .. waking up slowly

* Mitch blinks, looking to one side at the space Kameko recently occupied

<Mitch> "...yeah." *looks back to her* "You want anything? I'm going downstairs anyway."

* Revelyn looks up groggily, over at Riyan

* Nox shakes her head with that slow smile of hers* No...thank you...just...going to go curl up again...

* Anora looks down...

<Anora> <Dryly> Mornin' sunshine.

* Syan watches, brows furrowed..coughing into his hand*

<Mitch> "Okay... take, y'know, take care."

* `Riyan rubs at his head .. that pounding .. still not having opened his eyes

<`Riyan> <q> wasn't a dream, was it..?

<Anora> Nope.

<Nox> You your arm if need be..*grins a little and heads back into their room, curling up with Syan again, muffling another cough*

* Syan curls up with her, snuggling close*

* Revelyn shakes his head a little

* Anora glances around..

* `Riyan throws his arm over his eyes, sighing long and loud

<Anora> Damn .. now I'm hungry..

* Mitch heads downstairs, doing just that... he checks the fridge, and basically sticks his arm in the icebox for a while, leaning his head on the cool plastic, eyes closed.

* Nox cuddles close, dozing off after a little bit*

<`Riyan> <q> .....I cannot return to my home now....

* Anora arches a brow at Mitch...then looks down at Riyan

<Anora> You could say that.

<Anora> And I could say "I told you so"

* Syan drifts as well*

<Mitch> .oO(Stupid. Should've checked first. You're not strong enough to handle that. This is a problem. If you can't get to 'em in time you're not gonna be able to do this.)

* `Riyan sticks out his tongue, too tired to realize he's even done it, as if to say "Just..shut up"

* Revelyn smirks a bit..

* Anora arches a brow

* Mitch 's lower hands open up the fridge, body stretching a little to let it open enough to get a beer out

<Anora> My god, he's reverted to a nine-year-old.

* `Riyan groans.. face pinching in pain

<`Riyan> <q> possibly lower your voice..My head is pounding..

<Anora> You should be greatful...*lowers it* Your severe cuts were healed...

* `Riyan frowns

<Revelyn> Aye...the true colors...*streatches a little, tiredly*

<`Riyan> <q> I asked to keep them as a reminder of my betrayal..

* Anora sighs

<Anora> To an extent ... but you don't need to bleed to edeath for them..

* Revelyn nods a bit...

* `Riyan frowns .. then shakes his head

<Mitch> .oO(It's too late to come up with a plan B. You're gonna have to do something. You're gonna have to GET strong enough.)

<Anora> She healed the major wounds ... nothing more..

* `Riyan 's voice is quiet and sincere .. * <q> My little sister already bears scars for my is only fair that I should, too...

<Anora> Who said You'd go without scars ...? *kneels, lifting the bandage to point em out*

* `Riyan sighs .. actually .. looking greatful

<`Riyan> <q> .....How is she...?

* Anora sighs, lettng go and standing..

<Anora> She went to see Kevley...she was healed..*shrugs* Don't know any more extent of it...

* Revelyn nods a bit...

* `Riyan sighs .... nodding slowly

<`Riyan> <q> .....She will not see me again, for this.. and I do not blame her..

* Anora shrugs

* `Riyan slowly makes as if to push himself up where ever he's laying, eyes still not opened, reeling as he moves to his feet

<`Riyan> <q> Tell her.. I'm sorry. I will not interfere with her life again...

<Anora> Give her time. She'll come after you to at least flog you...whoawhoa..*gently pushes him back to the couch* down boy..

<Revelyn> Nae...stay down...*nods* What she said...

<Anora> You ain't leavin'..

* Mitch takes a long swig of the beer and withdraws the arm from the icebox, wincing as he flexes the hand slightly

* `Riyan is easily pushed back down, eyes blinking open .. obviously suffering from close to the same thing as Revelyn..he himself being a very poor magic user and having opened that portal

* Anora sighs..

<Anora> ok? You're pretty worse for wear..

* `Riyan frowns ...

* Anora gives him a look

<`Riyan> I shouldn't be here to upset her when she DOES come back...

* Mitch comes in, cradling the arm with its opposite and sipping the beer... he looks over the room... sees new faces... glances over at the stairwell and starts mentally counting rooms.

<Anora> Sit. Stay. REST.

* `Riyan sighs .. and lays back .. glancing up at Mitch.. looking exactly like Rislyn .. just male, then looks at Anora

<`Riyan> <q> ....yes, m'lady....

* Anora rolls her eyes

<Anora> It's Anora .. just..Anora..*turns for the kitchen* And I'm NO lady.

<Mitch> .oO(No comment...) Quietly, walking over to Revelyn. "Another relative?"

* `Riyan chuckles slowly

<`Riyan> <q> You...sound like sister..

* Ryu tilts her head to look up at Mitch* Aye..of Syan's..

* Revelyn chuckles dryly

* Anora shrugs, pullng down some soup...

<Anora> Anybody want some soup..?

<Mitch> He blinks, then fits it together. "Nah, I've seen- I mean the Rislynalike."

* Ryu nods*' brother.

<Mitch> "This place is really pulling 'em in these days..."

* Revelyn blinks a little, having kinda dozed off, shaking his head

* Ryu chuckles* Aye..

* Anora sighs, making the soup for herself...leaving the pot of it on the stove as she sits and eats it sowly

* Mitch rubs his neck with his free hand, glancing around. "Where IS Rislyn? Haven't seen her in a while."

* Ryu* En' underhill w' Kevley .. They jes' got back from savin' 'er..

<Mitch> "What?" He looks down, attention captured. "From what?"

<Mitch> "Wait. Don't we save people FROM Underhill?"

* Ryu shrugs, looking at Rev..she wasn't there for it*

* `Riyan sighs ..

* Revelyn nods a lil'* Aye...we did...they're in the good part of Underhill...

<`Riyan> ...I tricked her .. into going back to our world.. Lord Telomar then took over her body... Anora, the half-breed, and the light elf all saved her..and myself..

<Mitch> "As opposed to the Underhill Fifth Street?"

* Mitch just blinks, looking over at Riyan, having understood some of the verbs.

* Anora rolls her eyes..

* Revelyn blinks, having missed that...

<Mitch> "...shit. Okay, lemme, y'know, ask it like this. Who should I hate?"

* Anora finishes her soup and heads to the bathroom, digging out some bandages

<Anora> He's dead. Don't worry on it.

<Anora> At least for now.

* Anora sits on the counter, closing the bathroom door and shimies out of her pants, muttering curses as she cleans out her burn..

<`Riyan> ...Myself .. and Lord Telomar..

* Revelyn shrugs a little, just staying silent, keeping his arms around Ryu

<Anora> *through the bathroom door* He's full of it, and he's had his punishment. Ignore him,Mitch.

* Revelyn shrugs a little, just staying silent, keeping his arms around Ryu

* Ryu curls close..drifting*

<Mitch> "Okay." He takes a nice swig, walking over to a chair and plopping in. "Hate you, other guy dead, good guys okay. Got it."

<Anora> *through the bathroom door* <q> *hiss through teeth* Son of a bitch...stupid...

* Revelyn blinks a bit, stroking Ryu's arm, looking towards the bathroom* ...I could try healing that for you, if you wish, Anora...

* Mitch raises his head, looking over. "You okay in there?"

* `Riyan .. pulls himself to his feet again now that she's in the bathroom .. stumbling his way towards the door

<Anora> *Muttered through the door* I'm Fine...*sound of a few things falling on the ground..followed by a curse* Stupid..stay ON the counter..

<Anora> *hissed* SIT DOWN Riyan..

<Revelyn> Argg...*mutters a spell, to bring Riyan back to the couch, wincing lightly* I will shackle you there if you do not stay...

<Mitch> "Uh..." He pushes himself up, setting the beer on the end table. "You need, y'know, any help?"

<Anora> *m* I'm fine .. just can't seem to keep my medical supplies in order..

* `Riyan ..gets put back on the couch .. unable to get up again .. muttering darkly in drow under his breath

* Ryu murmurs, half asleep* Watch ye' mouth lad..

* Mitch rubs his neck, walking over to the hallway. "Look, I can give you a hand..."

<Anora> *a sigh is heard, and a pair of pants is held out from the door after it opens a crack* Can you sew?

* `Riyan .. blinks .. looking at Ryu curiously... then just.. goes quiet.. closing his eyes again

* Mitch blinks, then slowly grins, shaking his head and looking at the wall. " it happens... yeah."

<Mitch> "I MEANT with whatever you're supplying medically."

* Revelyn blinks, arching a brow at Ryu, smiling a bit and shaking his head

* Ryu chuckles*

* Anora mutters, dropping the pants out the door and closing it til it's only a crack open

<Anora> I'm just burned on my leg is all...and bruised...I'll be fine..

<Mitch> "What kind of burn?" He walks over, carefully not looking at the door, crouching down and hooking up the pants, checking out the tear.

<Mitch> .oO(Shit. This ain't gonna be pretty. She'd be better off with a new pair.)

* Anora mutters, sitting on the counter..hissing every now and then as she cleans out the burns .. not even attempting to get down to walk..

* Revelyn kisses Ryu's cheek, just smirking a lil

<Mitch> He sighs. "Look. I've handled this shit before, okay? I ain't exactly been in a position to hook up with, y'know, your friendly neighborhood physician. But if you wanna go it alone, I'll just do what I can on the pants."

* Ryu smiles, curled close, watching Riyan a bit* Ye goin' te' mope all day, lad?

* Anora sighs ..getting her upper leg bandaged at her thigh...then wrapping a towel around her waist, opening the door with a purely irate look...her lower left leg is still severly burnt and bleeding a little..

* `Riyan is actually watching Mitch now .. and looking at the door .. at a nice angle where he can just see hints of leg .. (yeah..and if not, he's dreaming about it <G>)

<Anora> You want to help..? *Holds up her bleeding leg* Have at it, Dougie Houser.

* Mitch blinks, obviously not having really thought this through to the extent that he'd be working on a half-naked women, and blushes visibly... but his eyes stay above the fault line. "...get in and sit down."

* Anora sighs, hopping on the counter

<Anora> I got my upper leg taken care of...and I'm not EVEN going to try to stand on my left one..took a hit against the wall...might be sprained or torn.. I don't wanna know.

* Mitch takes the medical kit and sorts through it, getting out the gauze and filling a cup of water... he starts cleaning the wound thoroughly, not always gently but making the effort. His lower hand, the non-sprained one, touches her left gently, assessing the damage.

* `Riyan frowns a little as his head starts to throb again, grimacing and closing his eyes again

* Anora grimaces, sucking air in through her teeth at both the cleaning and the ankle..

* Revelyn watches Riyan, arching a brow a bit

* Ryu stands, gimping over* Y'need an'thing, lad?

* `Riyan blinks, slowly looking up at her, and shaking his head

<`Riyan> A swift kick to the skull, perchance... would kill the headache..but other than that, no m'lady..

* Ryu shrugs* Asprin even...?

<Mitch> "'s a sprain, bad. Christ, you took the stairs on this? Yeah, keep your weight off it. Get ice on it until the swelling stops."

* `Riyan blinks .. looking startled by this word

<`Riyan> ..."asprin..?"

<Ryu> Aye, painkillers..

* Anora nods, muttering as she leans back against the mirror

<Anora> Go figure .. Syan's never gonna let me live this one down.

* `Riyan sighs .. then shakes his head

<Mitch> "Try and kick it up on a table or something, it'll help relieve the pressure. You'll be okay in a week or so."

<`Riyan> Just..a good few days' rest will help me.. I thank you, though.. You have no reason to be so kind.

* Anora nods...

* Ryu shrugs* Aye...does nae mean ah kinna be kind tho.

* Mitch snorts, starting to bind up the wound with the gauze. "He's been an inmate here for HOW long? Don't tell me he ain't never, y'know, busted nothing."

<Anora> K .. *sighs, running a hand over her face* oh, he probably has..doesn't mean he won't give me hell for it..

* Mitch tapes it off quickly and efficiently, not really responding.

<Mitch> "...who the hell is Dougie Houser?"

* `Riyan just .. lays there .. then sighs

<`Riyan> <q> Thank you, then ..

* Revelyn smirks a bit..

* Anora blinks...

<Anora> You are certainly very culturally sheltered aren't you? Eh, it's a tv show about a pre-pubescent doctor...

* Ryu nods* Aye..

* `Riyan .. still just lays there .. yep.. too worn out to do anything else

<Mitch> "Oh, TV." His lip twitches. "Yeah. Sheltered."

* Mitch finishes up and stands, looking away. "I'll do what I can with the pants. It's not gonna be pretty, though."

* Anora nods, hopping down onto one foot, holding the towel up with a hand..

<Anora> Thanks...if I can get up to my room I can snag at least a skirt..

* Mitch gets the hell out of there, turning the pants over and examining them

* Revelyn just stays where he is..

* Anora hops the stairs..the expression one of challenging..

* `Riyan slowly pulls himself up .. then looks at Revelyn

<`Riyan> May..I get up,*clears his throat, not wanting to say he has to relieve himself*

<Mitch> .oO(Well, THAT brought back memories.) .oO(Of what? Club Crimson?) .oO(Good times, good times...)

* Revelyn smirks a bit and nods, letting the spell drop...

* Ryu points to the bathroom* Et's o'er there...

* Mitch heads up to his room, rummages around in the closet, drags a toolbox from a duffel bag and pops it open - and lo and behold, there's a set of threads and sewing instruments. Boy ain't bluffin'.

* Anora snags her towel up with one hand, the other snagging the railing...hopping up the stairs one by one..

* `Riyan instead .. goes over and picks up Anora..wobbling a little himself..carries her to the top of the stairs..then makes his way back down slowly and into the restroom

* Mitch does what he can, but it's real leather and it's just not going to be good... and it's not a professional job, either, something crude and effective. Basically, them pants gonna be scarred.

* Revelyn blinks...then just...slowly shakes his head

<Anora> erf!

* Anora blinks....just .. stares..

<Anora> I .. wha?

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, who wears this stuff? You don't use it, you hang it on a wall and look at it.)

* `Riyan comes out a few minutes later .. and then just crashes back on the couch

* Revelyn ...blinks

* Anora hops down the hall..into her room..comes out wearing a leather skirt..yep .. it's real too .. and goes about hopping downt he stairs

* Ryu blinks* Better, lad?

* `Riyan nods slowly .. just..then falling asleep again

* Revelyn looks from him to Ryu, shaking his head bewilderdly

* Ryu shrugs*

* Mitch uses Skill: Build And Repair Pants, eyes it, tugs on the material to make sure it's not going anywhere, then balls it up, standing

* Anora hops her way down the stairs...can do that easily with two hands now..

* Revelyn shrugs a bit too, holding her close

<Anora> *hophophop*

* `Riyan snores quietly

<Mitch> .oO(I feel like I just murdered a perfectly good hundred at the pawn shop.)

* Anora thuds when she gets to the bottom stair, teetering

<Anora> Owwwwwww--son of a BITCH!!

* Revelyn looks up and erks..

* Mitch heads out, tossing the leatherwad from one hand to the other and locking up behind him, still not wanting to look at the torn paper

* Anora just kind of .. kneels at the bottom of the stairs

<Anora> I hate ... my ankles.

* `Riyan jumps to awakeness when she yells, looking disoriented before sighing and leaning back

* Revelyn gently slips out from under Ryu, heading over a little dizzily before kneeling by her* Need help...?

* Ryu watches*

<Mitch> "Shit." He takes the stairs slowly as Revelyn comes over.

<Anora> I need new EVERYTHING hips and lower..

* Anora cringes, leaning back

<Anora> I think I just tore up my other ankle now..

<Mitch> .oO(It never ends.) He glances up at Revelyn, not sure whether or not he knows what he's doing...

* `Riyan shakes his head, murmering quietly

* Revelyn nods a little and hehs, lifting her up and bringing her to a chair...* Often beat yourself up like this, m'lady?

<`Riyan> <q> Do're perfect, m'lady.

* Anora erks..getting lifted.

<Anora> No..*sighs, just giving up* Just when I fight evil which happens little to never for me..

* Revelyn smirks, settling her in a chair before reaching up to massage his temple* Do you wish for a doctor...?

* Mitch descends as the stairway is cleared, heading for his chair and flopping into it, rubbing the injured arm slowly as he retrieves his beer.

* Anora sighs..

<Mitch> .oO(Surgeon General's Warning. Fighting evil may be hazardous to your health.)

<Anora> <q> Just .. give me an ace bandage..I can take it from here...

* Revelyn nods, heading for the bathroom, snaggingg a bandage, then giving it to her, looking worn, before settling with Ryu, holding her close

* Ryu snugs close..sighing* Je's rest, luv..

* Anora takes it with a thank you .. wrapping her other ankle now..cursing under her breath the entire time

* Mitch just waits, holding her pants

<Anora> ..oO(Oh bravo you dork .. let's hop around on your weak you're stuck SITTING for two weeks..) *glances up after finishing..blinking* You fixed em..???

<Mitch> "Well..." He looks down at the pants a little dubiously. "I don't know if, y'know, 'fixed' is the word I'd use, but..." *tosses them to her*

* Revelyn sighs a little and hehs, holding her close* I'll not move until you say I can...alright? *smiles tierdly*

* Anora catches them, looking them over..

* Ryu grins* Aye then.

<Mitch> "There wasn't much I could do. You're not supposed to wear that shit. You're supposed to, I dunno. Admire it from a distance."

<Anora> It's not too bad .. *looks up at him* It's a special leather...If I don't wear it and I shape to wolf form...if I shape back i'm naked. I wear this and I come back wearing it.

* Revelyn smiles, holding her close and kissing her jaw gently

* Ryu grins, curling up*

<Mitch> .oO(...that runs in the family.) He rubs his neck. "Is the thread going to shift too?"

<Anora> Hm? Oh, sure...just trust me, it'll be fine *grins*

<Mitch> "Okay... good." *takes a sip*

* Anora folds up the pants and puts them to her side...resuming her glare at her feet..

<Mitch> .oO(So what needs to be done? I need to get stronger, faster. Hell, we've got a gym. I need to find out how the hell you work out. "Lift it up, put it down"... nah, there's gotta be more to it than that.)

* Anora eyes Riyan, throwing a pillow at him

<Anora> You owe me.

* Revelyn chuckles

* `Riyan blinkblinks .. startled into waking up

<`Riyan> Mmmhffmrrm??

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, you work in a library, don't you? Find out! There's probably a Pumping For Dummies somewhere around.)

* `Riyan blinks..

* Anora points to her legs..both showing due to her skirt being mid-thigh leg is bandaged fully..both ankles are heavily bandaged

<Anora> Youuu owe me.

<Mitch> .oO( there a Pimping For Dum- no. No way.)

* HAND OF GOD drops the book "Women for dummies, first dates for dummies,and sex for dummies" before Mitch* <echoey voice> Yoouu neeedd theeessee..*disappears*

* `Riyan furrows his brow

<`Riyan> I .. did not ask you to come, m'lady wolf.. I didn't want you involved in the first place.

* Anora mutters

<Anora> That's besides the point. You still owe me.

* Mitch , his thoughts interrupted by the byplay, watches, sipping the beer like someone else might munch popcorn

* `Riyan sighs

* Anora leans back, sighing herself

<`Riyan> What would you have me owe you, m'lady... I now own nothing..

<Anora> You are and will be my crutch til I can walk, got that?

* Mitch just blinks at this.

<Anora> And quit calling me m'lady.

* Mitch turns it over in his mind. Thinks. Glances at Rev and Ryu gettin' snuggly.

* Mitch just closes his eyes, and on the inside he's laaaaaaaughing

* Ryu waves, half asleep*

* Revelyn arches his brows..just holding Ryu close

<Mitch> .oO(Jesus Christ in a badly-researched harem scene... it doesn't take people long around here. Shit, no wonder Shin lit on so fast...)

* `Riyan blink blinks ....then arches a brow

<`Riyan> ..."crutch...?"

* Anora mutters, slowly pushing herself up..tests to see which ankle is worse for wear..

<Anora> Never mind.

* `Riyan furrows his brow

<Revelyn> She will help her walk...

<`Riyan> Hold on, m'---...Anora.. I will do what you ask..I just-...*looks at Revelyn* Oh, I can do that..

<VertigoFox> ::walks down the stairs his headphones on loud playing "Laziest Men on Mars - Terrible Secrete of Space":: Dodedo.. I am the pusher robot.. ::walks into the kitchen in search of food.::

* Anora mutters .. deciding to slowly walk to keep as much pressure of both legs ...

<Anora> I'm FINE. I said never mind didn't I? *kinda gives me an irate look, shuffle/hobbling towards the stairs

<Anora> *shufflehobbleshufflehobble*

* `Riyan stands, then lifts her, carrying her up the stairs, figuring this is what was meant.

* Revelyn just slowly shakes his head, smirking

<VertigoFox> ::opens the fridge and grabs a slab of chicken and a glass of water and heads towards the TV to watch cartoons::

* Anora blinks....then simmers..steams...

<Anora> Put. Me. DOWN.

<VertigoFox> ::turns off his headphones and gnaws at the chicken flippin on the TV to Cartoon Network:: Ehehe... ::blinkblinkies and looks around:: Heya alla ya. ^_^

* Revelyn arches his brows, smirking and pondering ducking for cover....

* Revelyn waves to VF

* `Riyan blinkblinks .. then does so .. looking hurt and confused before he sighs .. just ...dropping his hands to his sides

* Ryu waves at VF*

<`Riyan> <vq> I...Aye, Anora...

* Anora winces..landing painfull on her feet with a yelp

<Anora> N-no pickmeuppickmeup!

<VertigoFox> ::jumps up chicken stil in his mouth:: EEEE! New people! ::runs over to each offering a paw to shake and a wierd teethy wide smile::

* Ryu gets her hand shaken...watching*

<Anora> ow ow ow! UP-please?!

* Revelyn blinks! shaking hands* Ah...hello...? *chuckles*

<VertigoFox> ::wispers to `Riyan:: I think she wants up...? o_o

* `Riyan erks, then does so, lifting her again

* Anora sighs...then just kind of gives him a look

* `Riyan .. still just looks confused..

<Anora> This is your fault...*sighs, points to her room with a mutter* <q> THatway...

<VertigoFox> ::walks over to Revelyn:: Heya! I'm VertigoFox! ^_^ Nice to meetcha!

* `Riyan goes that way .. not arguing .. his face truly says he thinks so, also

* Ryu watches quietly*

* Anora tugs her key from her tanktop, leaning over to unlock the room

<Revelyn> Ahh...hello....*smirks* We have met before, I believe...

* `Riyan blinkblinks

<`Riyan> always keep valuables in there..??

* `Riyan .. looks puzzled

<Anora> Yep...*pushes the door open*

<VertigoFox> ::smile dissapears as he thinks... hmm:: Lesse... oh yeah! duh.. ::smacks forhead:: Ehehe, sorry. I get a little wierd when I'm hungry.. I'm hungry... ::finishes off his chicken:: You wouldn't happen to need that arm, would you?

* Revelyn chuckles...then blinks, wrapping it around Ryu and nodnodnodding

<VertigoFox> Hmm.. food.. anybody know any good sushi joints around here? ::ears perk up::

* Ryu shrugs* Some down on th' southside, ah think ..

<VertigoFox> ::looks over to Ryu:: About how far away? Can I get there rather quickly on foot?

* Revelyn just nods...not knowing hoenstly

<VertigoFox> Waaait... I don't know _you_.. that I know.. ::walks over and offers a hand again and bows:: I'm VertigoFox. ^.^

* Ryu shrugs, shaking his hand* Ah'm Ryu, lad ... ah, nae sure on how far tho

* Revelyn smirks a bit, stroking Ryu's arm

<VertigoFox> ::smiles and shrugs:: I could use a bit of excersize anyway:: A pleasure to meet you. ^_^ I guess I'll be off in search of food. Maybe we'll talk more later?

* Ryu nods* Aye..per'aps..

* Revelyn nods..* Be safe...

<VertigoFox> ::smiles but cocks his head for a second not exactly sure what Rev means:: I will... don't worry. ^_^ ::he gulps the last of his water and puts it in the kitchen then heads out the door::

* Revelyn nods..

* Ryu watches..* Strange lad..nice tho, aye?

<Revelyn> Aye......there are quite a few of those here...

* Elyce cracks her neck, crouched over Angora, and sips the water someone brought for her*

<VertigoFox> ::as soon as VF leaves the asylum his entire mood changes, his ears go flat on his head and his eyes begin to glow... he begins to talk to himself:: It's getting worse, I need food.. I need prey.. I'm so hungry. I feel like I'm going insain. How much longer will it be before I have to leave this place? I hope not for a while... I like it here.

<VertigoFox> ::chuckles a bit bitterly:: I wonder if Rev knows how serious I was about his arm... >_o;;

* Angora is fast asleep..passed out*

* `Riyan ...had taken Anora to her room, right?

<VertigoFox> ::ears begin to twitch as he begins to quietly pad down the street.. his hand is twitching, as if nervous, and he begins to play with the knife under his coat:: Where... where can I go?

<VertigoFox> ::he looks in the direction of the neerest park:: I've already been there too much... I need new grounds... where can I go... ::he stops for a second to sniff the air::

* Anora reaches down to push the door open, muttering

<Anora> That way..walk...

<VertigoFox> ::the familiar smell of duck from the closest park ticlkes his nose:: ... mmm... not much.. but easy prey.. why not...

<VertigoFox> ::he turns and runs towards the neerest park::

* Mitch ... exists again, sipping his beer and eyeing the exercise room a little dubiously.

<VertigoFox> ::as he nears the park entrance he slows to a walk, his padded feet making almost no sound against the pavement... he begins to stalk his prey.. ears up listening to his surroundings he moves towards a pond::

* `Riyan .. obliges

<VertigoFox> ::as he nears the park entrance he slows to a walk, his padded feet making almost no sound against the pavement... he begins to stalk his prey.. ears up listening to his surroundings he moves towards a pond::

<`Riyan> <q> Would you like me to close the door behind me on the way out, m'...Anora..?

<VertigoFox> ::as he nears the pond, he slows to a crawl, watching the ducks splash in the water:: Mmm... I'd rather not get wet.. please get out of the watter... ::his stomach gurgles:: erg.. hungry..

* Ryu leans back, stretching a bit*

* Revelyn hmms? watching her, stroking her side gently

<VertigoFox> ::a duck comes near to the shore and stops, almost onto land:: Come ON! ::his stomach gurgles loud and the ducks stop moving:: Grrg.. crud.. now or never

<Ryu> Nae....jes thinkin'...

<Revelyn> Aye....? What about...?

* Ryu shrugs* Stuff en gen'ral

<VertigoFox> ::he bounds towards the water and the ducks begin to fly away, he makes a running leap and jumps at the last duck to fly.. just missing it, but has he falls to the water he takes his knife and tosses it towards the duck, hitting it in the stomach. The duck falls to the water, splashing just after VF does, into the pond::

<Revelyn> Do you wish to talk about it..?

* Ryu shrugs* Ah .. later, luv..

* Revelyn nods and kissees her brow

* Ryu smiles, curling cloe*

<VertigoFox> ::surfaces and grabs the duck wading to the shore and darting up a tree holding his prey close and looking for any people that might have witnessed him::

<VertigoFox> ::satisfied that nobody saw him he takes his knife, licks the blood from the blade, and shieths it before savagly ripping into his food::

<VertigoFox> ::crunching and cracking can be heard as he bites threw the ducks hollow bones the blood running down his face and the water dripping from his fur::

<VertigoFox> ::finishing off his dinner he tosses the remenents of the duck into the pond, and shakes himself off:: Mmm... ::pats his stomach:: Maybe I need a hobby, something to keep my mind off the food...

* Aria's in her hospital bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking, thinking, thinking, breathing gently.

* Stacie' the computer at Foss.

* Mitch finally heads upstairs, beginning the rather annoying job of patching the mockup back up

* Diana's drawing very carefully...unable to feel her hand from the old injury, but hey..*

* Revelyn rests his chin on Ryu's hair

* Ryu snoooooozes*

<VertigoFox> ::wipes as much blood from his face as he can and shakes the rest of the water off and heads back towards the asylum:: I need a shower.. I smell like wet dog.. erg...

* Revelyn waaaaaatches her

* Ryu waaattchhes him*

* Revelyn thought Ryu was snoozing <G>

* Ryu is talented like that..*

<VertigoFox> ::returns to the asylum and walks quietly into the kitchen to rinse off his face::

* Ryu sniffs..* <vqw> Ah smell blod..

* Revelyn nods...

<VertigoFox> ::turns on the watter and wrinces his face the watter is a bit red for a second as he washes himself::

<VertigoFox> ::he then takes his knife and begins to wash that, with soap and everything, then drys it sheiths it and walks quietly into the living room to plop down in the floor infront of the couch::

<Ryu> Enjoy yer' sushi?

<VertigoFox> ::ears are perking up and around twitching fast.. he seems rather over alert:: No.. no I didn't. I didn't have any rice. I got some fast food... ::thinking to himself:: just not fast enough...


* Revelyn nods a bit..

<VertigoFox> So... how are you two? ::looks over to Ryu and Rev::

* Ryu shrugs* Tir'

<Revelyn> What she said..

<VertigoFox> ::smirks a bit:: A little too awake for my own liking... so, Ryu, where are you from?

<Ryu> Ir'

<VertigoFox> ::his ears have lessend their twitching, he's starting to relax:: Ir'e? I'm not sure I know of that place.. I'm from around. I've been my share of places. I like to say I'm from here now. I like it here. ::smiles:: ^_^

* Ryu chuckles* Irelan'..I're..

* Revelyn chuckles and nods

* Revelyn streaches lightly, holding Ryu, stroking her belly a little with his thumb

<VertigoFox> ::smiles:: So, now do you two know each other? ^-^

* Ryu squirms* Erf...tickles...

<Ryu> at all..

* Revelyn grins, stilling his hand* From here, actually...

<VertigoFox> ::smiles:: How so? If you don't mind me asking? ^-^

* Revelyn restsss his chin on her shoulder* We simply met here...and became close...

<VertigoFox> ::nods and keeps smiling:: That is nice, how long have you known each other? ^_^

* Ryu ....hrms..* Few weeks..month at tops.

* Revelyn nods...

<VertigoFox> ::smirks and finally regesters something:: Wait.. Ireland?! I have family from ireland.. where abouts? ^__^

<Anora> *Ryu chuckles* Ardmore, lad..

<VertigoFox> Mmm.. heard of it, truethfully.. I wouldn't remember it had I ever been there. It's been quite a long while since I was back there... ::sighs as he trails off as if remembering something::

* Revelyn blinks* Are you alright?

<VertigoFox> ::sighs:: I'm fine. Maybe I just need a shower and a nap.. ::sniffs the air:: I still smell like... wet... I bid you good night. I'll see you another time ::heads up for a shower and sleep::

* Revelyn nods* well..

* Ryu watches..* G'nigh

* Revelyn looks down at Ryu, watching her quietly

* Ryu rests...sleeping*

* Revelyn smiles softly quietly admiring her

* Stacie Greene kills a fly on her computer's monitor and grumbles.

* Revelyn just keeps gazing at Ryu

* Stacie closes the windows, switches off her 'puter and heads for bed.

* Elyce leaves Angora to an NPC...

* Elyce heads downstairs, stretching and making a beeline for the kitchen.

* Revelyn wavels to Elyce as she goes, holding the sleepin Ryu

* Elyce pauses at the sight of them.

* Elyce nods briefly and continues into the kitchen, going for the fridge.

* Revelyn goes back to wwatching Ryu

* Elyce finds a plate of brownies. And a quart of milk. Elyce disappears into the adjoining bathroom with them.

* Elyce emerges 45 seconds later with an empty plate and quart.

<AriaStormsinger> *telltale crumbs and a moustache of white linger about her mouth*

* Elyce washes the dishes and sets them aside, wiping her face with the washcloth before heading into the living room.

* ryu is asleeeepp*

<Elyce> (whispers) Am I interrupting anything?

* Revelyn chuckles softly and shakes his head* <q> Nae...have a seat...

* Elyce plops and leans back, rubbing her temples

* Revelyn arches a brow* <q> How are you?

<Elyce> I'm...trying to be patient. Funny...Eighteen of this world's years in solitary servitude to Soo'ah, waiting to find someone like you and Ryu, I was patient.

<Elyce> These few days since she was vanquished seem like a hundred years each.

* Revelyn smiles a bit and nods* Perhaps you are...bored?

* Elyce smiles ruefully and drops her fingers from her temples. "Perhaps."

<Elyce> You've found something to occupy you.... *smiles at Ryu*

* Revelyn chuckles softly, and traces his fingers gently through her hair* Aye...a job as well...

* Elyce nods.

<Elyce> (softly) Do you know anything of demons?

* Revelyn furrows his brow* ...only that which my mother has told me...andddd what I have learned of myself...

* Elyce 'hmms' thoughtfully.

<Elyce> So Diana is aware of their existence?

<Revelyn> She was...she may be again...I do not know...

* Elyce meets his eyes critically. "Had you ever faced one before Soo'ah?"

<Revelyn> Nae...never one such as her...shadow such creatures though, aye...

<Elyce> How did you defeat them?

<Revelyn> Some I did not...others...with different techniques...magical and physical...

* Ryu is sleepin' downstairsin Rev's lap*

* Elyce looks thoughtful. "I' upstairs for awhile. Take care, Revelyn."

* Revelyn nods

<Revelyn> Of well.

* Elyce nods and heads off...

* Revelyn ...goes back to watching Ryu

* Ryu continues to sleep, smile on her lips*

* Revelyn smiles softly as he watches her

* Ryu curls close*

* Revelyn smiles as he strokes her hair gently

* Ryu mms....snoozing*

* Revelyn continueeees..

* Revelyn streatches a little, just holding Ryu

* Ryu snoozes*

* Revelyn hns and stands, gently carrying Ryu up to one of their rooms..

* Evy erm, is still lying in a hospital bed, being all lethargic, n' stuff...

* Ryu gets toted*

* Revelyn gently tucks her in

* Ryu snooozes..mming with a small smile*

* Revelyn smiles softly, sitting by her and brushing hair from her brow

* Ryu mms....just sleeping...comforted by him being there*

* Revelyn yawns a bit and slips in by her, clicking the lights off and pulling her close

* Ryu snugs close...still sleeping*

* Revelyn dozes off


* HappyLittleMoron 's...still in Texas with Klork

* HappyLittleMoron watches out the window, brows knit

* Klork looks up ... rubbing at his neck a little

<Klork> any ideas..?

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...the guy did name a bar the guy we're lookin' for mmight be at...should prob'ly check that out...

<Klork> yeah...

* Klork n ods..

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a bit and turns to him, slipping her shades on* ...shall we?

* Klork nods again, snagging his bag

<Klork> Lets..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, heading out with him..

* Klork heads out, walking towards that area of town..

* HappyLittleMoron goes with him

* Klork furrows his brows

<Klork> what was the name of the place..?? *shifts..he's standing right in front of it*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and reads the name, this being it..

<Klork> erk...heh..

* HappyLittleMoron grins a little, twining her fingers with his, heading in with him..

* Klork looks sheepish

* the place is a sesspool of filth*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Reminds me of a few places I've worked...}}

* Klork nods...

<Klork> <q> Yeah...let's check it out..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, glancing covertly around, still pulling the blind act

* Klork takes her arm, going with..

* There's a group of seedy looking indivudals at the back, talking*

* Klork looks around...

<Klork> {{Those look about right?}}

* HappyLittleMoron glances that way...* {{Looks like it to me}}

* Klork heads in that direction then..

* HappyLittleMoron goes with him, acting as if she's being led

* Klork clears his throat once there

* `KuroiTenshi is wandering around the alleyways, not caring if she gets lost. her hair is tucked under a big cowboyhat (cause that's not an attention grabber, no....) big sunglasses to hide the purple bruise around her eye, the one that almost dims the affects of her brujah eyes, and the ice that covers the area. she's wearing plain black jeans and a black shirt, her chest and wrist wrapped in bandages, covered with a thickish layer of ice.

* three guys look up* Yea? what is it

<Klork> I'm looking for a *insert forgotten name here*

* A greasy hispaic guy with gold teeth grins: Jon Stills? ..whatfor?

<HappyLittleMoron> Bussiness proposition.

* Klork nods in agreement

<Greasy> huh...*motions to the backrooms* ..thattaway

<HappyLittleMoron> Ait

* Klork n ods, taking her arm and leading her there

* HappyLittleMoron goes with him

* Klork heads into the backroom, looking around

* The backrooms smell really nasty..the smell of blood..or something decaying in teh vents. A tall guy in black motions you to a room*

* HappyLittleMoron manages to keep a smirk down, her face disturbingly cold, as if she's lived in this kinda place her whole life

* Klork ducks into it, still leading HLM

* Klork looks around..

* theres a small office a skinny man sitting there..he doesn't look dangerous.. he's talking on the phone..but he has an abnormal amount of jewelry*

* HappyLittleMoron appears to look blindly at the man, eyeing him measuringly

* Klork eyes him, looking all business-like

* he looks up..he has a mustache.. a cowboy hat and striped shirt on* ...I'll have to call you back. *hangs up* ..Hello

<Klork> Evening..

<HappyLittleMoron> *low voice* Jon Stills...?

<John> That's me..and are?

<Klork> Dean..this is my wife Ella.

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

* John extends a hand: Hello..nice to meet you

* he doesn't seem to be a bad guy*

* Klork nods, shaking his hand

<Klork> My wife has a business proposition for you ...

<John> Oh! ..well have a seat..can I get you folks something?

* HappyLittleMoron nods a bit, seeming to not see his hand* I am interested in learning of some of

* Klork shrugs..

<Klork> Ah..she's blind...*helps her to a seat* And thank you but we're fine

<HappyLittleMoron> Thank you...*shakes her head in John's generrral direction, smiling thinly*

<John> Ah.. Alright..Lets have it then

* Klork sits...leaning back in his chair

* HappyLittleMoron folds her hands in her lap* You are involved in seriouse underground activity, are you not?

<John> I am

<HappyLittleMoron> I am interested in your...ah...stock of fighters...

* Klork nods..quiet...listening

<John> Alrighty *Pulls out a book and goes over some sheets* ..What are you looking for exactly

<HappyLittleMoron> One with very...animalistic characteristics...not human in appearance...reptilian...

* Klork nods..

<Klork> quick...very feral

<John> hmm..we have a fully feral lizard that came in just a day ago!

<John> ..Apperently this fellow can't even speak

* Klork blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh?

<John> ..just...makes alot of noises

<John> oh know..animal noises

<John> Growls and such.. He's not fit for the pit in a tournament.. He'll be a stock figher..

<John> We don't know if this guy has the mental capabilities to be a Fighter

<Klork> Sounds perfect....*looks at HLM*

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* I'm sure we could use him...tough perhaps if we can...*smirks ironicly* See him?

<John> missy.

<John> We're talking about a bipedal fearal lizard here

<John> ..he's..rather violent..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a bit* Mr. Stills, I may be blind...but I am far from helpless.

* John sighs a little and looks to Klork: ..well... If you want to

<Klork> Believe me .. she's tellin' truth..*has a look of "No sir, I do not wear the pants: to him*

* he stands slowly and goes to a metal filing cabnet and grabs a ring of keys and looks up Mondo's chart*

* Klork watches.....

* HappyLittleMoron smirks

<John> This way*motions for them to follow*

* HappyLittleMoron stands, lacing fingers with Klork again..

* Klork follows, leading her that way

<John> ..keep well back from the cages alright?

* he goes into the basement..there's alot of cages like jailcells..about 5 mutants..all animals down there..some are pacing..some are climbing*

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* Klork nods...following .... grimacing when he sees them...

* HappyLittleMoron doesn't seem to have any reaction, though inside she's crying for them all...

* Mondo is just going back and forth in the cage, making this strange sort of grumbling that sounds like when a cat grumbles.. but more throaty, tail lashing..his eyes dont look like his own.. he's eye swollen shut. laceratiosn on his back.. his hair is a mess*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{...ohgods...}}

* Klork is emotionless..

<Klork> {{Shit..Mondo??}}

* John sighs: ..this one came in from NYC.. they caught him in an ally..

<John> I really wish they wouldn't go so hard with the cattle prod

* Klork winces..

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Ahh...I this is the fault of his original captors...

<John> ..but that's Tex for you..these things are gonna get torn to peices anyways..they don't have to make it worse..I like my fighers to come here in one peice

<John> that it is.. Tex's operations arn't all that clean

* Klork nods ..

<Klork> How much..?

* HappyLittleMoron nods in agreement with Klork..

* John looks at Klork for a second, eyeing him: ..How much for this one?

<Klork> Mhmm.

<John> ..well..*strokes his chin* .. How much are you willing to pay?

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> I think you should state a reasonable price for damaged goods.

<HappyLittleMoron> We'll deal from there.

<John> I bought him for 50 thou.. he was supposed to be in good condition..but..Tex..typical. Such nice skin on this one too.. it's all torn up now.. 20 Thousand? ,...that's a pretty cheep price for him

* Klork shifts...

<Klork> Yeah .. the eye tho .. and what sort of drugs you got him on..?

<John> .oO( Lizard's got mighty brave friends...)

<John> no no son..there here's a stock mutnat

<John> ..he gets to be ripped to peices by a real fighter

* Klork shakes his head,looking at Mondo closely

<John> to get them riled up

<Klork> Point. Another reason why the price shouldn't be so high.

* Mondo growls low and slashes at the bars with a loud *TING*

<John> ..alright alright..look... You find a way to calm him down and he's yours *gives them a look as much as "I know what your up to and who you really are"

<John> cause he's really no use to me in this condition

<Klork> {{Think he knows what he's dealin' with, Mo..?}} *leans a head to the side, inspecting Mondo speculatively*

* Mondo screes! it echo's through the room,each echo reveling fear*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{I think he knows we're not mutant-traders, I don't think he knows just what we are, though...I'd honestly like to manafest his heart clean out of his ribcage}}

* Mondo_Gecko backs up against the back of the cage, flattening himself against it

* Klork doesn't respond to his actions, kneels instead..

<Klork> {{Down Mondo .. geeze, bud...}}

* HappyLittleMoron hums softly to Mondo, her voice soothing...

* Mondo_Gecko

* Klork watches...slowly taking the hint and chiming in...

* Mondo_Gecko watches them for a moment..and then starts to come over...slowly

* Klork stays knelt.calm...humming w/ HLM

* HappyLittleMoron steps closer to the cage as she hums, starting to sing a soft, soothing song

* Klork goes into harmony...keeping at ahum due to not knowing the words..

* Mondo_Gecko sits down beside the bars where they are

* his eyes to NOT look liek his eyes...they look liek the eyes of an animal*

* Klork furrows his brow...watching Mondo...

* John stands watching this, sighing..the brutal truth of his work...but then is work*

<Klork> {{What'd they do to him...}}

* Mondo_Gecko licks the side of him mouth, listening

* Mondo_Gecko sniffs the air a little

* Klork keeps the humming up..brows furrowed..

* HappyLittleMoron speaks in a soothing tone* We have soothed keep your word to us... {{Beat him sensless, bastards...}} *hums while she doesn't speak*

* John sighs a little: alright..go on...take yer lizard *goes over and unlocks the cage*

* Mondo_Gecko gasps and shoots back across the cage again, curling up intoa tight ball

* Klork sighs...humming again...

* HappyLittleMoron appears to feel her way to the door, humming softly to Mondo, keeping the tone sweet, soothing...

<John>'m gonna get outta here until you have him under control again.. *turns and slips out*

* Klork stays behind her, watching her back..

* Klork opens a slow portal when he's transparent..nothing bright..

* Mondo_Gecko stops shaking..slowly comming to..

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Might want to open a portal, love, doon't trust the guy...err....readdd my mind}}

* HappyLittleMoron continues her soothing singing...

* Mondo_Gecko gets up again, taking causious steps toward her*

* Klork steps slowly by the portal..humming still...

* HappyLittleMoron holds a gentle hand to him, palm up, continuing the soft song, none-treatening and loving...

* Mondo_Gecko 's chest rises and falls..he holds up a palm back..

* Klork keeps humming..crouched..right by the portall..

* HappyLittleMoron continues her singing, watching Mondo encouragingly

* Mondo_Gecko places his hand on can see in his eyes himself fighting to return

* HappyLittleMoron gently takes his hand, continuing the lullulaby...leading slowly towards the portal, walking backwards to continue facing him...

* Klork hums...watching the exits just in case.

* Mondo_Gecko follows HLM though the portal

* Klork goes after...closing it behind him...

* HappyLittleMoron continues the song, reaching up to take her shades off once they're safe, looking into his eyes...

* Mondo_Gecko starts to shake..the normal look in his eyes comming back

* HappyLittleMoron reaches out to hug him, glancing at Klork...

* Klork leans against the wall, watching..brows furrowed..

<Klork> <q> ok...??

* Mondo_Gecko tries to speak..finding it nearly impossible..the last thing he remembers is being chained in a cattle truck ..his cage stacked with others.. screeming

<Mondo_Gecko> *hoarse whisper* ..I'm...alive

* Klork nods...staying where he is..

* Mondo_Gecko shuts his eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* and we were..thinking slavery was over

* Klork sighs shakily, looking down..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, hugging Mondo close* <w> don't it...yer free now, though...

<Klork> <q> Yeah...

* Mondo_Gecko flinches

<Mondo_Gecko> ...ohgod..

<HappyLittleMoron> ...wha?

* Mondo_Gecko swallows...tears comming to his eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> *w*..nothing...

* Klork grimaces..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little, nodding lighhhtly and casting a worried look to Klork...kinda slowly backing off...

* Klork furrows his brow..opening the door

<Klork> <q> You wanna rest in your room, Mondo?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* Mondo_Gecko whips the corner of his mouth. wet

* Klork leas the way..

* HappyLittleMoron stands and watches them with a shakey sigh

* Mondo_Gecko follows, silent

* Klork opens the door to his room..leaving it open

<Klork> <q> We're down the hall f you need us..

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* thanks *head down..tears in his eyes*

* Klork nods..grimacing as he watches him go

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, looking up the stairs after him...

* Klork goes over to her...sighing shakily

<Klork> <q> I hope he'll be ok..

* Mondo_Gecko closes his door..Shin is still asleep on his bed..the thought of having to sleep beside someone terrifying now..where has a day ago it was a comfort*

<HappyLittleMoron> Me, too...*swallows a little and heads over to wrap her arms around him* <q> Gods...

* Klork hold her close..sighing shakily..purring to comfor the bot of them

* Mondo_Gecko sighs...forcing himself to curl up on teh bed..not going too close to her..trying to remember how safe her warm breathing was a day ago

* HappyLittleMoron stays there for a little while before looking up at him* Let's go see how Brenna's doin'...? Been keepin' tabs on the kids psychicly...just not the same tho...

<Klork> <q> Yeah...let's..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, heading upstairs with him...Brenna sleeping soundly in her crib

* Klork watches...purring as he does so..then glances back at the bed..

<Klork> Tired..?

* HappyLittleMoron nods*

* Klork nods, yawning and stripping down

<Klork> <q> Yeah.

* HappyLittleMoron strips down as well...actually getting her figure back pretty quickly, scar from the section almost all gone, close to being all toned...quite a bit...bustier than before, too

* Klork watches her .. scooting over in bed...

* HappyLittleMoron slips in with him, nuzzling close

* Klork purrs...drifting and pulling her close

* HappyLittleMoron curls close, drifting off

* Klork sleeeps

* HappyLittleMoron sleeeeps too

Session Close: Mon Apr 22 02:18:07 2002

RP Logs Page
