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Session Start: Tue Apr 02 13:17:11 2002

<Mitch> .oO(No SHIT, it keeps going. Christ, half the time it puts the obvious in the longest words possible, the other time it finds it necessary to prove it...)

* Mondo_Gecko rubs his arms, feeling a little chilled..but finds it just makes the hunger worse..

* Mondo_Gecko turns and runs out of the room suddenly

<Mitch> .oO(...why is he still here?)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( gotta get outta here)

<Mitch> .oO(Never mind.)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...I will NOT resort to junkfood)

* Mitch shrugs and returns his attention to a case study.

* Mondo_Gecko starts to go over people in the asylum..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..k..first I gotta think..will I resort to seducing guys for blood? .....the answer is yes)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...hmm...wish there was more ppl here that I wouldn't feel bad about feeding from..or sick )

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and flops back on the couch

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs, streatching expansively

* Mitch is in the exercise room, exercising his brain with Physics 101

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(HLM? ..she's pregnant..and Klork will kill you..)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..then again..if I feed off Klork...well he'll still kill me)

* HappyLittleMoron waffles to Mitch as she passes by, then blinks at Mondo...* You ok?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...noooooooooo

* Mondo_Gecko yawns a bit...FANGS

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!

<Mondo_Gecko> ..hard night

<HappyLittleMoron> Kindred lizard...*furrows her brows* Man..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..........yea

<Mondo_Gecko> exactly

<Mondo_Gecko> I have so many different instincts I dunno what to do

<Mondo_Gecko> I feel like taking a gun to my head

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...uhm...know if there's a way to reverse it?

<Mondo_Gecko> *shrugs*

<Mondo_Gecko> Dunno..

<Mondo_Gecko> all I know is I'm twice as horny as i was in heat...but It's not horny for sex..

<Mondo_Gecko> it's like I'm horny for blood

<HappyLittleMoron>*rubs the back of her neck* ...I'm sorry...

* Mondo_Gecko srugs

<Mondo_Gecko> could be worse..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...maybe me and Diana could like..get into some pain and blood orgies or something....oh god that sounds good)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...blindfolds..candles..bloodwyne..claws and biting...daaaaaaaamn..)

<HappyLittleMoron> I guess...uhm....wish I could help...offer you a snack...but...well...dunno how it'd affect the babies...and my blood would burn you from the inside out...

<Mondo_Gecko> ......

<Mondo_Gecko> um...maybe I'll look for a meal that's less spicy

* Mitch reeaads

<Mondo_Gecko> I wouldn't bite you though..your pregnant

* HappyLittleMoron chuckes* Yeah...gah...I'm really sorry...maybe...try talking to Klork or Diana about it...?

<Mondo_Gecko> Klork?

<Mondo_Gecko> ....he got good blood?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...wouldn't know...

<HappyLittleMoron> Just...he's got vampire in him..

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm

<Mondo_Gecko> ...can vampires feed off eachother and get full or no?

<HappyLittleMoron> I have no idea...not really an expert...

<Mondo_Gecko> neither am I and that's the problem

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip a little* Yeah...'swhy I suggested talking to Diana or Klork...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I'll do that..

<Mondo_Gecko> I gotta figure myself out before...

<Mondo_Gecko> well...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(before I loose control and attack someone...)

* Mondo_Gecko makes a face

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I don't want anyone to get hurt

* HappyLittleMoron nods* I know...

<Mondo_Gecko> you know what I need ta do?

<Mondo_Gecko> Drive...

<Mondo_Gecko> really fast..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'...* Get a rush that way...

<Mondo_Gecko> yep..

<Mondo_Gecko> I used to..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..I used to steal cars!! man! the chase! it was the best feeling

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* The when you're in the midst of a good fight...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..sparring doesn't do it for me

<Mondo_Gecko> there's no danger

<Mondo_Gecko> I NEED danger!"

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<HappyLittleMoron> That's when ya go out on patrol..

* Mitch just shakes his head, catching snatches of the conversation.

<Mondo_Gecko> patrol?

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<Mondo_Gecko> whazzat

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...go out, roam the city and break up'd be suprised at how many punks are willing to put up a fight for mone, a chick or a fix...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> think I'd be surprized about this?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I was one'a them

<HappyLittleMoron> Erk...yeah...heh...*runs a hand through her hair* I ferget who I'm talking to sometimes...

<Mondo_Gecko> heh....does my lawlessness make you uncomfortable?

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...just the thought I mighta beaten you or your friends up in the past does...

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> ...that's life

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't ever remember being beaten up by you though

<Mitch> .oO(Good to know.) *returns his attention to the text*

* HappyLittleMoron nods and grins* True...not often a winged, glowing eyed monster with fangs and claws attacks ya...

<Mondo_Gecko> most of teh people that trashed me were guys like Mitch actually

<Mondo_Gecko> and his cronies

* Mondo_Gecko scowls ..

<Mondo_Gecko> little bastard...

<Mondo_Gecko> somedays I feel bad for killing him..

<Mondo_Gecko> then I remember what kind of a person he was..

<HappyLittleMoron> fucker had it comin'

<Mondo_Gecko> "my daddy's a judge, so I can do whatever I want..hurt who ever I want and rape all the girls I feel like"!

<Mondo_Gecko> Grrr! *pounds his fist into his hand*

<Mondo_Gecko> they were identifying the fucking by dental records

<HappyLittleMoron> Geeze...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I don't even remember it either..I don't remember what I did

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<HappyLittleMoron> Rage'll do that...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> I guess you never know what your capable of

<Mondo_Gecko> that cat was beating the snot outta me until I saw it attack Diana..

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<Mondo_Gecko> all's I remember is she sounded scared after

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah..

* Mondo_Gecko gets up

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm goin out

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll be back later

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and disapears

<HappyLittleMoron> safe 'n alla that...

* HappyLittleMoron sighs and lays out on the couch

* Mitch finally shakes his head, shutting the book with a snap and hauling himself out of the UWM, muttering as he heads through the living room towards the kitchen to grab a beer.

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and wavels to Mitch

* Mitch tosses the book onto the counter and comes out as he pops the cap off the beer. "Hi, Mrs. Happy."

<HappyLittleMoron> heyo

<Mitch> "You okay?" *cocking his head at her reclined position*

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...getting harder and harder to stay on my feet for too long...*shrugs a lil'* How you doin'?

<Mitch> "Gomen..." He shrugs with a sigh as he settled onto the arm of a chair. "Physics annoys me. It assumes, y'know, the reader's got the benefits of a 'classical education' under his wings."

<HappyLittleMoron> 'Sokay...*pauses and smirks* I think people with a "classical education" still get confused shitless when trying to read it anyway..

<Mitch> "I guess. I've gotta wade through it, though. It's all 'X weighing Y with a mass of Z on an inclined plane of 30 degrees with half earth gravity exerts blah blah ergs of force downwards' and 'an object in motion stays in motion'... and then in a sidebar beside something about, y'know, atomic mass, it casually mentions 'by the way, you can determine exactly how much energy is needed to break down an object into lesser elements..."

<Mitch> "...with this simple chart and reference table."

<HappyLittleMoron> ...

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm GLAD I never went to head would pop...

<Mitch> "Yeah... anything vaguely useful or interesting gets buried." He shakes his head.

<Mitch> "At least Mondo's feeling chipper... what's gotten into him today? He always like this after, y'know, peeling?"

<HappyLittleMoron> He somehow got turned into a vampire...noooooo clue how...

* Mitch blinks... a beat. "-what?"

<HappyLittleMoron> He got turned into a vampire...he's gotta Feed..

<Mitch> "Where the hell did you GET that water heater?!"

<HappyLittleMoron> Local store..."We'll turn everyone in your house ninja or supernatural OVER NIGHT!"

<Mitch> "Okay, I've learned not to ask this around here, but... you serious?"

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* 'Course not..

* Mitch breathes again. "...Christ. So now he's, what? Looking for someone to suck off?"

<HappyLittleMoron> I guess..

<Mitch> "Diana doesn't... feed, does she?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Not unless she absolutely needs to..

<Mitch> "Well, what's she do when she doesn't need to? Why can't Mondo do it?"

<Mitch> .oO(Okay, hotshot. Would you?) .oO(What?) .oO(Don't duck the question. Would you offer your blood?) .oO(...I don't know.)

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...the vampire in her is...I guess...sleeping when she doesn't need to...she's got a lot going on with her..

<Mitch> He nods slowly, taking a sip. "Like what? If, y'know, I can ask?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...Succubus...she's got a lot of magic from her clan in her blood...pulling at her...somehow it balances itself out...usually anyway...

<Mitch> "And when it doesn't?"

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm sure her sword has something to do with it too, so...*trails off and shrugs*

<HappyLittleMoron> Well..

* Mitch blinks. .oO(Huh? I thought it was just a sword. A witchy-finger sword.)

<HappyLittleMoron> She turns into either a vampire...or a clue what would happen if the clan magic took over..hasn't happened yet..

* Mitch rubs his neck. "Maybe a dragon."

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno..

<Mitch> "Mondo ain't gonna go after us, is he?"

<Mitch> .oO(...again...)

<HappyLittleMoron> I doubt it...heh...hope not..

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little and rubs her belly

<Mitch> "Shit..." He pushes himself the arm of the chair and slumps into it fully. "Where's Diana? I dunno about you, but I'd like an, ah, expert's opinion."

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...she's at work...seemed kinda...troubled when she left this morning...

<Mitch> "We got anyone else with vampire blood on board?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Klork has some...

<Mitch> "He's off at work, of course..." *sighs, rubbing his neck - in a somewhat editorial fashion* "Jesus Christ in a Playboy stereo review. There's gotta be something we can do..."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and hehs, nodding a little...* Yeah...just...dunno...

<Mitch> "Mondo just ran off?"

<Mitch> .oO(If I can figure out where he is, we can knock over a Red Cross.) .oO(...I can't believe I just put those words together in that order.)

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...

* Mitch sighs, looking down at the bottle... then suddenly glance up and quirks a rueful smile. "So daijoubu?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...okie...worn out...*grins lopsidedly* Getting more excited and scared by the

<Mitch> *chuckles and takes a sip* "Excited?"

* HLMHatingNickers nods* Yep...gonna have two lil' boys in the end of June or beginning of July if we're lucky...

<Mitch> "Oh, okay... yeah... guess you'd be excited about that." He half-smiles apologetically. "My brain's still stuck in 'Christ, here we go again, I thought we could go just one normal week' mode."

<HLMHatingNickers>'s ok...

* Mitch rubs his neck, glancing down at her stomach. "Anyone ever tried doing the telepathy thing with, y'know, someone that hasn't been born yet?"

* HLMHatingNickers nods a little..* Yeah...

<Mitch> "Did it work?"

<HLMHatingNickers> Right after Brenna was taken, Klork did...don't think he got any words...just...kinda...feelings, I guess...

* Mitch nods... curiously, "Like what?"

<HLMHatingNickers> I dunno...*grins sheepishly* I was too upset to really ask...he just knew that the remaining little ones were ok...

<Mitch> *nods* "Don't blame you... gonna bring 'em up here?"

* HLMHatingNickers nods* Yeah...kinda gonna split our time between here and Japan...

* Mitch folds his leg up, rubbing it and casting a dirty look at the slush dripping down outside. "What's in Japan? Besides the doctor?"

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* Big part of both of our heratages...both our adoptive mothers are adoptive mother is burried there...

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, I could never leave the city...) .oO(Oh, bullshit. You left this REALITY.) .oO(That doesn't count.)

<Mitch> *the inner voice just snickers and lights up a cigarette*

* Mitch nods, ignoring the voice and leaning against one side of the chair.

<Mitch> "Must be nice to have... y'know. Family."

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly and nods, folding her hands over her belly* is...hurts like hell to be without, too...

<Mitch> "It does?" *glances up, a little puzzled - it's just a state of being to him*

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...when you had it and it's taken away...

<HappyLittleMoron> Most of my life I only had my mom...she died in my arms a long time ago...went for a couple years completely alone...

<Mitch> "Oh..." He looks down again, fiddling with the bottle. "...gomen nasai."

<HappyLittleMoron>'s ok...long ago...I have people now...

<Mitch> "Yeah. Still sorry, y'know?"

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Yeah..

<Mitch> "Not sorry you've got people now, though." *small quarter-smile*

* HappyLittleMoron grins a lil' lopsidedly* Me neither...heh...y' got friends here too..

<Mitch> "Yeah, I guess... it's not easy to, y'know, figure out. I don't get friends." *takes a sip* "Accomplices, coworkers... partners in crime... not friends. Always walking on eggshells thanks to my, uh, polyarmage."

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...* Yeah..

<Mitch> He chuckles, leaning his head back. "I dunno... how do you trust? How do you know?"

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* After a long long time...though...sometimes it just hits you like a Mac truck..

<Mitch> "Yeah..." *thinking, unbidden, of you-know-who* "I just... I don't wanna try being a friend and making things worse."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

<HappyLittleMoron> How would trying to be a friend make things worse?

<Mitch> "If you fuck things up, get things wrong... make things worse." *sighs and takes a sip* "I don't wanna hurt anyone here."

<HappyLittleMoron> Hn...I guess...*shrugs a little* True friends would forgive you...

<Mitch> "Even for a lie?" *glances up - suddenly seeing, not Diana, but Mrs. Happy*

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little and nods...

<Mitch> "Thanks, Mrs. Happy. I hope you're right."

<HappyLittleMoron> prob...

* Mitch finishes off the bottle and heads into the kitchen to switch off with Beer #2. "Can I get you anything?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Just some water would be nice...

* Mitch fills a glass of water for her as he pops his bottle open... god, I love having four hands... and brings it in as he takes a taste of the new. "-ah. There ya go."

<HappyLittleMoron> Thankies...*Smiles and sips*

<Mitch> "Nandemo dai..." *settles into the chair again, glancing at the clock* "Is Diana on a regular schedule yet?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Besides "leave early come back late"? Don't think so...

<Mitch> He chuckles, albeit just a tad regretfully. "Well, it's regular."

<HappyLittleMoron> More or less...yeah...

<Mitch> "And Klork's not due in for another few... shit." He sighs. "Hope Mondo doesn't do anything stupid."

<HappyLittleMoron> Me too...

* Mitch laughs suddenly, shaking his head as he takes another sip.

<HappyLittleMoron> Wha?

<Mitch> "...think if we don't, y'know, invite him in, he won't be able to come back?" He grins, already raising a pair of arms in surrender. "I know, I know... gomen nasai..."

* HappyLittleMoron snickers and reaches over to smack him* Smart-ass...

* Mitch good-naturedly yelps, flipping the bottle over to the other side and cowering behind the arms.

* HappyLittleMoron snickers and leans back

<Mitch> "...shimatta, I'm not paying you for THAT! You're MRS. Happy, not MISTRESS Happy..."

* HappyLittleMoron cackles

<HappyLittleMoron> You REALLY wanna know the truth about that??

* Mondo_Gecko slides in through the door, dried blood at the corners of his mouth

<Mitch> "...would I regret it?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Depends on how much you enjoy broken bones...

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and wavels to Mondo

<Mitch> "Uh... iie, domo. I'll suffer in ignorance."

<Mondo_Gecko> hi

* Mitch glances over. "Hi, Mon... Christ... tell me you knocked over a Red Cross."

* HappyLittleMoron cackles at Mitch, then erks a little

* Mondo_Gecko looks at HLM

<Mondo_Gecko> words out already huh

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...

<Mitch> "Check a mirror, Mondo. It's... showing."

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'

<Mondo_Gecko> ..there's not much about me I can hide

<Mondo_Gecko> use in hiding this either

* Mondo_Gecko goes and looks at the mirror on the wall (because there's a mirror on the wall..somewhere I'd assume)

* Mitch just shakes his head. .oO(One of these days I'm gonna have to... do SOMETHING.)

* Mondo_Gecko whipes the corners of his mouth

<Mitch> "What happened?"

<Mondo_Gecko> What do you mean what happened

<Mondo_Gecko> what do you think happened Mitch..

* Mondo_Gecko licks a long fang

<Mitch> "I'm assuming this isn't, y'know, a regular thing for you."


<Mitch> "Christ, I don't know! I'm not from these parts. I don't know how it could've happened..." .oO(Hey! I should check the Monster Manual.)

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail swishes in annoyance

<Mondo_Gecko> doesn't matter how it happened

<Mitch> Slowly. "Something turned you into a VAMPIRE and it doesn't MATTER?" He glances to Mo. "Something I'm missing here?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Think we're both missing somethin'..

<Mondo_Gecko>'s no one's buisness how it happened

* Mondo_Gecko slips into the kitchen

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...ok...*shrugs*

<Mitch> "I'd rather not wake up with a serious urge for extra-rare sirloin, ne? That kinda makes it my business."

<Mondo_Gecko> ...You can't catch it by being bitten

<Mondo_Gecko> you have to drink vampire blood

* Mitch blinks. Thinks. Remembers some of Mo's words. Glances at Mo, then over to the kitchen.

<Mitch> " did that happen?" *already having half-guessed*

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip a little...rubbing her hands a little* ...I...don't wanna make any speculations...

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail lashes some more..not pleased with Mitch's questioning

<Mondo_Gecko> speculate..your probably right

* Mondo_Gecko snorts

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head and stands to head upstairs..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( yep..evil Mondo, having sex..)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(damn him for being a hederosexual male)

<Mitch> "What is this, twenty questions?" He sighs, standing and flipping the beer end-over-end between hands - half-full, but inertia's on his side.

<Mondo_Gecko> You tell me

* HappyLittleMoron just dissapears upstairs to help Nox with the kids

<Mitch> "What does that even MEAN? Christ, Mondo, grow up."

* Mitch shakes his head, starting upstairs as well.

<Mondo_Gecko> hey..Your the one in my face asking all the questions

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( snoopy little bastard..why can't he just leave me the hell alone)

* Mondo_Gecko wraps his arms around himself, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and open

<Mitch> *over his shoulder* "Least I ASK questions. At least I LEARN."

<Mondo_Gecko> ......

<Mondo_Gecko> You think I'm stupid?

<Mondo_Gecko> Is that was your saying??

* Mitch 's upstairs at this point - wanna follow with it?

* Mondo_Gecko stalks to the end of the stairs and stands there, glaring like a angry tiger, his tail making loud swishes in the air

* Mitch just shakes his head, walking to his room and fishing out his keys.

<Mondo_Gecko> You know that high and mightyness is gonna come up and bite you in the ass one day

<Mondo_Gecko> You pull it with me because I have too much at stake to fight back

<Mondo_Gecko> but one day you'll cross some muther fucker with nothing to loose..

<Mondo_Gecko> and then it'll come back and bite you in the ass..

* Mitch bursts out laughing at this, shaking his head as he unlocks the door.

<Mondo_Gecko> You think it's funny don't you!?

<Mondo_Gecko> You think you've got them all wound around your finger and you can keep this little game up as long as you want huh?

* Mitch walks in and picks up the earbud from the dresser, jamming it into his ear and tapping it twice, hard.

* Mondo_Gecko gives and angry growl

<Mitch> "Where are you?" *obviously not to Mondo*

* Mondo_Gecko scowls...enraged that no one was here to witness one ever is..that's teh way Mitch likes it..he'll keep bear-baiting him until Mondo's temper breaks and then it's all Mondo's fault....

<Mitch> "Okay. I'm coming up."

* Mitch yanks the earbud out and sidearms it across the room, bouncing it off a wall as he shrugs into a jacket with quick, jerky movements.

* Mondo_Gecko spins on his heel and goes into the training room and starts to pound viciously on a bag, and then looses control and goes into a frenzy of biting and clawing, mauling the bag, sand bursting to the floor, and it sounds all the world like some kind of wild animal attack

* Diana steps in decked out in her Matrix gear...hearing this...and pondering just turning to leave again*

* Mitch folds up the lower arms, clenching them together as he locks the door behind him and trots downstairs, on his way out the door

* Diana furrows her brows, stepping clear of the door* <q> ...nani...?

* Mondo_Gecko growlsssssss and rips strips of the shredded bag off, shaking it in his jaw as if he's trying to break it's neck

<Mitch> "Hi, Diana." *stalks out... then stops, letting out his breath slowly, and half-turns, speaking slower and calmer and more personal* "...gomen. Konbonwa, tomodachi. Daijoubu?"

* Diana furrows her brows*

* Mitch starts to speak, then stops. "...daiben okoru. I'll be okay."

* Mondo_Gecko grooollllllwwwsssss and tugs more broken bag like a dog playing tug'o'war, pulling jerkily with his teeth

<Mitch> "I'll see you later, ne?"

* Diana nods...* If you ever need to talk...*rubs the back of her neck, her look tired, haunted, self-loathing..*

<Diana> Hai...

<Mitch> "I might. Domo, Diana."

* Mitch turns and drops off the porch, jogging down the street

* Diana nods* Hai...

* Diana sighs and closes the door silently behind herself, dropping her hands back in the pockets of her trench...hesitently going to stand in the doorway of the workout room*

<Diana> <q> Konbonwa...having fun...?

* Mondo_Gecko drops it, looking over...shame on his face when he sees who's there..

* Diana's leaning against the doorframe...trench falling open to reviel the black turtle neck and jeans she wears*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Diana.....I..

<Mondo_Gecko> *w*....just a little stressed

* Diana shakes her head a little* <q>'s nothing...don't worry about it...I understand...

* Mitch finally comes up at the entrance to an old theater, walking quickly, aggressively, shouldering past the unlocked doors until he hits the main entrance... he tries the door, and gives it several hefty whacks with his fist when he finds it locked...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs heavily

* The bolt shoots back, and Bill opens the door, stepping back as Mitch comes in, jumpy and twitchy and full of confused energy.

<Mondo_Gecko> Mitch was at me with 20 questions..I wasn't in the mood for his games...he had the nerve to laugh at me..

* Mitch yanks off his jacket and whips it across the room, sending up a cloud of dust as it thumps into some covered seats... he runs down the aisle and clears the stage in a broad jump, dancing back and forth on the balls of his feet.

* shadowboxes clumsily, obviously not knowing what the hell he's doing* "Show me how to beat the shit out of something, Bill. Show me how to fuck things up!"

* Diana nods a little bit...* <q> Hai...

* Bill locks the door and leans against it. "Ya toke?"

<Mitch> He glances back, settling onto his feet. "What?"

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* ..I figured this was more constructive than gutting him..

* Bill pulls out a jay from an inner pocket and chain-lights it from his cigarette, dropping the butt to the floor and grinding it with one heel as he fills his lungs.

<Bill> "...somethin'? Or someone?"

* long silence... finally, Bill walks forward, hauling himself up onto the stage, yanks up one of Mitch's hands, and folds it around the marijuana* "RELAX, kid. Take a breath before yer heart mounts a fuckin' offensive."

* Mitch angrily snatches his hand away, and stalks a few feet away... his back to Bill, he slowly picks the jay up with another hand, holding it the right way, and takes a long drag, holding it until the motes of dust sparkle.

<Mitch> On the exhale, "...something. Punching bag. I don't know."

<Bill> "Awright. We're gettin' somewhere. Siddown." He grips Mitch's shoulder as he turns to protest. "Sit DOWN."

* Mitch drops to a box, head hanging a little, arms dangling between his legs as Bill hunkers down beside him, eyes on a level.

<Bill> "Who you want ter fight?"

* Diana nods again* <q> Hai...that it is...

<Mitch> *slowly* "...I don't control her, Bill. I don't, y'know... I don't control either of 'em. It ain't 'my territory'. I'm just, just a friend."

<Bill> "Yerself." He rubs a gristled chin, taking the jay back and drawing on it again. "What's yer problem, then?"

<Mitch> "Christ, I dunno... I don't... I don't wanna see her hurt again."

<Bill> "And?"

<Mitch> "Diana... just two weeks ago, y'know, she said 'I don't know what I ever saw in him'. And now she's sleeping with him again."

<Bill> "Instead of you?"

<Mitch> "Fuck, Bill, that's not it! I don't know what it is. We're just friends, hell, even Mondo should realize that now."

<Bill> "You want ter fuck gator-boy up?"

<Mitch> He lifts his head to glare at Bill... then drops it with a sigh. "No, man. She must've wanted it. He ain't done nothing wrong." .oO(In that.)

<Bill> "Yeah?"

<Mitch> "I... don't know what it is." He shakes his head slowly. "I was waiting, y'know? Waiting for the pain of Mondo to go. Waiting to make sure I'd be ALIVE for her." *abruptly snickers* "And 'cause I'm a coward. Fraidy-cat Morgan, always hiding from his troubles..."

<Mondo_Gecko> ...then again....the most constructive thing would be to not get angry anyways

<Bill> "And now?"

<Mitch> "I don't know. Guess she's got what she needs. Hope I can keep my tomodachi."

<Bill> "What about Shingami?"

<Mitch> "...guess I kinda know how she feels now." He shrugs a little, taking another drag on the jay. "What is this, californian red? Shin... shit, I want her. But Diana..."

* Diana stares at the mat for a little bit before slowly bringing her eyes up to meet his again* <q> can't be helped... *watches him a little* Do you have any questions...?

<Bill> "Yeah."

* Mitch just shakes his head.

* Bill stands and walks over to a crappy old boom box... he flips through a box of tapes, and picks one out, jacking it in. "Okay, kid. Ya know where yer at. NOW it's time to fuck shit up."

<Mitch> "Huh?" Looking up.

<Bill> "I bin through this afore, kid. Got COCKolded into an ugly divorce... not the same, but close enough fer guv'n'ment work. First - get yer head on yer shoulders and know where yer at. Next..." *hits play, and White Zombie echoes through the theaters, at grainy distorted high volume*

<Bill> "Get up. Lose the reefer."

* Mitch gets up, a little puzzled - and then gets thrown back into the curtains as Bill lands a solid right cross on his jaw.

* Mondo_Gecko swallows...he did NOT want her to see how stressed out he is over this

<Bill> "Lesson one! Don't get hit. Lesson two!"

* Bill steps forward and drags a cursing Mitch up to his feet... he pats his stomach. "This is yer center of gravity. Use it. Throw it around. It's yer axis, right? Pay attention, kid, this is REAL fightin' yer learnin', none of that ai-keed-dojo crap. Lesson one!"

* Bill hauls off and backhands Mitch - and Mitch twists away, dodging, stumbling as he turns to face Bill, aided with a rough twist of one of Bill's hands.

* Diana silently strides over, her healed boots strangely making no sound as she moves, pulling him into a gentle hug* <q> It's a lot to deal with...

<Bill> "Good. Ya pass. Lesson three. Hit me!"

* in the dust and the darkness and the chaos of Rob Zombie's guttural screams, Bill shows Mitch in the most effective way possible - practical application - the precepts of the vicious martial art employed by the Navy's most elite chapter...*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and wraps his arms around her back

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* it's ok....I'll make it though...I just gotta learn to deal with Mitch's comments better

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I need to learn to hold my temper..

* Diana rubs his back a little* <q> will take time...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* it's not your fault's mine

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I shoulda realized..

* Diana shakes her head and pulls back* <w> could you have...?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I shouldn't have bitten so hard....I should have remembered..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(maybe he's right.....maybe I am stupid)

* Diana sighs softly and rubs her arms* <w> Iie...I...*sighs* The blame game is pointless...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* ....yea..

<Diana> <q> We must deal with the here and the now...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* you know of any spells that make it go away?

* Diana nods a little* <q> Hai...I do...

<Mondo_Gecko> it possible that know..we try that?

* Diana sighs a little* <q> Have you fed yet?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea..

<Mondo_Gecko> sorry...I'm a hungry bastard..

<Mondo_Gecko> I....I didn't kill her....I didn't take much...

* Diana nods, then sighs* <q> Ne...well...that takes the simplest spell out of the running...*rubs her temples a little* Ne...need to remember another...

* Diana nods* still fed...tasted the blood of a human...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> ....wasn't a human

* Diana blinks a him a questioning look...*

<Mondo_Gecko> .....that damn cat had it comming...she ate my goldfish

* Diana coughs and tries to keep from laughing* AH! Hai...well...then that spell may still will have to fast for a day or two though...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...real food or blood?

<Diana> Blood...real food wouldn't fill you up...

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..I had orange juice this was almost as if it made me even hungrier though

* Diana nods* Hai..

* Mondo_Gecko takes a deep sigh

<Mondo_Gecko> ok..

* Diana sighs a little* I will gather the herbs you have a blade...?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...heh...ofcourse I do

* Diana nods* Heh...hai...once I have everything gathered...I will teach it to puts the vampirism into hybernation...I don't think it could ever be gotten rid of completely...except for by killing the one who made you or a vampire more powerful than you...

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> .....jesus

<Mondo_Gecko> ..well that's not an option

* Diana smirks a little and nods...* Hai...*pauses and actually chuckles softly* Domo...I'd seriously hope it's not...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit...feeling far more at ease around her..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...your pretty when you smile..

<Mondo_Gecko> you should do it more often

<Mondo_Gecko> fits you

* Diana smirks a little, bowing her head again* Heh...domo...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(more than anything ..I hate the lines...because it's what's in between them that matters)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(but those things can never be said..)

<Mondo_Gecko> are you doing..

<Diana> Ne...? Now? Heading upstairs to wash the day away...

* Mondo_Gecko nods..

<Mondo_Gecko> yea...I should probably do that too..

<Mondo_Gecko> chasing her down was hard work..

* Diana chuckles softly* Hai...I can imagine...

<Mondo_Gecko> she seemed to think I was playing some game until she was in a tree in the park and then I got her from behind...she just collapsed back like a ragdoll..

<Diana> Wow...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..what?

* Mondo_Gecko cocks his head, looking a bit confoozed

* Diana shakes her head slightly* Nothing...strange that she relaxed all of the sudden though...

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe she likes being bitten too..

<Mondo_Gecko> ....!!

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* doh

* Diana blinks and arches a brow*

* Mondo_Gecko coughs a bit.. his cheeks deepening slightly

<Diana> ...I get the sense I don't want to know...

* Mondo_Gecko scratches his arma little

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* ..sorry...I'm like..perverted or something

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I feel really gross)

* Diana chuckles softly* That's alright...*smiles lightly* Ah...I suppose I'll see you in a little bit...

* Mondo_Gecko nods ..

<Mondo_Gecko> kay

* Diana nods a little and dissapears up the stairs*

* Mondo_Gecko goes to cleaning up the sand on the floor, trying to keep his mind off naked Diana in the shower

* Mitch , meanwhile, gets the Fight Club introduction to personal combat

* Diana, yeah...showers and stuff*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and sticks the busted shredded bag in the garbage and then slips up to his room and heads to the shower..peeling off his clothes and stepping under the hot water..letting it pound on his muscles...and finnaly letting himself cry

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( Life's not fair!!)

* Mondo_Gecko pounds heavily a few times on the tiled wall behind him and slides down slowly

* Diana emerges from her room...heads up to the roof to watch the night...*

* Diana sighs softly, leaning on the building ledge, light reflecting from her bright eyes as her damp hair whips in the wind*

* Mitch , glasses long ago having fallen off, waltzes matilda with Bill, doing his best to avoid the man's blows - the soldier may be pulling his punches, but if Mitch tries anything but his best, he's gonna have a lasting reminder - while getting in a solid thwack or two of his own.

* Mondo_Gecko watches his hands....

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...she could never love something like this...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( hay wait...)

* Mondo_Gecko looks at his hands...the depth of the green has come back...licking his teeth..the fangs have shrunk down to their ussual size..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO('s not good enough..)

* Mondo_Gecko gets up from the shower floor quickly ..a plan formulating in his twisted mind..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( why didn't I think of this before?!)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...because you didn't know who did this to you before..that's why)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( and now I know who can set it right)

* Mondo_Gecko goes and dresses and leaps through the window, leaving the shower running in his haste..his bedroom door open slightly

<Bill> "Okay, kid. Okay!" He lunges forward, trapping Mitch's (primary) fists in his hands. "Knock it off or I'll break yer fuckin'... yah. That's better."

* Mondo_Gecko checks the dagger is on his belt and then climbs to the top of the next building and starts running off

<Mitch> Slowly, panting. " any that shit left?"

* Diana blinks, looking over too late at the hint of movement*

<Bill> "Nah. Never buzz after a workout. Free radicals fuck you up if you don't ease down naturally." He grins and claps a hand on Mitch's shoulder, staggering him slightly. "Good work. Least ya don't embarass yerself TOTALLY."

* Diana 's on the roof, staring into the night*

* Mondo_Gecko stops at the pawn shop he used to buy his wepons at..slipping in..

* Mitch just winces, slipping on his jacket slowly, feeling just AWFUL after this on top of the library workout and the things that greeted him back at the Asylum. "...thanks. I think."

<Bill> "Hey." *hands him his glasses* "Next time I'll show ya how to tear off a man's arm and beat him ta death with it."

* Mondo_Gecko looks around the dark lighted room..a dank smell hangs in it.. wepons..leather movies...all things pawned...

* Mitch glances at Bill, to make sure he's kidding - and is met with a grin as Bill lights up a cigarette. "What happened to free radicals?"

* Mondo_Gecko slips up to the counter..

<Bill> "I'm fucked up already... y'ever pick up smoking, I'll start breaking yer god damn arms until ya cry uncle. About, oh, twenty times."

* Carlos looks up..over weight..Cuban immigrant, an angry little man*

* this time, he's not kidding*

* Diana stands strait, tilts her head back and closes her eyes, fingertips resting on the ledge as a wind picks up around her in a vortex, she murmers liquid words under her breath, and the soft glow of the dragons encircling her arms shining through the thin shirt she wears*

* Mondo_Gecko speaks in his smooth voice he uses when he's on guard...

<Mitch> "...okay." .oO(Not like I was gonna, but...) "Lager, right?"

<Mondo_Gecko> "Well hello there Carlos..."

<Bill> "Got that right. And if it ain't imperial, it ain't lager."

* Carlos glares at Mondo, speaking in a thick accent* ..Get of of here! I don't sell to the likes of you..filthy mutant!

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( not for long...)

<Mondo_Gecko> oh...*smirks slowly* I think you do...

<Mondo_Gecko> You owe me Carlos you fat bastard...

* Carlos's eyes widen and he backs upa bit: ....Shawn...Shawn little fuck..

* Mitch finally limps home, his entire body aching, several bruises showing like a housewife that falls down the steps a lot... but a hell of a lot more at peace with the universe.

<Mondo_Gecko> The very...

* Mondo_Gecko rolls his head leasurely and steps up to the counter, tapping his sharp talons threatening me

<Mondo_Gecko> now...You owe me...and I intend to take back what you owe

* Diana lifts into the air, hovering before seeming to vanish completely*

<Carlos> ..You know nothing you little mick!

<Carlos> you arn't even a mick! your a fucking half breed!

* Mondo_Gecko snorts a bit

* Mitch , missing the light show, comes in through the front door - a little hesitant, not knowing whether or not one or more participants might be waiting behind it with a Louisville slugger.

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that..

<Mitch> .oO(Guess everyone's away... isn't someone supposed to, y'know, watch the front desk or something?) .oO(Nah, this place has internal security. Screw with a tenant, get turned into a toad.)

<Mondo_Gecko> But I want you to get your fat ass into the back and get me what you owe me..

<Carlos> That was a year ago!


<Mondo_Gecko> 1...

<Mondo_Gecko> 2..

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs, rubbing her lower back

* Mitch heads up to his room and takes a LONG shower

<Carlos> Ok ok! ..I'm going... *he gets up and slips into the back

* Mitch is heading up to his room to take a long shower... :P

* he comes back holding a rather large semi-automatic

* he smirks and holds it up. aiming at Mondo*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Mitch?

<Mitch> "Hi, Mrs. Happy. Everything work out?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...more or less, yeah...

<HappyLittleMoron> You look like you had the crap kicked outa ya...

<Mitch> *casually, almost as if he's happy with it* "Oh, yeah. I did."

<HappyLittleMoron> Gotcha...amazin' how a good asswoopin'll clear the mind..

* Mitch laughs, leaning a little painfully against the railing. "You have NO idea... ah..." *sobers* "...where are they?"

* Mondo_Gecko leaps to the roof and slips behind him, attacking, and a horrible screem goes up..flesh torn, blood spilling, and when it's over, Mondo grabs the best looking machette he can and spits out the blood to the floor and then takes the gun from the dead store owner and puts the strap over his sholder and takes out the back

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* I dunno...

* Mondo_Gecko slips through the allyways, feeling better now...another person off teh face of this earth he hates..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( and I think Diana will be releieved....the vampirism didn't take..)

<Mitch> "...I'm just gonna... y'know, stay out of their way for a while, I guess. Take a shower."

* HappyLittleMoron nods* K...see ya in a bit..

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to the couch to flop down on it...

* Mitch heads upstairs again, and makes it this time, stripping down and gingerly cataloguing his bruises under the hot spray. .oO(I'd say it was gonna hurt in the morning, but... hell, it hurts NOW.)

* Mondo_Gecko grins, turning the machette over in his hands, admiring it..

* HappyLittleMoron streaaaches

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( use in waiting..I'll do it tonight)

* Mondo_Gecko leaps back into his window and stashes the gun..

* Mitch finally gets out, slowly drying off and feeling his ribs. .oO(Christ, I think he- ouch. Damn it. Yeah. Cracked.)

* Mondo_Gecko looks up and then goes to the shower and turns it off..

* Mitch looks up towards the ceiling, seeing the hot tub in his mind... .oO(Should I? She might be there. It'd be better to just lay low for a while.)

<Mitch> .oO(And how long is a while?)

<Mitch> .oO(...oh, fuck you. I'm going.)

* Mitch pulls on the swim trunks, glances in the mirror and adds a light undershirt to the ensemble before snagging his towel and heading up towards the roof.

* Mitch , as nobody decides to interrupt him, gets there... he just kinda drops the towel by the hot tub, leaving the lights off and easing in blindly... he gasps as the hot water touches a tender spot, but sucks in his breath, easing in shirt and all until he's mostly submerged.

* A pale blue light appears like a miniature moonrise on the far side of the roof from the hot tub, behind Mitch's view.

* Mitch , as it's behind his view AND his eyes are closed, doesn't see it :P

* AriaStormsinger lifts up over the roof edge and then alights.

<AriaStormsinger> *looks around...minimum of angsty Asylum folk up here tonight...AH! There's one.*

* Mondo_Gecko washes teh blood from his claws and mouth and heads down to the kitchen..STARVING, his appitite comming bacl

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Lookin' much better, Mondo!

* AriaStormsinger pads up behind MItch and drops lightly to sit cross legged just behind him, watching the steam rise

* Mondo_Gecko grin

* AriaStormsinger is wearing a white terry-cloth like pullover and slim grey thin drawstring sweatpants with slightly flared bottoms. And sandals.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...think Diana will approve?

<Mitch> .oO(So you got your head on straight... what're you gonna do? You need to find Diana and apol... there's someone behind you. Lightweight.)

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* More than likely..

<Mondo_Gecko> happened in the shower

<Mondo_Gecko> I was just sitting there and when I looked up I saw my skin was slowly getting darker

* Mitch begins gathering what reserves of strength he has left for a mana shield as he pushes off from the edge, spinning in the water to see who's there...

* AriaStormsinger gets splashed and rocks back a little, smiling.

<AriaStormsinger> Hello, Mitch.

* AriaStormsinger looks just a leeeeeeeetle too pleased with herself.

<Mitch> "Aria!" He thankfully lets his strength seep back into his bones where they belong and stands - he's been worked over, and recently, but in a "friendly" way... some heavy bruises, but nothing broken, no bleeding. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry..."

* AriaStormsinger frowns "Is all that from Underhill?"

<Mitch> "Huh? Oh!" He touches his side gingerly. "No, Underhill was fine. This was today. How was Brazil? Did you find what you were, y'know, looking for?"

<AriaStormsinger> YES. And more.

* AriaStormsinger takes a big breath and sighs it out, smiling gently.

<AriaStormsinger> You want some help? *holds up hand, palm up and glowing*

* Mondo_Gecko goes and starts cooking a huge meal in the kitchen*

* Mitch reaches down and grabs his towel, wrapping it around himself as he hitches his hip on the edge of the tub. "Iie, domo... these're good bruises. They'll help me remember. What'd you find out?"

* Mondo_Gecko calls out "You want some Mo? I'm making tacos!"

<HappyLittleMoron> Hn? oh, sure! Sounds good

* Mondo_Gecko gives a sigh.. feeling alot better now, going over the plan in his mind..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(... maybe I should wait then....I need help...I need Neko..she owes me..)

* AriaStormsinger grins and scuffles forward, tugging up her pant legs and dipping her calves and feet, sandals and all, into the water next to Mitch

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(besides..I'm sure she'd like to get back at them)

* Mitch blinks a little, but doesn't say anything, considering he's the one sitting there in a soaked undershirt - just scootches over some to make room for her.

<AriaStormsinger> Wee--elllll

* HappyLittleMoron still sprawls on the couch, Rev just stepping in from work..

<AriaStormsinger> Brazil was...scary, and huge, and amazing, and educational.

<AriaStormsinger> The villagers down there, they called me something after a legend they have...

<Mitch> .oO(Totally unlike Manhattan.)

* Klork pushes the front door open, poking his head in

<Mitch> "What's that?"

* Rislyn comes down the stairs, rubbing through her fingerless gloves at the back of her hand with a grimace

<AriaStormsinger> La Nina Estrella.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..ok..this has been a CRAZY 24 hours... had sex..found out Diana still loves me.. got turned into a vampire...turned BACK and killed a guy)

<AriaStormsinger> It means, Star-girl-child...or something like that.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ever feel like life's moving too fast?)

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and sits up* Woah...suddennnly got crowded...

* Klork blinks .. chuckling ..

<Mitch> "Qué la leyenda dice del niño de la estrella?"

<AriaStormsinger> It turns out, they'd been hiding all three of the other chrysalises outside their village, protecting them from Javier's people and most of the gringos -- I mean, Americans and Peace Corps staff.

<Klork> Heya Ris, Mo' *smirks* Sup?

<AriaStormsinger> La leyenda dice que seeds fell from the stars.

* Mitch rubs his neck. "Do the chrysalises still live?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Nadda much...

* AriaStormsinger meets Mitch's eyes and nods slowly.

<AriaStormsinger> <ok! Espanol tis> Very much so.

<AriaStormsinger> The legend says the seeds grow to become helpers of the People. I don't know...if that's going to happen this time or not.

<AriaStormsinger> Javier kinda messed things up for us and all.

* Mitch nods. "Who is this Javier?"

<AriaStormsinger> *shrugs a little* Someone bad. He's taken care of.

<AriaStormsinger> But his, um, company wasn't. *shrugs again*

<Mitch> "Is there anything you could do about that? Maybe we could bring the seeds across to the United States."

* Rislyn walks into the sparring room, eyes narrowing as she beats at the punching bag, trying to ignore the burning in the back of her hand

<HappyLittleMoron> ...eesh...

* AriaStormsinger grins a little.

<AriaStormsinger> We already did. :)

<Mitch> "Oh?" He grins.

* Rislyn pauses .. realizing she's beating at nothing .. then swears a very colorful chain of words before she storms out of the sparring room

<Rislyn> What the hell happened to the punching bag?!

* Rislyn rubs at the back of her wrist, looking more in pain and distracted than anything

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...sounded like someone busted it...

<Shawn_Murphy> O O

* Shawn_Murphy ducks his head down a bit hearing them talking about the bag

<Shawn_Murphy> *w* uhoh

* Rislyn blinks

* Mondo_Gecko comes out with tacos

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and wavels to Mondo

* Mondo_Gecko sets teh tacos down infront of her and then pulls out his wallet from his back pocket and pulls out four fifties and hands it over

<Mondo_Gecko> here

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch?

<AriaStormsinger> We brought them to a safe place here in New York.

* Mitch blinks, and raps the edge of the hot tub. "HERE here?"

* AriaStormsinger shakes her head, looking a little troubled.

<AriaStormsinger> Safer. They think.

* Rislyn mutters, still...punching at nothing

<Mitch> He nods, rubbing his neck. "Tom and Pete?"

<AriaStormsinger> Um. Among.

* Klork settles on the couch, rubbing his back.

* Mitch nods. "Hope they're safe..."

<AriaStormsinger> They will be. I think.

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> hey Klork

* Klork waves..

<Klork> Heya ... how's it goin?

<Mitch> "What about Aria?"

* AriaStormsinger smiles. Nods. "Yes. Definitely, I'll be all right."

<AriaStormsinger> There was this woman, in teh village...

* Rislyn growls, then grabs her hooded jacket and heads outside, slamming the door behind her, gripping her hand tightly to her

<AriaStormsinger> Her name was Lupe, she was older, wore this beautiful colorful woven dress.

<AriaStormsinger> She talked about listening.

* Mitch cocks his head, folding his legs up and letting them drip-dry.

* AriaStormsinger looks suddenly at Mitch. "You listen a lot, don't you?"

* Klork blinks, glancing at the door..

<Klork> Damn ..

<Mondo_Gecko> umm

<Mondo_Gecko> You don't wanna know

* Rislyn paces outside the door .. face pinched in pain as she doubles over herself

<Mondo_Gecko> ...really

<Mitch> He shrugs. "I like to know how things are..."

* Klork shrugs .. then pauses, slowly standing and going to the door..

<AriaStormsinger> It's a good thing to do.

<AriaStormsinger> Listen, I wanted ot make sure you were okay. I talked ot HLM when we got back, and she said everyone made it back from Underhill okay.

<AriaStormsinger> But I wanted to see for sure.

* Mitch rubs his neck. "I'm okay..." He kinda smiles, half at the earlier comment and half at Aria. "Even if I don't look it."

* Klork pushes the door open, peering out

<Klork> Ris..?

* Rislyn jumps, swearing under her breath

<Rislyn> ....I'm fine...

* Rislyn grimaces, forcing herself to let go of her hand

<AriaStormsinger> That's good.

<Mitch> "You're sticking around, right?"

* Klork frowns ..

<Klork> You look in pain to me..

* Rislyn mutters, looking impatient

<Rislyn> Than perhaps you need to get your eyes check--damnit..!

* Rislyn grabs at her hand again, pulling it to her

* Klork sighs ..

<Klork> My eyes seem fine to me.

<Rislyn>'s... just an old ache that acts up now and then, okay...?

* AriaStormsinger blanches a little.

<AriaStormsinger> Um.

* Rislyn tugs nervously at her gloves out of habit, trying to make certain that the mark is covered

* AriaStormsinger glances at her toes in the water.

<Mitch> "...I take it you're not."

<Klork> One hell of an ache ..

<AriaStormsinger> They want me to stay at Foss. They think the Asylum's dangerous.

* AriaStormsinger looks up. "Do you think the Asylum's dangerous?"

<Mitch> "Foss?" *blinks*

* Rislyn frowns

<Rislyn> Just...let it go... It'll go away soon enough.

* Klork sighs, shrugging a little..

<AriaStormsinger> Pete's uncle Dave Foss started it. It's a big corporation thing now. They do good things for people who don't have a lot of resources, or would be hunted. Like us.

* Rislyn pulls at her glove a little, peering under it and then paling, blinking a few times

<Rislyn> the hell--??

<Klork> what's wrong...?

* AriaStormsinger glances up. "You hear voices?"

* Rislyn furrows her brow .. then sighs ... looking up at him for a minute before pulling her glove off .. the brand on the back of her hand bleeding as if it had just been put there

Session Close: Tue Apr 02 22:57:20 2002
