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Session Start: Tue Apr 16 12:37:26 2002

* Several days ago...*

* in a land not so far away...*

* Mondo_Gecko sits in his bath, it's dark, candles lighting the bathroom.. he sighs..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( it's gonna go ok...everything will be cool...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(When did she say....she didn't..shit)

* HappyLittleMoron sits by the twins with Brenna in her lap, watching them sleep 'n stuff

* HappyLittleMoron shifts Brenna in her lap, kissing the girl's brow gently

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and grins a little to Rev as he comes in* How's Diana doing...still out?

* Rev nods* Aye...she was awake for a little while...she congradulates you on the new little do Ryu and I *smiles*

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks...*grins* Now just to wait 'till they can be taken home...

* Mondo_Gecko climbs out of the bath and dries off, pulling on his shiny black pants and a tanktop and then grabs his long leather jacket and pulls that on too and heads out through the window

* Mondo_Gecko comes into HLM's room a while later..he has half a dozen roses in a vase

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey!

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and blinks, then grins* Oh heya!

* Mondo_Gecko places the vase on the table by her bed

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Fer you :P

<Mondo_Gecko> How'ya feelin?

<HappyLittleMoron> Sore...but happy

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Good.

<HappyLittleMoron> That's good...anything new and exciting going on?

* Mondo_Gecko blinks and grins

<Mondo_Gecko> you could say that..actually

* Rev lets the two talk, kinda watching the two infants with a soft smile*

<HappyLittleMoron> Oooooh?? Tellmetellme...

<Mondo_Gecko> well um..

<Mondo_Gecko> ok. The night before I was bringing Brenna over this chick crashed into the pool in ..get this...a hang glider

<HappyLittleMoron> *slightly dumbfounded look on her face* ...what is it with people and falling into our pool...? *shakes herselfff a little and smirks* Go on...

<Mondo_Gecko> I had to like, swim in and pull her out of the pool.. She came to and thought she was dead or something..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, listening...

<Mondo_Gecko> So I took her down to my room and let her have a shower. And apperently *grins* she thinks I'm like..super hot

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Oohh...playah..

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey! who am I playin!

<Mondo_Gecko> She wants ME

* Mondo_Gecko tosses his hair

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<HappyLittleMoron> Good for you <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> Yea I know!

<Mondo_Gecko> She's really cute too..her name's Angela..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, listening...

<Mondo_Gecko> man..we were the pool..

<Mondo_Gecko> shit nearly started happening..but I was't

* HappyLittleMoron nods a bit, smirking as she lets Rev take the sleeping Brenna home...

<HappyLittleMoron> WHy not?

<Mondo_Gecko> know after I took that test and it said I was a know..kinda a slut.. it..I dunno

<Mondo_Gecko> It really hit home..

* Mondo_Gecko rubs his cheek and sighs

* HappyLittleMoron nods, settling back in the wheel chair* you're trying to be less...promiscuouse...prob'ly a good idea...

* Mondo_Gecko nods a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> I gotta respect myself...

<Mondo_Gecko> I's fun and all bit..

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Zactly...

<Mondo_Gecko> ....I'm sick of being used...or using.

* HappyLittleMoron nods, pattting the bed she's sitting by for him to sit on..

* Mondo_Gecko smacks his forehead

<Mondo_Gecko> I still can't beleive I gave up sex though :P

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Mondo_Gecko sits down beside her

<HappyLittleMoron> So long as you're careful when you do it and with who you do it...

<Mondo_Gecko> it's not like someone with my looks gets a whole lotta positive female attention anyways

* HappyLittleMoron nods a bit..

<HappyLittleMoron> That'll change, hopefully...I know just how you feel...*smirks a bit, flashing her fangs and flairing her wings*

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> yea.. if mutations are really obvious you don't get alotta dates

* Mondo_Gecko gives a little sigh

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* I'm kinda a closet romantic.. shhhhh

<HappyLittleMoron> Veddy true...unless you work at a strip joint *snickers and shrugs*

<HappyLittleMoron> Oohh...*pretend zips her lips*

<Mondo_Gecko> I could do that...

<Mondo_Gecko> except there's no ladies :P

<Mondo_Gecko> just alot of horny lonely fat guys

<HappyLittleMoron> Veddy true...

<HappyLittleMoron> You'd end up needing to do a gay-strip bar probably...not too many clubs for ladies...

* Mondo_Gecko shrudders!

<Mondo_Gecko> thanks for the bad dreams Mo!

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly and pats his shoulder* Nooo problem...welcome to my what my world used to be :P

<Mondo_Gecko> na..I could tottaly strip fer chicks

<Mondo_Gecko> but not fer guys

<Mondo_Gecko> Somehow I doubt too many chicks are into tails and scales :P

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* I guess...*shrugs* Done it for both...same deal from when I walked the streets...

<Mondo_Gecko> I gotta find a job that's were a hooker?

<HappyLittleMoron> Well hey, you're a cutie...*shrugs* It's their loss...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...year after my mom Japan

<Mondo_Gecko> whoa

<Mondo_Gecko> that's crappy

<Mondo_Gecko> hope I never have to resort to that

<Mondo_Gecko> stripping is one's's a thrill

<Mondo_Gecko> But that's like..not good work

<HappyLittleMoron> was really crappy...but...*shrugs* I stayed safe as I could...really ashamed of it...only recently started accepting that I actually had to do it...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit and rubs her arm

<Mondo_Gecko> hey if it helps I used to be a dealer

<Mondo_Gecko> and I'm not talkin about shit like E and pot

<Mondo_Gecko> I've done alot of nasty shitty things

* HappyLittleMoron nods...patting his hand* Well...that's all in the past, right?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm no angel now though

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a bit

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'* Heh...I undersatnd...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> work's scarce..

<Mondo_Gecko> a lizards gotta do what a lizards gotta do

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* So long as you keep yourself and those you care about safe...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko>'s nothing that could get anyone in any danger

<Mondo_Gecko> mostly I just find alotta people's pockets

<Mondo_Gecko> I mail'em back sans the cash

* HappyLittleMoron nods* That's good at least...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> even in the underground work's hard for a guy like me

<Mondo_Gecko> I was playing alot of underground clubs with my band...before I killed two of'em

<Mondo_Gecko> :(

<Mondo_Gecko> ..oh man..I almost forgot about the rest of the story on Angela!

<HappyLittleMoron> Weell...go on...*noddles...*

<Mondo_Gecko> She comes from out in the country... She says her uncle works for a company that was paid to clean up.. get this..some kinda toxic waste spill

<Mondo_Gecko> From a TGRI facility

<HappyLittleMoron> Wow...damn...

<Mondo_Gecko> she was out in the woods and she came across it..she's a mutant now

<Mondo_Gecko> she said the trees turned purple where the waste spilt

<HappyLittleMoron> for spread are these*shakes her head*

<Mondo_Gecko> TGRI is a huge company!

<Mondo_Gecko> it spans the globe Mo..

<Mondo_Gecko> So far this is the only spill

<Mondo_Gecko> they've been covering their ass for years

<HappyLittleMoron> Geeze...*smirks a bit* Remember I live in as good as a cave here *winks with a snicker*

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm gonna try to get her to take me out to the site

* HappyLittleMoron noddles...* careful, heh?

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> it can't do anything to me

<HappyLittleMoron> I guess..

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm already full of the shit

<HappyLittleMoron> I guess...*shrugs*

<HappyLittleMoron> Just...I wouldn't be so sure nothing else could happen...

* AriaStormsinger ...breathes in and out...

* Klork ...drools in his sleep

<Klork> *twitch .. twitch ... snoooooreepurrrr*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, glancing over at Klork who's...been sleeping in the room too the whole time <G>

* Takeo sleepies toooo*

* Klork rolls to his other side

* Torrance sleeps as well*

* Klork stretches a little, opening an eye

<Klork> Eh...?

* HappyLittleMoron grins over at him from her wheelchair* Mornin' love...

* Klork waves..

<Klork> Morning..? *blearily looks up at her*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, reaching over to brush hair form his brow* More like evening, but hey...

* Klork chuckles, smirking as he watches her..

* HappyLittleMoron 's kinda tired lookin', but otherwise pretty good..

<Klork> How're you feeling..?

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey Klork

* Klork glances over, wavinga little..

<Klork> <q> Hey Mondo..yo a'right?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm ok

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm ok...tired 'n sore...

* Mondo_Gecko is dressed kinda stylish

<Klork> cool...*smirks...nods, rubbing HLM's back before going over to look at the twins* Understandable..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, looking at the babies again before back to the guys...

* Mitch , back at the Asylum, gets in from work after having made a stop or two... he wedges open the door and lugs in what appears to be a dissasembled metal bedframe, staggering a little in his efforts to keep the long pieces from scraping against anything...

* Shingami looks up from the living room

<Shingami> need a hand there mitch?

<Mitch> "Uh-" *his desire to keep things secret battles briefly with his desire to not fall over* "-Christ yes-"

* Klork pauses, holding a hand over his mouth..belching rather loudly

* Klork .. looks a tad sheepish

* Shingami gets up and helps him out

<Shingami> what are you doign now?

* Mitch horses around with 'em for a little before getting to one end with Shin on the other - it's several beds' worth, some nice durable metal, looks a little weatherbeaten

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Klork grins sheepishly

<Mondo_Gecko> aww

<Mondo_Gecko> that was nuthin

<HappyLittleMoron> DON'T start...with the contests...

* Mondo_Gecko polishes his claws on his chest

<HappyLittleMoron> BLech...

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

<Mondo_Gecko> *pout*

<Mitch> "Just working on something..." *hauling them up the stairs towards his room*

* Shingami helps

<Shingami> you adn your zany projects...

* Shingami helps ebst she can, waring logn jeans a long sleved turtel neck but has a few bandaids on her left cheek below her eye

* Mitch blinks, glancing over his shoulder as he unfolds the lower arms from under his jacket, grabbing onto the railing. "Zany?"

<Shingami> sumimasen yo.. ive been watchign too many anime, nothgin to do all day.

* Shingami also ahs her hair up in a bun, doesnt really want peopel to knwo she cut it.

<Mitch> "What about the flower shop?"

<Shingami> Siato-san was sick today, the owners are still out on vacation in Vancover, so it was clsoed today.

* Mitch , with her help, gets it into his room - there've been a few changes made... the bed's been shoved against one wall, along with most of the furniture... gone are the many many photographs, gone are the piles of photocopies, though a chunk of them are spread out on the bed... a drafting board faces away from the door, up against one corner.

<Shingami> youve been bussy

<Mitch> "Gomen... okay, okay, dump 'em here- yeah-"

<Mitch> *clank clank goes the metal*

* Shingami sets the stuff down

<Shingami> whats all this for?

* Mitch straightens up, placing a hand or two against his back and stretching a little. "-ugh. Just, y'know, doing some research."

* Takeo...just 'cause he's bored...makes a lil' baby murmering sound in his sleep and sticks his thumb in his mouth*

<Shingami> reserch?

<Mitch> "Yeah..." He nudges the frame with his foot, settling the rods down across the floor. "Practical application of the shit in those textbooks."

<Shingami> ah... soo ka

<AriaStormsinger> *cooooool*

<Mitch> .oO(Well, it's true. Gonna get my leverage on.)

<Mitch> "Domo for the help, Shin... how're you doing?"

* Shingami smiles

<Shingami> daijobu ... im fine

* Torrance sleeps, sprawled .. drooling like .. well, a baby*

* HappyLittleMoron watches them, grinning softly and shaking her head a bit...

* Klork smirks..

<Klork> Hmm..

* Mitch heads downstairs with her, closing the door behind him and slipping off his jacket, tying it around his waist.

<HappyLittleMoron> hm?

<Shingami> how much more stuff do you need help with?

<Mitch> "That's it..." .oO(For now.) "I'm all set." *closes the front door before heading into the kitchen* "Want anything?"

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> Nothin'..just wondering how everybody is back at the asylum..

* Mondo_Gecko goes over ant watches the babies in the incubator

<Mondo_Gecko> ...they're really cute..

<Shingami> ah.. jsut somethign to drink would be nice

* HappyLittleMoron nods a bit* Rev took Brenna home just before you woke up...he says things seem to be going well...everyone seems...sore and tired...

* AriaStormsinger lies a floor or two above the group, breathing rhythmically with the help of a machine.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Thanks, Mondo..

* Rev finally gets home, cradling Brenna in his bruised arms, stepping through the front door*

<Mitch> *rooting around in the fridge* "We've got milk... beer... uh, water... Pepsi... orange juice... I wouldn't trust the orange juice..."

<Shingami> Pepsi please

* Rev blinks a little, shifting the sleeping Brennna a little and wandering towards the kitchen* Why would you not trust the orange juice? It cannot be THAT old yet...

* Mitch takes the half-full Pepsi with him as he heads back into the living room, popping open his beer and tossing her the 2-liter. "Well, for starters, it ain't orange."

* Klork rubs at his back...

* Rev wrinkles his nose* Good reason...

<Mitch> *kinda half-smiles at the sleeping Brenna* "How's everyone at, y'know, the hospital?"

* Shingami ... nearly drops the bottel when it impacts her right hand, recovers though

<Shingami> domo

* Klork looks over at Mondo .. then up at HLM..before just going over to look at the twins, resting his chin on the top of the incubater

* Rev grins* Well enough...HLM gave birth to the twins...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

<Rev> Diana is still resting...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Klork..your he luckiest guy I know

* Klork looks up..

* Mitch just *blinks* "WHAT?"

<Klork> Me..? *pauses a moment..then goes to watching the twins* <q> I can't really argue at the moment..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly

<Mitch> "Christ, aren't they supposed to be in J- are they all right? Is Mrs. Happy-"

* Klork watches, just purring quietly..

<Shingami> i heard that they are all ok

<Klork> <q> I'm just glad they're ok, ya know?

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little..thinking of the radioactivity in his blood...

* Rev nods* Aye...they're all alright...the little ones are in...incubators I think they're called...and HLM is simply sore...

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* Takeo starts purring softly in response to Klork's purr*

<Mitch> "Incuwhat?" *glancing at Shin*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( doubt anything surived...)

<Shingami> Incubators.. sicne they are preemy they need to bne kept in incubators to stay alive.


* Rev nods to Shin* Aye...

<Shingami> Hai

* Klork smirks, Torrance doing much the same..only in a lazier manner ..

* Klork chuckles

* Mitch rubs his neck. "Okay..."

<Klork> <q> Hmm ... football players I think..

<Mondo_Gecko> Ya think?

<Mitch> "Can she get visitors? I mean... Christ, I should've been keeping track or something..."

* Klork shrugs, chuckling

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* <q> I can just see it...soon as they start walkin'..."hey boys! Wanna toss the hog-skin around?" *laughs softly*

<Klork> No clue ... *smirks*

* Klork blinks, then chuckles at HLM

* Rev nods* Aye...that she can...Brenna and I just saw her...Mondo and Klork are there now...

<Klork> What, like you n' Brenna aren't gonna be gangin' up on us??

* HappyLittleMoron whistles innocently

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mitch> To Shin. "You wanna go see 'em?"

* Klork smirks a bit .. just watching them quietly ..

<Mondo_Gecko> hey guys...I'm yer Uncle Shawn.

<Shingami> go on ahead if you want. I... i think ill just stay home.

* Mondo_Gecko waves his fingers

* Klork smirks, leanin back to watch..

<Mitch> "Okay... take care of yourself..." *slings the jacket from around his waist and shrugs into it again*

* Torrance looks up at him with big rounded eyes...much like Klork' if to say "Uh ... and on which side is this?"*

<Shingami> Hai.. i will

* Shingami sets the soda on the tabel folding he rhands inher lap, bacently rubbign her right wrist

* Mitch looks at the opened beer, untouched, in his hand... .oO(Well, shit.)

* HappyLittleMoron heads over by Klork, watching the little ooones as hell, she's walking, just...slowly

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm gonna teach you guys the best way to break all the rules :)

* Klork scoots so she can sit on his lap..

* Mitch roots around in the kitchen, finds a wine cork, and jams it into the neck of the beer bottle, putting it back into the fridge

* Torrance .. still gives him a look .. ooO(Ok, yeah, this one's trouble...)*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooooohno...*settles carefully on Klork's lap* This frightens me..

* Takeo yawns wide and blinks awake, ice blue eyes looking between the three adults* .oO(...funny looking things...)

* Elyce, the blonde with tight white pants and an expensive black sweater and short sharp boots comes downstairs and surveys.

* Mitch , with the air of a job well done, buckles up for street travel and hits the subway, heading for the hospital

* Klork chuckles .. rubbing at her sides idly..

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, leaniing against him...

* Torrance tilts his head...eyes still rounded, loking at Takeo* ..oO(Oh .. you ... don't I ever get RID of you..?)

* Rev looks up at Elyce and wavels with his free hand*

* Shingami looks up and freezes

* Takeo looks over and wrinkles his nose at Torrance*

* Elyce nods to Rev, then Shingami. "It's good to see you both safe."

* Torrance blblbls at Takeo*

* Klork chuckles, watching..

* Shingami gets up grabbign the soda

<Klork> <q> heh..! Geeze, already in competition..

* Rev nods* Aye...likewise...*smiles a bit* If you'll excuse me, I need to put my neice to bed...

<Shingami> Rev-kun.. im goign to make soem tea you intrested?

* Elyce nods to Rev.

* Klork chuckles quietly ..

<Elyce> Who is the little one?

* Takeo does the little baby mutter and kicks out at his brother*

<Rev> Brenna Curric...the co-owner's child...

* Torrance 's face wrinkles, he generally .. more or less honks Takeo's nose*

* Shingami heads towards the kitchen

* Mitch time-burns 'cos time is relative between positions, and arrives, heading towards Site B where he expects 'em to be...

* Rev looks to Shin and nods* Ah...aye...I will be right back, Shin...thank you

<Shingami> nandemonai...

* Takeo blinkies and reaches up to push Torrance's hand away*

* Elyce nods, shoulders held a little stiffly.

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, reaching in to seperate the two* Sheesh...

* Shingami casts a glance at Elyce, eyes shiftign color a bit towards gold, still blue though

* Elyce carries herself stiffly to a non-super-comfy chair and perches, looking around the main room.

* Rev heads upstairs to gently put Brenna to bed before returning*

* Torrance snags HLM's hand...eyes wide n' rounded*

* Klork chuckles ..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, lettinng Torrance grab hold of her finger, stroking the back of his hand with her thumb* <q> Heya kiddo...

* Shingami sets a pot to boil for the tea, lookign aroudn to see what kind she should make.. starts coughign covers her mouth quickly

* Mitch rubs his neck... the room looks... quiet... more so than normal...

* Mitch slips in, looking around

* Takeo looks up at HLM and blinkies, wrinkling his nose again*

* Klork chuckles..

* Torrance tries to suck on HLM's hand*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs softly and lets him gum her...

* Shingami chooses some green tea, washes her hadns off the soapy water tinted pink

* AriaStormsinger is...on a respirator, but ehr eyes are half-open and light up when Mitch appears.

* Rev returns, nodding again to Elyce before heading into the kitchen to watch...since...the kitchen is a dangerouse place for him ;P*

* Mondo_Gecko smiles happily, watching his new "nephews"

* Mitch blinks, walking over to Aria... "Christ... what happened to you?" *grabs the chart off the end of her bed, reading over it*

<Shingami> I hope you dotn mind green tea...

* Lessee...came in with trauma by shock wave...choking...bruises now evident. Annnnnnd one of her lungs (abnormal from human, btw) collapsed.

* Takeo yawns a little, streatching, still purring*

* Klork smirks, fingering Takeo's fuzz lightly..

<Klork> <q> Goof .. .

* Mitch looks up, setting the chart down and kinda crouching down by the side of the bed. "That... Cho guy did all that?"

* Torrance yawns...sprawling out..taking more than his share*

* Takeo blinkies and seems to smile a tiny bit, grabbing at Klork's hand*

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

* Klork smirks, wiggling it a little..

<Klork> <q> Hey squirt ..

* AriaStormsinger sighs peacefully and manages a smile around the blue plastic ribbed tube going down her throat.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..maybe not all....maybe there's a chance...)

<Shingami> Rev... what is she doing here?

* AriaStormsinger lifts a hand slowly, tapping her forehead with one finger, then Mitch's, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and strokes Torrance's peachfuzz gently before drawing back, Takeo purring a little louder before just...nodding off mid-purr

* Klork smiles, leaning back a bit with a yawn....

* Rev blinks* She is staying with us...

* Torrance purrs....droolin' & nodding off*

<Shingami> why

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* Bed, hm? *looks and grins a little at Mond*

<AriaStormsinger> Elyce looks quietly out the window.......soooooooooo not hearing this conversation.

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm?

<Rev> She has no where else to go...she is not a bad person...

* Mondo_Gecko looks up, comming out of a thought

<HappyLittleMoron> We're gonna go to sleep...long day..

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..sure

<Shingami> ... so desu ne?...*takes the pot off the stove, pouring the hot water into mugs and lettign the tea steep*

<Mondo_Gecko> I better get back to the asylum anyways...gotta date ;)

* Mitch hesitates - downright pauses, in fact... finally, he looks around, grabs a chair, and pulls it over for himself, settling by her side... he swallows, then nods wordlessly.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Have fun...

* Klork nods, leaning back..

<Klork> <q> nite..

* Rev blinks* I'm...sorry? *arches brows, not understanding japanese*

<Mondo_Gecko> oh I will *wink*

<Mondo_Gecko> Night guys..see ya later

* Mondo_Gecko slips off

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, konking with Klork

* AriaStormsinger takes one of Mitch's hands gently

<Shingami> never mind...

<AriaStormsinger> {{Everything's okay.}}

* Shingami hands rev a cup of tea

* AriaStormsinger watches to see how Mitch takes that.

* Mondo_Gecko slips down to Diana's room to see how she's doing before he heads out

* Mondo_Gecko peeks in

<Mondo_Gecko> Di?

* Diana hmms a little, kinda...half aawake, half asleep...*

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey...I was just leavin the hospital..

<Mondo_Gecko> Just thought I've come say hi before I went

* Diana smiles groggily* <q> Domo, Mondo...

* Mondo_Gecko comes over

<Mondo_Gecko> pumped fulla drugs huh

* Mitch inhales sharply, closing his eyes... kind of half-formed, he tries to respond, not knowing what the hell to do so the words are half-conscious and half-stream-of-consciousness... {{Okay... you're not okay, you're swallowing the snake and... are you sure? What about the moon? Cho's dead, he won't do this to anyone again... I didn't even mean to kill Torres...}}

* Diana nods* <q> doing that to me...*smirks a bit* Don' like seein' pain...

* Revelyn just nods a little...

* Mondo_Gecko nods a little

<Mondo_Gecko> probably don't like seein it anymore than you like feelin it

* AriaStormsinger blinks, sorting it.

<Diana> <q> Hai...true...

<AriaStormsinger> {{I'm okay. No snakes. And I can feel the stars from inside, now. No fuzz-block in my mind. Thank you, again.}}

<Shingami> Revelyn-kun... what happend to you after we were all seperated?

* Shingami keeps her voice low and quiet

<Mondo_Gecko> Cool. D'ja want me to get anything for you before I disapear?

<AriaStormsinger> {{You're being brave! You're good at mindspeak, Mitch.}}

* Revelyn matches her tone, leaning against the counter* <q> Ryu and I were taken to another world that was ruled by...a deamon of some kind...we vanquished the deamon...the world returned to being alive...then...we were brought to the past by accident for a day or two...and then returned here...

* Diana smiles bleerily* <q> Iie...domo...I really appreciate you coming to visit...gets lonely...being alone...

<Mitch> {{Nandemo dai- were they the same people? Javier couldn't have put the pinger on you if he's gone mental. I don't know if she's right. The snake in your throat, the tube thing, you're not okay. I'm no hero. I'm just Mitch. Just Morgan. Mitch!}}

<Revelyn> <q> You?

<Shingami> ah

<Shingami> i see

* Shingami stares at her cup

* AriaStormsinger blinks confusedly again.

<Shingami> i was reminded of what i am.

<Shingami> (( no.. of what we are... ne.. Shinigami))

* Rev nods, sipping his tea once it's ready* Do you wish to speak of it?

* Shingami 's eyes seem to go form having a light gold tint to them to being all solid deep blue

* AriaStormsinger tries to speak, forgetting, and the plastic tube jiggs, her neck moving with it from within.

* Revelyn furrows his brows lightly, watching silently...

* AriaStormsinger closes her eyes, wincing, trying to go with the automatic breathing

<AriaStormsinger> {{Don't worry about them, Mitch. They weren't the problem.}}

<Mitch> {{Don't! Don't do that. Don't think out loud. Dammit! How do I keep it out of my head? Shit. Don't try to talk. Just think. Just don't think.}}

<Shingami> i was baught by a set of priests, who wished me to teach them the ways to higher enlightenment.. because of what i am... however the midns of a bunch of peaceloving monks cannot comprehend the true darkness that is the guardian of Darkness, the angel of death. they are appauled by battel and blood. and that is esentialy what i am

* AriaStormsinger bursts into a smile, trying not to giggle.

<AriaStormsinger> {{You sound funny, Mitch! I'll be okay.}}

<Mitch> {{They put the pinger in your neck. That wasn't the problem? Who was the problem? I took care of the problem. If that's Javier, he could be faking, but what's the percentage? Ought to suss his aura.}}

* Revelyn nods a little* <q> Ah...

* AriaStormsinger closes her eyes for a moment, lying back, a blue glow, darkest yet, surrounding her. {{It wasn't Javier.}}

<Mitch> {{Up here! How long will it take for you to heal? Are you gonna be able to without the stars? I remember you needed the stars. Fucking Iceman. Iced 'im.}}

<Shingami> besids that i had to go and help retreve my brother...*looks up form her tea and the gold tinting is back*

<Shingami> i woudltn be suprised if it was on the news.

* Mondo_Gecko sits down beside her

<Mondo_Gecko> Yea I bet..

* Revelyn furrows his brows, nodding* Ah...aye...I heard there was a battle that my beloved and I missed...

<Mondo_Gecko> doesn't anyone else come?

<Mitch> {{What was it? He? Iceman? Cho? Tyler? Fuck! What was?}}

<Diana> <q> I think they're just busy...Revelyn visited breifly...but he had to leave as well...

* AriaStormsinger opens her eyes and squints at Mitch worriedly. {{Slow don't have to fix anything.}}

<Shingami> that isnt exactly what im talking about... but it was somethign tha thas my brother very hsaken up, and has him in the hospital refusig to leave Evy-san's side.

* Elyce picks her nails

<Shingami> it also called my form their protectroates here to america.. the left early this morning

* Revelyn nods, furrowing his brows as he listens...

* Shingami takes her cup and heads into the living room

<Shingami> do you mind if i turn on the news?

<AriaStormsinger> Elyce watches Shingami.

* Revelyn shakes his head* Nae...

* Revelyn shrugs a little and follows, sitting gracefully on a floor-pillow, if not a bit gingerly

* Shingami moves a bti stiffly but there is something... somethign not right about her, turns on CNN

<Mitch> {{Gotta do what needs to be done. If it wasn't Javier it was someone else. They weren't the problem. Something else is the problem. Gotta find a solution. Stop. Stop thinking. She doesn't deserve this, she never did- what can I do?}}

* Revelyn furrows his brow as he watches her...switching to that seemingly none-focussed magic view

* In todays news, a milatery chemical refining faility in coastal newyork was destroyed lastnight due to a firestrom. it was believed to be triggered by the thunderstrom. the deathtotal is aproximatly 149 people, 300 wounded. also undergoign investigation were the apparent murders of several improtant officers inside the facility. we will give you mro einfomation as it is releaced from the milatary

* Elyce raises an eyebrow.

* Revelyn blinks a bit and arches a brow

* images of a huge firestrom coverign the milatery bace can be seen.. in one image it seems alsmto as if .. the fire was alive and moving under soemoens controll.. but it doesnt last long enough*

<AriaStormsinger> {{I think...I remember everyone coming home safe?}}

* Revelyn hmms softly, sipping his tea, eyes thoughtful as he seems to watch the two women and the TV all at once...without his eyes moving

<Mitch> {{Everyone's home. Everyone's safe. Diana's around. Mrs. Happy gave birth. Klork's with her? Christ, he must be. I hope they're okay. Wing and Evy are right here. Is Wing okay? I thought he was. Everyone's back.}}

<Shingami> it makes a great story ne? an old tatic from my days as Akurei no Kyoto ... create a fire in iportant stratigic poiints int he enemys base, whiel they struggel to save thier base, and general confusion regins go in and take out key people, and get out as fast as you can. in the ocnfusion often no material whitnesses can be found. nore do any wish to speak

<AriaStormsinger> {{You helped. *waves of deep admiration and hero worship*}}

* Shingami smiles

<Shingami> who woudl hve thoguth soemthig that helped mold the Edo empire also helped save my dear brother.

* Elyce nods. "A highly effective technique."

<Shingami> i really should write all thees down..

* Shingami takes a sip of her tea

<Shingami> especaly when you have the rightpeople behind the fire.

* Revelyn nods a bit* Aye...a technique used several times in battle...*shrugs a bit*

<Shingami> otherwise you to get sweapt aay in the chaose

<Mitch> {{No. I'm no hero. Thief-murderer-housebreaker-safecracker-sinner not a saint. Mitch! My name is Mitch. I didn't do anything. I just covered their backs. Shin and Klork and Mondo. Diana. Heroes.}}

* Revelyn nods...

* AriaStormsinger smiles at him. {{How are the babies?}}

<Shingami> i suppsoie though that is all that will coem of that incident. seeign s the government wishes to keep one of thier top facilitie's falls under wraps.

* Shingami looks at elyce with a deadly calm

<Shingami> dont you think so.. Elyce-dono?

* Elyce's calm is deadlier.

<AriaStormsinger> The most efficient path to destruction is one that leaves no witnesses...and none to seek retribution.

<Mitch> {{Babies? Don't know. Where are they? Must be in the maternity ward. Just the edge. Where'd they put them? Christ I hope nobody else gives birth. How long has it been? I should have kept track. She wouldn't have cared, why'd you stay away?}}

<Shingami> ah.. i see we think alogn the saem lines. How intresting.

* Shingami drains her tea and smiles, though it carries no real emotions..

<Elyce> And what brought you to think along these lines?

<Shingami> reminising i guess.

* Revelyn hms a little and shrugs a bit, standing* Thank you for the tea, Shingami...if you ladies will excuse me...*stands, takes care of his mug and goes into the workout room, taking off his shirt and going aboutstarting a kata with a bo*

<Shingami> never a problem.. Revelyn-kun

* Shingami gets up and puts her cup back in the kitchen

<Elyce> <w> Was it...difficult, where you were taken? Haruo did not seem like the other man, from your government...

* Revelyn works out 'n stuff...still being covered in those naaaaasty bruises

<Shingami> i have soem thigns to take care of.. excuse me..

* Shingami heads upstairs to her room

<Shingami> {{ anyone who gets in the way of my family and those i protect will be eliminated... this includes you .. Elyce-dono}}

* Elyce frowns, watching her go.

* Shingami coughs a bt as she heads upstairs, if you catch a flimpse of her left palm, its librly spattered with blood

<AriaStormsinger> *a bit of the dark blue creeeeeeeeps from teh bed like stage smoke, rolling over to Mitch.*

* Mitch 's eyes are closed, have been throughout the whole thing...

* it's below Aria's sight line, she's just staring up at him, confused and worshipful*

* Elyce frowns even harder.

* Elyce rises and follows SHingami.

<Elyce> "I'm sorry, but are you all right?"

<Mitch> Carefully, as if concentrating REALLY hard. {{You're going to be okay? Do you need the stars to help heal? Just balls of- stars.}}

<Shingami> im fine... nothing i havent delt with before

* AriaStormsinger smiles. {{I can feel the stars, right here. They're helping.}}

* the blue spills over Mitch's legs, then surges up his chest, sending confidence and peace and pride and happiness...

* aaand... it hits Shin's shield*

* Mitch inhales, unconsciously straightening as his head tips back, in the same motion he uses to suck down a lungful of reefer and hold it until the trees sparkle

* Shingami heads into her room, closing the door behind her and fetching her first aid kit and removing her shrit, torso and chest, arms and neck covered in bandages, along with a good chunk of her right arm down to the wrist

* As soon as Aria realizes what's happening her eyes widen and she pulls it back.

* Elyce watches Shin go, then heads down to watch the TV, rather numb.

* Shingami looks into her mirror as she fixes herself up

* Mitch blinks as the emotions wash over him again, then understanding dawns on him - and he flicks off his glasses, eyes half-opening, as he flexes the shield, straining against the mana barrier to shake off the effects

* AriaStormsinger feels that. Eyes slide guiltily away.

<Mitch> "Aria..."

<Shingami> careless...foolish .. shouldt have ogtten this beat up over all of this. shouldnt have lt it get to me as much as it has...Kami-sama... please help me controll the demon within.

* AriaStormsinger looks back, with what passes for an apologetic smile.

* Revelyn works out 'n stuff

<Mitch> "Why..." He closes his eyes again, gripping her hand - not tight, just there. {{Why?}}

* AriaStormsinger 's little fingers rest trustingly, cool, in his. {{Why what?}}

<Mitch> {{Why'd you do that?}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{didn't mean to. Slipped out. You needed it, or something.}}

<Mitch> {{Need? Need a textbook to deal with Diana. Need to find out what I have to do. Need about forty thous- ...Aria. I. It's okay. Try not to. Ne?}}

* Revelyn , after working up a good sweat and all, finally emerges from the workout room to get a glass of water

* AriaStormsinger pales a little. {{I do.}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{What's wrong with Diana?}}

<Mitch> {{I know. It's okay.}}

<Mitch> {{Nothing. Not her. It's me. Or her. Don't know what to do. Never felt this before. Don't know how to help. Urusai, Williams!}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{Maybe talk to HLM?}}

<Mitch> {{Mrs. Happy? Has enough problems. If she can help Diana she will. They're like sisters or something. I'm not. I'm not one of the family.}}

* AriaStormsinger blinks at that. {{Family? I don't have a family either.}}

<Mitch> {{Not that family. Don't have a family. Had a father without any blood. His blood. On the floor-}} *cuts himself off for a moment, before re-establishing contact* {{Not that family. You've got your chrys- your pod sisters. But I mean Asylum family. I'm a stranger there.}}

* AriaStormsinger takes it in.

<AriaStormsinger> {{ don't have to block the bad stuff. I can handle it. And I see what you mean about the Asylum. But, you're getting there. Right?}}

<Mitch> About blocking the bad stuff. {{I can't. Dammit! That wasn't supposed to.}} Then... {{Don't know. Maybe. No. I'm useless. No hero. Just Mitch. Just $150 a month.}}

* AriaStormsinger smiles softly at him. Squeezes the hand. {{You saved us.}}

<Mitch> {{When?}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{*image of Mitch standing over her and Evy, and helping get them out of there when teh castle was falling*}}

<Mitch> {{Klork saved you. Evy. I just watched. Didn't do anything.}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{You came.}}

<Mitch> {{Doesn't mean I'm a part. Doesn't mean I belong. Other than the arms.}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{Do you want to belong?}}

<Mitch> {{Don't know. I don't know if I can.}}

* Mitch does everything in his power to keep from thinking of the reason why...

* AriaStormsinger releases his hand.

* Mitch opens his eyes, pushing on the glasses.

<AriaStormsinger> *swollen neck, blotchy, probably catches his eyes...most striking feature, after the shock of the machine tube wears off*

<AriaStormsinger> ....{{You haven't had the chance.}}

* Mitch rubs his hand quietly. "I don't wanna hurt anyone, Aria. I'll, y'know... I'll settle for that."

* AriaStormsinger lies thinking, a little disturbed by the senses she's gotten that Mitch isn't the heroic good honorable humble guy she sees him as, all the way through, but still really liking and trusting him

<Mitch> "I'm gonna go see if I can find Mrs. Happy and the others. You need anything?"

* AriaStormsinger blinks at him.

<AriaStormsinger> {{A little peace. We earned it. I think it will last awhile now.}}

* Mitch closes his eyes, chin tucking slightly. {{Hope so. For everyone's sakes.}}

* Mitch opens them again, giving her a wan little half-smile as he slips out.

* AriaStormsinger watches him, a slightly forlorn look in his eyes.

* Mitch gets a cup of coffee from the courtesy pot and spends a few minutes communing with the god of caffeine, letting his nerves settle, before basically accosting a nurse and saying "Winged chick where?" to get directions.

* nurse gives him an odd look, and in a tired, curt voice, tells him <G> *

* Mitch goes, heading towards Site D: Spawning Pond

* HappyLittleMoron sits up again, watching the twin boys sleeping, hurting a bit too much to really sleep

* Mitch knocks on the door, poking his head in...

* HappyLittleMoron looks up* <q> C'mon in...

<Mitch> "Hi, Mrs. Happy..." *edges in, closing the door carefully* "Just heard... everyone's okay? I mean... it's early, isn't it?"

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Heya Mitch...they are early but...they're doing ok...they'll be in incubators for a while...*reaches out a hand to him* C'mon over...take a look at 'em...

* Mitch comes on over and takes a look at 'em

* HappyLittleMoron points to the boy with black peach fuzz, who's all curled up* Takero Curric... *then to the one with strawberry blond peach fuzz, sprawled out* Torrence Curric...*they're both very very small, but formed well 'n stuff...veddy cute for newborns ;P*

<Mitch> He glances back at her. "Why'd they... y'know, come out? I thought you were gonna stay down until it was time..."

<HappyLittleMoron> They weren't getting enough oxygen...something about the placenta, I think...ended up going into labor anyway...

* Mitch understood... maybe... HALF of that sentence.

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...they just...needed to come out...they woulda died if they stayed in for more than two days...

<Mitch> "Gomen... I'm glad they came out okay..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Klork and I decided I should have them out sooner, rather than later...*smiles and nods* Me, too...

<HappyLittleMoron> You have no idea how good it is to see my feet again..*winks with a smirk*

* Mitch blinks, and looks down at her feet, before suddenly chuckling. "Oh! Yeah, I guess. So you gonna be up and around again?"

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Taking it slow...they had to keep cutting me 'cause I kept wanting to heal back up before the babies were out...hurts to move too much...

<Mitch> "Christ... how long you gonna be in for?"

<HappyLittleMoron> No more than a few days...but I'll be coming back to visit the boys most days...I don't want to leave them...

* Mitch looks in on 'em again, rubbing his neck. "...think they're gonna have wings?"

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, watching Takeo yawn a little and streatch lightly, starting up a purr when his mom reaches in to brush her fingers across one of his cheeks, then do the same for his brother* I dunno...

* Mitch kinda half-smiles at this. "How's Diana doing?"

<HappyLittleMoron> She's alright as far as I know...pretty much the same as before...still drifting in and out of consiousness...

<Mitch> He nods. "Guess I'll step in on my way back... any messages for, y'know, the Asylum?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...are things going ok there...? Anything you know of that needs me?

<Mitch> He shakes his head. "Nah. Things seem quiet. For once."

<HappyLittleMoron> Wow...that's gotta be a first...

<Mitch> "Yeah... I gotta stop saying that. Every time I do, something blows up."

* and at the Asylum... an explosion rocks the kitchen! As... the waffle iron blows a fuse.*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and waggles her finger at him jokingly* No jinxing us now, y'hear?

* Mitch chuckles. "Yes'm. Nothing you wanna say to anyone?"

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* Well...just if anyone asks, taht everything's ok with us...*pauses* What have I missed...? I know something...happened with Aria...I just don't know what...

* Mitch lets out his breath slowly, finding somewhere to hitch his hip up on. "Yeah... she got kidnapped too..."

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows and nods, motioning to one of the chairs if he wants to sit...

<Mitch> *sits on the chair then, traditionalist* "We found her with this Cho fuck... in the same line as Torres and Javier, I think. He'd hurt her pretty bad. She's down in an iron lung..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh no...*kinda sinks down as well, having been standing, worry clouding her face*

<Mitch> "Klork and Mondo took care of Cho while Evy and I got Aria out. He's not gonna hurt anyone again. But it's gonna take her some time." He flicks off his glasses, eyes going vague as he recalls. "Shock... strangulation... one of her lungs, y'know, collapsed."

* HappyLittleMoron cringes, nodding as she listens...

<Mitch> "I think everyone else is okay... Evy's still in the hospital. Wing's been staying with her. I dunno if she's okay or what..."

* HappyLittleMoron sighs shakily* Gods I hope so...once I can move around without as much pain I'll have to make the rounds...*lifts her shirt up a little to show the lovely red scarring* I love C-sections, don't you? *smirks and lets the shirt back down*

* Mitch blinks. "C-what?"

<HappyLittleMoron> When they cut the babies's called a C-section...*shrugs a bit*

<Mitch> "Oh... sorry..." He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. You'll be updated by people... I CAN'T be the only guy to come through here..."

<HappyLittleMoron> That's ok...*smirks* Nah...Mondo was here earlier, same with Revelyn...

<HappyLittleMoron> He says Nox is sick with what Iris has...not sure about Syan...

* Mitch chuckles, then sobers. "Iris is sick?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...she got sick when she and Syan escaped...nasty nasty flu...high fever...the works...

<Mitch> "Shit..." He sighs, hauling himself up. "What happened? Wasn't like this when I, y'know, dropped in..." *is obviously talking on a much wider scale*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* Heh...? *just kinda looks blankly at him* lost me...

<Mitch> *just shakes his head* "I dunno... I've only been at the Asylum a while... but things weren't like this when I came here, y'know? People were... well... they were doing all right."

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh! *smirks and leans back* There are times when people are great...then others when they're not...Iris I think just caught something...was soaking wet and cold for a good 24 hours before she could warm up...Nox was so hurt...she was vulnerable to whatever Iris got...I wouldn't be suprised if Syaan came down with for the rest of us...we'll be fine with time...

<Mitch> "Christ, I hope so." He rubs his neck, yawning. "I'm gonna go see if Diana's awake... head on back to the Asylum after that..."

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* ' take care...stay safe, heh?

<HappyLittleMoron> Say hi to Bill if ya see 'im...

<Mitch> "Yeah, I will."

* Mitch slips out, heading for Site A!

* Diana lightly squeezes Mondo's hand back, kinda...half-awake now*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I made her happy! ..wee)

* Mitch just kind of hesitates as he nears... not that he's afraid to go in with Mondo there, but he's afraid Mondo might start up another song... }:D

* Mitch braces himself and pokes his head in anyway

* Mondo_Gecko takes his hand back and gently starts strumming Lullabye

* Diana bblinks a little and wavels sleepily to Mitch*

<Mitch> Quietly. "Konbonwa, tomodachi... hi, Mondo... just checking up on people..."

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey Mitch

* Diana smiles* <q> Domo..

<Mitch> "You guys okay? How're you doing?"

<Diana> We're alright...he's singing me to sleep...*smirks a bit*

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm good..

<Mondo_Gecko> think I was stood up though..

<Mitch> *chuckles* "Better him than me, I guess... any messages for the Asylum?"

* Mitch glances at Mondo. "Huh?"

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head

<Mondo_Gecko> non that I know of

* Diana smirks wryly* If I did I wouldn't remember 'em...*blinks* And stood up?

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh...I was supposed to be hanging out with this new chick I met..she fell into the pool on the roof

<Mitch> "No, I mean, y'know, either of you got anything you want me to pass along?"

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm heading home soon

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Diana> ...ah...and...iie...domo, Mitch...

<Mondo_Gecko> didn't you notice I'm in my sexy clothes?

<Mitch> *blinks - then laughs, coughing* "-Jesus Christ in a rusty Studebaker... I started a trend."

<Mondo_Gecko> what?

<Mondo_Gecko> have plastic pants too?

* Diana blinks...*

<Mitch> "Something like that. I'm gonna get going..."

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> Kay

* Diana nods...* safe..

<Mitch> "Feel better..." *slips out again, heading on down the hall, chuckling and shaking his head* .oO(Ain't nobody gonna get to use the pool at this rate.)

* Mondo_Gecko tries not to laugh

<Mondo_Gecko> Kay Mitch..see ya

* Mondo_Gecko snickers when he's gone!

<Mondo_Gecko> haha!

<Mondo_Gecko> .....heee

* Diana chuckles softly and covers a yawn* Eh...gomen ne...

<Mondo_Gecko> somehow I juuuust can't picture him in plastic pants..

* Mondo_Gecko starts playing the lullabye again

* Mitch heads back to the Asylum and crashes

<Mondo_Gecko> "Lullabye..and goodnight...something something..something something.."

* Diiiana chuckles softly, kinda slowly drifting...*

* Mondo_Gecko plays until she seems to be asleep. or close to it

* Diana y'know...dozes*

* Mondo_Gecko stands and leaves the old guitar under her bed for later and then leans over her and gently kisses her forehead

<Mondo_Gecko> *vqw* g'night Diana..

* Mondo_Gecko slips out of the room

* Diana smiles slightly in her sleep...uhm....sleeping <G>*

* Mondo_Gecko starts to wander back to the asylum from teh hospital

* Mondo_Gecko starts to wander back to the asylum..but changes his mind and heads to the bell tower, laying out and watching the stars and the moon as he drifts off in teh cool night air

* Mondo_Gecko is wandering home along the streets..

* `KuroiTenshi is headed out off work, (she's a waitress at a small restrant)

* `KuroiTenshi wears no jacket, though the night isn't as warm as it's been that last few nights. she seems, not really happy, but not sad. sort of... lost in thoguht.

* Mondo_Gecko looks up, seeing her up the street and takes of running

<Mondo_Gecko> ...hey!!

* several people screem adn dart otta the way!*

* `KuroiTenshi she wanders around aimlessly, her feet carrying her in the general dirction of the asylum, partly because it's the only place in the city she really knows, mostly cause she wants to see more of mondo

* `KuroiTenshi her train of thought broken by the commotion, she looks up, to see that her destination has come to her.

<`KuroiTenshi> .o(well, THAT's convienitent....)

Session Close: Wed Apr 17 02:03:49 2002

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