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Session Start: Sat Apr 13 10:33:19 2002

* AriaStormsinger finishes up a tray of hospital food lunch and watches her Asylum folks in the room.

* AriaStormsinger puts it aside, and packs up her satchel o' books n' things...

* HappyLittleMoron cleans up Brenna a little, Iris sleeping restlessly

* AriaStormsinger slips her satchel over her shoulder and gets to her feet.

* Mitch dreams of faaaalllllling, falling foooooreeeever

* HappyLittleMoron glances up and tilts her head...

<AriaStormsinger> Do you need anything, HLM? *softly, guess the others are sleeping :E*

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...not really...thanks doin' ok?

<AriaStormsinger> Mmhm. I want to go see the chrysalises at Foss.

<AriaStormsinger> Did I tell you? They're being kept in a room with green trees and plants, and heat and humidity.

<AriaStormsinger> It's like the jungle. It feels good, to be with them in that place.

<AriaStormsinger> Besides, I've read these books three times...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooh...kewl...*grins* Go ahead...

* AriaStormsinger ducks her head a little, giving a half-smile, and slips out

* AriaStormsinger stops at Mitch's room and comes inside.

* Mitch is SO out cold, deep in a recuperative nightmare-filled sleep, an IV running glucose into one arm

* AriaStormsinger wrinkles her nose at the scent of medication and illness in the room.

* AriaStormsinger comes over and brushes a wisp of damp hair off his forehead.

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch? It's okay.

<AriaStormsinger> It's going to be okay, they're all going to be safe. You don't have to worry any more.

<AriaStormsinger> You're just like HLM...worried yourself sick over everyone else...

* Mitch lies there (c) Diana

* AriaStormsinger 's hand starts to glow a tad and she bites her lip, sucking it back.

<AriaStormsinger> I'm...I'm going to go make it right.

<AriaStormsinger> I know you would have. You were trying, right? was too much, on top of everything.

<AriaStormsinger> *after a long moment*

<AriaStormsinger> Just get better. And, Diana and everyone, they'll be waiting when you wake up.

<AriaStormsinger> ...You'll be all right. *trails her hand off his forehead, squeezes his uppermost hand, and leaves

<Mitch> *in the dream...*

<Mitch> *falling... falling... wind tumbling him about, the edges of half-formed structures and non-euclidian architecture whipping by in blurs of movement...*

* HappyLittleMoron 's characters are just...boring <G>

<Mitch> *...until suddenly... his uppermost hand, flung out in terror... despite his speed... slams onto something, the edge of a twisted office building out of H.R. Giger, slams on and clutches and holds tight, his body swinging like a pendulum over the formless depths below!*

* Mitch , with the strength born of desperation and terror, hauls himself up, grappling the building with all four hands... and the light far, far above, miles above... his only salvation?*

<Mitch> *slowly, painfully, painstakingly... he starts to climb...*


* Mondo_Gecko glances up

<Mondo_Gecko> Did it work?

<StacieGreene> Stacie shakes her head.... "I thought I was brushing her...but there was no response."

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

<Mondo_Gecko> here..lemme try

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm getting better

<Mondo_Gecko> ::Aria?::

* AriaStormsinger's presence is like the brush of butterfly wings against Mondo's calling.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> she's not answering

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> you wanna go back?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( Wish I could lay on the grass and watch the stars all night...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(but I don't wanna do it alone)

<Stacie> far is that hospital your friends are at?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I've been thinking alone way too long)

<Mondo_Gecko> ..not too far

<Mondo_Gecko> 15 minutes walk at the most

<Stacie> Let's stop at Foss, and then go there if Aria's not around.

<Mondo_Gecko> ok..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and pushes himself up

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( there goes my perfect evening of stolen hot dogs and cool grass and stars)

* Mondo_Gecko heads off in the direction of Foss

<Mondo_Gecko> feelin any better about being outside now?

* StacieGreene walks a little closer to him. "Yes. But I don't want to be out alone."

<Mondo_Gecko> Who does

* Mondo_Gecko watches her carefully for a second and then casually slips an arm around her sholders

<Mondo_Gecko> neither

* Stacie tenses, then relaxes and lets him walk that way with her...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( she's like..nervous.. well...more than me. I wonder if she's had like a bunch of jerk boyfriends or something)

* An average heighted woman with dark skin and white hair knocks at HLM &Klork's door*

* Klork is asleep to make this easier.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up* ...uh...c'min?

* Evy peeks around a doorframe, wimpering* Where's my Wing-ie???

* Neko slips through the back allys.. heading to the asylum..however she reaches it..and scowls..looking it over.. she goes to Mondo's open window and jumps inside, looking around..Eki is sitting on his rock, eating his crickets.. he's running low though.. The room is silent and dark and not filled with fresh Shawn smells..*

* Toby blinks, stepping out of the way of Evy, following her in* Um..I was told I hafta stay here.

* Stacie and Mondo check in at Foss, guards say Aria left "to go back to the hospital" awhile ago.

* Mondo_Gecko scowls

<Mondo_Gecko> ...God damnit!

* Evy grumbles* You all left me ..

<Mondo_Gecko> Come on..

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip a lil'* Uhm...he was taken...*looks to Toby* ...uh...and you are...?

* Mondo_Gecko turns around quickly

<Mondo_Gecko> ..we gotta try to head her off

<Mondo_Gecko> She's probably run off somewhere else

<Mondo_Gecko> he's got a history of saying she's one place and being at another

* Toby frowms a bit..* Um..Syan's sister..he told me to wait here while he looked for...oh god, her name was Nox?

* Evy blinks* Taken .. WHERE?

<Evy> Who must I kill??

* Stacie nods and they go to the hospital...

* Mitch , in the dim light of... wherever he was put (I'll say Site A because it's not being used anymore), slowly twists, his lips parting and a formless murmur escaping...

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow* I...I dunno, Evy...*sighs shakily, still in hospital duds* And....hi Syan's sister....

* Neko goes and opens another bag of crickets for the little lizard and watches him chase them around the aquarium for a bit and then she goes down into the halls..everything is one's smells are fresh..all faded..and a very nasty smell from the kitchen*

<Neko> hello?

* meanwhile at Cho's place..two white wolves and a huge black wolf are sniffing around the property*

* Evy sits down on the floor, fuming*

<Mitch> *in the dream... miles have fallen as he slowly pulled himself up, climbing the city, climbing towards the light...*

* TV moniter explodes*

* Toby jumps, eyes wide* Wha-huh!?

* HappyLittleMoron cringes* Evy...please...I...I know it's tough but...

* Mondo_Gecko heads in the doors and back up to the floor he left a few hours ago

* Diana's out, still, just for convienience's sake*

* Evy glares at the stupid television set* TOUGH? Tough?! I haven't seen him for a week--I come back and he's GONE?

<Mitch> *but as he glances down at the infinite depths below him, the city twists, distorts... it begins pulling in on itself, like the focal length of a camera zooming in far beyond any artistic license would allow...*

<Evy> How'd you feel if your boyfriend was always getting bloodied up?

* AriaStormsinger hunts the dark presence she's lived in fear of for all her conscious life...

<Mitch> *the city closes about him, buildings lacing and weaving together, and suddenly the light is blocked, mortar and concrete closing in on him like giant building blocks in a cosmic, surreal game of Tetris...*

* Syan runs about..two other wolves following, trying to pick up Nox's scent*

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw and her eyes flash at Evy* I'll tell you what I WOULDN'T be doing. I WOULDN'T be sitting there throwing a fucking temper tantrum at a woman trying NOT to go into preterm labor AGAIN.

* AriaStormsinger drops slowly from the sky, landing like a small blue spark against the night Cityscape at the foot of Cho's property.

* Evy blinks*

* Mondo_Gecko scowls as he comes down the hall

* Toby..just stays wayyy back*

<Evy> ...... preterm labor?

* Mondo_Gecko stops in HLM's door way and glares meanly at Evy

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Out

<Mondo_Gecko> Now

* Toby blinks...voluntarily standing to do so*

<Mondo_Gecko> *tail lashes back an forth*

<Mitch> *he cries out as Manhattan encloses him, engulfs him, crushes-*

* Evy stands, heading out with a mutter* I miss EVERYTHING around here..

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw, resting her hands over her belly and taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself...

* Mondo_Gecko growls softly in the back of his throat

* Klork purrs in his sleep .. yep .. best comfort <G>

* Stacie watches from just behind Mondo.

* Mitch stiffens and twists around, clawing at the sheets as he forces his way into consciousness

* Toby ... kinda lingers in her little corner*

<Toby> ...oO(My god my brother hangs out with psychos..)

* HappyLittleMoron slowly calms, Klork's purring helping* I'm...sorry,'s been a hard few weeks...I'm HLM...

* Toby ... waves. So not coming close* <q> Yeah. um, Toby.

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm...really sorry...I won't hurt you or anything...nice to meet you...

* Toby just nods .. seems to have the slight aura of "I'm higher than this" tho too scared shitless to say jack of it*

<Mondo_Gecko> You ok Mo?

* Mondo_Gecko comes over and strokes her hair

* Evy paces the halls downstairs*

* Stacie takes a deep breath and steps in, her pink, shiny, recently burn-scarred visage shadowed by her powder-blue sweatshirt hood.

* Stacie surveys the crowd.

<Mitch> .oO(...oh... fuck. Burnout.)

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...*sighs shakily* Thanks, Shawn...*smiles a little up at him...then blinks and looks over to Stacie*

* Toby surveys em too .. these people are damn strange. And coming from a family of wolves, that says something*

<Mondo_Gecko> I was wondering if Aria came by

* Stacie bites her lip and nods.

* Mitch sits up, moving stiffly as he swings his feet around... he fumbles around before finding his glasses on the nightstand and pushing them on.

<HappyLittleMoron> She...was here before...kinda...dissapeared...though...*kinda eyes Stacie* Mitch around at all?

* Toby .. just stays silent...staring*

<Stacie> "I saw her at Foss about an hour ago. She had her saber with her...the one she said she only had for emergencies. She's...not there now. THe guards said she was coming to the hospital."

<HappyLittleMoron> Ah...

* Mitch winces a little as he tugs out the IV, leaving it dangling by the bed as he pulls off the hospital gown, shaking out his folded-up clothes with the lower hands.

* Syan and his family smell a lot of fear, a lot of hatred, and a kind of emptiness around the grounds of the castle.

* HappyLittleMoron looks back to Toby...and decides to stare back

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't like where this is goin

* Syan splunks around, sniffing for scents of Nox..smaller white wolf trotting up to him .. looks a tad shaken from the scents..*

* Toby blinks* What?

* AriaStormsinger climbs the hill, moving silently through the undergrowth, staring up at the dark windows of the castle looming over her.

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow* Staring's fun, ain't it.

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a bit at Toby

<Mondo_Gecko> N Who're you

* Black wolf lumbers over lip curled as he looks around*

* Toby blinks* Syan's sister. <little bit of attitude in her voice, even tho her look says "Scared shitless"> And who are YOU?

<Mondo_Gecko> *his tail tip flicks*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( why do people feel the need to stress her out!?)

* Mitch kind of looks up as he shrugs into the jacket, blinking. .oO(Diana! Christ... how far did I get? Did I find her?)

<Mondo_Gecko> *tail starts swishing*

<Mondo_Gecko> The guy who's gonna escort your ass outta here if you don't loose that attitude

* Toby shifts..just eyeing the tail..soo wanting to be back in her padded dorm in Cali*

* HappyLittleMoron rolls her eyes a little* C'mere, Mondo...have a might as well, too Staci..

* Mondo_Gecko crosses his arms

<Toby> Not like I want to be here .. my brother told me to come and watch his soon to be sister-in-law or whatever.

* Evy peeks around the doorframe, feeling penitent*

* Stacie nods in thanks and quietly takes it, keeping her hood up.

<Evy> HLM...I'm very sorry .. I didn't know what kind of condition you were in..

<Evy> I suppose my bad mood is inappropriate..

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> he called you from Cali to do that? ...where IS he anyway? *blinks and looks up at Evy, grinning a lil' wanly* 'Sokay, Evy...join the crowd...

* Toby..sinks back to her wall-hiding when Evy comes in* *whew*

<Mondo_Gecko> Well you better loose the attitiude.

<Mondo_Gecko> I've delt with enough people who think they can look down their nose at me and my friends. I've had enough and I'm one stressed lizard

* AriaStormsinger hears noises in the undergrowth and ducks behind the low stone wall across from the front door Syan and Iris escaped through...

* Toby nods to HLM..then just snorts quietly at Mondo* Er..*looks at HLM* Something about going to find Nox .. A'cho's place?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( Whatta bitch)

* Stacie reahes out a scarred hand and gently pats Mondo's hand.

<Toby> ..oO(What an ass.)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(she obviously doesn't know who she's talking to)

* Iris streatches a little and coughs, in her own little bed*

<Toby> ..oO(Obviously doesn't know how educated I am.)

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows* said somethin' about that before, didn't ya...sorry...

* Toby nods* He and my parents are .. um..searching or something.

<Evy> Searching or Wing with them? Can you show me where?

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip a little, bowing her head

* Syan still searches the grounds...coming to where Nox & Wing passed in the van, pausing to sniff the air*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and then leans over and nuzzles Stacie and whines softly like a dog, giving her the big puppy eyes

* Mitch coughs, slipping his hands under the faucet of the bathroom and splashing his face before drinking from the other pair, shaking them out and folding the arms under the jacket. .oO(Gotta find out how long I've been out. How the others are doing.)

* Toby arches a brow* ..oO(That is the most pathetic dog impersonation I've ever seen.)

* AriaStormsinger sees Syan and her eyes widen. {{Syan -- }}

<Klork> *the two other wolves catch up to him...the three seem to converse before taking off down the road to follow the scent*

* Stacie blinks at Shawn and gives him a reassuring word or two.

* Mondo_Gecko noses her cheek, trying to get her to smile

<Stacie> <w> "Can one of them get Aria to talk to them?"

* Toby rolls her eyes, gaze settling on Iris..brows furrowing...*

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm...I dunno

* Iris sits up, pulling her blanket up around herself, shivering and looking around at the others in the room, coughing a little again*

* Evy sits down on a chair, listening to see if she can get a chance to jump in on any search n' rescue plans*

* Mondo_Gecko looks over to Iris

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Hey hun..

<Iris> *sick sounding* H'lo...

* Mitch , feeling a little better - especially with almost a full day of sleep under his wings - slips out, heading down towards Site B... on the way, he gloms onto a calendar and reacquaints himself with the date and time

* Toby frowns and goes over, gently pressing her fingertips to her brow* <q> Hey ... my name's Toby..*smiles .. an actual sweet one* Syan's sister..

<AriaStormsinger> {{Syan!}}

* Syan pauses..the two other wolves following lead* {{Eh...?}}

* Mondo_Gecko gets up and goes over to her

<Mondo_Gecko> How'ya feelin hun?

* Iris looks up at Toby, is burniing up* Hi...

* Mondo_Gecko feels her forehead

<AriaStormsinger> {{Syan, it's Aria. I'm over by the river, by the wall.}}

* Iris looks to Mondo, offering both a small smile* Not too good...

* Toby frowns* Where are the medical staff here? She should have been given medicatin by now..

<Mondo_Gecko> not so good huh..

<HappyLittleMoron> She has been...

* Mondo_Gecko tickes her stomach a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> That make it better? *G*

<HappyLittleMoron> She was a lot worse before...

* Mitch rubs his neck, hard, working it a little before edging the door open and slipping in

<Syan> {{I've picked up Nox's scent..}}

* Iris manages a little, sick sounding giggle*

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

<Mondo_Gecko> You wanna get some chow Iris?

* Toby shakes her head* You'll make her sick that way. *stands, shifting to get her a cup of water*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up* Heyas, Mitch...*wavels a little*

<Evy> Heya four-arms.

* Iris shakes her head, then pauses, and sips at the water..*

<AriaStormsinger> {{You're here for Nox? And the others?}}

<Mondo_Gecko> mmkay

* Mondo_Gecko scowls at Toby

<Syan> {{Yea .. the others what? The other captured or ..?}}

<Mondo_Gecko> You got kids?

* Diana makes a little groaning sound, turning her head a little on the pillow*

* The front door at Cho's opens and a man with two briefcases jogs out and gets on a motorcycle near the door, kicks it into life and roars off*

<Mitch> "Hi, Mrs. Happy..." *glancing around at the assembled* "...Klork..." *blinks* "Stacie?!" *tone of voice pretty plainly "what the hell?"*

* Toby snorts* No, but I'm schooling to be in pediactric care. Mind you, I have seven siblings.

* Stacie ducks a little at Mitch's call. "Hi..."

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea well..Do they eat? *smirks*

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...

* Evy mutters*

* Mondo_Gecko stands

* Toby rolls her eyes* Live with a pack of wolves for a day and ask me that again.

* Iris shivers a little and whimpers* Don' fight...? Please...?

* Toby fishes around in her manicured purse*

* Toby smirks* Don't worry, we wont..*stares Mondo down*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little, hearing iris

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* OK Iris hunny...just rest ok?

<AriaStormsinger> {{Syan, can you stay out here for a few minutes?}}

* Iris nods a little, settling the water to the side and snuggling into the blankets again, shivering liightly*

* Mondo_Gecko looks up and catches that glare..meeting it with one that says "don't even try it lady"

<AriaStormsinger> {{There's...something I have to do...}}

* Mitch is about to do some glaring and stuff, but glances at Iris, and lets his breath out slowly... to Mrs. Happy. "'s, y'know, everyone?"

* Toby pulls out some childrens' tylenol chewables..handing them to Iris* <q> Take these...?

* Syan furrows his brows whimpering* {{But..Ari--Nox..?????}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...could be're you...*furrows her brows* You look like hell...

* The two other wolves give frustrated looks to each other, then to Syan*

* Iris blinkies a little, looking up to Toby* Nurse McConnal said not to take any more pills...'less she or a doctor tells me to...

* Toby tilts her head* When was the last time you took anything?

<Iris> I dunno...*looks to HLM*

<HappyLittleMoron> They gave her a dose half an hour ago..

* Toby looks up at Mo ... then puts the stuff away* Do you know of what..?

<AriaStormsinger> {{We have to stop the enemy first.}}

<Mitch> .oO(Feel like it.) "Been putting in some hours. How're things on the, the whole kidnapping thing..."

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* It's on her chart...

* Syan growls a little* {{What if I do that..and Nox is dead when I find her??}}

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( an quit stickin your all important nose in everything )

* Toby blinks, then tugs it down, this seems an area she actually knows what she's doing in*

* AriaStormsinger gets up and scurries to teh open door. {{You'll just have to trust me.}}

* Syan rrs* {{I am NOT going back in there...not if Nox isn't there..!}}

* two other wolves are pacing*

* Evy tugs on Toby's sleeve* Can you tell what Syan's doing--what's going on?

* Toby puts it down..tucking Iris in, then looks up at Evy with a small shrug* Didn't tell me .. just told me to watch Iris for him.

* Evy grinds her teeth*

* nothing explodes*

* Diana slowly opens her eyes, brows furrowed at the strange voices*

* Syan paces...watching the door, not really wanting to go into Cho's place..especially when he's got Nox's scent*

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...not too good...*sighs shakily* I dunno much of anything...

* Toby rests her head on her hands, watching Iris quietly..white brows furrowed*

* Iris coughs a little again and curls up*

* Mitch heads over, staying on his feet despite being weary to the bone because it actually feels good after having been lying down for so long... quietly, for Mo's ears only... "What's that... what's Stacie doing here?"

* Toby sighs shakily, tucking her in yet again .. tugging off her fancy Chanel coat and draping it over Iris*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* <q> I dunno...she seems different...

* Mitch flicks off his glasses, looking over and sussing out Stacie's aura...

<Diana> *quiet, slurred voice* seems...crowded in here all of the sudden...

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Diana

<Mondo_Gecko> ..yea..I know

* Syan .. still paces*

* Diana nods a little, kinda trying to focus and, failing miserably*

* Rica snores irately from her window-sil perch...mouth kinda hanging open...fingers twitching* <muttered> N'

* Stacie's aura looks clear...and more subdued than in the past

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, looking over to Rica, brows furrowing...

* Rica slurps..mumuring before rolling over, nose pressed to the cold window* <q> n'drownin'...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...Rica?

* Mitch shakes his head slowly, pushing on his glasses. .oO(Christ. Went through the same fucking thing with Sparky. Look how THAT turned out.)

* Rica now snores loudly ... damn nose is pushed to the window*

* Syan sees a BRIGHT blue flash from one of hte castle windows, and someone's awful cry*

* Bullets fire inside, then cease with another FLASH*

* HappyLittleMoron ...slowly shakes her head

* Syan watches...still refusing by instinct to go back...pacing..*

<Diana> Hn...

* Mitch blinks, turning as Diana kinda comes to - and in the shape he's in, he doesn't hurdle, but he does manage a respectful spin around the edge of the bed as he crosses over to her wheelchair

* Several guys run out of the building from various directions, all toting various items...

* Rica snnkkkkkkssss against the window*

* The last vehicles around pull out and disappear into the night

* The wolves crouch..watching .. staying hidden in the underbrush..sniff the air..etc*

<AriaStormsinger> {{Syan! It's -- too late! They're not here!}}

* Mitch starts to say something, coughs again and clears his throat. "...konbonwa, tomodachi..."

* Syan paces* {{I know that! I smell her OUT here..! Get out here..!}}

* Diana smiles groggily up at Mitch* <q> Konbonwa...daijyubu?

<AriaStormsinger> {{Go without me -- find her...}}

* Mondo_Gecko strolls out to the hall and comes back a few minutes later with someone elses dinner, eating away

<Mitch> "I dunno... you never taught me how to say 'worse than I look'..." He kinda smiles, wanly.

* Syan seems to nod, taking off down the road, the other two wolves following in close persuit..on Nox's scent*

<Diana> <q> Ne...sit then...

* Toby eyes Mondo, sneers a little before watching Iris. Seems human only when watching her, superficial otherwise*

<Mondo_Gecko> man..

<Mondo_Gecko> what are they putting in this stuff..

<Mondo_Gecko> I swear they put stuff in the food here to make you sleepy

<HappyLittleMoron> ...they probably do, Mondo...

* Mitch glances around - finds a chair, drags it over and seats himself bass-ackwards, leaning heavily against the back. ""

* Syan growls.... deciding to continue anyway...too damn intent and not about to give up*

* AriaStormsinger struggles...

<Mondo_Gecko> no wonder why i was so calm and stuff the whole week

* Mondo_Gecko finnishes someone;s stew and starts on someone's BLT

<Diana> I...don't body's almost fully numb...

* Syan continues running .. parents not far behind him*

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Diana

* Syan also prays for no animal control <G>*

<Mondo_Gecko> heh.. It's a good alternative to in extreme pain babe!

<Mondo_Gecko> *munches*

<Mitch> "It'll pass... you'll get better..."

* Diana nods, hehing a little* <q> Hai...

<Mitch> .oO(She's okay... it's still her... as much as it'll ever be...)

<Mondo_Gecko> want some dinner Diana?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I have somebody's BLT here

<Mondo_Gecko> one half of it atleast

<Mondo_Gecko> going....going...

<Mitch> .oO(Food.)

<Mondo_Gecko> *arches a brow*

* A dark shadow flows out one of the windows and heads south...*

* Diana chuckles very softly* Iie...uh...Mondo...domo...

* Syan, after about three and a half hours of running ...collapses roadside...mother having stopped to rest three miles back .. father still going on*

* On cold flagstones...Aria...LIES THERE.*

<Mitch> "...I'm gonna find some. Haven't eaten in... be back in a bit."

* Mondo_Gecko racks his brain trying to remember what Domo means

<Mondo_Gecko> ..umm.

<Mondo_Gecko> Diana...

* On water covered road shoulder .. Syan...LIES THERE.* <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> I better level with all the time we've known never taught me japanese

* Diana blinks* Ah...thank you...sorry...

<Mondo_Gecko> and I'm irish/jewish too so *shrugs*

<Diana> me...I just...*smirks a little* am drugged...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little

<Mondo_Gecko> It's cool

* Toby shifts .. brows furrowing as she watches Iris...not looking comfy all of a sudden*

* Mitch pushes himself up... he blinks at Mondo's words. .oO(Shit. Him too?)

<Mondo_Gecko> Trust me..I've done enough drugs to know the feeling ;P

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* heh? You ok, Toby?

* Iris sleepies*

* Mondo_Gecko goes over and offers the sandwich

<Diana> Ah...

* Cho, hands shaking, bitter sneer on his face, draws his cell phone out of his pocket. He's slumped against a wall, not far from Aria. He dials...

* Mitch shrugs a little, heading out and dragooning a nurse into showing him the cafeteria

* Toby doesn't seem to hear her..lost in .. thought? conversation? Overwhelming worry for Iris? The world may never knoww*

<Mitch> .oO(...wonder how long it'll take 'em to realize I'm up.)

* Toby, out of nowhere..starts digging through her purse*

* Phone rings in the hospital room*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Klork mutters..slowly opening his eyes..

<Klork> What the hell..didn't I unplug that thing?

* Klork reaches over and snags it, groggy

<Klork> What.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...well...yeah...was out of her reach <G>

* Mitch EATS

<Cho> "Going to come and pick up the corpses?" *bitter and nasty*

<Klork> God damnit, I told you I wasn't interested

* Klork is .. halfawake..

* Mitch does not, however... LIE THERE

* Mondo_Gecko blinks and grins and goes over and holds his hand out for the phone

<Klork> What messed up soliciter calls the damn hospital selling corpse's anyway? Freak.

* Mondo_Gecko dances on the spot

* Klork peers at Mondo..

<Cho> "Ask your wife."

<Klork> Hold on, I have a giant Lizard doing a potty dance. *hands the phone to Mondo* CHeers.

* Mondo_Gecko grins

* Mondo_Gecko puts on an indian accent

<Mondo_Gecko> hello?

<Mitch> .oO(...the plans are done. Jesus Christ in a spin-doctored media release. I did it.)

* Toby fumbles, snagging her purse and rushing out of the room*

<Cho> "The dragon was the first to die."

<HappyLittleMoron> Wha...Toby...? *blinks bewilderdly*

<Mondo_Gecko> Who is this?

* Evy blinks .. then follows Toby*

<Mondo_Gecko> Who is phoning

<Klork> Some soliciter..he's a freak..unplug the phone when you're done.

<Klork> *sounds .. drug*

<Mitch> .oO(Now I just have to recreate the office... run a line over... I'll need some bracers... shit, someone oughta tell the cooks that flavor is not the enemy.)

<Mondo_Gecko> I vill call the police if you do not stop phoning

<Cho> Aria's friend...

* HappyLittleMoron rubs Klork's shoulder

<Cho> You want to talk to her?

<Cho> I haven't killed her yet.

<Mondo_Gecko> I wish the fleas of a thousand camels infest your pubic hair!

* Mondo_Gecko covers the phone

<Mondo_Gecko> *W* Do we know a dragon?

<Mondo_Gecko> @ @

* HappyLittleMoron Mondo a strange look...* ...about three, actually...

* Rica .. wakes up to hear that* God Mondo *groggily* Save your calls to your girl friend for when there's nobody around?

<Mondo_Gecko> O O!!

* Rica rolls over to fall asleep again*

<Mondo_Gecko> OK ok..

<Mondo_Gecko> who is this

<Mondo_Gecko> *speaking normally now*

* Toby, flags down a cab, heels clicking*

<Cho> *bitter laugh* A dead man. But we took you down. We took all you freaks down.

* Evy .. misses the damn cab..curses a blue streak and several light posts explode*

* Mondo_Gecko pales

* Toby.. in a cab..drives out to where Syan 'n Co are*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Where are you

* Evy stomps back upstairs and sits..blinks at serious faces*

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow* Wha'...?

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail lashes back and forth, it smacks against the table by Klork's bed

* Toby gets out of the cab...of which takes off without her. She curses it...stumbles around in heals to look for her brother..*

* Klork enfs..blinking up at Mondo

<Klork> <q> Hey..

* Cho chuckles. "Ask your friends the wolves..."

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip a little

* Mitch continues feeding his pie-hole... damn in-character actions! Damn them!

<Cho> "Ask all of your friends. Ask anyone on hte street -- anyone with goddamn money..."

<Mondo_Gecko> ...My "friends" the wolves arn't here right now..I got something better than any wolf to play big fuckin giant lizard

* Toby kneels by Syan .. cursing as her pleather pants get dirty, ..more or less helpin him revive..*

<Cho> "I don't want to hear your frickin' mutant fantasies."

* Cho growls, but it breaks into a little cough and he falls back against the wall.

* Mondo_Gecko smirks, hearing this

<Mondo_Gecko> aww..someone's not feeling too well

<Cho> Where's your head bitch? Tell's not about the money now.

* Mondo_Gecko speaks differently now..VERY reptilian

* Toby .. sighs...Lina n' Michael joinin'...all going to human form to .. tote Syan back towards the city...Toby cursing her heels and taxi drivers the entire way*

* Klork watches .. hearing parts..

<Klork> <q> Tell him he'd better watch his mouth before I rip out his larynx.

<Mondo_Gecko> Sssssomeone's gonna meet their maker

* HappyLittleMoron 's hearing isn't THAT good...'less Cho's screaming at Mondo...

* Klork nods ... 

* Evy watching with a look that says "IwannagoIwannagoIwannago!"

<Cho> *snarls* And I'll see you all in hell there, too

<Mondo_Gecko> *thunder booms outside*

* Mondo_Gecko laughs softly..a very evil look in his eyes

* Klork shifts..face going blank momentarily..{{Syan...?}}

<Mondo_Gecko> Sssee, I KNOW where I'm goin...and I an't afraid..

* Syan the groggy..and being carried* {{Whuh....?}}

<Klork> {{Where are you...?}}

* conversation carries..Klork opens a portal and goes through*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little...

<Evy> Come BACK! *mutter*

* HappyLittleMoron 's so confused...

* Mitch finally finishes stuffing his face - for now - and heads back upstairs

<Mondo_Gecko> Now... I have no idea what it was ever about

* Klork , on command, comes back with Toby who's helping a lean woman with white hair and dark skin and a very BIG in muscle man with jet black hair..tote the half conscious Syan into the room

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno who you are.. But I know you've been hurtin my family

<Mondo_Gecko> ..and that pisssses me off

<Cho> "Whatchoo gonna do about it, lizard man?"

* Stacie half-rises in shock at the sight...

<Mondo_Gecko> Sssso. You wanna be a coward and hide? or you wanna put some meat behind thossse words and face me

* HappyLittleMoron sits up a little, brows furrowing

* They set Syan down by Iris...Klork n' Syan seem to converse mentally*

* Klork .. after a bit, looks over at Mondo

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh...Mondo...relax...? Uhm...**

<Cho> Anytime. I'd love to show you where their rotting corpses lie.

<Klork> <q> Put down the phone, I know where to go.

* Iris instinctively curls closer to Syan*

* Evy perks* <q> Good-good! I wanna go, blow things up!

<Cho> I'd love to see your faces...let me know I made a difference in the world. *eg*

* Mondo_Gecko smiles deviously..he looks really freaky!

* Stacie watches..........

* Klork opens a portal .. right onto Cho's property..of course .. it's unseen on Cho's end...

<Mondo_Gecko> Good...because my face is the last one you'll ever see fuckhead!

* Mondo_Gecko hangs up

* Mitch slips back into the room, rejoining the others - and blinks, observing the tableau

* Klork stands..

* Cho chuckles, coughing a little, and lets the phone drop. He stares over at Aria, contemptuously.

<Klork> Anybody else wanna come with to kick ass?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I'm there

* Klork looks at Mitch

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, brows furrowing, resting her hands over her belly* Me...but...*smirks* Be careful, love?

<Klork> He's got Aria, you game?

<Mondo_Gecko> I'mma take this bitch out...

<Mitch> "-what? Who?"

<Klork> Whomever he is, I'm gonna kill him.

* Klork nods to HLM, kissing her brow

<Klork> <q> I'll be back ..

* Stacie <quiet voice, standing> "I can fight." *pushes back her hood, letting her burn-scarred face be revealed.

<Evy> You're bringing me with, right?!

* Mitch flicks off his glasses, forcing his tired mind to catch up. " guns, they're at the Asylum..."

* Klork opens another portal to Mitch's room

<Klork> Get em.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, sighing shakily, looking to Syan's parents and kinda waveling a little

* Lina waves..brows furrowing before going over..she's had 8 kids. She knows the feeling.*

* Toby sits..looking disheveled..leaning into her Dad's arms..playing the Poor me trip very well with daddy*

* Mitch pushes them on, ducking through... he quickly snags the pistols from the bed, hooking the AK-47 up from where it leans against the dresser... tucking the pistols in the back of his waistband, he lets his jacket hang open, the armored vest he wore peeking through as he stuffs extra clips into the holding straps

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Stacie

<Mondo_Gecko> ....Are you sure about this?

<Klork> Evy, Stacie, Mondo, Mitch. I think we're good to go.

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...hi...long night, hm?

<Mitch> .oO(Fucking gunslinger.) He ducks back through the portal, pulling out his cap and jamming it on over his head.

* Lina nods, looking her over* Very .. seems for both of us, huh?

* Stacie nods. "If it's a chance to get back at the guy who ruined my life... Sure."

* Klork closes the portal behind Mitch when he comes through* Now. *turns, heading through the other, eyes sparking*

* Evy squares her shoulders and goes in after him, clenching her jaw*

* Stacie glances back once, then steps through...

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

* HappyLittleMoron pauses to watch Klork, then sighs a little and nods* Yeah...extend that to months and you've got my story...

* Mondo_Gecko frowns and follows her

* Klork is halfway up the property already .. electricity snapping around him as he marches right up in Cho's direction

* Mitch racks the bolt on the AK-47, chambering a round... he glances at the dozing Diana, a little desperately, but turns away, stepping through the portal.

* The moon's low in the sky, reflecting off the river and silvering the dark leaves of the ivy on the old castle walls...THere's a greenhouse on the east side of it and garages leading from the back. Sheds are scattered. Place seems deserted.*

* Evy follows...looks pissed too, yeah*

* Evy holds up a finger for light then.*

* Evy also looks for Aria*

* The front doors to the place are open a bit, black inside...

* Mondo_Gecko stalks silently behind then, tail lashing back and forth

* Klork goes up to the door, chargin' right in ..electric field snapping and spiraling around him

* There's a big front hall with pillars, tables overturned, file cabinets tossed open and emptied, boxes dumped everywhere, scenes of a fire

* Lina sighs* Give birth to eight and we've got it split even, hon.

* Klork storms right through it all, heading where his gut instincts tell him..*

* Stairs lead up at the far end, sweeping up two stories...

* Stacie runs to keep up

* Klork goes up them...he's leaving a singed trail behind him

* Mitch catches up, walking just behind Klork, head moving between each side... behind him, the lower hands are half-hidden, tucked around the Glocks

* Evy runs up the stairs after him, feeling tense and full of dread*

* Mitch is basically watching the flanks, knowing Klork's got some serious tunnel-vision right now

* HappyLittleMoron hehs a little* Already lost one...almost did with these two...*pats her belly a little sadly* Anyway...I'm HLM...

* Top floor, there's a massive room with huge windows looking over the City and river, plus offices and such off to the right

* Lina nods, grimacing* Lina...Syan's mother..

* AriaStormsinger 's sprawled on the floor, the moon casting light through a window over part of her

* Mondo_Gecko slips through the door..hisssssssing softly, sniffing the air

<Mitch> Muffled. "Oh god no."

* Klork goes right over to her...anything metal around him warping due to the static he's causing

* Blood is pooled against teh wall not far from her...and Cho sits in the middle, watching everyone charge up with an AK-47 of his own

* the gun warps and Cho tosses it feebly at Klork*

* Evy stays back .. something doesn't smell right*

* Mitch snaps the rifle up, selector switch flicking to burst fire, sight centered on Cho

* Klork growls, throwing a hand up to send it spiraling back, eyes doin' a major version of that sparky thing

<Klork> You ...

* Cho laughs at them. "Don't want to find your friends!?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Nice ta meetcha...

* Klork turns...eyeing Cho..

* Cho snarls at Klork and Mitch...

<Klork> You sent my wife into preterm labor, you've caused pain, hurt and have KILLED.

* Klork 's finger tips snap as they splay out towards him

* Stacie hangs back a little, looking right and left for any goons...none to be seen

* Mitch is sidestepping, getting a field of fire that doesn't include Klork, towards the right

* Evy runs over to Aria and picks her up to carry her outside*

* AriaStormsinger is carried

<Mitch> "Klork, you got it?"

* Mondo_Gecko grins, his energies very chaotic..

* Evy stays out in the front lawn, setting her down and trying to speak to her*

<Klork> Damn straight, go help Aria and Evy. Mondo and I will handle him our way.

<Mitch> "Yah. I'm gonna- right."

<Mondo_Gecko> Ssssomeone's gonna pay

* Mitch follows Evy out, covering her retreat and trying not to watch Aria worriedly. "Is she alive?"

* Evy pats her cheek* Aria..? Aria? Say something..??

* AriaStormsinger breathes a little

* Cho glares at Klork. "Your friends are buried."

* Klork growls, taking an area to help Mondo corner Cho

<Klork> Bullshit.

<Klork> No bluff will save you now.

<Cho> Look for yourself. I crushed them...before they could destroy what little is left of the empire.

* Klork walks towards him...he's pissed, oh yes, he's pissed.

* Cho coughs blood he laughs so hard.

<Mondo_Gecko> Look into my eyessss.. You sssee you biggesst fear?

<Cho> "You think I would have called you freaks here if I thought I had a chance at life?"

<Cho> I want to see the look in your eyes when you see your defeat!

<Mondo_Gecko> *electricity starts to crackle aroudn him*

* Mitch stands over Evy crouching over Aria, watching the wings of the building, hands flexing on the AK-47 nervously.

* Klork growls, lifting his hands and splaying them...electricity dance between his fingertips* Don't count on it..*Sends a large bolt straight towards him*

* AriaStormsinger tosses her head a little, side to side

* Cho JERKS and howls, awwwwwwwwwful kill

* Evy gives her a little jolt with her finger* Aria..??

* He crawls away a little....

* Klork comes closer...

* Klork looks to Mondo as if to say "you're turn"

* AriaStormsinger coughs a bit.

<AriaStormsinger> Where...who...

* AriaStormsinger tries to blink

<Evy> What happened??

* AriaStormsinger curls up around herself, hugging her stomach

* Mondo_Gecko hisssssssses and pounces and shuts his jaws around Cho's neck and shakes his head back and forth GROWLing!

* Mitch looks down with relief, before half-turning, looking back towards the bay

<Evy> Aria..? I know it hurts..but we need to know now what you know??

* Cho doesn't even have time to scream!

* Klork watches, electricity building..

* AriaStormsinger pants and telepaths to her...

* Mondo_Gecko straches at his stomach trying to spill his guts! The hunter comes out in him

* Klork pauses...clear thought entering <Imagine that!> and begins to search for paperwork on the sales of the mutants..

<AriaStormsinger> {{*image of the cell block below collapsing around Rev, Ryu and Elyce*}}

* Evy jerks back, falling on her butt*

* Klork continues to search, looking for any info possible..

<Mitch> "Evy?"

* Klork, among the ruins of a ransacked household, you find some promising files, but you can't make much out in this light

* Klork uses electric light to read better..

* There does seem to be a door to another level at the far end of the big pillared room...

* Mitch glances down, reaching with a free hand (and he's got some) to help her back up

* Evy holds her forehead* I'm n ot certain...

* Klork takes those papers with him, going toward the big pilared room*

* Klork's got the government documents detailing the facilities and purposes of Wing and Nox's capture -- they're at a research and containtment site on the Conn. coast about 70 miles from NYC.

<Evy> The ceiling fell down on .. somebody

* Klork reads this...pocketing the info before going back down the pillared room

* Mitch kind of blinks a little, looking around again and breathing in the cool night air. "...anyone we know?"

<AriaStormsinger> "The sh--shadow..."

<Evy> I remember seeing them vaguely ...

<Evy> Shadow..?

<AriaStormsinger> "Couldn't...couln't stop the shad.."

* Mondo_Gecko gives Cho another nasty last shake breaking his neck and lets go, letting the body hit the wall

<Evy> Don't faint..!

* Cho diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies

* Klork .. is wondering what's so nice about this pillared room

* Mondo_Gecko crouches, growling, animal like, blood dripping down his jaws

* AriaStormsinger struggles for air

* Evy scrambles* Hey--don't die, don't die damnit!

<Mitch> "...shit. Take it-" He jams the AK into Evy's hands, crouching over Aria and feeling rapidly along her throat for blockages.

* Light rises from a door at the far end of Klork's intersting room. :)

* Evy steps back..holding the gun as if it were made of poisonous reptiles*

* Klork .. mutters, going to the far end of the room

* AriaStormsinger gets more air as soon as she's rolled back and head tilted back...

* Mondo_Gecko stays where he is. Guarding Klork incase anyone else shows up, growllllllling

* Evy* You need to take her back through the portal..

<AriaStormsinger> {{Don't kill him...}}

<Evy> She needs medical attention..

<AriaStormsinger> {{Not his fault!}}

* Evy blinks, startled* Kill who??

<AriaStormsinger> {{*image of Cho*}}

* Mitch lays Aria out, straightening her trachea... he glances up at Evy, not getting Aria's telepathy

* Klork .. is still .. looking ..?

* Evy tries to think really hard since she's not telepathic*

<Evy> {{Aria keep telling me stuff...?!}}

* AriaStormsinger grabs at Evy's hand and squeezes, trying to focus

<AriaStormsinger> {{He said...the others are killed}}

* Evy stares intently into her face*

* Mondo and Klork go down the stairs.

<Evy> Mitch, hang on just a second..

* Klork .. goes down the stairs!

* Mitch IS hanging on, he's not moving Aria until it's absolutely necessary

<Evy> *Grits her teeth* They can't be dead..

<Mitch> .oO(

* Mondo_Gecko follows, slipping along, guarding Klork from behind

* Mondo_Gecko speaks, his words comming out like a growl

* The scene of twisted metal, collapsed girders, electric wiring, etc. is half-drowned in rusty water from shattered pipes.

<Mondo_Gecko> Where're we goin

* Looks like a whole subterranean set of rooms got destroyed...

<Klork> No clue..this is gut feeling...*searches the area..*

* there's wreckage that looks like cells...

* Klork searches the cells...quite intently

<Mondo_Gecko> he's lying.....he wouldn bury them

* dried blood in Nox's! <G>*

* Klork sniffs, going to Nox's old cell..still searches

<Klork> Nothing's dead here..just some blood. It's Nox's.

<AriaStormsinger> {{He crushed teh cells...they wouldn't behave}}

<Klork> But Nox isnt' here. Nor is Wing.

* Wreckage shifts from Mondo's weight!!

* dust rises, several beams teeter....

<Evy> *Falls back on the ground, clutching her face* Ohgod-they're crushed, they're dead!

* Mondo_Gecko looks up and growlllllssss and he leaps up, clinging to the wall

* Klork shifts, holding up an electrical sheild around he & Mondo, heading towards the end of the cell block*

<Klork> This way ..

* Mondo_Gecko follows Klork along the wall

* Mitch bows his head, closing his eyes for a moment.

<Mitch> .oO(...daiben okoru.)

* concrete blocks tumble in the middle of the room...several of the arena's panels fall with metallic crashes

* Mitch lets his breath out very slowly, reaching out to take the rifle back.

* Evy lays flat back on the grass, staring up at the moon, gasping*

* Klork continues to walk, everything bounces right off..

* Evy starts back up, hearing the crashing inside* What was that..?

* the water reflects the electric shield's light

* AriaStormsinger pants, trying to lift her head and see.

<Mitch> Grimly. "Get her back to the hospital. Keep her, y'know, her neck straight, don't let it move. I'm gonna cover this end until the others get back."

* AriaStormsinger catches sight of Mitch and grabs for him.

* Mitch reaches down and takes the hand with one of his lower, squeezing it gently.

* Evy starts saying* Mitch-you need to go with her..

<Mitch> "I said GO!" *almost snarls - one of his other names is dangerously close to taking the wheel*

* There's suddenly voices in the shattered basement behind Klork and Mondo!

<Elyce> "What the...?"

* Evy jerks back .. pissed off. She picks up Aria and walks back through the portal* Twit.

* Klork pauses, glancing back

* `Ryu looks over at Elyce..

* Mitch couldn't care less, taking up the rifle, watching the grounds silently.

* Mondo_Gecko hops down beside Klork and sniffs the air

* Klork keeps the sheild up .. eyes glowing enough to light whatever room they're in...

* Elyce, Ryu and Rev climb through a portal back into the destroyed cellblock hall...

* Unfortunately, they're standing on the critical concrete block....

* `Ryu her human form..wearing that goddamn 1898 skirt...


<Mondo_Gecko> O O!!

* Klork BLINKS, opening a portal beneath them that leads to the front lawn

* AriaStormsinger gets carried 

* `Ryu .. falls

* Rev blinks, looking around...damp, filthy, bruised, etc, ERKing and...falling through? <G>*

* Evy goes through the hospital, setting Aria on an empty bed, looking around helplessly* Um .. help?

* The castle begins a very stately and overwhelmeing collapse.

* Mondo_Gecko gives a sigh of releif seeing they fall through the portal

* Klork hovers...pushing towards the portal..

<Klork> This way, Mondo!

<Mondo_Gecko> ....Klork! ...we gotta get outta here

* `Ryu bounces on the grass..

* Rev lands on the lawn, and grunts softly*

* Floor tiles from above rain down along with the floorbeams...

* Mondo_Gecko follows and leaps for the portal

<`Ryu> Son of'a--Me'tch? *blinks, standing..looking like some freakish rendition from Anne of green gables*

* mortar from the stone walls FILLS the air, popping out

* Klork follows, landing on Mondo, who lands on..oh, REv for fun

* Stones burst from teh walls and tumble over each other, shuddering down

<Mondo_Gecko> OOF!

* Mitch ducks away from the portal, eyes widening. "Ryu? Get out of there!"

<Mondo_Gecko> @ @

* Rev just starts to stand, then gets squooshed by Mondo* Ugh!

* `Ryu blinks, watching them all topple on the lawn, then looks up at the building..

<`Ryu> Aye, per''ow? *looks at Mitch*

* Windows pop out, rumbling and shattering, dust cloud, earthquakeish stuff, etc.

* there's an explosion or seven...

* Klork scrambles to his feet, assuming all are covered, snagging Rev & Mondo to run towards the portal..yeah..strong guy.

* Rev erks and tosses a sheild up over the bunch...from under Mondo*

* Rev gyahs and goes with!*

* Nurse uhm...goes to help...Aria?*

<Mitch> "The fucking PORTAL!" A pause. "The big glowing vagina. Behind me."

* `Ryu blinks...then follows! ...damn running in this skirt

* `Ryu goes into the glowing vagina

* Mondo_Gecko is pulled to the portal

* Rev ducks through too*

* Klork goes with

* Mitch covers them, following up the rear as always... he hesitates, looking back at the collapsing castle.

* a large group of ppl topple/tumble into the one remaining hospital bed...of course, Mitch is on top when he gets there*

<Mitch> .oO(Shimatta... I'm sorry, Shin... I'm sorry...)

* Diana looks to HLM* Shin is alright...she says to go to Maxwell church...

* Klork blinks...getting up and dusting off...waving..

* Mitch ducks through - AFTER the announcement, of course...

* Mondo_Gecko is SMOOSHED

* HappyLittleMoron ...more or less says she can't 'n stuff <G>

* Evy runs over and hugs Ryu, REv & Elyce*

* AriaStormsinger watches everyone come through, eyes wide, seeing the dust and such, confused...

<Evy> You're alive oh my god I just saw you die!

* Rev groans* ...I want the hot tub...

* Rev looks to Evy and blinnks* I'm sorry, m'lady?

* `Ryu just..groans..her leg still weak...getting squished

<AriaStormsinger> ""

<Evy> You're dead You're dead--don't you know you're dead?! You were squished!

* Mitch kind of blinks at Evy, then looks to Aria.

* Mondo_Gecko gets up, shaking his head...he's covered in blood..and it's all comming from his jaws..

* AriaStormsinger closes her eyes, wearily. "He...said..."

* Klork rolls his shoulders..this hosptial room better be damn big

<Klork> He lied, Aria..

* Rev blinks and looks down at himself...then to Ryu and Elyce* We are? *takes his pulse* Nae...nae...we're still alive, m'lady...

* `Ryu dusts off...

<`Ryu> Aye .. eh..who lied?

<Mitch> "Wait, wait, if they're alive- Aria, Shin? What about- Jesus Christ in a Cuisinart-"

* Klork tugs out a piece of paper from his pocket

<Klork> I know where Wing and Nox are.

* Evy perks up*

* Syan does much the same..followed by an exhausted grimace*

* Diana nods, looking to Mitch, groggily* Hai...Maxwell church...she can speak to anyone from there....

* Mondo_Gecko looks around for Stacie..

* AriaStormsinger smiles weakly

* Mitch blinks, turning and seeing Diana, then turning again to look at Klork, basically spinning in a circle

* HappyLittleMoron <G>*

<Mitch> .oO(Fuck.)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( did she get away?)

* `Ryu furrows her brows..

* Mitch digs into a pocket and flips a coin, slapping it down on the other wrist.

<Shingami> *message to klork seems to be from beneath klork and all around him though its in his head*{{ KLORK!}}

<`Ryu> Ah .. *looks around* 'Ospital...great..

* Stacie pushes up against the 3,000 pound stone block on her back.

* Klork BLINKS...kinda..kneeling

<Klork> {{OW...}}

<Klork> {{Yes?}}

* HappyLittleMoron shoves her self up, reaching out to Klork...worried as all hell

<Mondo_Gecko> umm

<Mitch> "-take care of Nox and Wing first."

<Mondo_Gecko> I hate to break up this LOVELY reunion

<Evy> I second that motion!

* Klork snaps to Mondo

<Mondo_Gecko> But where the HELL is Stacie?

<Klork> I have Shin--Mondo...hold on..

* Stacie shoves herself forward a few inches, then a fwe inches more...

<Klork> {{Shin..?! Shin...Hello, where are you?}}

* Rev...uh...moves out of the way of anyone, rubbing his neck a little...looking around confusedly*

* Mondo_Gecko scowls

<Klork> {{Earth to shi--well, Klork to shin??}

<Shingami> {{.. gomen ne this sint easy}}

<Shingami> {{ im talking to you .. though mother}}

<Shingami> {{ its shin by the way}}

* Diana looks to Klork* Maxwell Church...she can speak to you there...

<Klork> {{Didn't figure, where are you? Do you know?}}

* Diana's sort of slowly passing out*

<Shingami> {{ monastery of the pines.. soem wrird japaense monostery.. klork they worshp me its weird.. dakara.. beyodn that i dotn know }}

<Klork> {{'s Maxwell Church?}}

* `Ryu moves over with Rev...a tad .. confused but relieved..

<Mitch> To Mondo, slowly. "The castle was collapsing..."

* Rev wraps his arm around Ryu's shoulders, looking down at her* <q>'s good not to be the only confused one about...

* Mondo_Gecko pales


* Klork repeats what he's heard from shin "monastery of the pines.. soem wrird japaense monostery.. klork they

<Klork> worshp me its weird.. dakara.. beyodn that i dotn know "

* `Ryu nods ..

<`Ryu> Aye

* Stacie's hand lands in foul water... She feels forward. It gets deeper. *gasps*

* Klork repeats that word for word of course..

* Elyce just staaaaaaaaaares

* Toby stares back at Elyce*

* Mitch picks up the phone, dialing 411 and asking for an address on Maxwell Church. }:D

* Klork grits his teeth...looking over at Syan

<Mondo_Gecko> I gotta go back!

<Klork> He good enough to go?

<Mondo_Gecko> I gotta gon get her!

* Klork opens a portal for Mondo

<Klork> Go..

* Rev rests his chin on Ryu's hair...*

* Mondo_Gecko sprints off through it

* `Ryu is rested on..this is all too confusing..

* Mondo_Gecko comes through the portal

* Rev's given up on understanding anything for the night*

* Stacie grits her teeth and shoves herself free of the block, falling into the water to knee level

<Mitch> *covering the phone* "Dammit, Mondo-" He sighs, then turns his attention back to the operator. " Not you."

* Klork examines the paper...Syan is already standing, his father helping him

* Shingami sends memorie sences, smell, sound, feel and any sight images she can to klork though her mum

<Klork> We're going after Nox and Wing--NOW. I'm not wasting any more time or anybody else's lives.

* Klork pauses to tell everybody what he's getting from Shingami

<HappyLittleMoron> safe...again...*watches, brows furrowed, and listening and stuff*

* AriaStormsinger listens, breathing shallow

<Mitch> "Gimme a-" *scribbling the address down on the back of one hand with a pen* "Okay."

<Klork> It seems Shin's safe...but Nox and Wing are under government watch. I'm gonna need major backup.

* Evy is already volunteering*

<Shingami> {{ Klork what ever y ou do... dont go after nox and wing.. nto yet they... cold white dark steral medical place... i feel his fear... hes... he hates labs}}

<Evy> As if you have to ask?

<Shingami> {{ and i want awya form these FREAKY MONKS!}}

<Klork> {{Shin .. I can't risk them getting hurt ...}}

<Klork> {{You're not in danger, are you?}}

<Shingami> {{ klork it mgiht be a government facility.. do you want to run head logn into a government facility?}}

* Syan's standin' on his own, waiting for the call or a portal or something*

<Mitch> "Yeah. Hell." He's caught up in the adrenalin and the relief of knowing everyone's alive... "I'm in."

<Klork> {{I know it's a gov't facility. And I've been through worse, shin.}}

<Shingami> {{ and i will never.. EVER forgive you for not lettign me save my brother}

* Klork shifts..then mutters...opening a portal..concentrating on Shingami

<Klork> {{Spoil my fun.}}

<Shingami> {{ bite me}}

<Klork> {{You're becoming more like a sister to me day by day you realize this?}}

* Klork sighs

<Klork> I'm going for Shin first...give me a few minutes..

<Shingami> {{ honto yo.. ano i gotta cut the connection my head HURTS!}}

* Evy bites her knuckles frustratedly* ..oO(Do not blow stuff up .. do not blow stuff up...)

<Klork> {{Right...}}

* Rev...just...smiles and nods...smiles and nods...*

<Shingami> {{ ja}}

* Klork focuses ..opening a portal .. trying to pinpoint Shin's location..does it go through?

* connection sgoes POIT!*

* `Ryu eyes Rev's bobbing..

<AriaStormsinger> *Not on the first try, Klork*

* Klork tries again, damn stubborn Taurus'

* Dude in a black lab coat enters the building and nods to Ricker.

* Rev looks to Ryu* ...what? Tired...*smirks a bit*

* Ricker, looking uncomfortable. "Hey, ah... Who ya comin' for tonight, dude?"

* `Ryu chuckles, pushing him to a bed to rest

<`Ryu> <q> Aye, wimp.

* in her cell...ladeedahh...sorta lookin' around*

* Klork ... tries again with the portal, still looking for Shin..pokes his head through to see if shes' there..

* Shingami sits bandages in a cel he chsoe t violently redecorate.. he kinda spazzed

* Rev smirks* <q> I cannot help it if my body isnae as strong as yours...

* `Ryu snorts, sitting beside him

* Klork sees a temple in the distance, off on a hillside, quiet and pine surrounded*

<`Ryu> Hush, luv. M'legs en worse condition...

* Nox is still emitting the the absolute still of the night before a massive storm*

* Klork disapepars through the portal, recognizing it from Shin's description..

* Mitch ducks through after Klork

* Rev looks to her, brows furrowed* Let me heal it more....?

* Shingami wakes up and the frist thign she does is look for somethign to brake open the cast on her leg

* Dude in black lab points to a sheet of paper with Nox's name and code number on it.

* Klork jogs up the hill...did I mention he's been doing this all barefoot

* Rickers nods, pale. "Need a hand?"

* Klork jogs up to it, looking around ..

* Mitch kinda half-turns, checking out the area... he follows uneasily, dusty worn boots crunching on the grass

* Syan paces*

* Klork looks for Shin..

* Mitch still isn't used to being OUTDOORS-outdoors... but hell, he went through Underhill, so it's not the first time

* Dude in black lab coat shakes his head and goes to a closet, taking out a pack and then going down the hall toward the cells...

* Shingami walsk tou fo ehr anty champer thingy with the help fo a staff looks around

<Shingami> ano anyone around..

<Mitch> "Klork... it's a church... we don't need to, y'know, break in..."

* Klork is .. up at the monestary .. lookin' for signs of Shin...tpauses..

<Klork> <q> Shut up. Listen, don't you hear her?

* the sparrows eye them malevolently as they pass*

* Klork gets to a courtyard of light pebbles. There's a room with monks and candles beyond

<Mitch> ""

<Shingami> Shige-kun?... anyone.. Klork-dono..

* Klork mutters... following Shin's voice..

<Klork> <q> Follow me..

* Nox sits and sorta meditates, testing the buzz in her mind*

* Mitch follows, boots going crunch crunch crunch... he folds his lower arms up behind him, kind of tucking the AK casually under one upper

* Klork goes silently .. on bare feet, no louder than a cat

* Shingami heads for the garden again somewhere alone. humming

* Klork pauses to glare at Mitch

<Klork> Dude, you're too loud.

* Klork hops over a few walls..

* A monk stands at the entrance to the shrine chamber, backlit by a Japanese lantern.

<Shingami> ...Klork-dono?...doko de?

* Mitch just shakes his head. .oO(So I'm not a ninja like you people. You don't have to grind it into my face.)

* Klork is followin' Shin's voice, dooo he find her? Helloooo???

* Mitch sighs, and walks off, not being able to follow the Klork-path... he kind of pokes around, looking on his own

* Shingami is in a white kimono her hair tied in a top knot otherwise loose down her back leaning on a staff to keep standing

* Shingami turns snarlign then.. smiels

<Shingami> Klork-dono ovber here

<Shingami> in the garden behind you

* Klork looks up..then heads over...

* Mitch nods to the monk at the unrelated shrine chamber, smiling wanly but politely.

<Klork> <q> Boo, hey, Mitch is loomin' around..I um...ditched him. *clears throat* Ready to bolt?

<Shingami> i need to egt this cast off

* Several monks step out and surround Shingami. One bows.

<Shingami> and i need a sword.

* Klork blinks...standing..eyeing the .. Monks.

<Monk> "I'm sorry, sir. You cannot take her."

<Mitch> .oO(Hi, don't mind me. Freak with a mach. Nothing to worry about.)

* Shingami looks at the monks

<Klork> I'm sorry baldie, you cannot stop me.

* Klork shrugs, smirking impishly to the monks

<Shingami> mina please listen to me

* Monk dude just watches Mitch to see what he does.

<Shingami> i need to go with my friends to save my brother. I swear to you that i will return to stay for a while but i must do this

<Klork> Don't worry we'll bring her back after a while if she blows up too much stuff.

* The monks look among themselves.

<Shingami> i ask for your permission to go on this quest.. adn ask for a sword

* Shingami bows humbly

<Shige> This is your wish...we must respect that...

<Shingami> Onagai shimasu... onagai let me save my brother

* Klork watches...decidin' to um, let her say what she says..

* Shige bows in return. "We have no sword..."

* Klork pulls one from a portal

<Klork> Noo prob.

* Klork grins cheesily

* Shige raises an eyebrow.

<Mitch> .oO(Oh, fuck it.) "Hey, uh... have you seen this, this girl, about my height, long brown hair down to her knees? Blue eyes, grey wings, can't miss her?"

<Klork> *ahem* Uh, long story.

<Shingami> thank you anyway.. Shige-san..

* Shige bows again. "Fare well."

* Klork hands it to Shin, hilt first..kinda...smooshin' through the bald ppl..

<Haruo> <to Mitch>: Yes.

<Shingami> i will return i promise you...

<Shingami> ano wheres mitch

<Klork> <whispered to Shin> Dang, you got the good part of this ...Wing n' Nox are def. gonna need help.

<Mitch> "Where's she at?"

<Klork> Uh..*shrugs..looking sheepish*

* Shingami sighs

* Klork opens a portal

<Shingami> Shige-kun.. can you find the other intruder for me.. please... he is very important

<Klork> This goes back to the hospital..go for it..I'll .. go get him.. *sighs..then blinks* Or not?

<Haruo> She is where she belongs.

<Shingami> *to klork* i dotn knwo how btu i ahve a lto fo followers suddenly and its creepy but useful

<Klork> True...nice *smirks* stretches*

<Mitch> .oO(Christ. I don't have time for this...) "Great. Can you take me there?"

* Haruo bows. "No, sir."

* Shingami sighs then shouts

<Shingami> MITCH!

<Mitch> .oO(I REALLY don't have time for this.) "...why?"

* Klork hollers with* MITCH!!!!

* Mitch blinks, half-turning. He raises his voice. "SHIN!?"

<Klork> *in a girly voice* OVER HERE SWEETIE!

<Shingami> GARDEN!

* Klork clears his throat, waiting with the portal..

* Shingami baps klork

<Klork> Get your four-armed as--*pauses..realizes where he is* REar end OVER HERE NOW!

<Shingami> baka

<Klork> OW!

* Haruo scowls, then takes a deep breath and follows the voices

* Mitch starts walking in that direction, then pauses, half-turning, his lip twitching... he bows in return to Haruo. "Many paths lead to enlightenment. The only foolish one is the one not taken."

* Klork pauses

<Klork> Shin, get through, I'll get Mitch through...

* Mitch jogs towards the voices. .oO(Fortune cookie #17. Fuckin' A.)

<Klork> Get Syan, and Evy ready, we're gonna bust em' out

<Shingami> Haruo-dono...

<Klork> Shin...??? C'mon....

* Mitch finds the garden easily enough. "Shin! Christ, it's good to see you again..."

* Syan paces, frantic..seems to be panicking*

<Klork> Stop the hellose, get your ASSES back!

<Shingami> in a second mitch..

* Haruo watches quietly, as Shige speaks softly in his ear.

* Mondo_Gecko steps through the portal again, gasping..soaked head to toe and dripping..bleeding from lots of places..nothing serious..all surface cuts

<Klork> Shin..! Do you wanna blow stuff up or what?!

* Mitch ducks through the portal, leaving Shin in Klork's capable hands

<Shingami> Haruo-dono i will retun i swear*takes off her cross and hands it to him* i will return for this..

* Haruo closes his eyes and bows.

<Shingami> coming coming..

* he accepts the cross*

* Klork growls, waiting for her to go in

* Shingami heads for the portal

* Mitch returns to the hospital room, a.k.a. HQ

* HappyLittleMoron ...wavels <G>

* Klork comes in after Shin, opening another to the address

<Klork> We're going--NOW!

<Shingami> ja ne.. minasan..

* Syan & Evy both jump up*

* Shingami goes though the portal

* Mitch shoulders through the portal

* Klork turns, going through the .. other portal

* Evy and...Syan follow*

* Stacie and Mondo come through another portal, banged up.

* Mondo_Gecko coughs and peels off is shirt, dropping it to the floor, all wet..

<Shingami> ... i feel like a mix between Kenshin and Sano...

<Mondo_Gecko> *it makes that sound that wet clothes make when they hit a solid floor*

<Mondo_Gecko> She's *gasp* ok..

* Mondo_Gecko sinks to the ground, shaking

* Stacie leans over him concernedly

* AriaStormsinger gasps

<Mondo_Gecko> I think I...over did it...again..

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow...watching from affar

* Mondo_Gecko lays down on the floor, things spinning

<Mondo_Gecko> I think...the only rule...I didn't break today..was the one about no nookie..

<Mondo_Gecko> but hay...the night's young....I can...change that ..heh heh heh *cough*

* HappyLittleMoron hits the call button...then points to Mondo <G>

* The Heavy set irish nurse coems in and takes one look at him* YOU again!?

<Nurse> Didn't we just discharge you this afternoon Mr Murphy!?

<Nurse> An' what did we say? No running! no climbing! ..goodness sakes.. what have you been in!

* she drags hims off*

* HappyLittleMoron couhghs and tries not to laugh

* Shawns Dr can be heard from down the hall* Awww no..not again...

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly* funny...just...*starts laughing helplessly*

* Neko comes slipping onto the hospital floor, several people backing away from the strange robotic cat*\

* she has a backpack over her one sholder..

* She starts looking in rooms..scaring the daylights out of patients

* she eventually reaches HLM's room* ..hello! *big change..there's emotion in her voice now*

* Stacie collapses to sit on the bed next to Aria,

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and grins* Heyas, be ya?

<Neko> I am well...I came back for food to the asylum..but your fridge is broken..and the building was deserted..So I felt like you were here *holds up the backpack* I brought some of Shawn's things

<Neko> What happened to everybody?

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...heh...who's not here are either being rescued or doing the rescue mission...

* Neko cocks her head: Rescue?

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<Neko> Are you having kittens?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> As a matter of fact...that's one way to put iit...yeah...

<Neko> When?

* `Neko 's tail flip flops a bit

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...feels like really soon...

<Neko> ..ohh..

<HappyLittleMoron> Almost had them once...but they wouldn't have survived...

<`Neko> I've never bred before..

<`Neko> Can you have them now?

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...

<HappyLittleMoron> The longer I carry them, the better...

* `Neko nods

<HappyLittleMoron> I shouldn't be giving birth for another two, three weeks...

<`Neko> That's the way it is with most kittens

* `Neko smiles

<`Neko> *all those scary ass teeth show*

* HappyLittleMoron grins and nods

<`Neko> The father stays with them?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep...he stayed with Brenna...*smiles, stroking the sleeping girl's hair*

<`Neko> She's ...nice

<`Neko> I don't know if I have the word for it

<`Neko> I can search my data base..

<`Neko> ...adorable

* `Neko sets down Mondo's things

<`Neko> I don't think I can have kittens now

<`Neko> When I was created they removed my reproductive organs

* HappyLittleMoron smiles* Thanks...*blinks* Oh...I'm sorry...

<`Neko> it's alright

<`Neko> it is probably for the best

<`Neko> My life is difficult. I would not wish this on anyone

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<`Neko> I should take this to Shawn

<`Neko> If you would want me to I can guard the Asylum until you return

<HappyLittleMoron> I'd appreciate that...

<`Neko> Alright..

* Stacie watches quietly, keeping a hand on Aria's unconscious form.

* `Neko looks at Stacie and then at Aria

<`Neko> ..what happened to her

<HappyLittleMoron> I...have no idea...there's been so much going on I've missed a lot...

<`Neko> oh

<`Neko> I'm sure she will be alright

* `Neko yawns, her huge teeth showing

* `Neko licks her chops and picks up the bag

<Stacie> She was like this when we found her at the castle... <q>

<`Neko> I will visit again later.

* Stacie nods to her...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...o...kay

<`Neko> goodbye

* `Neko slips off soundlessly, ppl yelping as she goes down the hall, opening doors again, mostly for fun

<HappyLittleMoron> ...

<HappyLittleMoron> eeeeeyah...

<Stacie> She's...interesting.

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Stacie and Aria...* So...uh...yeah...uhm...what exactly happened??

* `Neko gets to Mondo's room and goes in, hearing the shower running she waltzes right in there

<`Neko> hello!

<Stacie> Klork led the charge...we got to this big castle, and found Aria lying on the floor next to some...Korean? guy -- who looked in pretty rough shape himself

<Stacie> He had a gun, but...Klork put that out of commission right away.

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...*chews her lip a little*

<Mondo> O O ACK! *pulls the shower curtain around his wait..but it's a clear plastic one and doesn't cover much!

<Mondo> *stutters!* Jeeze! what are you doing here?! you can't just walk in on people in the shower neko!

* Neko frowns* ..I am sorry...I brought your things

* Mondo whipes his face

<`Neko> *matter of factly* Your bleeding

<Mondo> I know that..

<Mondo> I'll be out in five..gimmie a minute?

<`Neko> Neko turns and slips out again, depositing his things on the bed, but deciding she's hungry now, and slips off again to find food*

<Stacie> Mondo...finished him off...and the others carried Aria out. I was looking around for goons when things started rumbling -- I made it to the stairs but the whole place collapsed...

* HappyLittleMoron shifts, nodding a little, brows furrowing, feeling sometthing wrong with Klork...

<`Neko> .oO( crazy did she know I was here? .. Somehow she can know I want a change of clothes but still not get basic things like don't walk in on naked lizards)

<Stacie> Next thing I know, I'm crawling out of wreckage in water, and Shawn's helping me out...

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* Mondo_Gecko wraps the towel around himself and dries off, pulling his clothes from the bag.. his wife beater..a pair of clean jeans, which he leaves and grabs the pair of white and pale purple striped PJ bottoms left for Mondo on the bed, ussualy reserved for the mental patients..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I think they're trying to tell me something)

* Mondo_Gecko rolls up the bottoms as they're a bit too long and strides out again, his cuts have been cleaned out. Some have gauze on them, some not* He goes back to HLM's room, looking alot better..

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...I'm...glad you two are ok...*furrows her brows, chewing her lip, sensing something wrong with Klork*

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey

<Mondo_Gecko> I got psycho pants

<Mondo_Gecko> and another three days of observation -_-

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...sorry to hear...

<Mondo_Gecko> heh, it's ok

<AriaStormsinger> Stacie nods, patting Aria, watching Shawn.

* Mondo_Gecko smiles at Stacie

<Mondo_Gecko> you can like..go take a shower in my room if you want..I get to bunk with Mitch

* Mondo_Gecko gives a very fake "Oh goodie" look

<Mondo_Gecko> I can get them to bring you psycho pj's too!

* HappyLittleMoron closes her eyes, reaching out with her mind to try finding Klork...seeing how he is...noooot liking the feeling she's getting....

* Mondo_Gecko slips over to Stacie and curls up on a chair

* Stacie puts a hand on Shawn's shoulders as well as Aria's, watching HLM now

<Stacie> Are you okay?

* AriaStormsinger breathes weakly

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm.. Stace?, maybe Aria should be at Foss..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...* contact my a bad feeling...

* Mondo_Gecko frowns hearing this

<Stacie> That's ... Klork, right?

<Mondo_Gecko> yea Klork

* HappyLittleMoron nods quietly...a nurse coming in to help Aria...

* Nurse checks her over. "We'd better have her looked at....Do you know what caused this breathing arrythmia?"

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head no

* Stacie bites her lip.

<Mondo_Gecko> Stace?

* Nurse kicks down the brakes on the bed and wheels her out...

* Stace, still chewing. "Mmm?"

<Mondo_Gecko> ...what?

* HappyLittleMoron sighs with relief, then blinks and furrows her brow, watching Aria go buhbye...

* Large portal opens*

* Stace sucks in a breath.

* Mondo_Gecko leans over whispering to her

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* what's wrong

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up

<Stace> Nothing. Look!

* Syan comes through..grimacing a bit, carrying Nox

* Nox...gets carried!*

<Syan> We need a doctor--Evy's been stabbed..they'll be here sure..!

* HappyLittleMoron straitens up* Erg...*hits the call button, relaying the info to a nurse, then looking over the two of them* What about you guys...?

* Stacie hops to her feet and goes about setting up beds...

<Syan> Nox'll need help .. *winces a bit as he gently settles her down*

* Stacie sees Nox's battered form and feels a little sick in sympathy

* Stacie leans over. "Can I get you anything?"

* Nox looks at him with concern, lovely hand-shaped bruise forming on her neck, clad in only Syan's sweater and his belt, perty dress <G>* What of you, love...? What's wrong...?

* Nox blinks a little and kinda curls up, shrugging a little*

<Syan> Just shakey .. relieved ... tired...all good tho .. *Settles her on .. yet another bed*

* Evy gets toted in with Wing..?

* Nox nods, reaching up to gently pull him down into a weak hug and kiss*

<Mondo_Gecko> is everyone back now?

* Syan shakes his head

* Mondo_Gecko looks around counting heads

<Syan> Mitch..Shin .. Ricker and .. Kim I think..

<Mondo_Gecko> Kim?

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> who's that?

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip as she listens...

* Syan lies down by Nox

<Syan> Ppl that helped us get out..

<Mondo_Gecko> oh..

<Syan> Klork..

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

<Mondo_Gecko> ....where's he?

<Nox> ...Wisconson last I knew...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

* HappyLittleMoron stares...

<HappyLittleMoron> Land of Cheese?

* Syan looks sheepish

<Syan> Um .. I don't know how to control portals ...*coughs*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ahh...*nods a little and sighs a little shakily* He's ok, though right? Along with everyone else?

* Evy! Rush her to ER/OR etcetcetc*

<Syan> Yeah..last I checked I thikn..

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Ok...

* Evy .. gets helped!*

* Nox kinda just curls up by Syan, more or less passing out, exhausted totally and completely...*

* Syan holds on...passing out too

* one of the ever-presant nurses checks them out too!!!!*

* Nox gets badaged 'n iced, lovely brand between her shoulder blades*

* Klork comes through a portal..

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and perks

<Klork> Ok, I'm so ready to move back home to the asylum.

* Mitch follows slowly, dragging an unconscious Shingami, a trank dart sticking out of her shoulder

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods...

* Evy wakes up mid-surgery to find her arm being amputated...anesthesia kicks back in...she konks with nightmares*

* Mitch , as she clears the portal, thumps to his arse, discarding FOUR stun guns, TWO pistols, ONE AK-47... in a pear tree

* HappyLittleMoron wonders where the hell Mitch got the pear tree

<Wing> ... evy-chan....

* Mondo_Gecko looks around, realizing he's dozed off

<Mitch> "...everyone back?"

* Klork nods..

* Klork opens a portal

<Wing> *in bad shape but refuss to be touched till evy is ok*

<Klork> All non-wounded...we're going back to the asylum. We don't have to worry about Cho.

* Mitch lets his breath out slowly, unwrapping the jacket from his waist and shrugging it on with thumb-fingered hands, clumsily getting his arms through the sleeves

<Klork> So .. everybody's wounded..?

* Shingami goes wherever she is lugged

* Stacie stands and helps....

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little and...well...damn...all her characters are either passed out, not there or not being moved...

* all chars of mine go through sans Syan and family and Klork*

* Klork looks at HLM

<Klork> <q> Need help..?

* Mondo is exhausted and scratched up*

* Nox goes with them...'n stuff...*

* HappyLittleMoron nods a litttle and sighs a bit

* Stacie stays with Shawn...

* Evy gets her arm amputated..n' stuff*

* Mitch unloads the AK and tosses it through... he spends a minute or so picking up the various pistollike objects and becoming Neo, under the jacket, thanks to the many straps on the vest

* HappyLittleMoron kinda carefully gets into a weelchair, I guess? Carrying Brenna with her

* Shingami is wherever adn wing is with evy and stuff

* Syan wakes up, picks up Iris ... Father and mother pick up just follows...on through the portal...

* Klork helps..

* Rev wakes up long enough to go home with Ryu! Nox gets picked up <G>*

* Mitch , uh... helps

* Ryu goes back as well*

* Rica goe sback*

* Myrae goes back*

* Puddles goes back*

* Kern does too!*

* Angelo gets up and carries Kame .. *

* Mitch , surprise surprise... stays with Diana... besides, he probably should stay in the hospital for a while longer after tonight's shenanigans :P

* Klork wheels Brenna & HLM back to the asylum

* Iris went with Syan <G>*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> See you guys in a few days

<Mondo_Gecko> -_-

* Mitch strips off the armored vest and hocks it through the portal, though, disarming himself and slipping the jacket back on over his bare chest

* Stacie pats his head.

* Nox is being lugged by Syan's parents...(what a first impression to make!)*

* HappyLittleMoron kinda wavels sheepishly

* Syan settles Iris in her bed, motioning for his 'rents to settle Nox in their bed .. showing his family to a new room

* Mondo_Gecko slips back into his own room

* Klork wheels HLM to their room, putting Brenna & Puddles to bed

* Mitch crashes... he'll interact with anyone that interacts with him, but he snags one of the newly-freed beds at Site B and drops there

* Aria gets wheeled to Site B...with the rest of her friends.

* HappyLittleMoron grins softly as she watches

* She's on a ventilator, but otherwise docs can't figure what's wrong if anything

* Mondo_Gecko nudges Stacie gently with his snout

<Mondo_Gecko> ..comming?

<Stacie> "Mmm?"

<Stacie> "Where to?"

<Mondo_Gecko> my room

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(that sounds so sleezy..heh heh heh)

* Klork puts them to bed then looks to HLM

<AriaStormsinger> Stacie nods. "Ok."

* Mondo_Gecko heads down the hallway

<Klork> Bed or no bed...?

* Syan watches all his family goes to bed, then goes about helping Nox out etc

* AriaStormsinger blinks at Mitch's words a few times in a stressed way

* HappyLittleMoron shruggging a little and watches him* Depends on what you want to do...if you're tired, then, bed...if not, I'll stick to the chair...

* Nox hmns..? a little and comes to, sitting up slowly and grinning a little to Syan*

* Evy gets wheeled up to the big room after the surgery .. looking pale .. out .. one arm less*

* Mitch looks like he's been dragged under a train for a few miles and can barely stay on his feet, but he's sitting up by Aria saying "...don't worry. Everyone's safe. Everyone's fine."

* Syan watches her and .. helps with the cuts etc..bruises..the damn brand that will fuel his angry self for the next few weeks

* Klork shrugs..

<Klork> Want some food? Non-hospital type food?

* Nox submits, wincing from time to time, but otherwise just glad to be home...there's a cut along each cheek, that will scar, looking as if they were deliberately put there*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooh...*nodsssnods* Chicken and fruit...

* Syan grimaces, helping work on those..

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> Works for me...*opens a portal/sets a portal up like he did with Shin, explainin' that*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and nods, listening with a bit of a smirk...

* Rev...showers and then crashes in one of their nice warm beds with Ryu <G>*

* Evy wakes up, groaning, growls and turns her head, looking at her arm...

<Evy> My ARRRMMM!!!!

* Mitch , after either getting Aria to feel relieved or reaching a conclusion in his attempt, crashes and subsnoooores

* Mondo_Gecko curls up on the bed and sighs, closing his eyes...not wanting to be alone's unavoidable

<Mondo_Gecko> zzzzzzzzzzz

* Ria sleeps*

* Klork goes through the portal w/ HLM

* HappyLittleMoron heads through the portal with Klork <G>

<HappyLittleMoron>'s...not walking...but it's good to be getting around more....

* Klork takes her to the kitchen .. amkin' stuff..

<Klork> feelin' better any..?

<Klork> fridge..*blinks* Why do we have a new fridge..?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...I think...Ryu said something aboout the old one blowing up...?

* Klork ... blinks

<Klork> Lemme guess .. Evy

<HappyLittleMoron> And I feel...relieved *grins a bit, then nods* Yeah...

* Klork smirks, nodding as he makes...chicken and fruit..

* Evy passes out, dreaming of her missing arm*

* Mitch is just about to get started on the "falling" portion of his sleep when Evy's cry interrupts... and instead of falling into a bottomless pit... he drops a few feet, then hits the ground, and stands there for a moment feeling silly before waking up

* Klork helps fix food .. feeds HLM..and .. heads upstairs?

* HappyLittleMoron munches...then goes to bed with Klork <G>

* Klork .. sleeps!

Session Close: Sun Apr 14 04:00:43 2002

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