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Session Start: Fri Apr 12 08:26:38 2002

* Mitch has worked tirelessly throughout the night and day - well, maybe not tirelessly, but ceasel- well, not CEASELESSLY, but when he tried to go to work they told him to go home and get some rest, so he went back to the Asylum and started in again... so he's, y'know, been more-or-less constantly at it

* Diana's groggily coming in the same room as the rest of 'em*

<Mitch> .oO(...christ... I think I'm almost done. Yeah. I think so.)

* The van with SHingami and the Japanese dude pulls to a stop about half an hour later

* The dude climbs out, opens the back and opens her cell, crouches down and lifts her gently. "My name is Haruo."

<Shingami> we there already Ojiisan?

<Shingami> Haruo

* Haruo bears Shingami out into a very peaceful, garden-like area, light stone pebble drive...

* There's a Japanese style monastery/temple just beyond the van.

* Shingami is now very very confused

* Several monks in saffron robes move quietly, bald, nodding to Haruo as he carries her to the building.

* Haruo carries her through a stone passage, through a courtyard, and into a simple side room with a rough sleeping mat on the floor , a table and a bowl of fresh water.

* Shingami cant do much ebign blind folded and arms bound behind her...jsut .lsitens and smells and feels what she can

* Haruo bends over her and smoothly, painlessly removes the restraints and blindfold.

<Haruo> Do you have any pain, spirit woman?

* Shingami rolls ehr shoulders and rubs her wrists, lookign about takgin in everything

<Shingami> no more then before Haruo-san

* Haruo nods. <all this in Japanese, of course> "Please, the water is fresh. Cool yourself."

* offers the pottery bowl and supports her back as she sits*

* Shingami accepts the help, though it really isnt needed at all, takes the water and drinks as if shes never had a taste of water in her life

* Haruo carries her to an adjoining, SIMPLE restroom, with a rush floor and natural-style equipment...

<H> Do you need assistance?

<Shingami> whats with the treetment anyway?

<H> We knew of your need.

<H> All will be explained.

<Shingami> ... you say that a lot...

<Shingami> and i can take care of myself thank you very little...*stubborn*

* Mondo_Gecko yawns a little and pushes himself up from the bed...his last day in the hospital and then he's free..he's alot less pale looking now, but still not up to snuff.

* Haruo bows. "As you wish."

* H leaves the room...

<Mondo_Gecko> Hello?

* Mondo_Gecko sits up and looks around

* Shingami sighs really wishing one of her friends was there...Mitch the first person coming to mind

<Shingami> *sigh* i got it bad...

* Shingami cleans herself up again testing the strength in her weakest leg without really seemign to... takes care of business

* Haruo returns, bearing a robe of white simple cotton

<H> Would you like to rest for a time?

<Shingami> ((it would be white)) id like to know what the hell is goign on and where you have taken the other winged mutant

* Mondo_Gecko one around

* Shingami glares at her hair tie, a glorafied rubber band, as it crumbles in her hand form ebign a bit.. beat up

* Mondo_Gecko pulls himself off the bed..there's no IV in his arm anymore

* Haruo bows apologetically. "You were the only being we could afford."

<Shingami> *sigh* I have a name

* Diana drifts in and out of consiousness*

* Haruo waits.

<Shingami> If im going to be with you guys for an extended period of time then you might as well know it

<Shingami> Yuy... Shinigami Yuy

* Mondo_Gecko heads to the shower to get himself clean

<Shingami> and the other.. being.. is Wing Yuy.. my twin, the light to my darkness the form to my shadow

<H> Shinigami Yuy. We are honored.

<H> Wing. He was purchased by the man from this country's governmet.

<Shingami> k'so

<Shingami> ...where am I?

* Mitch shuts his eyes for a moment, rubbing his forehead, rolling the pencil around in a lower hand... then... a longer moment... snaps them open, jerking his head up. .oO(No, dammit! I'm so close...)

<H> The Temple of the Pines

<Shingami> why

<H> Because we have sought you these many years. Come, you will learn.

* Haruo lifts her and helps her from the room, across the courtyard...

* The monks are gathering...

<Shingami> ((.. this si really sureal))

* Haruo brings her to an open room with pillars and a simple shrine with a low seat at the front of the room.

* Candles everywhere, a dozen or so men kneeling already, facing the shrine

* Mitch grimly shuffles through the pages, flicking one out and slamming it against the side of the drafting board, holding it up as he transfers the coordinates in question over.

* good ol' Mitch...*

<Shingami> whats going on?

<Haruo> (softly) "You have arrived."

<Shingami> (( yeah this is sureal... i dotn remember takign any LSD before i woke up ))

<Shingami> always with the riddles

* Haruo smiles, carries her forward. Chanting begins.

* He sets her upon the low seat, looking out over the crowd, bows and backs away to kneel among the others.

<Shingami> (( i know i ahve basic deiety status btu this is rediculas))

* Shingami looks over them all very confused btu hiding it under a cool calm gaze, keepign fical expressions to a minimum

* Mondo_Gecko eventually comes out of the shower, towel drying his hair and combing it

* The monks...WORSHIP SHIN

<Shingami> (( i hope the others are atleast alive. dont give up ill figure out soem way of getting you free...after i get awya form these guys...and find wing. i hope the others at the asylum are ok.... Kami-sama if you do exsist please keep mitch from doign somethign to hurt himself. if your gogin to grant me anythign let it be that))

* Shingami sweatdrops

* After an hour or so...

* Haruo rises and bows to Shingami. He comes up, carries her off the shrine and into a tiny stone anteroom with another bed and a small skylight

* Shingami has been memorizing faces and voices for the past hour outof boredome

<Shingami> Haruo-san... what now

<H> Rest. And I will tell you...

<Shingami> i doubt i have much of a choice so... tell on

* H launches into a 20 minute tale of the monks receiving a vision of the elementals, and where Shin could be found, in dire need

* Following her rescue, a great act would be performed

<H> "Shinigami, you will be our great light in the darkness of this incarnation..."

* Mondo_Gecko heads over to Klork and Mo's room for a visit

* Klork is sprawled .. staring at the roof..

<Shingami> why me? why not any of the others

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> ...bored?

* Haruo bows. "We are simple monks. We act upon the truths that come to our hearts. It was the will of the gods that we turn only to you."

* AriaStormsinger looks up at Mondo, forlorn.

* Mondo_Gecko is just wearing his jeans the top of his boxers sticking up over the edge

<Klork> Yeah...I want to go but Syan's insisting it'd be wasted effort..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...what happened?

* Syan waves ...looking beat from his chair*

<Shingami> ((luckie me)) why didn you not jsut ask fo rmy help with.. this act of yours

* AriaStormsinger looks back down, studying.

* Mondo_Gecko waves to Syan

<Syan> Me n' Iris escaped.. Iknow where they would be .. but I feel they've..that they aren't there..

* HappyLittleMoron hnns a little, waking up from her nap, Iris is still sleeping soundly, looking kinda siick..

* HappyLittleMoron straitens up, rubbing her eyes

<Haruo> All things in their time, Shinigami. You have not yet recovered.

<Shingami> (( btu almost...)) thanks for reminding me*looks down at her leg forlornly*

<Haruo> Rest now. We will rise in the morning. *points to a bowl of rice near her bed*

* Mondo_Gecko goes over to Iris and strokes her forehead

* Cho storms around, shaking various members of his staff. Other staff leave the castle like rats, bearing drugs, guns and other paraphenalia as they go...stripping the place.

* Shingami nods takgin the rice and eatingthough caught up in her thoughts

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little and then spots Diana

<Mondo_Gecko> ...hey..what's up with this?

<Mondo_Gecko> did she come too?

* Haruo bows. "Call, should you require anything."

<Wing> *wondering where the HELL he is.. adn whats going to happen now and when he gets out of the widdle box*

<Shingami> hai

<Klork> Yea, she did..*shifts his shoulders*

* Nox her box...wherever...<G>*

* Several hours after they left the castle, Nox and Wing's van stops for the last time and, twenty minutes after that, opens...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Welcome back Diana..

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> news on anyone else?

* Diana smiles a little, kinda half consiouse*

<Klork> <q> Nadda ..

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a little

<Mondo_Gecko> ..they're letting me out tomorow.

<Mondo_Gecko> any requests?

* Nox feels the stop and the van open...she's still in that lil' acge, riiight?*

* `Wing` listens carefuly to the soroundings, the soudn of the ground under foot the air aorudn them, the smells aorund where they are

* Wing and Nox are unloaded in a garage, but there's a faint scent of salt and humidity in the air

* They also would have heard something like waves above the sound of the traffic on the way in

* Nox furrows her brows, breathing the air in*

<`Wing`> {{Nox?}}

* Wing feels a fuzziness in his head when he tries to send

* Nox...apparently doesn't get it <G>*

<`Wing`> (( thats odd))

<`Wing`> ((are.... are we near the sea?))

* Mondo_Gecko yawns and takes a seat on the floor between Diana and Mo's beds, just content to be around ppl for now

* Wing and Nox are taken from their cells, forced to walk until they're lifted onto gurneys and strapped down, face up

* Wing and Nox get wheeled...

* Nox furrows her brows, looking over to Wing...dried blood over her face, hair a mess, big ass bruise on one side of her face too*

* AriaStormsinger sighs, then takes a deep breath and begins to hum/warble a peaceful, slow, upbeat song

* Klork watches quietly ..

* After awhile her voice is more steady, she keeps singing softly, like a background lullabye

* Mondo_Gecko smiles, yawning with a little squeek

* Syan leans back..quiet*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and smirks a bit to Mondo...

* Iris yawns and wakes up...sitting up and blinking a little at Syan before slipping out of the bed carefully and going over to give him a hug...*

* Mondo_Gecko smiles and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his lap

* Syan blinks, then lifts her up into his lap to hold her* <q> Hey .. you feelin' better?

* Iris is feeling extremely warm to the touch, but she nods nonetheless* <q> Uh ok...?

* Mitch gulps the final few mouthfuls of tepid coffee, tossing the mug to one side as he shifts, very carefully positioning the straight-edge and drawing another line

<Syan> <q> Better, yeah, you want some food..?

<Iris> <q> Okie...*covers her mouth, coughing into her hand a little*

* Syan stands, toting her down to the cafeteria*

* Iris goes with obviously*

* Wing and Nox got carried, strapped down by gurney, deeper into a big building

* Wing's blindfolded, Nox isn't...both had their cuffs removed but are now strapped down, as said above. :)

* Nox gazes around, trying the straps, taking in the surroundings*

* They're pushed into separate rooms, next to each other, like operating rooms...

<`Wing> ( i will not panick i will nto panick)

<HappyLittleMoron> *Nox clenches her jaw and reaches around to try getting free of her bonds*

* Wing feels a prick at his neck

* `Wing pulls at his bonds tryin t get free... is starting to panick now

* A man in a doc's mask takes Nox's arm and slides a needle in...

* Wing, you have 40 seconds to keep struggling...

* One of the straps, on the right arm, feels looser than the others

* Nox tries jerking away*

* `Wing struggels.. in ernest, pulling at the arm that feels the loosest

* The strap comes free!

* There are four dudes around, one grabs for his arm

* `Wing rips the blindfold off first

* Nox clenches her jaw, trying to send darkness into the doctor's mind, desperate*

* `Wing tries to get his other arm free

<Doc> *shakes his head, glares and shoots the needle up*

* Wing's free arm is weakening and he claws feebly at the restraint

* Nox flinches a little, glaring at the Doc*

<`Wing> ((not again... .not again... not again...)) let me go!

* The dudes force Wing back to the gurney, panting

* `Wing struggels till he cant looks as if hes going ot try and bite one of them

* Nox starts going out, the effect of her power fading with her consiousness*

* Nox and Wing remain semi-conscious, slightly aware...

* Nox...remains semi-conscious, slightly aware <G>*

* Ok, the docs start cutting the two's clothes free...

* And the medical indignities of assessment examination begin

* `Wing growles softly in the abck of his throat

* `Wing is basicaly in perfect physical condition, light olive brown skin however is crisscrossed with scars form battels, booboos and some seem to be sergival scars, some very recent within the last month

* Docs take note*

* Nox has numerouse scars all along her back from beatings...a long scar across her chest from that bear attack in Upstate...'sides that she's petite, but in good shape...average build*

* measurements taken*

* After assessment, their implants are tested to be sure they're working, and Nox and Wing are draped with sheets and wheeled on out

* body temprature 3 degrees above normal, any wounds made, like little ones heal over before thier eyes

* `Wing stares at the ceiling as he gets moved

* Nox and Wing are put into separate holding cells, not far from each other

* Nox more or less does as well, a whisper of a moan escaping her lips*

* There's sinks and waste facilities and cots in each cell

* There's also a computer monitor set in the wall of each cell.

* Nox slowly sits up (if she can?)*

* Wing and Nox 's restraints were released.

* `Wing glances aorund the cell ... chooses to lay down on the cot

* Nox brings a hand to her brow, looking around*

* The computers flash once.

* Words appear....

* Nox looks at the computer, brows furrowed as she sits on the cot*

* AriaStormsinger comes over and watches Diana sleeping

* Computer reads: Daskin Research Facility, Division of the Department of the Interior

<`Wing> government....just peachy

* Nox furrows her brows, reading slowly and spelling out...wishing it was in Latin, but hey <G>*

* Offers three boxes: "Where You Are", "What We Do" and "Enter Info"

* Little lines at the bottom of the screen: "press boxes for more information"

* Nox furrows her brows...hesitently reaching out to touch "Where You Are..."

* `Wing hits where you are

"Daskin Research Facility is the site of cutting-edge research on the best and brightest our country has to offer.

"Your contributions to national security and information is helping to keep Americans safe and free in the new millennium.

<`Wing> *in disgruntled old japanese* yeah bite me

"Your cooperation with the staff at DRF is greatly appreciated."

* Nox takes a while to read that, brows furrowing...most of it going clear over her head*

* `Wing hits what we do

* Nox takes a stab at "What We Do" too <G>*

"DRF is a coalition of gov't agencies aimed at researching the mutant phenomenon in our country, in an effort to protect both mutants and non-enhanced citizens.

* photos of research labs with happy doctors at microscopes, mutants happily talking in a library with dudes in suits, etc., all photos indoors*

<`Wing> Right whipe all the muties o ut and make weapons of them

* Nox furrows her brows, shaking her head a little*

* Nox looks around the cell again, for a way out...not trusting that at all...heh...just outa curiositty...they still nekkie?*

* `Wing hits the last thingy

* A last box looks like a webbed microphone, next to a list of questions

"Press the microphone button to answer the questions," a voice says in the room

* Nox holds the blanket around her then, as she looks around, not wanting to enter info ;P*

* `Wing shrugs and hits the button

* `Wing also unfolds his wings, proviging a wee bti of modesty

"What is your name?" (first question onthe on-screen list)

<`Wing> ...............................................Kaze(wind)

"How long have you been a non-human?"

<`Wing> ...( i hate math) itsu made mo(forever)

* the computer screen blinks, then returns in Japanese characters*

* voice is replaced by a female's speaking Japanese *

<`Wing> ((smart mo-fos))

"How have you survived?"

<`Wing> *in japanese* very well apparently im still here

* AriaStormsinger "Where's Mitch?"

<Klork> The asylum..

* Klork looks over..

<AriaStormsinger> "Did he know Diana woke?"

<Klork> Er..dunno, wanna call him? *Tosses her the cell phone* HOld #1 down.. it should get ahold of the building

* Nox goes over to the door, whatever, kinda...fasioning a toga outa the blacket, examining it, trying to find a way it sound proofed?*

* `Wing starts thinking about how to remove the moniter form the wall so he has somethign to dismantle and keep occupied with

* AriaStormsinger uses the phone, tentatively

* The door has no internal knob, opens by keycode.

<Mitch> .oO(...I... shit.) He flips through the papers one last time, fumbling through them and scattering them before him. .oO(I think I'm done.)

* It's not totally soundproof...

* Nox sigghs a little...and starts playing with buttons <G>*

<AriaStormsinger> "Who has helped you survive?"

* Mitch jerks slightly as the phone rings, the caffeine coursing through his veins being the only juice left in him... he reaches behind him and snags the cordless, switching it on. "As'lum."

* Voice in cells: "Who has helped you survive?"

<`Wing> *to computer* is that all?

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch?

* In Nox's cell, the voice overlaps itself, question interrupting question

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch, it's Aria.

<Mitch> "Yah."

<Mitch> "Hi, Aria. Everything okay?"

<AriaStormsinger> Did anyone tell you yet? Did you know Diana's woken up?

<Nox> Ah, miss sounds as if you have problems with interrupting yourself, hm? *plays with buttons more <G>*

* Mitch puts a hand on the end of the bed and basically pushes himself up... he blinks, straightening. "-huh? She's not waking up until, until tomorrow or something."

<`Wing> tsuchi...hi....mizu....tamashii...(earth, fire water soul)

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch, has anyone come back to the Asylum?

* Wing's cell door opens and two dudes in FBI like suits are there. "Come with us, Mr. Yuy."

<Mitch> "No... no one... Diana? She's awake?"

<AriaStormsinger> A little bit. I thought...maybe you'd want to be here, if she did.

* Nox stops with her playing, just stopping to listen to the outside*

* `Wing grabs the blanket wrapign it around hsi waist

* AriaStormsinger licks her lips. "I could come watch the Asylum, be there if anyone comes by."

<Mitch> "Shit... I... yeah, I'll be right over. Uh. Stay, Aria. I'll, y'know, come back or something..."

<`Wing> what now?

<AriaStormsinger> Okay.

<Suits> "We'll ask the questions." *Escort Mr. Yuy out of his cell*

<Mitch> "Thanks. Be there soon."

* Nox furrows her brows, sitting on the cot, silently straining her ears to listen*

<AriaStormsinger> Okay. Be safe.

* `Wing is escorted, waring a blanket sarong

* Nox is left. Cold. Alone. Naked. In a cell. With "Who You Gonna Call? GHOSTBUSTERS" stuck in her head.

* Mitch heads into the bathroom, flicking off his glasses and splashing his face with ice-cold water... he mumbles something as he rubs his face off and pushes on the glasses again, shrugging into his jacket and stowing the arms.

* Nox goes back to playing with buttons!!!!!*

* Mitch locks up, heads out, takes the subway...

* Nox wears a toga like thing so she's not nekkid, rilly!*

* Mitch gets off, heads up to the street, shakes his head off a little, crosses to the hospital...

* `Wing winders where hes going now... and why they dotn atleast give him pants... or socks the floor is mighty cold

* Mitch comes in, walks through the lobby, heads up the stairs... his step slowly gaining speed, knowing that he's finally done with that monumental step, that he can finally be there...

* Wing gets brought to a little room...

* A man is sitting across from him at a table with a machine on it.

* Mitch gets out onto the floor, down the hallway... the room is right there, the door to one side... two hundred feet... one hundred feet... fifty...

<`Wing> (( what is it with these people and little rooms... wait .. america invented the cubical... nevermind))

* Nox...ohyeah! Cleans up...damn blood was getting itchy*

* Nox's sink gets stained pink......

* The man rises and offers Wing a simple, silvery robe made of some kind of metallic weave

* Mitch stumbles, his foot turning, and he falls against a cart, catching and holding himself against the metal handles as a container of disposable thermometers clatters and scatters across the floor.

* Nox examines the wounds in the mirror, shaking her head a little, before cleaning the sink the best she can*

<Mitch> His arms strain... trying to push himself to his feet, shaking...

* `Wing shakes his head,

<Mitch> Muttered, "...shit."

* Mitch collapses

* The man leaves it draped on a chair for Wing. "Then sit, Mr. Yuy."

* FBI agents watch, standing at attention.

* `Wing remains standing

* The man frowns. "Is something wrong?"

<`Wing> id prefer to stand

* Nurse blinks, hurrying over to Mitch and checking him over*

* The man: "Does it hurt you to sit?"

<`Wing> id prefer to stand

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

* Man nods and takes one of Wing's arms, and starts plugging those little white suction cup thingies on it...

* Mondo_Gecko opens his eyes from where he's been laying on the cold floor, asleep and crawls to the door, looking out*

* `Wing has a vegue feeling beign violent nwo would be a bad thing

* AriaStormsinger is singing quietly, putting herself to sleep

* The man: "We're going to give you a simple test, Mr. Yuy. Have you ever heard of a lie detector?"

* Nurse gets a doctor...gets Mitch treated for exhaustion <G>*

<`Wing> hai

* Mondo_Gecko crawls back and curls up again

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly and streatches a lil'

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> your awake?

* Klork looks over at Mondo .. so's he..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh, you guy's are so quiet I thought you were asleep

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Oh...heh...sorry...been...*shrugs* Out of it...*sighs a little, resting her hands over her belly*

<HappyLittleMoron> Yer lookin' better...

* Klork nods in agreement

<Mondo_Gecko> oh...heh..thanks

<Mondo_Gecko> I didn't even know I looked as crappy as I did until I got a look at me

<Mondo_Gecko> ugh..

<Mondo_Gecko> You guys are too..

* Klork nods..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, still just...exhausted looking from worry...

<Klork> <q> Myrae healed what she could of my head..

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little

* Mondo_Gecko glances over at Diana to make sure she's ok and then gets up

<Mondo_Gecko> know..I bet...I probably wouldn't get caught tonight..the floor's kinda quiet tonight

<Klork> <q> Caught doin' what..?

* Mondo_Gecko puts a finger to his lips and goes shhhhhhh

* Mondo_Gecko winks and sneeks out and down the hall, pushing open the rec room door

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little, tilting her head

* Klork shrugs..

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a bit, shifting a little

* errie and flowingly beautiful music floats up the hallway, Recognizable as the theme from The Piano...played flawlessly..full of soul*

* Klork blinks..then chuckles a little

<Klork> <q> Goof..

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes, playing blindly, emotions soaring and falling with the music..

* Klork leans back and listens..

* HappyLittleMoron grins, listening with him

* Syan comes back with IRis from eating...taking up a bed for himself this time..kicking his boots off..offering to share with the squirt so she can stay warm*

* Iris snuggles up to him*

* Syan curls up with her..eventually falling asleep with Iris in his arms*

* Iris nods off too, curled up to her second big brother*

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> He's really good...

* Klork nods, holding her close..watching Brenna quietly

<Klork> <q> Very .. when was he gonna tell us this hmm? *winks*

* Mondo_Gecko starts to softly play Moonlight Sonata

* Klork leansback..enjoying the tune..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, Brenna purring softly as she sleeps* <q> Probably never...the boy's a mystery...just like the rest of us...

* Klork n ods..

<Klork> <q> True that .. *covers a yawn*

<Mondo_Gecko> ::Any requests?::

* Klork leans back...

<Klork> {{You got a lullaby up your sleeve..?}}

<Mondo_Gecko> lullabye comming up::

* Mondo_Gecko starts to softly play Gymnopedie

* Klork rests against his pillow, watching Mo

<Klork> <q> Gonna get some rest, hon?

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> I'll try...*smiles a little, curling up to him* It hasn't been coming easily...keeps feeling more and more like these two need to come soon...

* Klork nods, scooting for her..

<Klork> <q> We'll be ready..and I'll be with you if that should happen..*voice lowers* <vqw> Angelo .. talked me out of searching...*sighs shakily* Even though I want to..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, sighing shakily* <w> Alright...that...actually helps a lot...I know how it feels...wanting to go and not being able to *winks with a smirk*

* Klork nods, watching her

<Klork> <q> I feel I have more reason to stay here with you .. I'll let Syan n' the others go...

* HappyLittleMoron nods, looking up at him* <q> Good...

* Klork tugs her close

<Klork> <q> Rest well, Mo'..

* the piano music stops abruptly and a few seconds later Mondo is being dragged down the hall by his upper arm by a heavy set matronly looking old nurse with a heavy irish accent* Right..back to bed you go Mr Murphy.. Jesus Mary'n'Jospeh..You'll be outta here in a day and then this hospital floor will be back to normal..right'ya go!*shuts the door*

* Mondo_Gecko cackles

<Mondo_Gecko> you can take my pants! but you can never take my freedom!

* Klork snorts...smirking groggily

<Klork> <q> Nice music....I think the asylum needs a piano now tho..

* Mondo_Gecko curls up on his bed and pulls out the crossword...developing insomnia..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and nods* <q> Yeah...hehe..sweet dreams... *curls up with Klork, dozing*

* Klork smiles...pretty much passing out

* Puddles stays awake, watching Mondo*

Session Close: Sat Apr 13 01:33:04 2002

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