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Session Start: Thu Apr 11 15:49:11 2002

* AriaStormsinger comes to the door of HLM and Klork's room.

* Satchel over shoulder, a little taller than a week ago, hair a shade darker, etc....

<AriaStormsinger> Hello?

* HappyLittleMoron 's helping Brenna with her beginning writing...she looks up at Aria and blinks* Heyas...

<AriaStormsinger> I've, um, brought someone by. I hope it's okay.

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow a little and straitens up* Uh...who?

* Mitch is back at the Asylum - he's kind of grimly working on his side work, jacket on, heavily armed, Mitch-senses in full swing

* Helder (leans in) "I hope I'm not intruding, Ms. Curric?"

* Mitch is probably the ONLY one at the Asylum, too. Yay placeholder presence!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and straitens more, stroking Brenna's hair lightly* Heh...nah...hey again...

* Helder comes in and pulls up a chair next to HLM's bed, nodding as Aria heads out to get some food.

<Helder> Aria told us the Asylum was attacked last night. Do you need any assistance?

* open expression, palms up...*

* Mitch 's even got the kevlar on, what the hell

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, stroking Brenna's hair* I dunno...far as I know there's only one person there...*furrows her brow, looking down to the little girl busily writing clumsy letters*

<Helder> Aria wasn't sure what exactly had happened to your residents.

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little* Yeah...I know a lot of them were...captured...*bows her head again, clenching her jaw*

<Helder> Are they still alive?

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...

<HappyLittleMoron> I think so...just...

* Helder scoots forward, laying a hand on the side of the bed.

<Helder> Ms. Curric, do you know who made this attack?

<HappyLittleMoron> Company that used to be run by Javier Quinonez...*her voice has dropped a bit in volume, melencoly, worried air about her*

* Helder thinks...shakes his head.

<Helder> Are you sure about that?

<Helder> That organization has been falling apart at the seams, ever since QUinonez disapperaed two months ago.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...I'm sure of it...they haveta have some sorta....hierarchy or something...the guy who was most recently in charge is dead now...but I think there's probably someone else now...

<Helder> *frowns* Do you know their names?

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little* Nah...know one of their cronies though...Cho...dunno how high up he is or anything...

<Helder> I'll have my people look into it...that is, if it's all right with you.

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows* ...I do NOT want anyone else getting hurt because of this...the less pain...the better...

<Helder> We can offer research help you get them home.

<Helder> I doubt it would draw attention to us. We are in the business of operating behind-the-scenes.

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip a little, eyeing him* ...what would you need in return?

<Helder> Your safety.

* totally honest expression*

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip a little, then nods a little bit* Oh...kay...I guess...

* Helder offers her a handshake

* AriaStormsinger comes back to the doorway and watches curiously

* HappyLittleMoron shakes his hand, not quite as strong as usual, but y'know...

* Helder stands. "Did you give any more thought to...facilities?" *looks around, a little contemptuously*

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm honestly thinking this is just fine...thank you though...

* Helder nods. "We'll be in touch." *heads out, chucking Aria under the chin*

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks..

* AriaStormsinger gives a rueful smile, watching him go, then runs up and stands by her bed. "Are you okay?"

<AriaStormsinger> I came back as quick as I could today.

<AriaStormsinger> *eyes HLM's full tummy*

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...*shrugs a little* Always so...tired...

<AriaStormsinger> Did you sleep okay? Do the little ones keep you up?

* HappyLittleMoron grins* They do keep me up...I kinda have to sleep when they are...they...don't move as they used to...

<AriaStormsinger> *worries*

<AriaStormsinger> Is that...supposed tohappen?

* AriaStormsinger cautiously lays a hand on HLM's abdomen

<AriaStormsinger> *can she sense anything of them?*

* uhm...they're...still...alive? <G> Just kinda need to be born soon*

<AriaStormsinger> *nods*

* AriaStormsinger goes and sits quietly, studying

<HappyLittleMoron> The doc said they have sleep and awake cycles...they just...don't move as much as they should either...

* ^Pippen^ is in the livingroom....gnawing on a chair leg...

* ^Pippen^ keeps gunawing....making lots of bitemarks

* ^Pippen^ sits up and yawns....jumps on the couch...looks outside and starts barking loudly

* Mitch looks towards the stairs... he pushes himself up, hooking the AK-47 into his lower arms, and twitches aside the blinds, looking out the window

* ^Pippen^ keeps barking

* Mitch mutters something, returning to his work after a few moments more.

* ^Pippen^ whines....looks at the stairs...barking on her way up...running up and doesn the hallway....then running back down

<Mitch> .oO(Jesus Christ with a side order of fries. I'm gonna put that mutt out on the porch if it don't shut up.)

* ^Pippen^ runs back up and down...still barking

* Mitch mutters something equally unprintable and tucks the AK under one arm, slipping from his room. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

* ^Pippen^ stops and looks at Mitch....sits and barks at him

<Mitch> "Yeah, I get it, I get it. Shut up."

* ^Pippen^ makes a whine noise...cocking her head to the side....ruffs

<Mitch> *sighs* "Dammit, I need an interpreter... look, I'm busy. What's the problem here?"

* ^Pippen^ gets up and goes downstairs...barking...runs to the door

* Mitch follows, checks the peephole, tucks his lower arms and AK behind him, opens the door...

* ^Pippen^ squeezes through and out the door...chasing some pigeons in a circles..then runs into an alley

* Mitch shakes his head, closing the door again, and heads back upstairs.

* ^Pippen^ runs back out..chasing the birds again

* Mitch gets back to work - it's out of his hands now

* ^Pippen^ comes back to the door a bit later...barking again and pawing at the door

* Mitch indulges in a long moment of a fantasy involving animal control and the words "feral dog" before pushing himself up and heading downstairs

<Mitch> Muttered. "...Mondo OWES me." *opens the door*

* ^Pippen^ plows in....barks up happily at Mitch..walking in circles around him

* Mitch shuts the door and grabs something from the fridge, walking up towards the roof.

* ^Pippen^ follows him..tail wagging

* Mitch lets the hambone thunk on the tiles... he takes a moment to make sure there's a water supply, then slips back in, closing Pippen out on the roof. .oO(There.)

* ^Pippen^ takes the bone and walks back to the door....sets it down

* Mitch heads downstairs and gets back to work... again

* ^Pippen^ starts chewing the bone

* ^Pippen^ finishes.....starts barking and clawing at the door

* Mitch can barely hear it and is just fine with that - Pippen's just been put in the doghouse as far as he's concerned

* ^Pippen^ starts howling

* ^Pippen^ stops...

* ^Pippen^ is on the roof whining

* ``Guard yawns, flicking through a hand of solitaire

<``Guard> "...c'mon, red queen, c'mon, red queen- damn!"

* Rev taps on the metal door, as he has been for the past half hour...barely loud enough for the guard to a faucet dripping, annoying as hell <G>*

<``Guard> Muttered. "The red queen would've diced you up, mate. Diced you up and shoveled away your corpse."

* tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...tap...etc*

* ``Guard reshuffles... he looks over to Rev. "So... you're an elf."

* Rev shrugs* Aye...half, anyway...*continues with his tapping*'re a human.

<``Guard> "How's that working out for you?"

<Rev> Same as it always has. You?

<``Guard> "Come on, that's not an answer." *shuffling the deck* "Deliver a lot of presents, do you? Make cookies on the night shift?"

* Rev smirks* Nae...I kill smart arses like you, though.

* ``Guard smirks, leaning back, trying out a card trick. "Not from where I'm standing. 'Ere, pick a card. Just point to one or something."

* ^Pippen^ is still on the roof.....crying

* Rev arches a brow and points to one* Ah, but if the situation were reversed you would have been long gone.

* ^Pippen^ starts barking again

* ``Guard holds it up for Rev to see, ostentatiously not looking, before reshuffling the deck with a great deal of panache. "So that makes you no better than me, donnentit? In fact, you could say that I am in fact the better man, as I have painfully ensured a fair and responsible treatment of you - the prisoner - whereas I, being the guard, am under no compunction to refrain from systemic and total abuse of my power, wot?"

* Rev arches his brows setting back and shrugging* Nae...I'd say you have very good reason to ensure our safety, considering your employer would have no qualms about killing you slowly and painfully for disobeying orders.

* ^Pippen^ jumps into the pool and doggypaddles around

<``Guard> "Oh, yah, certainly. But that's a coercive obligation, a constraint placed upon me by the employ under which I find myself, and my inaction - unnecessary, I might add, as I am only bound to keep you imprisoned and refrain from permanent damage - is a result of a purely moral position. On the other hand - hah!" He whips up a card. "Is THIS your card?!"

* Rev shakes his head* Nae, it's not. *shrugs* I suppose...though there is always the option of finding yourself other employment...especially considering that by working for this man, you imply you approve of his slave-trading activities.

<``Guard> "Wot? Sod it!" He looks at the card before shuffling it into the deck, flicking a wrist and grumbling. "Maybe, maybe not. The point is that this purely moral position of mine is of a higher order than yours - as you have already stated that, had our positions been reversed and I found myself in the unfortunate situation of being under lock and key, I would have been 'long gone', a quaint metaphor for feeding me to the fishes, wot."

* Rev shrugs* Perhaps I should have chosen my words better, my apologies. I meant that, if I were free of this cell, and you were faced with battling me to keep me would either have been defeated or running in fear.

<``Guard> "I see, I see. But is this- pick a card- is this truly an imperative, a statement you feel it positively necessary to make? You're postulating a purely hypothetical situation, and one which has no parallel to the current prisoner/guard relationship in which we find ourselves, as you can plainly see that neither of us is faced with the task of battling the other in order to prevent a heroic and no doubt thrilling escape."

* Rev points to a card* This is true...however, what else would we find to speak of?

<``Guard> *shuffle* "Well, there's my own equally unfortunate position, innit it? Having been enticed into a position of placing entities of questionable humanity and virtue under close watch so that they might be exchanged for goods and services in a highly profitable venture, one might decide that I am in fact in favor of this act, due to my participation, right?"

<Rev> Aye..

<``Guard> "What you may have failed to consider, however, is the fact that my employer indeed would have no qualms about killing me slowly and painfully for disobeying orders, in addition to being a soulsucking leech from the deepest bowels of the fire and the brimstone and the red pajama people with the pointy pitchforks, wot? In acclimatizing myself to the job, what began as a simple task of enforcing said employer's continual health..."

<``Guard> "...has rapidly accumulated a dearth of less humane and unspeakable acts, what that I am obliged to continue participating in so that I keep my own continued health, not to mention an extremely adequate health benefits package."

* holds up a card with an expectant look*

* ^Pippen^ jumps outta the pool and runs around...goes back to the door barking loudly

* ^Pippen^ whines..figures no one's gonna let her she goes to the bathroom over by a corner....comes back and sits by the door...barking

* Rev shakes his head again* Nae...not position the card wrong...*he then shrugs slightly* You did not foresee any of this when you took the job, hm?

<``Guard> "Damn!" He shuffles the card back into the deck, disgusted. "Of course not. Ignorance and falliability are equal and intertwined aspects of human nature. I was not at any time given the impression that such acts would be a necessary part of continued employment - or, indeed, existence at all. In my failure to understand this, I - and several others such as myself - are now helplessly trapped..."

<``Guard> " an untenable yet indefinite situation, much as you are now." He shrugs a little. "Of course, the others just enjoy it. Bloody sadists."

<Rev> Hm...aye...though perhaps you may have an out if you look for it...*shrugs a bit and manages a dry chuckle* There will always be those who enjoy watching those lower than they are suffer...but, they themselves will always fall...

<``Guard> "Referring to the afterlife, are you? A karmic consideration of one's deeds in one life, inevitably followed by a brutally just and frequently ironic recompense in the next?"

* Ryu mumbles idly ... slowly waking up in her cell*

* Iris is...with Syan!*

* Rev blinks and shrugs* Aye...I suppose you can look at it as such...often it happens in this life, however...

* Syan watches Iris..waiting for her to wake up...they're both under a dock, more than likely still soaked

* Syan rolls his shoulders, setting the stun gun to the side..having carried it .. going about shaping to wolf form to shake off..

* Iris shivers and sniffles a little, rubbing her eyes as she wakes up, blinking and curling close to Syan* <w> Where are we?

* Iris...lets him shake off!*

* Syan shapes back, smirking and picking her up

<Syan> <q> New York, lil' sis .. ready to go back to the Asylum?? I wanna pick some stuff up ..

* ^Pippen^ is...still at the door ...barking

* Iris nods* <q> Uh huh...' okie?

* Syan 's hair looks like he just shook it off...sticking out and about in various yet still wet places

<``Guard> "You see, in my not inconsiderate experience, such a judgement must occur in the next life, 'cause it never happens in this one, wot? The 'good guys' only win in the movies. A moral or ethical evaluation, here, is generally cast aside in favor of the golden rule - namely, he who has the gold, makes the rules. Anyone intimately familiar with politics, economics, or the judicial system will tell you that nice guys finish last, unless they..."

* Syan nods, snagging the gun and slipping it to his side as he scoots out from under the dock, carrying Iris

<Syan> Yep .. doin' better..rested ..

* Iris is...a very wet looking little girl...looking like she's coming down with some bug or another too, she holds on to Syan* Good...

<``Guard> "...too become the very monsters which they struggle to overcome, in a dubiously justified and self-satisfied reversal of events, such as the one you so callously considered in reversing our positions."

* Syan looks around, climbing onto the dock after wading out to three feet deep, Iris in one arm, other arm climbing

<Rev> Ah, but there are always exceptions to that rule...

* Syan looks around the dock .. taking note of anybody that might be there ... glancing down to make sure the gun is hidden before heading into the city

<Syan> <Q> We're gonna get some food and some dry clothes, k, Iris..? Then we're gonna go find HLM n' Brenna ..

<``Guard> "In the North Pole, maybe, maybe, but here there are none." *begins trying a different card trick, swapping the deck between hands* "I'll wager right now you're entertaining complex and painful schemes in which to show me the error of that statement, in the unlikely yet not-impossible event of your heroic and timely escape, wot, guvnoh?"

* Iris nosd* Okie...

* Syan walks down the street, still kinda .. dripping .. eventually getting to the asylum and trying the front door..

* Shingami wakes herself up from an uneasy sleep, only to wake in a nightmare of pure white. Sighing she tries in vein to reach her brother or anyone else...

<Rev> Perhaps escape is a little too likely for your comfort, hm?

* Ryu sighs .. staring at the ceiling*

* door...should be unlocked!*

* Syan pushes it open, peering in cautiously ..

<Syan> <q> Be ready t' make rainbows just in case, k kiddo?

* ^Pippen^ is stttiilll barking loudly

* Mitch pushes himself up, grabbing the AK quickly and heading down the stairs, lower hands curled up under the jacket and around the pair of pistols

* Iris nodddsnods* <w> K...

* Syan looks around cautiously, sniffing for anything ... smells blood up the stairs .. decides to keep an eye on that direction..

* Syan slowly shifts to get to the kitchen, still holding Iris tight ..

* ^Pippen^ waannttss oouuttttt baarrkkiinnggg

<Shingami> (( still stuck in here...atleast he feels beter in my head...))*shifts her broken leg*(( sugoii! its mending faster then i thought it would... i could walk on it now if i to keep up the illusion of beign an invalid however...and sprign at them when they least expect it))

<Guard> "Rather unfeasable, wouldn't you say? As has been previously noted, you are in fact on the other side of these nice thick doors, of which are remarkably long-lasting and quality craftsmanship."

* Ryu .. draws in the dust*

* Mitch creeps downstairs - he hasn't had a shower in a day or two, AND he's been in a fight in which blood was drawn, so there's probably a Mitch-shaped scent explosion heading slowly down the stairs

* ^Pippen^ growlbarks...clawing up the door

* Syan keeps his eyes on the stairs,crouching slowly beneath a table..scenting his approach...putting Iris down under the table and scooting to the corner to look around .. waiting for somebody to appear..snagging the stun gun

<Rev> Even the strongest of walls will fall with time...the right way simply needs to be found...

* Iris ducks down under the table <G>*

* Mitch appears, AK half-shouldered, taking it a step at a time and listening to his Mitch-sense... .oO(Didn't come upstairs... still down here somewhere...)

* Shingami starts singing whatever songs come to mind, to keep occupied and hopefuly annoy the hell out of whoever is listining

* Syan waits .. eyeing the corner where the stairs hearing him ..

* Syan aims the stun gun, he's opposite side of the stairs than Iris is ..

<Guard> "Oh, yah. For my next trick - the sound of one hand clapping."

* ^Pippen^ keeps barking

* Rev smirks* Aye...'n perhaps you can do that one better than the others you have been trying?

* Ryu still draws in the dust ..*

* Mitch slips an eye around the corner, checking out the living room

* ^Pippen^ keeps clawing up the door

* Ryu hmms .. for some reason gets "the ants go marching 1 by 1' in her head...and drums to it...humming it..

* Shingami sings the ants go marching in japanese... latin......spanish...australian...manderin chinese.. a Jigglypuff voice..

* Syan waits, finger on the trigger..

* Mitch , not seeing anything, I guess, slips out, pivoting with the rifle at the ready to cover the kitchen quadrant

* Ryu finds different ways to drum it..*

* Syan blinkblinks

<Syan> Mitch!

* Syan lowers the gun

<Syan> I thought for sure you'd get captured!

<Mitch> "Syan? I thought for sure you'd BEEN captured!" He snorts, lowering the rifle. "...thanks, by the way. Real, y'know, booster there."

* Syan runs a hand through his .. well..wet hair, looking more than a little relieved ...

<Syan> Um, actually I WAS captured ..

* ^Pippen^ whineesss barks!

<Syan> Escaped .. with Iris..

* Mitch lets his lower hands slip from the jacket, flexing a little. "Iris? Wait... you know where you escaped from?"

* Syan nods ... propping his gun over his shoulder

<Syan> Do I look like I swam a few miles for nothin? Hell, I could lead you to the cell block where they're being kept.

* Syan heads over, kneeling...

<Syan> Iris..? C'mon out, it's safe...

* Iris creeps out, trembling a little with cold, sniffling a little*

* Syan sighs, picking her up.. with his free arm..

<Mitch> "Christ, that's great! Listen, grab a quick shower... everyone else is at the hospital, y'know, the one with Diana. I'm gonna call 'em and give 'em the news."

<Syan> HOld up .. hold up .. I need to get Iris some food and a hot bath..she's gettin' sick ...

* Iris huggles close to Syan, resting her head on his shoulder*

* ^Pippen^ bbarrkksss

<Syan> but you go ahead n' call .. I'll tend to Iris.. *hands the gun to him* The guards are armed with these...stun gun sorta deal.

<Syan> Got nasty darts .. figure if we could arm ourselves to prepare for these, we're set.

<Mitch> "Yeah, okay..." He shoulders the rifle, turning the stungun a little dubiously in his hands. "This thing penetrate at all?"

<Syan> The darts..?

<Syan> It'd be pointless if they didn't penetrate wouldn't it??

* Mitch pulls open his jacket, revealing a nice military armored vest over his bare chest. "Yeah, but the question is - how much?"

* Syan goes over, tugging some soup out of the cupboard and pouring it into a bowl ..shoving it against the microwave to remind himself to make some..

* Rev's now just sitting in his cell, thinkin' 'n stuff then, Nox slowly coming around, head pounding, etc <G>*

<Syan> Not too badly .. just enough to inject the crap into your system..

<Syan> Strong shit tho...*tugs Iris up on his hip again, she's getting heavy* I'll be upstairs ..

<Mitch> "Shit..." He rubs his neck with a free hand. "Okay. I dunno. We'll ask the others."

* ^Pippen^ barks...

* Mitch kinda waves to Iris as they go

* Syan nods .. heading up the stairs .. settling Iris down...

* ^Pippen^ howls

<Syan> <q> You want anything here? *kneels in front of her* I'm gonna get you a hot bath goin', k?

* Mitch goes over, still eyeing the stun gun dubiously, a little unsure of how it works, and picks up the phone, dialing Site B.

* Iris nods a little* <q> Jus' a bath okie...'n...dry cloths...I c'n change alone...

* Syan nods, starting the bath, noding to her..

<Syan> You go ahead n' get in the bath, I'll get you some dry clothes..*smirks*

* ^Pippen^ is now chewing the knob....wriggling the door

* aaand at the hospital... riiiing*

* Iris nods* Okie...thank you, brother...*goes to take bathie*

* HappyLittleMoron ...pickkks up!

<HappyLittleMoron> H'lo...?

* Syan turns off the faucet when the water's full enough, letting Iris do her thing .. going about getting some dry and warm clothes..

* Nox sslowly sits up, holding her head, dried blood covering her face*

* Mitch waits as it riiiings and riiings... .oO(Christ, what're you waiting for, the machine to pick up?)

* ^Pippen^ starts jumping at the door

* Syan snags an extra blanket for her too, a coloring book & stuff as well, tucking those into a duffel bag

* AriaStormsinger studies quietly. Something about Comparative pre-Dynastic Religion in Central China

* Mitch sighs and hangs up

* ^Pippen^ jumps at the door repeatedly...barking and howling

* Klork is sitting up in bed, Myrae in water form before him, slowly healing his head...

* Iris baths, etcetc and changes*

* Syan goes in to shower while she changes..

<Mitch> .oO(Looks like we're gonna make a house call. To the hospital. Something.)

* Syan comes out in a bit in another black/morphing suit ... boots on as well, sliding a couple knives into the pockets by his boot

* Mitch waits downstairs, wondering what he's going to do about the mutt

* HappyLittleMoron holds the sleeping Brenna close, Kern watching Rae and Klork worridly

<Mitch> "No answer... we're gonna surprise 'em, I guess. Listen, we gotta do something about Mondo's stray... I put it on the roof, but I don't wanna, y'know, just leave it there..."

* Myrae solidifies...slowly pulling back* It is as good as I can get it .. but you shouldn't slip into comas any more ..

* ^Pippen^ whines....panting....just sits there....then lies down..

* Syan looks down at Iris..

<Syan> Ready ..?

* Iris nodsnods*

* Syan smirks, picking her & the duffel up

<Syan> A'right..soup?

* Syan heads down the stairs with her..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little

<Shingami> 3 bottles of beer on the wall.. 3 bottels of beer... take one down smash ti to the gorund...2 bottels of beer on the wall.......

* Iris nods* gonna have some too?

* Syan nods to Iris..nodding to Mitch when they get down stairs..

<Mitch> "No answer... we're gonna surprise 'em, I guess. Listen, we gotta do something about Mondo's stray... I put it on the roof, but I don't wanna, y'know, just leave it there..."

* Syan nods to Mitch, setting Iris down at a chair and the duffel on the table, putting the soup into the microwave

<Syan> What can we do..?? *pauses* Well, um, where's Puddles ..?

* Iris kinda curls up in the chair*

<Shingami> 1 bottel of beer on the wall 1 bottel of beer take oen down smash it on the ground....*gasp* 99 bottels of beer on the wall 99 bottels of beer...

* Syan brings over a bowl of soup to Iris, offering Mitch some as he sits with his own bowl

<Mitch> "I brought Puddles to the hospital... was with Kernunose at the time, no one seemed to wanna argue." His lip twitches. "I dunno - is there a kennel or something around?"

<Shingami> (( im goign to drive SOMEONE crazy... though its probably going to be me))

* Syan settles beside Iris ..

<Iris> Thank you...*digs in 'n stuff*

* Nox leans back, closing her eyes*

<Syan> There might be .. I dunno .. Puddles is pretty easy to care for tho .. won't leave Klork n' Mo's side...Pippen .. dunno..

* Mitch takes the soup with a nod of thanks and inhales it, almost absent-mindedly

* Syan nods to Iris, finishing up his soup pretty fast as well..

<Mitch> "Yeah, it chewed up the living room a bit... shit. Let's just find a pound. Mondo can pick it up later if he's still in the mood."

* Syan shudders

<Syan> God, you do it then...Pounds freak me out ..

<Mitch> "Me? I can't handle dogs..."

* Syan stands, pulling on his flannel over the suit

<Syan> Then it'll hafta come with ... I don't touch pounds. Bein' wolf .. that place smells like death to me.

* ^Pippen^ is laying there....whining loudly

<Mitch> He sighs, flicking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes... a long moment later, "Look, can you get a leash or something on it? I'll take care of the rest."

* Iris finishes up doing what she can to clean up after herself, snuggling into her nice warm sweater*

* Syan nods to Mitch, tucking the stun-gun into the duffel bag..

<Syan> Sure .. give me .. about five minutes...

* Syan heads up the stairs..

* Syan comes down with a make'shift leash .. long enough and suitable as to not choke the dog..tosses it to Mitch

* ^Pippen^ 's tail is flat...ears down...just looking kewte and pathetic....

<Syan> So are we meeting at the hospital then..?

* Mitch stows the AK in his room, locking up behind him - keeps the pistols, though.

* Mitch catches it easily. "Yeah, I guess. Watch yourself, ne?"

* Klork rubs his temples, watching Myrae go over to sit ..

* Syan nods ..

<Syan> Will do...*picks up the duffel, holding an arm out for Iris*

* Mitch heads up to the roooof

* Iris just takes his hand this time* I c'n walk....

* Syan blinks, then nods down to her..

* HappyLittleMoron rubs Klork's back lightly

<Syan> A'right .. *takes her hand with a smile* You just tell me when you get tired ..

* Klork leans back, small smile on his lips

* Iris nods* Okie...

* HappyLittleMoron keeps rubbing his back

<Klork> <q> Thanks ... mm .. God .. I hope Mitch is ok .. don't like the idea of him there at the asylum alone ..

* Syan walks out to the streets with her, heading in the direction of the hospital

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Me too...*sighs shakily*

* Mitch mutters something, shaking his arms out, zipping the jacket up and high, over his throat. .oO(Dogs. Why'd it have to be dogs?)

* Iris goes with Syan*

* Klork looks over at Aria

<Klork> How you holdin' up..?

* AriaStormsinger studies

* Mitch gets the leash out and ready, opening up the collar nice and wide before slipping out onto the roof

* Rae settles on her bed...*

* ^Pippen^ looks up

* ^Pippen^ still looks all pitiful

* AriaStormsinger lets Klork's talk pass over her, like the rest of the talking/actions this evneing...

* Klork blinks ..

<Klork> Aria..??

* Kern sits by her, rubbing her back*

* Mitch goes for it, getting the collar around the mutt's head and passing it back...

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow a little*

* Syan walks with ... etc etc ..

* by then...Iris would have gotten tired, getting sick*

* ^Pippen^ jumps up and starts backing away, barking loudly

* Syan heads into the hospital, now carrying Iris

* AriaStormsinger blinks. "Mmm?"

<Klork> You ok..?

* AriaStormsinger looks up and closes the book.

* Mitch lunges, his reflexes kicking in, and whips the collar over the dog's neck

* Syan talks to one of the ppl at the front desk ... then heads down the hall towards the ..large room .. knocking at the door

<AriaStormsinger> I think so. There's a lot going on.

* ^Pippen^ starts growling and barking trying to run past and down the stairs

* AriaStormsinger looks up at the knock. "See?"

* Klork nods..

* Klork blinks

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up toooo

<Klork> C'mon in..

* Syan pushes the door open, peering in..

* Mitch yelps, staggering as the weight of the dog hits him - he yanks back, but takes several hopping steps forward, wrapping the leach around one arm

<Syan> <q> Hey guys ....

* AriaStormsinger hops up. "Syan!?"

* Klork blinkblinks..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Syan..! Iris!

* Syan nods, coming in .. Iris in his arms..

<AriaStormsinger> *book drops with a bang and a flutter*

* ^Pippen^ turns around...fur up on her back...barking at him, showing her teeth

* Iris waves tiredly*

<Syan> <q> Hey .. *smiles shakily*

* AriaStormsinger runs forward and touches them. "Are you okay!?"

<Klork> Jesu--are you ok?!

* ^Pippen^ tries backing down the stairs

* Syan nodnods to Aria

<Syan> I .. well .. Iris is getting a little sick ...

<AriaStormsinger> Where are the others!?

<Mitch> .oO(Fuck... I'm not in a condition to handle this...)

* Rae watches, sitting up*

* AriaStormsinger looks at Iris, then to Klork, brows raised

* Klork shrugs...

* Mitch leads Pippen out at the full length of the leash, coming down the stairs as Pippen backs down

<HappyLittleMoron> What happened?? Uhm...have a seat...

* Syan sighs shakily, sitting in a free chair...

* ^Pippen^ turns around and tries to run down the stairs again

* AriaStormsinger opens her arms for Iris.

<Syan> <q> Thanks .. um...the others are still at the castle ... place .. we managed to escape..

* HappyLittleMoron 's in a nightshirt 'n stuff, jjust for the hell of it

* Mitch overbalances, falling forward - he grabs the railing, and hauls himself up, but he let go of the leash

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, nodding a litttle...

* Syan looks to Iris, as if asking if she minds going to Aria for a bit ...

* Iris shakes her head, not minding...going over to Aria tiredly*

* ^Pippen^ runs the rest of the way down....gnawing on the leash as she goes

* Syan watches, brows furrowed worriedly ..

* AriaStormsinger is like...dwarfed by poor Iris...but manages to get her comfortable on her lap. "What hurts, Iris?"

<Syan> <Q> I know where they are tho .. and have a pretty good idea of maneuvering the area..

* Mitch just takes a moment to flick off his glasses and squeeze his eyes, hard.

* Klork scoots forward, brow is lightly bandaged now..

<Mitch> .oO(Should've kept the stun gun.)

<Klork> Tell us all you can..

* Iris curls close* <q> Jus' feeling sick...*coughs a lil'*

* HappyLittleMoron nods...listening

* Syan looks to Aria

* ^Pippen^ gets to the livingroom....gnawing hard on the leash

<Syan> We .. kinda swam here from new Jersey, so it's probably a bad cold..just keep her wrapped and warm..

* AriaStormsinger nods. "Okay."

* Syan tugs the stun gun outta the duffel..

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow

<Syan> Guards are armed with these ... some sort of dart filled with nasty stuff that'll knock you out..

* AriaStormsinger staggers up and carries her to Klork's bed, taking the extra blanket and wrapping her in it, getting her comfy on the bed by Klork, the warmest Asylum dude she knows

<Syan> Doesn't penetrate TOO deep..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* Ah...

* Klork smirks, settling her between him and Brenna, smoothing Iris' hair back ..

* Iris curls close to Klork, dozing off, Brenna cuddling up to her friend too*

* Syan sighs..

* AriaStormsinger leans her hands on the bed lightly, staring at the kids, stressed expression on her face, eyes far away, not seeming to listen to anyone...

<Syan> We'd need people who could do defensive magic ..

* Mitch , because he wants to get back into the swing of things, either gets Pippen to a pound or loses Pippen in a confused whirlwind of action out in the city - your choice

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip a little* ...well...Diana's bad shape...I think the Underhill people are...Underhill...

<Syan> The place is pretty heavily guarded and the cells are near impossible to penetrate...electric ..

* Syan nods..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, chewing her lip

<Klork> I'll go ..

* AriaStormsinger frowns at Klork's words and shakes her head.

* Klork then pauses to look at HLM

<Klork> Er, as long as you'll be ok here...??

* Myrae chuckles* Klork .. she'll be fine ...

* Klork furrows his brows..

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Klork, furrowing her brow and biting her lip, reaching up to touch his jaw...

<Klork> You're sure..but what if something in her pregnancy..

<AriaStormsinger> <w> no.

* Myrae grins* Remember what my job is..?

* Klork blinks..then .. ohs..taking HLM's hand gently..

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Aria* ...huh...? *looks back to Klork, worriedly* <w> Don't want to lose you...

* Syan rubs at his neck..watching this all quietly..glancing to Ker..

* Klork kisses HLM's hand

<AriaStormsinger> I said NO. He's not going. He's sick.

<Klork> <q> I'll be ok .. if anything I can portal outta there ...

* Klork blinks, looking at Aria..

<AriaStormsinger> He's needed for the asylum. He's needed for PEOPLE.

* AriaStormsinger glares at him, tense.

<AriaStormsinger> He's a DAD.

<Klork> Aria, I'm fine. The PEOPLE who need me are CAPTIVE right now ...

* HappyLittleMoron sighs shakily...

* Klork sighs ..

<AriaStormsinger> They need someone magic. I can do it. I'll do it. It's my fault they even know about our friends.

<AriaStormsinger> What if --

* Kern looks back to Syan* Are there plants around the place...? That's the only place my powers lie...

<AriaStormsinger> what if you just made the portals?

<Klork> Aria .. no. THey need somebody with defensive magic--a LOT of people. If Revelyn and the others couldn't make it ...

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow...

* Syan nods..

<Syan> Green house and ivy n' all sorts of stuff surrounding ..

* Mitch heads for the hospital

<Syan> if we can get the people out of the castle, you'd make a great distraction and helpful way out ...

* Syan sighs shakily

<Syan> <q> They have Nox..

* Syan shakes out of it ..

* Kern nods...then blinks, brows furrowing and tensing...*

<Syan> I'll need somebody who's good with computers .. somebody who can hack into the system--assuming we can find it--to shut down the electricity for the doors in the corridor..

* Klork holds his hands up

<Klork> I'm NO help there ...

<AriaStormsinger> *blurts* MItch!

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch can do anything!

* Syan nods .. listening...

<Syan> I'll see if he can't come along .. Aria, could you stay here to help protect HLM, Rae, Iris and Brenna?

* Kern nods a little..*

* Puddles barks*

<Syan> Um..puddles Too..?

* AriaStormsinger 's eyes widen. "No..."

* Puddles pants, wagging his tail before curling up beside Brenna again..*

<Syan> Aria .. they'll need you here ..

* Rev meditates on sapping energy again 'n stuff, Nox just sittting in her cell, eyes closed*

* Ryu ..draws*

* AriaStormsinger gives HLM a desperate look. "This -- I should be there, not you guys!"

<Klork> Aria..

<Klork> Please..? Just this once...? Do me a favor and watch my family for me..??

* Klork watches her, this meanin' a lot to him just by the look on his face

<AriaStormsinger> *eyes well*

<AriaStormsinger> I...I'll try...

* Mitch ... pause for dramatic tension... gets there!

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, just keeping her head bowed, not saying a word...

* Klork smiles..

* Mitch knocks on the door of the, um, area

<Klork> <q> Thank you ....*looks up* Come in..

* Syan tugs the extra blanket out of the duffel, laying it over Iris, Brenna & Puddles ... hospital blankets are never enough..

* Mitch slips in, looking even more grungy, a little disgusted, a lot tired

* AriaStormsinger sighs shakily, staring at him and HLM...

* Iris and Brenna snuggle up under the blanket with Puddles*

* Syan then puts the duffel by the bed, tucking the stungun under his flannel

* Klork waves to Mitch..

<Klork> <q>Hey...*squeezes HLM's hand as he speaks to Mitch* You doin better ..?

<Mitch> "Hi, guys... why didn't you answer the phone?"

* Klork blinks

<Klork> I..uh, it's disconnected *looks sheepish* We have our cell phones tho ..

* HappyLittleMoron squeezes back a little, just staying quiet..

<Mitch> "Shit." He sighs, a little wryly. "Well, it's a little late, but..." *nods towards Syan* "Guess what?"

* Klork stands, going over and sitting by HLM, pulling her close..

<AriaStormsinger> *gives Mitch a blank look. Then giggles.*

<Syan> What..?

<Mitch> To Syan. "You escaped."

<Syan> Uh, damn you're swift.

* Mitch flicks off his cap, tucking it into his pocket as he finds somewhere to sit

* Syan arches a brow

<Mitch> "Yeah, it's one of my better qualities."

* HappyLittleMoron sighs shakily, hugging him back in return, looking up at him* <vqw> Come back in one peice...?

<Syan> Observaranger eh?

* Klork nods, purring as he smoothes her hair back

* Mitch gives Syan a blank look, then glances over at Mo and Klork. "What's going on?"

<Klork> <q> I promise ..

<Syan> We're, as in you, me, Ker and Klork, are gonna go kick some ass.

* Mitch blinks. "Me?" Then he double-takes. "KLORK? Christ, man, you just had brain surgery!"

* AriaStormsinger flinches.

* Myrae looks up* I healed him mostly ... he should be ok...

* AriaStormsinger looks hopefully at Mitch...

* Klork looks over at Mitch, expression unchanging..just holding HLM close

* Kern nods a little, rubbing Rae's shoulders*

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, sighing shakily

<Klork> <q> I ain't gonna sit back while people are possibly getting hurt ..

* Mitch looks at Myrae a little dubiously... inside... .oO(The hell I am. I am NOT a kicker of asses.) .oO(Gonna sit this one out too, Morgan?) .oO(Christ! There was a dozen of 'em!) .oO(That didn't stop anyone else...)

* AriaStormsinger slides over and takes Mitch's hand.

* Rica is passed out on the window-sil ... head wrapped but otherwise ok .. in a passed-out fashion*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles a little shakily* <q> Kick a lil' extra butt for me, too, huh? Wish I could go, too...

<Mitch> .oO(I'm tired as all hell, I just ate for the first time in two days, I haven't even had a SHOWER since then...)

<AriaStormsinger> Syan said they need someone who can work computers.

* Klork nods, purring ..

<Klork> <q> Better believe I will..

* AriaStormsinger startles at how Mitch feels.

* nurses...check Rica on and off of course...she COULD have a bed if she wanted ;P*

<AriaStormsinger> Maybe you should talk to Myrae, first, too.

* Mitch blinks down at Aria... he flicks his glasses off, rubbing his eyes. Quietly. "Aria... I can't work computers... I don't know dynamic electronics...

<Syan> Uh, we can take some time to recooperate ... I don't think anybody will be killed .. y'know .. shower .. EAT...*eyes Mitch mostly*

* HappyLittleMoron nods and leans up to kiss Klork

* AriaStormsinger blinks at Mitch, then giggles. "Yes you CAN." *playful*

<Mitch> "No, I can't. I really can't."

* Klork nods to Syan, kissing her back before just holding her..

<Klork> <q> Two hours to recooperate, possibly locate Mondo .. that works ..

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, staying close to Klork

* Ryu paces ... because it's fun!*

<Mitch> "Mondo... shit." He looks up at the others. "That stray he took in... I was taking him to the pound so, y'know, they could hold it for him until all this stuff blew over... it got away from me. It's, uh... strayed."

* Kern keeps giving Rae the back-rub...Rev still trying to mess with the energies...and Nox just...leaning against the wall*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Uhm...that ain't good...

* aaaand...Diana...LIES THERE SOME MORE*

* Since Syan and Iris escaped, Cho, the sinister woman, the Japanese man and the big white guy from the government have been wrangling, negotiating, bargaining, arguing and finally signing over the lives and liberty of our fair heroes into captivity -- for one purpose or another.

* Syan looks at Mitch..

* The buzz in the cells shifts as goons and a man in a white coat enter Nox's cell. Cho watches coldly from the hall, beyond the re-buzzing electric barrier, as the goons go for her arms.

* Other folks may remember that buzz-shift means a door's opened.

<Shingami> *sings* Im just a poor boy no body likes me.. Hes jsut a poor bpy form a poor famaly spare him his life form this monstrocity!*ect*

* Nox looks up, eyes narrowing as she straitens*

* Ryu blinkblinks.. going over to look out* Eh..??

<Syan> <q> Go shower Mitch .. think on it, k?

* The other metal doors stay shut for now...

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* <q> Take care of yourself..

* Rev furroows his brows at the buzz-shift*

<Klork> *Ryu taps at the door experimentally*

<Mitch> "Syan, I-" He blinks, touches the back of his head - crusted blood yet. "...well, yeah, I need one. But... I can't help. I'd be, y'know. Useless." .oO(As usual.)

* The goons take Nox firmly and push her, until she's pinned, face-first, against the back wall.

* BZZ, BZZ* at Ryu!

<Syan> Just, go do it...we'd need help.

* Nox oofs, getting pinned, sending the creepy vibes out again*

<AriaStormsinger> You'll be FINE, Mitch.

* Cho chuckles...

* Ryu then begins to tap out "sos" in the tune of the S.O.S. scrub pad commercial "bzzbzzbzz buzz buzz buzz bzzbzzbzz"*

<Mitch> "Shit, I don't even know what the hell we're walking into... I just got here, remember? Where are they?"

<Syan> I'll explain after you've showered, k?

* Rev tries sucking the energy againnnn**

* The dude in the white jacket advances and places a four-pronged metal and glass instrument at the back of Nox's neck. After a moment, it cuts into the back of her neck, about an inch-long slice.

* Nox grits her teeth and forces darkness into the goon's and white coated guy's minds, trying to disorient 'em*

* `Ryu paces ...

* Rev sighs softly, looking around the enclosier*

<`Ryu> *Drags her quartz tail around...growling under her breath*

* Goon1 shoves a hard gun barrel against her side. "Knock it off, bitch!" *shakily*

* `Ryu sighs shakily...staring at the door..stretching her wings out..waiting ..

* Nox clenches her jaw, closing her eyes and intensifying it as much as she can, hoping to send them reeling*

* Mitch stumbles into the bathroom, shaking his head, and strips down... he touches the sticky blood down one shoulder, courtesy of Rabid Torres. .oO(Christ, I should've taken care of this...)

* Goon1 fires, staggering back

* A stun dart enters Nox's system!

* Nox seems to whisper a groan as she goes limp*

* Mitch takes a long shower - at least half of it being freezing cold, trying to wake himself up

* Syan watches Iris worriedly ...quiet .. he's worried beyond belief as is..

* Iris sleepies...starting to get a rather nice fever*

* `Ryu taps the tip of her quartz tail against the floor..still watching the door..

* WHite-coat dude mutters something.* *moves the equipment back over her neck, after straightening her out on the floor. A cold metal transmitter/disrupter gets implanted between her second and third vertebrae. Yes, just like the one Aria carried around for a few weeks.

* Nox gets implanted*

<Shingami> One one for each genetation two two of us goign to hell three even though we kill everybody four sign posts on the road to hell four signposts ont he road to hell....

* The little metal piece disrupts telepathy and fractures most "magical" activities -- SOMETHING happens when it's used, but it's not necessarily the intended result. Also, there's a tracking signal emitted.

* Nox's arms are drawn back and placed in a double, steel and plastic, full-forearm "handcuff"

* Syan winces...rubbing at the back of his neck ... brows furrowing..

<Syan> <q> Wha..

* Nox...stays limp 'n stuff*

* Cell buzz, as she's drawn out and hoisted onto a goon's shoulder.

* Cell buzz. Wing's turn!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little, looking up

* Rev grumbles under his breath, irately kicking at his door*

* Two goons and the jacket dude enter... *what shape is Wing in?*

* `Ryu blinks...listening..backing to a wall and holding her hands up..ready for anything*

* Mitch finally gets out, slipping on his workpants and the light armored vest again, leaving the jacket over his shoulders as he towels off his hair - wincing at the sore spot on the back of his skull

<HappyLittleMoron> ...Syan?

* Syan doesn't seem to hear her..brows furrowed in worry .. eyes watching the floor...a little wide

<Wing> *sittign in the corner seemingly meditating.. stands up though glaring at the people who just entered

<Syan> {{Nox..?? Nox..??!}}

* The goons hesitate a second, then advance on him. "Relax, freak. This wno't hurt unless you make it."

* HappyLittleMoron shifts a little in Klork's arms...and I'm betting he gets nothing but fuzz from Nox..<G>

* Syan senses...perhaps a kind of odd buzz...but no real "Nox" presence

* Klork watches, brows furrowed*

* Mitch hooks the Glocks into the loops, hangs the jacket over them as he shrugs into it fully, and slips on his glasses, looking at himself in the mirror as his eyes refocus.

* Syan whimpers a little...lookin more or less antsy..

<Mitch> .oO(God, you're ugly.)

<WIng> *growels hair standign on end wings tencing*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...what is it?

<Mitch> .oO(Urusai, motherfucker.)

<Syan> <q> I can't get a hold of Nox ... it was like .. I could..then ... fuzz.

* Goons go back a few steps. "Whoa!" "Yah! Shoot it!"

* Mitch leaves the bathroom, looking (and smelling) a little more human

<HappyLittleMoron> ...oh no...

* Cho steps forward, into the cell, and casts a wave of terrible cold around Wing.

* Syan looks up at Mo, brows furrowed..

* Iris whimpers a little in her sleep, Kern's brow furrowed as well, he tried getting ahold of her too, getting the same thing*

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, sighing shakily

* Syan looks at Ker'...he's basically deducing that something's happening..

<Wing> *yeah that affects him a lot... instantly starts shivering and unable to move much though his violet glare still bruning bright* ki.. kisama

* Kern nods a little, brows furrowed*

* In the hall, the Japanese dude raises a brow.

* Mitch glances around the room - people are giving eachother meaningful looks and he can't translate...

* Syan shifts..on the edge of the seat..

* He starts talking rapidly to the big white guy, but after a minute gives up and goes back to watching.

* The goons roughly shove Wing to a wall, then push him to his knees -- scared into being more abusive than they were with Nox

* Klork furrows his brows...ready to flick open a portal any minute .. tho has no clue where to lead it*

* Goon2: "Don't try nothin'!" *barrel to Shin's face*

* Nox...stays slumped and cuffed <G> long hair brushing the calves of the guy holding her*

<Wing> *thrashes soem btu the cold affects him a lot...*

* Doc attempts the same procedure....

* Syan looks up at Mitch

<Syan> <q> Something's happening..

<Wing>*when the incision is made his kin looks different inside, and signs of previous labratory tampering can be seen.. all in all it goes normaly minus the growling*

<Doc> "Sir...this isn't the first time he's seen surgery."

* Cho comes over and peers in, observing, nodding. "It's in their hands to study now. Make a note."

<Mitch> Muttered, in Japanese. "Here we go again..."

* Diana's pulse rait has sped up again, along with her breathing, sensing something's going on with Wing now*

* Wing gets similarly cuffed, and also blindfolded.

* Syan is .. still trying to contact Nox .. half panicked

* stilllll don' get nuttin'*

<Wing> *muttering curses under his breath*

* Wing gets shoved to his feet and walked out of the cell at gunpoint.

* `Ryu waits .. breathin' rapidly .. staring at the door..havin' well, a pretty damn bad feeling ..

<Wing>*goes with them, not much of a choice* ((oneechan...))

* Rev crouches in his cell...watching the door...*

* Wing and Nox get taken down several corridors on the same basement level, and into what smells like concrete, old gas, and lots of space...

* Wing and Nox get carried up two or three steps and loaded into separate armored cells in a much smaller, metal box.

* Cell buzz! Shin is next!

* Shingami starts humming the themesong to startreck

<Wing>*tryign to keep calm, is seriously clostrophobic and this REALLY isnt helping*

* Syan rubs at his upper arms...staring at the floor ..

* Big white guy from the govt slaps the Japanese dude on the back. "Sorry about this, man. Hope she's not too much of a disappointment. Course, that depends on whether you want a freak, or just to freak. HAW!"

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows, wanting to get up and hug Syan or something...wishing she could help

* Japanese man ignores him... Cold woman looks at him with disgust.

* Syan stands, going into the hall to pace..

* Wing hears an engine start up, then gets jolted a little. The drive begins...

* Big white guy: "Well, it's been real. Talk to you later, Mr. Cho. *leans over to the woman* Let me know if those two turn out to be more than you can handle..."

<Mitch> Quietly, to Mo. "...what's going on?"

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> I dunno...he's got a link to Nox, do Kern and Iris...

* Syan continues to pace..


* Shingami blinks and scoots towards the oposite wall

<Shingami> Oh an audience

* Kern's...really worried looking <G>>

<Goon> Shut up. Turn around.

* Syan just paces, worried beyond belief..

<Goon2> "Frickin' crazy-ass freak."

<Cho> "That's enough."

* The goons bend down to where she's sitting, grab her and push her to the wall,

<Shingami> Hell no Bakayaro!

* Mitch runs a hand through his still-damp hair... starting to feel uneasy for no reason he can name

* `Ryu stares at the door, eyes wide .. still waiting..hands up at the ready .. lookin' like a caged animal

* Big white guy heads off down the hall, gets in another car with a standard FBI agent driver, and takes off, catching up to the van at the bottom of the winding, steep driveway...

* Shingami bites whoever is clsoest, bites hard and doesnt let go

* Goon yells and SMACKS Shin's head with his gun

<Goon2> "DEFinitely crazy!" *fires*

* Shingami yelps but lashes again, a wing appearing out of no where and deflecting the thing, the edge of her feathers like a sharde of glass sharp

* Goon2's hand gets RIPPED open

* Goon1 grabs Shin by the hair

* Goon1 YANKS to toss her to the wall, dragging cause she's onthe floor with that busted leg

<Shingami> Kisama watashi wa mutekinai!

* Shingami yelps and is now really pissed

<Shingami> Omae O Kurosu!

* Diana's got a nurse at her side, trying to calm her breathing and heart-rate*

* Japanese mans bows his head and smiles.

* Goon PUSHES her face against the wall.

* Nox groans softly as she comes to...bringing her knees underneath her...*

* Nox looks around a little, wincing and leaning against one of the walls of her cell*

* Nox becomes aware of being in the back of a van...can't see anything, pitch black, just four straight steel walls

* Nox's arms will hurt a tad....

* Shingami grumbles.. ok shouts curses into the wall thrashign about best she can, wich it seems is really weak

* Nox closes her eyes and tries reaching out to contact...well...anyone...brows furrowing at how her arms are confined*

* BleedingGoon comes up and SLAMS her with a backfist in the back of the head, snarling

<Shingami> *gasp*.... aww did th ebig bad Shinigami give you a booboo?

* Goon growls.

<Shingami> poor sweet baby...

<BleedingGoon> "I'm gonna rip your tongue out, you bitch!!"

<Shingami> and youll be short a few fingers

* Syan goes about pacing the halls of the hospital too, Rica's awake on her windowsil, just watching the ppl in the hospital room, Klork's comforting Mo..worried..Puddles is zonked

* Goon yanks her hair out of the way, jerking it painfully away from her neck. <EG>

* `Ryu watches the door of her cell .. eyes still wide

* HappyLittleMoron 's still close to Klork, Iris and Brenna konked with Puddles...Kern still with Rae <G>

<Shingami> YEAO! Bastard

* Rae is also ... half asleep*

* Mitch is still in the room, kind of staying out of the way, wondering what's going on and feeling rather antsy and foreboding

* Kameko yawns .. waking up all groggy...

* Klork glances at Kame* <q> Hey, sis..

<Shingami> Your so goign to pay for that man wh***

* Japanese man steps forward and calls into the cell, in Japanese: "Let them work, woman of the spirit."

* Kameko sneezes after yawning, then mutters, rubbing at her eyes

<Kameko> long was I asleep..feels like a week..

* HappyLittleMoron hehs a little...

<Shingami> *replies* Oh why should I old man?(in jap no less)

<Klork> Quite a bit .. ..

<Japandude> "All will be explained."

* Cho arches a brow suspiciously at the Japanese one.

<Shingami> Soo na?...fien then

* Shingami stips resisting

* `Ryu waits .. pretty sure somethin's goin on and ppl are bein' removed . but .. can't be sure, standing at ready..

* The goons jerk her around a little bit more, than the doc steps in and does the neck implant

* Kameko furrows her brow ..

<Shingami> AH! Itaiiiiiiii!!! hiidoii!<ouch that hurts. is cruel>

* No answer for Shin this time....

* The goons bind her arms back, and blindfold her, and hoist her...

* Kameko pauses ..looking around

<Kameko> Dude...why's everybody look so...down?

* Kameko sits up, stretching

<Shingami> Oi im sorry guys btu this may get you off but this bondage thing.. does absolutly NOTHING for me...

* Rae looks over* People have been captured ...

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, resting against Klork* <q> Yeah...from the Asylum...

* Kameko blinkblinks, instantly standing up

<Goon2> "Shut up, freak."

<Kameko> W--from the Asylum?! Who..?

* Cho jerks his chin at Goon2. "Go. Infirmary."

* Rae shrugs..* several ..

<Mitch> To Kameko. "Everyone but the people here." He glances towards the door. "...and Diana."

<Shingami> tthhhhhhhhhhhhhtph

* HappyLittleMoron sighs shakily and nods a little

<AriaStormsinger> <q> It was the same people who were after me before...

* Kameko sits down hard again...

* Shin gets carried out, the Japanese guy following, bowing once to Cho and the woman.

<Kameko> <q> Holy shit...I...w-who did it? How..did they do it?

<Mitch> "There were a dozen of them... had SWAT gear... told people there was a bomb in the building, they had to evacuate. They had, y'know... witchy-finger help."

* Klork shakes his head..he doesn't know..* I don't know..Iris and Syan only got away..

* Rica stays silent .. staring at the ceiling*

* Shingami gets carried though stays quiet, listinign, smelling , breathgin in the air to try and get to know what kind of place she is in

* Stone...lots of electric equipment

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, Iris sleeping in the bed by Brenna and puddles, starting to look a little flushed

* Drugs, fear, gun oil, men, coldness

<Shingami> (( this so doesnt bode well))

* Then the garage smells/sounds...a smaller van with a single cell, this one with a blanket folded at its bottom

<Mitch> "They, they got everyone in the living room, I think... dropped a gas bomb..." He flicks off his glasses, looking down. "I'd ran..."

* `Ryu waits..staring at the door...hands still splayed..amazing how long she stays in one position

* Japanese dude climbs into the driver's seat and heads off with Shingami...

<Kameko> Do we know where they are...?

<Shingami> nene ikimasu ka?(where we goin?)

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Syan...

* Syan looks up...brows furrowed..

<JapaneseMan> Shush, for now.

<JM> *concentrates on driving*

* HappyLittleMoron does that as an answere to Kame's question <G>* He knows where they were...

* Mitch looks to Syan toooo

<Shingami> man your no fun

* Kameko blinkblinks, looking around

* Shingami tries to feel the kind of cuffs shes in

<Syan> <q> I don't know anymore .. they might be there .. they might not..logical thing for them to do would be to get them outta there so I can't lead you guys back..

<Kameko> Ohh..sorry..I'm..still sleepy..didn't see you..

* Syan is standing in the doorway

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little and sighs softly

* Mitch sighs, closing his eyes

* The cuffs are full-forearm, solid plastic/metal

* Nox feels around the inside of the cuff, if she can, trying to figure it out by touch*

<Shingami> (( well im not gettign out of this any time soon... craaaaaap))

* `Ryu waits .. hands still splayed .. eyes are wide..

* Kameko sighs...hands wringing together

<Kameko> I wanna fight..

* Nox, the cuffs feel like solid plastic, inside of a plastic egg, with a single seam going all along its middle

* Rica swallows, closing her eyes..just silent*

* Syan shakes his head

<HappyLittleMoron> know how I feel...

<Syan> No .. you don't. Not these guys..*swallows, running a hand through his hair*

* Shingami and wing however feel soem energies returning to them now nolonger inside the cells

* Syan leaves it at that...silencing..

* Ryu's cell door slides open.

* Nox traces along the seam, trying to find a way to work it apart or whatever...*

* Kameko mutters something about needing Rislyn to go all birdy..

* `Ryu tenses...eyes narrowing ..

<`Ryu> {{REV?!}}

* No luck, Nox...unless you were Logan or HLM.

* `Ryu snaps her wings out .. waiting for the first person to step in...

* Mitch pushes on his glasses, standing. "I'm gonna go check on Diana."

* Nox can dream, can't she? And does Rev get the message? <G>*

* Goons glance at each other, then look at Cho.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* K...

* Cho bows his head a little, grinning.

<Shingami> *mutters* my arms are goign to fall asleep...

* Mitch heads out, going to Site C

* Rev continues to stay crouched, watching the dooor, eyes intense, face cold*

* Cho's clothes ripple in a little wind and he enters Ryu's cell with his arms raised at her.

* Diana's calming slowly*

* Woman watches coldly*

* `Ryu lashes her tail, quartz tip scraping the floor chillingly ... throwing up a shield of ice to block it*

* Mitch frowns a little, catching the edge of her unease... he scrapes the chair over, settling beside her.


* Cho SHATTERS the ice barrier and leaps at her, Shadow first

* All the humans WINCE

* Diana's breathing steadies, brow knit slightly*

* `Ryu growls, fire ball lashing out at Cho, wings flapping to get the wind to go back at him

<`Ryu> D'nae even think'et, bast'd!!

* Cho ducks

* Cho gets a lil' singed

* Kameko sighs .. pacing..

* `Ryu growls, side-stepping, firing ice shards at him this time, eyes watchful of him and the door

* The shadow takes the shape of the traditional big-arse winged demon and GLOMPHS at Ryu

* Mitch reaches over and touches her hand, not really taking it, just making contact. .oO(What would you do? Hell, you'd fly over there, kick ass, and be back in time for a nightcap... shit.)

* `Ryu howls, lashing her quartz tail at it, letting fire out at it

* doesn't seem to have an affect*

* `Ryu growls, rollin' n' tanglin, trying ice this time

* The shadow attempts to cloud her mind and confuse her with sensation/images of great torture and horrors

* Diana's face slowly relaxes, not having any kind of link to Ryu <G> breathing and heartrate back to normal*

* Cho backs away, panting...

<Mitch> .oO(I couldn't help you... I couldn't help them... okay, I iced the Iceman. But I'm still useless. There's no safe involved - I'm still just Mitch.)

* `Ryu growls .. eyes focusig on Cho .. tail lashing..she seems confused only momentarily .. then fires at Cho with the ice shards on one hand, fire at the shadow with the other

* Cho stands his ground, gritting his teeth, hands held up and flickering with a shield...

* `Ryu switches powers, ice flying at the shadow, fire at Cho, testing them both..

* Shield...weakening!! Cho stumbles back, and the goons open the door barrier long enough for him to get out

* Mitch lets out his breath slowly. .oO(Jesus Christ in a stupid dinosaur costume. What happened to just paying rent?)

* Shadow follows him....

* `Ryu growls, watching, hands at ready...breathing hard..

* Woman smirks and chuckles. Goons look VERY alarmed.

* Elyce steps forward and pats Cho's shoulder. "My turn."

* Cho growls something...

* `Ryu watches, tail dragging still ... that lovely screech

<Mitch> Quietly, aloud. "Wish me luck, tomodachi. If the shitstorm wins... gomen. And domo. For everything."

* Mitch lets his hand fall to his side, standing and tugging the chair back to where it was as he leaves.

* Elyce steps into the cell and stands in trim white pants, sharp short boots, and a thin black beaded-wool sweater that probably cost $137

* Diana's fingers twitch lightly, just after he leaves...a nurse passes him, nodding to him, before refreshing her pain meds*

* blonde, straight hair down her back...

* `Ryu watches her, not even letting up her defensive position

<`Ryu> <q> What'dye' wan...

* Mitch just looks down, heading back to Site B... Site A having basically been abandoned to Mondo at this point :P

<AriaStormsinger> NOt what the white bastard out there wanted of you.

* `Ryu tilts her head, doesn't let up

<`Ryu> <q> Be specific. Ah'm nae patient.

<Elyce> Ever heard of "the perfect soldier?"

* `Ryu snorts

<`Ryu> <q> Ah'm nae interested'

<Elyce> That's what I thought...

<`Ryu> <q> Ah fight fer' m'self alone.

<Elyce> And would you fight becoming the...breeding vessel...for such a soldier?

* `Ryu blinks, look becoming disgusted

<`Ryu> <q> Do ah look like a fuk'n mother??

<Elyce> They were hoping you would be a motherfucker of a fighter.

<`Ryu> Ah am. But fer' me alone.

* Mitch walks in, damn near silently, and leans against the wall

<Elyce> Then we are kindred spirits.

* `Ryu sneers, but doesn't respond...

<Elyce> All that to prove you have some other worth.

* `Ryu snorts..

<`Ryu> Ah've nae an' interst' n' provin' m' worth t'ye.

* Elyce shrugs. "We shall see."

<Elyce> Your interest may improve...

* `Ryu glares, is still in defensive position

* Elyce turns and signals to Cho. He blinks, then flicks some buttons...

<`Ryu> Righ'..prove et.

* `Ryu watches, glare never leaving her eyes..

* Rev's still crouched in his cell, face cold, etcetc*

* All the cell doors open on the opposite corridor from Ryu and Rev's>

* `Ryu tilts her head...eyes flaring...watching cautiously

* ALL the cells are empty.

* `Ryu watches...curious but not moving..

<Elyce> You can stay here...with Cho...or come with me...and join your friends. I leave the choice to you.

* `Ryu narrows her eyes

<`Ryu> 'Ow kin' ah believe ye'...?

<`Ryu> Prov' ye a've em'.

* Elyce gives her a penetrating look with those cold-fierce-empty eyes. "I have no reason to lie."

<`Ryu> Ye' 'ave nae reason t' tell me th' truth either, lass.

<Elyce> And no way to prove yet.

* `Ryu shifts..watching her coldly

<`Ryu> <q> Where's Revl'n..

<Elyce> Which one is he?

<`Ryu> Th' male, red 'air..

<`Ryu> Where' es e'.

* Elyce meets her gaze. "Waiting for you."

* `Ryu squints

<`Ryu> Where.

<`Ryu> Ah did nae ask what e' was doin'.

<Elyce> "In the cell beside you. The last one remaining."

* `Ryu shifts .. eying her quietly ..

* Cho steps forward, entering the cell nad glaring at the women.

<Cho> "Enough of this... You will get us both killed."

* `Ryu steps back, hands snapping up again as she eyes Cho, at the ready

* Elyce SNAPS one arm out and blasts Cho against one wall of the cell, and he BOUNCES off it, falling back and staring in fury at her

* `Ryu BLINKS, wings snapping back as she hovers, eyes wide

<Elyce> "I paid for the whelp, I will handle her my way."

* `Ryu pauses, glaring at Elyce

<`Ryu> "Paid ." ?? *sneers, landing away from Cho, still defensive*

<Elyce> "Welcome to the real world."

* Elyce eyes Cho, who gets to his feet, the shadow churning around him, growing....

<`Ryu> Byt'me. Ah've l'ved worse as a stripper, ye d'nae need to tell me of th' real world.

* `Shingami sighs

<Elyce> My apologies.

* `Ryu shifts, eyeing Cho..

<`Shingami> ne ojiisan! mizu o yaru kudasai.. watashi wa nado ga kawaiteiru! nado o itainda...

<`Ryu> Guarun'te me t' be with Rev an' Ah'll go. Nae otherwise.

<Elyce> I swear it. *cold and calm*

<`Shingami> (Oi grandpa can i have soem water im really thirsty my throats killin me)

<Japanese> In a little while, Spirit woman. You must be strong awhile longer.

* `Ryu shifts ..

* Nox sits back and begins kicking at the walls of her enclosier*

<`Ryu> On yer' life.

* Elyce meets her eyes. "I swear on my life, you will be wtih Revelyn."

* `Ryu nods .. slowly dropping her hands...still eyeing Cho..

<`Ryu> Fyn' then.

<`Shingami> why do you call me that/

<Japanese> Because it is what you are.

<Japanese> I have been...seeking you.

<`Shingami> ...doshitan?.. why

* Elyce stalks to the door, and waits for the electro-magic barrier to drop.

<Japanese> All will be explained.

* `Ryu watches .. of course is still defensively in standing .. not likin' Cho one bit ..

* Cho growls. "YOu will reap what you sow, witch."

* `Ryu sneers at Cho

* Elyce, calmly, not turning: "See you in hell, Cho."

* door drops*

<`Shingami> *grumbles* your worse then tsuchi(earth)

* Elyce walks out and gestures for Ryu to follow

<AriaStormsinger> Japanese: chuckles

* `Ryu shifts ... watching .. follows..

* `Ryu follows..eyeing the goons...looking around...

* Nox continues kicking the wall of her enclosier, trying to get it open, or at least annoy :P*

* Rev's cell door....FINALLLY....opens.

<`Shingami> *sighs*............*w to self*oniichan.. doko da...<big brother where are you?>

* Rev tenses, eyeing the feild, then beyond*

* `Ryu watches .. looking over and in..brows furrowed..{{Rev..??}}

* Wing and Nox...are driven...*

<Wing> *concentratign on breathing and stayign calm though its seriously havign trouble working*

* Elyce watches Ryu and Rev. *Goons...back away...guns raised*

* Rev's eyes fall on Ryu, brows furrowing...he get the message or no?*

* Cho steps into the hall, sweeps past Ryu and leaves teh cell block

* The goons hurry out, and then the electro-magic barrier drops for Rev.

* NOW they can talk...any way they want...sign language works.*

* `Ryu watches..brows furrowed...

* Rev lunges out, directly at the blond chick, hands blazing with fire*

<`Ryu> {{Rev....jesu...are ye' alrigh'??}}

* `Ryu BLINKS, then tackles him

* Elyce takes a shuddery breath, then stands straight again, waiting.

<`Ryu> REV--NAE! *pins him, eyes wide* Jesu--{{Ah've seen wha' th' bitch kin' do, dinae do et..!}}

* Rev furrows his brow, looking up at her* {{...what? What does she want??}}

* `Ryu shifts..looking up at Elyce before slowly standing, offering to help him

* Elyce watches, stone-faced.

* Rev stands, taking the help out of curteousy, brushing off and outright glaring at Elyce*

<`Ryu> {{Ah'm nae sure..but she kicked Cho's arse.. she seems level...And et gets us ou' of 'ere...we may be able t' escape.}}

<Elyce> We had best leave now...

<Elyce> Before Cho changes his mind... *frowns*

<Rev> {{If she associates with him, m'love...she is not to be trusted...}}

* Rev frowns...and just shrugs* My apolgies, m'lady...lead on.

<`Ryu> {{Ah'know .. et's best t' wait n' see..t'gether we might stand a chance..}}

<Rev> {{Aye...}}

* Elyce gives him an unreadable look and makes a circle in the air with one arm, casually, then quarters it with her other hand, mumbling

* A portal with orange flickering edges appears, quietly hovering...

* `Ryu sighs shakily .. shifting slowly .. her form going completely human sans her hair, wrapping an arm around Rev's middle..watching..

* The LIGHTS go off in the cellblock

* Rev watches, narrowing his eyes, sliding an arm around her shoulders protectively*

* `Ryu blinkblinks, eyes wide..

<`Ryu> <q> Now wh't..

* A CHURNING sound starts up

* Elyce curses. "Cho... Already has the money...we are worthless to him -- Can you find the portal?"

* `Ryu nods...

<`Ryu>'s o'er there..*eyes are glowing*

<Rev> A portal...*looks to the woman, narrowing his eyes and nodding* Aye...*heads that way with Ryu, hurridly I'm guessing <G>*

* `Ryu motions to it..

* `Ryu goes with...

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly, looking to the sleeping kids, reaching down to brush the backs of her fingers over Iris's brow, chewing her lip lightly

* Mitch comes back in, sipping from a cup of coffee... he gestures to it in a plain offer.

* Kameko eyes the cup of coffee....kinda..sniffling..

* Klork shakes his head..

<Klork> <q> No thanks, Mitch..

* Syan has fallen asleep in his chair..*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a lil', small grin curving her lips in thanks

* Rica stares out the window quietly*

* Kameko ooohs...eying it..standing and slowly heading that way, like in a trance

* Mitch glances at Kameko, disappears, and reappears with another one, black as midnight, handing it to her

* Kern hehs a little and goes to drape a blanket over Syan...hey, Syan's with his sister...makes him a brother*

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Mitch ..

* Syan snoozes*

* Kameko ooohs, taking it before Mitch can take it away, dancing like a happy lunatic

<Kameko> COFFEEE!!!

<Klork> <q> Kame! Shh...! *eyes Mitch*

* Kameko erks...then takes a gulp, then makes a TOTALLY grossed out face

<Mitch> Quietly, leaning against the wall by Klork's bed. " least someone's happy."

<Kameko> <q> BLACK?! eeww........

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...

* Kameko goes to look for creamers

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

* HappyLittleMoron STARES...Kame saying coffee...ANY cooffee's GROSS?!

* Klork eyes Mitch

* HappyLittleMoron 's afraid the shock'll send her into labor now...

<Klork> <q> She's PREGNANT. What the hell ..

* Mitch takes a sip of his own - agh, don't even JOKE about that, Mo!

* Kameko 's coffee must be FLAVORED...<G>

* Mitch blinks, looking down at Klork. " It's coffee, not cocaine."

* Klork sighs..

<Klork> <q> Caffiene can HARM the baby.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, rubbing Klork's shoulders...

<Mitch> "...what?""

* Klork sighs..

<Klork> <q> Caffiene is harmful to a baby .. god, Mitch..! *looks a little frustrated before shaking his head* <q> She goes into early labor, I'm telling her 6'4 wall of a husband that YOU caused it.

* Kameko giggles

<Mitch> "Shit." He sets his own coffee on the windowsill and jogs out, loping into the hall and snatching the coffee away as Kameko adds the creamer.

<Kameko> Yeah..tenshi would hhuuuurrtt youuuuu! *giggles again*

* Kameko acks, then honestly starts crying

<Klork> Oh great gods...*just holds his head*

* Mitch is too drained to care, dumping the coffee in the trash. "Sorry. Doctor's orders."

* HappyLittleMoron massages Klork's shoulders...

* Kameko glares, then throws the rest of the creamer on him and then the empty container down at his feet, stalking out of the room

* Klork slowly shakes his head..

<HappyLittleMoron> ...oi...

<Klork> <q> Not quite the way to handle a pregnant tempermental one...agh..

* Mitch grimaces, dusting off the front of his jacket.

* Kern finds himself glad he doesn't have to worry about Rae being THAT bad...;)*

<Mitch> "...Christ, it's not like the pot's not right there in the hall."

<Klork> <q> Mitch, it's the thought that counts..

* Kameko blinks...then yays, blowing him a kiss and going right for it as fast as she can waddle

<Klork> OH jesus..*rubs his head*

* Mitch groans, closing his eyes and leaning his head with a bump against the wall. "Klork, you wanna... y'know, portal it out?"

* Klork snorts

<Klork> Not really.

* Klork tilts his head at him, leaning back with HLM

* Mitch lets out his breath slowly. "I hate you."

* HappyLittleMoron kisses his jaw lightly, shaking her head a little

* Mitch wearily heads oooout into the hall again

* Kameko walks past him, handing him some napkins as she sips her coffee

<Kameko> clean up with. Sorry 'bout that.

<Kameko> Emotional outburst.

* Mitch casually flicks the coffee out of her hands instead of the napkins

* Kameko blinks ... then *BLIPS* over to teh pot, then *BLIPS* back with the entire pot, sipping out of that, straight, claiming it all as her own

<HappyLittleMoron> ...

* Angelo walks down the hall .. looking for their room...6'4 with a build like a brick wall, long silver hair tyed back..*

* Klork mutters..

* Kameko sits next to 'Mo, grinning

<Kameko> <q> SO..! How're yoooouuu?

<Mitch> "Shimatta, Kameko! Step away from the pot before someone gets hurt."

* Mitch dumps the cup in the trash, shaking his head

* Kameko grins, drinking straight out of the pot, shooting a glare at Mitch before pointedly taking another sip

<HappyLittleMoron> ...hi? *smirks a little and shrugs, very tired looking* Could be better...

* Klork outright stares at Kame ... is curled to HLM's side..

* Kameko pauses, holding out the cup to her

<Kameko> You want some coffee? Or you, Klork?

<Mitch> To Mo, pleadingly. "Help?"

* Angelo pushes the door open* Hello..?

<Klork> Kame....*eyes her*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head...* *looks up* HI Angelo....

* Kameko grins, purposely ignoring she shouldn't be drinking any, grinning and then acks!, freezing as she just stares up at Angelo ...eyes wide with a "CAUGHT!" look on her face

* Kameko hurriedly looks for a place to "stash the pot" ..

* Angelo smiles to others...pausing to look at Kame...then sighs...* Kameko ..

* Kameko pouts at him

<Kameko> B-b-but...It was offered!!

* Kameko whines, not saying by who

<Kameko> <q> Tenshi....c'mon..

<Mitch> "I'm gonna... y'know... go away now."

* Angelo holds his hand out* The coffee--nah-AH. Pick, coffee or the chocolate. *jingles the bag of hersheys*

* Klork sniggers..

* Kameko grins a little, holding up the pot..the side clearly says "DECAF" on the pot...then blinks

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, keeping her arms around Klork* Heh...don't worry, Mitch...*then chuckles*

<Kameko> But....*points to the sign, grinning slyly at Mitch*


* Mitch slips out the door... muttered, "This was not in the tenant agreement."

* Angelo crosses his arms* Nice try.

* Kameko eyes the chocolate.....and then blinks

<Kameko> noo! Really! It's the decaf, I promise..

* Kameko furrows her brow

<Kameko> <q> You don't believe me...?

<Angelo> Kind of like how you've been buying caffinated and putting it in the decaf tin..??

<Angelo> Thera told me ... saw you do it..*gives her a stern look*

<Mitch> "'Clean up after yourself'. 'Keep fights out the Asylum'. 'Pay rent on time'. 'Don't give coffee to pregnant women'. Jesus Christ in a Mentos commercial, there ain't no surgeon general's warning on the cups, how the hell was I supposed to know?"

* Mitch is just kinda meandering in the halls at this point

* Kameko blinkblinks..then swears a blue streak, the language VERY colorful as she goes to dump the pot out

* Kameko then tries to snatch the bag of choclates out of Angelo's hand on her way back

* Klork and Angelo exchange a smile..

* Angelo lets her...he does keep his word after all*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head with a smirk

<HappyLittleMoron> How you been, Angelo? Been a while.....

* Kameko shoots a glare at Klork

<Kameko> YOU told. Jerk.

* Mitch dumps out in Site C, finally

* Kameko stuffs the chocolate into her mouth

* Klork cackles..

* Angelo settles by Kame, rubbing her shoulders* Good .. working like crazy, sucks to be so busy. Klork filled me in *taps his brow* If you need help I'm for it.

* HappyLittleMoron grins a bit and nods* Thanks...appreciate it...glad you're doin' good anyway...

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little as Brenna yawwwwwwwwns and streatches

* Klork smiles, ruffling her hair..

* Mitch looks in at Diana through the doors... sighs... walks off the other way

* Kameko just sulks in the corner of the room...

* Brenna purrs, opening her eyes slowly and blinking at all the people*

* Angelo rubs at Kame's shoulders..purring*

* Klork smiles..

<Klork> Mornin' Bren..*smirks*

* Brenna sits up slowly* Mornin' daddie...

* Klork picks her up, purring...

<Klork> Mornin' princess..

* Brenna wavels to the rest, curling up to Klork*

* Puddles is on his back, paws in the air, sleeping..*

* Kameko coughs, choking on a piece of chocolate..then mutters, clearing her throat and going back to eating, pointedly ignoring the men in the room

* Angelo, even though being ignored, is still massaging her back*

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little, leaning back and rubbing her belly a little

* Mitch finally ends up at Site A... he quietly shuts the door, and settles on one of the beds, boots up and back against the wall.

* Kameko is trying to ignore it...but just kinda...ends up melting, still eating the chocolate, her belly purring quietly

* Diana, meanwhile, all alone, starts coming to...though...she shouldn't be...*

<Mitch> .oO(I should go back to the Asylum. Nothing's gonna get done tonight.)

* Klork shifts..brows furrowing..

* Angelo smiles, stillworking at her back..leant back against a wall*

* Diana groans softly, pulserate picking up slowly*

* Klork pushes off the bed..

<HappyLittleMoron> Hn? *blinnks and looks up at him*

<Klork> <q> I'll be .. right back..*heads out the door of the room quietly*

* Mitch pushes himself up and over. .oO(Yeah. Get back. Get the ratios on that right. Gotta make sure I've got the furniture in the right places.)

* Mitch heads out, going for the front doors - he'd probably cross paths with Klork...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...k...*Brows furrow*

<Diana> Hnn...*looks around without focus, pulse steadying, still very sedate*

* Klork just barely misses Mitch, going up the stairs to talk to a nurse, heading to Diana's room when directed..

* Mitch ... heads out... :P

* Diana furrows her brows, reaching over to touch the IVs in her arm confusedly*

* Mitch bites back a yawn, forcing himself to remain on his feet as he shuffles down into the subway

* Klork comes in, brows furrowed

<Klork> <q> Diana..?

* Diana kinda moves her gaze over to him, unable to focus*

* Klork heads over slowly, settling beside her..

<Klork> <q> Don't try n' focus, sis, what do you remember?

* Mitch ... goes to the Asylum! And plugs right back into his blueprints...

* Diana furrows her brows lightly* <vqw> You...feel...familiar...*shakes her head a little, squeezing her eyes shut*

* Klork nods .. smoothing her hair back


<Klork> <q> We have a blood bond, Di..

<Diana> <vqw> Ah...

* ^Pippen^ ...BARKS!

* Diana coughs a little* <vqw> What's...been going on?

* ^Pippen^ is at the asylum door

<Klork> <q> A lot .. how are you feeling..?

<Diana> <vqw> Very...groggy...hurts....

<Klork> <q> Anything I can do for ya?

* ^Pippen^ BARKS at the asylum door

* The asylum door BARKS back*

<^Pippen^> o.O

* ^Pippen^ keeps barking loudly

* Diana smirks a little* <vqw> Tell me what happened...? Last...I remember...Aria...trying to help...then...pain...

* ^Pippen^ claws at the door

<Klork> <q> don't react well to healers..*small smile* Your . appendex kinda reacted wrongly

* Diana blinks and hehs...* <vqw> Wish...I'd known that...then...

<Klork> <q> *smirks* You know now...

* Klork shifts..leaning on the back of his chair..

<Diana> <vqw> Hai...that I do...*winces a little* Tell me..what I've missed...? You look a lot better...

* Klork smirks..

<Klork> <q> Thanks .. Myrae healed me up .. Um,w ell, *tells her the asylum doesn't wanna type it all out <G>*

* Diana furrows her brows* <vqw> K'so...wish...I could have..helped...

* Klork nods

<Klork> <q> Me too..

* Diana tries shifting a little but grimaces* <vqw> Gah...meds...wearing off...

* Klork nods..reaching over and pressing the Nurse button

<Klork> <q> Hold tight, I got it..

* Diana nods a little* <vqw> knocked out...again...

<Klork> <q> I'll let em' know that..

<Diana> <vqw> Domo...

* Klork nods..pressing the button repeatedly..

* nurse...finally comes in*

<Klork> Can we get her some pain meds that won't knock her out..?

* Nurse furrows her brows, going to examine the insition in Diana's belly* She shouldn't even be awake yet...we don't want her tearing open again...

* Klork grimaces..

<Klork> <q> Can't she stay awake if she's drugged???

<Nurse> Let me find a doctor...he can make that decision...

* Klork nods

<Klork> <q> Thank you..

* Klork looks at Diana..

<Klork> <q> They may hafta knock you out ... hopefully not tho..

* Nurse dissapears to find a doc*

* Diana sighs softly* <vqw> Ugh...hate that...

* Klork nods..

<Klork> <q> I understand..hopefully it'll be well...

* Doc comes in to examine Diana, then looks in her eyes* Now...Ms. will not be trying to get up and move around...

* Klork nods to the doctor

<Klork> Can she be moved down to our hall?

<Diana> <vqw> Of course I won't...

* Doc nods to Diana, smoothing her hair back and looks up at Klork, chuckling* I suppose...we should just open a ward for you folks...

* Klork smiles

<Klork> Rough times..we really really appreciate it..

* Doc nods* We understand...

* Klork peers over at Di

<Klork> I'm pretty sure a lot of ppl will be glad to see her awake..and thanks, Doc..want me to help wheel her down?

* Doc goes about giving her the meds then shrugs a bit* You can come with us...the nurses wheel the patients around...

* Klork nods..

<Klork> Works then..

* Nurse comes in...wheels Diana to the room...blahblahblah*

* Klork follows, sits with HLM again

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and grins lopsidedly* Heya Diana!

* Diana looks up and grins weakly, seriously out of it, but y'know...there* <w> Konbowa...

* Kameko has fallen asleep against the massaging fingers of Angelo

* Angelo is sleepin, holding her*

* Diana hehs softly* <w> active...?

* Klork chuckles..

<Klork> Nah, most ppl are beddin' down..

* Diana nods a little, smirking as her eyes go unfocused again* <vqw>'s...late then..

* Klork nods...

<Klork> <q> Quite..*ywans*

* HappyLittleMoron 's sorta dozin' already..

* Klork leans back, holding her...drifting to sleep

* Mitch stays up aaaaaaaalllll night calculating the blueprints from the photographs

* Diana...fiiinds herself being bored the first time she's awake in how long? <G>*

Session Close: Fri Apr 12 01:03:06 2002

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