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Session Start: Wed Apr 10 13:45:33 2002

* AriaStormsinger stirs a little, hair over her face, forehead indented with scale marks, and moves back a little from the sleepy Mondo

* Mondo_Gecko mmm's softly in his sleep... the open window tossing sweet smelling spring breezes over his body.. laying under a tree.. it's so warm...birds singing around him.. everything's so cares...

* Rev's...uhm...coming out of where Diana's lying, peeking in on Mondo and Aria to make sure they're still alive 'n whatnot*

* AriaStormsinger smiles at Rev.

* Rev grins a little at them* <q> How do you fare, m'lady?

* Mondo_Gecko twitches a little...his eyelids fluttering softly...his heart sinks when he sees where he is...

<AriaStormsinger> I'm okay. How's Diana?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( it was so real...)

<Rev> Still asleep...

<AriaStormsinger> That's good, I guess.

* Rev nods a little, leaning against the doorframe*

* Mitch heads to Site B (Mo's), just in from work

<Rev> How's Mondo...?

* HappyLittleMoron 's got a doc examining her belly, she looks up at Mitch and waves a lil'

<AriaStormsinger> He's asleep. He feels really good though. :)

* Mondo_Gecko reaches out across the girl.. no wind..

* Mitch lip-twitches, nodding and slipping in, leaning against the far wall to let the doctor do his work

* AriaStormsinger watches him move.

<AriaStormsinger> Are you okay, Revelyn?

* Rev nods..then blinks a little and shrugs* Aye...

<AriaStormsinger> What do you think of this world?

<Rev> It is very...strange...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and slowly pushes himself up...his heart yearning to be back in his world of dreams...waking up feels like a bucket of cold ice water thrown on him

* Doc pulls back and looks down to HLM* You're still not safe to move...but you have not gotten any worse...we'd llike to keep you here for a bit longer...

* `HLM nods a lil'...

* Mondo_Gecko plants his feet on the ground and forces himself to stand, they're weak though

<Mitch> *pushes off from the wall* "Can she get bedrest at her home? We'll, y'know, break her legs if she tries anything more strenuous than a shower."

* Doc looks to Mitch* Would she have sufficient care there?

<AriaFrustrated> You awake, Mondo?

* Mondo_Gecko blinks and looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey

<Mitch> He shrugs a little, glancing to Mo. "We can take care of normal stuff... and if anything serious goes down, we can get her to a hospital REAL damn fast."

<AriaStormsinger> You hungry? *eyees the hospital tray sitting inside the door*

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* AriaStormsinger looks at Rev and carries the tray over.

<AriaStormsinger> It must be hard to be in a whole new world.

* Doc nods a little* We would like to keep her for a few more hours...

* Rev nods a little, standing up strait* there anything I can do?

<Mitch> "Hell, that's fine. Don't wanna push things any."

* AriaStormsinger blinks at Mondo's IV.

<AriaStormsinger> Is...this supposed to be almost-empty?

<Doc> Of course...I'll be back to check up on her in a little while...*grins a bbit and heads off*

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

* Mondo_Gecko reaches down and rips it from his arm

<Mondo_Gecko> nope

* AriaStormsinger flinches

<Mitch> .oO(Never say I didn't do nothing for you.) "Hi, Mrs. Happy... how you feeling?"

* Rev blinks and winces*

* AriaStormsinger looks up at Rev. "Do you know where to get a new one?"

* AriaStormsinger lays a hand on Mondo's slightly bleeding arm.

<AriaStormsinger> Can I fix that for you?

* `HLM grins a bit, sitting up* Heh...thanks...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..heh...if you want

* AriaStormsinger nods, and does so, feeling the energies rising to matter level, then knitting the tissue together, the blood beginning to flow normally again..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs softly, he's always liked the feeling of being healed..

<Mitch> "Nandemo dai... you don't wanna spend three months here..." *shivers a little at the thought* "I'm just stopping in to see how things are going. Gonna get some stuff done."

<Mondo_Gecko> thanks

<Mitch> "Klork still doing okay?"

* `HLM nods...* Does a lot of sleeping but...yeah...

<Mitch> "Yeah... don't blame him. How long is he gonna be out of commission?"

<`HLM> Dunno...

<`HLM> He was hurt really badly...*sighs a little, smoothing his hair back gently*

* Mitch nods, rubbing his neck with a sigh. "Gomen..."

<`HLM> It's ok...*sighs a bit and shrugs, looking up at him with a small grin* Thanks for doing all this...

* AriaStormsinger smiles a little. "No problem..."

<Mondo_Gecko> There was food around here?

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh...thanks

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and looks at it

<Mitch> He shrugs, embarassed, not sure what to say. "Nandemo dai..."

* `HLM grins a bit* How're you holding up?

* AriaStormsinger *squints* Mondo? Where'd you learn to play piano like you did last night?

<Mondo_Gecko> man..what I wouldn't do for a quater pounder and fries and a coke...or..a big ass burrito from Taco bell.. *stomach grumbles loudly*

<AriaStormsinger> *glances at Rev* "Do you know how to play any instruments?"

<Mitch> "I'm okay... tired, but... just got a lotta stuff to do. Any word on Diana?"

* Mondo_Gecko looks over

<Mondo_Gecko> Auntie Marge taught me when I was a kid

<Mondo_Gecko> I can play a lot of instruments actually

* `HLM shakes her head..

<Mondo_Gecko> guitar is my favorte.. I can do drums too.. and bass..just not that great

* Rev blinks and shakes his head* No, m'lady...

<AriaStormsinger> You're really good.

<AriaStormsinger> Can you sing? Did they have singing in Underhill?

<Mitch> "I'm gonna go up and check it out... I'll drop by on my way back and let you know, ne?"

<Rev> Ahh...they do have singing...I am not very good at carrying a tune however...

* `HLM nods..* Ok...take care, Mitch..

* AriaStormsinger smiles.

* Mondo_Gecko is stuffing his face with food

* Mitch smiles a little. "Don't worry. I think I can do this much without, y'know, breaking anything."

<Mondo_Gecko> I can sing too..

* `HLM chuckles* Good...don't need you in one of these beds too...

* Mitch nods and slips out, heading to... ahh, hell, Site C: Quarantine Zone

<AriaStormsinger> I sing at St. Francis Church.

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little

<Mondo_Gecko> She's really should hear her sometime

* AriaStormsinger hunts around the room, where she left her satchel and sheets of music the night before.

* Rev nods* Perhaps once things are a bit more calm...I'm sure she sounsd angelic...

* AriaStormsinger bows in thanks.

* Mitch looks around for the nearest doctor, nurse, or MIW to give him a status update and a yes/no on seeing Diana...

* Mondo_Gecko looks over

<Mondo_Gecko> you wanna make some music today Aira?

* Diana's status hasn't changed, but she can be seen...*

<AriaStormsinger> Not until your IV is fixed.

<AriaStormsinger> And...HLM and Klork -- I want to make sure they're okay.

* Mitch flicks off his glasses as he comes on, sussing out her aura...

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll get another one in a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> I wanna eat and take a shower without it attached to my arm..

* Diana's aura is extremely feint, strange tendrils running through, being drugged...a long black section where she was cut open along her torso*

<AriaStormsinger> Okay.

* Mitch almost perceptibly winces... he comes over and touches her hand. .oO(I wish I had an aura... maybe I could do something...) .oO(Remember what happened last time someone tried to do something?) .oO(Yeah.)

* Mitch spends a few minutes in silent communion, doing his best to send her get-well messages by telepathy, which he doesn't have :P

<Mondo_Gecko> bet I really's been a few days

* AriaStormsinger grins a little.

<Mondo_Gecko> hey! you can say it you know!

<Mondo_Gecko> I stink..

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<AriaStormsinger> *giggles*

<AriaStormsinger> Shh. Hey, Rev?

<AriaStormsinger> Can you get someone to help Mondo with, um, bath and things?

* Mitch finally heads out, thanking the doctor and going back to Site B: Resting On The Case

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> sheeze

* `HLM looks up..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I'm not a cripple...)

<Mitch> Quietly. "No change... not, y'know, doing any worse, though."

* `HLM nods a little, chewing her lip lightly* Thanks...*sighs a bit*

<Mitch> "Yeah... give the Asylum a ring when they're ready to let you out. I'll dragoon someone into hauling you back."

* `HLM nods...

<`HLM> Ok...thanks...

* Mitch finally heads back to the Asylum... for once

<AriaStormsinger> I'll see you later, Mondo.

<AriaStormsinger> *squeezes his arm*

<AriaStormsinger> Take care, Rev. I -- I hope your mom is better, soon.

* Rev nods* Thanks...

* Mitch spends about twenty minutes letting the carafe double-brew a pot of coffee - pouring the first pot into the water thingy and running it through fresh grounds for a supercaffinated (and really bad-tasting) result - before heading up to his room and starting work on the blueprints, prepping for about eighty hours of nonstop activity...

*later that day*

* HappyLittleMoron ...reads a story to Brenna...!

* Klork listens, awake but not really mobile..

* HappyLittleMoron grins softly as Brenna purrs softly, sleeping...Rev's back with Diana..

* Mitch is back at the Asylum, throwing himself into his work

* Ryu is waiting outside Diana's room, then, waiting for Rev patiently*

* OikawaNishimaru is on the roof practicing with his lightsaber

* Ryu is over Rev's shoulders in that case <G>*

* Rev sighs softly, turning to put his arms around Ryu*

* Ryu sighs shakily, pulling him close* <Q> She'll be a'right, luv..

* Rev nods a bit and sighs* <q> Aye...I's simply the interrim...

* Ryu rubs at his shoulders* Aye .. d'ye wish to eat som'thin?

* Rev blinks and shrugs a little* Aye...knew I forgot something...

* Ryu slowly shakes her head, smile on her lips*

<Ryu> Aye... what shall ye' like then?

* Rev smiles gently at her, kissing her brow* Let's check out the cafetria...? Unless you want something more specific...

* Ryu shrugs* ANything works...s'long as ye'r eatin', luv

* Rev nods a bit, leading for the caffeteria..* I have been so worried...

* Ryu nods, wrapping an arm around him and going with* Aye, with good reason te..

* Rev nods a little, punching the button to the elevator*

* Ryu rests her head on his shoulder* So ..

* Rev rests his cheek against her hair*'ve you been through all of this, m'love?

* Ryu shakes her head* <q> Ah've been through worse, aye..? *sighs* But et's different when ya know th' people..

* Rev steps into the elevator with her, punching the ffloor where the cafeteria is* <q> Aye...very true...though it helps when you are not alone...

* Ryu nods ..* Aye .. ah'm 'ere fer' ye en this, luv..*smiles*

<elevator> "It's not unusual... to be loved by anyone... it's not unusual to have fun with anyone... but when I see you hanging about with anyone... it's not unusual to see me cry, oh I wanna die..."

* Ryu twitches*

* Rev smiles and kisses her gently* I helps...*blinks and smirks at the music, shaking his head*

* Ryu rubs at his shoulder* Good ... but th' music does nae.

<elevator> "It's not unusual to go out at any time... but when I see you out and about, it's such a crime..." *ding*

* Rev steps out with her, hurriedly*

* Ryu follows, stil twitching*

<elevator> "If you should ever want to be loved by any-" *thump, doors closed*

* Rev rubs her soulders gently*

* Ryu leans back as she walks, heading for the line*

* Rev follows*

* Mondo_Gecko leans up against the shower wall*

* Ryu plucks a ready-made egg-salad sandwich and a bottle of OJ, pausing to debate the fruit..*

* Rev snags a sandwich and some juice* It's on me, love..

* Ryu blinks* Are' ye' sure, luv?? Ah still 'ave some money left..

* Rev nods* Aye...

* Rica curls up on the couch with her book, a bag of tortilla chips, and hot, restaurant style salsa

* Rev pays and stuff once they have their food all picked out*

* Ryu smiles, going with* Thank ye' luv..

* Rev smiles softly, pulling a chair out for her* Of course, my love...

* Ryu just chuckles, settling to sit down*

* AriaStormsinger skids into HLM and Klork and Brenna's room.

* Klork blinks, looking up

<Klork> EH..?

<AriaStormsinger> *g* Hi.

* Mondo_Gecko sighs heavily finnally getting out, not wanting to...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up...

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh! Hi...

* AriaStormsinger points to the hall behind her. "Nurse going by..."

* Rev sits by her*

* AriaStormsinger wavels to Brenna

* Klork .. blinks

<AriaStormsinger> Getting a story, Brenna?

* Ryu eats etc*

* Brenna's...sleeping <G>*

* Rev does tooooo*

* Mitch ... wooooorks

* AriaStormsinger smiles and hops up on the foot of the bed. "How are you guys feeling?"

* Klork looks up at Aria.

<Klork> <q> Better .. you?

<AriaStormsinger> *nods* much better night...

<AriaStormsinger> Did...did Mitch tell you about...the ward?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Huh?

<Klork> The wha..?

<AriaStormsinger> *thinks* We heard someone screaming here, two nights ago.

* RicaChica stands, tossing her book on the couch and toting her chips & salsa to the kitchen

<AriaStormsinger> And it...felt...familiar.

* Klork blinks ..

<AriaStormsinger> I went to find out what I could, and there was a hallway with doors and...

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch called it a mental ward.

<AriaStormsinger> *takes a deep breath* There were very, very scary and wrong-feeling and sad-feeling people behind most of the doors.

* Klork blinks .. then ohhhss .. nodding..

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...*nods a bit* He told me..

<Klork> <q> Yeah ..

<AriaStormsinger> Did...did he say who was at the, almost the last room?

* Mondo_Gecko catches a look at himself in the mirror before he leaves.. he's gaunt...pale...sickly..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( jesus....I didn't think it was this bad..)

* RicaChica snags some soda and meanders up the stairs, poking her head in various rooms after knocking to make sure everybody's ok ...

* Mitch , his Mitch-sense boosted by a heavy caffeine dose - the first of many - glances over several moments before she appears. "Yeah?"

<RicaChica> You ok..? Just .. ya know, overly worried because it's been so quiet here ..

* Mondo_Gecko grabs his shorts and jeans and pulls them on and then starts to towel dry his hair and combs it out*

<Mitch> "Oh, hi, Rica." He leans back from the drafting table, arching his back a little with a grimace. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just getting some stuff done."

* RicaChica ohhs, nodding ..

<RicaChica> Need anything to eat? I ain't much of a cook but I can manage steak n' potatoes if enough are hungry ..

<Mitch> *shakes his head* "I'll, y'know, grab something later... domo, though. Appreciate it."

* RicaChica nods..

<RicaChica> K .. *manages a smirk before slowly heading down the hall ... kinda ..listless*

<Mitch> "Hey, you got a car?"

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( I wonder where Aria went to?)

* RicaChica pauses

<RicaChica> Hmm? Yea...*pokes her head back in*

<AriaStormsinger> Did...did Mitch say who was in one of the last rooms?

<Mitch> "Okay... Mrs. Happy's gonna be calling sometime tonight, hopefully. Last I knew they were gonna let her take her rest here."

* Klork sits there .. half-staring at Aria .. wondering WHO was in the mental ward..

* RicaChica blinks, then oohhs, nodding

<RicaChica> Yea .. but .. *pauses* Will they be letting Klork out too ..?

<Mitch> "They might be, I dunno. Depends on how, y'know, stubborn he is about it."

* RicaChica nods ..

<AriaStormsinger> It was Javier. Quinonez. The bad one from Brazil. I knew him right away. I didn't, um, stay long enough to really see what shape he was in. But Mitch went down and said he looked like he was very sick, and wasn't dangerous any more.

<RicaChica> Well, lemme know what happens if you get the call before I do .. ?? I'm available to baby sit Brenna if HLM needs me to ..

* Mitch nods. "Yeah I will... I can't drive." *lip-twitch*

* RicaChica chuckles..

<RicaChica> THought that'd be the case *grins, turning to head down the hall.. deciding steak and potatoes sounds good to her at least*

* Mitch settles in with the straight-edge and workman's pencil, shuffling through pages of notes with his lower hands...

* Klork furrows his brow, watching Aria quietly

<AriaStormsinger> you think it's really safe?

<AriaStormsinger> Do people ever escape from mental wards?

* Mondo_Gecko grabs a smoke from the bedside table and lights it up, standing at the window in his room

* RicaChica goes about makin' her steak n' potatoes in the kitchen ...once the stuff is in the oven she goes about setting out the condements for herself..

<Klork> <q> Um .. not often actually ..

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* What he said...

* AriaStormsinger takes a deep breath. "Okay."

* RicaChica sets out the sour cream, bacon bits, butter, n' chives..waiting for the rest to finish cooking

* Doorbell rings at the Asylum*

* RicaChica looks up .. then heads over, opening the door

<RicaChica> Ello..??

* Shingami appears at the bottom fof the stairs was goign to get somethign to eat.. curious now

* RicaChica is .. edgy .. doesn't want to leave her steak & potatoes long ... looking up/down/sideways at the person/place/thing before her..

* A young Korean man stands there in a nice, semi-casual suit. "Hello, I'm here to see HLM."

* RicaChica looks down, then! <G>

<RicaChica> Er .. she's not here at the moment..she's ... kinda in the hospital ..

<Shingami> ((great a suit...))

<Man> Then, I will need your help. May I come in?

* RicaChica tilts her head ..

<RicaChica> Um... What do you need help with..??

<RicaChica> ...oO( Noooo .. my steak and potatoes is going to buurrrnnn!! )

* RicaChica .. blinks

<Korean dude> "Your phone."

<RicaChica> You need to use it or you need help with it..? *looks blankly down at him, stepping back to let him in..*

* Shingami heads into the kitchen to grab the Mango juice she hid in a drawer, makes it cold in her hands and pops the top

<Shingami> who needs appliences

<Cho> I need you to tell me where to reach HLM at.

<RicaChica> Oh um...*tells him the hospital* I don't know what room'd have to ask the desk for her by name..*leads him to the phone*

* Cho looks aruond appreciatively, notices Mitch and Shin in the kitchen*

* Cho bows and dials.

* Phone rings in HLM and Klork's room!*

* AriaStormsinger raises a brow at the ring.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and reaches for the phone* ...hello...??

<Cho> <calm, cultivated voice> HLM. It's nice to hear your voice again.

<Cho> Though it's too bad you're not here at the moment...

* Meanwhile, 12 goons in bomb squad gear/outfits have reached the roof and are working their way down through the Asylum, and anyone they find (any NPC inhabitants or residents not actually here, who will NOT be played don't worry they're just "fodder" who won't be harmed) they say: "There's a bomb in the building! You must clear the area! Let's move!"

<HappyLittleMoron> ....whho is this?

<Cho> Do you remember a conversation at the St. Francis Church a few weeks ago?

<Wing> *roused out of bed... opens the door in his PJ pants* whats going on?

* RicaChica pauses, turning off the oven..then runs up stairs..

* Klork blinks..

<Klork> WHat's going on,Mo..??

* Two "bomb squad" goons point to Wing. "You need to vacate the building, sir! Come with us!"

* Mitch listens for a moment, then just leans his forehead on the drafting board and sighs, closing his eyes... then, he pushes himself up, padding soundlessly to the door and easing the lock shut

<Cho> I believe you were asked to turn over $7 million that was...lost to your Asylum.

<HappyLittleMoron> You sonova...*sits up, growling into the phone, clenching her jaw, eyes flashing* Get the hell out of there...

<Wing> doshite? why what is going on?

* Klork blinkblinks

<Klork> WHat's...??

<Cho> Now, now, Ms. HLM, we had an agreement.

* RicaChica heads into Klork & Mo's room, locking the door behind her..looking at Nox

<Mitch> .oO(Never trust the pigs.)

* Mitch snags his jacket from the bedstand and shrugs into it, stowing the lower arms... he glances up, in the direction of Mo's room, picturing the guns secreted there, and sighs quietly.

* Some dudes force HLM/Klork's room door open. "Let's move!"

* RicaChica ..has gone into the closet! <G>

<Wing> im not goign anywhere till you tell me what's going on.

* Shingami blinks form the ktichen at the noise... rolls out to where the guy msut have come in

<Goon> "What, do you need it spelled out?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Screw you...I never agreed to anything...*goes to try getting out of bed, trembling with anger*

* Klork grits his teeth, slowly sitting up..

* 'nother goon: aims a stun dart*

* Mitch carefully packs some papers up, shoving them under the bed, before slipping the window open - simply as a precaution, not heading out yet... for all the goons know, it's a locked, empty room

* AriaStormsinger who...?

<Klork> <q> What's wrong--Mo--MO! *grabs her arm, brows furrowed*

<AriaStormsinger> HLM, don't -- you'll get sick!

<Wing> *glares*

<Cho> The stakes have been raised, HLM...

* Mitch snaps up the earbud and plugs it into his ear... he taps it once, twice. Subvocalized. "Bill?"

* Goons fire at Wing, hitting him twice with darts*

* RicaChica blends in with some hanging clothing .. for all they know, Rica is one of Klork's pizzaria uniforms..

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw, stilling, listening* I am going to personally hunt you down and skin you alive if you hurt any of my friends...

<Bill> "Kid! Where are you?"

<Mitch> "Room. What's going on?"

<Cho> I seriously doubt it.

<Wing> *stumbel sback pullgin the darts 0out.. growels but hsi eyes roll up in the abck fo his head and he drops to the floor in a boneless half-dressed heap>

* Klork growls

<Cho> And I seriously doubt you could prevent me from doing the same to your friends.

<Klork> <heard over the phone for Cho> You'd better believe she will you ass..and I'll fry you.

<RicaChica> ..oO( Shit shit shit shit shit..!!! My god, that was no girl scout, that was a fuckin' shit, WHAT have I done, NOW??!)

* Goons gather up Wing...

* Shingami blinks

* Goons bust open Mitch's door. "Sir! You must evacuate the building!"

<Shingami> {{oniichan?...}}

<Bill> "A dozen SWATs. Two on the roof, the rest dispersing through the building. They're rounding up people, telling 'em there's a bomb..."

<HappyLittleMoron> sonova...what the hell are you doing...

* Shingami rolls int the hallway looking for the suit

* Eight goons come down, sending any NPCs before them and surrounding Shin.

* Myrae looks up, midst doing her bed...hearing the noise and going to waterform, soaking into the floor .. just a big waterspot.

<Cho> HLM, it's up to you.

* Mitch , as the goons call up the breaker - it's the only way they're getting through the door - slips out the window, hanging onto the sill and dropping to the edge of the training room's windows...

<Cho> The Asylum is under our control...

<Cho> Say the word and I let these...people...go...

* Klork growls..catching that last bit..

* Shingami growels some of her hair standign on end callign waht pwoers she can to her command

<Klork> <q> Say the word and I go kill him, I don't care WHAT condition I'm in ..

<Cho> with minimal damage

* Goons surround the group and drop a Stun Smokebomb...

<Bill> "There's no fucking way it's a bomb. Squad tactics are all wrong. Watch yourself, roof charlie one's headed your way-"

* Yes, they're wearing gas masks

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw, eyes flashing again* I do not make deals with know that you peice of shit...

* Klork pushes himself to sit up, tugging the IV out and opening a portal

<Cho> I'll only ask one more time, HLM. Where is the money?

* AriaStormsinger watches wide-eyed. "Where's he -- what's -- "

<Shingami> (( for once i wish i wasnt stuck in this frigin chair...and was at work))

* RicaChica stays in the closet..Myrae stays soaked in the floor ..

<HappyLittleMoron> It's not there you fucker...*looks up and furrows her brow, touching Klork's shoulder*

* Goons shoot Shin with a dart or two for extra reassurance

* Mitch reaches down with his lower arms, yanking open the window and hauling himself through... he gathers himself, twenty feet above the mats, and leaps, scrabbling to make it as he pulls himself onto one of the I-beam rafters.

* Shingami coughs tryign to keep the gas at bey... yeah it aitn workin

<Cho> Keep talking.

* Klork furrows his brow .. pausing to look at HLM

<Klork> <q> What're they looking for..???

* A big van speeds up to the Asylum and yanks to a stop. Walkie talkies inside crackle.

* Shingami aint movin or wakign up any time soon, mango juice slips otu fo ehr hand spillign onto the carpet

* Klork reaches over to his belongings, tuggng on his pants, tossing aside the hospital gown

* Goons tie up, then haul Shingami and Wing out the door to the van.

* Bill, quietly.* "Nice. That smoke you're about to see is choker stuff. It disperses at greater heights, you're safe for now."

<Cho> (to the goons) "There was a girl. Tall. Orange hair." (point sup the stairs)

* HappyLittleMoron closes her eyes, furrowing her brows before opening them again and looking at Klork1 {{I don't want you hurt too...}}

<Mitch> .oO(Jesus Christ in a pirated movie...)

<AriaStormsinger> Where's he going? *alarmed*

<Bill> "Hang on. I've got a job to do."

* RicaChica is now .. praying that she stays blended well with the ricardo's uniform and other closet items..

* Klork shakes his head..

* Bill comes around with a rifle, centering on the engine of the van...

<Klork> <q> If other people are in danger, Mo--what are they looking for...??

* Two goons go up, rifles ready*

<Cho> WHERE is it, HLM?

* HappyLittleMoron slams the phone down* To the Asylum I think...*closes her eyes and mentally messages Rev and Ryu the story* Remember that money that appeared on the doorstep?

* Shingami and Wing get loaded into the van, enighter putign up much resistance

* Klork blinks .. then nods..

<Cho> Three...Two...One...*fires a gun in the air*

<Klork> <q> Awwww shit.

* BLAM - the cylinder just got fragged*

* Ryu blinks, standing, wings flaring* <q> Let's go ..!

* HappyLittleMoron already hung up

* or WOULD have, if the rifle bullet didn't richochet off thin air and whine off into the skyline*

* RicaChica stays hidden, actually hidden well amidst the clothing...

* Cho curses and hangs up, starts hauling bodies to the van...

* Rev nods* Aye..! You fly I teleport?

* Ryu nods* Aye, Ah'll meet ye' there..

* A tall man in a suit, Brazilian, strides in. "Cho?"

* Ryu runs out of a window, snapping her wings open and lifting into the air*

* Bill rolls away from the edge of the roof with a snarl, relocating. "Fuck. It's out of my hands."

<Cho> "Just one more, Torres."

* Rev nods and vanishes, reappearing on the roof of the Asylum, sending flames at the baddies he can*

* Torres bows his head, and a kind of shadow writhes up from it, seeking through teh Asylum.

* Ryu joins shortly, adding fire n' ice as well*

<Torres> "Yesssssssssssssss........The roof."

* Myrae, still in water form, comes up to look around...waddle/sloshing towards the window to look out...she's pretty much transparent..

* Torres spins at Cho.* "Move."

* Mitch is still hidden in the training room, curled up atop one of the I-beams, knuckles white as he listens in...

* Kern' work <G> Just 'cause...

* Ryu circles, then flaps down around to look in the windows .. searching for survivors*

* Rev covers her, eyes flairing dangerously*

* Cho and the rest of the goons run out together, a shimmering like water above them as they move in a force shield.

<Mitch> .oO(FUCK this. Next time I get my guns... I'm keeping them.)

* Rev growls, shooting at them, murmering a spell to try sapping energy from the sheild*

* Ryu growls, going after the van, casting ice along the road and around it where she can*

<AriaStormsinger> Torres emerges on the porch and laughs wickedly, watching Ryu and Rev.

* RicaChica braves out of the closet, peering out the window..* <q> Ergh ...crap ..

<AriaStormsinger> A fireball takes shape in the air behind Rev and LAUNCHES at him.

* Ryu blinks, then spins, firing ice at it to counter, eyes wide* REV!!!

<Bill> "I have a shot. South American. Cold. Throwin' fire."

<Mitch> Whispered. "South Am- Iceman? Take it. Take him."

* Rev ERKs and vanishes juuuuuuuuuust before it hits, reappearing again, looking around for the cause, eyes flashing*

* Torres licks his lips, grinning

* Ryu turns, still taking aim to the van once Rev is in the clear*

* Bill zooms in, squeezes the trigger...

* The van hovers*

* Ryu blinks...gritting her teeth* ..oO(T'hell, ef'n ah kinnae stop et, ah'll follow et..)

* Think Matrix bullet, slowing as it approaches Torres, then exploding in mid air.

* Rev traces the spell and clenches his jaw, firing another fireball as Bill shoots*

* RicaChica blinks, watching the van hover

<RicaChica> <q> Oh shit what have I done ...

* Torres seems to wilt a little and a DARK shadow takes form in the air around him, absorbing the fireball

<Bill> " good. I'm requisitioning a gah-damn Tesla coil."

* The van, loaded with goons and Shin, Wing

* RicaChica blinks, then growls, throwing .. glass objects down at Torres..

* ...sails out of the ice range

* Ryu scrambles to follow*

* The glass falls around an invisible bullet-shaped shield around Torres.

* RicaChica ducks back outta view..

* Torres is still on the Asylum porch

* The rest of the baddies are getting, excuse the pun, carried away...

* RicaChica then goes about dropping glass on Torres still ..then ducking back in outta view....takes a pattern..

* Rev growls a spell, holding his glowing hands out towards Torres, trying to erect one of those training domes around Torres*

* Ryu is followin' em <G>

* Mitch is still inside, hidden, feeling equal parts guilty and useless

* The dark shadow leaps up and surrounds Rev, making it like being in the center of a storm cloud of black and red

* Ryu see two men with rifles appear at the back windows of the van.

* Myrae blinks, then tries to cast water at whatever that shadow thing is ..*

* Ryu blinkblinks .. firing ice at them, ready to dodge*

* Rev laughs analyzing the shadow as best he can and trying to twist it, murmering a mutating spell..*

* The ice makes the force shield flicker around the van, and it drops back to ground level, skidding a little

* Ryu blinks, then continues to do so, keeping this up on the roads & the van*

<Bill> "Okay. Iceman's on the porch. Seems shielded. Two- no, three friendlies on the job. Van loaded with friendlies and charlies westbound, also shielded. One on it."

* Van pulls around a corner, stun darts firing at Ryu

* Ryu spirals to get out of the darts way, her maneuvers in flying flawless as she keeps the pace to follow, still firing what she can at it*

* Torres climbs the wall of the Asylum like some kinda spider-dude, waiting for Rica to appear again

* Mitch slowly shuffles along the beam until coming to a climbing rope... he eases himself around, getting his legs around it.

* RicaChica lifts her hand to throw it again..blinking when she comes face to face...bottle in hand...then ... kinda tucks it behind her back, eyes wide...points to Rev* He did it!!

* TOrres SNARLS nad seizes for Rica's throat!

<RicaChica> ACK! *drops and kicks at his throat* FREAK!

* RicaChica also goes about beating him with the bottle*

* The shadow around Rev writhes and closes, chokingly, aiming to cut off his consciousness

<Bill> "Iceman's gone Spiderman, he's up on the wall. Orange-haired girl's taking him on with a bottle."

* Torres flinches back, but the shield is up...

* Torres laughs nastily and lunges at her.

* RicaChica scrambles, dodging barely and runs out the door, slamming it in his face..bolting down the stair

* Rev clenches his jaw, being the son of one of the most pwerful elven lords in Underhill and hell, just Diana, doesn't exactly making him a lightweight ;P He resists and erects a dome about himself to force the shadow outward*

<RicaChica> OmigodomigodomiGOD!!!!!!!

* The shadow struggles and then flashes back, zipping into Torres, who reels a little

* RicaChica trips, rolls down a few stairs before getting up

* Mitch slides down the rope, letting go and landing on the mats... he unzips the jacket, looking around, and grabs a sword off the wall, handling it a little awkwardly.

<RicaChica> I'm gonnadieOHGOD!!!

* Rev turns and tackles Torres*

* Torres growls as Rev comes through the window at him

* RicaChica runs down into the sparring room..then blinks, eyes wide at Mitch and the sword

* In whatever room Rica was tossing glass from.

<RicaChica> ACGK!! *falls back..then blinks* OH you shit head, don't DO THAT!

* RicaChica then gets up, frantic, pointing at the stairs

* The van YANKS into a parking garage.

<RicaChica> BigspiderthingtriedtokillmeBEATITUP!!!

* Mitch starts, but recovers, running a free hand over his hair, hard.

* Rev grabs Torress by the throat and SLAMS his head back to the floor*

* Ryu spirals into the garage after, taking low flight*

<Mitch> "Rica, get out of here! Find somewhere to hide."

<RicaChica> I WAS HIDING!

<Mitch> "Find somewhere better."

* An ambush of six guys in the garage fire stun darts at Ryu.

<RicaChica> Butwell, throwing BOTTLES and hiding but then it climbed the wall and tried to kill me my GOD!

* So do the dudes in the van

<Mitch> .oO(Gotta do what has to be done.) He looks at the sword, then grips it firmly. .oO(Times change.)

* Rev snarls and leans in close, eyes flashing red, juuust like dear old dad* Where are they?

<Torres> Where's the stolen CASH!?

* Torres shoves Rev BACK

* Mitch heads upstairs slowly, throwing part of himself into a shield, ready and waiting...

<Torres> You'll pay for this, mutant!

* Ryu goes pale, which is damn pale for someone literally WHITE , tucking leathery wings around her as she spirals towards the van, fire and ice surrounding her...ricocheting some bullets...bulleting herself towards the van*

<Rev> *holds on tightly* I have NO idea what you're talking about!

* Black lightning plays from Torres' chest at Rev

* RicaChica hides behind Mitch, eyes wide*

<RicaChica> <q> Are we gonna die??

<Mitch> To Rica. "I said RUN!"

* RicaChica looks at him like he's nuts

<RicaChica> and leave YOU to take care of this!?

<RicaChica> Pshaw.

* RicaChica hides behind him again

<Mitch> Snarls. "You got a better idea?"

* The force shield of the van wraps itself around Ryu, efectively cocooning her, airless

* Rev growls and flies into the wall, hauling himself to his feet and sending red bolts of energy at Torres, erecting a sheild up around himself*

* Mitch continues heading upstairs, a step at a time

* Iris is sobbing like mad into Nox's chest*

* RicaChica follows..half-flinching with each step...

* Goon in van* "Should I take her out?" *aiming stun gun at the girl*

<Goon2> Too small. You might damage her.

* Mitch kind of looks behind him at the first landing. "Would it do any good if I told you to run again?"

* Nox looks up at the guy, cradeling Iris close, disturbing in her clamness*

<RicaChica> Um. No.

* Torres reels at the red strikes, but then absorbs them.

* Ryu grits her teeth, coming out of form, swallowing and choking for air*

* Shingami lays slumped agsint her brother, who is equaly limp and a not so placid expression on his face

<Goon2> But you can shoot HER. SHe's giving me the creeps.

* Mitch continues up to the third floor, where he's, uhh, assuming they are

* Goon reaims and fires at Nox's neck.

* ryu grits her teeth, firing ice at the van again*

* Nox furrows her brows, eyes absolutely black, sending a last sense of extreme confusion and ddarkness to the baddies before going out**

* RicaChica follows, snagging a bottle just in case

* The ice just solidifies around the force field she's trapped in, making it airless AND cold.

* Rev clenches his jaw*

<Goon> Damn.

* Ryu uses the now frozen field, slamming her fists against it .. shattering it*

* Ambush goons pile into the van,and the van speeds the Javier Quinonez CASTLE just above Manhattan.

* Iris whimpers* <w> Nox?? Nox?! *looks the guys* What'd you do to her?! *trembling, squeeky little girl voice*

* Set on a hillside, it overlooks the Hudson and has an awesome view of the City*

<Goon> Shut up, kid! *Makes a gesture like he's gonna backhand Iris*

* Iris cringes back and curls close to Nox's unconsiouse body, whimpering*

* Ryu spins, looking for the van...follows some of the peel marks* {{..Iris..??}}

* Rev chants a spell to try sucking power from Torres again*

* The shield shatters, and Ryu's body, which was pinned to the roof inside of it, nearly gets blown off the top of the van

* Mitch approaches the room where Rev and Torres are mixing it up

* Ryu snaps her wings out and holds on to stay with*

* Torres takes the absorbed red bolts and sends them as a single blast at Rev

* RicaChica follows, pausing...snagging something more .. sharp .. and points to the room

<RicaChica> <q> It's in THERE.

* A scratching noise on the top of the roof makes the goons look up.

* Mitch adjusts his glasses carefully, tightens his hands around the hilt of the sword.

<Torres> I'll kill you SLOWLY...

* Rev erks and absorbs them back into his sheild, holding his hands out to send stinging bolts of what start out as energy but transform into barbed darts midair at Torres*

* Ryu folds her wings and takes off in front of the van, diving under it quickly..just seems like a blurr..

* Mitch closes his eyes, listening... fixing the voices in the room...

<Rev> You are over confident, monster.

<RicaChica> <q> A SWORD?! What don't you have a GUN or something?? *she's holding a swiss army knife*

* Iris sobs, curled into a tight little ball*

* Mitch reaches behind him with a free hand and clamps it over her mouth

* Ryu goes about plucking engine parts off from below...sheilding herself..

* Torres takes a hit, the others dissolving in midair. The shadow lengthens and closes over the embedded dart, dissolving that, too, and making him shudder.

<RicaChica> <q> Mmp!

* RicaChica just glares at Mitch then.

* The van grinds, complains, swings about and then slams to a stop on the side of the Riverside highway.

* Mitch raises a single cautionary finger as he lets his hand slip away... easing through the door

* Torres circles Rev.

* Rev circles with him, refusing to leave his back unguarded*

* Torres sends flicks of dark energy at Rev, shot after shot

* RicaChica nods ... eyes wide .. army knife at ready....oO(Gonnadiegonnadiegonnadie--my god, you've died before you wimp! ...*long pause* ... but you knew you'd come back those times!!)

* Mitch , as Torres cycles past the door, takes a single loping step in and swings the sword like a baseball bat, going for the torso

<AriaStormsinger> A stun-smokebomb gets tossed out of the van.

* RicaChica watches, eyes wide..

* Rev takes some shots, blocking others, shooting burning red at Torres in return*

* Ryu watches it go down the street, huddled under the van...shrugs..plucks more engine parts*

* The sword CRACKLES as it hits the forceshield and Torres JERKS an arm out, slugging Mitch across the face.

* Mitch's glasses go flying...

* Rev takes this distraction as an oportunity to send a huge levin bolt at Torres*

* RicaChica snaps a hand out and catches them..a useless reflex to say the least..

* Torres' body jerks and the shadow nearly separates from him.

* Rev goes for what connection he can see, trying to sever it with a spell*

* RicaChica then throws the knife at him with .. pretty good aim... not the best, but hell, she's had practice

* The van begins to glow red.

* Mitch 's taken worse in Fight Club - he catches the arm as Torres brings it back, and hauls on it, jerking Torres around into his center of gravity into an aikido throw

* Ryu watches it..starting to freeze the engine whilst she can, still sheilding herself*

* The van suddenly collapses, SLAMMING down to the ground with its tires exploding.

* Iris yelps shrilly and sobs, clinging to Nox*

* Torres *whoofs*

* Ryu grits her teeth, holding the sheild...a big lump comes up in the van where it goes around her*

* Torres has taken worse, too... BITES Mitch at the neck/shoulder

<Ryu> .oo(Shit.)

* Shingami and wing just get tossed aorund more... so not cool

* RicaChica blinks, then growls, throwing a good punch at Torres' nose

* Ryu begins to feel...really hot...really, really hot.

<RicaChica> HEY!

* Rev do any good with seperating the dark thing from Torres? Or weaken it at all? <G>*

* HappyLittleMoron sits and worries <G> Just so ya know <G>

* Ryu continues to cast ice .. trying her damndest to get out ..the lump moving down .. van floor creaking...*

* Klork does too..yep

* Mitch cries out, then whips his head around - and SHOVES, his mana shield suddenly fetching up against Torres like Mitch'd just QB sacked him

* There's now only three goons, an Iris and a Wing inside the van.

* Mitch 's still holding onto the arm, too, so this could easily lead to a dislocation...

* Iris cries, shaking Nox lightly* Wake up???!! Nox...please...*cries*

* One goon picks up Iris with a hand over her mouth and steps through the portal...

* Iris BITES kicks and struggles*

* Goon growls at Iris

* Ryu shimmies out from under the van, punching her hand through the van wall to try and get in*

* Iris continues to fight desperately, flashes of rainbow going off left and right*

* Torres yelps at the attack from Mitch, body shaking as the shadow dives at Rev

* RicaChica ponders if that punch to Torres' nose did any good..

* Rev erects a sheild, falling back and holding his hands up, sending a wall of psychic force at the shadow*

* Iris' rainbows light up the row of thick stone and steel and plastic cells she and the rest of the goons and now, asylum folk are in

* Ryu rips at the van walls, freezing and then breaking them down* A'righ'..this es' pissin' me off!

* Torres bleeds from the nose.

* RicaChica feels she's helped successfully now..thanks <G>

* The force shield around the van vanishes with the last of the folks inside.

<Wing> *still there*

* Iris screams, cries, fights, etcetcetc*

* Mitch , Torres's concentration diverted, hauls him on the rebound into another throw, slamming him to the ground and whipping his leg around, KNEELING on his throat - styles are definitely being mix-and-matched here

* The last goons carried Wing and folks out

* Mitch unfortunately isn't that strong or heavy, though...

* Ryu blinks, looking in the van...cautiously looking for the portal or traces thereof..

* Torres jerks a couple of times and then his eyes blaze at the three attackers

* The room shimmers, like heat...

<Mitch> "-crunch your fucking NECK, Iceman!"

* RicaChica ...scoots..

* Mitch, Rev and Rica suddnely feel like they're on a hot sand beach...

<RicaChica> <q> Ummumuum...

* Torres chokes, eyes still blazing

* RicaChica inches away from Torres .. sooo does not have any powers..

* Rev narrows his eyes, hastily murmering a cooling spell...much better with heat, but hey <G>*

* THe shadow is still lunging at Rev, but the room cools a little ---

* Ryu grits her teeth, still looking around for the portal or traces of it*

* Mitch does it - he bears down, cutting off Torres's air supply, and slams a two-fisted rabbit punch into his head.

* Congratulations, Mitch. You can now be charged with murder 1.

* RicaChica offers a kick at Torres' head in effort ... she has strong legs! <G>

* Rica is an accomplice!

* Mitch bears down, and... *CRUNCH*

* Rev growls softly, attention split between keeping the cooling spell going and blocking the shadow, trying to suck energy from it at the same time*

* The shadow suddenly strengthens tremendously.

* RicaChica cringes

<RicaChica> Ewwwww...!!!!!!

<RicaChica> Did you have to kill it by doing THAT! GROSS!!

* Mitch slowly stands, bleeding from neck and shoulder - and mouth and nose

* RicaChica makes a face like Mitch stepped on a crunchy spider..

* A stultifying blow, like a fire-less MAJOR bomb going off, slams Rev, Mitch and Rica to the walls.

* THe shadow exPANDS

* RicaChica gets slammed ... her hate of spiders leaving with her consciousness..

* Mitch is lifted and slammed, his breath going out of him in a sudden and painful exhalation

* Rev AGHS as he's thrown back, trying in a last ditch effort sheild the three of them, blazing eyes still on the shadow*

* RicaChica slides down the wall.....out

* Somewhere at HLM's hospital, a man ina mental ward cackles and cries in terror

* Ryu grits her teeth, still looking around for the portal or traces of it*

* Ryu finds the portal like a vague shimmer on one of the van walls

* Mitch didn't have the time or presence of mind to shield himself, unfortunately

* Ryu blinks, touching it gently before risking going in .... VERY cautiously*

* Shin, Wing, Iris, Nox, and three or four NPCs get tossed in the cells. Humming starts up around the walls.

* Rev murmers another spell, starting to weaken a little trying to steal energy from the shadow*

* Mitch is also out cold, his head smacking against the wall with an ugly crack

* Three guns fire simultaneously on the face appearing at the portal.

* Ryu gets hit with two dart guns, a third zipping through the portal and getting deflected to stick in her shirt

* Ryu blinks .. sheild still up around her..she hastily disappears into the shadows..

* Iris cries herself horse, pounding the part of the cell facing the hallway*

* The shadow DESCENEDS on Rev forcefully

* The stun effects start wearing off on Wing and Shin

* Rev clenches his jaw and sheilds stubbornly, kinda propped against the wall*

* Ryu penetrating off guard .. practically bouncing off leathery skin* <Q> What th'...?

* Ryu had a glance of what looked like white walls...maybe a door or two

* The shadow begins to fluctuate its energy to match Rev's

* RicaChica groans, holding her head..

<RicaChica> <q> Unfhh..??

* The Shadow works its way to join Rev's defense shield force

* Rev furrows his brows, trying to change the energy patterns to prevent this...shadow half-joins*

* There's no shadows to hide in, just a long white corridor of doors and a dozen goons now trying to attack Ryu

* Mondo_Gecko sits at the piano, playing softly again...

* One of the doors in the corridor stands open

* Ryu growls, trying to keep a weak sheild up .. firing ice and fire at the goons .. darts wont' work on the skin, stronger or other things might*

* The wall behind Rev loosens, enough he might fall back into it...

* Shingami groans, coughs a time or two to get the smoke out of her lungs, hand twitches as she wakes up

* One of the goons gets behind her and SMACKS at he rhead with the rifle butt

* Ryu collapses .. sinking to the floor*

* Shin is sitting in an 8x8 white-walled cell, absolutely silent but for a steady hum.

* RicaChica slowly stands, vision blurred even with the glasses...managing to make out Mitch

* The goons run and shove her trhu the open door into a cell, and slam the door

<RicaChica> <q> Unf..Mitch?? *crawls over and nudges him, trying to wake him up*

* Shingami yelps eyes poping open for a second before going out again.. doesnt do well with head injuries

* Rev's eyes widen as he falls backwards, rolling painfully to his feet in the next room*

* Mitch 's still out cold...

* Ryu gets shoved .. out cold again*

* The next room turns out to be a cell...

<Wing> *awake, but showing no signs of it it seems, tryign to listen, smell, hear and feel the area around him before makgin his conciousness known

* the back of his head is bloody... but if she wants to check, it's just scalp laceration*

* Torres...LIES there.

* Rev gasps softly for breath, furrowing his brows, as he mutters a spell to try forcing the shadow away from him, trying to send a burning sensation into it*

* Wing may be able to scent the presence of electricity around him

* RicaChica mutters .. vision clearing .. looking around

<RicaChica> ...Rev..?? Hello? Anybody..?!

* Rev tries teleporting back to the Asylum, clenching his teeth with a growl*

* The Shadow sends mocking energies at Rev and retreats through the walls

* Wing, Shin and Iris sense a dark passing presence through their cells....

* For some reason, Rev's teleporting seems disrupted.

* RicaChica whimpers, holding her head .. nasty headache .. .. looking for anybody else other than the damn corpse..

<Wing> *shivers at the cold darkness*

* Mitch is almost corpselike himself... }:D

* Cho, talking with the goons upstairs, goes wide-eyed as the shadow approaches.

* Diana's now surrounded by doctors, they're trying to figure out why her pulse and breating rates are racing, not knowing she's been feeling all that's been going on with Rev <G>*

<Cho> No -- n'no!!!

* Ryu groans, slowly pushing herself to her knees*

* Rev curses, pounding his fist into the front of the cell and going aboout trying to find a way out..*

* Cho gets KNOCKED over as the Shadow engulfs him...his body jerking and rolling, he makes it to his knees, bakc arched, head raised in a cut-off scream

<Ryu> Egh ... *looks around...slowly putting two and two together ..* Crap .. *pauses, leans to try and hear anybody else in the cells* Ello...?!

* The walls buzz with electricity and a strange magical disruption force field

* And yessssssssss, the cells are locked.

* Ryu hears nothing but buzz.

* RicaChica looks arond..sighing shakily ...

<Ryu> {{Rev..?? An'body??!}}

* Rev winces, rubbingg the back of his neck and shoulders as he examines the cell*

<RicaChica> Crap. I don't know first aid worth shit.

* The walls in Ryu's cell flicker at her telepathy attempt*

* and Rev can't respond cause he doesn't hear her.

* Ryu furrows her brow, wings snapping out almost the length of the cell, punching at the walls frustratedly*

* Cho rolls back, lying with his chest heaving...then his eyes open and focus on the nervous goons.

* Rev continues trying to find a way out, body, head and spirit aching*

* RicaChica groans, snagging a few things ... her keys one of them...putting them in her jeep before muttering, tugging Mitch down the stairs...

<Mitch> *thump-thump-thump*

<RicaChica> Stupid.. son of a...just wanted steak and potatoes...*bitches the entire trip down the stairs as she carries him...feet are thumping..not head <G>*

* Rev sighs and sits down in the middle of the cell, sinking into meditation...*

* RicaChica drags him, eventually, into her jeep, kinda .. propping him up...and tucking a seatbelt on him..snagging her jeepblanket around him to hide the extra arms..

<RicaChica> Stupid ... .. stupid .. stupid..

* Mitch groans, head slowly turning

* Shingami sits up rubbing her head

* Ryu sighs..sinking .. just .... settling*

<Shingami> this sint cool

* RicaChica drives towards the hospital, weaving traffic with a nasty headache..

<RicaChica> About time you woke up--you realize we were probably the only ones that surviv--ERK *hits a bump that jars her head* OW...

* Nox's drugs wear off.

* Nox groans softly, sitting up slowly*

* Nox rubs her neck and looks around, brows furrowed*

<Wing> *gets up observing his confinement... pacing the cell walls a few times lookign for a possabl way out*

* Ryu leans against the wall ..staring at the ceiling...trying to draw in the floor of the cell a few times*

* Rev's still meditating on a way around the block*

* Mitch mutters something ugly in Spanish, flopping an hand up to the back of his head and touching it, probing.

* Wing sees the outline of the door, metal passing sideways into the metal and stone walls.

* There's no visible doorhandles on any of the cells

* Ryu, there's a little bit of stone dust on the floor

* Ryu, thus, is drawing in it..*

<Wing> *reaches otu to tap the walls, curious at the electric hum*

<Mitch> "...sto'. Don'. Don't hospital. I'm okay."

* RicaChica pulls into the hospital, getting out and going around to Mitch's door..

* Iris is curled in a corner, scared eyes darting around, face tearstained, throat sore from screaming and sobbing*

* Shingami cant really move with a broken leg so slowly going slightly craxy at the lack of... everything but that hum

<RicaChica> Too damnbad, we're isn't safe at the asylum anyway..especially if we're the only two there...and we're the ONLY two without powers, my GOD!

* RicaChica just starts laughing...

* The electricity is steady.

<RicaChica> We're the fucking easiest to catch and we end up left behind, how SCREWED up is that!!?

* Nox stands, running her hand along the walls, before looking out into the hallway, if she can <G>*

* Kern...returns home!!! <G>*

* RicaChica is still laughs ..

<Wing>.. trapped again.... in a white hell... no windows... no vents.. no knobs....(calm down breath smoothly dotn get clostrophobic now)

* Rae shimmers & solidifies...passed out on the floor for holding water form for so long*

* Nox can't see into the hall. Just the solid metal door.

* Mitch kind of shifts around, getting his eyes on her and giving her a "maybe YOU'RE the easiest to catch" look...

* RicaChica thppts at him, holding an arm out to help him out..

* Kern blinks, looking around, completely confused, dashiing up to his and Rae's room, kneeling by her* Love??

<Mitch> "...what happened?"

* Ryu draws .. cursing*

* FAST FORWARD 10 hours* <for Shin's sake>

<RicaChica> I hace no clue .. we hit the damn wall..

* Rae grimaces...* all that are surviving are at the hospital..s'not safe here...*is veddy .. pale*

* Nox...paces....Rev...meditates...Iris...stares <G>*

* Ryu .. curses randomly .. getting irritated with the sound of her own voice*

* The electric hum that's been slowly driving everyone insane suddenly catches and jerks.

* Rev blinks, opening his eyes and standing*

* Ryu blinks...lifting her head before slowly standing..*

* The metal doors slide open, simultaneously.

<Mitch> "Where are we? Which, which hospital?"

* Ryu blinks...slowly inching to the door* Eh...?

<AriaStormsinger> No door directly faces any other door, but chars can look diagonally into the hall and see each other...

* Iris yelps and flinches back, terrified of what might be on the other side*

* Nox blinnks, stepping back, then peeking out*

* Rev cautiously approaches the door...then tries stepping out...*


* Ryu pushes to the door...<can they get through them?> peering out..* <q> Iris..? Nox..? Ell'' en'body ther..?

* not to mention magic shield...*

<RicaChica> Um..the hospital that Mo's at..

* Rev ERKs and falls back, shuddering* Agh...

* The hum is still present, but physical sound from the hall CAN come through. Loud shouts would be heard in other cells.

<Shin> *scoots over towards the door but not though *

* Ryu pauses* Who's all caught..!?

* `Wing` looks over towards her.. tries sending first.. then mouths* oneechan you ok?

<Nox> Ryu...Iris...Wing...Shingami?!

<Shingami> *mouths* im alive if that means anything... you?

* Shin, Wing, Iris, Nox, Rev, Ryu, and I'll abandon the attempt at NPCs at this point...*

* Mitch slowly shakes his head, trying to get himself together. " gotta... shit..."

<Ryu> Iris..!?

<Mitch> *he says that as a curse, not as a verb* :P

<Wing> *m* ive been better

* Cho, eyes dark but still cocky, strides down the corridor, a smirk on his face as he watches the captives.

* RicaChica mutters, practically dragginghim outta the jeep and into the hospital..

* Iris looks up, hesitently coming forward, looking at Cho* Let us out!!!!!!

<RicaChica> Just..shut up and walk.

* Shingami and wing stop 'talking' and glare at him with equal glares o doom

* Ryu shifts back, glaring at Cho..*

* Rev looks to Cho coldly...bruised and whatnot...not seeming to show pain*

* A big white guy wearing army fatigues follows him, and a Japanese man with a scar running across his face and an eyepatch, AND a chill blonde woman, follow Cho, checking out the folks.

* Mitch gets dragged part of the way, but makes it onto his feet, and tugs his arm away. "...need to go back."

* Nox watches, brows furrowed*

<Cho> So you see...we have a fine selection to offer you.

<RicaChica> Fuck no, get INSIDE..

* Ryu blinks..then glares* Th' fuck ye' do, ye' ass!

<Woman> "Damages?"

<Cho> "None permanent..."

<Mitch> "Fuck. YES." Growing more lucid, he stumbles back to the car. "Gotta find out who else made it. What things are like."

* Iris's eyes widen, cringing back and bursting into tears, having heard words a lot like that her home time*

* RicaChica sighs, watching ..

<Shingami> Kisama fukuri na!

* Japanese guy* "My company desires footage of their skills..." *gives a dark look to Iris*

* Nox narrows her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest*

<RicaChica> And how are you gonna get there, I ain't driving you. GET INSIDE, I'll call from there.

* Mondo_Gecko is playing Rondo Alla Turka ..

* Ryu growls, eyes glowing red*

<Mitch> He turns to glare at her, fishing in a pocket and pulling out a subway token, holding it up.

<AriaStormsinger> Big guy just grins possessively at Shingami.

<Wing> *glaring at the anterage poers dancing behind his eyes*

<RicaChica> At least let HLMknow that you're ok, got it??

* Shingami snarels

* Shingami also looks very prone, weak and.. lotsa skin and or tight clothing

<Mitch> "Do what you have to."

<RicaChica> Mitch--I meant YOU tell her you're ok ..

<Woman> *points to Shin* What's wrong with that one?

<RicaChica> That guy CALLED her before he took the place down.

<Rev> *arches a brow coldly* you all wish to die that badly, hm?

* Ryu pauses..then blinks, looking across diagonally at Rev* ...Rev..??

* Cho turns to Shin and holds up a strange device in his hand, pointed through the cell at her. "What happened to your leg?"

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(this doesn't really match my mood...'s fun though)

* Rev looks to Ryu and grins wryly* Aye...

* Mitch rubs the blanket over the back of his head, the blood mixing in with the red hair, before tossing it into the vehicle and zipping his jacket up... he lets his breath out slowly, holding out a hand and studying it, steadying it.

* Ryu furrows her brow* Mitch n' Rica....where are the'y..?

* Rev shakes his head* I do not far as I know they are still in the asylum...

<RicaChica> Mitch .. *mother-esque I'll give you to the count of 3 tone of voice*

* Nox watches Cho and the rest, brows furrowed*

* Ryu grimaces..looking to the other direction .. trying to see whom else is diagonal to her..*

<Mitch> He looks up, eyes flicking between auras, of passerbys and hospital staff. "Rica. You can be my eyes or you can let me take the city blind."

* Iris is sobbing again, curled up tightly, Nox's gaze is drawn to her, concern falling over her features*

<Shingami> Like im gogng to tell you shlong breath

* RicaChica blinks..then tugs his glasses out of her pockets ..

* Cho hits za button.

* Mondo_Gecko 's fingers dance over the keys as he tries to think of something else to play

<RicaChica> I caught these ... waswondering why ..

* ZAPPIES attack Shin, and don't stop, playing over her like hungry mini-lightning, and the electricity hum in all the cells reacts, crackling and jerking*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( hmmm.. Moonlight Sonata..depressing enough)

* Shingami yells, twitches and such

<Wing> Oneechan!

* Ryu grimaces, ducking at it*

<Mitch> "What?" *can't see even that much*

* RicaChica sighs

<RicaChica> Hold out a hand, four arms.

* Iris starts screaming and crying again at the yell, Rev not seeming to react, Nox furrowing her brows, eyes going dark*

<Cho> What. Happened. To Your. Leg.

* Mondo_Gecko stops playing one song and starts into another.. the errie melody of Moonlight Sonata floating down the hospital corridors

<Nox> Monster.

<Ryu> Et's broken, es tha nae good n'uff t' ye, back off y' bastard!

* Mitch holds out a hand, wary...

* AriaStormsinger raises her head. "Mondo's here..." (watches HLM and Klork worriedly.)

* RicaChica settles his glasses in his hand..

* Cho flicks it off and smiles.

<RicaChica> I caught them when they flew .. reflex.

* HappyLittleMoron 's more or less just...crying 'n stuff...

* Klork is holding her..half dressed..head still bandaged..

* Cho rushes to Ryu's cell, coming to a halt and fierecely meeting her gaze.

* Mitch brightens a little and flips them around, flicking them open and settling them on in a practiced movement... he winces as he focuses, but steadies somewhat as he gets his sight back.

* Ryu growls, staring him down* Try et.

* RicaChica sighs

<RicaChica> Can you drive at all..?

* Rev glares at him and the rest, Iris degenerated into sobbing again*

<Cho> The one unknown...

<Cho> Your name. *cold demand*

<Mitch> "No. I'll be okay. Go talk to Mrs. Happy. I'll call as soon as I've had a chance to look things over."

* Ryu flares her wings* Byt'me. Ms. Byt'me.

* The other three walk up and down, pausing in front of the cell and looking through files...

* RicaChica nods...grimacing..

<RicaChica> Right..

<Cho> Where are you from?

* Rev smirks, looking at whoever's in front of his cell coldly, holding himself like royalty*

* Ryu .. so tempted to laugh now* Fer' gods sake, ye kinnae tell??

* Mitch palms the subway token, turning away, heading down the street with only a slight stumble.

<Mitch> .oO(Let them... be okay...)

* RicaChica watches worriedly .. then half-staggers into the hospital herself...making her way to Klork, HLM, Brenna & Aria..

* Rae is out in Ker's arms etc*

* Kern furrows his brow, stroking Rae's hair* <q> up...??

* Ryu continues to glare at Mr. ChoSchlong*

* Mitch tugs on his cap, looking out from under the brim as always, as he heads down into the subway and hits the bowels

* HappyLittleMoron looks up, worn 'n stuff, Brenna amazingly still asleep

* Rae groans, slowly waking..*

<RicaChica> Hey .. *grimaces, rubbing her head .. it's a tad bloody at back but she don't know that*'re you..??

* Rev looks to Cho, watching him and Ryu*

* Klork furrows his brows..

<Klork> <q> What happened...??

* Cho glares at Ryu. "Answer the question."

* Woman makes notes, looking Rev over critically.

<HappyLittleMoron> Worried...Rica...yeah...what h he said...

<Rev> She does not need to answere to you, fool.

* Ryu shrugs* Japan' luv.

* `Wing` 's hair startign to stand on end Mononoke style, back tensing up tattoos shifting aorund as if somethign beneath them

<RicaChica> lots of .. stuff ...

<HappyLittleMoron> Rica...? Sit down...? Get yourself looked at...?

* RicaChica settles..shaking her head

<RicaChica> Just hit my head..I'm good .. Mitch got .. worse hit .. went back to the asylum to check for survivors..

<Shin> *mouths* oniichan shizuka ni naru (calm down big brother)

* Cho nods. "It will be noted.

<HappyLittleMoron> ...surviviors?!?

<RicaChica> From what I know, REv, Iris, Nox, Wing and Shin .. maybe Ryu too .. got captured ..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( Damn claws...they make it so hard to play)

* Ryu snorts* Ye're dense, aye?

<HappyLittleMoron> <vqw> ...ohmygods...

* AriaStormsinger shivers in horror.

<AriaStormsinger> Who!?

* Rev smirks*

* Mitch makes it back to the asylum without incident, since one disaster at a time is enough, and begins going through the place... he probably won't suss Myrae unless she lets him...

* Cho strides to the end of the hall.

<RicaChica> Some freakish guy that Mitch..*shudders* KILLED .. had this shadow that'd lap in and outta it...

* Rae is awake .. in Ker's arms*

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyees widen...

* Kern strokes Rae's hair* <w> What happened...??

* Rev coldly watches Cho as he goes*

* The men and woman finish up and follow him.

* Rae shakes her head* <q> everybody got attacked..

* Kern furrows his brwo* <q> By who...?

* One of the electric barriers falls -- Wing's.

* Ryu chuckles..* .oO(Ms. Bytme..aye, let em' fuck ther' files..)

* they hear the clop-clop of slow booted footsteps, that slow and pause by each door, sometimes taking a few steps in... it's coming closer...*

* Rev shakes his head, then looks over to Wing, having heard that*

* Rae blinks, slowly sitting up, eyes wide at the door*

* A dark presence speaks in Wing's head: Come forward, slave...

* Ryu blinkblinks, looking up at Wing* <q> Fuck ...

* HappyLittleMoron starts shaking again...

* Nox furrows her brows, touching the feild in front of her reflexively*

* Klork holds her close...purring quietly ..

* clop clop clop... it's RIGHT NEXT DOOR...*

* Rae curls...eyes wide* <q> Ker..!!

* Kern narrows hhis eyes and, grabs his sword* <w> Go into the bathroom love...

* Nox gets ZAPPED

* Rae nods, staggering to her feet to get to the bathroom*

* Nox draws back with a short yelp, shaking her hand* <unless it'd throw her back <G>>

* clop... clop... CLOP...*

* No, she didn't hit it hard enugh/long enough...*

* Kern stands, heading to the door, standing against the wall by the door*

* The barriers respond to the level of approach/attack -- from zap to CRACKLE*

<Shingami> *mouths* i want to knwo why were here... and showing our hand now is a bad idea

<Wing> ..*mouths* wakattaeru

* Mitch leans a hand on the doorframe, stopping and looking in... he takes a step in, another, making sure the room is empty...

* Iris starts sobbing again, half-screaming*

* Ryu grits her teeth, stepping back .. her tail snapping to and fro...quartz tip snapping against the walls*

<Ryu> Fer' cryin'--yer' scarin' the wee one, ye asses!!

* Kern rests the tip of the sword against the base of Mitch's skull* Who are you?

* Rae peers out..then blinks* Mitch! Nono--Ker!

* Nox furrows her brows* At least let me sooth her!

* Mitch slowly straightens up, his hands spreading from his sides to show they're empty

* Kern blinks and pulls back* 'Eh?

* Rae waddles out* Mtich .. your ok?? *looks at Kern* This is the one that fell into the pool...remember?

<Cho> She will survive.

<Rae> Mitch .. this is my fiance, Kernunose..

* Ryu frowns* Yer' nae one t' say tha.

<Kern> AH! Heh...sooorry...

<Nox> And what do YOU know of children? *watches Cho with that chilling calmness*

* `Wing steps forward as the voice in his head tells him to, not having.. much of a choice it seems

* Mitch looks over - big sword, big man... just shakes his head. "You two all right?"

* Kern nods slowly* Yeah...what exactly happened?

* Rae nods* Exhausted..I was in water form the entire time ... where did they all go..??

* Cho watches Wing emerge.

* Wing feels an invisible grip around his body urging him forward....

* Ryu blinks.. watching*

* Kern puts the sword away, goes to support Rae*

<Mitch> "Someone pulled a sting operation... have you seen anyone else? Is anyone here?"

* Rev furrows his brow as he watches*

* `Wing continues forward on auto pilot eyes dimming it seems

* Rae shakes her head* Nobody ...

* Kern shakes his head* No...not that I've seen...

<Shin> fight it oniichan!

* The three folks turn and leave, the metal doors slam shut, and Cho bares a dark grin at Wing.

<Ryu> Wing..! Jes' .. *Steps back as the doors shut* SHIET!

* Rev and Nox pull back in suprise, Iris screaming again, sobbing hard*

<Shin> *struggels to her feet and bangs on the door* BIG BROTHER!!

<Mitch> "Shit. I'm... searching the place. Seeing if anyone's here. Made it this far." *shakes his head slowly* "You're the only ones."

* Wing gets brought to an adjoining room, about the size of a gym, round, white panels leading around in overlapping circles, a kind of arena

<Mitch> "Except for Rica and the people at the hospital..."

* Rae grimaces* Where are HLM, Klork .. Aria and Mondo ... ? Brenna..?? *looks worried*

* Kern sighs annnd nods* Alright...I will...make sure nothing else happens...? *gievs him a tired look...been watching like mad*

* `Wing follows...

* Kern shakes his head, not having any idea*

<Mitch> "They're the people, y'know, at the hospital. Them, Diana, Rica..."

* Cho and the three others go into a room next to it and up some stairs. It has a plastic protected viewing window overlooking the room, above a control board.

* The door SLAMS behind Wing.

* Rae ohhs, nodding* Perhaps .. we should join them there..?? They could return here easily..

<Mitch> "Uh. Christ. I don't know. Why ask me? Yeah. Stay with Myrae."

* `Wing snaps out of it looking aorund

<Mitch> "Lemme check the rest of the building first."

* A silver ball hovers near the ceiling. It buzzes a little.*

* Rae nods...tugging some things together into a backpack*

<`Wing> (( i will not panic i will not panic i hate enclosed rooms)

* Mitch stumbles out again, obviously not in tip-top shape himself

* Kern nods...*

* Kern furrows his brow*

<`Wing> nani kore?

* Rae pauses* Mitch .. I can heal you ...

* A hologram-like figure flickers into being across from Wing. It's a human male, armed with guns, burly and mean-looking.

<`Wing> shiken?.. ((a test?))

* Kern stands guard 'n stuff*

<`Wing> (( i really dont like this))

* Cho hits a button and the hologram-dude lunges at Wing

* He gets a swipe in and it hits with a crackling force!

* `Wing slides abckwards, snaps forwards then deleverign a strong kick

* Hologram dodges and fires at Wing*

* `Wing ducks and throws a shock wave of energy, seemign nothig but a shimmer towards the guy

* Hologram reels, flickers, and fades out

* Silver ball spins and churns*

<`Wing> (( i must defete my enemy... id i font then they might harm the others and Shin... i wil defete my enemy as fast as possable))

* Wing's suddenly surrounded by growling dogs and policemen holding their leashes

<`Wing> ((they arnt my target....that thing up there is...))

* Mitch finally makes it up to Mo's room, which is where he's arbitrarily decided the big Torres showdown happened.

* The dogs ATTACK!*

* Syan is .. back in wolf form..sleeping in his cell..having slept through the entire thing*

* `Wing gets in a defencive stance and his wings emerge form his back spattering a bit of blood on the white floor efore unfolding

* hehhehe*

* Mitch pulls out his guns from the closet, checking each and stuffing them into the back of his pants, letting the jacket hang down over them

* Cho and the others monitor the arena...

* `Wing flaps his wings once takgin to the air but hitting them with another energy wave

* Several guards monitor the cell block*

* Mitch walks over to the corpse and crouches by it, going through its pockets

* Rev paces around the cell, trying to ffind ways to mess with the electricity and magic blocks*

* Syan whines .. slowly opening his eyes...he's a white gangly wolf .. with three small silver loops in each ear*

* computers register Wing's effects*

* Mitch comes up with a Sharper Image butane lighter but no ID

* The pockets are empty. Strange.*

<Shin> *ranting in every language she knows with every curse she knows really loudly*

* Ryu is doing the same thing basically as Rev...growling*

* Mitch doesn't even come up with the lighter :(

* Rev's not growling though! He's cool...cooooooooold dude*

* RicaChica has since passed out in her chair, tired if anything..

* Syan slowly gets up...sniffing the air...pacing a bit like any dog would ...

* Some of the dogs collapse, others leap for Wing. *Ceiling's only about 20' up*

* HappyLittleMoron gets a nurse/doctore/whoever to look at Rica <G>

* `Wing gets otu fo his enemies reach and starts circling the room in the air

* Mitch sighs, pushing himself back a little... he reaches over and turns the head, lips tightening at the nauseatingly smooth and disjointed way it rolls

<`Wing> (( i cant summon in here so sue what you got))

* Police holograms fire at him, sending electric jolts as the 'bullets' hit -- or nearly hit

* Nox sighs, sitting down and looking around the room*

* Mitch shakes his head, standing. .oO(That's for Aria, bitch.)

* `Wing tries an energy reversel spell, everythign that hits him has a 65% chance of beign turned into energy he can use

* the spell works!*

* Ryu sits again, muttering it and drawing on the floor again*

* Mitch finds the cordless, since they probably have one, and calls up the number of the hospital via directory assistance, getting through to Site B as he heads back towards Kern and Rae...

* `Wing turns towards the sphere and holds up a palm, lettign the energy, plus a lot of his own fire at the sphere like a beamcannon... or a kamekameha

* Rev runs his hands along the wall, paying attention to the corners and stuff*

* Syan paces...sitting and whining..half howling like a wolf if any..

* Rae looks up* <q> Hey, Mitch ...*is holding a scared to death Puddles*

* HappyLittleMoron picks up* H...h'lo?

* Kern looks up as well, having been...keeping watch*

* Mitch 's lip almost... almost... twitches into a tiny smile

<Mitch> "Mitch."

* a force field around the silver ball lights up and buzzes madly,then EXPLODES*

* The holograms fizzle out*

* Rae watches Mitch, puddles trying to get to Mitch..he being the only face he recognizes*

* Syan whines .. going to a howl .. yep, it's that wolf thang

* Cho glares, then grins at the three folks. "With that kind of power, you may only need one each."

* Mitch crouches down unsteadily, going down onto his knees.

<HappyLittleMoron> ...'sup??

<Woman> "We shall see."

* `Wing sends a shockwave kick towards the sphere

* Ryu growls, firing ice at the walls..then fire .. then ice .. *

* Rae sets Puddles down..who scampers over to Mitch, whining...entire body shaking*

* The walls hum louder with each strike, and the electric/magic force expands, closing in on Ryu

<Mitch> "Kernunose and Myrae made it." He picks Puddles up with his lower arms, holding the dog close. "And Puddles."

* One-way view window, but it's a different appearance than the rest of the arena.

* Puddles burrows into Mitch's arms*

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh gods...that's good at least...

* Rae leans against Ker*

* Kern holds Rae*

<Mitch> "Everyone else is missing. Bill said they were headed west. He couldn't follow them all the way, though."

* Mitch holds Puddles... but no one holds Miiiitch

<HappyLittleMoron> Are they ok?? You guys coming here...?? *takes a shakey breath* O...ok...

<Shin> *stops her rantign and sits down ... part of her deep deep within feeling wing's esertion and his sue of power... they kinda are always tied together*

* `Wing looks for anything that seems different... and lashes out violently at it

* Ryu furrows her brow, muttering and stopping, just ... drawing on the floor* <q> Byt' me..ah wes jes' tryin' ...

* AriaStormsinger crawls up and looks questioningly to Klork, holding her hands toward Brenna.

* Klork blinks...brows furrowed..

<Mitch> "Yeah. Tell Aria the Iceman's not gonna hurt her again."

<Klork> <q> She's sleepin ... wha's wrong .. ?

<AriaStormsinger> "Can I hold her? I just...feel awful...helpless."

* HappyLittleMoron offers Klork the phone <G>

* Cables drop from the ceiling and lash around Wing, wrapping around his limbs and yanking him upward

* Klork nods, crooking his jaw to tell her to come up on the bed..lifting Brenna gently to her arms..

* Klork blinks .. taking it...

<AriaStormsinger> <w> thank you...

<Klork> <q> Hello .. ?

<`Wing> OMAE O KUROSU! I will kill you all I swear!!*struggels agsint the cabels*

* Mitch blinks a little, muzzy and not prepared. "Klork?"

* Mondo_Gecko gets up and heads down the hospital, pushing the IV stuck in his arm and he gets to Klorks room*

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey

<Shin> .. wing...

<Mondo_Gecko> thought I'd come visit it's that cool

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Mondo...she's a wreck

* Klork waves to Mondo, nodding, still on the phone..

* The cables pin Wing to the ceiling

<Klork> <q> Yeah.. Rae and Ker and who else are ok? I didn't catch that..Mo' needed a break ..

* Pins tipped with drugs emerge and sting into his back

* Diana's pulse is doing that racing thing again, kinda half sensing what's happening to Wing through the link that's through her sword <G>*

<Mitch> "Puddles." He looks down, rubbing the puppy's ears.

* Syan paces, whining ... can't shapeshift to human form .. sits and howls again..

* Serious muscle relaxants rush through Wing's system*

* `Wing growels eyes glowing vibrent violet..........before he gets rendered unconcious

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> ...what happened?

* Klork nods..grimacing..

<Nox> <q> Syan...*closes her eyes, trying to reach out to him, knowing it's useless*

<Klork> <q> You guys gonna come here .. ?

* Most of the cables release, then one around his left arm slowly lowers, dropping his hanging form gradually to about four feet off the ground, then releases.

* Wing crumples to the floor.

* Mondo_Gecko goes over to HLM

<Mitch> "Yeah. Where do you, y'know, keep the keys for the front door?"

* Rev sucks energy from whatever sorces of power in his cell he can find*

<Shin> *rubs her arms*.. big brother...wake up...((hoep diana cant feel me too... panick isnt good))

* Syan howls continually .. for all ppl know he's just a wolf..with earrings.

* HappyLittleMoron looks like she's about to cry again...

* Klork rubs at the back of his beck ..

<`Wing> *thud*

* Diana's still comatose, but, yeah, pulse is going nuts*

<Klork> <q> Between the mattress and the box spring ..

* The electric/magic walls seem to have endless power.

* Mondo_Gecko gently strokes her hair

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Mo...jeeze..

* Puddles curls close, licking Mitch's arm*

* Cho waves his hand, and several guards enter the arena and drag Wing out.

* Rev continues the drain*

<Mitch> "Okay. I'll. Lock up." He sighs, drained. "See you guys soon."

<Klork> <q> Yeah, Mitch .. see you soon, ok?

* HappyLittleMoron takes a shakey breath, shoulders and wings slumped, swallowing and covering her face as the tears start again

* Mondo_Gecko wraps his arm around her sholder

* After Wing's dropped back in his cell, Iris' door is opened.

* Klork hangs up the phone .. then pauses, looking over, brows creasing as he watches his wife ...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w*'s ok

* Mondo_Gecko looks up at Klork

<Mondo_Gecko> what happened man?

<Klork> <q> They're on their way, Mo .. oh gods...

* Iris looks up with big eyes, shrieking and backing up to the wall*

* `Wing gets dragged

* HappyLittleMoron cries 'n cries 'n cries <G>

* Mitch hangs up, and just tosses the phone to one side, putting a hand on the doorframe and dragging himself up

<Klork> <q> Something attacked the asylum .. everybody sans Ker, Myrae, Rica and those here were kidnapped..

* Kern furrows his brow, reaching out to help Mitch*

* Puddles still licks at Mitch's arm comfortingly*

<Mondo_Gecko> What?!

* AriaStormsinger tries to pat HLM and calm her down. "HLM. Don't...the babies...It'll be okay. HLM. Please? It's gonna be fine. C'mon, your babies..."

<Klork> Shh..*grimaces*

* One of the guards gestures to Iris. "Get out here."

* Mitch lets Kern support him long enough to get to his feet, then heads upstairs, getting the keys out from under the mattress.

<Mondo_Gecko> ......

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm goin after'em

* Iris shakes her head, eyes wide, curling up right where she is*

<Klork> Mondo ..

<Mondo_Gecko> Fuck it..

<Klork> How..??? *tugs HLM close*

<Klork> We dont know where they are..

<Goon> NOW, y'little freak!

* HappyLittleMoron forces the tears down and shakes her head*! *gets tugged close, unresisting* Don't want you captured too...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...we don't have any idea who did it?

<Iris> NO!

* Syan paces .. whines..howls..etc

* Ryu stands, trying to get out yet again*

<HappyLittleMoron> People who...were...after Aria in...the first place...

* AriaStormsinger looks up WIDE-eyed... "Is -- is that who it was!?"

* AriaStormsinger covers her mouth. "No..."

<Klork> <q> Aria...*motions* Brenna..??

* Rev takes a deep breath and thrusts a massive burst of power, composed of what he drained, back at the walls*

* Nox clenches her jaw, curling up herself*

* AriaStormsinger bites her lip, then hands Brenna over.

* Mitch , after they're all out the door, locks the Asylum up - probably for the first time in months - and hails a taxi

* Syan howls long n' loud .. just .. being a wolf..

* Iris stays right where she is, staring at the guard*

* Klork holds her close...

* ALL the cells buzz and flash*

<Mondo_Gecko> Someone shoud phone the guys at Foss

* Both goons go SMACKING up against the walls

* Ryu blinks, eyes wide as she ducks down* Wha'th?!

* Syan ducks down...barking now in confusion

* Rae goes with Mitch .. Ker does too she assumes*

* Rev goes about trying to force the door open*

* The metal door on Rev's cell warps out...stays closed...

<HappyLittleMoron> *Kern, yeah, does too <G>*

* The door is now jammed.

* Rev pummles at the door energetically, trying to break it*

* One of the goons grabs his walkie

* Mitch gets them to the hospital, and if anyone looks at him for carrying a puppy under one arm Kern is BIG.

* Rica stays asleep by their bed .. head wrapped a little..

* The door ripples, jerks and then solidifies back to original form

* Iris SHRIEKS and ducks, curling up more tightly before opening her eyes and leaping out of the cell, bolting down the hallway*

* Rae ..waddles*

* Rev CURSES, kicking in irritation at it*

* One of the goons curses: "What happened to the barrier!?" *grabbing at the girl*

* Only one door is open at the end of the hall...

* Mitch , two-armed once more, brings them to Site B

* Ryu kicks at her own door .. cuz she can .. firing fire n' ice at it*

* Iris slips her way out of thier grip, flashing bright rainbows in their eyes and bolting for the door*

<Ryu> Open damnit!!

<Woman> "Perhaps you should pay US to take these mutants off your obviously can't handle them."

* Rev goes back to attacking the door magically and physically*

* Every shot Ryu takes squeezes the energy/electricty boundaries closer around her.

* Syan ... howls

* Mondo_Gecko curses under his breath, tail lashing..he's in no condition to get worked up though

* Cho smirks.

* Ryu growls..just about to the point of not caring ... *

* Something fizzes in the ceilings, and a dense green smoke settles through the cells

* HappyLittleMoron looks up as the three...four if you include Puddles, of them come in...

* Mondo_Gecko glances up

* Iris enters the arena, the shattered silver globe on the floor near the center

* Nox coughs, Rev holding his breath and continuing his attack*

* Mitch pushes the door open, mutt in the traditional underarm schnauzer position, Kern and Rae behind him

* Iris looks around madly for an escape, rainbow eyes wide*

* Ryu blinks, ducking down and sheilding her wings around her .. tightly so she has a limited amount of air*

* Syan blinks...growling at the smoke..

* Rev can do this for quite a while, just...y'know...has to breath sometime <G>*

* Rae goes in, sees HLM .. brows furrowing as she goes over* <q> Mo...??

* The smoke filters out of the rooms where the folks go unconscious, first.

* Puddles is half asleep under Mitch's arm, he's truly a girl-magnet*

* HappyLittleMoron reaches out to hug Rae* <q> G...good to see you...

* It won't get sucked out of Rev or Ryu's or anyone else's until they drop too...*

* Syan continually growls at it...then slowly sinks...

* Nox, y'know, passes out slowly...all dramatic and stuff <G>*

* Cho leans over to a microphone. "Iris?"

<Mondo_Gecko> Are you guys ok?

* Ryu grits her teeth .. going out from lack of oxygen in her lil' shell..

* Iris hears her name echo thru the arena

* Rev slowly begins slowing, and sinking*

* Mitch glances around, but all the chairs are taken... he just sets his back to a wall and slumps down to the floor, eyes closed.

* Iris looks around* Who are you?!

* Rae nods .. * Yeah...*grimaces, just settling on Ker's lap*

<Cho> I'm a friend.

<Cho> Can you get to the top of this room?

<Iris> Why??

* Iris kinda shrinks into herself, looking around with wide eyes*

<Cho> Do you see the wires at the top?

<Iris> Uh huh...?

<Cho> They control what happens in this room.

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and and just slips down to the floor and leans against the wall, closing his eyes

<Iris> But...I....can't get up there...*starts inching out...*

<Mitch> .oO(What now?)

* Syan twitches in his sleep

* Cho and folks take notes.

* Syan is chasing .. cats .. *cackles*

* Mondo_Gecko curls his long tail around his feet

* Goons appear at the door* "THere you are..."

* Ryu sighs .. just .. out*

* Phone rings in HLM/Klork's room*

* Iris yelps, firing rainbows at them and bolting again*

* Klork looks over at HLM, holding her & Brenna..then blinks, picking it up*

<Klork> <q> Hello?

* Mondo_Gecko opens his eyes

* The door shuts behind the goons, who stagger from the rainbows*

* Mitch kinda looks up wearily.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( somehow it always ends up where I can't do anything)

* HappyLittleMoron just kinda lies against him, exausted...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(this is driving me mental..)

<Cho> Is this Klork?

<Klork> <q> Yeah, who's this?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(if I go and try to do something I'll exhaust myself and be back in the hospital..)

<Cho> An associate of the Asylum's.

* Klork coughs a little, voice hoarse

<Klork> <q> Um, name please.

<Cho> There is, a little matter of business, still standing between us.

<Klork> <q> I don't recall doing business with any associate who won't tell me their name.

* Iris presses her back against one of the walls, looking around for an avenue of escape...*

* Syan twitches .. scooting in circles in his sleep...barking a bit .. chasing those damn purple flying polkadot cats..

<Cho> My name does not matter. I represent the interests of the late Javier Quinonez...

<Klork> <q> Didn't do business with him either.

<Cho> But you DO owe us the $7 million you stole.

<Klork> <q> Uh huh. Yeah, you know what...when I want that credit card, I'll tell you *hangs up, annoyed*

<Cho> Your wife likes to lie about it, and cost her firends their lives. Are you more wise?

* phone rings again*

* Klork disconnects the phone, pulling HLM close

* Riii---zzt*

* HappyLittleMoron curls close, trembling, not in good shape at all, unable to calm down

<Klork> <q> Publisher's clearing house my ass.

* Iris...keeps looking around <G>*

* Klork rubs her arms gently, purring to soothe her..

* HappyLittleMoron tries desperately to relax...

* The floor starts to drop under Iris, leaving a network of metal rods for Iris to stand on*

* Syan slowly wakes up...blinkg...* ..oO(Dude ..)

<AriaStormsinger> want some help? HLM?

* Klork nods to Mondo .. trying to calm HLM

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...

* Mitch kind of looks up and over. "...Mrs. Happy? Did you tell her?"

* Mondo_Gecko gets up and heads out to the hall, looking for a doc.

* Iris yelps and keeps her balance, eyes wide*

* AriaStormsinger takes a deep breath. *distracted* "Tell me what?"

* AriaStormsinger lays a tentative hand at HLM's back and fuzzes her gently.

<Klork> {{DOesn't work with hear healing factor, Aria ..}}

* Klork still holds HLM close, giving an appreciative but apologetic look to Aria

<Mitch> *leans his head back against the wall* "The Iceman... the Brazilian fuck from the church... he ain't gonna bother you anymore."

* AriaStormsinger 's face falls at Klork's message.

* Syan paces....yet again

* AriaStormsinger sticks her chin out a little bit. {{Then I'll just give her a backrub...}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh! I ..yeah...*nods, sighing shakily*

* AriaStormsinger glances over at Mitch. "That's who attacked?"

* Klork smiles faintly* {{That works..}}

* Iris furrows her brows, looking for a way out again...*

* Syan paces ... paces .. paces .. sits and howls

* A dark rain starts to fall from teh ceiling, chillingly cold

<Mitch> "Him and someone else, yeah. And some guys in SWAT duds."

<AriaStormsinger> <q> You killed him.

* Iris shivers and backs against the wall, watching the rain*

* Iris' face gets wet

* Syan , in that case, paces ... paces .. paces .. howls..

* Mitch 's too drained to sugarcoat things any. "Yeah."

* The water drops through the mesh floor, creating a four-foot deep pool below.

* Syan tries to shapeshift to human form...testingly ..

* Rev slowly comes to, groaning softly*

* There's an open space in the mesh near the center of the room, about four-feet wide

* AriaStormsinger nods. "Okay."

* Mondo_Gecko flags down a Doctor asking, but he looks at HLM's chart on the comp and tells Mondo that she's been recorded as a mutant to which such things have no effect

* Iris furrows her brows, hands gripping at the wall, not about to dive in :P*

* Mitch isn't particularly angsty about this, mind you. He's comfortable with it. }:D

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and heads back to the room

* Klork just holds HLM to do his best to calm her, giving an appreciative look to Mondo

* Cho's attention snaps to the monitors. The now humanoid...

* Something stirs in the waters.

* HappyLittleMoron closes her eyes* <q> Thanks...guys...

* AriaStormsinger *rubs* "It's okay."

* Iris watches, a strangled whimper rising to her throat*

* Syan rubs at his head..wearing his black spandexy suit sorta deal .. looks more like a wet suit with combat boots, rubbing at his head*

* Klork n ods ..

* Cho looks thoughtful.

* The door to Syan's room Slides open, and the buzzing is interrupted

* Mitch just slumps back against the wall, scratching slowly behind Puddles's ears

* Iris inches around to where the door is, trying to find a way to open it*

* Syan blinks ..

* Mondo_Gecko slides back to the floor, he blinks

<Syan> Um...hello...??

* Syan stares at the door, not about to touch it..

* The door zaps at her, and sends a jolt through the water in the room*

* Syan hears the zap from the arena door...and Iris' cry, via speakers...

* Iris cries out and jerks away from it, pressing to the wall again* STOPPIT!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!

* Syan blinks..

<Syan> Iris...IRIS! *Runs for the door*

<Iris> YOU'RE NOT A FRIEND!! YOU'RE A MONSTER!!!! LET US OUT! *swallows a frightened sob, glaring defiently around...though still pressed to the wall*

* The blonde woman leans over the microphone, pressing the button. "Because you need a lesson in life, little monster."

<Iris> YOU'RE the monster!!!!!! YOU come down here!!!!!

* The two goons let him pass, one of them opening the door for Syan.

* Syan ..goes into the arena?

* Woman stands back, chuckles.

* The arena door zips shut again behind him...

* Something stirs in the water again...

* Syan skids across the mesh, eyes wide, snagging the edge, flipping back up and looking around

<Syan> Holy..!

* The rain ECHOES in teh arena....

* Iris cries, looking up at Syan with big eyes*

* Syan blinks..looking up...then over at Iris...

<Syan> Iris...!

<Cho> "Let's see what this one does..."

* Syan hurries over quickly, pulling her into his arms carefully

* A WALL of water rushes up between the two

* Syan BLINKS..

<Syan> What the hell...?!

* A face appears in the water, cruel and dark*

* Iris whimpers and tries to run for him, then screams, falling back onto her butt* nooooo...*whimpers*

* Syan tilts his head ..

* Iris looks up at the face, flashing rainbows at it...only thing she CAN doo <G>* Go 'way!

* Syan backs up, feral growl coming from his throat...screw the face,he's gonna run through the damn wall, water? ogs LOVE water..

* The face laughs

* He can run through it! Like running through a waterfall

* Syan skids through to the other side, snagging Iris in his arms immediately

* aww*

* Syan is now .. soaked.

* Iris inches back, half-sobbing, then bliinks and curls close to Syan, clinging to himmm*

* The wall slowly collapses...

* Syan pulls her close, kinda dripping...white hair sticking to his face..watching around cautiously..

* The rain comes to a halt, the water in teh floor now just at the level of the mesh floor.

* Syan stands, holding her ..eying the water..

<Cho> Now...for the proper motivation...

* Iris burries her face in his shoulder, crying softly, I'd imagine she's pretty soaked too, been in the rain how long? <G>*

* Syan just holds her close, eyes cautious of the room around them...

* A figure emerges from the center of the floor.

* Syan blinks...watching it...

* It appears made of water

* Iris clings to Syan, trembling 'n stuff...she's a kid, c'mon now*

<Syan> <q> Rae..??

* It gestures to him...

* Syan still holds her close, squinting at it ..

<Syan> <q> I ain't fallin' for that ...

* Soemthing SNAPS above...CRACKLES. POPS.

* Syan ducks down, sheilding Iris..eyes wide...

* One of the wires is swinging, sparks appearing...

* Iris cringes into Syan, whimpering more*

* Syan blinks, eyes going wide..

<Cho> SHit.

<Japanese dude> "Something wrong?"

<Syan> ...oo(Of course, of all things I wish I could just .. fly..damnit!)

* Figure vanishes.

* Syan furrows his brows, trying to get to ANYWHERE that's not wet or metallic..

* The walls ripple once with blue....

<Syan> <q> Just hold on, Iris..

* Iris nods, clinging to him, peeking around with wide eyes* <q> K...

* Syan blinks, looking up at them..

* The arena exPLODES with electric force, water bursting everywhere, and shorts out.

* Syan sheilds Irish, gritting his teeth..

* Syan then .. blinks..

* Iris shrieks and ducks into Syan again*

* Syan , with rubber boots ... kicks at the door..testing it..

* Door's clear!

* Syan blinks then slams his foot against it, aiming to knock it down

* Rev sits up slowly, shaking his head, looking around again, testing the door, kinda...groggy...*

* After a little bit, the door gives!

* Cho and company get cautiously up from teh floor, and test the dead equipment. NOthing!

* Syan heads out cautiously,looking for goon/guards, still holding Iris .. still dripping..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs, exhausted

* Ryu groans ... holding her head..*

* Rev grits his teeth, kicking at the door again*

* The humming is the cells

* The door only zaps Rev on every other kick now

* MOre like static on the other shots

* Syan drips down the hall way between cells...watching for guards, kicking at doors when he can, refusing to let go of Iris*

* Rev starts sucking at the energy again, ignoring the zaps, hair sorta...poofing...though <G>*

* Iris refuses to let go of Syan either*

* The goons appear at the back of the hall, kinda pale, guns at the ready

* Goon: Stand where you are!

* Goon2: Freeze!

* Syan gives them a veddy chilling look .. more animal than mutant...

* Ryu gets up, trying to attack at the door again, usin' her dragonic strength..etc*

* Mondo_Gecko gets up..

* Iris looks over at them, rainbows in her eyes swirling*

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm gonna go see if I can rest some more..I'm starting to feel drained again

* HappyLittleMoron 's more or less passed out by now

* Klork is holding her, nodding to Mondo

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll see you guys later...take care ok?

* Kern nods* YOu too...

* Syan whispers quietly to Iris* <q> Think you could blind em..??

* Kern's more than likely holding Rae*

<AriaStormsinger> bye, mondo...

* Iris nods* <w> Now...?

* Rae is snoozin' on Ker*

<Klork> <q> You too, Mondo ..

* Mondo_Gecko turns and heads out and then stops...thinking for a moment..and then heads down the hall to Diana's room

* Syan nods...

<Syan> <q> Now..

* Goons glare at the two...

* Mitch is pretty much dead to the world, though he's still a little awake

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I owe her one visit...I havn't doen that yet)

* The doors are warping...the goons are nervous...

* Iris gathers her energys and sends poofs of BRIIIIIIIGHT rainbow at the goons' eyes*

* Cho sends the three buyers to a safer part of the castle

* Mondo_Gecko pushes her door open

* The goons REEL, and fire blindly down the hall

* Syan holds tightly to her, running at them and leaping then using both of his feet..all of his strength, to hit them both in the head --one with each foot..

* Diana lies there...pulse and breathing rait now normal*

* One goon goes down, losing his gun, the other staggers and SWINGS with it

* Iris clings*

* Rev...switches legs to kick with <G>*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs softly and comes over, parking his IV beside the chair and sits down slowly

* Syan snaps a booted foot up at the other goon, snagging the gun from the other*

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* Hey Diana..

* Ryu still beats at her door*

* Power up time!!!*

* The walls of the cells suddenly ZAP back to normal...

<Syan> <q> Don't look, Iris..*fires at Goon1 to keep him down*

* Next time anyone touches them violently, they'll get zacked bad

* Iris closes her eyes*

* Mondo_Gecko bites his lip, watching her

* Ryu flies back, gritting her teeth* ERgh!

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* ...I'm sorry..

* Goon1 gets a dart in his chest and passes out instantly

* Rev yells in suprise, flying back*

* Diana...breaths...*

* Mondo_Gecko swallows..

* Syan then fires at the other goon, point blank

<Syan> ..oO(Damnit ... DARTS?!)

* Cho's shadow slides into the cell block, wrapping Syan and Iris in a chill embrace

<Mondo_Gecko> I..hear that if you talk to people in coma's they can hear know..thought you might like some company. Even if you don't remember me

* Syan blinks, eyes wide as he holds Iris close, absolutely refusing to let her go

* there's a passage continuing past the door of the arena, by the way... <G>

* Iris yelps and cries horsely, clinging hard as she can to Syan...flashing rainbows at the shadow*

* The shadow backs off a bit at Iris' attacks

* Syan turns, running for the passage, gun in one hand, Irish clenched in the other

<Syan> <q> Keep it up, Iris!

* Iris continues firing rainbows at the shadow*

* Mondo_Gecko folds his arms on the edge of her bed and puts his snout down on it, letting out a slow sigh

* The Shadow pursues a little ways, then withdraws

<Mondo_Gecko> ...You always seemed to get injured alot..

<Mondo_Gecko>'s cause you were so brave though.

* Syan pauses..halfway down the passage..brows furrowed..not knowing where the hell to go next..

* Rev sits up, going back to the energy sucking, ignoring his physical hurts*

<Mondo_Gecko> You always wanted to help were selfless..that's something I respected in you so much

<Mondo_Gecko> Maybe because for a long time I was too afraid to be selfless..

* Diana...lies there...mebbe listening...mebbe not <G>*

* Cho steps out from the control room, the shadow re-merging.

* Cho sets off in pursuit of Syan and Iris

* Syan runs then!

* Syan comes to a FORK in the hall!

<Mondo_Gecko> ..your one of the strongest people I've ever met...and taught me alot

<Mondo_Gecko> so..thanks

* Syan skids to a stop...eyes searching each..he sniffs the air ..

* Footsteps echo behind him

* Iris watches behind them with wide eyes*

* One smells like people. Left, smells like stone.

* Mondo_Gecko reaches over and gently strokes her upper arm with the backs of his knuckles

* Syan goes for the path that, to him, smells most like freedom, bolting down it

<Mondo_Gecko> I really miss you..

* least feels warm...a single tear tracks from her eye...*

<Mondo_Gecko> you were best friend..

* Syan .. runs veddy fast of course..

* Mondo_Gecko doesn't notice this..

* Syan went left and reaches a DOOR.

* Syan ..nudges it with his foot

* The door.....STANDS there.

* Syan ... opens it?

* Iris continues to peek over Syan's shoulder, behind them*

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm sorry I was never there for you...

<Mondo_Gecko> it's not were always there for me..

* It opens onto a cavernous dining hall full of old art, armor, a long wooden table, and laptops and electronics strewn all over it. Maps and charts and file cabinets cover the walls. Pillars run down the sides.

* Syan shifts in,closing the door behind him...

<Mondo_Gecko> I just.....I really suck at real friendships and real relationships.....real love

* Cho perks up at the sound of the closing door and heads after them

* there*

* Syan inspects the laptops .. smashes a few to start an electrical fire, heading to the otherside of the dining hall ..looking for an escape

* There's a couple people working at the file cabinets, not seeing Syan/Iris yet

* Goon: "HEY!"

* Syan smiles

<Syan> Heya! *fires a stun dart at him*

* Others run for the laptops... the one goon charges at Syan, then DROPS

* Syan runs to find another door to get out through ..

<Mondo_Gecko> it's so fucked...when I'm infront of someone..I dunno how to say what I mean..but I mean...I dunno if you can hear me or not..and now it's all comming out

* Iris stays clung*

* Two doors, open, one on either side of the far end of the room

* Syan picks up Goon's weapon...his outta ammo, oohhh another gun, runs for those doors, sniffs again..

* Rev finally just slumps against a wall, staring at that damn door*

* Syan goes for what he thinks smells like freedom! <G>

* Mondo_Gecko sniffs a bit and whipes his cheek

<Mondo_Gecko> ... Diana....You were the person who knew me best.. my whole one knows me..

* ok, to the right -- flagstones and green-tinted light. To the left, a shadowy room.

<Mondo_Gecko> I used to think it was safe..

<Mondo_Gecko> but now I can see it's's lonely..

* Syan looks between the two ..shifting...shifting..goes for the shadowy room .. cansee in the dark...

<Mondo_Gecko> and I really wish I'd gotten to know you better..

* It's a biiiiig foyer, with giant heavy wooden doors, kinda dusty with disuse

* Diana's heart monitor: Beep...beep...beep...etc...damn it's annoying playing a character who can't reply*

<Syan> <q> Great .. now where...*inspects the doors*

* Iris nods, holding on*

* Fooooooot steps

* Syan picks a door that .. smells like freedom, closing it VERY silently

* Syan stands blinking in the early afternoon STRONG sunlight, with a view of peaceful green gardens bordered by tall dark evergreens and stone walls with ivy, looking out over the River and, to the left, the City

<Mondo_Gecko> ...and I know you don't know me anymore...but I wanna start over... so..please...fight...come back ..because all your friends and family miss you... and I miss you... and I wanna be your friend again..and this time I'll be honnest about it..

* Iris blinnkblinks and rubs her eyes, brows wrinkled lightly*

* Syan squints..then blinks...then BLINKS...... runnin towards the walls so he can get out n' what...

* Iris clings, goes with*

* A gardener looks up and scratches his head

* Mondo_Gecko looks up and notices the tear stain down her cheek

* Several goons appear at the front door, with Cho

* Mondo_Gecko gives a very soft gasp... tears gatehring in his eyes

* Gardener points mutely. In the other direction from where Syan and Iris went.

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Diana..

* Syan scales the wall easily, waving at him from the top before dropping down the other side, bolting for the river..

* Mondo_Gecko reaches out carefully and brushes her cheek gently

* Iris nods, holding tightly to him, desperation making her hands and arms damn strong <G>*

* Syan shifts to a wolf form, running faster, Iris is on his back ... he's a DAMN BIG wolf ... taking yards very quickly, going right into the water to swim with Iris on his back*

* Iris holds on! <G>*

* Mondo_Gecko swallows and brushes the wetness on her cheek away

* Diana's face remains relaxed...*

* Diana just seems to...sleep...*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* have a good sleep babe.. but please wake up soon

* Syan .. doggie-paddles .. getting to the other side oh, say tomorrow <G>

* Mondo_Gecko leans over carefully and kisses her cheek and then gets to his feet again

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I'll come visit again soon..sometimes when there's no one else around...I promise..

<Mondo_Gecko> g'night

* Diana...breaths more <GG>*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and slips out of the room, whiping his cheeks as he closes her door and slipping off down the hall to his room

* AriaStormsinger curls up on the bed next to HLM, hair spread out over her shoulders, a comforting hand on her arm, jus tlike with MOndo the night before.

* HappyLittleMoron dozes

* Mondo_Gecko lays out on his bed and watches the moon out the window as it rises in the sky

* Nox sits and worries for them all <G>*

* Mitch - safecracker, murderer, hunted and haunted - sleeps alone as always... dayum, all I need to do is start smoking on the roof and I'm SET

* Klork finally falls asleep,holding HLM

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* hey you...where've you been hiding...I thought we made a deal to see more of eachother

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Watch over my family..

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Bring them home again

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes, slipping into a grey and dreamless sleep

*later...again o O*

* Cho fumes, chewing the end of a pen, gloating over the monitors watching the folks in their cells...

* He's already contacted potential buyers...and is planning to get that $7 million back. One way or another.

* Rev stares back into the camera, trying to mess with the head of whoever's on the other end...Nox just seems worried <G>*

* Nox raises her dark eyes to look cooly at Cho*

* Cho returns the favor.

* ChoTheDarkOne points out of the cell. THe electromagic barrier drops.

<Nox> <q> Just who are you? *gives off that CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPY vibe, eyeing him and slowly leaving the cell*

* ChoTheDarkOne eyes her pale skin and smirks. *ironically* "Just call me master."

* ChoTheDarkOne prods her down the hall...

* Nox silently moves down the hallway, arching a brow and smirking very lightly, irises completelly black, pupils blending into them, vibe keeping up*

* The Arena opens to her, a single chair and table in its center.

* Nox steps in, seeming to glide as she walks, pausing at the doorway*

* A plastic tray rests on the table with various instruments...

<ChoTheDarkOne> Go on.

<ChoTheDarkOne> Sit down.

<Nox> Why?

* ChoTheDarkOne pretends solicitiousness. "For your comfort."

<ChoTheDarkOne> We have a lot to discuss, you and I.

* Nox looks him over quietly, then glides over, warily eyeing the instruments, settling into the chair*

* ChoTheDarkOne nods and walks to the opposite side of the table, leaning on fists and meeting her eyes.

* The shadow within rises in response to her gaze

* Nox watches his eyes...looking into hers, at the moment, is like looking into the darkest night imaginable*

<ChoTheDarkOne> meet under these circumstances... *trails off*

<ChoTheDarkOne> So familiar...

<ChoTheDarkOne> Tell me. How have you come to be in this realm.

* Nox smiles slightly, Mona Lisa-ish* I am of the night, are a part of slave.

<ChoTheDarkOne> *smiles* We'll see about that.

<ChoTheDarkOne> How have you come to reside at the Asylum?

* Nox leans back, gaze unwavering* Circumstances brought me there. That is all you need know.

<ChoTheDarkOne> But you remained there.

<Nox> So?

<ChoTheDarkOne> What...keeps you walking with these tho you belonged among them.

<Nox> Oh...something you will never understand.

<ChoTheDarkOne> Try me.

<ChoTheDarkOne> *eyes deepen in shadow*

<Nox> Love.

* ChoTheDarkOne flinches back.

<ChoTheDarkOne> You've fallen.

* Nox smirks* Have I?

<ChoTheDarkOne> *spits at her*

<ChoTheDarkOne> Do you not know better?

<ChoTheDarkOne> Your power...weakened...

<ChoTheDarkOne> Mind closed to the one truth...

<ChoTheDarkOne> Fool.

* Nox calmly whipes her face* You deny that which truely makes us stronger, Shadow. In the end, I and mine will triumph. You cannot truely be that blind.

<ChoTheDarkOne> You would suffer all the ages in the meantime? You are not worthy of such courtesy.

<ChoTheDarkOne> *face is twisted with raging disappointment*

* Nox gives him that slow, maddeningly chilling smile* And what did you want of me? A partner? A slave? *shakes her head slowly*

<ChoTheDarkOne> Power. *contemptuously*

<ChoTheDarkOne> But I see I was mistaken.

<Nox> In your methods, yes you are. Very.

<ChoTheDarkOne> *mutters a curse, triggering a forcefield that freezes her to the chair, immobile*

* Nox simply arches a brow*

* ChoTheDarkOne leans forward, holding her eyes with his own, now silent and cold and dangerous

* Nox calmly watches him, as calm as the night before a storm*

<ChoTheDarkOne> *That storm batters at her with a frontal assault, mental attacks designed to stagger and shatter her mental defenses, and they are powerful with 4,000 years' experience

* Nox, instead of blocking or fighting back, allows herself to join with the storm, blend into it, rise above it to watch it roil below*

<ChoTheDarkOne> *The Shadow battles through the defenses, seeking her source/center...and cannot find it.

* Nox allows a smirk to curve her lips lightly, just quietly flowing mentally*

<ChoTheDarkOne> *After half an hour, Cho curses and seizes an instrument, like pincers with serrated blades.

* ChoTheDarkOne holds it before her, an unspoken threat, staring at her, coldly and mercilessly.

* Nox quietly returns the stare, expersion static*

<ChoTheDarkOne> You will tell me what I want to know.

* Nox simply smiles slightly*

<ChoTheDarkOne> We'll start with...what is the secret of the wolfbeast?

* Nox arches a brow, staring silently at him*

<Nox> Why?

<ChoTheDarkOne> Like the rest of you, he is more than he appears...

* Nox shrugs a little* Perhaps, perhaps not.

<ChoTheDarkOne> But I must determine if he is worth keeping alive.

* Nox shrugs* He simply is.

<ChoTheDarkOne> And the girl?

<Nox> What of her?

<ChoTheDarkOne> *leans closer* The pretty little one, so young...

<ChoTheDarkOne> What will you tell me of her, to keep her alive.

* ChoTheDarkOne licks his teeth

* Nox watches him silently* You gain nothing from her or him if dead.

<ChoTheDarkOne> They are little more than worthless to me, alive...

* Shadow quests through her mind, bakcing off battle, seeking, seeking

<Nox> Then nothing can be gained in killing them. Why do you ask of them in particular?

* Nox purposely clouds her mind in swirling vapors*

<ChoTheDarkOne> Because your gifts...and the others'...are more obvious.

* ChoTheDarkOne leaps to the table surface and sezies her head in one hand.

* ChoTheDarkOne holds the blades before her eyes.

<ChoTheDarkOne> You need convincing.

* ChoTheDarkOne presses the blade to her left cheekbone, just beyond her eye...

* Nox lets him hold her head, looking impassively at the blade* Nothing you can do will break me.

* ChoTheDarkOne jerks it down, glaring balefully and watching her expression.

<ChoTheDarkOne> You are wrong. You'll be destroyed.

* Nox shows no signs of pain save a brief tightness around the eyes, it flees so quickly it's hard to tell if it was truely there or not*

* ChoTheDarkOne slices the other

* ChoTheDarkOne slides his grip down to her throat and bares his teeth, still holding her eyes.

<ChoTheDarkOne> You are not fit to walk among the shadows, witch...

* Nox simply smirks at him, the tightness not leaving her eyes this time* And you would kill me as well. You are truely less intelligent than I gave you credit for.

<ChoTheDarkOne> No. Not kill.

<ChoTheDarkOne> But remove your barren being from this shell you are not worthy of.

<ChoTheDarkOne> To let you float forever in the wasteland of your uselessness --

<ChoTheDarkOne> *tightens grip, almost involuntarily, then relaxes it a tad*

<Nox> I will not allow you to break m...*words choke off breifly, then breaths a bit more freely*

* ChoTheDarkOne licks the bloodied blade and shifts, moving in closer, and running it down the front of her shirt...

<ChoTheDarkOne> *softly* say the words....

* Nox simply watches him...wearing her usual dress, basically the outfit she is in the profile pic, sans cloak* Never.

* ChoTheDarkOne runs it down again, ever-so-slightly-harder, the blade catching this time upon a few of the fibers.

<ChoTheDarkOne> *firmly* What is the wolf's name...

* Nox just quietly watches* Lupus...

<ChoTheDarkOne> Lupus...

<ChoTheDarkOne> And what is his power.....

<ChoTheDarkOne> *holds the knife up for a moment, waiting*

<Nox> You're that dense?

<ChoTheDarkOne> *growls*

<ChoTheDarkOne> Humor me.

* Nox smirks, very small signs of pain obviouse* Or you will cut me again, hm?

<ChoTheDarkOne> F.or starters

* Nox just continues to smirk at him*

<ChoTheDarkOne> *clenches her throat with frustration and slugs her*

* ChoTheDarkOne leaps off the table

* ChoTheDarkOne yanks her off the chair by her hair and drags her to the side of the Arena

* Nox clenches her jaw, going with the blow, then licking at the blood on her lips, watching him*

* Nox...goes with! Not seeming to resist at all*

* ChoTheDarkOne pins her there with a knee and changes the forcefield to pin just her wrist to the wall

<ChoTheDarkOne> *backs off, panting a little

* ChoTheDarkOne calls in two goons and has them haul the table and chair out.

* Nox stands...wrist pinned to the wall*

<ChoTheDarkOne> Let's see how much you take with the kid gloves off.

* ChoTheDarkOne stalks out, the door sealing shut.

<ChoTheDarkOne> *A few long minutes pass*

* Nox looks to the thugs (if they're still there)*

* Nox looks around, brows furrowed lightly*

* A whirring starts above, and a silver globe by teh ceiling spins*

* Nox looks up at the disco ball, brows furrowing*

* A wave of energy pulses through the walls, hitting her with abuot 400volts -- enough to shock hard but not do serrrrious damage

* lights go out*

* Nox arches her back as muscles spasm, face scrunching as a scream rips involuntarily from her throat*

* The sound of a door slamming echoes through the arena

* Nox hears the sniffling of a child, and the familiar breathing of a large wolf

* Nox slowly looks up, brows furrowing, gasping softly for breath*

<ChoTheDarkOne> Last chance, oh dark one...

<ChoTheDarkOne> *via loudspeaker*

* Nox shakes her head* <w> I will not...betray them...

* orange emergency lights flicker on, revealing Iris and Syan-wolf on the other side of the room

* They both bolt toward Nox, but bounce off some kind of invisible field...

* Nox's eyes widen and she moves towards them, jerking against the forcefeild*

* Iris cries out...

* Nox reaches out with her mind to touch Iris and Syan's...*

* Seems liek there's nothing there...

* JUST as an energy ripple buzzes through, shocking the living daylights out of her, and apparently Iris and Syan

* Nox calmly straightens, then curling around again, a scream ripping from her again, stealing her breath*

* the electricity gathers and plays aorund their bodies after it leaves Nox and the walls, jerking them as they scream/howl

* Iris and Syan collapse, smoking, very dead expressions on their faces. 

* Nox closes her eyes, breathless* <vqw> They...are not real...

<ChoTheDarkOne> Not anymore...

<ChoTheDarkOne> You'll change your mind when they start to smell.

<ChoTheDarkOne> We'll talk again, dark one...

<ChoTheDarkOne> *mocking laughter*

* Nox smirks, kneeling and bleeding, shaking her head and keeping her gaze on the floor*

* ChoTheDarkOne leaves her there for awhile, then sends in guards who force her out at gunpoint

* Nox goes with, rubbingg her wrist, very quiet, tired air about her*

* Nox gets locked back in her cell...ALONE...SO VERY ALONE...

* Nox curls, her body aching almost as much as her spirit...she staunchly refuses to let it show, however*

* AriaStormsinger stirs in her sleep, whimpering

* AriaStormsinger breathes rapidly and tightens her grip on HLM, mumbling in fear

* HappyLittleMoron hmms?

<AriaStormsinger> Nn...n-no...nnnnn...

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows, waking and slipping her arms around Aria, hugging her gently

<HappyLittleMoron> <q>'s ok, Aria...*strokes her hair*

* AriaStormsinger curls against HLM, shaking

* AriaStormsinger doesn't quite wake up, but a few tears slip out, and after a few minutes her breathing calms back to normal

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, brushing the tears away and just holding her close

Session Close: Thu Apr 11 03:08:11 2002

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