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Session Start: Mon Apr 01 11:25:18 2002

* Mondo_Gecko is laying across his bed sprawled out, top half proped up by pillows

* sounds of guitar playing can be heard downstairs..*

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh where oh where can my baby be?! The lord took her away from me..she's gone to heaven so I gotta be I can see my baby when I leave this world

* HappyLittleMoron 's singin' "Old Time Rockin' Roll" as she and Brenna (who sorta helps) clean, dancing around with the little girl...half listenin' to Mondo

* Mitch is humming David Bowie's "Survive" as he flips through a math textbook, fiddling with a compass and one of the Marriott photographs... the melody keeps getting disturbed as he frowns, trying to work out where to look for what he needs.

* HappyLittleMoron finishes cleaning and lifts up Brenna, flopping on the couch and lightly tossing her up and down in the air

<Mondo_Gecko> We were out on a date in my daddy's car, we hadn't driven very far. There in the road, straight up there, a car was stalled, teh engine was dead, I couldn't stop so I swerved to the right, I'll never forget the sound that night. The screemin tires..the bustin glass..the painful screem that i heard last

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh where oh where can my baby be?! The lord took her away from me..she's gone to heaven so I gotta be I can see my baby when I leave this world

* HappyLittleMoron looks to her giggling daughter after rolling to her side and setting the little girl by her to tickle her* Mondo's being depreeeeeeeeeeessing again, baby-girl...

<Mondo_Gecko> When I woke up the rain was pourin down, there were people standing all around, something warm flowing to my eyes, but somehow I found my baby that night. I lifted her head, she looked at me and said "hold me darlin' just a little while" I held her close and kissed her, our last kiss, I found the love I knew I had missed. Well now she's gone..even though I hold her tight, I lost the love of my life that night..

<Mondo_Gecko> oohhhhhhh oohhhhhhhhh oooohhhhh ooohhhhhh...

<Mitch> "Give me wings... give me space... give me money for a chance of face... those noisy rooms and passion pants... I loved you... where's the morning in my life? Where's the sense in staying right? Who said time is on my side? I've got ears and eyes and nothing in my life... but I'll survive your naked eyes, I'll survive..."

* Mondo_Gecko cocks his head ...very lizard-like :P

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( he singing DISCO!?)

* Mondo_Gecko snorts into his hands

<Mitch> "...dammit, why's it so hard to find? I've got everything I need..."

* Mondo_Gecko cackles softly

* Mitch mutters something uncouth in spanish, flipping to the index and checking something

* Mondo_Gecko strums WhiskeyClone Hotel by Beck

<Mitch> .oO(It's not like I'm asking a lot. I just wanna know how wide the damn room is. Everything after that is... well, I can do it.)

* Mitch sighs, wondering if he can manage to finagle the blueprints without having to kill someone in the process, and picks up the math book, heading downstairs to see if a change of venue will help.

* HappyLittleMoron 's back to tossing Brenna up and down...she kinda...appears over the top of the couch...then falls and dissapears...appears...dissapears...giggling the whole way..

* Mitch slows, then stops at the bottom of the stairs... he adjusts his glasses, watching this. .oO(Brenna's power... bungee?)

* Mondo_Gecko strums loudly without a tune and yells/sings "The cow on the farm goes moo! The cow on the farm goes moo! And then we kill him and grind him up into hamburgers! Chickens!...

* HappyLittleMoron blinnks and stopps, sittinnng up and blinking* Mondo's weeeeeeeeeird...

* Mitch ahs in understanding as Mo sits up, and chuckles, walking over to a chair and settling in. "Hi, Mrs. Happy... hi, Brenna..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Hihi *grins* How be it?

<Mitch> "Okay... just trying to figure something out..." He grimaces and settles back, a little at an angle, as he opens up the math text again. "Don't suppose we got a math whiz around, do we?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...Iiiiii dunno...I can barely add two and two together...even then I always end up with six *lopsided grin*

* Mondo_Gecko goes back to strumming Last Kiss, but doesn't sing

<Mitch> "Shit. Oh well." *starts poring*

<Mitch> "What about Diana? Think she could help?"

<HappyLittleMoron> I could try her...she does do the bills 'n stuff...

<Mitch> He glances at the stairs. "She gone to work?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Nnnnnnnnoope...she got today off, far as I know...said somethin' about takin' a bubble bath, tho...

* Mitch blinks. "...I'll just wait for her to come down."

<Mitch> .oO(Bubble bath? A bath of bubbles? Huh?)

<HappyLittleMoron> Okie..

<Mitch> .oO(Whatever it is, there's "bath" involved, and I don't think I'm gonna walk in on that for a hint on distance and angles.)

<Mitch> .oO(C'mon, Mitch. You could ask her to put you and-) .oO(It's been done.) .oO(It's still a good one.) .oO(No, it isn't.)

* HappyLittleMoron tickles Brenna some more

* Mondo_Gecko goes and sits at his desk and turns on his laptop

* Mondo_Gecko goes between chating on ICQ and doing little quizzes

* Mitch continues paging through the textbook, sometimes skipping entire sections, as if he's looking for something specific

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

<Mondo_Gecko> WHAT!?

<Mondo_Gecko> I am not!!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, looks up the stairs

<HappyLittleMoron> Are too!!

<Mondo_Gecko> I AM NOT!!

<HappyLittleMoron> ARE TOO!

<Mondo_Gecko> AM NOT

<HappyLittleMoron> No clue what I'm arguing about but...

<Mondo_Gecko> don't even know what it is!

* Mitch glances up, adjusting his glasses. "I was wondering..."

<HappyLittleMoron> So?!

<HappyLittleMoron> ARE TOO!

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly

<Mondo_Gecko> AM NOT!

<HappyLittleMoron> Hehehe

<HappyLittleMoron> ARE TOO!! Accept it and move on!!! Go talk to Crishna or whoever!

<Mondo_Gecko> The test sez I'm a player!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Mitch pushes himself up a little, digging with a lower hand into a pocket and pulling out a dime... he flicks his thumb under it and flips it, slapping it across the other hand... looks at the result, then yells up the stairs, "ARE TOO!"

<HappyLittleMoron> You ARE one!

* HappyLittleMoron cackles!!!

* Brenna blinnkblinks, giving them both odd looks*

* Mitch grins, walking the coin quickly across the hand before stuffing it in his pocket again and leaning back.

<Mondo_Gecko> I AM NOT!

<Mondo_Gecko> How am I a player?!

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* Think on that for a moment, Lizard man! How many women you been with??

<Mondo_Gecko> uh..uhhmm..

<HappyLittleMoron> hehehe

<Mondo_Gecko> since I've been mutated or before?

<HappyLittleMoron> Both!

<Mondo_Gecko> umm..

<Mitch> "So, Brenna. What're you doing?"

<Mondo_Gecko> I..can't exactly remember the before number..

<Brenna> Wull...was playiing with she actin' weeeird....

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* There you have it!

<Mondo_Gecko> since then um.. I slept with Candy.. and Shiva a few times. Diana .. Cala...

<Mondo_Gecko> GAH!!

* Mondo_Gecko smacks his forehead!

<HappyLittleMoron> Hehehehehe

<Mondo_Gecko> thats in 6 months!


<Mitch> "She's just being... female."

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm a male slut!

<Mitch> .oO(Jesus Christ. This isn't an apartment building, it's a BROTHEL.)

<Mondo_Gecko> ..hay wait! Diana doesn't count.. I was dating her!

<Mondo_Gecko> that's normal!

* HappyLittleMoron snickers!* You still slept with her!

* Brenna suddenly gets this terrified look on her face* You mean...I'm gonna be weird too?!

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ok.. your not dating her..she dones't love you.. if she was like "please Shawn do me" ..would I???)

<Mondo_Gecko> GAH!! *slapslapslaps his face*

<Mitch> "Around this place? Sorry, Brenna... I don't think there's any way you CAN'T."

* Brenna pouts...*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(christ...come to think of it I don't think there's a girl in this place that I wouldn't do)

<Mitch> "Oh, come on. There are, y'know, worse things to be than weird."

* Brenna noddles and nuzzles her mom, purring lightly, the twins inside echoing the purr* Uh huh...I could be mean...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ......I bet Neko even could do some awesome things with them claws)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( aww I'm horny)

<Mitch> "Yeah... you could be mean... you could be NORMAL..." He makes a face.

* Brenna giggles*

* Mitch hunches forward, conspiratorially. "You could even be... purple."

<Mondo_Gecko> Or Green!!

* Brenna gets wide eyes* Rilly??

* Mitch nods, suppressing a grin. "Rather be weird than purple, huh?"

* Breanna tilts her head* ...but...wouldn't...purple BE weird...?

<Mitch> *thinks fast* "Of course not! If, if you get to choose between being weird or purple, it's gonna be one or the other, right? You can't be weird AND purple!"

* Brenna tilts her head* Why not?

<Mitch> .oO(Okay, that didn't work.) He gestures around at the Asylum. "C'mon, Brenna. You SEEN some of these people? Purple isn't weird. Christ, it's damn near normal."

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey!

* Brenna blinks and tilts her head in the other way* Bu'...why would the color matter...? Ev'ryone outside is'r...brown...Unka Mondo's green!

* Mitch glances at Mo a little desperately, setting the book down. "Brenna... that's what I mean. The color doesn't matter. Mondo's green, Ryu's white, Aria's kinda blueish, I'm pink... that don't make us weird. What makes us weird is who we are-" *reaches out and taps her forearm* "Under the skin." .oO(Or scales.)

* Brenna nods* Oh...

* Mondo_Gecko shuts off his comp again and heads dowstairs

<Mitch> "So you could be purple, or you could be weird. You could, y'know, be purple and weird. But not one 'cause of the other. Any more than being weird makes you purple."

<Mondo_Gecko> ....dude...does she even know know

<Mondo_Gecko> ::that were mutants?::

* Brenna nods* Okie...I un'erstan'...

<HappyLittleMoron> {{She knows she's different from the rest...I think she's known that from her birth...}}

<Mitch> He flashes a grin. "You sure? I could paint you purple."

<Brenna> Eep!! *scrambles under one of HLM's wings and peeks out around her* Nuh uh! I like my color! *giggles*

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm..

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe we should get the facepaints out :D

<HappyLittleMoron> Oooooh...that could be fun...

<Mitch> "Well, how 'bout I paint half of you purple? Then you can, y'know, try it to see if you like it."

* Brenna eyes Mitch* Half o' me?

<Mitch> .oO(First hit's free. First hit's ALWAYS free.)

<Mitch> "Yeah..." *gestures with a hand, bisecting her from where he sits* "Left half? Right half?"

<Mondo_Gecko> ohh, you could paint me some crazy!

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh...Neon green! *grins lopsidedly*

* Brenna wrinkles her nose* Only if I c'n paint!

* Mitch blinks, then chuckles. "Orange?" He reaches up and flicks his hair - rusty red, but hey. "I'm used to that."

* Brenna tilts her head* How ' *purrs softly* Daddie likes blue...

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, how did I get myself into this?) "Uhh..."

<Mitch> .oO(You're not going anywhere.) .oO(Urusai.) .oO(It washes off. At least it better.) .oO(URUSAI, shimatta! Whose side are you on?!)

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mitch> .oO(C'mon, Mitch. Be arsed to do something good for once. Show 'er it don't matter.)

* Brenna watches him*

<Mitch> "...okay!" He reaches out a hand to shake.

* Brenna giggles and shakes his hand*

<Mitch> .oO(What have I done...)

<Mitch> He glances at Mo. "Got any paint? The stuff that washes off?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Hm...think so...*closes her eyes...thinking...and manafests painting stuff to well as papers to lie over the furnature 'n floor as well as an old shirt to tug over Brenna's clothing*

<Mondo_Gecko> Wee!

* Mitch shrugs, mentally giving up, and tosses the book onto his chair as he hunkers over the coffee table... he strips off his tank-top, tossing it over too, and turns a thing o' paint over in his hands, looking at the warning labels.

<Mitch> " which half you want?"

* Brenna points to her right cheek*

* Mitch , a little bewildered as to how things led to this, starts painting the right side of her face. "Don't open your mouth... this stuff probably tastes like sh- really bad..."

<Mondo_Gecko> what your face painted Mo?

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, watching as Brenna...compliess

* Mitch turns her puuurple! Not Barney-purple, just a pleasant earth-tone purple.

<HappyLittleMoron> Naaaahh...I'm strange enough as it is...

<Mondo_Gecko> mmkay

* Mondo_Gecko starts painting his own himself cat stripes

<HappyLittleMoron> Anyway...I'm starting too get that wierd line down the middle of my belly...*smirks* Want me to paint you? <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> hehe

<Mondo_Gecko> ok!

* HappyLittleMoron cracks her knuckles and grins* Whatcha want me to paaint ya up as...

<Mondo_Gecko> pick

<Mondo_Gecko> just..nothing stupid

<Mitch> "Okay, close your eyes... well... your eye. You can keep the other one open if'n you want."

* Brenna closes her eyes*

* Mondo_Gecko sits down and closes his eyes

* Mitch paaaiaiiaiiaiaiaiiaiiints

* HappyLittleMoron grins EEEEEEVILY* don't wanna be Gaisha Shawn?

<Mondo_Gecko> noooooo

<Mondo_Gecko> no Shawn Gaisha

<Mondo_Gecko> pick something else

<HappyLittleMoron> Aww...

<Mondo_Gecko> something that boys like :P

* HappyLittleMoron hmms...eyeing his face...*

* Mondo_Gecko laughs

* Mitch hides a smirk as he pictures Mondo in the standard "Bambi" streetwalker setup...

<Mondo_Gecko> noooo

<Mondo_Gecko> ....try something gothic..

<HappyLittleMoron> Gothic heh? Vampire?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..sure

<Mitch> "Okay... keep 'em shut for a few minutes so it dries. I'm gonna do your right arm too. Make you match."

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooooohkie...*gets paints out...gets to work...*

* Brenna nods when it's safe to*

* Mitch rolls Brenna's sleeve up - making sure to tuck the old shirt over the hem of the new one - and gives her a shoulder-to-fingertip zombie treatment

* Mondo_Gecko sighs, feeling very relaxed with his eyes closed as she paints his face

<Mitch> .oO(Note to self. Look for dignity. Probably under couch.)

* Mitch finishes up... "Hold your arm still..." *brushes one finger against her face and checks it* "You can open your eyes, your face's dry."

<Mitch> "Mrs. Happy?" He glances over. "Can you, y'know, witchy-finger up a mirror?"

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and smirks, manafesting a mirror over as she works on Mondo, Brenna's eyes opening

* Mitch grins and holds the mirror up for her.

* Brenna blinkblinks and giggles!* I look funny!!

<Mitch> "You look purple!"

* Brenna nodsnods* Uh huh!

<Mitch> "And you wanna know why you're weird?"

<Mitch> "'Cause you're BRENNA." .oO(And you've been drinking from that water heater since day one.) "Ain't got nothing to do with being purple."

* Brenna nodsnods* Okie...''re weird 'cause yer Mitch!

* Mitch chuckles. "Right."

<Brenna> Now I paint you??

<Mitch> .oO(God, why have you forsaken me?) "Yeah..." He smiles a little ruefully. "Now you paint me."

* Mitch flicks his glasses off, folding them up, and sets them on the arm of the chair by his shirt.

* Brenna giggles and slowly, carefully starting, tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth, HLM finally finishing Mondo up and holding the mirror up for him to see*

* Mondo_Gecko looks

* Mitch closes his eyes, feeling the strange chill of the paint getting laid onto his face.

* Mondo_Gecko grins! his eyes softly tinted black, face paled with teh white.. lips black and glossy...gothy*

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I'mma stud muffin!

<Mondo_Gecko> hold on!!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<Mitch> .oO(I thought he gave the tequila up?)

* Brenna paaaaaints...being careful not to get any in his eyes or nose or anything...*

* Mondo_Gecko runs off upstairs and being careful with the makeup changes and comes back in a netshirt that shows off his body under it.. and a collar around his neck with a leash

* Mondo_Gecko leans against the wall, putting on a show, sliding up and down it and sings "Thrill me, chill me fufill me! Creature of the niiiiight!!"

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

<HappyLittleMoron> Oooooooh, Mondo...girls'll be crawlin' all over you!

<Mondo_Gecko> even moreso now ;)

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

<HappyLittleMoron> There ya go

<Mitch> .oO(I don't. Want. To know.)

* Mondo_Gecko sings loudly "Your heart years for soul burns for blood! I'll take you, I'll brake you, I'll crush you..If you want me I need you, I'll kill you, feed from you, I'll take you down that road that leads to destruction!

<HappyLittleMoron> Oooh...hehe

* Brenna pulls back and giggles* Done! *holds the mirror up for him...far from even, but...his face is covered...more or less...he looks sorta like a sick smurf..*

<Mondo_Gecko> Come and take a walk with me, where the angels fear to tread, kiss the flame, feel the pain, in the furnace of our love!

* Mondo_Gecko laughs!

* Mitch blinks, and chuckles, running a hand through his hair.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Mondo_Gecko> Good look Mitch!

<Mitch> .oO(This would go over well down in the Pit...)

<Mitch> "Y'know, I think it is." He grins.

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* You match Merc...

* Mitch shudders at this. ", I happen to share a common color with Merc."

* HappyLittleMoron cackles

* Mitch solemnly shakes Brenna's hand again. "Now, you don't think I'm weird 'cause I'm blue, do you?"

<Brenna> Nuhh uh! You weird 'cause you're Mitch! <G>

<Mitch> "Damn right. Now help me find my dignity. I must have, y'know, dropped it somewhere."

* Brenna blinks* Wha's...di'gni'ty?

<Mitch> "Good question." He rubs his neck... looks to Mo. "Where'd you get all the stuff from? Should we put it away or something?"

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly and manafests it all away

<HappyLittleMoron> Done <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> now, what to do in this getup?

<Mitch> "...never mind." *settles down again in his chair... he tugs his shirt on again carefully, and opens up his textbook*

* Mondo_Gecko looks thoughtful...

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...poisonn pigions in the park?

<Mondo_Gecko> ....OK! ...

<Mondo_Gecko> no no

<Mondo_Gecko> that will never do..

<HappyLittleMoron> Aww...

* Diana comes down the stairs, streatching, wearing jeans and a tank top*

* Mondo_Gecko struts around some, tossing his head and looking all sexy

<Mondo_Gecko> mmmm..I'm just to hot to just be sitting here

* Diana blinks*

<Diana> Ne...perhaps I should have stayed upstairs..

* Mondo_Gecko grins adn gets up, singing rocky horror for her again!

* Diana oohs and laughs*

* Mondo_Gecko slides up and down the wall too for sensual effect

* Diana grins and shakes her head* Great gods....heh...

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> ...see...told you I was too hot

* Mitch blinks, looking up... .oO(Oh, Christ...)

* Diana winks* You've turned goth on us...*chuckles, sticking her hands in her back pockets*

<Mitch> .oO(Hell, she might not even notice me with Mondo strutting around like that.)

* Diana looks around...then smothers a laugh at seeing Mitch and Brenna* I...ah...see the face paints were brought out...

* Mitch gives an inner sigh. .oO(So much for that...) He nods, folding up the textbook. "Yeah... I was making a point, and, well... one thing led to another."

* Mondo_Gecko sings and does the can can

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm just a sweet transvestite...

<HappyLittleMoron> *Diana chuckles softly* Ahh...did it get across then?

<Mitch> "Christ, I hope so. Hey, are you any good at math?"

<Mondo_Gecko> ....I can add one plus one ..*puuurrrrroooooowwlllllll*

<Mitch> .oO(And get six?)

* Diana shrugs and heads over, chuckling and ruffling Mondo's hair as she passes him, then leans over the back of Mitch's hair* I'm alright at it...

* Mondo_Gecko starts singing the time warp by himself

<Mitch> "I'm trying to figure out how..." *trails off, looking over at Mo* "What's his paint made out of, LSD?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...Mondo's just naturally like that *snickers and sings along, Brenna giggling and doing a lil' dance to the..."music"*

* Diana blinks*

* Mitch watches them for a moment more, then rubs his eyes. "...Asylum, huh?"

* Diana nods* Hai...pretty much...*still more or less bent over by him*

<Mitch> "I'm trying to figure out how to work out how big an area is from the, y'know, perspective." He turns the book over, drawing imaginary lines on it with his finger. "You're looking at it from a point here, it's over there, you know how far it is from here to there..."

* Diana hmms softly...*

<Mitch> "It's a room, right? So it's a basic, uh, six sided box thingy."

* Diana snags a pencil and paper...comes back and nods...taking down...measurments...whatever...going about scribbling calculations...*

<Mondo_Gecko> It's astounding..time is fleating..madness takes it's toll. listen closely. I've got to keep contol!

<Mondo_Gecko> Let do the time warp again!

* Mondo_Gecko does the "shakin the boobies" thing

* Diana...comes up with the answere* Ne...I don't know if it's right...demo...*shrugs a little, HLM's just laughing at Mondo*

* Mitch rubs his neck... "Can we get a formula out of this?"

* Diana nods a little, back tracking her work and showing it to him...*

<Mitch> "Fuckin' A, tomodachi! I owe you one... well, y'know. Another one."

<Mondo_Gecko> man..I really wish i was in Rocky horror

<Mondo_Gecko> I'd make the best Frankie

* Diana chuckles and nods, straitening* No problem...

* HappyLittleMoron snickers..

<Mitch> .oO(If this works... I'll have the dimensions of the office... I got plenty of shots to average out from... once I get that, I can... yeah... oh hell yeah.)

* Mitch grins in a very blue fashion at her as he stands. "Really... domo..."

* Mitch heads upstairs, already flipping through the pages of the textbook.

* Diana nods with a chuckle, shaking her head with a smirk*

<Mondo_Gecko> ..We shoulda painted Diana up too..

* Mondo_Gecko grins..

<Mondo_Gecko> all vampy and gothy and cool

* Diana blinks and smirks* Ne...if I wanted to go vamp again I could do it of my own free will *grins slowly*

* Mondo_Gecko smirks..

<Mondo_Gecko> oh is that so?

* Diana nods and sprawls on a chair* Hai..

* Mitch settles down on the milk crates and scatters things before him... he starts punching numbers into the calculator, head glancing back and forth between the ranges in the notebook and the numbered photographs, checking angles with a ruler and protractor.

* Mondo_Gecko finds a nice crouching spot..

<Mondo_Gecko> vampires..

* Mondo_Gecko tosses his hair

* Diana chuckles softly and streatches, HLM having brought Brenna upstairs already*

<Mitch> *muttered* "...shit, it works. If... yeah, if that's the dimensions of that... and... I got you." *drags a pad of graph paper over and jots some quick notations down*

* Diana mmms softly, propping her hands behind her head* Ne...I love days off...

<Mondo_Gecko> Not me..I'm bored..

<Mondo_Gecko> gotta burn off energy

* Diana chuckles softly* I'd imagine you do not wish to spar then, hm?

<Mondo_Gecko> hey!

* Mondo_Gecko pouts

<Mondo_Gecko> .....thats it.. I wanna rematch

* Diana grins slowly*

<Mondo_Gecko> and no one else there..that's distracting

<Mondo_Gecko> just...go easy on the tail's sensitive at the top *winks*

* Diana grins* You sure about that...*almost seems to pose seductively* I did not just take your breath away with my beauty?

* Mondo_Gecko arches a brow and his tail snakes behind him...

* Mondo_Gecko stalks up to her, smirking

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* anything's possible

* Diana watches him, still sprawled, arching a brow, smirk curling her lips, hmming softly..*

* Mitch , unaware that the apple of his eye is dangling its seeds before another bird... or something... cheerfully and painstakingly sets points on the grid, flipping through photographs and punching another series of numbers into the calculator.

* Diana slowly sits up, meeting his eyes with a smirk, meheheh...pheremone levels having risen* <w> Ne...and now you wish to do something about it?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* perhaps I do....

* Diana stands, tracing a finger along his collar-bone, heading for the stairs* <q> Then why don't you?

* Mondo_Gecko churrrrrrrrrrrrr's, following, looking more like he's stalking prey

Session Close: Mon Apr 01 16:31:23 2002
