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Session Start: Mon Mar 04 13:30:38 2002

* HappyLittleMoron ......comes in from work...carrying her bag with her...

* Across the street, the darkness is no longer so dark; the silence less silent than quiet, muffled voices reaching the contents of the dumpster as if from a distance.*

* From time to time, rubble shifts, settles against the side; a few times, the thick iron vibrates and echoes like a mausoleum as something strikes it.*

* The rats within shift uneasily. The giants have always been vicious, cunning monsters; setting great beasts of fang and claw upon them, tricking them with food that became fire in their veins and burned them from within. Run!, they cry, deep inside; run, and hide, and wait!*

<Rat> "Squeak!"

* As one, they turn to look at that which stands tall, which keeps going despite all adversity...*

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks

* Even deeper inside, beneath the fear, there is hate. Rodents bear grudges for a long, long time. All it takes is a reason to believe that, just maybe, they'll make it far enough to push some whiskers into a pink cauliflower ear and whisper, "Remember Uncle Three-Toed? I DO." And start to feed.*

* All it really takes is something to believe in...*

* Bob. Bob. Bob.*

* HappyLittleMoron reminds herself to get rat-poison the next time she goes to the store...

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head,, looking around* Mitch?? Ya down here?

<``Mitch> *voice floats up from the basement* "What?!"

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and heads over to the doorway, digging around in her bagg to get the developed film* Got yer film developed like ya wanted...

<``Mitch> "Mrs. Happy? Oh, thanks!" *pushes off from the dryer he was leaning against and comes up the stairs*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, finally finding the film, stepping back to make room for him and handing it to him* Nadda problem...

<HappyLittleMoron> How's everything here?

* ``Mitch takes the envelope and shakes out the stack of photos into his hand... he flips through them, once or twice grimacing - once smiling - but makes no comment, finally stowing them back. "Quiet... everyone's still pretty shagged out after the whole, y'know, Sparky incident."

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow then hehs a little* I can only imagine...*shakes her head* So long as nothing's overlllly wrong...*goes about fixing something to eat...bird something* Y' hungry at all? How's Diana doin''?

<``Mitch> *glances down... decides the laundry's going to take a while anyway and walks down the hall to the kitchen* "I could eat..." .oO(When couldn't you?) "She's... well, she's doing as well as could be expected. Sleeping a lot."

* HappyLittleMoron nods as she fixes the food* Good...last thing she needs is to be moving around...sleep is best for her...

* Jaerlani comes down from her room to the kitchen for her usual bowl of cereal to start the night. Tonight, it's Fruit Loops.

* HappyLittleMoron wavels to Jaer

* Jaerlani nods to HLM.

<``Mitch> "I really don't think she's got a lot of say in the matter..." He shakes his head, as his stomach grumbles. "Nox's been with her pretty much all day. I think she wouldn't mind seeing your face, though."

* Jaerlani goes into the living room to watch the news while she munches her Fruit Loops.

<TV> 'In yet another in a string of mass murders in the city, police are investigating the killing of nine teenagers believed to be members of a local gang.'

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little at hearing that...

<TV> Police say the victims were burned to death by a conflagration of unknown origin.

* HappyLittleMoron serves up food to herself and Mitch, the babies in her tummy purring......

* Jaerlani smirks as she takes another bite.

* ``Mitch takes with a nod of thanks, a little wistfully eating the enchiladas with his bare hands.

<TV> In an apartment near the scene, two other bodies were found. One an old woman and the other a boy stuffed in a closet. Both were killed by an edged instrument police characterize as a sword.

<TV> A twelth body was found brutally slashed in the alley next to the apartment.

<``Mitch> .oO(A sword? Who the hell uses a sword? That's a new MO on me.)

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows lightly

<TV> There are still no leads, police say.

<TV> Thank you, Jan. Now in sports ...

* ``Mitch starts washing up the dishes with his lower hands, still eating with the upper.

* Jaerlani finishes her cereal with a lick of her lips, and gets up to place her bowl in the sink in the kitchen.

* HappyLittleMoron still munches, brows furrowed with thought, glancing up at Jaer as she comes in

* ``Mitch accepts it, albeit with a slightly odd glance, and gives it a scrub

<Jaerlani> Can I give you a hand?

<``Mitch> *chuckles* "I'm fine, thanks..."

* Jaerlani nods.

<Jaerlani> I suppose you have more than enough to go around.

* Jaerlani smiles.

* Jaerlani returns to the living room to watch TV.

<``Mitch> .oO(You realize that you're going to get tired of this sort of joke eventually.) .oO(Yeah, but what the hell - at least I can flash 'em.)

* ``Mitch finishes the enchiladas, unselfconsciously licking off his fingers before working through the rest of the dishes

* ``Mitch dries off his hands, and checks the clock against his load of laundry... .oO(You got about fifteen minutes.) He starts upstairs, dragging the envelope from his back pocket.

* HappyLittleMoron finishes up eating and cleans up after herself, rubbing her lower back a little

* ``Mitch dumps the envelope out on the bed and starts sorting the photographs out - flicking open the tourist pamphlet from yesterday, he spreads out a dumb little map of Times Square and assembles the pictures according to structure

* HappyLittleMoron checks up on Diana and the rest...coming back down the stairs with Brenna and Iris to quitely read to them in front of the fire place before they go to bed..

* ``Mitch grabs the marker and slices out three buildings right off... he studies the others for a moment, before glancing down and picking up the two pictures that don't fit

* ``Mitch rubs his chin for a moment before walking over to the wall... he grabs the tape and rolls a piece over itself, sticking the picture in amongst faded diagrams and xeroxed floorplans

* ``Mitch taps the other in his hand, thinking, then walks out and upstairs, heading for Diana's room

* Diana's chatting quietly with Nox...awake for a little bit, still looking very tired 'n pale 'n stuff*

* Jaerlani goes up to the roof to look out over the city.

* ``Mitch taps the doorframe, knocking quietly

<Nox> Come in...?

<``Mitch> "Hey... Nox, Diana - am I interrupting anything?"

* Johann knocks at the front door.

* Diana shakes her head*

<Nox> Of course not...

* Johann cranes his neck to look up at the building.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and heads over to the door, telling the girls to stay where they are, opening it at crack* Yyyyyyyyyyyello?

<Johann> Hello.

* Johann smiles.

* Johann holds up a book in front of him.

* ``Mitch walks in, tugging a chair over and sitting bass-ackwards in it... he folds two of his arms over the back. "How're you doing?"

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow

<Johann> I am Johann, and I have come to your door because I am wondering if you have heard the good news.

<Johann> You see ... Jehovah tells us through his good book about his deeds on behalf of all of humanity.

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep. *smiles* I FINALLY GOT THAT JOB AT THE STRIP JOINT AGAIN! *turns and modles her tummy* Think I'll do well? *bears her fangs in a grin*

* Johann starts to leaf through his book, ready to point out the most interesting points.

* Johann blinks, blanching.

* Diana smiles a little* <q>

* up on the top of the roof, the sniper is on the other side of the building, taking a piss into the alley below*

<Johann> Um ... i'm sorry ... wrong house.

* Johann drops his book and runs away as fast as he can.

<HappyLittleMoron> I've got my rutien all worked out and don't wanna see it???

* HappyLittleMoron cackles and closes the door

<Jaerlani> (Calling from the living room) Who was that?

<HappyLittleMoron> Someone who needed a good scare is all! Don't worry about it! <G>

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly and rejoins the girls, curling her wings around them

<``Mitch> "Doing all right..." He glances down for a moment, having no idea how this sort of thing works, then up again. "I got the film developed, and, well, I thought you, y'know, you might like to have this..." He brings out one of his other hands, the photograph of Diana framed by the giant ad tower thingy cupped within.

* Diana blinnks and reaches out to take it..* <q> Aw...Mitch...domo...*smiles at him*

<``Mitch> "Came out pretty well, shitty camera notwithstanding."

<``Mitch> "Nandemo, D."

* Diana smiles, letting Nox set it on the end-table, since she can't reach* <q> I'd give you a hug but...heh...*grins sheepishly* Everything else turn out as well...?

* Jaerlani yawns in boredom.

<Jaerlani> .oO(I need a good invasion of adventurers trying to kill me and steal all my magical possessions.)

* ``Mitch reaches out for her hand, then hesitates and drops it, remembering those are kind of beaten up as well... "-hell, you can owe me. Yeah, mostly. Some of the neon played silly buggers with the film, but it's good enough."

* knock on the door*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and mutters...

<Jaerlani> Hmm? Who's there?

<Jaerlani> I'll get it.

* Diana grins* Good...

<HappyLittleMoron> Okie...

* Jaerlani gets up and answers the door.

<Jaerlani> Yes?

* On the porch stands a quartet of anachronisms... a big, solid man, wearing full plate armor with a silver cross embossed on the breastplate and holding a frickin' HUGE sword; a small, furtive woman, gaunt with sharp ears dressed in earth tones; a slim and tall man in robes with a set of wands holstered at his hips like a gunslinger; and another pointy-eared man, this one tall and cradling a crossbow in one arm and a lit cigarette with the other...

* The robed man speaks in an educated Oxford accent. "Is this the lair of-" He looks down, and consults a book. "-the medusa?"

* Jaerlani chuckles. 'Hardly.'

* The crossbow man reaches over and smacks him upside the head. "Damme, Merle! I TOLD you it was the other side of the bridge!"

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and gets up, arching a brow, hearing all this...

<Guy> "Sorry to bother you - good night..."

<HappyLittleMoron> ...

<Jaerlani> Careful out there. They can turn you to stone, you know.

* The solid man just glares for a moment as the others walk down and start heading east. "Next Thursday, drow."

* He turns and follows the others.

* Jaerlani grins after the man.

<HappyLittleMoron> Sheesh...*sits back down, blinking a little* Ohhhhhbrother...

<Jaerlani> (q) I'll be waiting.

* Back in Diana's room... Mitch being the character of choice once more... he coughs, pushing himself up. "-well, I'll let you get back to it."

* Jaerlani takes out a little notebook and write in it, 'Thursday - cast stoneskin upon waking'

* Diana nods a little* <q> Domo...take care...*smiles*

* Jaerlani comes into the asylum, closing the door behind her. 'What day is it?!'

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

<HappyLittleMoron> Monday...

<HappyLittleMoron> What phase of the moon is it?

<Jaerlani> And how many days until Thursday?

* ``Mitch walks out and heads back to his room

<HappyLittleMoron> Three...

<HappyLittleMoron> What's on Thursday?

<Jaerlani> I have a date.

* Jaerlani chuckles. 'Supposedly, anyways.'

* ``Taurus walks out of his room and heads for the roof. Not to smoke but to look at the sky

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

<HappyLittleMoron> Oooooohkay, Jaer...good luck with it..

<Jaerlani> I'm sure I'll knock them dead.

* Jaerlani goes into the workout room to spar with the heavy bag.

<HappyLittleMoron> So long as you dispose of the body...

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs and brings the girls back upstairs to put 'em to bed

* ``Mitch stops downstairs long enough to grab a cup of coffee

<Mitch's Coffee Cup> *chirp*

* ``Mitch doesn't miss a beat, dumping that cup in the sink and snagging a new one, filling it from the carafe and heading back upstairs

* ``Mitch starts shuffling photographs around, sipping from the coffee... muttered, "...don't wanna know."

* Jaerlani goes upstairs to her room, closing the door behind her and surveying the room carefully.

* HappyLittleMoron comes back down the stairs, singing to herself* They're coming to take me away haha they're coming to take me away hohoheehheehaha to the happy home where life is beautiful and I can't wait to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take me away haha!!

* Jaerlani steps further in, satisfied, and gets her book from a sack.

* HappyLittleMoron lies down on the couch with a streatch, after starting the fire, and starts doing paperwork there

* Jaerlani opens her book, which gives off a faint reddish aura and hums in a low tone for a moment.

* Jaerlani narrows her eyes, peering around.

* Jaerlani closes the book and lays it on the bed, then searches her room.

* Jaerlani takes her book, still looking around her room, and opens it again.

* Jaerlani starts to read, practicing motions with her hands now and then.

* Nox emerges from Diana's room a short while latere, heading up to the roof and blinking when she sees Taurus* Hello...

* Jaerlani shrieks, the cry echoing throughout the walls of the asylum.

* ``Taurus looks over* Hi

* HappyLittleMoron jumps up and follows the shreik* What...?? *knocks Jaer's door*

* There is no response from inside.*

* HappyLittleMoron tries the door

* A faint cough can be heard from inside Jaerlani's room. The door itself is locked.*

<HappyLittleMoron> Jaer?? *manafests the duplicate she keeps of all the rooms and unlocks the door...opening it...<'less there's a block onit or something ;)>*

* The door is locked by more than just the door's lock.*

* Something brushes the top of HLM's head. A cackle carries down the hallway.*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...sonova...

* HappyLittleMoron ducks and looks around, her eyes glowing brightly, searching for strange energy patterns...

* Nox goes to stand by him* Lovely night...

* A magical energy pattern flits around the corner at the end of the hall.*

* ``Taurus nods* sure is

* There is a soft scratching at the inside of Jaerlani's door.*

* Someone coughs inside Jaerlani's room.*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...fuckin' a...*unsheeths herr claws and tries slicing the door open, both energetically and physically*

* HLM manages to get through the door.*

* Jaerlani is lying against the wall next to the door, blood streaming from a wound on the side of her neck.

<HappyLittleMoron> My gods...*kneels by her, manafesting the first aid kit to her and starting in on the wound* Jaer?? What the hell happened?!

* Jaerlani looks at HLM, her eyes not quite focusing.

<Nox> I am Nox, by the way...I do not believe we have met...

<``Taurus> I'm Taurus

* Jaerlani coughs, reaching inside her cloak.

<Nox> A pleasure...*leans against the ledge*

* ``Taurus nods* yes

* Jaerlani pulls out a small vial of viscous green liquid, almost dropping it.

<HappyLittleMoron> Woah...*reaches out to steady it in her hand* ...wha...?

<Jaerlani> Pull the stopper. Please.

* Jaerlani barely manages the words.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...pulling the stopper...

* Jaerlani puts the vial to her lips and downs the contents. Her face squinches up horribly a moment, and the wound on her neck closes.

* Jaerlani relaxes with a sigh.

* HappyLittleMoron sits back, manafesting the first aid stuff away, brows furrowed as her eyes still glow slightly* ...what just happened??

<HappyLittleMoron> What's loose out there?!

<Jaerlani> I have no idea.

<Jaerlani> Something bit me on the neck, and the next thing I knew I could hardly move.

<HappyLittleMoron> ...shit...*stands up, then looks down to her* Lovely magical lock you had on the door by the way...*hurries out the door, looking around for traces of the thing, doing a mental check on Brenna as she does so...*

* Jaerlani stands up, looking around the room. 'My book!'

<Jaerlani> Gods, no! My book!

<Jaerlani> The bastard stole my book!

<HappyLittleMoron> What the hell was it??

* There is a magical trail tracing down the ceiling of the hallway.*

* ``Taurus turns to Nox* Well, I've got to be going... It was nice meeting you

<Jaerlani> I have no idea what it was. *Steps out into the hallway.*

* ``Taurus heads to the stairs

* Nox nods..* Likewise. Be safe...

<``Taurus> you too

<HappyLittleMoron> This way...*follows the trail, eyes flashing a bright neon green*

* A reddish glimmer shoots up the stairs and washes over Taurus.*

* ``Taurus goes downstairs and into his room.

* Jaerlani follows HLM.

* ``Taurus looks surprised* what the hell was that?

* A little cackle can be heard from the rooftop at the end of the stairs.*

* ``Taurus runs back up the stairs to investigate

<HappyLittleMoron> No friggin' clue...*runs towareds the cackle, Nox turning and blinking, trying to send darkness into the thing's that's her mutant power..*

* Something pokes Taurus in the eye as he arrives on the roof and disappears with a snicker.*

* Darkness envelopes the mind of everyone chasing the ... thing.*

<``Taurus> *puts his hand over his eye* Ah! mother *inaudible swearing*

* HappyLittleMoron gahs...

* Snickering comes from the pool.*

* Jaerlani staggers around blindly.

* Nox stops, looking twards the pool and heading over, eyes dark with worry*

* HappyLittleMoron finds a wall and follows it up the stairs and onto the rooftop

* ``Taurus clentches his fist as his arm trembles and the veins stick out a little, a single claw painfully comes out of his forearm, extending to about a foot past his knuckle

* Jaerlani narrows her eyes, her mind clearing. She raises a hand and casts a spell.

<Jaerlani> What?

* A gleeful laugh comes from the pool.*

<``Taurus> sonofabitch.... *walks towards the pool*

<Jaerlani> Bastard stole my magic, too!

* Little clawed footprints appear in the cover to the pool, running at Taurus with alarming speed.*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* What the hell is it??? *furrows her brow and sets up an energetic bubble around the pool, her owwn version of a sheild*

<Jaerlani> I HAVE NO IDEA!

* ``Taurus extends his other claw from the opposite arm and takes a stance* Come 'ere ya little bastard....

* Diana's just...confused as hell at hearing all this...*

* The clawed footprints proceed straight at Taurus and run right up one side of him and down the other, leaving little wet prints up his front and down his back.*

* Something snickers from somewhere.*

* ``Mitch kind of steps into the doorway of Diana's room, gives it a once-over, and leans there, working the action on the AK-47

* ``Taurus swings his claw around when he feels the footprints leave him

* HappyLittleMoron ...guesses the shield has no affect, huh? :P

* Taurus clips something which goes, 'Eek!' in a little maniacal voice.*

* HLM can see little dabs of magic dissipating into the air where Taurus just swung.*

* ``Taurus grins* So.... are you ready to show yourself?

<``Taurus> or do I have to play another round of the ginsu guessing game

* Something small and invisible* Nah nah nah nah nah nah *raspberries*

* Jaerlani growls, pulling her short swords.

* HappyLittleMoron reaches out a glowing hand, trying to gather the magic, at least to figure out where the lil' sucker is...

* ``Taurus cracks his knuckles and swings his claws around wildly

* HLM can see an oblong ball of purplish magic hiding behind where the stairs come out.*

* Jaerlani ducks back as Taurus come a little too close for comfort.

<Jaerlani> Watch it!

<HappyLittleMoron> It's by the stairs, Taurus...!

<``Taurus> sorry...

* ``Taurus runs towards the stairs, swinging ferociously

* Jaerlani runs towards the stairs, getting bowled backwards with a large 'thud' as a leatherbound book appears in front of her face.*

<``Mitch> He glances into the room again. "Either of you know what the hell is going on?"

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!

* Diana just shakes her head* <q> NO idea...

* Taurus slashes into something solid which rips up a bit. HLM can see magic spewing around.*

* Nox is on the roof, uhm...trying to figure just taht out*

* A snicker comes from behind the pool.*

<``Taurus> ..... what the.......

* HappyLittleMoron pulls the magic from it into her hands, forming a ball of the energy, then glancing at the pool...

* A section of the roof about a foot across dissolves, leaving a hole which closes with a chuckle.*

<``Mitch> "Where's Iris and Brenna?"

* Something gooses Aria.*

* ``Taurus runs towards the pool again

* The window nearest Aria opens and shuts very quickly. 'Heheheheheh.'*

* Nox's eyes widen*

* Jaerlani peers around.

<Diana> <q> I...their rooms, I think...!

* HappyLittleMoron looks around, eyes still glowing brightly, letting the energgy in her hands dissapate

* ``Taurus starts slashing his claws wildy when he gets near the pool

<``Mitch> "Where are those?" He shifts uneasily, looking up and down the halls, having no idea what's going on beyond the screams and the bashes and the thumps and stuff.

* Brenna and Iris are still asleep...*

* Diana gives him directions <G>*

* A ripple in the pool turns into a small, slow-moving wave.*

* ``Taurus stops....* what the....

*A little voice cackles from the pool.*

<Mitch> "Okay... dammit... I hate to do this, but I'm going to go get them and bring them here. If anything happens, scream. Or, y'know, make somebody else scream."

* Diana nods* <q> careful!

* The wave rises up higher and higher. A face materializes in it.*

* Jaerlani steps back away from the pool.

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows, lifting her hands to try disrupting whatever energies are making the wave so big...

<``Mitch> "Domo, tomodachi." He backs out and shuts the door, loping down the hall to whever.

* ``Taurus runs towards the wave, getting ready to slash it, not having experience with magic before

* HLM's magic increases and reflects back at her, completely disorienting her mind and leaving her thoroughly dizzy.*

* ``Mitch holds the rifle half-ready as he tries the door

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw, falling to a knee and shaking her head

* door's unlocked....*

* As Taurus readies himself, the wave grows suddenly and crashes over everyone. When it clears away, everyone on the roof finds themselves in a tangled heap in the pool, whose water is now all over the roof and flowing over the edge.*

* ``Mitch opens it and steps in, looking around

* With a little giggle, a tiny voice says, 'Bubbye.'*

* ``Mitch blinks as a sudden tidal wave passes by the window, rather briefly

* Brenna's sitting up, looking around with wide, connnnfused eyes*

<``Taurus> what the hell is going on?

* HappyLittleMoron stands and growls softly to herself* ...shoulda stayed in Japan...

* Jaerlani takes a moment to realize she is wrapped around her spellbook, the book wedging itself into an uncomfortable place.*

<Jaerlani> Is that someone's shoe?

* ``Taurus takes a moment to retract his claws...

* HappyLittleMoron goes to get out of the pool, muttering to herself

* ``Taurus follows HLM

<HappyLittleMoron> Got mine on still...

<``Mitch> "Brenna? My name's Mitch." He extends a hand to solemnly shake hers. "We need to go see Diana. Where's Iris?"

* Jaerlani carefully picks herself out of the pile of people in the pool.

* Brenna nods and curtsies* In her room...wha's going on...??

<``Taurus> wow.. you guys sure throw a mean pool party

* HappyLittleMoron stands at the edge of the pool, wrapping her wings around herself* Wish we'd thrown it during the summer...

* ``Taurus nods

<``Mitch> "I'm not really sure, but I think it'd be better to not find out until much, much later. Let's go get her, okay?"

<``Taurus> So now what?

<``Taurus> what the hell was that?

<HappyLittleMoron> Jaer...I want to know EXACTLY what you were doing when that little piece of shit showed up. *eyes flash slightly*

<Jaerlani> I was studying my book.

* Brenna nodsnods and holds her arms out to Mitch*

* Jaerlani blanches at HLM's tone.

<Jaerlani> HLM ... I have been practicing magic for two hundred and fifty years or more, and I have never even heard of anything like that.

* HappyLittleMoron glares down at Jaer, looking more like a pregnant demon than the friendly neighborhood moron at the moment...

* Jaerlani takes half a step back.

* ``Mitch blinks at this... then, slowly, shifts the AK-47 over to one side and crouches down, picking Brenna up

<``Mitch> .oO(How did THIS happen?!)

* ``Taurus climbs out of the pool* HLM... its ok, nobody was hurt

* Brenna wraps her lil' arms around Mitch's neck*

<``Taurus> besides we have to refill the pool

<HappyLittleMoron> Someone COULD HAVE BEEN. I do NOT appreciate this sort of BULLSHIT going on in this house! SOMETHING had to have drawn whatever that was here, and I want to know WHAT it is!

* ``Mitch toes the door open and jogs over to Iris's room, freeing up one hand to open the door

<Jaerlani> I have no idea what it was! I have never even heard of anything like that!

<``Mitch> "Iris?"

<``Taurus> well, someone could've been just peachy through the whole thing, someone could be peeling us off the walls, someone could've been giving us a million bucks

<HappyLittleMoron> Fine. If you find out, tell me. *growls softly, some of the glow leaving her as she and Nox start cleaning up*

<Jaerlani> I will.

* Iris sits up and yawns* Huhwha?

* ``Taurus heads downstairs* I'm beat, all this excitement is too much for me

<HappyLittleMoron> Whatever

<Jaerlani> Gods, HLM< the thing almost killed me.

<HappyLittleMoron> Then it was drawn to you or something you were doing. I'm glad it didn't, but I'm STILL pissed as hell

<``Mitch> "Hi, Iris, remember me? I'm Mitch, the guy who can't color. Listen, you need to get up and come with me, okay?"

<Jaerlani> I am not too happy with it either.

* Iris nods, getting up* Okie...*smiles* Wha's going on? *joins him*

<``Taurus> Night Nox, Night HLM, Night weird lady who summons bad stuff

* Nox nods to Taurus* Sleep well.

<Jaerlani> I'll do some research and see what I can come up with.

* Jaerlani tucks her book under her arm and heads for the stairs.

* HappyLittleMoron takes a ragged breath* Ok...heh...and Jaer...sorry for being so bitchy..

* Jaerlani stops at the top of the stairs and turns her head back.

* Jaerlani pauses a moment, looking for words, and just nods.

<``Mitch> "I really don't know. I'm happy that way." He leads her, still carrying a child in one pair of hands and an automatic rifle in the other, back to Diana's room.

* ``Taurus follows Jaer

* Jaerlani goes down the stairs to her room.

* HappyLittleMoron noddles a little as she cleans still

* ``Taurus goes into his room, not following Jaer

* Diana looks up*

* Jaerlani goes into her room, closes the door and leaves it unlocked this time. She opens her book again and starts to read ... every nerve in her body attuned to her surroundings and ready for anything.

* ``Mitch kind of shoos Iris in and sets Brenna down... quietly, "Don't know. It's all quiet now."

* Iris heads over to Diana's bed, curling up by her*

* Diana smirks a little, as both girls curl close* <q> Never a dull moment...

<``Mitch> "Yeah... I swear, I'm buying this rifle off Shin." He edges the door open, peeking out.

* Diana chuckles very softly*

* HappyLittleMoron and Nox are still cleaning up the roof

<Nox> should rest...

<HappyLittleMoron> Nox...

* Nox shakes her head* Send my lazy brother up here to help me......go sit down

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little and nods, running a hand through her hair, getting Kern to head up to the roof before dropping into Diana's room

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...'sokay you guys...

* ``Mitch half-brings the rifle up as HLM appears, instinctively, then lowers it, pushing the door all the way open with one hand.

<``Mitch> "What happened?"

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head

<HappyLittleMoron> I have no idea...

<HappyLittleMoron> Just...some magic thiiing attacked Jaer and caused havok...

<``Mitch> "I brought Iris and Brenna in... I hope it's okay, I didn't know what else to do..."

<HappyLittleMoron> That was a good idea...I appreaciate it...*grins*

* ``Mitch relaxes a little at this

<``Mitch> "What was with the water?"

* HappyLittleMoron hehs, wrapping her wet wings around herself and shivering a little* Whatever it was decided to swap us with the water...

<``Mitch> "Everyone's all right, though?"

* HappyLittleMoron nods

<HappyLittleMoron> Lil' damp but yeahh...

<``Mitch> "Okay..." He glances over. "Umm... kids? Never mind."

* Diana and the kids are all konked out together on her bed...ain't they cute*

<``Mitch> Muttered again, "...never mind."

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...c'mon...lemme change and...I dunno...sutff?

* HappyLittleMoron 's planing on going to her room to change <G>

* ``Mitch blinks. "Oh - jesus, I'm sorry... of course..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...'sokay...see ya in a lil' bit...*smirks tiredly and dissapers into her and KLork's room*

* ``Mitch blinks again, and flicks off his glasses, rubbing his eyes... .oO(What was THAT about? I mean, *ANY* of it?)

* ``Mitch half-turns, regarding them as he pushes on his glasses, an unbidden smile creeping over his face

* ``Mitch crouches and leans the AK against the door, padding softly over to the bed... he reaches down and drags the blanket over all three of them

* Diana and the rest sleeeeeep*

<``Mitch> .oO(Honestly, MORGAN. I don't know what's gotten into you.) .oO(I don't know either... this place just... gets under your skin.)

* ``Mitch walks out quietly, snagging the AK as he goes and closing the door behind him

* HappyLittleMoron heads downstairs after a while to settle back on the couch with a sigh, rubbing her eyes

* ``Mitch drops the AK off in his room, and comes downstairs... he hesitates, then coughs. "Uh, I'll make a fire if you tell me how."

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...? Oh...uhm...*gives him directions on how too...motioning to the crumpled up newspaper 'n all*

<HappyLittleMoron> said to keep stress levels down...don't see that happenin'...

* ``Mitch follows the directions and manages after a few false starts to get a rather half-assed fire going, opening the vent... snagging a beer, he settles into one of the chairs, a little uncomfortable in the landlord's presence but gamely trying

<HappyLittleMoron> ya likin' it here, Mitch? *leans back and props her feet up, halfheartedly working on some of the paperwork*

<``Mitch> "It's... different."

* HappyLittleMoron nods* shit...
<``Mitch> "I'm not really used to people being nice. I mean, without getting something out of it in the end." He chuckles, a little humorlessly. "And of course there's the random encounters of the third, fourth, and sixth through ninth kinds."

* HappyLittleMoron laughs a little* Yeah...people 'round herrre aren't that bad once you get past the looks...and that last part...*smirks* Trust's been an education fer me too...

* ``Mitch blinks, glancing over. "But you're... uh... you know. Wings."

* HappyLittleMoron smirks

<HappyLittleMoron> Don't mean I'm an expert on alla this...

* HappyLittleMoron 's chatting with Mitch in front of the fireplace...Nox and Kern are cleaning up the roof...pool's empty...water ON the roof and around the asylum where it fell...

* Diana, Brenna and Iris, btw, are all sleeping in Diana's room*

<``Mitch> "I... I don't know, I just thought that - y'know, you're running the place, you were hip to the whole scene..."

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* 'Sokay...just...I'm used to weird things happening...know how to take it in stride...been mutating in one way or another my whole life *shrugs*

* Klork pushes the front door open, letting it swing wide as he goes through, door swaying and slamming .. by the time it closes, Klork's already upstairs

* ``Mitch hesitates, but his curiosity has the casting vote... "If you don't mind my asking... well, uh... what are... your kids? Gonna be?"

* ``Mitch looks up at this, blinking.

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...I...*blinks and looks up* Wha'...?

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little and stands* 'Scuse me, Mitch...we can finish talkkkin' later...wanna find out the story behind this...

<``Mitch> "Right... goodnight, Mrs. Happy. Hope everything's okay."

* `Angora runs in the front door, looking exasperated, closing the door behind her

<`Angora> WHere'd he go..???

<HappyLittleMoron> Me too...*blinks and looks up* Up to his room...what happened??

* `Angora holds up a hand, bending over to catch her breath

<`Angora> We had a spat .. did he go up...ok...thanks..*straigtens to rectify her dignity before marching up the stairs*

* HappyLittleMoron runs a hand through her hair, looking up the stairs and back to Angora...* Wha...

* Klork comes down a few minutes later, Angy at his heels

* ``Mitch just sips his beer and keeps his mouth shut

<`Angora> Aren't you even going to listen to my side--I have reasons for staying there that have NOTHING to do with you or that Kame person you call a sister..!

<HappyLittleMoron> ...*watches, holding her hands over her belly, arching a brow*

* Klork turns on his heels, glaring down at her, voice flat and restrained* I suppose you're going to tell me I have no right to be pissed at him for doing what he did to her?

<`Angora> YES! Don't you get it, he had no choice!

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw, crossing her arms over her chest..

* Klork blinks ... then shakes his head for a minute, holding his hand up* Ok .. now *pinches his lips together momentarily* NOW I know you're crazy--you're defending a man who RAPED my sister .. AND you're staying under his roof AND you're telling me I have NO right to be pissed??

<Klork> Is that the jist of it?

* ``Mitch quietly stands up, edging around the periphery of the room and heading towards the stairs... .oO(SO not my business...)

<`Angora> Don't you dare call me crazy--and damnit, his family is MAKING him do what he is .. if HE doesn't do it, his little brother will have to fill in his shoes--Muso will be KILLED if he doesnt do it..!

<Klork> I'm sorry, Ang, but that is no excuse in my book. and it IS an excuse.

* HappyLittleMoron just silently listens, brows furrowed lightly

* `Angora grinds her teeth, shaking her head* All right, different angle.

<Klork> It doesn't matter how you angle it, I still don't like him.

<`Angora> Shut up and let me talk will you? *passes a glare at him ... Klork giving a stubborn look before going silent* Angelo.

<`Angora> He has two sisters, right?

* ``Mitch makes it to his room and closes the door, leaning against it, half-listening to the half-heard voices as they echo up the stairwell while raised

<Klork> Right.

<`Angora> Nissa is one .. um.. Vala is the blind one, right?

<Klork> Yer' draggin' on, Ang, get to your point before it's lost.

* `Angora sighs

<`Angora> Nissa is involved with a young man named Shitako, right?

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> Yeah .. Shitako Mon..*blinks, back going a bit rigid* Mondai ...

* `Angora sighs, brows furrowing as she watches* If Musoko fails ... Shitako will have to do the job .. and they'll kill Nissa just because he can't be with anybody else.

* Klork closes his eyes for a moment, running his fingers over his face before looking up at her

<Klork> Its still no excuse.

* `Angora groans frustratedly* My GOD, just when you think you can get through that thick skull you throw on another wall, damn you!

* Klork sighs

<HappyLittleMoron> Riddle me this, ever been raped?

* `Angora shifts, teeth clenching a bit

<`Angora> Attempted ..

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow lightly* How do you feel about the guy who tried it?

* `Angora shifts

<`Angora> He's dead.

<`Angora> Look, I'm not saying that Kame has to forgive him or like him or anything ..

* ``Mitch , at this, just steps away from the door... .oO(UTTERLY not my business.) He walks over to the bed and starts transferring photographs to the wall.

<`Angora> I'm just TRYING to explain that he's not doing it because he LIKES to do so.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* Neither does Klork...neither do WE. She's close to us, all we know is he raped her, and the reasons simply do not matter! If he didn't want to, there are ways of avoiding it.

<Klork> Don't get me wrong, does worry me, but there is ALWAYS a way to get around things. And even if he does find a way to get away from that freak family of his and save himself and his brother .. I still won't like him. Some things are unforgiveable in my book.

* Klork nods in agreement with Mo, jaw set as he watches Angy

* `Angora sighs, shaking her head

<`Angora> And I'm letting YOU *flicks her hand towards Klork* That I happen to see PAST what he's seen to be by YOU. And I don't want to hear ANYTHING from you about my staying with him!

<Klork> Fine. But don't you DARE come crawlin' back here when he abuses her--OR try to right what he does to Kame because of his family. I want you to know right here and now that if I EVER see him again his ass is going to be six feet under, I don't care if you like him or not!

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, stepping up by Klork and rubbing his back lightly

* `Angora flinches .. eyes wavering a little as she shakes her head ..* How'd you just do that...?

* Klork goes to reply..then blinks, taken aback that it was completely off topic ....* I-wha..?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little

<HappyLittleMoron> ...non sequitor?

<`Angora> THat..that..when you yelled ... *furrows her brow, talking expressively with her hands to make up for the words she can't find* That energy .. was weird..I felt it push me back ...

* Klork shakes his head slowly ...* I have no clue what you're talking about Ang...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and tilts her head

* `Angora furrows her brow, looking a little frustrated..almost to the point of tears* But something--I felt it! Like you pushed me physically but .. you didn't do a damn thing...!

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes glow slightly, eyeing both their energies...

<HappyLittleMoron> Hey...'sokay, Ang...I'm tryin' ta check it out...

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh! Telekenesis...

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Wha..??

<HappyLittleMoron> Looks like anyway...*her eyes dull* He's just full of suprises...*noddles* Telekinetic aura around you, love...

* Kameko comes out from the kitchen .. after having disappeared there for a bit <G> and stretches again

* Klork blinks, then blinks again, looking up at Kame with a small wave...lost expression not leaving his face

<Klork> But I'm not telekenetic..

* Rislyn comes downstairs slowly, lookin' kinda distracted, but other than that...ok!

* `Angora 's eyes snap to Kame..shifting before she rushes out the front door

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and...wavels?

* Kameko blinks, seeing Klork and then blinkblinks again when she sees Angora run out

<Kameko> I.....uhm....bye..??

* Klork sighs

* Kameko looks a bit confused

<Klork> Long story, big fight.

* Kameko furrows her brow, looking over at him

* HappyLittleMoron hehs a little, still rubbing Klork's back...

<Kameko> I....I didn't do something that offended her...did I..?

* Klork leans back

<Klork> No ..

* Rislyn looks up, then waves kinda absently at Klork and 'Mo, going into the sparring room

* btw...wet area aaround the asylum...guess it turned to ice...Nox and Kern are on the roof cleaning up <G>*

* Klork sighs shakily, waving to Ris

* HappyLittleMoron wavels to Ris as she goes

<Kameko> Kay...just...don't want to cause problems..

<Klork> No ... shes just .. *sighs shakily*

* Rislyn goes at her normal routine of practicing...this girl never stops

* Mondo_Gecko slips in through his window

* HappyLittleMoron hehs a little and streatches her still slightly damp wings

* Klork sighs

<Klork> It was a fight about who she's staying with, Kame ... I'm guessing she just used your entrance as a good time to leave..

<Kameko> Oh? Who's she staying with?

* Kameko sits on the arm of the couch, looking at him curiously

* Klork rubs at his temples .. blinking...then sighs

<Klork> <q> Musoko...

* Mondo_Gecko drops his jacket on the floor and kicks off his shoes and heads downstairs

<Klork> ..oO(So did not want to bring his name up..damnit..)

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip a little...

* Kameko pales, dropping the cup of water she was drinking and not really even noticing when it shatters

<Kameko> ...........

* Klork grimaces, going over to clean it

* Kameko blinks a little, then shakes her head, kneeling and picking up the pieces

<Klork> Kame ... I-I didn't want to bring it up ... I let her know how I felt about it .. but I can't do much more

* Mondo_Gecko blinks at Kameko

<Kameko> <q> No..I-I....just..let me get it..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...bad timin?

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, waveling to Mondo and heading over to Kame, then pausing..

* Klork helps, watching her more then the cups ... grimacing ab it

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...yeah...but ' you doin'?

* Kameko blinks, looking up at Mondo .. then shakes her head

<Mondo_Gecko> um..I'm ok

<Mondo_Gecko> you?

<Kameko>, just a bit of ..unsettling news. I'm okay..but thanks..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...what?

* Kameko smiles shakily, cleaning up what she can

* Klork looks at HLM as if asking her to tell him ...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, linking arms with Mondo and leading him into the kitchen* Step into ze parlor said ze spider to ze fly...

<Mondo_Gecko> uhh..

* Klork shifts, pausing a moment before looking at Kame* Kame .. you wanna go out for some cocoa or something ...? Talk? Ya know, brother-sister bondin' or whatever ..?

* Mondo_Gecko blinks and lets her take him away

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(...this isn't gonna be good)

* Klork pauses..then smacks his head

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...*sits down, pulling a chair out for hhhimt oo* Y'know Angora, right...? Klork's sister?

* Kameko blinks, then kinda looks at him oddly

<Klork> Hold that thought, I'll be right back..*rushes past her real quick like and up the stairs*

<Mondo_Gecko> ..rightg

<Kameko> I....I'm okay, Klork..I--ok..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> Klorks sister?

<Mondo_Gecko> that was Klorks sister?

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

* Klork knocks on Mitch's door

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...

<Mondo_Gecko> and?

<HappyLittleMoron> Well..

<HappyLittleMoron> *lowers her voice a little* She's staying with Musoko and his family...the guy who uh..raped Kame a while back...

* Klork sighs, hollering into the room* We're done arguin' .. you can come down stairs, Mitch! .. sorry .. *heads back downstairs*

* Mondo_Gecko blinks and then growls low in his throat

<Mondo_Gecko> that bastard?

<Mondo_Gecko> I kicked his ass before and I can do it again.....

* Klork heads down, pulling on his coat

<Klork> Kame ... ? Ready to go?

* ``Mitch glances up as he sticks another photograph in place

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...but...she's doing it of her own will 'n'''s pissed about it...I'm pissed about it...and Kame really doesn't need to hear the bastard's name...

* Kameko furrows her brow, looking at the cup pieces

<``Mitch> "Thanks, Klork..."

<Kameko> I...haven't finishe dleaning up the water..

* Mondo_Gecko snorts

<Mondo_Gecko> ..she sure as hell doesn't

* Rislyn just practices, mind elsewhere

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> so she's not possessed?

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...she isn't now...she is when she attacks us...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...but she wants to stay with that sleeze?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I don;t get it

* Kameko goes and gets stuff to clean up the water, throwing the pieces of cup away and then sighing

<Kameko> I...guess I'm ready.. if you really wanna go out..

* Kameko shrugs

<HappyLittleMoron> I don't either...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...why would she do that?

<HappyLittleMoron> She sees something in him...I dont know what it is...

<Mondo_Gecko> she an enemy to people here or......

<Mondo_Gecko> .....she wants to fuck him..

<Mondo_Gecko> perfect...just what we need

<HappyLittleMoron> I guess...I dunno...I personally think he deserves to have his balls cut off and fed to him...

<HappyLittleMoron> I dn't think she's an enimy here though...

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail swishswishes in annoyance

<Mondo_Gecko> no shit..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I hate guys who think they can hurt chicks

<Mondo_Gecko> it makes me sick

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<HappyLittleMoron> Me too...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...that chick obviously has her head way up her ass

* Kern comes down the stairs...shivering* C...c...c...COLD...u...up...there....!

* Rislyn furrows her brow, losing her concentration on her sword's power .. it wavering and kinda "shorting out" as she stumbles a little, holding her head in her hands

<HappyLittleMoron> I guess...I dunno...

* Mondo_Gecko sighd

<Mondo_Gecko> is Kameko ok?

* Klork nods, tucking an arm around her shoulders

* Kern heads into the kitchen...kinda waveling to Kame and Klork with a blue tinged hand, going about making himself some tea*

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...I think so...

<Klork> C'mon, chocolate my treat, you should be happy *winks*

* Kameko furrows her brow, waving a bit at Kern

* Klork waves to Ker

<Kameko> your hands in front of the heater..

* Kameko looks up at Klork, then sighs a bit

<Kameko> Heh...yeah..chocolate...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..ok

* Klork sighs, pulling her coat off the hook and handing it to her* C'mon, don't catch your death of cold, k?

* ``Mitch goes to sleep

* Kern grins a little as he fixes tea* Thank you Kame..

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...

* Klork jingles his keys

<Klork> C'mon, haven't spent time with my lil' sis in eons ..

* Kameko smiles a little, shrugging a bit

<Kameko> We've both been busy, is all..

<HappyLittleMoron> safe you two!

* Klork nods, leading her out the door, waving

<Klork> I've got my cell if ya need me, Hon!

* Kameko looks over her shoulder at 'Mo

<Kameko> You, too!

<HappyLittleMoron> Okie! *wavels*

* Klork smirks, leading her out the door then looks around

<Klork> You want to go by car or by foot?

* Mondo_Gecko watches them go

* Kameko shrugs a little

<Kameko> Doesn't matter...

* Klork sniffs the air then smiles

<Klork> How's truck wanna drive?

* Klork jingles his keys before her

* Kameko looks up at him like he's gone crazy

<Kameko> You...are offering to let me drive ..your TRUCK?!

* Klork smirks

<Klork> C'mon .. you know you wanna..*winks*

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail is still lashing just not as bad

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, tired look coming over her* 'Sokay Mondo...anything you wanna talk about?

* Kameko grins a bit sheepishly, then snatches the keys

<Kameko> You bet your ass, I wanna! Let's go!

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I dunno...

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm ok

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...I just realized...I'm ok

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...*grins* Hey...good...

* Klork chuckles, letting her take em and follows her to the truck

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..

<Mondo_Gecko> so..did a raincloud hit only the asyslum or what?


* Kameko opens up the door for him, then walks around and unlocks the driver's side door, literally HEFTING herself up inside

* Klork hops in, buckling in, then reaching over to offer a hand

* Rislyn whimpers, gripping her head tightly in her hands, now curled up on the floor

<Klork> you may want to scoot the seat up..*smirks sheepishly* I's got long legs.

* HappyLittleMoron leans back* Some weird...THING attacked Jaer...dunno if she summoned it or it was drawn to her...a bunch of use tried fighting it off...and long story decided it didn't want the water IN the pool..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up at the whimper

<HappyLittleMoron> now what...

* Mondo_Gecko cocks his head looking like a curious lizard

<Mondo_Gecko> ...jeeze

<HappyLittleMoron> 'Scuse me...*heads into the workout room, kneeling by Rislyn* ...Ris...?

* Kameko erks, trying to reach below her do to so, muttering when she can't find the little thing to do so

* Klork chuckles, helpingher

* Rislyn grits her teeth, shaking her head

<Klork> A'right, let's go to *fingers his chin* Starbucks ok? They've got good cocoa ... *shrugs*

<Rislyn> <q> here...I..*is cut off by a growl of pain*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(whoa..Rislyn is it?)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(...very nice..hehe)

* Kameko just looks at him with wide eyes as her eyes go all wide

* Klork eyes her

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow, putting an arm around Ris's shoulders, eyes glowing again, looking for strange energy patterns...

<Kameko> You...want to take me some place where they have COFFEE?! And then only let me have cocoa?!! *whimper pouts*

<Klork> I won't get coffee .. I'm in the mood for their cider ..

* Kameko waves a finger at him

<Kameko> If you go back on your word, so help me..!

* Klork grins

<Klork> Lets just go, chica..

* Kameko slips the keys in the ignition, buckling up and starting the truck

<Klork> Promise, no coffee. Remind me to bring back some caramel apple cider for Mo' tho ..

<Kameko> Fine fine--where's the switch for the lights on this mon--oh..right.. *finds it and flips them on* Forgot...Angelo has one of these..<G>

* Kameko nodnods

<Kameko> no problem!

* Klork chuckles

* Klork turns the radio on, watching her drive n' whatnot

* Rislyn 's arms start to swell from her biceps down..kinda rippling, her body literally seeming to stretch vertically in her arms and legs and thin out, pain obvious on her face as that same purple/blue/black energy that makes her sword takes over her entire body

* `Angora comes down the block, hands fisted in her coat pocket, just missing them as they turn the corner, going up to the asylum and heading inside quietly

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and sits back* <vqw> ...holy...shit...

* Kameko drives all happy like, humming along with the radio

<Mondo_Gecko> ...scary ass..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ris...? *reaches out to touch the energy...*

* Klork chuckles, leaning back and watchin' traffic* So how're you n' 'Gelo?

* Rislyn 's head snaps back as she howls in pain, feathers growing out of her arms as if hatching and then drying and growing thick, her hands changing into talons .. her legs doing the same, minus the feathers

* `Angora blinks..* Geeze ... I come back to apologize and everybody takes off..*blinks, looking lost*

* Kern blinks, peeking out of the kitchen* They're in the kitchen, ma'am...

<HappyLittleMoron> ..wha...

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

<Kameko> Oh..good. He's been working quite a bit...but that's okay..

* Klork smirks, nodding

* Kern blinks at the howl, looking in and gasping*

<Kameko> Nissa's been gone with her boyfriend.. Vala's been unable to sleep, so he's worried about her.

<Klork> Taking care of ya right? I'll hafta kick his ass n' all if he isn't *winks*

* `Angora blinks .. then nods a little, hands still bunched in her coat pockets as she makes her way over..then blinks..

<`Angora> My God my timing sucks ..

* HappyLittleMoron 's still kinda kneeling by Ris, eyes wide

* Kern nods slowly...*

* Rislyn looks up at 'Mo, her eyes full of pain before they seem to completely go cold, a slow smirk coming to her face ... her voice calm as the power kinda ripples off of her, looking like heat waves in those three colors

* `Angora takes a few steps back

<`Angora> Maybe I'll just go ..

* Klork furrows his brow

<Rislyn> <q> Finally.. I have been released...

<HappyLittleMoron> ..uh...Ris...what...are you ok...?

<Klork> Any idea why she can't sleep or anything ..?

* Mondo_Gecko skitters up the wall*

<Kern> ...uhm...I don't know...

* `Angora erks, tripping backwards over the balance beam

* Rislyn smirks slowly, holding her arms out at her sides, a 'sword' appearing in either hand

<Rislyn> I.. have never been better.

* HappyLittleMoron slowly stands, stepping back, brows furrowing...

* Rislyn looks at her, smile going a bit sad

<HappyLittleMoron> ...what just happened?

<Rislyn> You were most kind to her, even when she lied to you about what she was.. It will upset me to kill you, but it is what I do..

<Klork> Kame? *nudges her* You there ..?

* Kameko acks, looking over at him

<Kameko> Huh?? lost in the song..

* Kameko nods towards the radio

* `Angora slowly gets to her feet, rubbing her back, blinking

* Klork chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> {{UHM...Klork...??? Kame??? Hate to interrupt but...something SERIOUSELY scary just happened...}}

* Klork blinks, going rigid..

<Klork> {{...What's goin' on..???}}

<HappyLittleMoron> I...don't think so...*unsheeths her claws, taking on a glow of her own* Who are you?

* Kameko blinks, that honestly scaring the shit out of her and slams on the breaks, then signals and turns around without even asking if they need to go back

<Kameko> <q> We'll get the cocoa another time.

* Mondo_Gecko clings to the watching overhead, ready to swoop down if needed

* Klork nods

<Klork> Yeah ..

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Rislyn just transformed into a...griphon type thing...just threatened to kill me...}}

<Rislyn> I am Rislyn. You already knew that.

<Klork> {{Crap...we'll be there soon..}}

<Klork> Go go GO, DRIVE faster..!

<Rislyn> This is the part of me that had been locked away. It feels wonderful to be free.

<HappyLittleMoron> ...not the Rislyn I know...*steps back, narrowing her eyes and watching her* What are you then?

* Kameko nods, slamming her foot on the gas peddal, hoping to god for no cops

* Rislyn 's swords kinda sizzle power

* Klork sits at the edge of the seat, removing his seat belt when they're in sight of the asylum, ready to hop out

<Rislyn> I am what you see. The "other" Rislyn is the weaker part of me.

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail lashes back and forth

<Rislyn> This part of me was locked away after I killed my two oldest brothers.. they tried to restrain what I am.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I have the WORST taste in women!)

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw, eyes flashing* What the hell do you want? OH, excuse me...BESIDES killing me.

<Rislyn> Riyan, the only remaining brother, will die for giving me to Telomar .. He drained me of enough power to lock me away..

<HappyLittleMoron> ...uhm...yeeeeeeah...and who's Telomar?

<Rislyn> Oh, I don't want to kill you. At least, the other part of me doesn't. But I need to kill others to make my energy stronger.. I truly apologize.

* `Angora furrows her brow, slowly getting over the balance beam

* Rislyn smiles

<Rislyn> My husband. Or, the man who is supposed to be.

<`Angora> Ohhh no .. that's not even gonna fly ..

<HappyLittleMoron> Nope...I'm not dying today...neither is anyone else.

* Klork hops out of the car once they get to the asylum, nearly toppling over himself before running up to the door

<Mondo_Gecko> *hisssssssssss*

* Klork yanks open the front door* {{Where are you?!}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Workout rooom!}}

* Kameko acks, hopping out and locking up, at least remembering to do that, then tosses Klork's keys to him as she runs inside

* Rislyn slowly lifts herself off the ground, using her now feathered arms to kinda .. hover

* Mondo_Gecko is on the ceiling of the workout room

<Rislyn> That is why the farce, you know. I need to stay away from him. He who took this power from me in the first place.

* Klork runs in, already snagging his sword out of the portal from his room, running full speed into the workout room

<Klork> Back off!!

* Rislyn pauses, looking up at Mondo before looking at Klork

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Ris, eyes still glowing, wings flairing instinctively...

* `Angora blinkblinks,

<Mondo_Gecko> hisssssssssss

<Rislyn> Ahh.. welcome home, Klork .. Kameko.. *watches as kame runs in after him*

* Rislyn grins a little

<Rislyn> You are all just in time to die. I apologize.

* Klork stands in front of Mo', sword ready, confused look to his eye* Oh like hell ..

* Kameko furrows her brow, just looking lost

<Kameko> I...Ris..?

* HappyLittleMoron stays behind Klork, torn between running and fighting

* Rislyn chuckles, nodding

<Rislyn> Who else would I be? Now.. if you'll excuse me, I have some killing to do.

* Klork glances back at HLM, brows furrowed at what he recalled the doctor telling her earlier ..* {{Go...??? Please?!}}

* `Angora fumbles at the weapon rack, picking up a katana before stepping over beside Klork, between Ris & Kame..

* Rislyn lifts her swords, both of them crossing over her head and sending the energy at them like a 'tidal' wave

* HappyLittleMoron nods and makes a run for it, trying to snag Kame as she goes...heading for Diana's room...

* Klork growls, throwing a sheild up immediately

<Klork> Shit..!

* Kameko blinkblinks, looking at Angora before BLINKING, being snagged

<Kameko> 'Mo..! Wait! I wanna he-e--e--e--e-e-lp!

<Mondo_Gecko> SCREEEE!

* `Angora winces instinctively .. blinking when she realizes she's added to his portal..

* HappyLittleMoron draaags Kame up to Diana's room...where Diana's lying in bed, pale and exhausted looking the girls curled into her sides* You'll help more up here, sistah...

* Mondo_Gecko leaps down at Ris, crackling with electricity

* Rislyn blinks, being landed on and then kinda grins

<Rislyn> Well Mondo.. never knew you cared..

* Klork blinks, dropping his sheild

<Klork> Shit shit--Mondo careful!

* Rislyn uses her energy to shoot him away, but grimaces as she does so .. obviously he hurt her

* Klork grips his sword, electricity sparking along the blade as he watches, then charges at her when he can take the chance

* Kern...covers their backs...and realizes...he's one of the most powerless characters sthe controller has...well damn...*

* Mondo_Gecko gives a loud raptorlike screech and flies back but skids along on all fours

* Rislyn instantly has both her swords up, both crashing into Klork's as she hovers above him, glaring down at him as she holds him off, trying to force his sword back with a strength she didn't have before

* `Angora shifts, hands sweating around the sword as she watches with wide eyes

* Klork grimaces, an unknown force aiding him as he sends electricity up through her swords to her

<Rislyn> You are strong.. but--*shrieks in pain, her swords vanishing as she drops like a stone to the ground, going silent*

* `Angora watches, eyes a bit wide...but they are, like Klork's, glowing .. sparking with a green electricity

* Klork blinkblinks..eyes wide as he takes a few steps back

<Klork> Wha..

<Klork> No way now WAY that was too easy..!

* Mondo_Gecko leap to his feet again..circling near Ris..hissing

* Dev blinks, coming in on this, and whips out his flute, weaving a spell to send a bolt of magical force at Ris, then stopping when he sees her fall, after heading to the workout room door*

* Rislyn 's hands then suddenly snap to the ground as she looks up at him, like a panther on the prowl, her energy snaking out and literally forming to hands that grab at Klork's ankles

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't trusssst it

* Klork acks, slicing down at her hands

<Klork> Gyah! back off! I'm married!

* Dev brings his flute to his lips again, trying to weave a spell to block the energy*

* Rislyn 's 'hands' disappate .. then reappear..they're nothing but that energy, you know. <G>

<Rislyn> I don't like men, anyway.

* Klork blinks, chopping a few times .. were he not in danger of being killed he'd think this was the coolest discovery..

* Rislyn pulls her hands back, as if to 'yank' his feet out from under him, but those keep disolving

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(..a lesbian and a satanic monster..I really know how to pick'em)

* Rislyn blinks, her energy wavering at Dev's playing, her eyes snapping over to him

<Rislyn> You...! Stop your playing!

* Klork ergs, flipping backwards, but then flips a few times again .. landing on his feet and taking a bow

<Klork> I'm a cat huh?

* Dev watches her with calm pale blue eyes, continuiing to weave the spell, trying to form a bubble around her*

* Rislyn holds out a hand, attempting to send another of those 'hands' out to grab his flute

* `Angora takes the opportunity to charge at Ris, slicing the sword amatuerly

* Klork blinks

* Mondo_Gecko leaps at Ris again, attempting to knock her to the ground

<Klork> Ang--what the hell?!

* Dev steps back and ducks, hitting a sharp trill sending a bolt of energy to counter the hand she sent at him*

* `Angora goes to take a slice at RIs, in a golf-swing, blinking as she realizes she's now slicing at Mondo* Oh, crap...

* Rislyn pales .. looking up at Angora as the sword slices through her side ... the feathers vanishing as if they were never there, kinda .. bursting from her arms before they kind evaporate to dust, leaving huge gashes along the backs of her arms, and her legs returning to normal as she goes out

* Rislyn lays there... looking normal, but is out.

* Mondo_Gecko gives a cry of pain as he's sliced up the side

* `Angora sputters, dropping the sword

* Dev brinngs his flute down, blinking confusedly* ...erk...!

<`Angora> Ohmygod, I'm sorry! are you ok!?

* `Angora kneels, trying to get a good look at the cut

* Mondo_Gecko lands a feet feet over her and his claws SCREEEEK as he slides on the floor and sinks down

* Kern runs for the first aid stuff...*

* Dev takes Ris to bed...that's it...*

<`Angora> I'll take care of it, I'll take care of it! Just let me look at the--oh god..

* Mondo_Gecko is bleeding...not very baddly thoug

<Mondo_Gecko> *it's pretty shallow*

* Klork rushes over, pulling Ang back

<Klork> Ease up, already!

* Kern kneels by them with the first aid stuffs*

<Mondo_Gecko> what the hell was that!?

* Mondo_Gecko looks down at his side

* `Angora struggles, choking on sobs* Let me help him damnit!!

* Kern shakes his head bewilderdly as he bandages...since Klork and Angora are rasslin'? <G>*

* Klork erfs, getting a fist in the jaw, letting go

<Klork> A'right, jesus .. calm down..

* `Angora kneels immediately, shaking her head at Ker as she tries to take the bandages from him* I can do this..I caused it please let me fix it??

* Kern nods...standing and stepping back..*

* Mondo_Gecko looks over and sees who it is..


* Dev comes back down, followed shortly by HLM*

* Dev still has that ultra-confused look on his face..*

* `Angora looks up, trying to bandage him, shaking her head* Please hold still-I can fix this-I'm sorry!

<Mondo_Gecko> .......why arn't you sacred of me

* Klork groans, rubbing his head* She's lost it...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...which she? *rests a gentle hand on Klork's shoulder, tired look to her*

* `Angora shakes her head, still bandaging him* I-I'm sorry for hurting you-please just let me fix this..I..*pauses, blinking* ..Why would I be scared..

* Klork waves his hand in Ang's general direction .. then in the direction where Dev took Ris

<Mondo_Gecko> don't remember?

<Klork> THey're all goin' nuts .. please don't tell me it's that time of the month or something ..

* `Angora furrows her brow .. slowly shaking her head as she tapes off some of the bandages

<`Angora> Remember what...?

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, wrapping her arms around him and resting her cheek against his back* I think there's somethin' goin' on with the's just been nuts today...

<Mondo_Gecko> nearly tripped over me two days ago

<Mondo_Gecko> and I grabbed you..

<Mondo_Gecko> and then you were screeming your head off and tried to can me

* `Angora finishes, leaning back, tilting her head to the side in confusion as her eyes fill with relief to see him bandage* I don't remember ... I just remember coming here ... then waking up at Muso's..*stares..blankly if anything*

* Mondo_Gecko givesa hissss/sigh

* Klork nods, examining HLM

<Klork> Are you hurt at all..?

* `Angora chews her lip

* Dev blinks...throws his hands up in the air in defeat and heads up the stairs*

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<`Angora> Are you well? I mean ... your cut .. is it healed ..?

<HappyLittleMoron>'m ok...lil' shaken but...*grins up at him* *kisses his jaw* You?

<`Angora> I-er...bandaged to your suiting I mean ..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I don't have any special healing..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

* Klork sighs shakily, kissing her brow

<Mondo_Gecko> sure

<Klork> Still worried for ya .. but well.

* `Angora nods, standing

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Klork and tries to use telepathy

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little and nods* I know...

<`Angora> A..all right .. God I forgot what I was going to say ..

<Mondo_Gecko> :: ..shouldn't we tell her what happened to her?::

* Klork sighs..* {{She knows ... but she isn't believing fully that she's capable of it..}}

* Mondo_Gecko gives a snort

<`Angora> Forgot why I came back..*furrows her brows, then ohs..looking over at HLM* I..I wanted to apologize for bringing a fight in here .. making you upset..*runs a hand through her bangs* Just .. wanted to apologize..

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...heh...*grins a little* It's ok, Ang...worse things have happened...don't worry about it...*smiles slightly shakily*

* Mondo_Gecko winces as he sits up slowly, in a great deal of pain but not letting it show as much as it hurts

* `Angora nods, shuffling her hands back into her pockets

<`Angora> I'm going to go now .. just .. yeah..*sinks a bit, heading passed them*

* Kern just kinda watches and listens*

<HappyLittleMoron> safe, ok...? *grins a little at her*

* Klork mutters, watching

* `Angora blinks, looking up with a small smile .. there's a slight flash of someone that isn't her ... or what could be her as she does so .. then it fades*  I'll do that .. thanks..

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks

<HappyLittleMoron> ...uhm....k...

* Mondo_Gecko gets up and sinks over a bit but follows after her

* Klork narrows his eyes

* `Angora heads for the door, shivering lightly

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little and folds her wings against her back

* `Angora heads out the door

* Mondo_Gecko limps after her, trying to straighten up as much as he can

* `Angora pauses on the front lawn, turning to look back at him..* Is there something else..?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> where are you going?

* `Angora shifts..* To where I am staying .. why?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> don't go back there..

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...anyway...*sllides her hands down to Klork's* How was your day besides the fighting...?

* `Angora blinks, sinking a little before shaking her head

<`Angora> I'm not in any danger, please just let me be on it.

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> Well enough .. til' I met up with Angy who barged into my store.

<Mondo_Gecko>'d be safer here

* `Angora frowns

<HappyLittleMoron> Gah...*tugs him gently towards the couch...paperwork stacked in a "done" pile and a "to do" pile on one of the cusions*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(why do I even think she'd listen to me)

<`Angora> Maybe. But it's not my safety I worry about. If I really am losing my mind or something, I'm not going to stick around here where I could end lives apparently.

* Klork looks around

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> .....

<Mondo_Gecko> look..

<Klork> You doin taxes or something? *sits*

<Mondo_Gecko> I went through the same thing ok?

<Mondo_Gecko> me

* `Angora shakes her head, holding a hand up

<Mondo_Gecko> you may think your safter out there but-

<`Angora> No ... trust me. Please. I'm not going somewhere where I am in danger.

* HappyLittleMoron sits down and rubs her calves a little* Been trying to get paperwork done for this place...taxes and other things...just...haven't had a moment's peace...

* `Angora looks a little frustrated* I'd just like somebody to understand that for once ...

* Klork nods, rubbing at her shoulders

<Klork> Well, you've got it now *smirks*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> ...your never gonna listen to me

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I'm wasting my breath..

* `Angora frowns

* HappyLittleMoron grins leaning into his hands a little* Oh sure...but I don't want to now...there must be something going on with the stars or

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(what little of it I have left..ugh)

<`Angora> Just as you won't understand me ...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..yea I understand..

* Klork nods, sittng behind her, working on her lower back

<Mondo_Gecko> that guy won't hurt you

<Mondo_Gecko> and I beleive you

<Mondo_Gecko> you don't seem like a stupid chick

<Mondo_Gecko> but he ...

* `Angora nods, brows drawn as she watches him

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a little, bowing her head as he works, mming softly...

<`Angora> I know what he did. I also know that his family forced him to do that.

<Mondo_Gecko> he raped someone...he's a deserve help from better people than that

<Mondo_Gecko> ..and your brother loves you ..I know he does

* `Angora flinches, shaking her head

<`Angora> You don't understand ... to a point you do, but beyond that .. there is more that you cannot understand.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...well that's because I don't know

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe if you told me..

* Klork purrs, continuing..working on any sore spots in herback

* `Angora sighs...

<`Angora> His family is a powerful one ... they've trained him all his life--without choice--to be a killer.

<`Angora> He's being made to hunt Kame down..if he doesn't..not only will he die, but his younger brother will be forced to take his place.

* HappyLittleMoron grins, the babies in her tummy starrting to purr in response to him, kinda...melting...wincing every once in a while when he hits knots* I like yyoooooouuuuuuu...

* Mondo_Gecko narrows his eyes

<`Angora> The Mondais' are ruthless...almost like a Japanese version of the mafia.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..why do they want Kame?

* `Angora sighs shakily

<`Angora> THere are two very powerful families in Japan...the Mondais..and the Shikibas ...

* Mondo_Gecko limps up to her

<`Angora> If they were to merge, they would almost be a monopoly in control over the country ... Kame is a shikiba. Musoko is a Mondai.

* Klork chuckles

<Mondo_Gecko> .......

<Mondo_Gecko> money

<Mondo_Gecko> power..

<Mondo_Gecko> that all people care about?

<Klork> I like you too *kisses her brow, then goes about working on her arms*

* `Angora sighs

<`Angora> Musoko doesn't but he doesn't have any choice..there's more ..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, leaning back against him as he works...

<`Angora> His younger brother .. Shitako..

<`Angora> He's going out with Kameko's sister-in-law .. ANgelo's little sister..

<HappyLittleMoron> Y'know...a Jehova's Whitness had the misfortune to come up here shortly after I got home...

<`Angora> If Musoko fails .. his family will kill him..force Shitako to take his place. He would refuse, so to motivate him, they would probably kill Nissa. make him ruthless.

<Klork> Oh really? *works at her hands*

<Mondo_Gecko> Nissa?

<`Angora> Angelo's sister.

<`Angora> She's dating Shitako .. sorry, I didn't tell you her name from the start..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(and that is?)

<`Angora> Kameko's sister-in-law .

* HappyLittleMoron nods grinning* He asked me if I heard the good word...I told him "Yes! I GOT MY OLD SSTRIPPING JOB BACK!" struck a pose, flashed my fangs and offered to show him my rutien...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(why doesn't anyone understand that I don't KNOW ANYTHING)

<Mondo_Gecko> .....oh

* Klork sputters, laughing loudly

<Mondo_Gecko> .......this is some crazy shit

<Klork> I woulda paid good money to see that!

* `Angora nods..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...and tell did you get stuck in all this

* `Angora shifts..sighing

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Oh I wish I had a camera...never saw anyone run so fasst in my life!

<`Angora> Because I found Musoko beat up to a pulp in central park late one night. Helped him to a hospital.

* Klork cackles, working on the muscles in her neck now

<Mondo_Gecko> ......

<HappyLittleMoron> Mm....*leans her head forward as he works...tooons of tension...*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(SON OF A B- )

<`Angora> He took me out to eat dinner in thanks .. *sighs* Things went from there. I care for him a great deal .. and I'm staying to help try and figure out a way that he and Shitako can escape that family.

* `Angora sighs, watching him quietly..

<Mondo_Gecko> ....does Klork know about this?

<`Angora> For the most part, yes, and he doesn't agree with it.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..what do you mean

* `Angora rubs at the back of her neck

<`Angora> He doesn't like seeing me with a man he wants to kill--much less helping that man.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I wouldn't either

<Mondo_Gecko> but..does he know about what's going on with his family

<`Angora> Neither would I...but I met him from a different angle. No matter what they may say, first impressions mean a lot.

* `Angora nods

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I would never rape a woman because someone told me to

<Mondo_Gecko> ...that's what I don't understand

<`Angora> Even if it were to protect your life .. as well as the only person that meant the world to you?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> never

<Mondo_Gecko> my life isn't worth anothers misery

* `Angora shakes her head..

<`Angora> It's not his life he's mostly worried about .. it's his brother's..

<Mondo_Gecko> and any woman who I'd love wouldn't think that way either

<`Angora> He's hell bent that Shitako won't be forced into his situation.

* `Angora blows out a slow breath before looking upward

<`Angora> If you think I agree with the rape you're wrong, that's WHY I'm staying there to help him get away from having to do it again..

<Mondo_Gecko> ......if I were you..I'd pick up what's left of your relationship with your family and get teh hell outta dodge

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<`Angora> If they both fail..Shitako and Muso both .. Kame will be killed, her baby will be killed, and the Mondais will more than likely go after anybody else close to them .. HLM, Klork..the people here..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea I don't think your like "he shoulda raped her"

* `Angora sighs again, quiet, watching him

<Mondo_Gecko> .........

<Mondo_Gecko> well I don't have much to live for

<Mondo_Gecko> what can I do to help

* `Angora shakes her head

<`Angora> I don't know .. *smiles faintly as she turns* I'll let you know if I think of anything..

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

<Mondo_Gecko> ok

* Klork goes about rubbing at HLM's calfs

* `Angora waves a little, heading down the street

<`Angora> Ja ne.

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, staring forelornly at the paperwork, then ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhinnnnng and melting...ankles swollen and stuff

* Klork sits down by her feet, working at her ankles next

<Klork> Man, you need offa yer' feet woman..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(..and I don't speak japanese..I'm Irish catholic for gods sake)

* HappyLittleMoron leans back and grins a little* I want offa my feet, love...just around here it's a little impossible...anyway...wanna work for as long as I can before the boys decide to be born...

<`Angora> Slainte then..*smiles, letting that hang before disappearing down the street*

* Klork nods

<Mondo_Gecko> ........

<Mondo_Gecko> *mutters* why can everybody read my mind?

* Mondo_Gecko turns and heads back into teh asyslum

* Klork hmms, continuing

<Klork> Maybe you should take a break ..? That'll hopefully ease stress..right?

* HappyLittleMoron tucks her hands behind her head* I is less stressful than this place...and we just got back from vacation....

* Klork nods...still working at her ankles

<Klork> True enough ...

* HappyLittleMoron closes her eyes, then stares at the ceiling after opening them again, sighing softly

* Mondo_Gecko looks around

<Mondo_Gecko> guys ok?

* Klork looks up

<Klork> Yeah .... you ok, Mondo?

<HappyLittleMoron> Hm...*looks at Mondo and grins* He's working on my ankles...I can't get more ok than this *winks* You?

<Mondo_Gecko> um..

<Mondo_Gecko> bleeding profusely..

<Mondo_Gecko> heads clouded

<HappyLittleMoron> ...uhm...sit down before you hurt yourself then...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and nods, taking a seat, his head swimming with all the stuff she told him

* Klork sets back, brow furrowing

* Kern comes in from the kitchen...bringing with him a glass of water*

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey

<Kern> Evening...*smirks a little and sits on the floor in front of the fire* Things have calmed down I see...

* Klork still massages at HLMs ankles

* HappyLittleMoron leans back and grins, almost goofily* Hehehe...I'm luuuuucky...

<Mondo_Gecko> ....yea

* Klork chuckles..

* Kern chuckles softly, sitting indian style, looking like an oversized kid*

* Mondo_Gecko gets off the couch and lays down beside Kern, looking like a big scaley oversized dog

* Kern absently reaches over and pats Mondo's head*

* Klork blinks...wishing he had a camera..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and smirks

* Mondo_Gecko licks his chops and whines

* Kern blinks and scratches Mondo's belly, playing right along*

* Mondo_Gecko grins and hooks a leg in the air and pants!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<Kern> Good Mondo...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...give Mondoa cookie

Next Part