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Session Start: Sun Mar 03 12:15:10 2002

* Mondo_Gecko wanders downstairs..he looks like hell..pale...sweaty and messy, dirty....

<HappyLittleMoron> *Nox looks up from helping the girls with lessons...or...something...* Hello, Mondo...*blinks a little* Ah...can I get you anything?

* FWL_MeRc walks into the asylum with his FN-p90 over his shoulder and dried in blood on his fur

* Mondo_Gecko looks at Nox with dead empty eyes and shakes his head

* Nox nods a little, brows furrowed before looking over to Merc, frowning and then making sure the girls are well absorbed in what they're doing*

<FWL_MeRc> I'm going to find that guy... oh yes... i will

* Mondo_Gecko pokes around in the kitchen for food

<Nox> guy?

<FWL_MeRc> ... Musa

<Nox> Muso...? Ah...*blinks* ...ah...I do not know him...and...what did he do?

<FWL_MeRc> ... its something to do with diana... speaking of which... *makes his way into the bathroom and begins to shower*

* Nox...just...blinks*

 Mondo_Gecko just grabs a bag of chips and goes and curls up on the couch and turns on the tv..

* Nox sighs softly, dark eyes rising to the TV*

<Mondo_Gecko> *watching the news...*

<News> "...Another freak electrical storm struck the residential district near Central Park last night, the second this week. These localized bursts of lightning have been tentatively dubbed as unseasonable chain lightning, an unusual weather phenomena that until now has only been witnessed in desert and flatland areas. The cause for its sudden appearance in downtown New York City is still unknown, and the science community of NYU...has teamed up with metropolitan and utility authorities to search for any unusual elements that may have brought such a thing about."

* Nox arches a brow and chuckles softly* I only hope they do not start asking questions of the tenants here...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and curls his tail around his legs

<News> "In international news, Israeli helicopters and tanks attacked Palestinian targets in the West Bank, in response to a series of weekend terror attacks by Palestinian militant groups that have killed at least twenty Israelis."

* Nox shakes her head slowly, silently*

<News> "Eleven of the twenty were killed in Palestinian attacks on two Israeli military positions. Yesterday, a suicide bomber killed nine Israelis, including five children. The terror attack happened in a crowded Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem as people were leaving synagogues after the Jewish Sabbath."

* footage of Israeli soldiers and civilians carrying the body of a victim*

* Nox furrows her brows* After all these would think this would haveee finally ended...

<News> "The Palestinians had promised these attacks after the Israeli army entered refugee camps of Balata and Jenin in the West Bank. These operations, which began Thursday and continued through the weekend, were the first major incursions into Palestinian camps in the past 18 months of conflict."

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* My mothers Jewish

<News> "On a more global note, space shuttle Columbia docked with the Hubble Space Telescope early Sunday to begin a multimillion dollar repair job." *switching to faded space footage, appearing as if it got sent through a webcam*

<News> "Despite a brief scare on Friday, when the mission was nearly scuttled due to a blockage in the cooling systems, the shuttle has remained in orbit. The Hubble will receive $172 million in new equipment, including solar wings, a power-control unit, a steering mechanism, a more advanced camera and a system to restart a disabled infrared camera."

* Nox nods with a frown...then blinkks at the futage, kinda...staring*

<News> "NASA scientists are nervous about repairing the power-control unit because the power to the space telescope must be shut off and turned back on - a sequence never before performed on the telescope. Once operational, using other new instruments - such as a filter that blocks bright light - the observatory should improve its studies of black holes in the far reaches of the universe."

<News> "Crew members John Grunsfeld and Rick Linnehan are to start the first spacewalk at 1:27 a.m., EST, Monday."

* Nox blinks a little, leaning back with the girls, lost in the terminology*

* Diana, meanwhile, in that hospital room, finally begins coming around, turning her head lightly on the pillow, as soft groan rising from her lips*

<News> "Finally, on the brighter side, Swiss voters have narrowly approved joining the United Nations in Sunday's referendum after five decades of sitting on the sidelines."

* old women and such casting their votes into brightly-colored boxes*

<News> "Tallies from all precincts showed a nationwide margin of 55-45 percent in favour, but the crucial second hurdle -- approval by at least half the country's cantons, or states -- received a much narrower 12-11 result."

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( one's above it all)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(when it comes down to it ..everyone the same at the center )

<News> "The division between cantons held at 11-11 for two hours until Zurich, the largest canton, weighed in on the side of the U.N. supporters, and ensuring their historic victory. CNN's Robin Oakley reported that ministers were relieved by the result because they had had little concrete to offer the people as a result of joining up."

* Nox quietly listens, only semi understanding a lot of this*

<News> "Oakley said that a key question now is whether reformers will be back on the streets with another campaign, to get the Swiss to join the European Union, an idea they rejected last year. But that divides even those who campaigned for a "yes" on the United Nations."

<News> ""The real point is when do we join and when do we relaunch the debate on European integration and the Yes side, the majority of the Yes side will say now we really stay quiet, don't go with Europe yet," said Andreas Gross of the "Yes" campaign."

<News> "Coming up after the break - weather, sports, and a look at stupid people with funny hats and a lot of money who other people think are important."

* Nox blinks at that last part...murmuring under her breath* ...insolitus articulus...

* ``Mitch 's eyes flicker dully at the sound, up from the half-filled styrofoam cup dangling from his cupped hands... then, he stumbles upright, rubbing a hand over his face and trying to wake up, stepping over to the side of the bed.

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

* Mondo_Gecko turns upside down

* back at the Asylum, a commercial comes on extolling the virtues of a new birth control pill, then proceeding to list the possible debilitating side-effects... this could take a while*

* Diana takes a deep breath grimacing before her eyes slowly open, glazed and confused...narrowing to try focusing on a fuzzy Mitch* <q> ...nani...watashiwa doko...

* Nox just...blinks at the TV, shaking her head slowly* There are herbs with far less side affects that do the same thing...

<``Mitch> "Diana... I don't know what you said. How're you feeling?"

* Diana blinks a little, brows furrowing lightly as she looks up at him* <q> Na..ah...confused...? Back hurts...where are we...?

<``Mitch> "You're safe. Don't try to move. You're in a hospital..."

* ``Mitch reaches over and drags the chair to him, scraping it across the floor and settling by her side, smothering a yawn

<Diana> <q> ...alright...are you ok...?

<``Mitch> "I'm fine... everyone's fine. I don't know what happened, but everything was like the way it started when I... I came out."

* Asylum - commercial switches over to a glitzy appraisal of a laundry detergent that removes stains but leaves colors fresh and new, and if you'd believe their sunny disposition blesses it with holy water to boot.*

<Diana> <q> Hai...*sighs a little and grimaces* Good everyone's alright...

* Nox blinks a little*

<Diana> <q> ...why does it hurt so much to breath...?

<``Mitch> "Something hit you... hard... your ribs were all smashed up, your back..." He swallows, rubbing a hand over his face. "We did what we could, y'know, witchy-fingers, but had to bring you here to get serious medical attention... you'd lost a lot of blood, and were, well, pretty worked over."

* Asylum - "Critics are raving about 'Another Stupid Sitcom'! ABC has gathered the last remaining stereotypes that are still politically correct and assembled them under one roof! What wacky things will happen? Tune in and find out!"*

* Diana nods a little, closing her eyes with a little, pained sigh* <q> That would be from the wall I was thrown through...domo...

* Nox scratches her head a little and shrugs*

<``Mitch> "Nandemo dai..." He manages a tiny smile, somewhere, faded. "You might have to stay here a few days under observation. I think everybody's pretty witched out after Sparky went postal again."

* Diana nods slightly, eyes still closed* <q> Hai...I'd imagine so...ah...but it's not her fault...I saw who was possessing her...we...*grimaces, pausing to catch her breath, pain meds not kicking in, having built up quite the tolerance to them* ...have to get...whoever it is out of her...

* Asylum - "These models have starved themselves for the past six months to compete for the glory of a cheap brass tiara and name-recognition in centerfolds. Lonely men, watch and drool at what you can't have; insecure women, watch and cry over what you can't be; everyone else, watch and get slapped by their significant others. It's an event YOU CAN'T MISS."*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...ohh...that looks interesting

* Nox looks back to Mondo* What is the point to it...? Are they competing to be someones concubine...?

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<``Mitch> "Iie chance, tomodachi... you're going to stay here until you can breathe without wincing." He reaches over and drags the phone out. "But you can tell the others who it is..."

<Mondo_Gecko> ...there's no point

<Mondo_Gecko> they're competeing to be told they're the most beautiful woman in the USA

<Mondo_Gecko> ...thats a load of utter bullshit though

<Nox> sounds like it...

<Mondo_Gecko> there's no such thing as the "most beautiful"

<Mondo_Gecko> ...everyone has their own idea

* Diana nods lightly, breathing as best she can around the pain* H..hai...

* Nox nods* Very true..

* ``Mitch would rather she lie there and rest, but knows he's got to let her get it out of her system...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...but those chicks have big-ass tits

* Asylum - *riiiing*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...and I don't have much of a life

* Mondo_Gecko leans over and grabs the phone

<Mondo_Gecko> ...hello?

* Nox smirks a little*

<``Mitch> "Mondo? It's Mitch... Diana's awake, she's talking... hold on..."

* Mondo_Gecko arches a brow

* ``Mitch reaches over... hesitates, then stands, hooking a knee up onto the bed and crouching over Diana, cradling the receiver to her head. Muttered, "-you stay STILL."

* Diana smirks a little, an affermitive with her eyes* <q> Hello...Mondo...?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...uhhhh

<Mondo_Gecko> ....yea...

<Diana> *her voice pained and kinda breathy* <q> are you...? Who all is there...?

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm.......

<Mondo_Gecko> um..Nox

<Mondo_Gecko> think I saw Merc earlyer

<Mondo_Gecko> you wanna talk to her?

<Diana> <q> Iie...just tell her I'm alright...spread the word...all that...*pauses, as if catching her breath*...if...Klork comes home...tell him I know...who's possessing his sister...what this person looks like anyway...

<Mondo_Gecko> uhh....ok...I'll do that

* Asylum, in the background - "And now, for local weather... Manhattan - sucks. Staten Island - sucks. Brooklyn - sucks. Queens - sucks. Bronx - sucks, with a chance of really depressing gloominess later on tonight. In regional weather, we can see a cold front is sweeping in from up north, which means that Canada's to blame... as always."

* Mondo_Gecko looks up and scowls

<Mondo_Gecko> *mutters* damn Canada

<Diana> <q> ..take care of yourself...alright...*voice kinda trails off, then blinks at that comment*

<Mondo_Gecko> .....ok Diana..

<Diana> <q> ...heh...bye...*looks to Mitch to take the phone back...thankful look in her eyes*

* ``Mitch takes the phone back, settling back into the chair. "Did Kevley get a hold of Mrs. Happy?"

* Diana listens quietly, eyes closed*

* Asylum, background - "In sports, shit happened, nobody cares."

<Mondo_Gecko> did...

<Mondo_Gecko> what???

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I dunno who Kevley or Mrs happy is

* Asylum, background - "Finally, on a more personal note, I'd like to say that it's my last day here on the job. Screw you guys - I'm handling the uptown beat in California this summer. So you can all kiss my ass. I hate this place."

<Mondo_Gecko> YOu and me both man

<``Mitch> "Oh. Shit. Umm... okay, never mind." .oO(It won't make a difference either way.)

<``Mitch> "Huh?"

* Asylum, background - a yelp of pain as the boom operator smacks the news guy with the mike

* Nox blinkblinks...not sure whether to laugh or just stare...she sticks with staring*

<``Mitch> "How is everyone holding up over there?"

* FWL_MeRc walks out of the bathroom hair all poofy

* Asylum, background - the news guy comes over the desk, wrapping the clip-on mike around his fist like a garrote, before a cute little cartoon "Please stand by" logo pops up to chamber music.

* Nox looks at Merc from the tv and blinks, coughing as she tries not to laugh at the poofy-smurf*

<FWL_MeRc> ... don't say a word... don't laugh... or i will cause you much pain

<Mondo_Gecko> ..they seem ok..

<Mondo_Gecko> Merc's kinda fluffy though

<``Mitch> "Merc's... fluffy?

* Nox holds her hands up, grin tugging at the corner of her lips as she goes back to helping the girls with whateverthehell they're doing*

<FWL_MeRc> ... MONDO! hey... issat diana?

<Mondo_Gecko> yea....he had to actually bathe..

<``Mitch> "Oh jesus." To Diana. "Merc took a bath."

<Mondo_Gecko> it's Mitch...Diana just got off the phone hunnyu

<``Mitch> "That's, that's just scary."

<FWL_MeRc> ... either way... i wanna speak to mitch and or diana

* Diana looks up at Mitch with wide eyes, gripping at her heart and pretending to have a heart attack* <q> ...hell MUST have frozen over...

* Mondo_Gecko nods...

<Mondo_Gecko> cute little poofball

<Mondo_Gecko> ...its so cute..

* ``Mitch snickers, leaning back

* Mondo_Gecko grins a little..

<FWL_MeRc> ...

<FWL_MeRc> i swear I'm gonna kill you

* ``Mitch cups a hand over the mouthpiece and mutters to Diana, "...yeah, everything's back to normal."

* Mondo_Gecko grins..feeling a little bit like his old self and hands over the phone*

* Diana smiles and nods a little* <q> Good...

<``Mitch> "Hello?"

* FWL_MeRc takes the phone "last time I'm giving you the money to get booze mondo, hey bitch"

<``Mitch> "Want to try that again?"

<FWL_MeRc> ... hey Ditch?

<FWL_MeRc> ... itch?

<FWL_MeRc> whats your name again?

<``Mitch> "I'm going to hang up now."

* ``Mitch waits a beat, giving Merc one last chance to redeem himself...

<FWL_MeRc> okok mitch... put diana on... i want a word... and complain about the lack of conditioner

<``Mitch> "Good boy." He glances up... quietly, "Talk to Merc?"

* Mondo_Gecko is heard laughing in the background!!

* Diana shrugs very lightly* <q> Why not...

* ``Mitch repeats the movement, resting a free elbow on the headboard as he tucks the phone to her ear

<FWL_MeRc> hey... Diana?

* Diana smiles a little to Mitch in thanks* <q> Merc..?'re you...?

<FWL_MeRc> fine fine... I'm holding you personnaly reposnab;e for the lack of conditioner in the shower and the insults I'm gettin off mondo and ditch

* Diana blinks* <q> Nani...? buy your own conditioner...

<``Mitch> Muttered, pitched for Diana but not for the phone... "...and flea dip..."

<FWL_MeRc> okay... anyway... i want to know how you are and what happened

* Diana coughs and grimaces, smirk coming to her lips and shaking her head at Mitch* <q> Ah...itai...heh...I'm as well as can be expected...and...there was...just a thrown through a wall...

<Diana> <q> ...broken...ribs...all that...

<FWL_MeRc> ... i see, look i want to know who's responsable

<Diana> <q> ...some woman...possessing...Angora...I really talk to her...and KLork...about it...face to face...

<FWL_MeRc> ... mmm... alright...

<FWL_MeRc> no idea who was controling her then

<Diana> <q> Iie...I just...know what she looks like...nothing more...

<FWL_MeRc> tell me

<Diana> <q> A blond woman...wearing red...*trails off and grimaces* Merc...can't talk much longer.....hurts...

<FWL_MeRc> ... ok... ok... I'll let you go then

<FWL_MeRc> ... get better ok?

<Diana> <q> Hai...I'll try...take care...

* Diana grins a little at Mitch* <q> Domo..

* ``Mitch leans back, checking the phone - getting a dial tone, he hangs it up, and sets it back on the bedstand, sitting down in the chair... half-yawned, "-demo dai."

<``Mitch> "Now you REST, tomodachi."

* Diana chuckles softly* <q> Oh need some too...*smiles wryly* You can go home if you want...I' alright...

* FWL_MeRc hangs up the phone

<``Mitch> He shakes his head. "It'll be safer if you've got someone with you who, y'know, knows your nature."

* Diana nods a little with a small smirk* <w> I...suppose...try getting some more rest for yourself, too...*closes ehr eyes, kinda starting to drift*

<``Mitch> "Yeah, okay. Now sleep."

* Diana nods a little* <w> Hai... *more or less zonks, still exhasuted..*

* ``Mitch retrieves the coffee and slumps into the chair, downing it and trying to stay awake still, stubbornly.

* Nox streachhes a little, chuckling softly as Iris get Brenna giggling by making rainbow showers through the room*

* ``Mitch , however, fails about half an hour afterwards

* sleeps...floating along in pained nightmares of going back to a life of fighting for survival between realities*

* ``Mitch just dreams of falling, as he has for some time now

* Jaerlani watches the goings-on in the asylum with her enchante television, as she often does.

* well...Iris is entertaining Brenna by making rainbows appear, rainbow sparkls shower down from the ceiling, Nox watches with a soft smile...Diana and Mitch not in the asylum to begin with...*

* Mondo_Gecko is sprawled on the couch, watching TV

* Mondo_Gecko sing softly "we were young the future was so bright, the old neighborhood was so alive, and everykid on the whole damn street was gonna make it and not be beat. Noe the neighborhoods cracked and torn, the kids are grownup and their lives are can one little street swallow so many lives?"

<Mondo_Gecko> "chances thrown, nothings free, longing for what used to be, still it's hard, hard to see, fragile lives, shattered dreams"

* Jaerlani comes downstairs to eat her breakfast of Shredded Wheat.

* Jaerlani finishes her cereal and goes into the living room to watch TV.

* Jaerlani settles onto a couch with a yawn, draping herself over it.

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Jae

<Mondo_Gecko> look like a trip

* Jaerlani looks over at Mondo.

* Jaerlani lifts a single brow and says, 'Oh ... so you speak?'

<Jaerlani> I suppose that should not surprise me, around here.

* Ezaraudin opens the door and peers in... The kid in the subway who tugged on his sleeve this morning told him something, but he had made little sense of it at the time.. Pushing through the haze in his mind he focuses on the building itself.. He quips a brow looking at the non-descript structure.. He narrows his eyes and they shimmer, yet not of moonlight. A slight smile comes to his face. The child told him it was not what it appeared. Indeed.

* Ezaraudin enters. His arrival is heralded by a surge of icy wind tossing his long black mane in the frigid gale. He is a tall, powerfully built man with sharp elven features. His eyes illuminate a spectral glow as he glances around his surroundings. He is dressed in head to toe black leather including an ankle length coat that billows in his wake. His skin white as ash marred only by the image of a Harlequinn's mask.

* Mondo_Gecko is laying on the couch looking sweaty and pale..sick almost.. his hair (which is ussually sleek) is mussed up and he has dirt on his cheek, and a nasty long cut on teh other that's scabbed over and a forearm in a cast

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..I speak

* Nox shivers and looks up at Ezaraudin, standing gracefully* Can I help you?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(what's THAT supposed to mean?)

<Mondo_Gecko> ....never seen anything as scary as me? ..

* Mondo_Gecko arches a brow

* Jaerlani chuckles lightly.

<Jaerlani> I apologize ... I did not mean to offend.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(that's the first honnest sounding appology I've heard since I came back here)

<Mondo_Gecko>'s ok

<Jaerlani> .oO( I can't believe he bought that apology.)

<Jaerlani> .oO(At least he' be quiet and I can watch TV in peace. It's too early to be dealing with uppity lizards. Besides ... the news is on.)

* Ezaraudin looks completely lost.. He looks tired, and miserable. He turns to Nox. "Um.. Yes forgive the intrusion but I was told that I could obtain shelter here." he seems almost sad in his tone.

<Mondo_Gecko>'s yer name?

* Nox nods, her voice eternally soothing* Aye...ah...this way I believe...both our caretakers are away at the moment, so...*leads over to the desk, searching for and finding the log book* I...believe you simply need to sign here...

<Jaerlani> Jaerlani.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I'm Mondo..

* Jaerlani nods.

* Nox inndicates the spot, offering a pen and finding a key* All you need to remember is to pay your rent...clean up after yourself...respect the privacy of others...and try not to fight too much...

* Ezaraudin looks down at the book. He squints some as he bends down to write. "Thank you." he says softly. "I has almost not found this place it is.. cleverly inconspicuous." He signs his name in a penmanship that is almost calligraphy. He carefully counts out the amount from a roll of bills that include the currency of numerous European countries alongside his greenbacks. He carefully lays the cash on the book and places the pen down.

* Nox's lips curl in a MonaLisa as she offers the key* Aye...the owners were very careful to make it so...ah...the number on this key will match the one on your door...*puts the money wherever HLM keeps the rent money...uhm...hidden somewhere or another <G>*

* Ezaraudin nods and slides the key into his coat pocket. "You have been most kind." he smiles politely. He turns and continues to look around the scenery.

<Mondo_Gecko> do you come from?

* Nox nods with another soft smile, going back to kneel with the two little girls coloring at the coffeetable*

<Jaerlani> I am sure the name would mean nothing to you.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> oh

* Ezaraudin slumps into an unoccupied seat. He takes a silver flask, adorned with intricate celtic knotwork engravings and removes the top. He then proceeds to take a long pull from it and sits hunched a bit forward in his seat simply tracing the surface of the container with the tips of his gloved fingers..

* Mondo_Gecko looks down..getting the message

* Nox, looking up from smoothing Brenna's hair back* Where do you hail from, sir?

* Ezaraudin looks up slowly. "A place that now exists only in my memory." he answers quietly.

<Nox> apologies..

* Ezaraudin looks back to the bottle. "You have no need to apologize, though I appreciate the sentiment.. Once upon a time.. As I am certain that is the only way to begin a story of the like.. There was a land, and it shimmered like the crown jewel of creation.. Yet every morning when one awoke, it was gone. It was a land of Eternal Youth and Beauty.. It's name, was TirNan Nog."

* Nox nods lightly, listening silently*

* Ezaraudin takes another pull fron the flask. "Unfortunately, was.. is the operative term."

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I heard of that place

<Nox> Aye...sadly...all things must make room for new beginnings..

* Ezaraudin smiles at Mondo. "One need only to dream to know TirNan Nog."

* Nox blinks and looks up at Mondo curiously*

* Mondo_Gecko looks at Nox and sinks down, shutting up again

* Nox blinks* Hm...? Where did you hear of it...? *mildly confused look coming over her features..*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> story books..

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm irish

<Mondo_Gecko> well..half Irish

<Mondo_Gecko> real name's Shawn Murphy..if that tells you anything

<Nox> ...ah...alright...*smiles lightly* Bear in mind, my friend...I am from 80000 years in the past...there is a great deal I do not know of this time...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> ...keep in mind I don't know how long ago that was

* Ezaraudin looks up at Nox. He arches a brow. "You have aged remarkably."

<Mondo_Gecko> ..she looks pretty young man

* Nox arches her brows...biting back a return comment, before looking at Ez and chucklling softly* Ahh...those 80000 were skipped, thanks to a mage who did not want myself and my siblings "polluting" their world..

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't think she's aged at all

* Mondo_Gecko yawns, showing off sharp teeth

<Ezaraudin> "Transubstantiation." he sighs taking yet another long pull from the small container. "Gets you every time."

* Nox blinks a little* Ah...I...suppose...

* Syan pushes the front door open, very smug smirk on his face as he closes it behind him

* Ezaraudin looks up from the flask at the new commer. He takes note of the expression he wears..

* Nox looks up and smiles, standing* Excuse me...*heads over to Syan to greet him with a gentle hug 'n kiss*

* Syan leans over, ruffling his hands through his hair to shake the gel off .. revealing pointed ears beneath the mass of pure white hair

* Syan erfms, then chuckles* Miss me that much eh?

* Nox pulls back and chuckles softly* Of would wish for me to miss you less?

* Mondo_Gecko starts braiding a part of his hair

* Ezaraudin smiles softly watching the exchange of affection then his brow goes right up as the white haired man reveals pointed ears. Ezaraudin absently raises a hand to his own pointed ear..

* Syan grins hammily, his hair now a mess but his expression tells that he could care less* Well, no--hey, you know ... a lot of window have been breaking lately--I'm actually getting business! *smirks, kissing her brow*

<Syan> So .. what'd I miss? Business was so good I've been down at hq writing up orders and measurements..*seems to be rambling*

* Nox chuckles softly, then smiles lightly* You've been missing fights...and new comers...

* Syan blinks, white brows lifting* Oh? Geeze, I know I met Mitch ... um .. Jae .. I think I SAW her .. um..*blinks* THere's more to it?

* Nox nods a little* Aye...heh...

<Syan> Geeze .. *blows out a breath before his mouth twists to the side* I miss a lot ya' know?

* Nox chuckles softly and takes his hand* Probably best you do...I do not like seeing you hurt...

* Syan frowns

<Ezaraudin> "In my experience there are some things that are best when missed."

* Nox nods in agreement with Ez*

<Syan> Yeah, but who'd protect you if you're not missin' it and I am?? *puffs up..then blinks, looking up through tossled white bangs as he blows out his breath again* So.. guys don't want me around then..? *pouts, eyes playful*

* Nox chuckles then awws* Of course we want you around! *kisses his fingers*

* Syan pauses, his look making you almost able to see the light bulb go off over his head as he looks at Ex* I'm assumin' yer' new ..?

* Syan smirks, wrapping an arm around Nox's waist* I's just pickin' on ya.

* Nox hmphs, slipping an arm around his middle in return* Of course...the wolf must pick on night...I see how you are..

* Syan chuckles* I gotta make sure I'm nice n' chummy with the one that provides my cover and protection ya know..

<Ezaraudin> "To this place at least." he chuckles. "I am Ezaraudin, Ardan for short." he extends his hand to the man.

* Nox chuckles very softly*

* Syan leans over, arm still around Nox as he shakes it, the handshake firm, with moves that are deceptionally agile for somebody so tall and lanky

<Syan> Syan Brodigan .. eh..just Sy or Syan work

<Ezaraudin> "Delighted to make your aquaintence Syan." he returns the strength of grip before releasing his hand.

* Syan nods, then returns the arm around Nox

* Ezaraudin sits back down and sips from the sterling silver flask.. He stares into the celtic knotwork engraved in it's shiny surface seemingly lost in thought.

* Iris stands and goes over to Mondo, holding up her drawing of rainbows and flowers* Mondo...? I made this for you...

* Mondo_Gecko looks up slowly

* Syan hmms, looking thoughtful before pulling back from Nox, going over to the kitchen to rummage for food

<Mondo_Gecko> ....oh....Iris....thanks

* Mondo_Gecko almost looks like he's gonna cry

* Iris is looking up to him, holding the drawing up before hopping up by him to give him a hug* It be ok...! *smiles at him, her eyes swirling a bix of blues and reds*

* Nox chuckles softly, watching him go before kneeling back by Brenna*

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..your eyes are my favorite colors

* Iris smiles* They are?

* Mondo_Gecko nosd

<Mondo_Gecko> and red

* Mondo_Gecko hugs her

* Iris hugs back and grins* Okie...*pulls back long enough to make blue and red streamers of light flash around the two of them*

* Mondo_Gecko grins..but his eyes look tired, red and lined

<Mondo_Gecko> ..heh..pretty

* Klork pulls up to the asylum in the truck, turning the engine off and parking in the driveway

<Iris> Thank you...*rests her small hands on his cheeks* You look tired..

* Mondo_Gecko pets the top of Iris's head

<Mondo_Gecko> I am..

* Jaerlani looks around the living room, looking to see who is still there after all her TV watching.

* Syan watches, brows furrowed as he munches on dry cereal ... a box of lucky charms to be precise

* HappyLittleMoron is obviously with him...hops out as soon as she can...helping unload the truck...light thiings for her, of course...heading up the the front door...

* Klork snags things as well, heavier stuffs, following her and knocking on the door with the tip of his boot

* Syan blinks, looking up, fistful of marshmallow's he'd picked out

* Nox blinks and gets the door, opening it wide for them* Klork...HLM...welcome home...

* Klork smirks, kinda lookin' akward standing there on one foot, armloads of baggage

<Klork> Thanks! Everybody ok???

* Nox helps him out..t.akeing some bagage and nodding* Aye...a bit tired, but alright...

* Jaerlani yells from the living room, 'We don't want any, go away.'

* Jaerlani smirks with a chuckle.

* Jaerlani gets up and heads to the front door.

<Syan> Yeah, we don't need no more girl scout cookies!

* Brenna looks up* Daddie! Mama! *stands and goes to run over, blinking at his full arms 'n stuff*

<Jaerlani> Need a hand?

* Nox chuckles and starts carrying stuff up the stairs for him, HLM right behind Klork*

* Klork chuckles, thanking Nox for the help before puttin stuff down

<Klork> Sure I s'pose..*picks Brenna up*

* Brenna purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and hugs Klork* I missed yoou...

<Klork> Hey squirt! missed you!

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, stroking Brenna's hair

* Mondo_Gecko looks up from the couch, smiling as he sees Brenna with her daddy

* Brenna snuggles him, still purring* You gonna stay home now...right...?

* Klork chuckles, ruffling her hair lightly, still holding her

<Klork> Of course..! Also gotcha some presennntss..

<Brenna> Oooooooooohhhhhhhh...!

* Jaerlani stands just inside, wondering what Klork might ask her to carry, and where.

* AriaStormsinger becomes aware that she's lying on something very uncomfortable, her whole body ACHES, and it hurts to breathe. It's also very, very cold.

* AriaStormsinger coughs a little and feels a hand rest on her forehead.

<Stacie> "Are you okay?"

* Shingami puts her lap top away grabing a blanket

* HappyLittleMoron kisses Brenna's brow lightly before heading past, showing Jaer what to bring up and where and stuff...

* AriaStormsinger moves a little, hearing the sounds of traffic not far away.

* Klork hands Jae a bag* Just my room ..*shrugs, hefting Brenna onto his hip and shuffling through a duffel*

<Shingami> oO( im cold... im never cold... something is wrong...but what?)

* Jaerlani helps out carrying what ever stuff HLM hands to her.

* AriaStormsinger blinks several times, then recognizes that the shadows around her are brick walls, and above them...are stars.

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks for this Jaer...

* Brenna watches with biiiiiig eyes*

<AriaStormsinger> Sss...Stacie?

<Stacie> You're awake.

* Shingami heads down stairs wraped in a blanket

<Shingami> anybody here?

* Klork sits with her on his lap, more easily rummaging through the bag

* Brenna purrs softly as she watches him...*

* HappyLittleMoron unpacks and stuff

* Klork pulls out a Sailor Moon coloring book and hands it to her..

<Klork> A'right, I'm makin' a deal with you on this, Squirt ...

* Brenna blinkblinks and nods, looking up* Uh huh...?

<Klork> For each page you color, I'll read to you what it says ..*note the book is in japanese* It was the only coloring book the store had ... otherwise I woulda gotten ya somethin' else *smirks*

<AriaStormsinger> Yeah. Awake...not sure I want to be. Where are we? Where's Angora?

* Brenna smiles and hugs him* Okie..! *hugs him* Thank you, daddie..

<Shingami> Oi.. anyone down here?

* Klork nods, then ahs..holding up a finger

* Nox looks up at Shin and waves...*

<Klork> Yep, Shin! *waves from the couch, digging into the bag again before pulling out a delux box set of crayons* Ah! here we ar.

* Brenna ooooohs and giggles, purring softly*

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes, leaning back against the end of the couch where he's laying

* Klork smirks, settling them into your hands

<Klork> Remember to share with Iris, a'right?

<AriaStormsinger> We're not far from the Asylum. I don't know about Angora, I left when the building started rocking. Come on.

* Brenna nods* Uh huh...*smiles* She's my friend...

<Shingami> Hey guys.. what happend in here?

* Klork looks up at Shin* Ah, no clue .. just got home ..

* Nox looks up* Ah...last night there was a fight...I had the children in the basement, so I cannot give you any details...

* Stacie lifts Aria at the shoulders, slings Aria's arm over her shoulders, and walks her to the end of the alley. They're just up the street from the Asylum

* Klork smirks, setting Brenna down before kissing her on the brow, handing her her new stuffs* Have fun, a'right?

<Jaerlani> What happened, Nox?

* Syan pokes his head out from the kitchen

<Shingami> where is aria (whatever feels wrong has a tie to her i know it... what are you into now Sister?)

* Brenna nodsnods* Okie, daddie...*huggles Klork with a smile and goes about coloring with Iris*

* Nox shakes her head* All I know is there was a fight...Angora again...

<Syan> It was last night ..? *blinks* DIdn't tell me the fight was that recent ..

* Jaerlani nods.

* Klork blinks..* Aria's missing ..?

* Nox nods to Syan smiling a little sheepishly, then blinks* I did not know Aria was missing...

* Stacie helps her up the street. "Looks like you've got some nasty burns...did this Angora attack you?"

<Jaerlani> What of Diana?

* Klork 's jaw tightens a little

<Klork> What hospital is she at ...? Diana that is..

* Nox looks to Jaer* She's still in the hospital...though I believe she has awakened, for a little while at least...*looks to Klork* Ah...St. Mary's I believe...

<AriaStormsinger> I -- I don't remember. Ow... Last thing, some wave of energy or electricity or something came launching downstairs and out the ... door... ow.

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs...kneeling to kiss Brenna's brow as she colors, stroking her hair gently

* Syan blinks, munching on the marshmallows from the cereal, having picked em' all out of the Lucky CHarms, now munching on them as he leans against the door frame

<AriaStormsinger> *tears spring to her eyes as they suddenly clear* Oh no! I hope everyone's okay!

* Klork nods, standing and grabbing his coat

<Klork> I'm gonna go see how they are ..

* Shingami frowns putting her throw on the couch and going for her shoes

<AriaStormsinger> Stacie, you should hide! If she's still loose and attacking...

<Klork> Mitch is with her, right?

* Nox nods* Aye...

<Shingami> Im going to find aria...

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Klork* Want me to come along...?

* Klork nods to Shin, glancing to HLM

<Klork> Sure .. I'm sure she wouldn't mind your company, Mo'..

* AriaStormsinger tries to push STacie away, but Stacie won't let her.

* HappyLittleMoron nods and stands after gently huggling her daughter and telling her they'll be right back, tugging on her jacket and joining Klork

<Stacie> You're not going to be able to do much good alone, I think.

* Shingami heads for the door

<Shingami> dont anybody die

<Shingami> ja ne

* AriaStormsinger gives Stacie a really worried look

* AriaStormsinger squints up the street...doesn't look like there's any new rubble...even the destruction she saw last night seems to have vanished -- just like last time Angora attacked

* Jaerlani stands quietly, observing for now.

<AriaStormsinger> At least...the Asylum's still...standing.

* Klork pushes the door open, heading outside to look around before opening a portal in broad daylight

<Klork> This way ..

<Shingami> {{aria?}}

* Syan watches, following to the door, munching on the marshmallows

* HappyLittleMoron nods, heading through...

* No reply to Shingami

* Klork follows, closing the portal behind him

<Shingami> k'so

* Stacie and the limping Aria come into sight of the Asylum

<Shingami> Aria?

* Klork re-opens it in the alley way by St Mary's, heading inside once HLM's there

* HappyLittleMoron goes with him obviously

* AriaStormsinger looks up -- "Shin?! Are you okay?"

* Stacie walks Aria up to the dark chick

<Shingami> Im fine what happend to you?

* Syan watces, tilting his head back to down the rest of the marshmallows before watching, mouth full of sugar .. have you ever seen a dog on sugar? Bad idea..

* HappyLittleMoron gets the directions up to Diana's room...heading that way with Klork...Diana's sleeping in the hospital bed, hooked up to an IV and the heart monitor...still looking very pale

<AriaStormsinger> Got hit with some kind of...electric shock?? Where's Angora? Is Diana all right? Is everyone else ok?

* Stacie nods to Shin. "Can we go inside?"

<Shingami> I dont know.. i kind of know Diana is in the hospital thats where Mitch is too

* Klork follows

<Shingami> get inside.. i ahve soemother thigns to take care of...

* ``Mitch is slumped in an uncomfortable-looking "ergonomic" plastic chair, standard hospital issue, beside Diana's hospital bed... sound asleep, he exhales with a soft burr in the subsnore that seems to be his wont. A styrofoam cup half-full of coffee dangles precariously from his hands - only two of which are public - and seems about to fall at any moment...

* AriaStormsinger blinks. " did she get to...the hospital so fast?"

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and snags the cup before it does so..

<Shingami> beats the hell outta me...

<Shingami> go inside rest up and ask Mondo...

* AriaStormsinger gives Shin a strange look and tries to send her a mental question -- feels a strange buzz in her head and looks confused

<AriaStormsinger> Um...

<Stacie> Okay. Come on, Aria.

* coffee snagged - 50 exp*

* Shingami returns the strange look

<Shingami> i cant hear you

<Shingami> something is very wrong

* Syan watches, puzzled

* HappyLittleMoron sets it on a nearby table, brows wrinkled as she looks between the two, Diana groans very softly, moving her head a little..

* Stacie, still dressed in the jeans and shirt she wore when leaving Tom and Pete's apartment last night, helps Aria inside.

* Shingami starts down the street

* Klork follows, then blinks, settling his hand on her brow to check temperature

<Klork> <q> Damn ..

<Shingami> get inside and stay put... ill be back later

* Nox comes up behind Syan, slipping her arms around him from behind and standing on tip-toe to rest her chin on his shoulder, watching with an arched brow*

* Syan blinks,picking up Nox and moving outta the way for Stacie & Aria

* Diana doesn't have much of a fever, if anything she feels a little cool*

<Syan> Hi! *kisses Nox's nose*

* Nox blinks and chuckles, slipping her arms around his neck* Hi..

* Klork furrows his brow, tucking the blanket up to her shoulders

* Shingami 's first stop.. is the poliece station to talk to the guy invistagating the bombing

* Diana takes a deep breath, grimacing before opening her eyes and smiling weakly, her voice weak and breathy, HLM standing by Klork* <q> Konichiwa...

* Klork smirks

* ``Mitch continues to be asleep... he misses more scenes this way

<Klork> <q> Heya sister .. you doin' any better? We heard about last night .

* Syan settles Nox down, watching Aria & Stacie

<Diana> <q> Heh...a

* Nox watches toooo*

<AriaStormsinger> Hi... Is it safe here? Is Angora still attacking?

* Syan blinks

<Syan> Who's Angora..??

* Shingami heads inside the poliece station, knocking on the glass of the guy in the main loby behind the glass

<AriaStormsinger> Um...Klork's sister -- *looks at STacie* -- she was just attacking the lair!

<DeskCop> Hmm?

* Nox nods a little..*

<Syan> Oh .. that was last night from what I heard ... you ok?

* DeskCop looks up at Shingami from what ever he was writing.

<Shingami> Hi im here to see (incert name of guy investigating the bombing) is he here?

<DeskCop> Can I help you?

* AriaStormsinger drops a little. "Last...night!?"

<Shingami> Hi im here to see (incert name of guy investigating the bombing) is he here?

* Syan nods, brows furrowed

<DeskCop> Agent Corley was in charge of that. Let me see if he is here.

<Stacie> I found her in an alley not too far from here. Let me take her up to her room.

* DeskCop picks up the phone next to him, dials four digits and carries on a brief conversation.

* DeskCop hangs up the phone. 'Yes, he will see you. He says go to where you met before.'

<Shingami> thanks*heads to the interogation room*

<Diana> <q> Heh...a

* Agent-Corley walks down the hall, his footsteps echoing sharply in the quiet hallway.

* Agent-Corley closes the door behind him as he enters the room. 'Hello, again. What can I do for you?'

* Klork nods, smoothing her hair back

<Shingami> I want to know how things are going on the invistigation

<Klork> Good .. we found out what to be expectin' *smirks up at HLM

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, reaching over to take one of Diana's hands with a nod..

* Stacie carries Aria upstairs, still moving differently than she had before seeing that guy in the black suit the night before

<Diana> <q> Oh...? Feel like sharing...?

* Klork smirks, looking up at HLM

<Shingami> well agent... how are things going?

* AriaStormsinger 's eyebrows are so tense with confusion and concern for her friends and fear that they're about to jump off her face

* AriaStormsinger whimpers

<Stacie> Shh. *gets Aria's door open, puts her on the bed, glancing at her own suitcase and bags still on the floor*

* Syan sighs, leaning back

* Klork smirks down at DIana

<Stacie> Just get some rest. You'll feel better when you wake up.

<Klork> two boys..*if ego was visable .. it would be inflating*

* Klork pauses, glancing up

<Klork> How's Mitch doin...?

<``Mitch> *subsnore*

* Diana chuckles very softly, then grimaces at the pain* <q> Ah...*catches her breath* He's ok...just...tired...he's been awake most of the time I've been here...I think...

<AriaStormsinger> Don't want to rest...I want to find out what's --

* HappyLittleMoron smirks lightly, nodding

* Klork goes over, nudging him a bit

<Stacie> Don't whine. You need to sleep. I'm going to get something and help you clean up.

<Klork> Mitch ..?

<``Mitch> *subsnore... then a cough, a mumble, and his arm comes up, swiping over his face and flicking his glasses off... he rubs his eyes for a moment* "...whua?"

* Klork smirks

<Klork> Hey Mitch .. catchin' Z's?

* ``Mitch pushes the glasses on and looks up blearily... then, suddenly, straightens and glances at Diana guiltily, looking back up. "Oh, hell. I fell asl... hi, Klork, Mrs. Happy..."

<Agent-Corley> Well ... we've got a few leads, but ... they're not too solid.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Diana smiles a little at Mitch*

<Shingami> great.. basicaly nothing

<HappyLittleMoron> Heya...I wouldn't worry 'bout it..

<Agent-Corley> Well ... not entirely nothing.

* Klork nods to her

<Shingami> ahything ?

<Agent-Corley> Some of the neighbors have given us some interesting information.

<``Mitch> "Yeah, well... y'know..." He coughs again, clearing his throat, and looking around... snagging the coffee, he downs it and feels a little more human. "How was Japan?"

* Agent-Corley wets his lips as he pauses, thinking.

<Klork> Yeah, what she said ..

* Diana weakly takes Klork's hand* <q> I saw who's controlling...Angora...

<Shingami> what kind of information

<HappyLittleMoron> Good...*smiles*

<Klork> Good .. found out what she's carryin'...*blinks looking at Diana*

<Agent-Corley> Well ... strange happenings around the building, for quite some time now.

* ``Mitch glances over, and stumbles to his feet, moving back and out of the way

* HappyLittleMoron blinks at Mitch

<Shingami> there are a lot of strange things happening all over the city

<Agent-Corley> Yes well ...

<Agent-Corley> There is someone else who perhaps we should speak with.

<Agent-Corley> Shall I bring him in?

<Shingami> id like to talk to anyone who can help...

* Agent-Corley nods.

* Agent-Corley stands up, sticks his head out the door, and comes back in, followed by a man in his early thirties, thick, dark brown hair, and wearing spectacles.

<Sajak> Sits down at the table across from Shingami, next to Corley.

<Sajak> Hello, I am Detective Sajak. *reaches out to shake Shingami's hand*

* Shingami shakes his hand

<Shingami> Shin... nice to meet you

<Sajak> I am a paranormal investigator.

<Shingami> *mini eye twitch* oh really?

<Sajak> You see, Shin ... I have reason to believe that there may be something going on in or around your building which is ...

<Sajak> ... not exactly explainable in the normal realm of ... human experience.

<Shingami> hn...(shit)

<Shingami> there are many thigns outside of human expirences that cannot be explained

<Sajak> Would you allow me to take a look at your apartment?

<Sajak> You seem a bit... agitated. Have you experienced any ... strange occurances in the building?

<Shingami> that might not be possable at the moment.. theres a lot of problems at the hosue right now.. some people were attacked and having a poliece officer walkign in would be a bad thing

* Klork furrows his brow, looking down at DIana

<Sajak> People were attacked?

<Sajak> By whom?

<Shingami> probably the FoH... the same people who bombed us im not sure.. i wasnt at home but when i got home they were injured

* Klork smoothes DIs hair back* Could you tell me who..? Dont if it's too hard or somethin'..

* Diana meets his eyes and projects an image of the blond woman in red she saw inhabiting Angora's body into his head, easier than talking for her*

* HappyLittleMoron watches, chewing her lip lightly

<Sajak> The FoH, eh? You've had trouble with them before as well?

* Klork blinks ...

<Klork> ...I have no clue who that is, but I'll keep an eye out *smirks to Diana* You should rest tho ..

<Shingami> the people of my buildong support mutants in attempting to gain equal rights... and the friends of humanity find us a threat for some reason.. were just trying to live our lives as unobtrucly as possable

* Diana gives him a tired grin* <q> Don't think I have much...choice...hurts even to breath...

<Sajak> I see.

* Sajak leans over to whisper something to Agent Corley.

* Klork nods, frowning a bit..* We'll see that you get home when the time comes, just take care of yourself ..

* ``Mitch watches this, resisting the urge to rest his eyes

* Syan sits down on the couch, propping his feet up before getting a twitching look on his face

* Corley nods to Sajak who turns back to Shingami.*

* Nox blinks over at him, arching a brow*

* Syan scrunches his nose up, going a bit cross-eyed as his eyes begin to water

<Shingami> oO( i cant believe im trying to negotiate.. man this is so not me)

<Sajak> Shin ... there was an incident at NYU not long ago. I don't suppose you would happen to know anything about it?

<Shingami> what exactly is a paranormal invistagator?

* Diana nods lightly* <q> Domo...heh...and get Mitch to go home too, ne? He needs...more rest than he's geetting...

<Syan> I will not ...Not .. *Sneezes, the entire thing wracking him before he shifts, body sliding into white wolf form* {{Sneeze ...}}

* Klork nods

<Sajak> You answer my question, and then I will answer yours.

<``Mitch> Muttered. "Someone should stay with you..."

* Nox chuckles softly and reaches oover to scritch behind one of his ears* Bless you.

<Klork> Will do ... *glances over at Mitch* Don't worry, I'll stay til she can go home .. you need rest ..

<Shingami> heard about it on the news

* Sajak nods.

<Sajak> Twenty six students were killed there that night.

* Syan 's tail wags slightly, tongue lolling ... a hint of annoyance in his eyes* {{Dammn I hate that .. stupid sneezes ..}}

<Sajak> There is one person who is missing.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, reaching over to take one of Mitch's hands after kissing Klork's jaw* C''re gonnna sink through the floor if you're not careful...

* Klork kisses her brow, purring quietly

<Shingami> a tradigity then.. and im sorry abotu the missing one

<``Mitch> "...okay." He pushes away from the wall, and bows to Diana, a tad unevenly. "Oyasumi, tomodachi... I'll be back..." Stifling a yawn. "Eventually."

* Nox smiles wryly* It's alright, love...just need to sneeze again, hm?

* Diana chuckles very lightly* <q> Oyasumi, Mitch...sleep well..

<Klork> Yeah, you two take care .. *sits on the edge of Di's bed, then chuckles to himself as he watches them go* Heh, whend' he learn Japanese..

<Sajak> Shin, I think there is a connection between what happened across the street from your building and what happened there.

* HappyLittleMoron heads off with Mitch...destined for a bus or something

<``Mitch> "Domo..."

* Syan seemingly shakes hi shead* {{Nah .. I can go back easily .. just inconvenient with the sneezes ..}}

* ``Mitch follows HLM, not really seeing where he's going at this point

* Diana smiles tiredly up at him* <q> He's been learning over time...figured it would be easier...for him to communicate...if he knew it...

<Shingami> Oh?(this could be bad.. need escape plan)

<Sajak> Why don't you tell me what you know?

* Klork nods

<Shingami> I came here to ask questions nto to be asked them

<Klork> True enough .. I'm gonna go find out if you can be taken home with care, a'right?

* HappyLittleMoron guides Mitch by the hand, resting her other hand on her belly* How're you holding up...'sides sleep deprivation?

<Sajak> Well, maybe we can help each other. But for that to happen, we both need to know all the facts.

<Sajak> I have a feeling you know much more than I.

* Diana nods a little and smirks* <q> Hai...domo...that would be wonderful...

* Nox chuckles softly and nods, stroking his fur gently* Ahh...

* Klork nods, patting her hand lightly as he stands, looking around to flag a nurse or doctor down ..

<``Mitch> "...aright... I didn't do anything, didn't, y'know, die or anything... just waited..."

* Shingami shrugs

* Syan pants, contemplating shifting now that he's comfortable in this form

<HappyLittleMoron> Best policy if ya can't fight...*waits for a bus out front with him*

<Shingami> i dont know im jsut a florist... your the investigator

* AriaStormsinger watches Stacie cleaning the ashy blackness around raw red electrical burns on her face, chest, upper arms and legs

* Sajak smiles.

* Doc stops and looks to Klork* Yes?

<Sajak> Were you at NYU that night?

<Sajak> Do you know anyone who was?

<Klork> Hey, could you tell me the stats on my sister? Diana Manashevitz? I wanted to know if she could be taken home yet or not ...

<``Mitch> "...hate it. Feel so fucking useless."

<Shingami> no and no

* Sajak gives Corley a look. Corley returns it.

* HappyLittleMoron grins a little, finding two seats on the bus for them* could always learn...or at least do the first aid thiiing...I'm sure you helped Diana a lot...

<Sajak> Alright then. *starts to get up* We'll have to get a warrant and search the building for evidence of a bombing plot.

* Doc blinks a little* Heh...she's got a big family...*shrugs a little* Her ribs are all broken along either side of her spine...she shouldn't be moved too much until they're more stable...

<Sajak> Corley, you know that judge, what's his name?

<Shingami> Wht do you want from us?

* ``Mitch thumps into the seat, and winces, shifting slightly to keep his hidden elbows from digging painfully into the side of the bus. "Dunno... hope so... she's helped me a lot."

<Corley> Mischner.

<Sajak> Hmm?

* ``Taurus walks downstairs and stretches

<Sajak> I already told you what I want, Shin.

<Shingami> Maybe we can... arange something... a warrent free tour

<Sajak> I think that would do nicely.

* HappyLittleMoron nods, letting him have room, resting her hands on her belly* Yeah...

* Klork nods* I can get her home with care ... just, to be honest, I have a wife at home I don't want to leave alone .. pregnant and all .. but I also dont' want to leave my sister alone, ya know? We can set her up at home comfortably ..

* ``Taurus finds no action downstairs so he heads upstairs to have a smoke

<Shingami> can i use a phone?

<Sajak> Yes.

<Sajak> I will wait for you in the lobby.

* Sajak turns and leaves for the lobby.

<Klork> Just, can't do that without a doctor's permission n' all ...

* Shingami gets up

<Shingami> {{klork?}}

* Shingami heads down to the loby

* Doc nods with a little frown* Alright...I'll check her again...she lost quite a bit of blood, so she's extremely weak...

* ``Taurus stops by his room and grabs his tan trenchy with the cigarettes in the pocket and goes to the roof. Once there he pulls out a cigarette and lights it

<``Mitch> "And... shit, I don't know where she's been, but we're alike in a lot of ways, I think. She's got a lot I admire. Don't want to see that lost."

* Klork pauses, tilting his head to the side before nodding to the doctor* I'd appreciate it ... *steps to the side* {{Shin..??}}

<Shingami> {{answer the phone}}

* Shingami calls home

* Doc nods, heading in to gently check Diana's ribs, etcetc*

<Klork> {{Shin, I'm at the hospital...}}

<Klork> {{I have my cell if you wanna call me here....}}

<Shingami> {{ whos with you.. whoever is there keep them there its important}}

* Klork watches the doctor, eyes not seemingly there as he's listening* {{Why?? What's goin' on?}}

<Shingami> {{ cops are pressing me to give them a tour of the house... who is home?}}

<Klork> {{Um .. Syan, Nox .. Jae .. Mitch and HLM are on their way ..I'm here with Diana ...Brenna and Iris are at home too..}}

* HappyLittleMoron pulls the cord once the bus gets to their stop...standing to get off...

<Klork> {{I think Mondo's at home too ...zonked on the couch or something ..}}

<Shingami> {[ so everyone is going to the hospital?}}

<Klork> {{*blinks* and Diana are the only ones at the hospital .. I'm trying to see if we can get her to come home ...}}

* ``Mitch hauls himself up, trying to see straight

* Jaerlani has been lounging on the couch watching TV through all this.*

<Shingami> {{ if you can hold it off do it...}}

<phone> *ring ring.. ring ring*

* HappyLittleMoron takes his hand, guiding him gently...making sure he doesn't stumble on the stiars or anything...

* Nox blinks and...sure...picks up the phone* ...yes?

<AriaStormsinger> Tears leak out Aria's eyes. She CAN'T seem to get past this fuzziness to mentally contact anyone, and it's scaring her badly. "Stacie...I'm hurts... Can you go find someone? I need to talk to someone here."

<Klork> {{How long?? Can you contact HLM to let her know..??}}

<Shingami> Nox its shin... i need you to do me a BIG favor and get mondo into his room... the cops are pressing me really ahrd to get a look at the house

* Sajak paces quietly, casually, in the lobby.

* Nox blinks* Alright...of course, Shin...anything else...?

* ``Mitch stubbornly takes his hand back, and hauls himself up the stairs, pushing open the door and walking inside

<Stacie> In a minute...just let me finish this...

<Shingami> {{ im tryign to stall all i can but its not working well }}

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a little, following and rubbing her lower back a little, sighing softly

* Syan shakes off .. a white wolf with three silver hoops in each ear .. trotting over to the stairs

* Stacie finishes some last minute fine-tuning to the implants at the back of Aria's head and in her skin

* Nox watches Syan, still on the phone, waiting for an answere...*

<Shingami> theyr looking for anything and everything.. oen of thes guise is alsmot a mutant and paranormal hunter

<Klork> {{K .. I'll put it off for a bit .. try to at least ..god the doctor's gonna think I'm a looney}}

<Shingami> its not lookin good

<Klork> {{And do me a favor .. tell somebody there to call my cell phone?}}

* ``Mitch closes the door behind her, and just walks into the living room... he eyes the easy chair. "...okay. This time you win."

<Nox> ...great gods...alright...thank you...

<Shingami> {{ im working on it klork..Nox is there}}

<Shingami> call Klork when you get the chance on his cell phone

<Klork> {{Thanks ... take care of yourself..}}

<``Mitch> Mumbled as he flops into the easy chair and lays his head back. "...war'll be mine, you ugly mutha..."

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little* Oh yeah...the Moron Queen is always victoriouse...

<Nox> Alright...

* ``Mitch was talking to the chair

* Syan sits, watching Nox, head tilted to the side, blinking at Mitch, hopping onto all fours and trotting over

* HappyLittleMoron 's a expect anything less?

<Shingami> {{im workin on it}}

<Shingami> ill be home in 20 minutes... or less.. hurry time is of the essence.. ja

* Syan sits, watching him curiously ... doesn't look a damn thing like a long tall lanky dude, rather a lanky white wolf with earrings..

* Shingami hangs up

<Stacie> Okay. I'll be back in a few minutes.

* ``Mitch is pretty much asleep already, and isn't likely (by now) to notice such a thing

* Nox hangs up, reaching over to shake Mondo gently* Everyone...? The police are going to be over is a mutant...supernatural being...hunter....

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and picks Brenna up* ...ohboy...

* Sajak walks over to Shingami. 'Shall we?'

* Stacie leaves the room, closing the door behind her, then goes to the top of the stairs.

<Shingami> sure...

* Sajak nods. 'Did you come by car?'

* Stacie sees the folks coming upstairs. "HLM? I'm Stacie Greene, do you remember me?"

* ``Taurus sits on the edge of the roof and looks up at the stars, tossing his cigarette butt off the side

<Shingami> no i walked

<Shingami> I hate cars.. i grew up in one makes me sick getting into one

* Mondo_Gecko 's eyes flitter open slowly

<Mondo_Gecko> ...what?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up* uh...yeah...why? C'mon...lets talk upstairs...*heads for the stairs with the kids*

* Sajak nods. 'Alright. Shall we take the bus?'

<Shingami> its nto far to walk

<Nox> I'm sorry, Mondo...we need to get you upstairs...the police are on their way...

* AriaStormsinger turns and walks with her. "It's good to see you again. What's going on?"

* Sajak nods and starts to walk.

* Syan trots up stairs .. coming down shortly after in human form, white t-shirt tucked into cargo pants

* Shingami walks with him

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(put the thing in the's comming)

<Syan> A'right, you need help Nox?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...why?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...just...need to be upstiars...*shrugs*

* Klork stares at his cell phone...

<Klork> C'mon call damnit ..

* Jaerlani puts on a pair of shades to hide her red eyes, ruffles her hair to hide her pointy ear tips, and goes back to watching TV.

<Nox> Uhm...I guess clean up...? I need to call Klork...*picks up the phone, dialing the cell*

<Nox> And I'm not sure why, Mondo...

* Syan nods, pulling his skull cap over his ears, putting on a pair of tinted glasses, yellow, that make his eyes look blue instead of silver

<Sajak> How long have you lived in the building?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Syan> Right ..

* Klork picks up his phone

* ``Mitch 's snoring already, but his second arms are still holstered, hidden by shirt and jacket and comfy chair - conveniently enough

<Shingami> about .. a year or so.. i think

<Klork> Hey, s'Klork?

* Sajak nods.

<Shingami> with my Brother

<Nox> Klork...? It's Nox...I was told to call you...?

<Sajak> What's his name?

<Shingami> Heero

<HappyLittleMoron>'sup, Staci...? *heads into her room with the two kids..*

<Sajak> I see. Where did you live before you lived where you do now?

* Mondo_Gecko gets up, and runs his fingers though his tangled messy hair.. catching a glimpse of himself in teh TV screen

<Shingami> in a car

<Sajak> I'm from Detroit myself.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(heh...I think it's time to have some fun)

<Sajak> Wow ... that must have been rough.

<Shingami> Heero grew up in Sendai Japan... we were seperated at birth and i was brought here

<Klork> Ah, right, *lowers his voice* I'm just gonna say a few things ... just play along..

* Klork clears his throat

* Sajak nods.

* Corley is following along.*

* Nox blinks, bewilderdly* ...alright...

<Klork> Oh, really?? SHe is ..?? *says it so the doctor can hear* I--well I'll be right there! Thanks, Nox, see you soon!

<StacieGreene> Tons... I took a leave of absence from NYU. But I couldn't go home...and I didn't want Tom and Pete worrying about me. Diana said last night I could stay here for awhile until I get my life sorted out a little, figure out what I'm going to do until I can go back to school...somewhere.

<Klork> <voice lowered> Thanks, appreciate it..*click*

* Nox blinks* ...alright...*stares at the phone before hanging up...*

<Shingami> he heard about me being in the US and came looking for me... he is my salvation

<Sajak> Were you both from Japan originally? I mean ... born there?

* Syan blinks

<Syan> what's goin' on..? *looks up at Nox*

<Shingami> Yes

* Sajak nods.

<Syan> With Klork on the phone that is ..

* Nox looks to Syan* idea...

* Mondo_Gecko slips up the stairs and puts Iris's drawing on his desk and then perches on his window and jumps, landing on the wall of the building across the way

* Doc comes back to Klork, puzzled look on his face at the outburst* Hmm...?

<Shingami> Mother and Father seperated and mother brought me with her to america.. she died of a heart attack and i was stuck alone

* Klork heads over to the doctor

<Sajak> That must have been hard for you. *shakes his head* I can only imagine.

<Klork> Ah, actually .. I want to know if you could stay with Diana for about an hour?? I gotta go .. emergency at home ..

* Klork shifts

* Doc nods...* Ah..of course...

<Shingami> honestly... no you cant

<Doc> She'll be alright here...

<Sajak> I am sure you are right.

<Klork> I would just really appreciate it if she wasn't a lone, ya know?? {{Police comin' home, Di, I'll be back for you very very soon..I promise..}}

* Klork nods

<Diana> {{Hai...good luck}}

<Klork> Thanks ... {{Just gonna check things out}} I'll be back shortly..

* Klork hurries down the hall

<Shingami> what about you?

<Sajak> I was born and raised in Detriot.

<Shingami> then whats a guy like you doint in NYC?

<Sajak> My father sold shoes in a shoe store downtown.

<Sajak> Ma' raised us boys.

* Doc nods* Alright...*watches him go...having uhm...well...I'd say a nurse but they're too busy...someone stay with Diana*

* Klork looks for an empty corridor, sliding in and slipping through a portal into the living room

<Sajak> Things were hard, but we made it.

* Nox cleans up and stuff, place looking normal 'n all, jumping and placing a hand over her heart at Klork's sudden appearance*

<Klork> I miss anything? *looks around* Did I beat em' home..?

* intern <G>*

* Klork blinks, then smirks sheepishly

<Sajak> My father died of cancer when he was fifty three, and my mother's in a nursing home right now.

* Sajak shakes his head. 'It's hard, seeing someone you love go slowly downhill, step by step ...'

* ``Mitch subsnores in the easy chair, totally out for the count

* Sajak sighs.

<Nox> did beat them...*smiles wryly* You scared haven't missed anything yet...HLM, Brenna, Iris and Staci are upstairs...

* Sajak shrugs. 'Ah well ... everyone has their demons.'

<Klork> Sorry, Nox .. I just wanted to be here if things went bad .. I'll go soon as it seems safe ..

* Nox nods* Of course...

* Mondo_Gecko leaps down to street level and then goes walking along the streets...several people screem and run away..many freeze and back away.. and someone faints.... some lunatic on the streetcorner preaching about god and hell and how everything is evil is pointing at him and yelling about how he's the face of satan

* Syan stretches, rubbing the back of his head

<Shingami> *mutters* you have no idea

<Sajak> You say your brother lives here now?

* Syan looks around

<Shingami> Yeah.. he wants to keep an eye on me.. though right now hes at work

<Syan> See anything abnormal we can hide?

* ``Taurus lays down on the edge and stares up at the night sky

* Sajak nods.

* Klork heads up the stairs, poking around

<Klork> Mo..?? You here..??

* Nox looks around, shaking her head a little*

<Sajak> What do you do for work?

<Shingami> Im a florist

* HappyLittleMoron looks up* In our room, love..

<Sajak> Ah yes ... you said that.

* Syan chews his lip

<Syan> I hate cops..gyah..

* Klork pokes his head in

<Klork> You hear about the whole cop thing comin' right?

* Sajak looks up at the asylum as it looms above the approaching trio.

* Nox twines her fingers with Syan's* All will be alright...

<Shingami> so.. why a .. paranormal invistagator?

<Sajak> Because I am fascinated by that which is not as it's supposed to be.

* HappyLittleMoron noddles* Yeah...uhm...why are they coming here though?

* Syan nods, then tucks a blanket over Mitch .. just in case an arm might slip free

<``Mitch> *unlikely, but - is betucked*

<Shingami> every thing that is is because it was ment to be

<Klork> No clue .. but it ain't good .. you think you guys should go to the basement just in case?

<Shingami> come on it

<Sajak> Not all things, Shin ... not all things ...

* Sajak heads to the front door.

<Syan> Don't think they'll slip .. but to be safe...*takes a seat at the couch, flipping the tv on

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...that would be way too suspiciouse...probably better we stay up here...

* Klork nods...

* Nox nods, settling by him*

<Klork> I'll be downstairs, keepin' an eye, a'right?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Alright, hon...*smiles a little shakily to him, holding Brenna in her lap*

* Klork smirks, closing the door behind, slowly coming down the stairs

* Syan hrms...flipping through to Gilligan's Island..

<Syan> Eh, it'll do ..

* Shingami heads in

<Shingami> Taidaima

* Sajak steps up to the front door, looking around, and then steps in.

* Corley follows.*

* Nox looks up and wavels to Shin..*

* Klork looks up, at the bottom of the stairs barely

<Sajak> So ... where shall we begin?

<Klork> Hey .. what's going on?

* Klork pockets his hands, brows furrowed

* StacieGreene pushes off the sheet Stacie left on her, still crying, and pushes herself to sit up, crying out at the movement

* Syan watches them from the corner of his eye, seeming to be more amused with Gilligan's island atm..

<Sajak> Hello. I am Detective Sajak and this is Agent Corley, and we are here as part of an investigation connecting to the bombing across the street.

<Sajak> Shin has agreed to show us around.

* Klork nods, but doesn't pull his hands out to shake, brows lifting* Find any suspects..?

<Sajak> Not yet ...

* Sajak looks up and around himself.

<Shingami> well you asked to see my room... its upstairs

* Sajak nods.

* Syan glances over, as if coming out of a tv phase .. enough to say* "Heya.." *before going back to tv land*

* Klork watches

* Shingami heads upstairs to her appartment

* Sajak scans his surroundings as he follows behind Shingami.

<Klork> Mind if I tag along?

<Shingami> corse not klork

* Nox blinks and smirks lightly, resting her head on Syan's shoulder, listening to them as she keeps her eyes on the...absurd show...*

* StacieGreene stumbles against her door, then reaches up from the floor and opens the doorknob.

* Klork shrugs, hands still pocketed in his slacks as he follows

* Corley follows up the stairs, more intent on the other people.*

* Aria falls out on hands and knees as y'all come by...

* Syan chuckles quietly

* Shingami lets the guys in her room

<Shingami> becareful what you touch soem of this stuff is really hold

* Sajak enters the room with Agent Corley standing outside the door.

* Klork watches em go in, kneeling beside Aria

* Sajak nods.

* AriaSTormsinger grabs at Klork

* Klork opens a portal, going into the room w/ Aria quickly .. through the portal on the other side, unseen, up to his n' HLM's room

* Shingami 's room is filled with relics of swords and ancient japanese and chinese artifacts.. and vintage 50;s stuff

<AriaStormsinger> <weakly>'re back!

* Klork nods, settling her down

<Klork> Yeah .. you ok..?? What happened? *looks up at HLM*

<Sajak> This is an interesting collection.

* Stacie looks up in alarm. "Aria?"

<Sajak> You say you're a florist?

<Shingami> things sent from Japan

* HappyLittleMoron looks up from chatting with Stacie, heading over to Aria and Klork* ...huh...??

<Shingami> Yeah

<Sajak> You must have a rich uncle.

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> What happened to her..?

<AriaStormsinger> Stacie found an alley down the street.

<AriaStormsinger> Someone downstairs's been a whole day since Angora attacked...

<Shingami> I have a big family at home

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows...eyes glowing lightly as she eyes Aria's energy patterns...

* Klork is still holding Aria, watching Stacie quietly .. not quite sensing something right ..

<AriaStormsinger> Last thing I remember is getting --- hit with electricity -- or something

* Sajak walks over to the door and looks over the doorway.

* Syan stands stretching

* Sajak examines the windows.

* Nox looks up at Syan*

<Sajak> Hmm ...

<Syan> I'm gonna go get a back, Nox...

<Shingami> Paranoid aint he?

* Nox nods* Alright..

<Sajak> Who?

* Stacie nods. "I...left here last night when the building started shaking...just walked around, not sure if it was safe to come back."

* Syan heads up the stairs, past the detectives n' whatnot

<Klork> Where were you when the electricity hit, Aria?

<Sajak> (Facing the window, looking out) How many people know this stuff is here?

<Shingami> nothing

<Shingami> those who live here

<Sajak> I see.

* ``Mitch covertly snores

* Sajak takes out a notebook and writes some things down.

* Syan pokes his head into Shin's room

<Syan> Hey, I'm gonna throw together some chili, anybody want some?

<Sajak> Alright. I think I have seen enough here. Mind if I take a glass of water before we go?

<Shingami> Suresure

* Sajak walks slowly towards the door, looking around as he does.

<Shingami> of corse... if your ready to go already

<Syan> Brodigan family special *grins, nodding to Shin, looking like a typical college student, more or less a snowboarder*

* Shingami hopes her closet is closed

<Sajak> Well ... I've seen enough in this room.

<AriaStormsinger> Klork...I was coming into the Asylum, when I realized Angora had gone in there

* Klork nods ..

* HappyLittleMoron blinnkblinks, squinting a little and looks closer at the radio pulses...trying to find the source...

<Klork> I'm just trying to figure out how you wold've gotten into the alley ..

<Shingami> good

<Sajak> But I think it would be good to speak with the other residents.

* Sajak takes a final scan of the room and steps out.

* Syan heads down, blanket in tow, settling it over Nox before going to the kitchen

<Shingami> (shit)

* Syan starts dumping a few smaller cans of chili into a pot, mixin' in things here n' there

<Shingami> {{guys they are gunna ask us ALL questions... }}

* Nox looks up at Syan and smiles her thanks, curling a little into it*

<Klork> {{Crud..}}

* Klork looks over at the ppl in the room

<Sajak> Is your landlord home?

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> ...what the...? *gently puts Brenna on the bed, shifting her hair back to see if she can see anything...*

<Klork> Guys...stay here..? I don't think they know you're here ...*settles Aria down* I'm gonna go play landlord if I got your permission, Mo'..

* AriaStormsinger 's face crumples. "I don't know how I got there, Klork..."

* HappyLittleMoron nods..and blinks* Of course, love...

* Klork kisses her head, heading out and down the hall

* AriaStormsinger lets HLM look, bowing her head

* Brenna curls up into Aria's side, purring lightly*

* Syan is in the kitchen, mixing up chili...on the side shredding some cheese n' chopping onions..eyes watering at the action

* AriaStormsinger looks over the two or three burn sites on her arms, then holds Brenna close, burying her nose in Brenna's hair

* Sajak turns to look at Shingami.

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, gently stroking Aria's hair, turning her glowing eyes on Staci to see if she can get anything off of her...

* Klork strolls down the hall, coming to a stop behind the three of em* There anything we can do for you two?

<Sajak> Yes. Is your landlord home?

* Klork leans to the side

<Shingami> not that i kow of she was on vacation last i knew

<Klork> The land-lady you mean? Neither of them are..but I am married to one.

<Sajak> Alright.

<Klork> So I'm as close as you're gonna get .. how can I help?

<Sajak> Perhaps you could show us some more of the building.

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows lightly, eyes glowing a little more brightly, seeing if she can get a signature of what's affecting her...

* Klork furrows his brow

<Sajak> The attic, perhaps.

<Klork> I can show ya the public areas, but you'd have to ask the residents about their own personal rooms..

* ``Taurus walks down from the roof and heads downstairs with his hands in his pockets while staring at the ground, looking lost in thought

<Shingami> theres nothing up there but boxes..

<Sajak> Then there's no harm in having a look about.

<Klork> boxes .. I think somebody has a comic collection ..

<Stacie> I wonder if she might have crawled to safety... Do you remember anything like that, Aria?

* Shingami sighs

<Shingami> this way come on

<Klork> Well, we gotta go up through the roof tho .. the attic's more or less a shed on the roof..

* Sajak nods and follows behind Shingami.

* AriaStormsinger shakes her head.

* Shingami heads up to the atic.. there is really nothign there but boxes and dust and a spider or two

* Klork follows, hands pocketed

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows, narrowing her eyes at Staci..

<Shingami> well.. here are the boxes

* Sajak heads into the attic with Agent Corley standing outside the doorway again.

* Sajak nods.

* Klork watches, adjusting his pony-tail so that the tips of his ears are covered

<Sajak> What's in there?

* Klork shrugs

* Stacie puts her hands in her pockets and watches Aria calmly.

<Klork> Boxes .. extra storage space ..

* Sajak takes out a little device that goes 'ping' at random intervals.

* HappyLittleMoron subtly moves herself between Aria and Staci* What do you remember of yesterday?

<Shingami> whats that thing?

* Klork arches a brow

<Sajak> It's a detector, of sorts.

<Klork> Looking for ghosts or something?

<Sajak> You could say that.

<Klork> Riiight...ok *arches a brow* They pay you to do that?

<Shingami> a spectromiter?

* Syan dishes up the chili, taking off his glasses to wipe his eyes before sliding them back on

* Sajak faces away from Shingami, the device pinging lightly.

<Shingami> liek the one from ghost busters?

* Klork chuckles quietly

* Sajak smirks.

<Shingami> (PLEASE dont turn it on me!!!!!!)

<Klork> So what exactly are you guys lookin' for anyway?

<Sajak> That is partly the question. What was your name?

* AriaStormsinger scratches her head idly. "Well...I finished packing up and said goodbye to my roommates. Then I went and hung out with Tom and Pete for awhile. And then I came here. Diana was really helpful. Then upstairs to Aria's, and all heck broke loose."

<Klork> Heh? My name or hers?

<Sajak> Yours.

<Klork> Klork ..

<Klork> yours?

* Sajak turns around to face Shingami and Klork, idly holding the device which is now pointing at Shingami from about two feet away.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* What about during or after all heck?

<Sajak> De- *stops, blinking in amazement*

* The device blows a circuit and goes dark and silent.*

<Shingami> (shit)

* Sajak scowls.

* Klork tilts his head to the side

<Klork> Yer gaget busted.

* Sajak shakes the device, muttering quietly.

* Syan brings a bowl of chili out to Nox

<Sajak> Apparently.

<Stacie> I was in Aria's room. And she told me to wait there. Right, Aria?

* Syan then goes upstairs to where they are with one for Shin

<AriaStormsinger> Nods slowly...

* Sajak scratches his head.

* Syan blinks..then traces to where they are

* Nox smiles up at Syan in thanks, mming as she slowly eats...*

<Shingami> (thank god)

<Syan> Shin..? You wanted Chili or somethin' right?

* ``Mitch snores subtly

<Shingami> yeah

* Sajak says with a sigh, 'Can we get on the roof?'

<Klork> Damn ... you'd think they'd give you better quality stuff so it wouldn't break ..

* Klork shrugs, headin' that way

<Klork> sure...*waves to Syan* Heya..

* Syan waves, watching Shin, chili in hand* It's kinda .. hot

<Shingami> Yeah .. ill coem and get dinner in a few

* Syan fidgets

* ``Taurus runs up to the roof and grabs his cigarettes

* Shingami takes the bowl then

<Syan> A..ok, guess I'll just .. eat this one then..??

<Shingami> better?

<Syan> Oh well if you want it *smirks smugly with a nod*

<Stacie> Then things started shaking, and blasting, and...well, I'm not very magical like you are. I figured I'd better head out in case anything crazy happened.

<Syan> Much!

* Klork shakes his head, the roof has a pool, hot tub .. not much else..

<Stacie> I just went back to my place for the night, changed and left before my roomies woke up.

* Sajak follows onto the roof.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, eyes still glowing and eyeing Staci's energies...trying to get a trace...

* Shingami thanks syan and catches up to the others

<Sajak> My my ... what a view ...

* Corley rolls his eyes.*

<Klork> College kids..*chuckles, motioning towards Syan* Find anything you need um, sir? I think you were gonna tell me your name when your toy broke..

* Ezaraudin enters. His arrival is heralded by a surge of icy wind tossing his long black mane in the frigid gale. He is a tall, powerfully built man with sharp elven features. His eyes illuminate a spectral glow as he glances around his surroundings. He is dressed in head to toe black leather including an ankle length coat that billows in his wake. His skin white as ash marred only by the image of a Harlequinn's mask.

<Sajak> I see you have a pool up here.

* Klork nod

<Sajak> That must be nice, when it is warm.

<Klork> Yeah .. pool .. hot tub ..

<Klork> Yeah, sucks when it's cold tho.

* Sajak chuckles.

* Ezaraudin arches a brow as he glances around.. There seemed to be a good deal of activity about.. (Roof I guess what the hell?)

* ``Taurus heads down to his room

* Shingami looks around

* Sajak takes a walk around the roof, kicking at this and poking at that.

* Syan watches, hands pocketed into his cargo pants

* Sajak stoops next to the pool.

<Shingami> (somethings here...something cold...)

* Shingami looks around the street below

* Sajak takes out a small glass vial and a cotton swab.

<Syan> So you guys huntin' ghosts?? *watches from a few feet back*

* Klork arches a brow

<Sajak> Perhaps.

<Klork> You testin' the chlorine levels or something?

* Sajak swipes the swab at something on the roof next to the pool and tucks it into the vial.

* Ezaraudin peers up from his perch on the edge of the roof. He looks to the other people that have come up as well. He arches a brow and observes them for a silent moment before turning his attention back to the street below.

* Sajak stands up and heads back to Klork and the others.

* Syan watches, brows raised

<Shingami> {{who are you?}}<to Ezaraudin>

<Syan> Did we not pass the white glove test or something?

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, eyes still glowing and eyeing Staci's energies...trying to get a trace... <repost to Aria>

* Sajak looks at Corley. 'Any other suggestions?'

* Corley says, 'Well ... we could have a look around the common areas. Living room ... kitchen ...'

<Sajak> Of course. *smiles at Shingami and Klork*

* Syan grins, almost cheesily, only thing out of the blue is his incisors look a little longer than normal*

* Klork shrugs

* Ezaraudin 's eyes illuminate as the question drifts through his mind. "Hiding." he replies.

<Klork> Kitchen .. .. *shrugs* this way.*heads for the stairs inside*

* Shingami is distracted by the feeling of soemoen else there

* Stacie's eyes flicker a little at HLM's probing

* Sajak glances at Shingami as he heads to the stairs down.

* Klork leads em' downstairs to the kitchen area..

* Syan follows, scooting past them to serve himself some chili up

<Shingami> {[from what?}}

* Sajak takes out his notebook and writes something down.

<Syan> S'cuse me..gonna get some while it's hot..

* Nox kinda wavels to them as they pass by...slowly and daintily working on her chili <which I want SO bad IRL riight now...>*

* AriaStormsinger cries out as Brenna grabs her for a hug

* Syan takes his bowl over to Nox, white side-burns sticking out from under his skull cap

<AriaStormsinger> Careful, Brenna! Sorry...

* AriaStormsinger shrinks away from the little one

<Shingami> {{ who are you?}}

* Nox looks up at Syan, shifting the blanket so he can get under it with her*

* Stacie looks all concerned nad runs over, lifting Brenna away. "It's okay, honey. How 'bout we play over here for awhile?"

* Syan sits beside her on the couch, munching

<Syan> Thanks..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks over at Aria...Brenna yelps and struggles against Staci, not knowing her

* ``Mitch subsnores

* Sajak looks around the kitchen, examining first the sink, then inside the refrigerator.

* Ezaraudin slowly rises from his perch. The cool breeze of the night air teases his long black hair, his eyes remain illuminating in a spectral halo as he concentrates on the presense of the others on the roof.

<Syan> The chili good..?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...let me have herr...she doesn't know you...*gently takes her little girl back*

* Klork watches, brow still arched

* Nox nods* Very..

* Stacie nods, hands her over and goes on her knees, watching Brenna out the corner of her eye and singing and acting out the Eetsy Beetsy Spider

* As Sajak noisily pokes around in the kitchen, Jaerlani says from the other room, 'Ay, mon ... cahn't yoo see yoo grandma's tryin' ta watch the teley?'

* Syan ehs'...looking up at Jae

* Brenna blinks, tilting her head at Stacie as she watches*

<Syan> Ya mon. We's watchin' too *sticks his tongue out*

<Stacie> "Dooowwn came the rain and WASHED the spider out..."

* Nox blinks, looking up at Jae and offering her the remote <G>*

* Sajak chuckles as he closes the refrigerator, more quietly.

<AriaStormsinger> HLM? What happened to Angora??

<AriaStormsinger> Was anyone else hurt besides Diana?

* Klork samples a spoonful of chili, watching Sajak

<HappyLittleMoron> She went home to Muso...and I think everyone's ok...if they were hurt they were healed...

<Klork> Hmm..not bad .. college boy can cook .. you want some?

* Sajak goes into the living room, finding a gaunt, skinny woman with long white hair and black skin.

* Klork sighs, following

* Brenna giggles a little, soft purr emitting*

<Klork> Or you could go in here ...

* Nox blinks, looking up at Sajak as he comes in*

* Syan looks up, waving to Sajak when he comes in, spooning another mouthful of chili

* AriaStormsinger nods. Okay... I'm sorry I wasn't here to help with healing. If I could.

* Ezaraudin frowns and the glow in his eyes fades. He looks to the stairs, then slowly turns his head looking at the long drop to the concrete below.. He steps towards it and then hesitates. He clenches his fist and frowns standing there for a moment longer before turning to the stairs and decending.

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...that''s ok...

* Without turning her eyes from the TV, Jaerlani says, 'If I was yoo, mon, I wouldna disturb an' ol' woman who's tryin' ta witch da nooz.'

<HappyLittleMoron> Still don't get where you were...

<AriaStormsinger> I've been...picking up on things, voices I think. They've told me how much I can handle and what I can't. I think I could have helped without hurting myself so badly this time.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* Syan chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...I wasn't there...

* Stacie glances up, then goes back to playing with Brenna.

<Syan> Grandma'..we turned it to Gilligan's Island eons ago..*smirks*

* Sajak rolls his eyes and quietly tiptoes back into the kitchen.

* Nox chuckles softly*

* Klork watches

<Klork> There a reason' yer' tip-toin'?? *looks at Sajak*

* Jaerlani aims a bony finger at Syan and says, 'Don't yoo tell ye granma what's what!'

* Syan cackles

<Sajak> Corley? I think we've seen enough. Let's go.

<Syan> A'right a'right ... it's the news ... <muttered> news got entertaining suddenly...

<Sajak> Corley: You the boss.

* Nox laughs softly*

* Klork goes over, opening the door

<Klork> Take care of yourselves ..

* Sajak steps outside, followed by Agent Corley.

* AriaStormsinger watches the two play. After a moment... "HLM, did you have a good time in Japan?"

<Sajak> You too.

<Sajak> Thanks for the tour. We'll be in touch if we need anything further.

* Klork waves, noddng a bit, smiling...his eyes almost seem to spark with electricity

<Klork> A;right .. just let us know.

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Yeah...visited my mom's grave...found out what these two are...*pats her belly lightly*

<Sajak> And tell Shin to let us know if anything more comes up, or if she needs anything.

* Klork nods

<Klork> Will do.

* AriaStormsinger 's eyes widen. "Oh no! What are they?"

* Sajak nods and turns to walk off, followed by Corley.

<HappyLittleMoron> Little baby boys *grins*

<AriaStormsinger> Ohh!

<Stacie> "Oh, that's wonderful! Congratulations."

* Klork watches em' go, then closes the door..sinking a bit in relief

* Brenna blinks and looks up at her mom* I gonna have TTWO brudders...???

<Klork> Damn they were annoying.

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, chuckling softly* Thanks...and yes, honey...two baby brothers...

<Klork> {{IT's safe Mo'...Mondo .. all's good}}

<Brenna> Aww...I wanted a lil' sister...but boys'll be okie!

* Sajak and Corley walk about half a mile away from the building in silence before Sajak turns his head to Corley to speak.

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Oh thank gods...}}

<Stacie> "I have a little brother. They can be a lot of fun!"

<Sajak> You notice anything strange in there?

* Brenna tilts her head* How...?

<Corley> Nah chief. Whatcha got?

* Syan leans back, putting his empty bowl of chili to the side

<Syan> mm.

<Syan> Haven't had chili in eons ..

<Sajak> First off ... all that Asian stuff ... gotta be worth a gold mine, and no security system?

<Stacie> Well, you can play all sorts of games outside with them, and teach them about books and coloring and TV and lots of things.

* Nox shakes her head lightly, putting hers down on the coffy table, curling into Syan's side* I think I like this...chili *smiles*

* Sajak shakes his head. 'Alone, not much ...'

<Stacie> You can help your daddie and mommie take care of them, too.

* ``Mitch snores :P

* Brenna nodsnods* Yah..

<Sajak> Then the blown spectrometer ... again, alone, not much.

* Syan chuckles quietly, wrapping an arm around her

<Syan> Good good ..

* AriaStormsinger holds out a hand to HLM. "That's wonderful news."

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Uhm...hon...? Are you going to see if you can bring Diana home...?}}

<Klork> {{ACK!}} *Opens a portal, running through*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks over to Aria, lightly touching her hand* Thanks...*grins*

* Sajak takes out the vial with the swab in it. 'This will tell us.'

<Corley> What's in it?

* Klork jogs down the hall back to her room, nearly running into the doctor

<Klork> Heya!

<Sajak> Looked like a blood spot to me.

* Diana's endouring the endless prattle of a teenage intern fascinated with the Backstreet Boys*

* Jaerlani takes off her sunglasses, muttering to herself.

* Klork smirks

* Doc looks up and erks* Ah! Mr. Curric...

<Klork> I'm back .. think I could take her home?

* Jaerlani rubs her eyes.

<Diana> .oO(GetmeoutofheregetmeoutofheregetmeoutofherebeforeIKILLthislittlenitwit!)

<Klork> My daughter was having a crisis of falling off her bike n' all *lies through his teeth, but is believable* Wanted Dad to kiss it better ..

* Doc nods* Ah...yes...*chuckles softly* Of course...I'll get you a wheel chair she can use...

<Klork> {{I'm comin, Di, hold on! Start talking about Metallica or Kiss or something..!}}

* Klork smiles

<Klork> Thanks, I appreciate it..

* Klork comes in, smirking to the intern then to Diana

<Diana> {{Maybe I should start outlining just how many ways I can think of to kill her with my bare hands instead...}}

<Klork> Hey guys ... thanks for watching her .. I can take care now

* Diana looks up at Klork and smiles..intern stands up and nods*

* Syan zonks on the couch, head leant back as he snores quietly, mouth open

<Intern> If there's anything else I can do...*smiles flirtatiously*

* AriaStormsinger tries to heal herself, and is relieved to find that she can at least create the happy vibes for herself...doesn't seem to affect her wounds

* Jaerlani draws her short sword and closes Syan's mouth with the blade, then returns it to its sheath.

* Klork blinks at her, scratching his chin, flashing his ring in the process* Ah ..that's a'right ..thanks

* Nox blinks and furrows her brow at that move...*

* Syan snores louder due to that

* Jaerlani rolls her eyes.

* Intern looks crestfallen, then leaves without another word...a nurrse bringing a wheel chair for Diana*

* Syan 's jaw eventually just drops open again when he moves

<Diana> {{Domo arigato gozaimus...gah...}}

* Nox chuckles softly, gently adjusting him...trying to bring the snoring down to a dull roar*

* Klork chuckles, going over and helping Diana up when the nurse "unhooks" her from the IV's..

* Syan snores louder, the sound garbled and almost like chalk going down a blackboard at the wrong angle

* Diana gets helped up...into the wheel chair, still in the hospital gown*

<Nox> Agh...

* Nox tries adjusting him again*

* Klork snags her clothes, tucking a blanket around Diana's lap

<Klork> We'll take the short-cut home, promise *smirks*

* Diana smiles to Klork and nods a little, grimacing lightly at the shifting* Domo...

<AriaStormsinger> HLM, do you think it's safe to go out and get...some bandages or something? ANd soemthing to drink?

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Uh..yeah...past these little ones' bedtimes too...

* Klork smirks, nodding to the doctor and signing paperwork before rollin' her down the hall

* Diana gets rolled*

* Klork takes a short-cut, going through a portal once out of sight, right into the living room

* Jaerlani blinks in surprise at Klork's sudden entrance.

* AriaStormsinger leaves HLM's room

* Diana looks up at everyone, still very pale and tired looking, lifting a hand wearily to wave*

<Jaerlani> So what was that all about?

* Klork waves, wheeling Diana over beside Mitch...

* ``Mitch subsnores some more

<Klork> There ...

<Stacie> HLM?

<Klork> Had to take..*blinks, nudging Mitch* her home.

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah? *looks up from putting the girls to bed*

<Jaerlani> No ... that human.

* ``Mitch is quite sound asleep at this point, it's gonna take a bit more than a nudge

* Diana chuckles very lightly* <q> ...the excitement...

<Klork> I have no clue ..

<Jaerlani> I see.

<Stacie> Thanks for your help. And I was wondering. How would electricity affect someoen's psychic abilities?

<Jaerlani> Ah well ... Gilligan was entertaining. *mutters to herself*

<Stacie> I mean...I don't want to sound clinical, but I *am* studying phenomena at school...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...uhm...depends on how badly they got zapped...

* Klork sighs, going and getting a microphone from a karaoke set, plugging it in, then putting it to SYan'smouth

* Syan snores loudly into the microphone .. squealing snore almost at times

* Jaerlani glares at Klork.

<Stacie> It sure looks like Aria got zapped badly...

<Klork> Wake up, Mitch!

<Diana> <q> Always i...ACK! *winces and covers her ears, cringing when her ribs shift wrong*

<Diana> <w> ...i...tai...

* Jaerlani winces in the noise.

* Klork pauses, pulling the mic away and speaking into it in a low voice* Mitch .. This is God ...welcome to heaven..

* Nox cringes, covering her own ears*

* Klork shines a flashlight into Mitch's face

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Holy...gyah...heh...I dunno...might give her a big time shake...

* AriaStormsinger comes down, covering her ears, trailing long strips of gauze secured badly over ointment on her wounds, taped into place a little excessively...

* Jaerlani gets up from the couch.

<Klork> *mic goes into echo* Come toward the light...

<Jaerlani> Let me have that.

* ``Mitch mumbles something, and flops an arm over his eyes, bringing the other up and snapping a nice rigid finger

* Diana watches this, laughing, trying not to hurt herself more*

* Klork laughs, hand over the microphone

* AriaStormsinger watches wide-eyed

* Nox chuckles*

<Jaerlani> I'm going to broadcast to the world the sound of the workings of your lower digestive tract.

<Jaerlani> Bend over.

* Klork unplugs the mic

<Klork> Helll No!

<Klork> My microphone!

<Klork> Kiss ass "Granny"! *grins, still laughing*

* Jaerlani grins.

* Diana's kinda just...giggling, not able to do much else*

* ``Mitch yawns extensively, and fumbles his glasses of, rubbing his eyes hard

* Syan hrnhs...waking up a bit

* Jaerlani leaps towards Klork, going for a head-lock.

<Syan> Wha ..?

* AriaStormsinger gets a small smile

* Klork ducks into a portal, cackling when he re-appears behind Mitch

* Jaerlani smirks.

* Nox pats Syan's knee* Good morning, love...

<Klork> Tsk..bad aim *grins cheesily*

* Jaerlani ponders something deeply.

<Jaerlani> Hmm...

<``Mitch> "...the hell..."

<Syan> Morninn..?? Huh??

<Nox> You fell asleep...

* Jaerlani casts a spell.

* ``Mitch pushes his glasses on, hauls himself a little more upright in the chair, and looks around

* Syan blinks, looking blearily around* Had this fucked up dream about God .. and a digestive track ..

* Jaerlani comes at Klork with the same intention, moving with twice the speed this time.

* Diana wavels a little to him, sitting in a wheel chair by him*

* AriaStormsinger 's mouth opens as she watches

* Klork hops through a portal again, this time not re-appearing

<Jaerlani> One's as good as the other.

* Diana blinks* <q> Jaer...gah...relax...

* Syan sits up, brow arched

* Jaerlani smirks ... could that be a mirthful expression?

<Syan> What's goin' on?

<``Mitch> Muttered. "...that was the point." Then, he spots Diana, and brightens. "You're back!"

* Jaerlani settles back on the couch, microphone in hand.

* Nox shakes her head* Same chaos as usual...

<Syan> Right..*blinks* Ok..

* Diana chuckles very softly* <q> Hai...doc said I could come home, so long as people took care of me...and I didn't move around too much...

* ``Mitch slowly looks around, taking in the madness.

* AriaStormsinger comes down the stairs and stands next to Diana, lightly touching her shoulder. "I'm so glad you're all right."

* Diana looks up at Aria a little, reaching up to lightly pat her hand* <q> Domo..

* ``Mitch just tunes it all out

* AriaStormsinger smiles

<``Mitch> "You be sure to-" *yawns* "-call me if you need a hand, hai?"

* Klork reappears up on the roof, sitting on the edge..quietly watching the street

* Syan stretches

* HappyLittleMoron sighs and rubs her lower back a little, still watching Staci..

<Stacie> "Can I help with this one?" *points to Brenna, then folds her hands and lays them alongside her cheek in the symbol for bedtime

* Diana nods a little* Of course...

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhhm...heh...I guess...she's more or less zonked as it is..

* ``Mitch glances down, at the chair he fell asleep in, and up again... his lip twitches as he settles back, closing his eyes once more.

* HappyLittleMoron gently sets Brenna in her crib...tucking her in gently

<HappyLittleMoron> {{*to Klork* Everything still alright, love...?}}

* Stacie (not noticing HLM's telepathy, interrupts)* Is there a place I could sleep for the night?

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* Uhm...sure...c'mon... *leads the way from her and Klork's room, making sure Staci follows, keeping an eye on her...*

* Stacie follows, moving a little more stiffly than the last time HLM met her

<Klork> {{Yeah .. just thinkin'..}}

* Syan slowly gets up, rubbing at his stomach lightly* Gyah .. still sore there ..

* HappyLittleMoron leads to a vacant room...well within earshot of most of the other tenants...* You can stay here...*watches her again...*

* AriaStormsinger curls up in a comfy chair on the far side of the living room from Jaer, watching curiously

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Want company...?}}

<Stacie> Thank you. See you in the morning?

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Yeah

<HappyLittleMoron> Sleep well

* Stacie nods.

<Stacie> Great. My stuff's in Aria's room.

* Stacie heads down the hall for Aria's...

<HappyLittleMoron> I'll help ya...*follows*

* Jaerlani gets up off the couch, muttering, and heads out the front door.

<Stacie> Thank you. ...I've never been pregnant. Is physical labor harder?

<Klork> {{Just .. need to think I'll be down in a bit..}}

<``Mitch> Murmured. "Oyasumagain, Diana..."

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Alright love...}}

* Syan goes towards the kitchen, cleanin' up his mess

* Diana smiles a little* <q> Sleep well, Mitch...

* Jaerlani walks down the sidewalk twice as fast as a normal human would until she realizes the effect of her spell is sitll running and slows down.

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...yeah, a bit...*shrugs* I can handle it though...

* Nox stands to follow and help..*

* Klork blinks, watching Jae from the roof, brow arched

<Stacie> All right.

* Jaerlani strolls down the street, casually glancing at passersby.

* Klork calls down* Where ya runnin'??!

* Stacie pushes open Aria's already half-open door, glances around inside, then gets her bags and hefts them all easily.

* ``Mitch doesn't even really register this, already mostly asleep again

* Syan , with help, cleans

* Jaerlani stops and sits down on a bench, looking up at the sound of the voice.

<Jaerlani> (Yelling) What?

* Diana smirks lightly...eyes falling to her hands*

<Klork> Where ya goin' Jae! *waves from the rooftop*

<StacieGreene> you normally have wings?

<Jaerlani> (Yelling) The bench!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Heh...yeah...can draw 'em into my body when I'm not pregnant...why?

<Jaerlani> (Yelling) Now I am going for a walk!

* Jaerlani gets up and walks down the sidewalk.

* StacieGreene smiles.

<StacieGreene> It's really fascinating. I mean...I thought I had it bad with being extra strong growing up.

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a little* Just...I'm good at hiding now...

<StacieGreene> How did your parents take it?

<StacieGreene> I mean, when you mutated.

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...they were fine with it...*keeps watching Stacie out of the corner of her eye*

<StacieGreene> That' hard to imagine.

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a little* Got lucky I guess...

<StacieGreene> My dad just didnt' understand how it could be a help and an aid.

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh?

* StacieGreene grins, dropping her bags just inside her room.

<StacieGreene> Like... We were in a car accident once. I wasn't touched, but he and my little brother were trapped inside.

<StacieGreene> I just ripped the car open and got them out...

* HappyLittleMoron nods, listening...

<StacieGreene> Things got worse after that, if you can believe it.

* StacieGreene shrugs

<StacieGreene> But it doesn't matter now.

<StacieGreene> I'm in New York and my dad's stuck in Missouri.

<HappyLittleMoron> I can...people are scared of what's' they act on the fear...*shrugs, then tilts her head* Ahh...

* Klork nods to Jae, just listening to the wind, watching the city

* Jaerlani strolls along silently, the city bustling around her.

<StacieGreene> John'll get out when he's old enough. I just hope he doesn't mutate too...

<HappyLittleMoron> If he does...he'll deal with it...

<HappyLittleMoron> SO...what other powers ya have?

* Syan stretches

* StacieGreene shrugs.

* Nox tickles his side as he does so <G>*

<StacieGreene> That's about it.

* Jaerlani turns down an alley and makes her way between streets.

<Syan> erf! hey!

<HappyLittleMoron> telepathy, huh..

* Syan laughs quietly, snagging at her hands with a smile

<Syan> Hey ...

* Nox smiles sweetly* Yeeeeees?

* StacieGreene eyes flash

<Syan> Yer' tickling me ... *pouts* no..

<StacieGreene> No.

* Nox pouts back* Why?

<StacieGreene> No telepathy. I just studied it at school.

<StacieGreene> Do you have it?

<StacieGreene> Maybe we could figure out a way to have you take part in the study.

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows* Don't think so...I'd rather stay outa studies, thanks...

<HappyLittleMoron> Any reason why ya chose telepathy in specific

<Klork> {{So .. Mo .. what's going on?}}

* A baseball bat swings out from behind a dumpster and smacks across the back of Jaerlani's head

<Syan> Cause I said so..?? *pouts*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Stacie's acting strange...I'm really starting to trust her less and less...}}

* Jaerlani rolls with the blow and swings back an instant later with her two short swords in hand.

<StacieGreene> No one's ever seen how much it can do.

* Nox hmms softly, reaching up and pinching his cheeks together* As Kern would say... "fish face"!

<StacieGreene> A big guy in a shirt with a giant happy face dodges the swords

* Jaerlani smirks and says, 'Pick a number from one to three.'

* Someone's arms wrap around Jaer's neck and hold a knife to her throat

<Syan> ERmph! *blinks* nofishfafe!

* Jaerlani grins.

* The guy with the bat swings at her again

* Nox chuckles softly, folding her hands in front of herself* Oh?

<HappyLittleMoron> Why would the need to?

* Jaerlani casts a spell. Five glowing missiles appear at her side. She directs two at the guy with the bat and three at the arms holding her.

<StacieGreene> I like things to have limits.

* Klork frowns ..* {{Lemme know if she causes trouble..}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{I will, hon...we're just...talking now...}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Why?

* Both guys shriek and start staggering around, blazing, dropping their weapons to the alley

* Jaerlani runs towards the one with the bat, slashing viciously with both swords.

<Klork> {{A'right}}

<StacieGreene> Because then...<voice drops a little, thoughtfully> they're under control. They can't surprise me with anything, if I can understand how far it goes.

* Jaerlani chops firewood...

* That guy is just going to pieces...

* Jaerlani runs after the other and grabs him by the hair, trying to force him to his knees.

* The kid goes to his knees, blazing

* Jaerlani sheaths one sword and turns his face towards her, the flames winking out.

<Jaerlani> Look at me.

* The kid finishes a scream and stares at Jaerlani, gasping

* Jaerlani looks down at him, her face an emotionless mask.

<Jaerlani> If you could not serve a purpose for me, I would leave you with no hands and no feet, one eye, no ears ...

<HappyLittleMoron> What if there ARE no limits, Stacie?

* Kid moans

<Jaerlani> And I just might anyways ...

* Jaerlani looks thoughtful, pondering something a moment. <Keeping an ear to her surroundings>

<StacieGreene> Well, we can at least find out how far we can go.

<Jaerlani> Yes ... I think your eyes would do nicely ...

* Jaerlani looks back down at the kid, giving him a rough yank.

* Kid falls at the jerk, crying out now -- "No, God, no -- "

* Syan sits down on the couch, sprawling

<Jaerlani> I have a better idea.

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* I guess...I'd only hope all your subjectss are willing...

<Kid> "Please, I'll do anything ya want!"

<Jaerlani> Have you any friends?

* Nox settles by Syan*

* Kid catches a glimpse of the guy in two burnt pieces...or more...starts to sob

<Kid> "No man, no friends!!"

<Kid> "Oh my God!"

<Jaerlani> No? Tsk tsk tsk ... that is too bad.

* Jaerlani shakes her head.

* Mondo_Gecko sighs, slipping along the streets, ..people getting out of his way in the crowd..a few screeming seems asthough Mondo doesn't even notice it

<Jaerlani> Then perhaps you are of no use to me ... as you are.

<StacieGreene> Like, don't you ever wonder how far you could go, HLM?

* Jaerlani speaks in a torturously mocking tone.

<Kid> gasping hysterically

* Klork hops off the ledge, strippin' to his boxers and diving into the pool...

* Jaerlani puts her hand under the kid's chin, lifting him up and pinning his back to a wall.

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah, but I figure I'll find out one way or another...

<Kid> What are you?

* Jaerlani smiles a sly smile.

<Jaerlani> I am that which you know not to fear.

<Jaerlani> But that will change.

<Jaerlani> And you are going to change that.

* Klork does laps in the pool .. usually hating water..but occasionally taking a liking to it ..

<Jaerlani> Tell your friends ... and if you have none, make some.

<Kid> A-anything!

<Jaerlani> Your ... structural integrity ... depends on it.

* Jaerlani runs her eyes down his body and back up to his face with a sly grin.

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little at Stacie* I honestly thing some things will never be found out...

<StacieGreene> How will you find out?

<HappyLittleMoron> Time...*shrugs*

<Jaerlani> Tell your friends there is a new master in town.

<Kid> New...m-master

<Jaerlani> Yesss ...

<HappyLittleMoron> DEFFINATELY not in some lab.

* StacieGreene raises her eyebrows

<StacieGreene> I didn't mean it that way.

<Jaerlani> Beware ...

<StacieGreene> Studies don't have to be that way.

<Jaerlani> If I am ever attacked in this city again ...

<StacieGreene> I've done interviews in cafeterias, at freinds' places, heck even one on the subway

* Jaerlani tightens her grip on the kid's throat, staring coldly into his eyes.

<Kid> acks

* Jaerlani lets her eyes flare red a little.

* Klork treads water in the deep end...just watching the sky as he does so

<StacieGreene> And that's all it is, an interview.

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little* Still...*rubs her hands over her belly* I have a family to protect now. I'd rather not see them picked apart by some scientist...physically OR verbally...

* Syan snoozes on the couch again

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, clenching her jaw* Sorry...sorry...horomones...

<Stacie> Two boys...

* Jaerlani raises the pommel of her sword up over her head and brings it down on the kid's skull with a 'CRACK!'

<StacieGreene> When are you do?

* Kid's eyes widen briefly, roll up, and he goes limp in her grasp

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...uhm...hopefully in July...kinda a high risk pregnancy since I've already lost a baby...

<Klork> {{You ok, Mo'?}}

<StacieGreene> Oh no!

<Jaerlani> (Shaking her head) Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk ... I so would have liked to watch your blood mingle with your bile on the ground.

* Mondo_Gecko scales the wall of the Asyslum

* Jaerlani sheathes her sword.

<Kid> stays crumpled

<Jaerlani> Perhaps next time .... dear.

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Yeah...I'm ok...}} *takes a deep breath*

* Jaerlani walks off down the alley again.

* A shot is fired, hitting Jaer between the shoulders...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little and shrugs* Was about three...four years ago...

* Klork goes back to swimming* {{Just .. double checking..}}

* Jaerlani falls and goes down on the ground on her face.

* A shadow vanishes into a window off a fire escape

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Ok ok up there? Am I missing anything?}}

* Mondo_Gecko climbs to the top of the building

* Jaerlani looks around, carefully concealing her motions.

* Jaerlani mutters to herself almost silently.

* Nox snoozes with Syan...a lot more quietly <G>*

* Jaerlani utters a spell, turning invisible.

* THe kid gets dragged backwards into a doorway off the alley

<Klork> {{Just a night swim ... }}

* Jaerlani gets up and goes up to the window, moving a little stiffly.

* Mondo_Gecko arches a brow

<StacieGreene> What happened? I mean...was it because you're a mutant?

* StacieGreene covers her own belly suddenly, eyes widening

<HappyLittleMoron> {{...uhm..ok, honey...I guess I'm missing one hell of a view, huh? *mental grin*}}

* Jaerlani peers inside, using her ultravision to see inside as if the building were lit by the noonday sun.

* StacieGreene glances up. "You're doing it. Aren't you? I've seen that look in people's eyes before."

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a little and shakes her head* My bones are weird...didn't spread enough...and the docs waited too long to open me up...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(he swims?)

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* ...huh? You ok?

<Klork> {{Heh, well, not all the time do I swim in my boxers but .yeah..}}

<StacieGreene> You were talking to somebody telepathically.

* Klork surfaces, smoothing his hair back before hopping out, then dives back into the pool for smore laps

* StacieGreene 's green eyes stare at you intensely, her black hair swinging over her shoulders as she leans in close

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...heh...*shrugs* My hubby...

* HappyLittleMoron steps back frowning

<HappyLittleMoron> Hey...

* Jaerlani sees an old lady's living room

<StacieGreene> Your husband?

* Jaerlani shifts to infravision, looking for the telltale heated footprints of humans.

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...

<StacieGreene> Another mutant? Like us?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh...kind of...

* Klork continues doin' laps..* {{I sense you're kinda .. irked, you sure you're ok??}}

* There's a LOT of heat from the television...and some footprints heading into the next room

* Jaerlani follows the footprints, silently and invisibly.

<StacieGreene> Kind of?

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Yeah...she's asking questions...just getting annoying...}}

<Klork> {{Want me to come down..??}}

* Klork pulls out of the pool, ringing his hair out

<HappyLittleMoron> {{I'd appreaciate it...}}

<StacieGreene> How can you "kind of" be a mutant? Or...there are other kinds of creatures, right?

<Klork> {{A'right..}}

<HappyLittleMoron> ...yeah...

* Mondo_Gecko is standing by the pool, looking really crappy

* Klork snags his clothes, draping them over his arm, then blinks

<Klork> Hey Mondo ..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..hey

<StacieGreene> There's a lot of those around here?

* Jaerlani continues to the edge of the room, peering inside.

<Klork> What's up..??

<Mondo_Gecko> um.....

<Mondo_Gecko> nuthin

* Mondo_Gecko looks pale and frazzled.. his hair is a mess and he kinda as that "deranged psycho" look about him

* Jaerlani looks around the inside of the next room.

<Mondo_Gecko> *plus his arm's in a cast*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...

<Klork> Right ... inside, bud..

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah,'d be suprised..

<StacieGreene> Yeah. I probably would.

<StacieGreene> Hard to believe it's stayed secret so long.

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs and turns and slinks off inside the Asylum

* StacieGreene runs a hand through her hair

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...

* Jaerlani old woman asleep in the bed under a flowered quilt

<HappyLittleMoron> I'd honestly prefer to have it STAY that way, honestly..

<StacieGreene> Well, of course!

* Jaerlani narrows her eyes as she traces the footprints into the room.

* StacieGreene gives you a surprised look

* Klork heads inside after, walkin' down the stairs in his boxers, clothes draped over his arm, soaked

* The footprints lead to the bed.

* Klork looks around

<Klork> So .. I could use a towel..

* The old woman's snoring. :)

* Jaerlani stalks carefully towards the bed, still silent and invisible, and gets down to look under.

* There's two pairs of eyeballs looking out from under the bed!

<Mondo_Gecko> could use some pants too

* Jaerlani shifts to ultravision to see clearly under the bed.

* They belong to pink fuzzy bunny slippers.

<Klork> I got those *smirks to Mondo* But I'd like to dry off first ... *smirks at Mo & Stacie* Heya

<Mondo_Gecko> ....yea

* StacieGreene looks up. "Hi."

* Jaerlani rolls her eyes and sweeps her gaze across the room, looking for heat and other people.

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and smiles* Ooh...heya honey...*whistles and manafests a towel to him* Nice view...

* HappyLittleMoron waffles to Mondo

* Nobody else.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Hey

<StacieGreene> jawdrop

<StacieGreene> Whoa... Did you do that?

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs and smirks a lil'* Mebbe..

* Klork chuckles, drying off

<Klork> THanks ..

<HappyLittleMoron> Y' ok? Lookin' a lil' sick, Mondo...*brows knit with worry*

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<StacieGreene> Pretty impressive.

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Klork and nods with a smile

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs

* StacieGreene watches Mondo

* Mondo_Gecko says in a kinda monotone voice "m'fine

* Jaerlani looks around the room for any sign of a gun.

* No gun!

* Klork pulls his pants n' shirt on

<Klork> thanks..

* Jaerlani makes a loud moaning sound.

* Jaerlani screeches loudly.

<StacieGreene> You don't look fine...

* The old woman jerks up in bed, then reaches to the lamp

* Jaerlani hisses, 'YOU ... you did it!'

* Mondo_Gecko watches Stacie back

* Old woman screeches and turns on the light

* Old woman pulls the blanket up to her chin, screeching

* Jaerlani hisses, 'You are the one who shot me!'

<Old Woman> Help!

<Jaerlani> (Hissing speech) 'Confess! Confess and I will haunt you no more!'

* Jaerlani knocks over a few objects for effect.

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...k...*runs a hand through her hair, ggoing to stand by Klork* I missed somethin'..

<Old Woman> Oooooh!! I did look at that George at the Bingo Parlor tonight! I'll never do it again! EEEEE!

* Klork purrs, pulling her close

<Klork> Heya..

* Jaerlani hisses, 'WHO! WHO SHOT ME?!'

* Old Woman grabs a thing of Mace next to her bed with a trembling hand and shoots at Jaer from behind her blanket

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, slipping her arms around him as best she can, belly giving off a soft purr as well* Hihi...

<StacieGreene> I look cool, just...not fine.

* Jaerlani bites down on the pain of the mace, managing to keep silent, but now blinded.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I look cool?

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

<Mondo_Gecko> hell

* Klork smirks, settling his chin on her shoulder

<Mondo_Gecko> that beats "you look like crap" anyday

* Jaerlani silently climbs up a wall and up to the ceiling, knocking over a few more objects in the room.

* Old Woman screeches again and grabs her phone, then hits the giant keys-for-da-visually-impaired, 9-1-1

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little

* Mondo_Gecko extends a hand

<Mondo_Gecko> Shawn

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