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Session Start: Fri Mar 29 18:34:51 2002

* Ryu glides down onto the roof, pushing the door open and heading downstairs*

* Rev steps into the Asylum, a pale looking Diana walking with him, four parallel gashes running from her right cheek, down her neck and under her shirt*

* Ryu blinks* So tha's wha' th' cat did, aye? Ah did nae get t' see last nigh'..

* Diana nods* Hai...that she did...*shrugs lightly* I will be alright...she's staying here?

* Ryu nods, shifting sides* Aye .. from wh' ah 'eard at least

* Diana shakes her head a little* Ne...I will be staying upstairs until I'm feeling well enough to face her, then...*sighs a little and runs a hand through her hair..* If you will excuse me...*smiles a little and heads upstairs*

* Ryu nods .. brows furrowing* Aye..ah...ef'n y' wish ...

* Rev sighs a little* have you been, m'lady?

* Kameko comes in, sipping a cup of Swiss Mocha ... eyes glancing around for Klork nervously

* Klork is at work <G>

* Rev blinks and looks up* Hello...

* HappyLittleMoron 's...uhm...taking care of Brenna...yeeeeeeah

* Ryu shrugs, pausing to glance over at the door* A'llo .. n' ye'are?

* Kameko grins, looking at Rev and waving

<Kameko> Hey, stranger. How you doin'?

* Kameko sits, sipping at her cup, waving to Ryu

* Kameko pauses

* Rev chuckles lightly*

<Kameko> I'm..Kameko..the cooking goddess, remember?

* Kameko smirks, drinking

<Ryu> Ow're ye doin'..?

* Kameko smirks

<Kameko> Goooooodd... i have coffee--DON'T tell Klork that, please??

* Kameko pleads, whimpering a little

<Kameko> He'll KILL me..

<Ryu> Ah .. al'righ.*blinks...not sure why that'd make any difference*

* Rev blinks a little* Ah...ok...

* OikawaNishimaru walks downstairs

* Kameko yays, sipping

* Rev looks up and nods to Kawa*

* OikawaNishimaru nods in return* evening

* Kameko waves

<Kameko> Hey...*sips*

* Ryu shifts, settling onto the back of the couch*

* Kameko pauses, looking over at Ryu

<Kameko> Hey...uhm...are there more people around here like...with dragon wings..?

* OikawaNishimaru looks around and heads to the roof

* Rev blinks...* Nae...not that I have seen...

* Ryu tilts her head at Kame* Mah' cousin' en th' city, but nae an'where ah know of..

* Kameko blinks

<Rev> Why do you ask?

<Kameko> Your she look like you or not? 'Cuz the girl I saw was like...

* Kameko pauses ..

<Kameko> She....uhm..

* Kameko holds up a finger, blips out, then comes back with a FF8 manual

* Rev blinkblinks*

* Kameko opens up the pages and points to a picture of Shiva

<Kameko> She ..had hair like this ..uhm, drawing here..

* Kameko shows them both

<Kameko> But, she didn't LOOK like that..just the hair.

* Rev blinks, then nods a little* Ah...I can honestly say, I have not seen apologies...

* Ryu looks down .. slowly nodding* Aye ..

<Ryu> Th' hair..

<Kameko> Well...maybe her skin..kinda's lighter, though... *peers at it*

<Ryu> Sefana'..

* Rev blinks a little*

* Kameko blinks

<Kameko> So, that is your cousin, then?

* Kameko grins a little

<Kameko> I love her hair!

<Ryu> Aye, close to et.

* Ryu perches on the back of the couch, stretching out her wings, tail sliding over the cushions* Where'd ye' see er'?

<Kameko> She was out near where the ferries dock to pick up people to go see the statue.. Just..kinda standing there. It was all misty out, so I almost missed her, but...then I almost ran into her.

* Kameko pauses, realizing how funny that just sounded

<Kameko> Needless to say, I didn't see her because of all the mist.

* Rev blinks and smirks a little, nodding and settling into a chair*

* Ryu arches her brows* Jes'...ou' in th' open like tha?

* Kameko furrows her brow

<Kameko> No, I only saw her because I nearly ran into her. It was REALLY foggy.

<Kameko> I wasn't even sure I was walking the right way until I got a few blocks away.

* Kameko holds out her hands in front of her

<Kameko> I couldn't see my hands, even!

* Ryu nods* Aye .. 'er powers are of mist ..

<Rev> Impressive..

* Kameko blinks

<Kameko> that's why I couldn't see? She was doing it?

<Kameko> Dang..wish I had cool powers...*mutters, sulking a she sits back down*

* Ryu nods* .. heh ..

* Kameko just...sulks

* Ryu arches a brow* Wha..?

<Kameko> You can play with fire..Klork can play with lightening...Iye can play with fire..Rislyn does the cool..heat thingy...Myrae can play with water...everyone can do SOMETHING..but me..

* Rev blinks...* You can cook...exceedingly well...

* Kameko blinks .. looking at him

<Kameko> But..that's not a power..

* Ryu shifts* Aye .. ah kin' do ice as well, lass.

<Rev> Aye it is...there are many who canNOT cook...and there are few who can as well as you...

* `Neko yawns, being nocturnal

* `Neko comes down from the stairs

* Rev looks up at Neko, nodding to her, not knowing who she is*

* `Neko has taken a bath now. the blood washed from her fur...but the stitches standing out on her neck, and arms, a testimony to the brutalness of Mondo's animal nature

* Kameko flushes a little, belatedly, to Rev's compliment..

<Kameko> Thanks...

* Rev chuckles softly* Of course...

<`Neko> hello

* Ryu blinks..watching*

<Rev> Hello..

<Kameko> don't seem to eager to go find her and talk to her.. You guys not..getting along?

<`Neko> where is Lisa...

<Rev> I'm sorry, m'lady?

* Ryu shrugs* Nae .. we d'nae get much along. *shrugs it off, going into the kitchen*

* Kameko hrms .. licking ehr lips

<Kameko> Lord Revelyn..? Do you know if they have any chocolate here..?

* Kameko blinks ... watching Ryu go before shrugging

* Rev blinks and looks to Kame, chuckling softly* Nae...I do not...I'm sorry...

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs, streaching* Hello all you lucky peoples you...

* Kameko mutters, then gets up to go look

* Ryu waves, working on dishes that were sitting there*

<Kameko> Want chocolate...

* Kameko pokes her head out the kitchen to wave

<Kameko> Heya 'Mo! You got some chocolate in here???!

<HappyLittleMoron> Nope! *grins lopsidedly* Unless someone's hiding it from us...

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Neko* Feelin' better, kitty?

* `Neko nods

<`Neko> yes..I am

<HappyLittleMoron> Good ta hear...

* `Neko 's voice is almost emotionless..and another thing..she seems to lack body language

* Kameko chews at her lip, crying

<Kameko> I want chocolate...!

* Ryu blinks..*

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and patpats Kame

* Kameko sighs ... sniffling

<Kameko> Sorry..craving...

* HappyLittleMoron huggles

<HappyLittleMoron> Isok

* `Neko cocks her head

* Kameko sits on the floor

<Kameko> <q> Where's Angelo when I need him to bring me chocolate..

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies a lil'* Can ya call 'im?

* `Neko looks around and asks to no one in general

<`Neko> Did Lisa leave?

* Ryu stretches, sitting on the kitchen counter*

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...

<`Neko> did she leave me here?

* Kameko sniffles

<Kameko> Last time I did..he drove the jack-hammer through his foot when the guys at the site distracted him to tell him I WAS calling..

* Kameko wipes at her eyes

<Kameko> Don't want him to hurt himself again..

* Ryu grimaces* Eh..when does e' get off work then..?

* HappyLittleMoron BLINKS

<HappyLittleMoron> Gah...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...what she said...

* `Neko stands there...looking for all the world incredibly out of place

<Kameko> <q> Late....

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Neko* And I doubt she's left ya...I dunno where she'd be tho..

<Kameko> At least..I think he's not off until late..

* `Neko sighs and goes and crouches at the window, looking out, tail lazily fliping back and forth

* Mitch , in his room, crouches over the new sets of photographs with a ruler and some scratch paper, many half-finished equations scrawled and scratched out...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ah...

* Ryu shifts* Y' could call yer' 'ome t' fin'out, aye?

<Mitch> .oO(Christ... you'd think it would be simple... I've got everything I need...)

* `Neko turns and walks off just as quickly, tireing of this

* Rev arches a brow lightly*

* `Neko stalks silently up the stairs

* Ryu blinks* What's with 'er..?

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* Dunno...

* `Neko starts nosing her way into peoples rooms

* Mitch sighs, batting a magnifying lens around on its axis. .oO(Oh hell. Let's face it - you're gonna need to make another run on NYU and pick up some math stuff to figure this out...)

* Kameko looks at the phone

<Kameko> <q> I wonder if Klork would bring me some chocolate...?

* Ryu shrugs, glancing at Kame* Ye' could call im', aye?

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...I dunno, Kame...not the best thing ta have...

* `Neko sticks her nose into Mondo's's quiet.. the window is open and the room smells fresh and cool like the's lit by a red lava lamp*

<Mitch> .oO(That's gonna zero me again. Now I wish I hadn't screwed with the stereo.)

* Rev kinda semi-dozes*

* Ryu reaches over ... poking Rev* W'ake up, sleepy.

* Kameko pouts..then looks a bit ...put out

<Kameko> <q> Yeah..I guess..I'll go find some at home..later..

* `Neko starts walking around teh room, it smells of lizard to her.. ..a fancy guitar, it's sitting up on a stand ..she gently pushes it over and it makes a loud nasty clang as it hits a case of drawers and spills a bunch of things from the top of the dresser to the floor

<Ryu> Whas'rong now, lass? *looks at Kame*

<`Neko> O O

* Rev blinks and erks* Heh? Wha...did I miss something...? *sits up a lil' more*

* Kameko blips out

* `Neko looks around and turns and slips out quietly

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Ryu blinks ..* Wherd...*blinks, then looks up* Wha' was tha..?

* `Neko tries teh door on Mitch's room

* Rislyn comes down the stairs, wearing a pair of leather pants, well fitted white tanktop on, hair back in a ponytail as she pops into the kitchen

* Rislyn blinks .. then waves

<Rislyn> Party in the kitchen..?

* it rattles, locked*

* Mitch glances up. "Hello?"

<`Neko> .....hello

* Ryu shifts, glancing at Rislyn .. waving*

* Rislyn shrugs, ruffling through the cupboards

* Rislyn looks at Ryu

* Mitch blinks. "...hello?"

<Rislyn> Do you always sit on the counters?

* Ryu's brows arch* Aye.

* Rev looks up and waves to Ris, still a lil' sleepy*

* `Neko cocks her head...this is a funny game

* Rislyn pulls down a box of cereal

<`Neko> Hello

<Rislyn> Ah..well, if that's the case, could you grab me a bowl from behind where you're sitting? I'd like to have some dinner.

* `Neko swishes her tail

* Mitch rubs his neck. "Hello. Can we move on to a new word now?"

<`Neko> .........

<`Neko> yes

* Rislyn pulls out a spoon, heading over to the fridge to grab some milk

<Ryu> Cereal? Nae a good dinner n', aye? *shifts off the counter ... the motion incling to tell her to do it herself*

* `Neko turns and goes back to explore more of Mondo's room

* Rislyn grins a little

<Rislyn> Sure thing..

<Mitch> "Okay, that's a start. Who is it?" He stands up, grabbing a shirt from the end of the bed.

* Rislyn walks over, making sure to move WELL into Ryu's personal bubble..glancing out of the corner of her eye at her and winking before she moves back over to the table where her cereal is sitting

* Rislyn smirks a bit to herself, just .. wanting to pick a fight

* `Neko starts opening drawers... pulling out a lighter....playing with that and then dropping it..a pack of ciggarettes...and some of those little funny ciggarettes too

* no answer at Mitch's door now*

* Ryu shifts, snorting* Yer' nae my type. N ef'n ye touch me or come near ... Ah'll toast tha' cereal o'yers..

<`Neko> hmm

* Mitch frowns a little, shrugging into the shirt and heading to the now-silent door... he pops the lock and opens the door, looking out and down the empty hall.

<Mitch> "...okay..."

* `Neko pulls out a nudie mag and it falls open and the centerfold falls out showing a very naked women in a very sexy pose

* `Neko drops it

* `Neko starts pulling out underwear

* Ryu shifts away from Rislyn, wings snapping out before gently folding over her shoulders*

* Ryu then heads out to the living room*

* Mitch shrugs, and since he's at a stopping-point-of-frustration anyway, locks the door behind him as he heads downstairs.

* `Neko pulls out a long string of condoms and drops those..

* Rislyn sniggers

* Rev looks up and nods to Ryu...been watching the kitchen and stuff*

<Rislyn> Don't like the 'closeness,' do a facor next time it's asked, alright?

* Rislyn pours her cereal, then puts the rest of the stuff away, carrying her bowl out and eating, leaning against the wall, smirking the entire time

* `Neko grins and looks behind her, a little goldfish in a bowl

<Ryu> Bite m' ass n' don't be lazy next time.

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows* Now children...

* Rislyn arches a brow

<HappyLittleMoron> No fighting...

<Rislyn> You were sitting in front of the cupboard I needed. I figured you wouldn't want me crawling over you to get it.

* Ryu shifts, leaning back ... stretching her taloned feet out*

* `Neko stands and watches this fish going around and around stupidly in the little bowl..through a fake blue and green rock*

* Rislyn shrugs, looking at HLM

<Ryu> Coulda asked me t' move.

<Rislyn> Not fighting. I was simply asking her a favor. She got all worked up.

<Rislyn> I did. I asked if you made a habit of sitting on the counters. That should have been a hint enough for you.

* `Neko snickers

* Rislyn spoons her cereal, just looking like she's enjoying herself

<HappyLittleMoron> Agh...

* Ryu shrugs* Nae m' problem.

<`Neko> *swish swish swish*

* Rev hehs a little and shrugs, standing and heading into the workout room, stripping his shirt off as he goes*

* Rislyn blinks .. eyes following Rev before she does, too ... a sucker for men without shirts

* Mitch officially becomes Downstairs... "Hi, Mrs. Happy... hi, uhm..." He glances around, sizing up the number of greetings. "...everybody."

<Rislyn> So how are you feeling, Lord Revelyn? Your shoulder still bugging you?

* Rislyn eats, leaning against the wall to watch

* `Neko snatches a paw out and catches the fish and gulps it down!

* Rev folds his shirt and smiles at her*'s healing quite nicely...thank you...

* `Neko perks hearing Mondo down below the window in the gravel and she turns and darts out of the room

* Ryu watches Ris .. brows arched before standing and heading up to the roof*

* Rislyn just .. kinda watches his chest .. not really noticing he's answered yet .. she loves men's chests as much as men love boobs

* Mondo_Gecko swishes his tail and jumps and climbs in ...

<Mondo_Gecko> GGGAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

* Rev blinks a little, smirks lightly and starts a kata*

* Rislyn blinks, then eats, realizing she'd missed her bowl while spooning a few times

* Ryu heads up the stairs to the roof, pausing to stare at the pool .. half tempted to take a swim .. but hasn't touched water voluntarily for over seven years..

<Mitch> To Mo. "Is Diana up?"

* Mondo_Gecko yells out a string of words that would make a sailor blush!

* Rislyn blinks, hearing the scream

<Mondo_Gecko> !@#%$!! !*$#@&*$!!

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* Uh...yeah...*looks up* Gads...dunno where she is...

* Klork pushes the front door open, wiping his brow

* Mitch blinks, looking up the stairs.

* Diana blinks, coming from her room and rushing to Mondo's, sword out and at the ready*

* Rislyn ..goes back to watching Revelyn ...<G>

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and looks up

<Mitch> "...someone take his toothbrush?"

* Ryu sighs .. perching by the ledge..letting her tail occasionally flick in the water now and then .. not doing much more*

* his room is TRASHED... stuff on the floor..empty goldfish bowl that's on teh floor..underwear..condoms..his porn's..his dresser knocked over.. his guiar fallen over with stuff fallen all over it!!

* `Wing` groans sitting up rubbing the back of his neck blinking a very not so friendly place into focus

<HappyLittleMoron> Iiii...dunno...

* Diana blinks* Oh no...

* Sefana perches behind Ryu .. on the other edge of the pool, brow arched curiously

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to Klork to hug him gently

<Sefana> <q> Though' Ah'd find ye 'ere..

<Mondo_Gecko> AHHHHHH!!!!!

* Mondo_Gecko rushes to the guitar

<Mondo_Gecko> MY BABY!!

<Mitch> "I'm gonna go see if, y'know, everything's okay..." He glances over, and sees Mo and Klork saying howdy. "...never mind."

* Mitch heads upstairs, lip twitching as he takes a sip.

* Diana looks around, sighing softlly*

* Klork erfs, getting hugged, hugging back

* Mondo_Gecko pulls it out from the mess, milk has spilt all over it from a half empy glass on the dresser

* Mondo_Gecko CRIES!!

<Mondo_Gecko> noooooooo!!!

* Ryu doesn't look up, staring at the water* Why are y' 'ere..?

* Mondo_Gecko glares around the room

* Rislyn finishes her cereal and kinda pouts .. going and taking the empty bowl into the kitchen

<Mondo_Gecko> Who did this!?

* Diana shakes her head* No idea...*rubs his shoulder lightly*

* Mitch finds the door, looking in. "Is everyone okay?"

* Mitch 's never been in Mondo's room - for all he knows this is normal... }:D

* Diana smirks a little* Someone wrecked his rooooom...

* Sefana sighs

<Sefana> Ah'm 'ere because Ah'm nae wanted back 'ome..unlike ye, Ryu....

* Rislyn comes back into the sparring room to watch Revelyn s'more .. arms crossed as she just....yeah, watches

* `Ryu shifts, shrugging ..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...MY FISH ........

<Sefana> <q> Why are ye 'ere, Ryu..? Ye coul' still be 'ome..

* Rev keeps on practicing, slowly working up a sweat..*

<`Ryu> <q> So.. amazin'..ah figred' yed' be 'ere t' nag me on m' temper.

<Mondo_Gecko> ....It's that damn cat!! She ate my fish!!

<Mondo_Gecko> Fluffy!

<Mitch> "...okay..."

* Mondo_Gecko crosses his chest

* Rislyn 's eyes slowly get bigger and bigger ...

<Mondo_Gecko> rest in peace lil guy

* Diana blinks* ...

* Sefana frowns

<Mitch> "Christ, I thought he'd been SHOT or something."

<Sefana> Ef'n Ah were 'ere te talk abou' yer temper, Ah'd 'ave started the conversation by wrappin' ye in mist, now wouldn't Ah? At least, tha's wha' ye think Ah'd do, aye?

* Mondo_Gecko sniffs saddly and goes and picks up all his boxers from the bed and the floor and starts putting them away again

* `Ryu stands, turning towards the door

<`Ryu> Wh'e'er.

<Sefana> Ryu..!

* Sefana sighs .. then just kinda shakes her head slowly

<Mondo_Gecko> that's it..

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm locking this room everytime I'm not in it

* `Ryu shifts, looking back at her

<Sefana> <q> Ah missed ye, ya ken? Ah...An et's NAE..a mutation..but Ah guess ye'r nae wantin' ta hear et..

* Diana blinks* Ah...hai...probably a good idea...

* `Ryu blinks ..

* Mitch just shakes his head, heading back downstairs... he announces to the living room, "False alarm. His fish escaped and busted up the room."

<`Ryu> N'ow d'ye know this??

* Mondo_Gecko goes over to the goldfish bowl and sighs, picking it up, the floor all wet in that spot

<`Ryu> An' WHY es et' we're the only ones with et' ef'n et's nae a mutation?

<Sefana> <q> the legend es nae...jes a legen', lass...

<Shin> .. hey guys.. whats the comotion?*near mondo's room*

* Klork shifts, looking towards the stairs

<Sefana> S'nae a dominant gene...

<Klork> Y' think they got it cleaned up?

* Mondo_Gecko goes and puts the bowl under his sink and puts towels down on the spot and then gets a wet towel and starts to clean his guitar as if he was cleaning a child

* `Ryu furrows her brows, then mutters

* Rislyn ... is still just watching Revelyn ..

<`Ryu> Great..ther' goes m' write off on me' taxes.

<`Ryu> Fuck--ef'n et's nae a mutation, I gotta pay extra.

<Mitch> "Think Mondo's working on it. It's not too trashed."

* Sefana blinks ... arching a brow

<Sefana> Wha'...??

* `Ryu smiles wrly

<Shin> *knocks on mondo's doorfraim* hullo?

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey shin.. *sad sounding*

<Shin> ... what happend?

* Mitch takes a sip, settling back onto the arm of the couch.

<Shin> .. dont tell me they got baby?

* Diana looks up...uh...helping where she can...hurts to bend...*

* Rislyn clears her throat

<Mondo_Gecko> worse..

<Mondo_Gecko> giant cat..

<Mondo_Gecko> she ate my goldfish too..

<Rislyn> Lord Revelyn..? You been active all your life?

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> ....worse coulda happened...and besides

<Shin> ... poor fishi

<Mondo_Gecko> there's always more fish in the sea

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

* Rev blinks and looks back to Ris, skin shimmering with a thin layer of sweat* Aye...why do you ask?

* Rislyn shrugs

<Shin> still your rooms a dizaster area... ano

<Rislyn> You look it.

* `Ryu flicks her tail, heading down the stairs..

<Mondo_Gecko> I know I know

<Mitch> .oO(Shit! Totally got sidetracked...)

<`Ryu> Y'goin' t'come or nae, Sef?

* Sefana .. just watches her go, then blinks

* Mitch mutters something in Spanish, pushing himself up and heading back upstairs

<Shin> i was wondering, before i heard you shreek... has anyone seen heard or even thought about my bro in the alst few days?

* `Ryu heads down ..

<Sefana> Ah...A-Ah d'nae usually...Ah..people d'nae like me, lass..

<Shin> work just called... and he hasnt shown up...all week

* Rev smiles a bit* Thank you...are you a warrior as well...?

<`Ryu> Et's nae a people place, Sef. Jes' get yer' arse down 'ere.

* Rislyn sighs, shrugging a little

* Diana blinks, brows furrowing* Ii haven't seen him...

* Mondo_Gecko folds up the porn mags and stuffs them back in his drawer along with the other things and goes to clean up the mess on the floor


<Mondo_Gecko> Do you wanna go out and look for him?

<Rislyn> ...I suppose you could call me that. I've killed. Not proud of it, but.. I have.

* Mitch looks about to speak to Diana, but pauses as the conversation sinks in.

* `Ryu heads down, pausing when she sees Ris to pass her a glare before heading into the kitchen

<Rislyn> No contest in doing so, either...

* Rislyn 's head kinda lowers...going a bit silent

<Mitch> To Shin. "Can you feel him? You guys have, y'know, a link or something, don't you?"

<Shin> *bits her lip and nods* i meen after ya deal with your room

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs a little..

* Rislyn arches a brow at Ryu, smiling sweetly to her before just..shaking her head

* most of it is cleaned up now..*

<Rislyn> Poor Ryu doesn't like being hit on by girls.

* Rislyn winks over at Rev

<Shin> *to mitch* thats the strange thign i cant... not since you and mondo faught .. i ahvent even been abel to tell when hes awake or not and usualy i can

<`Ryu> Jes you.

* Sefana hesitates ... then slowly follows .. unsure of where Ryu went to

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

<`Ryu> Ah've worked with real lesbians 'afore.

<Shin> .. its a twin thing...

* Rev nods a little* Ah...hah...*will glaaaaaddly stay outa that one...*

* `Ryu smirks, heading to the kitchen, tail snapping behind her*

* Rislyn freezes, glaring over at Ryu

<Rislyn> And..what makes you think I'm not?

<`Wing`> i must.. still be in the lab....

<`Ryu> Because ye' kinnae keep yer' eyes off of' Rev's chest.

<Mondo_Gecko> Yea..

* Rislyn glares .. but says nothing in retort to that

<Mitch> .oO(The hell? I didn't fuck it up somehow, did I?) .oO(No, you COULDN'T have. It's... you used the LEFT-hand witchy fingers, she's using the RIGHT-hand witchy fingers.)

* `Wing` tries a few times to call out to shin.. to anybody and finds he cant

<Mitch> "I take it you can't pick him up on the brain radar?"

<`Wing`> this would classafy as bad

* Sefana .. looks around .. slowly walking through the halls .. just looking lost beyond beliefe... her blue/green/yellow skin mostly covered with her clothing, other than her face .. her "hair" also uncovered

<Shin> if i got close enough maybe.. but manhatten is a big fuckin island

* Mitch rubs his neck. "How close?"

<Mondo_Gecko> have you tried his usual hangout spots?

* Rislyn mutters, looking at Revelyn

<Shin> if he were hurt.. ro soemthign his range woudl be limited to a block or two.. and were not even talking vertical limits

* `Ryu comes back out with an apple..pausing to look up at the stairs

<Rislyn> I think the lady's jealous. Have you been paying her much attention, Lord Revelyn? *winks at him*

<Shin> hes nto at work, the library, Borders books.. hell the girlscouts ahvent even seen him

<`Ryu> <muttered> Now wher'...*arches a brow at Ris before heading up the stairs* Sef..?!

<Mondo_Gecko> ........

<Mitch> .oO(A block or two... maybe...)

<Mondo_Gecko> Wing hangs out with girlscouts?!

* Rev arches a brow and shrugs* No more than any of the other ladies...

<Shin> he gets chased by the brownies

<Mondo_Gecko> ..oh

* Sefana blinks .. following Ryu's voice, coming down the stairs

<Shin> they call him Scout Smoochi

* Mondo_Gecko LAUGHS

<HappyLittleMoron> *Diana blinks, brows furrowed* Ne...

* Rislyn chuckles

<Rislyn> <q> Maybe you should... *winks*

* `Ryu tosses an apple to Sef, heading down the stairs

<Mondo_Gecko> aww man! *whipes the corners of his eyes* I'll have to tease him about that when he coems back

<Sefana> Ah...Ah'm nae--Ryu...!

<Mitch> "...if he's up high, this ain't gonna work, but I've got an idea. We can canvas most of the city in... about an hour forty. Train-hopping."

* Rev chuckles softly* We will see...

* Sefana catches the apple .. then sighs, hurrying down the stairs after her

<`Ryu> Ye'll need t' talk t'..*pauses, trying to recall her name* Eh..Miss Moron ah think. *sits on the back of a chair, munchng on the apple*

* Rislyn waggles her eyebrows a little

<Rislyn> So you haven't picked one of the eligable ones yet, huh?

<Rislyn> You're breaking alot of hearts by staying single, you know that?

* Rislyn smirks, drawing out her sword, going about practicing herself

* Rev blinks a little* Am I?

* Sefana just .. blinks

<Sefana> Miss Moron..??

* Rislyn smirks, nodding

* `Ryu crooks her thumb towards HLM & Klork

<`Ryu> Aye. The female of th' two of em.

<Rislyn> Aye--gyah, damn it, you wear off on me! Now..what was I..ah.. Yes, you are. You don't seem to notice how..even the taken women watch you.

* Rislyn smiles

<Sefana> Of..the two of them..??

* Sefana just blinks

<`Ryu> Ugh. Dolt.

* `Ryu bites into her apple, shaking her head as she eats, staring at the fire

* Rev chuckles softly, pausing to rub the back of his neck a little, actually looking a little embarassed* Ah...perhaps I am simply used to it...

* Klork glances up..

* Sefana frowns

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<Klork> Eh..?

<Sefana> Tha' was nae called for. Ah d'nae know ANYONE 'ere..

<Rislyn> You're used to be oogled after? Well damn...

* Rislyn just practices with her sword s'more, then energy wavering as she swings with it

<Rev> Heh...aye...*shrugs a little, returning to his kata* Women and some men find me attractive for some reason...always have...

<Rislyn> So tell me, Lord Revelyn.. if you are so used to being oogled .. have you ever oogled a woman?

* Rislyn looks over at him

<Rislyn> Because you're gorgeous, that's why.

* Rislyn smirks

<Rislyn> If Diana weren't your mother .. wouldn't you think she was way?

* Rislyn cocks her head to the side

* Rev smirks, striking out at an invisible opponant* Thank you...but there are those far more attractive than I...*blinks and pauses...then nods with a shrug* I suppose...

<Rislyn> Now, change that to the opposite sex, and you have your dilemma.

<Mitch> "The subway system has a lot of, y'know, redundancies. I've been working the tunnels ever since I can remember - we can scan the island right damn quick and probably pick him up if he's anywhere near ground level."

* Rislyn chuckles

* Rev chuckles softly* I suppose...

<Rislyn> Ryu...she's very pretty. Nice looking, fit. You want someone fit, right? *smirks* No fat hanging out of her clothing.

<Mitch> "...if he's up high, this ain't gonna work, but I've got an idea. We can canvas most of the city in... about an hour forty. Train-hopping. The subway system has a lot of, y'know, redundancies. I've been working the tunnels ever since I can remember - we can scan the island right damn quick and probably pick him up if he's anywhere near ground level."

* Rev chuckles softly* Aye...very true...she is beautiful...I just donae know if she wants a relationship...*pauses a little and smirks lightly* Nor do I know if I really want one as well...

<Shingami> Mitch that sounds like a great idea.. iwant to knwo what my brother does when hes not being mr goody tooshoes... or hes in trouble

* Rev comes out of the workout room, towelling off his chest 'n stuff*

* `Ryu looks up, brows arched as she waves idly

* Rev waves back* Hello...

<Mitch> "Okay... you wanna do this now?" He glances down at the Shinmobile a little dubiously, thinking.

<`Wing`> The sooner we go the sooner ill be abel to sleep better

* `Ryu stretches her wings out a little

* Mondo_Gecko looks over to Mitch and then Shin...and then Diana

<`Ryu> Y'done workin' ou' et seems..

* Rev shrugs a little* I suppose...might go back later...

<`Ryu> Ah .. Ah was thinkin' of mebbe' takin' a swim.. N' then ah recalled et envolved water.

<Mitch> "Yeah, point. I'm gonna grab street clothes..." He glances at Diana and Mondo. "You guys want to come?"

* Rev blinks and arches a brow* Hm?

* Mondo_Gecko looks at Diana

<Mondo_Gecko> ..wanna come?

* `Ryu shrugs, tail scraping the floor as she hunches..almost sinking

<`Ryu> Ah kinnae swim.

* Rev blinks* If you wish, I could teach you...

* Diana nods* Ah...sure...hai...

* `Ryu shifts..

<`Ryu> Wings get en' th' way .. tail .. talons d'nae swim well either. Ah prob'ly would sink, aye?

<Rev> Perhaps...but there is always the shallow end...

<`Ryu> Aye..but that's more ... standing...aye?

<Mitch> "Okay... be down in a few."

<Rev> Aye...though you can learn to float in it before you go to water over your head...

* `Ryu shifts .. then shrugs ..

<`Ryu> Ah've nae a swim suit tho..

<Shin> just gotta grab my coat...((and a weapon or three))

* Rev blinks a little and ahs...* That...would be a bit of a problem...

* Mitch heads to his room and swaps off, shrugging into more urban duds and folding his arms up under his jacket. .oO(Mondo's gonna attract attention. Hell, so is Shin.) .oO(So they attract attention. You think anyone's gonna notice YOU?) .oO(Hope not. I'm not the only perp who rides the rails.)

<`Ryu> Ah .. 'ave m' doubts tha' an'body'd lend me one t' ... they'd get a hole in the arse of et.

* Diana...just goes as she is...already in street clothing...*

* Rev nods a bit* I'm sure there is a place one can be purchased...

* `Ryu shrugs..

* Mitch pockets the subway tokens and hesitates, eyeing a toolbox in the closet... then shakes his head, locking up behind himself and heading downstairs as he tugs on the cap Shin gave him.

<`Ryu> Ah .. ah dinnae know .. ah'm still nae sure ef'n Ah wan'te swim..*sighs shakily* Ah could wear shorts n' a tank ef'n need be..

<Shin> *goes adn grabs her coat and appears at the bottom of the stairs via the portal in her room*

* Mondo_Gecko follows Diana, still dressed from comming inside

<Shin> (( what are you up to now oniichan?))

* Rev nods a little and gently rests a hand on hre shoulder* It is not something you need to do...

* `Wing` tries to see if he can reach aroudn and undo the lock on his cage

* `Ryu blinks, looking up .. she waves slightly to Shin before glancing at Rev again..

* Shin blinks at Ryu

* Rev wavels to Shin too*

* Diana's...downstairs...yeh!*

<`Ryu> <q> Eh .. Ah migh' as well..*pauses, looking at Shin* Aye?

<Shin> ... id love to meet you demo i have a mission to take care of

* Mitch glances between the four of them, and would make a comment about the Wizard of Oz, but hasn't seen it. Instead, he shrugs and opens the door, holding it for Shin.

<`Ryu> Ah .. al'righ .. um .. 'ave fun?

* Mondo_Gecko waits quietly in the hall downstairs, his hands in his pockets

* Rev blinks a little and nods* Good luck...

<Shin> knowing how much trouble my family gets in... were gunna ned it

* Diana nods to the two of them with a small grin...waiting to follow Shin*

<`Wing`> K'so... cant reach the lock..

* `Ryu watches .. brows furrowed

<`Ryu> D'ye need an' 'elp then??

* Mondo_Gecko slips out the door

<Shin> iie... im sure we can handle it.. ja ne

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(surprized he'd be seen in public with me)

<Shin> *rolls on out the door*

<`Ryu> *blinks .. *

* Diana follows, grinning a little to Mitch*

<Mitch> Quietly to Diana, still holding the door. "Ja ne?"

* Rev shrugs* Ah...Japanese for...something...

<Diana> <q> "See you later"

* `Ryu blinks ..

<Mitch> "Ah."

* `Wing` looks around the lab

* Mitch mimes tipping his hat to Ryu as he pulls the door shut, instead tugging it down a little further over his eyes as he helps horse the Shinmobile down the steps.

* `Ryu blinks .. watching .. then shrugs a bit..

<Rev> Heh...

<`Ryu> Well .. et seems .. ever'body left..*blinks* Me'be swim lessons would nae b' so embarassin'! *grins sheepishly*

<Shin>.. mitch there is a ramp...

* Rev chuckles softly and bows lightly to her* Whatever you wish to do, m'lady, I am glad to help with...

* `Ryu nods, heading up the stairs

<`Ryu> Meet me up' ther'...aye?

<Shin> where should we start?

* Rev nods* Aye...*smiles to her before dissapearing into his room...changing, etc...and diving into the pool once he gets to the roof a few minutes later*

* Diana furrows her brows* Where would he have been last?

<Shin> i dotn knwo he said he wanted to check something out ... soemthign involving that.. cat thing and mondo

* Mondo_Gecko scowlsl

<Mondo_Gecko> TGRI..

<Mondo_Gecko> I bet they have him

<Mondo_Gecko> who else coulda...why didn't you mention this!

* Diana furrows her brows* Ne....not good that...

* Mitch just looks at Shin.

<Shin> .. if they ahve him we coudl be majorly fucked

<Shin> techincaly he and i arnt human...or even mutants.. s

* Diana nods a little* Perhaps they would not be able to figure out what exaclty he is, ne?

<Mitch> " could have said this earlier, Shin. Before, y'know, I got all clever with the subway shit."

<Shin> .. No one asked!!

<Shin> *glares*

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail lashes softly

* Mitch sighs, flicking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. "You'd think... okay, okay. Let's just head for the restaurant, or the lab, or whatever. Where is it?"

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(You'd think that would be glaringly obvious!)

* Diana sighs softly and nods*

<Shin> i dotn knwo where they would hol dhim though if thats where he was.. TGRI has a few instalations in the area

* `Ryu comes up in a pair of short jean shorts and a black sports bra, hair tied back with the exception of her bangs, which are still forward tied

<`Ryu> Al'righ .. les' get this o'er with..aye?

* Rev surfaces in the shallow end and nods a bit* Aye...*smiles up at her*

<Shin> .. i hope hes ok

* Mondo_Gecko takes a deep breath...not wanting to go to TGRI..but knowing that he has to..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...come on..

* `Ryu sighs, shifting .. sitting on the ledge and putting her feet in

<`Ryu> Al'righ. done! *grins*

* Diana nods...uh....heading off with the rest of 'em*

<Shin> ill follow you mondo

* Rev chuckles* need to get a bit more wet than just your feet, m'lady...*holds his hands out to help her in* It is really quite nice...

* Mitch pushes his glasses back on and tucks his hands into his pockets. .oO(Christ, if I didn't know better, I'd think she led me on...) He shakes his head, following.

* `Wing` tries for the lock again.. soon just gets frustrated and shakes the cage door trying to et it to come off

* `Ryu sighs, twisting her mouth to the side before hesitantly taking his hands

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and starts off in the direction of the labs

<`Ryu> Aye .. aye..

* Mitch , since no one else is, pushes Shin :P

* Rev encouragingly smiles at her, slowly helping her into the water*

<Shin> .. thanks mitch

<Mitch> "Nandemo dai, Shin."

* `Ryu shifts, sucking in her breath as she gets in, feet touching the bottom quickly due to her height..

<`Ryu> <q> Al'righ .. so far ah'm nae dead..

<Shin> *smiles*

* Rev chuckles softly* just a little deeper...*leads her slowly into deeper water*

<`Wing`> let me out!

<Mitch> "What's TGRI stand for, anyway?"

* `Ryu erghs .. slowly goin' with ... still sucking in her breath..quite hesitant

* Rev goes slow, her pace...*

<Shin> i dont know...i do know one thing though if they are working for the government.... we might have to leave

<Mondo_Gecko> Technoglobal reserch industries

* Mondo_Gecko does not seem to be very chipper

* Diana pats Mondo gently on the shoulder*

<Mitch> .oO(...technoglobal? What's that mean, anyway?)

<Mitch> To Shin. "Why?"

* `Ryu shifts, seeming to be flinching with each inch that rises .. getting up to her wings .. they spread out .. splaying to keep out of the water

<Mondo_Gecko> ::I'm fine::

<Shin> .. the five ofus grardians need to stay nothing more then a legend.. if we were found.. it woudltn take much to make us weapons. its happend in the past though magic... with humanitie's curent technological capabilities it woudlnt tak emuch to turn my peaceful brother into a weapon....nothing at all

<Mitch> "...okay... but we were, y'know, gonna leave with Wing if he was there anyway, right? I didn't think we were gonna stick around for souveniers."

<Shin> .. if the government thought it coudl track oen or tw of us down.. we coudltn risk putting all of you at such a high risk.. wd jsu thave to go...

<Rev> Alright...before we can do much need to relax....just...ah...bounce a little in the water...*demonstrates...*

<Shin> mitch i meen if the gov knwos we exsist we need to leave america.. probably perminantly.. or put you all in dangr

* `Ryu arches a brow

<`Ryu> Bounce..? *looks at him suspiciously*

* Mitch frowns, and would rub his neck if he weren't pushing. "...Christ, if they've got him, either they know or don't already, right?"

<Rev> helps relax you...*looks at her, eyes honest*

<Shin> it is a posability.. they mgiht not knwo about the guardian legends either.. since they stem originaly from china and japan..

<`Ryu> A'right .. *furrows her brow..bounces....wings relaxing a little*

* Rev nods* There you go..

* Mondo_Gecko is oddly quiet as he walks, ppl parting way for him

<`Ryu> This es .. weird

<Shin> .. its strange knowing the eastern world know you only as a bedtiem story

<Mitch> "Worry about it later... let's take it one step at a time. Find Wing. Hell, we don't even know if the Technoglobies got him - this may be a wild goose chase."

<`Ryu> Al'righ .. now wha..?

<`Wing`> i knew this was a bad idea .. wing no baka...

<Shin> if were close enough i migth be able to feel him... without a spell

* Rev moves around behind her* Do you feel how the water slows your fall when you bounce..?

* Mondo_Gecko stops and points...the building close

<Mondo_Gecko> Try

<Shin> *takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, relaxing her mind*

* Diana furrows her brows*

<`Wing`> *blink* get away from here...

<Shin> .. i.. can.... hes there but barely... its all fuzzy like hes on soem kind of drugs...

<Mitch> He shrugs. "Let's just do a wheel-by. It isn't like we have to get inside for it to work, right?"

<`Ryu> Aye .. et's more dense..ah know this..*shifts to look at him over her shoulder*

<Mitch> "Shit. Can you portal him out?"

<Shin> .. he says not to come near

<Shin> right now.. nope... neither he nor i have the power to do that...

<Mitch> "Does he sound like he's, y'know, competent? Or just playing hero?"

* Rev nods* It will hold you up if you trust it...lean back...into my hands and I will support you...

<Shin> .. hes drugged btu.. mostly awake.. hes being my brother... of corse hes beign a hero... but somethign feels very wrong..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> ...come on

* Diana frowns..*

* Mondo_Gecko turns and crosses the street, weaving and darting

* Diana fallows, going all ninja*

<Mitch> .oO(Jesus Christ in a pimped-out Plymouth Horizon. Let's try not to get seriously injured this time, huh?)

* `Ryu whines ... slowly leaning back...

<`Ryu> Ah'm goin' t' die ..

* Mitch rubs his neck, watching them, then just crosses the street, pushing the less-than-unobtrusive Shinmobile.

<Mitch> Muttered, "...hey, I offered to put a machinegun on this thing."

<`Wing`> {{....dont.... dangrous... come.. laer its not safe..}}

* Rev smirks lightly, supporting her with strong, gentle hands* will not...I will not let you...I have you...let your legs relax...float to the surface when they're ready...

<Shin> {{ dina did you pick that up?}}

* `Ryu pinches her eyes shut , slowly letting her legs lift ... wings spreading across the surface...floating

* Mondo_Gecko stalks back and forth at the side of the building in an ally and then spots a grate for heating and starts climbing

* Diana nods* {{Hai...}}

* Rev grins, lessening his support lightly* You can open your eyes, m'lady...

* Mitch pauses at the mouth of the alley, watching Mondo ascend. Looks down at the wheelchair. "Oh HELL iie."

<`Ryu> Ah d'nae want'e...Ah'll sink or panic ef'n Ah do ...

* Rev chuckles softly* I will catch you if you do...

<Shin> go on in without me ican handle myself out here

<Shin> {{were comign oniichan hang in there}}

* `Ryu opens an eye..staring up at the sky

<`Ryu> Egh..

<`Wing`> {{ dont... jsut leave me}}

<`Ryu> Ah'm goin' t'die..

* Diana eyes the building, looks at Mitch* Do you need help up?

<Mitch> "Yeah, right. Now who's being a hero?" He looks up at Diana. "Go on, tomodachi. I'll stay here with Shin."

<Rev> Nae...nae...

* Diana nods and scales the building after Mondo*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(this is all my fault... Wing is in here because of me)

<Shin>.. mnitch i am carrygin a glock 9 about three grenades and a few flashbangs on me

* `Ryu sucks in her breath ...sloly exhaling before opening her eyes..

<`Ryu>' ah'm nae dead yet.

<Mitch> "You're gonna ROLL away from the blast? Shin, you're in a damn wheelchair. Just, just take the help, ne?"

* Mondo_Gecko starts unscrewing the grate with his clawtip

<Shin> *sighs* gomen.. im not used to people giving this much fo a damn

* Mitch leans up against one corner of the alley mouth, watching the street and building surface.

<Rev> See? I am still holding you mostly...just the water...

<Mitch> He glances over, and softens, smiling a little. "Nandemo dai, Shin... and gomen... just... get used to it."

<Shin> .. i try...

* Mondo_Gecko pulls it off and lets it drop to the ground with a clunk and then slips in the grate

<Shin> {{ oniichan are you ok?}}

* `Ryu whines...then nods hesitantly ... floating

<Mitch> .oO(You and me both...)

* Diana follows Mondo*

* Mitch looks up, adjusting his glasses slightly, watching Mondo and Diana breach the perimeter.

<`Wing`> {{ hard to focus... i hate cages... i hate small palces.. pelase i want otu of here its too small i ned out of her please}}

* Rev slowly withdraws his hands* Very good, m'lady...step one...

<Shin> {{ Oioi calm down... breath slowly the walls arnt closing in on you your just fine...}}

* `Ryu blinks...then BLINKS when he removes his hand

<`Ryu> Nae--nae, ah know ahm goin' to sink now..!

* Mondo_Gecko blinks and stops

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Diana?

<Rev> I'm still right here...I will catch you if I see you...

* `Ryu grimaces, looking panicked .. but still float

* Diana, turned to air* {{Hai...?}}

<Rev> are still afloat....

<`Ryu> Ah..*blinks* Aye..but.. still ... ah move an ah'll sink.

* Mitch recons the street, arms folded, hands nervously clenching elbows.

<Mondo_Gecko> :: are you sure you'll be ok? didn't get too hurt last night?::

* Rev nods a bit, slipping his hands back under her back* try kicking your legs a little...

<Diana> {{Hai...I'll be alright}}

* `Ryu cringes ... slowly kicking her feet in a half-assed effort ..

* Rev watches, letting her, just barely supporting her, more for moral support than anything*

* Mondo_Gecko pulls himself to the top of the duct and slips along almost soundlessly

* `Ryu mutters .. her feet not doing well to swim ... keeping her taloned toes clenched

* Mondo_Gecko twists and spirals down with the vent

<Shin> .. so mitch.. whatcha been up to?

* Diana follows*

<Mitch> "Learning all the shit I never picked up... I've kind of, y'know, taught myself how machines work. But there's a lot I didn't find out. Picked up some textbooks from NYU, been studying up..."

<Shin> .. cool

* Mondo_Gecko stops and then starts to unscrew a new vent

<Shin> ... id lvoe to get the chance to study up... but i got a few blocks

<Mitch> "What d'ya mean?"

* it drops*

<Shingami> Shin:.. heh.. i never learned ot read english really well

<Mitch> .oO(Yeah. Notice you're not telling her WHY you're studying up.) .oO(She wouldn't let go if she did. I'm not gonna let her get hurt on my behalf. Hell, on ANYONE'S.)

* Mondo_Gecko shuts his eyes and then slowly opens them.. and peeks out the vent...a small room, lined with cages...several animals are in the cages

<Mitch> "I'm not that hot myself... don't matter, does it? Just keep reading..."

* Diana furrows her brows, looking over Mondo's shoulder*

<Shin> it gets annoying..

<Wing> *kicks at the door of his chage oen alst time before giving up*

* `Ryu twitches ... then blinks ... moving her wings....they push her towards him backwards..

<`Ryu> 'ey ...

<Mitch> "Doushite?"

* Mondo_Gecko leaps down and lands on the ground

<Shingami> its english...

* Rev grins, going with it, kicking his feet to avoid getting run into*

<Shingami> english is the smot confusing language to learn to read or write... and i only know like bible stuff..

* `Ryu blinks .. still swimming, using her wings to propell her ..

<`Ryu> Ah s'pose this works .. aye..?

<Shingami> i never went to school really.

<Rev> Aye...very well, in fact..

<Mitch> "Neither did I... some guy taught me what I know. All the school I ever had was the street."

* Mitch leans his head against the bricks, eyes going a little vague in memory.

* Mondo_Gecko looks around.. several cats are in the room.. in cages.. poorly kept.. A dog.. some rabbits.. and one thin sad lizard

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* oh my god..

* `Ryu shifts, moving her wings in a wide pattern before propelling back again

<Shingami> i learned form nuns.. and from the streets... were a like really

<Mitch> .oO(Been so long since I thought about him...)

<Mitch> His lip twitches as he shakes it off. " mean, except for the bit about getting reincarnated for the last eight hundred years?"

<Shingami> {{ oniichan?..}}

<Wing> {{*q* i want out...}}

* Diana cringes and shakes her head*

<Shingami> i tend not to count that as a serious factor much anymore

* Rev smiles, getting out of her way gracefully* Very nice..

<Shingami> {{ dina can you find him?}}

* `Ryu gets to the shallow end, standing

<`Ryu> Nae tha' bad...Ah s'pose..

* Mitch glances over his shoulder at her. "How much of it do you, y'know, remember?"

* Mondo_Gecko goes to the cage with the sick looking lizard and picks him up, holding it like a child

<Shingami> of my past life.. mslty only remember in my dreams.. fo my life on these stretes...........all of it as it it were still happening

<Mondo_Gecko> ...we get wing out....but we gotta come back for them

* Diana drifts down* {{Hai}} *goes among the cages, gone invisible*

* one skinny black cat arches up and hisses!*

<Mitch> He nods, looking back at the street - and stiffens. "Oh fuck."

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes ::Don't worry...we'll set you free...I promise::

<Shingami> what?

* the black cat cocks its head* ::liessssss::

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and sets the lizard back down and closes the cage

<Mondo_Gecko> come on..

* Mitch backs away from the mouth of the alley. "Prowler. We got five sec-" He turns, desperately looking around for cover.

<Mondo_Gecko> lets start searching the place..

* Shingami manages to fold a shadow over the two of them like it were a blanket

<Rev> Nae...not bad at all...

* `Ryu stretches her wings

* Diana looks to the cat, closing her eyes and tries sensing a direction for Wing*

<`Ryu> Hm...Ah think ah'll wait t' learn more, aye?

* somewhere further in.. lots of fear*

<`Ryu> AH think ah'm a bit .. sore ..

* Mitch 's lower arms snap out and he runs over, hauling her out of the wheelchair with all four arms... he half-falls, half-lunges behind the dumpster, as the squad car tools past...

* Diana follows it...*

* Shingami meeps.. now kinda under him

* it brakes, the little spotlight thingy flicking on and playing over the alley, finding only shadow - and an empty wheelchair, oddly enough*

* Rev hehs and nods* Probably not used to using your wings like that, aye? We can take a dip in the hot tub..

* Mitch holds his breath, tucked in with her and the heavy iron...

<`Ryu> Aye ... ah..s'pose..*nods, making her way out of the pool*

<Mondo_Gecko> ::Diana??::

<Diana> {{Hai..?}}

* the prowler finally moves on, someone behind the wheel shrugging and taking a sip of coffee from a styrofoam cup*

* Shingami freezes under him

* Rev pulls himself out, turning the jets on 'n stuff*

* `Ryu follows, rubbing her upper arms..wings draped over her shoulders

<Shingami> (( wow im close.. smells good... ok dotn tink there yoru on a mission.. and you want to stay this way jsut nto behidn a dumpster.. oh where is a q-tip to shut you up brain when i need it))

* Mitch exhales very slowly... he edges his head around, eyes the mouth of the alley. "...gomen..."

<Shingami> a.. no problem...(( ok stop blushing))

* Rev slips into the water*

* Diana slowly finds her way to Wing....*

<Mondo_Gecko> ::can you sense him or something??::

<Diana> {{Hai...I think I can...}}

* `Ryu watches, slowly getting in...cringing at how hot it is in comparison to the pool

<Mitch> .oO(Okay. Everyone knows death and sex are related or something. Lots of people get turned on by close calls - it's weird like that.) .oO(Sure, Mitch. Just don't limp.) .oO(Bite me.)

* Mitch reaches out and drags the wheelchair over, righting it and helping her back in.

<Rev> Are you alright?

<`Ryu> Ah..aye..ets' jes a bit hot es all..

* Rev nods* Aye..

* Mitch walks away, towards the mouth of the alley, edging an eye out to watch the squad car turn, following its regular beat... he stays there for a minute or two, breathing in the cool night air and letting his, ah, adrenalin subside

<Mondo_Gecko> :: um.. Diana? .......where are you??::

<Diana> {{Ah...heading for Wing...*gives her location* I'm in my air form}}

<Mondo_Gecko> :: ..ok..should I wait for you or try to follow?::

<Diana> {{Ne...probably safer to wait...}}

* Rev closes his eyes, smiling lightly and leaning back into the water*

<Shingami> thanks mitch

<Mondo_Gecko> ::ok::

* `Ryu chuckles, sinking into the water slowly

<`Ryu> AH take et y' like this..aye?

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and goes over to the cats cage and opens it and picks her up, stroking her head*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w*'s ok kitty..

<Mitch> "Daiben okoru..." He glances over his shoulder, lip twitching. "...hey, I wasn't totally useless."

* Rev chuckles softly an opens his eyes* Aye...this is like paradise compared to what I am used to...

<Diana> {{Wing? Can you hear me?}} *glides along the cages*

<Shingami> your never useles.. to me

* `Ryu chuckles

<`Ryu> Aye .. ah s'pose ..

<Wing> {{................d...diana?}}

<Diana> {{Hai...}}

* Rev smiles at her* How are you liking it here?

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and sits down on the floor, petting the cat

* `Ryu shrugs

<Mitch> "Domo, Shin... demo... wish I could do more."

<Mondo_Gecko> ::Where do you wanna go when we get you out?::

<Wing> ....{{ i want out}}

<`Ryu> Nae tha' bad.. jes .. differen't..

<Shingami> (( you do a lot more then you realize)) think we all do

* Rev nods* Aye...very...

<Diana> {{Hai...I know...I'm coming for you...}}

* `Ryu shifts,glancing over

<`Ryu> An ye?

<Mitch> "Yeah..." He looks out at the street again.

<Rev> Well...*shrugs a little and smirks lightly* I...suppose I like it here...very different...*laughs lightly* I feel as if I belong here, strangely...

<cat> :: ..a home...somewhere warm::

<Mondo_Gecko> ::Can I take you to a shelter?::

<Wing> {{ its... small in here want out...please hard ot breath want out}}

<Shingami> yeah

* Cat growls low* :: no...I'll find my home again...just keep your word::

<`Ryu> Aye .. et 'as a magnetic personality this plce does, aye?

<Diana> {{I'm coming as fast as I can, Wing...}}

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and curls his tail around his feet and tries to calm teh cat down by petting it

* Diana gets within sight of the cage (hopefully? <G>)*

<Rev> Aye...that it does...

<Wing> *cage door mangled but you cant see him in there since hes wedged in the corner of his kennel*

* `Ryu sprawls her wings across the concrete, leaning back to look up at the stares

* Diana furrows her brows, looking around for cameras or sensors...*

* Rev blinks, leaning back to look up as well...blinking again, seemingly suprised at somethingg..*

<`Ryu> Hm..?

* `Ryu glanes over at him

<`Ryu> Wha' es et?

* one security camera and a motion sensor, the camera is drilled into the ceiling the sensor is on the wall by teh door*

* Rev chuckles a little, motioning to the sky* Stars...I am..not used to watching them, I suppose...never occured to me that the human world would have them as well...

* `Ryu blinks..

<`Ryu> Oh..? *shrugs* They're brighter ou' of th' city.

* Diana drifts up to behind the camera and sensor...putting an etherial hand on each and trying to fuse the innards together*

* Rev nods* Aye...I would imagine so..

* the light goes off and it makes a ZZZTTTT sound*

* `Ryu chuckles, resting her head on her shoulder...

* Diana solidifies and goes about breaking the lock on the cage*

<`Ryu> Aye ... ah should take ye' t' Eire some time, aye? et's beautiful..

* Rev smiles* I would like that...

* `Ryu chuckles

<`Ryu> AH'd 'ave t' go by boat...ah kinnae hop on a plane..

<Wing> *loks at her*.. you are here

* Rev nods* Aye...*shrugs a little* I do not know how I would handle flying in one of those devices...they look very...unstable.

* Diana nods* Hai...*does she break the lock?**

<`Ryu> Aye...ah prefer flyin' on m' own terms, aye?

* Rev nods* Aye..

* lock go byebye*

* `Ryu chuckles ..

<`Ryu> Ah could take y' flyin, but ah d'nae know how ye'd react..

* Diana pulls the door open and holds a hand out to Wing* I'll turn us both into air...we can return that way...

* Rev grins* Only one way to find out, aye..?

* `Ryu tilts her head to the side

<`Ryu> Ye'd seriously be willin' t' try, aye?

<Wing> *gets out of the cage pulling a few IV lines and such out of his arms and soem lectrodes form his wings* thanks

* Rev nods* Aye...I would be...

* Diana nods* Of course...

* `Ryu chuckles

<`Ryu> Perhaps after ye' dry' wind kin' be cold..

* Rev chuckles* Oh aye...and put on some more clothing...

* `Ryu n ods

<`Ryu> aye..

* `Ryu stretches, slowly standing to get out .. just...wet in general now

* Rev smirks lightly, standing as well* You wish to fly tonight...?

* `Ryu shrugs

<`Ryu> Aye..ef'n ye want

<Wing> .. can we go now?

* Diana nods, taking his hand and turning them both to air...heading back towards Mondo*

* Rev gets out, toweling himself off, nodding*

* `Ryu watches for a moment before quickly heading down the stairs

<`Ryu> Meet me 'ere.

* Rev nods heading downstairs as well, to his room*

* `Ryu goes to her room...changin'...etc

* Rev showers quickly, changing into jeans and a sweater, hair held back in a long braid*

* `Ryu comes out after her own up on the roof...wearing holy jeans and an equally holey and ragged sweater, hair tied back out of her face..

* Rev joins her and stuff*

* `Ryu glances over, smirking a bit

<`Ryu> 'Lo...y'al'righ?

* Rev chuckles softly* Aye...why do you ask?

* `Ryu chuckles, shrugging

<`Ryu> JEs' curious...*stands, stretching her wings*

* Rev chuckles softly* You?

<`Ryu> Well *smirks, heading over* D'nae min' me..

* `Ryu wraps her arms around his chest, spreading her wings* Hol' on t' m' 'ands ef'n need be.

* Rev blinks a little and nods with a soft chuckle* Aye...

* `Ryu flaps up into the air, lifting him and herself up...

* Rev blinks and grins as they're lifted up, resting his hands over hers*

* `Ryu smirks... getting to a good altitude and out of flight paths..just gliding around the city

* Rev looks down at the city, eyes slightly widened with awe*

<`Ryu> Et's bigger then ye' expected, aye? *continues on*

<Rev>: Aye...I have never seen anything like this...and it is all human-made?

<`Ryu> Aye .. *glides over central park*

* Rev blinks and chuckles softly* Strange...that little bit of greenery amongst all this other...

* `Ryu nods, shifting on the wind current to glide over chinatown..

<`Ryu> Aye ... et's a large city..

<Rev> Aye...

* Diana takes Wing to where Mondo is...materializing 'em*

<Wing> ... you of all people shoudlnt be here mondo

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> it's my fault your here..

<Wing> ... we can discuss whos fault it is later... we need to get out of here before.. that thign comes abck

<`Ryu> An'where ye prefer t' go, Rev?

<Mondo_Gecko> ........

<Rev> How long did it take to build this...?

<Mondo_Gecko> what thing?

<Wing> neko

* Rev blinks and hehs* I honestly do not know...

* `Ryu shifts, flapping upward before gliding again..

<Diana> need not worry...come, though...

<Wing> .. it kicked the living shit out of me and it took nothing...

<`Ryu> Ah ... years .. et's been aroun' for centuries .. some of et es still bein' built...*flies towards some areas under construction* A'course...some of et 'as been destroyed too..

<Mondo_Gecko> kicked the living shit out of alot of us..

* Mondo_Gecko stands and goes to the cage and picks up the limp lizard and stuffs him down into his pocket

* Rev furrows his brows* Aye...I...see...what happened?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..lets get outta here..

* Diana nods...*

<Wing> good plan

<`Ryu> A few things..*shifts* Some buildin's burn...some fall .. some detonated .. some well..*flies towards where the WTC used to stand* .. some attacked ..

<Mondo_Gecko> After this is over I'm comming back for the rest of the animals..

* Rev frowns* Oh my...

<Wing> just be careful about it. your who they are after

* Diana nods..*

* `Ryu shifts away from the area, heading towards another ... little italy

<`Ryu> Hm...

* Mitch watches the streeeeet

* Mondo_Gecko starts climbing out again, through the grate and into the ducts

* `Ryu glides around ... blinking and circling a certain area..

<`Ryu> <q> Es tha' Mitch down ther'..?

* Rev blinks and squints, nodding*

* Diana offers to help Wing..*

* `Ryu circles, settling him down on a buliding top kitty corner to where they are ..* <q> N' Shin too, aye? *steps up beside him, brows furrowed*

* Rev nods, furrowing his brows, standing there* <q> Wonnnder what they're doing...

* `Ryu shrugs

<`Ryu> <q> Said some mission when ah asked...d'nae know ..

<Rev> <w> Hmm..

* `Ryu pauses..

<`Ryu> <q> Where are Mondo n' Di..? Ah swear they went with..

* Mondo_Gecko skitters as fast as he can along the vent

<`Wing> they'r on thier way out Mitch... any signs of cops?

* Diana...helps Wing out! <G> along the vent*

<Mitch> "...coast is clear..."

* Mondo_Gecko appears at the edge of the vent again and skitters down the wall and jumps landing beside Mitch

<Mondo_Gecko> heyo

* `Ryu blinks ...

<`Ryu> <q> Nae min'..ther's th' Lizard now..

* Rev blinks and nods*

<Mitch> A little absent-mindedly, still watching. "Glad you made it out okay... how's Wing?"

* Diana helps Wing out...kinda...trying...oh hell...turns 'em both into air again and appears by the others*

<Shin> your alive

<`Wing> relativly speaking

<Mondo_Gecko> He's ok...

<Mondo_Gecko> well..

<Rev> <q> Looks like they're all fine..

* Mitch turns, looking at the others nervously. "We gotta get out of here. Place like this, the cops do fifteen-minute sweeps. The prowler's gonna be back any minute."

<`Ryu> <q> Aye ... *shifts, pointing to Wing* 'O's tha?

* Rev blinks* <q> Ah...I do not know...I don't think I've met him...perhaps Shingami's brother...?

* `Ryu shrugs..

<`Ryu> <q> S'pose ... d'y *pauses, glancing over at a cop car headed down the street* Egh...ah hate police ...

* Rev blinks, furrowing his brows* <q> We should leave then...?

<`Ryu> Ah...*shifts, shrugging* <q> D'nae know .. ah'm guessin' they d'nae wan' t' be seen by th' cops tho..

* Mondo_Gecko is petting his pocket

* Rev nods..* A distraction then?

<`Ryu> <q> Per'aps ... kin'ye nae talk t' yer ma? *taps his temple lightly with her forefinger*

* Rev blinks then grins sheepishly, nodding and sending Diana a message with ze miiiiiind...then hits Pause*

* Mitch also immediately retires, crashing and bleeding off the excess adrenalin and nervous energy into tight, edgy nightmares

* Diana just kinda...flops into a chair....Rev's still with Ryu, wherever...*

* Mondo_Gecko slips up to his room to put the lizard in Tiny's old aquarium

* `Ryu sighs..

<`Ryu> <q> Well, they made et' alrigh'...shall we go back 'ome then, aye?

* Rev nods* <q> Aye...*looks over her a little* Do you feel up to flying? I could just transport us if you wish...

* `Ryu shrugs

<`Ryu> Ah could fly ... *smirks, walking behind him* Ah nae get much chance..

* Rev chuckles softly and nods* Alright...

* `Ryu wraps her arms around him, lifting into the air..getting high enough up to simply glide back to the asylum

* Rev chuckles softly, resting his hands on hers again* I am beginning to wonder, though, if you are not simply using this as an excuse to put your arms around me...

* `Ryu blinkblinks, landing on the roof, taking a moment before removing her hands to walk around in front of him, brow arched

<`Ryu> <q> Even ef'n Ah was, Ah d'nae see complainin, aye? *smirks, almost lookin' cocky*

* Rev sticks his hands in his pockets, watching her, and chuckling softly* <q> And why would I want to complain about it?

* `Ryu shrugs, shifting her hair behind her ears

<`Ryu> Most would ah' guess.

* Rev smiles slightly and shakes his head* Then they are blind, deaf and dumb...

* `Ryu arches a brow, chuckling

<`Ryu> Aye, or dead. *looks sheepish* Eh .. d'nae ask...ets' a long story.

* Rev chuckles, arching a brow lightly* Ah...we have time though, do we not?

* `Ryu shrugs

<`Ryu> Ah--ye 'eard of where ah' worked, aye?

* Rev nods* Aye..

<`Ryu> Et does nae go wi'out drunkards attemptin' t' do several things .. any tha' got far enough ended up ...well .. dead..*shrugs, eyes shifting to the ground*

* Rev nods, brows furrowed, gently squeezing her shoulder* I see...

* `Ryu sighs shakily, lifting her head with a small shrug

<`Ryu> Ets en' th' past, aye?

* Rev nods* Aye...though sometimes, the past can haunt a sometimes helps to talk...

* `Ryu furrows her brows, shrugging..

<`Ryu> Aye ... ah's'pose .. jes ... *stares at the ground...deciding to switch subjects* So, wha's underhill like, aye?

* Rev shrugs a little, going to perch on the ledge* The part I am from...? Dark...violent...cold...

* `Ryu furrows her brow, perching beside him .. looking much like a gargoyle in street clothing

<`Ryu>'thing ye liked of et tho?

* Rev shrugs a little, looking over the city* Not really...nae...only people I had to speak with were greedy fffamily or courtiers...I am still young enough to be punished for not doing what is "proper"..

* `Ryu arches a brow

<`Ryu> Jes' 'ow old are ye? Ye' dinnae look younger than ah am...

* Rev shrugs* 19..

* `Ryu nods..

<`Ryu> Eit'een 'ere.. n' they were tryin' t' get' ye married tha' early off??

* Rev hehs a little and shrugs* Nae...that would have come after...a few things...

* `Ryu arches a brow

<`Ryu> Wha' sorts o' things?

* Rev shrugs a little, glancing at her, then back to the street* Ah...victory in war...the completion of my training...assumtion of the throan...

* `Ryu shifts, looking up at him

<`Ryu> Sounds like y' woulda been busy, aye?

* Rev nods, still gazing down at the street* Aye...

* Mondo_Gecko watches the little lizard lapping up the water and he smiles, cocking his head to the side

<`Ryu> D'ye wan' te' talk of et..?

* Rev shrugs a little* What is there to speak of...? *looks up at her and sighs softly* I have done horrible things...I have lived a lie....

* `Ryu sighs, tilting her head to the side

<`Ryu> Aye, but from what ah've 'eard et's nae yer' fault, aye?

<Rev> Aye...perhaps not...but...I look back and wonder if I could have done any different...if I could have ordered my armies to be a little less cruel...*sighs a little, looking back to the street* ...if I could have been a little less cruel...

* `Ryu shifts...nodding

<`Ryu> Aye .. but there's nae much y'kin do abou' et..*pats his shoulder gently* Et was 'ow ye were raised, aye?

* Rev nods a little* Aye...this is true...*smiles a little at her*

* `Ryu smirks..blinking before pulling her hand behind her back

<`Ryu> Heh..sor'..

* Rev blinks a little* there anything I can do?

* `Ryu blinks .. shrugging

<`Ryu> Ah-nae jes ... *shifts, staring at her feet* nae, ah'm well.

* Rev blinks and furrows his brows, reaching over to gently tip her chin up* Are you sure?

<`Ryu> Ah..*clears her throat* Ye' wan t' get somethin' t' eat?

* `Ryu blinks ...

<HappyLittleMoron> *Rev smiles a bit and nods, withdrawing his hand* Aye..

<`Ryu> Ah--......aye ...

* `Ryu chews her lip ... heading for the stairs

<`Ryu> Well thn', shall we, aye??

<`Ryu> *smiles a bit nervously*

* Rev nods, smirking lightly and sticking his hands in his pockets, following* Aye..

* `Ryu heads down the stairs, idly braiding her hair back in the process

* Rev follows, watching her from behind*

* `Ryu turns, heading into the kitchen after tying the braid back, splunking on tiptoes through the cupboards

* Rev watches her, folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the wall*

* `Ryu pulls out a box of quick fix oatmeal..pausing to glance back at him

<`Ryu> Aye ... ?

* Rev shakes his head* Nothing...*chuckles softly* The kitchen is a dangerouse place for me..

<`Ryu> Oh...? *pulls down some bowls, stirring the stuff up before pushing them into the microwave and sitting on the counter* Es tha' so then?

* Mondo_Gecko slips down the stairs

* Rev nods* Aye...most of the time I'm afraid something will blow up in my face...*pauses and smirks* Especially with all the strange gadgetry people of thsi land are so fond of...

* Diana's sleepin' curled up in a chiar*

* `Ryu chuckles, shaking her head a bit before the microwave beeps, taking the bowls out, stirring the contents before putting them back into the microwave*' jes need t' be taught, Rev..*smriks* ET's nae tha' difficult, luv

* Rev chuckles softly, looking a little doubtfully around the kitchen, grinning a little sheepishly* I...suppose...

* `Ryu pulls out the bowls, handing one ove

<`Ryu> Et's hot...careful. *shrugs* Nae .. at least small things ye' d'nae 'ave t' cook aye?

* Mondo_Gecko smiles, seeing Diana all curled up

* Rev smiles, gingerly taking it* Thank have a point...

* Diana sleepies quietly, looking all sweet and innocent, face relaxed, lips curved in a slight smile*

<`Ryu> Sandwich .. cereal ..*shrugs, spooning some into her mouth before setting the bowl down and fanning her face* ERf..Hot!

* Mondo_Gecko goes and gets a blanket and comes back and tucks it around her gently

* Rev blinks and smiles softly, going about getting a glass of water for her...knowing how to do that much, before going back to carefully eating his own*

* Diana mms lightly in her sleep as he does so*

* `Ryu smirks, thanking him before going about eating the rest

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little, his eyes all shiney and he looks around to see no one is looking

* Mondo_Gecko leans down carefully and plants a kiss on Diana's forehead

* Diana hmms slightly...stirring a lil' bit*

* Rev nods, munching carefully, well mannered, etcetc*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and slips off to the other couch and turns on the tv low and streches out, watching

* `Ryu finishes, washing her dishes off..

* Rev...does much the same...uhm...helping as best he can and stuff...still learning most of this practical stuff...*

* `Ryu helps him out, sitting on the counter when they're done

* Diana mmms a little, shifting lightly, before curling up again*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs almost saddly and puts his head down on his arm

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(for the best.......)

* Rev streatches a little*

* `Ryu glances over..

<`Ryu> Ah .. *pauses .. trails off, staring at her feet*

* Rev blinks a little*...heh?

* `Ryu blinks .. then shrugs..

<`Ryu> Ah .. jes.. nae...

* `Ryu smiles...almost sheepishly

<`Ryu> Jes thinkin' ou' loud, aye?

* Rev chuckles softly* Nothing wrong with that...

<`Ryu> Aye .. true tha' .. *shifts..* Ye like et' 'ere..aye?

* Rev smiles* Aye...

<Rev> I find myself enjoying it more and

* Mondo_Gecko turns upsidedown, watching the tv...really TRYING to take interest in this infomercial

* `Ryu slides off the counter* So ... heh, aye...ah'm sor' ah actually asked tha' 'afore, aye?

* `Ryu fidgets, chewing at her lip

* Rev chuckles and nods a little, quietly watchiing her...*

* `Ryu shifts

<`Ryu> So..! What d'ye wan' t' do?

* Rev shrugs* Ah...spar I suppose...ah....spend time with friends...? *smiles a little sheepishly* You?

* `Ryu blinks, then shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(why am I so edgy...)

<`Ryu> Ah, they both work, aye .. eh..which d'ye wan t'do?

<Rev> Ah...*shrugs a bit* Anything you wish to speak of...?

* `Ryu shifts...shrugging a bit

<`Ryu> abou' jes' a spar, hmm? *grins, almost sheepish*

* Rev grins, nodding a little* Alright...the lady's wish is my command...

* Diana streatches slowly*

* `Ryu nods..heading into the sparring room, pausing to look around

<`Ryu> This place es' huge ... jesu'..

* Mondo_Gecko is twisting out of his shirt as if he's beeing tied up and then starts climbing the walls

* Rev nods, slipping his shirt off...again...* Aye...

* Diana blinks, watching Mondo flying*

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail lashes

* `Ryu watches, pulling her sweater off..standing in her holy (worship them!) jeans and a sports bra, looking up at him

<`Ryu> Weapons or nae..?

* Rev shrugs* Hand to hand would be fine...

* `Ryu nods, shifting, getting into a stance...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( stress...contained..must..break free)

* Rev takes up a stance opposite her* LAdies first...

* Diana sits up, running a hand through her hair, and rubbing her stomach and chest a little*

* `Ryu shifts from foot to foot .. eying him, taking a quick jab out at his jaw..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(it's's been comming back slowly..sneeking up on me...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(fire...burning.....)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(and I'm so much like paper.. combustable..)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(burned up to ashes by my own fire)

* Rev dodges to the side, kicking at her ankles*

* `Ryu erfs, getting her feet kicked from beneath her and landing on he ass

* Rev blinks and moves to pin her*

<`Ryu> ERf! *blinkblinks* Ah--nae! *tries to get to her feet before he can pin her*

* Rev chuckles and rolls to his feet, just barely missin' her*

* `Ryu gets up, spinning to send a kick to his knees

* Rev erks and dodges again, trying to grab her foot*

* `Ryu blinks .. her foot gettin' caught...

<`Ryu> Ey'..

<`Ryu> Wh' rules are we goin' by 'ere an'way?? *blinks*

<HappyLittleMoron> *Rev shrugs* Whatever works...

<`Ryu> So...ah'm guessin' ye'r nae goin' t' give m' foot back, aye?

<Rev> How badly do you want it back?

<`Ryu> Ah ... well .. ah'd um..ah kinnae spar w'out et..

* Rev pauses, then smirks lightly, letting go* True...

* Daibhead walks out of his room yawning and streaching out his wings

* `Ryu smirks, stepping back and fanning her wings, tail scraping the mat before she runs at him, aiming to jab his middle whilst faking for his jaw

* Mondo_Gecko twists and lands down on the ground

* Rev oofs! getting nailed in the gut while trying to avoid the jaw-strike, but reaching out to toss her over him as he falls back*

* `Ryu erfs, snapping her wings out and flapping, turning to look down at him...kinda..floating above him..

* Daibhead heads to the kitchen and begins to cook a large stew

* Diana gets to her feet*

<`Ryu> Ye...missed.

* `Ryu grins

<`Ryu> Now..ah'm supposed t'..OH! *lands on him, aiming to pin him down*

* Rev blinks up at her, getting to his feet and rubbing his stomach* Aye, but you did not...

<Rev> ERK! *rolls with her*

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<`Ryu> Erf!

* Mondo_Gecko shivers...suddenly realizing how vulnerable he is...half naked and crouching low..

* Rev grins down at her, trying to pin her*

<`Ryu> Erk...! *gets pinned, blinking* Ah've ...NAE e'er..*stares, baffled*

* Diana blinks and looks back to Mondo* ...

<Diana> Hai?

<Mondo_Gecko> ummmmmmmmmmm

* Rev grins, then ahems a little and gets off of her*

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm not crazy

* `Ryu erfs, arching her back to straighten her wings before getting up, dusting off..

<Mondo_Gecko> I promise

<`Ryu> Aye...ah s'pose ye' think ye' win, aye?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...I always say the most intelligent thing possible)

<Diana> Oh hai...sure you are...we are all a little nuts here...*winks and ruffles his hair before sauntering off into the kitchen to make stir-fry*

* Daibhead looks over at diana "hello"

* Rev shrugs a little, grinning a bit sheepishly* Ah...perhaps...though you got in a solid blow...

* Mondo_Gecko arches a brow and watches her go

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

* Diana blinks and looks at Daibhead, smiling a bit*'ve you been?

<Daibhead> usual

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ok..I practically ATTACK my shirt... I scale the wall and freak out and fall and she's like ...dismissing this?)

<Daibhead> crampt

* Diana nods a little* Ahh..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ....and I am questioning this why??)

* `Ryu n ods

<`Ryu>'er sparred like this 'afore too ... *stretches her arms out, falling back into position..* Again.

* Rev nods a bit, taking up a stance in return*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and goes and pulls on his shirt.. exhuasted..but restless

* `Ryu goes about jabbing at his jaw again ... starting the same way as before

<Daibhead> ... why can't they make dragon proof homes

* Rev ducks to the side, striking in return at her side*

* Diana blinks* Ne...I don't know..

* `Ryu snatches his foot, smirking

* Rev grins at her, allows himself to fall to the mat as he entraps her hand with his other foot, twisting his body to try bringing her down*

<`Ryu> ERF! *practically flips, landing on her back* th'..*stares at the ceiling, trying to figure out how he did that*

<Mondo> how was I peeing through it...wait...I don't think I wanna answer)

* Rev goes about pinning her again*

<`Ryu> ERk--*tries to flip him over .. not very good but does put in good effort*

* Rev grins down at her, repositioning her legs a little* Now try.

* `Ryu blinks ... brows arching before trying again

* Rev goes flying, lands on his hands and flips to his feet*

* `Ryu blinks, slowly getting up

<`Ryu>'were s'posed to fall flat on yer ass so AH could pin ye.

* Rev chuckles* Where's the fun in that?

* Mondo_Gecko wanders into the kitchen and turns on the tap and splashes his face with icy water

<`Ryu> Who said et' had t' be fun?? *blinks, looking innocent before trying to kick his feet from under him*

* Rev erks and kinda hops away*

* Diana blinks a little, makin' her stirfry*

<`Ryu> Ergh...! *tries again* Quit hoppin' y' frog!

* Mondo_Gecko gulps down cool water and then dries his face on his shirt, sighing

<Mondo_Gecko> *sniff*

<Mondo_Gecko> *sniff..sniffsniff*

<Mondo_Gecko> *SNIFFFF*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...fewd!?

* Rev blinks and does it again, grinning* Ahh...I am a frog now? Don't the tales say I need to be kissed by a princess, now?

* Diana laughs* Hai...

* `Ryu laughs, still kickin' at his ankles..bound determined to get him to falter..* Aye, but good luck findin' one, aye?

* Mondo_Gecko grins as the "heat-wave" rolls away with the prospect of food

* Daibhead rolls eyes letting his stew boil

* Rev chuckles* I believe one is closer than you may believe..

<Mondo_Gecko> any extra?

<`Ryu> Hah! *is still kicking out, occasionally snapping her tail out to trip him* Righ', an' where es this supposed princess??

<Daibhead> sure

<Rev> Right in front of...EERK *gets tripped up by the tail*

<`Ryu> HAH! *tackles to pin him*

* Rev blinks, looking up attt her and chuckling*

<`Ryu> Does this mean ah win??

* Daibhead gets a large plate, and places large scoops on it then offers it to mond "enjoy"

<Mondo_Gecko> thanks!

<HappyLittleMoron> Rev: Hmmm...loooks like it...aye...

* `Ryu quirks a brow* Yer' nae jes' lettin me win, aye?

* Rev shakes his head* Nae...

<`Ryu> Uh huh...*eyes him speculatively* Now, ye' were mid talkin' when I tripped ye..finish a'fore ah decide t' let ye up..

* Mondo_Gecko goes over to the table and sits down and starts to eat

<Rev> I was saying..."Right in front of me.."

* `Ryu blinks ..

<`Ryu> Ah .. heh! Nae, ah'm far from et..*slowly stands, offering her hand*

* Rev chuckles and takes her hand, standing* Ahh...'tis in the eye of the beholder, m'lady...

* `Ryu blinks .. kinda staring at him bewilderedly .. cheeks red but it's hard to tell whether it's from the workout or from his compliments .. either way they stand out brightly on pure white skin

<`Ryu> Ah...heh..ah' s'pose ..heh, ah should probably change too..aye?

* Rev smiles lightly and bows* Aye...

* Daibhead lets it boil, its ready to eat but tastes so much better when left boiling

* `Ryu blinks

<`Ryu> Now... why are ye' bowin??

* Rev shrugs, picking up his shirt* Habit?

* Mondo_Gecko eats rather fast, forgetting how hungry he really is

<`Ryu> Aye .. ah s'pose that's liable .. *smirks, tugging her holy sweater on..

* Rev chuckles softly, watching her*

* Daibhead looks over at mondo

* `Ryu shifts, smirking a bit, heading out of the sparring room to wave at Daibhead, Mondo n' Diana before heading up the stairs, wings folded over her shoulder

<Mondo_Gecko> Night!

* Mondo_Gecko finnishes with his stew and urrrrrrrps

* Diana wavels back, Rev following a little bit after*

<Mondo_Gecko> I wish I was drunk

* `Ryu pauses at her room, digging around for her key ..

* Diana blinks* Hm?

<Mondo_Gecko> ohh

<Mondo_Gecko> just wishing I was drunk

<Mondo_Gecko> I miss not being responsible for where I'm puking

<Diana> Ahh...heh...*chuckles*

* `Ryu furrows her brow, digging through her pockets..

<Daibhead> fridge *points*

* Rev blinks* M'lady...?

* Mondo_Gecko salutes and gets up and goes to the fridge grabbing a beer

* `Ryu looks up, nodding to him before searching herself over again

<`Ryu> Aye...?

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm

<Rev> you need help with something...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...where's all the fancy alcohol?

<`Ryu> Ah .. um ... *furrows her brow, trying the door to her room .. it's locked* Ah seem to 'ave misplace m' key ..

* Rev furrows his brow* Ah...uhm...*looks around on the floor* Perhaps it fell in the sparring room...?

* `Ryu shakes her head

<`Ryu> Nae ... ah woulda see et..*sighs shakily* <q> Great .

<Mondo_Gecko> that's it...

* Mondo_Gecko goes to the fridge and starts slicing limes and gets the salt

<Rev> *frowns* Ah...mother and HLM must have a spare between them...

* `Ryu rests her brow against her door .. looking up at him

<`Ryu> Ah .. nae .. Ah'll jes ... allway es nae tha bad..

<Rev> can stay with me if you wish...

* `Ryu blinks, brows furrowing

<`Ryu> Ah d'nae wan' t' intrude ..*chews on her lip*

* Rev shakes his head, opening his door* would not be intruding...

* `Ryu furrows her brow, heading that way slowly before giving her door a glare..

<`Ryu> <q> Ye're sure then....?

* Rev nods, holding his door for her* Aye...

* `Ryu chews her lip, heading inside, hands tucked behind her back

<`Ryu> <q> Thank ye ..

* Mondo_Gecko looks at Diana and Daibh

<Mondo_Gecko> ...margeritas?

* Rev nods, following her in and closing the door behind them...the room kinda bare, but very neat* <q> It is not a can have the bed if you wish...

* `Ryu blinkblinks, looking around

<`Ryu> Ah...but where would ye' sleep..??

* Rev smiles softly* I knoww how to sent a bed up for myself on the floor...worry not...

* Diana shakes her head* Iie...domo...

* `Ryu furrows her brow, tossing her sweater to the side ..* Ah could sleep on th' floor y'know, aye?

* Rev shakes his head* Nae...I insist...

* `Ryu furrows her brow, looking around..

* `Ryu sighs shakily, sitting on the bed

<`Ryu> D'ye need an'thing at all tho??

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

* Mondo_Gecko goes about making himself a margerita and sits down sipping it and sucking on the salted limes

* Rev goes about making himself a nest type thing from spare blankets 'n such, shaking his head* Nae...*looks up at her and smiles* Thank you...

* `Ryu sighs shakily, sliding into the bed...watching him worriedly...

* Rev curls into his nest with a streatch*

<`Ryu> <q> Ye're..absolutely pos'tive...?

* Mondo_Gecko starts singing Lime in the Coconut

* Rev looks up at her and hehs lightly, cheeks pinkening slightly* <q> Unless you wish to share..

* `Ryu blinkblinks .. half tempted to just pull the covers over her head...but doesnt'* Well .. et es yer' bed...

* Rev shrugs* Aye...but I don't want to make you any more uncomfortabl...

* `Ryu furrows her brows...

<`Ryu> <q> You would nae..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I miss people.. why can't I ever find a nice wholesome groupe of ppl to play strip poker with)

* `Ryu scoots over

* Rev blinks a little and stands, heading over to the bed and sitting by her* <q> Are you sure..?

<`Ryu> A'sides et's got to be more comfortable than th' nest ye've got ther'..

* `Ryu nods, watching him quietly* Aye.

* Mondo_Gecko finnishes his third margerita after a time...rather out of it and starting on tequila

* Rev nods a little and shifts down* <q> Alright...

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

* `Ryu scoots over for him, stretching her wings so they don't hit th' wall

<Mondo_Gecko> hello??

<Mondo_Gecko> do we have any worms??

<Mondo_Gecko> *hic*

<Mondo_Gecko> s'ya can't have tequila with out..

* Diana blinks...*

* Mondo_Gecko comes stumbling back into the kitcheb

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey Diana..

* Rev slips down, curling into the covers and hehing a little*

<Mondo_Gecko> we have any of'em toes..

<Diana> Hai..? *blinks* ...toes?

<Mondo_Gecko> cauze I seen toes go in tequila

<Mondo_Gecko> was one some ...gross show//

* Diana blinks* ...uh...olives?

<Mondo_Gecko> no hehe

<Mondo_Gecko> toes

* `Ryu watches him quietly before resting her head on his shoulder* <q> G'nigh..

<Mondo_Gecko> I have toes but I wanna keep mine

<Mondo_Gecko> Silly Diana!

* Diana blinks a little...*

* Rev pauses before folding his arms around her* <q> Sleep well...

* `Ryu blinks ... then nods, settling her wing over him ..* <q> Aye...*drifts to sleep*

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm..

<Mondo_Gecko> I guess if I squit an olive could look like a toe

* Rev smiles softly, drifting himself*

<Mondo_Gecko> but more like a beetle than a worm..

<Mondo_Gecko> and that's just gross

* `Ryu falls asleep..

* Diana ...blinks...* AAh...all right...

* Mondo_Gecko arches a brow

<Mondo_Gecko> ..yur real purdy

* Diana blinks and chuckles* Ah...thank you...

<Mondo_Gecko> man..I needa fin'a good party

<Diana> Heh...I think it would be best if you stayed riiiight here...

<Mondo_Gecko> whyyyyyy! ..the nights *hic* young

<Diana> And yoooou're drunk..

* Mondo_Gecko laughs!

<Mondo_Gecko> your bein silly! You thin' I dunno how'da handle my alche-hol?

* Diana chuckles softly* Just do it for me, heh? be safe and stay here...

* Mondo_Gecko 's eyes go all shiney

<Mondo_Gecko> awww! you care about me!

* Diana nods* Hai...that I do...

* Mondo_Gecko HUGS

* Diana blinks and hugs back, chucklinng*

* Mondo_Gecko sniffs

<Mondo_Gecko> and yer hair smells nice too..

<Diana> need rest...*blinks and hehs* Domo...

<Mondo_Gecko> aww..

<Mondo_Gecko> now I'll never get my toe

* Mondo_Gecko rubs his eye

<Diana> Ne...there's always next time...*guides him up the stairs, to his room...*

* Mondo_Gecko stumbles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> yea... another day..another *hic* toe

* Diana chuckles andd nods* HAi..

* Mondo_Gecko climbs the stairs

* Diana helps him 'n stuff*

<Mondo_Gecko> d'ja see my lizard?

* Diana blinks and nods* ...hai...

<Mondo_Gecko> I need a name for him..

<Diana> Ne...we can think of one in the morning...

<Mondo_Gecko> ....yea

* Mondo_Gecko stumbles into his room

<Mondo_Gecko> I gotta go

* Diana chuckles softly* take care, Mondo..

<Mondo_Gecko> yep!

<Mondo_Gecko> ..byebye purdy lady

<Mondo_Gecko> don't go changin..

* Diana chuckles softly* Sleep well...*smirks a little* I'll try not to...

* Mondo_Gecko stumbles into his bathroom

* Diana heads up to her room to zonnnnnnk*

Session Close: Sat Mar 30 03:29:25 2002

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