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Session Start: Wed Mar 27 12:23:31 2002

* HappyLittleMoron Diana conducting a lesson with Brenna and Iris

* Mitch is in there too, but is basically staying out of the way; he can learn Japanese with them, but not aikido

* HappyLittleMoron smirks...

* Mitch a little half-heartedly traces a breakdown of a complex hydraulic pump with one hand, his eyes continually drawn back to the central mats.

* HappyLittleMoron looks over at Mitch* How ya doin'?

<Mitch> "Huh?" He blinks, looking away from the action. "Oh... okay, I guess."

<Mitch> "You?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Okies...

<Mitch> "Kids aren't giving you too much trouble?" *glancing down at her stomach to show the ones he's referring to*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little, leaning back* Not long as I take it really...really easy...

<Mitch> He nods, rubbing his neck and hesitating a little. "What's it like?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...being pregnant...?

<Mitch> "Yeah..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...*smirks a little, folding her hands over her belly* It's...kinda scary actually...

<Mitch> .oO(Well, I'm curious about, y'know, the wings too. But let's take it one thing at a time.)

<HappyLittleMoron> I lost a baby about three years I'm trying to be very careful with these two...

<Mitch> He nods slowly, glancing over to where Brenna's looking all kawaii and shit.

* HappyLittleMoron hehs...following his gaze*' Technically...she should still be in me...I don't remember if you know the story...

<Mitch> Looking back. "It has something to do with Tiernan-past-tense, right?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep..

<Mitch> That being about as far as he'd gotten, he shakes his head. "If you wanna talk about it, I mean..."

<HappyLittleMoron> It's ok...*shrugs and leans back, watching Brenna and Iris* I was about two months along when Teirnan took Klork and I...he'd set this nasty little monster thing on Klork...beat him up pretty badly...while that was happening, he did a spell to transfer Brenna from my belly into that of another woman's...he sped time up for Brenna...we were able to go back a few days later our time...and got her back...Klork, Diana, Devnet, Keelin, Shingami, a woman named Allana, who died in battle, and I did...

<Mitch> "In Underhill?"

* HappyLittleMoron nods

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep...

* HappyLittleMoron pauses...* Oh...heh...Kernunose and Myrae were there too...

<Mitch> He just shakes his head. "Why? I mean, I know why you all, y'know, went in after her. But why'd he do it?"

<HappyLittleMoron> He wanted power...heh...guess I'm part elf...he was drawn to me...he was gonna take all three...then probably kill us if the cavelry hadn't arrived...

<Mitch> "Christ... at least he won't be pulling that shit anymore..."

<HappyLittleMoron> No kidding...*shakes her head*

<HappyLittleMoron> Really glad he's gone...

<Mitch> "The other two are doing okay?"

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* They seem to be...tthey're growing well...moving a lot...

<Mitch> "Diana said you've got a doctor in Japan for this sort of thing?"

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep...Dr. Fuji...Klork's mom owns a hospital out there...

* Mitch hehs and leans back, rubbing his neck. "Never had a doctor. Been my own all along." He looks down at his lower arms, and folds them across the now-closed textbook, not really feeling the need to make the point any clearer.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little and hehs, reaching out to gently pat his shoulder* 'Sokay...only time I've ever had a doc was when I was pregnant...

<Mitch> A small chuckle. "Mind if I borrow yours if, y'know, I get knocked up?"

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Not at all...Though I'd think I'd be more worried if you got knocked up...

* Mitch laughs... then a little abruptly sobers, leaning his head back against the steel of the, uh, unidentified workout machine. "Mrs. Happy... I'm sorry about last night. I was just trying to tease Klork a little. I wasn't serious."

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a lil, rubbing her belly lightly*'s ok...heh...was a rough day yesterday...*rubs her eyes a lil'*

<Mitch> "Yeah..." He looks away. "He dead?"

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes fall to the mat* <q> Heh..yeah..

* Mitch nods, watching Brenna and Iris, almost as if they're a factor in some thought in his head... okay, so that wasn't very subtle

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little and pushes herself up* <q> 'Scuse me...*heads into the kitchen*

<Mitch> "Sure." He glances over, watching her as she leaves... .oO(Shit. Am I supposed to follow?)

* Mitch looks down at the textbook. .oO(Where's the instructions on THAT sort of thing?)

* HappyLittleMoron starts makin' s'ketti

* Mitch finally pulls himself up and out of the UWM (Unidentified Workout Machine), walking over to the kitchen... he leans against the wall, head and a pair of arms visible from the entrance. " okay, Mrs. Happy?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...heh...just been a while since I've done anything like that...not...really something I like thinking about much....

<Mitch> .oO(Go on. You got this far, you can do the rest.) .oO(I am NEVER gonna get used to this.) .oO(Quit whining and make with the yenta, schmuck.)

* Mitch walks in and a little tentatively gives her a hug. "You've got a family to protect. It's okay."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and grins lightly hugging him back, resting her head lightly on his shoulder* <w> Thanks...

* Mitch looks over her shoulder, between her wings, at the ingredients she's assembling, and erks. "Uh... Mrs. Happy?"

<Mitch> "I... well, I really shouldn't, y'know, ask this I guess, but, umm, could you make something else? Diana promised she'd make me spaghetti along the line, and I don't wanna, y'know..." *embarassed as all hell and fumbling for words*

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...sure...*smirks, rubbing her lower back a lil'* Heh...anything in particular you want?

<Mitch> "Hell, I don't know. I'm SO not a picky eater."

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Uuuuhhhhmmmmm...could always get a pizza goin'...

<Mitch> "I'd offer to help, but, well, a long time ago I developed the magic power to turn perfectly edible food into charred lumps. Never got around to figuring out how to control it, though."

<Mitch> "Pizza is good."

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* a frozen one...nice 'n easy...*takes one outa the freezer...goes about preparing it*

* Mitch helps in the safest way possible, by putting away the extraneous stuff she'd gotten out

<Mitch> "You know where the nearest liquor store is?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh...think there's one about a block away...why?

<Mitch> "I'm gonna-" *grunts as he pulls himself up a little to put something on the hiiigh shelf* "-get Bill a case of lager. He did save our lives, I guess. Even if he's an ornery son of a bitch."

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...*smirks* Yeah...he's a rough one...but still a good guy...

<Bill> *up on a building, one leg dangling over the side, idly looking through binoculars* "Ahh, c'mon, kid. Leave mum out of this."

<Mitch> He sighs, turning around and hoisting himself up onto the counter, having a seat. "Yeah, I guess. He seems it. He just keeps... I dunno. He's made me a hobby or something."

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a lil'* He likes ya, heh?

<Mitch> "He likes annoying me, I know that."

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Mitch hitches one leg up and rubs it a little absent-mindedly, camping the pizza. "But he busted his balls for us, so I'm gonna get him booze. I think he'd like that."

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Deffinatly...heh...if he needs anything down here, he knows he's welcome to join us...

* HappyLittleMoron takes the pizza out once it's down...cuts it up 'n stuff

* Mitch thumps to the floor, pokes his head out of the kitchen... hesitates... gets a plate and snags some pizza for himself, THEN pokes his head out again and yells, "Pizza!"

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, snagging some for herself, Brenna and Iris...Diana and the two girls coming from the workout room to eat...

<Mitch> "Konichi- wait, no. Konbanwa, ladies. How was the workout?"

* Diana chuckles softly* It went well...

* Mitch smiles at Diana, watching Brenna 'n' Iris, solemnly waiting for their interpretations.

* Brenna munchies then smiles and nods* Was fun!

* Iris smiles sweetly and nods*

* Mitch swallows his own. "What'd you learn today?"

<Iris> We learned shoulder locks!

<Mitch> .oO(Huh?)

* Mitch just takes the easy way out and smiles-and-nods-encouragingly, stuffing his face.

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a lil' as she munches

<Mitch> "-mrph. Tomodachi, you're done with the gym?"

* Diana nods* Hai...unless you wanted a lesson

<Mitch> "Eh, I'm still workin' on the last one. Domo arigato though - maybe later..."

* Diana chuckles softly and nods* Hai..

* Mitch finishes up the pizza, licking his fingers unselfconsciously as he grabs another slice and starts washing up the rather limited dishes created.

* HappyLittleMoron hehs a little and streatches

<Mitch> Over his shoulder. "Hey, Diana... is that other book I got you any good? Or was the Pratchett guy a one-hit wonder?"

<Diana> It's wonderful...*smiles* He's a great author..

<Mitch> "Really? Maybe I should give it a shot." .oO(Like you have time for that?) .oO(If you've got time for pizza, you've got time for Pratchett.)

* Diana nods* Hai...I think you'd really like him...

<Mitch> "Can I borrow the one you're done with along the line?"

* Diana nods* Hai...I can get it for you now, in fact...

<Mitch> "Okay... domo..."

* Diana smiles, done with her food and dissapears upstairs*

* Mitch finishes up his second slice and dunks the greasy hands in the dishwater, toweling off all four hands as the sink drains out.

* Diana comes back shortly, wearing a pair of nicely fitting jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt, carrying the book with her*

* Mitch admires the nice fit for just a moment before flicking off his glasses, suppressing the blush with a skill newly born of spending enough time around pregnant females as he rubs the steam from the sink off the lenses. "Domo arigato, tomodachi..."

* Diana blinks and nods, smiling lightly* Hai, Mitch..

* Mitch pushes the glasses on again and snags the book, looking at its thickness a little dubiously. .oO(Hell, she liked it...)

* Diana smiles and runs a hand through her hair* careful, you won't be able to put it down..

* Mitch chuckles. "Okay... I'm gonna get my practice in FIRST, then..."

* Diana chuckles softly and nods* Hai...probbably a good idea...

<Mitch> To everyone present. "See you 'round..." *bows, and heads out, towards the training room*

<HappyLittleMoron> Have fun

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, you've gotta get used to it. She's not a nun.)

* Mitch tosses the Pratchett on top of his discarded textbook, and glances around... he pushes his glasses up tighter on his nose, and approaches the heavy bag.

* Diana streatches, going up on her toes before curling into a chair*

* Mitch does another check to make sure no one's around, before setting his shoulder up against it and grunting as he starts pushing it up at an angle... "-damn this is heavy-"

* Mitch finally shoves it off to one side, getting a decent swing going with a few helpful pushes... he takes a breath and steps into its path as it hits the upshot.

<Mitch> .oO(Practical experience... ohshithereitcomes)

<Mitch> *THWUMP as the bag, heavier than he is, knocks him off his feet - and he falls the way Diana taught him*

<Mitch> *gets up, gives the bag a few pushes to keep it going, repeats until sore - that oughta take a good fifteen-twenty minutes*

* Mitch returns and stuff

* HappyLittleMoron sprawls on the couch now, Brenna curled close

* Mitch , by now thoroughly confuzzled and exhausted by multiple concussive traumas, grabs his textbook and the Pratchett and heads upstairs, panting slightly and wiping his face off on the front of his shirt.

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow, shrugs a little and goes back to reading with Brenan

* Mitch takes a looong shower

* Diana lies on a chair, sprawled all cat-like...*

* Mitch makes it out of the shower and dries off... still toweling off, he walks back into his room and picks up the Pratchett, flipping to the first page a little dubiously.

* Mitch eventually heads downstairs for a beer - thankfully clothed, hair still damp, book still open even as he comes down the steps

* Diana looks up and chuckles softly*

* Mitch doesn't even notice, getting the beer out and open on automatic, taking a sip as he plunks into the easy chair, eyes never leaving the page

<Diana> .oO(Toooold ya!)

* Mitch sniggers every once in a while, obviously not a fast reader but steadily boring into the book

* Diana smirks softly, HLM and Brenna nodding off together*

* Mitch blinks, goes back a few sentences, and slowly reads it again - then laughs aloud

* Diana chuckles softly*

* Mitch glances up, temporarily distracted, and chuckles a little embarassedly. "Gomen..."

* Diana shakes her head* Iie...told you it's a good book...odn't worry aout it

<Mitch> "It really is... Christ, I've gotta get you more of these so I can steal 'em!" *grins*

* Diana laughs!* Ne...we can share..

<Mitch> "I'd like that. That other one, Soul something-or-other, it's just as good?"

* Diana nods* Hai..

* Mitch flips open the front cover, and his eyes boggle at the list of books in the series. "-okay, we're gonna share 'em one at a time. Otherwise, y'know, we'll never get anything done."

* Diana laughs* Hai...of coures...

* Mitch grins and buries his face in the book again (figuratively)

* Mitch reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaads

* HappyLittleMoron sleeeepies

* HappyLittleMoron nuzzles Brenna close as they doze

* Mitch reads, muffling occasional fits of sniggering

* Diana's back in the workout room, sparring with Rev*

* FWL_MeRc merc walks out of his room still limping

* FWL_MeRc glares coldly around limping trough the sitting room past the gym and into the kitchen

* Mitch doesn't even notice - he's just had his Pratchett cherry popped

* HappyLittleMoron 's characters are either sleepin' or sparrin'...

* Klork pushes the front door open

* HappyLittleMoron hmms a little, still mostly asleep...

* Klork galnces around, then sneaks by .. toting three boxes of pizza..

* Brenna blinkblinks and yawns, sitting up from being curled up under her mom's wing*

* Klork inches by .

* Brenna rubs her eyes* Daddie...?

<Klork> <w> D'oh..

* Klork smirks, waving

<Klork> <q> Hee..hi hon! *holds up a finger to his lips* Shhhh...

* Brenna nodsnods and carefully slips from her mom's grip, toddling over to Klork*

* Klork sets the boxes of pizza down on the table before picking her up

<Klork> <q> Hey beautiful..!

* Brenna puts her arms around his nick and purrs...* <w> Hihi...

* Klork chuckles, ruffling her hair a bit before sitting* <q> Hungry?

<Brenna> <w> A lil'...

* Klork opens the box of pizza .. it's pepperoni n' cheese* <q> Smell good..? How's about this and a glass of milk?

* Brenna purrs and nods, eyes gone wide, lil' grin on her face*

* Klork chuckles, putting her up on his shoulders as he dishes up a slice for her, getting a big glass of milk as well

* Brenna purrrrrs*

* Klork sets Brenna down on her chair, putting the stuff before her .. a straw in the milk

<Klork> Ther' ya go, squirt..*smirks, snagging a small piece of pepperoni before sneaking over to HLM*

<Brenna> Thannk you, daddie...*nibbles and sips her millllk*

* Klork dangles the pepperoni in front of HLM's nose...

* HappyLittleMoron mms a little, eyes blinking open, then BLINKING and flinching back at the proximity of the food* Ack..!

<Klork> Heeehehee..hungry? I got hawaiian, pepperoni, and meat supreme stuffed pizzas ..

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and ooooohhhhhhhhhs....* Hawaiian...sure...I am eating for three...*winks and sits up, streatching, then blinking* When'd you come home, love?

* Mitch is SO engrossed in the book, hunched over and snickering at irregular intervals

* Klork stuffs the pepperoni into his mouth

<Klork> A few minutes ago..Bren's eatin' a slice right now..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and slowly gets to her feet

* Klork flicks a piece of pepperoni at Mitch

* HappyLittleMoron kisses Klork's cheek before heading into the kitchen

* Klork purrs, going over to serve himself up some pizza

* HappyLittleMoron serves herself some Hawaiian, her belly purring softly

* Mitch reeeeeaaaaaads

* `Ryu sits on the ledge of the roof, stretching her wings out now and then as she watches the city

* Rev comes out of the workout room, carrying a protesting Diana over his shoulder* I do believe I have gotten the best of my mother. I is it?

<Diana> Ne...Revelyn! Put me down!

<Rev> Nae...I'm savoring the breif victory. *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron snickers as she munches

* Diana mutters and starts snapping comments in Elvish at Rev...he simply snickers and sets her down, acking and laughing when she punches his shoulder before she heads back into the workout room*

* Mitch finally glances up as the scent of fooood makes it past his defenses

* Mitch folds open the book on an arm of the chair and heads into the kitchen... "Hi, Klork... we have you to thank?"

* Klork glances up, mid-mouthful

<Klork> foodages again..

* Klork sips at his milk, occasionally leanin' over to wipe Brenna's mouth of ...missed products

<Mitch> "Domo arigato..." He erks at the hawaiian and heads for the pepperoni, nabbing a pair of slices.

<Klork> Hai.

* Klork munches

* Brenna purrrrrrrrrs as she munches...Rev stays to keep them company for a little bit before slipping his shirt back on and heading up to the roof*

* `Ryu watches the sun settle, looking around for any helicopters before hopping up into the air, letting the wind catch into her wings as she flaps upwards..

* Rev changes into his swimming trunks when he ducks by his room, then emerges onto the roof, blinking a little when he sees Ryu in the air..*

* Mitch rubs his neck, listening to the purr a little bemusedly as he munches on a slice, before walking out... he glances over, heading towards the exercise room as he bolts down the rest.

* `Ryu circles the roof, just catching the breeze and stretching her wings out

* Rev smirks a little, setting his towel aside and diving into the (cleaned) pool*

* Klork continues to munch, purring idly

* HappyLittleMoron and Brenna munch Rev swims 'n stuff

<Mitch> "Shimatta, tomodachi... making up for lost time?" *leaning on the entrance to the gym*

* Diana blinks and looks back at him, in the middle of a kata, chucking softly, in her jeans and a sports bra* Hai...I figure now is as good a time as any...

* Mitch gestures for her to keep going, not wanting to interrupt... he scoffs the rest of the pizza, wiping his hands on his pants a little absent-mindedly as he watches.

* Diana chuckles softly and continues on with her kata, working with the bo*

* Mitch appreciates, though his controller won't indulge in adjectives because the character is trying to be polite and objective }:D

* `Ryu slowly flaps down to the ledge of the roof, perching again ... her wings tucked behind her like a gargoyles

* Rev continues swimming, powerful strokes, bandage off his shoulder, the wound there, but y'know...healing well 'n stuff*

* Mitch pulls off his glasses and toys with them, watching the blurry afterimages as Diana's aura shifts through the kata. .oO(That's just beautiful...)

* Diana's aura shows her concentration, flowing like water from one color into the next, eternally shifting even as her muscles contract and relax in time to her movements...almost like she's dancing*

* `Ryu shifts, glancing over her shoulder back at Rev momentarily before pushing off the roof, flapping to hover over the pool..following him slowly

<Mitch> .oO(Beautiful.)

* Rev comes to a stop after a few laps and looks up at her, arching a brow and waving*

* `Ryu waves, kinda sitting cross-legged .. legs flapping idly until she decides to land, crouching at the edge of the pool

<`Ryu> You .. enjoy this..?

* `Ryu motions to the pool

* Klork belches loudly .. about a 8 on his scale.

<Mitch> .oO(Oh shit. Did I say that out loud? Did she hear it? She's concentrating pretty hard...)

<Klork> erf..

* Rev pulls himself out, muscles doing that rippling thing and sits on the edge* the smell but...*shrugs* Why?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* What do you say, dear? *smirks*

* `Ryu shrugs, flicking a fireball idly across the lands and fizzles.* Need ah say more..?

* Rev pauses and chuclkes softly* Point taken, m'lady....*snags a towel and dries himself* How fair ye?

* `Ryu stands, stretching a bit with a slight shrug* Ah s'pose ah'm bored ... ah've nae gone so long w'out a job .. but ah kinnae seem t' find an'thing..

<HappyLittleMoron> *Rev stands* Where have you been looking?

<Mitch> .oO(I guess she didn't... Jesus Christ in a bathysphere. That could've ended badly.)

* Diana brings the kata to a close, holding the stance for a second, if not just for balance before streatching*

<`Ryu> Ev'where ah kin' get a job et...mutant like places, aye? *shrugs, smoothing her hair behind her ears sans for the white bangs that fall forward* Nae an'one seems t'be hirin'..

* Rev furrows his brows* I see...I...wish I could help you...

* `Ryu shrugs

<`Ryu> Nae..s'all righ'...ah've got enough' t' get me by for a while yet .. Ah tend t' save m' cash.

* Mitch just watches in respectful silence, leaning against the entryway

* Rev nods* Aye...a very intelligent thing to do, m'lady...

<`Ryu> *The corners of her lips rise slightly, the smile looking more or less sinister rather than happy with her appearance* A'course et es..*heads to the ledge to perch again*

* Rev smirks a little and heads of the hot-tub, just kinda watching her from afar*

* Diana spins into another kata, different style...Kung Fu, just 'cause it's fun to look at...uh...she switched from bo to sword, live blades, baby*

<Mitch> .oO(Tell her to take it easy?) .oO(She knows her limits a hell of a lot better than you do. And she's probably doing better now than you ever will at your peak. Let the woman dance, Mitch.)

* `Ryu stretches, then leaps from the building side...

* Rev blinkblinks and hehs....*

* Diana finishes the kata, rolling her shoulders, skin glistening with sweat by now*

* Mitch goes to put the glasses on, sees this, and leaves them off for dignity's sake... he clears his throat. "...don't push yourself too hard, tomodachi..."

* `Ryu glides down two stories before the current lifts her up...she seems to slide up fifty feet over his head before slowly flipping..coming down right at him

* Klork finishes, going about cleaning up...

* Diana chuckles softly* Hai...I know...I was about to go shower anyway...

* Rev kinda squeeks in suprise and in *poof* no there anymore*

* HappyLittleMoron lifts the sleepy Brenna up* I'm gonna put her to bed, k, love?

<Mitch> He chuckles. "Gomen nasai... I shouldn't worry."

* `Ryu blinkblinks, turning to right her self..snapping to go up straight before hovering to the ground, folding her wings on her shoulders to look around

<`Ryu> Now where th' 'ell...??

* Klork nods

<Klork> A'right...want me to come with?

* Rev re-appears behind her* Is it something I said?

<HappyLittleMoron> If you want...she's more or less asleep as it is..

* `Ryu blinks, jumping to look behind her at him

<`Ryu> Ah! Jesu'..! *Shakes her head* Ah would've nae 'it ye .. 'ow'd ye do tha?

* Rev chuckles softly, standing there in his trunks, arms crossed over his chest* Teleportation...

* Diana chuckles softly*'s a sweet thought...

<`Ryu> Eh...? N' wha' es tha?

* `Ryu cocks her head to the side, planting her hands on her hips

* Mitch looks down, through dint of effort keeping the blush quarantined to his ears. " ARE, y'know, a recovering patient. Just don't wanna see a relapse or something."

* Rev blinks a little* A...spell of sorts...I can move from one place to another without walking...or running...*smirks a little* I simply think...*dissapears, his voice coming from behind her* ...and I'm there..

* `Ryu spins, brows arched

* Diana nods* Hai...I know...*grins and pats his shoulder* I know my limits as well

<`Ryu> Aye'off..impressive. *smirks* But y' kinnae fly, aye? *grins wryly*

* Rev shrugs* Not without a lot of energy...nae...*smirks*

* `Ryu twists her mouth to the side ..

<`Ryu> Hm .. kinnae make fire or ice, nae?

<Rev> Ah...the elements...aye...I is easiest...*holds a hand out...a fire-ball flairing before just dissapearing*

* Klork follows HLM up stairs..

* `Ryu nods..

* HappyLittleMoron heads up the stairs with the sleeping their room..

<Mitch> He nods, looking up with a trace of a smile. "Better'n I do, that's for sure... gowan, take your shower." He hesitates. "Dunno how you are when you're NOT a recovering patient, but you looked damn good. I mean, your movements and all that."

<`Ryu> Et's a struggle fer' me .. *flicks her wrist ... a thin sheet of ice covering the pool* This es' easier'...

* Klork opens the door for her, following soon after..

<Mitch> .oO(Oh, THAT was smooth.)

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Thanks, love...*heads in*

* Rev nods* Ahh...that is impressive...

* `Ryu tilts her head to the side

* Diana smirks a little* I'll be right back, Mitch...

<`Ryu> So jes' wha' are ye??

<Klork> No prob..*grins, following*

<Rev> Ah...half elven...part vampire and incubus apparently...and part human...

* HappyLittleMoron gently cleans Brenna up a little and kisses her brow

* `Ryu arches her brows..

* Klork watches, staying close at her side

* Mitch finally flicks his glasses on as she heads upstairs, heading to the living room and grabbing the Pratchett, toting it back to the gym and staking out a seat on a UWM

<`Ryu> Quite a bit ..ah...jes' a mutant 'ere..

* Brenna yawns lightly, wishing the two of them g'night in a sleepy voice as HLM sets her down*

* Rev hehs a little* Aye...though...I'd imagine you have a very interesting story..

* Klork purrs, kissing Brenna's brow lightly before helping tuck her in

* Brenna purrs lightly as she's tucked in*

<`Ryu> Eh..*flicks her wrist behind her idly* Et's nae tha' interestin'..

<Rev> Ah...but would you mind sharing, none-the-less?

<Mitch> .oO(Note to self. Find out Japanese for "idiot".) .oO(What, so I can give you more ammunition?) .oO(You got it.)

* Diana returns shortly*

* Mitch looks up from the book, not having really sunk into the P-zone yet...

* `Ryu shrugs, perching on the ledge

<`Ryu> Where should ah' start then..?? Life story or jes' how ah am what ah am?

<Mitch> "Feel better?"

* Rev perches on the ledge* Life would be interesting...

* Diana nods* Hai...much...*smiles and settles onto the couch*

* `Ryu looks down at the city

<`Ryu> Ah was born n' raised in Ardmore, County Waterford .. eh..Ireland tha' es..

<Mitch> "Your back's not giving you too much trouble?"

* Diana shakes her head*'s healing nicely...

* Rev nods, watching her as he listens*

<`Ryu> Small town .. ev'ry body knows ev'ry body .. et's hard t' keep things a secret in small places, aye?

* Rev nods* Aye..

<Mitch> "Good to hear... one of the benefits of being half, um...?" He ponders. "-hell, you know what I mean."

* Diana chuckles softly* Iie, actually...I was just healed a good deal...

* Mitch nods, leaning back in his chair. "Who do I have to thank?"

* `Ryu settles, draping her feet over the ledge ..

<Diana> Myrae *smiles*

<Mitch> He nods, rubbing his neck. .oO(Not that I have any idea of how I'm gonna do that, but...)

<Mitch> Quietly. "Want to talk about Underhill?"

<`Ryu> Eh .. well, aroun' thirteen ah began' t'...*shrugs* Sprout wings, aye? Fam'ly freaked .. but b'cause they lov'd me .. they mov'd t' New York .. knowin' th' mutant population 'ere..

* Rev nods*

* Diana quiets a little and shrugs a bit..*

<`Ryu> Ah foun' ou' tha .. well ... way back in m' history tha' well..thought et' was a legend, tha' a dragon was with one of m' ancestors..

<Mitch> He shakes his head. "I don't wanna push you, tomodachi. I'd just like to, y'know... listen. Help if I can."

<`Ryu> Really not believeable story, aye? *stretches her wings* Tha's wha Ah thought.

* Rev shakes his head a little* Oh my...

<`Ryu> Ah've a cousin undergoin' th' same thing .. she's 'ere somewhere .. d'nae keep track ..

* Diana sighs and curls up a little* I...don't know...*shrugs* It was just...torture and rape...similar things have happened many times...

* Rev nods..*

<`Ryu> She's a mist dragon .. greenish bluesh..

<Mitch> <q> "To you?"

* Mitch drags his chair a little closer, pushing the paperback onto the end table and folding his arms on his knees.

* Rev nods...* Different powers, then?

* Diana nods* <q> Hai...more times than I care to remember...

<`Ryu> Aye .. mist .. fog ..

* Rev nods* Aye...

* `Ryu counts them off idly on her fingers, shrugging a shuoulder

<`Ryu> Ver' shy compared t' me..

<`Ryu> An' she's ac'tually from Kilkenny .. nae Ardmore..

<Mitch> "Gomen nasai..." He flicks off his glasses, looking down at them.

* Rev nods again, listening quietly*

* Diana shrugs* It's alright...

<Mitch> "Nani kore? Why did they do such things?"

* `Ryu chuckles ..

<Mitch> "No, it's NOT all right."

<`Ryu> Always' es' bitin' at me abou' m' temper .. says ah' flaunt et easily.

<Diana> I don't know...different reasons...either didn't like me...wanted control...power...

* Mitch glances around, flicking on his glasses again, and lowers his voice. "Sorry. But it's not okay. Even if it's in the past and it's something you can handle, it's never gonna make it right."

<Diana> Hai...I know...and those are people I will never forgive...demo...there is nothing that can be done about it

* Mitch nods slowly.

* Rev shrugs* Perhaps...though she may not understand you...

* Mitch reaches out wordlessly and touches her shoulder, not really knowing what to say.

* Diana sighs a little, rubbing her arms lighlty, brows wrinkled a little, then blinking and reaches up to squeeze his hand*

* `Ryu shrugs idly, watching the street again

<`Ryu> Aye .. per'haps..

<Rev> How did you come to be working in the bar...?

<Mitch> "I know I... I don't know where you're coming from. Yeah, I've had rough times, but, but not like that." He shrugs a little. "But... hell. It's in the past now. I know you can't forget, but... try and see the present too, ne?"

* Diana chuckles softly* Oh...hai...that is the only way I can survive...*smirks a little* The remaining pain of my body just serves as reminders...

* `Ryu shrugs

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, if I'd known this was what was bothering her, I would've... wouldn't have pushed, that's for sure.)

<`Ryu> Ah ten' ta hop jobs a lot .. th' bar came from knowin' how t' mix drinks .. then the strippin' job came after..

<Mitch> "...does it hurt much?"

* Rev nods* Ahh...I see...

* Diana glances at him, then down too her hands* Sometimes...

* `Ryu shifts, glancing over at Rev

<`Ryu> So what's yer' story, then?

* Mitch touches his leg, not even thinking about it, before folding his hands before him. "What helps?"

* `Ryu folds her legs under her

* Rev smirks a little* Heh...I am still finding a lot of it father had apparently raped my mother...a few months ago...I was taken from her womb...brought back to Underhill...raised to take my father's place...

* `Ryu nods, brows arched

* Diana shrugs a little* Ne...time...kindness...the physical nothing can help with...too much damage...

<`Ryu> Underhill...aye...ah've 'eard much of et en Irish legend ... but nae e'er had proof of et'..

* Rev chuckles softly and pulls his hair back* Well...there are elves...

<Mitch> .oO(She would've said if witchy-fingers could help.) He twitches a small, slightly faded smile. "TLC?"

* `Ryu nods, brows arched

<`Ryu> Aye ... ah' see that then...

<Rev> Ah...I captured Kevley not long mother, his sister, her lover and Kevley's lover came to bring Kevley back...and...they brought me back as well...

* Diana hehs a little and nods* Hai..

* `Ryu nods

<`Ryu> Ye're nae upset of this at all..?

* Rev shrugs* On a few levels, aye...I was forced into living a lie most of my now this is the truth...always better, no matter how much it may hurt...

<Mitch> *bumps fists* "Any way I can help, tomodachi, long as I'm around."

* `Ryu nods, brows arched

* Diana chuckles softly, returning the fist-bump* Hai...I know...and domo...*smiles*

<`Ryu> Aye .. but et 'urt then..? Does nae an'body know then?

<Rev> That it hurt, or the story? The story...aye...the pain...*shrugs* Short of my mother's...nae...*smirks a little* And...I would honestly prefer not for many to know...

<Mitch> "De nada, amiga." *grins*

<`Ryu> Ah .. *nods, zips her lips* Nae a soul then?

* Rev smiles* Aye...I thank you, m'lady...

<`Ryu> Aye..*nods*

<Mitch> "How's it feel to get back behind the sword?" Gesturing with his chin towards the gym as he leans back.

* Diana smiles, relaxing a little* Wonderful...

<Mitch> "You looked like you were having fun... that didn't seem aikido, though."

* Diana shakees her head* Iie...that was Kung Fu...

<Mitch> *chuckles* "The water heater strikes again."

* Diana chuckles softly* Oh hai...

<Mitch> "Does Reverly have kung fu too?" Curiously.

* Rev shrugs a little* So...are you enjoying the Asylum?

* Diana shakes her head* Iie...not that I know of...he knows...some...Elven art...

<Mitch> *cocks his head to one side* "Elf-fu?"

* Diana pauses, then chuckles* I...suppose...I have seen Kevley practice in the same style...I'd imagine he would know the name as well...

* Mitch just shakes his head. "I'm surprised it's not on the application form. 'Don't fight with others, clean up after yourself, practice your martial arts' and all that."

* Diana chuckles softly* It is a common activity, I suppose..

<Mitch> "'Smoking or non-smoking? Aikido or kung fu?'" *grins*

* `Ryu shrugs

<`Ryu> Aye . et's amusin'..d'nae know an'body..

* Diana chuckles softly*

<Mitch> "Hell, I'm not one to talk. I guess I'm starting to learn myself."

<Rev> simply takes time...

<`Ryu> Aye..s'pose..*folds her wings over her shoulders*

<Diana> It is a good skill to learn....heh...especiaally the falling and rolling...

<Mitch> He nods emphatically, rubbing the wrist of one hand. "Yeah, I'm seeing a LOT of handy stuff in that."

* Diana blinks* Did you hurt yourself?

* Rev slips his towel up around his shoulders, repressing a shiver*

<Mitch> "Nah. Just wrenched it while practicing. It'll be okay by tomorrow."

* Diana nods* Ah...good...*chuckles softly* You'll find yourself getting some very...interesting...muscle pulls if you're not careful...

<`Ryu> Ef'n ye're cold, why're ye still ou' 'ere?

<Mitch> *chuckles, glancing down at his lower arms* "Yeah. I got muscles they don't even got NAMES for."

* Diana chuckles softly*

* Rev smirks* I got carried away chatting with a pretty lady..

* `Ryu chuckles, shaking her head as she hops back onto the roof

<`Ryu> S'nae an excuse t' be freezin' yer' ass off..

* Rev stands and chuckles softly* Ah...I've had worse...*shrugs* Though I should return inside, hm?

<Mitch> "I'm gonna be careful, though. Been hurt enough since coming here without, y'know, adding to it myself, ne?"

* `Ryu nods

<`Ryu> Aye ..*heads for the stairs* Either tha' or th' hot tub, aye?

* Rev nods a bit* Aye...though I dislike the smell of this...clorien...*wrinkles his nose, following her*

* `Ryu chuckles, heading down the stairs

<`Ryu> Ye' get used to et..

<Rev> Aye...I'd imagine so...*begins to head for his room* If you will excuse me, m'lady..

* `Ryu nods, shifting

<`Ryu> Ah'm next door...ah'm goin' t' change as well..

* Rev nods* Aye...*smiles at her before dissapearing into his room*

* `Ryu disapears into her own room

* Diana nods to Mitch* Heh...very understandable...*smiles and streatches*

* `Ryu comes out after a bit in a tank top and her holy jeans, meandering down the stairs with her hands in her back pockets

<Mitch> "Here..." He tosses the Pratchett to her. "If I've got that damn thing around, I'm never gonna get ANYTHING done."

* Diana blinks and catches the book, chuckling*

* Rev comes down shortly after, in jeans and a t-shirt, hair free over his shoulders*

* Mitch gets up, heading towards the kitchen. "Can I get you anything?"

<Diana> Perhaps some water...

* `Ryu pokes her head in

* Mitch , hearing footsteps, shrugs mentally and raises his voice. "Anyone else?"

<`Ryu> Guiness ef'n y' 'ave et?

<Rev> Nae...thank you, Mitch...*sits by his mother*

* Mitch pops a beer - and a second for Ryu, filling a glass of water for Diana with his lower hands... he hands Ryu the bottle on the way out, setting the glass on the end table and sliding it over as he sits down in his chair.

* `Ryu takes it with a small thank you, sitting on the table to sip at it slowly

* Diana smiles* Domo...*greatfully takes the water and sips it..*

<`Ryu> Y'should be a bartender with all those 'ands..

<Mitch> To Ryu. "Mitch Williams..." *offers a hand*

<Mitch> He chuckles. "No, that would involve actually, y'know, altering food or drink in some fashion. You don't wanna see me try that. Trust me."

* Rev chuckles*

* `Ryu shakes his hand, grip is .. slightly stronger than would be expected* Ryu Connacht

<Mitch> *shakes, releases, still shaking hand slightly* "Resident or just visiting?"

<`Ryu> Et seems resident..*shrugs lightly, leaning back with the guiness*

* Mitch leans back himself. "Welcome to the madhouse." *sips*

<`Ryu> Ah, thank ye' then...

<Mitch> .oO(Why don't I have wings? I wish I had wings. People would love me if I had wings. If I had wings, I could eat a lot of spaghetti. I like spaghetti.)

* Mitch takes another sip of beer and coincidentally kills the brain cells that led to THAT particular brain fart

* `Ryu passes a strange look to Mitch .. just getting this feeling he's quite .. strange..

* Mitch glances at Ryu, a questioning look on his face.

* `Ryu shifts, just shrugging and sipping her guiness

* Rev shrugs lightly, leaning back*

* `Ryu offers Rev a sip, leant back a bit

* Rev shakes his head, holding a hand up* Thank you, however...

<Mitch> "...okay... how're you holding up, Revelyn?" *leans on an elbow, looking over*

<Rev> I am well...and you?

* `Ryu sips at her guiness..

<Mitch> "Pretty good, actually..."

* Rev smiles* Good to hear..

* `Ryu stretches a bit, standing to do so .. wings splaying out at least five feet in either direction

<Mitch> .oO(So what do you say to the guy from the other reality?)

<Mitch> .oO("Oh, hey, yeah, we got those too, but we call 'em 'cheeseburgers'.")

* Puddles meanders down the stairs..taking his sweet time in doing so..*

<Mitch> "How're you taking Manhattan?"

* Diana blinks, hearing the stumbling of a puppy*

<Rev> ...ah...the best I can...*smirks a little* It is a strange, strange place...

* Mitch glances over at the stairs, smiling and shaking his head... he glances over at Rev. "Yeah... guess so... few weeks in this place, though, you don't notice strange if if comes up and bites you on the arse. Trust me on this."

* Puddles gets to the bottom step .. his butt wiggling a bit as he looks around to inspect the victims he'll take tonight*

* Rev chuckles softly*

* Puddles contemplates Mitch's ass .. looks like he could possibly be taking up on the option to bite it..*

* Mitch 's ass is safely ensconsed in an easy chair, so Puddles would have to work at it

* Puddles scoots across the floor on his ass towards Mitch*

* Mitch watches Puddles bemusedly. .oO(You could at least have the grace to look embarassed, mutt.)

* Rev chuckles*

* Puddles continues to scooch over..*

* Rev streatches his legs out*

* Diana pokes Rev, then pretnends like nothing happened when he looks at her*

* Mitch yawns, and pushes himself out of the chair. "I think I'm gonna crash... I've managed to, y'know, actually fall asleep in my bed for a few weeks in a row, now, and I don't wanna jeapordize that."

* `Ryu glances over..

* Daina nods and chuckles* Sleep well, Mitch..


<Mitch> "Oyasumi, tomodachi... night, Ryu, Revelyn..."

<`Ryu> G'nigh..*waves*

<Rev> Good night..

* Mitch drops the empty off in the kitchen and heads upstairs - pausing for a moment to crouch and knuckle Puddles behind the ears.

* Mitch crashes as previously orchestrated

* Rev hmmms lightly, sorta looking around*

<`Ryu> Hm..?

* Rev shrugs* Nothing...

* `Ryu shrugs, leaning back, settling her half-empty guiness to the side

* `Ryu stretches out

<`Ryu> Hm ..

* Rev arches his brows* Hm? <G>

* `Ryu shrugs

<`Ryu> Jes' thinkin...

<Rev> What about?

* `Ryu shrugs..

<`Ryu> Wonderin' ef'n there's n' ugly person livin' 'ere.. seems ev'ry body has an attractive quality abou' em'..

* Rev blinks and hehs softly* I havenae met one...

* `Ryu glances over at Rev

<Rev> Hm?

<`Ryu> Either we're all entirely blind n' dum' or this es' a bloody house o' hunks n' gddesses.

* VertigoFox walks downstairs into the kitchen to get a drink

<VertigoFox> ::grabs a glass of water:: Though I appreciate the sentiment... I am no hunk.. ::walks back upstairs into his room::

* Rev chuckles* Oh...aye...mostly...

* Diana wavels to VF...then blinks*

* `Ryu chuckles, stretching her wings so they're splayed over the edges of the tabl

* Rev smiles lightly*

<`Ryu> So what d'ye do aroun' 'ere fer' fun?

* Rev looks to Diana* Mother...?

* Diana hehs* movies...*shrugs*

<`Ryu> Spar..? *arches a brow*

* Diana nods*

* `Ryu shifts..

<`Ryu> Aye .. fer' what tho?

* Diana eyes Rev who seems to be puffing up a little, silently* And thhat was the only time you will win in a spar against me for a loooong time, boy-o...

* Diana shrugs* Uhm...for the occational battle...

* `Ryu quirks her brows..

<`Ryu> He actually won, aye?

<`Ryu> N' ye 'ave battles 'ere?

<Diana> Ah...hai..unfortunately

* `Ryu sits up, leaning onto her knees..actually looking interested

<`Ryu> Oh..? LIke wha' sort?

* Diana blinks* Ah...we've had gun battles...magical...physical...

* `Ryu blinks

<`Ryu> Ah ... almost as excitin' as th' northern counties..

<Diana> Heh...sometimes a little too exciting...

* Diana shrugs a little*

* `Ryu shifts, hopping off the table and pushing the strap of her tanktop back up over her shoulder* Nae an'thing can be too excitin'..

* Rev smirks a little* It has been quite calm recently...

* `Ryu nods, rubbing at her back idly..

<`Ryu> ugh... ah think ah was on m' feet t' long yesterday..

<Diana> Have you tried the hot tub...?

<`Ryu> Eh? *makes a face before shaking her head* Nae ... Ah keep water to bathin' .. et's nae much fer' me .. *shifts..* Ah .. *seems to mutter* D'nae own a bathin' suit an'how..

<Diana> Ahh...well...I'm sure we could help you find one if you wanted one...*smirks a little* Between HLM and I we know some pretty...custom stores as it were...

* `Ryu shrugs a little .. almost seems to grimace at the action before sighing

<`Ryu> Ah s'pose et could nae 'urt ...aye?

* Rev furrows his brows* Perhaps a backrub?

* Diana chuckles softly* Iie...I don't think it could...just let us know when and we can show you the stores..

* `Ryu blinks, shrugging to Di and Rev both .. just settling backwards in a chair, resting her chin on her arms once they're crossed over the back of the chair

<`Ryu> <q> S'pose ah well..

* Rev chuckles and stands, going about kneeding the muscles in her back...softly at first...going deeper when he senses they're ready..*

* `Ryu blinkblinks..then kinda .. melts, closing her eyes

<`Ryu> Aye . .. yer' 'ired..

* Rev chuckles softly* Thank you..

* Rev continues to kneedkneedkneed*

<`Ryu> Aye...*meltmelts*

<`Ryu> <q> Are y' al'righ..?

* `Ryu motions up at him, kinda lazily

<`Ryu> Yer' arm tha es..

<Rev> <q> Hmm? Aye...*smirks a little* Do not worry...

* `Ryu shrugs, just relaxing..

<`Ryu> <q> Still .. ye' were shot et, aye?

<Rev> <q> Aye...though I am healing...and I have had worse

* `Ryu shifts, glancing back

<`Ryu> N' what could be worse n' gettin shot?

* Rev shrugs a little* Run through...? Beaten?

* `Ryu grimaces..

<`Ryu> Ye've been run through?? *looks a bite pale at that ... as pale as someone chalk-white can be..

<Rev> Heh...aye...*shrugs slightly* A healer saved me...

* `Ryu shakes her head..

<`Ryu> Ah cuold've used a healer a few times in m' life .. nae e'er known of one..

<Rev> My family always had one on hand...*continues to massage* Only times I did not have one were when I was being punished for something or when I was away fighting a battle..

* `Ryu 's brows arch..

<`Ryu> Punished...? Cruel punishment, es et nae?

* Rev shrugs a little* I am finding it out now, aye...

* `Ryu shakes her head...

<`Ryu> Remind me t' nae e'er visit this .. underhill, aye?

* Rev chuckles softly* I do not believe it is all bad...but aye...if you insist...

* `Ryu chuckles

<`Ryu> Ah've nae 'eard a good thing of et' yet..

* Rev smiles lightly* I have heard of beautiful forests on the light side of Underhill...I am from the dark side..

<`Ryu> Oh..? *shifts* Ah see .. well, mebbe not count out all of et then, aye?

* Rev chuckles softly* Aye...

* `Ryu stretches...

<`Ryu> Mm .. aye, still 'ired..

* Rev hmms softly and nods* Perhpas you should get some rest then?

* `Ryu blinks..

<`Ryu> Ah said ye'r 'ired...ah'm nae tired..

* Rev blinks*

* Rev grins sheepishly*

* `Ryu chuckles

<`Ryu> Confusin' ye, aye?

<Rev> My apologies...*chuckles softly and continues to massage* Aye...not a hard thing to do, m'lady...

<`Ryu> Always cramp'd m' fingers ...

<Rev> Massaging did?

<`Ryu> Fer' me when ah try et..

* Rev nods a bit* Ahh..

<`Ryu> mm...*melts again*

* Rev smiles lightly, chuckling softly as he works his way along her back*

<`Ryu> Y' do this of'en?

<`Ryu> Giv' strangers massages tha' es...?

<Rev> Nae...*smirks* I am actually not used to this much contact outside of fighting or being beaten...

<`Ryu> Oh?? Seem comfortable with et..

* Rev chuckles softly* Aye...well...when something needs to be is best to do it...and some things are easier to adjust to than others...

<`Ryu> En' other words ye like me so long as Ah don't pull a knife to ye'r throat, aye?

* Rev pauses, then shrugs and resumes* More or less, aye *smirks*

<`Ryu> Heh, smart n' aye..

* `Ryu relaxes again

* Rev chuckles softly* I suppose...

* `Ryu chuckles, closing her eyes

* Rev lightens the massage, then rubs her back a little before withdrawing completely, rubbing his hands together* Aye...feel better?

* Ryu nods, stretching* Aye .. thank ye'..

* Rev chuckles and bows* My pleasure..

* `Ryu sits up, stretching out..

<`Ryu> Mm. Aye, nae bad t'all .. where'd ye learn t' do tha?

* Rev pauses and shrugs a little* Ah...I honestly do not know...

* `Ryu shrugs, flipping her hair over her shoulder ..

<`Ryu> Hm .. Well, when ye' remember thank yer' teacher fer' me, aye?

* Rev swipes at the bangs in his eyes and chuckles softly, nodding* Of well, m'lady...

* `Ryu tilts her head to the side

<`Ryu> Ye'r eager t' be rid of me, aye? Nae goin' t' bed..*chuckles*

* Rev streatches and shakes his head* Nae...of course not...I however an very worn...*smirks sheepishly*

<`Ryu> Ahh .. rest well then..*chuckles, stretching a little*

* Rev smiles and bows lightly to her before heading upstairs*

<`Ryu> G'nigh..*watches, then goes over to settle on the couch*

* `Ryu curls up on the couch...zonking

Session Close: Thu Mar 28 02:08:56 2002

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