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Session Start: Tue Mar 26 13:01:31 2002

* HappyLittleMoron 's in the training room with Brenna, Diana and Revelyn chatting in the living room

* VertigoFox is about 10 miles away in his favorite dark dark brown cloak walking slowly toward the asylum.

* Bitmod is just waking up::

* ^Pippen^ is laying on the couch

* Bitmod packs everything but his Laptop into his bag and begins to get back into his black spy outfit:: I should probably check one last time ::he flips on the notebook::

* Vertigo looks at the skyline walking cheerfully:: I can't wait to get back to the asylum and show the guys.. they'll never believe it. ::he smiles wide::

* bitmod opens his mail and opens a letter with the header "Mission: Status" he reads:: You've broken contract without fulfiling our bargen. Now you will get more then you bargened for. As you read this there is a quick team on their way to you and the location of our Mr. Fox. You have 15 minutes to get me the proof I seek or I will make sure to dispose of you and Mr. Fox once we find him.

* Bitmod looks around franticly:: Aww shit... not again... ::he rushes to gather all of his stuff grabbing his laptop and his helmet and rushing down stairs::

* Bitmod quickly throws some cash at the Hotel Manager throwing way too much prompting a "Gee, thanks mister". He rushes to his bike and prepares to take off::

* VertigoFox continues walking down the street, slowly passing an old run down hotel..:: Heh... I remember sleeping in that dumpster a while back... ::smirks at the thought of his warm bed in the Asylum:: I wonder if they ever got my note...

* Bitmod opens his bag and pulls out his pistol and his knife fixing them to their proper holsters:: I'm just going to have to get my way in, and get my way out...

* Bitmod guns the engine and pulls out into the street passing by a shady character in a cloak::

* VertigoFox watches a suspicious character in black on a black cycle speed off down the street:: Wow... somebody's in a hurry...

* ^Pippen^ yawns and wakes up

* ^Pippen^ hops offa the couch..walking over to the door...sits there...

* Mondo_Gecko slowly crawls down from the wall

* Bitmod continues at a hurried pace he thinks to himself:: Why does that person seem familiar...

* Bitmod's mind finally registers what he's seen and he screaches to a halt down the street:: Gotcha...

* Mondo_Gecko yawns softly and shakes his hair

* VertigoFox watches the biker come to a very abrupt stop and stops in his tracks.. the fur on his skin standing up..:: That's... odd...

* Bitmod makes a quick turn and speeds back towards the cloaked figure stopping in front of him::

* VertigoFox backs up a bit wary of the stranger::

* ^Pippen^ starts barking

* Bitmod opens his helmet visor and looks at the figure:: Sorry about that stranger... it would be rude of me not to ask.. but, need a lift?

* Bill, in a quickly-commandeered room underneath one of the transmitters, watches over the shoulder of a pimply-faced geek as satellite recon information slowly correlates under his masterful hands.

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm??

* ^Pippen^ paws at the door....

<Mondo_Gecko> whazzup girl?

* Mitch, on the other hand, is in the training room with the textbook again

* Diana looks up and blinks*

* VertigoFox eyes the stranger carefully:: Which way you going...

* Bitmod points down the street in the direction of the asylum:: Just straight out.. I'm on my way out of this city. Figured I'd offer a lift...

* VertigoFox looks as his want to be in his bed takes over:: Well.. I guess.. since you're going the same way... ::he fingers his knife under his cloak::

* Bitmod smiles:: Sure stranger.. hop on back... ::VF hops on and they both speed towards the asylum::

* Mondo_Gecko yawns...he's on the ceiling in the kitchen

* ^Pippen^ ...barks

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and slides down the wall

* Bitmod is speeding at a pace no less then double the speedlimit towards the asylum and VF just clings on trying not to fall off.. VF yells:: HEY!! STRANGER.. WHAT'S THE RUSH?

* Mondo_Gecko rubs his face and goes over to the door and opens it, looking out

* Bitmod tilts his head back and yells:: MUCH MORE THEN YOU'D THINK!

* ^Pippen^ runs out the door

<Mondo_Gecko> WHOA!

* Mondo_Gecko takes off down the street after her in boxers and a wifebeater!

* people screem and scatter*

<Mondo_Gecko> Come back girl!!

* Mitch , in one of those innocent, carefree moments just to build dramatic tension, glances up over the edge of the textbook and watches Brenna, a small half-smile forming without even noticing.

* Mondo_Gecko races after the dog

* Bitmod and VF on his cycle scream down the street about a little ways from the asylum.. VF yells:: I NEED TO STOP THERE!! THE BIG BUILDING!

<Kid> Mommy! there's a giant lizard in his underpants!

* ^Pippen^ sniffs around...then runs off into a corner somewhere

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, flipping her daughter gently over her shoulders

* Bitmod slams on the breaks leaning back forcing bitmod to do the same to balance the cycle from tiping over forwards... the cycle 's tires smoke as he slows it to a stop the building before the asylum:: There you go stranger. This is your stop?

* Mondo_Gecko sighs...lost her..the crowd is too thick

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

<Mondo_Gecko> AHH!!

* Mondo_Gecko turns and runs off back home realizing he's next to naked

<VertigoFox> A little off, but close enough ::he gets off the cycle... as he turns Bitmod sees a flick of a tail grabs some fur and pulls hard:: YEOWCH!

<Bitmod> Sorry.. your coat must have been caught on part of the bike ::he pockets the fur::

* Rev blinks and stands at the roaring engine and yelp*

* ^Pippen^ comes out a bit later...all dirty...heading back towards the asylum

* Mondo_Gecko skitters in the front door

<Mondo_Gecko> *pantpant*

<Rev> ...are you alright?

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> ..heh...

<Mondo_Gecko> the dog ran off

<VertigoFox> ::scouls at the stranger and takes off towards the asylum:: Thanks...::growl::

<Mondo_Gecko> ...and I took off after her..forgetting I was in my underthings.

* Mondo_Gecko peels off the shirt and whipes his forehead with it

<Bitmod> ::smiles slightly: No problem! ::he smiles and pushes his bike up onto the sidewalk::

<Bill's Pet Geek> "...they're definitely piggybacking the BBC satcoms. We're not going to be able to find your man exactly, Mr. Tell. EVERYONE'S getting these video feeds. It's just one guy who's descrambling the puzzle pieces from each channel to get the complete picture."

<VertigoFox> ::reaches the asylum and yells:: HEY GUYS! I'M HOME!

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Vertigo

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey

* Diana whistles to Mondo and smirks*

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and stands, heading out of the workout room with Brenna

<Mondo_Gecko> EEK!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* ^Pippen^ runs back to the asylum....sees Vert...pounces him

* Mondo_Gecko covers his boobies

* Diana laughs!!*

<Bitmod> Puts his bike into an alley and takes out his pistol aiming it towards his camera arrays..:: take this you bastard ::he begins to fire taking out one camera after another::

<Bill> "Almost only matters in horseshoes and hand grenades, kid. Keep on it."

* Rev blinks and ducks at hearing the gunfire, looking around with wide eyes*

<VertigoFox> I guess you could hear a silenced shot from an alley way a block away.. sure ^^>

<Bill's Pet Geek> "-shit." <Bill> "What?" <BPG> "We just lost a signal. One of the cameras went dead. ...another..."

* Bill grabs his rifle, running up the stairs towards the roof

<VertigoFox> ::sees flashes coming from the alley way and darts towards it taking out his dagger:: That bastard...

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little, letting Diana take Brenna back into the workout room, Iris joining 'em

* Rev blinks and follows VF, curiouse...*

* ^Pippen^ ...pounces Vert...

<VertigoFox> ::falls from the pounce:: Not now... get off of me ::he scrambles to his feet following the flashes::

* Bill comes up onto the roof, looking around

* Rev dashes past down, ears hidden 'n all*

* ^Pippen^ then runs back into the asylum

* Bill brings up his binoculars, checking out the arrays - and swears, running forward towards the camera on that roof

<Bitmod> ::stops firing seeing a figure pop up on the roof:: Shit ::he lets off a random shot at the roof edge below the figure and darts behind the asylum through the other side of the alleyway::

<VertigoFox> ::follows the figure yelling:: HEY! BASTARD! GET OVER HERE!

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> dog came back

* Bill is so not hit... a pistol at that range? Yeah. He tears open his bulletproof vest and whips it over the camera, crouching behind it as he does so...

* Mitch , meanwhile, is staying with Diana and Brenna, telling himself he's protecting them instead of it being very likely the other way around

<Mondo_Gecko> I gave Brooklyn a peep show for nothing

<Bitmod> ::stops behind the asylum to let VF catch up with him he stands in a ready stance with his pistol pointed at the alleyway::

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and heads off to shower

* Rev pauses, then dashes around to circle around, to try trapping Bit between himself and VF....dashing up behind him and tackling him*

* HappyLittleMoron smirks..

<VF> ::darts from the alleyway looking at Bitmod and yells:: YOU!

<Bitmod> ::steps back and pulls his knife firing a quick warning shot at the feet of both:: Damnd you.. why do there always have to be two or more! >_<

* Mitch looks down at Brenna and Iris, tousling Brenna's hair a little nervously. "Look on the bright side, I didn't wake you up this time..."

<VertigoFox> ::stops ready to throw his knife but not moving forward::

* Brenna smiles up at Mitch*

<Bitmod> ::watches Rev for an advance his gun pointed at rev, his knife angled toward VertigoFox::

* Rev narrows his bright eyes, murmering something under his breath, hands starting to pulsate red...trying to super-heat the butt of the gun...not knowing exactly what it is...*

* Bill crabs down to the pet geek, straightening as he gets under cover. "Well?"

<Bitmod> Listen, I don't want to hurt anybody.. you don't understand.. you have to take out those cameras NOW or we'll both be dead ::he looks quickly at VF::

<Bitmod> ::his cell phone begins to ring:: Shit... too late... sorry I can't stay and party.. it's running time... ::slides the knife into it's holster and runs tearing off his helmet::

<BPG> "I've charted the channels the signal's being split up on and cross-referenced it with lineups. I've got a friend in Italy who checked it against the providers..."

<Bill> "And?"

<VF> Wait! What cameras! what are you talking about?! ::dashes after him::

* Rev furrows his brows, clenching his jaw, running after Bit again, just...lost*

<BPG> *shrugs, pushing himself back* "The final source is european. Take your pick of the several million subscribers. Only a few hundred thousand if you go corporate with it, and-"

* A bakers dosen of figures pop up on the rooves around the asylum and take aim at Bitmod.. a dosen of little red dots can be seen following Bitmod.. one is trailing VertigoFox::

<Bill> "-there's a snowball's chance in Satan's rectum they declared it. I get it, I get it."

<Bill> "What the- FUCK! Thinking too much on the god damn cameras-" *cursing up a blue streak, grabs the rifle and heads up top again*

* Rev's brows furrow and he shouts a spell to try sheilding the both of them with a solid sheild*

<Bitmod> ::runs like hell trying desperatly not to get shot as a furry of shots spray around him.. he's hit in his arm.. just a grase.. and along his leg.. he keeps running:: GET BACK FOX!

<VF> ::Quickly spins and heads for cover in the alleyway again the shot missing him as he spins::

* the figures begin to move, relocating from their positions::

* Bill kicks open the door, bringing the rifle to bear, and snaps off a shot - the head of one hostile sniper dissolves into a fine mist, body convulsing and flopping downwards

* the figures move quick and a couple aim and take shots towards Bill::

* Rev ducks and looks up, firing balls of crimson fire at the ones he can see from the street*

<Bitmod> ::quickly snaps out his scanner and broadcasts across all bands:: Mr. Sniper, thanks, but don't get involved, they only really want me and Mr. Fox, just keep fox safe.. I'm out of the picture for now...

* Bill is already between buildings, hurling himself over the alley and firing from the hip - an arm spins away from a torso, spinning and trailing arterial blood as it heads towards the street below

* Bitmod says to himself:: I sure hope that guy has a radio...

<VF> ::dives into a garbage dumpster closing the top and huddeling down...::

<Bitmod> ::opens his bag and begins to assemble a rifle:: Shit shit shit... faster faster...

* Rev pulls himself onto a fire escape, pulling himself onto the roof and vaporizing whatever baddies he sees*

* dust and a few fabric fragments kicks up as a sniper's round slams into his chest, bouncing dully off the vest - it spins him around, though, and he lands hard, kicking his way over to a low concrete divider*

* Anoter baddy is taken out... only 11 left the shooter leavs his position as the others take up position to fire when Bill stands::

* Mitch pulls himself along to the far edge... flicking open the binoculars, he clips an A/V cable from it to his sunglasses, and plugs another end into the scope on his rifle

<Bitmod> Finishes putting his gun together and aims towards a figure slowly moving above the garbage dumpster.. he fires::

* ```Bill eases the rifle along, watching a low-res depiction of the scope's image in one lens, until the crosshairs bisect the man foolish enough to watch his position...

<VF> ::hears a loud thump as the baddy falls from the roof land on the dupster below denting the top and scaring the crap out of vert.. not literally::

<```Bill> .oO(Rule number one, kid. Never do the obvious.) *BLAM* .oO(Ahh, don't worry about rule number two.)

* The baddy falls as a large chunk of his neck is taken out and his head swings slowly from cartalidge::

* Rev creaps up behind one of the baddies, pulling him back and ripping him by the head and twisting visiously...*

* The baddy jumps back and fires a shot towards Rev... missing by a small fraction of an inch::

* ```Bill 's Pet Geek is quickly packing up computer hardware, nervously watching the door and a sawed-off shotgun laying on a cabinet nearby

* Rev twists and thrusts his hand out at the baddy, aiming to hurl the red fire into the guy's face*

<VertigoFox> *Pushes his way from the garbage can grabbing the baddy's weapon in the process::

* Mondo_Gecko comes down the stair, combing his hair out and dressed

* The baddy's face is quickly incinerated screams coming from his burning mouth::

<Bitmod> ::Darts to the top of a roof, taking aim at another baddy that has positioned himself behind Bill::

* Rev shoves him from the roof and hunches down, looking around for his next target, slinking that way*

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey?

* ```Bill swings himself up and around, hauling to his feet and leaping off the edge of the building... he whips his rifle around and jerks as it suddenly shears the top layer of rubber off a power line, skimming along it like a zipcord and smashing into a window on a building across the ways

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head, spraying the surrounding area with water

<Bitmod> ::lets off a shot and the baddy falls forward his gun firing into the air::

<VF> ::Takes aim at a figure on a roof who's barral is slightly smoking::

* the baddies let off a ring of shots at the falling target..::

* ```Bill races through the apartment, kicks down the door of another, and is up the fire escape like a monkey

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm

* they all miss::

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs and goes to the kitchen, grabbing a banana

<VF> ::lets his shot fly and hits the target in the back::

* ```Bill hauls himself up onto the roof - startling the hell out of both him AND the enemy sniper, crouched in the lee of the stairwell...

* Rev creaps up behind another one, firing the flames at him as well*

<Bitmod> ::feels like he's been hit by a semi as his bullet proof vest reflects something and he is pushed off the roof::

<Bitmod> ::just barely grabs the ledge a story down dangling::

* the sniper in front of bill fires off two shots quickly at Bill::

* The first shot hits the ground at Bill's feet::

* Rev's eyes widen and he leaps over the roof to where Bit is hanging, rushing over and going to haul him back over*

<Mondo_Gecko> *sings* Come and take a walk with me..where the angels fear to tread! Kiss the flame! feel the pain! in the furnace of our love! Come along and talk with me, sing the sweet song of disspair, give your body..give your soul, in the furnace of our love!

* Mondo_Gecko dances dramatically around the kitchen

* ```Bill chops with the butt of his rifle, striking the gun down as the sniper fires - one round smacks into his less-protected leg, the other ricochets off the gravel of the roof as he pounces like a lion, roaring like a lion, and basically smashing a hamlike fist across his enemy's face like a lion

* a sniper from another roof quickly rushing to where bit has fallen fires off a couple shots towards Rev::

* the two previous targets that Rev aimed at one got away singed and the other is flaming death::

* the sniper is knocked unconscious::

* Rev Growls, teeth clenching as he feels something ripping through his shoulder, still trying to haul Bit back over*

<Bit> Get the hell BACK! GO!

* Mitch is trying to keep Brenna and Iris calm, though he's basically following Diana's lead - holding Iris and nattering on about stupid things, whatever the hell crosses his mind

* Rev pulls back, holding his shoulder*

* the sniper jumps his way till he is above bitmod and aims a rifel at Bit's head::

* ```Bill makes SURE he's unconscious with some rather extreme prejudice, and limps around to the other side of the stairwell, bringing his rifle up again... he scans the rooftops for a moment, before catching movement and pivoting - the sniper aiming at Bitmod in his sights-

* BLAM* *goodbye, digestive tract*

<Bitmod> ::looks up staring at the but end of a rifle and spins his pistol out and fires::

* the pistol shot hits the sniper in the arm, causing him to spin in pain as Bill's shot graises his side::

* Rev finds another, striking a kick out at the back of this guy's head..*

<VF> Takes aim at the same position Bitmod was once at and fires at a spinning target::

* the Baddy is contacted by Rev's kick as his neck is snapped::

* ```Bill identifies the movement, correlates, acknowledges a second gunman, and ducks around to the other side, targeting another

<```Bill> *BLAM* *enemy rifle explodes, as does enemy floating ribs*

* the final baddy jumps coincidently on top of the asylum and aims down into the alleyway at VF::

* :he fires at VF and misses... VF jumping back and shooting the baddy in the chest... the baddy stumbles back... falls from the roof landing in the pool bleeding everywhere...::

<Bitmod> ::hangs from his rather precarious perch::

* Rev heads over and smirks, shoulder bleeding quite nicely* Do you want help over now?

<Bitmod> ::in a frenzy raises his pistol but doesn't fire at the figure above him::

<Bill's Pet Geek> *on comlink* "Mr. Tell, I'm pretty sure you've got 'em. They were putting out trace code patterns to eachother; it's all silent now."

<VF> ::slowly moves from his spot and under Bitmod, raising the gun at Bit's crotch::

<```Bill> "Good."

* Rev shrugs a little and steps back, out of his view* If you insist.

* ```Bill limps over to the unconscious enemy, strips him of anything vaguely useful, and drags him by the scruff of the neck down to the Asylum.

* phone riiiings*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and picks up* 'Lo?

<```Bill> "All Clear. Repeat, All Clear. MO-ron."

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks Bill. Ya need any medical?

<```Bill> "Ah'm bringin' you a little present, too. Didn't waste all of 'em."

<```Bill> "Nothin' some bactine and a bottle o' forty won't cure."

<HappyLittleMoron> OH good...thanks again...heh...ait...if yer sure..

<VF> ::yells to bit:: You know.. if you drop that gun, you could probably pull yourself up!...

* ```Bill drags the hostile up the front steps and hammers on the door with one fist. "Open up!"

<Bitmod> yeah... right and I bet you'd all give me quite the warm welcome!

* HappyLittleMoron opens the door to let him in

* Rev smirks* Aye...or would you rather just fall to your death?

<Bitmod> Well.. I'm caught between a rock, a hard place, and a fireball throwing deamon.. oh yeah, and a walking talking fox is pointing an rifle at my crotch...

* Rev oys* Have I thrown a bolt at you? If I have not already, what makes you think I will now?

* Mitch takes a lit cigarette and pitches it out into the street... he grins at her a little ferally. "Out a respect afore yer having the measurements of a PEAR right about now..." *drags the sniper in, thump-thump-thump*

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* Gimme a few more months, Billy, an' I'll be back ta woopin' yer sorry ass...

<Bitmod> ::looks around:: Not like I have much choice... can I get a phone call if I drop my weapons?

<Bill> "Shit, MO-ron, there's a first time fer everythang." *hocks the sniper onto the couch*

<VertigoFox> I don't think you're in the position to be making bargans...

* HappyLittleMoron cackles* Once these two are out name the time and place, and we'll just see about it. *heads over to the couch and looks down at the sniper*

* Rev arches his brow and nods a bit in agreement with Fox*

<Bitmod> ::sighs:: Well... the last time I fought back I ended up with more damage then if I had just given in... so ::he drops his gun and begins to pull himself up::

<VertigoFox> ::content with the fact that Bitmod can be handled by Rev, he gos back to the asylum::

* Rev reaches out to help haul Bit over again*

* Bill, job done, dusts off his hands and walks out... he stops by the training room and pokes his head in, grinning at Mitch/Diana/Brenna/Iris.

* Diana looks up and smiles to Bill, telling th girls to keep practicing* Konichiwa

<VertigoFox> ::darts into the asylum looking around:: Well... ::pant:: Like I was saying.. I'm home.. ::sighs::

<Bill> "Very nice, VERY nice. Very... Norman Rockwell."

<HappyLittleMoron> Heya, Foxie...who are these clowns?

* Mitch is set to snap back at Bill, but just blinks. "Huh?"

* Diana chuckles and shakes her head* I suppose so...

<VertigoFox> I dunno... I thought they were your entertainment?

<Diana> Domo...

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* Nah...

<Bill> "It's all clear. Remember that damn lager, kid. Ya owe me a fucking KEG by now."

<Bitmod> ::now on the roof, he stands:: Well.. hello there again Reveland was it?

<VertigoFox> Where is that damnd man in black...

* Bill walks out, chuckling at his own words. "Norman Rockwell... heheheh..."

* Rev shakes his head* Revelyn...close, however. I take it you're not truly "Len", hm? Are you planning on running for it?

<Bitmod> ::looks around:: I was thinking about it.. but since we -are- on a roof.. I don't think I'd get very far...

<Bitmod> I'm thinking now might be a good time for me to talk to Mister Fox...

<Rev> Aye...that and I would be all too happy too break your legs if you the Asylum, then?

* Mitch glances at Diana. "I KNOW I just got insulted. But I don't know HOW. What's Norman Rockwell?"

<Bitmod> ::smiles slightly at the comment somewhat releaved:: To the asylum.. I assume I'll lead the way ::he begins to decend at a little more then a walking pace::

* Rev nods, following closely, keeping him within snagging distance*

* Diana chuckles* Ah...a painter...the scene is...picturesque, I suppose....*smirks...*

<Bitmod> ::slowly comes around the front of the asylum trying to move as fast as possible without looking like he's running off::

* Rev reaches around him to open the door for now his arm's coated with blood*

* the baddie slowly begins to come too::

<Bitmod> ::halts at the sight of the blood and grabs some bandages from his back pocket:: Here... ::tosses them back::

* HappyLittleMoron kneels by the baddy and grins demonicly, eyes glowing brightly

* Rev blinks and catches them* Ah...thank you...

* the last thing the Baddy sees is all these faces.. then he bites down on a capsul in his mouth and swollows quickly.. he slowly fades from consciousness::

* Mitch rubs his neck, not getting it. "...I guess..."

<Bitmod> You might want to check his... oh.. never mind...

<Bitmod> ::for the sake of argument.. and trying to prove harmlessness he spits his capsul out of his mouth::

<HappyLittleMoron> ...Fucker...! *mutters and stands, glaring at Bit* YOU again! *goes to lunge at him, but finds herself stopped by a spell uttered by Rev*

<Bitmod> ::smiles surprised that he isn't toppled over:: Hey... hello again...

* HappyLittleMoron glares at Rev* Let me go, Revelyn...the bastard deserves to die for shooting my husband!

<VertigoFox> VertigoFox: ::walks over to Bitmod and growls:: Why do they already hate you?

* Mitch pushes himself up and jogs to the edge of the training room... muttered, "...Jesus Christ in a rubber clown nose."

<Bitmod> ::scouls:: he attacked me first.. I just wanted to run...

* Rev shakes his head* Nae, m'lady...

* HappyLittleMoron growls and jerks against the spell* If you weren't THERE in the FIRST place it wouldn't have HAPPENED! ReveLYN!

<Bitmod> En.. enough of this... I do apoligise for shooting your.. husband?... but I needed to get away... I understand the sentiment. Oh, VF, I came here a while ago.. they captured me... on the way of capturing me I blew up my car and shot Kork or something in the arm...

<Mitch> .oO(Okay. You know he's just the messenger. You know he didn't want to, y'know, get into a fight. So why aren't you stepping forward?) .oO('Cause I respect Klork?) .oO(C'mon.) .oO('Cause I'VE been shot and I plan to take the motherfucker down?) .oO(Close enough.)

* Rev looks over at HLM* Let him tell his story, m'lady...*calmly closes the door behind them* Anyway, you do not wish to harm your unborn children.

<Bitmod> ::sighs:: Listen.. you all can have your chance at beating the fuck out of me in a second.. I just need a moment and a phone.

* Rev lets HLM go gently, but stays by Bit protectively* Why?

<VertigoFox> ::smiles slightly curious he moves to get a reciever::

* HappyLittleMoron clenches and unclenches her fists, looking at the body and manafesting it away angrily..

<Bitmod> So I can talk to the motherfucker who just tried to kill me---er... US!

* Rev shrugs and leads Bit over to the desk* There, I believe is the phone...*steps away a little, still within hearing distance, not trusting either him or HLM at the moment as he bandages his shoulder for the time being*

* Mitch just stands between the living room and the sparring room, one shoulder up against the edge of the entrance... he's not quite sure what he'll do if Bitmod actually does something threatening, but it'll probably involve a lot of yelling and thumping

* Diana just...stays with the kids <G>*

<Bitmod> ::takes the laptop out of his bag and sets it next to the phone, he unplugs the phone and plugs it into the laptop and presses a number the computer begins to dial::

<Bitmod> ::the computer dials and bitmod fliks a switch as a tiney camera on the top of the laptop turns on:: I know you're there... answer the phone...

* the line picks up and the window showing the two conversation shows the room and the other end is black.. as if no camera is present::

* Bill, grumbling a lot, has disabled the remaining cameras

* Rev watches from out of camera range, arching a brow lightly*

<Bitmod> Ok you bastard... you've put me in a rather akward position ::he holds up the fur:: here's some proof, I want payment now... if you want more proof look behind me.. yeah.. they got me again. Routine reconnicence my ass..

<Voice> Done... you've shown what you need to show.. my people should be there in a second.. you'll all be gone soon enough...

<Bitmod> ::faking a terrifeid voice:: You bastard.. I ha ::he pulls the cord from the phone disconnecting suddenlt::

* Rev blinks arching a brow*

<Mitch> .oO(That was ominous.)

* HappyLittleMoron watches coldly from a distance* NOW can I beat you to a pulp?

<Bitmod> He thinks his guys arn't here yet... now _that_'s funny...

<Bitmod> One last thing :: he plugs back in and dials into a bank account moniter:: His account balance has just grown by several thousand dollars::

* this is lost on Rev, considering 1) he didn't know what it was to begin with, and 2) he's still learning to read English*

<Mitch> Muttered. "...shit. At least I'VE made sure my past wouldn't find me."

<Bitmod> ::turns to VertigoFox:: now let's take a look at this furball who's picture is worth almost a million dollars...

<VertigoFox> ::is increasingly surprised:: wha? What's going... me? Wow...

* HappyLittleMoron grumbles...* bounty hunter...figgers...

<Bitmod> ::puts the laptop away and takes off his bullet proof vest:: Hah... bounty hunter.. not quite. if I'd wanted to kill him this would have been so much easier...

<Bitmod> ::smiles at HappyLittleMoron...:: Now.. I know this is past due for me.. please procede with the ass kicking...

<VertigoFox> ::is extremely confused at why Bitmod isn't fighting this::

<VertigoFox> ::yelps:: WAIT!...

<VF> Wait... who is this guy ::points to the dead thug::...

* HappyLittleMoron grins wickedly, stepping forward, then blinking at VF...

* HappyLittleMoron manafested him away she thought...? Or...not? Whatevah <G>

<Bitmod> ::shrugs:: I dunno... hired help... not very good in my own opinion... though we're all outmatched by the Superfriends here...

<Mitch> .oO(The who?)

<Bitmod> ::smiles:: Mr Boss man didn't like how I wanted to terminate our bargan after just pictures of your beautifull place here.. he wanted hard proof that Mr. Fox was here... little did I know he was actually a fox...

<VertigoFox> ::his eyes begin to go grey:: I really don't think I like you...

<HappyLittleMoron> I don't either...lemme get a few punches in? Maybe rupture a few organs???

<Bitmod> ::smiles:: He especially didn't like it since I convinced him to give me almost 90% of the payment in advance.

<Bitmod> I said go for it already!

<VF> NO!

<VF> Something about this doesn't smell right...

<HappyLittleMoron> AAAAGH...

<VertigoFox> Where did you meet your boss...

<Bitmod> ::sighs:: Never met him.. but his calls were always overseas.. if I had cared like I care now, I would have found out.. but I thought it would be a non-issue...

<VertigoFox> ::Takes out his knife:: Where are you from?

<Bitmod> ::sighs:: I'm from around.. let's say USA... safest bet for now. ::he winks::

<VertigoFox> ::Steps up to Bitmod and begins to look as if he's going to slit his throught...:: WHERE are you FROM?!

<Bitmod> I was born across the pond somewhere... my parents moved away too quickly for me to remember... why?

* Klork pushes the front door open ..

* Diana has since taken the kids to bed and is now doing a lil' surgery on Rev's arm*

* Puddles skidders in, weaving between Klork's feet .. just about tripping him a few times*

<VertigoFox> ::smiles a dark hue begins to form around his body... he licks his lips:: I smell a familiar smell... ::he slices at bitmod's shirt... and tears it open revealing a small birthmark on his left side::

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* Heya, hon! Heya, Puds! We get to beat up on Bit once VF's done with him...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little

<Bitmod> ::gasps:: Holy SHIT!

* Klork blinks, looking up, jaw tensing

<Klork> Oh .. really?? *eyes begin to narrow*

* HappyLittleMoron nods, kneeling to call Puddles over

* Puddles plods over to HLM, immediately going for her toes with salivating awe*

<VertigoFox> ::smiles as his eyes are completely grey..:: This is kind of funny.. I remember your mark... and your smell... ::he lets out an earie laugh as the glow increases around him:: You're their blood line..

* elvish mutterings are coming from the bathroom where Diana and Rev are*

<VertigoFox> A long time ago... there was a line of human who hunted my tribe and killed most of my family.. scattering the rest around the gloab in hiding::

* Mitch was about to do that exact thing, but sighs and stands a little sadly as Puddles scampers past to HLM... he walks into the kitchen, going for a beer, not wanting to stop this and not particularly wanting to see it either.

* Klork tilts his head to the side, knocking at the doorframe

<HappyLittleMoron> ...wha...? ERK...Puddles...

* Puddles pauses, tilting his head at Mitch for a moment .. but decides that this time Mitch should be the one with his tail beftween his legs*

<VertigoFox> ::smiles and presses the knife slowly into the birth mark.. piercing the skin and slowly spearing his side.. just enough for it to hurt:: I remember you... your smell..

* HappyLittleMoron scritches Puddles behind the ears

<VertigoFox> We got revenge... my brother and I were back after your attack....

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows....

<Bitmod> ::cringes the pain stabbing in his side.. no pun intended::

* Puddles drools happily, going limp and sprawling out on the floor*

<VertigoFox> ::licks his lips:: I was there.. I helped slaughter your family... I must say... it tasted rather good....

* HappyLittleMoron rubs his belly, glancing from Bit and VF to Klork and back again..

<Bitmod> ::face turns angry:: What are you talking about?!

* Klork is watching Bit .. eyes on the edge of glowing ... his tank top showing off the lovely scar the bullet left..

* Mitch heads upstairs, beer and textbook in hand... he hesitates, looking towards his room, and then continues upstairs - TOWARDS THE ROOF! MITCH IS GOING TO ANGST ON THE ROOF! NOOOOO!

<VertigoFox> ::sighs as he twists his knife in bitmod's side:: It's too bad you and your parents escaped... eating you would have prevented a lot of this mess...

* Puddles watches .. head tilted to the side, tongue lolling a bit*

* Mitch pushes the door open and just stops in his tracks, seeing the corpse sunk halfway down the pool, the hole in the roof...

<VertigoFox> But I guess a grudge spannign the ages can't just end with a new litter... can it...

<Mitch> "Aww, MAN..."

* Mitch just closes the door again and walks back downstairs

* Klork watches .. very tense..

<Mitch> .oO(If it's not one thing...)

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw, just trying to keep the pup happy and outa the way of harm..

<VertigoFox> ::the glow fades as he removes his knife:: He looks towards HappyLittleMoron and Klork with an extremely dark expression...:: Feel free to kick his ass.. kill him as far as I'm concerned...

* Puddles sits, head cocking to look over at Klork .. then Mo .. then VF .. then Bit .. then Klork again, hunching to growl at Bit...something that Klork is doing with looks*

<Bitmod> ::sighs and grabs his side ripping his shirt and tying it around his side to stop blood flow::

* Klork clenches his fists.

<Klork> My pleasure.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...forcing her hands to stay relaxed on Puddle's coat

<Bitmod> ::sighs:: .o( God, I have the worst luck in the world )

* Klork heads over swiftly, pulling his arm back before socking Bit between the eyes, bringing his knee up so he can't slide down

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, I wish... no, I guess not.)

<VertigoFox> ::licks the blood off his dagger and leaves to go onto the roof::

* Mitch just plunks himself down on the third-floor stairwell, leaning against the wall and opening up the textbook.

<Bitmod> ::his face pops back, a rush of blood comming from his nose:: FU...

* Puddles growls, barking squeaks at Bit*

<Mitch> *not looking up as Vertigo passes* "Stiff in the pool."

* HappyLittleMoron holds the Pup back

<VertigoFox> ::Growls loud at Mitch::

* Klork snaps his arm to the side, elbowing his jaw before kneeing him again

<Bitmod> ::doubles over blood dripping onto the floor::

<Mitch> "Suit yourself." *opens up the highlighter, in a melancholy mood enough as it is*

* Klork growls, sneer crossing his face as he kicks him in the gut

<Klork> Don't you ever...EVER .. EVER fucking shoot me again, you selfish son of a bitch!

<Bitmod> ::ooomphfs as a cracking is heard from his ribs::

<Bitmod> ::doubles over on the floor just letting out a gurgling "euhhnggg"::

* Klork backs off, narrowing his eyes before doin' an end-zone kick right to his gut

<Bitmod> ::flips onto his back starign at the ceiling... he coughs... coughing up his own share of blood::

* Klork growls, dusting off

<Klork> There. Feel better. *backs off*

<Bitmod> ::Peers at the ceiling through eyes tainted with his own blood and thinks:: Good thing I'll never have to work again...

<VertigoFox> ::is meanwhile on the roof preforming the same ritual as before with the book and dagger.. this time he crosses the last word off of a list neer the back of the book:: Now the line has ended...

* Klork pauses .. then kicks him one more time for good measure.

<Klork> Your turn Mo'.

<Bitmod> ::oomphs and coughs again more squirting blood::

<Bitmod> ::slowly turns to look HLM in the eyes... she is very red..::

* Klork goes over, picking up Puddles

* Puddles rrrs at Bitmod*

* HappyLittleMoron stands slowly and grins, stalking over to Bit, grabbing him by the shirt* We're going don't know what pain is yet.

<Bitmod> ::hangs limp from HLM's grasp being dragged::

<VertigoFox> ::watches the road from the roof::

* Klork watches, setting Puddles down when they're outside ..

* Puddles plods over to the window, getting on his hind legs to peer out, butt wiggling*

* HappyLittleMoron takes Bit out to a hidden spot, though of course, Klork can watch...then proceeds to slowly skin him alive with her claws starting at his back...

<Bitmod> ::screams aloud and desperatly takes a plastic card from his pocket and throws it on the ground::

<VertigoFox> ::smiles and watches the dark glow begins to encircle him again.. he is licking his lips and playig with his knife...::

* HappyLittleMoron slowly works her way around his body, going from the lowest sesitivity and ending at his fingertips...then slowly cutting into the exposed muscle...going agonizingly slow...basically cutting him up until he dies...

* HappyLittleMoron , Klork, Puddles and Bit are outside, hidden fromt he street

* Mitch shakes his head, turning perpendicular to the stairwell, very faintly hearing the sound of screaming on the night air. .oO(Fuck. I wish Brenna or Iris was up. I could use some innocence.)

<Bitmod> ::in agonising pain he is slowly dieing from blood loss::

* Klork is watchin'..

<Klork> *Puddles, sits at the door, wanting to be where HLM and Klork are*

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> No one hurts my family and lives...*keeps doing it and stuff, eyes glowing brightly, hack...hack...hack...cut...cut...cut...*

<Bitmod> ::all the sudden goes a bit more limp... he lets out two last words:: read.. card... ::then he falls completely silent as blood stops pouring from his body::

<VertigoFox> Rushes down the building towards the sound of the drip...drip...drip... of blood he jumps around the corner and pounces Bitmod::

* HappyLittleMoron picks up the card and stands, blood-stained 'n stuff...

* HappyLittleMoron ERKs and steps back, blinking at VF

* Mondo_Gecko dances around in the kitchen in his boxers as he makes a Sex on the Beach, the hot tub bubbling

<VertigoFox> ::eyes glowing dark he rips into the body beginning to eat the dead flesh and growling furiously::

* King of the Bong-Manu Chao plays*

* HappyLittleMoron turns away, wrinking her nose...uhm...reading the card...?

* The card reads: "In the event of death, transfer all funds from account number 144-442-7654-95D to savings account under name Dan Jackob Minor"

* Mondo_Gecko dances off like he's in a congo line to the hot tub, which is lined with snacks

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(ahh..finnaly I can relax!)

* Mitch ignores Mondo, other than moving his legs out of the way so the stairwell is clear, staring at the page of his textbook - the same page he'd been staring at for the past five minutes

* Cerulean_Rath cracks open the door to her room, hearing that the gunfire has ceased. .oO(Sweet this a bad neighborhood or something?!...Ive never heard such loud guns.!)

<VertigoFox> ::is ripping his way through the flesh leaving the bones stripped dry::

<Mondo_Gecko> .......

<Mondo_Gecko> AWW JEEZE!

<Mitch> Muttered. "...he found the stiff."

* HappyLittleMoron turns to VF, uh...once he's done and silently holds the card out to him...she's in desperate need of Clorox for her clothing <G>

* Mondo_Gecko grumbles and sets down his drinks and reaches out and pulls the body to the side of the pool

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(hmm..wonder if it's Mitch..that would make up for the lack of pool)

<VertigoFox> ::slowly turns to HLM and snaps at the hand as the glow around him subsides:: grrrrowl.... what?

<Mondo_Gecko> just some guy?

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow* You might want this...*the card's held between two of her fingers*

* Cerulean_Rath meekly wanders downstairs and into the main room...she looks around.

<VertigoFox> ::grabs the card.. reads it quickly and throws it to the side:: I owe no favors...

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* Not like you have to FOLLOW it, Vertigo...that's acess to money...if this guy and his family haaave been hunting you and yours, you're entilted to it...

<VertigoFox> ::growls:: he had no idea about his lineage.. he is just very... unlucky... ::growls:: Say one more word and I will eat your head... ::smirks slightly at his joke::

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and relaxes back into the hot tub

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm

* HappyLittleMoron narrows her eyes...then just silently turns to head inside to clean up...

* Mondo_Gecko looks over the edge of the hot tub

<Mondo_Gecko> .....

<Mondo_Gecko> that's not a dead body

* Mondo_Gecko sits back and closes his eyes and slurps his drink

* Cerulean_Rath goes out and sits down on the arm of the couch...looking very confused and a worried look upon her face.

<Mondo_Gecko> that is NOT a dead body

<VertigoFox> ::after HLM is out of sight he turns away and his anger subsides. He looks at the pile of bones below him... he begins to slowly sob...:: Just one very... very... unlucky guy... ::he kneels crying silently::

* Mondo_Gecko opens one eye...then the other

<Mondo_Gecko> > <

<Mondo_Gecko> > o

<Mondo_Gecko> > O

<Mondo_Gecko> o O

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

<Mondo_Gecko> !!!

<Mondo_Gecko> > < !!!

<Mondo_Gecko> ugh

<Mondo_Gecko> Who LEAVES a DEAD GUY in the Pool!!

* Mondo_Gecko hops out, wet boxers clinging to him ( all you ladys can whistle now)

* Cerulean_Rath sighs..stretches out a bit and yawns....blinks as she hears someone yelling.

* Mondo_Gecko goes and gets the long net and starts trying to pull it in

<Mondo_Gecko> ugh..god..

<Mondo_Gecko> this is NASTY!

* Klork stretches, sighing shakily..

* Mondo_Gecko pulls the dead body out of the pool

<Mondo_Gecko> ,,,

* Mondo_Gecko has it in the net like an oversized fish

<Mondo_Gecko> Bernie's partying days are OVER

* HappyLittleMoron ...just slowly clenches and uncleanches her fists as she heads up the stairs, covered in blood 'n whatnot

* Klork settles on the couch, settling and beginning to write some stuff down

* Mondo_Gecko realizes he's stuck nearly naked on the roof with a dead body

* Klork blinks, glancing up .. then follows ..

* Mitch is still same place, same thing

<VertigoFox> ::slowly walks inside licking his fur cleaning off the blood:: Well.. that problem is solved...

* Puddles goes to follow, but rather can't go farther than the first step .. giving a dramatized sigh before plunking down where he is*

<Mondo_Gecko> this is NOT a good position to be in

* Cerulean_Rath blinks...glances behind her as she hears someone flop down onto the couch. She looks back at Klork from her sitting position on the arm of the couch.

* HappyLittleMoron quietly slips into their room, glancing at Brenna to make sure she's still asleep before heading into the bathroom..

* Mondo_Gecko goes over to the door to the asylum and yells down "Klork?! I gotta problem!"

* Mitch doesn't want to hear this - he sighs, slapping the textbook closed, and heads downstairs

<Klork> ugh .. *watches HLM go in before closing the door so as to not wake Brenna* What..!?

<Mondo_Gecko> Um..

* Puddles sits at the bottom of the stairs, a perfect roadblock and in the way*

<Mondo_Gecko> can you come up here a moment??

<Klork> Whyyyy??? Kinda busy..!

<Mondo_Gecko> Um..I've got a dead body on my hands! *sounds freaked*

<Mitch> .oO(I'd hoped I'd left this all behind.) .oO(Yeah, but you're going back.) .oO(Okay, so my past is waiting! But not today! Not yet.)

<VertigoFox> ::sits down on the floor, finishing licking the last of the blood off of his fur.. he can't stand to look at anybody right now::

* Diana and Rev come out of the bathroom, Rev topless and with a bandaged shoulder, looking pained 'n stuff*

<Klork> uhh .. Sounds like a personal problem, Mondo!

* Mitch hesitates, then halts, a few steps from the bottom of the stairs.

* Puddles perks, then plods over to Rev, barking mutely*

<Mondo_Gecko> ....are you guys leaving me to deal with the stiff!*squeeky*

* Mitch doesn't seem afraid this time, just reluctant - his tail between his legs

<Klork> ...Sure!

* Rev blinks and kneels to scritch Puddle's ears* Hello there, little one...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(What a butthead! I can't beleive this! ..he'd rather sit down stairs and read than help me with the DEAD BODY!?)

* Puddles pauses when he fumbles, kinda flopped upside down and looking between his own hind legs to see Mitch*

* Mitch sighs again, and heads off into the sparring room, curling up between two machines and swigging at the beer

* Mondo_Gecko looks back to the dead guy and whines

* Rev blinks*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(maybe it I leave it somewhere)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(on the church steps.. in central park)

* Klork goes into his room, going about helping HLM with cleanin' off

* Mondo_Gecko cries!

<VertigoFox> ::sighs and sheilds his eyes from everybody::

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(ok..OK! gotta calm down! gotta calm down! ..your stuck with a dead body..that's've been in worse jams than this!)

* Mondo_Gecko puts it over his sholder and carries it down into it room to wrap it up in sheets and a garbage bag

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( it's not like it's the first dead body you've disposed of is it??!)

* Mitch flicks his glasses off, running another hand through his hair, before pushing them on again and opening up the book, lips thinning in determination.

* Puddles gets to his feet, plodding slowly to the sparring room door .. poking his head in cautiously*

* Mondo_Gecko dries off and puts on clothes

* Rev stands, rubbing his shoulder a little, jaw a little tensed*

<Mitch> *read* *read* *read*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( if people ask "have you been in the same room as a dead guy when naked" I can say YES!!)

* Puddles plods over slowly .. getting halfway there before yapping a squeak*

* Mondo_Gecko goes and gets sheets from the hall and starts spreads them out on the floor and carrys the guy over and drops him with a thud on the floor and starts rolling him up like sushi rolls in the sheets

* Mitch glances up, in the relative quiet of the sparring room... streetlight filters through the panes of the high-up windows, catching on rivulets of dust and wind, sifting light through clouds of silence.

<Mitch> Quietly. "Christ. How many corpses have you seen, Konbowow?"

* Mondo_Gecko is hauling something down the steps..something vagely resembling a mummy wrapped in garbage bags

* Puddles tilts his head, sitting .. butt wiggling a little .. a look that seems to say "What the hell are you talking about ..?"*

<Mondo_Gecko> Mitch! Move it!

* Mitch shuts the book gently, putting it to one side and taking another swig of the beer.

* Puddles scoots over .. not using his hind legs .. basically dragging his butt across the floor amidsts its' wiggles from his tail ... a sort of "inching closer" sort of action he's learned to take*

<Mitch> "Shit, I can't talk to animals. But I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry."

* Puddles butt-scoots ... ears perked ..*

* Mitch rubs his neck with a free hand, watching this. "...what the hell are you doing?"

<VertigoFox> ::gets up and walks to his room sobbing slowly::

* Puddles scoots closer*

<Mitch> "Hind legs. Pick 'em up, walk with- the things. By your butt. There's two of 'em and they bend without hurting."

* Puddles keeps scooting*

<Mondo_Gecko> *THUMP* *THUMP* *THUMP*

<Mondo_Gecko> *pantnapt*

* Puddles scoots over to Mitch's feet, head cocked to the side ... tongue stuck out a little as he perks his ears*

* Mitch cocks his head to one side, watching this, a little of his funk chased away by the absolute absurdity of this.

<VertigoFox> ::shuts the door behidn him and just burries his hed in his pillow broken down and crying::

* Mondo_Gecko drags the body down the stairs, and the head thumps

<Puddles> Rrrr *a playful almost "give me attention" growl*

* Mitch reaches out a little tentatively, hand held loosely...

<Mondo_Gecko> Hello!?

<Mondo_Gecko> Anyone?!

* Puddles seems to stretch towards the hand...*

* Diana blinks and heads over* Ne...Mondo...*pauses and arches a brow* New hobby?

* Mitch REALLY doesn't feel like dealing with Mondo right now, let alone anyone...

* Mitch turns his hand around, giving the dog an exploratory scratch across the shin.

* Puddles nudges his nose under Mitch's if to say "dude, you're off by a long shot man.."*

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> *sweatdrops(

<Mondo_Gecko> yea hoby..

<Mondo_Gecko> can you give me a hand with this??!

* Mondo_Gecko is obviously VERY freaked out

* Diana blinks and nods* Hai...*furrows her brows* What happened?

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno!

<Mondo_Gecko> I went up to the roof...was gonna sit in the hot tub...

<Mondo_Gecko> he was floating in there

* Mitch turns his hand around, giving the dog an exploratory scratch across the CHIN.

<Mondo_Gecko> I was like "jesus, they really need to clean out the pool"

* Puddles leans to his hand, half sprawled already*

<Mondo_Gecko> So I got the long net and pulled him in..

* Diana blinks* Gah...*nods...*

<Mondo_Gecko> I tried to get Klork to help me but he's apperently busy *rolls his eyes*

<Mondo_Gecko> I mean..hell! It's a DEAD body!!

* Mitch 's lip twitches into a tiny smile as he rubs the puppy's ear and neck, adjusting his glasses a little.

<Mondo_Gecko> I need to ditch it somewhere

<Mondo_Gecko> ...but I dunno

<Mondo_Gecko> Do we have a car?

* Diana smirks a little* Ne...*shrugs a little* We can always cut it up and toss it in the hudson...

<Mondo_Gecko> I can drive it outta the city and bury it

* Mondo_Gecko pales

<Mondo_Gecko> your not serious

* Diana arches her brows, giving him a serious look...obviously not...*

* Mondo_Gecko wines

<Mondo_Gecko> this is nasty..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> ....where do we do this

<Diana> Heh...around back...I know how to cover this sort of thing up...

* Puddles drools happily*

* Mondo_Gecko nods and drags it out

* Diana goes with him, summoning her sword as soon as it's safe to do so...*

<Mitch> "After all the time I've spent here... you're, y'know, one of the two things I really don't see hurting anyone..."

* Puddles doesn't seem to care about his rambling .. just as long as he keeps scratching that one spot...*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( this is one of those days I wish I never rolled off the ceiling)

* Diana starts cutting the body up once it's out of the bag, wrinkling her nose a little* Ne...I hate doing this stuff...

* Mondo_Gecko pales more and then turns around and throws up behind the trashcans

<Mitch> Quietly. "I just didn't want to be there... I wouldn't say no, I wouldn't stand in the way, it's the law - but I didn't want to be there... I didn't, y'know, didn't want to see it. I'm not turning soft, am I? It wasn't my business..."

<Mitch> *rubrubrub*

* Puddles just seems to listen .. even though he couldn't know much less care what he is speaking of ... just happy to get a good scritch, hind leg thumping*

<Mondo_Gecko> ugh..

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Holy Mary mother of god

* Mondo_Gecko crosses himself and turns back

<Mondo_Gecko> are we gonna get it to the river?

* Diana finishes and puts the parts back into the bag, cleaning her sword and transforming into her dark armor* I can take it...

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I'm comming

<Mitch> "Jesus Christ in a threadbare Santa suit. Life goes on, right? Never said it was fair. Never said it was just. Life is. Just got to keep going. So they're only kind to their own. So far I'm still their own." He sighs. "I'd better keep it that way."

* Diana looks up at Mondo and nods* carry the bag...I carry you...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...friends help you move...real friends help you move bodies...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey!

* Mondo_Gecko grumbles and picks up the bag

* Mondo_Gecko tosses it over his sholder looking pale and sick

* Puddles just continues to watch him, happily wiggling his butt as his hind leg thumps*

* Diana furrows her brows* Seriously...I can go on my own...*lifts herself into the air using the wind stone, reaching down to take him under the arms*

<Mondo_Gecko> You wanna be alone with the dead guy??

* Mitch chuckles wearily, reaching out and picking Puddles up, thumping him on his chest and giving him a full skull-scratch.

* Mondo_Gecko blinks, being lifted up

* Diana lifts them into the sky* would not be the first time...

* Mondo_Gecko shrudders

* Puddles goes limp, drooling happily*

* Mitch just spends some quality time getting making-puppy-happy-therapy

* Diana flies them to the Hudson*

* Puddles rolls onto his back, waiting for a tummy rub*

* Mitch supplies it, after a few false starts figuring out what he wants

* Puddles sprawls, his hind legs kicking the air in happiness*

* Mondo_Gecko puts his feet down

<Mondo_Gecko> man...I said I wanted to get out more... I didn't mean like this

* Diana hehs* Hai...I understand...*glides over a relatively abandoned spot* Drop the bag...

<Mitch> "Don't change, Konbowow. Keep that innocence."

* Mondo_Gecko nods and drops it down

* Puddles drools, not really able to do much else*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(now that we've disposed of this dead body, wanna go grab some chinese? )

* Mitch continues scraaatching for a while more

* Puddles continues to drool for a while more*

* Diana circles and heads back towards the Asylum...*

<Mondo_Gecko> ugh

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't think I'll ever be clean again

<Diana> Heh...give it time...

<Mondo_Gecko> I feel like I gotta bathe in holy water or something

<VertigoFox> ::VF has officially cryed himself to sleep...::

* Mitch finally laces his hands behind his head, looking at Puddles with a sigh of relaxed - not happiness, not contentment, but at least existence

* Puddles just stays sprawled .. content and lazy*

* Mitch finds his beer and swigs the rest of it, setting the bottle up on the exercise machine beside him.

* Puddles sleeps on his back .. paws twitching now and then whilst he sleeps*

* Diana lands on the roof with a sigh*

* Mitch kinda edges around a little, keeping Puddles more or less motionless as he gets the book out and finds a comfortable position - even though it finally involves kicking a leg up and folding the other over it, bracing the textbook against that, he manages to get studying without disturbing the puppy's sleep.

* Puddles sleeps ... twitching*

<Mitch> *study* *study* *study*

<Mondo_Gecko> Somehow sitting in the hot tub just doesn't seem as exciting as it was an hour ago

* Diana smirks* Iie...*sighs and goes about cleaning the pool...*

* Klork comes out, heading down the stairs quietly..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and kneels down, helping clean the bloody mess on the roof and drains the pool

<Mondo_Gecko> ugh

<Mondo_Gecko> this is gross

<Mondo_Gecko> how did this guy get up here anyway?

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs shortly after...

* Mondo_Gecko finnishes the scrubbing

* Mondo_Gecko starts to refil the pool

* Diana helps*

* Rev looks up at the two...*

* Klork glances over

<Klork> 'Eya Rev ... what happened to your arm...?

* Mitch studies inorganic lubrication of belt-fed systems with a puppy on his chest, tucked between two instruments of torture and/or exercise in the training room, mostly out of sight

<Rev> Ah...shot...I believe the term mother removed the...uhm...bullet...and sewed me up...

* Puddles stays sprawled..happily sleeping*

* Klork blinks, rolling his sleeve up to show off his scar

<Klork> Damn .. we're gonna be twins soon, you n' me..

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno about you but I wanna get outta here now

* Rev chuckles softly* Aye...I could dye my hair...and straiten it...

* Diana blinnks, straitening and stretching* Ah?

<Klork> It'd probably be best we not be identical twins *cackles, rubbing at his neck*

* Rev chuckles softly and shrugs a little*

<Mondo_Gecko> I need to do something that doesn't involve dead people or anything

<Mondo_Gecko> heh'

* Diana chuckles softly...*

<Mondo_Gecko> know any clubs where mutants can go?

* Diana nods a little* A few blocks from here...hai...

<Mondo_Gecko> well I'm getting outta here.

<Mondo_Gecko> I need the good life..

<Mondo_Gecko> drinks..women and music

* Diana chuckles softly* Stay safe...

* Rev settles into a chair, flicking hair from his eyes*

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> wonder if anyone downstairs would like to come

* Mondo_Gecko turns and heads downstairs

* Diana hehs and looks around a little*

* Mondo_Gecko goes to his room and pulls on a net shirt and a pair of shiny black pants, studded braclets on his wrists

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(much better)

* Mondo_Gecko grabs his long leather coat and slips downstairs

<Mondo_Gecko> hoa! I'm goin out..and I'm not comming back until I'm drunk enough to forget the dead guy

<Mondo_Gecko> anyone wanna come?

<Klork> A'right .. have fun n' no thanks, Mondo *smirks, sitting*

<Mondo_Gecko> mmkay

<Mondo_Gecko> See ya later

* Rev nods a little, bllinnking lightly*

<Klork> hasta..!

* Mitch kinda looks up, shakes his head, and returns to the diagram

* HappyLittleMoron just sits curled up by Klork

* Mondo_Gecko slips off

* Klork wraps his arm around her shoulders, purring

* HappyLittleMoron rests her head on his chest, the two babies starting to purr lightly

<Rev> Ah...what did I miss?

* Klork shrugs ..

<Klork> No clue .. we just got down here ..

<Rev> Ahh...*nods a little*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs, counting steps, milding wishing Cala was around..she'd go out with him..

* Rev streatches and shakes his head* How could something so small hurt so much...

<Klork> just .. cuz it causes a lot of damage..*glances at him over the couch*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( know what you need? You need to find a drinking buddy..that's what)

* Rev nods a little* Ah...

* Mondo_Gecko sits at the bar alone, sipping a rum and coke and watching the girls on stage

<Mitch> *study* *study* *study*

* from the back room of the bar an argument can be heard breaking out .. sounding small at first until the crash of glass is heard ... a man soon scrambles out, cut up relatively for the worse, fumbling before he runs out the door...the argument continues*

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..

* Mondo_Gecko sips

* Mondo_Gecko watches

* a woman can be heard hollering at a man ... they exchange colorful words before more crashing of inanimate objects is heard, neither seem to be letting up*

* Mondo_Gecko glances to a girl on stage who looks like a fox twisting herself around the bar to music and back to the kichen, deciding this is more interesting

* Mondo_Gecko snickers

* another loud crash ... glass shards can be seen skidding across the floor to Mondo's feet*

* Mondo_Gecko looks down to the glass casually

* Mondo_Gecko looks back up and watches

* Man's voice, sloppy english lilt to it* Fuckin'cheap whore!! Y'come in late n' then demand a fuckin' raise, fuckin' kiss my ass!!!

<Mondo_Gecko> ha ha ha!!

* Mondo_Gecko chews on the ice

* Womans' voice, Irish lilt to it* Ah think ah've a better chance et' workin' 'ere than ye' do, n' ef'n you want t' keep me *loud crash...more glass* PAY Th' FUCK UP!

* more words are exchanged ... the crashes continue to no end .. one ponders how much glass they have back there..*

* Mondo_Gecko is laughing now! this is tre entertaining!

* Rev streatches a little and stands, a little restlessly*

* `Ryu skids backwards, standing about 6'1, white skin and bangs .. fire red hair and emerald eyes .. blueish-white leathery wings snapped out behind her .. wearing leathers of one of the dancers. She skids to the door, hitting it with her back before rebounding off of it to tackle somebody unseen .. more glass crashes

<Mondo_Gecko> Whoa..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..........)

<Mondo_Gecko> *drooooooools*

* More crashes are heard*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* hope she comes back

* A man of about 5'5 ... looking to be part gorilla the way he's hunched, gets thrown against the door, hitting it and sliding down*

<Mondo_Gecko> heh!

* `Ryu shifts, going over and pushing her taloned' foot to his chest when he stands, glaring down at him

* `Ryu kneels, sliding her hand around behind him and pulls his wallet out

* Mondo_Gecko watches this

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(my kinda girl...)

<`Ryu> At least ah' know t'night ah'll be paid, aye? *picks him up, sneering as she throws him idly to the side .. yet another crash is heard*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(and it puts a whole new meaning to chasing tail too ...)

* Rev heads into the kitchen* Ah...would either of you like something to eat...?

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little...

* Rislyn comes downstairs, yawning and stretching

* Kameko blips in, sitting on the arm of the couch

* `Ryu shifts, plucking a few higher marked bills from the wallet, stuffing them down the collar of her shirt

<`Ryu> Hmph.

* Klork looks up, blinking

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and jumps lightly, smiling feintly

<Klork> Eya' you n' ! *waves to Kame n' Ris both*

* Kameko blinks .. arching a brow at Klork

<Kameko> You..seem like you're happy...

* HappyLittleMoron waves to 'em both, then just rests her head on Klork's chest again..

* Kameko smirks, looking at 'Mo

<Kameko> You do sumthin' to make him happy? *winks*

<Kameko> NOT..that I want details.

* `Ryu tosses the wallet aside, turning to walk out of the back room, pausing to give Mondo a look

* Rislyn waves, rubbing at her arms, wearing the dress just...for the hell of it

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...I guess...

<`Ryu> D'y want to learn t' fly too?

<Mondo_Gecko> ....hey

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

<Mondo_Gecko> um...

<Mondo_Gecko> is that a trick question?

* `Ryu blinks .. arching a brow before shifting..turning to walk away, muttering* <q> S'pid yank..

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a little

<Mondo_Gecko> Well if you don't want that drink you shoulda said so

* `Ryu quirks a brow, glancing back at him..

* Rev comes out with a glass of water, one shoulder bandaged, he arches a brow at Ris* you like the dress...*shrugs a little and heads into the workout room*

<`Ryu> N'what's tha' s'posed t' mean then?

* Rislyn looks over at Rev .. snorts a little, and runs a hand through her hair as she watches him head into the workout room

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and goes back to idly watching the girl at the pole out of boredom more than interest, tail swishing softly, tapping his talons gently on his glass and then looks back

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm?

* Rev calls back* suits you.

* Mitch glances up past the book as his sanctum is invaded, then looks back

<`Ryu> Ef'n you're askin' t'buy me a drink ye'r nae goin' abou' et right..?

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Would you like me to buy you a drink?

* Klork chuckles ..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(women)

* `Ryu quirks a brow

<`Ryu> Nae. Ah don't drink.

<Mondo_Gecko> heh ..ok

* HappyLittleMoron smirks lightly

* Kameko arches a brow, pointing to Rislyn

<Mitch> .oO(What'd you expect? It's an open gym. Oy meshuggenah.)

<Kameko> She.....looks good in a dress.. Dang. *chuckles* Wouldn't have ever guessed.

* Klork shrugs..

<Klork> Noo clue ..

* Rislyn arches a brow, following Rev to the workout room, looking at him oddly

<`Ryu> Ah steal from those who do because et's easy. *shrugs, flicking her hair behind her shoulder* Don't wan' t' be in the same comdition.

<Rislyn> I believe it's just what you're used to in your world. Jeans are a bit.. different than you're used to.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> So your Irish then?

* `Ryu raises her brows .. unamused look on her face* Aye .. n' yer' swift.

* Mondo_Gecko offers a hand

<Mondo_Gecko> Shawn Murphy

* Rev hmms?* Aye...that they are...*shrugs a little* They tend to show the figure more...*he pauses, frowning lightly, almost to himself, but obviously not meaning her* Though...there are some that should not wear just constricting clothing...*shudders lightly*

* Rislyn outright laughs at that, not EVER having done that around anyone here, sitting down on the weight bench, she's laughing so hard

* `Ryu quirks a brow, barb-ended tail , twitching lightly before she shakes his hand..her grip is enough to break bones* Ryu. M'name's more a nickname but that's nae' a matter.

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..

<Mondo_Gecko> You can call me Mondo if you want

<Mondo_Gecko> ..wanna sit down?

* Rev blinks and chuckles softly*

* Mitch looks up at the outburst, shifting position a little. .oO(Wonder what THAT was all about.)

<Mondo_Gecko> you seem like you could use a rest after beating the snot outta those guys

<HappyLittleMoron> you been?

* `Ryu sighs...shrugging and taking a seat

* Kameko smirks

<`Ryu> Nae an'thing better t' do .. Ah'll apartmnet hunt t'morrow..

<Kameko> Good. Wanting ice-cream ALOT..

<Mondo_Gecko> So how'd you end up in America?

* Klork tilts his head bback, brows arched

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<`Ryu> Eh? Ah..fam'ly moved 'ere .. *shrugs* D'nae know why ..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohboy...lil' one's got a sweet tooth...

* Rislyn manages to calm down, wiping at her eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..yea..anywhere's better than this place

<Rev> It is good to hear you laugh, m'lady.

<Mondo_Gecko> but it's good for freaks like me

<Mondo_Gecko> more places to hide..

* `Ryu nods ... shifting

<Rislyn> Oh ...I know EXACTLY what you mean.. there was a woman I saw at the club about a month ago.. her ass had to have been *holds her arms out in at LEAST half her body length* THIS BIG!

<`Ryu> Aye .. *picks up a glass of water, stirring it* Sucks t'find places t'live tho ..

<Mondo_Gecko> So.. what was that mess about in the back

* Rislyn blinks a little .. smirking a little

* Rev laughs!!*

<Rislyn> Doesn't happen often. Don't get used to it.

* Klork blinks..then laughs

<`Ryu> Eh .. ah've been on minimum wage for a year .. ah asked fer' a few cents raise .. blew 'is top an' threw 'is bouncer on me..

<Rev> Aye...exactly what I mean...*pauses and chuckles softly, shrugging a little and sips his water* Perhaps you should let it happen more often...*pauses* Unless you mean the huge people wearing tight clothing...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..what an asshole

* `Ryu grins wryly* 'e was th' one that ran first.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I have a friend who used to work here

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Rislyn 's eyes go a little wide, shaking her head emphatically

<`Ryu> Oh..?

<Rislyn> No, I would like to keep my vision, thank you.

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> HLM

<Mondo_Gecko> d'you know her?

* Kameko looks at Klork .. arching a brow again

* Mitch just shakes his head, returning his eyes to the all-too-familiar rack-and-pinion system.

<Kameko> Seriously, though..why you so happy?

<`Ryu> Nae .. not been workin' 'ere tha' long .. *shrugs, sipping at the water..*

* Klork shrugs ..

<Mondo_Gecko> So you don't have a place to stay?

<`Ryu> Nae an' more .. *shifts* n' definately nae when 'e wakes up ... ef'n he wakes up.

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(maybe.....)

* `Ryu shifts, sighing..

<`Ryu> Ah've got t' get m' bags .. ah'll b' back..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(she's got nowhere to go even..)

* `Ryu stands, heading to the backroom again ... muttered voices are heard before another loud crash..

* Rev chuckles softly, belatedly*

* Mondo_Gecko scowls

* `Ryu comes back out, small backpack in hand

* the fox girl at the pole looks over and sighs a little, stuck here alittle longer...just a little longer..then she's free again

<`Ryu> 'E woke up.

* Mondo_Gecko nods and gets up

* Rislyn sighs, tracing her fingers over the hem of the dress, shaking her head as she chuckles a little

* `Ryu pops her knuckles

<Mondo_Gecko> ..come on..

<Mondo_Gecko> lets get outta here

<`Ryu> Ah decided to act as es' sleepy pill.

<Rislyn> Ahh..yes, there are so many people that SHOULDN'T wear what they DO wear while out..

* `Ryu arches a brow, following casually* N'where are we' goin?

* Kameko looks at Klork, then at 'Mo

* Klork shrugs..

<Klork> Noo clue ..

<Kameko> Hey, 'Mo..? Whyfor he so happy? Well, maybe not happy..I guess...relaxed..?

* Rev shrugs and smirks a little, nodding* Aye...*settles on a workout machine* Why is that...?

<Mondo_Gecko> Somewhere else..

<Mondo_Gecko> this sucks..

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...ah...we got rid of a....trouble maker earlier..

<Mondo_Gecko> I might beable to get you a place to stay

* `Ryu shrugs

* Rislyn hrms, tilting her head back to look at the ceiling

<Mitch> .oO(Jesus, I started a fashion - not working out in the workout room...)

* Kameko blinks..then grins

<`Ryu> Aye .. *pauses, stopping to give him a look* En exchange fer' what..?

<Mondo_Gecko> money

<Rev> Ah...I mean...why do they do this? I cannot remember anything like this happening in Underhill...

<Kameko> Ohhh?? The same one as before?! You finally get to beat him up!?

<`Ryu> 'Ow much..?

<Rislyn> Where to start...? Have you watched the television yet?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh...yeah...

* Klork nods, popping his knuckles ..

<Mondo_Gecko> 150 a month

* `Ryu blinks..

<`Ryu> What's th' catch?

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

* Rev smirks and nods* Aye...that I have...

<Mondo_Gecko> Follow the rules of the asylum..

<Rislyn> Have you seen the Pepsi -- Pepsi is a drink -- little snippets? And the scantily clad girl? Most of our kids try to dress like that.. In response to that, older women try to look younger by wearing tighter clothing.. and the heavier girls think they have to let their flab hang out, so guys think it's breasts over fat.

* Rislyn sighs

<`Ryu> N' ..*shakes her head, crossing her arms* Asylum?

<Rislyn> And..the men seem to be used to seeing half-naked fat women, so they just.. go after them anyway.

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..

<Mondo_Gecko> for Mutants

* `Ryu shifts, shrugging

* Rev blinks...a look of discust coming over his face*

<`Ryu> Seems fittin' 'nough then..

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..the people are nice

<Mondo_Gecko> the girl that used to work here runs it

* Mitch catches himself JUST before he starts taking notes on what Rislyn is saying, and pushes his mind back to the actual work he's set himself

* `Ryu chuckles, going about following him..* Nice eh? Y'er sure y' want me t' be there then?

<Rev> That's very...superfisial...on a strange level...

<Mondo_Gecko> heh ..why not

* Kevley meanders down the stairs, b-lining for the kitchen*

<`Ryu> Ah'm nae nice. *smirks, folding her wings over her shoulders*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and waffles a lil' to Kev

* Mondo_Gecko smirks slyly

* Rislyn chuckles at his look

* Kevley oohs..* Waffles..*rummages*

<Mondo_Gecko> You look nice enough

* `Ryu chuckles

<Rislyn> What? Fat women that let themselves hang out all over the place not appeal to you?

* Rislyn sniggers

<`Ryu> Ye were nae on th' receivin' end of m' punches either..

* Kameko stands, peeking her head into the kitchen, giving a "thumbs-up" to Klork for beating up the bad guy

<Kameko> Heya Kev! Ris is in the sparring room. <G>

* Kameko cocks her head to the side

<Kameko> Did you know she owns a dress..??

<Mondo_Gecko> Too bad... to be punched by a lady like you is like the kiss of an angel...a very painful angel

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( oh my mojo working)

* Rev smirks* Nae...that and how...I don't know...*shakes his head and shrugs again*

<`Ryu> Deadly one. Ah won't go ento' how many who've been kissed t' thier grave then.

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

* Rislyn smirks, crossing her arms as she looks over at him

* Kevley nods, waffle stuffed into his mouth as he heads that way* Yep! *mouth is full* Yo' Ris! Hi .. dude, I forgot your name again...

<Rislyn> So what IS your type then, Lord Revelyn? *smirks*

* Kevley gives a blank stares at Revelyn*

* Rislyn blinks, looking up at Kevley, eyes just blank before they roll skyward

<Mondo_Gecko> I try not to

* Rislyn holds her head in her hands

* Rev looks up and chuckles* I am Revelyn, Kevley...*looks back to Ris and shrugs* Someon I can talk to, I suppose...I have never really thought about it...

<Rislyn> <q> You torture him and he doesn't remember you...

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't like killing people

<`Ryu> Ah d'nae either .. but they tend t' piss me off.

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* Rev chuckles*

<Mondo_Gecko> yea...I have a bad temper...

* Kev blinks..look of "oh yeah...maybe I do know that guy afterall" crossing his face* Ah..gotcha.

* Mondo_Gecko strolls up the street to the asylum

* Rislyn smirks, reaching over and patting Rev on the arm

<Rislyn> Ask him a few math questions; he's bound to remember you then.

<`Ryu> S'ound Irish t'me ... *smirks, following, her tail dragging now and then on the ground, making the sound of metal scraping cement when it does*

* Kameko comes out of the kitchen, eating some ice cream...happy happy look on her face

* Kevley's eyes round*

* Rev snickers and shakes his head* So...Lord does the human-mutant relation affect the interractions here in the ASylum?

* Rislyn looks over at Kevley...actually giggling a little

* Mitch glances up as someone new comes in... .oO(Christ. Isn't this what the living room's for?)

* Rislyn outright laughs again, covering her mouth to try and smother it

* Kevley stares at him* I hate you.

* Rev laughs*

* Kevley shifts his gaze to Ris..grin coming to his face* Ohh, you kept it

* Rislyn blinks .. then mutters

<Rislyn> <q> She talked me into it... said something about red being a good color--NO.

* Rev coughs and chuckles*

* Rislyn holds up a finger, eyes telling him "Not in here."

* Kevley blinks....staring* What..??

* Mitch a little absent-mindedly rubs Puddles's ears, with one hand, just folding up the book with another and lacing the remainder behind his head.

* Puddles drools .. sleeping happily as his paws twitch*

* Rislyn looks a little relieved that he doesn't seem to realize what she means, glancing over at Rev with a wink

<Rislyn> long as we're all clear on that.

* Rislyn pauses

* `Ryu shifts, looking up to the asylum, sharpening her talons idly on the hem of her pants

<Mondo_Gecko> is that a metal tail?

<Rislyn> And what are you laughing at?

* Rev smirks and downs the rest of his water* Ahhh...should I leave you two to your privacy? *stands*

<Rev> Oh, nothing. *smiles innocently*

<`Ryu> Hm? Nae .. almost quartz ..

* Rislyn BLINKS, shaking her head

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Rislyn> No, you're quite welcome--You were going to practice, weren't you?

<Mondo_Gecko> how'd you get that?

* Kevley blinks again ... still looking lost*

* Rislyn actually .. looks a bit she WANTS him to take off his shirt and start showin' muscles again .. not like a normal person would, but it's WAY obvious for her

<Mitch> .oO(I really should be taking notes.)

<`Ryu> Mutation .. et's a fucked story t'say the least ..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..yea..

<Mondo_Gecko> quarzt tail..

<Mondo_Gecko> the whole thing?

* Kevley blinks, shifting, deeply wondering if he should take off his shirt and strut or something ...*

* Rev isn't wearing a shirt to begin with <G> shoulder's bandaged too <G>*

<Mitch> .oO(Or pictures. Statements from witnesses. Y'know, something.)

<`Ryu> Nae..jes' the tip .. th'rest es .. dragon skin .. smoothed..nae an'scales..

* Rislyn blinks, as if just seeming to realize this <G>, looking at the bandage

<Rislyn> What happened to your shoulder?

* Rislyn pats the bench next to her, waiting for Kev to come sit

<Mondo_Gecko> mmmm..

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Rev> Hm? Oh...I got...ah...shot...

* Rislyn blinks, arching a brow

<Rislyn> Rabies?

* Rislyn winks

* Kev goes over..sitting .. blankly looking around at .. stuff*

<Kev> Rabies..?? What??

* Kameko just eats her ice-cream happily

* Rev blinks*

* Rislyn chuckles, shaking her head

* `Ryu tilts her head to the side, looking up ..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...nice tail

<Rislyn> It's something that animals contract..and can spread by biting people. It makes them mad.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(did I just say that?)

* `Ryu flicks it to the side .. the points on the edges of it that run along her back are made of a clear bluish quartz as well

<Rev> AH..! *nods* Aye...and...nae...I don't have rabies...

* Rislyn looks over at Kevley

<Rislyn> Maybe you should get your shots, too.

* Rislyn winks, patting his shoulder

* Rislyn glances up at Rev

* Kevley ohhhhs* Huh? Shots? I haven't been shot ..

<Rislyn> S'good to know. At least I know you won't come chasing me, wanting to bite me.

* Rislyn smirks

<`Ryu> Aye. S'good for defence.

* Rislyn pauses .. looking over at Kev before shaking her head

<Rev> Nae...but I have...*blinks and laughs*

* Mondo_Gecko nods and reaches the door of the asylum

<Mitch> .oO(HE needs sleep.)

<Mondo_Gecko> c'mon

* Kev suddenly grins* I can bite you! *pauses...* Oh wait..

<Rislyn> ...Nevermind. I don't think you need to be anyway.

* Mondo_Gecko heads inside

<Mondo_Gecko> hello?

* Rislyn BLINKS, clearing her throat as she turns a bit red

* Kev just grins*

* `Ryu follows, tilting her head to look in past him

* Rev smacks his palm to his forehead* Ayyye...should I leave you two to your privacy? <G>

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up

* Rislyn gives Rev a look that says, "help...please?? I'm humilated enough as it is.."

<HappyLittleMoron> Dwah?

<Mitch> .oO(Whoa. What was that?) .oO(Guess she's a pinch-hitter after all.)

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey..

* Kevly grins widely*

* Rev laughs and shakes his head*

* Rislyn hrms, then perks up

* Klork glances over

<Mondo_Gecko> I have a friend here who's just recently become homeless..

<Klork> Allo' Mondo..!

<Rislyn> SO! REV! You have any girls here that have perked your interest?

<Mondo_Gecko> you think we have a place for her?

* Rislyn grins like an idiot, trying to get the topic off of her

* Rislyn pauses, realizing how dumb she must look and quickly gets rid of that look

* Kev just watches Ris....lookin' stupified ... if that's at all possible*

* Rev laughs* Nae...

<Klork> Um..sure.?? *looks at HLM*

* `Ryu heads inside, tucking her wings close as she looks around...

<HappyLittleMoron> Works...

* HappyLittleMoron standss slowly, folding herr wings against her back and heading over to the desk...

* Rislyn 's eyes go all big and wide, her face saying she's kidding

<Rislyn> You want one? A girl, that is???

* Kev still stares at Ris..*

* Rislyn winks over at Kev

* Mitch blinks

* Rislyn pauses .. then looks at him straight on

<Rislyn> GET your head out of my dress, you dolt.

<Mitch> .oO(That's- no. That CAN'T be covered by the rent...)

* Kev grins* But it's fun in there!

* Kevley pauses..*

* Rislyn pauses...then just groans

* Rev blinks and laughs!!!*

<Kev> Oh ... you meant figuratively..

* Kevley sighs, suddenly seeming quite depressed about that fact...*

* Rislyn actually falls off the weight bench, just staring at him like she can't BELIEVE he just said that

* Rev sits down, holding his hand over his stomach as he laughs*

<Mitch> .oO(Jesus. They ALL need sleep.)

* `Ryu tilts her head .. listening to the by-play in the sparring room* Jesu'..nobody's tha' stuped...are they?

* Rislyn mutters, looking humiliated again as she gets up and walks out, heading to the kitchen to get away

* Rislyn walks past Ryu, nodding

<Rislyn> Kevley is.

<HappyLittleMoron> You'd be so suprised...*shakes her head*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Kevley follows ...then blinks* I'm what??

* Rislyn heads past her into the kitchen

* Rev's still laughing helplessly*

* `Ryu arches her brows, watching before slowly shaking her head..

<Mitch> .oO(Exit the dress, stage right, quickly followed by the dude in distress.)

<Kev> Seriously--what am I??

<`Ryu> <muttered> A moron'...eesh.. *looks to Mondo* Are they all tha' dense then?

* Mitch looks down at Puddles and mutters, "It's got to be easier for you."

* Mondo_Gecko watches Ryu's tail and then winks at Klork

<Mondo_Gecko> huh?

* Puddles seems to be snoring*

* Klork blinks, chuckling as he slowly shakes his head..

* `Ryu shakes her head slowly

<`Ryu> Nae'mind .. where kin' ah stay?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up* Moron? Heh? *grins lopsidedly getting the book out and opening it*

<HappyLittleMoron> Just need ya ta sign here...*offers a pen and takes out the her the whole shpiel*

* Rev finally emerges from the work-out room, obviously calmed a good deal, heading into the kitchen to take care of his glass*

* `Ryu takes the pen..writing smoothly "Ryu Connacht" ..

<`Ryu> An' rules then..Ah heard there were rules..

* HappyLittleMoron gives her the rules...controller doesn't feel like typing 'em

* `Ryu nods

* Rislyn digs through the fridge, looking for something to eat, holding the top to the dress up as she does so

<`Ryu> Aye .. works then'..*reaches down the front of her shirt, pulling out two one=hundred dollar bills and hands them to her* Et's a start, aye?

* Kevley watches..too much enthralled with the other end atm*

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Want the change?

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

* Rev rolls his eyes and comes from the kitchen*

* `Ryu shrugs

<`Ryu> Nae .. consider et' t'be down payment fer' next month, aye?

* Mondo_Gecko cocks his head to the side and grins

* Kevley oogle-eyes Ris's ass* Niiceee..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ait...*nods, manafesting the money away and giving her the key* Number on the key matches the one on the door...I'm HLM, by the by...the other owner's named Diana...

* `Ryu nods ..

* Rislyn BLINKS, straightening and glaring at him

<`Ryu> Ryu .. *Tucks the key down her shirt after examining the room number*

<Rislyn> Could you PLEASE...keep the comments to a dull roar so only you and I can hear them?? ...<q>'s embarassing..

* Kev blinks, looking like a dog that was caught ..* Eh???

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I wonder what else she keeps in her breasts)

* `Ryu turns, looking for the stairs before meandering that way, pausing to stretch her wings out ...

* HappyLittleMoron hehs...

* Mondo_Gecko watches her go

<Mondo_Gecko> heh heh heh

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(AROOO!!)

* Rislyn bites at her lip .. face a little red as she watches Rev walk out

* `Ryu heads up the stairs, bag toted over her shoulder..

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm feeling unoriginal...all these winged people...

* Mitch just shakes his head, rubbing the sleeping Puddles ears. "How the hell do I get up?"

<Rislyn> <q> I suppose...I'm unused to them..but ...

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail is wagging almost

* Kevley furrows his brow, watching quietly*

* Rev streatches a little and settles onto a chair*

* Rislyn mutters, throwing her arms in the air

* Klork looks over his shoulder at Mondo

<Klork> Down boy. Sit. Stay.

<Rislyn> Nevermind..I just...Gyah, nevermind.

<Mondo_Gecko> arooo!!

* Kevley blinks* Wha..??

<Mondo_Gecko> *pantpant*

* Rislyn walks out to the living room, looking confused herself

* Puddles twitches...panting in his sleep*

* HappyLittleMoron cackles

* Kevley follows*

<Mondo_Gecko> hahaha!!

* Kameko watches them .. arching a brow a little

<Kameko> Dang...couple problems, guys?

<Mondo_Gecko> man..I'll be keepin an eye on that one

* Mitch cocks his head, hearing about half of the living room. "...y'know what, never mind."

<HappyLittleMoron> Geeze, Mondo...egads...where'd you find her?

* Rislyn shoots a glare at Kame

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow, then blinks

<Rislyn> Men.. I KNEW I was a lesbian for a reason..

<Mondo_Gecko> she's a stripper at your old joint

<HappyLittleMoron> Huh? 

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohhhh...

* Kevley blinks* But..wha?

<HappyLittleMoron> Gah...I feel for her...

* Rislyn pauses .. then just runs both hands through her hair, frustrated .. brows furrowing

<Mondo_Gecko> she beat up the boss down there

<Rislyn> I....oh, nevermind..!

* Rev blinks a little, arching a brow*

* `Ryu unlocks her room, heading in and tossing her bag on the bed, deciding to take a shower while she's at things..

<Mondo_Gecko> and then walked out and threated to beat me up too

* Rislyn huries upstairs, just..looking incredibly frustrated and lost

* HappyLittleMoron cackles!

<HappyLittleMoron> Oooohhhhh...she knows how to deal with the management...

* Kameko sniggers a little

* Mondo_Gecko fake sighs

* Kevley blinks...following...could very well be on a chain*

<Mondo_Gecko> I think I'm in looooove

<Kameko> Kev, you must be giving her something pretty good if she's that confused!!! *cackles*

* Klork laughs

<Klork> Oh geeze ..

* Rev blinks* ...gah...

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

* Kameko pauses, looking at Mondo..all lost

<Kameko> With Ris?? Eh..OH! The dragon lookin' chic.. Got it!

<HappyLittleMoron> Hehehe...

* Mitch yawns, looking down at Puddles. "C'mon. Wake up."

* Mondo_Gecko laughs and mombos off to the kitchen

* Puddles twitches .. nothing more*

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

* Kameko pauses .. seeing Puddles..then grins.. going into the kitchen and slicing up a hot dog....coming back out..putting a small piece in front of his nose

* `Ryu comes down the stairs after a while .. wearing a pair of holy flared jeans, black tank top tucked into them*

* Kameko winks down at Mitch

<Kameko> Want him off? Or..want him to eat your nose?

* Kameko goes to put a piece on the tip of his nose, smirking

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and wavels to Ryu, Rev nods to her...

* Puddles mrrs...nose twitching*

* Mitch blinks and looks up. "Didn't see you..." *yawns* "...Christ. How do you get out of this?"

* `Ryu waves, tail scraping the ground behind her before she runs a hand roughly through her hair

<`Ryu> Ah' s'pose ah should know th' ppl 'ere then, aye...?

<HappyLittleMoron> More'n likely, yah

* Kameko smiles, waving at Ryu

<Kameko> I'm Kameko. Cooking goddess of the place. Unless it's stirfry or spaghetti, of course. <G>

<Kameko> Anything you want, I'm game to make.

* Puddles twitches...*

* Mitch sighs as Kameko disappears again

* Kameko didn't disappear..she just waveled out of the room ...

* Kameko looks back down at Mitch, kneeling and giggling a little

<`Ryu> Ah...a'right .. *brows arch* Ah'm nae much of a cook '...but ah'll take ye're word for et..

* Mitch kind of reaches up and prods Puddles with one finger. "Up. Awake. Off..."

* Kameko kinda waves a piece around in front of Puddles' nose

<Kameko> Most pups like hot dogs... it's just a matter of him finding it--OH!

* Kameko plops a piece right smack in Mitch's mouth

* Puddles' nose twitches..he sloooowwwly flops to his side ... groggily looking up..mostly limp in his laziness

<Kameko> There! He should smell that. You're breathing will push the smell around. Just..don't eat it. It's raw.

* Kameko smirks

* Mitch spits it out, and gives her a "women are scary, pregnant women are downright crazy" look.

* Kameko pouts, then sighs

<Mitch> "So he should eat my TONGUE?"

<Kameko> Oh fine.. you're no fun.

* Kameko puts it between her lips, leaning down so her face is in front of Puddles'

* Mitch just *STARES*

* Kameko just kinda grins ... she's used to this

* Puddles is currently inspecting the wonder that is daylight .. a look of "Damnit, woke me up bastard" on his face..*

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...I hear ya work at *names the place she worked at..*

* Puddles gives a halftired if not annoyed look at Kame .. before yawning widely at her .. puppy breath should be nice*

* `Ryu nods, settling on a chair

* Kameko kinda makes a face.. then puts another piece in front of him

<`Ryu> Aye..ah did.

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Makes two of us...

* Mitch observes this byplay with the same bemusement granted to the Rislyn Chronicles

* Kameko mutters, then just picks up Puddles, scritching behind his ears

* Puddles eyes the meat .. picking it up and eating it .. but doesn't move .. sprawling and stretching on Mitch*

<Kameko> Oh fine..*spits the piece out* You..are a stubborn pup..

* Puddles whines...almost growls*

* Kameko blinks, then growls back, pressing her nose to his

* Mondo_Gecko congos back into the livingroom with chips

* Rev arches a brow, flicking bangs out of his eyes*

* Puddles blinks ... giving a blank look*

* Kameko 's eyes glow slightly, too .. NOT liking when dogs get upset at her

* Kameko grins widely as he stops, kissing his nose before holding out the rest of the cut pieces in her free hand, standing and looking at Mitch

<Mitch> "That's one way to do it." *reaches up and grabs a hold of the machines on either side, hauling himself up... he winces and edges past Kameko to more open ground, stretching his arms out painfully*

* Puddles sneezes*

<Kameko> If you want a bathroom break, I suggest getting up now. He's going to come back to you, you know.

<`Ryu> Ah..? *blinks* So ye're th' one that Shawn spoke of then..? *leans back in the chair, stretching*

* Kameko acks, wiping at her arm..doggy slobber sneeze

* Puddles whines, wanting the ground*

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yep...worked there ages ago...

<Mitch> "He's gonna have to make it up the stairs and through a locked door, then... shit, that feels terrible." *arches his back with an audible crack*

* Kameko sighs, putting him down

<Kameko> Careful. He'll find a way to get there.

* Puddles plods out of the sparring room tiredly, stumbling here n' there like a drunk*

<`Ryu> Aye..ah've worked for abou' a year .. nae...less ah s'pose

* Mondo_Gecko jumps up to the ceiling and eats chips there, crumbs falling idly on Klorks head

<Mitch> He chuckles, watching the puppy go. "More power to him, then... thanks. I couldn't, y'know, figure out how the hell I was supposed to move..."

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Worked there...waht...three...four years ago now...prob'ly still know people there...

* Klork mutters, putting a portal up so they dispose on Revelyn's head

* `Ryu nods

<`Ryu> Ah'spose... ye' e'er get past minimun wage then?

* Rev blinkblinks*

<Rev> Hey!

* Rev mutters and moves, shaking his hair out*

* Klork cackles, hovering the portal over his head still...

* `Ryu arches her brows, watching Rev & Klork..

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yeah...well...heh...I had uhm...prior experience...

<`Ryu> S'this 'appen al th' time..?

* Kameko laughs

* Rev mutters*

* Mitch rubs his neck - hard, this time, rather than his puzzled expression - and retrieves his book 'n' beer.

<`Ryu> Ah..aye.*nods, folding her hands on her lap*

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* Every once in a while, yeah..

* Rev eyes Klork* Do you like water, Sir-cat?

* Puddles plods out to Rev, leaning idly against his legs before sliding down to sprawl over his feet*

* Klork grins

<Klork> Depends. Do you like life?

<Mitch> A little defensively, as he straightens out. "Yeah? I didn't see any way out."

* Rev hmphs, shaking crumbs from his hair again*

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

* Rev blinks and looks down*

* Puddles rrrs every time Rev moves ...*

* Mitch detours into the kitchen and rids their world of the foul pestilence known as an empty beer bottle, taking a moment to just watch the living room before heading upstairs.

* Rev sighs, watching the pup* You know...this simply is not fair...

* Kameko sniggers

<Kameko> You seem to have a thing with dogs, Rev.

* Mitch 's lip twitches, watching Rev.

<Kameko> Ris was telling me about the other dog attatching itself to you last night, too.

* Puddles rrrs in response*

<Klork> Geeze .. man,glad I don't have a thing with dogs..*makes a face*

* Rev chuckles* Aye...I always have...*pauses and mutters a little* It does tend to get a bit...bothersom...*sighs a little and sorta, sits on the floor, letting the dog have his feet*

* HappyLittleMoron noddles and nuzzles Klork

* `Ryu chuckles quietly ...

<Mitch> "Oh, Mrs. Happy. I don't know when Brenna's birthday is, so I was gonna make up for lost time by getting her a couple dogs to play with..."

* Puddle's butt wiggles, curling close*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks at Mitch...

<HappyLittleMoron> Wha'??

* Klork chuckles, then pauses..

<Klork> Uh .. huh?

<Mitch> "You're gonna have room for 'em in your room, right?"

* Rev scritches Puddles behind the ears*

<`Ryu> Dogs d'nae much like me..*watches Puddles*

* Mitch delivers this deadpan

<HappyLittleMoron> ...what are you talking about?

* Kameko looks up at Ryu

<Kameko> You know, that's what Evan said. Puddles LOVES Evan.

* Kameko smirks

* `Ryu chuckles..

<Rev> Evan?

<Mitch> "Well, I saw how much Klork liked Puddles, so I figured a couple young mutts would be just the thing to bring a family closer together... and kids looove animals, right?"

<`Ryu> Aye .. but did 'e 'ave th' features of a dragon then..?

* Klork eyes Mitch.

<Mitch> "So they're probably gonna get delivered tomorrow or something, I guess. Night!"

<Kameko> Ahh..Evan. Australian, drunk. Happy one, but drunk.

* Kameko smirks

<HappyLittleMoron> ...Mitch...get back here.

<`Ryu> Egh. Aussies.

<HappyLittleMoron> What the hell are you talking about?

<Mitch> "'s a joke."

* Mitch just shakes his head. "You're supposed to, y'know, laugh."

<HappyLittleMoron> ...

<Klork> HA. HA. HA.

* Mitch sighs and heads upstairs

* Klork delivers that deadpan <G>

<Mitch> .oO(So much for that.)

<HappyLittleMoron> ...oh...kay...

* `Ryu settles on the floor, watching the dog, just curious ...

* Kameko holds up a hand

<Kameko> I..thought it was funny, Mitch..g'night..??

* Mitch 's already gooooone

* Rev shrugs a bit and shifts puddles to his lap, and leans against a chair*

* Kameko shrugs...then sighs,leaning back and watching Puddles

* Puddles gnaws on Rev's hand..pausing to look at Ryu warily...*

* Puddles flies!*

* Rev chuckles, letting Puddles down on his lap, then play-wrestling with him*

* Puddles tumbles around, butt wiggling..gnawing .. drooling .. completely fulfilled in life*

* Mitch locks the door behind him, an anti-Puddles protection measure, and flops onto the bed... he flicks off his glasses for a moment, looking up at the ceiling. .oO(Where'd I go wrong? Now they're just pissed off. Christ, I do NOT want them pissed off.)

* Mondo_Gecko drops down to the couch and curls up, watching TV

* Rev smirks, just letting the pup play*

* `Ryu watches, then glances at the fireplace before noting the fire going down .. blowing at it idly ... nothing comes from her mouth .. but the fire seems to ignite and rise in height

* Mitch pushes on the glasses and snaps off the lamp, rolling over and curling up on top of the blankets as always. .oO(...fuck. Life goes on.)

* Rev blinks* Impressive, m'lady...

* Mitch drifts off in an exponential curve, slowly at first and then faster and faster until he's out like a light in the blink of an eye

* `Ryu glances up .. shrugging a bit

<`Ryu> Y'er a bit formal, lad ..

* Rev nods a little and hehs a bit* Aye...simply something I am used not feel comfortable being otherwise...

<Mitch> .oO( least I'm forgiven...) *tiny smile tugs at his lips, chest still warm - and a little damp*

<`Ryu> Ah see .. *watches Puddles give up and sprawl tiredly* Where d'ye come from then, hmm?

* Rev rests a hand over the pup's tummy...or back...depends on how he's lying*

<`Ryu> Eh..Eire ..

* Rev pauses, bringing to mind the maps and what he's learned* Ahh...a bit of a way from home then, hm?

<Klork> *Puddles twitches .. sleeping on his stomach*\

<`Ryu> Aye .. been away fer' years now..

* Rev stroke's Puddles' coat, nodding* Do you miss it?

* `Ryu shrugs

<`Ryu> A bit, now n' then, aye .. nae get th' pub brawls 'ere like y'do there..

* Rev chuckles softly* Oh?

<`Ryu> Aye..*grins* Irish tempers n' t'much pints es' a great thing t' watch..

* Rev chuckles* Oh, aye...I'm sure you have seen some impressive brawls...

* `Ryu smirks

<`Ryu> Aye. Ah've started most of em' too.

* Rev chuckles*

* Puddles snores lightly in his sleep*

<Rev> Then people should know to leave you be when you wish to be left alone..

* `Ryu chuckles..

<`Ryu> Rarely do they's a burden lookin' as such.

* Kameko dozes...empty ice-cream carton at her side

* Klork tucks a blanket aroundh er

* Rev chuckles softly and nods, pulling his hair back into a tail, eyes tensing lightly at the pain in his shoulder* Aye...I suppose...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* `Ryu quirks a brow

<`Ryu> 'Ave y' iced tha?

* `Ryu motions to his shoulder

* Rev blinks and shakes his head* Nae...does that help with gunshot wounds?

* Mondo_Gecko casually looks over a second and then back to the TV

* `Ryu arches her brows

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(Rev's takin off with mah girl ..heh.. oh well..)

<`Ryu> Etd' help the pain ... ye're feelin it..eyes are a dead giv'way...

* Mondo_Gecko changes channels

* Rev blinks and hehs* I suppose...ah...*looks to Klork and HLM* Where would I get ice here again....?

<Klork> Freezer .. *points to the fridge*

* Puddles snores....*

* Rev nods* Ah...I thank you...*smiles charmingly at 'em and stands, carrying Puddles with his good arm...then pauses, needing both hands*

* Puddles goes with ..*

<`Ryu> Eh..ah kin' take em' I 'spose...*furrows her brow* Ah think he'd 'ate me tho..

* Kameko gets up, walking around in her sleep..

<Rev> Thank you, m'lady...we shall see, hm? *offers her Puddles, then blinks at Kame*

* `Ryu blinks .. taking puddles...watching Kame

<`Ryu> Strange places this es'..

* Klork takes pictures <EG>

<Rev> Aye...that it is...

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

* Kameko moves over to a chair and then sleeps there <G>

* Klork hides the camera with an eeeeevil grin

* Rev gives her another one of his smiles and goes off into the kitchen...looking for the ice...finding it...going about making an ice pack and holding it to his shoulder, coming back shortly*

* HappyLittleMoron smirks

* `Ryu shifts, watching the fire .. it seems to be more amusing to her atm...Puddles sleeping still..

* Rev settles on a chair* Ah...I can take him back if you wish...

* `Ryu nods, holding him up for him..

* Rev takes Puddles back, settling him in his lap*

* Puddles purrs*

<Rev> So...what is your story? If I may ask...*blinks and looks at the*

* `Ryu shrugs

<`Ryu> Ah mutated'. Was human, ahm nae an'more..

<Rev> Ahh...*nods* You are still very lovely, m'lady...your appearance has not suffered..

* `Ryu 's brows arch slightly

<`Ryu> Ye' nae e'er saw me 'afore es fer' certain ..

* Rev chuckles softly* Aye...*shrugs a little* You are very lovely now, so...

* `Ryu leans back with a small chuckle

<`Ryu> Aye aye, ah'll take tha' as a compliment then..

* Rev chuckles softly* Good, for that is what it was meant as...

* `Ryu chuckles, staring at the ceiling

* Rev smirks a little, eyes falling to the sleeping pup*

* Puddles twitches..has been drooling on his leg for some time now*

* Rev blinks and ews...*

* `Ryu cackles

<`Ryu> C'nae take a bit of pup drool then?

<Rev> Oh...aye, I's just...he's drooled through the pants leg...I do not even want to think about what he will be like when full grown...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* `Ryu laughs

<`Ryu> Prob'ly a bit more en' control. Or at least ye' c'n pray for et' t' be tha' way..

* Rev laughs* Oh aye...

* `Ryu stands, stretching

<`Ryu> Ah think ah'm turnin' en now .. *heads towards the stairs, ruffling Mondo's hair on the way* G'ni' then.

* Rev nods and chuckles softly* Rest well, m'lady.

* `Ryu nods, stretching to the ceiling before sauntering up the stairs

<`Ryu> Aye...g'nigh..

* Mondo_Gecko smiles watching her go

* Klork stretches

* HappyLittleMoron looks up sleepily

* Mondo_Gecko sighs..realizing he left the asylum a few hours ago with the intent to both have a good time and be drunk...and here he is..sober.. and back inside..with nothing to show for the evening

* Mondo_Gecko sighs in a depressed mannor and streches out on the couch, letting his tail loll over the end

* Rev blinks at Mondo*

Session Close: Wed Mar 27 02:06:26 2002

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