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Session Start: Mon Mar 25 16:31:36 2002

* Rev comes down the stairs*

* Rev sorta looks around a little, furrows his brow, and heads over to a window, quietly gazing out of it*

* ^Pippen^ trots out to the livingroom

* Rev doesn't seem to notice, just lookin' out the window**

* Bitmod is a ways away from the asylum muttering under his breath something about finishing and death, he seems rather rushed.

<Bitmod> ::slowly fingers at the scar from the burn mark on the back of his neck from his encounter with Moni oh so long ago::

* Mitch is... eh... in the gym, sprawled out on an exercise machine with a textbook, tapping the end of a highlighter on his chin

* ^Pippen^ goes over to Rev....ruffs

* Rev blinks and looks down, then kneels and scritches behind her ears* Hello there..

<Mitch> .oO(Let's face it. Get the hang of internal combustion and you can pretty much write the rest of this shit off.)

* ^Pippen^ barks and goes over to the door

<Rev> Ahh...uhm...*looks around...finds a rope and fasions a harness from it...fits the dog with it and goes about taking her out of the Asylum...*

* ^Pippen^ walks quickly....pulling on Rev

* Rev arches a brow, letting her pull, but going with her*

* ^Pippen^ keeps pulling...looking around

* Rev goes with her, watching her*

* ^Pippen^ looks back at him as she walks

* Rev arches a brow at her*

<Bitmod> ::scans the ground where a generous assortment of gadgets and tools have been placed. he is counting under his breath:: 44...48...50. Good all there. I guess i'm ready. ::puts everythi into his bag and fastnes it around his back.. then he hops onto a motercycle and puts on a black helmet::

<Bitmod> ::he fastnes a knife to his leg and a pistol to his side and leans forward kicking the kickstart. the motercycle hums to life and he leans forward moving in a direction tangent to the Asylum::

* ^Pippen^ twists around...grabing the rope in her mouth and gnawing on it

<Bitmod> ::rides forward thinking to himself:: All I need are a few good photos of the place, and it's inhabetence... then some hard proof I was there... then I'm done. God I hate this job...

* DianaManashevitz comes down the stairs streatching

<Rev> Drop it, girl. *smirks lightly, giving it a shake*

* ^Pippen^ pulls...playing tug

<Bitmod> ::every once and a while he scans the rooftops and the hirises watching for the glint of a scope or the shine of a laser sight::

* Rev shakes his head and looks around, letting her have her fun*

* Mitch is in the gym as declared, jotting some notes on the sidebar of a simple piston breakdown

* ^Pippen^ gnaws and pulls

* Rev leans forward, tapping Pippen on the muzzle* Drop it.

* ^Pippen^ drops it....looking up w/ perked ears...tail wagging

<Rev> Good girl. *scritches her ears*

* ^Pippen^ ruffs...jumps up on him

<Bitmod> ::reaching his single point on the perimiter he climbs to the top of the building and takes out a small box with an antenna. He affixes it to the roof pointing in the direction of the asylum and moves to the next building doing the same.::

* Rev chuckles and rubs her ears/neck* Want to play, hm? I take it the walk is over then?

* ^Pippen^ barks

<Bitmod> ::after setting up 10 or 12 of these devices he climbs down and moves to his bike again.. he takes out a laptop, afixes an antenna to the computer and turns it on. The computer begins to get video feed from he boxes pointed at the asylum:: There, easy part done... now for the hard part...

* Rev turns, heading back to the asylum* Come..

<Bitmod> ::pulls a piece of paper from the bag and opens it... it's a blueprint of the asylum:: Hmm... they say this room is his... I just need a little proof... ::he packs the bag back up and trying to stay in the shadows as best as possible he moves towards the alleyway left of the asylum::

* ^Pippen^ follows him....troting

* Rev blinks, catching a glimps of Bit*

* ^Pippen^ looks up at Rev....then over at Mit...

* Rev follows after Bit, casting a glimps at Pip*

* ^Pippen^ pulls forward....

* Rev lets her, picking the pace up a little*

<Bitmod> ::Bit slides into the alleyway behind the asylum and backs up agains the wall his helmet still on, a slight glow can be seen from under the visor.. he is getting some sort of read out:: Mmmm... ::he can see from parts of the cameras..::

* Rev furrows his brows, reaching out to grab Bit's shoulder* Excuse me...

<Bitmod> ::turns around in surprise:: yes? er... hold on... ::lifts up the visor, only his eyes and some of his face showing:: yes?

* ^Pippen^ barks

<Bitmod> ::looks suspiciously at the dog::

* Rev arches a brow lightly* Can we help you with something?

* ^Pippen^ sniffs Bit

<Bitmod> ::looks around calmly.. but inside he's panicking looking for some way out:: Well, yes, actually you could?

* Rev crosses his arms over his chest and tilts his head lightly* Aye...? How...?

<Bitmod> You wouldn't happen to know a mister Fox would you? I'm trying to figure out exactly where he went and I was told I might find him here. I really need to talk to him.

* Rev shakes his head* My apologies, but I do not...

<Bitmod> ::regretfully sighs:: ...are you sure? I could have sworn I was told he... never mind... I must have been mistaken. I'm sorry to have wasted your time. I guess I'll be going then Mr?

* ^Pippen^ barks again

<Rev> Ah...Revelyn...*holds out a hand* You are...?

<Bitmod> ::takes the hand and quickly thinks:: Thompson, Leanold Thompson. A pleasure to meet you.

<Bitmod> My friends call me Len.

<Bitmod> .o(My god where did I come up with THAT?!)

<Rev> An honor..

* ^Pippen^ growlbarks

* Rev furrows his brows, glancing from Pip to Bit, shaking with a very firm grip* A question...

<Bitmod> ::releases from his grasp:: Yes?

<Rev> If you wish to find this Fox-man.....why did you just not use the door? *arches a brow*

<Bitmod> ::smiles remembering something he was told:: I was told he never used the door, I thought I would have a better chance of catching him on his way out if I waited here.

<Rev> Ah...hah...

<Rev> Is there a place I would be able to contact you with if I get word of this Mr. Fox...

<Bitmod> ::digs into a pocket:: yes.. yes there is... ::hands Rev a card with a phone number on it nothing else:: This is my cell number. Feel free to call it anytime.

* ^Pippen^ snaps her teeth at Bit

<Bitmod> Wait.. there is something better you can do. Could you give Mr. Fox something for me?

* Rev nods...* Aye...ah...thank you...*sticks the card away in a pocket, then tilts his head* Ah...alright...

* Rislyn comes down the stairs, looking incredibly happy for her, a kinda smug grin on her face, stretching her arms over her head, wearing her normal outfit of tanktop and jeans again

<Bitmod> ::takes his backpack off his back and pulls a a small 5x5 inch silver metal box out of it.:: Could you give this to him for me? ::offers the box:: If not, I'll understand, I'll just mail it later or give it to him when I find him.

* Mitch is down in the exercise room, not exercising

* Rev nods and takes it, examining it*

<Rev> What is it?

<Bitmod> Just a gift. It has significance to him. He'll understand.

* ^Pippen^ jumps at Bit

<Bitmod> ::stumbles back a bit trying to keep out of the dog's range:: Erg... I hate dogs.. they never like me.

* Rev nods, then ERKs* Down, girl!

* ^Pippen^ barks

<Bitmod> ::sighs:: Well, thank you very much. I should probably be on my own way... it is rather late. And I doubt I'll be able to talk to Mr Fox tonight. Thank you for all your help. ::offers a hand in parting::

* Rev nods, shaking his hand firmly again* Of course..

<Bitmod> ::Stops shaking and steps back:: Good bye, and have a good night.

<Bitmod> ::he walks slowly down the street away from the asylum::

* Rislyn hrms ... then heads into the sparring room, deciding to take out her extra energy on the punching bag

* ^Pippen^ starts pulling..trying to go after him

* Rev nods* YOu as well...*furrows his brows and pulls back, heading for the Asylum front-door*

* Mitch is stuuuuuudying... he glances up, nods a little absent-mindedly, and returns his attention to the text

<Bitmod> ::he cuts over the street and hops on his bike about a block and half down the street, he begins to ride away slowly:: Mmm... I hope this is all enough...

* Rislyn .. is working in the sparring room

* ^Pippen^ snorts.....then goes w/ Rev

* Rev heads in with her, once they're in, he closes the door behind him and gets the improvised harness off of her...examining the box to try seeing what exactly it is and if it's of any threat*

<Bitmod> ::the box looks like 6 peices of metal made so they all interlock forming the box shape. Nothing seems unusual outright. Seems along the corners can be seen::

* Rev furrows his brows and heads over to the workout room, still carrying the box* Excuse me...? Is there someone who lives here with the last name of Fox...?

* Rislyn blinks, pausing in her workout, grabbing a towel and draping it around her shoulders with a shrug

* Mitch glances up. "There's this... shit. Starts with V. V something. I know it's a V."

<Rislyn> Dunno.. I haven't been here long myself. Maybe a few weeks... Perhaps you should ask your mother?

* ^Pippen^ jumps onto the couch and lays down

* Rislyn 's eyes are watching him if she still doesn't quite trust him

* Rev nods a little, furrowing his brows* Aye...I may just do that...*takes the card from his jeans pocket* And...ah...what are these numbers? *holds it out towards them, a cell phone number the only thing on it*

<Bitmod> ::parks in front of an all night motel and goes to check out a room:: One for the night. Thank you.

* Mitch 's not up, so Rislyn gets to handle this one

* Rislyn blinks .. then ahs

<Rislyn> It's a phone number.

<Rislyn> So you can reach whoever it was that gave the number to you.

<Bitmod> ::takes his room key and walks to his room flopping down on the bed sighing in great relief. He begins to strip himself of all his gear::

* Rev nods...brows lightly furrowed* Ah...I see...thank you...*starts to turn to go, then pauses, looking over his shoulder* Are people able to look through walls in this land...?

* Rislyn BLINKS ... that question taking her by surprise

<Mitch> .oO(I KNOW it's not Vince. Van something? Ventrue. Vim. Vigor. Veavitdpoh. Christ.)

<Rislyn>, not that I know of. Why?

* Mitch blinks, looking up. "Not last time I checked."

<Bitmod> ::smiles slightly:: Looks like a little bit of politeness can really go a long way...

* Rislyn smirks a little

* Rev nods, furrowing his brow* Ah...because I was out walking..ah...the big female dog...when I returned a man was in the ally...wearing a helmet of some kind with a glow coming from appeared he was looking through the wall...

<Rislyn> If people could, I don't think anyone would ever undress anywhere.

* Rislyn arches a brow, tensing a bit

<Bitmod> ::Back at the hotel Bit is undressing getting ready for bed::

<Rislyn> He was looking through the ASYLUM walls..??

* Rev holds his hands up* That's what it looked like...I do not know...

* Mitch frowns, shaking his head. "You sure? People can't look through walls." His lip twitches. "Well, I bet someone here can."

* Rev furrows his brows* Perhaps he has been here before...*describes Bit <G>*

<Rislyn> You said he was wearing a helmet..? Maybe the helmet was helping this man see through the walls?

* Rislyn shrugs, shaking her head

* Rev nods to Ris* 'Twas what I was thinking, m'lady...

<Rislyn> I have been up in my room most of the past few weeks. If he's been in, I wouldn't have seen him.

<Mitch> "Fuck. You're sure that's what he looked like?"

* Rev nods again* Ah...I...shall speak with m...*blinks and looks at Mitch, nodding* Aye...

<Mitch> "I mean, you got a good look at him, right?"

* Rislyn looks over at Mitch, crossing her arms, towel still around her shoulders

<Rislyn> Bad news?

* Rev nods* That I did...he told me his name was Leanold Thompson...though I have the strong suspicion that is a fake...

* Rislyn makes a face

* Rev holds out the box* He gave me this and told me to give it to Mr. Fox...

<Rislyn> If that WAS his real name, his mother deserves to be shot..

<Mitch> "As good a name as any." He flips the book closed, tucking the marker behind his ear as he stands up.

* Rislyn blinks, eying the box, then looking to Mitch

<Rislyn> If this guy is bad news...should we trust this thing?

<Mitch> "Rislyn, do me a favor and throw that box in the alley across the way. Revelyn, you seen your mother around?

<Rev> I believe she's upstairs...

<Mitch> "Find her and tell her what you just told me. Tell her EVERYTHING, okay? It's important. This guy's been here before and he's bad news. I'm gonna go find Mrs. Happy."

* Rislyn takes the box, nodding, eying it cautiously as she heads out with it quickly, dumping it off in the alley across the street, as far back as she can take it, coming back

* Rev nods...* Ah...alright...*jogs up the stairs to talk to Diana*

* Mitch heads upstairs also, going all the way to Mo&Klork's room... he knocks on the door. "Mrs. Happy?"

* HLM Mphs a little, pulls on a robe and stumbles to the door* <q> Yeah...?

* Rislyn sighs, coming back in, glancing around for where everyone disappeared to, then decides the best place to wait for them is the living room

<Mitch> "Oh. Christ, I'm sorry, I hope..." He shakes his head. "Mrs. Happy, remember that spy guy? Revelyn just ran into him outside the Asylum. He's telling Diana about it now."

* HLM blinks and steps out, closing the door behind her after tying the robe securly closed* Awshit...

<Mitch> "Yeah. Klork around?"

* DianaManashevitz and Rev comes down the stairs after a lil' bit

<HLM> He's out like a light...rather not wake him...rough day..

<Mitch> "...just as well. He was really pissed off over it. Not that, y'know, I blame him."

<HLM> I know...I'm pissed too...

* Mitch heads downstairs, rubbing his eyes and making a side trip to his room. .oO( we go again...)

* DianaManashevitz settles into a chair, massaging her temples, Rev pearching on the arm of it, HLM following Mitch down..

* Rislyn just paces in the living room, rubbing at her arms

* ^Pippen^ barks

* Mitch slips the earbud in and taps it twice, activating it. "Bill?"

<Bitmod> ::hooks the computer up to a phone line and dials into a secrete number joing a chat with his "informant":: Hello?

<Voice> what have you got..

* ^Pippen^ jumps offa the couch and goes to the door

<Bill> "No, it's Jesus. Get off the line afore I turn you into fish."

<Bitmod> A live video feed being backed up to your databases, I also planted some info that might give a lead. But this is as far as I go. This is too dangerous for me... You keep the last payments... I'm out of here

<Voice> You don't know who you are dealing with... you can't leave the assignment now.

<Mitch> "Oh, Christ, just listen! You know that guy with the scanner? He just showed up again."

<Bitmod> I'll leave if I want to... remember that clause in our aggreement? I can leave if I feel that the deal went spoiled? Well, you misinformed me, got me captured, and almost got me killed. Good bye... ::he loggs off and tucks his laptop away finishing getting ready for bed::

* Rislyn looks up when everyone comes down..waving..but figuring it's best to wait for Mitch

<Bill> "Talk to me."

<Rislyn> Hey Diana... how's the 'bonding' been going?

* Rislyn waves to 'Mo as she talks, not ignoring her <G>

* HLM rubs her lower back as she settles on the couch, nodding a little too Ris, tired as all get out*

* Mitch glances at Revelyn as he comes down the stairs. "Lemme find out myself. What happened?"

<DianaManashevitz> Ne...pretty well...*smirks a little..*

* ^Pippen^ sits at the door...whining

<Rev> I was walking the dog...saw the man step into the ally...thought it was suspisiouse and followed...we just talked...I gave you all the information I know...

<Bitmod> ::sighs lieing in bed:: Erk.. I can't sleep.. lets listen to broadband ::he takes out another band scanner and sets it to recieve all bands and listens::

<Mitch> "Which alley? Where was he coming from? Did you see where he went?"

<Bitmod> ::he hears a couple talk about their love afair and smiles:: Better then springer...

* ^Pippen^ gets up and trots up the stairs

<Rev> Left alley...ah...*says where he saw him going last <G>, since the ccontroller doesn't know <G>*

* Mitch relays the information

<Bitmod> ::he hears in the background some mumbling and some more cell phone calls:: God this is boring.. why arn't I asleep yet...

* Rislyn watches Rev .. eyes still saying she doesn't trust him .. but says nothing, just listening to his information

<Bill> "Not much to go on, kid. But if he keeps to the MO... I'm going to hop some roofs. Stay in touch."

* ^Pippen^ lays down in the hallway

<Bitmod> ::hear a voice mention roofs and touch:: Mmmm.. sounds like that would have been an interesting conversation to overhear... too bad it's over...

* Rev honestly doesn't seem to care, arms crossed over his chest, just quiet and pensive*

* Rislyn sighs ... running a hand through her hair nervously

<Rislyn> Is this the guy that got the whole place in an uproar LAST time..?

* Bill starts doing the Spiderman thing, but a lot slower and with a lot more grumbling and talk that would make a sailor blush

* HLM nods a little* Yeah...bastard shot Klork...I'd love to get my hands on him...*unsheeths her claws* Shishkebob...

* Rev blinks and arches a brow a lil'*

* Rislyn chuckles a little

<Mitch> "Christ, he should've had the sense to stay away. Nobody comes back once they're made."

<Rislyn> Isn't this also the guy that Klork beat up pretty badly?

* HLM nods...* Yep...and somehow got away...*sheeths her claws and mutters under her breath*

* Rislyn smirks* Good. I think I would have had I been shot, too. And..if I caught him again..I think I'd kill him over kicking his ass.

* Mitch sighs, going into the kitchen and retrieving a beer.

* HLM nods* Nah shit...*leans back and closes her eyes* Gods, I'm tired though...

* Rislyn furrows her brow

<Rislyn> <q> You can head back to bed, 'Mo .. we'll take care of anything, should it happen.

<DianaManashevitz> Ne...go back to bed, HLM...

<Mitch> To Mrs. Happy. "I'm sorry for waking you up... just thought you might wanna know..."

* DianaManashevitz nods...

* HLM nods and pulls herself to her feet* Thanks, Mitch...I'll let Klork know about it guys stay safe, heh? If ya need can wake me again...*grins a liil'* Nite...*heads upstairs*

* Rislyn hrms .. looking back and forth between Revelyn and Diana .. just comparing them silently

<Bitmod> ::climbs into his bed, placing his gun under his pillow, safety on, as well as the silencer, he lies down hands on his chest and trys to fall asleep...:: One... two... three.. four... five... six... seven... eight sheep.... damnd sheep...

* DianaManashevitz and can DEFFINATELY tell they're Mother-Son...they look more like sister-brother since the ages are so close...

* Mitch just looks between 'em... finally chuckles a little. "...hi, tomodachi. Hi, Revelyn. How're you doing?"

* DianaManashevitz blinks and looks up, chuckling* Ah...fine, you?

* Rev smirks a little and nods* I'm the same...I...suppose...*shrugs a little and takes a chair for himself*

<Mitch> "Pretty good..." He hitches his hip onto the arm of the couch, pulling his legs up and perching there. "Knew things were too quiet."

* Rislyn sighs, standing again and heading back to the workout room, eyes staying on Revelyn as she walks past him ... then disappears to beat up the punching bag again

* Rev meets her eyes, arching a brow and watching her 'till she dissapears before shrugging and leaning back*

<Rev> .oO(Women of this world are so strange...)

* Bill steps out onto a high-rise, pulling the caps off a pair of nightvision binoculars and slowly scanning the buildings below

* Rislyn can be heard dealing some nasty blows to the punching bag

<Rev> she always that...angry...?

* Mitch rubs his neck, looking between them.

<DianaManashevitz> Hn?

<Mitch> A little absent-mindedly. "She's got a grudge against half the human race... Diana, how old are you?"

* ^Pippen^ runs down and into the training room..sitting at the door

<Rev> ...ah...

* DianaManashevitz blinks

<DianaManashevitz> 22? Why? *arches a brow and smirks* You should know better than to ask a lady her age..

<Mitch> He blinks. "I should? Uh, shit. I shouldn't?"

* DianaManashevitz chuckles* Iie...demo I don't mind...

<Mitch> " you're not, y'know, that old plus other incarnations, or only PHYSICALLY 22, or something like that?"

<DianaManashevitz> Ne...physically 22...uhm...I suppose...*shrugs* The three years I was caught between realities seemed like far longer...demo...I will never know for sure...

* ^Pippen^ runs in and jumps on Mitch

<Mitch> Looking between the two of them, still flushing a little after his faux pas. "I'm just noticing you're very... same-agelike."

* Mitch is up and over the back of the couch in a single movement, bottle drawn back to smash over the mutt's head, before he gets a grip on himself

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly* Hai...he's nineteen...I suppose we'd be more like sibli...erk!

* ^Pippen^ stop..barking

* Rislyn comes back out, leaning against the doorframe, toweling herself off before she heads upstairs .. coming back down in just her towel, clothing in her hand as she takes it to the laundry room

<Mitch> "-Jesus Christ in rollerskates and a tube-top, SIT! Bad dog!"

* ^Pippen^ sits...barking

* Rev arches his brows at her, smirks lightly and looks back to the Mitch-dog problem*

* Rislyn BLINKS..pausing to look at Mitch's outburst... then shakes her head, going back upstairs to try and find SOMETHING to wear

<Mitch> .oO(Dammit, is Mondo gonna chain this thing up or what?!)

* Rev calls Pippen to him*

* ^Pippen^ looks at Rev and runs over to him...jumping up on him

* Rislyn sighs, unable to find anything, coming back downstairs and sitting on the couch CAREFULLY..not wanting to flash anyone

<Rislyn> <muttered> I need more clothes..

<Mitch> "...I was, was, shit. Uh." He flicks his glasses off and rubs a hand over his face, hard. "Sorry. I... isn't it impossible? He's 19, you're 22?"

* Rev laughs and catches Pippen, wrestling with the dog*

<DianaManashevitz> I...suppose...the whole time issue in Underhill...*blinks at Ris* I could lend you a pair of jeans and a shirt if you want, Ris...

* Mitch blinks as he realizes what he just said, polishing the glasses and pushing them on his face. "Did I really just say the I-word?"

* DianaManashevitz smirks and nods

<DianaManashevitz> Hai...

* Rislyn blinks, looking at Diana

* ^Pippen^ barks and ruffs..punching at Rev

<Rislyn> I...I would appreciate it.. My only outfit desperately needs to be washed.. and I need to return your dress to you ... DESPITE, what Kevley wants..

<Mitch> "Christ... yeah. I hadn't realized the time thing was THAT big a difference."

<Mitch> To Rislyn. "You could raid Stacie's room."

* DianaManashevitz chuckles and stands* Come...I'll let you pic out what you want...and Kevley...well....he's a ball of horomones...what did you expect from a man? *looks up at Mitch and smirks, nodding* Hai...explains my reaction, when I found out, ne?

* Rislyn blinkblinks...shaking her head to Mitch..and then stands carefully

<Rislyn> True.. exactly why I dislike men.

<Mitch> "Kinda... I still wanna ask some questions about that, but- go ahead... I'm gonna try and get back to my reading."

* Rev blinks, looking up from playing with the dog and arching a brow*

* DianaManashevitz nods* Hai...we will be back, Mitch...*leads Ris up to her room*

* Bill grunts something indistinguishable as he starts picking up irregularities on the rooftops...

* Rislyn follows her upstairs.. wondering if she should be walking backwards so nobody gets any freebees

* Rev shrugs and goes back to playing with the dog*

* ^Pippen^ bites his arm playfully

* Mitch makes it halfway to the exercise room before slapping a hand to his ear and cursing rapidly in spanish, finally working up to "-DAMN it, Bill, why don't you give one of these to Mrs. Happy? I don't run this place!"

* Rev taps her muzzle* No biting.

* ^Pippen^ ruffs...paws at him

<Bill> "'Cause the Moron's a moron and I like watching yer face get all scrunchy. Mr. Spy was a busy little bee. Asylum's been networked with pickups. Ask the moron if she wants me to track 'em back or just disable."

<Mitch> "It's called a PHONE."

<Bill> "Kid, shut up or I won't lend ya the armor agin. Go."

* Rev catches the paws, mimicking her*

* ^Pippen^ barks

* Mitch mutters something uncouth, heading upstairs

* Mitch doesn't really want to do it, but... *knocks again*

* HLM mutters softly, pulling on her robe, heading over to the door and peeking out* <q> ...uh huh...

<Mitch> Quietly, not wanting to wake Klork. "Sorry... Bill found, uh-" *repeating by rote* "-about a dozen fucking video uplinks staring at your sagging t-" *blinks* "-I am NOT saying that. Dammit, Bill..."

* Bill grins, taking a drag off a cigarette on a far-off rooftop.

* HLM mutters* <q> Bill can enjoy the stick shoved up his ass if he keeps those insults up...*slips out and leans against the door*

<Mitch> "...he wants to know if he should track them back or just diasable them."

<HLM> Tracking would be a good idea...

<Bill> *finally* "I kin hear YOU, kid. Just you. Unless you want a frickin' mike sticking out of your ear."

<Mitch> "Oh. She wants you to track."

* Rev with Pippen*

* ^Pippen^ jumps up again into his arms..barks

<Mitch> A few moments later. "Okay, he says it'll take some time... he's going to... no. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that either. Christ. Okay. He's gonna try and make sure the other end doesn't twig to him, and says to keep the, the obvious mutants away from windows until then."

* Rislyn comes downstairs a while later, wearing a pair of Diana's jeans and one of her shirts, heading down into the kitchen

* Rislyn pauses at the bottom of the stairs, arching a brow at Revelyn and the dog

<Rislyn> You know, I'm beginning to think you have a thing for dogs. Good luck, I hear she's single. *smirks, going into the kitchen*

* Rev blinks*

* Rev rolls his eyes* She is not my type, m'lady, though I'm sure she'd love to try getting to know you better.

* DianaManashevitz comes down shortly after and blinks

* HLM chuckles and nods* Alright...will do.

* ^Pippen^ barks!

* ^Pippen^ licks his face

* Rislyn narrows her eyes, coming out empty-handed, glare set on him

* Mitch taps his ear. "-dammit, why me?"

<Rislyn> Oh no, M'"LORD"..she seems quite fond of you. I wouldn't dare..

* Rislyn bats her eyelashes

* Rislyn leans against the doorframe, arms crossed over her waist

* Rev erks and sits back, pushing the dog away, arching a brow at Ris* Then I'm afraid she will stay single. Off of me, dog...*stands and whipes his face*

* Mitch sighs, shaking his head. "Okay. I'm sorry for waking you, Mrs. Happy... you said to, y'know, come get you if anything else happened, so..."

* HLM nods* Thanks, Mitch...

* Rislyn just watches him, glare still set on his face

<Rislyn> And here I was about to apologize for tricking you out of your title. *snorts* Nevermind.

* ^Pippen^ barks and jumps off...runs at Rislyn and jumps into her arms

<Mitch> "Oyasumi..." *heads back off down the hall, popping the bud out of his ear and tossing it up and down with a slightly disgusted expression on his face*

* Rislyn blinks, catching her out of reflex .. then sighs, scratching behind her ears before setting her down on the couch

* ^Pippen^ lays down..tail batting the couch

<Rev> Somehow I find myself doubting that very much. *shrugs a little, and smirks, not seeming overly upset* To each their own, m'lady.

* Rislyn smirks, the look a nasty one

* Mitch drops by his room again, flicking the earbud onto his bed, and shrugs into his jacket before heading back downstairs to see if he can try and get some actual reading done this time.

<Rislyn> I had you fooled. Same with your lousy excuse for guards.. Put breasts in front of them and they turn to mush.

* Rev returns the nasty look with a dazzling smile* Enjoy your now friend. *heads into the workout room, slipping his shirt off and glancing back* And how would you know I honestly wanted that power to begin with, hm?

* Rislyn 's eyes go all big and round ... completely losing what she was going to say .. violet eyes looking up at him blankly

<Rislyn> I...pardon..?

<Mitch> .oO(Yeah, I've heard that bit before. Some bird in a saran-wrap shirt bitching about men staring at her breasts.)

* Mitch heads into the sparring room himself, shaking his head, and settles back onto the weight machine, picking up the textbook and opening it up again

* Rev turns, folding the shirt and setting it aside, folding his arms over his chest, a good number of battle-scars crossing his skin* I did what I needed to to survive, m'lady. Not all of those in power truely want it...many are forced into it.

* ^Pippen^ syal her head down

* Rislyn shakes her head visably, following him in, angry now that she went all "oogly" when he took his shirt off

<Rislyn> True.. but I know had you truly not wanted to come here, we would all be dead.

* Rislyn plants her weight on her right leg, hand on her hip, her other moving around as she talks

<Rislyn> You made it entirely too easy. It shouldn't have been.

* Rev shrugs a little, heading over to the mat and taking up a bo, twirling it absently and shrugging lightly, muscles rippling under the skin* So?

<Rislyn> I'm saying you knew someone would come for him. Come for you. Your scout told us we were expected.

<Rislyn> Well..told us that Devnet and Keelin were expected...

* Rev nods* Aye...

* Rislyn kinda trails off...watching him before shaking it off again

* Mitch mutters something and gets up, heading around the two. .oO(...this IS a sparring room...)

<Rislyn> I suppose what I'm asking was there really an ambush waiting for us? Or was that all made up to lead us the right way to get you out?

* Rislyn crosses her arms

<Rislyn> We were just your excuse.

* Rislyn blinks, watching Mitch walk out.. then sighs, shaking her head

* Rev nods* There was one. And I did not expect to be brought here, honestly. *passes the bo behind him, absently starting a kata, movements smooth and all* Once I saw what Kevley was saying about my mother was true, I knew I was living a lie.

<Rislyn> <w> So I didn't kill the scout for nothing...

* Rislyn 's voice is heavy with guilt ..

* Mitch takes a swig of his beer as he drops onto the couch, opening up the book... again...

* Rev nods lightly to Mitch as he goes, and blinks a little coming to a pause, smiling very slightly* <q> did not...

* ^Pippen^ looks up at laying on the couch

* Rislyn sighs, looking up at him

<Rislyn> I do want to apologize for my actions while in Underhill. I hate playing at what I'm not

* Rislyn pauses at that .. then looks up at him

* ^Pippen^ jumps offa the couch and onto the other one....laying w/ her paws and head on Mitch's thigh

<Rislyn> But don't get me wrong. I still want to kick your ass for what you did to Kevley.

* Rev nods a little* are forgiven as far as that goes...*pauses and blinks* What...? Ask him questions?

* Rislyn blinks, eyes a bit alarmed

* Mitch looks down, tries to concentrate and utterly fails... he grumbles something equally unprintable and gets up, dumping Pippen's head off as he heads into the kitchen.

<Rislyn> Nae--gyah, look at how you've got me talking--the gash in his side that needed stitches!

<Rislyn> He told me you'd tortured him..

* ^Pippen^ puts her head down...ears lowered...whimpering

<Rislyn> The wound and his wrists say he was chained down while captive.

* Rev chuckles softly* The gash must have been from our battle...aye...I did chain him...but all I did was ask questions and make him thinnk...

* Mitch pushes himself up onto the counter, kicking his boots up with him and settling in with his back to a cabinet

* Rev smirks a little* If I'd have tortured him, he would have far more injuries than a gash and wounds to the wrists...

* ^Pippen^ gives a sad howl

* Rislyn blinks a little...then mutters, sitting down on one of the machines, holding her head with her fingers in the hair at her temples, snapping a glare at him with the "If I'd have tortued him.." bit

<Rislyn> <q> If you'd have tortured him more..I wouldn't have cared if Diana had been there or not. You would be dead.

* ^Pippen^ howls again

<Rislyn> <quiter still> Though the man IS an idiot...

<Mitch> Muttered, "Sit on it," as he flips back to a diagram of a complex pulley system.

* ^Pippen^ howls louder

* Rev nods a little, twirling the bo again, and coughing lightly at that last* Aye...

* Rislyn 's face gets all defensive

<Rislyn> He's incredibly smart when it comes to tactics. And from what he said, you only won your duel because you cheated.

<Rislyn> He's good at what he does. And he hasn't had need for anything else.

* Rev nods* Aye...he is excelent at what he does, I will give him that...and by some standards I did cheet...but...there are simply other areas that...ah...need improvement, as it were...

* Rislyn leans back, then stands, drawing her sword out and practicing herself on the other side of the room

* ^Pippen^ lays on the couch making high pitched whines

<Rislyn> You were..*swipe* afraid of losing to him because he was..*slice* better than you. It's understandable that you cheated..

* Rislyn hackslices

<Rislyn> And there are places that he perfects in that I..*swoosh* am sure you could improve in..

* Rislyn 's face has a smirk on it with that line... you KNOW what she's talking about.. <EG>

* Rev shrugs a little, going into a graceful elven-style kata* Aye...partially...*smirks* And that is an area I could honestly not care less about, m' would know far more than I do in that department when it comes to him...

* Rislyn blinks, tensing and looking over at him

<Rislyn> And what do you mean by that? I simply came to his rescue because I wanted a good fight. I thought I'd be given a chance to kick your ass.

* Rislyn swipes her hair behind her shoulder, drawing her sword back into her

* Rev chuckles softly as he spins the bo* you are good...friends...I see.

* Rislyn furrows her brow

<Rislyn> You don't see. I don't like men. And as much as he tries to convince me otherwise, that will not change. It CAN'T change..

* Revelyn shrugs* Very well, m'lady...whatever you say..

* Rislyn 's face goes a little sad ... obviously something crawling up from her past before she lowers her head, sword coming back out to practice visciously

* Revelyn pauses, brows furrowing* Are you alright?

* Rislyn 's entire body is tense as she practices

<Rislyn> Of course.

* Revelyn furrows his brows, obviously knowing otherwise, but shrugging none-the-less* If you say so...

* Rislyn frowns, then pulls her sword back in, giving him this looks that says, "What is it with you..?" then walks past him, heading upstairs to her room, murmering a goodnight to him and calling out one to the others

* Rev blinks a little and shrugs*

* Revelyn comes out of the workout room, slipping his shirt on* A strange one that...

* Mitch remains in the kitchen, his rhythmic highlighter-tapping and page-rustling performing backup for the melodic sounds of the refridgerator's motor

* Revelyn shakes his head and shrugs..

* Revelyn hmphs a little and settles on a chair, streatching out, eyes thoughtful

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* Mitch , uhh, goes upstairs. And sleeps.

Session Close: Tue Mar 26 01:03:26 2002

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