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Session Start: Sat Mar 02 12:26:07 2002

* Mondo_Gecko twists in the bed, a cold sweat rolling over his body, his brows furrowed.....back on the island...only this time he's all's nighttime and the sky is a sea of stars without city lights...the moon looming over the island.. and so he starts walking until he looks up and notices a cave and he heads inside...stagmites are hanging down from the ceiling and glittering.

* Iris sits on her bed, watching him quietly with her swirling eyes*

* Mondo_Gecko notices a strange pool of glowing water and kneels down..and instead of his face there he sees another reflecting back...a wild looking jaguar mutant ..his eyes are blue and peircing.. soft orange fur and wild hair hanging down in his eyes. And there's a strange light comming from his third eye..and a symbol on his chest too..burnt into the fur...

* Mondo_Gecko blinks...back in reality again

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(....there's someone else like me out there...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(that cat guy....he's like me..)

* Mondo_Gecko swallows thickly as the room comes into clear view

<Mondo_Gecko> *croaky* Iris?

* Iris tilts her head and hops down to stand by his bed* Uh huh...hi okie?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...umm..

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..I think

* Mondo_Gecko holds his head..

<Iris> Wha' were you dreamin' 'bout..?


<Mondo_Gecko> this may sound kinda..crazy..

<Mondo_Gecko> it was an island..

<Mondo_Gecko> it's the second dream about it..

* Iris nods...*

<Mondo_Gecko> there was this pool of water in a cave and when I looked in it I didn't see myself...I saw man

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head, trying to get the peircing violent blue eyes out of his head

<Mondo_Gecko> and he had a symbol too

<Iris> Ooh..wha' kind?

<Mondo_Gecko> he looked like a big jungle cat

<Mondo_Gecko> like a cheeta

* Iris nods* Okie..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> ...he's like me..there's another person out there like me..

* Iris nods* Den you haveta find 'im...mebbe he's as lonley as you are...*smiles*

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little...this strangers face in the dream the greatest comfort he's had in a long time

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* yea...but where to look

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe I'll only beable to see him in dreams

<Iris> We get a map an' look on that? Nox says that dreams tell us a' when we're awake we might be able to find out more than we think...

* Mondo_Gecko looks up suddenly

<Mondo_Gecko>'d you know I was lonely?

<Iris> It's in your eyes...they're not as happy as usual...*hops up on the bed by him and hugs him* I still love you, tho!

* Mondo_Gecko smiles and hugs her back

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* thanks hun I love you too

* Iris smiles and makes the rainbow-shower over them both* Wan' me to find the map??

<Mondo_Gecko> yea

* Iris nods and hops off the bed, running out of her room shouting "KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"*

<Mondo_Gecko> O O

* Mondo_Gecko winces

* Mitch glances up, then returns his eyes to the drafting board, chuckling softly and shaking his head.*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(damn, I was way too drunk to function last the heck did I end up in Iris's room anyway)

* Iris comes back tugging Kern along by the hand, he holds a map in the other hand, dumbfounded look on his face, mixed in with a massive amount of worry*

<Mondo_Gecko> what's wrong?

<Kern> Ah...I'm worried for Rae and the child...*smiles a bit and spreads the map where Iris indicates* For you as well, my friend...I heard you were not doing so well..

<Mondo_Gecko> Rae?


* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> life just decided to go and suck

* Mondo_Gecko winces as a fresh wave of pain coarses through his head

<Mondo_Gecko> and I have the worst hangover of my life

* Kern nods* Aye...purple hair...silver eyes...*holds a hand up* Yay tall..*blinnks* Ah...I am sorry to hear...perhaps some water?

<Mondo_Gecko> don't think I've met her

* Mondo_Gecko nods to Kern

<Mondo_Gecko> and a really hot shower..

* Mondo_Gecko leans over the map

* Kern nods a little and stands, lifting Iris up onto his shoulders* Alright...shower, then come downstairs...? I'm going to make sure someone's watching Iris...then return to Rae...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..ok

* Mondo_Gecko folds up the map for now and gets up, heading to their bathroom and into the shower

* Kern heads off with Iris*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs grabbing the shampoo and lathering up his hair, the hot water pounding down on his knitted muscles

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(...well..somehow I'm still alive..)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(guess this means I gotta keep going...and ...It can't be all that bad...)

* Mondo_Gecko gets out, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist and drying off, pulling his clothes on again

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(two showers in two often does that ever happen?)

* Mondo_Gecko heads downstairs, his hair roughly toweldried and looking kinda messy..

* Iris and Brenna are on the couch with Nox, listening to her read to them*

* Mondo_Gecko goes to the fridge and pokes around and finds a bottle of OJ and gets himself some cereal

* Nox uhm...waved to Mondo as he passed 'n stuff*

* Mondo_Gecko sits down at the table and inhales the cereal and then grabs the phone.

<Mondo_Gecko> Yea hey man....yea I am..I need my shit..

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..she dumped me

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> my thoughts exactly

* Mondo_Gecko sips his OJ

<Mondo_Gecko> ..heh..did she? ...stupid bitch you an me gotta go hang out together..get pissed

<Mondo_Gecko> but first I gotta get a job

<Mondo_Gecko> kiddin

* Mondo_Gecko grins a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I can do that

<Mondo_Gecko> hey thanks man!

<Mondo_Gecko> Sure.. ok I'll be around here all day

<Mondo_Gecko> bye man

* Mondo_Gecko hangs up

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(..this is gonna be the best job I've ever had)

* Nox finishes the part of the book she was reading to the two, and sets the girls about doing...uhm...stuff...drawing or playing or whatever kids do...*

* Mondo_Gecko heads back upstairs

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( feel like..a hundred percent better now..)

* Nox is now doing mending...sewing stuff and a small stack of clothing sitting by her on the couch..*

* Mondo_Gecko goes and grabs the map and comes back downstairs and takes a seat on the couch, streaching the map over his crossed legs

* Nox looks over* Better?

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

<Mondo_Gecko> ...tons

* Nox smiles* Good...*looks down to her mending, hands moving nimbly with the needle and thread* Iris said something about a dream...and a jungle?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..second time it's happened

<Mondo_Gecko> first time I was there and it was all stormy

* Nox nods* Aye..

<Mondo_Gecko> and I could feel there was no one there but I just..knew it

<Mondo_Gecko> psychic like er something

<Mondo_Gecko> but I saw someone so I was like "messed"

<Mondo_Gecko> and I went up to see who it was..and it was me! ..but I was all blue

<Mondo_Gecko> and looked like some kinda jungle tarzan guy

* Nox nods with a small smile* Mmhmm?

<Mondo_Gecko> and he touched my chest and left this symbol of a lightning bolt on my chest over my heart

<Mondo_Gecko> and then when I woke was there

<Mondo_Gecko> and glowing blue

<Mondo_Gecko> and I was paralized and couldn't move

<Mondo_Gecko> ..then I heard thunder outside..just like in the dream

<Mondo_Gecko> then last night the dream was i was back on the same island but it wasn't stormy..

<Mondo_Gecko> but the clouds were still dark.. and I found this had those pointy things hanging down.. and there was this glowing pool and I looked in it and saw this cat guy

<Mondo_Gecko> he looked like a cheeta

<Mondo_Gecko> he had super deep blue eyes that could like..look inside someone

<Mondo_Gecko> and some kinda symbol on his chest too..but it wasn;t a lightning was something else

* Nox nods* Hmm...your animus on the first...perhaps a brother of sorts on the second...? Do you remember what the symbol was?

* Mondo_Gecko takes a breath

<Mondo_Gecko> and that's what Isaw

<Mondo_Gecko> on him? ..yea

<Mondo_Gecko> what's an animus?

<Nox> Soul...inner's the you that knows more about you...your subconsiouse, perhaps...

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm...yea..sounds like it

* Mondo_Gecko looks thoughtful

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I just remembered something

<Nox> That being...?

<Mondo_Gecko> in the second dream I was blue like I saw the me on the rock

<Nox> Ahh...perhaps you are getting closer to finding out who you really are...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> I hope to hell

<Mondo_Gecko> but I wanna find that cat guy first

* Nox nods...* Thus the map, hm?

<Mondo_Gecko> yea

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno if the island is a real island or if it's just in my head

<Nox> There is only one way to find out then, hm?

<Mondo_Gecko> there is?

* Nox nods and motions to the map* Look for it...move your finger over the paper...if you feel a pull, stop. Blank your mind though, so you consiouse has nothing to do with this..

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> ok..

* Mondo_Gecko clears his mind

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(ok...looking for the catman and the island)

* Mondo_Gecko moves his finger around the man....and it lands first on..New york..and then he slides it over to....japan....and then to...Africa....and then...finnally stops on the edge of Brazil

* Mondo_Gecko opens one eye and then the next

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...maybe it's in Brazil?

* Nox watches...* would fit the pattern...*chuckles softly* That is were Aria's from...

<Mondo_Gecko> whoa...

<Mondo_Gecko> now I just gotta figure out how to get to Brazil

* Nox nods quietly, hmming softly*

<Nox> Perhaps you can take one of the flying metal beasts? airplane...? *smiles a little sheepishly* There is still a great deal about this time I have to learn of...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> yea I can

<Mondo_Gecko> but it costs money..alot of money

<Mondo_Gecko> I gotta do more research than pointing at a map

<Nox> Ahh...then...perhaps start local...? See if perhaps...*trails off with a small smirk* Exactly...

* Mondo_Gecko nods and grabs the remote, folding up the map

* Nox snaps the thread with her teeth after tying off the stitched up tear in the shirt she was working on, before moving onto the next garment*

* Nox finishes with the mending...putting all the stuff away..*

* in the darkness of the dumpster, the rats congregate, milling and squealing and seeming to jockey for position around the bobbing bird...*

* Then, a scar-faced rodent is jostled, stumbles, tumbles - and his lashing tail whips against the bird's legs!*

* Diana pauses in her walk along the sidewalk and mutters* ...damn bird... *before continuing on as if nothing out of the ordinary happened*

* Every living creature FREEZES, still as death, as the bird tips, teeters...*

* ...and rocks back, rattling onto its base like a penny settling onto the ground.*

* A heartbeat passes... and the rats pounce, tearing into the unlucky soul in a squealing, fuzzy furball of violence, roiling as bloody chunks of fur and a severed, twitching tail scatter over the concrete...*

* Bob. Bob. Bob.*

* the doorbell rings*

* Nox looks up, stands and glides over, opening the door a crack* ...yes?

* a tall guy with wild spikey blue hair and a blue goateee stands there, dressed ina black silk shirt and dress pants and spiked collar.

<Axel> ..Shawn here?

* Nox nods* Ah..yes...*steps back and looks over to Mondo* Someone here to see you...

* Mondo_Gecko gets up

* Mondo_Gecko goes over to the door and opens it

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey Man..what's up?

* Axel grins* not all yer stuff in the are we putting it?

* Nox still...had the door open? <G> kneels by the girls..*

<Mondo_Gecko> man..I dunno

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I gotta find a spare room

* Nox looks up* Diana said there is an empty room by your old one...she said you can have that one..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..oh..ok

<Mondo_Gecko> ok..

* Mondo_Gecko heads out with Axel and the two of them come up, carrying a few boxes and gym bags that Mondo pulls his things around with him

<Axel> happened?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..bout what?

* they goes into the new room and Mondo looks around* ...heh.. it's clean

<Axel>'ll take care of that

<Axel> oh..about yer girl

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno..guess she got sick of me...

<Mondo_Gecko> I mean..I wasn't around much after I moved out

<Axel> ..yea well.. it's hard to hold down a relationship when your on a three week bender

* Mondo_Gecko snorts

<Mondo_Gecko> it's fucked...there's like..whole weeks I can't remember

<Axel> ..I think you did alot more than drinkin

* Mondo_Gecko starts pulling his stuff out and putting in the drawers

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> ..dropped acid I think..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..with the dreams I've been having I wouldn't be surprized

<Mondo_Gecko> You stickin around?

<Axel> gotta get outta here..besides..I don't think yer mutant friends like humans.. maybe their racist against us huh :P

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..I think so.. it's fucked..everyone thinks their such god damn saints

<Mondo_Gecko> it's bull fucking shit

<Mondo_Gecko> everyones an asshole at the core

<Axel> maybe if people got in touch with their inner asshole we'd have less anger issues or something :P

<Mondo_Gecko> yea.. that's the problem...everyone thinks their a saint and saints are always right...everyone thinks they know it all

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe if everyone admitted to knowing nothing we'd be somewhere

* Diana comes in the front door, streatching a little*

<Axel> ..ok phone me...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..sure

* Nox looks up and nods to Diana before going back to helping Iris with her homework and Brenna with her coloring*

* Diana smiles softly to them and heads into the kitchen*

* Axel turns and heads down the stairs, passind Diana on the way and heads out to his van, disapearing

* Diana blinks and kinda wavels to Axel*

* Diana shrugs a little, bewildered look on her face as she heads into the kitchen to warm up left-over stir-fry*

* Mitch sighs and jags the marker across a page, scrawling away another possibility.*

* Mondo_Gecko lays out on the bed

* Diana hums softly, sitting at the table to munch*

* DianaManashevitz then meets Iris and Brenna in the, after the three of them change into their gis, workout room to give them their lesson

* ``Mitch sighs and leans his forehead against the drafting board, rims meeting it with a dull click... one hand brings the mug up and he sips air for a moment before looking up and into the bottom of an empty cup

<``Mitch> "...oh, that's the LAST thing I need."

* ``Mitch stands and stretches, absent-mindedly nudging the shipping crate a.k.a. chair with one hip, and walks out, locking up and heading downstairs for a refill

* Mondo_Gecko pulls out his guitar and starts to stum softly and starts to sing

<Mondo_Gecko> I used to hate the lipstick It stained and tasted so sick The pantyhose and the bras, She threw on my guitars Shit fuck i made a mistake,I thought i needed a break The truth is i'm such a dick,It's broke and can't be fixed

<Mondo_Gecko> If you wanna call it a heartache,

<Mondo_Gecko> Then i shouldn't regret those things, i miss her

<Mondo_Gecko> If you want the pain to go away,

<Mondo_Gecko> Better suck up your pride and admit you lost her

<Mondo_Gecko> Let her go, move on, let her go, move on, let her go

* DianaManashevitz gently flips Iris over her shoulder, then Brenna...helping them learn hard-falls in a fun way

* ``Mitch walks into the kitchen and pours the remainder of the carafe, lukewarm at best by now, into his cup... he takes a sip, leaning against the counter and trying to figure out the key to all his trouble...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and goes and puts on his Linkin Park CD and starts putting his posters and things up on the walls and organizing his stuff

* DianaManashevitz starts counting in Japanese, watching the girls practice their backfalls in time to her counting, correcting one every once in a while..

<``Mitch> Quietly. "Dammit, this wasn't my part..."

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at his window and realizes that if he wants he can leave and come through the window...he doesn't have to deal with people downstairs if he doesn't want to..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(that's a releif)

* ``Mitch glances over at the sounds, then turns the corner, shoulder still up against the wall, to watch... then blinks. .oO(Well, I expected to see good-looking women working out, and... that's BASICALLY what I got...)

* DianaManashevitz nods a little to Mitch with a slight smirk, then goes about teaching the two of them front-rolls...gotta love the tumbling...pretty funny watching the girls, kinda flopping over before they kinda get the hang of it

* ``Mitch gives a small wave, sipping at his coffee and watching still - it's kind of charming to see the Asylum's kung fu field at work

* DianaManashevitz grins softly, setting the girls about practicing a technique after a few minutes of meditation

* Mondo_Gecko sighs hugely, bored

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(.....I must be the most destructive MOFO on earth)

* DianaManashevitz looks over to Mitch and smirks lightly* Do you want a lesson?

<``Mitch> .oO(I wonder... nah. You're not an enforcer. You don't have what it takes, and if you let yourself believe you do, you're gonna get hurt.) He snorts softly. .oO(More so than usual.)

<``Mitch> He shakes his head. "Iie, domo... I wouldn't know where to begin."

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I'm just starting to get shit together and I wanna go cause trouble again)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(...must...sit...still)

* DianaManashevitz chuckles* Hai...whatever you say...the offer is still there...erk...Iris...stance. *nods as Iris adjusts her stance* Good girl...

* FWL_MeRc walks out of his room streaching and yawning

<FWL_MeRc> ugh... hangover...

<``Mitch> He nods, and keeps watching with half an eye, the other half turned inwards.

* DianaManashevitz , Mitch and the girls are in the workout room

* FWL_MeRc walks toward the workout room looking in "good morning ladies... and guy"

* DianaManashevitz chuckles* Konichiwa, Merc..

* ``Mitch nods to Merc, a little uneasily, and continues watching the others

* DianaManashevitz kneels down to show another technique to the girls, then lets them at it, watching and correcting them from time to time..

* FWL_MeRc smiles at watches Diana "teaching the kids ro fight eh?"

<DianaManashevitz> Iie...not to fight...simply to survive...*smirks lightly* Do you really wish to hear the entire philosophy of Aikido?

<FWL_MeRc> no matter what you call it, its still fighting

* DianaManashevitz just shakes her head, gently adjusting Brenna's thumb on Iris's hand* Whatever you say, Merc.

<FWL_MeRc> well... thats my philosophy *smirks*

<DianaManashevitz> Hai...and you can keep it. Gomen.

<FWL_MeRc> sue me i take a simplistic view of life, I'm mostly animal whatca expect?

* ``Mitch just lets the byplay pass by, eyes flicking back and forth like a spectator at a tennis match

* DianaManashevitz shrugs a little* Hai...and you are entitled to it. Just others are not so blessed...

* FWL_MeRc lifts a brow "whatca mean by that?"

<DianaManashevitz> Simply that you are allowed to your own view...and others do not share it.

* FWL_MeRc nods "fair enough"

<FWL_MeRc> well mitch... whats your veiw on life?

* DianaManashevitz goes back to instructing the girls

<``Mitch> "Huh?" He looks up. "What'dya mean?"

<FWL_MeRc> well... is life worth it blah blah

* ``Mitch shrugs. "Life IS... y'know, worth it, not worth it, meaningful, meaningless, fair, unfair, whatever. Life is, and it's still going to be whatever we think or say."

<``Mitch> "Better to get on with dealing with the hand you're dealt than trying to question whether or not it should be."

<FWL_MeRc> ah... a sound view *smiles and watches the girls*

* ``Mitch spreads a hand as he continues watching himself, suppressing a smile at the infinite adorability factor of small children performing martial arts

<FWL_MeRc> you want kids mitch? *dosn't look away from the children*

<``Mitch> "I really don't think I'm father mat-" He suddenly blinks, his jaw dropping.

<FWL_MeRc> ... whats wrong? *looks at him*

* DianaManashevitz blinks a little, looking up at the suprised not in his voice from helping Brenna with a pin

<``Mitch> Softly. "Better to get on with... that's IT! Son of a b-" His eye catches Iris's, and he shuts his mouth, turning and bolting for the stairs.

* Iris blinkblinks, getting up from the mat* ...huh?

* DianaManashevitz blinks a little and shrugs

* FWL_MeRc raises a brow... "o...k..."

* ``Mitch takes the stairs two at a time, fumbling with the keys, and gets his door open... he hastily sets the cup on his dresser, and kicks the cratechair away from the board, grabbing the marker.

* DianaManashevitz looks back to the girls, telling them with that look to get back to practicing, a smirk tugging the corner of her lips* are you, Merc???

<FWL_MeRc> feh... right now... confused... very confused and you Diana? *smiles*

<``Mitch> *scrawling huge X's all over the paper* "That's it! That's the answer. Don't question whether or not - just keep going! Just do it! All of the possibilities have almost no chance of succeeding, and that leaves only the impossible! All I have to do is work out a way of making it possible."

<DianaManashevitz> Much the same...*shrugs a little, rubbing her right forearm*

* ``Mitch studies his work, and takes a step back. "...shit, I'm gonna need a camera."

<FWL_MeRc> hows the arm?

<DianaManashevitz> Ne...alright...healing nicely at least...*flexes her fingers a little, knuckles scabbed over from their repeated encounter with the punching back last night* I'm getting used to the lack of feeling..

* FWL_MeRc nods

<FWL_MeRc> well as long as its getting better *smirks*... i heard about you and mondo... sorry

* DianaManashevitz smiles a little, eyes turned sad, watching the girls* Domo...some things are just not meant to be, I suppose...

* FWL_MeRc rests a hand on diana shoulder "i know... if you need a friend I'm here for you at least"

* DianaManashevitz smiles slightly, patting his hand lightly* Domo...I know...

* FWL_MeRc smiles "anyhow i best do the workout"

* DianaManashevitz smiles in return and nods* Hai...enjoy yourself... *hms a little and kneels by the girls again, showing them each a new technique to try*

* FWL_MeRc smirks and moves to the benching bar, loading up 8 25 KG weights

* FWL_MeRc lays under the bar and proceads to bench the bar with ease

* FWL_MeRc does 20 then puts on another 2 25s and benches another 50

* DianaManashevitz wraps up tthe lesson and sends the girls off to clean up with Nox before going about her own workout...starting off with a bo kata

* FWL_MeRc gets the 60 KG dumbbells and begins to do his Dumbell presses

* DianaManashevitz doesn't appear to notice as she works on the kata, eyes intense with concentration

* FWL_MeRc does 50, then begins to do flyers, his arms straight as he lets them drop and pulls them back up

* FWL_MeRc does the rest of his workout

* DianaManashevitz continues on with katas with different weapons, just concentraiting on her movements, etcetcetc...

* FWL_MeRc does his finishing streaches "we got any leechs?"

* DianaManashevitz blinks a little, pausing to look at him* ...ah...iie...not to my knowlege...

<FWL_MeRc> damn it ... how else am i going to get rid of this hang-over?

* FWL_MeRc muscles ETC are more defined as hes just ripped them all

<DianaManashevitz> Water...? Sleep it off...?

<FWL_MeRc> ... sleep sounds good... but no

<DianaManashevitz> Gomen nasai...I don't know how to help you then...I stay away from alcahol...

<FWL_MeRc> ugh... mondo convinced me to drink with him... i think...

<DianaManashevitz> Ahh...*smiles wryly* Are you sure it wasn't the other way around? <G>

<FWL_MeRc> ... i dunno... prolly... infact most likly... bah either way leeches are needed

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly* Gomen, Merc...I wouldn't even know where to get them...

<FWL_MeRc> ok... I'll live with it then

<DianaManashevitz> Ganbatte...*returns to her with nanchaku <G>*

* FWL_MeRc watches "sticks on chains... why not just use the chain?"

* DianaManashevitz shrugs lightly as she works with them* Less blunt force trauma I suppose...this is more fun

* FWL_MeRc nods "lemme guess... stop your attack but do little damage to him?"

<DianaManashevitz> Hai...more or less...although...they can do a fair amount of damage...any weapon can be used to stop the attack without doing a leathal amount of damage...*shrugs* Not my favorite weapon...good for trapping swords, etc...

* FWL_MeRc smirks "i prefre big weapons and leathal blows"

* DianaManashevitz shrugs* Up to you. I've had enough killing in my life, domo..

<FWL_MeRc> feh maybe but if you cut off a limb

<FWL_MeRc> they'd think twice

* DianaManashevitz just gives him a look* There are other options.

* DianaManashevitz puts the 'chucks back and starts practicing with sai

<FWL_MeRc> ... beating them to an inch of life?

<DianaManashevitz> Or escape when they don't need to be gotten rid of...verbal persuasion...*shrugs* Depends on the situation

<FWL_MeRc> true but I'm talking about the extreme situations

<DianaManashevitz> I only kill when absolutely neccessary.

<FWL_MeRc> yea?

<DianaManashevitz> Hai

<FWL_MeRc> nice... feh i often go overboard

<DianaManashevitz> may want to work on that...

<FWL_MeRc> ... and its all because of hormones

* DianaManashevitz arches a brow

<DianaManashevitz> Next time I have PMS, how about I go after you.

<FWL_MeRc> nice idea...

<FWL_MeRc> then we can both vent

<DianaManashevitz> Heh...*shrugs a little as she works out, the dragons twining around her arms wrything with the muscle movement...her forearms visible because the gi sleeves are rolled up to her elbows*

* FWL_MeRc smirks "anyway... how about tomarrow we go for our drink?"

<DianaManashevitz> Alright...

<FWL_MeRc> get drunk wake up with hangovers and this time I'll have leeches

<DianaManashevitz> can get drunk...I do not like alcohol...

* FWL_MeRc jaw drops and stares at diana in mock disbelief

* DianaManashevitz smirks lightly

<FWL_MeRc> i must correct this horrible wrong

* FWL_MeRc smirks "not really don't worry"

<DianaManashevitz> not try pushing it on me. I have my reasons.

<FWL_MeRc> oh?... sorry... i was just joking ... sorry

* ``Mitch walks downstairs, tugging the black cap Shin gave him tightly over his features

<DianaManashevitz> It's alright...*smiles slightly and streatches*

* ``Mitch laces his arms behind him - the normally familiar state feeling slightly off-kilter for some reason - and shrugs into a jacket... he pokes his head into the sparring room. "Diana? How long is your workout going to take?"

* FWL_MeRc looks over a mitch raiseing a brow

<DianaManashevitz> Ne...I'm wrapping up now...just need to finish streatching...did you want me for something?

<``Mitch> "Yeah, kinda... I need to find a pawnshop and drop by Times Square for a few minutes. Want to come?"

<DianaManashevitz> Sure...just give me some time to shower and all...*smiles slightly and bows a bit to Merc* Excuse me...*heads past them both, up the stairs*

* FWL_MeRc moves letting diana by "... I'm confused..."

<``Mitch> "Domo..." He walks into the living room and settles into the couch to wait, leaning down and gently rubbing his sore leg

* DianaManashevitz comes back down the stairs after a bit, wearing jeans and a tank top, leather jacket over the ensamble

* ``Mitch stands. "Domo arigato, Dee - you're a lifesaver..." *opens the door and steps out onto the front porch, adjusting his glasses slightly and blinking into the soft mist of the city*

* FWL_MeRc does his little cute dance thingie

* DianaManashevitz follows and nods with a smirk* problem...

<FWL_MeRc> bye guys!

* FWL_MeRc sings "i never seen a man eat so many chicken wings"

* DianaManashevitz wavels to Merc, closing the door behind herself and smirking* ...the boy has more moodswings than ANY pregnant woman..

<``Mitch> Quietly, walking uptown (or whatever direction the Square is from the Asylum), "Being unnoticed is a good thing right about now for me, and, well, couples draw less attention than one person walking down the street. It's like they've got more of a right to be there if they're with someone, y'know?"

* DianaManashevitz nods* Hai...this is true...numbers always help too...

<``Mitch> A little absent-mindedly. "Yeah, but not more than three. Four or more and you start drawing more attention than one, even if it's not suspicious attention per se... anyway, everyone else was doing their own thing, and I'm trying not to imagine Merc trying to be inconspicuous."

* DianaManashevitz nods...* I don't think he can be inconsipucuous...not that he'd try...

* ``Mitch stops at an intersection, waiting for the light to change. "Do you know the pawnshops around here, by any chance?"

* DianaManashevitz waits with him* About a block down, there's one...

<``Mitch> "All right... I'm gonna need to stop in for a few minutes. Shouldn't take long."

<DianaManashevitz> problem

* ``Mitch counts under his breath, mutters "-now" and the light switches... his lip twitches as he starts across the crosswalk

* DianaManashevitz arches her brows and goes with him

<``Mitch> "How are your hands?"

* DianaManashevitz smiles* Alright...scabbed over and all...thank you for the TLC...

<``Mitch> He blinks. "The what? Is that Japanese?"

<DianaManashevitz> Heh? Iie...TLC...short for "Tender Loving Care"...*smirks* The bandaging in other words...

* ``Mitch coughs, and makes an effort not to blush. "Oh... nandemo dai... you did the same for me."

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly and nods* Hai...well...*smirks with a shrug* This is what friends are for..

<``Mitch> He nods. "I guess so... I'm still trying to work that out..." *stops before a shop window with more bars than an Iron Butterfly concert*

<DianaManashevitz> Heh...hai...this would be it...gotta love NYC...

<``Mitch> "No place like home." He opens the door to the sound of a raw buzzer going off, and reaches back to hold it open for her as he enters.

* DianaManashevitz heads in* Domo

* DianaManashevitz makes sure iiit closes behind her to turn that DAMN buzzer off...

* ``Mitch moves through the twilight gloom, looking beneath the ugly flourescents and rummaging

* DianaManashevitz looks around, keeping her hands in her pockets, stickin' by him, one curl falling to dangle before her eyes

* Mondo_Gecko slips downstairs once he hears it's all quiet down there and goes and drops his CD into the system. Mama said Knock you out plays loudly

* ``Mitch picks up a camera and turns it over in his hands, examining it... mutters, "-don't know much about these things. I just hope everything's here."

* DianaManashevitz arches a brow* If not we can have Wing look at it...he's a bit of a techie..

* Mondo_Gecko goes to practicing his kickboxing on a punching bag

<``Mitch> "Yeah, but he's not here." He ponders, then picks one up, winding the strap around his wrist and dragging some boxes of aged film into an empty box, walking over to the window and knocking on it.

* the stereotypical fat redneck proprietor looks up from his magazine, shifting an unlit cigar to the other corner of his mouth* "Yeah?"

* DianaManashevitz shrugs a little and hehs, standing by him

<``Mitch> "How much for this?"

<Clerk> "What, the camera?"

<``Mitch> "You don't call this a camera, do you? Look at it, half of it's not even there."

<Clerk> "Fifty bucks."

<``Mitch> "Fifty bucks? FIFTY? It's not worth five!"

<``Mitch> > "That's right."

* DianaManashevitz arches a brow lightly

<``Mitch> "And it's ancient."

<Clerc> "Antique."

<``Mitch> "Would you look at this lens? It's ruined."

<Clerk> "Unique. You don't get craftsmanship like that these days."

<``Mitch> "Only because we've learned from experience!"

* Mondo_Gecko grunts loudly as he pounds on the bag and leans back on his tail like a kangaroo and gives it a hard kick sending it swinging

<Clerk> "Forty."

<``Mitch> "I'd be doing you a favor if I said ten."

<Clerk> "You'd be doing me a favor if you didn't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya."

<``Mitch> "Lot of other customers, then? This is just an item in demand?"

<Clerk> *heaves a long-suffering sigh* "Kid, you want this or not?"

<``Mitch> *raises a hand and rubs thumb and forefingers together* "You want this or not?"

<Clerk> "Thirty. Take it or leave it."

<``Mitch> "And you'll throw in the film."

<Clerk> "Yeah, sure. Won't fit anything else anyway."

<``Mitch> "So I'd be doing you a favor by taking it off your hands?"

<Clerk> *leans forward, fixing Mitch with an ugly glare* "Thirty."

<``Mitch> "Okay, okay. Thirty."

<Mondo_Gecko> yea! and the horse you road in on!'

<Mondo_Gecko> AHHH!!

* Mondo_Gecko kicks kicks it again

* ``Mitch sets the camera down and digs out his wallet, pulling out a twenty and two fives that were probably once crisp and fresh, but have since then sat in the dark for a very, very long time... he slips it under the window and gathers up the camera, jacking the film in

<``Mitch> To Diana, glancing up. "See anything you like?"

* DianaManashevitz shakes her head* Iie...domo...*smiles to him*

<``Mitch> "Okay..." He ducks his head and pulls the strap over his shoulder, stuffing the remaining canisters in one jacket pocket. "Times it is."

* ``Mitch holds the door for her this time, getting it right and letting her go first... he's learning

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly, brushing the curl from her eyes and heading out* Domo..

<``Mitch> Muttered. "...damn thing isn't worth twenty" as he falls into step with her.

<DianaManashevitz> It can be tweeked I'm sure...what do you need it for?

<``Mitch> "Oh, nothing big. Assuming it still works, and we'll find out soon enough, I'm just going to take some shots of Times Square. Little research."

<DianaManashevitz> Ahh...hai...*smirks a little*

<``Mitch> me catches the smirk and glances over. "Huh? Um, how do you say 'what is it?' in Japanese?"

* DianaManashevitz arches a brow and looks over at him, bit of a smile on her lips* "Nani kore?"

<``Mitch> "Nani kore... nani kore." Clears his throat. "Nani kore?"

* DianaManashevitz laughs softly* It's nothing...just trying to figure you out..

<``Mitch> He shrugs, looking down. "Me? I'm simple... I mean, you've been dimension-hopping, you're apparently part Dracula and part, part Lady Godiva or something, and you break the laws of physics on a regular basis. I'm NOTHING compared to that."

* DianaManashevitz laughs* That's what I am...not who I've got far more to you than you show...

<``Mitch> He chuckles. "All right, hai, true, you're right. About the first bit. Who's Diana? I know almost nothing about her, but she MUST have one hell of a story..." Spreads his free hand. "Mitch is, y'know, just Mitch. The part you don't see is just the flipside of the part you do. Nothing all that profound."

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly* You see it that way because it's your life...I find myself nothing special...

<``Mitch> A small half-smile. "I guess we're all boring in our own eyes."

<DianaManashevitz> Hai...too used to ourselves...

<``Mitch> "Well, it's not like-" He hesitates. "Okay, I'm sure someone in the Asylum COULD show us what it's like to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. But, y'know, generally speaking, it's all we've got."

<DianaManashevitz> Very true can always imagine though..

<``Mitch> *nods* "I suppose so... but do you really want to imagine yourself as a janitor?"

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly* Perhaps not...depends on side-activities I suppose...

* ``Mitch looks down, somewhat uncomfortable. "...okay. A janitor is what I am... maybe not who I am." He glances up. "But I've got my reasons for keeping secrets - just like you do, I bet..."

* DianaManashevitz nods* Hai...which is why I do not interrogate as hard as I can...*smiles slightly*

<``Mitch> .oO(Aw, shit. She's not a mindreader too, is she?)

<``Mitch> "Domo arigato, Diana. I appreciate it." A small shrug. "Maybe someday I'll be able to talk about it... if you still want to listen..."

<DianaManashevitz> Nan demo nai...time will only tell...

* ``Mitch nods... the storefronts they pass have been gradually growing cleaner, less cluttered and more opulent, and with less signs depicting body parts as they come near Times Square.

<``Mitch> He half-smiles. "Hell, maybe someday I'll understand Diana."

* DianaManashevitz keeps an eye on the surroundings without really looking like it, smiling mysteriously* Hai...perhaps...if you're unlucky enough, ne?

<``Mitch> *chuckles* "Unless you turn out to be my mother from the future who cloned me from a robot in the past built by dinosaurs from outer space... or something... I don't think it'll be a bad thing. Everyone needs to trust someone."

* DianaManashevitz laughs!

<``Mitch> "Mind you, I'm not ruling that out."

<DianaManashevitz> Iie...I doubt THAT much...but hai...they do...

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly* I could show you articles on my "funeral" shortly after I left...I don't think I'm your mother...and if I didn't get any of my features...

<``Mitch> He sighs, looking up at the buildings. "...that someone's been myself." Glances down. "You had a funeral?"

* DianaManashevitz smiles wryly* It helps to trust someone else...and hai...I did....I wasn't there mind you, but I did have made the news and everything...

<``Mitch> A slight shrug to the former. "Was it as good as you'd hope for?"

<``Mitch> "I mean, not everyone gets to critique their own funeral. What'd they get wrong?"

* DianaManashevitz chuckles* A little too expansive than I would have wished was all for show...

<``Mitch> He nods, glancing at the Square as they approach. "You'd rather something small? Wait, no... something..." He fumbles for words for a moment. "...honest."

* DianaManashevitz nods* Hai...exactly...

<``Mitch> "I-" He blinks, as he realizes what he's about to say. "Um. I hope you get that wish..." *hastily* "...not that, y'know, I hope you have a funeral anytime soon? But if you do get one, then... oh, Christ..."

* DianaManashevitz blinks and looks up at him, arching a brow with a chuckle, patting his shoulder* It's alright...

* ``Mitch just flicks off his glasses and rubs his eyes - then puts them back on quickly, the middle of NYC not being the place to be nearsighted. "Gomen."

<DianaManashevitz> Nandemo's an odd subject..

* ``Mitch shrugs the camera off his shoulder, and studies it for a moment, finally ratcheting a frame forward with a rusty creaking sound. "Yeah... not one I'd ever really thought about, either..."

<DianaManashevitz> It is something uncomfortable to think of...ones own mortality...though...something we all must face eventually..

<``Mitch> He shrugs. "Oh, mortality's nothing new. It's the funeral part that I haven't really considered."

* DianaManashevitz chuckles* I suppose...

* ``Mitch brings it up and backs up slightly, starting to - oddly enough - snap shots of the skyline, centering the viewfinder on the rooftops and clicking merrily away.

* DianaManashevitz arches a brow lightly, watching him, then eyeing the skyline...almost half-way expecting Batman or Spiderman to pop up

* ``Mitch focuses on the Marriot and takes a dozen shots at least, starting from the front doors and walking the camera up the surface to the very tip

* DianaManashevitz strokes her lower lip lightly as she watches him case the building, bright eyes pensive

* ``Mitch brackets it, capturing each building nearby... Reuters, Conde Nast, even the unfinished Times Square Tower

* DianaManashevitz hms softly, sticking herr hands in her pockets and shrugging a little

* ``Mitch hesitates, feeling her eyes on him as he ejects the spent film and jacks in another roll... he glances over, then quickly brings up the camera and snaps a shot of Diana

* DianaManashevitz blinks a little and chuckles* may just break that camera doing that..

* ``Mitch grins and takes another shot, carefully focusing on the upper body and head. "It's a risk I'll just have to take."

* DianaManashevitz laughs, smiling despite herself

* ``Mitch grins, panning the camera up and capturing another building.

<``Mitch> "I think we're about done here..." He lowers the camera, looking up at the sky... then, he brightens and jogs over to a newsstand, snagging one of those little touristy pamphlets... paging through it quickly, he nods and stuffs it into his jacket pocket.

* ``Taurus heads up to the roof for a smoke

<DianaManashevitz> Alright...*smirks lightly*

<``Mitch> "Anything you want to take care of while we're uptown?"

* DianaManashevitz shakes her head* Did it all earlier today...I may go out again tonight though...nothing that can be done now...

<``Mitch> He cocks his head to one side. "Tonight? What happens then?"

* DianaManashevitz shrugs* Nothing, hopefully.

<``Mitch> .oO(Okay, she's avoiding it. You've never done anything like that, you're holding absolutely NOTHING back from her... schmuck.)

<``Mitch> "Okay..." He gestures grandly, 'after you' back the way they came.

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly and turns to go in that direction

<``Mitch> "Domo arigato, Diana... I couldn't have done this without you..."

* DianaManashevitz nods a little* No problem,'s alright...

<``Mitch> "I really appreciate it, though. I'm sure you had better things to do."

<DianaManashevitz> what...dodging Merc's flirting? *shakes her head*

<``Mitch> "I don't know, I-" .oO(...uh... okay, self to Mitch - yes, you should be surprised, but it's MERC. *shrugs and goes outside for a smoke*) "-guess... I mean, you were busy with the kids and everything. That sort of thing."

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly, the sound slightly sad* Hai...I suppose...*shrugs a little*

<``Mitch> A long moment, before he shrugs the camera around and reaches out, touching her shoulder lightly. "You'll find something... I know you will. There's GOT to be a place for you."

* DianaManashevitz looks up at him, smiles a little and returns her eyes to watching where she's going* Hai...I simply takes a bit to find it...

<``Mitch> "Iris I recognized, but who was the other?"

<DianaManashevitz> That was Brenna...HLM and Klork's daughter...*smiles softly* She's a cutie, isn't she?

* ``Mitch blinks, cross-referencing "winged genegineered Frankenstein" and "electric cat man" and trying to get "Brenna"... if it works, it works...

<``Mitch> "Yeah... you're teaching her the kung fu?"

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly at the look* HLM did not always look the way she does now...Klork either from what I've heard...*pauses and chuckles* I'm teaching them Aikido...though I could teach them Kung Fu if they show interest later...*shrugs with a smirk*

<``Mitch> He shrugs, with a small self-depreciating smirk. "I'm still trying to get used to the way things work in the Asylum... namely, however the hell they want to... aikido's another kind of fighting?"

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly* does get a bit caotic...*shrugs*'s another martial art...pure defense...they will only learn how to punch in kick in order for the other to practice the techniques...

<DianaManashevitz> It can be deadly...a mix of ninjitsu, judo and a few other arts...but I will not and do not teach that to my students unless I judge them able to handle the responsibility...

<``Mitch> He nods slowly. "And they don't need to know that yet?"

<DianaManashevitz> Hai...exactly...

<DianaManashevitz> All they need to know now is how to fall correctly and how to escape a strangers grip long enough to get the hell out of danger..

<``Mitch> "Ah." He brightens up slightly. "Running away is good. I know run-fu."

* DianaManashevitz laughs* A very useful skill...hai...the first one everyone should learn, and the only one that anyone should hopefully ever need to employ...

<``Mitch> *nods* "I'd question the wisdom of teaching them anything at all... but... oh, hell. They're not my kids, and around that place, they're likely to need it."

* DianaManashevitz smiles slightly* There's far more to the art than simply the teaches disipline...and a philosophy much deeper than a lot of people seem to want to accept...

<``Mitch> He rubs his chin, mulling this over. "There's a philosophy to fighting?"

<DianaManashevitz>'s not's an's very hard to explain...

<``Mitch> "Well, if you want to give it a shot-" He gestures to the many blocks between them and the Asylum. "I've been learning to keep an open mind."

* Mondo_Gecko is streched out on the sofa watching TV

* `Angora presses her palms against the front door, slowly pushing it open to peer inside

<`Angora> Hello .... ?

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> uh...hey

* Shingami comes down stairs.. inserch of PB.. waves to angora

<Shingami> Hi!

* Kameko walks up to the door, pausing a little and looking over at Angora

<Kameko> I..hey..yer feeling better?

* Kameko smiles, walking in past her, munching on an apple, turning to walk backwards to wait for an answer

* Rislyn yawns a little, slowly walking down the stairs, running a hand through her hair

* `Angora blinks, watching, waving a little, tucking her hands behind her back as she observes ..

* Shingami waves to kame.. and turns into the kitchen...

<Shingami> i know there is some more PB in here somewhere....

* Kameko looks over at Shin, smiling and waving back, kinda bouncing her way in there

<Kameko> Need some help lookin'?

<Kameko> Angora, you can join us, if ya want!

* Rislyn stretches, then heads into the sparring room to exercise

* `Angora shifts, leaning against the wall, hands folded in front of her as she looks around, brows creased a bit in confusion..then blinks a little towards the kitchen* Ah, for what?

<Kameko> I think she said peanut butter. *grins over at Shin, standing on her toes to try and look in cupboards*

<Shingami> AHHA!! PB I hath found thee!!!

<Shingami> now wheres a spoon...

* `Angora furrows her brows, leaning over to look into the kitchen

<Shingami> they realy need to add spoon to swiss army knives..*rummages in a drawer to find spoon*

* Kameko chuckles, turning around and leaning against the counter, munching on her apple

<Kameko> Glad you found it, Shin. *munchcrunch*

* Mondo_Gecko grins when he hears a familer voice

* Mondo_Gecko goes into the kitchen

<Mondo_Gecko> Shin?

<Shingami> i dont knwo whats been up lately i ahve the msot horrable craving for Peanutbutter*hops on the counter*

<Shingami> Heya Hot Stuff long time no see

* Mondo_Gecko goes over and HUGS Shin

<Mondo_Gecko> you have NO idea how glad I am to see you

<Shingami> honto yo?.. really?

<Shingami> didnt know i was so popular

* `Angora steps back, watching them converse for a moment before walking over to the couch and curling into a corner of it

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and snuggles her

<Mondo_Gecko> yea

<Shingami> ... you ok?

<Mondo_Gecko> you are in my books


<Shingami> you ahve a book?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...but atleast the hang over's gone

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Shingami> wanna talk about it?

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm sure you'll hear all about it through the gossip vine anway

<Shingami> umm.. how bout we head up to my room... got nea beanbag chairs

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> ...sure

* Mondo_Gecko goes into the fridge and grabs a coke

* Shingami hops down from the counter

* Kameko throws away her now empty apple core, walking out of the kitchen and heads out to the couch, sitting on the opposite end

<Kameko> you been?

* Shingami waits for mondo then heads up to her room

* Mondo_Gecko follows Shin upstairs

* Shingami sits on one of her bean bag chairs, room lit by lots of weird x-mass lights including the mini peppers

<Shingami> so whats up

<Mondo_Gecko> ..oooh..

<Mondo_Gecko> your peppers are glowing ;)

<Shingami> happens when i plug em in...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> well...

<Mondo_Gecko> I've been given the el dumpo ..and I've somehow accidently killed some of my friends

<Mondo_Gecko> ...and I broke my arm *holds up his cast*

<Shingami> ...well youve been busy i guess

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> ...that's not the kinda busy I like to be

<Shingami> so whats with you and this book

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> it's an means ...

<Mondo_Gecko> I think good things about you

<Shingami> oh.. sorry its been.. umm kinda busy aorund here lately too

<Shingami> im having a blond moment

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> ...but your a burnette

<Shingami> also an expression.. and techincaly its kind of a dark moss green believe it or not

<Shingami> just looks brown

* Mondo_Gecko raises a brow

<Shingami> Wing is the blond now.. he belached it a while ago.. adn it jsut kinda stuck... looks good though

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..I shouldn't dye my hair any other colors..

<Shingami> I woudl need 2 bottles of bleach to die all of this*twirls her braid aorund a bit* reaches the ground now when its down..

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

<Mondo_Gecko> it's cool..I never seen anyone with hair that long

<Shingami> its SUCH a pain to try and comb out after a shower..

* Mondo_Gecko snickers

<Shingami> were nto even going to mention beadhead hair...wich has happend a lot because i havent used this much of my powers and spells since the crusades

<Mondo_Gecko> ..why?

<Shingami> lots of things havent been goign well.. ended up in underhill again, jumped my soul into someone elses... resurected soemoen not to mentione put thsoe pot holes in the ground out side.. i hate gravity

<Shingami> and ive been working my ASS off at the flower shop and takign care of soem of the people here.. or trying anyway... and... well it down right sucks i think im developing insomnia

<Shingami> besides that ive been eatin straight PB like there is no tomorrow and... i cleaned

<Mondo_Gecko> ...jesus

<Shingami> he had NOTHING to do with it

<Mondo_Gecko> ....I don't think he has nuthin to do with anything anymore

<Shingami> to some people he does.. those who still keep the faith... not many still . not in New York anywho

<Shingami> Mostly down south.. you know.. televangelists...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I think I gave up on that

<Shingami> i still believe in Devine will.. be it God.. Fait.. Carma or jsut luck... there is some reason i ahvent died yet.. and though luck is one of my many talents... even that runs out

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..

<Mondo_Gecko> after what I drank last night there has to be more to the world for me to not be dead

<Mondo_Gecko> some higher power was keeping me alive

<Mondo_Gecko> ...for what I dunno

<Shingami> we love ya Mondo... serious

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea well..

<Mondo_Gecko> sure didn't feel like it yesterday

<Mondo_Gecko> I mean..I came home from the worse week of my life and Diana kicks me to the curb..and then her snotty nerdboy friend tells me I look like crap

<Shingami> yeah i kinda slept though yesterday ... sorry

<Mondo_Gecko> it's ok..I don't think I woulda wanted you to see me like that

<Shingami> nerd boy?... ya meen the new guy with glasses and 4 arms?

<Mondo_Gecko> that would be the one

<Shingami> Mo.. Mitch.. yeah he can be kind of a pain in the ass.. but hes on the skidds like you are

<Shingami> nto EXACTLY like you... but still on the skids

<Shingami> He hasnt .. umm adjusted to the way thigns go on around here.. at all.. basicaly

<Mondo_Gecko> he's gotta learn some fucking manners...

<Mondo_Gecko> which is RILLY bad comming from me

<Shingami> Hey man he hasnt had it all that great either Mondo.. Geeze the guy DIED already... and been beatin the shit outta ect and chase dby cops and blown up and crushed and what not...

<Mondo_Gecko> ofcourse not..Mondo's explosive when he's pissed off and sensitive)

<Shingami> all within.. waht 2 weeks

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> so he's accident prone..won't make me like him any more

<Shingami> hate to rain on your pitty parade man but... the world aint all sunny and rosey here in the asylum either...

<Shingami> whatever flaots your boat

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea I know..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(note to self... shut the fuck up)

<Shingami> sorry... just .. wel never mind

<Mondo_Gecko> na...

<Mondo_Gecko> your right

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I should just get over it

<Shingami> figure out WHAT ya did wrong first.. then figure out how ta fix it... and remember .. wel MOST of us are here ta help ya

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I can't fix it

<Mondo_Gecko> two people are dead and Diana is avoiding me like the plauge

<Shingami> i kinda know why...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea..because I'm a dick

<Shingami> No

<Shingami> thats nto it

* Mondo_Gecko blinks..

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> ...why then?

<Shingami> if you tell her i told you i am SO fucking dead undersrood?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Shingami> it happens when we got dragged to underhill... well she klork and a few others got dragged ther ei followed, got the crap beaten outta me and saved.. butthats my story i can tell ya later... anywho

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..

<Shingami> Diana nad Klork got tortured by the same gy who took Brenna, HLM's baby and he seriously beat the crap outta Klork

* Mondo_Gecko 's jaw sets firmly, his eyes starting to go steely

<Shingami> Consaquently.. he also raped Diana.. got her pregnant before we got home... she was really torn up physicaly and mentaly.. seh was so scared youd leave her in a heart beat... well the baby never made it and it nearly cost Diana her life.. her tormenter came back here.. and well hes Dead in every possable way we coudl coem up with i know i helped... but shes going though a hell of a lot includign loosing a child wich from w

<Shingami> so basicaly shes worried that youll leave her liek she was nobodies buisness and she really loves ya... but shes very scared

<Mondo_Gecko> ...So she dumped me?!

<Shingami> No!

<Shingami> Shes scared YOU will!

* Mondo_Gecko snorts

<Mondo_Gecko> news flash Shin

* Shingami throws a pillow at him

<Shingami> Baka

<Mondo_Gecko> she already did!

<Shingami> ........then you know why

<Shingami> *mutters* need to just stop sleeping

<Mondo_Gecko> ....why?! ..I don't get it Shin

<Shingami> Because she feels Used dirty horrafied at what happend to her.. I knwo what it feels liek to get raped Ok? it sucks you feel worthless dirty nto good enyough to piss on... suasidal and worthless

<Mondo_Gecko> ....but why did she gotta leave me because of it?

<Shingami> im putting a emphases on worthless becasue its important....

<Shingami> because she felt it owuld be best i bet.. befor eyou found out and blew up on her or.. whatever

<Shingami> True this is all a theory...but it might be close

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> well I can blow that theory out of the water

<Shingami> I KNEW IT

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> knew what?

<Shingami> im so behind the times i dont even know why you guys keep me aournd

<Shingami> that i was wrong.. ive been that a lot lately

* Mondo_Gecko arches a brow

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Shingami> you know you COULD have told me before...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(way to lead me around like a bull by the nose)

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I dunno...I was waiting to let you finnish

<Shingami> well youd otn ahve to tell me why if you dotn want to.. i jsut kwo im wrong dotn wanna know by how much

* `Angora stretches, blinking a few times from her spot on the couch..having drifted to sleep

<Mondo_Gecko> ..she didn't tell me

<Mondo_Gecko> that's just it

<Shingami> oh

<Mondo_Gecko> she just said she didn't wanna be with me anymore and dumped me

* Rislyn is practicing in the sparring room

<Shingami> thats harsh

<Mondo_Gecko> So...I figure she fell outta love with me...

* ``Mitch is... not in the building :P

<Mondo_Gecko> or I was such an asshole she figured out she's worth more than me

* Mondo_Gecko snorts

<Mondo_Gecko> that's life

* Kameko had dozed on the couch waiting for Angora to answer her question on how she was feeling ..<G>

<Shingami> shit happens.. somedays you step it it.. avoide it.. or grab a snotkle and DIVE on in

<Mondo_Gecko> well I've been wading waist deep in shit for as long as I can remember

<Mondo_Gecko> and I'm fucking sick of it

<Mondo_Gecko> no more

<Mondo_Gecko> it ends here

<Shingami> meh?

* `Angora slowly stands, heading over to the kitchen to root around for food

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

* Kameko snores quietly ... she has a cold, her long green hair draped over the arm of the couch

<Mondo_Gecko> sorry...

* `Angora comes out with a small salad. She smiles faintly, settling it on the coffee table before pulling the afghan off the back of the couch and over Kame

<Shingami> its ok.. shigashi.. the only way things are going to change is if you start making them..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea...

<Mondo_Gecko> I figure that much

<Shingami> but if you need a hand... you know ill always help ya hot stuff.. i meen i have since ya got here...

<Shingami> sorta

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> ...your fun to hang aroudn..

* `Angora then sits on the floor, watching the fire as she picks through the salad slowly

<Mondo_Gecko> that's what I need

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't need someone blowing my nose and crying with me...I need people to act normal around me

<Shingami> Mondo... do you remember where you are?... normal isnt anywhere NEAR the definition of this place... but i can try

<Mondo_Gecko> because it sucks when your lifes shitty and everyones walking on eggshells like your a time for staying normal *smiles*

* Rislyn just ... punches, kicks..yadda yadda...uses her sword

* StacieGreene hugs Tom outside his apartment door, smirking at the sight of the stack of pizza boxes still nearly to the ceiling in the hall.

<Shingami> Wing is still nromal boring ol coffee bitch cutie

<StacieGreene> Thanks for taking me out on the town. I'm gonna miss New York.

<Tom> Yeah. We'll miss you too. Don't oversleep and miss that plane tomorrow.

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<StacieGreene> I won't miss the plane. Make that goof in there get some rest and quit usin' that hand all the time. He's never gonna get over those atacks.

* Diana chuckles softly, hands still in her pockets* Well...martial arents aren't fighting...they're survival...

* `Angora curls her legs under her as she eats soundlessly, eyes lowered to her plate as she goes

<Tom> *glances over his shoulder at Pete passed out on the couch inside, one still-bandaged hand trailing off the side of the couch.*

* Rislyn just..hacks away at invisable foes in the sparring room..this time with a wooden sword and not her pretty magic sword

<``Mitch> He frowns slightly, but waits for her to continue, figuring she'll explain further on her own.

<Tom> <w> I think he's still trying to recover from telling htose guys where his Uncle Dave was... But he'll be all right. I'll keep an eye on him.

* Kameko yawns, stretching, sitting up and then blinking, looking over at Angory

<StacieGreene> All right then. Take care of yourself, too, eh?

<Kameko> Hey...yer awake, sleepy head...'re you feeling? *grins a bit*

* `Angora blinks, looking up at her over her shoulder, mouth full of food

* Diana furrows her brow slightly* The idea of the arts is to find a way to escape without violence...demo...if it does get that far...they teach you how to survive in a fight...

* Kameko giggles a little

<Kameko> You can swallow first, Ang..

* `Angora takes a moment to swallow the food down before smiling faintly* Well enough I suppose

<Diana> theory...testosterone and human nature tends to get in the way a lot of times...

<``Mitch> "So you teach how to fight, and how not to fight?"

* Diana nods* Hai...strange as it may be...

<``Mitch> He rubs his neck. "And everyone teaches these things in the martial arts?"

* StacieGreene waves and takes the elevator down to street level. .o0(Okay...everything's just about packed...guess I'll just go home and crash until the alarm goes off.)

<Diana> The seriouse senseis do...there are those who do not...those who teach for the tornaments...the glory and all that...

* StacieGreene steps out the door and heads off, short black hair swinging over her captain's jacket, flared jeans and running sneakers

* Kevley mutters, fumbling down the stairs slowly, looking as if he'd slept all day*

<``Mitch> *nods, working out 'sensei' from context* " you teach the, the art as well as the fight, but others cut straight to the chase..."

* Diana furrows her brow slightly and nods* Ah...I suppose...though...they are not true martial my opinion anyway...

* StacieGreene gets a creepy feeling and glances over her shoulder.

* Rislyn still hacks away in the sparring room, then sighs, putting the wooden sword over her shoulder casually and walking out and into the kitchen

* There's a man in a black suit and red silk shirt leaning against Tom's building, smoking a cigarette, his hair tied back in a black ponytail.

* StacieGreene shivers and picks up the pace toward the nearest subway entrance

<``Mitch> "And the discipline part?"

* `Angora sighs, standing and stretching, watching the door quietly

* Rislyn pours herself a glass of water in the kitchen, hopping up onto the counter and resting for a bit, looking incredibly tired

* Kevley blinks, watching her go by before following, poking his head casually into the kitchen* Hnm?

* StacieGreene slows, raising one hand to the side of her head, then lowers it and keeps walking, her stance and pace subtly different now.

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Shin

<Diana> That's where the restraint comes takes a great deal of control not to hurt your partner while practicing...*smiles wryly* ...and to stop a punch before it makes contact witha friend's face when they suprise you...

<Mondo_Gecko> So what are you doing tonight?

* Rislyn doesn't seem to notice him..kinda half asleep..her water cup slowly starting to slip out of her hand

* Kev blinks, slowly heading that way and tucking a finger under her cup to lift it* Rather uncomfortable place to sleep isn't it..?

<Shingami> lets see....nothin..........nothin... Oh whole fat lotta NOTHIN!... sleep is debatable

<Mondo_Gecko> sleep sucks

<Mondo_Gecko> your not doing anything when asleep

* Rislyn blinkblinks, eyes kinda rolling upwards before she blinks yet again, sitting up and regripping her cup so it won't fall

<Mondo_Gecko> you party?

<Rislyn> I wasn't sleeping..just resting..

* Rislyn cuts herself off to yawn..

<``Mitch> "I'm sorry about that, gomen nasai... I just..." He shrugs helplessly. "You were hurting yourself, I... wanted to help."

<Shingami> if i have a reason or someone to go with.. we are NOT geting smashed...

* Kev's brow quirks* Oh...?

* Rislyn nods slowly, dropping her hand to her lap

<Rislyn> Mmm... before I go back into the sparring room..

* Diana smiles lightly* It's alright, Mitch...I'm just glad I didn't hit you...demo...I'm still getting cramps from the misscarriage...that's all that was...I would have been fine...

* Rislyn taps the sword against her shoulder lightly, putting her now empty cup in the sink by reaching over

<Shingami> i got smashed like a week ago and it so sucked...though somehow i dont remember how i made $300

* Mondo_Gecko holds his hand up

<Mondo_Gecko> ..lizards honnor

<Mondo_Gecko> no getting smashed

* `Angora puts her plate down on the coffeetable, meandering to the front window. Leaning against the frame, eyes drifting out to the street

<Mondo_Gecko> I got smashed last night

<``Mitch> "Misc- no... well, maybe you would've. I don't know." Small shrug, half-smile. "I made sure of it. Can you forgive me?"

<Shingami> well then where we goin?

<Mondo_Gecko> I just don't wanna hang around here on a saturday night

* Kameko furrows her brow, standing and walking over next to her

<Kameko> ...You sure you're okay?

<Mondo_Gecko> BarSinister?

<Mondo_Gecko> you know that joint?

* Diana chuckles, watching the sidewalk* You were trying to need not apologize...

<Shingami> well i have soem sodas up here.. and a dream cast

<Mondo_Gecko> ohhhh

<Rislyn> You seem to have slept well, though..

<Mondo_Gecko> games

* `Angora blinks, looking up, eyes startled* Hm..? Ah um .. yes, I'm well ..

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..I did promise myself I was gonna slow down

<Shingami> no but hey what the fuz lets go

* Kevley nods* Well as I could have ... you didn't...?

<``Mitch> "Still." He chuckles, rubbing his neck. "At least now I know how to help... just stick my face in the way."

<Shingami> whatever you wanna do mondo

* Diana chuckles softly* I would never have forgiven myself if I'd hit you..

* Kameko chews at her lip, looking over at her

<Kameko> certain..? You...look kinda distracted..

<Rislyn> I....was a bit distracted from sleep, I'm afraid..

<StacieGreene> Awesome!

* Rislyn looks up at him through her lashes, then slides off the counter

* `Angora nods, brow furrowinga bit

<``Mitch> "Diana... it would've been my fault. And you didn't. I mean, I'm glad you didn't, but if, y'know, you had... I would've forgiven you."

* Kevley watches, small, smug smirk on his lips*

* Diana bows lightly to him* Domo..

* ``Mitch kind of hesitates as he goes through that sentence to make sure it made sense

<``Mitch> "Arigato... what's the word for 'friend'?"

<Kameko> You are sure..or you are distracted..?

<Mondo_Gecko> night

<`Angora> I'm sure I'm well, I'm not distracted .. just . *sighs* I'm well.

* Rislyn glances up at him, then frowns a little, turning and heading back towards the sparring room

<Diana> Tomodachi...

* Mondo_Gecko gets up and heads downstairs

* StacieGreene heads up the sidewalk to the asylum, dragging a suitcase on wheels and lugging a backpack and a sports bag with all her worldly goods

* Kevley blinks..pushing away from the counter to follow* Ris..? What'd I do wrong?

* StacieGreene knocks on the door.

* Mondo_Gecko goes to the door and opens

<Mondo_Gecko> heeellllloooooo?

* `Angora erfs..blinking..wondering when Mondo got downstairs..

* StacieGreene 's eyes widen at the sight of the lizard dude

* `Angora steps back, was just standing by the door

<StacieGreene> Um. Hi. I'm Stacie. okay if i come in?

<``Mitch> "Domo, tomodachi." He glances at her and smiles.

<Mondo_Gecko> um..

<Mondo_Gecko> I guess

* Diana chuckles* Hai, tomodachi. *pauses to bow to him slightly*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...are you a Jahova's witless? or are you selling something?

<StacieGreene> No. Is Aria here?

<Mondo_Gecko> thank god :P

* Rislyn doesn't seem to hear him, hacking away with her wooden sword, eyes narrowed a little

* ``Mitch stops and turns to her, placing the fist of one hand into the palm of the other and bowing over it - has no idea if that's right, but oh well

* `Angora blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> ....ARIA!?

* StacieGreene steps in, the bags not seeming to be affecting her

<`Angora> Aria's upstairs I belie--*holds her hands over her ears*

<StacieGreene> Yes.

* StacieGreene raises one eyebrow

* Kevley sighs, leaning agianst the wall to watch* You want to talk..?

<``Mitch> Muttered under his breath, as he starts forward... "...tomodachi, friend, tomodachi, friend..."

* Diana chuckles softly* Ah...that would be if you wished to spar...*holds her hands at her sides, bowing in the formal Japanese tradition* This is how you bow outside of the dojo..

* Diana smiles wryly as she walks with him*

<Mondo_Gecko> you want some help with that stuff?

<``Mitch> "Oh, okay... god, I don't want to spar you... I don't know if my run-fu is equal to your prowess in combat."

<StacieGreene> No.

* `Angora sighs, looking a little frustrated as she backs off, muttering as she takes a seat on the couch again

* Diana chuckles softly* Eh...domo, I think...

* StacieGreene blinks a few times, then focuses on Mondo a little more

* Kameko sighs, shaking her head a little and going to sit down on the couch again

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Angora

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(what's her problem )

<Kameko> We're not leaving you out, Angy..? You okay?

<StacieGreene> Ah, thanks...

<StacieGreene> The weight doesn't bother me.

* `Angora quirks a brow, looking at Mondo

* Rislyn doesn't answer .. hacking harder at her invisable enemy

* StacieGreene looks up the stairs.

<`Angora> Nothing is my problem, and I'm well aware..*pauses, blinking ...* I ... you didn't say that out loud did you ... *looks at Mondo*

<``Mitch> He laughs, shaking his head. "No offense. I'd just rather not get beaten to a bloody pulp. I've managed to avoid it so far today."

* StacieGreene heads up, looking around

* Diana laughs* Oh hai...I can imagine...

* Kevley sighs, deciding to sit and wait for her to cool off*

<Mondo_Gecko> say what out loud

<Mondo_Gecko> ......

<`Angora> "What's her problem" ...

<Mondo_Gecko> aww great

* Rislyn takes a few minutes before her voice jabs at him from where she's standing

<Mondo_Gecko> now I can't even think in private

* `Angora stares at him blandly, a slight fuse of confusion in her eyes

<Rislyn> ....Did you prove your point? That you were right?

* ``Mitch touches his glasses, staring ahead into a different focal length, and spots the Asylum a block away

* Kevley blinks* What's that supposed to mean ..?

<``Mitch> .oO(Seems like it's been hours since we started back...)

<Mondo_Gecko> no..your some kinda psychic lady

* `Angora mutters, rubbing her head

<`Angora> Great, just great ...

* Rislyn hacks again

* StacieGreene comes back downstiars, this time without her bags

<Rislyn> OR...was it to heal yourself without using spells..

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<``Mitch> "If I ever want to find out just what this fighting thing is all about, though... I'll be sure to talk to you."

<Mondo_Gecko> hey..atleast your just listening to people

<StacieGreene> Sorry, there's an awful lot of doors up there. Could someone help me find Aria? Or... Let's see. Diana?

<`Angora> Not that I really want to ..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I kill people *sarcasticly happy*

* Kameko mutters, looking frustrated that Angy won't talk to her, and gets up and goes into the kitchen to get some ice-cream..if there is any

<Diana> Good...I'll be more than heppy to help...

* Kevley flinches, lips tugging downward in a frown* You know that's not the reason, Ris ...

* ``Mitch bows the correct way this time... well, not CORRECT, but at least an approximation... before opening the front door. "Domo for the help, Diana - and the company."

<Rislyn> I just..... maybe...maybe last night..I just got carried away..

* Diana smiles* You're welcome, on both was my pleasure..

* Rislyn goes still for a moment .. her tone of voice saying she's lying through her teeth

* Kevley frowns a little* ... I don't believe you ..

<Rislyn> <q> ....That doesn't change what I am..

* Kevley sighs* and I still don't believe you.

* Rislyn starts hacking again

<Rislyn> And why not?

* `Angora waves idly to Diana before going to sit on the window-ledge, gaze watching the street below

* Rislyn hasn't looked at him at all

* Diana waaavels to Angy*

* Kevley frowns* Look at me and tell me that.

* ``Mitch ratchets through the rest of the film, ejecting it and adding a second canister to the first as he walks into the living room... .oO(I'll have to remember to get someone to take this by a fotomat on their way out.)

* Mondo_Gecko turns on his heal and disapears up into his room

<Rislyn> *hack* Tell you *hack* what?

* Diana blinks a little as she shrugs her jacket off*

<Kevley> THat you only got carried away. That you're unchanged.

* ``Mitch glances around for interdimensional oddities or abnormal abnormalities... seeing nothing, he heads upstairs, shrugging off his jacket and letting his second arms breathe

* `Angora watches, pressing her brow to the window ..silent

<Rislyn> It was one night. *turns her back, practicing slicing at an opponent from the side* It doesn't mean..

* Rislyn cuts herself off, swinging sharply

* Diana heads into the kitchen for water*

* Kevley frowns* Doesn't mean what..?

* Rislyn swings again, her walls having gone back up as she lifts her head in his direction, but not her eyes

* `Angora leans back, back going slightly rigid

<Rislyn> ...That it will happen again.

* StacieGreene follows Diana into the kitchen.

* Kevley sighs* And you still can't say it and look at my eyes.

<StacieGreene> Diana?

* Diana blinks* nani...? *looks over* Hai...?

<Rislyn> ...Because I'm not doing it to hurt you. I don't want to see that I have.

* Rislyn turns, practicing again

<Rislyn> I'm doing it to protect myself.

* ``Mitch hangs the camera up on the edge of the drafting board, and sets the canisters on his dresser, moving them out of the lamp's direct light... he regards the plans and mutters, "...I'm gonna get you, sucka."

<Kev> From what...*frowns, looking a little insulted*

<StacieGreene> My name's Stacie. Do you remember me?

<Rislyn> From getting attatched to something I shouldn't need..

* Diana furrows her brows* Stacistaci...*snaps her fingers* AH! Hai...from are you?

* Rislyn walks over to the wall, putting the practice sword back up

<Kev> But apparently you do ..

<StacieGreene> I'm doing well -- um... Actually, things are not going so well.

<StacieGreene> I had to take a leave of absence at school.

* Rislyn says nothing to that, just looking up at the weapons silently

* `Angora winces, going silent .. still

* Diana blinsk* Oh...gomen ne...*furrows her brow* What can we do to help...?

<StacieGreene> And I can't go home. My family can't stand that I'm a mutant.

* Kevley sighs* Why are you in denial?

<Diana> Oh...I'm so sorry...

<StacieGreene> I told Tom and Pete, Aria's friends who helped rescue me from the FoH, that I'm flying home tomorrow. But...

* Rislyn turns to look at him, crossing her arms

* Diana nods...*

<Rislyn> Why are you so demanding?

* Kevley mutters* Because I feel I have a right to know ...

* StacieGreene shrugs, her five-foot-three frame shrinking into itself a little

* Rislyn shifts her weight to her left foot, arching a brow

<StacieGreene> I lied. I don't want them to know where I 'm at until I can figure out where that should be.

<Rislyn> ....Why? Because of last night?

* Rislyn shrugs

* `Angora pulls away from the window, walking smoothly, almost like liquid to the door and opening it

<Rislyn> It happens to people all the time... doesn't it?

<StacieGreene> Would it be all right if I stayed here for just a little whiel?

* ``Mitch contemplates going downstairs for his nightly beers... .oO(I really should get to sleep... I've been staying up late and getting up early...)

<StacieGreene> I was going to try for an apartment, but dad cut off my savings account.

* Kevley frowns* Not like that it doesn't.

* Diana nods...* Of course...

* `Angora goes out the door, closing it quietly, seeming to glide down the to the side walk before turning back to the building, eyes glowing

<StacieGreene> Thank you. I heard Aria is upstairs, could you help me find her first? If it's not too late at night?

* Rislyn walks past him, looking out the window

* Diana nods, leading the way* Hai...this way..

<Rislyn> <vq> Like what, Kevley?

* StacieGreene turns to follow, blinking and her hand coming to her head for a moment again

<``Mitch> .oO(Ugh, I ought to restock the ethanol. No one else has been having any.)

* Kevley winces* ... I take it from that comment that it was nothing to you..??

* Diana blinks and looks back* Nani...?

* Rislyn goes stiff

<Rislyn> <q> I didn't say that. But it doesn't change what I am..

* `Angora tilts her head back, looking at the top floor of the asylum, mouth twitching slighly, lifting that way from the ground

* Rislyn frowns suddenly, as if she just contradicted herself

* Kevley mutters, frustrated and almost furious* Change what you are?! How can it change something you're PRETENDING to be ..?!

* Rislyn 's voice goes very quiet and flat

<Rislyn> <q> Don't raise your voice to me...I'm trying to be civil about this..

* `Angora glides her hand across her, windows on the top floor shattering as her fingers pass by them

* Kevley frowns* I don't see anything civil about this ..

* Kameko blinks .. hearing glass shatter and heads upstairs

<StacieGreene> Uhm, sorry. *shakes herself and follows after Diana again

* Rislyn closes her eyes, turning and leaning against the windowsill

<HappyLittleMoron> *Diana arches her brow, leading to Aria's room* Are you sure...?

<Rislyn> <q> And how would YOU like this to go, then?

<StacieGreene> Yes, just been a long day.

* StacieGreene picks up her bags and things as we reach the floor above the stairs

* Kevley frowns* I'd like it to be truthful. Nothing is civil unless it's truth.

* `Angora watches, tilting her head slowly to the side as if a kitten mildly amused..

* Diana nods* Hai...*taps on Aria's door*

* Rislyn sighs shaikly, running her hands through her hair, shaking herself before she crosses her arms again to hide it

<Aria> Who's there?

<Rislyn> <q> Fine.. you want truth?

<Diana>'s me, Aria...Diana...I have Staci here to see you..

* Aria's door opens

* loud Limp Bizkit can be heard from Mondo's room*

* Kameko heads up to..where ever Angy is..looking at her

* Kevley nods, eyes locked on her*

<Kameko> Angora..?

* ``Mitch finally decides that the Asylum is better off without him tonight, and locks the door, flopping into bed fully clothed as he always does... you can take the boy out of the ghetto, but...

* `Angora watches her, hovering about twenty feet from the building ...

<Aria> Diana, hi! Stacie! What are you doing here? Pete said you were flying home when I called him last night?

* Kameko kinda blinks

<StacieGreene> Plans kind of changed...thanks, Diana. I'll talk with you later?

<Kameko> Uhm...I..I think you should come down...I...<w>shit..

* Rislyn still doesn't look at him

* `Angora glides her hand to the side again, the windows the next floor down shattering in the same fahion

* Kevley watches* And look at me when you tell it

<Rislyn> <q> I...wanted.. *tenses, her eyes staying closed* ...last night.. but it CAN'T happen again..

* StacieGreene jumps, hearing the shattering windows. "What's that?"

* Kameko winces, taking a step back

* Kevley frowns* Why...?

* Kameko slowly backs up, eyes wide

<Kameko> Uhm...............HELP!!!!!!

* Diana blinks and looks up* I don't know... *heads dowstairs and out the front door...looking around...*

* ``Mitch frowns, face coming up out of the pillow at the sound of shattering glass

* `Angora smiles faintly, lowering herself to the ground, arms spread apart

<``Mitch> " never ends."

<AriaStormsinger> Stacie, it's good to see you, but you'd better stay here for a moment, all right?

<Rislyn> <q> It can't.. it destroys the me that I've built up..that I build..

* ``Mitch fumbles around and grabs his glasses, unlocking his door and moving downstairs

* Kevley pauses, shaking his head* Hold up, did you hear glass breaking ...?

<Diana> ...what's going on here...??

* Rislyn blinks .. furrowing her brow..then narrows her eyes, running past him, sword already forming in hand as she runs outside

<Rislyn> Not again..>!

* Diana transforms into her armor, stepping forward, frowning*

* `Angora tilts her head to the side, looking at Diana with a small and smug smirk .. eyes glowing a bright green, offsetting the night around her* <aired voice, not her own> Gomen .. did I disturb you..?

* AriaStormsinger catches up to Diana, standing off a little bit

* Kevley blinks* Not what again!? *runs after*

* Kameko dashes inside .. getting medical supplies ready, etc..

<AriaStormsinger> <w> Oh no...

<Diana> ...who are you? *narrows her eyes as she lifts herself into the air*

<Rislyn> The one who killed me, damnit!

* Kevley blinks* But--she's the..huh??

* Rislyn runs out, coming to a dead stop and glaring up at Angy, eyes narrowed as she weilds her sword

<``Mitch> Downstairs, in the living room... he looks out the door, and curses, stepping gingerly out onto the porch.

* AriaStormsinger throws out a hand to Rislyn

<Rislyn> ....Careful, Diana!

<AriaStormsinger> Hang on a second...

* Rislyn blinks .. looking over at Aria in alarm

* `Angora watches, hands folded before her now, face looking calm, almost amused

* ``Mitch blinks at Diana's transformation, but calls out quietly, "Aria! Get over here!"

* AriaStormsinger glances over and nods, moving slowly back towards the doorway

* Diana hovers before her, green eyes sparkling angrily* Ne...not smart enough to answere a simple question?

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch, do you know any way to contain her?

* Rislyn gets released and then moves closer, body tense

<AriaStormsinger> We can't let her get out of control again!

<Rislyn> <q> Kevley..she isn't herself.. something has control of her..

<AriaStormsinger> Be careful, Ris...

<``Mitch> Muttered. "I died last time I tried, I'd rather not make any more guesses. Let's get inside... we can't fight this..."

* `Angora smiles, slowly parting her hands to leave them at her sides* One cannot always answer in words, Diana ...

<Rislyn> She has control of be careful--*pauses, looking over at Aria and smiling to her, nodding*

* Kevley furrows his brow, watching* Shit .. this place is worse than underhill..

* AriaStormsinger cocks her head.* <w> "What should I do?"

* Diana quirks a brow* Oh? And just how do you propose to answere? Do I need to reach in and get it?

* AriaStormsinger nods to herself and backs up, then ducks inside the door

<``Mitch> "Find Iris and Brenna - get them into the basement and keep them calm."

* `Angora snaps her wrists up, wind snapping upward from a line in the ground, causing a fault-looking crack between her and the others

* `Angora lowers her hands

<`Angora> Like that.

* Mondo_Gecko pokes his head out of his room

* AriaStormsinger nods and runs, shuddering at the noise from outside

<Mondo_Gecko> ...what the hell is going on down there?

<AriaStormsinger> Mondo!? Help me find the little ones!

* Rislyn blinks, then growls, looking around for a way to get to Diana's side, wanting to help

* Kevley shakes his head* You don't wanna know, seriously man..

* AriaStormsinger runs for Brenna's room

* Diana narrows her eyes, turning into spirit form and lunging for Angora, trying to reach into her mind, like a ghost reaching for a soul*

* `Angora smiles, just watching them, looking almost harmless

<Mondo_Gecko> wjat's going on??

<Rislyn> Diana! I...<q> shit...Kevley?!

* AriaStormsinger comes out carrying Brenna wrapped in a blanket

* ``Mitch shouts "Trouble!" as he quietly edges into Shin's room, burrowing into her closet and retrieving the AK-47...

<AriaStormsinger> Someone's possessed Angora, Klork's sister -- and she's REALLY dangerous. We need to get the little ones into the basement

* Brenna looks around groggily, confused...Nox following with Iris in her arms*

* `Angora closes her eyes, her own spirit not one of her own, a woman wrapped in red...blonde hair, snapping out forcefully with what feels like sharpened knives to the soul

<AriaStormsinger> It's okay, Brenna. We're going to go play downstairs for a little bit.

* Rislyn snaps over her shoulder now, calling for Kev

* Kevley shifts, pushing out of the door once he has his broadsword, at Rislyn's side* What's your plan?

* Diana draws back, flaring her hands out instinctively, turning solid again and murmering a spell to form a sheild around the two of them* <q> I know your face now...

* ``Mitch 's hands dart back and forth as he fills four clips with 7x62mm hollowpoints, slapping two into the automatic rifles and working the actions

* Kev blinks* I'm RIGHT HERE!

<Rislyn> Kev! What kind of a warrior--I.....thought maybe you'd have one..

* Rislyn blinks, taken by surprise that he IS there

<``Mitch> Muttered. "Maybe I should buy these off her..."

* `Angora tilts her head to the side again, taking on a quaint look

<Rislyn> Diana?! How can we help?!

* Rislyn looks to Kev

<`Angora> What you know .. is not always power .. nor will it aid you.

<Rislyn> Can you do that..mind talk thing that everyone else can..?

* Mondo_Gecko goes downstairs....watching Angora

<Diana> {{I don't know, Ris...}}

* ``Mitch jams the spare clips into his pants, and follows Aria downstairs... quietly, "Stay downstairs until someone comes to get you. I'm going to... well... I'm the last line."

* Kevley nods, brows furrowed* Ah um..yeah..why?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I didn't like the look of that chick in the first place)

* Rislyn JUMPS, nearly falling backwards

<Rislyn> ..

<Rislyn> She..doesn't know how we can help..

<Rislyn> Well high could you throw me up?

<AriaStormsinger> Last...line?

* `Angora slowly kneels, hands pressed to the ground...

* Rislyn grabs her sword, eying the floating Angora before she shakes her head

* AriaStormsinger shoots Mitch a worried look as she goes down the stairs

<Rislyn> Scratch that..

* Kevley blinks* Um .. why??

* Diana hovers around Angora, bright eyes narrowed, kinda shimmering in and out of spirit form, taking jabs with her sword at the soul in Angora*

<Rislyn> No..don' high can you throw me?

<AriaStormsinger> .o0(And downstiars is the last place I want to be...)

<``Mitch> He doesn't respond, turning and crouching by the top of the stairs, setting his back against the stairwell and shouldering one AK.

* Diana yeah...I'll keep it...moving between human and spirit form <G> That'll do that to a perrson <G> Diana's short anyway...yeaaaah*

* AriaStormsinger looks at Nox

<AriaStormsinger> Um...I'm sorry, I don't know your name

* `Angora wavers a few times from the jabs until a wall of electricity spirals like a reverse tornado from the ground around her, shooting at least twenty feet in the air before forming a large ball at the tip of it

* Rislyn looks at Kevley

<AriaStormsinger> Can you handle these two?

* Mondo_Gecko heads back upstairs

<Nox> I'm nox...

<Rislyn> Kev...can you throw me to the other side of that rift?

* Kev looks at Ris* I have NO clue what to do here..

<AriaStormsinger> I'm Aria...and I need to go upstairs.

* Kevley furrows his brow* I could try ...

<Mondo_Gecko> hey Nox!! are the kids ok!?

* Rislyn kinda crouches, like she's ready to spring upwards...

<Nox> Aye! Just frightened...*nox nods to Aaria, gathering Brenna close as well*

<Rislyn> ..Then do it.. I'm going to try ..something..

* ``Mitch shouts to Mondo, "They're fine!"

* Mondo_Gecko nods and heads back down the stairs again

* Kev blinks, squinting at the bright tornado/electric thing, picking Ris up* If you're sure ..

* AriaStormsinger comes up the stairs and stands a little behind Mitch for a few moments

<Rislyn> Worst it could do is kill me again.

* Mondo_Gecko looks at the tower of electricity

* Rislyn holds out her sword, determined look on her face

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(stupid girl)

* ``Mitch glances over his shoulder. "Aria, get downstairs... you need to help keep the children calm, okay?"

* Diana follows Angora up, still doing that in and out of spirit thing...touching her wind and fire stones to try disrupting Angora's powers*

* the tornado disappears into the ball of electricity, hovering about 30 feet from the asylum...Angy's no longer on the ground*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(that's too easy)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(or not..)

<AriaStormsinger> They're calm, Mitch.

* Kevley braces himself, then shifts, boosting Ris over the rift*

<``Mitch> "Well, uhm, shouldn't you make sure of it?"

* Rislyn hops at the same time, clearing it and then kinda standing there..looking like, "Now that I've got this far..what do I do?!"

* the electricity ball spins, sparking ..suddenly a rush of telekenetic energy bursts from it, feeling like a physical force of a semi-truck rushing from it*

* AriaStormsinger cocks her head, then nods again.

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail whips in anger and then lets out a horrible screem and flies back and hits the door

* Diana grinds her teeth together, getting driven back through a nearby wall, and here you thought HLM was the only one with this problem*

<AriaStormsinger> Mitch, please let me pass! I know what she's doing, and I can affect it!

* ``Mitch flinches as the entire front of the Asylum shudders, creaking

* Kevley growls, keeping his ground .. however he's sent back ten feet, his feet leaving scrape marks on the lawn*

<``Mitch> "Damn it, Aria! Neither of us are in this league. What can you do to affect it?"

<AriaStormsinger> Disrupt the electric fields she's generating!

* Diana comes shooting from the hole in the wall as a creature of pure fire, going for Angora...*

<Mondo_Gecko> Diana no!!!!

* Mondo_Gecko looks up as he hears about the electricity

* the electrical ball fades, leaving Angy there, floating, hands spread apart...face looking angry as she turns to diana, sending another force at her, a little stronger than the one before*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(she's gonna blow the place sky high!!)

* AriaStormsinger comes up behind Mitch and starts to go past

<``Mitch> He hesitates... mutters, "Fuck!" and shifts aside to let her pass. "You'd better know what you're doing..."

<AriaStormsinger> No more than any of us...

* AriaStormsinger squeezes his shoulder as she passes

* AriaStormsinger sprints up the stairs

* ``Mitch nods, setting his feet against the wall and bracing himself once more

* Rislyn gets sent into the rift she just cleared, gripping at the edge as best she can, looking down at the deepness of the thing and trying to pull herself up

* Mondo_Gecko grits his teeth in anger..the lightning symbol shining under his shirt

* Diana fights her, stilling almost completely, inching forward, fire splashing up against electricity*

* `Angora dissipates....dissappearing momentarily

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(damnit..this is gonna start an electrical fire or something)

* AriaStormsinger reaches one of the upper levels and enters a room with windows facing the street. She takes a deep breath and walks, then floats up to the shattered glass, her wings of light appearing and her hands glowing

* Kevley blinks, then curses* Ris!!!

* Mondo_Gecko HISSSES and turns around running up the stairs, chasing her down

<AriaStormsinger> THIS I can do without burning out... I hope...

* Rislyn grits her teeth, sword disappering back into her wrist, trying to pull herself up and slips, lossing her footing, but not her hold

* `Angora reappears on the building top across the street, sitting, eyes alight

* ``Mitch covers the hallway stretching down from the kitchen, the only thing visible to him, lips thin and hands gripping the rifle tightly...

* `Angora smiles

* AriaStormsinger catches sight of Angora. "There you are..."

* Diana reverts to human form, just...kinda...transparent <G>, turning to look at Angora, eyes glowing a bright lavender*

* Mondo_Gecko gets to the top of the building and looks around...seeing her across the way

* AriaStormsinger aims her hands at Angora and casts a slightly more crackly blue light wave than usual at her

* Kameko takes the medical supplies and waits down in the basement with the others

<`Angora> So you like games....*eyes flash, pushing her hands out and spreading them, a wall of green electricity mixed with physical force plowing toward the building* Catch.

* Diana growls and screams a spell to counter that with a shield, clenching her jaw*

* Kevley curses, murmuring a levatation spell and going over to the other side of the rift, reaching for Ris* Grab on!!

* `Angora frowns a bit as the sheild is weakend by Diana and Aria

* Mondo_Gecko flashes down the building and up the side of the other, running at Angora from behind and reaching out to grab her, remembering all the times he's sucked energy out of things

* AriaStormsinger staggers back at the electricity hit

<AriaStormsinger> oww...

* Rislyn blinks, then mutters, ignoring his hand and trying to pull herself up, not liking to take help from ANYONE

* Diana holds her hands out, willing the shield back at Angora, still shouting the spell*

* AriaStormsinger spots Mondo -- "Oh no!!"

<Rislyn> You..didn't tell me you could ...LEVITATE..!

* `Angora seems to dissipate to the touch, like running your hands through smoke that rights itself when left again

<AriaStormsinger> What the...

* Kevley mutters, snagging her hand* We can talk about that later!

* Diana quiets, looking around again with a soft growl...switchiing between soul and air..*

* Rislyn acks, being grabbed, but gets pulled up

* AriaStormsinger leans out of the window, then jerks her hands free where they've just been sliced byt he glass. Ignores it and stares there another Angora floating around somewhere

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(it didn't work?)

* Rislyn shoots him a glare

* `Angora , the smokey version .. is the only one seen, just sitting there, watching, small smile on her lips, face seeming to taunt them

* Kev sets her down* Thank me later.

<Rislyn> Oh, we'll have more than a talk about it--what is it?!

* AriaStormsinger tries to cast again and shrieks as the energy disruption field tears at her hands' wounds

* Diana eyes Angora, murmering another spell...trying to get a trace on the real Angora*

* a large amount of dust can be seen swirling up the street, lifting like an ash flow from a volcano towards the asylum*

* Rislyn blinks, then throws her entire bodyweight into Kevley

* Kevley blinks, re-murmuring the spell and snags Ris, heading for the door into the asylum*

<Rislyn> LOOK OUT!

* Rislyn acks...assuming she missed him and was dragged instead

* AriaStormsinger mutters and murmurs: "Please..." and watches as her hands glow brighter and the wounds slowly seal

* HappyLittleMoron looks down at the dust, suddenly dissapearing into air form...trying to find the cause, and disrupt it of course...

<AriaStormsinger> And hurry....

<AriaStormsinger> Thanks...

* Rislyn gets dragged, fighting his hold the whole time

* `Angora is standing at an intersection a few blocks down, cars piled into eachother in a perfect circle around her, arms spread and sending the dust that way

<Rislyn> No! We have to fight!

* Kevley mutters, watching the dust go by

* AriaStormsinger looks up and frowns darkly out the window, this time being careful what she touches

<Klork> Not when we can't see!

* AriaStormsinger squints into the dust.

* Diana narrows her eyes and goes after Angora, aiming to distract her with wind of her own whiile bringing the solidifying the dust arounnd her with her earth stone...*

* AriaStormsinger sees Angora and leaps out the window, dropping slowly with her wings spread and casting as she goes

* `Angora looks up to see DIana, holding her hand up to send a spiral of forked lightning at her from the palmso f her hands

* Rislyn glares at him, still trying to get free, sword appearing in its non-solid form just out of her hand's reach

<Rislyn> No! I have to help!

* AriaStormsinger drops next to Rislyn

* Kevley looks out the window as the dust clears* god, agh..

<Rislyn> You don't understand--Aria..!

<AriaStormsinger> Don't get yourself killed this time! I'll see you when the dust clears!

* Rislyn nods

* AriaStormsinger drops next to an illusion of her own imagination...and yells at the voices in her head.

* Diana growls softly, getting a little zapped in this form, though not as bad if she was solid, hurling the dust at her through the wind*

* Rislyn whimpers a little, desperately wanting to go fight

*'know...tons and tons of needle duuust things...hurricane wind...whatever*

* `Angora then murmurs something, a bright globe of light surrounding her, appearing for a second like lightning..then disappearing with her in it

<AriaStormsinger> Whoa!

* AriaStormsinger drops the casting, staring around the street, rising for a better perspective...

* Kevley blinks at the light reflecting off the buildings* Whoa..

<Diana> *ghostly voice* Coward! *looks around again*

<AriaStormsinger> .o0(Where'd she go THIS time?)

* ``Mitch hears the building creak and moan, as the forces of nature batter its facade... sweat beads on his forehead, and he frees a spare hand to swipe over it, flicking the sweat away as he flexes his hands around the cobalt blue steel

* Rislyn pulls her hand away from her eyes, having shielded them

<Rislyn> <q> .....What happened..? Diana!

* `Angora walks down the stairs from the roof, moves silent and unheard, inside the asylum .. somewhere on one of the floors

* Kevley goes outside, brows furrowed* WHat happened..?!

* Rislyn looks a bit panicked, wanting to know how Diana is doing

* Rislyn goes to run to a window (broken or non-broken, doesn't matter) to try and look outside

<AriaStormsinger> Diana!!

* Diana lowers herself to the ground, solidifying, red running down the back of her armor* I am fine...

* ``Mitch probably can't hear the footsteps yet, not all the way up there

* `Angora continues walking, shimmering to fade to invisibility .. fading from floor to floor .. searching for something

* AriaStormsinger drops suddenly. "Hunh?"

<AriaStormsinger> "Uh... I don't htink that's safe..!"

<AriaStormsinger> "Okay..."

* Diana stumbles a little, going back into air form* {{I'll just stay like you know where she is, Aria??}}

<Diana> {{Is everyone alright??}}

* Rislyn furrows her brow ... sensing something and kinda turning...looking around

* AriaStormsinger goes to her knees, holding her head gently

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I can't suck magick outta this chick..and I can't fight..I'm gonna get my ass back

<AriaStormsinger> {{Yes, Diana...I'm supposed to -- try to contact her. I'm scared.}}

* ``Mitch cocks his head, as soft footsteps slowly permeate his consciousness... he crouches down further, slowly sliding a leg down the stairs and settling just above the lip of the landing, like trench warfare...

* Rislyn frowns, sword now solid in her hand, and starts to slink through the asylum ... sensing something, but seeing nothing, so it's driving her crazy

<AriaStormsinger> {{An -- Angora?}}

* Mondo_Gecko heads down the wall of the building headfirst

* the upper floors of the asylum seem to groan..creaking as if a small earthquake begins to shake through them*

* Diana heads back to the Asylum...just 'cause...well...where ELSE is she gonna go??*

* Rislyn blinkblinks, then instantly dives for something to hide under in case the floor collapses

* `Angora stays unseen..somewhere there ..

<AriaStormsinger> {{Angora, I know you're there...}}

* Rislyn finds that it isn't collapsing and heads up the stairs, slinking...

* ``Mitch is sweating freely now, and wipes a forearm across his brow, trying to keep his breath slow and even

* A build-up of electricity flares through the halls, shooting through like a lightning bolt going horizontally down the corridors*

* Mondo_Gecko runs across the street and heads inside the Asylum

* Brenna whimpers softly, hugging her ninja turtle toy close, big blue eyes looking around fearfully...IIris huddled into Nox's arms...etcetc*

<AriaStormsinger> {{Angora! You can fight this!}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{We can help! Where are you?}}

<`Angora> {{There is no Angora ....*fades*}}

* Rislyn ...gets up to the creaking floor ... hesitantly stepping across it .. not knowing where else to go

* AriaStormsinger locks onto the send site

<Diana> <w> What the hell...? *heads in, hovering by Mitch, her voice still ghostly* ...what's going on? *blinks, overhearing the mental stuff*

<AriaStormsinger> Oh my God...

<AriaStormsinger> {{DIANA! She's IN the Asylum!}}

* Mondo_Gecko runs up the stairs, following the lightning

* AriaStormsinger gets up and sprints for the door

* Diana growls softly, dissapearing up through the ceiling, seaaarching for Angora...*

* ``Mitch twitches, almost shredding the wall across from his position... he slowly exhales... "Diana?"

* Rislyn gets a big wave of eletricity at the top of the stairs just inside that floor..passing out where she is


* the lightning spirals down the stairs, going straight for the door, not stopping for anybody to move that's in the way*

* AriaStormsinger gets hit and knocked backwards into the street

* Mondo_Gecko absorbs the electricity and his skin flashes bright blue!! his hair fanning out

<Mondo_Gecko> AAHH!!!

* AriaStormsinger twitches a few times, blue zappy lines crackling over her body and out from the ends of her fingers and toes

* Rislyn .. is passed out on the stairs a few floors up

* Diana's eyes widen* Mondo?! ANGORA...! Whoever the hell you are...! WHere are you?!

* Kev gets slammed, passing out in the front door*

* AriaStormsinger tries to roll over, charred spots on her skin

* AriaStormsinger falls back

* `Angora 's psyche form, for anybody seraching, seems to be fading in and out all over the building

* Mondo_Gecko turns and heads up the stairs, even though it hurts...he's going to absorb as much energy as he possibly can from her

<``Mitch> Muttered. "...what the fuck is going on..."

* Rislyn groans..body having adapted slightly from the death bit previously .. then kinda meanders down the stairs, holding her head ... just looking disoriented

* the floor begins to shake again, with the magnitude of a 5.0 earth quake ..enough to jostle the place*

* Diana closes her eyes, murmering another spell to try pegging Angora to one place, hands twitching as she stays in her spirit form*

* Rislyn goes past Mondo..kinda looking at him in confusion, then falls down the stairs with the rest of the earthquake, landing on her arm and snapping it at the bottom floor

* StacieGreene pulls out her cell phone. "You'd better move in NOW."

* ``Mitch puts out a hand, two, to steady himself, the spare AK dangling by its strap from one arm

* Mondo_Gecko clings to the stair case

* Rislyn pulls herself up as best she can with her now good arm.. then pales when she sees Kevley all passed out and drags herself his way slowly, afraid to get up and be knocked down again

* `Angora seems to be moving too quickly .. if not in more than one place at once ... the floor of the asylum stilling .. and everything, including where she might be...seeming to quiet if not disappear

* Kevley is out ... duh <G>*

* ``Mitch isn't on the psychic hotline, so doesn't get any of the Angora signatures...

* StacieGreene throws open teh window, climbs out, hanging for a second, then leaps down the two floor drop, her body absorbing the shock as she lands near Aria

* Rislyn gets over to him and cradles his head in her lap, just kneeling over him, look saying she'd guard him with her life

<Aria> "Stacie...get to safety...I'm working on healing this -- be all right in a second -- "

* The remains of the fallen building kittycorner to the asylum seem to crumple into themselves, bursting with flame .. hints of green electricity spiraling in the air from the flame*

* StacieGreene hits Aria a hard backhand that snaps the blue-haired head to the side, bouncing it off the pavement. "No you won't."

* Diana keeps looking around frantically, her eyes still glowing that bright lavender from the use of the sword stone, murmering another spell to try finding least see if she's still in the vicinity...dragons starting to race along her skin...passing over her face and neck occationally*

* StacieGreene slings Aria's limp body over her shoulder and sprints down the street from this crazy site.

* Rislyn whimpers, trying to get him to wake up as best she can without any sort of powers

* The flames die down eventually .. the entire pile all ash .. Angora sprawled over it, burnt slightly .. unconscious*

* Kevley groans, eyelids lifting only a little, strained by the effort, befor closing again*

* Diana jumps at the sound of the building falling, hurrying out and cursing in Japanese...running over...going to check her but erking lightly, not really able to go into solid form without kinda...passing out...whatever* SOmeone help me...! Check her...

* The man in the black suit is standing by a dark Lexus a few streets over, door open, waiting with a cold expression

* Rislyn rests her brow against his, trying her damndest with powers unknown to her, to bring him back

* Diana clenches her jaw and begins murmering another spell to check Angora...see if she's ready to come to yet or no...*

* Kevley groans quietly.....breathing .. alive .. but unable to move or wake up*

* Mondo_Gecko moans and weakly stumbles out the door..promply throwing up on the side walk outside the place

* StacieGreene hands Aria's body into the back of the limo, then climbs in after her. Torres closes the door behind them, gets into the passenger side front seat and it pulls away.

* `Angora is out cold .. the other being completely gone ... leaving her there .. untapped in her powers .. virtually harmless once more

* Mondo_Gecko looks at his

* ``Mitch is settled into the stairwell, as tense as any soldier, as nervous as any sniper with his crosshairs settled on another sniper's sights...

<Torres> Well done, Ms. Greene.

* Rislyn moves herself so she's kneeled above his head, which is in her lap, her hands running down from his shoulders to his chest and back up ... her fingers glowing a deep purple --almost black as she tries to work with powers she doesn't know she has

* Diana takes a deep breath, levitating Angora up and bringing her back to the asylum...and look around to see what she can do to help...* Is everyone alright...? She's harmless now...

* Kevley stays the same state ... just out*

* Mondo_Gecko groans... and he lays down on the pavment, taking shallow breaths, thankful it's nice and cold against his skin

* Rislyn whimpers ... then just gives up, just holding him

* `Angora gets levitated, ash falling from her masses of hair...her entire body covered in soot

* Kameko peeks her head out

* Diana's still not-solid...alternating between spirit and air...she sets Angora down on..uhm...the couch and hovers by Mondo* ...Mondo...?

<Kameko> safe now? It got quiet..?

* Kevley is .. out <G>*

* Nox still holds the kiddies*

* Rislyn forgot she had a broken arm, sooo..she was moving her broken WRIST, too..yeah!

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(SON OF A BITCH)

* ``Mitch is still camping the basement approach

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(how come every god damn time I run into my ex-girlfriend there's something wrong with me)

* StacieGreene doesn't answer Torres. Her eyes go blank and she leans against the seat, shaking a little as the intense mental grip relaxes for now

* Diana's out in front, kinda kneeling by Mondo, she'd set Angora down on the couch...*

* `Angora is flopped on the couch .. out of it ... leaving a nice ash/soot pile around her

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(first I can't I'm lying on the ground with vomit...great...just great)

* Kevley opens his eyes slightly ...brows creasing as he lifts his hand, placing it on Rislyn's arm/wrist ... murmuring a healing spell*

* Diana sighs softly* I'll get you inside, Mondo..*goes to levitate him as well, noting the nifty blue coloring, and looking for any other injuries*

* Rislyn BLINKS, trying to yank her hand away

<Rislyn> Let go of me and heal yourself, damnti!

* Mondo_Gecko groans

* Nox peeks out as well..looking puzzled*

* Kevley growls, keeping a firm hold to keep her there .. still healing*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(why can't she just leave me with my pride and my puke on the pavement)

* Kevley, after exhausting himself..passes out again*

* Diana...notes the look in hhis eye...gently sets him in the grass, more comfortable, her own sad as she headsinto the asylum* there anyone I can help...?

* ``Mitch could really use someone telling him everything's okay, because he doesn't want to reveal his location in case everything isn't...

* Mondo_Gecko hisssssssses and then turns and heaves onto the grass

* Meanwhile outside, glass slides back into the windows, the rift in the ground closes .. all seems to replace itself outside with the exception of the fallen building

* Rislyn swallows .. then just cradles him as best she can .. which would be really awkward, because she may be tall..but he's a big guy, ya know?

* `Angora groans quietly, eyes opening before she jerks upright, blue eyes wide and looking around

* Diana...looks for Mitch and smiles a little as she begins flickering between being solid and beinng in her spirit/air form, struggling to stay from being solid* Mitch...?

* Kevley gets cradled nonetheless <G>*

<``Mitch> "Diana?" He glances up, around, hearing the voice but seeing no form...

* `Angora winces, lungs heaving and she goes into a coughing fit, rolling from the couch to her knees on the ground, trying to get the dust from her lungs

* Diana turns visible, kinda kneeling right in front of hhim...altering between being fully solid and see-through* It's over...for now...are you alright...?

* Rislyn actually looks scared...

* Kameko sighs .. figuring most people are okay this time, since she doesn't SEE any dead people, and blips home, leaving the supplies out for people to find if they need them

* `Angora manages to clear her lungs, looking wide eyed around before patting through her pockets .. finding a set of keys

* Rislyn just kinda looks around .. not really knowing what to do

* Kevley groans ... still out, just exhausted ... and healed*

<Mondo_Gecko> * looks around for the nearest metal object and spots a chain on the ground and grabs it..and loud crackling is heard that sounds like a lightning bolt and the chair..which was attached to the back of a car.....melts and the car blows up!

* ``Mitch carefully flicks the safety on the rifle and sets it down... then slumps onto the stairs, lying full-length for a long moment as an infinite amount of tension starts kicking and screaming... muttered, "Yeah... they're downstairs... Iris, Brenna... some others..."

* `Angora slowly stands on wobbly legs, looking around and then sheilding herself from the explosion

* Diana jumps, eyes wide as she looks over towards the explosion, then nods to Mitch* Alright...

* `Angora takes that as her chance and bolts out the door, skin stinging form the burns

<Diana> Angora??

<``Mitch> "They're okay - whatever's happening... take care of it..."

<Mondo_Gecko> *weakly* ...coool..I blew up a car

* `Angora runs down the street, almost trippin over Mondo as she goes

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Hey!!

* Mondo_Gecko reaches out and grabs her arm with surprizing strength

* `Angora pales, eyes wide before yanking back, her own strength is quite surprising

<`Angora> Let me go--please!!!

<Mondo_Gecko> FUCK NO!!

<Mondo_Gecko> your gonna answer to us for that shit

* ``Mitch pushes himself up, staggering slightly, and leans against the wall... he snags one of the AKs, just in case, but holds it loosely, aimed at the floor... getting his head under the demarcation line, he looks around for Nox & co. "Every-" His voice cracks, and he coughs, clearing his throat. "Everyone all right?"

* Diana nods, standing and sort of looking around, going to follow Angora, but stumbling, going solid and falling to her knees...back in street clothing, the back of her shirt and jeans drenched in blood* ...iie...ahh...*brings her hands to her eyes and sorta...falls over <G>*

<Mondo_Gecko> what do you think your doing!?

* `Angora shakes her head, eyes wide

* Musoko is walking around near the area, having been looking for her .. just a few blocks down

<Mondo_Gecko> You think you can attack us and get away with it chick!?

<`Angora> Ijust--I don't know, I just have to leave---*pales a bit* Attack..!?

* Mondo_Gecko snorts

<`Angora> I didn't do anything--let me GO!

* ``Mitch hears the thump and half-turns... his eyes widen, and he drops the AK, the rifle clattering down the steps as he lurches up and drops to one knee beside her. "Shit! Diana, Tomodachi, talk to me!"

* Mondo_Gecko snorts

* ``Mitch fumbles for a moment, rolling her onto her back and feeling for a pulse...

<Mondo_Gecko> you'd better get moving..

* `Angora whimpers, trying for a last-minute defense to get away, slamming her foot up towards his groin

<`Angora> Let me GO!

* Diana's limp...out...looking burned, hair on the back of her head sticky with blood*

* Mondo_Gecko lets go of her arm, moving back before she knocks him in the nuts

* Musoko comes around the corner, just seeing that groin thrust bit and starts to run over* Leave her alone!

<Mondo_Gecko> crazy ass chick..

* `Angora staggers, tripping over her own feet before getting up, turning to run again, just in pure panick

* Musoko catches her, wrapping his arms around her completely after forcing her to run into him

* Mondo_Gecko spits on the ground in anger

<Musoko> Angy!? Calm down! Please!?

* `Angora shakes her head, crying she's so out of it, trying to push away blindly

<`Angora> I said let me GO!

<Musoko> ANGY! Angy, it's Musoko! Damnit..

* ``Mitch looks up and fills his lungs, shouting "HELP!" in a hoarse voice... he scrambles over her, very gently feeling the back of her neck and lifting it up, running his hands through the sticky hair and feeling the flesh and skull beneath

<`Angora> I didn't DO anything! Just let me GO!

* Musoko kinda shakes her as best she can

<Musoko> I...No, you didn't, Angy..I know that..

<Musoko> Please...calm down?!

* `Angora sputters, getting shaken...eyes widening as she realizes where the hell she is...* M..*sputters* Muso..???

* Mondo_Gecko slips back in the Asylum

* Kevley groans, slowly sitting up*

* Diana's skull's still in once peice...just a lot of lacerations to the skin...her breathing starts taking on an irregular pattern*

* Musoko sighs, pulling her close* Yeah..who else would let you nearly bowl them over in the middle of the street..?

* Nox is busy trying to still the children...hands full <G>*

<Musoko> C'mon..let's get the hell out of here...and get you away from whatever you're running from

* `Angora nearly collapses into him, nodding frantically

<`Angora> Just..anywhere....ANYWHERE but here...

* Mondo_Gecko hisses, sounding like a snake muttering

* Rislyn is still holding him, fingers playing with his hair, eyes a bit wet, but she's damned if she'll actually cry over a male <G>

* Kevley rubs his temples, blinking and looking up at Rislyn*

<Mondo_Gecko> Stupid god damn satantic shit

<``Mitch> "Oh, hell no... keep breathing, keep breathing..." He places a hand on her sternum and pushes, trying to establish a regular rhythm, looking up and shouting "FUCKING HELP!"...

* Mondo_Gecko looks up and sees Mitch and Diana and races over

* Musoko nods, leading her a few blocks away and leading her to his blackblackblack mustang, helping her in and then just taking off for the Mondai Manor

* Kevley blinks..slowly sitting up* What the hell..?

<Mondo_Gecko> Jesus!? is she ok?!

* `Angora goes with apparently <G>

<``Mitch> "She LOOK okay? Help me - I can't lift her-"

* Mondo_Gecko nods and reaches under her, picking her up in his arms

<Mondo_Gecko> ...where to

* Rislyn swallows, pulling back after he wakes up, afraid of offending him

<Rislyn> Diana....she...they're screaming for help...

* Diana stays just as she is...out cold...breathing still really irregular, seeming to stick with if she can't breath in or out completely, yep, she gets lifted...most of her ribs seem to be a bit crunchy*

<``Mitch> "Living room, best we can do..."

<Rislyn> You....should go see....

* Kevley blinks..nodding, getting up, watching her worriedly before staggering in...* WHat's goin' on? WHat'd I miss?

* ``Mitch runs ahead, scrambling around the corner and running for the main bathroom, yanking out the medical kit and tearing back to the living room

* Rislyn slowly stands ... running her hands over her arms to try and keep calm, watching from the doorway

<Mondo_Gecko> we have a magical healer?

<Mondo_Gecko> her ribs are busted

* Kevley blinks, heading over tentatively*

* Diana's breath starts sounding if fluid's starting to build up...*

* Rislyn looks around, then blinks

<Rislyn> I...where's Aria..???

<Kev> I can help .. but if anybody can offer energy .. it'd help ..

* ``Mitch hesitates, but only for a moment, undoing her shirt and flicking it open... he touches her ribs, gently, then ducks down and puts his ear against her chest...

* Kev hovers, brows furrowed*

* Rislyn blinks ... then looks at Kevley..going over to him and forming her sphere....holding her palm out in offering hers to him

<Mondo_Gecko> Shit man! her lungs are filling up! she's gonna drown!!

<``Mitch> "-someone call a fucking ambulance! Her lungs- Kev, do what you can-"

* Diana's ribs are broken at the back, pretty much all of them...her lungs are sounding more and more conjested...oh and there are all KINDSA nasty scars along her torso*

* Mondo_Gecko 's eyes look really frightened

* Kevley blinks, taking it gently before kneeling, hovering his hands over DIana's lungs/ribs, murmuring in elvish before it glows in his attempt to heal her*

* ``Mitch reaches up and grabs Kev's shoulder, not knowing how the hell to offer energy but thinking it's probably a good way to go about it

* ``Mitch turns his head and shouts "AMBULANCE!" since everyone seems to be standing around stupidly...

* Rislyn looks incredibly pale...just having given him the one thing she had left of her power

* Mondo_Gecko winces, his arms burning under her weight..even if it's not alot..he's not very healthy to start with..

<Mondo_Gecko> HEY!

* KEvley finishes with the lungs, going up to her head to try and heal there*

* Rislyn rests her hands against his back, trying to give him anything she can

* bloodflow slowly begins to stop, she moans softly, brows knit with pain...starting to cough*

* ``Mitch keeps his hand on Kev's shoulder, having no idea if it's helping at all

<Mondo_Gecko> Diana?

* FWL_MeRc walks into the asylum... sobar, which is odd for this time

* Kevley furrows his brow, trying his damndest ..then goes back to trying to heal her ribs*

* Torres' car pulls up outside a huge, old-style stone house a little north of the city, waits for an electric gate guarded by video cameras to open, then drives down a long winding drive through pine trees downhill, then entering a small underground garage guarded by guys with biiiiig rifles.

<``Mitch> "Tomodachi?" He crouches, laying his ear against her chest and listening to her lungs...

<Kevley> <q> Her lungs are well..I can't ...her ribs ....

* Rislyn whimpers, closing her eyes and concentrating .. giving him all of her energy .. practically her life force, too

<FWL_MeRc> ... *raises a brow* whats going on?

* ribs don't heal...pretty badly damaged...the keeps coughing weakly, pain written all over her face, still mostly out...she's lying there...wherever she is <G> shirt open, bloodied, etc*

* ``Mitch raises his head, and snarls, "Would somebody PLEASE! CALL! A fucking AMBULANCE!"

* AriaStormsinger gives her a hug from behind, warning her first of course

* Kevley snaps away, startled by Mitch, faltering a little* I can't heal her ribs..! *looks startled*

<FWL_MeRc> ... *picks up the phone dialing 911* Hello? yea we need an ambulance <insert asylum address here>

* Mondo_Gecko swallows..

* Mondo_Gecko goes and lays Diana down on the couch

* Rislyn furrows her brow, then pulls her hands away, shoving herself between kevley and diana, placing her hands gently over Diana's ribs...her fingers glowing a deep black/purple..trying her damndest to heal even though she doesn't really even know if she can ...okay, she's over at the couch, then

* FWL_MeRc puts down the phone stareing at diana "... c'mon someone! make her better! HLM??? *looks somewhat pleadingly"

* Diana gets lain down, groaning softly between coughs, lungs trying to get rid of the blood already in them, the ribs heal only very very slowly...great resistance*

<Kevley> She's in Japan .. *seems to teeter, but offers his energy to Rislyn*

* ``Mitch brushes the hair back from her face, and cradles her head, keeping the air passageways clear

* Rislyn whimpers, not even knowing HOW to heal, let alone where to start, just wishing for it to be BETTER

* Mondo_Gecko turns her head to the side so she she doesn't choke on her own blood

* Diana starts coughing with more strength, a little blood trickling from the side of her mouth*

* FWL_MeRc watches this... wishing to help but knowing him would make matters worse "c'mon diana..."

<Mondo_Gecko> that's it...cough it up..

* Kevley continues to offer his energy*

* Rislyn pinches her eyes shut, looking almost in pain, she's concentrating so damn hard on something she doesn't even know if it'll work, her upper arms glowing now, too

* in the distance sirens are heard, drawing closer, agonizingly slowly*

<``Mitch> "Okay, clear out of the way, let the paramedics in... fuck. Merc, Mondo, get out of sight, someone get my jacket..."

* Diana starts coughing with more strength, eventually her entire body wracking...ribs refuse to heal more than say...a fourth of the way...*

* Rislyn 's eyes open slowly, glowing now in that deep blue/violet, looking over at Kevley and taking what he has, all of her arms glowing before her eyes slip shut again

* Rislyn then collapses backwards, unable to do anymore, but still awake

* FWL_MeRc nods walking into the kitchen so he can watch

* Kevley catches her, blinking

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(get outta sight?)

<FWL_MeRc> mondo c'mon we don't want to scare off the paramedics

* Mondo_Gecko rises, leaving Diana on the couch and heads upto his room

<Mondo_Gecko> c'mon Merc

* Rislyn forces her eyes open, they're still that deep blue/violet..nearer to black, looking up at him

<Rislyn> ..I can't do anymore....

* FWL_MeRc follows mondo looking back before diana is out of view

* Kevley picks up Rislyn* We should get out of here ... I don't think they want to see us either...

* pounding at the door...*

* Rislyn doesn't fight him picking her up, either, which says how exhausted she is

<FWL_MeRc> .... Mondo.. what happened?

* Kevley blinks, settling her down* Too late now..*runs over, ears still showing, opening the door* over here!

* Mondo_Gecko sits down on the bed..

<Mondo_Gecko> ....some chick..she came in here ...possessed by Satan or something

* Paramedics come rushing in, over to Diana to examine her...* ...what happened...??

<Mondo_Gecko> ...and she was using magick against everyone..

<FWL_MeRc> ... names give me names...

<Kevley> Long story..her ribs are fractured..

<Mondo_Gecko> I tried to absorb the energy out of her but it wouldn't

<Mondo_Gecko> ...names?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I dunno her name man

<Mondo_Gecko> I never seen her before

* Rislyn just kinda lays where she was put

<Kevley> her lungs may have a little fluid as well..

* Mondo_Gecko rubs his face

<FWL_MeRc> ... DAMNIT! *punches the wall*... damnit

<Kevley> Concussion is a possibility..

* Mondo_Gecko describes Angora

* Paramedic nods as his partner works on Diana, glancing over at Ris* Is she alright...?

* Kevley nods, slowly lifting her* Weak .. more or less exhausted...nothing that rest won't do..

* the other guy ends up having to sedate Diana when she starts fighting the lovely things they have to do to her, even semi-consiouse she's one hell of a match*

* Rislyn kinda curls up into him, mind kinda hazey..

<Rislyn> <q> Did...what I could..

* First one nods, helping the partner load her onto the streatcher* Is there someone who can come with us to give her history?

* Kevley pulls her close, sighing shakily

<Kevley> AH..her name is Diana ... she lives here ..

* Mondo_Gecko lays out exhausted on the bed...close to tears but not allowing himself to come to that

* Kevley chews his lip

<Kevley> I don't know much more .. allergies or anything..

<``Mitch> "She's got an exotic blood type - she can take anyone's, but don't give hers to anyone else..."

<FWL_MeRc> .... I'm going to find that bitch... and I'm gonna tear her heart out trough her ass!

<Rislyn> <q> Mondo....? Where...did he go..?

* ``Mitch has his jacket on and lower arms holstered

* Medic nods, lifting the streatcher 'n stuff* Type AB you know any allergies..? *starts rushing her out to the ambulance 'n stuff*

* Rislyn watches as best she can, unable to move a whole lot

* Kevley looks helplessly at Mitch..

* ``Mitch follows... .oO(Garlic? Silver?) "Not that I know of."

<Rislyn> {{Diana...I'm sorry...I couldn't do more...}}

<``Mitch> "Listen, it'll take forever to get a cab - can I ride in the ambulance?"

* Medic nods..* Get in the cab, I'm driving..

* Kevley cradles Rislyn, watching..

* ``Mitch nods and jogs forward, hauling himself into the passenger side of the cab

<Kevley> Let us know of any changes, Mitch ..

<Diana> {{*drugged and not all there <G>* Nandemonai...}}

<``Mitch> "Shit! Kev, what's the phone number for this place?"

* ``Mitch is leaning out the window for this

* Hollers it out..whatever it may be*

* Medic slams the back doors, hopping into the driver's seat...*

<FWL_MeRc> ... *walks out, walking downstair*

* Rislyn mumbles ... going paler by the minute

<FWL_MeRc> ok Who was it and were can i find this bitch?

* ``Mitch mutters whatever it is under his breath (something like 555-1234 probably), trying to remember

* Kevley looks up, blinking

<Kevley> Merc ..

* Medic zoooms off...sirens blairing, etc*

<FWL_MeRc> someone tell me *snarls*

<Kevley> Before you go off trying to kill this person, you may number one, want to know what you're up agaist .. and number 2 ..know the fact of why she did it..

<Rislyn> Not...her fault...possessed..

* Rislyn kinda starts to slide, her body going limp in Kev's arms

* Kevley sighs, smoothing RIslyn's hair back, hoolding her

* Mondo_Gecko curls up on his bed, sweaty..and sick and very dirty, his hair a mess, and he buries his face in the blankets

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(now I remember why I moved outta here)

* ``Mitch rides rather nervously in the passenger seat, both because of Diana in the back and because he's NEVER been THIS close to sirens...

* they get to the hospital, Diana's rushed into the ER 'n stuff...gets all kindsa nasty things done to her, as is perfectly normal for hospital stuff*

<Kevley> Merc ... it's Klork's twin sister that did it .. there's somebody controlling her now and then ... she's harmless when not being controlled ...

<FWL_MeRc> fine tell me who's controlling her then

<``Mitch> me waits in the, well, waiting area, sitting in a chair with his hands folded before him, studying them

<Kevley> ...We don't know

<Kevley> if anybody has any idea, it'd be Diana..

* Doc comes out after a long time* Mitch Williams?

* ``Mitch looks up

* Mondo_Gecko winces and crawls over to the toilet in the bathroom and throws up the rest of lunch

* Rislyn looks up at Kevley

* Doc heads over to Mitch* You brought a Ms. Diana Manashevitz in?

* Kevley sighs, sitting on the couch with RIslyn, looking at Merc

<FWL_MeRc> whoever is responsable is going to pay

<Rislyn> She...gonna be..okay now..?

<Kevley> I don't even know where she went, she ran off .. scared shitless...

<``Mitch> He nods, standing. "How is she?"

* Kevley looks at Ris..nodding..

<``Mitch> .oO(Manashevitz? I can't even PRONOUNCE that.)

<Kevley> She'll be did what you could..

* Rislyn nods shakily, brow beading with sweat, face incredibly pale .. she's still trying to heal at this distance

* Doc nods* She'll llive...between the blood-loss and broken ribs though, we want to keep her here for at least the night...her body's undergone a lot of trauma and we'd like to keep her for observation...

* Kevley blinks, shaking his head and murmuring an energy spell, placing his hands on her arms lightly

<Kevley> <q> stop..

<``Mitch> He nods again, slowly. "That's fine. It's okay for me to stay here, right?"

* Rislyn sinks almost instantly, not having known how to stop it, but somehow his command did

* nope...healing doin' no good <G> She's taken all the healing she's gonna be able to*

<Doc> Are you family?

<``Mitch> The bullshit gland kicks in quite smoothly. "Yes, rather extended. Mother's brother's cousin's sort of thing."

* ``Mitch 's got Irish features, Diana's got Irish features... it could actually work

<Rislyn> <q> thank you...didn't..know how to stop..

* Mondo_Gecko rests his cheek on the toilet seat

* Kevley nods, watching her before standing

* Rislyn whimpers almost silently..

<Kevley> I'm taking you somewhere to rest..

<Rislyn> <qw> ..what the hell am I.....

* Rislyn sighs a little, but doesn't argue

* Doc nods* Alright...she won't be consiouse to speak with you or anything though...we have her sedated due to her combativeness...this way...*leads the way to Diana's room...where she's in the hospital bed, looking pale and hooked up to an IV and heart monitor*

<``Mitch> "Okay..." He follows... his lips tighten slightly at the sight of her, but she looks better than she did before.

<``Mitch> "Is there a phone I can use?"

* Mondo_Gecko mutters in a nasty way " Mondo get outta sight"

* Doc nods, pulling the one in the room over* Dial "9" to get an outside line...

* Kevley settles her on his bed, sitting there..

<``Mitch> "Thank you, doctor..." Meaning much more than the phone. "Thank you."

* Doc nods* Of course...she'll be checked on hourly...if you'll excuse me...*heads out*

* Rislyn whispers something almost incoherently..

* Mondo_Gecko mutters "bet he won't be able to see me if I put his eyes out

* Rislyn looks incredibly worn out

* Mondo_Gecko chuckles to himself and coughs

* ``Mitch watches for a moment... whispered, "Gomen nasai, tomodachi..."

* ``Mitch picks up the phone and retreats to an uncomfortable ergonomic chair, dialing up the Asylum

<Mondo_Gecko> ow

* Kevley chuckles, smoothing her hair back

* Kevley blinks, standing

<Kevley> I'll be back, RIs.

* rriiiiing*

* Kevley runs down the stairs, nearly tackling the phone when it rings

<Kevley> Hello??

* Rislyn blinkblinks, unable to watch where he's going because she can't lift her head

<``Mitch> "Hello? This is Mitch."

<Kevley> Kev here...anything? Will she be ok??

<``Mitch> "She'll be fine. She's fine."

* Kevley sinks a bit with relief, looking over at Merc

<Kevley> Di's gonna be ok...let Mondo know that?

<Kevley> Thanks, Mitch ... appreciate it .. you holdin?

* FWL_MeRc looks up "..right..." *walks up and knocks on the door"

<``Mitch> "They're keeping her overnight for observation... I'm gonna stay with her. In case anyone asks, I'm her father's mother's nephew or something like that..."

* Kevley chuckles

<Kevley> Extended family, I see. Well, at least she'll wake to see a familiar face. You will call if anything changes for either direction, right?

<FWL_MeRc> Mondo?

* Mondo_Gecko looks up from the toilent and makes a strangled sort of noise

<``Mitch> "About as extended as it gets... yeah, of course. I'll keep you informed. Is anyone in contact with Mrs. Happy?"

<FWL_MeRc> ............ Mondo, Diana's going to be ok

* Mondo_Gecko raises his broken arm and gives a thumbs up and lets his hand fall down again and squeeks in pain

<FWL_MeRc> ... are you ok?

<Kevley> Um, I think I can try to give them a call .. they'll want to know ..

<Mondo_Gecko> sure..

* Mondo_Gecko does NOT sound ok

* FWL_MeRc opens the door "I'm coming in ok?"

<``Mitch> "Okay, do that... Kev, thanks for what you did for her. Thank Rislyn, too... make sure Mondo's all right... hell, you know what to do better than I do."

<Mondo_Gecko> na....just...leave me and my toilet...

* Kevley nods* Will try .. take care of yourself, ok? I'm gonna call Eloise..

<Mondo_Gecko> my toilet loves me

<``Mitch> "Yeah. Domo."

* Kevley blinks

<Kevley> Domo??

* ``Mitch hangs up and rubs both hands over his face wearily.

<Kevley> AH! problem

<FWL_MeRc> ... okay *looks worried and walks downstairs*

<FWL_MeRc> ... i need someone... to talk to mondo

<``Mitch> "...jesus christ. When did this happen to me?"

* Kevley hangs the phone up, then dials again..out of country of course, to Japan .. their house

* Kevley looks up at Merc

<FWL_MeRc> ... he seams depressed

<Kevley> Eloise..?? *goes back to talking in the phone*

* ``Mitch watches Diana for a moment, a wholly depressing and unsatisfying experience, and slumps in the chair, flicking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.


<``Mitch> .oO(That's Merc fer ya.)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(HE CAN'T FUCKING MOVE)

<Kevley>, you missed a lot.

* Diana...y'know...doesn't do much...just...lies there...heart monitor going beep..beep...beep...*

<FWL_MeRc> ... okay i love when my pleas fall on deaf ears

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes and decides he's gonna sleep this off with his head on the john

* Kevley holds a hand over the phone

<Kevley> I'm sorry, I'm speaking to Eloise in Japan. ... *erks* Ah um, yeah, you know Angora? *is back to phone land*

<Kevley> *on phone* She lost it again..Diana's in pretty rough the hospital with Mitch..

<Kevley> *on phone* *sighs shakily* Her ribs are broken..lungs were filling up..head was injured ..we managed to heal most of it ... she's just staying overnight at the hospital for observation...Brenna's ok as well, if you wanted to know

<Kevley> *On phone* But we have no clue where Angy went ... she took off in a panic ..

<Kevley> *On phone, muttered* WIth some guy named Muso or something--no no, you don't need to come back right this second, we felt you had a right to know..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( you got a fast car..I want a ticket to anywhere..maybe we'll make a deal, maybe together we can get somewhere..any place is better starting from zero got nuthin to loose.. maybe we'll make myself I got nuthin to prove)

<``Mitch> Muttered. "Shit. I left the AKs in the basement."

* FWL_MeRc lifts brow glareing at kevley

<Kevley> *Onphone* AH um .. I don't kow ... and hey, it's no problem..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( you got a fast it fast enough that we can fly away? ..we gotta make a decision, leave tonight or live and die this way)

* Kevley sighs shakily, still talking into the phone* I think I'm gonna let you go tho ... Rislyn's pretty beat .. triedto heal Diana .. I should probably tend to her--hmm? I-hey, take your time, you don't need to rush..

* ``Mitch retrieves coffee and stuff from the cheap coffeemaker in the waiting room, sitting and nursing the styrofoam cup, doing his best to stay awake

* FWL_MeRc is still glareing at kevley

<Kevley> Yeah, I'll see you whenever, take care of yourselves....Later..*hangs up the phone, then blinks at Merc* Wha..??

<FWL_MeRc> "Muso"?

* Kevley shrugs, a little lost

<FWL_MeRc> who is "Muso"

<Kevley> Some guy .. when she ran off ... seemed to be consoled by him or whatever ..

<Kevley> I have NO clue who he is..but Angy left with him..

<FWL_MeRc> ... thank you

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I remember when we were driving in your car..speed so fast I felt like I was drunk. The city lights lay out before us and your arm felt so nice wrapped around my sholder..I felt like I I could be someone...)

* FWL_MeRc walks into his room grabbing his FN-p90 and walking out "I'm going hunting"

<FWL_MeRc> what does he look like?

<Kevley> Japanese...kinda tall *shrugs, frowning*

<FWL_MeRc> clothes?

<Kevley> Um, relatively nice .. took off in a very well-off car too ..

* Kevley shrugs

<FWL_MeRc> good... shoudn't be too hard to track down *smirks and walks out making no effert to hide himself or his weapon*

* Kevley blinks

<Kevley> Merc ... I don't think that he has anything to do with this ..

<FWL_MeRc> I'll be the judge of that

* Kevley sighs

<Kevley> do what you will..I'm going to go check on Rislyn ..

* Kevley heads up the stairs

* FWL_MeRc snarls walking around New york trying to sniff for this person

* Mondo_Gecko forces himself to crawl off the toilet and over to the bed

* cop looks at Merc...then his donut...Merc...donut...Merc...wanders off munching his donut*

<FWL_MeRc> I'm gonna kill me an asshole gonna kill him good, hang his tectisules upon me bed and laugh

Session Close: Sun Mar 03 03:25:46 2002

