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Session Start: Sun Mar 17 13:00:27 2002

* HappyLittleMoron 's in the workout room with Diana, Iris and Brenna, watching with Diana as the girls practice their moves...

* Daibhead begins to cook himself an irish fry "no hungars in sight... excellent"

* ^Monisima^ comes down the stairs and into the kitchen..sitting down quietly

* Daibhead doesn't notice her and contuines to cook putting his food on a plate then turns around "... ah... good morning"

* ^Monisima^ smiles up at him

* Daibhead puts the plate down infront of her and turns back around putting on a very large batch for her

* ^Monisima^ eats happily

* Mitch is upstairs studying because his controller's working on something

* Daibhead contuines to cook "ya'know at this rate I'll never eat"

* ^Monisima^ just smiles

* Daibhead takes her plate and piles up the food "that should tie you over... shame you can't talk"

* ^Monisima^ digs in

* Daibhead watches as he cooks his own batch hopeing that'll keep her satisified

* Daibhead puts his on a plate and sits oppisite her "so your feeling well?"

* ^Monisima^ nods

* Daibhead smiles and shovels his food into his large mouth "thats good..."

* ^Monisima^ finishes off her plate

<Daibhead> full?

* ^Monisima^ shrugs...

<Daibhead> ... want me to cook you a huge pot of stew for later?

* ^Monisima^ nods ^o^

* Daibhead gets up pulling out the largest pot he can, adding all the ingredients and lets the mixture boil

* ^Monisima^ watches

* Daibhead sturs it mixing it well "there.. that should be ready in 2 hrs"

* ^Monisima^ smiles

* Daibhead sits and look at her " i don't suppose you could tell me why you can't talk"

* ^Monisima^ blinks....thinks....then shakes her head no

<Daibhead> no idea why it happened either?

* ^Monisima^ shakes her head

<Daibhead> no way for me or anyone else to help?

* ^Monisima^ thinks.......then shakes her head

<Daibhead> okay... want me to do anyting else for ya?

* ^Monisima^ shakes her head

* Calantha is asleep in her room

* ^Monisima^ stretches

* Daibhead looks at her stretching "it really is a shame you can't talk"

* ^Monisima^ nods...

<Daibhead> anyhow... i shall be around if you need me *gets up*

* ^Monisima^ nods again

<Mitch> From Mitch's room, quietly, can be heard brief thirty-second snatches of music... one group is put on, suddenly silenced, and another one just as abruptly began a few seconds later...

<Mitch> It's been going on for a while now.

* Daibhead walks toward the workout room

* ^Monisima^ leans back in the chair...

<Mitch> .oO(I've never bothered listening to music.) *snorts* .oO(And this is why.) *takes Alanis Morisette out, briefly considers putting it in the "to sell" pile with the others, and decides it should never fall into the wrong hands...*

* Mitch sets up a vise on one of the packing crates, secures the CD, and lights a small acetylene blowtorch, proceeding to totally slag it

<Mitch> .oO(That's not even music. That's dying animals.)

* Mitch shakes his head, turning off the torch and letting the melted plastic cool, as he pops in a late 80s compilation album of stupid dance music

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, no wonder she snapped. If I listened to this crap long enough...)

<Daibhead> ... no action anywhere

* ^Monisima^ stands up and walks out to the livingroom

* ^Monisima^ sits in front of the TV and turns it on

* Daibhead looks over at moni "no one about... feh..."

* ^Monisima^ looks over to Daib

* Mitch listens to Backstreet Boys for a few moments before taking it out between thumb and forefinger, dangling it as if it were rat poison, and dropping it back into its case

* Daibhead raises a brow at her and listens "and... appears mitch is having a midlife crisis

* ^Monisima^ grins

* Bon Jovi is actually given half a chance, but twenty seconds in, it still ain't getting any better, so into the sell pile it goes...

* Daibhead sits on the couch and sighs

* ^Monisima^ starts channel surfing...

<Daibhead> ... feh...

<Daibhead> nothing good on... as usual

* ^Monisima^ keeps surfin....

* Daibhead stares at the screen

* ^Monisima^ goes through the channels again

* Mitch finally ends up with a Captain Jack album that managed to sneak in by accident - and just amuses him so much he has to keep it - and a stack of CDs ready for the pawn shop

<Daibhead> ... feh porno... music... documenteriays

* ^Monisima^ gives up and sprawls out on the floor

* Mitch ponders the stack, rubbing his neck... .oO(Nah. Later.)

* Daibhead raises a brow at her "you ok"?

* ^Monisima^ leans her head back....looking at Daib...nods

* Mitch stands up, stretching and arching his back... then crouching forward and muttering, rubbing his leg.

* Daibhead snorts as to small bursts of flame come out of his nostrils "okay"

<Mitch> .oO(Wonder if I'll feel storms coming with this thing.)

* Mitch shrugs into his jacket and leaves his room, locking it behind him... he flips the key up and catches it, walking it over his fingers as he heads upstairs, towards Diana's room

* ^Monisima^ yawns..just lays there

<Mitch> "Diana?" He knocks on the doorframe, craning his head and waiting expectantly... a bit later, a little more uncertainly, "Tomodachi? You awake?"

<Daibhead> ... i think you should get up...

* noooooo answer of course <G>*

<Mitch> .oO(Damn. Must be asleep.)

* Mitch walks quietly back down the hallway, feeling somewhat disappointed for no reason he can lay a thumb on...

* HappyLittleMoron and Diana are now teaching the girls Japanese commands and stuff in the workout room <G>

* Mitch heads downstairs, deciding to stick with his original plan

* Diabhead yawns and slouches watching the screen

* Calantha heads into the kitchen, opening the fridge

* Diana's voice can be heard softly floating from the training room as she speaks to the girls..*

* Mitch cocks his head, hearing the familiar inflections - if not the familiar words - and walks in quietly, leaning against the doorframe to check out the scene... he catches sight of Diana, and suddenly brightens, smiling. .oO(Christ, of course she wouldn't be there now that she had a choice... you idiot.)

* ^Monisima^ puts her arm over her eyes...

* Diana nods softly as the girls clumsily repeat the words back to her and HLM, then looks up and smiles to Mitch, waving a little* Konichiwa, tomadachi...daijubu?

* Daibhead looks down at her raiseing an eye ridge

* ^Monisima^ sneezes

<Mitch> "Gomen nasai, tomodachi... uh, nani kore? I didn't, y'know, understand any of that..."

* Diana chuckles softly* "Hello, are you?"

<Daibhead> ... wanna... do something like... play a computer game or something

<Mitch> "Konichiwa - hello?"

* Diana nods* Hai...or in specific..."Good afternoon.."

* ^Monisima^ leans her head back to look at Daib again....points to herself...

* Calantha pours herself some cereal and sits at the table, munching

* Mitch subvocalizes the words a few times before glancing up, half-smiling a little embarassedly. "Oh! Yeah, I'm okay... hi, Brenna. Hi, Iris."

* Diana chuckles as Brenna and Iris look up and wave to him*

* Daibhead raises a brow trying to get what what she means by that "what is that?"

<Mitch> "Daijoubu, you two?"

* ^Monisima^ ...blinks...

<Daibhead> errr moni... you want to play a computer game or... something else, kill time

<Brenna> Uhm...zenryo! *Iris just nods, not quite having the hang of it...*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* She said she's being good..

* ^Monisima^ scritches her nods

<Mitch> .oO(Hell, you wanted a break.) To the girls, quite solemnly. "Mind if I join you? I've got a lot of learning to do."

<Daibhead> well what do you want to do?

* ^Monisima^ thinks.....then shrugs

* Iris smiles and pats the mat between her and Diana* Iie! *grins proudly*

* Mitch shrugs off his jacket and ties the arms around his waist, folding up his legs under him a little awkwardly as he takes a seat

* ^Monisima^ turns around...sitting facing Daib

<Daibhead> ... well i got no idea on what to do either...

* ^Monisima^ sighs a bit....looks out the window

* Daibhead notices this "you want to go outside?"

* ^Monisima^ looks back at him...then nods

* ^Monisima^ stands up and head to the door

* Diana uhm...goes over pronounciation! Yeah!! That's the part the controller remembers the best! "A" is always the short a, as in "ball", "e" is always the soft e, like in the beginning of "elephant"*

* Daibhead stands up and makes his way to the door "shall we then?"

* ^Monisima^ nods..opens the door and walks out

* Mitch pays attention!

* Daibhead follows after her once out steaches to his full height streaching "ohhhh thats a relief"

* Mitch probably amuses the hell out of the kids by having less of a grasp than they do

* uhhhhhm...lessee..."u" is always pronounced "oo" <I think that's right...> "o" is always "oh"...*

* ^Monisima^ puts her hands behind her head..walks around

* Daibhead walks along side her

* Meh...Diana goes through the rest of the sounds just 'cause the controller's starting to get a headache from trying to remember 'em all <G>*

<Mitch> *that's just fine*

* Mitch learns!

* ^Monisima^ scritches her head ....looks around...

* Diana wraps it up after a <G>*

<Daibhead> ahhh i needed to get outta there... being cramped up really hurts

* ^Monisima^ looks way up at him...grins

<Daibhead> mind you... there are advantages to being this tall

* ^Monisima^ nods

<Mitch> "Domo arigato, sensei..." *taking his cue from Brenna 'n' Iris*

* Diana bows, the girls bowing in return* Hai..

* Calantha gets up and plunks her bowl in the sink, then hears voices in the workout room, peeking in

<Daibhead> ... *streaches his wings out yawning*

* ^Monisima^ pokes his wing...

* Mitch bows as well, pushing himself up onto his feet.

<`HLM`> Ok's your favorite time of the day...*picks Brenna up before she can run off* BATH TIME!!! *cackles at the whining...bringing the kids upstairs*

* Diana chuckles softly*


* Daibhead raises a brow "well... they're wings"

* Mitch snickers, watching them go. "What's so bad about bath time, anyway?"

* Diana shakes her head, slowly standing as well, still veeeeddy sore* No clue...*chuckles softly* Brenna just has something against water...must be the cat in her...

* ^Monisima^ nods...wishing she had wings...

<Daibhead> ... i can fly

* Mitch kinda moves to offer a hand up, but drops it, not wanting to insult her with it. "I guess..." He cocks his head to one side, watching her stand. "Um... I was gonna ask if you wanted to take a walk around the block, stretch your legs out, but you, y'know, look like you're pretty stretched out already."

* Calantha takes a good look at Diana, having heard about her, but not seeing her yet

<Daibhead> could... fly you around newyork

* ^Monisima^ smiles

<Diana> Ne...I wouldn't mind a walk, Mitch...*smiles a little* After all that lying down...*shrugs very lightly* We just need to go slow...

* Calantha yawns hugely, then stumbles back into the living room, sprawling out along the couch

<Mitch> .oO(Shorter legs AND severe injuries? This is gonna take a while...) .oO(Your point?) .oO(Never mind.)

<Daibhead> interested?

* ^Monisima^ puts her hands together and nods

<Mitch> He smiles. "Okay... just lemme know if you need to sit down or something on the way..."

<Mitch> "Where's your jacket?"

<Daibhead> ok... grab on

* ^Monisima^ holds takes his hand

* Daibhead smirks holding her wrists tightly then jumps flapping his poweriful wings gaining height

* Diana smiles* Closet by the stairs...and alright...

* Mitch snags her jacket, briefly considers holding it for her while she shrugs into it, decides she's a lot more qualified to put it on her than he is, and hands it to her

* ^Monisima^ holds on..looking down at the ground

<Diana> Domo...*carefully slides it on*

<Mitch> "Nandemo dai. How're you feeing? Ah, daijoubu?"

* Diana chuckles very softly* Very sore...but alright

* Daibhead flys above the city gaining speed by swooping and diving

<Mitch> "Okay... still a little stiff from all that shit that went down, but still feeling pretty fine."

<Diana> Very good to hear..

* Calantha flips channels...flip...flip

* ^Monisima^ watches as things go by underneath

* Mitch shrugs into his jacket, folding up his arms inside and turning up the collar against the expected chill of the city... he gets the door for her. "You think there's anything to those stories about people feeling incoming storms and stuff in old wounds?"

<Diana> Domo...*heads out and nods a little* Hai...deffinately...I have scars that turn bright red and ache when there's a big storm coming in...

* Daibhead climbs up high then goes into a dive heading striaght to the ground, his aim is to scare moni

* ^Monisima^ blinks...closes her eyes a litle

* Calantha flips upside down on the couch, her legs hanging over the back

<Calantha> Maybe THIS will make it look more interesting..

<Mitch> "Huh... wondering about my leg. Still feels a little funky - the phantom shit and all."

* Mitch takes it nice and slow, letting her set the pace.

* Daibhead smirks and then flips up, very close to the ground, then landing

* Diana blinks a little, nodding slightly as she walks along* You'll probably be feeling the storms, hai...

* ^Monisima^ just holds on you an annoyed look

* Daibhead smirks "sorry couldn't reisit"

<Mitch> Curiously. "Did you feel it when Sparky showed up? Y'know, before the battle?"

* ^Monisima^ snorts...looks back down

<Diana> Ne...I felt a surge of magic...that wasnot a natural storm...

* Daibhead puts her down on the ground and smiles "sorry... again£

* ^Monisima^ stands there....pppppunches you playfully..still looking annoyed....

* Mitch nods, rubbing his neck... he tucks the black baseball hat a little further over his eyes. "Do you have to... push to feel magic? Shit, I don't know what I'm asking here. Does it take effort?"

* Diana shakes her head* Now, first, hai...

<Diana> It's...sort of like opening up...extendingg your sixth sense..

<Daibhead> ow *makes a pouty face* forgive me

* Calantha sighs, and looks up, speaking to the emptiness

* ^Monisima^ sticks her tongue out....plops down onto the ground

<Calantha> I'm going back to bed!

* Calantha rolls off the couch and stands

* Daibhead sits next to her "you ok?"

* ^Monisima^ nods

<Mitch> "I... I've been trying to get that thing you showed me how to do down. And nothing's happening, it's still not working. I think I know what the problem is... it's like... you've showed me how to screw the lightbulb in, but I still haven't sussed out where to plug the lamp in, y'know? No juice."

* Calantha heads to the stairs, and slinks back up to her room

<Calantha> .oO(Daytime is evil, anyway)

* Daibhead pats "you want to head back now?"

<Diana> Ahh...that is something you need to find through is different for each person...but taps into the same magic...

<Mitch> "Meditation?"

* ^Monisima^ shrugs..looks up at the sky...

* Daibhead looks up too

* Diana nods* need to blank your mind...and let your subconsiouse guide you...

* ^Monisima^ lays on her back...hands under her head

<Mitch> He chuckles. "My, uh, subconscious is pretty stubborn. It wants to do other stuff."

* Diana blinks* Oh?

<Mitch> "Yeah, it guides me to, y'know, your spaghetti." He shivers. "Not that I want to beg or anything, but chicken is starting to get old..."

* Daibhead looks at her,

* Diana chuckles very softly* Ne...I'll make some tonight for you then...

* ^Monisima^ closes her eyes

<Mitch> .oO(Nice save.) .oO(Shut up.)

* Mitch smiles. "Domo, tomodachi... I really appreciate it."

<Daibhead> ...

* Diana nods* Nan demo nai...

* Daibhead lets her do her thing looking around

<Mitch> "What do you want to do now that you're back on your feet?"

* ^Monisima^ stretches her arms and legs out...

<Diana> Heh...get a little better before doing anything overly strenuouse..

<Daibhead> ... tell me when ur ready to go back

<Mitch> *nods* "Just wondering if there was somewhere you hadn't gone in a while you wanted to make. Something like that."

* ^Monisima^ opens an eye towards him..nods...then closes it

<Diana> I would like to visit my dojo sometime soon...just so they know I'm still alive...

* Daibhead smiles and inhales, blowing out little smoke rings

<Mitch> "Where's that at?"

<Diana> Ne...about two miles west of here...*gives an address that's...aboout two miles west of there <G>*

* ^Monisima^ sighs and sits up...looks over at Daib....

<Mitch> He glances down the street to a bank clock. "Feel up to it?"

* Daibhead contuines to blow his little smoke rings

* Diana shrugs a little* Sure..*smiles*

* ^Monisima^ watches him...shoots a bullet of fire through a ring w/ her finger...

<Mitch> He grins a little. "Sorry for turning this into something productive... but hey..."

* Diana chuckles softly* not worry about it...*smiles*

* Daibhead raises a ridge and looks at her "nice shot"

* ^Monisima^ grins

* Mitch heads... west

<Daibhead> try this one *blows a smaller ring*

* ^Monisima^ aims w/ her finger and shoots through it

* Diana does...too!*

* Daibhead contuines to make the rings smaller

* Syan meanders down the stairs, wearin' a pair of torn up jean shorts, sandals, and an open shirt (lookin' typically like a surfer), lumbering into the kitchen area

<Syan> Food..

* ^Monisima^ makes smaller bullets...

<Mitch> .oO(If I'd known I was gonna make a trip of this, I would've... ah well. Wonder how you say- well, why not?) He glances at Diana. "Is there a Japanese term for 'shit happens'?"

* Nox follows, chuckling softly*

<Daibhead> *stops* damn your good

* ^Monisima^ fanggrins and nods

* Syan starts rummaging through the kitchen, pulling vegetables out .. mostly peppers and potatos

* Diana shrugs a little* Daiben okoru..

<Mitch> "It's just one of those handy things. That and 'where's the bathroom'." He grins.

* Daibhead smirks

* ^Monisima^ stands up...

* Diana laughs softly* Oh hai...

* Daibhead stands also "head back?"

* ^Monisima^ nods

* Syan goes about' choppin' up the potatos and peppers, tossing them into a frying pan and adding butter n' a few other spices*

* Syan pauses, going over to the fridge, pulling out a chunk of broccoli and tucking it behind his ear* There. I'm festive..*goes back to cookin'*

* Daibhead smiles and begins to walk back to the asylum

* ^Monisima^ follows..

* Nox chuckles softly*

* Daibhead walks in the door and looks around

* Syan, when the stuff is finished, dumps it onto two plates and hands Nox one and a fork* Potato's O'Brian. Eat. *smirks*

* ^Monisima^ runs back to her chair..curling up

* Syan looks up and waves..not knowing who Daibhead is but..he looks casual enough .. for a dragon.*

* Nox laughs* Thank you...*sits at the table, muching* Very good...*blinking and looking up at Daibhead*

<Daibhead> hey people

* Daibhead raises a brow at moni

* Syan points to the pan* There's more for th' both of ya if y'r ain't much but..*shrugs*

* Diana...for the sake of time...leads him to the dojo, and heads in with him, a class going on at the moment...advanced...veddy impressive stuff <G>, she bows at the entrance after removing her shoes in exchange for the public flip-flops <G>*

* Mitch follows her example, bowing as well... he hesitates, but slowly removes the dingy boots - quite possibly the first time in years having done so when NOT about to take a shower - and stands there feeling almost naked, toes wiggling.

* Syan munches*

* Nox does too....*

<Daibhead> well... nice to see everyone.. so happy

<Daibhead> and eating

* Diana leads to the obseriving area..*

* Syan blinks, looking up..his mouth full, broccoli tucked behind his ear* Eh?

* Nox chuckles softly*

* ^Monisima^ gets up and headds to her room...

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, this feels weird. It's the cleanest digs I've ever been in WITHOUT getting ready to steal something.)

* Mitch follows, trying not to stare as one guy fends off five others, just flipping them over and out of the way as they come at him

<Daibhead> going to take a nep moni?

* Syan finishes off his breakfast/lunch before stretching out* Hmm..ever have one of those days where you just want to be really really lazy?

* ^Monisima^ looks back...shakes her head

* Nox nods, smiling* Aye...

* ^Monisima^ continues up the stairs and down the hall to her room....walking inside....

* ^Monisima^ has a messy room....

* Syan hrmms..grinning and leaning back.shifting to wolf form and shaking the clothes to the side* {{Better...}}

* Nox chuckles and reaches over to scratch behind his ears*

* Daibhead looks in her room "...clean"

* Syan stretches his neck out, thumping his back leg*

* Syan stretches out, tail wagging..taking his clothes in his teeth and heading upstairs to put them away

* Nox chuckles softly*

* Syan trots by Moni & Daib, his clothes in mouth...just..a white wolf with human clothes in his mouth trottin' by..noo biggie*

* ^Monisima^ goes over to a metal table on the floor....looks at Syan....

* Syan trots to his room, drops the clothes off, trots by again, poking his head in to bark before going back down the stairs to Nox*

* ^Monisima^ picks up some stuff from the table...little things she made....puts them inna bag..

<Daibhead> *looks at syan* hey... *looks around the room* normally girls are ment to be tidy

* Nox finishes cleaning up grinning down at him*

<^Monisima^> oO{....would she let me have a puppy...}

* ^Monisima^ sticks her tongue out at him

* Syan hops onto his hind legs...putting his paws on her shoulders .... big wolf.* {{Boo}}

* Daibhead sticks his tonuge back out at her

* ^Monisima^ gets up and puts the bag on her dresser

* Nox grins, reaching up to scritch his ears* {{If you were any other wolf, I believe I'd be afraid <G>}}

* Syan slobbers her cheek* {{Suureee...}}

* Nox chuckles softly, eyes sparkling with starlight*

* Syan puts his cold, wet, and sniffing nose at hers* {{ smell like potatos..}}

* Nox erks and turns her head to sneeze, wrinkling her nose a little* {{Hmm...I wonder why...}}

* ^Monisima^ flops onto her bed.....looks at Daib...

<Daibhead> whats in the bag?

* Syan pants, lookin' like he has a shit-eatin-grin on his face* {{Hmm..good question...}}

<Daibhead> ... *looks at her*

* Nox laughs, scriching at his ears*

* Syan slobbers her face, hopping down and stretching*

* Nox whipes her face off with a smirk*

* Syan runs around in circles, barking .. tail wagging*

* Nox blinks and leans against the doorfraim* {{Hmm...hyper?}}

* Syan pants, looking up at her with his head tilted to the side* {{Ya think.???}}

* Nox chuckles softly* {{What do you want to do?}}

* Syan pants..almost shrugging* {{Walk.??}}

* Nox nods* {{Sounds good...}} *pauses* {{I wonder what the laws are regarding wolves in this city are...}}

<Daibhead> ... *looks at moni*

* Syan tilts his head to the side* {{No clue...}}

* ^Monisima^ just blinks....then looks around her room...

<Nox> {{Maybe you should turn human...?}}

* Syan pouts, laying down and putting his head between his paws*

<Daibhead> ... well what was in the bag?

* Nox chuckles softly, petting his fur*

<^Monisima^> ....*takes the bag....gets up and walks over to him*....

<^Monisima^> *it's got some jewelry she made*

* Syan sniffles*

<Daibhead> ... you made those?

* ^Monisima^ nods

<Daibhead> nice

* ^Monisima^ smiles

<Nox> ...I'm sorry...

* Syan rolls onto his back* {{You could at least rub my stomach...}}

* ^Monisima^ takes the bag back and goes back to the bed..putting it back on her dresser

<Daibhead> how did you make them?

* Nox laughs and rubs his stomach*

* ^Monisima^ shows her hands

<Daibhead> with your bare hands?

* Syan pants, stretching out happily*

* ^Monisima^ nods

* Nox grins, rubbing along his belly...y' one would...y'know...a biig dog <G>*

<Daibhead> wow... now thats something

* ^Monisima^ smiles

* Syan ... pants...sprawls..leg twitches .. happy dog*

* Nox searches for the magic spot*

* Syan 's leg thumps* {{Agh.....doin' that on purpose..}}

* Nox chuckles softly* {{Me? This isn't what you like? <G>}}

* Syan pants* {{ comment...}}

<Daibhead> ...

* Nox grins softly, rubbing his belly still*

* Syan rolls to his stomach, then tackles her with slobbers*

* Cala mutters in her sleep, the rolls off the bed. She twitches a bit, but doesn't wake up.. just lies there on the floor

* Nox erks and falls back laughing* Eww...

* Syan slobbers, tail wagging*

* Nox laughs, turning her head and sorta wrestling to keep as un-slobbered as possible*

* Syan keeps slobbering* {{Bwahaa!}}

<Nox> {{'re getting mea ll wet!}} *laughs as she keeps trying to evade him*

* Syan hops off, grinning* {{I win!}}

* Nox whipes the slobber off* {{Eww...that you do...}}

* Syan sits, panting, tail slapping side to side*

* Nox chuckles, rubbing his ears again*

* Syan wags his tail, licking her hand*

* Nox chuckles and kisses the top of his head*

* Syan slobbers her face*

<Nox> Eww...*chuckles softly, playfully pushing him away*

* Syan turns, running to the top of the stairs and barking*

* Nox stands and follows him with a chuckle*

* Syan trots to his room..moments later poking his head out with a smirk* Heya! Er..gotta get dressed..

* Nox snaps her fingers* Oh fine...

* Syan chuckles, ducking back into his room*

* Nox...goes off somewhere*

* Syan heads upstairs, deciding to soak in the hot tub for a bit*

* Nox is already on the roof, gazing up at the sky...'cause it's <G>*

* Calantha blinks awake.. on the floor

* the class where Mitch and Diana are, finally wraps up...the sensei bowing off the mat and coming over to gingerly hug Diana in greeting*

* Calantha yawns and stretches, then picks herself up off the floor, wondering how the hell she got there in the first place..

* Mitch stands by, off to one side, looking oddly enough a little more comfortable in waiting around while other people conduct business - go figure

<Calantha> That's what I get for being awake during the daytime

* Calantha heads out of her room, looking up and down the hall for life

* Diana turns to Mitch after chatting briefly with the man, he's about sixty, very Japanese looking and in suprisingly good shape* Mitch...this is Sensei Kimora...Sensei, this is my friend from the Asylum, Mitch Williams.

* Kimora bows lightly to Mitch in greeting*

* Mitch straightens up and bows to him, trying to get it right. "Konichiwa, Sensei Kimora."

<Kimora> *in Japanese, controller too lazy to look the real Japanese up* You speak Japanese, Mitch-san?

<Mitch> "Gomen, nani kore... I... don't know what you said. I don't know much Japanese yet."

* Kimora chuckles softly* It's quite alright. Are you and Diana close?

<Mitch> "Uh..." .oO(Sounds like?) "We haven't known eachother for very long. I consider her a good friend, though."

* Kimora nods* Ah...good...*smiles, resting a hand on Diana's shoulder lightly* She needs good friends...many things she can learn from them.

* Diana chuckles softly and shakes her head* Ne...sensei...

<Mitch> "Dunno about that, Sensei, but I've already learned more from her than I ever thought I'd learn from anyone."

* Kimora chuckles* Perhaps...but...she needs to learn she does not need to live her life without support from others...

<Mitch> .oO(If he calls ANYONE grasshopper I'm gonna slug him.) .oO(And get your ass kicked.) .oO(IT'LL BE WORTH IT.)

<Mitch> A slight shrug. "I can offer the support. The rest is up to her..."

* Kimora nods* Hai...I know...*glances at the clock* If you will excuse me...the next class is in about fifteen minutes, I must prepair. *smiles to Diana, saying something else to her in Japanese, causing her to chuckle softly and bow very lightly*

* Mitch bows to Kimora. "Nandemo dai. Uh..." He glances at Diana. "'Have a good day'?"

* Diana...tells him...again due to the lazy controller <G>*

* Mitch repeats it, following up with "-Sensei Kimora."

* Kimora bows in return, wishing him the same before heading off*

<Mitch> .oO(That was very enlightening.) .oO(You couldn't resist, could you?) .oO(Sure. I just chose not to.)

* Diana looks to Mitch* you want to watch another class? This next one is another advanced class...

<Mitch> "Sure, if you'd like. It's... it's weird, like this shit isn't supposed to happen in real life, y'know?" He gestures to some guy throwing another halfway across the room.

* Diana chuckles softly, sitting down again* Not the first time I've heard that...and anyone can learn to do that..

* Mitch sits down beside her, lip twitching. "Okay, so I've been saying that for weeks. But that, that- look at that. NO ONE can learn to do that."

* Diana chuckles* I can do I have...

* Mitch just stares as this tiny little man literally leaps up onto the shoulders of a big meaty guy, climbing around him like a monkey and pummeling his weak points.

<Mitch> "Christ... I dunno. This stuff is almost beyond me. I'm used to seeing people without any training... wouldn't know a flip from a pin... all they're good at is a broken bottle in one hand and a piece of two-by-four in the other and instead of bowing to eachother... they want you dead."

* Diana nods* Hai...that *motions towards the mat* Is designed for you to get away from them as quickly as possible...once you know how to disarm those people, you can art is perfect...that is why it's best to study more...including street fighting...

* Mitch nods slowly, watching. "Anything that helps."

* Diana nods, watching longingly* Hai...

<Mitch> He glances at her, watching her for a moment. "You'll get back into it... just need, y'know, a little time off your feet." He smiles a little. "And if this is how the Asylum always is, you need a break."

* Diana chuckles very softly*'s that...not having what you used to thing...

<Mitch> "Yeah..." He looks back to the action. "It ain't gone forever, though. You're still Diana, iie?"

* Diana nods* Oh hai...*grins a little* Very true...domo...

* Calantha slips out the window into the night

<Mitch> "Nandemo dai, tomodachi." *bumps fists with her*

* Diana chuckles, returning the motion 'n stuff*

* Mitch mutters the phrase for "have a good day", whatever it is, under his breath as he watches the class go through a kata.

* Diana sits back, watching*

* class begins to be getting wrapped up 'n stuff*

<Mitch> "How long do you think it'll take to get out from, y'know, under the weather?"

* Diana shrugs a little* I don't least a few more weeks...longer before I can get back on the mat...those falls would wreke havok on my ribs...

<Mitch> He chuckles. "If you wanna practice on someone helpless..."

* Diana chuckles softly* Iie...not until you leaarn how to fall without hurting yourself...I don't want to injure you..

<Mitch> "Yeah, but back at the Asylum I can get injured making TOAST. I mean, apart from my anti-kitchen talents."

* Diana laughs softly*

<Diana> You'll get used to it, Mitch...and learn to avoid the dangerouse places..

<Mitch> *grins* "Well, if I can ever get the hang of, y'know, the aura ball thingy, maybe I'll beg you to teach me that next. It's probably a good way to take it easy - go at someone else's pace."

<Mitch> .oO(I HAVE been avoiding the dangerous places. They haven't been extending me the same favor.)

* Diana chuckles softly* Hai..

<Mitch> "I wish there was something I could do in return... I can't pay you for any of this..."

* Diana shakes her head* Ne...don't worry about it...friendship is enough..

<Mitch> He considers this for a moment, quietly.

<Mitch> "...yeah. But I'm gonna still gonna find a way to return the favor. Maybe pay you in Pratchett."

* Diana chuckles softly* Sounds wonderful...

* Mitch grins and looks over. "So I still get my spaghetti?"

* Diana chuckles softly* Of course...we may want to head back now so I can make it...

<Mitch> He laughs and stands, offering her a hand up. "Domo very arigato!"

* Diana smiles and takes his hand, standing slowly* Ahh...Japenglish...*chuckles softly, bowing out of the dojo and putting her shoes back on*

* Mitch does the same, feeling a little more comfortable once his feet are armored once more... he opens the door for her, looking up at the sky and shivering a little as the night air hits once more.

<Diana> Domo... *shivers a little, pulling her jacket close*

<Mitch> "Nandemo..." He buttons up his own jacket, turning the collar up, and starts heading... east!

* Diana heads...east, too! Wooooo*

<Mitch> *in an odd coincidence, all of Manhattan begins heading east, causing some interesting traffic jams and several cases of hypothermia near the Hudson*

* Diana blinks* crowded it's become...

<Mitch> "Night life's kicking in. It's, y'know, the changing of the guard - one people for another..."

* Diana nods* Hai...good point..

<Mitch> "I'd say it was the city that never sleeps, but I think that other city would sue. Vegas or something."

* Diana chuckles* Ne...I don't know...I think it is...*shrugs*

<Mitch> "You doing okay with everything? I mean, your back not giving you too much trouble?"

* Diana nods a little* I'm alright...once we get home, though...I'll need to sit down before I fix that spegetti...

<Mitch> "Oh, sure..." He looks at her, concerned. "If you need to rest, we can take a breather at one of the bus stops..."

* Diana nods a little* a good idea...*smirks a little*

* Mitch leads the way to one conveniently placed nearby and sits down, leaving room for her to do the same. "Don't push yourself, tomodachi... shit, I wish I hadn't dragged you this far..."

* Diana settles by him, then smiles lightly* Ne...I'll be alright...we could always catch a bus back..

<Mitch> "Yeah, but the idea is for you to get BETTER, not be all right." He closes his eyes for a moment, visualizing the bus schedules. " one's in..." Opens them again, checking out a clock across the way. "Seven minutes. Which means twelve. Green route's always late."

* Diana nods* Ne...we can wait..

<Mitch> He nods, leaning back against the bench.

* Mitch is looking a little troubled, but not saying anything, looking down at his hands.

* Diana blinks a little and furrows her brow, lookingo ver at him* ...are you alright?

<Mitch> "Well, my side's killing me, but..." He shakes his head, glancing up. "It really isn't my place to say..."

* Diana watches him worridly* You're hurt?

<Mitch> "Huh? Nah. Still getting over the whole thing at the church."

<Diana> Ahh...

<Mitch> .oO(Better she find out from you.)

<Mitch> He looks down, locking his hands together. "Diana... I dunno how much you've been hearing lately..." He glances up. "You know that new gecko chick? Calantha?"

* Diana blinks* Ne...I think I may have seen her...why?

<Mitch> .oO(Just say it.) "Mondo's hooked up with her. Gomen nasai."

* Diana blinkblinks a little and looks down, silent for a long time before nodding a little* <q> Ne...he needs to move on...I only hope they're happy...

<Mitch> He nods, looking away, down the street towards where the bus will come.

<Mitch> .oO(Jesus, I hope this was the right thing to do.)

* Diana just stares down at her hands, curls curtaining her face*

* and eventually, since neither of them are gonna say anything, the bus comes*

* Diana stands...getting on paying fare...etcetc and finds them seats, eyes distant*

* Mitch follows quietly, just taking a seat and not bugging her

* Calantha sits curled up in the rafters of a run-down theatre, watching the actors below rehearse, completely unaware of her presence

* aaaand the bus heads EAST! then north, then east, then south, then west a little while, then south again, it's a bus, you know how it is, but it finally dumps them at the corner by the Asylum*

* Diana heads to the Asylum, getting the door for him, just quiet..*

* Mitch enters and shucks his jacket, holding the door for her in return with an extra arm, closing it behind them... quietly, "I don't mind, y'know, a rain check on the spaghetti."

* Diana nods, her voice quiet* Domo, Mitch...I...think I'll have to take you up on that...if you'll excuse me...*heads upstairs, to her room..*

<Mitch> *kinda calls up after her, staying downstairs* "If you need anything..."

* Diana nods,looking back* I'll let you know, Mitch...domo...*manages a small smile* I...just need some time alone...

<Mitch> "Right... take care of yourself, tomodachi."

<Diana> I will...take care...

* Diana heads up into her room 'n stuff*

* Mitch heads into the kitchen and grabs a beer, popping it open and taking a healthy swig. .oO(...guess that went about as well as it could've.)

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks, passing Diana by as she comes down the stairs...girls gone to bed early...

* Calantha 's eyes light up as Hyde murders Lucy in a bloody rage..

* HappyLittleMoron pats her friend lightly on the back and ocntinues downstairsss, looking to Mitch and grinning a very little bit* Heh...told her about Mondo 'n Cala, heh?

<Mitch> He glances up as he settles into the chair and sighs, nodding. "You're good, Mrs. Happy."

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...*taps her temple* Just telepathhic...*sits down on the couch* Man..

<Mitch> "Oh. Yeah." His lip twitches, very slightly, as he flicks off his glasses and rubs his eyes.

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* How you holdin' up?

<Mitch> "I'm okay. I just hope I did the right thing." He looks up at her myopically. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing... just, y'know, whatever seems right..."

* Calantha sighs, her attention already waning.. she slips out of the theatre and into the streets again, making her way back

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Hey...that's the only way to go, Mitch...most of the time you won't know you're doing the right thing or one's perfect...

* Calantha walks.. walks.. walks back to the asylum, coming in the front DOOR

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and wavels to Cala

* Calantha smiles and wavies

<Mitch> "Yeah... I don't wanna hurt anyone else by it, though. Especially not a friend."

* Mitch kinda looks over his shoulder, sighs, and looks down at the beer.

<Calantha> Hurt anyone? What's up with that?

* Calantha sits down with them nosily ;)

* HappyLittleMoron noddles...* True...sometimes that just can't be avoided...

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little..

<Mitch> "I'm really not in the mood, Cala."

<Calantha> ..what? What'd I say?

* Mitch just shakes his head, taking another sip.

* Calantha looks back and forth between the two, clueless and actually seeming like she's not out to be bitchy

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* Eh...don't worry about it..

<Calantha> What.. it about me or somethin?

<Calantha> Cuz if it is.. I'll go somewhere else and let you talk about my charm and beauty in privacy.. *grins*

<Mitch> "Yeah. You do that."

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...

* Calantha blinks...

<Calantha> Uhm.. sorry... *sighs* I'll just get out of here..

* Calantha gets up and slinks off up the stairs

<Mitch> Muttered. "...the last thing I need."

<HappyLittleMoron> agh...*shakes her head a little and curls her wings around herself, straitening the feathers*

<Calantha> .oO(No matter what I do.. don't even have to SAY anything for him to hate me.. what an ass)

<Mitch> "How's Klork's arm doing?"

* Calantha slips up to the roof, sulking

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...he needs to rest it...bullet went through some muscle...

<HappyLittleMoron> Whatever happened to that jerk who shot him anyway? The boy's in for a lot of pain if he shows his face here again...

<Mitch> "Shit." He shrugs. "Guy got out of his chains somehow and made it out the window... I was helping Shin, uh, pimp out her wheelchair at the time. Everyone was just kinda somewhere else when it happened."

<HappyLittleMoron> Man...*scowls a little as she preens her wings* Ever find out who he was workin' for?

<Mitch> He shakes his head. "I wasn't asking questions... none of us would've, though. Not without opening up his head." He chuckles a little wearily. "Of course, you guys probably could. But, y'know, he was just the messenger. If he talks he's finished."

* HappyLittleMoron mutters* He shot my husband...he's finished as it is...

<Calantha> Are the sins getting staler.. does every moment move past you? Or does it feel like forever? And shouldn't you be laughing too?

<Mitch> .oO(I feel like I should be taking offense... I mean, *I* got shot, and no one cares... oh well.) "If he shows up again... I doubt he will."

* HappyLittleMoron nods...folding her wings agaiinst her back and massaging her temples...

<Calantha> Take a look how they found you.. Take a look what they've done to you now.. What was it they wanted? Sullen and haunted.. If only you saw it coming..

* Calantha sings, walking along the edge of the roof

<Calantha> How far down would you fall if you never came up again? Cuz you're so sick of it all.. and you wanna change everything. And just how deep would you go too see through it all if you could consume her?

<Mitch> "...I'm gonna get my mind off things, run those CDs down to a record store or something." He grimaces. "Trust me, you don't want 'em."

<Calantha> Would you say you were finding your way out? Is anything coming clearer

<Calantha> smashing through your mirror?

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...*laughs* I'll take your word for careful...

<Calantha> Still you can see you're guilty.. How far down would you fall if you never came up again? Cuz you're so sick of it all, and you wanna change everything.. and just how deep would you go to see through it all?

<Mitch> "Yeah. Umm..." He stands, then glances down at her. "You've known her a lot longer than I have. Think anything'd help Diana right about now?"

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little* She needs some time to herself...she hates being around people when she just finds out something like this...she'll come around...

<Mitch> "...I think I'll, y'know, hang out in the gym a lot. Just in case the bag decides it doesn't like her hands again." He shrugs, pulling on his jacket.

* HappyLittleMoron noddles and smirks a little* Alright, take care, k?

<Mitch> "You too, Mrs. Happy."

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks..

<Calantha> .oO(I shoulda grabbed my coat.. dammit)

* Mitch heads upstairs, dumps the lot into a plastic shopping bag, and heads out

* Calantha sighs at herself, then heads back downstairs slowly

* Calantha slips into the living room quietly, looking for her coat that she had dumped there last night..

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow and looks up, waffling a lil'

* Calantha picks up her coat, then looks up at HLM, quiet

* OikawaNishimaru appears to be on the roof meditating

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a little and goes about making a fire in the fireplace

<Calantha> *q* sorry.. didn't mean to piss you guys off..

* Mitch , over the next half hour, finds a record store, trades in the CDs, then heads to a pawn shop and picks up a box of 9mm dum-dums for the semiautomatics he glommed from the thugs at the church... he also stops by a bookstore and picks up another Pratchett (Soul Music) before heading back... that oughta keep him busy

<HappyLittleMoron> 'Sokay...just seems that you 'n Mitch don't get along that well...didn't mean to put you off, personally..

<Calantha> I've tried with him.. he's determined not to like me.. but oh well, I guess.

* Calantha shrugs a little and slips on her coat

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little

<HappyLittleMoron> ...uhh.....huh...

<Calantha> I've got more serious stuff to deal with than him..

* Calantha sighs

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh?

* Calantha pulls her hair out from under the coat, making it into a loose braid and tying it off

* Calantha nods.. then looks at HLM's stomach..

<Calantha> Kinda realized that.. eh.. we kinda forgot something the other night..

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh boy...gah...does he know?

* Calantha nods

<Calantha> Heh.. he's the one that made me realize it.

<HappyLittleMoron> Oof...get yourself checked out...

<Calantha> It's only been two days.. it's a little early for that

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little and shrugs..* Well...good luck...heh...

<Calantha> Heh.. thanks. This sucks ass.. This is not the ideal situation in which to be knocked up..

<HappyLittleMoron> No...

* Calantha smiles a little

<Calantha> I mean, pregnancy kinda complicates a friendship.. Heh.. not to mention the fact we're mutant geckos..

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows* two're just friends 'eh?

<Calantha> Yeah.. *raises a brow* Whatcha think we were?

<HappyLittleMoron> Most friends don't sleep with each other...

<Calantha> .oO(Oh god.. do people think we're a couple?!)

<Calantha> Well.. we're.. uh.. best friends with benefits? *grins a little*

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows* Heh...well it's your life...

* Calantha blinks

<Calantha> Whassat mean?

* Calantha sits on the arm of the couch, interested in what she's got to say

<HappyLittleMoron> Sex with freinds tends to either destroy the friendship or turns it into something more...really nnot the smartest thing to do..

* Calantha shrugs

<Calantha> I guess I wouldn't be opposed to it being more, but I don't think I'll cry if it doesn't, ya know?

<HappyLittleMoron> True...just sayin' ta be careful...

<Calantha> trying to warn me about anything specific? I mean.. is there something I'm missin' here...?

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...and uhm...I'd stear clear of Diana for a little while, too...she just got misinformed and sorta needs some time to herself...

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...

<Calantha> ..misinformed?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...she thinks you 'n Mondo are together...just like the rest of the place...

<Calantha> .......?!

<Calantha> What?!

* Calantha looks around, realizing that was a little loud

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehh...yeah...

<Calantha> Good lord.. why?

<Calantha> Did he say something like that?

<Calantha> .oO(PLEASE say he didn't!)

<HappyLittleMoron> She's been stuck up in that room for the past month...and she'd only just broken up with Mondo maybe a week before her ribs were broken...she had a right to know...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Mondo? Nah...dunno...haven't seen 'im..

<Calantha> No no.. I mean.. why do people think we're together?

<HappyLittleMoron> guys aren't exactly descreat about your night time activities :P

<Calantha> It only happened once! I mean, he and Shiva were gettin' freaky.. everybody think they were together?

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* I dunno...heh...apparently Shiva did if she got that jelouse over you two spending all that time together...

* Calantha sighs and flops back on the couch

<Calantha> Chicks, man!

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh..

<Calantha> I'm glad I swore 'em off.

<Calantha> Man.. it's like nobody around here's heard of a booty call..

* OikawaNishimaru heads downstairs and into the workout room

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* Oh sure they have...just don't particularly approve of it...*shrugs* Lik I said though...'s your life...

* HappyLittleMoron wavels to Kawa as he passes by

* OikawaNishimaru waves and smiles

<HappyLittleMoron> How ya doin'?

* Calantha kinda half waves to Kawa, not looking happy

* OikawaNishimaru stops* I am fine thank you, and yourself?

<HappyLittleMoron> 'Eh...ok...

<Calantha> .oO(Don't approve of it? Damn.. I'm WAY out of my element here)

* OikawaNishimaru nods

<Calantha> So.. who blabbed to Diana, so I can find out exactly what she was told so I know what to be prepared for?

<HappyLittleMoron> Eh...Mitch told her...just that you two were together...

* Calantha blinks, then groans

<Calantha> Why does that guy seem to be the bane of my existence?!

<HappyLittleMoron> Oy...give 'im a break, heh? He's not that bad...

<Calantha> Well neither am I.. damn.

<Calantha> I mean, he was giving me shit about us playing with the water..

* OikawaNishimaru leaves, realizing that it is not his conversation

<HappyLittleMoron> So maybe he didn't want to get wet..

<Calantha> No, I mean the next day.. he was all *mockingly* "I hope by now you've figured out what to do with it"

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and shrugs

* Calantha sighs

* OikawaNishimaru enters the workout room and extends his lightsaber, holding it in the Samuri position he starts a kata.

<Calantha> Now THERE'S a guy that needs a booty call.

* Calantha gets up and heads into the workout room to bug Kawa

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...oy...

* ^Monisima^ comes downstairs...

<Calantha> Hey..

* OikawaNishimaru continues his kata and doesn't miss a beat* hello there

* Calantha slinks up and leans against the wall

<OikawaNishimaru> are you alright?

<Calantha> Yeah.. just.. grrrr.

* ^Monisima^ goes to her chair...yawns..

<OikawaNishimaru> I see

<OikawaNishimaru> I sense inner conflict

<Calantha> Yeah well.. you dunno the half of it. I came back here, all fuckin' happy for once, and this guy's giving me shit.

<Calantha> Like I don't have problems of my own.

<OikawaNishimaru> I see

* OikawaNishimaru does a cartwheel flip and slashes air

* Mitch is probably about on the return leg back to the Asylum by now

<Calantha> Sorry.. I shouldn't be bitching.

<Calantha> That guy just gets under my skin.

<OikawaNishimaru> its fine, I don't mind

* ^Monisima^ swings her feet against the chair...

<Calantha> Yeah well.. I would. I'd be like "Shut the hell up and go away. You're bitching that Mitch isn't the only one with problems.. well neither are you!"

* Calantha smirks

<OikawaNishimaru> but that would be you *slashes an X and continues moving slowly* and that wouldn't be me, personally I don't mind listening to your problems, I like to help others

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and belatedly wavels to Moni

* OikawaNishimaru retracts his lightsaber and stands still, closing his eyes and breathing deeply

* ^Monisima^ smiles

* Calantha sighs

<Calantha> I need a cigarette

<Calantha> I'm gonna go out for some air. See ya.

* OikawaNishimaru slowly attaches his lightsaber to his belt and presses his hands together as a dumpster slowly floats up to the window and remains there

* Calantha shakes her head a little at the dumpster thing, not quite thinking she saw what she saw, then trudges out into the living room, waving again to HLM and Moni

<Calantha> Anybody need anything? I'm going out.

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah..thanks

* OikawaNishimaru slowly sets the dumpster down and walks out of the workout room 1I'm up to bed.. good night all

* Calantha waves to Kawa

<Calantha> How bout you, Moni? Want me to bring you a hubcap? *chuckles*

<HappyLittleMoron> NIght, Kawa, sleep well

* ^Monisima^ grins

<OikawaNishimaru> thank you, you too

* OikawaNishimaru waves to Cala and heads upstairs

<Calantha> Heh.. I'll see what I can do..

* ^Monisima^ leans back into the chair

* Mitch , against all his controller's pleading and cajoling, walks in the front door, holding a small box and a paperback book in one hand... he shrugs off his jacket, switching off the items as his lower arms unfold

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks

* HappyLittleMoron waaaffles to Mitch

* Calantha looks up to Mitch

<Calantha> Well well well.. hello there.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little

<Mitch> He nods to Calantha, a little guardedly, as he hangs up his jacket.

<Calantha> Man.. you think we could have a little conversation?

<Calantha> *not sounding bitchy, just a normal tone*

<Mitch> "With or without the added benefits of water?"

* Calantha gives HLM a look, then back to Mitch

<Calantha> Without.

* HappyLittleMoron rolls her eyes

<Mitch> "...yeah, okay." .oO(She seems... non-bitchy enough.) *reaches over and tucks the things into jacket pockets, rubbing his neck and glancing into the training room - seeing no one there, he enters, walking over to one of the exercise machines and having a seat*

* Calantha follows him in

* Calantha sits down across from Mitch

<Calantha> First of all.. let's talk about Diana.

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, is there a newsletter I haven't been getting?) "Okay..."

<Calantha> What's this about you telling her me and Shawn are together?

* HappyLittleMoron takes this opportunity to check Brenna <G>

<Mitch> "...yeah. I did. Better she find out from a friend, and, y'know, have time to deal with it, than just happen to overhear it at the table."

<Calantha> ...we're not together, Mitch.

* Mitch just gives her a "who are you kidding" look.

<Calantha> What?

<Mitch> "Whose room did you sleep in last night?"

<Calantha> Mine.

<Calantha> Well.. this day, anyway. I don't sleep at night.

* Mitch leans back with a sigh, flicking off his glasses. "If you're going to talk seriously, don't fuck with words, huh? We both know what I asked."

<Calantha> And I answered you.

<Calantha> I slept in MY room.

* ^Monisima^ on the chair in the livingroom

* Calantha leans back a bit, her tail flicking back and forth idly

<Mitch> "Okay, yeah, but we both know what I'm talking about. The whole Asylum knows you're together, Calantha. You haven't exactly been subtle about it. And the only reason Diana DIDN'T know is because she's been in traction for the past few weeks."

<Calantha> Mitch.. I'm telling you, we AREN'T together!

<Calantha> Seriously.

<Calantha> We spent one evening in bed together. Whoopity freakin' doo.

* Mitch pushes his glasses on, looking at her. "That's a pretty widely-accepted definition of 'together'."

* ^Monisima^ yawns...

<Calantha> Not to me! It was just something that happened.. not a big deal.

<Calantha> We're not in a relationship or some shit..

<Mitch> "Christ, you've been hanging over eachother ever since you got here!"

* Calantha blinks

* ^Monisima^ listens to the yelling

<Calantha> Sheesh, there something wrong with some friendly flirting? Why's everyone gotta be so judgemental about it?

<Mitch> "I may be legally blind, but I'm not DEAD. Look... maybe you don't want to admit it. Maybe to you, you aren't 'together'. But to everyone else you are, and I told Diana because it's better she find out at the best time possible, and you'd understand if you actually gave a rat's ass about what other people feel!"

<Calantha> How about giving a rat's ass about how me and Mondo feel, huh?!

* ^Monisima^ sweatdrops...

<Calantha> You could at least get your information straight.

<Mitch> "As far as we can tell, pretty fucking good."

* Calantha grumbles

<Calantha> What is your problem with us, anyway?

<^Monisima^> ......

<Mitch> "I don't have a problem! Mondo hates me because he thinks I look down on him or something, I don't even know where that came from, and YOU I don't like because you think your tiny little universe consists of only one person, but I didn't start out with anything against either of you! Or BOTH of you."

<Calantha> I think what?! You don't even fuckin' know me. Haven't given me a chance! I hang with Mondo, and you just all assume that I'm a bitch or something. You take things I say as jokes and twist 'em around to be offensive, make me look like a total bitch to HLM. Fuck that, man! And Mondo thinks you look down on him because you get all uppity when we're trying to have fun. Like we're stupid little kids that should get out of your sight.

<Mitch> "I had NOTHING to do with your looking like a total bitch. And maybe I don't appreciate getting soaked when I just wanted a god damn cup of coffee."

<Calantha> Not just the water, which you're still bitching about, but Mondo said he was trying to cheer HLM up and you were sitting there rolling your eyes at him. What's up with that, huh?

<Mitch> "I'll be honest. I don't know what the hell you're talking about."

<AriaStormsinger> *knocks on HLM's door*

<AriaStormsinger> (softly) HLM? Klork? Anyone up?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up, holding Brenna who's fresh from a nightmare* C'mon in, Aria..

* AriaStormsinger comes in, goes wide-eyed at the sight of Brenna.

<AriaStormsinger> Um, maybe I should leave...

<AriaStormsinger> She okay?

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...stay...she just had a nightmare...just...leave her be 'n stuff...'sup?

<AriaStormsinger> Okay. *takes a seat a couple yards away, watching the little one curiously*

<AriaStormsinger> I went out today for a little bit, and I saw a building a few blocks from here.

<AriaStormsinger> It looks a lot like the church by NYU where Mitch and I went last week...

<AriaStormsinger> Have you ever been there?

* HappyLittleMoron nods...Brenna curled close to her* Heh? Nah...don't think so..

<AriaStormsinger> Oh. Okay. There were a lot of people inside, and I could hear voices -- beautiful voices. Music, like...

<Calantha> When he told you off. He said he did it because you were sitting there shaking your head and rolling your eyes at him.

<AriaStormsinger> like the most delicious cup of cool water after a hot day of walking

<HappyLittleMoron> Ah....heh...y' heard the chorus singin'...not big into church type stuff...

<Mitch> *thinking back* "He was trying to get my goat at the time. I didn't play ball."

<Calantha> Get your goat?

<Mitch> "He was trying to piss me off."

<AriaStormsinger> Chorus? They called it a choir. *glances up as she says so, watching for HLM's reaction*

<Calantha> Yeah, I mean how.

<HappyLittleMoron> Eh...*shrugs* Same diff

<Mitch> "What is this, twenty questions? Christ, he was acting like a child. Just asking 'why', 'why', 'why' over and over again."

<Calantha> This is a fucking discussion.

<AriaStormsinger> Well, I went inside and listened for awhile. After the singing, a woman stood in front of everyone and told about a man who was beaten up by robbers and left for dead, but another man came along and took care of him.

<Calantha> Lemme ask you this.. what do YOU think is fun? Anything? Anythign at all?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and nods...

<Calantha> Can't you just chill out and be silly for a while?

<AriaStormsinger> The other man was a Samaritan, which she said is like an Arab today.

<Mitch> "This isn't a discussion, it's an interrogation. And trust me, I've seen pros in action. So if you don't have anything to contribute, sod off."

<AriaStormsinger> So even tho the townspeople didn't like him, he did a good thing.

<Calantha> What the FUCK is your problem? I'm trying to hash things out with you so we won't be at each other's throats, and you're being nothing but HOSTILE!

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...k...

<AriaStormsinger> I thought, that's just like us, doing good things for people even though they hate us for being different.

* Mitch just looks up at her, annoyed but calm. "I wonder why."

<AriaStormsinger> I, um *blushes* I think I said it out loud.

<HappyLittleMoron> True...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...what exactly didya say...?

<AriaStormsinger>'s just like mutants.

<Calantha> Yeah, me too, because I came in here just to talk, and you're bitching me out yelling about me and Mondo fucking.

<AriaStormsinger> And this man sitting next to me gave me a look and then got up, and he waved for me to come with him.

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...ok...*nods, listening...*

<AriaStormsinger> He was really, really nice. *smiles* He wanted to know if I was a mutant, and I told him I didn't know.

<Mitch> "What? Jesus, I don't care as long as it doesn't keep me awake at night."

<Calantha> Well why are you so intent on labeling us as a couple, then?

* HappyLittleMoron nods...stroking Brenna's hair, who's starting to fall back asleep, as she listens...

<AriaStormsinger> He said it didn't matter what I was, that God loves every being becaues he created us all, and that I was welcome at the church anytime.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohgeeze...

<AriaStormsinger> that a bad thing?

<Mitch> "You're acting like one! The entire Asylum SEES you as one, from what I've heard. You can try and pin it all on me if it'll make you feel better, but it's not going to help the issue, and people are still going to see you that way."

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehh...not neccessarily...just...he was tryin' ta convert you or somethin'...trying to make you think like he does...

<Calantha> I'm not pinning it all on you, DAMN!

<AriaStormsinger> *frowns* Like I tried to do with Brenna?

* ^Monisima^ keeps listening to the yelling...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...'cept with're welcome ta think whatcha want, just do research 'n stuff first...

<AriaStormsinger> Well, I don't know about the God stuff, but I asked him about the singing.

<Calantha> How do we act like one? We hang out.. I honestly don't get it.. *looks sincere*

<AriaStormsinger> He said it's just members of the church, and they sing every Sunday and Wednesday evening!

<AriaStormsinger> After service, he brought me to talk with Father Scruton. You know, he looks just like Santa Claus!!

* HappyLittleMoron nods, chuckles softly

* Mitch sighs, flicking the glasses off and rubbing his eyes. "I don't know to put it. I ain't an expert on this shit. Ask... hell, ask Mrs. Happy. She's been around the block a few times. But you're hanging all over eachother, you're having sex, and we don't see one of you without the other, a lot of the time. It adds up."

<Calantha> ...

<Calantha> We're not even awake at the same time of the day.. You guys don't see me most of the time I'm up..

<AriaStormsinger> Father Scruton asked if I remembered anything they were singing, so I sang for him. They both said, Father Scruton and Chris, that I had a gift. My voice was a gift.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* It is really pretty..

<AriaStormsinger> *grins* Thanks!

<AriaStormsinger> They said I could sing in the choir, and that I could stay at the church, but I told them I had a place to stay. *hurriedly* I didn't say where!

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...good...*smiles*

<Mitch> He snorts. "Jesus, you're right. What were we thinking? You two can't be together. You've spent absolutely no time together, you don't flirt at all, you both don't even seem to know the other exists. Yeah."

* Calantha sighs, getting really frustrated

<AriaStormsinger> And I didn't tell them yes for sure. I...I don't know if I should.

<Calantha> We flirt, but we're just both flirty. Hell, he was like flirting with Aria last night too. That mean he wants her?

<HappyLittleMoron> It's up to you...

<AriaStormsinger> You always tell people here, don't bring trouble home, and follow the Asylum rules. And I knew you'd say it's up to me.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<AriaStormsinger> But...

<Calantha> We've spent a lot of time together because we're good friends.. We went through some shit together.. he's the one that brought me here.

* AriaStormsinger puts her chin on her fists, elbows propped on her knees

<Calantha> That doesn't mean I wanna marry him or something.

<HappyLittleMoron> Yah...?

<AriaStormsinger> Do you think it's safe? I wasn't even sure I should go out at all this morning, but I felt like I had to. I don't know if I should go anywhere alone.

<Mitch> "Look, you can argue all you like. I'm just telling you what I've seen. And given that I just hurt someone who's, who's pretty much my best friend, the first one I've ever really trusted, on YOUR behalf, I'm not in a mood to deal with it."

<AriaStormsinger> Wwhat if they were lying about mutants?

<Calantha> On my behalf?

<Calantha> What?

* Mitch pinches the ridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut.

<Calantha> And you think I'm in the mood to deal with it? For fuck's sake, I might be pre---

<HappyLittleMoron>'s probably a good idea that you didn't...but...usually with church...they expect you to believe what they do...but I don't think they were lying about mutants...dunno for sure though...

* Calantha slaps her hand over her mouth, then groans and flops back

<HappyLittleMoron> I'd have to talk to 'em personally..

<Mitch> "You think I enjoyed telling Diana the one she loved is shacking up with someone else? You think I'm out to get you? Or Mondo? Fuck that. I'm trying to be a friend, and I might be doing a piss-poor job of it, but I'M TRYING."

* Mitch didn't catch it - he IS clueless, after all. }:D

<Calantha> Well I've been trying with YOU too!

<AriaStormsinger> Would you?

<Calantha> Fuck! I came inside and was trying to cheer you guys up by making fun of myself. You STILL hated on me.

* Calantha blinks...

<Mitch> "Yeah, you've been trying. Trying WHAT is the problem. I ain't you. I ain't Mondo. And I ain't going to waste time on a self-centered brat when the past is trying to catch up with the present. So DEAL with it."

* Calantha screams!

* Mitch tenses to run...

<Calantha> Why do you HATE ME?!

* ^Monisima^ blinks...

<Calantha> I'm trying to be your fucking FRIEND. All you can do is sit there and SHIT ON ME!

* Mitch slowly eases back. "Jesus! Pipe down, you wanna wake up the whole Asylum?"

<HappyLittleMoron> want me to, Aria? I'll give it a shot...

<Calantha> No! I will NOT pipe down! I'm trying to tell you I was making an effort, and you fucking call me a self centered brat!

<AriaStormsinger> *sighs with relief*

* Brenna blinks a little starting to wake up, but nodding off again as her mom rocks her gently*

<Mitch> "Look. Calantha. I don't HATE you."

* ^Monisima^ gets up and walks a little towards where Mitch and Cala are...

<AriaStormsinger> They practice every evening at 7 p.m. I was thinking of going down tomorrow if you thought it was safe.

<AriaStormsinger> Maybe you could come with me?

<Mitch> "You piss me off, and I apparently piss you off, but it doesn't mean I hate you. I save hate for... for really ugly people. Ugly-inside."

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure...I'll get someone to watch Brenna for me...

<AriaStormsinger> And if something feels, y'know, wrong...

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<Calantha> You get pissed off at me for whatever the fuck I do!

<AriaStormsinger> Wow. This'll be so great!

<Mitch> "But would you rather I lied? You want me to pretend you're the sort of person I want to be? Fuck that."

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

<AriaStormsinger> And they really do sound beautiful. You'll see. Or, um, hear. :)

<Calantha> I honestly wanted to HELP today, and you're calling me self centered.

<HappyLittleMoron> I believe it..

* AriaStormsinger squints at HLM

* ^Monisima^ watches them and listens...

<Mitch> "What do you care? You went to a great deal of effort to explain to me how what other people felt didn't matter to you."

* Calantha folds up her hands, holding her claws ready for a moment, then drops them, clenching her teeth

<AriaStormsinger> But you don't like churches, because they want people to believe what they believe?

<Calantha> I'm not saying it doesn't matter.. but you're telling me it doesn't matter how WE feel.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* In general yeah...I mean...a lot of churches aren't like that...but there are still a lot that are...

<AriaStormsinger> I'll watch out for it. What do you think I should do if they're like that?

<AriaStormsinger> I mean, what would you do?

<Mitch> .oO(What goes around comes around.) "I never said that. Calantha. Maybe you don't think you're with Mondo, but everyone else thinks that. I told Diana because it's better for her to, y'know, hear from a friend than to hear through random gossip - and she would've heard sooner or later. End of story."

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* I'd tell 'em no...but that's really just me...

<Mitch> "How you two feel is up to you. Ain't no business of mine."

<AriaStormsinger> *smiles*

<Calantha> This isn't just about that.

<AriaStormsinger> That's all you have to do?

<Mitch> "Christ, it better be. What ELSE is it about?"

<Calantha> Have you even been listening to me?!

<HappyLittleMoron> Pretty much yeah...and if they keep asking leave..

<Calantha> I don't want us to be hating on each other!

<Calantha> And I'm trying to make peace, but all you do is sit there and call me fuckin' names!

* Mitch just sort of blinks, pushing on his glasses. "So now you care?"

<AriaStormsinger> *nods* That sounds pretty simple!

<Calantha> ...I've BEEN caring, you stupid... stupid... BUTTHEAD!

<^Monisima^> o.O

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* That's the way it should be at least...

<Mitch> "Why? And this ain't the Mondo-why. This is the Mitch-why. That means I'm actually looking for an answer."

<Calantha> Because I don't want to live in a place where there's constant friction. Because I know there's gotta be a good guy in you SOME fucking where.. I don't want there to be this big war and shit.. especially not with.. ugh.. *sighs and sits back down*

<AriaStormsinger> So is Klork okay?

<HappyLittleMoron> His arm's hurt pretty badly...doc said it needed to be rested 'cause the bullet hurt muscle...

<AriaStormsinger> What bullet!?

* Mitch sighs, and runs a hand through his hair. "So you want to get along because it makes YOU feel uncomfortable not to."

<AriaStormsinger> Did someone attack him at work?

<Calantha> There you go, turning it around on me like that.

<HappyLittleMoron> No...some idiot was spying on us...that's who shot him...

<AriaStormsinger> Oh no...

<AriaStormsinger> Did you catch the idiot?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...spy was caught...put in the basement...and then somehow escaped...

<Calantha> I wanna get along because I might actually like you, and you might actually like me.

<HappyLittleMoron> Still gotta find out how..

<AriaStormsinger> *frowns*

<Mitch> "It sure as hell ain't happening tonight. So how 'bout it get dropped. Look... how about this. We try not to, y'know, bug other people with it."

<Calantha> It's not happening because you're not LETTING it happen.

<Calantha> Open up, will ya?!

* ^Monisima^ keeps watching...

<Mitch> *snorts* "You want me to just magically start liking you? Christ, I told you, I don't hate you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get along with you. This is the best you're going to do."

* Calantha just stands there for a moment, then sinks to the floor, defeated

<Mitch> .oO(It's like a fucking sitcom.) "Anything else I missed?"

<Calantha> *w* might be pregnant.. not that you should care.. me being such a bitch and all

* Calantha curls up, sitting on the floor, looking at her knees

<Mitch> .oO(One of those *FOX* sitcoms.) He sighs, banging his head against the exercise machine. "Yeah, you had sex, didn't you?"

* ^Monisima^ sits on the floor....

<Calantha> *w* Mitch, I really am in no shape for your condescension, ok?

<^Monisima^> oO{wish I had a snack...}

<Mitch> He shrugs, a little helplessly. "What does Mondo have to say about it?"

<Calantha> *w* Since when do you care? We're never gonna get along, right? *she curls up a little tighter*

* Mitch sighs, standing. "I'll find someone else for you to talk to."

<Calantha> *w* Forget it.. Everyone's gonna be the same way..

* Calantha stands, wrapping her arms around herself

<Mitch> .oO(Don't look at me. I got nothin'. She brought this upon herself and you KNOW it.)

<Calantha> *w* you wanna know why me and Mondo spend so much time together? Cuz it's us against everyone else.. If we don't get along with you, then we're looked down on..

* Calantha slinks past him and toward the stairs

<Mitch> "Oh, bullshit. I DON'T look down on him."

<Calantha> *w* by everyone

* Calantha sniffs, wiping her cheek before she slinks upstairs to her room, shutting the door

<Mitch> .oO(When the fuck did everyone's problems become MY problems?)

* ^Monisima^ goes to the kitchen...

* Mitch sighs... he walks to the living room, gets about halfway before slowing, and half-turning, regarding the punching bag... his lips thin, and he takes a half-running step towards it, and slams a fist into it!

* Mitch takes a step back, still for a long moment... finally, aloud, "-mother of CHRIST that hurt..."

* Mitch slowly, gingerly rotates his wrist, and winces, heading to get an icebag from the kitchen

* ^Monisima^ peeks out from the kitchen

* ^Monisima^ steps back

* Mitch takes out the icebag and wraps it carefully around his wrist, holding it there with another hand, not really noticing Monisima and her covert self

* ^Monisima^ isn't being covert in the kitchen

* Mitch doesn't notice regardless, 'cause he's trying to make sense of everything that just happened AND in pain... he walks back out, still icebagged, and fishes the book and box from his jacket pockets

* ^Monisima^ bites on some grapes...

<AriaStormsinger> Hey HLM, if someone *wanted* to feel happy, or get healed, would it be all right to use my fuzz-light then?

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Yeah...well...for a little while at least...they'd need to work it out on their own if they wanted more than a temporary fix...

* Calantha curls up on her bed, pulling the covers over her, sobbing quietly

<AriaStormsinger> *thoughtfully* That makes sense.

* Mitch heads upstairs... he hesitates, stands for a moment on the stairs, then heads FURTHER upstairs... he goes quietly to Diana's room, padding on cat feet as he nears, and leans Pratchett's "Soul Music" against her door

* HappyLittleMoron noddles...

<^Monisima^> hmmhmmmhmm...

<AriaStormsinger> What if, um, Klork wanted some help? I could work on some of the healing, and help out whatever the doctors were doing.

<HappyLittleMoron>'d need to talk to him about it...

<^Monisima^> <q>....ppl are so dificult...

* Mitch heads back downstairs, and slips into his room, locking the door behind him... he sits on his bed with a thump, and opens a dresser drawer, taking out the two Glocks he glommed off the bodyguards

* Mitch opens up the box and looks down at the round eyes of the 9mm rounds staring back up at him... he fills each clip, jacks it into the pistol, and lays them down on the bed.

<Mitch> .oO(Fucking gunslinger.)

* ^Monisima^ sits on the floor...throwing grapes in the air..catching them w/ her mouth

<Mitch> Still holding the icebag to his wrist, he hooks the sight of the AK-47 and hauls it up, walking out and heading to Shin's room.

* Shingami is laying propped up in bed playing chinese checkers agsint herself wondering jsu thow her brother could loose agsint himself when he did this

<Mitch> *knock knock* "Shin?"

<Shingami> dozo dozo

<Mitch> "Uhm, is that 'hi, c'mon in' or 'go away, I'm trying to sleep'?"

<Shingami> heh.. come on in

* ^Monisima^ falls backmanages to catch the grape

<^Monisima^> yeah!*covers her mouth...*

* HappyLittleMoron blinkbliks, hearing the unfamiliar voice...

* ^Monisima^ runs back into the kitchen

<HappyLittleMoron> *feintly...up the stairs <G>*

* Mitch comes on in, looking a little sheepish. "I borrowed the AK-47 again a while back... never really got it back to you. What with one thing and another, I just keep, y'know, finding things to shoot..."

<Mitch> He holds it out to her. "I've got something now, so, here you go... gomen nasai..."

<Shingami> tends to happen when you ahve a high pwoered automatic weapon

<Shingami> its ok mitch dotn worry about it. umm can you just put it by the closet?

<^Monisima^> ..I gotta learn not to yell..

<Mitch> "Yeah, okay." He sets it down by the closet as per instructions, laying the clip by it.

<Shingami> no offence but you look like you were sitting on the wrong end of a tongue lashing

* Mitch blinks, glancing over his shoulder. "Is it that obvious?"

<Shingami> with you a lot of thigns are obvious

* ^Monisima^ hums..the Yoma counting song!...yeah

<Mitch> .oO(God, I hope she's not, uhh... telepathing.) "Thanks. I think." He sighs, and settles on the couch, rubbing his wrist very gingerly. "You know Calantha?"

<Shingami> Yeah shes pretty cool.. thinks your gods given pain in the ass but hey everyone is sometimes

<Mitch> "Heh. I guess it's not okay for me to return the favor... she just busted on me for not liking her."

<Shingami> shit happens... though i kidna get the impression you havent been all that nice to her.. or mondo

<Shingami> it might be because you either dont compleatlyunderstand the situation or the people in volved

<Shingami> or your jsut honest, blunt and some people cant handle that kind of conversation its like a slap in the face

<Mitch> "Christ. Have I really been nasty to Mondo?"

<Shingami> when i realized he was home.. you were the first thing here you bitched about

<Mitch> "I don't know. I just think I piss reptiles off." He chuckles, humorlessly, ruefully. "It's MY power."

<Shingami> (besides other things but..) yeah.. your sjut th ehonest joe dragged into this place of total insanity, lies schemes and inuendos

* Mitch coughs, and then really does laugh, resting elbows on knees and hanging his head.

<Shingami> there are so many sublevels to day ot day life here and you seem to find them all and expose them somehow..

<Mitch> "-honest?"

<Shingami> Not to yourself *Morgan* but to others yes you adn yrou blatent opinions that are often misguided based on a lack of information

<Shingami> and it hurts some people that you seem to grasp it liek it is the truth.. sometimes that is true .. but you can be wrong

* Mitch winces a little at this as he straightens up. "All I can work with is what I know."

<Shingami> when a foolish thought comes one can choose to keep thier mouth shut.. or open it and remove all doubt of your foolishness.

<Mitch> "Shit, Shin, I don't know what I'm doing... I'm just, y'know, jumping from strand to strand of the spiderweb. I keep getting involved somehow."

<Shingami> happens to us all this is a smal community that relies on one another and misunderstandings happen jsut as often as attacks seem to lately.

<Shingami> Sometiems if you dotn kwno all the answers about soemthing.. ro someone.. you sjtu gotta suck it up, ware a cup and ask them about it

* Mitch sighs, leaning back and resting his head against the wall.

<Shingami> Nothign hurts mroe then whispers behind your back, like knives they are to the psychie

* ^Monisima^ sees a it buzz around...

<Shingami> Pardon the frank bluntness but i ran outta happy meds and i am so nto feelign liek ebating around the shurbbery

* ^Monisima^ aims her finger at it...

<Mitch> "Yeah, don't worry about it."

<AriaStormsinger> Think I'll head off to bed. Thanks, HLM.

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<AriaStormsinger> I will ask Klork, next time I see him.

<HappyLittleMoron> Take care, ARia, sleep well

<HappyLittleMoron> OK..

<AriaStormsinger> *gets up, then stands uncertainly, looking at Brenna*

<AriaStormsinger> <w> Is she asleep?

<Mitch> "All I know is I don't want anyone hurt. But I don't want to deal with bullshit either, not when I've got a large portion of the organized criminal presence of NYC wanting my head on a platter."

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* AriaStormsinger smiles softly

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little and kisses the little one's brow* <q> Dunno for how long...all these nightmares...

* AriaStormsinger stretches out a hand to Brenna's head

<Shingami> Well from your former occupation its either the cops or the mod whod be after you. jsut a thought

* ^Monisima^ shoots at it...misses...sweatdrops when it hits the side of the fridge....leave a scorthmark...

* HappyLittleMoron tenses a little, Brenna still staying asleep..

* AriaStormsinger gently gives Brenna's hair a stroke

<Shingami> it would have happend to you one way or another, getting involved in somethign you didnt want. like i say shit happens but yu gotta roll with it or get flushed like all the other floatsom

<Mitch> "Well, both. I'm not on the rap sheets, but you know cops - a chunk of 'em are on Freeman's payroll." He snorts. "And a dozen others as well, I bet."

* AriaStormsinger backs off for the door

* HappyLittleMoron hehs a little, giving Aria an apologetic smile..

* ^Monisima^ decides to do that...puts a magnet over it....

<AriaStormsinger> *oblivious, keeps smiling, wavels a little*

* AriaStormsinger heads off to bed

<Mitch> "Yeah... I guess..." He shakes his head slowly. "I just thought... I thought I could hide forever. Hide my arms, hide my face, just be a safecracker, just do my job and take my pay and get ready for the next safe."

<^Monisima^> ..Iiii didn't do it....

<Shingami> and i thought i could remain in the world i had created for myself on the streets, get a big hiest adn hightail it to canada or something. i never expected to change, or to be found by family.. any of this i never expected.. ro wanted in some cases but.. its whats happend and i will take from it all that i can and keep moving

* ^Monisima^ whistles..walking out of the kitchen...

* Mitch looks down. "How'd you deal with all this?" *gesturing to the Asylum*

* ^Monisima^ is talking and no one's around to hear her!

<Shingami> one day at a time

<Mitch> "Guess it's all anyone can do."

<Shingami> sometiems i jsut.. disapear for a bit or hide in here.. or jsut be anticosial.. i find ways or escapign this either physicaly or otherwise.. i meen i ahve atlest 7 journals of written stuff in hre just from the underhill insident.. i am nto gogin to rememebr hwo many i ahe since i got here

<Mitch> "Underhill?"

* Calantha sighs and heads up to the roof, wrapping her arms around her

<Shingami> its a long and very fractured fairytail

<Mitch> He shrugs, and brings his leg up, rubbing it absent-mindedly. "I've got time."

* Mondo_Gecko leaps though his window and into the Asylum

* Mondo_Gecko yawns a bit and hangs up his jacket

* Rislyn chews at her lip, peeking her head downstairs, pointedly not looking at anyone and dashes into the kitchen, grabbing an apple before hurrying back upstairs, going out to the roof instead of to her room, though

* Kameko just kinda...blips in, grinning like an idiot as she holds a steaming mug of dark liquid

<Kameko> Heeeeee.......Kame happy lady...

* ^Monisima^ keeps catching grapes in her mouth...on the floor in the livingroom

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs and blinks...eyeing Kame...

* Klork pushes the front door open...

<Klork> I'm hoooommmmeee

* Calantha sits on the roof, looking out at the sky

* Klork sniffs

<HappyLittleMoron> Kame have the evil "c" word?

<Klork> I smell...Coffee?

* ^Monisima^ throws a grape a Klork

* HappyLittleMoron wavels to Klork and smirks

* Kameko hides the cup as best she can in her jacket sleeves

* Mitch is upstairs with Shin, waiting for her to reveal the Underhill incident

<Kameko> are imagining things, big brother of mine!

* Klork snifs...catches the grape..then eyes Kame

* Kameko smirks

* Mondo_Gecko heads down the stairs

<Klork> Kame...that'd better be decaff...

* Kameko gets all wide-eyed

<Kameko> I would NEVER--*CHUGS*

<Klork> Kame..!

* Kameko acks, the coffee hot, but continues chugging

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!* Gyaaaaah...

<Kameko> CAFFEINE...must..have..!

<Klork> Kame--jeez! *goes over, lifting it from her*

<Shingami> you really want to hear it dont you?

<Klork> You're gonna scald yourself!

<Mondo_Gecko> Hello?

* Kameko acks, trying to steal it from him

<Kameko> No...mine!

<Mitch> He shrugs. "I'd like to."

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head, then looks at Mondo and waffles

<HappyLittleMoron> Heyo

<Shingami> wonder if i can remember all the detales..

<Klork> Kame..*gives her.........THE LOOK*

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey..what's up?

* Kameko gives him the ANTI-LOOK ... and then pouts

<Kameko> least I got a few swallows...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooh...THE LOOK...*looks at Mondo* Kame's being naughty...

<Mondo_Gecko> heh, how?

* Klork shakes his head

* Mitch flips the icebag around and applies the other side to the rapidly-numbing wrist

<Klork> You're not gonna be able to taste a damn thing for eons you realize this..

<Shingami> what did you do to your wrist?

* Kameko sighs, kinda rubbing at her tongue with her fingers

<Klork> You probably burned all your tastebuds off..

<Kameko> Yeah..bu e wath woth e..

<HappyLittleMoron> Drinkin' good for beebee...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* ^Monisima^ throws a grape at whoever's in the livingroom to see who reacts

* HappyLittleMoron tries interpreting that...

<Mitch> "Ahh, I hit the punching bag."

* Klork sighs

<Klork> No, it wasn't worth it.

* Klork goes over, sploshes it down the sink

* Mondo_Gecko sits down at the table

<Mondo_Gecko> So what all did I miss tonight?

<Shingami> *pats the bed beside her* let me see... and ill tell you the big detales

<Mitch> *stands and crosses over* "It's nothing big... I just turned the wrist. It'll be sore for a while, that's all."

<HappyLittleMoron> it's don't wanna go through losing a child, me...*looks up at Mondo and hehs...* Well...uhm...I should probably have a lil' caht with Cala...

<Shingami> i still wanna see

<Mondo_Gecko> ...why?

<Mondo_Gecko> ??

* Kameko chews at her lip ... kinda looking all scolded..

* Klork chuclkes, coming back out with decaf green tea

<Klork> Here..

* Mitch shrugs and holds the arm out as he sits down, pivoting the wrist - with a wince, but proving that he's still got muscle control.

<Klork> Green tea.

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...just...would probably be a good idea...

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, looking back to Klork and Kame* She won't be able to taste it...

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a little and then gets up

* Shingami takes his wrist in ehr hands gently looking it over

<Klork> It's decaf, but it's mom's recipe..*smirks* Only thing she can cook *winks*

* Mondo_Gecko heads up the stiars to Cala's rom and knocks

* Kameko sticks out her burnt tongue to 'Mo

* Klork nods, chuckling

<Klork> True..but still..

<Calantha> *no answer*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<Kameko> Oh fine...spoil my fun--no wait, that was my fault. Sorry!

* Kameko takes the tea

* HappyLittleMoron laughs again

<Mitch> *just a minor sprain - he punched the bag, the bag won*

* Klork chuckles, leaning to rub at his arm .. flinching

* Mondo_Gecko frowns and then heads up to the roof to cheak

<Klork> Gh..stupid stitches.

* Kameko BLINKS

<Kameko> You have stitches?! What for?!

* Kameko goes over, hurriedly forgetting about her tea and trying to inspect his arm

* Calantha is walking along the edge, thinking

<HappyLittleMoron> Gahh...wish I could heal ya, love...*heads over and rubs his back lightly*

* Klork erfs...getting a look of "blew my cover.." before sighing, rolling his sleeve up

* Mondo_Gecko comes out onto the roof.

<Mondo_Gecko> ok?

* Rislyn just kidna plods around on the roof, rubbing at the bandages she has covering her arms

<Klork> I got nicked by a bullet, Kame I'm fine..really..

<Mondo_Gecko> HLM said I should come talk to you

<Shingami> well the jist of the wtoy is this creppy elf thougth he coudl egt really pwoerful from taking HLM's children, but he only managed one, Brenna. took ehr right out og her tummy and ot underhill heom of elves and dark magics. with the help of soem very friendly elves wen went in and attemted a rescue... i dont compleatly remember all of it but i knwo we got her back. btu her groth ahd been accelerated to the way she is now

* Kameko looks ill

* Calantha turns to look at him

<Calantha> ..she did?

<Kameko> I...bullet..?? Oh god...

<HappyLittleMoron> Gah...

* Klork sighs, mmming from the backrub o' HLM, nodding to Kame

<Klork> Long story short the guy got away. That hurts more than the wound does truth be told.

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..

<Mondo_Gecko> you alright?

<Kameko> Got away!? How the heck did he get away from you

<Calantha> Yeah.. I'm fine...

* ^Monisima^ just sits in the livingroom...watching tv...BIG sweatdrop

<Mondo_Gecko> ..oh..

<Mondo_Gecko> ok..

<Klork> I made the mistake of bringing him here for questioning rather than killing him.

<Mondo_Gecko> have any idea why I should have come and asked you?

<Mitch> "Okay... wait, that Tiernan guy?"

<Shingami> we had thought we were free of the evil elf whos naem seriously escapes me at the moment but anyway he kept trying to get brenna back. he kidnapped Diana and Klork, messed them up bad. I follwoed only to egt my ass kicked by a hord of orcs. i hate thsoe things. anywho a few others , wing syan nox and some guy naemd Logan came though and we manaegd to save them.

<Calantha> Just came close to ripping Mitch's face off is all.

<Shingami> Yeah thats him

<Mitch> "But what IS Underhill?

<Shingami> He came here to our world bugging the hell out of diana.. we mangaed to off him

* Calantha sits down on the edge, hanging her feet over

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Kameko> So...he got away when you brought him here..?

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...*massagies Klork's back* Couldn't tell the future, love...

<Mondo_Gecko> why? ..might I ask?

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...

<HappyLittleMoron> Dunno how...

<Calantha> Long story.. oh, Diana's up in her room all upset or something.. Mitch decided he should tell her we're a couple.

<Mondo_Gecko> ....

<Mondo_Gecko> what?!

<Shingami> Underhill is a nasty palce field with orcs, drows, driders and all sorts of magical things. its somethign right out of an ancient fairytail... or nightmare

* Klork sighs, shaking his head

<Shingami> i ahte dryders too.. and orcs.. btu i mentioend that already

<Mitch> "Another one of those alternate reality things?"

<Shingami> yeah

* Calantha rolls her eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> she's upset?

<Calantha> He got all high and mighty on me calling me a self centered bitch because I tried to explain we're not.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ooh....what's this I hear)

<Mitch> "And you wrote about it?"

<Shingami> its sprained should get brace for it for like a week or so... dont go punching bads so hard

<Klork> All I know is that when he got here .. people were so interested in his well being that when I kicked him they thought I was in the wrong, and felt it better he be alive.

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a little

<Shingami> a 100 page journal and half of another one

<Calantha> I dunno.. she went up to her room or something.

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip a little..

* Kameko BLINKS ... then mutters

<Mondo_Gecko> ....she look dangerous?

<Calantha> I didn't see her, Shawn.

<Kameko> Alright.. I, personally, would have beat the crap out of him BEFORE questioning him...if he shot you, then he deserves whatever he gets!

<Klork> I got tired of people chewing me out for kicking some guy's ass when he SHOT me..*sighs, shaking his head a little at Kame* <q> It's not worth going back over again..

<Mitch> "Ah, it'll be okay. I just... wanted to let something off."

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little..

* Kameko blinks ... then furrows her brow, understanding that look and backing off, but not looking happy about it

<Shingami> Your welcoe to vent up here anytime...

* Mondo_Gecko nods..

* Shingami smiles giving Mitch's wrist a light kiss

<Mondo_Gecko> ...ok...well..

<Shingami> there.. that outta help

* Klork sighs, sitting, the wounded area looking more than a little bruised

* Mitch 's lips twitch. "The bag turned my wrist. You'd have it off at the elbow."

<Mondo_Gecko> Look, don't worry about it ok..Mitch is just trying to stir up shit..

* HappyLittleMoron laces her fingers over her belly, chewing her lip lightly...

* Calantha shrugs

* Mitch does his best to hide his blush, and succeeds - partially - tucking it in and crossing arms. "...yeah, thanks."

<Calantha> Not only that, HLM's looking down her nose at us for not being a couple.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...what?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..what do you mean HLM's looking down on us

<Shingami> your welcoem to stay for a bit.. might have warented blood lust downstairs

* Klork glances over at HLM, brows furrowed

<Klork> You ok...?

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail gives a swish of anger

<Calantha> She was all saying that everyone disapproves of it.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...everyone disaproves of it!?

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh? Yeah...*grins a little and sits by him*

<Calantha> She said "Well, it's your life"

<Mondo_Gecko> what do you mean, everyone disaproved os it?!

* Mondo_Gecko growls quietly to himself

<Mitch> "Christ, I wouldn't be surprised... no, I can't hide. I'm behind on my studying today anyway."

<Shingami> Everyone needs a day off baka

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(let me get this straight...Diana dumps my ass... I start to heal.. some girl likes me..she seems nice, I like her back..we do it, and suddenly it's EVERYONES FUCKING BUISNESS!!)

* Klork rolls his sleeve back down

<Shingami> hey take a day off for once from studying

<Calantha> Yeah, and Mitch is all pissed off that Diana's upset.

<Calantha> Where the hell does she get off being upset?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( and EVERYone disaproves of me fucking!?)

<Mitch> He sighs, shaking his head and standing. "I've got to keep going. I've got to be ready."

* Klork rubs at HLM's shoulders

<Klork> How're the twins..?


<Shingami> atleast stay a bit longer.. im broed outta my mind

<Mondo_Gecko> MITCH is pissed- .....


* HappyLittleMoron grins a little, leaning back innto his hands* still...

<Mitch> "...okay, yeah..."

<Mondo_Gecko> HE'S the one trying to stir the shit!

* Mitch sits down again, hitching one leg up on the bed. "How's your leg doing?"

<Calantha> He was all telling me off, I'm a bitch because Diana's upset, and because I don't care that everyone thinks we're a couple.

* Klork glances up at Kame over HLM's shoulders as he works

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh I can see though this! ..."oh Diana..Mondo's a jackass..there there..don't can lean on me"

<Shingami> hurts like a mofo but.. i think its healing ver

<Klork> Hey, how're yours?

* Kameko hrms, looking up the stairs and then blinking

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods, looking at Kame

<Kameko> Hmmm..?? How're my what?

<Klork> Your squirt...doin' well?

* Kameko nods a bit

<Kameko> Yeah, but was craving the caffeine. It's the only reason I gave into it, honest..and that's why it was such a small cup..

<Mitch> "Good..." He chuckles, glancing over. "How's the wheelchair doing?"

* Klork nods

<Shingami> its getting an ego

* HappyLittleMoron noddles...

<Klork> I know .. you had me more worried on scalding yourself with how fast you were downing it.

<Shingami> it thinks it knwos where i should be going and how to get there..

<Calantha> Yep.

* Mitch considers it. "Maybe if I add racing stripes?"

* Kameko sighs

<Calantha> It's bullshit. Oh, and he says he's never been an ass to you or me.

<Kameko> And i just fried my tastebuds for about the next week...but oh well. Hope she's happy.

<Shingami> na its ok

<Mitch> He grins at her. "C'mon. The Shinmobile must LIVE!"

<Shingami> the what?

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh of COURSE not!

* Klork chuckles

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

<Mitch> "The Shinmobile. Y'know, that thing. With the wheels."

* Mondo_Gecko is pacing now..getting more and more agitated

<Klork> Goof...*rests his chin on HLM's shoulder*

<Shingami> *laughs* oh boy...

<Calantha> I tried to make fuckin' peace with him, and he basically spit in my fuckin' face.

* Rislyn is up on the roof ... hearing all of this, you know.. if yer still on teh roof..she's just not really caring <G>

<Shingami> i jsut dont really feel like going out

<Calantha> .oO(Heh.. guess I'm not as fine as I thought I was)

<Mitch> "Maybe... maybe I could mount the AK-47 to one side... I could set up a little trigger mechanism..."

<Shingami> no a non violent mode of transportation works fine for me

<Mitch> "You sure? I bet we could find a rocket launcher somewhere in this place. You could MAKE your own ramps."

* Mondo_Gecko hunkers down for a moment, trying to calm himself down

* Shingami laughs clutching her side

<Shingami> your goign to kill me i swear

* Calantha looks at Mondo

<Mitch> He chuckles. "Killing death? How's that work?"

<Calantha> I'm sorry.. but you asked.

<Shingami> i dunno

* HappyLittleMoron grins, folding her wings so they're out of the way

<Mitch> "At least let me, y'know, add spikes to the wheels. You know you want to."

<Klork> So, Angelo takin' care of himself, Kame?

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail lashes behind him

* Calantha grumbles* shoulda ripped his face off.. it woulda been worth it..

<Shingami> its fienthe way it is... im serious a non voilent thing is fine by me

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* leave that to me

<Shingami> somethign that wotn be recognised adn considered a elathel weapon on site would be better if im tryign to attmept a low profile

* Calantha blinks, watching him..

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* the last Mitch that pissed me off this bag had to be identified by his dental records

* Mitch glances at her, cocking his head to one side.

* Klork stretches out a little

<Mitch> "Yeah... I didn't know you went in for low profile."

<Shingami> i dont know im getting tiard of all this fighting.. guess your rubbin of on me

<Calantha> *w* Shawn..

* Mitch smiles a little, knocking knuckles - GOOD knuckles - with her. "Sorry to hear it."

<Mondo_Gecko> *q* First though..I'm gonna talk to Diana..if she doesn't wanna scrape my face off that is

<Shingami> im serious

* HappyLittleMoron tickles Klork's sides

<Shingami> the entire church insident broght back eveythign i was trying to forget

<Calantha> ...scrape your face off?

<Mitch> "So am I... apparently I'm an asshole..."

<Calantha> I don't get this.. wasn't SHE the one that dumped you?

<Shingami> you can be mitch

* Keelin comes out of her room, stretching a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> Yea..

<Mondo_Gecko> but call me a god damn sucker..

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't want her hurting

* Dev follows*

* Mondo_Gecko stands and stalks off

* Keelin stretches, looking around

<Keelin> hn...

<Calantha> .oO(How does she have the right to hurt in the first place?)

<Shingami> i grew up in a church mitch... and gangs ahd tier wars in that church and that church got blown up with a full house on christmass midnight mass

<Mitch> He sighs, and leans back against the bedpost.

<Mitch> "...I'm sorry..."

* Rislyn sighs, shaking her head, having come up to the roof for quiet and solace in that quiet..and then goes downstairs

* Dev lightly pinches her sides from behind*

<Keelin> ERf!

* Dev whistles and looks around innocently*

* Mondo_Gecko stands at the top of the stairs down to the hallway and whipes his warm cheeks

<Shingami> they were the only family i really knew i had

* Keelin blinks, glancing up at Mondo

<Keelin> Mondo..?

* Mondo_Gecko looks up suddenly

<Mondo_Gecko> ...hi

<Keelin> You all right?

<Mondo_Gecko> sure...fine

* Dev blinks and looks up* ...what she said...

* Rislyn comes down, thinking that she has better control over the darker part of her, pausing at the top and looking at Keelin..

<Rislyn> Oh.... you must be Kevley's sister..

<Keelin> I have a difficult time beleiving that, Mondo...*blinks at Rislyn*

* Rislyn says that with an annoyed tone of voice, coming down the stairs

* Dev blinks and waves a little to Ris*

<Mitch> "You've found new family, though... here... y'know?"

<Keelin> That I am...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(who the hell is this chick?)

<Shingami> I have wing sure... the others ar elike extended family

* Klork hath drifted off in his chair

* Mitch nods quietly.

* Rislyn sighs, walking over to her, barely having to look up at her

<Rislyn> tell him to leave me alone. I told him I don't like men.

* Rislyn then walks past her to the kitchen, needing some more food

* Keelin arches a brow

* Mondo_Gecko watches Keelin

<Keelin> Hmph. Do it yourself.

* Dev arches his brows*

* Keelin shakes her head

<Keelin> I don't mess with my brother....*glances over at Mondo* I still say you don't sound "fine."

* Rislyn sighs, pausing as she turns to look back at her

<Rislyn> Where..IS he, anyway? He's been gone for a while..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...don't worry about it

* Keelin shrugs

<Keelin> Underhill I think...

<Keelin> Are you sure, Mondo ..? *tilts her head*

* Rislyn furrows her brow

<Rislyn> How would he get back there without his help?

* Mondo_Gecko nods a little

* Rislyn points to Dev

* Dev just and listens, all confused*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...thanks

* Keelin shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(whoever this is)

<Rislyn> He said he had to have his help, and you weren't obliging him.

<Keelin> I don't know.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(it's just one of those's all about the he said she said bullshit..I think you better quit..let the shit slip..or you'll be leaving with a fat lip!)

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little at Keelin

* Keelin nods to Mondo, brows furrowed at the two conversations at once...

* Rislyn looks over at Mondo, furrowing her brow a little, but waves slightly .. looking a bit baffled before she runs her hand through her dark blue-violet hair and heads out to the kitchen again

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I got the chainsaw...I'll skin your ass raw...and if my day keeps going this way I just might break your fucking face tonight!)

* Rislyn mutters as she heads off ...*  Just wish he'd come he'd leave me alone..

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Keelin

<Mondo_Gecko> ...that chicks trouble..

* Mitch takes her hand and squeezes it. "You've got family... and... well, violence seems to be unavoidable around here. But you'll do all right." A small smile. "I've got faith in death."

* Keelin shakes her head..shrugging

<Mondo_Gecko> ..don't worry about her

<Keelin> I don't even know her, but apparently she dislikes my brother...

* Keelin nods, brows arched

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea...that's the problem with this place..

<Keelin> I'll take your word for it..

<Shingami> thought your faith was only in Mitch

<Mondo_Gecko> no one can just keep their mouth shut and keep themselves to themselves

* Keelin blinks..

<Mondo_Gecko> everyone has to fuck with everyone elses shit

<Keelin> I'm sorry to hear..

<Mitch> A slight shrug. "I'm branching out."

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I'm sorry to hear too

<Shingami> it is a start

<Mondo_Gecko> come from UNderhill right?

* Keelin nods a little

<Keelin> Ah, yes actually ..

<Mondo_Gecko> they have gossip down there?

* Keelin blinks

<Keelin> Quite a bit .. there are some creatures that wouldn't live without it..

* Dev blinks a little*

* Rislyn comes just to where she can eavesdrop..wanting to hear about Underhill...and possibly a way to get there..she has elf in's just drow..not so good kind..<G>

<Mitch> "I'm gonna go get back to work... give me a yell if you need some help, ne?"

<Shingami> sure sure.. im gunna head down to see if i can find anything ta eat

<Mondo_Gecko> yea well...some people feel like that too apperently

<Mitch> "Okay... need help getting into the Shinmobile?"

<Shingami> i need the practice

<Mondo_Gecko> ..if I could offer's not to get caught up in that shit

<Mitch> "Yeah..." He stands up, and steps away... but doesn't leave the room, just in case she doesn't make it

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I don't respect anyone who talks about me behind my back inorder to gain from it..or anyone elses..

<Mondo_Gecko> it's sneeky..

<Mondo_Gecko> Watch your ass...

* Keelin nods..blinking..

<Keelin> Ah ... all right..

<Mondo_Gecko> You think there's alot of good ppl there's also alot of bad people

<Keelin> Elven folk don't usually gossip unless it is about dwarves..but..*shrugs*

* Shingami puts the checker game on the floor on one side then makes her way into the ..shinmoile managign fairly well though almsot falls out at one point

* Mondo_Gecko turns and walks off down the hall and knocks on Diana's door

<Keelin> I'll take your word for it..

* Rislyn crosses her arms, furrowing her brow

<Rislyn> .........Would he have come back if he could? Or did he want to be there so badly he won't return..?

* Mitch half-steps forward, but she's got it... he straightens up again, coughing a little embarassedly, and nods. "Oyasumi, Shin..."

* Diana calls softly from within* Who is it...?

* Rislyn is asking Keelin..but hasn't looked up at her

<Mondo_Gecko> ...the asshole

* Keelin blinks, glancing at Rislyn again..

<Mondo_Gecko> can I come in?

<Shingami> if you need any help Mitch.. from work, advice and.. keepign your ass outta the fire..

<Shingami> ask

<Shingami> every goddess owes gratitude ot thsoe who have faith in them

* Diana blinks* Ne...sure...? Door's unlocked...

<Keelin> Ah, I think he's only taking care of business..he'll be well and more than likely return..

<Mitch> He chuckles, a little wryly. "Hopefully, I won't, but... thanks. Domo."

* Mondo_Gecko pushes the door open and steps inside

* Shingami reels in her braid

* Mitch exeunts stage right, padding down the hall to his own room

<Rislyn> *mutters* Right.... it wasn't even enough to make him stay.......... I knew I hated men for good reason..

* Keelin blinks..

* Shingami uses el spiffy portal to get to the bottom of the stairs

* Dev blinks..*

<Keelin> Look, I don't much like my brother, but he's loyal. He just has a lot of responsibilities.

* Rislyn snorts

<Rislyn> Right.. no wonder you two don't get along. You seem to be exactly alike..

<Shingami> i can so get used ot that

* Shingami rolls into the kitchen

* Keelin quirks a brow

<Keelin> You're not leaving a great impression by insulting me, miss.

* Dev nods...then arches his brows*

* Mitch locks the door behind him and walks over to the bed... he tosses the icebag away, checking the pistols a final time, before setting them on the bedstand and picking up the textbook, flopping onto the bed and opening up to the bookmark.

* Rislyn looks over at Keelin over her shoulder, violet eyes amused

<Rislyn> Who said I was trying to impress you? I would only try if I found you attractive..but those who are taken aren't to me.

* Rislyn looks at Dev

<Rislyn> Besides, you two seem happily sapped enough into eachother.

* Rislyn rolls her eyes, pulling herself off the wall

* Keelin rolls her eyes..

* Dev arches his brows* Ah...the jelousey looms...

* Shingami resists giggling at klork gettig soe elft over chinese food

<Keelin> It would seem that way.

<Rislyn> You're stronger on your own. So don't let yourself get attached to anyone--I am NOT jealous.

* Rislyn glares at Dev

<Rislyn> I only know the truth while most people DON'T.

<Rislyn> You are stronger ALONE.

* Keelin smirks wryly

* Shingami eats and listens

* Rislyn heads up the stairs, looking suddenly pained before she does so

<Shingami> welisnt this house fulla angst tonight?

* Dev arches his brows*

<Keelin> I have a feeling that you don't even believe that yourself.

* Dev shakes his head* I as well...

<Rislyn> You wouldn't know what I believe. Nor do I ever expect you to.

<Keelin> Nor would I want to.

* Rislyn rubs at her arms, as if in pain, and then dashes up the stairs, looking incredibly full of pain now

* Dev shakes his head again...*

* Keelin blinks ..

<Keelin> My brother chooses the strange ones..

* Kameko peeks her head out to look at Keelin

* Keelin turns,heading down the stairs towards the kitchen

<Dev> Aye...that he does...

<Kameko> met the resident harpy!

* Kameko smiles

* Dev shrugs and goes with her*

<Keelin> Harpy..??? *blinks*

<Kameko> Don't take her man bashing too seriously. She just lives to kill them.

* Kameko smiles, nodding and heading back into the kitchen

* Keelin arches a brow.

* Dev blinks* That's the one from the workout room???

* Shingami waves chopsticks at kame

* Calantha stands, looking out at the city, then turns and comes down the stairs inside

* Kameko looks back out, noddin gat Dev, waving to Shin

<Keelin> Sounds ... great. She's in love with my brother yet she lives to kill men. Great.

<Kameko> Yep. One and the same.

* Keelin goes into the kitchen

* Kameko looks at Keelin, going out into the kitchen with her

* Dev follows, looking kinda dumbfounded*

<Kameko> Well..I really don't think your brother gave her much choice, either. It was kinda..a two-way street there.. and they collided in the middle.

* Klork is still kinda leanin' on Mo, zonked out

<Kameko> They don't get along..but..

* Keelin shakes her head a little..

* HappyLittleMoron 's got her arms around Klork, holding him lightly..

<Shingami> Heyha people

<Keelin> I don't really want to get into my brother's offense.

<HappyLittleMoron> Dev: Usually easier that way, aye...

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