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Session Start: Thu Mar 14 16:09:08 2002

<Mondo_Gecko> *November rain plays on his stereo*

* OikawaNishimaru is on the roof... as usual

* ^Monisima^ is sleeping in the chair...

* ``Mitch is NOT in London; indeed, he is up in his crib, studying hysteresis.

* StacieGreene steps out of a black car near the East River in a green shirt and crisp black pants, her black hair pulled back with one of those stiff tortoiseshell headbands that bite your scalp.

* StacieGreene glances around and tucks a radio wire a little deeper into her back pocket, then heads off down the wharf, not looking back at the tinted windows of the car.

* OikawaNishimaru brushes some hair from his face

* Calantha hops up onto her window ledge with a scratch, pulling herself inside

<Mondo_Gecko> *grins as the heavy end part of the song plays the guitar wailing*

* ^Monisima^ yawns and opens her eyes...looks to see if anyone's here

* ``Mitch is next to the window in his room, the sound of rain spattering against the panes oddly soothing to him

* Calantha shakes off and towel dries her hair a bit (since I see it's raining :P)

<StacieGreene> *wipes wet bangs off her forehead*

* OikawaNishimaru doesn't mind the rain on the roof, he finds it relaxing <<although his controller would like a little warning next time before it starts raining>>

* ^Monisima^ sits up and stretches

* Calantha smirks and slips on some dry clothes

* Mondo_Gecko smiles as Nothing else Matters plays*

* Calantha sticks her head out her door into the hallway, looking around for people

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...this is probably my last day on earth I bet)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( they'll kill me..)

* OikawaNishimaru sits on the edge of the roof and crosses his legs, meditating

* Mondo_Gecko sings "so close, no matter how far, couldn't be much more from the heart, forever trust in who we are, and nothing else matters"

* Calantha steps out into the hallway, hearing Mondo and tapping gently on his door

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> Come in

<^Monisima^> <q>

* Calantha opens his door and slips inside, her hair still damp and hanging down her back

<Mondo_Gecko> "I never open myself this way, life is ours we did it our way....

* Mondo_Gecko looks back at her

<Mondo_Gecko> hey Cala

<Calantha> Heya.. so.. what's the plan for tonight?

<Mondo_Gecko> ....well

<Mondo_Gecko> I go down there..and possibly get pumped full of lead..

* Calantha raises a brow

* Syan jogs up to the asylum, knocking on the door .. then pauses ... muttering and going in* Eesh..I live here.

* Mondo_Gecko looks back at her

<Mondo_Gecko> and you stay here and don't die

* HappyLittleMoron looks up from the desk and chuckles

<Calantha> ...

<Calantha> ..what makes you so sure you're gonna die? I thought it was just a job..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> it's never "just a job"

* Syan comes in, muttering* Eesh, I sometimes forget I live here..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehe...annoying that, huh?

<Mondo_Gecko> More than likely it's very very dangerous and whatever it involves there will be deadly people with guns who like to shoot the messenger

<Calantha> ..well I'm not gonna let you go alone, man.. you told me about it, so you're stuck with me now

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

<Mondo_Gecko> Look I don't want you getting hurt ok?

<Calantha> And you think I want you to just go die?

* Syan shrugs* Hey, you see Nox around? I got news..*grins a grin so wide it could eat his ears*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Look...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and chuckles* I think she's putting the girls to bed for me..

* Mondo_Gecko stops...not wanting to say his life isn't as important as hers... but knowing it would just make matters worse

* ``Mitch every once in a while glances out the window, looking over the tiny bit of the city visible, feeling rather mellow

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

* Syan oohhs, then nods, jogging up the stairs*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...stay to the rooftops...stay outta sight..ok?

<Calantha> .oO(What is this? Illegal activities for dummies?!)

* Nox is just coming out of Brenna's room..*

* Calantha nods

* ^Monisima^ yawns

* Syan skids by Nox, then smirks* <q> Heya!

* Nox blinks then chuckles* <q> Hello!

* Mondo_Gecko pulls the cloak on over himself

<Mondo_Gecko> ..come on

* Syan smirks, picking her up over his shoulder* C'mere!

* Calantha gestures for him to lead the way, trying to hide any annoyance

* ``Mitch spontaneously decides to head downstairs and improve his mood with a beer and a fireplace

* Nox bllinks and acks!* Heey!!

* Syan smirks, heading down stairs, trying not to be very bumpy*

* Mondo_Gecko leaps out the window and scrambles up the roof of the next building

* Calantha follows after him

* OikawaNishimaru is still on the roof

* HappyLittleMoron looks up...sees a protesting Nox slung over Syan's shoulder and laughs!

* ^Monisima^ stairs at the wall....

* Syan smirks, waving to all who are downstairs before heading out the front door with her in tow*

* ``Mitch comes downstairs, textbook under one arm (pick one), just kind of watching Nox and Syan with a bemused expression

* Syan then stops in the front, setting her down gently, properly dusting her off, before pointing her to his motorcycle. It isn't top of the line or anything, but it's relatively nice for his budget* No more bus!

* Nox chuckles softly, then bllinks and smiles* Oh my! Very nice...! *gets wet, too then ;P*

* Mondo_Gecko slips off through the rain, leaping buildings

* Syan gets wet :P*

* ^Monisima^ looks over at Mitch

* Syan pauses, and then looks up at the sky* You hate my bike, don't you.

* Nox slips an arm around Syan's middle, chuckling* There should be a place to put it, though...does HLM not have on eas well? *refering to the one Kame got her <G>*

<``Mitch> "Okay... I guess someone just got kidnapped." He shakes his head, and walks over to the fireplace, opening up the front.

* OikawaNishimaru is meditating on the roof

* Calantha follows after him, MUCH better at this now..

* Syan blinks* HLM has a bike? AWesome...*looks around for it*

<StacieGreene> *mutters* want a cigarette...

*' somewhere? Sure...we've got a garage type thing...sure...along with a parking lot? <G>*

<StacieGreene> *kkk -kkchKIKK! "Later." ckckkkkCHK* says a voice from the wire in her hair.

* ``Mitch , having been directed before in lighting a fire, does so, and settles back into the couch before it, kicking his feet up onto the hearthstone

* Syan, the soaked-through-to-the-bone-and-wishing-he-bought-a-car-instead-of-a-bike-due-to-damn-weather looks for the garage..*

* Nox heads around backa and ahs...* Syan! *brushes wet hair from her face* Here...

* Syan chuckles, following, white hair clinging to his face* OOohhh..*runs over, grabs his bike, and rolls it in* Sweet!

* Nox chuckles* Aye..

* Syan brings it in, propping it up on the kickstand* And some day, I *will* own a harley!

* ``Mitch flicks off his glasses and watches the flames blurrily for a few minutes before looking down and slipping them on again, opening up the textbook

* Nox chuckles, not quite getting it, but hey..*

* Syan smirks .. lookin' pretty damn .. wet*

* Mondo_Gecko arrives at the docks, walking swiftly, trying not to put his head up too much, but looks up to see if Cala is behind him or above

* Calantha is nowhere to be seen...

* Nox reaches up to brush some water from Syan's face, pretty wet hersellf* A little damp there...

* Mondo_Gecko takes a deep breath and stands at the spot he was supposed to at the warf

* Syan blinks* Ohh, I can see! yep, yer' just a tad' damp too. Heh, don't quite get this much rain where I come from ... my uncle up north lives in the northwest...wooo, lots of rain..

<StacieGreene> *puts on a sugary smile, waves from the end of a dock, and walks back inland* Mondo! You're early.

<StacieGreene> *when closer...* Good to see you. I wasn't sure you'd come.

* Mondo_Gecko pulls the cloak around himself tigher.. but it doesn't help, it's soaked though

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* what choice do I have

* StacieGreene glances up, the rain running off her glasses.

* Nox chuckles* This is quite rainy...not quite as muddy as I'm used to though..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...why am I here Stacie?

<StacieGreene> Well...none, really...

* StacieGreene hands Mondo a small package wrapped in brown paper and tied with rough string.

* ^Monisima^ sneezes

* Syan chuckles* THat's cuz' the streets aren't made of dirt here..*winks, then pulls off his flannel, holding it over her head* Inside?

* Nox chuckles and nods* Aye...

* StacieGreene points to a nearby warehouse. "Better open that under cover."

<StacieGreene> This rain will wreck it...

<Mondo_Gecko> ....what is it

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail tip flickers back and forth nervously

<StacieGreene> It's a message. I haven't heard it.

* Mondo_Gecko nods and heads off into the wearhouse

<StacieGreene> *as they walk* You're kinda quiet tonight.

<Mondo_Gecko> no offence...but I don't trust all this stuff..

* Calantha sneaks around, following behind them

* ^Monisima^ looks around

<Mondo_Gecko> I didn't know what you were getting me into..and I don't remember the conversation I had where I told you about my father

* Syan heads back into the rain..the flannel not doing much cover as he leads her to the door of the asylum*

<Mondo_Gecko> I served my time before...

* Nox goes with him, grinning softly*

<Mondo_Gecko> I wanna stay out of any serious illegal buisness in the future

<StacieGreene> *ducks inside an open door at the warehouse* Served your time?

<Mondo_Gecko> ......

<Mondo_Gecko> never mind

* Mondo_Gecko pulls back the cloak hood

<StacieGreene> But it wasn't your fault if you did. What with your childhood and all.

<Mondo_Gecko> ..yes it was

* StacieGreene looks deep into his eyes.

* Syan pushes the front door open, letting Nox go in first before shaking off at the front door* Gyah!! Who the hell told the angels to bathe all at the same damn time???!

* StacieGreene lowers her glasses and looks a little more easily...

<Mondo_Gecko> no one told me to steal cars..

<Mondo_Gecko> I did it because I was a little jerk who wanted money the easy way

* Nox heads in and runs her hands over her hair, blinnking a little, taking a moment to understand that saying*

<StacieGreene> You wouldn't have if you'd had parents who raised you with real caring and love.

<StacieGreene> It's okay to stop blaming yourself, Shawn.

<StacieGreene> Some things are out of your hands.

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...if they didn't, wouldn't be nearly as exciting as it is now <G>

* The warehouse door opened onto a crowded little office filled with newspapers and stale cigarette smoke, old paperwork and chairs with the stuffing come out of th em*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little

* Syan snorts* Why can't they have pillow fights? I can at least have fun in the snow..

* StacieGreene pulls out a cigarette an dlights up.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(sweet much did I tell her...was I stoned??)

* StacieGreene offers Mondo a cig.

* ``Mitch gets up and retrieves a beer, shaking his head and listening in to the byplay

* Mondo_Gecko takes it

<Mondo_Gecko> thanks

* StacieGreene lights it for him.

<StacieGreene> *takes a drag* Aren't ya gonna open it?

<StacieGreene> Or do you want me not to listen?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> ok ok

* Syan flips his hair back, moving his entire body forward than back to do so* Agh..wet wet wet..

* StacieGreene hunts for a moment, then flicks a light switch in the ltitle office.

* Mondo_Gecko runs his shakey hand through his wet hair and lets the smoke dangle from his mouth, tearing the letter open with his sharp claws and opening it up, readings

* Nox chuckles softly* Perhaps a towel will help..

* Mondo's holding a miniature tape player with a cassette inside...*

* Nox heads up the stairs*

* ``Mitch heads back through, settling into the couch before the fireplace with an arm or two hooked over the back, kinda sprawling a little

* Mondo_Gecko takes a long drag of his smoke and presses play

* There's sounds of a confrontation...voices -- one familiar as the wind on the back of his neck, his father's, only raised now in terror -- the other, also familiar, the heavy voice of Jess like the backwash of a nightmare*

* Thuds. A few rips. Some threats and screaming...*

* Syan blinks, then shrugs* Hmm...towel..or ..wait! *runs up stairs...a few seconds later coming down in wolf form* {{It's so much easier to dry off this way...}}

* StacieGreene forms a slow grin.

* ``Mitch blinks, taking a sip of his beer, as a wolf comes downstairs.

* Nox chuckles, following and rubbing at her hair* Not an option for all of us, sweet one..

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail switches...his fathers voice sounding like his when he was screeming fur mercy

<``Mitch> "...Mrs. Happy... that's, um, normal, right?"

<StacieGreene> *"Never touch the woman again..."*

<StacieGreene> *Crackles, fuzz...*

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep!

* Syan blinks, seeming to shrug as he shakes off a bit more, then looks up at HLM* {{Eh, tell him it's me, and I won't talk to him this way if he prefers...}}

<``Mitch> "Just checking."

* HappyLittleMoron ggrins lopsidedly* That's Syan...he communicates telepathically in that form...he won't if you don't wanna...

<Taped voice of Jess> Mr. Murphy. I hope you enjoyed the previous much as I did.

<TVoJ> It's time for you to make the payment for the little favor.

<``Mitch> "Telep- oh. Um... no, I think... I can't talk like that anyway."

<Calantha> .oO(And here comes the catch..)

* Syan looks up at Mitch .. his ears have three silver hoops through them each* {Let him know I'm gonna take up that rug in front of the fireplace too...}}

* Mondo_Gecko breathes out slowly

* ^Monisima^ is still staring at the wall

<TVoJ> You will accompany Miss Greene to the location of a certain person who has ...interfered... with our work.

<HappyLittleMoron> Okies *grins* He's gonna go curl up on the rug in front of the fire place though..

<TVoJ> You will use the gift of your intriguing form to accomplish a mission...

<TVoJ> It is a simple mission. Fear.

* Syan trots over, lookin' pretty harmless for a gangly white wolf, stretching slowly in front of the fireplace .. tail wagging as he looks up at Mitch with one of those typical "I'm a good dog" looks*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( sounds easy enough)

<``Mitch> *shrugs, and moves his feet* "All his. Uh, yours."

<Calantha> .oO(Yeah, then the scared piece of shit pulls his gun..)

<TVoJ> Let him understand that he has but one option. Follow his instructions, or -- else.

* Nox chuckles, and settles by Syan, scritching behind the ears*

* Syan almost seems to smirk, tail wagging still as Nox sits, taking up space to dry off*

<TVoJ> I have the utmost confidence in your abilities, Mr. Murphy. And -- should you ever need assistance with the elder Mr. Murphy again... It would be a pleasure to do business with you again.

* Click fuzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

<Mondo_Gecko> .....

* Mondo_Gecko looks up at Stacie..

<Mondo_Gecko> What do you do...what are you involved in?

<``Mitch> .oO(I've never been this close to a mutt this size. Not without a cage in- shit! Get a grip. He's human.) .oO(Oh?) .oO(He's... y'know. He's an, er... Asylumite. Inmate. Whatever. I know what I mean.)

<StacieGreene> *meets Shawn's eyes.* You don't want to know that, Shawn.

* Syan stretches out, settling his head between his paws, just as happy as a lab*

<StacieGreene> At least...not yet.

<StacieGreene> It takes a long earn the trust that needs.

<``Mitch> .oO(I would NOT advise scratching behind his ears. He might take it personally.)

* Mondo_Gecko gazes back at her..

* ^Monisima^ stares at the wal

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* is it that bad

<StacieGreene> No. Actually, it's kinda nice.

<StacieGreene> a family...

<StacieGreene> *eyes flick*

<StacieGreene> I'm talking too much. Come've got a date.

* StacieGreene leads the way through the interior door into a dark warehouse, leading him through the shadows

* Calantha follows, staying out of sight

* Mondo_Gecko watches as her eyes flick .oO( ..that...that looks familer...)

* Cala trips over a thick winch chain on the concrete floor*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(if only I could get her away from this)

* ^Monisima^ finally looks around the room again

* StacieGreene whirls at the noise. "Shawn? Did you bring someone here?"

<Calantha> .oO(FUCK!)

* Calantha stays absolutely still in the dark

<Mondo_Gecko> No...

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

* StacieGreene peers into the dark behind her.

* Mondo_Gecko pretends to look around

* ^Monisima^ stands up....shuffles off to the kitchen

* Calantha easily blends into the darkness

<StacieGreene> Shawn, this is very important. Don't lie about this... Did someone come with you?

* ``Mitch tries to read, but his eyes keep being drawn to the big fucking wolf with the silver earrings dozing before him...

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail twitches

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ..yes or no)

<Mondo_Gecko> ....No...

<Mondo_Gecko> but it's possible someone might have followed me

* StacieGreene nods.

<StacieGreene> *loudly* You have brave friends.

<Mondo_Gecko> ....yes well...

* ^Monisima^ walks back out w/ food...

<Mondo_Gecko> sometimes people actually care about you

* ^Monisima^ goes back to the chair...sits...eats

* StacieGreene nods again. "This way."

* ``Mitch glances over... "Hi, Moni."

* Mondo_Gecko follows her

* ^Monisima^ looks over at Mitch....nods a bit...goes back to eating

* StacieGreene goes to the back wall, which faces the dock roadway, and pulls up the chains to a garage bay door.

* Calantha waits a beat, then follows again, being extra careful this time :P

<``Mitch> .oO(She's still here. Maybe I WILL get that twenty back.)

* StacieGreene points to a dark green SUV parked in front of the doors.

<StacieGreene> "Hop in. I'll drive."

<Mondo_Gecko> where are we going

* Nox watches the fire, sitting by the sprawled Syan-wolf*

* Mondo_Gecko doesn't seem too friendly..cold..suspicious almost

* ^Monisima^ looks a little down...sluggish

<StacieGreene> You heard the assignment... *glancing around the warehouse behind them, pretty suspicious herself*

<StacieGreene> Sorry...

* ``Mitch mentally shrugs, and looks to Nox. "I... don't remember. Have we been introduced?"

* StacieGreene turns and offers a hand. "Shawn, I know this is tough for you."

<StacieGreene> You're a gentle soul who's been kicked in the teeth by life, over and over again.

* Nox looks up and smiles her mysterious smile* Nay...I do not believe so...I'm Nox. *offers her hand*

<StacieGreene> All I can say is...take this as a second chance.

<StacieGreene> I promise you'll be safe tonight, if you play by the rules.

<Calantha> .oO(A second chance to get his teetch kicked in again? Niiiiice)

* StacieGreene glances around teh warehouse again.

<``Mitch> *suitably mystified, reaches out with his free hand - one holding the beer, two others draped along the back of the couch* "Mitch, Mitch Williams."

* Mondo_Gecko swallows and for some reason takes her hand

* Nox shakes his hand lightly* A pleasure..

* ^Monisima^ sneezes agan

* StacieGreene squeezes and gives Shawn a warm smile.

<StacieGreene> It's going to be all right. You're going to do great. *points to the passenger side.* Hop in.

* ``Mitch shakes it dutifully, flopping the arm back on the arm of the couch

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Stacie....

<``Mitch> "Is he... dog often?"

<Mondo_Gecko> what are you getting me into?

<StacieGreene> Yes?

<Calantha> .oO(There HAD to be a car involved.. at least it's a big one)

* Nox settles back by Syan and shrugs a little* Mm...not as often as he is human...

<StacieGreene> Nothing you couldn't handle with your arms tied behind your back.

<StacieGreene> Look, I wouldn't put you in danger, if that's what you're worried about.

<``Mitch> .oO(Can't believe I'm asking this.) "So he's a w- a werewolf?"

<StacieGreene> *sighs* There's...this man...

* Nox nods* Aye...that he is...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..and?

* ^Monisima^ finishes eatting...curls back up...watching the 2 w/ full eyes

<StacieGreene> He thinks he's some kind of sorcerer. Thinks he hears these voices in the sky.

<``Mitch> He glances up. "Is it a full moon?"

<StacieGreene> He's got it out for some of my friends, and he needs to be stopped. The best way to fight fire is with fire, right?

<Mondo_Gecko> and?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..right

<StacieGreene> So...that's where you come in.

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* StacieGreene knuckles his muzzle.

* Nox chuckles softly* Nay...he can do it when he wishes to...*pauses* Except for when he sneezes...

<StacieGreene> You and that great, green, lizard-god style of yours.

<StacieGreene> All we're asking is for you to convince him that his "voices" *dripping with sarcasm* aren't as powerful as yours.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> heh heh heh

<Mondo_Gecko> your kidding me

<``Mitch> "When he sneezes?"

* StacieGreene grins and shakes her head.

<Mondo_Gecko> it sounded like that guy wanted me to kill him

<StacieGreene> What? Aw, Jess's bark is worse than his bite.

<Mondo_Gecko> want me to use my electricity?

<StacieGreene> <q> not to mention his smell...

* Mondo_Gecko snickers

<Nox> Aye..then he doesn't have...ah...quite the same degree of control...

<StacieGreene> That would be great!

<StacieGreene> I'll be there to back you up.

<Calantha> .oO(Heh.. a chick uses flattery on him and he totally buys it)

<Mondo_Gecko> So..tell me more about this guy

* ^Monisima^ looks outside....sighs

* StacieGreene checks her watch. "How about on the road?"

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..

<StacieGreene> Get in, it's open.

<``Mitch> .oO(Ooooo...kay.)

<``Mitch> "What about, y'know, silver?"

* ``Mitch is looking at the earrings, wondering if they're just chromed up well

* ^Monisima^ looks back at Mitch...

* Nox blinks* I don't think he has any problem with it..

<``Mitch> .oO(Vampire - check. Werewolf - check. Mummy - working on it.)

* ^Monisima^ slouches over the arm of the chair

* Mondo_Gecko gets in the door*

* StacieGreene goes around, pauses with the driver's side door open and grins at the shadows. "Anyone else coming along for the ride?"

<``Mitch> "I don't mean to be rude. I'm just trying to... get a hold of things here still."

* Nox nods* Of does make sense...things are a

* ^Monisima^ looks over at Nox....

* Calantha waits.. letting Stacie think she's lost her nerve

* Nox looks up at Moni, archhing a brow slightly*

<``Mitch> He coughs, takes a sip of the beer as he twists a wry grin. "Yeah. You could say that."

<Nox> Aye...

* ^Monisima^ just watches them.....

* StacieGreene shrugs and climbs in, starting up the engine

* StacieGreene waits about ten seconds... Pulls out.

* Calantha uses the roar of the engine to disguise her climbing onto the bumper

* StacieGreene comes to a stop in the road, leaves the engine runnign and hops out again.

* StacieGreene walks back to teh garage doors and reaches up, grabbing the bottom and pulling it down.

<``Mitch> "If you don't mind my asking... what're you? NOBODY here's just plain human."

* Calantha skitters under the car

* ^Monisima^ looks down at the wolf person...

<StacieGreene> <mutters> "Gonna be a long ride..."

* StacieGreene climbs back in

* Nox smiles a little* I am a chalengeling...ah...a mutant people of this time call it...*shrugs a little*

* StacieGreene drives off

<StacieGreene> All right, Shawn. What do you need to know?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...well..tell me about this guy

<Mondo_Gecko> why do you wanna take him down because he's nuts

* ^Monisima^ gets onto the floor...sits behind the wolf person

<StacieGreene> He's nuts, and he's got some kinda malicious streak against --

* StacieGreene glances at Mondo

<Mondo_Gecko> ....mutants?

<StacieGreene> That too.

* StacieGreene keeps driving.

<``Mitch> "Okay..." .oO(Whatever that means...) "Wait- Nox." *trying to remember* "Iris?"

<StacieGreene> He goes by the name "Anth"

<Mondo_Gecko> ...what were you going to say

* Nox nods* Aye...? What of her...?

<``Mitch> "Some relation of yours?"

<StacieGreene> I can tell you what you need to know, Shawn. But some questions you must not yet ask.

* Nox nods* Aye...she is my younger sister...

<^Monisima^> .....*pokes lightly at the wolf person's back*

* Nox shoots Moni a look...*

<StacieGreene> Anth has been asked to do some things. Mainly, refrain from attacking certain people.

<``Mitch> "So that m- you're from, y'know, Rome?"

<StacieGreene> All he needs is a little nudging in that direction.

* Nox looks up to Mitch and nods* Aye...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> So..who's he attacking?

<Mondo_Gecko> other mutants?

* ^Monisima^ pets the wolf person....

* StacieGreene sighs.

<StacieGreene> of people.

<``Mitch> Curiously. "What's it like?"

<StacieGreene> We work together to keep each other safe.

<StacieGreene> *pulls up outside a row of apartment buildings*

* ^Monisima^ keeps petting

* StacieGreene parks the SUV, sets the alarm*

<StacieGreene> Ready?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* StacieGreene lifts a canvas bag from the back seat, then climbs out.

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* you know could always just stay with me...I could keep you safe

<StacieGreene> Yes. But who would keep my friends safe, then?

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a little

<StacieGreene> And I'm not welcome in your asylum anymore. HLM just didn't understand...

* StacieGreene shrugs and leads Mondo down an alley.

<Mondo_Gecko> ...what didn't she understand?

<StacieGreene> Later, Shawn. Here, I need your help.

* Calantha very carefully gets down from the SUV, skittering into the darkness quietly

* Mondo_Gecko sighs..

* Nox shrugs a little* Rome was not very pleasant...the father had control over the entire family...and our kind was not welcomed...wandering over the different lands was very nice, though...the air was much cleaner then than it is now..

<StacieGreene> Can you climb to the eighth floor with this?

* ^Monisima^ lays down..using the wolf person as a pillow

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( seems the only time I see her is when she's geting me in trouble..)

* StacieGreene opens the canvas bag and pulls out a rope with claws

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..I don't need that

<StacieGreene> But I do.

* StacieGreene 's eyes flick

<StacieGreene> Anth is going to be one room in from that window. *points*

<``Mitch> "Cl- oh. Yeah, I guess it would be." He shrugs. "I don't even notice..."

* ^Monisima^ yawns

* Nox smiles a little* have lived in this time your entire frame of reference, I suppose..

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* ``Mitch watches Moni, a little nervously, trying to shake the feeling that Syan's going to disembowel her and jump-rope with her intestines

* ^Monisima^ looks all comfy w/ the wolf pillow

* StacieGreene glances down the alley

<StacieGreene> Let's go...before anyone shows up we don't want to deal with.

<``Mitch> "Manhattanite born and bred. This ain't dirty air... it's air with CHARACTER."

* Mondo_Gecko takes the bag and starts climbing rather quickly

* Nox chuckles softly* If you say so..

* ``Mitch 's lip twitches in a half-formed smile as he takes a sip.

<``Mitch> "How did you get here? I mean, here-now?"

* When he reaches the window, he hears a television inside, and sees a bedroom -- no one inside, but a door leads to another room with teh flickering of a television screen's light

* Nox shrugs* Amist a battle with slave traders...a human mage on their side sent us here...

* Mondo_Gecko is already there, looking around

<^Monisima^> oO{...hmm...I wanna dog....}

<``Mitch> "...why?"

* StacieGreene waits for Shawn to throw the rope back down for her.

<Nox> They were losing...what is the loss of three slaves to that of ten freemen?

* StacieGreene 's eyes flick every few seconds...

* Mondo_Gecko tosses it down

* StacieGreene practically runs up the building, using the rope

<``Mitch> "Yeah, but, I mean - why'd they send you here?"

* StacieGreene climbs in, nods once to Mondo, then holds up one finger. She backs away from him, still holding it up, then turns and enters the living room.

<StacieGreene> Hello, Anth.

* Nox shrugs* That I do not know...

* Old man's crusty voice* WHo are you!? Whaddaya want!?

<StacieGreene> That doesn't matter, Anth...

<StacieGreene> It's what Darien wants that matters. And Angera. And Sulin. And Mestal.

* Mondo_Gecko watches, his eyes narrowed

* Calantha peers just over the window ledge, careful not to be noticed, trying to blend into the dark

<``Mitch> He gestures with his chin towards the sleeping Syan. "Was he a slave too?"

<StacieGreene> *sound of spitting* THose freaks c'n rot! Just like the goddess sez they will!

* StacieGreene wipes her shirt with a hand, distastefully

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(Goddess?)

* Nox shakes her head, tenderly stroking the fur on Syan's head* Nay...he is from this side...

<StacieGreene> You know what you were asked to do, Anth. They do not take to disobedience kindly -- not from the violent and despicable like yourself.

* cursing and muttering and the sound of creaky chanting*

* ^Monisima^ has fallen asleep

<``Mitch> "Oh, okay. I thought- you seemed kinda close, so I thought he was another relat-" He blinks, suddenly. "Oh."

* The TV falls silent, and suddenly the sound of popping light bulbs echoes over his voice*

* StacieGreene backs into view again, arms up protectively

<StacieGreene> Give it UP, old man!!! You'll pay for this!

* Nox chuckles softly and nods..*

* StacieGreene turns, eyes fierce, and nods once at Mondo, then bolts through the door to the outside hall and runs off

* Mondo_Gecko concentrates...the electricity rising over his body and he heads into the room

<Mondo_Gecko> ANTH!

* Mondo_Gecko 's eyes fade white

<``Mitch> .oO(If it works...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(whoo! acting's fun )

<``Mitch> "Okay, I've gotta know. How'd you meet?"

* Old black man looks up, eyes rolling in their sockets, chanting madly*

<Nox> Here, in fact...shortly after a few of us returned from helping get Shin back from upstate, we met...I had an infected wound from a bear, and he helped care for me..

* ``Mitch takes a moment to digest this, working out "upstate" and "bear" and assembling the two... yes, he really HAS been a Manhattanite

* Mondo_Gecko lets his voice go hisssssy

<Mondo_Gecko> You will ssssssuffer for your tresssssspasssssessss

* Old man looks up briefly, eyes go WIDE

<Mondo_Gecko> Thosssssse who I guard over have been angered by you!!

* Mondo_Gecko holds his hands up, wind and electricity rising all over his body loudly

<StacieGreene> *quavering voice* I -- I am Anth! The goddess -- protect me!!

* Nox watches him think*

<Old man> YOu demon spawn, go back to the pit with your hate-breeders!

<Mondo_Gecko> FOOL!

<``Mitch> "...christ, I swear this place has some sorta purpose. It just, just ASSEMBLES strangeness. It's like a weirdness magnet's been installed on the kung fu water heater."

* ^Monisima^ just...keeps sleeping on the wolf...<shrugs>

<Anth> "I will not succumb!" *chants again, a window or two blowing out behind him*

* Mondo_Gecko shoots electricity over his head

* Nox blinks a little* "kung fu water heater"?

<Mondo_Gecko> You will pay for threatening thosssee who I protect

* Anth's hair is fizzed and suddenly looks like a refugee from the deep 70s*

<Mondo_Gecko> the godsssssss of the earth are angry!!

<Mondo_Gecko> You hide behind your goddessssss who can not protect you!

<Anth> Nooo!

* Anth trembles and bows, covering his head

<``Mitch> Almost absent-mindedly. "Yeah, I think the water heater's why, y'know, everyone knows kung fu. The thing is - it's just weird, isn't it? It drags in people from all over. And there's not one single inm- boarder who wouldn't fit in on a sideshow. No offense."

<Nox> Ahh...*smirks lightly and nods* I suppose...though this place, to my understanding, was made to shelter those such as us...

<Anth> let me be! let me be! the blasphemers will go unharmed!

<Mondo_Gecko> You will leave them alone!!

* Anth shudders

<Mondo_Gecko> SCREEE!!!!!

<``Mitch> "Okay, yeah, but we've got people from all OVER... we're not even talking the tri-state area. And I don't think the Asylum advertises."

<Anth> *AIEEEE*

* Mondo_Gecko throws his head back, his hair standing out in his own wind and looks every bit the part of an angered god

<Anth> What ARE you!?

* Nox nods* Aye...well...I suppose that is simply the way of things...what of you, Mitch? How did you stumble upon this place?

* Mondo_Gecko looks back at Anth

<Mondo_Gecko> Your worsssssst nightmare!!

<``Mitch> *standard answer, pat and slick by now* "Gravity."

* Nox blinks and arches her brows* ...oh?

* Mondo_Gecko lets out another blast at him

* Anth jerks and twitches and shrieks

<StacieGreene> Anth: Anything! Anything! What do you want of me, lord!?

* ``Mitch glances up, and swallows, his mellow mood suddenly tarnished by a memory he's done his best to forget. "Yeah. Fell out a window. Managed to land in the pool up top..."

<Nox> Ahh...*nods a little* I see..

<Mondo_Gecko> You will leave my followers will stop your incessent mumbling! It is making the gods angry!

* ``Mitch takes a big swig of the beer this time, trying to block out forty stories flitting by in a matter of moments

* ^Monisima^ cuddles the wolf

<Mondo_Gecko> you will leave the goddess alone! she is sick of your insane chatter!

<Anth> An--anything...!

<Mondo_Gecko> She has enough stupid mortals to deal with!

<Mondo_Gecko> You will disapear!

<Mondo_Gecko> Lest my powers find your backside and fry you into cripy bacon for my 20 dragons!

<Anth> Yes! I will serve you so, lord!

<Calantha> ...

<Anth> And -- and the summons?

<Mondo_Gecko> No one will see your face again here! Am I understood!?

<Calantha> .oO(He's enjoying this waaaaaay too much...heh)

<Anth> ...from Darien?

<Anth> Must...must I serve you through his will!?

<Mondo_Gecko> You will serve Darien like you serve me!

<Anth> *collapses in anguish*

<Mondo_Gecko> You will address him as massster!!

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(hehe..this is kinda fun)

<Anth> *whimpers...nooooooooooooooooooo*

<Mondo_Gecko> YESSSSS!

<``Mitch> "And... I dunno. I've just stayed. I mean... the rent, it's fucking INCREDIBLE, and I can actually relax and leave my arms out... okay, there's occasional attacks from other realities or something, but the RENT! Jesus Christ in a Richard Nixon mask."

<Mondo_Gecko> And you will never wear underpants again!! It makes us gods angry!!

* Anth's age-stricken, tear-streaked, wrinkled face turns up, his expression one of raw despair

<``Mitch> .oO(Plus there's the whole thing about 'having a better-protected hideout than Al Capone', but let's not mention that.)

<Calantha> .oO(Ok.. now this is just getting silly..)

<Mondo_Gecko> Now Flee this place!!

* Nox blinks and chuckles* is a wonnderful a place..

* Anth nods slowly, coming to his knees creakily

* Anth half-rises, then stumbles, then makes his way from the room, mumbling incoherently in tones of grief

<Mondo_Gecko> NOW!

<Mondo_Gecko> *thunder booms outside*

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(whoa...)

* Anth limps off

<``Mitch> "I'm not sure if I can put it in, um, your frame of reference. But an apartment here is... is STUPID low. It's less than a tenth of the barest essential somewhere else."

* Mondo_Gecko snickers

* ^Monisima^ is using the wolf person as a pillow..and she's asleep

* Nox nods* Aye...I know...I have spoken to some of this...

* Syan stretches a little..then blinks, giving Nox a quizzical look of "who's this..?"*

<``Mitch> .oO(Y'know, you shouldn't worry too much about having Morgan found out. Nothing's this cheap without having a felony at the bottom.)

* Nox blinks*

* Calantha slips up onto the windowsill, waiting for him to notice her.. not expecting it any time soon as he seems to be wrapped up in himself :P

<Mondo_Gecko> *the wind disapears and the electricity leaves him

<Mondo_Gecko> ...and the horse you rode in on pal

<Mondo_Gecko> heh heh heh

* ^Monisima^ sleeps

<Nox> This is Mitch...*blinks a little*

* ^Monisima^ just sleeps soundly

* Syan tilts his head up at Nox, then looks at Moni .. then looks at Mitch*

<``Mitch> "Good to m- meet you, Syan."

* Mondo_Gecko looks around

<``Mitch> .oO(I'm scared of what would happen if I offered a hand. I'm scared of what would happen if I DON'T.)

* Syan rolls very carefully, letting Moni stay there, holding up a paw*

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Stacie?

* ``Mitch very solemnly reaches down, leaning forward slightly, and shakes the paw

* Shingami got really bored sitting in bed, since she cant go anywhere, listinign to the rain and sharpining her scythe with a wet stone...

* Calantha waits in the window, making no sound

* Syan shakes his hand so to speak, tongue lolling as he pants* {{Hey, Nox? Say hi fer' me? I don't wanna freak him out..}}

* Nox nods and chuckles* He says "hi", Mitch..

<``Mitch> .oO(Must... not... start... laughing...)

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Stacie???

* Mondo_Gecko heads back, looking for her

* Calantha hops inside

<Calantha> She left you.. didn't you notice that part?

* Syan's ears twitch forward, earrings, small as they are, still clank together on his ears*

<``Mitch> "Umm... so. Wolf thing working out for you?"

<Mondo_Gecko> ...huh?

* Syan tilts his head to the side, wondering who he's asking that exactly..* {{Uh , if he's asking me, yes, I've been this way all m' life just like the rest of my family...}}

* Mondo_Gecko turns around

<Mondo_Gecko> ok

* Nox nods* He says yes...he's been like that all his life...just like the rest of his family...

<Calantha> I'm fine..

* ^Monisima^ tightens her hold on his a bit, snuggling closer

* Syan blinks..then looks back at Nox* {{When'd I become a pillow..??}} *almost makes a whine/confused sound as he looks at her*

<``Mitch> Despite everything his hindbrain can do to throttle his tongue, he can't help himself... "Runs in the blood?"

* Nox blinks anddd chcukles* {{You're just too cute and cuddly?}} *looks up to MMitch and nods a little*

<Syan> {{Tell im' yep, in all ... <Damnit, lost count of his siblings...> Eight <I think> Of my siblings ..}}


<Mondo_Gecko> well..atleast it's all payed back now

* Nox nods* Aye...eight siblings in all..

<Calantha> Mm hmm.. *looks doubtful*'

<``Mitch> "Christ, so many? Are they all at the Asylum?" .oO(-oh jesus, who ELSE is a werewolf?)

<Mondo_Gecko> ...what?

<Calantha> You just better hope you were on the right side of all this...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...they said that's all they needed..

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> does it matter?

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm free

* Nox shakes her head*

* Calantha shrugs

<Calantha> Maybe you're right..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...come on...lets get out of here

* Mondo_Gecko offers his hand

* Syan 's mouth almost seems to twitch in a smile* {{Nope, all in southern california..}}

<Nox> All are in southern California..

* Calantha eyes him a moment, then takes it

<Calantha> .oO(Is he really that naive?)

<``Mitch> "You came here from California?"

* Syan 's nose twitches a little as he licks at his chops habitually* {{Yep .. didn't feel like going to college so I figured I'd come here to earn my living ..}}

<Syan> {{Always liked big cities..}}

* Dev steps in through the front door, shaking rain from his hair*

* Mondo_Gecko helps her step over the broken glass and leads her to the window of the outside office that he came in through

* ^Monisima^ yawns in her sleep

<Nox> He didn't feel like going to college so he figured he'd come here to earn his living...alwys liked big cities...

* Syan looks up, letting out a very low tone bark...stil trying to keep Moni from waking up*

* Calantha shakes her head a bit at the mess

<Mondo_Gecko> hope these people have insurance

* Dev blinks and waves a little bewilderdly, smirk on is face*

<Calantha> Yeah.. life insurance.

<``Mitch> "...that's what I'm talking about. He happened to come to the big apple, happened to stumble on the Asylum... I dunno what the witchy-fingers have done to the place, but something about it just draws our kind in. And I'm not talking hospitality."

<Mondo_Gecko> I didn't kill the guy Cala

<Mondo_Gecko> I just made alot of noise..

<Calantha> I know.. I was there.

* Nox chuckles softly* Intent is everything...*scritches behind Syan's ears*

* Mondo_Gecko drops her hand and starts back down the building into the ally

* Syan tilts his head to the side before settling again* {{Eh .. well, actually, I'm a glass took a year for me to get here. I happened apon th' place because the front windows were blown out..}}

* ``Mitch glances over his shoulder <and checks the profiles>

* Calantha sighs and follows him down

<Mondo_Gecko> ..see...I told you not to come

* ``Mitch gives a small wave to Dev, not knowing who the hell it is but oh well

<Calantha> ...

<Calantha> what's that supposed to mean?

<Nox> Hhe's actually a glass took him a year to get here...he happened apon the place because the front windows were blown out...

* ^Monisima^ can' asleep

* Dev waves back and slips his jacket off, heading for the kitchen*

<Mondo_Gecko> your all pissed off at me now

<``Mitch> He chuckles wryly, sipping his beer. "I can believe it."

* Mondo_Gecko drops to the ground

* Calantha drops to the ground

<Syan> {{IF the dude wants a receipt from the glass sale ... I can get it .. one of the biggest sales I had in a while..}}

<Calantha> Pissed off at you? When did I say that?

* Keelin presses the front door open, closing it behind her quietly

<Mondo_Gecko> ..your acting pissed off..

* Calantha looks a bit stunned..

<Calantha> Shawn.. you haven't seen me pissed off yet..

* Nox chuckles softly* He says if you want a receipt from the glass sale, he can get it, one of the biggest sales he had in a while...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..ok ok

<Mondo_Gecko>'s not like I had a choice

<``Mitch> "Nah, I believe it. I buy it. I'm just really starting to think that all else aside, there's something else dragging people in."

* Nox chuckles softly and shrugs a little*

<Calantha> I'm not judging you.. I just smell something funny.. and I seriously doubt this is the end of it. That's all..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...yea well...your not the only one

<Mondo_Gecko> ..and that Stacie girl is just a pawn in the middle of this all

* Calantha nods

<Mondo_Gecko> it was was like she could see inside my head or something

* Syan tilts his head to the side, almost seeming to shrug* {{Well, I ain't complainin'}}

<Mondo_Gecko> and her eyes kept doing this weird thing..

* Keelin looks around, then slips into the kitchen

* ^Monisima^ yawns again...cracking open an eye...

* Syan looks down at her, mid-pant before closing his mouth, head tilting to the side*

* Dev is fixing something, looking distracted*

<Calantha> Heh.. I also think you got a little carried away.. *smirks, starting down the road*

* Nox smiles a little* Neither of us are complaining..

* Keelin blinks to find him there, then smirks slightly .. going over to poke him in the side lightly*

* ``Mitch chuckles, taking a sip. "For $150 a month, I ain't either."

* ^Monisima^ hugs Syan lightly..still kinda asleep

* Dev blinks and looks up, smiling slightly* Ahh...hello, love...

* Syan lays his head down again comfortably* {{Heh, that's another very good reason--erf...*chuckles* I wonder if she knows what I am..??}}

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..

<Mondo_Gecko> was fun

* Keelin smirks, placing a hand on her hip

<Mondo_Gecko> and to think...for the rest of his life that guy won't be wearing underpants

* Mondo_Gecko laughs!

<Keelin> Heya tall, dark n' bard-ish .. what're you up to..?

* Nox chuckles softly* {{I do not know...}}

<Calantha> Heh..

* Dev chuckles softly and turns to face her, tracing a finger along her jaw-line* Making food, you, my elven warrior-lady?

* ^Monisima^ looks tiredly at Mitch and Nox...absentmindedly petting Syan

* Calantha smirks

* Nox watches Moni, honestly having no clue who she is..*

<Shingami> {{ ne...anyone livin down there?}}

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little adn looks up frmt he paperwork* {{Heh? Yeah...'sup?}}

<Calantha> So.. now that you are a "free man" .oO(Relatively speaking) whatcha planning next?

* ^Monisima^ ....stares at Nox

<Nox> I am sorry, but...who are you?

<Shingami> {{ its .. quiet.. ano i was wonderin, not to be a compleat invalid though i am.. there any food down there you might be obliged ot bring up? kudasai?}}

* ^Monisima^ looks over at Mitch...

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Heh? Sure...whatcha want?}}

<``Mitch> "Her name's Monisima... she's mute. Can't talk."

<Shingami> {{ anything better then hospital food that doesnt come in an IV}}

<Nox> Ahh...*looks to Moni* I am Nox...

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* {{Ait, Shin...soup sound good?}}

* ^Monisima^ makes a small wave

<Shingami> {{ heavenly}}

* HappyLittleMoron stands and heads into the kitchen, waveling to Dev and Kee <just for politeness's sake> as she goes about making soup..

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm going home and getting in the hot tub...I'm freaking cold..

<Calantha> Cold? Wow..

<Calantha> Crazy.

* Calantha shrugs and sorta dances down the road idly in circles and twirls

<Mondo_Gecko> what?

<Mondo_Gecko> arn't you cold?

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

<Calantha> Nope!

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..not at all?

* HappyLittleMoron finishes making the soup and heads upstairs with it on a tray...along with crackers 'n orange juice...

* Mondo_Gecko 's cloak is soaked with the rain

* Calantha shrugs

<Calantha> Spent lots of time out in the rain and stuff.. guess it just doesn't bother me anymore.

* HappyLittleMoron knocks on Shin's door..

<Shingami> its open...*puts her scythe on the floor sliding th eblade under the bed*

<Mondo_Gecko> I like the rain..but I don't like the cold.

* HappyLittleMoron heads into Shin's room and smirks a little* Paranoia? And where should I put the food?

* Shingami shoves herself up into a sittign position

<Shingami> well since i cant go anywhere lap's fine.. thanks HLM

* HappyLittleMoron gently sets it on her lap* Heh...know the feelin'...uhm...what happened?

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...wait...I think I know...somethhing about a church...?

<Shingami> yeah. this leach kind a guy was suckign aria's . i dont knwo soul out of her.. and he turned on me and wing and Jae... he.. i dont knwo somehow seperated me from my powers... i spent the enxt few days human..

<Shingami> i hate people who bring such anger into churches. hits home in a lotta ways

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Ah...heh...yeah...

* Keelin chuckles quietly

<Keelin> Ah .. nothing, Dev..

* Syan pants idly, just enjoyin' the petting* {{Think she'd be able to hear me this way, Nox..?}}

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( ...if only I could find her..)

<Nox> {{No idea...only one way to find out, hm?}}

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(track her down and figure out what's going on with her head)

* Dev smiles* Hungry?

* ^Monisima^ pets...

<Shingami> when i kinda woke up.. the guy who came again brughtthugs, they were looking for me. then the others form the asylum shwoed up.... *growels softly* none of them should have come at all i was on my way home...they should have stayed.. maybe then the ight wouldnt have started.. and people wouldnt have gotten hurt...*sighs* baka.. all of them

* Calantha hums absentmindedly as she walks

<HappyLittleMoron> Eesh...well...they were worried 'bout ya...

* Syan looks over at Moni, tilting his head to the side* {{Can you hear me, Moni...?}}

<Shingami> i needed to be at a church.. i.. i guess i just missed home

<HappyLittleMoron> Ahh...*noddles*

* Keelin shrugs

<Keelin> I might be..

<Shingami> thats such a strange word isnt it..home

* ^Monisima^ blinks....then smiles

* Dev chuckles* Might be..?

* Keelin smiles

<Keelin> Dont take lightly to hints, hmm?

* Syan pants a little* {{Can ya speak here..? Just curious...}}

<^Monisima^> {{mmhmm...}}

<Mondo_Gecko> what song?

* Dev chuckles and slips his arms around her* Me? Oh never...

* Calantha smirks

<Calantha> Just a sooooong..

* Syan tilts his head to the side* {{Cool..! Hn, oh, yeah, I'm Syan...comfy?}}

* Keelin chuckles, idly braiding his hair

<Mondo_Gecko> heh heh

<Mondo_Gecko> what soooong

* Dev blinkblinks*

* ^Monisima^ moves up to sit next to him...lays against him..patting his head {{yep}}

<Shingami> implying you ahve a place ot be yourself and be safe.. where you belong... ive been here a while and its still weard to have a room, stuff..*chuckles * a warm meal and good friends

* ``Mitch kind of blinks a little as Moni and Syan get cuddly, but... .oO(If it works... *shrugs*)

* Syan lets her curl close, still staying at rest ... truely like a lazy and happy dog at the moment more than anything* {{S'cool .. How ya' likin' the asylum?}}

* Keelin grins impishly, still braiding

<HappyLittleMoron> does take a while to get used to....

* Dev looks down at her witha smirk* Having fun?

<^Monisima^> {{good I guess..}}

<Calantha> Just this song I heard..

<Keelin> Mhmm...saw someone on the streets with this design...

<Keelin> *continues braiding*

<Shingami> how are you doing? *slosly eating glad for soemthign that isnt from a baggie directly to veins*

<Mondo_Gecko> it's nice...can you sing it

* Syan tilts his head to the side, earrings clinking* {{You guess..?}}

* Syan tilts his head to the side, earrings clinkin* {{You guess..?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Pretty good...*shrugs* Tired and all...

* ^Monisima^ fanggrins {{They won't let me steal anything}}

* Dev chuckles softly* And I am your guinie pig?

* Syan pants, settling his head back down* {{Heh..! Well, you know how some people are with possesions ... why ya wanna steal stuff?}}

<Calantha> Sing it? *blinks* I dunno.. I don't really sing very much..

<Keelin> Indeed...*pinches her lips together, continuing*

* Calantha shrugs, idly dancing along

<^Monisima^> {{just metals....I melt them and make stuff...then sell it...}}

* Dev runs his fingers up and down her back chuckling softly*

* Keelin chuckles, continuing to braid tiny braids into his hair

* Syan gets a look of "Oh I get it.." before tilting his head back to look at her* {{Can't you find metals without stealin?}}

<^Monisima^> {{...Mitch's wants me to buy the metal...}}

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...why not?

<Mondo_Gecko> your a good singer

<Syan> {{Whyfor..? Can't get any from junkyards or whatnot?}}

<Calantha> ya think?

<^Monisima^> {{He won't take me...}}

* Dev smirks a little* was your day?

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Syan> {{..Why..??}}

<^Monisima^> {{...Says he got into trouble....}}

* Calantha smiles

<Calantha> Thanks..

<Mondo_Gecko> what, you don't think so?

* ^Monisima^ sighs....scritches his ear

* Calantha shrugs

<Calantha> Not particularly.. never thought about it, I guess

* Syan tilts his head to the side, looking up at Nox* {{Could ya ask Mitch why he got in trouble gettin' into a junkyard..?}}

<Shingami> anyone else downstairs?

* Syan's leg twitches* {{ERf..melting..melting...}}

* Mondo_Gecko goes down the ally to the Asylum

* ^Monisima^ smiles

* Keelin smiles

* Nox nods and looks up at Mitch* Why did you get into trouble getting into a junkyard...*looks abck to Syan and chuckles, scritching the other ear*

<Keelin> Not too bad..just spent it walking and thinking..

<``Mitch> "Huh?" He glances up from the book, blinks, looks at Moni... .oO(Oh, christ. She's shooting off her mouth and she doesn't even HAVE one.)

<Dev> Oh? Do you wish to share?

* Syan sprawls, panting* {{I'm in wolf heaven...}}

* Calantha watches him turn down the alley, then looks around, trying to decide..

* Keelin shrugs

<``Mitch> "...okay. You know what money is?"

<Keelin> Random things..

* ^Monisima^ hugs Syan around his neck..still scritching ^o^

* Nox nods, breifly giving Moni another look before looking back to Mitch*

* Syan snorts at Mitch, just sprawled...happy wolf*

<Mondo_Gecko> ..what is it?

* Calantha shrugs

<``Mitch> "Junkyards want money for their junk. She didn't have money, so... well, we got in anyway." He shrugs, upending the beer. "It's not something I'm about to do twice. Especially because they knew SOMEONE was there..."

<Calantha> Nothin.. *follows after him*

<Mondo_Gecko> is it?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(somethings up with her)

* Syan stretches* {{Ever think about a different job, Moni..?}}

<Calantha> Just didn't know if I wanted to come inside or play outside :P

<^Monisima^> {{What could I do?}}

<Syan> {{Ya know .. earn enough so that the metal craftin' could be a hobby ... er..well, what can you do..? Other than melt stuff..?}}

<Nox> Ahh...*nods* Aye...

<HappyLittleMoron> Nox, Syan, Mitch, Dev, Keelin and Moni are all downstairs...

* Shingami waves a hand infront of hlm

<Shingami> you in there?

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a little

<^Monisima^> {{....practically anything to do w/ fire...That's what I was made to do}}

<Mondo_Gecko> play outside?

<Mondo_Gecko> like how??

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...sorry...a little fogged...*smirks lightly and leans back, rubbing her belly lightly*

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail wags a little..interested

<``Mitch> .oO(And if I'm caught, I'm a dead man. So... no. I don't THINK so.)

<Shingami> *looking at her soup*... i never thanked Mitch.. or Aria...

* Calantha looks up, thinking, then grins as she jumps in a puddle next to him and splashes him

* Calantha shrugs

<Calantha> I dunno.. I'm sure I'd find something to entertain me.

<Shingami> *looks up* its ok they do kind of get your attention faster then anyone.... other then maybe klork

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey!

* HappyLittleMoron chucles softly* Yeah...lotsa worrying 'n stuff...

* Syan rolls onto his back, looking up at Moni* {{Ever think about hn .. cookin'? Workin' around ovens..?}}

* Mondo_Gecko slaps his tail down hard in another puddle, splashing back

<Calantha> What? You were already wet! Now you're just dirty, too! *acks and laughs as he splashes*

<Calantha> Not that you weren't dirty before :P

<^Monisima^> {{cook...?}}

* Keelin finishes braiding Dev's hair .. it looking more or less like a white bob marley with red dreadlocks...

* Calantha kicks at the puddle, sloshing up at him

* Mondo_Gecko kicks back

* ^Monisima^ rubs Syan's tummy

<Shingami> seems to be the wtory of everyones life aorund here

<Syan> {{Yeah, ya'know .. like a pizza parlors .. you put the food into the oven .. then take it out before it burns..Agh, that tickles!}}

* Dev blinkbbblinks and shakes his head* Oh that feels odd...

* Keelin chuckles softly

<^Monisima^> ^o^

* Calantha gets a fiery look and kicks back harder, grinning

* Syan's legs twitch as he rolls onto his side, panting*

<``Mitch> .oO(That's just freaky.)

<Keelin> It's ... unusual.

* ^Monisima^ shrugs...

<HappyLittleMoron> Pretty much, yeah...

<Dev> I'm..sure it is...

* Keelin sniggers

<Keelin> To be truthful ... very unusual..

<^Monisima^> {{I to cook...I was made to be a weapon}}

* Mondo_Gecko kicks back just as hard, sending a spray over her

<Dev> Now I'm curiouse...I need a mirror...*smirks*

<Shingami> wonder what wonder boy is getting into today...

<Calantha> Ack!

<HappyLittleMoron> Wonder boy?

* Syan tilts his head to the side, face looking thoughtful ... for a wolf* {{Maybe metal working...? Can you make jewelry? I'm sure there are people who will supply you with the metals and pay you if you doo well...}}

* Calantha laughs

* Keelin shakes her head

* Mondo_Gecko jumps up and climbs the building

<Mondo_Gecko> HAHA!

<Keelin> Noooooo...I don't think so..

<Shingami> *blush* i meen Mitch...

<Calantha> Chicken!

* ^Monisima^ smiles


<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh...heh...studying last I knew...

<Calantha> Pretty bad.. afraid of a girl.. especially one like ME..

<Shingami> shouldnt bug him then... heh like im goin anywhere though

<^Monisima^> {{I could do that...but don't ya needstones and gems and stuff?}}

* Calantha smirks and starts jumping in puddles, hopping back down the alley a little

* Dev arches his brows* Oohh?

* ``Mitch is, in fact, studying, now that he's grokked the werewolf

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...I could always tell him to visit you...

* Mondo_Gecko watches her from the side of the building

<Mondo_Gecko> ..aww..not gonna chase me?

<Calantha> Nope!

<Shingami> i.. i wouldnt wanna bother him.. i meen.. umm....*ears blushing now*

* Calantha grins a little

<Syan> {{Yeh..for some of em'...but I think those are provided .. all ya hafta do is put th' stuff together..}}

* Dev starts heading for the bathroom, curiouse now...*

<Mondo_Gecko> Well that's no fun!

* Keelin snags his arm, trying to pull him the other way

* Calantha turns around to look at him

<^Monisima^> .....{{guess i could try jewelry....}}

<Calantha> THHHBBBT!

<Keelin> Nonoo! You can't look!

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm gonna go into the hot tub ok?

* ^Monisima^ rubs his tummy again

* Syan tilts his head to the side* {{You got anything metal currently ..? Like .. to practice makin' jewelry with..?}}

<Mondo_Gecko> should come after your done getting dirty

* Dev erks* Why...? *looks down at her with a grin*

* Syan erks, rolling to his side again* {{Agghh...!}}

* Keelin grins

<Calantha> Ohhh... I suppose so.

<^Monisima^> {{i got a little bit left}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Do I sense a crush?

<Keelin> Because you look ...... hilarious..

* Calantha climbs up the wall, scurrying ahead of him

* ^Monisima^ smiles big

<Shingami> ...noooo......maybe.. sorta.. alittle one

<Mondo_Gecko> hey!

* Mondo_Gecko scurries after her

* Dev blinkblinks, then pouts* You wish to laugh at me?

* Keelin 's mouth twitches .. but she does not answer

* Syan tilts his head to the side* {{You wanna practice?}}

* Calantha laughs as she reaches the roof, dancing around

<Calantha> I win again!

* Dev pouts more, looking like a big kid..*

<^Monisima^> {{guess I could...}}

* Keelin ergs...pouting back at him

* Mondo_Gecko climbs up

<Keelin> Fine...go look..

<Mondo_Gecko> No fair!

* Mondo_Gecko pushes her in the pool

<Calantha> Again, you accuse me of being unfa--*is pushed*

* ^Monisima^ sits back and stretches

<Mondo_Gecko> HAHAHA

* Calantha swishes her tail and SPLASHES him

* Dev chuckles and kisses her brow, heading into the bathroom...and ERKing at his reflection* Gods, woman!

<Shingami> i would atleast like to thank him for saving my invalidded ass

* Keelin runs behind a wall to hide, trying not to laugh

* Mondo_Gecko jumps in the pool

* Syan twitches, slowly standing with a long stretch* {{Mmmm...good nap..}}

* Nox chuckles softly*

* Dev goes about trying to get the braids out...*

* Calantha tilts her head back and slicks back her hair, getting it out of her face

* Keelin sighs, going back into the bathroom, smirking as she helps

<Keelin> Goof..

* ^Monisima^ stands up...{{guess I better start....What should I make?}}

<Calantha> See what you did? You got me all clean!

* Dev chuckles softly, blinking as his hair ends up being very crimped and floofy, once they get all the brades out* I suddenly feel like an '80s reject...

<Mondo_Gecko> hehe...that's bad?

* HappyLittleMoron noddles* Want me to get him?

* Keelin blinks..

<Keelin> eighties..?

* Mondo_Gecko 's cloak floats on the water , like his hair, all fanned out

<Shingami> umm... *helpless embaresed look* if ya wouldnt mind...

<Calantha> Being dirty can be lots more fun sometimes ;D

* Mondo_Gecko laughs!

* Calantha laughs

* Dev smirks a little* Ah...a period of time here...where big hair was in style, apparently...I've seen many videos...makes me glad I was in Underhill at that time...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..yea..but getting clean is also fun ;P

* Syan tilts his head to the side, shaking off* {{True .. maybe a necklace? Be creative..?}}

<Calantha> Depends on how ya get clean..

<Mondo_Gecko> especially when it's muddy chicks in the shower

* Keelin chuckles, wetting her hands and soaking his hair down..

* Calantha laughs

* Dev chuckles softly*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...washing eachother..

* Mondo_Gecko shivers

* ^Monisima^ heads upstairs..thinking...

<Calantha> Heh heh.. haven't you learned that chicks are trouble? Look at all the shit you get into with one at a time! Think abgout TWO!

* Calantha laughs

* Nox hehs a little*

<Mondo_Gecko> hmmm...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(thinking about what I could get into with two chicks...hehe..)

* Calantha watches his expression and laughs, splashing him

* Keelin traces her fingers through his hair, smoothing it out

<Keelin> Better..?

<Calantha> Your mind is dirtier than my body was!

* Syan stretches* {{I think I'm gonna go change..}}

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

* Dev nods and turns to hug and kiss her* Much..

<Mondo_Gecko> hmmmm..

* Nox nods* {{Alright, love..}}

<Mondo_Gecko> So...if I add your dirty body to my dirty mind what do I get?

* Syan trots up the stairs*

* Calantha smirks and shrugs, backing away a bit in the water

<Calantha> who knows?

* ^Monisima^ goes up to her room....sits down by a metal table...gets somma her scraps out and starts working..humming ...

* Syan pauses by Shin's room, nosing the door open and peering in* {{Ello..?}}

* ``Mitch glances up as Moni leaves... "...goodnight?"

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and over at Syan

<Shingami> {{come on in Wolfie}}

<``Mitch> "Huh."

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes, floating on the top of the water

<^Monisima^> ....I wanna dog....

* Syan comes in, tongue lollin' as he pants, tilting his head to the side* {{Hey you two doin?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Heh...really...out of it here...}}

* Shingami looks liek she got run over by a bus.. or three

<Shingami> not much whatcha up to?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* we walk the narrow path beneith the smoking skies, sometimes can barely tell the difference between darkness and light, do we have faith in what we beleive? The truest test is when we can not see...

* Syan puts his front paws on the bed, nudging his nose under the least injured hand of Shin's* {{Not much ... talkin' to ppl at random .. you look like you could company...and Mo, you look like you could use a nap..}}

* Keelin starts braiding again..<EG>

* Shingami scrtces Syan's head a bit

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and gives Syan's head a pat* {{You read my mind, wolfie...see youtwo later, hm?}} *grins a little lopsidedly and heads to her 'n Klork 'n Brenna's room..*

* Calantha looks up at the stars, then watches Mondo quietly..

<Shingami> yeah company is always nice. since by brother didnt come back from... wherever he went

<Shingami> {{ja}}

* Dev errrrrrrks, pulling back a little* Now what are you doing, beautiful?

* Syan 's tail flops to the side, smirking* {{Nite, Mo'...Hm, where'd he go to, Shin?}}

* Keelin blinks, looking innocently up at him

<Keelin> Hmm? Nothing..

<Mondo_Gecko> *singing*I hear the pounding feet in the streets below and the women cries and the children moan and there's something wrong, it's hard to beleive that love with won't rain all the time..the sky won't fall forever, and though the night seems long..your tears won't fall..forever...

<Shingami> no idea.... probably with his girlfriend or something

<Shingami> if he is then i really dont wanna know

<Mondo_Gecko> *singing* Ohh...when I'm lonely I lie awake at night and I wish you were here with me..I miss you..can you tell me.. is there something more to beleive in? Or is this all there is?

* Syan chuckles, hopping up onto the chair HLM' was sitting on* {{Fuun ... heh, me either..}}

* HappyLittleMoron changes....then curlse up in bed 'n stuff...

* Klork is already there, snoozin'...pulls her close

* Dev hhmmms lightly and ruffles her hair* I somehow don't buy it...

<Klork> So there you are...

<Keelin> erf..*eyes him*

* Calantha watches him, a bit lost in the song

* HappyLittleMoron curls close and grins, yawning a little* Mmhmm...wanted to get some more papeerwork done...

<Shingami> he kinda deserves a bit a fun though... im nto an easy person to deal with when im like this.. and hes jsut an overgrown boyscout

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* and the pounding feet in the streets below..and a window breaks and a woman falls, there's something wrong there's womething wrong it's hard to believe that love with prevail.. It won't rain all the time, the sky won't fall forever, and though the night seems long..your tears won't fall...forever..

* Klork smirks curling and purring

<Klork> All done..?

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes

* Syan chuckles mentally, tail wagging a bit* {{I somehow have a hard time picturing Wing in a boy scout uniform..}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Mmhmm...*belly starts up a soft purr in response to his* For tonight anyway...

* Klork grins, rubbing her back idly

<Shingami> yeah.. eaysier to picture him in a pink tutu with pink ribbons in his hair.. i really dont know why

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* are you afraid of being alone because of what you are?

<Klork> Good ... you relaxin' like you should be..

* Syan snorts, mentally laughing* {{Oh god, that's really is his color tho..}}

<Shingami> .. scaty enough yeah it is

<Shingami> hey syan?... think ya could bug someone to send wo.. i meen mitch up here.. if possable.. maybe..((man do not call him wonderboy again)

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yep...still get so tired...

* Calantha shivers... slips up out of the pool to sit on the edge, wringing out her hair, her clothes clinging to her..

* Syan tilts his head to the side* {{Sures..}} *hops off the chairs*

* Klork nods, curling her close

<Shingami> thanks wolf man you rock

<Klork> It's understandable..

* Mondo_Gecko looks upm at her, hoping for an answer, but not expecting one

* HappyLittleMoron nuzzles close* How you been feeling?

<Calantha> Heh.. now I'm the one who's cold..

* Mondo_Gecko nods a little

* Syan chuckles* {{Thas'right...}} *strut/trots down the stairs, going over to Mitch..then pauses..recalling he can't talk to him like this before hmming...and snagging the cuff of Mitch's pants in his mouth and dragging* {{ ..shit..}}

* Klork grins

<Klork> Better, been restin' today tho...needed it..

* Mondo_Gecko pulls himself out

<Mondo_Gecko> come on..

<Mondo_Gecko> I think I'm just gonna take a hot shower and get dry..

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

* Nox chuckles softly*

* ``Mitch blinks, and looks down. "What the f-" He shakes his leg gingerly, SO not wanting to kick the big fucking wolf. "Nox! Someone!"

<HappyLittleMoron> Good...need you healthy...

<Calantha> If you want.. don't have to go inside just because I am..

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

* Calantha gets up, shaking off a little

* Nox blinks and stands* Mitch...relax...he wants you to follow him...

<Mondo_Gecko> I've been wet and cold for hours..

<Nox> ...he says your pants taste bad, too...

* Syan growls, not meanly, but attempts to drag* {{Follow...c'mon...big..four-armed...doof..}}

<Calantha> Well all right then :P

* Klork grins, curled close again

* Mondo_Gecko heads inside, wringing out his cloak on the way in

* Calantha smiles and heads back inside

<``Mitch> "Can't he go human and TELL me? Okay, all right! I'm going!"

* HappyLittleMoron yawns a little, curls close* Sleep well...

<``Mitch> Muttered. "...and if you don't like it, don't bite it."

* Syan spits his pant leg out, trotting up the stairs, pausing at the top to wait for him* {{C'mon .. speed up slowpoke..}}

* Syan pants, barking at him*

* Klork smiles

<Klork> You too..

* Mondo_Gecko heads into his room

* Calantha heads to her room...

<``Mitch> "I'm coming, I'm coming..." He glances at Nox, but follows him up the stairs, shaking his head.

<HappyLittleMoron> Mm...*grins and nods off slowly*

<``Mitch> .oO(Note to self. Invest in mace.)

* Syan goes to Shin's door, nudging it open with his nose, then turning back to bark at Mitch again, tail wagging like it's a game*

<``Mitch> .oO(Related note. Buy jalapeno-based laundry detergent.)

* Calantha peels off her wet clothes and slips into the shower

<``Mitch> "Okay, jesus... you'd better not have woken her..."

* Syan barks again, looking like a smiling idiot as he lets him in*

<Shingami> {{ thanks syan}}

* ``Mitch pokes his head in

<Shingami> you can come in ya know... doors dont bite.. Syan does im sure

<Syan> {{No prob!}} *barks, then runs out between Mitch's legs...thank god there's only TWO of those..*

<``Mitch> "Oh! Hey, Shin... I didn't know you were up..."

* ``Mitch steps in... after a moment's thought, he closes the door behind him, making sure it latches. .oO(Damn... wolf.)

<Shingami> its kinda hard when ya cant move ro talk to you... and i am so not getting a bell

* Syan trots into his room, coming out a bit later in human form* Eesh, can't go human out in public...I'd be naked!

* Syan walks down the stairs, stretching, happily dry now*

* Nox looks up and smiles to Syan*

* Dev hms...tickling Keelin lightly*

<``Mitch> "I kinda imagine you with one of those air siren things... how're you feeling?"

<Keelin> Ack--hey!

* Keelin flicks water at him from her finger tips

* ``Mitch sits on the couch - more accurately, sits on the back of the couch, putting himself on the same general level as her

* Syan smirks, heading over to wrap his arms around her in a biiiiig squishi like hug* Boo.

<Shingami> im not dead

<Nox> Eep! *wraps her arms around him in return and chuckles softly* Hello there!

* Dev erks and chuckles, tickling more*

<Shingami> and im not a comatosed corpse really anymore....thanks to you

<``Mitch> "Not-dead is good." He shakes his head. "I didn't do anything..."

* Calantha dries off and slips into some fresh clothes, curling up on her bed, humming as she writes in her notebook

* Syan grins widely* Heya!

* Keelin splashes water in his face

<Keelin> ERf..!

* Dev laughs, going to splash back*

<Shingami> yeah you did.. you came ot the hospital, helped get me outta there... you gave a damn...

* Nox leans up to kiss him*

* Keelin ducks, then runs out the room with a cackle

* Syan grins, kissing her back before sitting on the couch with her* Heh! Goofball .. sitsit..

<``Mitch> "Thank Aria and Klork for that... I was just along for the ride... but..." He half-smiles. "What are friends for?"

* Dev laughs, cleaning up a little before running after her*

* Nox chuckles and sits by him*

<Shingami> lotsa things.... but im not to used ta havin a lot of friends who give a damn about me. it means a lot im serious

<Calantha> <q> A new life.. what I wouldn't give to have a new life.. one thing I have learned as I go through life.. nothing is for free along the way..

* Keelin runs up the stairs, down the halls and up several more flights of stairs here n' there

* Syan grins* So, how've you been as of late, hm?

<``Mitch> The smile fades, as he nods soberly. "Yeah. I kinda know what you mean."

* Dev follows, grinning the whole time*

<``Mitch> "But, c'mon... you saw the little strike force the Asylum pulled together to come get you at the church. You've got friends who give a damn here."

<Nox> Well...*smiles* Helpling care for the children and

* Keelin waits for him to come around the corner, then tackles him

<Calantha> <q> A new start.. that's the thing I need to give me new heart.. half a chance in life to find a new part.. just a simple role that I can play..

* Syan grins* Just gettin' promoted..

<Shingami> *mutters* they shouldnt have come in the first palce

* Mondo_Gecko steps into the shower, letting the hot water run down his body, washing his hair and letting it relax him

<``Mitch> "Huh?"

* Nox blinks and smiles* Ohh? Thhat's wonderful! Congradulations.. *smiles and hugs him*

* Dev erks and catches her, stumbling back a few steps*

<Shingami> i was going to come home but... i neded to be there it was important...i needed ot be somewhere that felt like home

* Syan oofs, then tickles her* Haha!

* Keelin grins, ruffling his hair before taking off down the opposite way she came

* Nox aacks softly and pulls back, chuckling softly, trying to tickle back*

<``Mitch> "This doesn't feel like home to you?" He glances around. "I mean, we could, y'know, mess it up again... it does look weird being clean..."

<Dev> Erk! *runs after her*

* Keelin takes off down the stairs, waving to Nox n' Syan before bolting out the front door

* Dev does much the same has he chaises after her*

<Shingami> I grew up in a church... i dotnknwo i guess i was beein all girley angsty and needed to find sanctuary. i always felt that in a church, i just wanted to find where i was going but the universe seems intent on keeping me insane and angsty... and stuck in bed..*stares at her empty soup bowl on her lap

* Calantha stretches out on her stomach and hums idly as she writes

<Calantha> <q> A new love.. I know there's no such thing as true love.. even so, although I never knew love.. still I feel that one dream is my dream..

<``Mitch> .oO("Bed isn't so bad-" No. Wrong line of thought. Bad Mitch.) He steps off of the couch, walking over to hitch a hip onto the edge of her bed. "Shin... christ, I don't know. You don't need to be angsty OR insane... this place ain't the best spot to work that, I know, but it's true. You're Shingami Yuy. If sanctuary is a church, okay, but next time... hell, at least drag someone along, will you?"

<Shingami> *q* i didnt want to seam .. vunerable.. to anyone..selfish i know but*sighs* i didint know anyone wanted to go and prey for a day or two...

<``Mitch> "I don't know about prayer. But I'm sure you could find someone who wouldn't mind keeping you company and, y'know, catching up on some reading. You don't have to be alone, Shin. You CAN lean on people every now and then."

* Shingami looks up at him.. pausing for a minute or two

<Shingami> *smiles some* and you sayyou cant do anything...

<``Mitch> He shrugs, lip twitching in a tiny fraction-smile. "It takes a blind man to see the obvious."

* Mondo_Gecko comes out of the shower and dries off and gets dresses

<Shingami> and a dence person to walk into the obvious

<Calantha> <q> a new world.. this one thing I want to ask of you, world. Once, before it's time to say adieu, world. One sweet chance to prove the cynics wrong..

<``Mitch> "If you had any idea how many walls I've... it's not dense. You people spend so much time on the witchy-finger stuff... I'm just the lowest common denominator, that's all."

* Calantha hums softly again

<Shingami> you have your mind in the practical nto paranormal.... id liek to be that way agian... but when iwas i was jsut tryignto avoide the cops for a fourth time so i didnt ge tplaced in another orphanage... soem of thsoe guys for doughnut hogs run damn fast

* Syan rubs idly at Nox's shoulders, trying to distract from tickling* Soooooooo, um...

* Nox hmms? and leans back*

* Syan blinks, then hmms...then shrugs* I was hoping you'd finish my thought *winks*

<Calantha> <q> a new chance.. one that maybe has a touch of romance.. where can it be? a chance for me..

* Nox chuckles softly* Oh? Hmm...

* Syan eyes her* Now you're pulling my trick ..

<Nox> Oh? *grins* Hmm..

<``Mitch> "Nothing wrong with the paran- paranormal. You're like- well, hell, you're a god. That's not something you should give up." He reaches over and taps her forehead, since her heart is in a dangerous location. "Doesn't mean you have to give THIS up, though."

* Syan laughs* Now you're doing that on purpose!

* Nox grins lightly* Am I? *curls close*

<Shingami> im just a guardian... the name translates to god.. tis an ego boost... for a while i was just human ...and even then people came after me. every time i run someone follows..

<Calantha> <q> just to share it's pleasures and belong.. that's what I've been here for all along...

* Syan grins, gettin' all comfy n' whatnot* Yep.

<``Mitch> "Yeah..." He leans back, against the bedpost. "It's gonna happen. Someone always follows. All you gotta do is run far enough they can't figure out where you've gone."

<``Mitch> .oO(God, I hope I have.)

<Shingami> someone always knows... somehow... maybe its because they care i dont know... sometime i jsu twant to curl up alone and be that way... righ tnow though.. im glad your here...

* Calantha looks at her notebook, then starts writing again

<Calantha> <q> look at me and tell me who I am.. why I am.. what I am.. call me a fool, and it's true, I am. I don't know who I am..

* Nox chuckles softly* Oh caught me...

* Syan grins* Of course...

* in the back, caught between two buildings, a angular figure crouches... he sifts through a pile of shredded papers, until he pulls something out... a small revolver, a .38 snubnose, dark steel decorated with a splatter of dried blood across the handle...*

* Calantha hums, not even realizing it anymore

* he looks up, to where the Asylum's roof slopes downward, towards the alley...*

* ``Mitch half-smiles, reaching over and knocking knuckles with her. "I'm glad you're still here, too."

<Calantha> It's such a shame.. I'm such a sham.. No one knows who I am.. Am I the face of the future? Am I the face of the past? Am I the one who must finish last?

* shoulders flex, bulge, and a pair of leathery wings snap out, scraping through the air with a powerful, sharp blow... pummeling it with savage strokes, the creature takes to the sky, arrowing into the weeping clouds*

<Shingami> *leans back asint her pillow, the one with the Rioh-ohki pillow cover and smiles at mitch* ya know even if you dont think you are... your a hero to me mitch..*yawns*

<Calantha> nobody knows.. not even you.. no one knows who I am...

* Nox chuckles softly as she curls close*

* Syan smirks a bit, wrapping the blanket from off the back of the couch over them both*

* Calantha blinks.. realizing she's actually finished something

<``Mitch> .oO(Christ, I'm getting that a lot lately.) "I'm just Mitch. Glad he could help... c'mon, rest." He stands, tugging the blankets over her. "You've had a rough coupla nights."

<Shingami> *puts a hand on one of his voice calm and very serious* I mean it.

* Nox smiles, starlight sparkling within her eyes*

* Calantha looks up at her door and starts to get up.. then sits back down

* Syan smirks, stroking her hair* Comfy....?

<Calantha> Eh.. I'll just end up keeping him up again.. if he's bored enough he'll come to me..

* ``Mitch turns the hand over, squeezing hers wordlessly. .oO(You're a sinner, not a saint. Whatever people tell you, MORGAN, is because you're telling them a lie in return. So don't start puffing up.)

* Calantha flips through some pages, reading over some of the things she's written

<Calantha> .oO(Wow.. I gotta make more friends around here..)

<Shingami> *sleepy voice*...goes for.. morgan too...oyasumi Mitchu-chan...*eyes go shut and bam shes out like a light*

* Nox nods* Very...*smiles*

* Syan grins* Good ..

* ``Mitch just stands there for a moment, a little guiltily enjoying the feel of holding her hand, before detaching and tucking her arm across her stomach... quietly, "Oyasumi, Shingami."

* Calantha looks around her room.. staring at the walls for a while.. then shakes her head, laughing a bit

<Calantha> Screw this.

* Nox nods with a soft chuckle*

* Calantha gets up and heads down the hallway and down the stairs

* Syan sprawls...yawning..*

* ``Mitch sees himself out, closing the door behind him, and heading back downstairs for his book

* Nox chuckles softly* You've had your nap...

* Syan pouts* But not in human form! they've gotta balance after all..

* Calantha heads into the kitchen

* ``Mitch hesitates, as he crosses over and picks up the textbook. "...Syan?"

* Syan glances up* Hnhn..?

* Nox blinks, looking up too*

<``Mitch> "Okay, it IS you... you could've, y'know, just SAID something. Or had someone else say something."

* Syan blinks* I can't talk in wolf form..*looks sheepish* Sorry...

<``Mitch> He glances down at his pants - he's not too annoyed, since they're already faded and torn in a few places, but still, more holes ain't what they needed.

* Syan sighs* Sorry about that .. had I changed to human form in front of, let's just say I was sure you didn't want to see me naked.

<``Mitch> "Yeah... hell, don't worry about it. Just, bark or something next time, I guess." He flips through the book, finds his place, marks it with his thumb. "Thanks for getting me."

<Nox> {{Not a bad view honestly...}}

* Syan nods, giving Nox a* A'right..but I bark for more than "Follow me" you know..

<``Mitch> "Well, if you bark while kind of backing up in a certain direction and, y'know, glaring at me because I'm not following, I think I can work it out..."

* Syan chuckles* Aye aye.

<``Mitch> "I'm gonna crash... but..." He flicks off his glasses for a moment, rubbing his eyes, then puts them back on. " salesman?"

* Syan nods* Ah, Glass Sales Manager as of today *grins*

<``Mitch> "Okay. Props, man."

* Syan nods* Take care, Mitch.

* Nox waveeesl to him*

<``Mitch> "Nox..." He nods to her as well, before heading upstairs.

* ``Mitch , as mentioned earlier, crashes

* Syan crashes as well*

Session Close: Fri Mar 15 00:54:44 2002

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