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Session Start: Fri Feb 08 18:34:45 2002

* HappyLittleMoron sits in front of the fire place, listening to Brenna tell her about her dream

* AriaStormsinger has discovered television

* AriaStormsinger sits, twiddling with her blue hair, in a silk shirt and a skirt that looks suspiciously like a curtain, enthralled by CNN

* Brenna ooooohhhhhhs...getting distracted and toddling over to Aria to watch TV with her...Brenna's a little two year old girl with black hair tinted with electric blue, save for two streaks of strawberry blond framing her face...curiouse ice blue eyes*

<AriaStormsinger> Hello Brenna. :)

<AriaStormsinger> Look, the news anchor is talking about politicians pleading the fifth amendment.

* Brenna looks up at Aria, then stands and curtsies*

<AriaStormsinger> It's called democracy.

<HappyLittleMoron> *Brenna blinkblinks* De...moc...racy?

* AriaStormsinger lifts her finger and poonks Brenna's nose

<AriaStormsinger> You got it!

<AriaStormsinger> It's not found everywhere in the world.

* Brenna eeps and sneezes, wrinkling her nose*

<AriaStormsinger> People in THIS country can do this, because of democracy:

* AriaStormsinger picks up Brenna and swings her around while singing the Russian national anthem and flashing the peace sign

* Brenna looks confused at Aria, just nodding a lil'...then giggles* Wheeeeeeee!

* AriaStormsinger sets her down near the TV

* AriaStormsinger stands in front of the fire, watching HLM

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, looking up at Aria with thoughtful eyes...

* Brenna's curled up, purring lightly as she dozes*

* AriaStormsinger approaches, walking this time

<AriaStormsinger> Aitch, will you tell me again about this place you've built?

<HappyLittleMoron> ..uhh...sure? 'Sup?

* HappyLittleMoron tilts her head at Aria

* AriaStormsinger kneels at HLM's side, holds head briefly

<AriaStormsinger> I believe I had what is called a dream, last night

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh huh...?

<AriaStormsinger> I remember a voice coming out of a golden light <saying: Attention KMart shoppers, GUs are on sale in aisle 3> and it told me, This is the place you were sent for

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'...

<AriaStormsinger> But...I do not undestand...why. Or who it was that sent me.

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...maybe...the dream's just telling you this is a good place to be your home...?

* AriaStormsinger shakes head

<AriaStormsinger> Maybe...I don't have the right words

<AriaStormsinger> But what I felt from the voice was--this was a place I was sent FOR, to help? somehow

<AriaStormsinger> tell me again why you built this place

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...ah...*bllinks as Brenna toddles back over to curl up at her side, the little girl's soft purr startiing the two little ones in her mom purring* It's a place that's meant to serve as a safe place for mutants and other creatures.....people...whatever who otherwise wouldn't have a place to escape from the humans...

<AriaStormsinger> I see

<AriaStormsinger> You were one of those who had no place to hide?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yeah...for a long long time...

* AriaStormsinger brushes a hair off HLM's face, smiling

<AriaStormsinger> You survived.

<AriaStormsinger> And give much good to others, remembering yoru trials.

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...*grins a lil'* Was tought hough...

<HappyLittleMoron> I..yeah...I guess...I try anyway...

* AriaStormsinger laughs

* AriaStormsinger gestures. This world would do well to have others "try" as you do

* HappyLittleMoron laughs softly* Thanks..

<AriaStormsinger> You know, HLM, these books, these people on the television box, the men where I came from. why do they hurt those who do not join them?

<AriaStormsinger> perhaps joining would be better

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...they don't like not having control...

<HappyLittleMoron> Joining would probably be a bad idea because they'd try making you do things you don't want to...or hurt you very badly...or both

* AriaStormsinger nods thoughtfully

* AriaStormsinger shudders

* AriaStormsinger shrinks a little. I know.

* HappyLittleMoron reaches over to lightly pat her shoulder* Yeah...

<AriaStormsinger> I can't help thinking, if I was meant to come HERE, yet I was found far away...there must have been a reason

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...there might be one...destiny or something...

<AriaStormsinger> How did you learn your destiny?

<HappyLittleMoron> kinda happens...

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* Y' can't see it coming...I don't even know if it's's happens...

* AriaStormsinger smiles and gives your tummy a look

<AriaStormsinger> And sometimes, lives!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and nods* Yep! *strokes Brenna's hair* Something else I thought would never happen...

* AriaStormsinger smiles.

<AriaStormsinger> It's good to hear your laugh!

* AriaStormsinger hums

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks...*grins a lil'* Devnet showed up last night...through one of Klork's portals...and Brenna had a dreammm where she saw her dad and Auntie Diana, so...I'm feeling a little mroe hope...

<AriaStormsinger> Little Brenna butterfly/floating on the breeze so high/will you tell your motherby/how to laugh a lullabye?

* AriaStormsinger cocks head. That is wonderful news!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles very softly and nods, sobering a little* Yeah...I...just hope those two are ggonna be able to escape...or be rescued...or whatever...just so they get someplace safe...

<AriaStormsinger> They will find their way. And they are trusting you to keep this place a haven for them, and for all who share it.

* AriaStormsinger squeezes your hand

<AriaStormsinger> I think they have placed their faith well.

* HappyLittleMoron nods and squeezes back, a grin curving her lips* Thanks...I'm doing my best..

<AriaStormsinger> yum

* AriaStormsinger grew skin!! shows off hands and face

* HappyLittleMoron grins* That's great news

<AriaStormsinger> yeppers

<AriaStormsinger> I can touch people...and be touched...without my skin coming away

<AriaStormsinger> It really hurt when Tom and Pete found me

* AriaStormsinger shivers

<AriaStormsinger> They didn't mean to

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* You needed to toughen up I guess...

<AriaStormsinger> I read that caterpillars go into chrysalis to become butterflies

<AriaStormsinger> do you think I woudl have turned into a butterfly if they hadn't cracked me free?

* AriaStormsinger tickles Brenna's feet

* Brenna blinks and giggles, grabbing at Aria's fingers*

* AriaStormsinger kisses her fingers

<HappyLittleMoron> I don't think so...*chuckles softly*

<HappyLittleMoron> You might have come out looking the way you do now...

* Brenna purrs softly*

* AriaStormsinger purrs in imitation

* Brenna blinkblinks and giggles, rubbing her mom's belly, getting the little ones in there purring too...actually louder than Brenna's*

<AriaStormsinger> ooh

<AriaStormsinger> does that tickle you, HLM?

<HappyLittleMoron> It did when it first happened...I'm kinda used to it now *grins softly*

<AriaStormsinger> how long before they hatch?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* You mean are born...?

<AriaStormsinger> erm, yes

<HappyLittleMoron> Just over seven months if all goes well..

* AriaStormsinger sits up suddenly

<AriaStormsinger> Ex...excuse me, Aitch...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> ...ok

* AriaStormsinger starts up, heads for the wall with the fireplace, pauses

* AriaStormsinger hurries out in the other direction,

* HappyLittleMoron watches bewilderdly

<AriaStormsinger> Peeeete!?

<AriaStormsinger> *you hear the front door open


*later...had to stop that RP for some reason, this next part is in Underhill*


* Logan's uh...up...front?*

* Syan trots along side...*

<Syan> *glances at Shin* You ok?

* Shingami grins lopsidedly

<Shingami> I'm not dead yet.. not fo rlack of attempts on my life though...

<Shingami> How long has it been in the real world?

* Logan nods* Coupla days..

<Shingami> umm wee bit mroe pecific... its been nearly 8 days here...

<WIng> two

* Syan shifts back to his black wolf form, sniffing*

<Shingami> we should go... there is an orc patrol that comes though here this time of night... we ahve a place to stay if we keep quiet...

* Logan nods quietly* What's tha layout?

<Shingami> barn... hay loft... come on

* Logan nods, ready to follow...*

* Shingami turns still leanign on the staff for msot of the support

* Nox lands silently by her, offering her support*

<Shingami> im fine..

<Shingami> we ahve a new ally.. hes the oen lettign us say in hsi barn...

* Nox nods..*

* Shingami elads the way down the path a ways towards the town... on the edge is a balck smith's home and workshop... light shining in the door way and a lone figure standing there

<Wing>*bits his lip in worry*

* Syan watches, following*

* Logan arches a brow slightly as he goes with*

* Syan trots along, glancing up at Nox now n' then as he goes...*

<Shingami> told you I'd be back... these are my friends they'll eb stayign with us...

<Elf> aye get inside those orcs will eb by soon....i want to see that wound again...

* Nox looks down at Syan, small smile tugging at her lips*

* Logan nods...heading in with tthe rest, as does Nox...*

<Elf>*closes the doors after wing enters pulling bakc his hood... looks to be a teenager, one ear pierced with several rings the other has only two and a notch in it where on once was. Short aburn hair that hangs in uneven bits aorudn hsi head and bright gren eyes* I trust we can have faith in these people

<Shingami> *sigh* Keir dotn egt your panties in a wad... guys thi si s Keir Wudai... he foudn me after i was atacked... he's offered to help us

* Nox nods silently, bowing a little* I am is much appreciated...we thank you...

<Keir> it was my pleasure... since she helped save me a bti later.. the loft is the safest place fo ryou al lrigh tnow.. ill brign up food in a bit allright?

* Logan nods* Sure thing, bub...good ta meetcha...'eh...where is tha loft?

<Keir> just up the ramp there.. it retracts dont worry.. they wotn knwo your up there if they come inside...

* Logan salutes a bit and heads up there...heh...Nox, too...pretty sure Syan would be following, too ;)*

* Shingami and wing go up too, shin closing the ramp behind them.. straw matresses and blanekts cover the loft inbetween pile sof hay soem wate rin a bason and a door to the main house, a little lofty thing in the far corner

* Syan follows, <G>*

* Syan looks around, shaking off and sneezing at the cold*

* Nox settles in a safe lookin' place after looking around...holding her cloak open to share with Syan*

<Shingami> we can stay the rest of the night here. the orc patrol will leave before dawn.. they cant survive in the light...

<Shingami> i can fill you in on what i do know then..*sits down on a mat, hand goign to her flank*

<Wing> neechan what ahppend?

* Logan nods, eyes asking much the same question*

<Shingami> i was ambushed on the other side of te portal...they seemd to knwo someone woudl follow... one of them was a Drow... a dark elf.. he.. cut me with a Khriss knife.. it had a bane on it.. tis reactign slower then it woudl on elves but.. sit still working on me

* Logan nods with a frown*

<Wing> miteka...

* Syan curls up by Nox, still in wolf form...*

* Nox holds the cloak around him with an arm, listening silently and softly stroking his fur*

* Shingami sighs lifting her borrowed shirt... a gash about 5 inches long alogn ehr side yellow and swolen from infection, black vain lookin thigns branching out, the poison already at work the curse is the black stuff

* Syan leans into her hand, watching...a worried expression seeming to cross his face*

* Logan frowns, heading over and kneeling to see if there's anything he can do*

<Shingami> Keir's got some gook thats kept it from spreading... but nothign to heal it yet.. i know i could.. ro you could iwng.. if we were home

<Logan> I c'n give ya some 'o m' healin' factor...

<Shingami> .. dotn think it would work.. unless it can cure a curse too?

<Shingami> itll work its wya though me turnign me into a drow... or a devil im not sure.. its supposed to work on elves...

* Syan rests his head between his two front paws, whining quietly*

* Logan frowns* Damn...

* Nox furrows her brows lightly, thinking...*

<Wing>*convayign his worry and such though telepathy on a very deep rooted level*

<Shingami> stop worrying oniichan...

<Keir>*knocks on the little door first before comign in. smell of soup and hot drinks wafting in...* brought dinner.. ro i gues sbreakfast..

* Logan looks up* Smells great..

* Syan stands up on all four legs, tail wagging..lookin' ...hungry..<G>*

* Nox blinks and chuckles softly*

* Syan tilts his head to the side, panting..then glances back up at Nox...* {{Hn..maybe human form would be a good idea....}}

<Keir>*grins pasign otu bowls and hot tea* i can brign him soem of the venasis i have if he wants to stay that way

* Nox chuckles softly* {{Aye...I believe so..}}

* Syan shakes his fur out* {{A'right, I got it..}}

* Syan shifts back into human form, getting up off his knees and dusting off as he takes a bowl* Ah.thanks..I got it *smirks*

<Keir>*blinks*... wow...

* Nox chuckles again, Logan blinking a little and smirking as he eats, Nox accepting hers with a little bow, eating delicately*

* Shingami frowns

<Shingami> stew?

* Syan shrugs, running a hand through his hair* WHat? Never hear of werewolvs? *winks, then sits to eat*

<Keir> its best for your wound and will give you strength now eat M'lady... please...

<Keir> I have.. just never seen one

* Shingami sighs takign the offered bowl... wing takign oen aswell remaining silent

* Syan nods, eating slowly* Ah, well, there ain't much left. *smirks* Tho my family alone has eight kids al together.

* Nox nods slowly* Aye...there were far more during my time...tho hidden...

<Keir> oh... i had 8 brothers... and 4 sisters... but theyr gone..

* Nox furrows her brows slightly*

<Keir> my family were all hunters, sept me... there was this thing that once lived in the woods.. a weird beast that my family had sworn to kill.. Vall my brother before me adn the last to fight it defeated it... but die in the process.. so its just me..

<Logan> *frowns* ...sorry ta hear that...

<Keir> oh dont be... im not...

* Shingami chuckles

* Logan nods with a lil' smirk*

<Shingami> it wa shis familie's dity to slay the beast... hes oen fo the few people who do bleive in a god of death...

<Shingami> wich supried me when i arrived.. adn told him who i am...

<Nox> Oh?

* Syan nods, eating as he watches*

<Keir>*pride in his young voice* Its nto every day you meet a Real God of Death! Right M'lady?

* Shingami sighs

<Shingami> yeah keir...

* Shingami pauses blinking at Logan

* Syan furrows his brows, finishing his stew...then looks around* I..I think I'm gonna sleep...

<Shingami> Gomen ne.. ano... who are you?

* Logan looks up* Logan...*offers a hand* Old friend o' HLM's...

<Keir> feel free to.. my home is your home...

<Shingami> aa.. soo ka...

* Nox nods a little, offering to share the cloak again*

* Syan sets his soup down..shaking and shifting back into wolf form, curling up beside her*

* Nox wraps her arm and cloak around him, having finished as well*

<Keir>*fetches a little jar from a belt pouch, sitting near shin* lemme put the salve on again then maybe.. you can wrap it up properly this time

* Syan shakes a bit*

* Nox looks down at Syan, frowning* {{Are you alright...?}}

* Shingami sighs lettin keir rub the green chunkey nasty gook into her wound and around it, smelling of rosemary and tyme... pulls uot some bandages wraping them around her toreso and making sure htye are tigh tenough

<Keir> there... now.. umm.. ill brign soem hot water.. you stink again

<Shingami> -_-.. ever so blunt arnt you keir

<Keir> ^_^ Mother always said be truthful!

* Logan smirks* Ain't a way ta get a lady, bub...

<Keir>*blinks*.. oh..

<Shingami> Hes sjut a little nieve.. tis kawaii...

* Logan chuckles* 'M sure ya got other charms tho...*leans back after taking the sheethed sword from his back, along with the quiver of arrows and the bow* See?

<Keir> oh.. right..*shrugs goign to get a basin of hto water... and hsi guests soem 'better' cloths so they look better seuitd to their new environment*

* Logan nods* Thanks...

<Keir> your welcome...

* Nox nods as well with her small smile*

* Shingami takes the basin and gets the orc stench off her from ebhind a few ya bails, chaigign again into some softer things..

* all the clothign is eithe rsilk or very soft leater though soem fo it hard liek armor in the important places*

* Syan glances up at Nox* {{Fine..little damp tho...tryin' to dry off..}}

* Nox nods* {{Alright...}}

* Syan looks at the clothing..then looks up, tilting his head to the side*

* Logan headed off the change, ladeedah...his shirt sorta straining a lil' across the broad chest*

* Syan shifts again, looking up at Nox* {{Ah um ... I think I'm gonna be in wolf form mostly anyway...}}

<Keir> if you need anythgi nelse pelase ask... i'll leave you to yrou peace..*goes abck into the mai nhouse lockgin the door behind him*

* Nox nods* {{Alright...}} *unhooks her cloak, so he can keep it while she changes, her hair shifting, exposing those nasty scars on her shoulders* {{I'll be right back...}}

* Syan nods, watching her before getting buried in the cloak* {{Ack!}}

* Syan stands..looking quite like a walking cloak...with four legs and a tail sticking out the back*

* Nox blinks, then smothers a chuckle, not having ment to burry him in it* {{Sorry!}}

<Wing>*moves the cloke off of Syan's face*

* Syan shakes slightly, fur still wet, looking up at Wing* {{Thanks..}}

* Nox heads off to change, returning shortly in the silks and leathers, not really used to them*

<Wing>{{ welcome}}

* Syan then trots over to just looking like he's wearing a cape*

<Wing>*goes back over, kneelign and brign out the larger weapon he brougth with him handign i to shin* couldnt find your scythe... this will surfice..

* Nox looks down, dark eyes apologetic*

* Shingami sits unwraping it... a nodatchi... a 6'3" long sword made of silver that shines like blue moonlight

<Shingami> thanks niichan...

<Shingami> i miss anything important in the realworld?

* Logan shakes his head* Nah...not that I know of anyway...

* Syan curls up....drifting*

<Wing> aria discovering books and curtins...

<Shingami> bet thats fun...

<Shingami> when morning comes around we can maybe talk about what Keir and i ahve found so far...

* Nox settles by Syan, nodding a little*

* Syan yawns, a very toothy one at that, then curls onto his side*

<Wing>*leans agsitn a support sword acting as a partial pillow, taking a cat nap**

<Logan> We needta set up a watch?

<Shingami> only if you dot intend on takin a snooze

* Shingami points to a lowtable near Logan

<Shingami> theres a map.. and marked put spots where the enemy is... and where i think they are... your welcome to check it out i'm going to get a little sleep while i can

* Logan nods* well, darlin'...

<Shingami> one can hope...

* Shingami curls up beside wing... taking no time to fall asleep

* Logan looks over the map 'n stuff*

Session Close: Sat Feb 09 01:05:30 2002

