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Session Start: Thu Feb 07 12:46:06 2002

* AriaStormsinger has found herself some books and, with a little help from random asylum folks, is learning to read

* AriaStormsinger seeks out Wing, crying

* `Wing` is up in his room sitting on his ed been meditatign all day and night to try and contact shin to no avail... door is open

* AriaStormsinger holds out a book to you, wordlessly, distraught

* `Wing` blinks at her

<AriaStormsinger> Hamlet -- died!!!!

<`Wing`> what?

<`Wing`> Yes he did

* AriaStormsinger sniffs

<`Wing`> it is a tragity piece

<AriaStormsinger> A tragedy? For why?

* `Wing` shrugs

<`Wing`> Only Shakespear knows and he is dead

<AriaStormsinger> what about all the rest of the people who were there when Hamlet died?

<`Wing`> the king is dea, the queen.. heratio is alive an dhe tells the story to the ppl who conqured denmark and the Brittish embasador

* AriaStormsinger nods

<AriaStormsinger> Do you know this man?

* AriaStormsinger holds up Dante's Inferno

<`Wing`> not personaly

<`Wing`> Most of the people in books of fictional creation do not exsist

* AriaStormsinger cocks head

<AriaStormsinger> fic-shun-el?

<`Wing`> Fiction.. fake.. something that is loosly based off of reality

<`Wing`> though i knwo what you mean when you read a book and the charictor dies..

* `Wing` reaches ove rpickign up a tattered old book with a book mark a few pages form the back.. Charlotts web

<`Wing`> i cant finishit it.. tis sad

* AriaStormsinger picks it up

* AriaStormsinger flips through the pages

<AriaStormsinger> ohhhhhhhhhhhh. The poor spider...

<AriaStormsinger> but -- her children return to Wilbur!

<`Wing`> so shin told me...

<AriaStormsinger> this is how things were in the jungle.

<`Wing`> but... she died... its sad

* AriaStormsinger seems to's the way of things to pass away, but leave some mark to carry on where they can be found again.

<AriaStormsinger> Like Hamlet's father!

<`Wing`> *blinks confused* spiders reincarnate?

<`Wing`> .. true

<AriaStormsinger> I don't think so...

* AriaStormsinger holds up a book by <insert fave New Age author here>

<AriaStormsinger> Not like this.

<AriaStormsinger> I think Charlotte's Web shows that the things that make a person special are carried on by those who follow after.

<`Wing`> oh

<AriaStormsinger> What are you going to leave for others?

* `Wing` shrugs

<`Wing`> im not sure.. i will come back thogh.. my soul cannot die.. when i die i will be born again.. untill the end of the world

<AriaStormsinger> oooooh

<AriaStormsinger> will you be sad at the end of the world?

<`Wing`> yes

<AriaStormsinger> everyone seems so sad about it in the books

<`Wing`> i wil be sad hwen i elave. because i will be leaving evy... leavign as in when i die physicaly

<AriaStormsinger> Who is Evy? ;)

<`Wing`> it is somethign to be sad about.. everythign will be gone.. the city.. the people, the forest...

* `Wing` blushes a little

<`Wing`> Evy is my koibito...

<`Wing`> my girlfriend....

<AriaStormsinger> ahh

<AriaStormsinger> then she and you will be able to enjoy sharing all that is the essence of the city, people and forest -- in the light that will follow the ending

* AriaStormsinger laughs and sends you an image/feeling of pure joy and peace and wonder and awe and love and inspiration and infinity

<`Wing`> the end is far away though...

* AriaStormsinger spins around in the room with happiness

* `Wing` smiles a little... rubbing his heart

* AriaStormsinger slows and pauses thoughtfully

<AriaStormsinger> mayhap that is why so many here are sad...?

<AriaStormsinger> it is so far away they have forgotten?

<`Wing`> the end of the world is very far away, so far that none here will live to see it..

<`Wing`> they are sad here because those who are close to us are nto here.. they are in danger..

* `Wing` frowns

<`Wing`> like my sister...

<AriaStormsinger> I saw.

<AriaStormsinger> They are afraid.

<AriaStormsinger> But their spirits are strong.

<`Wing`> we are all afreiad

<`Wing`> but nto as much anymore...

* AriaStormsinger changes voice to sound like Winston Churchill

* `Wing` nods

<AriaStormsinger> The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

<`Wing`> we are going to get them back

<AriaStormsinger> I would like to help.

<`Wing`> it woudl eb apreciated

* AriaStormsinger goes off in search of more books

* `Wing` gets up strechign stiffly changing into soem stuff eh foudn that isnt too dirty, Jeans and a long sleved pullover hoody.. heads downstairs

* `Wing` finds hsiemf bored, not hungry and again worried.. goes to find Aria

<`Wing`> {{ Aria where are you?}}

* Nox comes down the stairs, holding her long skirt out of the way as she goes, her long black hair fanned out over her back, dark eyes inky with worry and thought*

* `Wing` nods to Nox

<AriaStormsinger> {{hello Wing -- have you read about Frodo and the Ring?}}

* AriaStormsinger drifts out of another room and blinks at Nox

* Nox nods in return to Wing* How are you? *she then looks to Aria quietly, nodding slightly to her as well*

* AriaStormsinger admires the skirt

<`Wing`> {{ im on the Two towers the second par tof the Lord of the Rings}}

<`Wing`> worried

* AriaStormsinger looks up at Nox

* Nox nods* are the rest of us..

* AriaStormsinger shakes her blue haired head

<AriaStormsinger> Too many people worried... We must do something.

<Nox> That we must. Though we must be organized brother filled me in...

<`Wing`> we need to find a way into underhill...

* Nox nods* True again...I was thinking if there was a way to pool our respective powers somehow...

<AriaStormsinger> Doesn't anyone know anyone who serves the Light there?

<Nox> Our only ties were Keelin and Devnet...

<`Wing`> it is possbale...

<Nox> And one other...who has moved on...*blinks at Wing and tilts her head a little*

<`Wing`> we must get all to gether first...

<`Wing`> thn procede to our target

<AriaStormsinger> Who may that be?

<Nox> The one who has died?

<`Wing`> the light?

* AriaStormsinger comes up to Nox, open palmed

<AriaStormsinger> Who is this person? Can we talk to them?

* Nox blinks slightly and looks to Aria* Allana...she is gone...killed while Brenna was being retrieved.

<AriaStormsinger> Brenna is the little one who was with Aitch last night...

<Nox> ...Aitch?

<AriaStormsinger> Aitch Ell Em.

<AriaStormsinger> She is the sad one with the black wings

<`Wing`> HLM

<Nox> Ahh...*nods* Aye...Brenna is her daughter.

<Nox> Klork is her husband, Brenna's father, the father of the little ones she is carrying now, as well...

<AriaStormsinger> Where did Allana pass on?

<Nox> Underhill. I was not there, my brother said it was during a battle.

<AriaStormsinger> Is her body still there?

<`Wing`> doubtful

* Nox shakes her head* Nay...

<AriaStormsinger> How did she go there for this battle?

<Nox> She brought herself and the others there to my understanding...I was not there...

<`Wing`> she was already there

<Nox> Was she? Ah...*nods...*

* AriaStormsinger crouches down and pulls at Nox's skirt

<AriaStormsinger> Pretty.

* Nox blinks* Thank you...*smiles her mysteriouse smile*

* AriaStormsinger runs away

* Nox blinks again and looks to Wing, arching a brow*

* You hear ethereal singing from some other portion of the house

* `Wing` shrugs

<`Wing`> {{where did you go?}}

* AriaStormsinger returns, floating gracefully down the stairs, wrapped from teh waist down in one of her room's window curtains

<Nox> I am not lost alone then, hm? *corner of her mouth twitches a little, and she looks up at Aria*

<Nox> Ah...I could make you a dress similar to mine if you need not wear curtains...

<AriaStormsinger> my your it all...

* AriaStormsinger spins

* Nox chuckles very softly* Alright...

<`Wing`> why nto make a dress out of the curtains?

<Nox> I could do that if she wishes for me to...*shrugs slightly*

* AriaStormsinger glides up

* AriaStormsinger hands you the curtain

* Nox smiles slightly* This is a yes then?

* AriaStormsinger nodnods

<Nox> You wish for a dress like the one I wear?

* AriaStormsinger admires it

<AriaStormsinger> But...

* AriaStormsinger pulls sleeveof silk shirt

<AriaStormsinger> I have a pretty shirt from Aitch

* `Wing` decides to leave the women to.. womenly things... last tism ehe was aorudn and shin was talkgin about makgin a dress he ended up the model for it... goes to find HLM

* AriaStormsinger plucks at side of gi pants she's wearing

<AriaStormsinger> These aren't pretty like yours

<Nox> *nods and chuckles* I can make you a skirt then...

<AriaStormsinger> Skirt.

* HappyLittleMoron 's in the nursery, watching Brenna sleep, the door open a crack...

* AriaStormsinger goes off with Nox

* HappyLittleMoron steps out of the nursery with a soft sigh, rubbing her belly lightly

<`Wing`> <q> there you are

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up, smirking very slightly as she quietly closes the door behind her* <q> Yep...lookin' fer me?

* `Wing` nods

* HappyLittleMoron motions for him to come with her to the kitchen* 'Sup...?

* `Wing` follows hlm

<`Wing`> i was wondering when we are going to try and get the others back

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...*sighs a little* As soon as possible...? *rubs her belly a little* Uh...want food...? Babies are hungry...

<`Wing`> sure

<HappyLittleMoron> Whatcha want...?

<`Wing`> whatever you have a craving for...

<`Wing`> im not all that pickey

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...fixing them each a bowl of fruit salad...

<`Wing`> thanks

<`Wing`> I was wondering.. how do you know Logan?

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil' again* No problem...*sits down, munching, then blinks* He's an old friend of the woman who raised me...

<HappyLittleMoron> Why?

<`Wing`> curious

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* K...he's a good guy...closest thing to a father that I have...

<`Wing`> you both share a smirk

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> We do?

* `Wing` nods

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...*smirks a little as she munches* Maybe we're related...*shrugs a lil'*

<`Wing`> mabe..*eats cant stop beign worried though not soemthing he usualy is

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes drop to the table as she finishes up her her bowl..

<`Wing`> im sure they are ok... i hope so anyway

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Me too...*chews her lip a little as she leans back* Can't get to them all...*brows furrow*

<`Wing`> i tries all night and all of today.. keep hitting walls

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'* Me too...I'm sure they're trying too...

* `Wing` nods

<`Wing`> i do wonder though what is going on there...

* HappyLittleMoron leans back, nodding* Me too...only thing that's been going through my mind...just...*gets up and does dishes with trembling hands*

* `Wing` gets up, hand again on her shoulder

* HappyLittleMoron sighs shakily, bowing her head and gripping the counter* <w> He means the world to me...Diana's like a sister...Dev and Kee...they saved Brenna...I...*takes a shakey breath*

<`Wing`> they are family.. all of them one way or another...

* HappyLittleMoron nods...squeezing her eyes shut

<`Wing`> i wish i had been there to help prevent this

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw a little, sinking* <w> You have no idea how many times that same sentiment has passed through my head...

<`Wing`> me too

<HappyLittleMoron> Just...hate being so helpless...I'm so afraid of losing these little I did...before...

<`Wing`> where there is a will there is a way... and noone i know has a stronger will then you

* HappyLittleMoron smirks lightly, eyes still sad* Thanks...

* `Wing` tries to smiel back eyes just as troubled

<`Wing`> its true

* HappyLittleMoron pats his hand* You're pretty tough too...glad you're a friend...

<Wing> just lucky i guess

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a little* Guess...

* `Wing` quirks a brow not gettin it

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...* *slightly sheepish look*

<`Wing`> gomen ne.. i guess i am dense...

<HappyLittleMoron> That's ok...I'm vague a lot...

* `Wing` nods

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little and shrugs slightly, refolding her wings against her back

* `Wing` nibbles a bit on his lip.. wondering how they ARE going to get into underhill

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a littlle, rubbing her belly lightly

* Myrae comes down the stairs, blinking* I thought you two were going to go to Underhill by now..weren't you?

<HappyLittleMoron> We don't know how...

<`Wing`> i may ahve an idea...

* HappyLittleMoron sinks a little, then looks up at Wing

* Myrae quirks a brow, leaning against the wall*

<`Wing`> if shin used a spell to get to underhill... then maybe i can reinvoke it... wont be easy though but i can sence her spell long after they ahve been used

<`Wing`> it would be a matter of those who are goign ot be togethr and go though...

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Sounds like it would work...I think Logan wanted to go along...I do want to but...*sighs shakily...*

* Myrae furrows her brow...chewing her lip*

* Nox comes up from behind Rae, tilting her head a lil'*

<`Wing`> it would be best for you to remain... i might be able to make a link between us so i can atleast ocnatct you

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Ok...thanks...

* Myrae chews her lip, heading into the kitchen*

* Syan comes in the front door, pausing for a moment....then blinks, looking around...* Eh..? Everybody go out or somthin'?

<`Wing`> its a rescue mission

* Nox nods, smiling slightly at Syan* Underhill...

<`Wing`> Kern, Nox, myself and Logan thus far... unless rae still wants to go.. more are welcome

* Syan blinks* Oh...Ah..k..*blinks* What can I do?

* Kern blinks a little as he comes in behind Syan*

* Myrae shakes her head, sighing* I shouldn't go...*keeps her eyes lowered* But should you need healing ... *furrows her brow, looking up again*

* Kern heads over to Rae* They will return...*he kisses her brow, still cool from being outside* If you wish, I will stay to keep guard...

<`Wing`> either you can remain and kep watch.. or come with.. its your choice but it is a very hazerdous mission

* Myrae furrows her brow, looking up* I...who all will be here if someone were to come?

* Syan shifts, brows furrowed* Ah um..*looks at Ker..* If you wanna go I'll stay er..or vice versa *shrugs*

<Kern> I will you know how to handle a sword?

* Syan shakes his head* No, but I'm fast enough to avoid one.

* Kern nods* Alright...

<`Wing`> can you handle any weapons?

* Syan shifts* Eh..well, maybe a dagger or iron knuckles..

<`Wing`> dagger works

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...* The ssteel has to be wrapped in silk, though...

* Syan nods, then blinks* Oh..that's right, the whole death metal ordeal stuff...dang, you guys must really stock up on silk.

<`Wing`> im bringgn my slayers katana.. not steel silver

* Syan nods, pocketing his hands*

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little, leaning against the counter* You'd be suprised...nah...steel hurts the elves...would kill Teirnan...hopefully...*sinks a little with a soft sigh*

<`Wing`> anythign with a blade has the potential to kill

* Syan nods, stretching a bit, brow furrowed*

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, rubbing her belly lightly...

<`Wing`> i wonder though hwo sound ahving Aria come is...

<`Wing`> she woudl eb safer here with you HLM

<HappyLittleMoron> She can stay...I dunno...*runs a hand through her hair*

* Syan nods, brows furrowed* I was told about her...doesn't she get hurt when ya touch her?? Would it be wise to bring her along?

<HappyLittleMoron> Not anymore...I don't think...*furrows her brows*

<`Wing`> shes doing better with that.. btu when she sues her abilities she becomes greatl weakend

* Syan nods, brows furrowed* So if she used them in the beginning of the trip..that'd be a bad thing..

* Nox nods, standing by Syan* Aye...

<`Wing`> then we should go before she can follow... shes upstairs reading or something i am not sure

* Syan nods again, rubbing at his temples*

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little

* `Wing` nods

<`Wing`> id better find that portal spell then

<Nox> We need to find our weaponry as well...

<`Wing`> itll take me a while to get the spell working

* Syan nods...again, <G>, looking to Nox, then HLM* Lemme know where to get it and I can grab it..

* `Wing` goes off to find the place they disappeared from

<HappyLittleMoron> C'mon...*smiles slightly as she leads him to the sparring room, unlocking the trunk of sharp weaponry there* Take your pick...I'll be right back...

* Syan follows, then blinks**stares* Gads...ok,

* HappyLittleMoron heads upstairs...coming back with steel knuckles shortly and lotsa silk...

* Syan picks up a dagger & then hands it to Nox* Hold this..I gotta change..

* Nox nods..* alright...

* Syan heads up stairs*

* Nox finds its silk sheeth...concieling her own weapons of steel on her person, wearing that nifty belly-chain thingie Klork gave her*

* `Wing` sits down infrotn of the area the oters disappeared from begin ghis spell.. area glows light blue

* Syan comes downstairs after a bit in what almost looks like the immitation of a black spandex outfit that covers himself from head to foot, ending in his knee high boots, elbow high gloves as well. He also wears a utility belt around his waist* mother made this believe it or not.. it'll dissappear in Wolf form..yet will come back if I change to human from there. So I don't go all naked n' whatnot..*smirks*

* Nox blinks a little, cheeks flushing slightly as she nods* Aye...

* Syan picks up the dagger and tucks it into one of the pockets of the utility belt, sheathed as well* Ok...I think I'm set..

* Nox nods as Logan steps in, blinking a little*

* Syan looks up* Eh..? Who're you...?

* Logan arches a brow* Logan, you, bub?

<`Wing`> {{ found it...5 minutes and itll be open again}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...he's an old friend, Syan...

* Syan ohs* Ah, Syan'..

<Logan> Nice ta meetcha...what's goin' on?

* Syan tugs a black jacket on over his stuffs* We're goin' on a rescue mission *pauses* I don't know who we're rescueing now that I think about it..

<Logan> Ah...Klork, Diana, Keelin' 'n Devnet...dunno who tha last two're, but *shrugs*

* Syan ohhhs* Ah, makes sense then..

* Nox nods, heading over to Wing, blinking and accepting the hug from HLM, who goes to hug the ressst goin' on the mission*

* Syan hugs her back, then follows Nox*

* `Wing` looks to bemeditating, wings upfurled his katana at his sided.. dressed in soemthign youd find on an ancient ninja.. another seapon wraped in silk at his side

<`Wing`> {{the portal will open shortly}}

* Syan goes over, brows furrowed..waiting for it*

* Logan nods, adjustng the sword in the silk sheeth across his back, by the quiver of hunting arrows and the bow over his shoulder, wearing a ninja-like outfit too*

* `Wing` stands up, pickign up the weapons and steppign back, a portal of purple and white light openign before them

<`Wing`> it wotn last long

* Logan and Nox step through then, after bidding their farewells*

* Syan blinks, then heads through, waving to all staying*

* `Wing` leaves a feather of his with HLM

* HappyLittleMoron waves back* careful...bring them back...?

<`Wing`> i will keep in touch... we will

* Syan nods from the otherside* We will

* HappyLittleMoron holds the feather in her hands...nodding...

* `Wing` follows... adn the portal shuts behind him

* portal opens up in the middle fo a familure dark wood, palce smelling kidn aof damp, an orc carcus about 30 feet from the portal

* Syan heads through..then blinks, making a face* Oh yuck..

* Logan and Nox head through*

<Logan> Rotting flesh...blech...what tha hell is that thing?

* `Wing` follows last

* Syan shakes his head* Nooo clue man...

<`Wing`> orc...

<`Wing`> formerly an elf twisted by dark magic.. cant stnad the light

* `Wing` goes over examinign the body

<`Wing`> crushed lyrinx... frost bite... my sister's work..

* Syan shudders* Gross...that thing reeks..

<`Wing`> dont knwo how long its been like this...

* Nox nods silently, Logan looking around for signs of a trail* Enough ta start rottin' from the smell o' tha thing...

* Syan nods* whew...where to?

* Logan searches for clues to a trail....*

* Logan sniffs the air 'n stuff, too...*

<Logan> This way...*leads the way on the trail*

* Logan picks up a feather* She got wings?

* Syan follows* Yeah, think so..

* Logan nods* Right...this way footprints...feint sscent...*stelth mode*

* Syan nods, shapeshifting into a wolf,the outfit making him pure black as he goes along..much quieter than he could normally*

* `Wing` looks at the feather

<`Wing`> thats hers allright..

* Syan sniffs the air, sitting, waiting for them to move on*

<`Wing`> lets go then

* Logan nods, leading the way...getting her scent, letting Syan too*

* Syan follows, trotting along side, tail twitching now and then but mostly staying behind him*

* `Wing` follows behind larger weapon slung ove rhis shoulder, katana hangin gfrom his belt

<`Wing`> i am trying to remember if tiem is different here...

<`Wing`> i think ti is.. but im not sure by how much

<Nox> The legends say a year can be as a day here...or a day as a is uncertain...

* Syan tilts his head to the side, still trotting..*

* Logan's still stalking along, following whatever clues there are...listening for trouble*

* Syan is right alongside him, lookin' more like man n' best friend at this rate if ya didn't know better*

* Logan looks up, narrowing his eyes*

* `Wing` stops

<`Wing`> {{nani?}}

* Syan stops as well, sniffing at the air, then hunching, growling lowly..*

<Logan {{Something above us...}}

* Syan crouches, looking around...trying to spot anything..just knowing it's there*

* Nox lifts herself silently into the air, seeming to fade into what shadows there are*

* Logan sniffs the air* {{Think it's her...}}

* Shingami lands with ah heavy thud a few meters ahead still hidden in shadow

<Wing> oneechan?

<Shingami> .....niisan?

* Syan crouches, hair on his back rising..staring right at where she landed..only able to make out a little*

* Logan arches a brow and heads in that direction*

* Syan relaxes a little, slowly following*

* Shingami struggles to get up leanign heavily on a walkign stick, an orc ax in her other hand

<Shingami> what are you doing here?

<Wing> rescue

* Logan reaches out to help her* Findin' tha missin' folks...

* Syan goes over, shifting to human form, clothed as before, brows furrowed* You ok?

* Shingami tries not to growel

<Shingami> i got ambushed by a lot of orcs... the bad guy is anticipatign a rscue

* Logan arches a brow, nodding* Gotcha...

* Syan shifts, frowning* Dang..

* Shingami reaks of blood, ehr own and orc, dressed partialy in thie rarmor...

<Shingami> pardon the stench ive had to improvise on weapons

* Logan nods again* Not a problem...ya learn anythin'? Sides tha enemy 'spectin' us..

* Syan nods* It's understandable..

* Syan shifts, brows furrowing*

* Logan...looks around and stuff...*

Session Close: Fri Feb 08 03:24:01 2002

