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Session Start: Wed Feb 06 16:09:48 2002

* HappyLittleMoron 's downstairs, chewing her lip lightly as she watches Brenna watch Seseme Street, trying to figure out how to help Klork, Diana and the rest

<Shingami> Wing*comes quietly downstairs in a pair of baggy PJ pants, blue and white wing tattoos on his back easily visable since the boy dont have any more clean shirts...and ie is NOT barrowing his sisters stuff

* ``Taurus is on the roof having a cigarette

* AriaStormsinger 's eyes open

<AriaStormsinger> So that's what rest is... Myrae was right!

* AriaStormsinger lies in the dark room, staring at the window

* ``Taurus tosses his cigarette butt into the alley, and lights up another one

* AriaStormsinger reaches up an arm, sheathed in the silk shirt HLM gave her last night.

* AriaStormsinger pulls the sleeve down with her other hand and touches it tentatively.

<AriaStormsinger> Doesn't...hurt.

* Shingami headsup to the roof, needs soem air.. dressed in what she was yesterday, jeans, t-shirt but put he rhiar back in its customary braid about a foot away from the ground....

* AriaStormsinger gets to her feet and moves around the room

* ``Taurus is wearing his tan duster with his black turtle neck and blue jeans.

<``Taurus> *his hair is tied back*

<Shingami> hey Taurus

* ``Taurus gives a little wave* Hi

* AriaStormsinger goes to the window and stares at it, presses it, fiddles wtih the panes and the lock

* AriaStormsinger bangs on it with frustration, gazing up at the wall beyond and the stars above them

<AriaStormsinger> it

* VertigoFox ::walks down the street towards the asylum slowly sipping from a can of Coke::

<Shingami> how are you?

<Wing>*decides to check on Aria.. knocks on her door*{{aria-san.. its wing may I come in?}}

* AriaStormsinger spins around

<AriaStormsinger> {{Wing!}}

<AriaStormsinger> Wing.

<AriaStormsinger> {{Come in!}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{I Can't get to the stars!}}

<Wing>*enters the room* hum?

<VertigoFox> ::slowly halts in front of the Asylum looking it up and down and smiling finally turnin to gaze at the stars above::

* AriaStormsinger smiles, then goes to the window and pats it

<AriaStormsinger> {{Look!}}

<Wing> its a window...

<Wing> made of glass and wood... the glass is the clear part

* AriaStormsinger leans forehead on glass and moans, looking up to stars

<VertigoFox> ::finishes his coke and walks around to the side of the building hopping up and scaling the fire escape to the window down the hall from his room.::

* AriaStormsinger sees VF go by

<AriaStormsinger> {{Look! He got out!!}}

<Wing>*walks over undoing the lock*{{lean back so i can open it}}

* AriaStormsinger does so

<VertigoFox> ::enters the window and fails to notice the figures behind the glass before he enters the hallway::

<Wing>{{ he went though the door.. thats Vertigo Fox.. he lives here too..}}*opens the window a chill breeze entering the room*

<Shingami> Wing...or not...

* AriaStormsinger laughs out loud and leaps into the air, swooshing out the window

<Wing> {{ hey wai!}}

<VertigoFox> ::yawns stretching wide and slowly meandering down the hallway::

* AriaStormsinger sails to the rooftop and lands, openarmed to the sky

<VertigoFox> ::deposits his coke can in the garbage and slowly takes the stairs to the roof::

* AriaStormsinger spins, singing to herself

<VertigoFox> ::steps up to the roof and heads off to one corner lieing down and just staring at the infinit mass of stars above him::

<Wing> {{ nanio... what are you doing...}} ((think in english remember think in ENGLISH!! annoying as it is))

<Shingami> .. Vert?*also on roof*

<VertigoFox> ::Smiles and peers over:: Oh.. hello there. Looks as if the roof is quite the popular place tonight. How are you?

<Shingami> Im not dead...

* AriaStormsinger turns at the sound of your voices and comes closer

<Shingami> though soem thugs were clsoe to making me that way...

<VertigoFox> That is always good news... what brings you out to the roof tonight? Just another stargazer?

* ``Taurus flicks his cigarette off as it lands on a car driving by the asylum, as it breaks apart the sparks fly up the windshield

<Shingami> i needed soem air... thats all

<AriaStormsinger> Air.

<AriaStormsinger> Aria.

* Shingami blinks

* AriaStormsinger offers Taurus and Vertigo her hands

<Shingami> {{aria-san?}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{Wing! look at this}}

<VertigoFox> ::nodds:: I know that feeling... I don't like to be confined to any one place for too long..::pauses and sits up to look at AriaStormsinger::.. why hello there. ::smiles and stands and offers a paw:: And who might you be?

* ``Taurus shakes Aria's hand* Taurus

* AriaStormsinger shakes and shakes it, beaming at Wing

<AriaStormsinger> {{I can touch!!}}

<Wing>*fipps to the roof instantly shivers no socks no shirt only PJ pants* {{ what?}}

* Taurus, you feel inexplicably happier and peaceful

<Wing>.. oh..

<Shingami> eheh.. niichan your kind a underdressed for the weather....

<Shingami> {{ hwo are you tonight aria?}}

* ``Taurus raises his eyebrows* Nice to meet you

<VertigoFox> ::walks to the roof's edge and peers over, sitting on the ledge and speeks to himself quietly:: Yes indeed... very popular place... ::smirks::

<AriaStormsinger> {{Good, but...}}

* AriaStormsinger sniffs the air

<AriaStormsinger> {{Something's...wrong...}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{Big sad.}}

* AriaStormsinger looks down

* ``Taurus gets another cigarette out and flips his zippo, the flame dances as it lights the cigarette

<Shingami> {{ big sad?}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{Down there. Where are HLM Shin Rae Klork Diana?}}

<Wing>{{vertigo-kun.. are you allriht}}

<VertigoFox> ::at the sound of the metalic click of the zippo VF's ears perk slightly and his head moves slightly before returning to watching the street::... oh yes... yes I'm fine.

* ``Taurus drops the cigarette off the roof* .oO(Bad habit anyways, I should quit...)

<`Wing`> {{ i dotn knwo where my sister is... i thought she went to wkr and didnt wake me up...}}

* ``Taurus flicks the zippo in his pocket, the wind blowing his duster slightly

<VertigoFox> ::VF's ears perk then settle again::

* AriaStormsinger wants to find the other people

* AriaStormsinger floats to edge of roof and down over side of building

<Wing>...{{ im sure HLM-sama knows whats happend...}}

<VertigoFox> ::watches with a slight look of amazement as AriaStormsinger floats down::

* AriaStormsinger finds the door and works at it for awhile, then figures out how to get it open

* ``Taurus sits on the edge of the roof and looks up at the sky

<AriaStormsinger> {{Wing!! Something's wrong down here!!!}}

<`Wing`> *sighs and fips down to where she is* {{..what?}}

<VertigoFox> ::still looking down at the street VF speaks to Taurus:: Beautifull isn't it...

<AriaStormsinger> {{Can't you feel it!? People...afraid... Like when the bad men attacked the jungle, and my friends}}

* AriaStormsinger goes to knees in lobby

<AriaStormsinger> {{Someone hurting!}}

<`Wing`> {{ im not an empath my sister is...can you tell who?}}

* ``Taurus sighs* Yeah.... absolutely beautiful....

* AriaStormsinger shakes head helplessly

<VertigoFox> ::looks up to taurus and slowly moves closer offering a paw:: I am VertigoFox, I don't believe we've been introduced.

<AriaStormsinger> {{Wing, I'm scared}}

<`Wing`> {{ we can ask HLM-sama about what else happend dotn ahve ot be scared}}(though i am...)

* AriaStormsinger nods

<AriaStormsinger> {{Where is she}}

* HappyLittleMoron 's passed out on the couch, curled around Brenna, brows furrowed, tearss tracking from her eyes

<`Wing`> {{around here somewhere.. come on...}}*heads ino the livign room after shutting the door*

* ``Taurus nods and shakes* I'm Taurus, lot of introductions tonight

* AriaStormsinger stumbles afterward, still not good with the whole walking thing

<VertigoFox> ::smiles and shakesback:: Very true. Seems to have been quite a bit of goings on since I left. ^_^

* ``Taurus nods* I just got here....

* `Wing` gently shakes HLM's shoulder doesnt want to wake brenna

<`Wing`> {{hlm-sama.. }}

<VertigoFox> ::sits down once more next to ``Taurus:: Is that so? What brings you here?

<``Taurus> a friend told me this is a good safe place to stay

* AriaStormsinger touches her shoulder

<HappyLittleMoron> Hn...?

* HappyLittleMoron straitens up a little, whiping at her eyes, holding Brenna close

<AriaStormsinger> Aach. Why sad?

<HappyLittleMoron> I...uhm...*bites her lip a little, stroking Brenna's hair* Some of us were taken yesterday by the Dark Elves...

<Wing> {{what happend while i was asleep?.. WHere is Shinigami?}}

<VertigoFox> ::smiles:: The word of a friend is always a good one. ^_^ I stumbled here mostly on accident. Jut another stop in search of a warm place to stay... luckily, the inhabitents of this place were nice enough not to kill me when I was found out and tried to escape. ^-^

* ``Taurus smiles* Yeah, I know that feeling... farmers with pitch forks dont like you sleeping in their barn

<`Wing`> are they in underhill?

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno where Shing is...

<HappyLittleMoron> Klork, Diana, Keelin and Devnet are Underhill...

* AriaStormsinger cocks head

<VertigoFox> ::smiles and laughs:: True, and most of them now pack high powered rifles ;)

<AriaStormsinger> Aitch, make them come home.

* AriaStormsinger gazes at you imploringly

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes drop to her sleeping daughter* <q> I...don't know how to...a very bad man has them...

* AriaStormsinger 's eyes widen

* ``Taurus nods* Yeah

<AriaStormsinger> I know bad men. I stop them. *hits hand with fist* Bam!

<VertigoFox> ::looks over at ``Taurus inquisitively:: If you don't mind my asking, whereabouts do you come from? ^_^

* HappyLittleMoron nods slightly, squeezing her eyes shut and taking a trembling breath* <q> I wish it was that easy, Aria...

<`Wing`> underhill is a dangerous place, one doesnt just walk in and go bam

<``Taurus> LA

* AriaStormsinger takes HLM in arms, and Brenna, and floats up slowly, then back out door and up toward roof

<AriaStormsinger> You need to see stars...

<AriaStormsinger> make you believe again

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little, holding Brenna close, sighing a little...

<AriaStormsinger> Then we go stop bad men.

<HappyLittleMoron> ...we can't get's too far away...

<`Wing`> we have to

* HappyLittleMoron grits her teeth, stepping back from them all, her eyes flashing with anger and desperate helplessness* Don't you get it?! What power do we have to get DOWN there? I...*clenches her jaw and forces herself to calm down, tears spilling from her eyes as she turns from them*

* `Wing` puts a hand on her shoulder, worry in his eyes

<`Wing`> we will get them back. one way or another

<AriaStormsinger> Power that must be found

* ``Taurus stretches* Good 'ol L.A....

<AriaStormsinger> {{HLM, how did the others get down there?}}

* HappyLittleMoron bows her head, hunching her wings and shoulders a little, stroking Brenna's hair* {{I don't know...they were there one minute...gone the next...}}

<VertigoFox> ::nodds:: Los Angeles... the city of angels. Beautiful place and busy night life ^_~

* AriaStormsinger spins around

<`Wing`> we will find them.. i promise you

<AriaStormsinger> Angels!!!

* ``Taurus smiles* Yeah

<AriaStormsinger> I know angels. Pete told of angels.

<`Wing`> eh? tenshi ka?

<AriaStormsinger> He say, Aria, angel. Me Pete. Aria angel.

* HappyLittleMoron sighs shakily, forcing her touch to remain gentle on Brenna, closing her eyes, placing her other hand on her belly

<AriaStormsinger> Angels can help.

<AriaStormsinger> {{We'll help you, HLM.}}

<VertigoFox> ::turns to see AriaStormsinger again:: But my, you are quite a quick mover arn't you. Yes, I have heard of many an Angel.. though, never have had the chance to meet one in person before. ^_^

<`Wing`> watashi wa tenshi...*shrugs*

* AriaStormsinger bows head

<``Taurus> ...... I have met many in my travels

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little, shoulders slumped* <w> Just...*shakes her head again*

* AriaStormsinger rises into air a little

<AriaStormsinger> wings of light appear at her back

* AriaStormsinger hums softly

<`Wing`> we need to find a way into underhill...... shigashi.. however knwoing where our elvin friends are would be good..

* the wings fade and Aria comes back to the roof, shakes a little and looks up

<HappyLittleMoron> .....we don't even know how to get in contact with them...our only three good links are gone! Devnet and Keelin are trapped wherever...Allana is dead!

<VertigoFox> ::ears perk up:: Would this Underhill be the Underhill of old lore. The place of gather for the elven people across the land, as well as a celebration spot for the elder ages?

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head, swallowing again and humming softly to Brenna, who's begun whimpering, stroking the little girl's hair gently

<AriaStormsinger> {{*image of Klork and HLM together*}}

<`Wing`> {{ saem underhill Vertigo}}

* HappyLittleMoron swallows, on the verge of tears and collaps, that serving only to make her feel worse

<AriaStormsinger> {{*Keelin standing alone, crying and angry*}}

<``Taurus> Is that all? is there anyone else missing?

<VertigoFox> ::stands and looks to the stars in thought:: Excuse me if my mind is a bit rusty. And keep in mind these are ledgends of old, but there are always tell tail signs of an enterance to Underhill ::slightly aside:: if we speak of the same underhill that is.

<AriaStormsinger> {{*Diana facing Tiernan*}}

* AriaStormsinger turns to VF

<AriaStormsinger> Yes!

<AriaStormsinger> what do they look like?

* ``Taurus stands up and extends his claws and smirks* Then lets go pay a visit to the keebler elves, I gotta craving for cookies....

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head, swallowing a sob, trying to stay calm for Brenna, who's slowly awakening and looking around with confused ice-blue eyes* <w> Stop...please...just...everyone...I...I can't take it right now...

<VertigoFox> ::Looks over to AriaStormsinger:: I can't say for sure what they -look- like since I have never lay eyes on an enterance. ::stops at HLM's command::

* AriaStormsinger goes to HLM nad Brenna and lifts them back down to living room

* AriaStormsinger sends happy vibes to Brenna

<`Wing`> {{you two go into the sparign room we can contnue the conversation there}}*gives hlm a warm hug *

* AriaStormsinger then goes back out and looks up into night sky

* Brenna blinkblinks confusedly at Aria, HLM just...accepting the hug or...whatever*

* ``Taurus retracts his claws and sits back down

* AriaStormsinger focuses on the images she received

<VertigoFox> ::returns to looking up at the sky:: The stars have shifted...::voice trails off::

<``Taurus> back to our topic.... I dont believe that you nescessarily need wings to be an angel....

<VertigoFox> ::looks over and smiles:: But of course you don't.

* HappyLittleMoron just sings softly to Brenna, starting a fire in the fire place and rocking with her, the little girl eventually purring very softly and drifting off in her mother's arms

* ``Taurus nods* yeah....

<VertigoFox> ::smiles:: If angels had wings I do believe it would be a tad too easy to spot them ^_~

<``Taurus> I know that, but I mean....I mean... I dont know what I mean...

<VertigoFox> ::smiles:: I think I do... I meant to make a joke, unfortunatly sarcasim has never been one of my strong points ^_~

<``Taurus> ohh, *laughs* sorry about that..

<VertigoFox> ::kicks watches the stars:: No need to be sorry. It's quite alright. ^_^

* ``Taurus smiles* ok

<VertigoFox> ::stands and takes a step back from the ledge looking at ``Taurus:: If you will please excuse me, I really must get some rest. ::bows slightly and smiles:: It was a pleasure meeting you. I do hope I will see you again. ^_^

* ``Taurus nods* Same here, good night

<VertigoFox> ::smiles and walks towards the stairs saying one last good night to ``Taurus before walking downstairs and retiring to his room for the night::

* `Wing` sighs glad others are gone

<`Wing`> can i get you anything?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up...smiles feintly and shakes her head* <q> Nah...thanks...

<`Wing`> all right...

<`Wing`> is there anything you can tell me?

<HappyLittleMoron> About what happened...? *takes a shakey breath and pats the cusion by her*

* `Wing` sits beside her a comfortign arm aorund her shoulders

<`Wing`> take your time

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, adjusting her wings so they don't get in the way, leaning back a little* I...just know...that Diana saw something out the kitchen window...and Klork told Rae, Brenna and I to get into the basement...Kern was our protection...

<HappyLittleMoron> Next thing we knew...they were gone...I remember hearing Keelin and Devnet's voices before they dissapeared...*swallows down tears* I...I'm's Teirnan...I...I thought...he was after the children...I...I dunno...what he has planned...

<`Wing`> We'll get them back ... we jsut have to figure out how to get to underhill....*eyes narrow* teirnan...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'* He's the one who took my mind that one time...stole Brenna and made her age faster....

<`Wing`> i remember

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', chewing her lip lightly, stroking Brenna's hair gently* ...k...

* `Wing` isnt sure what to do.. wishes shin was here she can sort people out better

<HappyLittleMoron>'s missing too...?

<`Wing`> i cant feel her anywhere...

* `Wing` frowns

<`Wing`> i know she didnt go away she said shed atleast leave a note i she left the asylum again... i ahvent asked the other guardians yet

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', brows furrowing* Kame was able to talk to them breifly telepathically before she was blocked've tried that with Shin, too...?

* `Wing` nods giving it a try... closing his eyes... after a while shivers violently before snaping out of it

* Brenna purrs lightly in her sleep, curling closer to her mother's belly from wich two purrs answere*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> You ok...??

<`Wing`> shes soemwhere dark.. cold....

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip and nods a little...

<`Wing`> i cant talk to her.. i was luckey to get that much... she isnt on earth... not anywhere within my power to find her anyway

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows* you think...she could have followed them somehow...? At least...part way?

<`Wing`> if she were observing though shadow... and caught the spell to underhill fast enough maybe... but she cant summon her weaposn or any of her attack spells there... only her psyonics, siren abilities.. and maybe something from spandex space... she will stick out like a sore thumb... if that is where she is...*shivers again*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...oh gods...*swallows a little, taking a shakey breath, doing her damndest to stay calm for her sleeping, purring child and the ones within*

<`Wing`> im sure eh'll be ok though... shes a thief.. shell figure a way out of this... but it means on mroe person ot locate

* HappyLittleMoron nods with a sigh* least she's not pregnant...she's not what he's going after...

<`Wing`> dont be so hard on yourself... they did what they did to protect you because they care about you.. as you would have done for them if you could.. try and find even a little faith, mayeb not now.. but soon... if i know how much klork careso for you the thought of you safe and his love for you will keep him going...

* HappyLittleMoron closes her eyes, the agony of fear and longing crossing over her face before she gets control again and nods* <w> I...I'll try...just hard...he means the world to like he's gone...I...*takes a shuddering breath, pushing the images away* Thank you, Wing...

<`Wing`> dont dwell on what is goign on to him now.. think of what youll do when we get him back...

* `Wing` mumbles

<`Wing`> and if shi nis down ther ei swear im nailign ehrbraided butt to the floor....

* HappyLittleMoron coughs a little, as close to a chuckle as she can get* Ok...heh...I'll let you use my duct tape stash for your sister, too...

<`Wing`> true.. weve had bad expirences with nails

* HappyLittleMoron nods with a very very small grin* Yeah...I know...

<HappyLittleMoron> So...uhm...besides've you been, Wing?

<`Wing`> well.. though i miss evy..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'...

<`Wing`> other then that im ok... if you need anythign dotn hesitate to ask

* HappyLittleMoron smirks sllightly, still a little shakey* I'm glad...I'll keep that in mind...

<`Wing`> *smooths her hair* good

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Thank you, Wing...this helps a lot more than I thought it would...

<`Wing`> this is the most ive ever said to someone in english before in a very long time... anything to help

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and switches to Japanese* *in Japanese <too lazy to try translating ;)>* Hai...well if you wish to speak in Japanese, my mother raised me to be fluent in both languages.

<`Wing`> soo ka

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, looking up when a gruff looking man of about 5'4" and very broad shouldered with tons of muscles walks in wearing jeans and a flannel, a cowboy hat on his head, bushy black hair sticking out the edges, she blinks a little* ...Logan?

* `Wing` turns glare returing instantly, hes on protectomode

* Logan smirks a lil' then blinks as he comes around, seeing Brenna and her rounded belly, he nods to Wing a lil'* ...missed a lot, I see...

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and pats Wing's hand* 'Sokay, Wing...this is an old friend...

<`Wing`> aa.. *lightens up.. a little*

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...Wing, Logan...Logan, Wing...*smiles slightly as Logan reaches a hand out to Wing to shake*

* `Wing` shakes his hand

<`Wing`> hi

* Logan shakes firmly* Niceta meetcha, bub...*arches a brow* What's goin' on? I c'n smell the tears in tha air...

<`Wing`> s soem of our companions were kidnapped

<`Wing`> taken by the one who took Brenna the first time.. my sister went after them with basicaly a tothpick

* Logan blinks and sits in a chair* Wull...damn. Who was taken', who took 'em an' how c'n we get 'em back?

<`Wing`> Klork, Diana, (somebody else goes here), they were taken by Teirnan to underhill

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, eyes dropping a lil'* Yeah...Keelin 'n Devnet don't know those two though...

* Logan blinks* ...where's this Underhill? An' she...*gently ruffles the sleeping Brenna's hair* Is Brenna, huh...

<`Wing`> my sister, Shin , went after them ... though is probably lost, un armed and looks like the Yankey in king aurthor's cort

* Logan frowns and shakes his head* Any plans in tha works ta get her 'n tha rest back?

<`Wing`> we need to find a way into under hill... and then locate them.. msot of our abilities are unllafied there especaly my and my isters spells... to quote her " i am nothgin rmoe then an overgrown frather duster with a pig poker"

* Logan smirks* Sounds like a spitfire, yer sister...wull...any o' ya been there b'fore? Whadda we know 'bout this place?

<`Wing`> my sister is strange

<Logan> Gotta have a lil' bit o' strangeness ta make life worth livin', bub...*smirks again*

<`Wing`> anythign mead of lead can kill and elf, elves live there mostly adn orcs and things.. its right out of a fanticy novel , its a very strange place dark and crude but very dangerous... its easy to get lsot and there we are vastl outnumbered

* `Wing` shakes his head

* Logan grins wickedly, looking strangely like the one HLM has a tendancy to flash* Sounds like a fun place.

<`Wing`> when you meet her you will understand... she has a very... unique introduction

* Logan nods a lil'*

<`Wing`> the problem is getting there and finding them... then retrieving them an dgetting back...

* Logan nods, hmming softly and leaning back* We got any allies on tha inside?

<`Wing`> wich poses another problem with my sister probably being else where it leaves ehr aloene in unfamiure teraroty...

<`Wing`> unfortnatuly our allies are either captured or dead

* Logan furrows his bushy brows in thought* Hn...elves 'eh...? *shakes his head a lil'* Gonna haveta think on that...when'd this happen? 'N why were they taken?

<`Wing`> Last night

<`Wing`> other then underhill adn probably Teirnan's camp... we are nto sure we cannot contact them

<Logan> Dunno, bub...sounds like they know enough about us to be able ta steal people right from their homes...gotta have some kinda surveylance up here...spies er somethin'...if we c'n get that, we might be able to use it to our advantage...

<`Wing`> we have tried to secure the hsoue a few tiem sbefre but thus far all attempts ahve faield. having an operative on the inside woud e stratigicaly sound btu also a great risk

<`Wing`> also prokuring an ally may be unfeesable without soem kind of threat or bribe... and or mind control

<Logan> True...blackmail, too...*furrows his brows as he watches HLM and Brenna before looking back to Wing* What else've they done b'fore this?

<`Wing`> they stole Brenna righ tout form HLM;s woumb adn accelerated her growh to 2 years...

* Logan nods with a frown* Didn't get tha other ones it looks like...

<`Wing`> they believe the three of the children are soem sort of great pwoer, Brenna bing the strongest

<Logan> Think they gonna be tryin' ta get 'em again?

* HappyLittleMoron flinches a little, stroking Brenna's hair

<`Wing`> this may be thier attempt though hostages

* Logan nods* Any demands yet?

<`Wing`> negative

<Logan> Gotcha...*furrows his brows*

* Logan takes his hat off and runs a hand through his hair* How many 're wantin' in on this mission?

<HappyLittleMoron> I...I want to...but...*rests a hand on her belly, the other snuggling Brenna close*

* Logan nods...then looks to Wing*

<`Wing`> we may be bale to find a few others to help us... and withany hopes when we get to underhill i can locate shin... if worse coems to worse i can always ask Rune to come, though i will owe my cousin big time

* Logan nods* Gotcha...guess we're needin' some more time ta bring things tagether then...

<`Wing`> and time to try and calm down form this iniital shock... it is stratiglicaly unwise to charge into as ituation with a midn clouded by emotions

* Logan nods* Damn strait...*reaches over to pat HLM's shoulder gently*

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...*sighs shakily*

* `Wing` shivers slightly vowing he will do soem laundry or steal soem of hsi sisters clothign PJ pants arnt cuttin it for warmpth

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and pulls a blanket over Wing* Better?

<`Wing`> hai.. domo

<HappyLittleMoron> No problem..

<`Wing`> so who is left ot help in this rescue mission?

<Logan> I'm comin' along...

* Myrae comes down the stairs, slowly..

<`Wing`> can you track?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh...I dunno...Kern said he'd talk to Nox...*looks up at Rae and wavels a little, Kern behind Rae*

* Logan nods* Huntin's one o' tha things I'm best at...

<`Wing`> aa yoshu...

* HappyLittleMoron refolds her wings over her back a little

<`Wing`> i asume Rae and kern will be coming too...

* Myrae shifts, brow furrowing, standing at the bottom step..

<HappyLittleMoron> I...dunno if...pregnant women should be going...

<Myrae> I want to...if it's all right..

* Myrae furrows her brow..looking at her* A..are you?

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip as Kern rests his hands on Rae's shoulders

* HappyLittleMoron bows her head* <w> I WANT to...really badly...I just...don't think it would be best...I...I dunno....

* Myrae twists her mouth to the side

<Myrae> I..I can heal tho....myself even..

<`Wing`> we also cannot leave hlm here alone either.. or those who stay

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Rae* But the baby...

* Myrae furrows her brow, looking down..

<Myrae> *sighs* I..I know..

* Kern furrows his brow, gently kneeding Rae's shoulders* We can station someone here to stay with you and HLM, and whoever else needs to stay...

* Myrae furrows her brow, looking up...then nodding, eyes lowered

* Kern gently pulls her close, kissing her brow* Nox said that she's willing to do whatever she can to help...

<`Wing`> *looks to logan* is there any safe location hlm may remain untill we return?

<Logan> I dunno...said steel was deadly to the elves...someplace surrounded with it...

<HappyLittleMoron> Been usin' the basement...

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> it's lined with steel..but we could use some for our protection

<Kern> We have many steel weapons...

* `Wing` nods

Session Close: Thu Feb 07 00:12:01 2002

