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Session Start: Tue Feb 05 11:20:49 2002

* DavidFossPC pulls up outside the Asylum in a FOrd Escort (1997) and sits quietly watching for a minute

* Shingami bounds down the stairs

* HLM 's sitting at the desk, as usual, doing paperwork, she looks up at Shing and wavels

* Shutting off the ignition, David smooths down his tweed jacket, grabs a leather briefcase that's seen better days and steps out of the car.

* DavidFossPC walks up the stairs and rings the doorbell, determination in every step and a seriouslook to his face

<Shingami> I got it!

* Shingami , bgin hypers for soen reason goes and answers the door

* HLM arches a brow* Uhm...k, Shing *snickers*

* Shingami david woudl see a slightly hyper 5'7 brunett girl in a t-shirt and jeans with big blue eyes and grinning, hair up like Serena's

<Shingami> Hi can i help you?

* DavidFossPC looks startled, then nods

<DavidFossPC> "Yes, my name is David Foss. I'm looking for Diana or...someone with the initials HLM?"

* DavidFossPC steps inside

* HLM stands, folding her black and red wings behind her back, green on black eyes curiouse, her shoulderr length red streaked black hair pulled back into a tail, wearing leggins and a maternity shirt* I'm can I help you?

<Shingami> Yeah theyr here.. HLM-Sama!! Someone here to see you

* HLM chuckles and heads over

* DavidFossPC looks even more startled

* HLM 's fangs get flashed inadvertantly as she smiles, arching a brow

<DavidFossPC> I see...

* DavidFossPC pales a little

<DavidFossPC> I was...told correctly then... *he mutters to himself.*

* HLM arches a brow

<HLM> ...told what?

<DavidFossPC> I'm here because we -- my company and I -- are in need of a safe haven.

<DavidFossPC> For something we found...

<DavidFossPC> Something...out of the ordinary.

* HLMHatingNickers nods a little* Ok...what...or this "something"?

* DavidFossPC looks around

* Shingami sees the car apreed outside.. pequiped fades though shadows outside and tries to look in the car

<DavidFossPC> Is it safe to speak here?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* yeah...we're not bugged or anything...

<DavidFossPC> Do you have an office?

* DavidFossPC hefts his briefcase

* HappyLittleMoron pats the desk with a smirk* This is as close as it comes...

* DavidFossPC shrugs and strides forward

<DavidFossPC> My company works with several national organizations in the preservation and protection of rain forest regions in South America.

* DavidFossPC holds out a map and some paperwork

* HappyLittleMoron nods...taking the map and paper work...looking 'em over...

* Shingami scratches the abck fo ehr head, unphased by the cold weather tryign to look in to the car withough beign seen, hidden in the shadows of the asylum

<DavidFossPC> A few weeks ago, two of my staff found this in the jungle.

<DavidFossPC> Shingami, by the way, sees a half-empty coffee mug inside

<DavidFossPC> Also a map of NYC with directions to the Asylum

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow...nodding slightly...picture or something with the paperwork?

* DavidFossPC hands you several photos of a large, transparent chrysalis -- and what looks like a human girl curled inside

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Geeze...ok...

<DavidFossPC> We've had some adventures trying to keep her alive and safe since we found her. Perhaps...they should have left well enough alone...

<DavidFossPC> But she is in need now...and she is hunted.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ait...what kind of living conditions she need?

<DavidFossPC> One of my staff in Manhattan said this place may be a haven for her, if we can bring her here undetected.

<DavidFossPC> Now? We're not entirely sure. BUt this is what she looks like today.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* We're willin' ta try...*smirks a lil'* What exactly is she...?

* Shingami shrugs wondering if a map with directiosn to the asylum is a security hazard but "eh" shifts though shadow back inside walking up behind Dave silently

* DavidFossPC shows you a photo of a full-grown woman with blue hair and a set of men's clothes that are too large for her

<DavidFossPC> We're not sure. I was hoping you could tell me.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little, nodding slightly, looking over the photo, brushing a stray lock of red hair behind a very slightly pointed ear...

<DavidFossPC> We've seen her fly. And she can...

<DavidFossPC> Well, how do I put this...

<Shingami> She can fly?

* DavidFossPC jumps

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at him, listening quietly...

<Shingami> Oh.. sumimasen...

* DavidFossPC glances at Shin, shakes head and looks back at HLM

<DavidFossPC> She took out an entire flank of the local military attack squad. In under thirty seconds.

<DavidFossPC> We think it nearly killed her, but we don't dare take her back to the hospital.

<Shingami> How did she manage that?

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow* Shin said <G>

* DavidFossPC manages a weak grin

<DavidFossPC> That's the $20,000 question.

<DavidFossPC> No one survived to tell. But we found her among their bodies.

<Shingami> Id liek to meet htis woman... she seems pretty cool

* Diana comes in from the workout room, wearing gi pants and a sports bra, right wrist in a brace, wild red hair back in a braid, the tattoos on her arms standing out, having been updated telepathically by HLM* ...what conditions where their bodies in? Besides dead...

* DavidFossPC gives her a suspicious look

<DavidFossPC> I thought you said this place wasn't bugged? he says to HLM

<Shingami> *to Dave*{{there are better ways to talking}}

* DavidFossPC jumps

* Diana bows slightly* Diana...and she was keeping me updated through telepathy.

<Shingami> {{ telepathy}}

* DavidFossPC pushes back the chair and runs a hand across his brow

<DavidFossPC> Forgive me...I don't mean to be rude

<DavidFossPC> my work has always been with people I know and understand

<Wing> *dirty blond Japanes american male who looks like whin a bti like Shin coems down the stairs, in a tank top and jean shorts* neechan stop scring the guest...

<Shingami> gomen niichan

<DavidFossPC> It certainly seems like this is the right place.

* Diana shrugs slightly, crossing her arms over her chest* It's alright...very understandable. This place is a bit odd to even those used to dealing with people they don't know. Gomen..

* HappyLittleMoron smirks lightly

* DavidFossPC cocks head, relaxes and smiles

<DavidFossPC> Just right, then.

<Wing> *coems over and yanks lightly on oen fo the looong strands of hair on hsi sister's ehad* behave

<Shingami> ack.. niichan...*grumbles* hidoii...

<DavidFossPC> Ma'am, the bodies of those men were undamaged in any way my peopld could tell.

<Diana> Hm...strange...*nods a little* Autopsies showed nothing?

<DavidFossPC> Unfortunately, the medical science in that area remains crude, but for what its' worth, they showed nothing.

<DavidFossPC> I will say this

<DavidFossPC> Those who have helped and not threatened her, have said they feel a great comfort in her presence.

* Diana nods slightly, her bright green eyes fixed on him as she listens, HLM still looks over the picture, having sat down, resting a hand on her rounded belly*

<DavidFossPC> Would you be willing ot accept such a -- being? into this place?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* Hn...maybe and empath or somethin'...

<Wing> If i may sugest such a thing, perhapse soem of us should go down maybe we cna identify her abilities and ask her if she wishes to come up here

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* So long as she's not gonna be fighting...*blinks* Heh...Wing's got a good idea...

* DavidFossPC bows head

<DavidFossPC> They are already on the way to New York.

<Wing> when will she arrive?

<DavidFossPC> We were planning to bring her either to our offices

<DavidFossPC> Within the hour.

<HappyLittleMoron> ...ah...ok...

<Wing> doko da?

<Shingami> Where..

<DavidFossPC> John F. Kennedy International Airport. Flight 697, out of Costa Rica

<HappyLittleMoron> She speak English...?

<Shingami> HLM can wing and i go?

<DavidFossPC> Tom Grogan and Pete Foss, my nephew, are with her.

<DavidFossPC> From what I know, she has spoken nothing

* DavidFossPC stands

<Shingami> Oh we have ot go then WIng is GREAT at understndign ppl who dotn talk.. he didnt for a while

<Wing> hn

<DavidFossPC> I would be happy to drive, unless -- you have a more secure vehicle?

* DavidFossPC raises a brow at that

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, then blinks at Shing and Wing* How about Diana go with you and we call it a deal?

<Wing> yokai

<Shingami> Sure soudns good to me

<HappyLittleMoron> Hrn...Klork's got his truck out...and I just have a motor-cycle so...yeah, you can drive <G>

<Wing> we will ride with yuo

<DavidFossPC> Okay

<Shingami> Mr...

<DavidFossPC> Let's go.

* DavidFossPC offers hand

<DavidFossPC> David Foss, with Foss Environmental Studies, a subcontractor with the Peace Corps

* Diana bows out breifly to channge into jeans and a sweater, tugging on her jacket as she re-joins them*

* DavidFossPC leads the way to teh car

<Wing> *shakes his hand* Wing Yuy... adn my sister

<Shingami> Shinigami Yuy!*follows* be back in a bit HLM

* Diana goes with, obviously...*

<DavidFossPC> It's a pleasure.

<HappyLittleMoron> safe, guys

<Shingami> Hai hai!

* After an hour or two of nerve-wracking traffic battles and parking lot reach a small hangar a little ways from the main terminals

* There's a mid-sized plane there, its propellers winding down, as staff run about putting the stairs in place and unloading luggage

* Shingami gets otuof the car after wing does

* DavidFossPC waits with you as the passengers get off, then at a signal from the flight attendant at the top of the stairs, approaches the plane

* Diana hops out of the car as well...watching the plane and everything else, without really seeming to*

* Two young men appear, leading a woman with a dark scarf wrapped over her head and sunglasses. She's wearing the same oversized men's outfit she wore in the photo

<DavidFossPC> There they are. Tom! Pete!

* DavidFossPC strides forward, calling

<WIng> *hangs back a bit*

* Diana nods, following a few steps behind*

* Shingami follwos Dave

* The three reach the bottom and Pete and David embrace. David and Tom shake hands. The woman shakes a little in the wind.

<DavidFossPC> Were you followed?

<Tom> Not so far. Are these the friends Kayla suggested?

* Diana gives the woman a kind smile*

<Shingami> Hey anyoen got a coat?

* The woman turns to you, and breathes deeply

<DavidFossPC> Yes, they seem to be so. This is she?

<Pete> This is Aria.

<Wing> *unintentionaly kinda starign at hr with cold Violet eyes* Hello Aria

* Diana bows slightly* Diana...*slips her jacket off and offers her jacket to Aria*

* She turns to Wing

* Shingami jabs wing in the side

<Shingami> stop glarin for pete sakes...youll scare her..*turns to aria* dont mind him he tends to do that

<Aria> *shakes a little more, doesn't seem to notice the jacket*

<DavidFossPC> Pete, Tom, thank you. I'll meet you back at the offices. Keep me posted.

* DavidFossPC taps pocket.* I've got my beeper

* Diana hmms softly, gently draping the jacket over Aria's shoulders...*

* Aria winces and cries out

<Pete> Careful! She's sensitive to touch...

<Tom> It's wearing off tho -- she's not so bad as when we first found her

* Diana steps back, brows furrowed...nodding a little* Perhaps a warning next time.

<DavidFossPC> Her skin would just...come off...

<Wing> *eyes dull a bit, the air aroudnthem warming up to a more comfertable level*

<Pete> Sorry --

<Aria> *smiles at Wing*

* Diana left the jacket though? <G>*

<Wing> *nods to her*

* yep, but Aria pushed it off*

* Diana nods slightly, stooping the to pick the jacket up, slipping it back on herself with a shrug*

* DavidFossPC startles

* there's a black Lexus pulling up at high speed to the hangar

<DavidFossPC> Everyone into the car

* DavidFossPC starts running

<Shingami> go ahead guys ill catch up

<Pete> Aria, go! Go with them!

<Wing> *offers hsi hand to aria nodding towards the car*

* Aria doesn't take Wing's hand but lifts off the gruond a few inches and floats, quickly, with him and David...and others?

* Diana nods, running to the car, eyes narrowed, a slight glimmer of magic appearing as her sword appears at her side, ready to offer cover as she goes...*

<Wing> *goes to the car leaving shin*

* Pete and Tom sprint in the other direction, trying to draw off the car

* Shingami steps int eh direction fo the car, a pair of obsidian black feathered wings ripping otu the back of her shirt*

<DavidFossPC> Whoa! *grabs keys and starts opening door

* Shingami murmers a spell summoning ice and aimign it at the car

*A window lowers on the Lexus and a big bad gun muzzle appears

*Diana touches a stone on her sword, sending a massive bolt of fire at the gun muzzle, cursing siletnly in Japanese*

*Bullets shoot out at those approaching the car

* Shingami flys for the car straight for the windshild, drawign her pistols out of spandex space (interdimentional holdign space int h shorts eh has under her jeans)*

* the flames pass over the muzzle of the gun with no apparent effect

* ice misses the top of the car by a couple of inches

* The bullets maybe rip some clothes on Shin, Wing, Tom and Pete

* The Lexus aims at Shin

<Wing> *growels creatign a barrior aorund the car to try adn ward off the bullets*

* and guns for her

* Shingami aims and fires at the lexux still flying towards it*

<Shingami> No one but me fires at my Brother!!

<DavidFossPC> The Lexus appears to hit an invisible wall

<DavidFossPC> The Lexus' windshield shatters with the ice

* Diana glances at David and Aria, blinking at the invisible wall, readying another bolt of fire, aiming this time for the windows*

* Shingami also has pistols

* About six guys looking like leftovers from a bad drug lord movie pile out of the car

* David manages to get the door of the car open

<DavidFossPC> Get in!

<Wing> *keeping the shield up waits for the others to get in* i will follow

* They all start firing at you guys

* Tom and Pete tackle one, but he's still got his gun

* Diana motions for Aria to get in, aiming at the men with the fire from a distance*

* Shingami puts ehr pistols away and charges for oen fo the guys, intent on suign hand to hand before guns

* two are headed Diana's way and are firing, but they're missing at this range -- about 100 yards

* one just managed to score a hit on Shin's arm, another's advancing on Wing

* Diana transforms into what seems like a fire demon, lifting into the air and lunging for them, both hands shooting bolts of fire at them...*

<DavidFossPC> Whoa

<Wing> *very fast and extreamly strong, could pick up the car if he wanted... takes on the advancing guy

* David covers his head as Diana reduces them to a couple of ash-smudges on thje parking lot

<DavidFossPC> ok...

<Shingami> I am nto amused...

* Both dodge, but you're spared their fire as they concentrate on moving away

* Diana returns back to normal, clothing a little torn, eyeing the rest of the men*

* Airport security alarms start going off

<Shingami> Niichan tiem to torch them!!

<Diana> Hai! Perhaps getting out of here now would be a good idea?

<Wing> *eyes glow this time electricity building in his hands* Yokai...

<Shingami> I'll keep em buissy they arnt a match for me!

<DavidFossPC> You all hear a growing cry behind you, like a wind moaning around high walls

<Wing> *distracted spell disapates* nani?

* The bad guys freeze and turn, then two of the four drop their guns and start backing away

<Pete> Aria! No!!

<Shingami> nanda?

* Tom releases the guy they tackled

* Diana furrows her brows, glancing behind her, then back to the baddies*

* Aria has risen about fifty feet up and you can see wings of light at her back

* She spreads her hands and her voice rises

* Diana's eyes widen as she looks up at her*

<Shingami> this is bad......

* A wave of light washes out of her at all of you, flickering orange at the edges

<Wing> *unfurls white wings from his back in reflex to danger* hai

* You guys hit the parking lot -- hard enough to bounce

* Shingami and wing bounce good... hurts like mad but we bounce

* Diana growls as the bones in her weakened wrist snap, she touches her earth stone a little belatedly and sinks into the pavement*

* Tom shoves himself up again* Aria! No, these guys will kill you!!

* One of them isn't moving, but three of the bad guys (who dropped their guns) are now cheering, grabbing their guns again and running at the fallen Shin and Wing

* Shingami gets up shakign it off summongin quickly a lightign spell aiming it at all of the badguys

* Shingami growels and casts

<Shingami> Take that Kisama!!

<Wing> *groans rubbign his head*

* Diana growls softly, pulling herself up out of the earth and clenches her left fist, trying to bring the earth up around one of the baddies and crush him*

* They're flattened. And smoking.

* Shingami grins hand's smoking

* one of them is already being buried

<Shingami> No one messes with the Resident God of Death...

<Wing>.. oroo..

* Diana looks around then opens the door with her left hand after her sword vanishes, sweat beading on her brow from the pain of her wrist*

<Wing>*remembers airport secuitry* we need to leave.. now

* When you look around, Diana, you realize David is bleeding from the head but getting up, and Aria is lying crumpled at hte side of the car

* You hear a helicopter approaching

<Diana> Shimatta...*kneels down by Aria* Come...get in the as well..I will drive

<David> Tom! Peter! Get to safety. Aria will be protected!

* Aria's not moving

* Diana gets into the driver's seat* David...please help her.

* Tom and Peter run off

<Wing>*levatates arena, nto much mana left, * i got her

* David stares for a second, impressed/confused,t hen hands Diana the keys and climbs in the back

<Diana> Hai! Now get in! *clenches her jaw, taking the keys and starting up the car*

<Wing> *gets in bringing aria with im shuttign the door* go

<Shingami> {{ Ill catch up}}*takes to the air*

* Diana peels outa there*

* The three of you in the car feel a sense of well-being and joy

* or for wing jsut feels a little happy.. when not with GF hes kinda... cold

* The security guards just wave you on through, smiling as you approach

* Diana drives like a war-time pro, taking covered back streets, grinning a lil despite the pain from her swiftly swelling and bleeding wrist*

* Shingami attemots to avoide te chopper

* The copter is focusing on the Lexus and the guys with the M16s ;)

* You pull up outside the Asylum with no further incident

* Diana opens the door, almost falling out of the car, curling around her wrist, muscles standing out under the jacket*

<Wing> {{ hLM taskete... help}}

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and hurries out* ...awshit...ok...everyone inside...gah...Diana you're goin' back to that hospital...

<Wing> *does the elvataty thing again with aria, nto sure if she can move yet btu will help anyway*

* `Aria stirs a little

* David steps otu of the car a bit shaken

* HappyLittleMoron holds the door for Wing and Aria, then...?

<David> HLM...can you handle her from here? I shoudl leave, they may track me...

* Diana doesn't hear any of them, still curled around her wrist silently, holding it all in*

* HappyLittleMoron nods* I'll do my take care, David

* Shingami lands nead by foldign wings abck into herself and walks down the street

* David starts to drive off, then stops and leans out window* Thank you... Thank you for saving her life.

* HappyLittleMoron smirks lightly and nods* Nadda problem...'s our job...

* Shingami helps diana up

<Shingami> gunna be ok?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Wing and Aria...motioning for them to come in

<David> I'll be in touch. My contact numbers are in that file on your desk. Take care...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ait, Dave

<Wing> *heads inside with aria*

* Diana gasps softly for breath, shaking her head, tears in her eyes and voice*

<Shin> ok relax...

* David offers to drive Diana to a hospital

* Diana...accepts? Shin can tag along if'n she wants...<G>*

* You guys head off to the nearest hospital

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Wing and Aria* So...uh...hi? ...what'd I miss?

<Shingami> how bout i stick around.. i can ake us back..later..*helps her in the car/

* Diana nods...*

<Wing> we were attacked by some mercanaries tryign to egt her.. she sued ehr pwoer and hit all of us. do you ahve any asprine handy my head is killing me

* Diana gets taken into the OR as soon as the ER peoples are done*

* Shingami hopes nooens gunna poke her bout her various gun shot wounds...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...ack...yeah...*manafests a bottle of asprin to Wing*

* Shingami dislikes medical facilities

<HappyLittleMoron> Anythin' else I can do? *smiles at Aria*

<Wing> *downs two* domo

* AriaStormsinger begins to waken, hurting from the light she'd sent out

<Nurse> Do you want some help, miss?

* AriaStormsinger sees more people around her

<Wing> her skin is sencative...and is easyly suseptabel to cold

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'* Uh...I got a fire goin'....

* AriaStormsinger smiles at you all, takes off glasses

<Shingami> Umm.. sure.. ma'am..

* Nurse nods...taking Shing into the ER area...if David's still around, he gets a similar question <G>*

* Shingami tries nto to freak out ll th emedical thigns and needles and ooooogie smellign medicines...

* You guys get a closer look at Aria for the first time

* Docs patch Shing up...'less she needs surgery too? <G>*

* Klork opens the front door, not sure who all will be there, brow arched..

* She has light blue hair and eyes, tipped ears (kinda elfish), is tall <of course> and very slim -- looks like her bone structure is very fine and fragile

* She looks about 25

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little...* *muttered* elves.....?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Klork and wavels with a wry grin

<Doc> Ah...where did these marks on your wrists come from, miss?

<HappyLittleMoron> So...uh...have a seat...? *is looking a little lost as to what to do, looks to Wing for help..*

<Wing> *stops the elvatatey thingy* its safe here

* AriaStormsinger sits up on the cot/bed/stretcher thingy, puts hand to head, weakly

<Shingami> aho.. eh its kinda funny story actualy...

* Doc arches a brow*

<Shingami> Ya see i was attmeptign to cook, i cant honestly and i was cookgin seo stirgry and i got startled bys eoeon and i accidently cut myself. the other one is a burn... honest

<Doc> Ah...hah...and how long ago did this happen?

<Shingami> about umm... 3 and a half weeks ago

* Doc nods slowly, looking into her eyes, skeptical*

* Shingami grins enmaticly back at her if it were physicaly possable to sweatdrop she would be big time

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to kneel by Aria, but not touching her* Hi...

* AriaStormsinger turns to look at her

* HLM feels peaceful happy

* HappyLittleMoron smiles gently* I'm glad to see you, too...*folds her wings against her back* Do you know where you are...?

<Doc> I see...when was the last time you've been to a doctor?

* AriaStormsinger squints, then gently reaches out hands to take HLM's face

<Shingami> ummmm.... a while?

* HappyLittleMoron lets Aria touch her face...

* Klork waves to HLM

<Klork> What's going on?

<HappyLittleMoron> New comer, love...we get to keep her safe...looks like there was a nasty fight getting her here too...Diana and Shing are at the hopsital...

* Klork frowns a bit..

* AriaStormsinger closes eyes -- /I am Aria Stormsinger/ she tells you without words

<Klork> gyah ... *walks over, then blinks* Ah...telepathic?

* AriaStormsinger looks up and smiles at you

<Doc> Hmmm...*eyes her lightly, checking over the scars on her wrists*

<Wing> {{ you can talk to us this way if you like}}

<Klork> She hurt or anythin'?

* Klork nods

* HappyLittleMoron smiles back, then looks up at Klork, reaching up to lightly pull him down by her

<Klork> Can hear ya..*taps his head* {{And can respond just as easily..}}

<AriaStormsinger> {Hello hello. Who are you?}}

* Klork blinks, then slowly sits

<Wing> {{ My name is Wing.}}

* AriaStormsinger stretches her arms out like wings

* Shingami bites on ehr lip gettign ancy... (this was a bad bad bad idea))

* Klork blinks, watching..

<Doc> Perhaps you should take a bit to a psychologist...I can't force you, simply recomend...

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Heh...I'm HLM and he's Klork, by the way}}

* Klork stretches a bit, gently holding a hand out to Aria* {{Klork, er, well, that's my name at least..}}

<Shingami> ah.. Hai .. i will

* AriaStormsinger draws back hand

<AriaStormsinger> {Ouch.}

<Wing> sehs sencative to touch

* Doc nods a little and stands, taking out a card and giving it to Shing* This is a very good doctor...I suggest making an appointment with her...

<Shingami> *takes it* arigato

<Shingami> can i go now?

* Doc nods* Nothing keeping you, be careful though, alright? Your friend's in recovery...

* Klork furrows his brow, lowering his hand

<Klork> {{Sorry b'out that}}

* Shingami nods gettign up and goign to find diana

* AriaStormsinger sends an image of having the cocoon torn open by cold steel

<Wing> {{ may i ask.. what exactly are you}}

* Diana's slowly coming to a few halls down...nurses give directions if asked ;)*

<AriaStormsinger> {{I don't know...the cocoon is the first thing I remember. I am not like Tom or Pete who cut me from it, then helped me live}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{I am not like you... You feel different too}}

<Wing> {{ not many are like me... the girl with em ws my sister Shin... and the other woman our friend Diana}}

<Shingami> Diana?

* Klork furrows his brow, watching..

* AriaStormsinger frowns, suddenly drawing back.* {{ -- you were at the big open space when we left the fly-high-thing}}

<Diana> Hn...hai...?

* Klork blinks, brows furrowing..* {{Wha..?}}

* Shingami looks liek shes about to jump outa her skin

* AriaStormsinger looks at Wing in fear* {{You -- hurt people!}}

<Shingami> daijobu?

* Klork blinks...* {{Wing's never hurt a soul...}}

<Wing> {{ i didnt mean to.. they hurt us first... i was trying to keep people safe}}

* Diana slowly sits up, groaning softly* Not that great...*shakes her head a little, wincing* Anesthetics...

<Wing> {{ i hate to fight... my sister is different}}

* Klork nods, scratching his chin

* AriaStormsinger cocks head

<Shingami> i can teleport us abc kto the house if you want...

* AriaStormsinger holds out hands toward Wing's face too

* Klork blinks, watching..

<Wing> *lets her, skin very warm despite his cold gaze*

* Diana turns on the bed and holds her head in her left hand, listening to the doctor who just showed up tell her that she'll need to be casted for a good month, and that it's unlikely she'll ever have full function in that hand again, nearly bursting into tears at that*

* AriaStormsinger closes her eyes when she makes contact.* {{You feel different from the killing men}} <soldiers she wiped out in South America>

* Klork furrows his brow, glancing over at HLM

* Diana nods a very little bit to Shing*

<Wing> *blinks*

* AriaStormsinger sends you mental images of men cutting and burning through the jungle, attacking and destroying the grove where her cocoon had hung

* Shingami hugs diana carefuly arm thorbbing but ignores it

* Klork winces..

* HappyLittleMoron cringes a lil' at the images

<Wing> {{ many humans are greedy and do nto understand what htey do}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{Tom and Pete were nearly killed by them}}

* Diana hugs back halfheartedly, her shoulders slumped, struggling to hold back tears* <w> ...let's just...go home...?

<Klork> {{Tom and Pete?}}

<Shingami> sure...

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Uh...friends I guess...}}

* Shingami looks around before fipping them back to the house into the kitchen

* Klork shrugs..

* AriaStormsinger sends you images of the men at the airport

* Klork ahhs..then nods..

<Klork> {{Ok, things are starting to register a bit..}}

* Diana leans against the counter* <w> ...domo, Shing...*bows her head and covers her face with her left hand, shaking a little*

* Myrae comes down the stairs, blinking..then hanging back a bit, brow furrowed, not wanting to interrupt*

* Shingami unferls her wings again wraping her arms aorund diana

<Shingami> its ok to cey if you wanna

* Klork glances towards the kitchen

<Klork> They back..?

<Wing> hai

* Diana leans on Shin, crying very softly*

* Klork furrows his brows...

<Klork> <q>...they gonna be ok?

<Shingami> Wing.... diana got bad news

* AriaStormsinger looks up

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, lost, eyes worried for her friend...

* Myrae furrows her brow, glancing towards the kitchen, then looking back to the group..*

* Klork looks at HLM, brows furrowing..* <vqw> Go find out? I know you want to..

<Wing> {{will you be allright Aria?}}

* AriaStormsinger gently hops off the cot

* HappyLittleMoron nods and stands after kissing Klork's cheek, blinking at Aria* ..err...uh..ok...?

* AriaStormsinger wanders in the directino of the kitchen

* Myrae goes into the kitchen, brows furrowing* <vqw> Diana..?

* HappyLittleMoron goes with obviously...

* Myrae just barely avoids running into Aria*

* Klork blinks, slowly getting up to follow, brows arched

* AriaStormsinger ignores her

* Diana just leans against Shing, crying softly, shaking like a sick kitten*

* Myrae blinks, slowly goes over, brows furrowed* <qw> Diana..?? What happened?

* Shingami jsut holds ehr up ebign there for her friend

* Myrae looks up at Shin, eyes lost, but obviously knowing someone's in pain from obvious deduction*

* Klork leans against the doorframe, watching..

* Diana can't really talk at all...*

* AriaStormsinger approaches and lays her hands on Diana's head

* AriaStormsinger sings softly, wordless

* Myrae blinks, taking a step back ... *

* Diana stiffens a little, looking up with tearfilled eyes*

* AriaStormsinger trembles at her look but doesn't turn away

* Klork quirks a brow, glancing at if to ask, what the hell is goin' on..

* Diana then relaxes slightly, sinking a little as some of the pain is taken away*

* Myrae blinks..*

<Shingami> siren... you know how to sing like a siren?

* HappyLittleMoron just shakes her head, completly lost, wrapping an arm around Klork's middle

* Klork pulls her close, brow arched

* AriaStormsinger wipes at her tears and tastes them, then looks down to Diana's arm

* the notes of her song go mournful, then rise

* AriaStormsinger places hands at Diana's back

* HappyLittleMoron watches, resting her head on his shoulder as she watches

* Myrae watches, linking her hands behind her back*

* the wings of light at her back appear faintly as she closes her eyes and concentrates

* Klork kisses the top of HLM's head, blinking a bit

* AriaStormsinger steps back, leans against counter, then winces back and stands apart

* Myrae blinks*

* Diana blinks a little, brows furrowing a little as she closes her eyes as well, before straitening up and opening them again, turning to Aria* <q> Domo...

<Klork> <q> What'd she do..?

* AriaStormsinger opens eyes and stops singing.* "Do..."

* Klork blinks..

* Diana nods...* <q> Domo...thank you...

* AriaStormsinger smiles* "Domo."

* Myrae furrows her brow* She healed you, right? Well..*squints* Mostly...what'd you do to your hand, anyway, Di?

* Diana manages a smile in return* Hai...yes...*looks at Rae and smiles a little* She boosted my hand...*sinks a little with a soft sigh* It's broken...nerve damage...

* Myrae nods* But healed as much as it can be ... right?

* Diana nods a little* hai...

* Myrae ahs...chewing her lip* Was .. just making sure *looks impish* My job to be curious *smiles*

* Diana smiles a little, nodding with a small chuckle, eyes still kinda depressed* Hai...that you do well...

* AriaStormsinger turns to HLM, holding out arms and plucking at sleeves

<AriaStormsinger> {{Hurts... Help me?}}

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and straitens up, nodding a little* {{ can I help you?}}

* Shingami uses the levatate thign this time

<Shingami> that better?

* AriaStormsinger giggles in the air

<Shingami> my niichan.. erm brother is a little toasted on spells

* AriaStormsinger begins to unbutton the oversized men's shirt

* Klork blinks, then steps out to hide his eyes

* HappyLittleMoron hrns a little and nods, manafesting a light silk shirt to her, going to gently help Aria off with the men's shirt* {{The shirt I have here is a lot lighter...should be more comfortable...}}

* Klork waits out side, back turned

<Klork> Just um..lemme know when all are decent..

* AriaStormsinger cries with sounds of delight

* Myrae furrows her brow, leaning back.. to watch*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Ok, honey...

* AriaStormsinger works at the shirt, fiddles wtih clothes, not doing very well

* AriaStormsinger sends out happy vibes happy vibes happy vibes

* HappyLittleMoron helps her unbutton her shirt and work it off...

<Shingami> umm hwo botu we do the changign thing outside of the kitchen?

* HappyLittleMoron then offers her the other shirt* We're all girls here...Klork's not looking

* HappyLittleMoron grins wickedly

* AriaStormsinger cries out in pain a couple times but it's not awful

* AriaStormsinger looks at Shin with wide eyes

* HappyLittleMoron 's as gentle as possible! ;P

* Shingami blinks big blue at her...

* Klork args..* Wan' me to go further away?

* AriaStormsinger accepts the shirt and hums happily

* Myrae chuckles, smiling a bit timidly as she kinda hangs back*

<HappyLittleMoron> Doooon't worry about it, love...

* HappyLittleMoron gently helps her get it on and buttoned..

* AriaStormsinger sends you a mental sound of birdsong and dripping water -- faintly jungleish

<Wing> *takin a 'cat-nap' on the couch to regain some strength..

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows and smirks lightly

<HappyLittleMoron> You're welcome <G>

* Klork chuckles, watching Wing..really can't look the other way

* Myrae blinks, tilting her head to the side* She's telepathic? I just hearing a jungle..?

<Shingami> i think shes telepathic

<HappyLittleMoron> She's telepathic, Rae...

* Kitchen-folks, you may notice that Aria's both flat-chested and translucennt :)

* HappyLittleMoron ...guesses Aria's fully clothed...? blinking a lil' at the translucency

* Myrae nods....blinking a bit*

<AriaStormsinger> Rae.

<AriaStormsinger> Domo. Rae.

* AriaStormsinger ponits to HLM

* AriaStormsinger points to Shin

* Myrae blinks* Hmm? I ... *looks at HLM* She'

<Shingami> nandemo nai.. its nothing

* Myrae points to herself* Rae? Or...does that mean something else..?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* ...I'm HLM...she's Rae...*points to Rae* But you're welcome anyway...

<AriaStormsinger> {{How do you say your names?}}

* Klork hums, staring at the ceiling

<Shingami> Shin... or Shinigami.. call me Shin ...

<AriaStormsinger> Aaach. Elem.

<AriaStormsinger> Shin.

<HappyLittleMoron> Works...

<Wing> {{ call ehr baka when you want to}}

<Shingami> WIng!!. errr.. stupid brother...

* Myrae blinks* Myrae or... Rae. *looks sheepish*

<AriaStormsinger> Wing.

<HappyLittleMoron> Or...just Mo...

* AriaStormsinger cocks head

<Shingami> WIng i s my brother...

<Klork> {{How'z about Sexy! *cackles*}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{How do you say...Aria?}}

<Wing> {{and Shin is my sister}}

<Shingami> Aria

<Myrae> Aria..

* AriaStormsinger beams

<AriaStormsinger> Aria

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<Shingami> {{i like that one klork}}

* Klork cackles

<AriaStormsinger> Wing is my brother. Aria. *laugh* *cackle*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{That's YOUR name for me, sweetie}}

* Klork sighs

<Klork> {{Fine, spoil mine fun..}}

<Shingami> umm no hes my brother... though you can have him id you want

* AriaStormsinger You can have him if you want.

<Wing> {{ neesan.....}}

* Shingami giggles

* Myrae chuckles* I don't think my name computes ..

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Wha'...? You want everyone calling me sexy??}}

<Klork> {{Well, the truth's gotta get out there somehow!}}

* Kameko kinda boingies in, grinning like mad

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Ah..heya sis!

* AriaStormsinger sings happily, mixing up her new words, crouches down and rocks on heels, listening and mumbling away as others speak

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* {{Ohhhhhboy...}}

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles at Aria

<Shingami> {{ ha and wing you thought i was weird...}}

<Wing> {{thats not very nice .....}}

<Shingami> {{ spoilsport}}

* Diana just kinda watches from the background, eyes still sad, leaning against the counter*

* Kameko wavies, still boingying

<Kameko> Hihi!

* Myrae crouches, carefully due to her stomach, tilting her head to the side*

* Klork chuckels

<AriaStormsinger> Aria. Aria!

<Kameko> How are you, Oh loving brother of mine?

<Klork> sup, Sis?

* Kameko grins like mad

<Klork> Um..good? Why?

<Klork> I don't have coffee..

<Kameko> IIIII found out where I wanna get married!!

<AriaStormsinger> marriedmarried. Rae.

* Kameko pauses, pouting for a moment before shrugging

<Kameko> Don't care! I'm gonna get me LOTSA chocolate!

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow as she heads out of the kitchen, snickering* You frighten me Kame..

<Shingami> thats the important part Kame

* Myrae blinks* Yes...? *kneels, blinking*

* AriaStormsinger smiles at Myrae.* {{tired...}}

* Myrae furrows her brow, knelt down, hand resting over her swolen abdomen* {{How do you rest??}}

* Kern comes down the stairs a lil' belatedly*

<Shingami> HLm do we have aroomfree for her?

<AriaStormsinger> {{Rest? Usually, with great pain, blackness comes. I wake refreshed, then more pain comes along and takes me away.}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{How do you rest?}}

<Myrae> {{ meant in what do you rest? I sleep in a bed...with my mate..}} *sits up on her knees, chewing her lip* {{I close my eyes..and sleep...}}

* AriaStormsinger is enthralled

* AriaStormsinger turns to Shin

* Myrae blinks*

<AriaStormsinger> Aroomfree? Aroomfree? Mo?

* Klork chuckles..

<Shingami> this is what i get for craming words together.. oi

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* We have a free room...

* AriaStormsinger sways a little, rises into the air but drops to feet again

<AriaStormsinger> {{Where?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Follow me...

<AriaStormsinger> {{Far? Are Tom and Pete there?}}

* HappyLittleMoron leads the way upstairs after grabbing a key from the desk and blowing Klork a kiss* {{Not far...just upstairs...don't know where Tom and Pete are...but you're safe here}}

* Myrae stands, slowly, resting a hand on her belly*

* Klork smirks, blowing a kiss back

* Shingami awns.. streches.. winces

* AriaStormsinger follows, weakly on the stairs, makes it about half way.

<Shingami> ow.. stupidn thug.. stupid woudn.. even dumber me...

* Kern blinks a little*

* HappyLittleMoron reaches out to genly help Aria...

* Shingami points to the bandage on her arm

<AriaStormsinger> {{Thank you...}}

<Shingami> i got shot.. multipal times... *grins* oh and told i need to see a shrink

* Myrae goes to follow, brows furrowed as she looks at Shin* Do you need to be healed..?? *looks worried*

<Shingami> na itll heal up in a few days

* Klork stretches, watching..waving to Ker

<Klork> long day it seems

* Kern heads over to Rae and Shing, waving back to Klork* No kidding...what happened?

* Myrae nods, brows furrowed* Only if you're sure...

* HappyLittleMoron 'eh...helps Aria to her room, etcetc, then comes back down ;)

* AriaStormsinger gently lowers self onto bed and closes eyes, trying to imitate what Myrae told her

* Myrae leans against Ker* Long story..

<HappyLittleMoron> Sweet dreams, Aria...

* Kern nods a little, confused look on his face* Uh...ok...

* Klork stretches

<Shingami> id better go lug my brother back to bed...

<Wing> {{youll do no such thin i like the couch...}}

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs...and tickles Klork's side while he streatches

<Shingami> your such a baby... itl hru tyour back and you ahve work in th emorning remember.... oi brothers go fig...*goes to hastle wing.. cuz she can*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

<HappyLittleMoron> I wouldn't know...

<Shingami> {{ your lucky}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{I guess you could say that...*snicker*}}

<Shingami> {{ you want him?}}

<Wing> {{siblings arnt tradable...}}

<Shingami> {{who says?}}

<Wing> {{i do}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Didn't think so...anyway...I look more like you Shing...our wings match <G>}}

<Shingami> {{ttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhppppppppppppppttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhh>

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

<Wing> {{on second thought.........}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Ohboy...}}

* Klork erks, snagging her hand

<Klork> notickleme..

* Shingami walks in an noogies wing

<Wing> ow itai!

<Shingami> heehehh

* Myrae watches, then goes about rummaging through the kitchen

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly* Wha me? Why not?

<Klork> cuz..*pouts*

<HappyLittleMoron> Aww...*kisses him*

* Klork purrrrrs

* Myrae pulls out some chocolate, munching on it..not knowing what it is, but damnit, she be cravin' it*

* Kern blinks, running his fingers through Rae's hair...not knowing what chocolate is either, actually <G> I don't think...*

* Diana just gazes silently out the kitchen window*

* Myrae munches, brow furrowing* You ok, Di?

* Diana nods silently...face still kinda depressed, though*

* Rae furrows her brow, idly handing the chocolate to Ker before going over*'re sure? Do you want to talk?

* Kern blinks, sorta examining it*

* Diana nods a little, taking a shakey breath* <w> Just...thinking...

* Rae nods, chewing her lip* Do you wish to be left alone?

* Diana shrugs a little, reaching up with her left hand to whipe at her eyes* <w> Doesn't matter...

* Myrae frowns* ...of course it matters...

* Diana shakes her head a little, swallowing lightly*

* Myrae frowns, putting a hand on her shoulder* Di ... you matter, you know. We all care for you.

* Diana nods, closing her eyes* <w> Hai...I...I know...I'm just...trying to figure out what to do now...I won't be able to do tattoos could be worse but...*shakes her head a little, reaching up to pat Rae's hand* Domo....

* Myrae winces, squeezing lightly* Perhaps not, but you have much more talents than than, right? I'm sure you'll find a way..

* Diana nods and sighs shakily* I...hai...

* Diana blinks, seeing something dark moving towards the asylum* <w> Shimatta...figures...

* Myrae blinks* Huuh?

* Klork stretches, sitting on the couch

<Diana> <q> Rae...get yourself and Kern someplace safe... {{Klork...?}}

* HappyLittleMoron settles by him

* Klork sits up..* {{Yo?}}

* Myrae blinks, then looks at Ker..* I..why? what's going on?

<Diana> {{I saw something outside...I think we're in for trouble...}}

<Diana> I saw something out there...I don't like the feeling I got off of it...

* Myrae furrows her brow* I'm not going to leave if somebody might need healing..

* Diana turns to Rae* Please...? Just...until we're sure danger is past...?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks up at Klork, arching a brow

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> Mo' n' Rae..n' Ker...basement..

* Klork stands, heading in

<Klork> You heard her, Rae, go...basement..*looks at Ker* keep watch?

* HappyLittleMoron nods, standing...snagging Brenna before heading for the basement

* Myrae furrows her brow, getting a look of defeat before sighing, heading out of the kitchen towards the basement to follow HLM*

<Kern> Of course...come...*heads for the basement toooooo*

* Diana sighs, transforming into her armor and smirking a little at Klork* Do you know if Keelin and Devnet are still here?

* Klork furrows his brow, watching them go..putting a sheild around them* They should be..want me to get them?

<Diana> *nods a little, holding her sword in her left hand* That would probably be a good idea...just so we can have more backup...

* Klork nods...*{{Kee..Dev? We could use your help...}}

* Keelin comes down the stairs moments later, brows furrowed* WHat's going on....?

* Dev follows, flute in hand, eyes asking the same thing*

<Diana> *eyes still watching the window* I saw a darkness moving for the asylum...

* light seems to be getting sucked from the atmosphere*

* Keelin pulls her leather straps on, pulling her bow & arrow* Great...*blinks, looking up* Oh this does not bode well..

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> naw shit..

* Dev brings the flute to his lips, starting a seaking/shielding song...*

* Diana sighs softly*

* Klork furrows his brows

* the surroundings seem to swirl and twist around them*

<Klork> any clue what it is? More shadows..?

* Keelin flinches, glaring* Great gods, help me if this is you!

* Diana shakes her head, watching as the kitchen is slowly replaced with a dungeon-like setting, Dev furrowing his brows and bringing his flute from his lips*

* Keelin blinks, eyes narrowing*

* Klork blinkblinks, looking around* What the hell...?

* Diana tightens her grip on her sword as Teirnan steps from the shadows, Dev growling deep in his throat...there seems to be some kind of forecfield around the four*

* Keelin blinks, shifting back*

<Teirnan> birth power among any of you this time, hm? How do you feel, Keelin? *smirks*

* Klork blinks, looking around...pressing a hand to the forcefeild* <q> Great, NOW what...

* Diana shakes her head again* <q> Wish I could tell you...

* Dev wraps an arm protectively around Kee*

* Keelin glares* I'll feel better when you're dead.

* Klork mutters, wishing he had a sword on him..

<Teirnan> Ah, but that will not happen until long after your time is up...*rubs his hands together, stalking around the four, eyeing them* Ah good...injured as well, without death metal...goodgood...

* Keelin glares, watching, bow and arrow ready to lift at her side* Bastard, you think to highly of yourself.

* Klork glares...* Death metal isn't the only thing I need to kill you..

* Teirnan grins, lifting a glowing hand, and reaching for Diana's injured wrist...the cast cracking as something unseen adds pressure to it...theres more crackling as the broken bone grinds through the skin, Diana yelping in suprise and dropping, curled around her hand* Perhaps...perhaps not...

* Klork grimaces, kneeling beside her, then glares up at Ternan* Damnit, stop it! What the hell do you want??

* Keelin glares, murmuring a spell in desperation*

* Teirnan laughs, opening his hand, leaving Diana's mangled hand and wrist to bleed and the young woman to reel with agony* The same thing I have been after for all this time. The children, the birth power.

* Keelin tries to conjure up a healing spell, that being one that cannot do much for it's a weak spot in her, trying to help Diana's hand*

* Kameko ...comes back...? Wondering what the heck she's walking into..?

<Klork> You won't get them.

* seems to be no one there <G>*

* Myrae is in the basement w/ Ker, HLM & Brenna tho <G>*

* Diana gasps for breath, nodding to Keelin as a very little bit is healed*

<Teirnan> Oh? Even without those to protect them there?

* Keelin sighs, then looks up* They have protection..

<Kameko> Helloooo??

* Kameko calls out for people, then, now worried because everyone is gone <G>

* Klork nods ...* Magically and with other ways.

* Myrae hollers up from the basement* Kame??!

* Diana forces herself to straiten up a little, swallowing her pain, sweat running down her face, nodding*

* Kern peeks out of the basement*

* Dev's examining their surroundings, the field, eyes narrow*

* Myrae pushes passed him and runs up the stairs..then blinks* Where'd they all go?

* HappyLittleMoron follows, holding Brenna close, looking arrrounnd with glowing eyes* I...dunno...

* Kameko furrows her brow, looking confused

<Kameko> Uhm...where'd..WHO all go..?

* Myrae blinks* Klork, um..Diana...Keelin and Devnet..they were just HERE...

<HappyLittleMoron> K..Klork...Diana...Devnet...Keelin...

* Keelin shifts, looking at Dev as if to ask if there's any way out of this*

* Dev rests a gentle hand on her shoulder, squeezing it reasuringly*

<Kameko> Uhh.. you all were here an hour ago..then I leave, come back and *poof!* Everyone's gone..

* Teirnan smirks, setting up an energy-drain spell...the forcefield weakenning marginally*

* Klork furrows his brow, trying to look for any weakness in the forcefield..

* Kameko shrugs

<Kern> Diana said she thought she saw something coming towards this place...

* Myrae furrows her brow* they were here..five minutes ago..

* Keelin shudders, curling to Dev* Damnit, What does this have to do with you attaining your goals? You're wasting time, Teirnan.

* Klork grimaces, then glares, firing electricity at the sheild, trying to break it down

* Teirnan smirks as he reflects the electricity back at them* Do not proclame to know my plans, wench.

* Klork tries to absorb most of it...not really getting it all

* Kameko furrows her brow

* Dev clenches his jaw, wrapping his arms around Keelin, Diana forcing herself strait and closing her eyes in concentration, both of them grimacing when hit by some of the electricity*

<Kameko> Want me to try and find 'em?

<Kameko> that a bad idea?

* Keelin winces, glaring, trying for a weakening spell*

<Kameko> Seein' as you were all hiding, from the looks of it..

* Kameko looks concerned

* Myrae shrugs* Um..I'm not sure ... is it possible for us to find them? Did you see them outside? Are they on the roof?

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...*chews her lip, stroking Brenna's hair* We need...none-pregnant people...

* Myrae looks sheepish* Yeah ... and um, if Ker' leaves, we'd have nothing BUT..

* Kameko shakes her head

<Kameko> I just.. blipped here.. so I wasn't outside..

* Kameko furrows her brow, then blinks

<Kameko> Non-pregnan--Oh geeze, not again?!

<HappyLittleMoron> He's after our kids, kame...

* Kameko sighs, sitting heavily

<Rae> well, on aside of Brenna..

* Teirnan furrows his brow, drawing back a little from them at Keelin's spell*

<Kameko> Yeah..I kinda remember being toted by the elvin woman..Keelin?? .. the other day when mine was almost stolen..

* Myrae sighs* I wanted to go with .. or at least stay if they got hurt ...they shooed me away as well.. *nods to her* yeah..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* Yeah...

* Keelin glares at him, keeping it up* {{Two can play at this game, Teirnan..}}

<Teirnan> {{Very well...if you want to play it that way...}} *sends a sudden blast of raw power at them, aiming to overload 'n stun*

* Dev backs Keelin up, Diana struggling for clarity around the pain of her arm*

* Klork winces, getting thrown to his knees

<Kameko> Hold on..? Uhm...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little

<Kameko> {{Klork?! We able to help? Or still ix-nay?}}

* Keelin grits her teeth, grimacing only a little before trying again, this time intermixing a string of light words with it*

* Diana huddles on the ground, a pool of blood forming under her hand, Dev holding Keelin and trying to back her up magically*

* Klork grimaces, pulling Diana close protectively, half conscious himself* {{*faintly* Ka..kame??}}

<Kameko> {{Yeah..okay, just, concentrate on what yer doin', okay? Sorry! We're all ..we're all okay here.}}

* Kameko looks up at the others

* Diana gets pulled close, cool and clammy to the touch, trembling*

<Kameko> Eh...he sounds far away.. and kinda -- either tired or just kinda out of it..

<Klork> {{Get in th-basement..?! Not safe...!}}

* Kameko furrows her brow, then BLINKS at that

* Myrae furrows her brow* ...Underhill...??

* Teirnan suddenly pulls back, yanking what energy he can take with him*

<Kameko> Uhm... he's telling us to get back into the basement..

<HappyLittleMoron> ...oh no...

* Klork staggers

* Kameko furrows her brow

<Kameko> {{Klork?? You okay??}}

* Myrae furrows her brow* Um...might be wise.!!!

* Keelin blinks* Get them safe, Klork! NOW!

* HappyLittleMoron nods...leading the way back down* Where's Nox...and...the others...

<Klork> {{NOW! gO!!}}

* Kameko furrows her brow

<Kameko> He's.. yelling it at me..

* Kameko looks puzzled

* Kameko isn't all with it today. <G>

* HappyLittleMoron reaches over to get Kame* C'mon...!

* Myrae furrows her brow, then snags Kame's arm* Than it might be a good idea to DO so! *hurries for the basement*

* Diana goes limp against Klork, way too much expended today*

* Myrae shoos Kame inside, looking up and waiting for Ker'* C'mon..?!

* Dev glares at Teirnan as he drains their energy*

* Kameko acks, being dragged

* Kern goes with*

<Kameko> So..we can't help the-wait!! I wanna help them!

* Kameko whines, but still gets dragged

* Klork holds her, brows furrowing..before going out himself

* Keelin sinks a little, wavering, trying to chant a resisitance spell*

* Myrae runs in after, closing the basement door and locking it, shifting back slowly to look around* I don't like this..

* Kameko furrows her brow

<Kameko> Why are we hiding down here?? Are we any safer here than upstairs??

<Myrae> There's steel in the walls down here...and I think a sheild of some sort..

* Dev holds her, singing along with the resistance spell...strengthening it as Teirnan continues with the attempted drain...his pull getting weaker*

* Keelin continues, wavering now and then*

<Kameko> are the walls gonna keep us safe??

* Kameko just looks lost

* Myrae furrows her brow* Steel is death metal to elves...and we thinkg that's what we're up against.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...hurts 'em really badly...

<Kameko> a stake to the heart for vamps? Hmmm..

<Kameko> Cool..I think..

* Myrae blinks* Vamps...?

<Myrae> What are those..?

* Teirnan gets his hands to do that nifty glowy thing, bringing them up and slamming them down, palms towards the ground, attempting to cast a spell of force slamming down on the four*

<HappyLittleMoron> Vampires...

<Kameko> Uh..blood sucking people who look like humans but only come out at night because the sun will kill them..

* Klork is still out...but he grimaces in his sleep

* Myrae blinks* Oh..

* Keelin yelps, hitting the ground hard, trying her damndest to lift herself up*

* Diana more or less does too...Dev growling and trying to lift himself up as well*

<Kameko> They have a weakness to being staked in the heart..s'why I said that.. it's about the only thing that CAN kill them..since they're already dead..other than the sunlight.

* Myrae nods, brow furrowing* I'll take your word on it for now...I just hope they're ok...

* Teirnan smirks, slowly lowering his hands, now the force seeming like a pillow being forced over them, a massive smothering force*

* Kameko nods a little, chewing at her lip

<Kameko> ...I wanna help..

* Kameko mutters that quietly

* HappyLittleMoron nods, holding Brenna close and closing her eyes, brows wrinkled* Me too...but...I don't think any of us know how to get Underhill...

* Keelin chokes, fisting the ground, eyes watering as she tries to lift* Damnit--!! Teirnan! Leave them be, I'll do anything..!!

* Myrae nods, rubbing at her upper arms* I haven't a clue either..

* Kameko sighs, closing her eyes .. just trying to concentrate on keeping herself calm

* Teirnan smirks at Keelin* Anything, hmm?

<Kameko> {{......Klork? Keelin??? Hell..anyone??}}

* Keelin glares, gritting her teeth* Yes, damnit! Let them BE!

<Kameko> {{What the hell is going on?! *just sounds worried, hoping to get through to anyone, not knowing if she will*}}

* Klork is squishied....still out...* {{*trails off*}}

<Dev> *very strained and weak with effort* {{...who...?}}

<Kameko> {{Klork?!}}

* Kameko stands up quickly, pacing suddenly, eyeing the door as if she's caged

<Kameko> ....I have to help..I can't stay here..

* Myrae blinks* What is it..?

* Kameko gets quite upset when she can't fight. <G>

<Teirnan> You would bring the children, and the ones within their mothers, to me, hm?

<Kameko> {{ hair..I want to help!!}}

* Myrae shakes her head* I-Kame...we can't...there's no way to get there..! I'd fight to but .. I don't know how to get there..

<Dev> {{I...agh...just...stay}} *voice seems to be weakening*

* Keelin glares* I said to leave them be! I would do anything to leave them be..! *voice is strained, trying to keep upright*

* Kameko whimpers

<Kameko> I..everyone keeps getting weaker..I can barely hear any of them..

* Kameko paces more

<Kameko> {{Where are you?!}}

* Myrae wring s her hands* Ohman...

* Teirnan lifts the spell a bit* Hmm...*eyes Keelin*

* Keelin coughs, slowly sitting up, brow furrowed...jaw set .. the offer still there*

* Teirnan lifts his hands, lifting three of them, leaving Keelin on the ground, blocking telepathic contact, only just hearing Kame <G>* Perhaps insurance will help you do your job better...

* Keelin blinkblinks, standing, eyes wide* Teirnan, damnit! Don't do this..!!

* Kameko blinks, feeling it being cut off, unable to find them anymore and pales

* Klork is lifted..

* Myrae blinks* What is it..???

<Kameko> <vq> Oh god..I can't get ANY of them anymore..

<Kameko> <vq> It's..there's all anymore..

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip harder and swallows, holding her frightened little girl close

* Myrae furrows her brow, looking at Kernunose* Is there anybody we know that can GET us there???

* Teirnan smirks...floating each of them to the wall...shackeling them each up* Whyever not?

* Kern furrows his brow, shhaking his head a little* I don't know...I...when Nox comes home...I'll talk to her...

* Keelin glares* You can find birthpower ANYWHERE else and you know it..!

* Myrae nods, wringing her hands*

* Klork is all shackled

* so're Diana and Dev <G>, blood running down Diana's arm from her hand*

<Teirnan> Perhaps, but none quite so POWERFUL. The elven children need to be raised among their own as well.

* Keelin wavers, slowly getting to her feet, looking up at them, then at Teirnan* You took my least from my first child. What more do you want.

* Keelin glares, the look a pained one*

* Teirnan grins sadistically at her* To rule both worlds.

* Keelin glares* You won't succeed.

* Teirnan grins* So you say..

* Keelin shifts, brows furrowing* Why can't you simply find another powerful trio??

<Keelin> You have the power to do so..

* Teirnan smirks* My reasons are my own, dear. You need not worry of those.

* Keelin glares* Damnit, *seems to hate herself for asking* What can I do to keep you from harming them--ANY of them...or taking what is theirs..

* Teirnan smiles* 'Tis either one or the bring me the children...all of the children...or I slowly...painfully...kill each of them.

* Keelin flinches* Damnit, you know I cannot do that..

<Teirnan> Oh? Should I start now then? *lifts up a wicked looking blade* Perhaps I should start with your bard lover?

* Keelin winces, eyes pleading* Damnit--isn't there ANYTHING else I can do?!!?

* Teirnan shakes his head with a grin* No.

* Keelin whimpers, staring up at Devnet, eyes wide as if asking what she should do...looking defeated*

* Dev opens his eyes slowly, shaking his head slightly at her...exhausted eyes telling her to just get away...not worry about them...*

* Keelin winces...mouthing an apology before turning to Teirnan, eyes lowered* On one condition. You free them--ALL of them...and fix the wounds you've caused.

* Dev's brows furrow lightly as he closes his eyes...*

* Teirnan shakes his head, bringing the blade along Dev's arm and side...just cutting the fabric of his shirt for now*

* Keelin winces, eyes wide, murmuring a protection spell in attempt to push him off*

* Teirnan steps back, swinging a glowing hand around to blast her with a force spell, eyes sparkling with rage*

* Keelin snaps back, falling to her back with a grimace*

<Teirnan> You have only those choices in this matter. *slowly opens a shallow gash along Dev's side, turning to bring the blade around his belly, Dev hiding his grimace*

<Keelin> No--Teirnan...*winces* I'll do it, just STOP!

* Teirnan brings the blade away from Dev* Good girl.

* Keelin slowly stands, grimacing* How...

<Teirnan> Whichever way is fastest. *shrugs a little, wicked grin still curving his lips*

* Keelin swallows* How much time..

<Teirnan> Hmm...*eyes the blade, turning it to let the dim light reflect off the metal* Every day you fail to bring a child back, that brings more pain to at least one of these three...

* Keelin winces..* so be it..

*** Disconnected

Session Close: Wed Feb 06 01:50:02 2002

