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Session Start: Mon Feb 04 17:28:18 2002

* Kern is in the workout room...working out <G>*

* HappyLittleMoron 's at the desk doing paperwork

* Myrae heads down the stairs, stretching*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Rae and wavels

* Red is on the couch, reading thru a book of baby names

* Klork sprawls out on a chair..since the couch has suddenly been taken...snoozing :P

* Myrae smirks, waving* How goes it?

<HappyLittleMoron>'re you doin'?

* Myrae rests her hands over her swolen stomach with a small smile, sitting* Good ... a little more energetic today at least..

* Kern comes out of the workout room, shirtless, then smiles at Rae*

* Erwyl walks up the sidewalk, hands pocketed stiffly, pausing momentarily and looking up at the asylum

* Myrae waves slightly* heya..

<Kern> Hello, love...*heads over to gently hug her*

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly at the two

* Myrae smirks, curling up to him* How've you been?

* Kern smiles, stroking his fiingers through her hair*

<HappyLittleMoron> Good...busy...

* Kern nods* The same...*kisses her brow with a soft smile*

* Myrae grins* Good!

<Kern> How's our little one? *gently rests a hand on her belly*

* Myrae chuckles* Alive and well, *chuckles* And wearing me out..

* Erwyl twists his mouth to the side, watching this through the window, eyes narrowed

* Kern chuckles softly, kissing her neck gently* Once he or she's born, I'll be getting worn out as well...

* HappyLittleMoron shivers a little and glances towards the window..

* Myrae smirks* Oh undoubtedly *almost gets an evil look, but can't really pull it off*

* Erwyl shifts back into the shadows

* HappyLittleMoron hrns...shrugsa little, and looks back to the two

* Kern laughs* Oh dear...

* Erwyl goes into waterform, dissipating into the ground

* Myrae grins* So..what've you been all up to today

<Kern> Work...and lifting weights...*smiles* You?

* Myrae hrms* Sleep,

* Kern nods, lightly rubbing her back* Good...

* Myrae ooooos* Dannkee..

* Kern chuckles, gently massaging her back* Anything for you, love...

* Myrae mms*

* Erwyl solidifies at the top of the stairs, watching

* Kern works her lower back, leaning over to gently kiss her cheek*

* Myrae ms, closing her eyes*

* Kern smiles softly as he works her, HLM standing and streatching*

* Erwyl watches, staying in water form, eyes narrowed as he shifts down the stairs

* Myrae leans back*

* Kern gently leads her to a chhair, gently seating her and continuing to kneed her shoulders*

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows slightly, folding her wings against her back

* Myrae mms, closing her eyes, happy smile on her face* I love youuu

<Kern> And I you...*smiles gently*

* Erwyl shifts into the carpet..just a large wet spot on the floor of the stairs that is slowly, VEry slowly moving down the stairs

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little, folding her wings around herself

* Myrae just grins*

* Erwyl shifts down behind the furniture

* Kern settles down by her, gently pulling her onto his lip, wrapping his arms around her*

* Myrae grins, curling into him*

* Erwyl shifts behind them, an angry feeling seeping five feet aroud him

* Kern blinks and furrows his brow, looking around*

* Myrae shifts, stiffening* <w>What's that?

* Kern lifts her into his arms and steps away from the chair, stepping away and looking around* <w> Don't know...

* Myrae furrows her .. the feeling leaving* Weird..

* Erwyl shifts under the chair..

* Kern nods, still frowning* Very...*settles onto a chair accross the room, looking around with narrowed eyes*

* Myrae stands* I'm..gonna get some food..

* Kern nods* Alright, love...

* Myrae heads into the kitchen*

* Erwyl , as a water spot, seeps across the floor and under Ker's chair

* Kern furrows his brows slightly, going to stand*

* Erwyl shifts up, sending the chair up after him, solidifying

* Kern ERKs and leaps out of the way, spinning and glaring at Erwyl* You...

* Erwyl chuckles

<Erwyl> 'Lo lucky one..

* Klork blinks, opening an eye

<Klork> whahuh?

* HappyLittleMoron leaps to her feet...unsheething her claws reflexivly...growl in her throat...

* Erwyl crosses his arms, smirking

<Erwyl> testy aren't we.

* Erwyl eyes Ker'

<Kern> What do you want, Erwyl.

<Erwyl> so you're the lucky one, hmm? I hope you're proud..

* Kern eyes him* What bussiness is it of yours?

* Erwyl shrugs

<Erwyl> You realize that you've shortened her life, don't you?

* Myrae blinks, is frozen in the doorway to the kitchen*

* Kern furrows his brows* That was her choice.

* Erwyl chuckles

<Erwyl> Oh no, she was turned human on her own choice.

<Erwyl> It takes two to shorten her life.

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw, inching around them to get to Rae...

* Myrae furrows her brow...*

<Kern> What do you mean..

* Erwyl chuckles

<Erwyl> Are you seriously that thick?

<Erwyl> Think about it! She's what, two months along, correct? She looks to be FOUR...

<Erwyl> note things are shorter *smirks a bit*

* Kern clenches his jaw*

* Myrae furrows her brow, going over and settling aside HLM, hands rested over her stomach*

* Erwyl chuckels

<Erwyl> You're a pacifist aren't you? Because you most certainly don't do much other than stare at me and get angry..*eyes Ker...smirking*

* Kern shakes his head, clenching his fists* Only because I know you are a dirty fighter.

* Erwyl smirks

<Erwyl> you're afraid.

* Kern shakes his head* I simply don't fight those who feel they need to cheat in order to win.

* Erwyl chuckels

<Erwyl> and if I harmed one of the women in here then? *grins a bit* Would you sit and watch?

* Kern growls softly, taking a step towards him* Get out of our home.

* Shingami woudl choose nwo to stop ebign pissy and come home... walks though the door quietly.. and blinks

* Erwyl glances over, shifting down into the carpet

<Shingami> How come i always pick the weird moments to come home?.....*muttered to self*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little* Luck?

<Shingami> Maybe... or fate still hates me... {{so whos the joker this time?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Erwyl...psycho from where Myrae's from...water elemental...all around baddie...}}

* Myrae furrows her brow, stiffening* ...

<Shingami> {{suprised no oens tried freezing him still when in water form....wonder what would happen if i shot him in the head..}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{ WOULD we freeze 'im...? Feel free, Shin...none of us 'cept Klork and Rae are really elemental at all...}}

<Kern> If you don't leave, at least fight fair...unless you are afraid to do so.

* Myrae yelps, suddenly curling around herself*

* Erwyl chuckles shifting up behind Myrae, lifting her up and using her as a sheild

<Erwyl> Fair is not a word I know of..

<Shingami> {{umm resident ice queen here.. where is he?}}

* HappyLittleMoron growls and unsheeths her claws, aiming to sink them into his side behind Rae as Kern dashes over

* Erwyl goes into waterform, disappearing into a puddle on the floor

<Shingami> Well Water boy i thin kyou should addit to your vocabulary

* Myrae sinks, shuddering* He's still here...!

* Shingami aims a potent ice spell at the puddle

* HappyLittleMoron pulls Rae close...and growls, claws of one hand still out looking around* ...fucker...

* The puddle freezes..but it's only a trail of where he was*

<Shingami> K'so

* Kern growls, standing by them and looking around as well, taking up a knife...*

* Myrae whimpers, holding her side* Sparring room.....

* Erwyl shifts up in the sparring room, out of sight, healing his side..

* Kern dashes in there, looking around*

* Shingami heads into the sparign room pulling out a gun from spandex space and aiming it at him

* Erwyl blinks, going to water form again and disappearing

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> ok...? I didn't hurt you did I?

<Shingami> Kern protect Rae.. might be wise

* Myrae shakes her head, side bleeding* No...*winces* <vqw> He did..*points towards the kitchen, shifting away*

* Kern looks around, eyes angry...hurrying back to Rae and HLM*

* HappyLittleMoron stays with her nodding a little, brows furrowed...

* Erwyl tackles Ker from above, healed again, slashing out with a glass dagger at Ker's face

* Myrae furrows her brow, trying to see if she can't heal herself..holding her side*

* Myrae then yelps, eyes wide* Ker!! Erwyl, stop!

* Kern falls and growls, grabbing his hand and forcing it away, extremely strong physically, slamming the knife at Erwyl's neck in return*

* HappyLittleMoron cringes, jaw clenched

* Kern does get a bit of a cut, o' course <G>*

* Erwyl goes to water form, splashing over Ker...his knife turning to water as well, seeping into the floor around him..the water seeming to sting to the touch*

* Kern growls and leaps to his feet, eyes reflecting rage and pain, trying to get the water off him...*

* Myrae seems to actually heal herself well enough, brows furrowed* Hold still, somebody get his shirt off of him and get him rinsed!

* Myrae runs, grabbing a bucket of water, going towards Ker to throw it over him*

* Kern's not wearing a shirt <G>*

<Shingami> Wheres Puddle Boy?

* Myrae shakes her head* He's close, but I don't know where...*throws the water over Ker*

* Erwyl solidifies out of the water, tackling Ker again

* Myrae blinkblinks* What the...!

* Kern growls and turns them to pin Erwyl, aiming to slam his fist into Erwyl's face*

* Erwyl goes to waterform, yet again, dissipating just before impact

* Shingami tackles water boy

* Kern leaps to his feet, looking around...soaking wet and pissed as hell*

* Myrae blinks, brows furrowing, looking into the bucket..wondering how the hell he fit in there..*

* Erwyl solidifies again across the room, throwing a glass dagger at Ker, reaching to throw another at Shingami

* Kern growls, twisting to avoid the daggar as best he can, a long gash along his shoulder opening as he goes to tackle Erwyl as soon as he sees him*

* Shingami aims and fires at Erwyl, lightning fast reflexes

* Erwyl gets tackled backwards...out of the way of the firing, caught off guard by both at the same time, growling and trying to hit Ker back

* Myrae watches the dagger hit the wall, shrinking when she hears the firing, covering her ears*

* Kern slams his fist into Erwyl's face, grabbing his hands with his free hand in a crushing grip*

* Shingami puts the gun away apparently til eb innefective.. pullign out abaclk Kriss knife

* HappyLittleMoron winces

* Erwyl grimaces, gritting his teeth in refusal to cry out in pain, trying to go to water form but is only wavering in and out of it..

* Shingami hits Er with another cold spell.. wither will eb leik major frost brun or solidify him

* Kern grabs Erwyl by his throat annd lifts him up with one hand, squeezing* Leave us the hell alone...*uh...tries staying out of Shing's line of fire <G>*

* Erwyl shudders, the cold effectively getting frost burn, grasping at Ker's hand...however he still wavers in and out of water form ..

* Myrae shakes her head* He's an elemental but when you go to water form it's not real water...*furrows her brow* Ice will hurt, but it'll only slow him..

<Shingami> we could stick him in a bucket... or a containment field...

* Erwyl grits his teeth, eyes turning to watch Myrae, glare set on his face before going to water form and slipping into the carpet again...

* Myrae nods* I..we could..*blinks* The problem is getting him into one..

* Kern growls, his hand fisting as he looks around for him* A forcefield perhaps...?

<Shingami> Here fishey fishey fishey....

* Shingami moves to stand near rae

* Myrae shifts closer, brows furrowed* Can anybody put up a forcefeild?

<Shingami> ... give him a minute...

<HappyLittleMoron> I can...not too much practice but...I can...

<Shingami> {{my brother is workign on it righ tnow.. top of he stairs}}

* Myrae furrows her brows, then shakes her head* he's healing, on the roof..!

<Wing>*standign near the stairs*.. yokai..

* Shingami and wing fip to the roof

* Kern heads up the stairs*

* Erwyl shivers, curled in a corner of the roof, almost fully healed..

* Myrae furrows her brow* He's healed.....*looks at HLM*

* Erwyl goes into water form, sinking into the roof

* Shingami throws the knife at him, Wing rectign a containmetn field around him, liek a big bubble

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw, eyes glowing brightly as she looks for Erwyl energetically, hands starting to glow as well...

* Erwyl erks, in water form the floor below, upside down. Is human shape, but his body is translucent as he tries to get his foot from the sheild where it was caught

<Wing>*wraps it aroudn him so it sorunds erwyl compleatly*

* HappyLittleMoron brings her hands up, forming a forcefeild around him...then shrinking it to try forcing him back onto the roof...

* Erwyl grits his teeth, getting forced onto the roof as he solidifies in the forcefield, eyes narrowed and just about halfpanicked

<Wing> he is immobalized

* Myrae furrows her brow, heading up the stairs*

<Shingami> Thanks niichan!...

* HappyLittleMoron does too...

* Erwyl growls, slamming a fist to the sheild..

<Shingami> want out fish boy?

<Erwyl> Damnit..! You don't understand!

* Erwyl glares

* Kern growls softly, holding his knife in his hand* What don't we understand?

<Erwyl> I have my RIGHTS to her, and if I say I want her to LIVE then it must be so, that is the way our society WORKS!

<Kern> You are not IN your society!

* Myrae furrows her brow, sinking back a bit*

* Erwyl glares

<Erwyl> and she will not survive outside of it!

<Shingami> Your nto in your sociaty.. shes human now

<Erwyl> She cannot survive as a human, damnit ... I've told you this!

<Kern> And why not.

<Shingami> Death coems to us all Erwyl... if sheudnerstand and accpets it what worry is it to you? Especaly if she can enjoy the tiem with someone she LOVES

<Erwyl> There are some things a body CANNOT adapt to. *glares* And a life outside of the water may be fine at first but she will live a shorter life than you realize!

* Myrae frowns, holding her hands protectively over her abdomen*

* HappyLittleMoron rests her hands on Rae's shoulders, looking down at her* <q> this true...?

* Myrae furrows her brow, looking up at HLM* I..don't know, nobody has ever returned from the human world alive from my knowledge..I simply figured they lived their lives topside..

<Wing> explain

* Erwyl crosses his arms

<Erwyl> Let me out of the damn sheild first.

* HappyLittleMoron sends a glare at Erwyl* Proove we can trust you.

* Erwyl shrugs, holding his hands out

<Erwyl> you cannot. But I will not tell you what you wish to hear if you do not.

* HappyLittleMoron glances over at Wing...

* Myrae shakes her head, still curled around her stomach*

* Erwyl crosses his arms, watching, eyes narrowed, mostly glarin' at Myrae

* HappyLittleMoron slowly lowers the sheild she has up...dunno 'bout Wing's...

<Wing> you are hardly in a position to negotiate

* Erwyl chuckles

<Erwyl> Neither are you, my friend. You haven't the slightest if she has days or years.

<Erwyl> but I do *smiles*

<Wing> in about 4 mintues the air in there will run out unless i dotn want it to... give us the information we seek and you go free

* Erwyl quirks a brow

<Shingami> blunt aint he?

* Myrae slowly shakes her head*

* Erwyl shrugs

<Erwyl> I can hold my breath for a while ... but if I must die with the secret, then I shall.

* Kern stands by Rae, brows furrowed, jaw clenched, bleeding here and there*

<Shingami> Your gunna get ot of there oen way or another there Fish boy..

* Erwyl shrugs, crossing his arms and looking skyward* So be it.

<Kern> Damnit...*looks down at Rae* <w> Would there be anyone else who knows....?

<Wing> try anythign funny and your back in there

* Myrae furrows her brow* I..I don't know..

* Erwyl glances over, brow arched

<Wing> *disapates the field rather suddenly*

* Erwyl keeps his arms crossed, watching through lavendar bangs* so ask what you want to know.

<Kern> What can we do to help her?

<Erwyl> Send her back with me.

* Kern narrows his brows, pulling Rae close* Besides that.

* Erwyl shrugs, shifting weight* Of course, the child will not survive, it won't inhereit what it needs to survive submerged.

* Erwyl shrugs

<Erwyl> Then you cannot.

* Kern clenches his jaw, looking down at Rae*

* Myrae stares at him, brow furrowing*

* Erwyl watches them, shifting, glare still on his face.

<Erwyl> she simply must return. There is no other way to it.

* Myrae frowns* <vqw> He's lying ...

* HappyLittleMoron watches Erwyl, eyes glowing brightly...trying to determine if he's hiding anything* And how exactly do you know this?

* Erwyl smiles

* Kern nods lightly to Rae, holding her close*

<Erwyl> I'm not the heir to our people for nothing.

<HappyLittleMoron> Not buyin' it, pal...not 'til someone backs ya up on long ya say she got, hm?

<Erwyl> She will survive for a few months ... but she must return then ... she could survive if she took time to be in salt water at least once a week. But we would not let her leave.

* Myrae shifts, watching, brow furrowing* <vqw> That...however, was true..

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows lightly...

* Myrae looks up at Ker* <vqw> He smiles when he is truthful.

* Kern nods lightly, brows furrowed* <vqw> Any salt water, then...? We are on a coast...

* Myrae nods, brow furrowed*

* Erwyl chuckles, grin still on his face* Of course, she would have to wait until her children were born to do so if she did not want them dead...*shrugs* Only mere problem is that by the time she made it, she wuld be near death as is.

* Erwyl shrugs, face sobering* Thus she must return.

* HappyLittleMoron continues to eye Erwyl* Thanks for the information...we'll find a way....without giving her to you.

* Erwyl chuckles, grinning

<Erwyl> I won't be giving up that easily...

<HappyLittleMoron> Had the feelin' as much...fucker....

* Erwyl grins, going to water form and dissipating

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head, looking to the two..

* Myrae shivers, leaning into Kern*

* Kern holds her close* <w> We'll find a way, love...

* Myrae nods* We have to wait until they're born...*looks up at him* It'll be a close call, but I'm willing to take that chance if the child can be born..

* Kern nods...* Yes...we can move closer to the coast until then if you wish...

* Myrae shrugs a bit* Or buy salt...

* Myrae smiles a bit, if not sheepishly* He forgets they sell salt readily topside.

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...that's easy then...we'll stock up *grins lopsidedly and gets the door for them*

* Myrae smiles, heading inside, brows furrowed when she thinks nobody is watching, protectively holding her hands over her abdomen*

* Kern goes with, lightly rubbing her back as HLM heads in after them, closing the door with a soft sigh...*

* Myrae sighs, slowly heading towards their room*

* Kern heads there with her, opening the door for her*

* HappyLittleMoron heads for her and Klork's room, running a shaking hand through her hair

* Myrae smiles her thanks, then goes about changing for bed

* Klork heads up the stairs, waving as he comes in

<Klork> heya..

<Klork> what'd I miss?

* Myrae curls up in bed, falling asleep already

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...*slips her nightshirt on with a slight sigh* Rae's apparently gonna have a really risky birth..

* Kern curls up by her, holding her close, protectively*

* Klork blinks

<Klork> oh..?

* Klork changes into his boxers, crawling in and making roomfor her

* HappyLittleMoron nods, curling up by him* Erwyl says she won't survive without being in saltwater once a week...and she can't be until after the little one's born or the baby will die...

* Klork grimaces

<Klork> gyah..that sucks big she's gonna be weak in other words for the birth..?

* HappyLittleMoron nods, chewing her lip* Yeah...

* Klork curls up next to her, yawning

<Klork> well....we'll be here for

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...*yawns lightly*

<HappyLittleMoron> Night...

* HappyLittleMoron zonks

* Klork smiles, purring to sleep

* Klork zonks too

Session Close: Tue Feb 05 01:24:20 2002

