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Session Start: Sun Feb 03 13:21:58 2002

* Shingami falls off of the back of the couch from the suden apperence of soemthing moving in the room...

<Shingami> *Thud*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks as Brenna giggles

* Shingami sits up blinking*

<Shingami> huzawa.. hua?

<Brenna> You otay?

<Shingami> yaha.. otay... mm nice nap

<Shingami> hi brenna*wave*

* Brenna nods and wavies a crayon at Shing with a smile* Hello!

<Shingami> Whatcha doin?

<Brenna> Colorin'...*holds up her pic...typical two-year-old stuff...* See? Dis is for dada...

<Shingami> Very cool... hey can i color with you?

* Brenna nodsnods* Sure!

<Shingami> {{better then learnign the origines peanutbutter...}}

* Shingami goes and sits down beside brenna

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* {{ of peanutbutter??}}

* Brenna pulls out a piece of paper for Shin and smiles brightly*

<Shingami> {{its been a weird nap}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{I guess so...!}}

<Shingami> Thanks Brenna... hum.. lets see.. what color should i use...

<Brenna> Uhm...purple??

<Shingami> {{all i know iw it used to be soem kinda vitimen suplament for men in the 1700s or something you could only get it via prectiption}}

<Shingami> Purples a good color...

<HappyLittleMoron> {{...weird...very very weird....}}

* Shingami grabs a purple crayn, laying on erh stomach and drawin.. random things...

* HappyLittleMoron streatches, smirking lightly as she watches them, Brenna drawin' 'n stuffs...

<Shingami> haha... purple elephant making purple peanutbutter... hum need another color...

* Brenna giggles* Silly...*offers the green she was using*

<Shingami> ah thanks...

* Brenna nodsnods...going back to concentrating on her drawing*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Mind watching Brenna while I fix some food...?}}

<Shingami> {{ one babysitter at your service}}

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles very softly as she stands after kissing Brenna's brow and ruffling her hair gently* Be good for Auntie Shin, ok, sweetie? {{ want anything?}}

<Shingami> {{ um something eddible?}{

* Brenna nodsnods* I will, mama...

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Heh! Pasta sound good? Or...oohh...stirfry?}}

<Shingami> {{stirfry sounds good}}

* HappyLittleMoron nods, gently ruffling Brenna's hair again before dissapearing into the kitchen* {{Ok..}}

* Shingami grabs another piece of paper carefuly drawing a square in the middle the coloring weird paterns on it...

* Brenna blinkies* Whatcha dwawin'?

<Shingami> Im makin oragami paper

* Brenna tilts her head, icy eyes curiouse* Or...or-a-gam-ee?

<Shingami> Oragami is an ancient japanes art... here ill show you...

* Shingami tears the square out of the paper

* Brenna watches curiously*

<Shingami> oragami means paper folding.. what you do is take a square peace of paper and fold it in certin ways to make things like animals, boats, hats and things...

<Brenna> Ooohhh...*brows furrow as she watches, never having heard of it* How...?

* HappyLittleMoron 's cookin' stir-fry stuffs in the kitchen, Brenna's in the main room w/ Shing

* Shingami is also OOC learning the history of Icecream

* Shingami slowly carefuly folds the square of paper a few times, then flis it over doign a bunch more...creates a crain

<Shingami> see

* Brenna blinks and her eyes get really big* Oohhh...pretty...

<Shingami> I ahve an idea...

* Shingami mkes a few more paper squares foldign them into dolls that kinda (with a great strech fo th eimagination) look like ppl in the asylum

* Brenna tilts her head...purring lightly at the smell of the food, then ooohs*

<Shingami> think you can color the dolls im sure your dada will be suprised

* Brenna nodsnods* I can do dat! *smiles and starts in energeticly*

<Shingami> very cool...

* Brenna smiles and holds up the Shin one* Dis one you!

<Shingami> *looks* Wow hey it looks jsut like me! Your an amazing colorer Brenna

<Brenna> Thank you! *smiles* You a good or-gam-ee-er, Aunt Shin..

<Shingami> Thank you Brenna

* Brenna nodsnods and starts working on the one that looks like Klork* Dis one dada...

<Shingami> Wich one is your mom?

* Brenna picks up one* Dis one...her belly gonna be BIG...*grins widely*

<Shingami> cuz your brothers and or sisters are inside right

* Brenna nodsnods* An'' I usedta be in dere wit' dem...

<Shingami> soon they'll be out here and we can all be with em

* Brenna nods again and smiles as she finishes coloring* Uh huh...I can't wait...gonna be cuuuute! *puffs up* I gonna be a big sis'er!

<Shingami> I bet yol be th ebest big sister in the world too

* Brenna nodsnods* I do my best...

<Shingami> and thats all anyone can ask from ya too nekochan(little kitty)

* Brenna nodsnods and purrs very softly*

* Shingami makes a few other oragami things, coloring them in too

* Brenna colors the best she can...*

<Shingami> {{nene hlm im gettin hungry that smells heavely}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Heh! Impatient, Shing? I was just about to call you and Brenna to come in here for dinner}} *chuckles softly*

<Shingami> {{ good im huuuuuuungey... learnign the strange and unusal origines of american good's made me hungry.. sept the whole spam thing ew...}} hey brenna wanna see if food is ready?

* Brenna looks up and nods, holding her arms up to be picked up*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs softly as she dishes food up

* Shingami picks brenna up and on ehr shoulders for a piggy back ride

<Shingami> To the kitchen!

* Brenna giggles* Wheeee!

* Shingami takes brenna to the ktichen

<Shingami> food?

<HappyLittleMoron> Riiiiight here...sit down and dig can put Brenna in her high chair...

<Shingami> Haihai..*seats brenna in her chair and sits down beside her* mmmmmmm food

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, serving 'em up and sitting on Brenna's other side...helping her eat when she needs it, eating her own dinner as well...

<Shingami> i tried makign lunch.. and alsmto killed the microwave.. i think what kitcen skills ihad are going bubye

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<HappyLittleMoron> Just takes practice, Shin...start with sandwiches <G>

<Shingami> i thought a hot pocket woudl be eaysier.. man was i wrong...

* HappyLittleMoron laughs again* Oh Shing...

<Shingami> didnt help wing spooekd me and i hitthe wrong tiem and it exploded in the microwave.. and all over him so i wasnt complaining

* HappyLittleMoron cackles* Poor guy...ehehehehe...gotta love siblings...

<Shingami> sometimes.. baka used all the hot water this morning...

<HappyLittleMoron> Eesh...rude...

* HappyLittleMoron gets some milk for herself and Brenna* Want anything to drink, Shin?

* Brenna purrrrrrrrrrrs as she drinks her milk from one of those spill-proof cup thingies*

<Shingami> umm any cream soda?

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure...*gets Shing some*

<Shingami> aa arigato

<HappyLittleMoron> No problemo

<Shingami> Hey Brenna why dong you tell your mom what you colored

* Shingami brenna and HLM are in the kitchen

<Brenna> Auntie Shin made orgamee dollies 'n I colored dem in!

* HappyLittleMoron grins* I bet they're really pretty...

* Brenna nodnods* Dere's one of you...of dada...of Auntie Shin...ev'body!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> Bet you did a great job *grins and starts cleaning up*

<Shingami> theyr really cool

* HappyLittleMoron puts a cover over the leftovers to keep them warm for a while longer before grinning and lifting Brenna up after cleaning her face and hands* When do I get to see 'em? *grins*

<Shingami> well thats up to brenna

<Brenna> We show her now...??

<Shingami> ... sure

* Shingami gets up puttign he rplate by the sink

* ``Taurus walks downstairs

* Shingami goes t grab the dolls... waves to taurus

<Shingami> Hey there stranger

* ``Taurus waves back* Hey

<Shingami> how are you doing

<``Taurus> I'm fine thanks

<``Taurus> and yourself?

<Shingami> Peachy

* ``Taurus nods* I haven't been around because I've been making some money

<Shingami> Oh hey where ya workin?

<``Taurus> ....well its not exactally work....

<Shingami> oh?

<``Taurus> I kinda box on the side

<Shingami> eh?

<``Taurus> yeah

<``Taurus> and I make money off the bets

<Shingami> Aa

<``Taurus> its bare knuckle... so its kinda not something I advertise

<Shingami> I'll stick to occasional florist work and using the ungodly ammased welth form centuries of living thanks

<Shingami> sides i paid for the enxt 8 months in advance anyway

* ``Taurus nods* I'm addicted to it, the rush is the best thing in the world

<Shingami> What gambling in a back alley?

<``Taurus> naw, the fighting

<Shingami> thatll egt you ass io jail or worse faster then you can whistle dixi

* ``Taurus shakes his head* We have the police covered, actually a bunch of officers come down and fight sometimes after work.

<Shingami> righthtn one day you run into an honest cop..

* ``Taurus shrugs* And what are they going to do? throw me in jail? My claws'll cut through those bars like "a hot knife through butter"

<Shingami> I suppsoe your also bullet proof too

<``Taurus> damn near close

<Shingami> Right one well palce ebullet to the ehart liver and the chest and your bleedign form several major organs muscle gorups and a lung filling with fluid... or they might jsut turn ya over to mutan regestration services...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, comeing from...uh...somewhere with Brenna <G>

<Shingami> i grew up probbaly in the alley you fight in or near.. they dotn call em the mean streats of menhatten for nothin

<``Taurus> I never said it was in a alley

<Shingami> doko da?

<``Taurus> an undisclosed location

<``Taurus> I get a call about an hour before its time to go, telling me where to go, once I get there a pay phone rings near by and they tell me another location, a car pulls up, blindfolds me and takes me there.

<Shingami> yeah that sounds safe

<``Taurus> I box, I get paid, They blindfold me and drop me off where they pick me up, I make my way home, no questions asked.

<Shingami> there are much safer ways of makin cash

<``Taurus> Like what? Convienence store? yeah, get robbed 3 times a night. Or maybe a mindless Wall Street broker?

<Shingami> Amature boxing circut jsut gotta shwo up for a tryout im sure youd make it

<``Taurus> I'd have to get a licence, they ask too many questions.....

<Shingami> so you hide instead?

* ``Taurus nods

<``Taurus> I've been around the great United States of America, its very overrated....

<``Taurus> its no different anywhere

<Shingami> only if you dotn look hard enough

* ``Taurus shakes his head* Listen, I'm sorry I brought the whole thing up.

<Shingami> Im jst trying to hel soemoen keep thier rear end outa the fire ive been there Bub... it aint pretty

<``Taurus> so have I




* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs frooom putting Brenna to bed

* Red's sitting in a new recliner, ready thru a book

* Shingami is out walkin the streets in a pissy mood in jeans t-shrit and funkey green sneekers

* Red looks around and waves to HLM

* HappyLittleMoron waves back to Red

* Red smiles* "Hello HLM, how're you tonight?"


* Red smiles* "Very good."

<HappyLittleMoron> Good to hear...*smiles*

* Red smiles* "I have a spot of good news."

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh? Good news is always...uhm...*grins sheepishly* good <G>

* Red smiles* "How're you and Klork?

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Good...both working hard...what's thiss news...

* Red smiles* "TN and I are trying for a kid."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Are you sure you two are ready...?

* Red nods

<HappyLittleMoron> WEll...ah...good luck *smiles, resting her hands on her own belly*

* Red smiles* "How're you and the little ones doing?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Good...*chuckles softly* They're growing well...

* Red nods

* Red contneus reading the book

* Klork stretches, grimacing as he comes down the stairs

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Klork and grins* Erf...sore...?

* Klork nods, slowly sitting on a chair

<Klork> veddy.

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to gently kiss his brow* Make use of the hottub...?

* Klork ooooooooohs

<Klork> hottub...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* HappyLittleMoron offers to help him up.....

* Klork takes her hand, grimacing a bit

<Klork> Thanks..

* HappyLittleMoron gently pulls him to his feet, offering support...* Hot tub we go...?

* Klork smirks, nodding

<Klork> probby gunna hafta..change huh?

<HappyLittleMoron> True...

* HappyLittleMoron kisses his jaw

<Klork> bummer..*smirks, purring a bit*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, helping him up the stairs

* Klork goes with, rubbing at his shoulders

* Klork changes, then scuffles upstairs to the hottub

* HappyLittleMoron helps him 'n stuff

* Klork gets up there, dunking into the hot tub

* HappyLittleMoron grins lightly as she watches

* Klork just sprawls in the hot tub

* HappyLittleMoron crosses her arms on the lip of the hottub, resting her chin on 'em

* Klork smirks

<Klork> heya..

<HappyLittleMoron> Heya...feel good?

* Klork nods, purring quietly

<Klork> vedy

<HappyLittleMoron> Good...*reaches over to lightly massage his shoulders*

* Klork grins, leaning into her hands

<Klork> HiiiIiiIiii

* HappyLittleMoron laughs softly as she gently kneeds his muscles* Hiiiiiiii <G>

* Klork melts...purring

<HappyLittleMoron> Oohh...melting hubby..

* Klork grins

<Klork> I love youuuuu

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* I love youuuuu tooooooooo

* Klork purrmelts

* HappyLittleMoron grins, keeping it up...the massage, hentais...

* Klork purrs, smirking up at her

<Klork> this bodes for bed you realize *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Bed is good...

* Klork nods, getting out and snagging a towel to dry off

* HappyLittleMoron whips her hands off on her shirt...wooo...maternity wear

* Klork grins, wrapping his dried of arms around her with a purr

<Klork> hii

<Klork> again..

* HappyLittleMoron grins and leans up to kiss him* Hii again tooooo

* Klork purrs, opening a portal to their room

<Klork> this work?

<HappyLittleMoron> Veddy well...*heads through with him*

* Klork nods, going w/ and heading to bed

Session Close: Sun Feb 03 23:36:53 2002

