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Session Start: Sun Feb 24 13:04:07 2002

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs, Brenna perched on her shoulders

* Rislyn is zonked on a chair <G>

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and chuckles, looking up at her daughter with a smirk* Exciting place, heh, sweetie?

* Brenna giggles*

* Rislyn mumbles a little, violet eyes opening slowly before she covers a yawn

<HappyLittleMoron> Mornin' <G>

<Rislyn> Good is still morning, isn't it??

<HappyLittleMoron> Afternoon, but close enough <G>

* Rislyn smiles, stretching and sitting up, waving a little to Brenna

<Rislyn> Who's the beauty?

* Brenna smiles and wavels back*

* Rislyn likes kids .. NOT that way. <G>

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* She's my daughter, Brenna...Brenna, love? This is Rislyn..

* HappyLittleMoron lifts Brenna off her shoulders and sets her on the floor so the little girl can curtsie

* Brenna smiles and does so* Hihi

<Rislyn> 'Tis a pleasure to meet you.

* Rislyn stands, bowing in return to her curtsie

* Brenna smiles* Is nice to meet you too. You live here too now?

<Rislyn> For the time being, yes.

* Rislyn smirks

* Rislyn looks up at 'Mo

<Brenna> Oohh...*grins* It's nice here.

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly and ruffles her hair

<Rislyn> She looks much like you. I'm sure she'll break many hearts. *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, lifting Brenna up into her arms* Heh...thanks...*smirks* She'll be cursed to a life behind sunglasses, but hey...*shrugs*

<HappyLittleMoron> You enjoyin' it here, Rislyn?

* Rislyn nods a little

* Klork comes down the stairs,still in his sunglasses, kinda groggily stumbling

<Rislyn> It is much more comfortable than any hotel. And has a much nicer atmosphere.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up* Ack...hon...*heads over to steady him, smirking lightly at Ris*

<Rislyn> Unfortunately, there don't seem to be many single women. *sighs, running a hand through her hair*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> People tend to pair up quickly around here...

* Klork smirks a bit, draping his arm over her shoulder

<Klork> Well, I would say Shin--buuut, *smirks* She was gone pretty long on a date it seemed..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooohhh....?

<HappyLittleMoron> Mitch or Merc?

<Klork> Mitch *smirks, stretching*

<HappyLittleMoron> Well! He's settling in nicely...

* Rislyn sighs a little, shrugging, then holds out her hand to Klork

<Rislyn> I have not met you yet. My name is Rislyn.

<Rislyn> You must be Klork.

* Klork blinks, then nods, reaching out half-blindly for her hand

<Klork> Klork, yeah .. gyah ... hey..sorry, can't see all too well, magic hangover..

* Rislyn arches a brow, but finds his instead, shaking it

<Rislyn> Understandable.

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip lightly, worried look coming over her face

* Rislyn releases Klork's hand, since she still has it!

* Klork smirks returning it around HLM's waist

* HappyLittleMoron smirks at Ris* Hey now...he's my hubby, Ris *winks, slipping her free arm around Klork, the other holding Brenna*

<Klork>'s getting better tho .. can see blurry figures..

<HappyLittleMoron> Good..

* Rislyn chuckles

<Rislyn> You should know I have no intrest in hitting on him. No offense to you, Klork.

* Rislyn adds that on, not meaning that to sound rude..

<HappyLittleMoron> I know I know...I was teasing

* Klork blinks, then shrugs with a small chuckle

<Klork> S'all right .. no offense, but I'm kinda happy with who I got *smirks*

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh ho...only kinda? <G>

* Klork blinks, then aghs

<Klork> I am VERY happy....eeesh, c'mon..

* Klork purrs quietly

* FWL_MeRc walks out of his room

<FWL_MeRc> good morning asylum

* Klork looks up

<HappyLittleMoron> Afternoon, ya doin'?

<Klork> I see a blue that Merc?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep, it's the smurf himself

* Rislyn turns, waving slightly with only a slight chuckle at Klork

<Klork> Undeniably Merc then.

<FWL_MeRc> klork I'm having my period so shaddup

* Klork squints

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and manafests some motrin and a pack of tampons to Merc

* Klork shakes his head

<FWL_MeRc> ...

<Klork> Right um... strange you are ..

* Rislyn sighs a little, glancing at the stairs before shaking her head, pulling her cape from where she was laying on it and putting it on

<FWL_MeRc> not that kinda period mormon

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehehe...oh fine...*manafests the stuff away*

<Klork> In that case ... wouldn't you be able to self breed?

* Klork looks over at the Ris blob

<Klork> So, how're you?

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohgods...scary thought...*shudders, Brenna looking lost*

<FWL_MeRc> no klork i can't

<Klork> K...*inches from merc*

<FWL_MeRc> hey moron

<FWL_MeRc> canni beat ur spouse senseless?

<HappyLittleMoron> Nope...

<Klork> No, spouse is needed for reproduction.

* Rislyn blinks, looking up at him before chuckling

<HappyLittleMoron> I need him in one peice for when I give birth

* Klork twiddles his thumbs

<FWL_MeRc> klork u done your bit

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehehe...*then looks back to Rislyn* ANYhoo...

<Klork> This is true, thus am needed for physical harm and diaper changing.

<FWL_MeRc> ... oh so you can grab his testis when u push the last two out?

<FWL_MeRc> kinda like punishement

* Klork kinda goes pale .. stays silent

* Rislyn just LOOKS at Merc

<HappyLittleMoron> Of course not!

<Rislyn> ...Do you want to scare him to death?

<HappyLittleMoron> Your genitals are the only ones I mutilate

* Rislyn points

* Klork returns to a nice flush color

* Klork cackles

* HappyLittleMoron rubs Klork's back

* Rislyn then LOOKS at HLM, then shakes her head slowly

<FWL_MeRc> ...

<Klork> Ice ice baby..

<HappyLittleMoron> Hehehehehe

<Rislyn> I...think I need to go outside. For a walk..

<FWL_MeRc> and i love every second of it

* HappyLittleMoron manafests dry ice down Merc's pants

<Klork> Oohoh man..

<HappyLittleMoron> Aww...c'mon, Ris! It's fun to stay in here!

<Klork> A'right, Ris..have fun!

<FWL_MeRc> yea you gonna miss me fish ice out of my pants

<FWL_MeRc> ... thankfully i have my williewarmer on

<Rislyn> It's quite alright. Men aren't my thing.

* HappyLittleMoron mutters

* Rislyn smiles, winking at him before heading out

<HappyLittleMoron> Be safe, Ris

* FWL_MeRc lifts a brow

<Klork> Ah, oh, btw, Ris? Kevley thinks yer' hot.

* HappyLittleMoron coughs and laughs



* Klork heads towards the kitchen, gracefully hitting the door frame before managing to get by

* HappyLittleMoron laughs more, Brenna giggling just 'cause her mom's laughing

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, smirks at Merc and goes to follow Klork to help him along..

* Klork leans against the stove top, rubbing his ehad

<FWL_MeRc> ...

<Klork> that hurt..

<HappyLittleMoron> Hon...c' till you can see better...I can make something to eat if you wanna hold Brenna...

<FWL_MeRc> so... whats your name ? *looks at Rislyn if Rislyn is still here*

* Klork nods, fumbling to a chair

<Klork> Thanks..

* Rislyn BLINKS, stumbling a little at the Kevrey comment, then looks over to Merc

* HappyLittleMoron gives him Brenna...* Whatcha want...?

<Rislyn> Eh...Pardon my rudeness. *holds out her hand to him* Rislyn.

* Klork smirks, settling her in his lap, shrugging a bit

<Klork> Breakfast or lunch kinda stuffs always works...anything really..

* FWL_MeRc takes her hand and shakes "Merc... resisdent psycho and perv"

<Rislyn> Ahh..the "perv" explains the outburst about my lifestyle.

* Brenna purrs, cuddling her dad as HLM nods and goes about making uhm...omletts! Yeah...that sounds good...*

* Rislyn shakes his hand before taking hers back

* Klork smirks, ruffling Brenna's hair lightly

<FWL_MeRc> will also explain other outbursts *smirks*

* Rislyn pauses, then arches a brow before just shaking her head, tucking her cape tighter around her

<FWL_MeRc> na I'm harmless if it annoys you just tell me *smiles* i just do it for fun

<Rislyn> Ahh.. well, I really should go out for my walk. I'll talk to you later.

* Rislyn bows, then heads out

* HappyLittleMoron sets food in front of Klork 'n sits by him to take Brenna back...sharing her portune with the girl

* Klork purrs, munching

<Klork> Arigato...*purrrrrrrrrrmunch*

<FWL_MeRc> watch out for lessy psychos!

<FWL_MeRc> they try to steal your money

<HappyLittleMoron> You're welcome, love..

* Klork purrs in happyfoodness

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, Brenna purring away too...

* Klork finishes, smiling a bit and leaning back

<Klork> Happiness is a warm omlette and good company.*pauses* It would be hapier could I see them tho..

* FWL_MeRc walks into the kitchen

<FWL_MeRc> ... cooking and sex with the moron family

<Klork> Heya blue blob, hungry?

* HappyLittleMoron grins softly, reaching over to squeeze his hand* Anything we can do to help...? *looks up to Merc* We have stuff for you to make something for yerself, Merc...*blinks and smirks*

* Klork snaps his fingers

<HappyLittleMoron> Perv...

<Klork> Th'

<Klork> the' moron family .. da da dun ..*snapsnap* da da da dun..*snapsnap*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

<HappyLittleMoron> There's a comparison that fightens me!

* Klork shrugs

<FWL_MeRc> ... you know

<FWL_MeRc> did you guy wash your hands?

<Klork> I'll be ok...give it about another day and my sight should be back completely

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok, hon...

<Klork> before I came down stairs, eyep.

* HappyLittleMoron rolls her eyes at Merc

* Klork flings a spoonful of something, be it he cannot see what it is, at merc, or at least the giant blue blob before him ... let's just hope the fridge isn't blue

* Brenna giggles*

* FWL_MeRc looks at the blob of stuff on his chest

<FWL_MeRc> ... Klorks thats one bad case of premature ejacutaion...

* HappyLittleMoron oys

<Brenna> Wha's that...?

* Klork blinks, then eyes Merc

<FWL_MeRc> thats when daddy can't preform like a normal man

<Klork> A practice Uncie Merc would know more about than anything..

* Brenna blinkblinks* Kinda like...wha' Auntie Diana teaches Iris and me...? *confused look*

* Klork bites his lip, coughing

<Klork> Um, no...not really'll understand when you're older..

* HappyLittleMoron coughs lightly and nods

<FWL_MeRc> ... its a mommy and daddy thing

* Brenna blinkblinks* ...uhm...ok...*furrows her brows, trying to figure it out*

<FWL_MeRc> well... lets all rejoice

<Klork> Eh? *squints up at the Merc-blob*

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Dwah?

<FWL_MeRc> i hadn't killed klork yet

* Klork arches a brow

<Klork> Yet?

<Klork> Hnh..

<HappyLittleMoron> You better not try anything, Merc...


<HappyLittleMoron> ...

* FWL_MeRc points to the blob

* Klork arches a brow

<FWL_MeRc> didn't he brenna?

<Klork> Dude, I'm not the one who puts ice down your pants..

* Brenna blinkies* Wha's d'filed mean?

<FWL_MeRc> shes female shes allow be mean

<Klork> It means I messed up his hair.

* Klork cackles

<Brenna> Oohh...den no...daddie didn't Unca Merc

<Klork> Pretty blue blob got dirty...boohoo

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehehe

<FWL_MeRc> klork i hate you

<Klork> Share the love, Merc! *grins lopsidedly*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<FWL_MeRc> ok!

* FWL_MeRc begins to undoe his pants "bend over sweetie"

<HappyLittleMoron> Merc...

* Rislyn comes back a while later, carrying some bags that look like they have clothing in them..then just stops when she hears Merc..

<FWL_MeRc> thats my name?

* Rislyn shakes her head and heads upstairs to her room, calling that she's back to 'Mo, so she knows who came back in

<HappyLittleMoron> Oyyyyy...*shakes her head* Welcome back Ris!

* Klork stands, shuffling passed the merc blobl

* FWL_MeRc fixes his pants

<FWL_MeRc> ok bad impression

<FWL_MeRc> ... I'll flog myself now

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

<HappyLittleMoron> Enjoy yourself...

* Brenna looks up at HLM* Why're grown-ups so weird...

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and kisses her brow* We just'll be one of us too one day *winks and laughs at the nose-wrinkle*

* Klork chuckles, heading to the sparring room to work out

* FWL_MeRc walks to his room and begins to play with his toys

<FWL_MeRc> sleek black and sexy... if you were a woman I'd marry you

* HappyLittleMoron cleans up 'n stuff

* Klork beats up the punchin' bag . why? cuz he can ............ sorta

* Rislyn comes back downstairs, wearing her normal outfit --the black leather-like tanktop and her faded but well fitting jeans

* FWL_MeRc walks out if his room carring his semi automatic

* HappyLittleMoron comes back into the living room, setting it up so Brenna can color

* Diana slowly comes down the stairs, looking very sick*

<FWL_MeRc> HLM mind if i shoot klork in the leg?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yes I do. WHY do you wanna hurt my hubby?

* Klork beats th' punching bag .. etc

<FWL_MeRc> ... the gun is telling me to

<FWL_MeRc> ... *gives diana a look* you look like... *sniffs* and smell sick

* Diana nods a little, slowly sitting down and leaning back, holding her stomach*

* Rislyn goes into the kitchen, another bag in her hand, this one a grocery bag, and starts pulling things out of it to make herself some lunch

* Rislyn hums quietly under her breath as she does so

<FWL_MeRc> ... I'll get you sum andrews

* FWL_MeRc walks into the kitcen

* Diana just...nods quietly*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks over at Diana, brows furrowing lightly

<Rislyn> <vq> Nil faic nah geifea.... Ni mor leat an t-eagla..

* Klork still punches d' punchin' bag :P

<Rislyn> <vq> Ag siuil I dtreo na gaoith' I measc tonnta na bhfocal...

* Diana grimaces lightly and curls up, pulling the blanket HLM gave her a little more tightly around herself*

* Klork continuously beats thething til he can't...walking to the doorframe and leaningo n it, covered in a sheen o' sweat

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and grins wryly, whistling, heading over* Feel better...?

* FWL_MeRc comes back with andrews and gives diana some "for your stomach"

<Klork> A bit, yeah *smirks*

* Diana nods a little and takes it* <w> Domo, Merc...

* Rislyn just keeps humming away..not knowing the words of what she's singing, but just liking the tune

* Diana just settles back, closing her eyes and riding her pain*

* Rislyn finishes her salad and comes back out, nibbling at it, looking a bit side-tracked..

* Diana seems to be sleeping, pale and sweating*

<HappyLittleMoron> Something on yer mind, Ris...?

* Rislyn blinks, looking up at 'Mo and then clears her throat a little

<Rislyn> I--WHY?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Rislyn sets her fork down rather loudly, brow furrowed

<Rislyn> I...Kevley. He knows I'm not interested..

* Rislyn starts stabbing at her salad, doing more mutilating than eating

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows* Oh...? *grins, knowing spark in her eye*

* Klork snickers

<Klork> I was just teasin' is all ... didn't really mean it.

* Klork comes over, sitting

<Klork> I honestly have no clue if he likes you or not.

* HappyLittleMoron smirks

* Rislyn blinks, glaring at Klork over her plate before just taking and her bag of personal dry good groceries upstairs

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brow

* Klork blinks, arching a brow

<Klork> Geeze .. I thought lesbians were supposed to not be so touchy? *blinks, lost*

<HappyLittleMoron> Hon...I don't think she really IS one...completely anyway...

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Ehh?

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly and sits by him, watching Brenna draw out of the corner of her eye, keeping tabs on Diana, too* She's playin' at it, but I don't think she is one...

* Klork sits, brow arched

<Klork> Seriosly? Why would somebody do that?

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs* I avoid having guys pick 'em up...? Maybe theyy just like the "image" or something...

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> K...strange..

* HappyLittleMoron nods

<HappyLittleMoron> 'Sup to her is all...if she wants to be something she's not *shrugs*

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> k..

* Rislyn comes back down, deathly silent, and goes into the kitchen to clean her dishes, then goes into the sparring room, once again going at practice with her sword

* Klork blinks, watching her go by

<Klork> Sorry if I offended ya, Ris..

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<FWL_MeRc> ... I am doomed

<FWL_MeRc> ...

<HappyLittleMoron> Hm?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a lil' at Merc

<Klork> eh?

<FWL_MeRc> sorry... you know realisation...

* Rislyn continually slashes ..

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...kay...

* Diana curls around herself, keeping her eyes closed*

<FWL_MeRc> ... .oO (this is my fault...) *looks sadly ay diana*

* Klork pauses brow furrowing as he glancse back at Dian

<Klork> Di........?

* Diana opens her eyes* <q> Hai?

<Klork> ..Are you sure you're all right?

* Diana closes her eyes again and curls into herself more* <q> I will be...

* Klork frowns, leaning over the back of the couch..

<Klork> Di ... seriously..

* Diana opens her eyes and looks up at him* <q> Hai...seriously...I will be. There's nothing anyone can do..

* Klork frowns, kinda sinking a bit..

* Rislyn just continues to hack away at imaginary enemies

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, brows furrowed, gently squeezing one of Diana's hands as the other woman just closes her eyes again with a soft sigh

* Rislyn is...yep, still hackin' away in the sparring room, wearing herself down to exhaustion little by little

* Diana curls up all the way*

* Klork sighs, looking at Diana* {{I smell blood, Mo....}}

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and nods to Klork* {{Yeah...her energies are weaker...missing something...}}

<Klork> {{...The Baby, Mo'........}}

* Rislyn eventually wears herself out, collapsing on the floor of the sparring room, her sword disappearing into her hand the moment she reaches unconsciousness

* HappyLittleMoron nods* {{Yeah...}} *sighs shakily, stroking Diana's hair* {{It's passed through...she's just bleeding now...}}

* Klork sighs shakily* {{Maybe we should get her somwehere where she can rest..?}}

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Probably...}}

* Klork sighs

<Klork> C'mon, seriously need to rest..

* Diana nods a little* <w> Didn't want to be alone anymore...

* Klork smoothes her hair back

<Klork> <q> Understandable..

* Diana sighs shakily, looking up at the two of them, tears in her eyes*

* Klork frowns a bit, holding his arms open

* Diana closes her eyes and leans against him*

* Klork wraps his arms around her in a hug, sighing shakily

<Klork> <w> Easy ... we'll help ya through this..

* Diana nods, shuddering lightly in his arms, HLM stroking her shoulder gently*

* Rislyn kinda....lays on the floor

* Rislyn lays..yepyep <G>

* HappyLittleMoron comforts as Diana cries! That's it...

* Klork doe too!

* Kevley meanders downstairs, rubbing at the back of hisneck*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and wavels a lil' to Kev before going back to comforting Diana

* Rislyn still just lays on the floor, having completely spent up all her energy keeping her sword drawn and continually exerting herself

* Kevley sees the whole hug party w/ Diana,Klork n' Mo, decides to head to the sparring room... is completely healed due to putting a healing spell on himself*

* Rislyn ..still just lays. <G> Not much she can do whilst unconscious

* Kevley blinks, going over and nudging her* Eh..? Ris??

* Rislyn moans quietly, but other than that, doesn't respond

* Diana pulls back a little, whiping at her eyes a little, HLM sitting back on her heals and refolding her wings against her back*

* Klork frowns, smoothing her hair back

* Kevley sighs, picking her up* Great..

* HappyLittleMoron puts the pics in the chracter pics gallery in alphabetical order <G>>

<HappyLittleMoron> Hn...? *looks up towards the workout room*

<Diana> <w> Domo, bro...

* Klork nods

* Kevley sighs* She's out..dunnowhy..but she is..*rests her on a chair*

* Rislyn 's head kinda lolls to one side, completely limp

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows and rises to her feet, going to check Ris* She was working out in there last I knew...

<Lana> *Wanders downstairs after her hourly nap, and goes straight for the kitchen...*

* HappyLittleMoron wavels a lil' to Lana, running a hand through her hair, Diana just kinda sitting there, head bowed, looking sick as a dog

* Rislyn 's brow furrows slightly as she hears the voices kinda ... then jumps out of the chair, sword drawn and face pretty much panicked

* Kevley shrugs, brow furrowing* Ah, um, easy there...

* Klork rubs at Di's back gently, sighing

* Rislyn blinks, then takes a deep breath, sword absorbing back into her hand before she holds her head in her other hand

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and steps back

<HappyLittleMoron> Hey...

<Rislyn> ...Sorry....still..not used to awakening around people.

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh...yeah...I can imagine...though...napping on the sparring room floor isn't all that great an idea if ya wanna avoid that...

* Rislyn runs both hands through her hair, kinda gripping it at her temples before nodding

* Kevley blinks* Are you qutie all right?

<Rislyn> <q> I apologize... I had no intentions of resting when I went in.

* Klork arches a brow

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh! No need to apologize...

* Rislyn looks up at briefly, then nods, eyes lowering again

<Rislyn> Fine... just.. lost control..

* Rislyn instantly shuts her mouth, fingers clenching in her hair again before she drops her hands to her sides

* Kevley nods in agreement w/ HLM, brow arching* You're sure..?

* Klork watches, brows arched

* Rislyn nods slowly

<Rislyn> My mind wasn't focused on what I was doing. I just...I'm alright.

<Rislyn> Thank you..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok....just be more careful next time

* Rislyn smiles a little and shaky smile, looking up at her

<Rislyn> ..I will try.

* Kevley frowns a bit*

* Rislyn chews at her lip.... wondering what to do now that she shouldn't be practicing

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'...kinda puzzled look on her face

* Rislyn sighs, pulling her cape around her and heading up the stairs silently, going up to the roof to think

* HappyLittleMoron just kinda watches, brow arched slightly

* Kevley blinks, then sighs, going to follo*

* Rislyn gets up to the roof, going to the ledge and sitting on it, legs dangling over the side as she just kinda looks out ahead of her

* HappyLittleMoron just kinda wavels, Diana still just in the samme spot and posture

* Klork stay there w/ Di

* Diana stands with a tired sigh, wavering a lil' bit* <w> I...think I'm going to try resting a little...

* HappyLittleMoron sits at the desk doing NYAH!

* HappyLittleMoron leans back, chewing her lip lightly as Diana slowly comes down the stairs again, looking slightly better than before

* Klork blinks, looking up, havin' enough guts to go w/out sunglasses on

<Klork> You ok?

* Diana nods quietly, going to sit down*

* Diana leans back*

* Keelin comes down the stairs wearin' her flare jeans n' a blouse, hair pulled back in a braid, walkin' and reading some book at the same time

* HappyLittleMoron smirks lightly at Keelin, shaking her head a lil'* Whatcha readin'?

* Keelin walks over, leaning against the wall, eyes not leaving her book

<Keelin> War and Peace..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Just a lil' light readin'..

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> It's quite interesting actually *doesn't look up*

* Klork stares

<Klork> that's LIGHT??

<Keelin> sarcasm, Klork, sarcasm.

<HappyLittleMoron> Dunno what that is

* Klork sticks his tongue out, getting up

<Klork> I'm gonna get the mail..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehehe okie, love

* Keelin flips to the last page, then closes the book

<Keelin> Hm. Napoleonic wars ... unusual history you people have..

* Klork heads out to the mail box..ladeda

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...human's're freaks *smirks*

* Diana smiles a little and shrugs, turning her eyes to the fire*

* Keelin nods, tilting her head to the side

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, rubbing her belly lightly

* Diana closes her eyes, leaning back*

* Diana's eyes flash open and she looks around*

* Klork opens the front door, closin' it behind him

<Klork> Ok...stuffs here..*flips through it, tuckin' everybody's mail into their boxes

* a small box ticks quietly away in one corner of the porch*

* Klork twitches, pausing and poking his head out the door

* Klork inches back inside

<Klork> Um ...

<HappyLittleMoron> Hn...?

* HappyLittleMoron stands...

* Keelin quirks a brow

<Klork> Boxes aren't supposed to tick are they...?

<HappyLittleMoron> Not generally...why?

<Klork> K...cuz there's one ticking on the porch ...

* Klork opens the door again, putting a portal over it ... aiming to put it mid-air between the buildings on either side of the street*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...uhm...never good...*bites her lip and watches...*

* Keelin closes the door, decides to watch through the peep-hole <G>

* the box sits there genially, ticking... then vanishes, and appears between the buildings on the other side... it hovers there for a moment, until gravity catches up, then drops with a dull thud to the floor of the alley*

* bounces a bit, this isn't a large or heavy box it seems*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks at the lack of "BOOM"

* Klork opens the door cautiously

<Klork> Fneh? Where'd it Oh....there .. still ticking?? *blinks*

* HappyLittleMoron looks over his shoulder...

<HappyLittleMoron> Maybe someone ordered a clock?

* the box unaccountably fails to release some hideous menace or explode in a diabolical manner... but keeps ticking, not loud at all*

* Klork arches a brow, opening a small portal for his arm to tuck through

<Klork> OK, if I lose my arm, be ready to get Myrae or something

* Keelin watches, brow quirked, slowly shaking her head

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...

* Klork pushes the box around blindly, trying to open it

* Box shuffles around as Klork prods at it; it's light cardboard, the flap sealed at the top with shipping tape*

* HappyLittleMoron offers a knife...

* Klork pulls out, taking the knife* Danke..

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods* No problem..

* Klork goes about tryin to cut the box open

* intrepid explorer Klork manages to slit open the tape... the top pops up a bit, relieving the stress on the cardboard. The Box is open!*

* Klork whews, digging into the box

* something taps on Klork's hand...*

* Klork arches a brow

<Klork> Fneh??

* Klork pokes his head through

* the Box, in the shadows and the darkness, reveals... one of those stupid "drinking bird" toys, bobbing back and forth... the beak pecks with a ticking noise against the side of the box, unable to complete its arc*

* Klork mutters

<Klork> dumb birds ....

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Hey!

* Klork eyes the bird, brows arched

* Klork pokes his head back out at HLM

<Klork> I hate birds ... um..*pauses* The little ones ... with the .. um. Oh hell, dign' deeper.

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* nothing - just bird*

* Klork mutters, closing the portal

<Klork> s'just a can stay there..*mutters, feelin' too stupid to want to do anything with it now*

* HappyLittleMoron kisses his cheek* Good...

* Box sits meekly in the alley across from the Asylum*

* Klork dusts himself off

<Klork> well, that was fun.

* in the days to come, it briefly forms the centerpiece of a highly localized religion for a pack of rats before being stepped on by a garbageman*

<HappyLittleMoron> Muchly so...

* Diana straitens up, a shiver of magic racing through the air*

* Klork tilts his head to the side

<Klork> hoboy...I hate that feeling...

* Keelin looks a little rigid, eyes narrowing

<``Mitch> Meanwhile, ignorant of the deadly drinking bird situation ready to explode, Mitch walks down the stairs, a manila envelope in hand...

* HappyLittleMoron shivers* too...*Dev comes downstairs...following Mitch apparentlY*

<Klork> 'Lo Mitch..

<``Mitch> "Evening, Klork..."

* Klork sighs shakily

<Klork> Does anybody have any iron or steel on them?

* Keelin gives Klork a bland look

<Klork> Not you..

<``Mitch> "Mrs. Happy? Can I talk to you for a moment?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Eh...sure...?

* ``Mitch glances at Klork, a little unsure. "Er... I've a wrench..."

<Klork> is it on you right now?

<``Mitch> "Not ON me, no..."

<Klork> Crud...*runs into the kitchen, snagging the iron pot* Eh, this works.

* HappyLittleMoron manafests her rings/bracelet thing on that Klork gave her...manafesting ...well...was gonna manafest Klork's sword to him, but hey <G>*

* Klork tosses the pot aside

<Klork> Sword works!

<Klork> Gimmegimme!

* Diana summons her sword as a shower of sparkles suddenly appears at the far end of the room...HLM manafested the sword to Klork then <G>*

* Klork readies his sword

<Keelin> Crap..

* Keelin pulls into her silk blouse

* ``Mitch shakes his head, watching Klork for a moment, then turning to HLM. "Well... it's about the offer. I can pay you now - I, uh..." His gaze is drawn to Klork. " security deposit... um."

* Klork nods, pointing to the box

<Klork> put it there for now and grab something iron..

* Teirnan appears...6'5"...dark hair bound with a silver circlet in full armor...bright green slitted eyes, elf 'n stuff, his eyes glowing brightly and narrowed*

<Keelin> I'm here too you know! That stuff is a bitch!

* Keelin blinks, looking up at him

* HappyLittleMoron draws Mitch away from 'em...

<Keelin> Oh great, he had to transport by me, didn't he?!

* Teirnan growls softly and unsheeths his sword, lashing out at Keelin* I should have known you'd have something to do with this, wench.

* ``Mitch half-turns as Teirnan bampfs, shivering slightly - still not used to this casual tossing around of power. "Is this a bad time?"

* a few iron daggers go flying in Teirnan's direction *

<Klork> Might be, Look out!

* Keelin blinkblinks, ducking from Teirnan, then jumping to try and avoid the daggers

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Very bad time...let's get to the basement...*pulls Mitch towards the kitchen*

<Keelin> JEEZE! wait'll I'm outta the line of fire!

<Shingami> I was tryign to take a nap for christ's sakes!

<``Mitch> "Jesus!" He jerks away from HLM, ducking away and about to run - then hesitates, nods, and goes for the kitchen.

<Keelin> And I don't have anything to do with ... *pauses, brows furrowed* What the hell are you talking about!?

* Shingami walsk out of a shadow in shrots tank top and hair in a veyr messy bun

* Klork shifts to his other foot, sword ready

* Teirnan growls, ducking out of the way growling at the cuts he gets, sending a levin bolt at Shin* Like you don't know!

<``Mitch> "What the hell- Shingami! Look out!"

* Klork shifts, putting a sheild up to block the bolt, shuddering

<Klork> Gyah...*drops the sheild, taking a step back* A'right, Shin, care to join me in some ass-kicking?

* Shingami fades abck into the shadows reappearing in one behind Teir

* ``Mitch 's eyes widen as the stranger attacks Shin, and he growls, picking up the iron pot Klork dropped... he runs, stupidly but heroically, starting a Louisville Slugger swing

<Shingami> *nother dagger drawn* I hate ebign woken up!

* Keelin blinkblinks, tackling Mitch

<Keelin> What the hell are you doing?!

* Teirnan steps away from Shin*

<Shingami> Is the sky blue and is this shumck an asshole?

* Teirnan growls softly, sending a bolt at Mitch and Keelin, while backswinging at Shin with his sword*

<Klork> I think she was talkin' to Mitch ..

<Shingami> MITCH No!

* ``Mitch gets tackled, the pot wafting through the air with the greatest of ease as he cries out, slammed to the ground

* Keelin murmurs a protection spell, aiming to block Teirnan's spell

* Keelin grimaces when some of it leaks through to them both

* Klork growls, holding his palm out and firing electricity at Teirnan

<Klork> I'm just about sick of you!

* Shingami bloicks with a dagger though it doesnt last , end of her braid swirlign around and hitting Teir like the en d oa a whip

* Keelin grimaces, scrambling to her feet and dragging Mitc

* ``Mitch grunts heavily as the bolt's corona crackles through him, his hair sparking slightly

* Teirnan growls, blocking some of the electricity, stiffining at what gets through, skin reddening at the braid, slicing at it with his sword, aiming to cut it*

<Keelin> Shingami can take care of herself, you hae NO clue what this guy can do!

<Teirnan> My SON was killed while in the womb and you mortals have the nerve to attack me?!

* Klork glares

* Keelin stiffens...

* Teirnan glares back at Klork, throwing a bolt at him, too*

* Keelin slowly stands, letting go of Mitch to look up at him, eyes narrowed

* Shingami the braid egts otu of the way and shin gets to her feet moving to kick the guy int he face dagger beign thrown at her opponent, veyr fast

* Diana clenches her teeth, hand tightened on her sword*

* Klork blinkblinks, hopping out of the way as it smashes into whatever was behindh im

<``Mitch> He stares, afraid for his own safety for a long moment... "...but what if she doesn't either?"

* ``Mitch shakes himself away from Keelin and bolts for the stairs

* Teirnan ducks so the foot misses, rripping the daggar out with a snarl of pain, throwing it back at Shin, smell of burned flesh filling the air*

<Keelin> You, of all people have NO right ...No NO right to say that..!!!

* Keelin fists her hands

<Teirnan> Oh little wood elf, you have not the power to even be compaired to me!

<Keelin> Your son..YOUR SON, what about--*growls, snagging the iron pot, wincing immediately at it's touch before hurtling it at him*

* ``Mitch takes the stairs three at a time, hanging onto the rail and skidding as he clears the landing, sprinting towards Shin's room and slamming the door open... he whips his head around wildly, trying to see through the manga and the DVDs and the movie posters for what HAS to be there...

<Keelin> YOUR son doesn't matter damnit!!!!

* Diana cringes, shrinking back into the kitchen, tears flowing from her eyes*

* Keelin continues to swing the pot at him, just about lost it she's so pissed

* Klork grimaces..

<Shingami> Your son was dead form the begining

* Klork decides he'll hafta console her later, eyes sparking as he watches Teirnan

* Shingami backs off...

* Teirnan acks and steps back, blocking as best he can, dulled clangs heard when some of the blows hit, he slices back with his sword, backpedalling*

* Keelin continues swinging, getting nicked a few times before spinning and throwing it right at him, aiming for his face

<Shingami> Teirnan the Woman who woudl ahve been hsi mother was to wounded to bare a child or didnt you think that an Important factor...

* Teirnan ducks and slices at her legs, big nasty, burn-bruises visible*

* Keelin yelps, her thighs getting a nasty cut across both of them, hands reddened and torn from holding the pot

* Shingami back bends gettign a slight cut across her cheek

* Teirnan shakes his head* The child WOULD HAVE LIVED if one of you did not do something to the wench!

<Keelin> We didn't do ANYTHING!

<Keelin> You abused her so severely that the baby COULDN'T survive!

* Teirnan shakes his head with a snarl, slicing out at her, his movements slightly clumsy*

* Keelin winces at the cut to her arm, then pulls out a silk-handled iron dagger, tackling him

* ``Mitch scrambles through her room, skidding on comics to stare under the bed, then digging through the dresser, then yanking open the closet and burrowing inside...

* Teirnan falls back, planting a foot in her midsection, and tries flipping her over him*

* Keelin enfs, getting flipped, spinning once she lands to tackle him

* Dev's uhm, playing a spell preventing Teirnan from using any offf his magic, yeah, that's it...he came down the stairs and stuff*

* ``Mitch hauls out a pair of AK-47s, frantically jacking armor-piercing rounds into the clips... he curses, as he nearly jams it, dropping a handful of 7.62mms over the bed...

* Keelin spins once she lands, going for Teirnan again

* Teirnan clenches his jaw, holding his sword before him, trying to block her*

* Keelin slams her dagger against his sword, hair having fallen out of her braid and dangling in her faces as she grits her teeth

<Keelin> <q>I don't CARE how powerful you are...

* Teirnan shoves her off, leaping at her*

* Keelin staggers back, eyes wide before she slashes out at him

* ``Mitch jacks the clips in and works the action on each rifle as he runs back down the hall...

* Teirnan blocks, getting a slash across his face, pretty much matching the one he gave Klork, the edges turning into a nasty burn*

* Shingami attacks Teirnan again from the back

* Keelin growls, aiming to tackle him again

* Klork shifts, brow furrowing, watching helplessly

<Klork> Shit .. I can't do a damn thing when you're all dog-piled like that!

* Teirnan Erks! getting thrown off balance by Shin, tackled completely by Kee*

* Keelin growls, shifting and pressing the dagger to his throat

* Shingami does the good ol fassioned back stab

* ``Mitch appears at the top of the stairs, shouldering one AK on the right, another braced against his hip on the left

<Shingami> {[do it anyway well live}}

* Teirnan hisses, tilting his chin up and glaring at Kee*

<``Mitch> "OI!" he shouts, then takes in the situation and feels very useless...

<Klork> Nah-ah, I'm not gonna risk hurtin' you two on top of things..

* Teirnan gets Shin's blade through the shoulder, I guess, too, hm? <G>*

<Shingami> o0 (how did he find my AK?... i still have an AK... neet)

* Keelin growls

<Keelin> Drop your sword, Teirnan.

* Klork shifts, looking helplessly at Mitch before looking at the three of em'

* Teirnan growls, bringing his sword up under Keelin's chin* <w> I will never lose to you.

* ``Mitch stays at the top of the stairs, cradling the top rifle and drawing a bead on the stranger's chest - moving slightly around as various people get in the way

* Dev's still playing that song to stop Teirnan's powers...*

* Keelin blinkblinks, shifting

<Keelin> Then I suppose we'll both die then.

<Klork> Oh man..

* Shingami casts a freezign spell thoug the daggers into Teirnan

* Teirnan clenches his jaw, pressing the sword harder to Kee's throat before freezing, his narrowed eyes looking over at Shin*

* Keelin grits her teeth, then takes that distraction to snap her wrist to the right, slicing at Teirnan's throat

<Shingami> Omae o kurosu

* Teirnan gurgles, glaring with hate=filled eyes up att Keelin...he'd do more if he's not still under the spell*

* Keelin tosses the knife aside, hands burning as she steps back, blouse bloodstained

* Shingami risks pulling a dagger out of Teirnan and tries to jam it into his neck from behind

* Klork grimaces

* Teirnan gurlges again...eyes glazing over as Shin jams the blade into the back of his neck*

<``Mitch> "Shin! He's down!"

* Shingami lets go and backs off

* Dev lowers his flute, heading over to Keelin..*

* Keelin steps back, kind of swaying as she glares at Teirnan..

* ``Mitch swallows queasily, face pale

* Klork furrows his brow

* Dev puts a steadying arm around Keelin, bright blue eyes narrowed*

<Klork> Well ... Shit ... *watches, obviously a bit inarticulate atm*

* Dev nods*

* ``Mitch keeps the shouldered rifle trained on sunshine, the other cradled loosely and not really being concentrated on

* Keelin shakes her head, pulling from Dev to inspect Teirnan

* Klork glances up at Shingami

* Teirn's body lies there....pool of blood pooling, no doubt staining the carpet...*

<Klork> You ok...??

* Shingami still has another dagger poised incase.. blood staining al the way up her left arm

<``Mitch> "Shin... you all right?"

<Shingami> Daijobu yo

* Keelin snags him by the collar, eyes flashing as she drags him

<Keelin> Klork, open a damn portal.

* Klork blinkblinks

<Klork> Ah-eh-t'where??

<Keelin> somewhere with water or iron, I don't CARE!

* Klork blinkblinks, opening one

<Shingami> middle of the pacific

* Dev kneels to help*

<Klork> A-er..Atlantic ocean ..? *blinks, changing it to Pacific* Sure..pacific

* Keelin shakes her head at Dev

* Dev nods and sighs a little*

* Keelin then growls, dragging him for the portal, hell-intent on doing this herself

<Shingami> its bigger

* Klork stands back, watching ...

* Keelin growls, hefting Teirnan in

<Keelin> Keep it open...*dives in after*

<Klork> i wh-Whoa! Waitasec!

* Dev erks...* Kee...!

* Teirnan...gets tossed in <G> not much a stiff can do..*

* Keelin growls, floating, pulling one of Teirnan's knives out and slicing him along the head, the water turning red as she pulls herself out of the portal

<Keelin> If we didn't get him, the sharks will.

* Klork blinks, closing the portal..

* Dev nods...*

* ``Mitch sags against the wall... "Is everyone all right?"

* Keelin tosses the dagger aside, soaking wet and more n' a little bloody

<Keelin> <q>I dont want to risk him coming back..

* Klork nods

<Klork> I..yeah ... fine..*blinks up at Mitch, a bit lost himself...*

* Dev nods, reaching out to rest a hand on Keelin's shoulder*

* Keelin sighs, looking down..

* Keelin blinks, looking at her legs..then reels slightly, looking pale

<``Mitch> "Shin?"

<Keelin> I believe I might need medical attention ..

* Dev nods and leads her over somewhere to sit down* Someone get Rae...or...another healer...*starts first aid stuffs...*

* Keelin reels...kinda crumpling where she stands

* Klork shakes his head, brows furrowed

<Klork> Rae's still out ...

<Klork> and I have no clue where KEvley is ...

* ``Mitch walks slowly down the stairs, half-leaning on the railing. "What in hell just happened here?"

* Dev catches her, gently lowering her down, brows furrowed, and nods, taking a deep breath* Aye...well....*takes out his flute* Not my strongest talent but...*starts a healing spell, brows furrowed with effort*

* Klork shrugs ..

<Klork> I...dunno ..

* Klork blinks

<Shingami> Im ok mitch.. i jsut need a shower and someoen can explain it to you i guess..

<Klork> Usually I'm the one that comes out with the plethoria of scars when it comes to him ..

<Shingami> and where the fuck did you find that AK and the rifle?

* HappyLittleMoron peeks out of the kitchen and acks...* Uh...anyone else need help...?

* Keelin 's legs heal ... shoulder still damaged, same shoulder that was shot in a month ago

<``Mitch> "I, uh..." He looks down, then up, and flushes. "I just thought you'd have guns... and, well, I borrowed them."

* Klork blinks, looking back at HLM, brows furrowed, a bit lost

* HappyLittleMoron 's utterly and completely confused...

<Klork> ....Teirnan's dead...

* Shingami walsk up the stairs, sjtu ahs soem bruses and a cut on her face

<Shingami> ok.. i didnt even think i still HAD an AK...

<Klork> Kee n' Shin killed him ...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, sinking a little with relief* That's very good...uhm...that why Diana's curled in the corner of the kitchen...catatonic...?

<``Mitch> Mutters, looking down at it, "I don't even know if I loaded it right..."

* Dev brings the flute down from his lips, bandaging what he didn't get, reeling a little himself*

<Klork> aw crud--*runs over and tries to settling Dev down* sit bard-boy..

* Keelin is out, still soaking wet

* Dev kinda falls back on his ass* ...don't...have much choice...*smirks a little* Keelin needs to by dried off....

* ``Mitch leans the rifles against the stairwell, running two hands through his hair... muttered, "Welcome to the asylum."

* Klork sighs, nodding...

<Klork> Mo? Take care of Diana??

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* Ok...*dissapears back into the kitchen, back to trying to get Diana to respond*

* Klork sighs, going to the bathroom to get towels

* ``Mitch crouches down and picks up the envelope, leaning a hand against the entrance to the kitchen. "...Mrs. Happy, here's a year's rent in advance. Let me know if I use it up faster than that." He tosses it with a thump onto the counter. "What in god's name just happened here?!"

* Klork looks up the stairs

* Klork glances at Mitch

<Klork> Long story short, he's been causin' everybody trouble for about four months now ..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...thank you....uhm...big battle...that was Teirnan..

<Klork> broke my knees, tore up Dev a good bit, tortured Diana, slashed Kee around, injured n' maimed just about everybody here at least once..

* ``Mitch glances at Klork, then stares at the list... "Why?"

<Klork> Kidnapped, murdered, not to mention that he's stolen chilren on top of things

* Klork shakes his head

* HappyLittleMoron nods, rubbing Diana's shoulders a little...she's just huddled there, staring into the distant, face blank of emotion

<Klork> Children..childbirth period is a rare thing among elves .. HLM was pregnant with triplets..he sensed that..

<HappyLittleMoron> Dunno...power mad bastard...yeah...*sighs a little, holding Diana close*

<Klork> whole thing started when we decided to fight back....he took my wife ... then he stole Brenna from her womb .. aged her *sighs* That's why she's two already..

* Klork rubs at his temples

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* Dev's still worrying over Kee 'n stuff, in a sitting down, exhausted, magic-hangover kinda way <G>*

<Klork> Just shocked tho ... I didn't expect he'd be killed that quick ... must've said something to really piss off Kee .. god Id hate to wake up Shin either..

<``Mitch> "Jesus Christ..."

* Keelin is still out, more or less from exhaustion, her wounds not really serious enough to do anything else to her

* Dev snags a blanket, putting it over her and just sitting there by her*

<Klork> Yer' tellin' me ... *sighs shakily* Kevleys not gonna like the fact that he didn't get to put a hand in to getting rid of that bastard....

* HappyLittleMoron looks at Klork* Probably still weak from that battle you and Diana faught with him...

* Dev shakes his head a little*

<``Mitch> "Is there anyone else I should know about?"

* ``Mitch is starting to realize just why they've got a gym on-site...

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh...*furrows her brows* FOh...random gangs...dunno, really...

* Klork nods to HLM, then shrugs to Mitch

<Klork> Eh, that Erwyl guy .. but he isn't coming back for a while I don't thiink..

<``Mitch> "Erwyl?"

* Klork shrugs

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohyeah...uhm...Lisette...

<Klork> some guy afer Myrae...don't even know the whole schpeel on that

* Klork shudders

* A yellow cab pulls up down the street from the Asylum.

<Klork> Mo, don't even SAY her name...

* Klork grimaces, tossing his sword into a portal to it's place

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little and blinks, wrapping her wings around Diana as she collapses against her, then cringes* Sorry love...

<Klork> It's ok .. just ... gyah..

* ``Mitch groans, and rubs his neck, craning it. "Okay, wait, okay... I'll interrogate you about all this shit later. It's been a long night already. I'll just... help clean up, I guess."

<Klork> DOn't need to jinx our luck as it stands...

* AriaStormsinger steps out, digs around and hands the driver the fare and stands for a moment, looking up the street as it pulls away

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...

* Klork nods...

* Shingami comes down a few mintues alter in jeans and the superman hooide hair in a now damp braid

<Klork> Yeah ... *picks up a bit of a broken mirror* great...7 years bad luck..

* ``Mitch turns back to the living room, looking around...

<Shingami> thats it im calling in sick tomorow...

<Klork> Could use that blood outta the carpet..

* AriaStormsinger heads for the asylum

* Klork chuckles

* Hmm...puddle of blood where Teirn was...blood wherever anyone else bled...all kindsa mess*

<Klork> I'd do the same, Shin..*sighs, going and getting some carpet cleaner*

* AriaStormsinger comes to the front door

<Shingami> well you get hoem at 2 get called in at 230 and nto leave till 1 in the afternoon...

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm gonna get Diana up to her room...Keelin and Dev could probably use some help too...then I'll help clean...

* AriaStormsinger opens the door and stands with her hands clenched, lookin garound to see who's in sight

* Klork nods to HLM

* Shingami waves at aria

<Shingami> Hey neechan

* Klork comes in with the rug cleaner, handing random ppl some scrubbing stuff, waving to Aria as he kneels to beging working the blood from the carpet

* AriaStormsinger gives Shin and anyone else who sees her a cold stare.

* ``Mitch starts picking up shards of the mirror, flicking a thumbnail under bits embedded in the carpet

<AriaStormsinger> Where's Jaerlani?

* Klork blinks, head tilting to the side

<Klork> Eh...?

* HappyLittleMoron helps the semi-consiouse Diana to her feet, helping her up to her room and tucking her in before returning to help Dev with Keelin, pausing* huh..?

<Shingami> no clue

* Klork blinks, shrugging ..

<Shingami> {{ whats wrong aria?}}

<AriaStormsinger> Did you ever even bother to notice if she came BACK from NYU the other night??

<Shingami> {[she did}}

* AriaStormsinger turns to Shin.* She did, huh?

<AriaStormsinger> You want to know how many of the kids at NYU never made it home that night?

<Shingami> Yes she did...*kinda semi monotonus voice turns into the kitchen for soem water*

* Klork blinks, and shifts, sighing

<AriaStormsinger> Twenty. Six. *voice shakes, and she shakes her fist a bit

* HappyLittleMoron brings Dev and Kee to their room...

* ``Mitch half-turns. "Why?"

* Klork sighs, scrubbing at the floor

* Keelin goes to her room (here be the aftermath)

<Shingami> {{because jear is a fuckin blood thirsty loony}}

<AriaStormsinger> Because they were being dragged out in black plastic bags by the police.

<Klork> Aria ...

* Klork sighs, leaning back on his knees, arms soaked in blood atm

<AriaStormsinger> {{You didn't do much to stop her!}}

* AriaStormsinger looks at Klork, eyes widening

<Klork> It's not like we could, Aria.

* Klork shifts

* HappyLittleMoron comes back down, wearily helping with the carpet* ...Aria...enough, alright? Not li...*blinks* what he said.

<Klork> and I'm not likely in the mood to be chewed out about something I couldn't help.

<AriaStormsinger> What... What's happened here? Whose blood is that? Are you okay --

* ``Mitch blinks and flicks off his glasses with a free hand, rubbing his face with another

<Shingami> {{ there are some thigns i cant stop aria... namly deaths that were supposed to happen}}

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little, clenching her jaw and single-mindedly concentraiting on cleaning

<AriaStormsinger> But -- Shin, they weren't supposed to happen! I should never have told you guys what I saw...

<Klork> We had people nearly killed tonight here, Aria.

* AriaStormsinger *tries to not care, but it's not working very well

<AriaStormsinger> Did Jaer attack you?

<Klork> I know this sounds selfish, but damnit, there are some things that come first to me, and those FOH members are NOWHERE near the top of the list.

* Klork snorts

<Klork> No!

<Shingami> {{ this goes beyod the realm of mortals Aria 26 people were destiend to die that night... and i didnt kwo Jear woudl be thier maker btu apparently she is a liability that shoudtn be brought alogn on importat missions}}

* HappyLittleMoron just cleans, practically roiling at the acid comments that want to come out

<Klork> Teirnan attacked.

* AriaStormsinger covers her eyes. {{I wish I felt that would make it okay.}}

* AriaStormsinger 's head comes up

<AriaStormsinger> What? He was the one who held Diana and you captive, wasn't he??

<Shingami> {{ yeah well ti aitn my idea of a fuckin peachy day either}}

<Klork> Bingo.

<AriaStormsinger> Oh no...are you guys all right?

* Klork mutters, cleanng up the blood

<HappyLittleMoron> Just fine. Thanks a lot. *helps with the cleaning and stuff*

<Klork> D'no, ask Keelin, Dev and Shin .. *sighs* They took the brunt of the physical attacks ... mentally, I'd ask Diana.

<Shingami> {{ Yeah basicaly.. tnot hat you really seem to give hald a shit}}

* AriaStormsinger starts forwrad, then freezes. Aria bites her lip, then clenches her fists one last time and goes forward to help clean

* ``Mitch balances a pile of shards in one hand, stacking them up like rows of Tetris pieces... he reaches up and tugs the crooked frame off the wall, shaking his head, and tucks it under one arm. Just aloud, "Where's the trashcan?"

<Klork> Under the sink..

<Klork> just bring it out here, we've got a lot we're gonna be throwing away..

* HappyLittleMoron nods

<AriaStormsinger> {{I *do* care, Shin. I'm just not sure if it's safe to trust you...}}

* ``Mitch nods and totes it into the kitchen... pulling open the cupboard, he hauls out the can and dumps it all in, walking back with it

<AriaStormsinger> I'm really glad you're all right. Did you...uh...destroy him?

<Klork> Keelin and Shin did ..

<Shingami> {{ some of us are more trust worthy then others.. Jear is too..lusty for death}}

<AriaStormsinger> And have Dev and Keelin been healed?

<Klork> dunno.

<HappyLittleMoron> Dev did what he could for Keelin...

<AriaStormsinger> {{Shin...are you okay?}}

<Klork> I think Kee and dev are up in their room at the moment.

* AriaStormsinger nods.

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

* AriaStormsinger scrubs, lifts, carries

<Shingami> {{ im tiard my face is cut and i have a headache... other then that im peachy keen}}

<AriaStormsinger> Are your little ones safe, HLM?

* Klork stands, throwing away loads of blood-soaked towels

* HappyLittleMoron nods shortly as she cleans

* ``Mitch helps straighten the room out, shaking his head at some crunched-in spots on the wall

* Klork then goes over to the corner, picking up broken decorations etc

<AriaStormsinger> If it's any reassurance...I didn't let Tom or Pete talk to the police about what happened.

<AriaStormsinger> They don't know where the asylum is, but they might have said...too much.

<Klork> <muttered> We spend more time repairing this place than anything else..

* HappyLittleMoron nods slightly

* Klork is off in his own world, talking to himself as he cleans, half pissed he didn't get a slice into Teirnan after what he's done

* Shingami is starign at her glass of water.. digesting all of this.. the college thing, the fight that just took place aria ebign pissed... all that crap

* ``Mitch shakes his head, ducking it enough to wipe his shirt across it and looking around... to Klork, "I think we've done what we can... dunno what to do about the walls."

* Klork sighs

* HappyLittleMoron 's just silent as she ties off the garbage* <q> We fix them...wouldn't be the first time...

<Klork> I'll get Angelo in here tomorrow to help ... big construction guy aughta know how to plaster stuff..

<Shingami> {{klork try bleach}}

* Klork sighs

<Klork> {{For the holes..??}}

* AriaStormsinger digs something out of her eye

<``Mitch> "You all right, Klork?"

<Shingami> {{no... for any stains on the walls}}

* Klork smiles faintly at Shin, tosing more towels away, lookin' blood stained even though he's roughly unscratched

<Klork> good as I will be ..

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little taking the garbage out

* AriaStormsinger squints. "I think I need to watch This Old House more often."

* ``Mitch walks over to the stairwell and retrieves the guns... he stares at them for a moment and sighs.

* Klork sighs, heading to the bathroom to clean himself up, still kinda fuming internally

* AriaStormsinger takes back the towel and...cleans off the TV screen

* HappyLittleMoron brushes her hands off on her shirt after she got rid of the garbage

* ``Mitch glances around for Shin - where's she gone?

* Shingami is sitll in the kitchen

* ``Mitch walks in and sits down a little tentatively, placing the rifles between them. "Ah... here. I'm sorry. You'll probably want to check them, I've never used anything like these before..."

* Klork sighs, coming out of the bathroom with his bloody shirt in hand, pants stained, but otherwise he himself is clean

<Shingami> i noticed...*disasembels the weapons then reasembels them, clips out though and safties on

* HappyLittleMoron runs a hand through her hair, looking to Klork* Anything I can do for you, hon?

* Klork shakes his head

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little

<Klork> <q> No ... I'm good *sighs, tossing his shirt in the garbage*

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> A'right..

* Shingami rubs at her temples

* Klork sits on the couch, holding his head in his hands

* AriaStormsinger takes off her backpack, and carries it off to the room she was given a month ago

<``Mitch> As she works... "I just... figured you'd have something... and I wanted to do something, I had to try. So..." He shrugs, a little helplessly.

* HappyLittleMoron sits by Klork, rubbing his back gently

* Klork stares at the floor, brows furrowed, jumbled thoughts flowing through his mind, temper on borderline..

<Shingami> its ok Mitch... but please try and be a bit more careful... especaly when strange magic weilding creatures just show up at the house.. most conventional automated or projectile weapons dont work

* AriaStormsinger returns with a book on international law and heads into the living room, sitting in a back corner on top of the back of a chair

* HappyLittleMoron sits back, curling her legs up

<``Mitch> "'s all I've got." He shakes his head, and his mouth twitches. "I'll try not to make a habit of it."

* Klork sighs shakily, still sitting there, shoulders hunched and seemingly locked in that position*

* HappyLittleMoron wraps her arms and wings around him..

<Shingami> thanks mitch

* Klork swallows, still tense

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> It's over, love...*hugs him close*

* Klork sighs shakily, nodding

<Klork> <q> I know ..

* HappyLittleMoron rests her chin on his shoulder*

* Diana comes down the stairs shakily, looking around, face confused as hell*

* Klork sighs shakily, slowly sitting up and looking at the ceiling, calming himself down

* Diana leans heavily against the wall, brows furrowed as she looks around quietly*

* HappyLittleMoron watches Klork quietly

* Klork glances over

<Klork> Di..?? You ok?

* Diana looks over, brows furrowed, her voice shakey, still leaning heavily against the wall* Nan...ah...what happened...? I...can't remember...

<Klork> ....Teirnan's dead...

* Diana blinks and just sinks down, covering her face* <w> ...thank the gods...

* Klork nods, sighing shakily

<Klork> Shingami and Kee killed him..

<Klork> Dev blocked his powers too ..

* Diana nods quietly, shoulders shaking lightly, just crumpled there with her hands over her face* <vqw> G..good...

* AriaStormsinger 's wings and hands are humming and blue, her eyes are closed and she's fighting it down

<AriaStormsinger> D..diana??

* Diana doesn't respond, just huddled there, shoulders shaking, curling into herself*

* AriaStormsinger slides off the back of the chair and stumbles a little, walking toward Diana

* AriaStormsinger is gritting her teeth and the light around her hands and shoulders looks like a bad horror movie -- phasing-in, phasing0out, whomph whomph whomph

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> Aria..?

* Diana looks up at Aria and yelps, backpeddaling up the stairs, eyes wide*

<AriaStormsinger> Diana, wait... Did you want some help??

<AriaStormsinger> Klork...I can't turn this off!

<Klork> Turn what off..?

* Diana shakes her head jerkily, terror swiftly coming over her face*

* Klork blinks, standing, brows furrowed

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks, brows furrowed, standing as well

<Klork> Aria..whoa..back up..!

* AriaStormsinger goes to one knee, head bent and teeth gritting, the blue light just intensifying

<AriaStormsinger> have her out...

* Klork blinkblinks, jogging over,kneeling beside her

<Klork> Aria..! Calm down..! just breathe or something!

* AriaStormsinger slams her hands onto the floor and blue light ripples out of her in all directions, moving out like a wave

<HappyLittleMoron> Aack...maybe try going outside or something...

* Klork blinkblinks

* Diana gasps horsely and turns, scrambling to her room, slamming the door and resting up against it*

* As it hits, everyone in about a 200-foot radius suddenly gets a feeling of peace, happiness, well-being and release

* Klork .. watches the ripples go by him?

* Klork watches the ripples go ... through him..?

* Yep. And probably with a smile, Klork. :)

* Shingami would be happy if her head didnt hurt from her brain working too much

* Klork notably relaxes, but still looks a bit worried

* Diana just sobs, not wanting any more magic to touch her...knowing that's what it is and it having pretty much the complete opposite affect*

* AriaStormsinger gasps a bit and watches the colors fade

<AriaStormsinger> ...sorry...

* HappyLittleMoron 's shoulders relax, biting her lip a little

<``Mitch> "Well..." He pushes himself up. "Guess I'll get out of the w-" Whoom! He ducks his head as the telempathy cascades through him, splintering about the fences Shin put up, but providing enough backlash to brighten his eyes a little. "-what the hell?"

* AriaStormsinger pushes herself up and jogs for the kitchen, not looking at anybody

* ``Mitch flicks his glasses on, heading for the living room to see what's happening NOW...

* AriaStormsinger throws open the freezer door and digs out some ice cubes

* Klork blinks, watching ppl run lost..

* AriaStormsinger holds them in her palms, then against her temples and then back in her fists.

<``Mitch> "Aria? What the hell was THAT for?"

* HappyLittleMoron just kinda blinks and runs a hand through her hair, confused as all hell...

<Shingami> *mutters* thats it thinking is officaly very evil...

* Myrae blinks .. slowly coming down the stairs in her flannel pjs

* AriaStormsinger comes back into teh living room.

* Kern follows, looking bleery*

<AriaStormsinger> Sorry, Mitch... It hasn't gotten away from me like that since...since Brazil.

<Klork> What's going on down here..?

<AriaStormsinger> I know Diana can't handle any kind of healing right now, but when I saw her...she just has so much need!

<AriaStormsinger> Hi Myrae...Kern.

* ``Mitch closes his eyes and leans his head against the wall... almost conversationally, "You know, I've got reasons for sticking around. I think one of them is just plain to find out what happens next. I really do."

* Myrae blinks .. waving a bit timidly...

<``Mitch> "Now... Diana? What's wrong with her?"

<Klork> I hear ya, Mitch .. tho I think I've got more n' that ..

<AriaStormsinger> Yeah, like some incredible children. :)

* Klork looks up, running a hand through his hair

<Klork> Shes scared shitless to put it simply, Mitch.

<Klork> everything's wearin' thin on her at the moment..

* Klork looks at Aria

<Klork> true ...

* AriaStormsinger tries to hold his eyes

<``Mitch> Muttered. "Sounds familiar..."

<AriaStormsinger> She just needs time, right?

* Kern wavels, confused, resting his other arm around Rae's shoulders*

* Klork nods

<Klork> to think, yeah..

* HappyLittleMoron noddles

<AriaStormsinger> Though...wouldn't it be better to have someone just sit down with her, or a whole bunch of people, and just do a major healing session?

<AriaStormsinger> To help her get through the worst of it?

<Klork> give her some time to herself first...

<``Mitch> He ponders his words for a long moment. "Where is she?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...what he said...*blinks* Up in her room...

<``Mitch> He blinks. "Where's that?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Top floor...uhm...I dunno how much she really wants company though...*runs a hand through her hair...*

<``Mitch> "I think I owe it to, to..." He fumbles for words. "...well... I owe it. To find out."

* AriaStormsinger shakes her hands, which have totally melted the ice

<AriaStormsinger> Seriously, Mitch, now's probably nota good time.

<AriaStormsinger> She actually was hurt by my fuzz.

<AriaStormsinger> She might hurt you.

<``Mitch> He shrugs, turning to Aria on his way out of the kitchen. "And when will be a good time? When it's all over? From what I've seen it's never over. Are you going to wait for her to feel better to try and make her feel better?" He shakes his head.

* AriaStormsinger looks to HLM

<AriaStormsinger> That's what everyone says to do. And they know her a lot etter than you or I.

<``Mitch> "Yeah, well, living's an occupational hazard."

<AriaStormsinger> That's why you don't take unnecessary risks.

* Klork sighs

<``Mitch> *spreads a hand* "You're right. I don't know her. I don't really know any of you. I think that's the point."

<Klork> If you want to try, feel free, but I seriously cannot say she'll be open to talk at all..

<Shingami> {{ give her time heals wounds deeper then any spell or medicine}}

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly and sits down, rubbing her temples

* Myrae tilts her head to the side, mulling what they're saying over in her mind before she realizes they're talking about mental, not physical healing..

* AriaStormsinger watches Shingami. {{Shin? It's good to hear you say such things.}}

* Kern just listens quietly*

<AriaStormsinger> {{Will you tell me... Did Jaerlani kill any of those kids?}}

<Shingami> {{yeah will im just chock fulla suprises}}

<Shingami> {{no... i took no life.. }}

* ``Mitch just backs away, and turns towards the stairs, walking up them a little wearily.

<Klork> {{Second door on the left, Mitch..if you wanna try...}}

* ``Mitch stumbles as Klork's telepathy hits him, and bangs a knee on the stairs... he pulls himself up, muttering something under his breath, and hauls up to the landing

<Shingami> {{klork telepathy +mitch= Bad thing}}

<Klork> {{I will keep that in mind for future reference..}}

<AriaStormsinger> {{Seriously, Klork. But you can use it with me any time.}}

* HappyLittleMoron starts giving Klork a shoulder rub

<Shingami> ... my brain hurts...

* ``Mitch flicks off his glasses for a moment, dusting them against his shirt, then pushes them on... hesitates... knocks

<Klork> {{I know...I know..}} *sits, leaning against hlm's hands*

* AriaStormsinger resists gliding up to see what happens with Mitch and Diana

* after a pause the door opens a crack, Diana looks up at him, face tearstreaked and stuff*

<``Mitch> "Mind if I come in?"

* Diana opens the door, shaking her head a little* <q> Iie...*steps aside to let him in, her room decorated in the Japanese style...oversized pillows all around*

* ``Mitch walks in a little and drops to the floor, crossing his legs and leaning on them

* Diana sinks onto a pillow, bowing her head, curls curtaining her face*

<AriaStormsinger> {I heard that}

<Diana> <q> So, Mitch...what can I help you with? *just continues to stare at her lap*

<``Mitch> "You know... when I first got here..." He's got no idea where he's going with this, but hopes it's good... "...things seemed normal. Weird, but, y'know, normal weird. Background activity weird. And then everything just went all fucked up. Demons, gods, magic... people walking around in my head..." He shakes his head. "And there was so much here... every time I thought I'd gotten a grip..."

<``Mitch> "I dunno. I just kept hitting walls. Couldn't believe any of it."

* Diana nods slowly* <q> takes a long time to get used to...I never expected to be taken from school into another world...I understand..

<``Mitch> "The third morning in, I woke up and I left my glasses off. I wanted to live without seeing," he gestures aimlessly, "impossibility, implausibility, insanity... instead, I'd be seeing person-shaped blob, person-shaped blob..." He shakes his head. "First person I met? Iris. A seven-year-old. Hadn't expected kids here. So much for that idea."

* Diana nods quietly...*

<``Mitch> "But I'm kinda learning." He looks down, at his hands.

<``Mitch> "You guided me around - by the hand, literally. Didn't know who or what I was, didn't care. Thank you for that." He looks up. "I don't know what's going on with you..."

* Diana looks up at him through her hair*

* HappyLittleMoron smacks Ria upside the head1 You're saying our daughter doesn't count!!>

<``Mitch> "I don't know what's happened to you, I doubt I'd understand if you told me. But... you've got friends here. You've got family. You've... hell, you've got a home."

* Diana nods a little with a soft sigh, eyes dropping back to her lap* <w> Hai...I know...and I am thankful...

<``Mitch> "Things just keep getting weirder and more fucked up, I don't know if there's an upper limit and from what I hear you haven't hit it yet, but..." He spreads his hands. "I don't know... I guess I'm just saying... if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. And there are a lot of other people here too."

<AriaStormsinger> Well, *she says, looking upward* haven't heard any screams and mayhem upstairs...

* Diana swallows a little and nods* <w> Domo...*shhe pauses, taking a deep breath and leaning forward to hug Mitch* <vqw> Thank you very much...

<AriaStormsinger> Maybe Mitch is making some progress.

<Klork> Maybe..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, chewing her lip

* ``Mitch rises up to one knee and gives her a quad hug, the first he's ever given.

* Diana rests her head on his shoulder, taking a shuddering breath* <w> Once...I'm ready...I...might just take you up on goes both ways, ok...?

<``Mitch> He nods slowly. "Thank you. It means a lot to me."

* Diana nods, pulling back a little and whiping at her eyes* I hope it becomes a home to you too eventually..

* ``Mitch draws back as well, easing back to the floor. "I'm... staying, I've paid the dues and got my stuff..." Glances up. "I'm going to make the effort... and believe me when I say you've helped a hell of a lot already."

* Diana smiles a little and nods* I'm glad...

<``Mitch> He reaches out and squeezes her shoulder. "Thanks for listening..." Pulls himself up.

* what sounds like thunder rumbles outside the asylum, green flashes bouncing off the buildingsides*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, looking up...

<Klork> eh..?

* Diana nods...* No problem...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...what now...?

* Klork tilts his head to the side, blinking

<Klork> I have no clue...

* AriaStormsinger looks up

* AriaStormsinger runs to the window

* Myrae shifts, heading up the stairs*

<AriaStormsinger> A thunderstorm! I didn't think you had those here!

* Kern looks up, following*

* ``Mitch gives her a small smile as he turns, letting himself out... he glances up at the thunder, shaking his head, and walking back along the hallway.

* Nothing is seen ... all is normal in the sky and the people going by...*

* AriaStormsinger rushes to the door and goes outside...

* Diana looks up, glancing out the window* ...

<AriaStormsinger> Where...where are the clouds?

* Klork follows, brow furrowing

<Klork> I have no clue ...

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head bewilderdly

* AriaStormsinger lets her wings appear and floats straight upward, rising up the front of the building and staring overhead

* the sound comes again ... this time people bolting for it when green electricity splays over buildingsides coming down the street*

<HappyLittleMoron> *muttered* If we're gonna haveta clean more blood, I'm gonna have to kill someone...

* AriaStormsinger sees that and darts up against the nearest window

* Klork blinkblinks

* ``Mitch frowns, step hesitating as he nears his room... he lopes to the stairwell and looks down

<Klork> What the...??

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Holy...*Diana comes down the stairs, brows furrowed*

<Diana> ...what's going on...?

* Shingami grumbles

<Shingami> what now...

* ``Mitch comes downstairs... he rubs a hand over his face, then walks into the kitchen, hefting the newly-restored AK-47 and cocking it.

* The sound rumbles again, this time deafiningly loud, a few car windows shatter, other alarms go off, the green electricity splintering along the ground down the street*

* HappyLittleMoron cringes and heads upstairs at the sound of Brenna crying* Basement...yeahyeah...I know I know...

* Shingami just walks outside... righ tnow really not caring al that much

* Klork ducks, holding his hands over his ears

<Klork> what the hell?!

* AriaStormsinger yipes and forces teh window open, diving inside. "That's not like the thunderstorms *I* remember!"

* ``Mitch mutters something in spanish, walking into the living room and looking about.

* Diana shakes her head, summoning her sword and armor* No idea...whatever it is, it's loud...

<Shingami> Hullo?... WHos the livin lighnin rod out here??

* Diana swallows, forcing herself to calm*

<Klork> I thought that was my job ... *goes with, brows furrowed* This looks ... I dunno..

* HappyLittleMoron carries Brenna to the basement, etcetcetc ;)

* Shingami is standing basicaly in the middle of the street

* DianaManashevitz goes with Klork..

* AriaStormsinger runs down the stairs inside, seeing Diana.

* ``Mitch shrugs into his jacket, hiding the anterior arms and settling the AK-47 half inside, in the "there's no fucking way this is concealed from vision but cops can pretend it is if they don't want to admit it" position

* hollow, almost hypnotic voice is heard* Move out of the way ... *but nothing is seen so far..*

<AriaStormsinger> Diana, something strange is going on outside -- be careful, okay?

* DianaManashevitz blinks, looking around, bbright eyes narrowing* Hai...I know, Aria...

* ``Mitch hesitantly steps outside, onto the porch... twitching at the heavy electrical activity

<Shingami> I will when i know who you are

* DianaManashevitz 's keeping her emotions, etc, well hidden now <G>

* Klork blinks, stepping down the steps..

* DianaManashevitz steps out onto the grass, turning in a slow circle as she looks around

* AriaStormsinger follows at a distance, staying just inside the asylum door

<Shingami> Show yourself!

* The rumble increases again, the windows of the livingroom snapping in the pressure and shattering, electricity following shortly afterwards, snapping up the lightposts sending the bulbs inside to shatter in sparks that fall to the street*

* Shingami is in the wide open.. though has a shield up just incase..

<Same voice> I've no business with you ..

* sparks bounde off the shield*

* DianaManashevitz furrows her brows* You disrupt our home!

<Shingami> It is if your causing damage to my house and increacing the already throbbign pain in my cerebrum

* Klork furrows his brow, walking over to Shingami, watching around

<DianaManashevitz> .oO(K'so...and we just had the windows replaced TOO...)

* Shingami opens the shield for klork

* DianaManashevitz dissapears, turning to air, only to reappear on a roof, looking around from that angle

* Klork leans over, whispering* <q> I recognize this ... I have NO clue why .. but this magic is familiar...

* There still seems to be no source of the voice or electricity*

<Shingami> usualy when soemoen says that thats a BAD thing klork

* DianaManashevitz furrows her brows, moving over the roofs, still solid...

<Klork> I...I wish I knew if it WAS or brain's fip'd on where I've seen this before..

<Shingami> well tell it to flip faster..*shouts* What do you want?

* a low rumble, almost that of an earthquake, starts its way up the street, manhole covers exploding from their place, sent skyward with green electrical surges*

<AriaStormsinger> *yelps

<voice> That is none of your concern..

* DianaManashevitz cringes back a little, brows furrowing lightly

* Klork BLINKS, ducking to avoid one coming down on him, not realizing he's in a sheild

<Shingami> Look Bub I already told ya your beatin the crud outta my pad knock it off

* Brenna's crying can feintly be heard during the moments of silence*

<voice> Bub..?

<DianaManashevitz> *shouts* At least tell us whhat's gotten you so upset!

<Shingami> Well Since i dotn knwo if you have a gender yet... im just guessing

* The rumble dulls, somebody chuckly can be heard*

* DianaManashevitz looks around for sorce of the chuckly chuckling

* Klork blinks...then BLINKS, snapping his fingers and running for the asylum

<Klork> be right back!!

<Shingami> oO(wow someoen thougth i was funny... ok apochilipse sign #1)

<DianaManashevitz> ...

<DianaManashevitz> k

* Klork runs into the asylum, running up the stairs full force

* AriaStormsinger jumps back and lets Klork pass

<AriaStormsinger> Klork! Can I help?

<Shingami> So. uaaa.. Who are you anywho?

<`Angora> <v> I am that I am... *the voice sounds as if there's a smile to it* That is all you need know.

* DianaManashevitz 'eh...continues to look around, brow arched* Popeye??

<Shingami> if it helps Names Shin....wait your Popeye?

* The rumble increases, chain lightning splintering down the street towards Shin*

<Shingami> the fact we both thought that is disterbign D...

* ``Mitch glances inside as Klork runs in, then back outside

<DianaManashevitz> SHIN!

* ``Mitch leaps from the porch and tackles Shin, rolling out of the center of the street

* Shingami braces her shieldactualy gettign pushed back

<Shingami> eep sorry sorry!!!

<DianaManashevitz> ...touchy touchy...*lifts herself into the air before dissapearing again*

* Klork runs down the stairs, photo album in hand, sitting on the porch and frantically scrambling through it

* mitch gets sucked into the shield*

<Shingami> Klork this sint time for a trip fown memory lain!!

<Klork> Just a sec, I think I'm onto something!!

* AriaStormsinger stands by Klork, looking up and down frantically

* ``Mitch pushes himself up - the AK-47 melting in a puddle of bronze on the street away from them... "Are you all right?"

* ``Mitch crouches, helping her up, his entire body language wanting to run like hell but having nowhere to hide...

<Shingami> Yeah im fine.. what do you think a forcefield is

* DianaManashevitz materializes by Klork, watching all around

* Dark green clouds begin pillowing above the city, lightning sparking from cloud to cloud, energizing until one large one snaps down to hit the middle of the street, the puddle of bronze turning into a very large hole*

<AriaStormsinger> Wow...Mitch just saved Shin's life! or tried to...

<``Mitch> "A what?"

<Klork> Whereisitwhereisit?! *flips through the pages*

<AriaStormsinger> Hurry, Klork!

* DianaManashevitz 's eyes widen and she lifts a hand, the other on her sword, trying to dissapate the clouds with her wind stone...

* ``Mitch stares up at the sky, fingering his neck - a cord of rawhide dangles under his shirt, with the deformed bullet that was spat from his chest dangling from the center...

* Shingami strengthins the shield aorund them

<Klork> I'm tryin!!!

<Shingami> Look.. Pal.. whatever someone here did to piss yo off is probably really bad but.. think we can.. i dunno.. talk this over like civilized people?

* The voice chuckles*

* Klork looks frantically through the photo album

* DianaManashevitz lifts herself into the air again, pulling that dissapearing thing and going to look in the hooooooole

<Klork> I'm lookin, god, AH! WAIT! *tosses it down, running inside and up the stairs again*

<Shingami> will that boy make up his ever fading mind already...

* The earth trembles again, clouds now billowing for what seems like miles above the city, sending lightning down in random places*

<Shingami> ehh... Ill take that as a... no?

* Klork comes down again, picture frame in hand, setting it on the ground and smashing it

* ``Mitch yanks the necklace from him, snapping the cord, and hurls it into the air as the clouds mass again, the lightning strike impacting in a shower of electrical arcs twenty feet above them

<`Angora> <voice> Observant...aren't you ..

<Shingami> I try Honestly I do

* AriaStormsinger jumps a little at Klork's smash

* AriaStormsinger dives back inside at the lightning strike

* Klork then moves the picture, pulling out a note, looking it over, reading frantically

* DianaManashevitz growls softly and solidifies, looking around, sword held in front of her, keeping a curiouse eye on Klork

* Kameko comes in, arching a brow and looking around

<Kameko> Uhh....what's up, guys..?

* ``Mitch cries out, ducking instinctively, but slowly straightens up, breathing fast

<Klork> Problems...somebody's after us ...*fidgest, reading the note* C'monnn!

<Shingami> Come on cant we talk it over without dulign pwors and distruction of the city... and what not/

* Kameko arches a brow

<`Angora> <v> Perhaps ...

* anythign that coems down bounces and rusn down the sides of the shield

<Kameko> And...this is new? Who is it?

* Klork points to wherever the voice came from

<Klork> Uh, no clue, but she's pissy.

* Kameko blinks, looking over at Angora...then back at Klork...

<Klork> and her power is damn familiar, I have no clue why--ANGORA!

* HLM and Brenna are in the basement, btw, Kame <G>*

* DianaManashevitz blinks, arching her brows

<AriaStormsinger> Anger-rah?

<AriaStormsinger> Who's that?

* The thunder lulls for a moment* <voice> Who speaks ..

* DianaManashevitz furrows her brows, trying to pinpoint the voice...

* Klork comes down to the sidewalk, reading through the letter

<Shingami> oO(ok that nerrows it down closer to female possably PMSing)

<Klork> Angora ...?

* Shingami extends the shield aorund klork just in case

* DianaManashevitz turns to watch Klork...

* ``Mitch pivots, watching Klork worriedly

* `Angora shimmers at the edge of the hole, eyes glowing a bright green, electricity sparking from her fingertips as she looks over at Klork, her demeanor and body language rigid

* `Angora watches, blue/black hair tied back, drifting down to her ankles

<Klork> Sonofa ... I-heh! I thought--well, you're not dead! I mean, it's .. you're alive!

<``Mitch> Mutters. "...if I could just ground that thing..."

* DianaManashevitz blinks, looking between Angora and Klork* <vqw> Heh...his twin, I suppose...

* Kameko BLINKS, looking over at Angora NOW

<Shingami> calm down mitch...

* `Angora says nothing, her cold glare fixed on him...

<Kameko> Damn...I thought...she..damn..

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> Um...

* Kameko slowly kinda walks over, looking curious as all hell, but says nothing

<Klork> You don't look happy to see me, sis's been a while? Wanna ... go out to drink or .. something?

<Shingami> <w> um klork she doesnt look very happy ta see ya

* `Angora tilts her head to the side

<`Angora> Klork ...

* `Angora 's head snaps up, going rigid again, spreading her arms to the side ... a ball of electricity spiraling at him*

<``Mitch> "Look, I'm sorry, but I'm looking at something that just tore the hell out of an entire city block and I'm a little nervous, all right? Call it a non-magical thing."

* Klork blinkblinks

<Klork> AwwCRAP!

* Klork tackles Kame to the side

* Kameko furrows her brow, then acks, jumping and trying to knock Klork out of the way

* AriaStormsinger jumps up

<AriaStormsinger> Hey! Knock it off!

* Kameko erks, then pulls him down and drags him towards her to try and avoid a direct hit

* ``Mitch gasps, hands forming fists

* Klork half cruples over Kame..the electricity barely missing them both and going overhead

* `Angora frowns a little, face emotionless, as if not there..

<`Angora> Why do you run, brother...

<Shingami> Look.. Angora... what's wrong?

<Klork> Oh, because you're trying to KILL me?! *slowly stands,helping Kame up*

* AriaStormsinger blues up and casts at this chick -- SOMEone's having a Monday.

* DianaManashevitz furrows her brow, sorta circling around

<Shingami> what did Klork ever do?

* Kameko looks up, getting helped to her feet

<AriaStormsinger> A blue wash of light goes over Angora... *any effect?

<Kameko> <w> your sister?!

* Kameko smacks his arm lightly

* `Angora looks at Aria, shifting, splaying her hands, sending her own energy back at her full force

<Klork> I-OW! yes, she is..I THINK..! I can't even do half the crap she can, where'd she learn this shit?!

* Shingami wips a big bolt of black energy at angora

* AriaStormsinger is just in front of the Asylum doors... *was that Angora's own energy or Aria's coming back at her?

* `Angora seemingly absorbs it, tilting her head and slowly turning to look at them

* DianaManashevitz sighs and just about screams her words* EVERYONE JUST STOP ATTACKING!

* ``Mitch doesn't even wait, just hooks a leg behind Shingami's and drags her to the ground

* AriaStormsinger stumbles back, then glances up with a silly smile

* Kameko chews at her lip, then sets her jaw, narrowing her eyes as she pulls her sword out of her duster, holding it in front of her

<`Angora> *in that echoey voice* Do not interrupt.

* Shingami falls ontop of mitch...

* AriaStormsinger shakes herself and stares open mouthed

<Kameko> *in a growl* Alright then... Don't take any offense to this..but I'm going to kick your sister's ass.

<Shingami> ack!.. will you stop that im trin to concentrate...

<Klork> Um, Kame nah-er! *tries to snag her arm* Nooooo!

<``Mitch> "She's more powerful than you, dammit! She's more powerful than any of us!"

<AriaStormsinger> So wasn't Tiernan...

* DianaManashevitz clenches her jaw, turning to Angora* Miss Angora...what is it you want?

* Shingami turns to mitch cobalt eyes glowing

<Shingami> have a little faith..

* DianaManashevitz represses a cringe at Aria's words

* Kameko acks, looking over at him

* `Angora almost smiles, lips turned upward before she frowns again, turning to look at Diana

<``Mitch> "Have a little courage, Shin! Stop trying to kill the things that stand in your way!"

<Kameko> Let go! *turns her eyes back up to Angora*

<`Angora> Destruction ... pain ...

* `Angora smiles

<`Angora> Death..

<DianaManashevitz> Nothing new. *arches a brow* WHy?

* Kameko erks, then growls, blipping out of Klork's hold and trying to get as close to Angora as she can, sword held high over her head

<Shingami> You call Angora?

* `Angora splays her fingers, almost shrugging with her hand motions, yet her body does not move* Entertainment..

* DianaManashevitz growls

<DianaManashevitz> KAME

<Shingami> mitch i aint gunna kill her just protect my home..

* ``Mitch pushes himself up, slowly

<Klork> awcrap! KAME!

* DianaManashevitz flashes a sheild up around both herself and Angora

<``Mitch> "Who's going to protect YOU?"

* DianaManashevitz 's eyes flash slightly red

* `Angora holds a hand up at Kame, firing a barrier at her meant to knock her backwards ... nearly bursting Dianas sheild

<Shingami> No one has before*gets up* and no one needs to now...

* Kameko bounces off the shield, kinda sliding down the side and landing in a heap

* Klork blinks, running over to pick her up

* DianaManashevitz clenches her jaw slightly, keeping eye contact with Angy* Were you sent by someone?

<``Mitch> "You couldn't do anything before... what makes you think you could do something now?"

<Klork> Ang--what the hell are you doing?! I know my family isn't THIS screwed over!!

* Kameko grits her teeth, using her sword to pull herself to her knees

<Kameko> Damn.....hurts..

* Kameko looks up at Angora, sucking in her breath through her teeth in pain

<Kameko> NOT...a good first impression..

* `Angora looks up at Diana, smile still on her lips as she lifts her hand, seeming to flick her wrist in a smooth upward motion at Diana, aiming to do the same she did to Kame

<`Angora> Perhaps ...

<Kameko> DIANA! MOVE!

<Shingami> Mitch stop thinking of me as a human...i am not..*opens up ehr wings ripping out the back of her hoodie* I Am A God!(techinicaly)

* Diana smirks and dissapears into spirit form*

<AriaStormsinger> Oh my god, Angora obliterated Diana!

* `Angora tilts her head to the side, smile not leaving her lips

* AriaStormsinger holds head

<`Angora> Amusing ...

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Aria .. Diana just went spirit form..

<``Mitch> "EVERYONE'S a god around here! Except me! And goddammit, I don't want to find out the hard way which god's more godlike!"

<Diana> *ghostly voice, no more than a ghost at this point* I'm so happy for you. Did someone send you?

<AriaStormsinger> Um -- I guess that's a good thing!

* Shingami turns.. kneeling by him...

* Kameko growls, trying it again, not really thinking at this point

* `Angora clasps her hands together, almost, ironically, looking as if praying

<Shingami> you are a god...

* DianaManashevitz watches her, just sort of hovering in place

<Shingami> and i will do whatever it takes to protect you... *all sappy lookin* have a little faith

<`Angora> *voice going echoey again* If I told you God sent me ... would you believe me...

<``Mitch> He snorts, shaking his head. "I'm a sinner."

<AriaStormsinger> {{Klork -- what are your weaknesses? Maybe hers are the same!}}

* `Angora flickers, a sheild forming over her

<Klork> {{Um...I can't swim..???}}

<DianaManashevitz> *ghostly voice* Very doubtful.

* Klork shrugs, looking lost

* ``Mitch looks up and shouts furiously, "WHICH god?!"

<Shingami> your a god to me

<AriaStormsinger> {{Great!! Get her to the pool!!}}

* `Angora straightens, frowning

* Kameko yelps, bouncing off yet another shield, falling back to her knees and then sinking, doubled over in pain

* Shingami turns to angora

* Klork goes over and picks her up, eyes worried

<DianaManashevitz> {{Maybe you should get Kame inside, Klork..}}

<Shingami> od sent you?! HA!!!.. Il lbeleve that when Hell gets a Hockey Team!!

* AriaStormsinger runs forward and clasps Kame's hands

* `Angora shimmers, slowly looking around,

* Rislyn yawns, coming downstairs and seeing no one there, arching a brow slightly* Hello..?

* Kameko grimaces slightly, looking up at Klork and then Aria

* Klork nods, running inside w/ Kame in his arms

<AriaStormsinger> Kame, quick, get out of the line of fire

* DianaManashevitz turns into air form, just kinda flowing around Angora

* AriaStormsinger runs with them

* `Angora looks over at her, head tilted to the side

<Kameko> Thought...maybe I'd try again...didn't wo--NO! Let me stay..and fight?!

<AriaStormsinger> AFTER we get you fixed up!

* Rislyn comes to the door, jumping aside to avoid being run over by Klork and Aria

<Klork> No..!

* Klork settles her on the couch

* AriaStormsinger pauses at the door and turns back, hovering now

* ``Mitch slowly stands, up to his full height

<`Angora> It would be foolish to fool one, wouldn't it...? *smiles* Perhaps I was not ... but you must ask yourself whom then..?

* Shingami leaves her shield aorund Mitch on the ground rising into the air

* Rislyn then looks outside, eyes narrowing as a deep blue/violet sphere of energy appears under her downturned palm, running outside as it changes into its sword form and solidifies

<Kameko> I'll be fine! I ...just need to find ..another way to hit her..

* `Angora watches, still smiling, taking a step forward....the ground beneath her feet seems to explode, leaving gaping holes due to electric surges in the ground ... however she continues to walk as if nothing happened

* Rislyn grips it tightly in her hands, standing in an attack stance and glaring at Angora

<Klork> Let Aria help you first, damnit!

* Rislyn takes a few steps back, sword still clenched in her hands

<Rislyn> Diana!? Who is this enemy?

* AriaStormsinger hears Klork's call and ducks back inside

* Kameko looks at him

<Kameko> I'm fine! Damnit..I just lost my footing!

* Shingami lands abck on the other side of Angora, behind her

* AriaStormsinger glances at them both, eyes wide

<Klork> Bullshit, calm down!

* DianaManashevitz solidifies off a few feet from Angora, touching her earth stone to try bringing the earth up and around Angora...1 Angora...

<AriaStormsinger> Okay, Kame, take a deep breath --

* ``Mitch hesitates, watching Shingami, then bolts, running inside

<DianaManashevitz> Ah...Klork's twin, RIslyn.

<AriaStormsinger> I'm going to power you up so you can fight that thing BETTER

<AriaStormsinger> okay?

* `Angora disapears into the earth as he grows around her

* Rislyn 's sword kinda sparks off energy, but it's not electricity

* Kameko looks at Aria

<Kameko> that case... work away. <G>

<AriaStormsinger> I need your help for this to work, Kame

<AriaStormsinger> Take a deep breath!

* Kameko does so

* DianaManashevitz holds a hand up, aiming so Angy's head is sticking out of the top of it, beffore taking her hand from her sword* Will you please just cool off now?

* `Angora spreads her arms aside, the earth shattering and seeming to explode away from her, a few pieces sliding off her sheild

* AriaStormsinger stands streaight, breathing deeply too -- wings of blue light appear and her hands absolutely buzz with light

<`Angora> Why...?

* Klork watches, then goes outside again, brow furrowed

* AriaStormsinger CASTS at Kame, doing her best to control its direction for the first time...

* Rislyn holds her ground, then shields her face as the rock flies, letting the flying 'shrapnel' cut at her arms and such without seeming to notice

* Kame will feel not only tremendous well-being and energy, but some minor physical healing as things align inside

* Rislyn lowers her arms, still holding her hands

* Klork chews his lip, cupping his hands together and firing electricity at Angora

<Rislyn> Diana..I don't care who's sibling she is. If she continues her aggressiveness..I WILL fight back.

<Klork> Worth a shot..!

* Shingami tries to trap angora in a shield so her pwoers wotn efect the outside world

* DianaManashevitz stands there, letting the shrapnel cut her face and bounce off her armor* Because you will get what you truely need that way.

* DianaManashevitz blinks and watches Klork..

* AriaStormsinger steps back, eyes bright. "Okay, Kame! Go get 'em!"

* ``Mitch runs upstairs, looking around... finally he spots one, and yanks it from the wall, slamming open a door and running to the window

* `Angora tilts her head back to look at Shingami, smiling slowly

* Kameko blinks, then grins, pulling herself to her feet and running back outside, sword drawn

<Shingami> cant we try to be civil?

<`Angora> Such words coming from the Goddess of death...?

<Shingami> oO(oh this is gunna hurt)

* ``Mitch hauls on the handle to the window, cranking it open

<Shingami> If it saves my home then ill do it...

* AriaStormsinger closes her eyes, thinking hard for a moment

* Rislyn takes a few steps forward, eyes narrowed

* `Angora seems to glow, but she does nothing so far..

<Rislyn> Are you too weak to fight hand to hand?

* Klork takes a step back

* AriaStormsinger hurries outside, watching the group around Angora as she follows teh Asylum wall...

<``Mitch> Muttered, watching Rislyn. "Don't you dare, bitch, don't you dare..."

* Shingami keeps up her shield...

<`Angora> Wouldn't that be funny ... *smiles, as if laughing at some inside joke ..

* AriaStormsinger finds a spigot in the bricks and goes to her knees in front of it, tugging at it with her hands

* Rislyn grins slightly, chuckling

* AriaStormsinger cuts her hands trying to turn the spigot, finally gets it to start -- a rush of water comes out of it

* `Angora spreads her arms, thunder cracking lightning down and snapping at the sheild, aiming to shatter it

<Rislyn> You're not so bad when you smile-- But you still won't get me to play nice.

<AriaStormsinger> {{Shingami! Help me! Can you direct this water at her?}}

* Shingami concentraes harder.. will not faulter..

<Shingami> {{ Im occupied !!!}}

<AriaStormsinger> er...right!

<DianaManashevitz> {{I can, Aria...}}

* AriaStormsinger sends a huge smile Diana's way

<AriaStormsinger> {{Great! hurry...}}

* DianaManashevitz vanishes again, appearing by Aria, and touches her water stone, sending the water at Angora with...uhm...lotsa force? <G>

* `Angora frowns a little, clouds billowing higher ... somehow her magic leaking out... bolt of lightning spiraling and itting the winows of the asylum

* HLM, way down in the basement, cringes, holding her horsely crying daughter close*

* AriaStormsinger shrieks as shatterd glass falls around her and Diana

* Kameko acks, running out in enough time to have glass shatter over head, holding her arm over her head and continuing

* `Angora disappears seemingly into a large billow of steam in the sheild...a scream echoing..

* Klork blinkblinks, staring wide eyed

* DianaManashevitz ignores it, some more lovely blood flowing, concentraiting on soaking Angora...

<Klork> I know I don't do that in water...

* ``Mitch screams as the cascade of electricity picks him up and hurls him against the far wall, dropping him bonelessly to the floor

* Shingami faulters on one knee but still trying to keep it up

* `Angora , btw, seemingly evaporated

* DianaManashevitz narrows her eyes, stopping the flow of water...

* Rislyn blinks... not stepping down, eyes kinda looking around, as if expecting more

* DianaManashevitz 's jaw's all clenched 'n stuff

* Klork furrows his brows, eyes wide

* AriaStormsinger slowly stands, panting

<Klork> That was WAY too easy ... what the hell!?

<AriaStormsinger> Everyone okay!?

* Klork pauses

<Klork> You just fizzed my sister!

* AriaStormsinger glances at her bleeding hands. "You call that EASY?"

* DianaManashevitz looks around for Angora...stepping out into the street* My thoughts exaclty, bro...I don't think she's gone...fully...

* Klork blinks, looking a bit befuddled

<AriaStormsinger> Klork, what happeend to your sister to make her so...destructive!?

<Klork> I haven't seen her since I was FIVE, how'm I supposed to know!?

* Kameko just kinda furrows her brow... looking around at everyone else before dropping her sword and heading inside..

* Shingami lets the shield down cant keep it up anymore

<AriaStormsinger> I think we'd better find out. Fast.

<Shingami> {{aria... wheres mitch?}}

* AriaStormsinger runs to Shin and helps her

* Rislyn continues looking around

* DianaManashevitz continues to look around, brows furrowed...turning into spirit form again and trying to find traces of Angora that way...

<AriaStormsinger> He ran inside

<Rislyn> <q> I...don't believe she's gone..

<AriaStormsinger> Want some help?

* Thunder rumbles, lightning hitting the ground to illuminate her sitting on the building ledge*

<AriaStormsinger> Ack!

* DianaManashevitz looks up

* AriaStormsinger crouches behind Shin's wings

* `Angora chuckles

* Rislyn narrows her eyes

<Rislyn> I thought so..

<`Angora> You watch far too many movies...

* DianaManashevitz resists the urge to sayyy "Toooooooold ya so!"

* `Angora smiles, resting her chin in her hand

* Shingami hurls some balck energy at angora

* Rislyn turns so she's facing her, sword still drawn

<Shingami> {{where.. is.. mitch Aria?}}

* it goes right through her ... as if she's some sort of illusion or smoke, it passes through*

* Klork reels a bit

<AriaStormsinger> {{I'll go find him -- you concentrate on Angora!}}

* AriaStormsinger runs for the asylum

* DianaManashevitz lifts herself so she hovers level with Angora, trying to decern if she's real or not...* What purpose does all this have?

<Shingami> {{that i can do}}

<Klork> Oh this is messed up!! Ang..*blinks*

<Klork> Waitasec...

<Shingami> I dont find your trick amusing Oban!(bitchey old hag)

<Klork> DIana!!

* Another image of Angora hovers about 200 feet behind Diana above the street appproximately 45 feet up, splaying lightning at her* My job..

* Rislyn BLINKS, then sends her energy through the sword to try and disrupt the lightening aimed at Diana

* `Angora then seemingly floats up into the clouds

* DianaManashevitz turns, dropping as her body goes ridgid...ouuuuuuuuuut, baby, out

* Shingami growles adn takes off like a shot inot the clouds

* Klork walks out to the sidewalk, looking up worriedly

<Klork> awcrap, somebody ..! *runs, diving to catch her*

* Rislyn launches to go and catch Diana

* Rislyn stops and nearly topples as Klork gets there first, trying ot stop herself

* DianaManashevitz gets caught by...Klork, looks like <G>, kinda crackling with lightning, lungs laboring to work right

* Klork skids, catchin Diana and setting her down, running back out to the street, trying to spotwhere they went..

<Klork> Aria?!

* Shingami looks aorudn in the clouds for Angora

<Shingami> Come on out Oban!!!

* AriaStormsinger 's inside the building looking for Mitch

* Rislyn 's shoulders drop a little, eyes narrowed as she looks around, sword re-appearing in her hands after its disappearance when she dove for Diana

* `Angora is gone from what you can tell, lightning fragmenting around Shingami fromc loud to cloud*

<AriaStormsinger> {{Mitch? Sorry to do this but -- where are you?}}

<Rislyn> <q> Where are you....?

* Shingami closes her eyes tryign to serch for high energy signatures

* Rislyn turns around slowly, watching the sky cautiously

* `Angora appears behind Rislyn hand held up to her face

<`Angora> Surprise ... *sends a forcive blast at her*

* Klork blinks, then blinkblinks

<``Mitch> *total silence*

<Klork> Ris..!

* Shingami growels and dives liek a bullet straigh tfor angora

* Rislyn 's eyes go wide before she gets blasted ... dead, yep

* `Angora disappears

* Shingami .. makes a big hole in the pavement

* Rislyn 's limp body ..which would be VERY charred.. just lays there .. her sword attempting to rejoin with her hand and instead turning into something like a black blood that spreads across the ground near her

* Klork suddenly goes rigid....electricity bursting from his chest and going out at least 100 feet before dissipating, eyes wide

* `Angora smiles, appearing behind Klork, hand sprawled against his back

* AriaStormsinger appears at a window, looking outside frantically

<AriaStormsinger> Wiitch!!! Nooooooooooooo

* Klork sputters, sinking to his knees...eyes wide

* Shingami hands burst form the gournd liek a zombies grabbign Angora's anckles

* AriaStormsinger casts everything she's got at Klork from the window

* DianaManashevitz struggles up, skin paled, eyes a bright red, fangs extended as she suddenly dives for Angora

* `Angora watches him, glancig at Shin & Diana before disappearing again

* Shingami would disappear with angora.. kinda attached

* DianaManashevitz growls softly and kneels by Klork, brows furrowed as she checks him, having missed Angora..

* `Angora reappears in the clouds, looking down at Shin...lightning splintering at her to remove her from her ankles

* AriaStormsinger slumps over the window, one hand still out toward Klork, faintly buzzing

* Kameko comes back out, then BLINKS, grabbing her sword and running at Angora, screaming when she sees Klork, sword raised over her head as if she'll attack her, then stopping when she disappears and drops to Klork's side, crying

<Kameko> <q> Klork...??

* AriaStormsinger tumbles out of the window

* Shingami jolts pur epain though angora

* Klork breathes heavily, holding his hands over his chest...brow furrowing as he calms..blinking

<Klork> ...

* DianaManashevitz looks up, clenching her jaw, rushing to catch Aria, muttering curses to herself

<Klork> I..*blinks* ... I'm not hurt ...

<Shingami> Why

* Kameko blinks, tackling him in a hug, sniffling

<Kameko> SCARED ME!

* `Angora looks down at Shingami

<Shingami> Angora WHY?

* DianaManashevitz ...tries lowering Aria to the ground...if she caught her?

<`Angora> ...............*seems to dissipate like smoke ... it wasn't the real Angora*

* Shingami suddenly isnt hangign on to anything so isnt in the air really... and gravity takes over...

<Shingami> oh damn...

* Diana kinda interrupted the fall, but Aria's legs hit the ground and the rest of her knocked Diana down under her

<Klork> I..I don't get it *blinks, brow furrowing* That wasn't the real one, was it?? *blinks* Ris...whoa whoa, RIS?!

* Kameko blinks, looking over at her before looking ill

<Kameko> Oh god..

* DianaManashevitz gets up from under Aria, then brings her into the asylum* You stay inside!

* Shingami makes ANOTHER hole in the pavement.. kinda bigger one this time

* Rislyn dead, yep

<AriaStormsinger> Yaaaaaaahhhhhh..............oww

* `Angora filters, appearing above Shin

<Shingami> ...ow...

<AriaStormsinger> I'm...okay, Diana... Got to get to...Rislyn...

* Shingami blinks looking up

<`Angora> Why ...?

* AriaStormsinger coughs up some blood

* `Angora tilts her head to the side..

* DianaManashevitz growls softly* Damn you Aria. Just stay. I'll bring Rislyn in.

<Shingami> Klork is my friend... hes... family

<`Angora> He wants you all dead,that is why ... I am merely the deliverer of his wish..


<Klork> God....*kinda seems a bit pale..shaken beyond belief*

* DianaManashevitz rushes back out to hear that* ...crackhead...

<`Angora> Family means nothing ...

<Shingami> Tell God to sit on it and Twirl

* `Angora quirks a brow, smiling

<`Angora> It was not God ...

<Shingami> Who then..

* DianaManashevitz drags Rislyn in, setting her by Aria* If I come back to find you overexerted yourself, I'll personally make sure you're fully healed...then I'll beat the crap out of you. *eyes flash red at Aria*

<`Angora> You will know soon...*voice seems the falter, clouds disappearing*

* AriaStormsinger nods weakly, pushing herself up and laying her hands directly on Rislyn

* Kameko whimpers, then swallows the bile growing in her throat and crawls over to Rislyn, trying to pull her into the asylum

<AriaStormsinger> Hurry and...stop that creature, Diana

<Shingami> Bitch tell me wha ti want to god damn know!!!

<Kameko> Ohgodohgodohgod..

* Klork blinks...going to help Kame

* Shingami is attemptign to get up... eeehh it ain happenin

* DianaManashevitz heads out, looking up at Aria, lifting herself inot the air again

* Kameko erks, stopping and looking at Aria..

<Kameko> Can.....she can't....

* AriaStormsinger takes a deep breath, fighting past a cough

* DianaManashevitz liestens for a heartbeat from Angora...fists clenched...

* AriaStormsinger can't even generate a wing at first...

<Shingami> Answer me angora!!!

* `Angora shifts..air clearing ... glass lifting from the ground to reform to the windows, lamp posts, cars, everything in damage she caused returning to normal 

* `Angora has a heart beat, her face beginning to look faint

* DianaManashevitz blinks, watching Angora, brows furrowed...ready to dive for her...

* AriaStormsinger cries with frustration and pounds the floor on either side of Rislyn

* Kameko whimpers, this her first real encounter with death..not liking it at all

* `Angora reels, dropping to her knees

<AriaStormsinger> Kame, help me!!

* Kameko blinkblinks, looking up at her with wide eyes

* AriaStormsinger grabs Kame's hands and puts them on Aria's own shoulders

<Kameko> I-I can't!! I can't do what you can!!

* Kameko erks, looking panicked

<AriaStormsinger> I need your help -- your energy

* DianaManashevitz reaches forward to catch Angora, eyes narrowed...

<AriaStormsinger> Please?

<Shingami> {{aria im ok... just.. gunna astay in the hole a bit.. if ya dont mind}}

* Kameko whimpers, then nods, pinching her eyes shut as she holds onto Rislyn's shoulders

<AriaStormsinger> {{Okay, Shin -- }}

<Shingami> {{where is mitch?}}

* `Angora furrows her brows, eyes dimming to look exactly like Klorks...

<`Angora> Where.......?

<AriaStormsinger> {{Don't know -- he wouldn't answer}}

* AriaStormsinger takes a deep breath again and leans over Rislyn

* `Angora convulses, eyes going white, squinting in the pain any light causes, curling around herself on the street

<Shingami> {{find him.... please.. just.. .look...}}

* DianaManashevitz kneels before Angora* don't know...?

* Klork blinks..running over to the big hole, skidding down

<Klork> Shin..?!

* AriaStormsinger gets some blue going and starts casting a steady stream of energy into Rislyn's body

* Shingami is laying there

<Shingami> god i hate gravity

* `Angora frowns, tilting her head up, not opening her eyes

* DianaManashevitz furrows her brow, looking around for Klork...then back down to Angora...still all vampish* <q> What do you remember...?

<Shingami> I.. am SO calling in sick tomorow....

* Kameko whimpers, afraid to watch

<`Angora> <q> too much magic ... where am I?? Remember what...???

<DianaManashevitz> ...

* Klork sighs shakily, tucking his arms around her

<DianaManashevitz> <q> You're in New York don't remember the battle?

<Klork> Shin..easy..

* `Angora furrows her brow, head tilting to the side

<Shingami> Wing.. and Mitch are gunna kill me i know it...

<`Angora> <vqw> *as if not understanding her question, ignores it* Pain ..

* HLM comes up from the basement...blinking and cursing lightly, heading over to the group aroudn Ris* What the...hell...?

* `Angora sighs, picking her up and climbing out, carrying her towards the asylum

<Kameko> She....*whimpers, looking up at 'Mo*

* Klork sighs, picking her up and climbing out, carrying her towards the asylum

<Klork> If it makes you happy I'll beat you when you're better too, ok?

* AriaStormsinger continues casting

* DianaManashevitz sighs a little, brows furrowing* <q> Gomen ne...what do you last remember?

* `Angora sinks into herself

<Shingami> wait wait...tak eme over.. to the.. dead person..

<AriaStormsinger> HLM, stay downstairs...or find Mitch, he's in here somewhere -- send him out to Shin!

<`Angora> <vqw> San Francisco..

<Shingami> never asked for names...

* Rislyn slowly starts to get healed .. the first sign being her sword returning to solid form and absorbing back into her body

* HLM nods, going off to find Mitch...*

* AriaStormsinger takes a deep breath and the light gets more intense

<Shingami> yeah thanks klork..

* Klork nods, slowly carrying her over to Rislyn

<DianaManashevitz> <q> What year?

<Klork> k..

<`Angora> 200...*furrows her brow* 2001?

* a door creaks half-open on the second floor...*

<`Angora> August..??

* DianaManashevitz blinks and shakes her head* <q> You're missing's February 2002...

* `Angora blinks, furrowing her brow, holding her head..

* HLM peaks in* ...Mitch...?

* ``Mitch is as still as a mausoleum, sprawled on the floor, a huge blackened path running from one hip to the far shoulder... a fire extinguisher lies nearby on the floor, oily streaks running up the side, a jacket half-wrapped around it with nuts and bolts spilling out all over the floor... his big plan...

<`Angora> <vqw> Wha ....?

<HLM> Oh...shit...*kneels to check him for life signs...uhm...had...uh...brought Brenna someplace safe of course...yeaaaah...*

* AriaStormsinger is whole-body glowing now, Kame is getting the healing effects now too

* Klork settles Shin down next to them, then starts to look around, going back out

<AriaStormsinger> Rislyn? Can you hear me?

<Klork> Diana..?? *blinks, brows furrowed*

<Shingami> {{HLM... where is mitch?}}

* Rislyn has color slowly starting to come back, her chest heaving as breath returns before she coughs

<``Mitch> * pulse.*

<AriaStormsinger> {{Shin, I sent HLM to look for Mitch{{

* DianaManashevitz nods a little, clenching her jaw and lookking up at Klork, jerking her head for him to come over

* Klork runs over, brows furrowed as he kneels

<HLM> {{Oh...fuckin' a...he's in his room...not breathing...I'm starting CPR}}

<Klork> Ang..?? Sis...?

<AriaStormsinger> {{Wha!?}}

* HLM does the mouth to mouth breathing and CPR...woo*

* `Angora squints up at him, brow furrowing

<`Angora> <vqw> Who are you...??

* DianaManashevitz looks over at him, brows knit* <q> your brother, Angora...Klork...

* Klork examines her, shaking his head

* ``Mitch jerks with the rhythmic pumps, his lungs filling and sagging but his heart not getting the message...

* AriaStormsinger checks to see if Rislyn will survive now...

* HLM keeps it up...*

* Shingami sighs sinking into whatever shadow is near her to get near Mitch.. she heard that...

* AriaStormsinger leaves and FLIES up the stairs for Mitch

* Rislyn moans, sitting up on her elbows slowly before being held down by Kame's still clenched hands on her shoulders

<Klork> She's got a major magic hangover ..

* DianaManashevitz nods and smirks* She won't bbe the only one once I allow myself to revert...

* AriaStormsinger is still casting -- anyone she passes will feel the effects...

* Shingami kinda crawls over to hlm and mitch...

* Kameko screams, opening her eyes in shock when she feels the body move, then blinkblinks when she realizes she's alive again and tackles Aria in a hug

<Kameko> YOU DID IT!

* ``Mitch lies on the floor, surrounded by twisted glass shards from the blown-out window

<`Angora> A wha..?? Magic? What're you talking about..?

<DianaManashevitz> ...ah...should we bring her inside, then?

<Shingami> move..

<AriaStormsinger> *Er -- Aria thanks Kame before zipping off ! :)

* Klork nods

* DianaManashevitz blinks and looks down to Angora* Uhm...all the electrity...

* Klork pauses

* AriaStormsinger reaches Mitch and starts working...

<Klork> Yeah..what DIana said..

* `Angora arches a brow

<Shingami> HLM move!...

* HLM and Mitch are them room though 'n stuff*

<`Angora> ...electricity?

* DianaManashevitz nods...

* Kameko then helps Rislyn up, propping herself under Rislyn's arm to move her upstairs to her room

* HLM sits back 'n stuff, resting her hands over her belly*

* Shingami is in the saem room now beside HLM

* AriaStormsinger 's light is fading as she works now... *any effect?

* Shingami leans over mitch

<``Mitch> *none...*

<Shingami> damn you...

* AriaStormsinger gasps a little, bent over his body now

* Shingami kisses mitch usign her energies to jump start his heart and lungs

<HLM> ...we should try doing CPR again...magic doesn't work on everyone...

<``Mitch> *nothing...*

* `Angora sighs shakily, holding her head..

<``Mitch> *...until...*

<Shingami> *tear falls down her cheek onto his*

* AriaStormsinger watches Shin...sitting back now...dark circles appearing under her eyes

* ``Mitch suddenly bucks on the floor, heaving in a great draught of air, mouth working like a fish, heart pounding at a dozen beats a second

<AriaStormsinger> How, HLM?

* Rislyn gets led back up to her room and draped across the still bare matress, Kame then taking care of her and Rislyn just kinda keeping her eyes closed, wondering how the hell she lost so playing at being asleep

* AriaStormsinger gasps

* Shingami backs off

* DianaManashevitz sighs softly* <q> Come on...let's get inside...?

* Klork slowly stands

<Shingami> Breath mitch..

* ``Mitch arches up, stiffening, then collapses, chest working like a bellows, gasping spasmodically and arrhythmically

<Klork> C'mon..we'd better get inside..

* DianaManashevitz stannnnds as well...helping Angora...

* AriaStormsinger supports herself with one arm, the other still weakly casting good and healing vibes on all four of us...

<AriaStormsinger> *her hands are totally healed now

* `Angora leans against Diana, she feels notably thin and stands at about 5'10, legs weakly going along

* HLM furrows her brows, trying to see how to help..*

* Shingami presses her lips to Mitch's fore head, trying to do what she can to calm him down...

* DianaManashevitz keeps an arm around Angora as they go, frowning lightly...

* Klork pushes the front door open, brows furrowed

* ``Mitch gradually slows down, twitching, his racehorse breathing fading to mere hyperventilation, eyes staring wide wide open and blindly at the ceiling

* AriaStormsinger collapses dramatically on Mitch's body...

* HLM pulls Aria off...takes her to bed...blahblah*

* `Angora goes with, notably pale..

* DianaManashevitz helps Angora through, chewing her lip lightly* You need to eat, Angora...

* Shingami rusn a soothign hadn though mitch's hair pulling him upright so he can breath eaysier, trying to calm and sooth

* Kameko comes back out, sighing shakily as she closes Rislyn's bedroom door, brow furrowed as she comes downstairs

* Shingami is also crying but thats ok...

* `Angora walks, eyes closed...

<`Angora> <q> Not hungry ...

* Klork sighs, closing the door behind them, grabbing his sunglasses and kneeling, sliding them on Angys' face 1 A' yer eyes..

* `Angora shakes her head stubbornly

* DianaManashevitz looks over at Klork, brows knit, then back to Angora...uhm...helping her someplace to sit 'n stuff then <G>

<`Angora> <q> Too painful..

* `Angora sits, body shaking

<Shingami> <q> mitch?

<DianaManashevitz> <q> He put sunglasses on won't be that bad...

<Klork> You're wearing sunglasses ... just try..?

* Kameko comes down and BLINKS, looking at Angora in shock before she sighs, taking a guess as to what happened and walking over

<Kameko> ......she ok..?

* ``Mitch 's eyes slowly move, trying to focus, managing to zero in on Shingami, hovering so closely... still gasping, still twitching, one hand claws at the floor, stiffens and jerks upwards, trying to reach her...

* `Angora squints tentatively, nearly jumping at the presence of another person

* Kameko stops where she is, lowering her head

<Kameko> <q> Sorry..didn't mean to startle you..

<Klork> Easy...

* Klork wraps an arm around Kame's shoulders

<Klork> can you see, Ang..?

* `Angora nods.then shakes her head

* DianaManashevitz looks up at Kame and nods a little, sitting back, color gradually returning to her skin, clenching her stomach with one hand, still watching the newbie as she slowly returns to being human <G>

<DianaManashevitz> Ah...a firm maybe.

<`Angora> Everything's blurry..*almost sounds hysterical, confused as to why she can't remember a damn thing* What happened...???

* ``Mitch 's eyes slowly move, trying to focus, managing to zero in on Shingami, hovering so closely... still gasping, still twitching, one hand claws at the floor, stiffens and jerks upwards, trying to reach her...

* HLM comes back down the stairs, running a hand through her hair, confused as all hell...*

* Kameko sighs... moving away from Klork after shaking her head, moving him towards Angora instead, face saying she thinks Angora needs him more, atm

* `Shin` pulls mitch into her arms and wings running a hand though his hair

* Klork blinks, brow arching..

<DianaManashevitz> kicked our collective butt...

* `Angora squints

* Kameko sighs, heading out to go find her sword..where ever it was that she dropped it

<`Angora> Wha..? How..?? I can't even win arm-wrestling against Meg, how can I harm you???

* Klork watches Kame, worried look on his face

<`Shin`> just.. breath

* `Angora whimpers, just lost beyond words..

* ``Mitch 's lips shape a sound, a phoeneme, stuttering, almost subliminal, an M, over and over again, as his throat works and the errant hand finds her shoulder and squeezes, as hard as he can, trying to pull her closer

<DianaManashevitz> Meg...? had a lot of magic...electricity...illusion...

* `Angora furrows her brows

<`Angora> I don't have magic...*shifts away from Diana* What're you talking about..??

* Klork frowns, kneeling

* `Shin` pulls Mitch as close as she can tears runing freely down her face

<Klork> Ang''re related to me, you gotta have somethin' in there ...

* Kameko goes and picks it up..then just kinda sits outside, holding it in her lap as she looks at it..

* DianaManashevitz clenches her jaw, shaking her head lightly and swallowing, sighing softly

* HLM heads over to Kame <G>* Sis...?

* Kameko blinks, looking up at 'MO

* `Angora shifts, swallowing hard as she looks up at Klork

<Kameko> Oh...heya 'Mo..

<DianaManashevitz> HLM: ok?

<``Mitch> Whispered... "...m- m- m- m- m-" He swallows, gasps for air, throwing all the strength he has left into it...

* Kameko looks back down at her sword, frown on her face

* DianaManashevitz backs off...

<Kameko> <q> ...I really have gotten useless, haven't I..?

<`Angora> Who're you....I know who you're claimin ' to be, but he's dead, they TOLD me he was dead...!

<``Mitch> "-m -m -mor -mor -Morgan..."

<HLM>*brows furrow* Why you say that?

<`Shin`> sshhhhhhhhhh... just breath Mitch.... just breath

* DianaManashevitz arches a brow lightly

* Klork sinks..

<Kameko> <vq> I didn't do any good tonight... I just got in the way...

<Klork> Ang...gimme yer' hand..

* ``Mitch falls back with a gasp into her arms, his breath seemingly coming easier with that one word

<`Shin`> oO(.. whos morgan..?)

* `Angora looks at him, or what she thinks is him, hesitantly putting her hand out

* HLM shakes her head* <q> From the looks of everyone else in there...I don't think anyone did any better....

* DianaManashevitz turns her around so she's facing Klork <G>>

* Kameko whimpers

<``Mitch> "Morgan... Morgan..." Several breaths, each one drawn a little more out. "Morgan... Westfield..."

<Kameko> But...she DIED..! I...and I....

* Kameko furrows her brow, still not having looked up from her sword after the initial time

* Klork squats down, putting his hand palm-first to hers, a small globe-shaped ball of electricity sparking with blue and green surrounding their hands

<`Shin`> who is morgan?

<Klork> <w> See...?

* `Angora winces, pulling away* Hurts...!

* Klork sighs

* HLM bites her lip, kneeling by her and wrapping an arm around her*

<Klork> Sorry ... magic..right..*sighs* But do you see..?

<``Mitch> His eyes shiver closed, and he turns his head with an effort, away from hers. "M... my name is... Morgan Westfield..."

* `Angora nods, bows furrowing

<Kameko> <vq> ......But.....she's just got in the way...

* `Angora kind of slumps a little, reeling

<`Shin`> *little smile* i swear Morgan Westfield if you scare me like that again... i... i... just dont do it again!

* HLM sighs softly* <q>*sighs a little*

* DianaManashevitz bites her lip, watching from a little bit of a distance, from her spot on the floor

* Klork erfs, catching Angora as she goes unconscious

<Klork> <q> I'm gonna get her a place to rest

* DianaManashevitz nods...* There's a free room not far from here...

<``Mitch> "I... I'm sor... ry..."

* Kameko sighs, chewing at her lip

<`Shin`> *sniffel* its ok... its ok just.. relax i got you... (and im not letting go) i got you

<Kameko> <vq> I...I think I'm going to head home...I need Angelo...

* HLM nods...* <q> Take care... *sighs a little and stands*

* ``Mitch 's head lolls back and to one side, and his glasses thunk onto the floor, spinning around slightly as he totally relaxes, breathing hard yet but unconscious.

* Kameko stands, too .. then looks up at 'Mo and hugs her

<Kameko> <q> I'm sorry...but I'm glad you're okay!

* Kameko then blips out

* HLM blinks and hugs back, hehing slightlyy*

* Klork nods to Diana, taking Ang there..

* `Shin` gets Morgan(ha!) into a comfertable positon in her arms his head resting under her chin

* HLM shivers a little and heads inside*

* Rislyn is forcing herself to come down the stairs

* DianaManashevitz just sorta sits there on the floor, staring...

* Rislyn gimps, teeth grit as she heads to the sparring room, look of determination and self-loathing on her face and in her eyes

* Klork comes back down after putting Angy to a bed, kneeling by Diana

<Klork> You ok...?

* DianaManashevitz looks up and nods a little, too worn out to be anything but tired* Hai...not every day one comes back to

* Klork nods..

<Klork> Well enough ..

* Klork sighs

<Klork> need help to your room...?

* ``Mitch sleeps the dreamless sleep of those walking the cliff of life and stopping every now and then to piss into the abyss of death

* DianaManashevitz shakes her head, getting to her feet slowly, wincing and pressing a palm to her brow* Itai...but...iie...

* Klork stands, helping her

<Klork> still ...

* Rislyn is in the sparring room, trying to draw her sword out of her .. unable to, the strain visable on her already traumatized body

<Klork> C'mon, I'm helpin you.

* DianaManashevitz nods a little* Heh...alright...*leans on him despite herself...grimacing as looooootsa pain returns to her body*

* Klork helps her upstairs

* HLM peeks into the workout room* need to rest...

* Rislyn whimpers a little, glaring at her hand

<Rislyn> <vq> Why...won't it WORK...?!

<HLM> You were brought back to life...

* Rislyn holds her arm out .. it shakes like crazy as she tries to draw out her sword

* DianaManashevitz gets helped bed...etcetcetc

<Rislyn> I..did not die.. I was unconscious..

* Klork lets her go to bed...

* Rislyn grits her teeth, lying to herself

<HappyLittleMoron> were rest. No pissing off the pregnant moron.

* Rislyn holds her head, sinking down where she stands

* Diana thanked Klork and all...wished him well...*

* HappyLittleMoron kneels by Rislyn, restinng an arm around her shoulders...

* Rislyn refuses to look up, tears streaking her cheeks

<HappyLittleMoron> C'mon, Ris...bed...? You'll be able to play in the morning...*hugs her gently*

* Rislyn sighs... nodding slowly, pulling herself painfully to her feet

* HappyLittleMoron offers to help

<Rislyn> <vqw> Kevley cannot hear about this.... I would never live it down...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> I won't tell him...just spread it around the rest of the place you don't want it known *smirks*

* Rislyn nods slowly

* HappyLittleMoron helps Rislyn to bed...before joining Klork.....

<Rislyn> <vqw> ....He would rub it in my face that I failed..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks at Rislyn, shaking her head

* Rislyn then gets helped to bed, collapsing on it and almost instantly falling alseep

* HappyLittleMoron then just joins Klork <G>

* ``Mitch doesn't know what the hell he does, it's out of his hands

* Klork sleeps with! yeah, that's it!

* HappyLittleMoron sleepies

Session Close: Mon Feb 25 01:39:10 2002

