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Session Start: Sat Feb 23 14:25:10 2002

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs

* Klork follows, sunglasses still on

* Jira meanders her way through the front door, pausing to pull her cloak off and toss it over the coat rack

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her back, having worked today, just put Brenna to bed early with Klork...

* Klork is still following her, very nearly running into a few things here and there ..

* HappyLittleMoron reaches back to help guide Klork, waveling to Jira* Long time no see, stranger...

* Jira glances over, smiling thinly

<Jira> Been runnin', luv. Sor' t' keep y' on edge if'n ye'r that worried.

* Klork follows pretty much blindly

* Klork pauses

<Klork> Hn..I hear an ozzy ..

* HappyLittleMoron 's brows furrow* You ok...? What can we do to help...*smirks lightly * Jira just came home...

<Klork> Ozzie ozzie ozzie!!

* ``Mitch is quietly rummaging in a dusty corner of the laundry room, picking out things he can wear from the castoffs - and trying to ignore just how many of them were probably put aside due to numerous blood-edged tears in the fabric

* Jira quirks a brow

<Jira> Oi. Oi. Oi.

<Jira> That's real' old luv..

* Klork nods, sitting

<Klork> yep, guessed.

* Jira shrugs

* HappyLittleMoron smirks lightly, rubbing Klork's shoulders, still worried for/curiouse abotu Jira..

<Jira> Nuthin', El', sor' t'say.. so long as they 'aven't come 'ere, 'ave they?

<HappyLittleMoron> Eh...don't think so anyway...*smirks* Though with the traffic of baddies, you never know...

* Jira tilts her head to the side, running her hand through her hair

<Jira> Oh? Been blody 'ell 'ere? Y'look tired as es..

<HappyLittleMoron> Pretty much, yeah...hey, you hungry...? I was about to fix somethin' ta eat...

* Jira shrugs, stretching her hands toward the ceiling

<Jira> Hm, couldn't 'urt t' eat som'thin ..

* ``Mitch holds up a trenchcoat, staring through the hole in the back at the opposite wall... hooking his foot into the trailing edge, he hauls upwards, and moments later has a rather tattered but serviceable jacket... sliding his upper arms in, he tucks the others behind him, checking the fit. Good enough for now.

* Jira sighs, picking through her hair habitually

* HappyLittleMoron noddles...* if it's something chicken...? *smirks lopsidedly, kissing the top of Klork's head before heading for the kitchen, Diana wandering down the stairs, right hand in brace, no long red, but pinker than usual*

* Klork waves blindly, instinctually knowin' Diana's there

* Jira shrugs

<Jira> Sounds fine luv'...thanks

<Diana> Konbonwa, bro...still have the headache...? *blinks a little and wavels to Jira, very small, tired smirk on her lips*

* HappyLittleMoron fixes...uhm...chicken something or another...

<``Mitch> Pulling on some holy sneakers, he mutters " to get into my crib..." to himself as he walks out, edging along the narrow hall to the living room.

* Klork nods, kinda fixing to take up the entire couch

* HappyLittleMoron fixes Chicken Jambalaya...Diana sorta paling at the smell and heading back upstairs, hand on her belly

* Klork sniffs, purring

<Klork> biiiirrrddd

* ``Mitch spots Klork as he enters, and makes his way towards the couch.

* Klork perks his ears to the sound, waving

<Klork> Whos there?

* ``Mitch frowns, his step hesitating. "It's... Mitch. Are you all right, Klork?"

<Klork> Heh? Oh, yeah, just major magic hangover .. I kinda over-exerted myself..

<``Mitch> "Shit. You wouldn't... no, you wouldn't." He sighs. "Sorry to hear it."

<Klork> I wouldn't..? Wouldn't what? *rubs his head* It's all right...what's up?

<``Mitch> "Nothing big. I was just hoping to ask a favor, but, well... you're under the weather." He runs a hand through his hair, glancing up the stairs and pondering. "I think there's another way anyway."

* Jira blinks, looking up

* Shingami fyi is in her room reading a big ol manga and eating poky inbed

<Klork> Oh? Well, shoot at'me ... I might be able to help *shrugs*

<Jira> Seems we 'ave mo'e people 'ere than b'fore, don't we..

<``Mitch> "It's a, umm, m- magic thing."

* Klork shrugs

* Diana comes back, looking slightly ill* ...and thus...the digestive tract switches gears...*mutters and shakes her head, blinking a lil' at Jira* Hai...

<Klork> What sorta magic thing..?

* Jira shakes her head

<Jira> A've been away fa' too long...

<Diana> Where have you been...? Ah...if you don't mind my asking...

* Jira shrugs

<Jira> Runnin' 'round 'ere n' theh'..

<``Mitch> He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it - I think someone else can help." He edges around the couch, heading for the stairs.

* Diana nods a little sitting in a chair by the couch* Ahh...*looks up and wavels to Mitch as he passes, shrugging a little*

* Jira blinks, pointing after him

<Jira> Who's tha'?

<HappyLittleMoron> *from the kitchen* Food's up, all! And Klork you stay there, I'm bringing you your helping...

<Diana> Mitch...

* Klork goes to get up..then blinks

* ``Mitch gives a half-wave in return as he starts upstairs.

<Klork> awwnuts. Man..ok...*sighs*

<Diana> One of the newest editions...

* Jira blinks

* Jira pauses

<Jira> "One of"..??

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, coming out with two plates, giving one to Klork and sitting on the floor, leaning back against the couch

* Diana nods* Hai...

* Klork smirks, eating w/ a purr

<Klork> Thanks, babe..

* ``Mitch walks down the hall... his step hesitates, slows, but he keeps going until he hauls up outside Shin's room... he knocks tentatively on the doorframe.

<HappyLittleMoron> No problem, sweetheart...

* Jira shrugs, edging into the kitchen and dishing some up for herself

<Shingami> Velcomin Bienvenu Welcome Come on in

* Diana just fixes herself some nice, mild soup...shoulders slumped slightly*

* ``Mitch edges the door open, staying by it. "Hi, Shin... how're you feeling?"

* Shingami looks over, layin on her stomach feet in the air stick of straberry poky in her mouth waring the tank top and shorts again

<Shingami> Oh mitch! hey yeah im ok.. come on in.. ahve a seat

* ``Mitch glances around - anything resembling a chair?

* ``Taurus comes out of his room and walks groggly down the stairs

* Diana heads back out with a small smile to Jira, sipping her soup once she sits back down again*

* Jira eats, pausing again...waving to Taurus

<Jira> 'Nother new face?

* HappyLittleMoron noddles, waveling to Taurus too* Yep..

* ``Taurus gives a little wave* Yeah I guess

* ``Mitch walks in and lets himself down, edging a stack of Captain Tsubasa further over to make room.

<``Mitch> "Listen, I wanted to ask you a favor... you know that thing you did last night, the portal thing?"

<Shingami> Yeah sorry bout the mess i havent gotten to repoganizing all my manga yet...

<Shingami> umm... sure i can

<Shingami> re open one i meen..

<Shingami> thats what you want right?

<``Mitch> He looks down at his hands, twisting them together a little. "I, well, I'd like your help to get into my apartment. I don't think it'd be safe for me to walk in the front door."

<Shingami> sure Mitch...

* Jira shifts, sighing as she puts the rest of the food away, settling on a chair and opening up her napsack, digging through it

* Diana sits back after putting her bowl away, massaging her temples*

<``Mitch> "Thanks... seriously..." He pulls himself up, rubbing his neck. "I'll wait downstairs for you, I guess."

<Shingami> no need i can openi ti here...

* ``Taurus sits in a spare vacant chair, half asleep

* ``Mitch blinks. "You know where it is?"

<Shingami> though you kinda need to think about where you want to be in your appartment so i can just open the gate directly there

<Shingami> i do now your thinking about it

<``Mitch> "Oh, okay... I get it..." He hesitates. "You'll have to enter my mind again?"

<Shingami> no its on the surface of your thoughts.. your projecting it right now..

* Jira wraps her tail around to her side, sighing and shifting through an address book, sliding on a small pair of reading glasses

<``Mitch> He nods, a little unsure. "All right..." Hesitates, looks down, tucks the makeshift jacket around him. "Whenever you're ready..."

* Shingami gets up, puts on a super man hoodie and opens the gate to Mitch's appartment

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm...*looks down at her belly* They're gonna both be kickboxers...I can see it..

<Shingami> after you

* Klork is done with food..blinks

* Klork already has his ear to her stomach, purring

<Klork> Iwannafeel!

* Jira blinks, glancing at him over her glasse

* Jira shakes her head slowly, looking back down and rummaging

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, the babies purring in response* They don't kick on command...*snickers, the babies moving around quite activly since she just ate*

* ``Mitch ducks through, and stumbles, catching himself on a doorframe... he looks about himself, and his mouth twitches. .oO(Up yours, Mr. T.)

* Diana chuckles softly*

* ``Taurus shakes his head and rolls his eyes

* Klork grins

<Klork> Football players..yep! *beams*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Jira arches a brow

* Shingami follows Mitch, nothin better to do still munchign on ehr poky

<HappyLittleMoron> I pity the opposing team...

<HappyLittleMoron> Even if they're girls? <G>

<Jira> What is it with men and wanting their children to all be some sort of athlete...?

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs

* Klork shrugs

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno <G>

* ``Mitch lopes through the room to his bedroom - the entire apartment is fairly orderly, everything in its place, but it's still a bachlor's pad, dusty and unkempt and occasional discarded thing just sitting around.

<Klork> Rugby works..--Hey..we do not! ...*I* just do! *grins cheesily*

* ``Taurus laughs* My dad wanted me to be a baseball player, signed me up for t-ball and everything, then took off and started another family in Ohio....

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* Rugby for girls?? *smirks and shakes her head* Here's hopin' they get my bones...

* Klork chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehe heh...

<``Taurus> bastard's setting up franchises.

<Klork> Well I've never broken anything so all should be good!

* Klork pauses

<Klork> my knees don't count.

* Jira twists her mouth to the side

* ``Mitch ducks into the closet and hauls out an undershirt, slipping off the half-trench... a moment's work, and he drags out a loose denim jacket, before digging into the back for something

* HappyLittleMoron pokes him lightly* Heyy...I CAN'T break anything...*winks and curls around to kiss his cheek...if he's still listening to her tummy*

<Jira> Hearin' stories like tha' sometimes make me wondah' if not knowin' m' folks o' not is a good thing or bad..

* Shingami just starts looking aorund the palce

* Diana smiles thinly and heads into the workout room*

* Klork sighs, pulling out a necklace that looks like large ellipsoidal hematite pieces, laying it flat on the ground

* Klork then digs through her bag again

* ``Mitch straightens up and hocks a pair of duffel bags onto the bed. <Bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, workroom, entrance. It's an efficiency.>

* Jira sighs, pulling out a necklace that looks like large ellipsoidal hematite pieces, laying it flat on the ground

* Jira then digs through her bag again

* Klork blinks, glancing over

* ``Mitch hauls one open, walking rapidly into the workroom... inside, he can be seen filling it with a grab-bag of toys; lineman's sets, electrical gear, mechanical tools, a welder's torch...

<Klork> What, is that why people have been after you or something?

* HappyLittleMoron tilts her head a little, nodding slightly

* Jira blinks, looking up, pulling a large clear stone out and kneeling with a smile, the stone is crystallic in shape, quite large

<Jira> Not quite luv'..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* 'Sup?

* Klork squints, then lifts his sunglasses, eyes almost all the way white as he looks at that

<Klork> That' a diamond??

* Jira arches a brow, then shakes her head, slamming the crystal down on the hematite pieces ... they snap open

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!

<Jira> No, Quartz .. almost as hard..*smirks, sifting through the pieces of hematite*

<HappyLittleMoron> What the...? *arches a brow as she watches*

* Klork blinks..

* Jira smiles, doing this to each piece of hematite

* Jira then fingers through each one, plucking a small diamond from the center

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Klork, then to Jira...* Oh...kay...

<Jira> Had ah' used diamond, luv, I woulda scratched' th' ones inside..*grins*

<Klork> Um .. where'd you get that?

<HappyLittleMoron> Guess so...! Eh...what he said...

* Jira shuffles the diamonds back into a pouch and tying it to her belt, then goes about shuffling the hematite pieces into small piles

<Jira> No place special..

* Jira hovers her hands over them, each taking a bright glow before all of the pieces of hematite beging to grow red with heat, molding back together

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...otay...*has her patented moronicly dumbfounded look on her face as she watches*

* Jira stops with each, picking them up while still red, they cool immediately and go back to their ellipsoidal shape

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...geeze...

<Jira> Fam'ly heirlooms *smiles faintly, continuing with the hematite* Just got em' back from a few slackeh's not gua'din' em' very well.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh...k

* Jira shrugs, stringing the hematite pieces back together

<Jira> Now ah' just 'afta put this back so they don' suspect nothin'..

<HappyLittleMoron> 'Sall cool *grins lopsidedly*

* Diana's doing a kata in the workout room, 'n all that, in case anyone was wonderin' ^-^*

<HappyLittleMoron> So...'sides've you been...?

* Jira stands, putting the necklace on and stuffing the small bag of diamonds into the bag

* HappyLittleMoron hehs a little and shrugs, resting her head back

* ``Mitch staggers into the entrance and lets the bag down with a heavy thump and a cascade of clicks as the contents rearrange themselves... he groans as he straightens up, rubbing the still-sore leg, and glances at Shingami... a little defensively, "I'm just a janitor. With... hobbies."

* Shingami is sitting on his kitchen counter

<Shingami> nifty

<Shingami> I take it you dotn cook much

* ``Mitch walks into the bedroom and starts throwing clothes onto the bed... he calls to her, albeit a little hushed as if trying to keep his voice down, "I'm not what you'd call a master chef. Or a student. Or having seen the campus at all."

<``Mitch> He glances up. "Are any of them good memories?"

<Shingami> many are... many.... arnt

<``Mitch> "I hope you find more memories, Shin... the good ones. You're good, I mean, you're a good person... you don't deserve bad memories."

Session Close: Sat Feb 23 21:07:38 2002

