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Session Start: Wed Aug 21 00:00:00 2002

* RicaChica shakes her head..

* RicaChica sighs, then goes over, taking his hand

<RicaChica> <q> Just promise me you'll help me settle this after we're done?

* Correy looks down at her, then smiles, sliding his fingers through hers, leaning down and kissing her brow

<Correy> <q> ...Promise..

* RicaChica manages a small smile..then nods..

<RicaChica> <q> Thank you..this way then..

* RicaChica pauses...glances up at him..

<RicaChica> <q> wants a small piece of we may not be able to completely kill him tonight..

* Correy goes with her, sighing thankfully and pulling her close to his side protectively

* Correy swears darkly, his hand tightening around hers

<Correy> <muttered> Fine..we'll just bloody the fuck outta him, then..

* RicaChica leans against him, n odding, pausing at a door and tugging out a key, unlocking it..

* Jason's half managed to get himself from the wall, his feet still attached, arms are taped behind his back, mouth taped shut, he's on the ground trying to free his lower legs from the wall roughly*

* Correy arches a brow, coming in and chuckling

<Correy> Jason, bud... yer gonna HURT yerself that way..

* Correy lets go of Rica, going over and lifting Jason off the ground ..

* RicaChica follows, but stays the entire room length away from him....

<Correy> Lemme help ya..

* Correy lifts him up--and STRAIGHT into the wall

<Correy> THERE y'go!

* Jason grits his teeth, narrowing his eyes before wincing, breathing out a sharp breath through his nose*

* Correy furrows his brow, looking at him

* RicaChica crosses her arms over her stomach, leaning against the wall and watching wordlessly

<Correy> Ah'm sorry, Jason..did that hurt..? I was jes tryin' t'help y'up. But..Oh well.

* Correy drops him, stepping back

* Jason's shoulder pops as he goes face first to the ground again, a muffled grunt emitting*

* Correy crouches down next to him, yanking him up by the hair over his brow

<Correy> SO.. JAS... BUD. What the fuck'er ya thinkin' tryin' t'shoot up my girl?

* Correy pauses, then chuckles

<Correy> Oh.. sorry, fergot 'bout somethin' important..

* Jason winces, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes, refusing to look up at him*

* Correy YANKS the duct tape off his mouth

<Correy> THERE.

<Jason> Ya-Stupid fucker!! *seethes through his mouth, gritting his teeth*

* Correy chuckles

<Correy> Watch yer tongue. Yer in the presence of a lady.

* Correy nods towards Rica, then smiles down at him

<Jason> Fuckin' slut ain't a lady

<Correy> NOW.. What's this about ye-- *his eyes harden before he throws Jason's head to the ground, face first..then picks him back up* ..Try this again..

<Correy> What's this about yer joinin' up with m'dad, Jason?

* Jason yelps, getting a nice nose bleed..yeah..nose is broken* Fuck you, Correy. I ain't sayin' nothing.

* RicaChica winces, staying back..

* Correy chuckles, then pulls him up, grabbing him by the collar now

<Correy> Y'know, Jason.. I've bin' wonderin' why you started all this shit in the first place.

* Jason half chokes, gritting his teeth* Keep wonderin'.

* Correy frowns, then looks back at Rica

<Correy> Rica, darlin'.... I'm sure y'got some questions y'want asked. Y'kin tell me.

* RicaChica glances up at Correy, brows furrowed..

* RicaChica looks from Correy to Jason...and slowly shakes her head, leaning against the wall* <q> I just want him gone...

* RicaChica hasnt necessarily changed her mind...but she more or less looks like she doesn't want to watch this..

* Correy chuckles, then glances at Jason

* Jason grits his teeth, staying silent*

<Correy> Now.. Jason.. correct m'if I'm wrong. If y'die here.. the Circle's over, n' Rica n' I kin go n' get married for good this time.

<Correy> Same, with J n' Col.

<Correy> Looks like y'lost, Jas.

* Jason snorts* Maybe. You four ain't the only one in it.

<Correy> Yeah, we know yer in it, too.

* Correy narrows his eyes

<Correy> N' I'm guessin' m'dad is, too..

* Correy shrugs

* Jason snorts* And your father.

<Correy> Don't give a damn, though. If y'die before me, it's over.

* Jason grits his teeth* I'm not the one that killed your bitch all those times...

* Jason smiles a small smile* A couple times yea..I did...but not all of em'..

* Correy pales, then practically throws him across the room

* RicaChica furrows her brow, then winces, covering her mouth

<Correy> You lyin' son of a bitch! I WATCHED' you once I figur'd it was you!

* Jason grits his teeth, shoulder popping back into place now* Fuckin' a...didn't you ever see who the hell I was standin' by at every damn wedding?

* Correy growls

<Correy> He's m'fuckin' DAD, as crazy as he is! He was S'POSED t'be there!

* Jason sneers* You ever pay attention to her biopsy? Find out what kind of gun it was? Try the same fuckin' gun you own..the one that your dad owns.

* RicaChica goes out into the hall..she seriously has decided she doesnt want to hear this...

* Correy .. growls, lifting him up again, then holds him up against the wall by wrapping his hand around Jason's throat

* Jason gags*

<Correy> Y'GOD-DAMN bastard!! WHY BOTH of them?! Why Rica N' J?!

* Correy drops him, glaring down at him

<Correy> WHY?!

* Jason coughs, trying to curl to protect himself once on the floor* Because your dad figured the only way to get his circle to stop was to stop you from marryin' Rica--essentially kill her n' stop it. That didn't work. Then he changed it so his will wouldn't include you if you got married--money didn't phase you--so he hired me.

<Correy>'s all because of that damn bitch, Dana?!?!

* Jason snorts* You're the one that raped her, you tell me.

*connection problems*

* Diana's in the workout room...doing some very slow Tai Chi...*

* Klork 's sitting at the tv, about halfway through watching LotR on dvd <G>

* HappyLittleMoron 's curled up by him

* Mitch doesn't benefit from this unfortunately - he's up on the roof in the hot tub... still in clothes, he's dressed more conservatively (as such things go) ever since coming back without even realizing it

* Klork purrrs

* Syan's in the bathroom, contemplating whether or not to cut his hair*

* Nox is uhm...dunno...doin'...stuff in their room...reading...?*

* Syan decides to do it later and stands, heading out and stretching* So, Nox..up for a night walk or somethin'?

* Nox looks up, then smiles* A walk sounds very nice...

* Syan smirks, tugging a sweater and a windbreaker on, offering his hand*

* Nox takes his hand, standing and slipping her cloak on*

* Syan smirks a bit and walks with her down stairs, wincing at the volume of the movie going on*

* Nox goes with him, then arches a brow lightly*

* HappyLittleMoron 's kinda semi-dozing, curled into Klork's side...

* Syan shakes his head and heads out the door, cleaning out his ears* Damn...

* Klork is watching intently...still speaking the lines of the movie as they're played...

* Nox goes with him and chuckles softly*

* Syan tucks his arm around her waist* This is why I'm not a movie-goer...ears would be deaf by now.

* Nox nods with a soft chuckle, slipping her arm around him in return* do have more sensitive hearing than most...

* Diana finishes the Tai Chi and blinks a little before heading out of the workout room, chuckling softly when she sees Klork*

* Syan nods as he walks with her* Yea...but Klork's is more sensitive--HOW the hell can he stand that?

<Nox> I idea...

<Klork> "Aragorn--Aragorn Help!!"

* Diana smirks, shakes ehr head and heads up the stairs*

* Diana pulls on a hoodie and heads up to the roof....then blinks when she sees Mitch fully tub...*

* Syan walks with her n' stuff*

* Nox lightly rests her head on his shoulder as they walk, rubbing his side gently*

* Syan smirks a bit, watching her and around them quietly* <q> So how was yer'day?

* Mitch-senses go PING... glances over, glasses off* "Konbonwa, tomodachi..."

* Nox looks up at him with a gentle smirk* <q> Well enough...yours?

* Diana heads over* Konbonwa...daijubu? *arches a brow*

* Syan manages a small shrug* S'all right...not very busy..gotta get back to work soon though.

* Nox nods...*

<Mitch> "Okay... just trying to, y'know, relax a little." *lip twitches* "Around here, it's all I ask."

* Diana chuckles* Hai...I understand that...*tilts her head a little* Doing your laundry at the same time?

* Syan chuckles quietly* Y'know, assumin' they take me back after how long I've been gone *winks*

* Nox chuckles softly* True...

<Mitch> "Huh?" *glances down* "Oh... nah. Just... I... I dunno. I just don't feel comfortable..."

* Diana nods, going to rest her arms, folded on the lip of the tub...then cringes a little and just rests her left arm on it*

* Syan keeps walking* So how's Iris?

* Nox keeps walkin' with him* Good...she's glad to be home...she's missed Brenna...

* Syan chuckles* Good...those two are pretty close, huh?

<Mitch> *wishes he'd seen that so he could react... dang glasses off... shakes his head, looking a little withdrawn after the question* "You?"

* Diana blinks and furrows her brows* I'm alright...*tilts her head, wrapping her right arm around her midsection as she leans her chin on her left forearm* Ne...anything I can do to help...?

* Rica heads down the stairs, rubbing at her upper arms, looking ill as she settles on the bottom step*

* Nox nods with a soft chuckle* Aye...they hit it off as soon as they met...

* Syan smirks, nodding a bit* S'good..

<Nox> That it is...they could both use friends...Iris grew up pretty much alone with just Kernunose and I as company...

<Mitch> *lets his breath out and shrugs* "You already have." *looks up, then away* "I'm here, ne?"

* Syan nods* Yea...Brenna didn't have it much better til' she got here..

* Diana furrows her brows lightly* Hai...demo...if there's more... *chews her lip a little as she straightens, kinda trailing off*

* Nox nods a little, tilting her head a bit* Aye...I donae know much of her personal past...

* Syan nods* me neither..

<Nox> Hopefully she will not remember most of it when she's older...

<Mitch> *sighs, pulling his legs up to his chest and hugging them, knees poking out of the water and pants slick 'n' clingy 'n' stuff* "...Diana..." *not really looking at her* "How did you get past it? Past... your father, the, the shit that happened when you were reality-hopping... Tiernan..."

* Syan nods* Amen to that..

* Diana bites her lip* Ne...on several levels I never did... *furrows her brows lightly* Actually...speaking of it with people who do understand helps a little...demo...only when you're ready...

<Mitch> "Ain't never reached out before. Dunno if I even know how."

<Diana> Neither have I before coming back to this takes practice... *smirks lightly* ...and bravery..

* Rica stays curled up at the bottom of the stairs, silent*

<Mitch> *lets out his breath, lip twitching slightly, heart not in it* " much for that idea."

* HappyLittleMoron mmphs and streatches as she wakes up...

* Klork blinks and glances down at her with a smirk

<Klork> <q> Heya..

* Diana shakes her head* <q> Tomadachi...I will always be here for are not alone...

* HappyLittleMoron grins up at him* <q> Hi...mmm...*streatches a little again* When did I fall asleep...? *Heh...towards the beginning of the movie <G>*

<Klork> hmm..round' the beginnin..*smirks* They just finished kicking Lurtz ass.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooh...musta been tired... *straightens up, rolling her head*

* Klork chuckles..

<Mitch> "Yeah. I dunno why. After what-" *cuts himself off, uncurling his hands and rubbing them over his face* "...gomen. That wasn't... tomodachi, I... I know. It's hard for, I, it's not something it's easy for me to believe." *finds his glasses, flicks them open, slides them on* "I do." *looks up, ears a little red for an entirely different reason than usual* "Domo."

* Diana nods slowly and straightens her back as she stands* <q> Hai...well...just remember that? When you are ready to face the memories and believe you're not alone...? I've been in your place before...I'm more than willing to help you...

<Mitch> *sighs* "What can you do, though?"

* Diana smirks lightly* Listen.

<Diana> ...and accept.

* Klork stretches..

* HappyLittleMoron stands...then blinks when she glances over to the stairs...heading over* <q> ...Rica?

<Mitch> *closes his eyes for a long moment before nodding slowly*

* Rica looks up, manages a small forced smile as she waves

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows a little and eases down next to her 'Sup?

* Rica lets out a slow breath* <q> Correys upstairs dealin' with Jason...

* Correy comes down the steps, he's got blood on him, but it's not his own, his teeth are clenched and his fists are white, they're held so tightly at his sides

* Correy looks over at HLM, his eyes murderous

* Rica blinks and looks up*

<Correy> <q> .....Flay'im. Please.

* Correy tosses her the key to the room ... then looks around for Klork

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, and furrows her brows...catches the key

<Correy> Rica... I'm goin' t'Texas.

* Klork is watching the tail end of LotR..

<Correy> Klork?!!

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> ...what happened?

* Rica blinkblinks* Holy--Not without me..!

* Klork blinks and looks over, pausing the "Boromir over the falls" scene..

<Klork> Yo?

<Correy> I needta go t'Texas!! M'dad's the one who's been killin' us the whole FUCKIN' time, n' now he's gonna kill m'Mom t' try n' finish it!

* Diana nods lightly, lightly touching his shoulder with her fingertips before sliding her hands into her pockets*

<Correy> Jason said he's already there!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!* ...sonova...

* Rica blinks* How do you know that he's not lying??

* Correy looks at her

<Correy> <q> ...Y'gonna let me take the chance that he's not..?

<Correy> My Mom's the ONLY one who e'er tried t'stand up fer me. Other th'n m'aunt.

* Rica winces..backs off*

* Klork slowly stands..

<Klork> need help..?

* Correy furrows his brow

<Correy> <q> Rica... I wan' y't'come... But--damnit..Where the fuck's m'rifle?!

* Correy frowns, not knowing where it went after the other night

* HappyLittleMoron rubs Rica's shoulder gently...then...shrugs, having no clue either <G>

<Rica> Ah...I'd ask Diana......

* Correy glances at Klork and HLM

<Mitch> *sighs, and manages a half-felt smile* "So what've you been doing?"

<Correy> of ya find 'er..? I...*glances at Rica* I needta sort sumthin' out, first...

* Klork nods..

* Correy runs his fingers through Rica's hair, frowning as he watches her

<Klork> Yeah..yeah I'll be right back.*he jogs up the stairs..inspects at Mitch's room...Diana's room...then heads to the next logical place, the roof*

* HappyLittleMoron nods and stands...backin' off from 'em and glancing at Klork..

* Diana shrugs a little* A little Tai Chi...worked on that map some more...

* Rica sighs shakily...closing her eyes* <q> Just don't get yourself killed...

* Correy leans down and whispers into Rica's ear, pulling her close to him

<Klork> Hey uh..sorry to interrupt..*clears his throat* But, Di...?

<HappyLittleMoron> *Diana blinks, looks up* Hai?

<Klork> Where'd you put Correy's gun...?

<Mitch> "You sure you're-" *glances over at Klork, pushing himself up - yep, street clothes, dripping wet*

* Correy traces his fingers through her hair again, eyes locked on hers as he smiles

<Correy> ~I trust you more'n anyone else.~

* Rica blinks...watching him* <q> I don't know how to fire a rifle..

<Diana>'s in my room? *arches a brow* Why?

<Correy> <q> I'll set it'll jes need t'pull the trigger if it gets scary.

<Klork>, well, long story short we're all going to Texas to beat Correys father to a pulp .

* Klork heads back inside

<Klork> Thanks! *heads to Dianas room to get the gun*

<Mitch> "Iie."

* Diana blinks!*

* Correy kisses her lightly* <q> ....I don't wan' anyon' else t'be the one who killed m'dad if he tries t'kill me.. Jason wasn't the one that started all this, Rica..

<Mitch> "Don't even THINK about it."

* Correy pulls back, knowing she'll see where he's going and just watches her eyes

<Mitch> *to Diana, not Klork*

* Rica sighs...nodding..*

* Klork ..finds the guN! and heads downstairs....

* Diana glances to Mitch, then to Klork's retreating back* ..ah... *shakes ehr head, just...confused as hell <G>*

* Klork gets downstairs and hands it to Correy Here...

<Mitch> *kinda blinks* " know what's going on, right?"

* Correy takes it, then pulls the safety out, gettin' it all ready and then handing it to Rica

* Diana slowly shakes her head...*

* Rica stares at it...*

* HappyLittleMoron 's still there...uhm..hangin' out

* Klork glances back to HLM, then looks to Correy

<Klork> Uh..awaitin' orders or somethin'...

* Correy kisses the top of her head

<Correy> <q> ...If anything happens...jes shoot.

* Correy looks over at Klork

<Correy> We ready...?

* Klork nods

<Klork> I'm guessing you need a portal to Texas..

* Correy nods

<Correy> Please.

* Correy doesn't forget to ask nicely <G>

<Klork> K...yer' gonna hafta..specify..cuz Texas is a huge-ass state..

* Correy gives him exact location spot, then

<Mitch> "Okay. I'll explain in..." *glances downstairs* "...they got Klork, they're gonna be on their way... yeah. Jason - the guy who, y'know, he's been killing Rica - turns out he's been working with Correy's dad... I dunno either. All I know is second-hand..." *kind of trails off* "...let me get this straight - *I* know what's happening and *YOU* don't?!"

* Klork nods..and..opens a portal to the front drive*

* Diana crosses her arms* First time for everything, ne? *smirks*

* Rica slowly stands...tugging her coat on and hiding the rifle beneath*

<Mitch> "First time, hell. I'm gonna wake up any moment now. I just know it." *snorts* "...yeah. So we got a hold of Jason the other day... I guess they found something out, 'cause now it sounds like they're going after Correy's father. And you're still injured, so you're gonna sit here with me and make sure the Asylum doesn't burn down."

* Correy steps through, furrowing his brow and typing in the code to the front door's lock .. hoping it still works

* door unlocks!*

* Rica follows hesitantly..*

* Klork glances to HLM

<Klork> We gonna join' em?

* Diana smirks and shrugs*

* Correy comes in, looking around the front entry

<Correy> DAD! Get yer sorry ass out 'ere. I know yer fuckin' plan now.

* quiet...nobody in the front entry*

* HappyLittleMoron ...guesses she WONT be going 'cause of the goddamnFUCKINGweather in the real world

<Mitch> *shrugs a little embarassedly* "I just... y'know..."

* Diana smiles* Hai...domo...

<Mitch> fast version: *dries off, curls up in Diana's room, falls asleep holding her hand*

*the next day*

* Diana' ze shower...door to the bathroom cracked open a bit...running her hands through her hair and shaking veddy lightly...bathroom's all foggy...hothot shower...just 'cause it's FUN*

* Mitch DID wake up before her, dammit, and is sitting on the minibed, feet curled under him and back to the wall, studiously not looking at the crack he realized was there five minutes ago

* Diana, after a bit, emerges, victoriouse over the..uh...dirt monster? Well she's clean in any case, the shower's off, and she's in a sweat shirt and jeans...wrestling with getting a brush through her hair*

<Mitch> *glances over* "Feel a little better, tomodachi? Oh, hell- siddown, I can get that-"

* Diana blinks a little and shrugs* Hai...a little... *heads over and settles, offering the brush* Ne...try not to lose the brush in this rat's nest... *smirks* Daijubu?

<Mitch> "Okay..." *adjusts his glasses, scootching a little up behind her and studying her hair... muttered* "I can blow through a fifteen-tumbler dial in seven minutes and twenty-four seconds... this is a piece of cake..."

<Mitch> *ignoring the brush for now, starts straightening out her hair with deft hands, flicking curled loops out and putting things in order*

* Diana blinks and smirks, shrugging a little as he does so...hehe...more than likely a much bigger job than he'd have thought...tends to re-tangle what he untangles, just 'cause of what it is and how it reacts*

<Mitch> *mumbles something, his hands going slower... he's starting to get into this now, and is trying to push away just how good clean-just-showered-Diana smells as he studies the patterns*

<Mitch> "...Klork said he can hook me up with a job... if your thing doesn't pan out... I dunno... nepotism was never my thing, y'know?"

<Diana> Oh...? What sort of job?

<Mitch> "That's the thing... he didn't really say... just something... bartender, waiter-" *snorts* "Bouncer... why is everyone bringing up bouncer? They need these glasses more than I do. But... it's something I'd have to learn... and there are other people out there who can, y'know, actually DO the job... that's why I dunno..."

<Mitch> "It's better than pushing a mop, though, which is what I thought was gonna happen for a while there."

<Diana> Hai...that's true... You'd probably be a better 'tender than bouncer...hai...HLM was a bouncer for a while...then again she enjoys fighting sometimes so much it worries me...

<Mitch> "Yeah... it's kind of what I was thinking..." *shakes his head, studying - he's starting to get the hang of it... it's just like a physical manifestation of a cross-cut circuit board, the sort you have to entangle to keep alarms from going paranoid* "I dunno. It's not like Merc. She's got a lot to fight for, ne?"

<Diana> Hai...that she does...she's gone through so much to get to where she is today...

<Mitch> *nods slowly* "I dunno much... nobody talks about their past all that much around here." *snorts* <ij> "Including yours truly..." <ie> "...I'll just, y'know, shut up right there..."

<Mitch> *definitely has the behavoral pattern of the hair sussed, and he's unlocking the tangle one layer at a time, third hand flicking at the bottom and keeping the cords from retwisting*

* Diana blinks a little and shrugs slightly* <ij> It is a source of great pain to most know the feeling...<ie> Demo...if you ask, I am willing to talk about it...

<Mitch> <q> "Hers, or yours?" *unveils the core of the tangle - it's the hair boss fight!*

<Diana> *long pause* <q> is not my place to tell her story...

<Mitch> *nods slowly* "...I don't want to cause you pain." *finesses a fingernail in - "Test Your Might!"*

<Diana> The pain is always dulls with time, demo, it is always there...speaking may bring tears, but it doesn't cause the pain...

<Mitch> *sighs, and leans forward, one hand lacing into the knot to keep it from going anywhere, the other two hugging from behind - around her STOMACH, people* "We're here. It's in the past, and I l- I like you now. If you want to... but I'm not gonna push it."

* Diana nods a little, resting her hands over his, smiling a very little bit* <q> Domo...heh...I don't know which part to begin feels as if I should be at least a hundred instead of only 22..

<Mitch> "It wouldn't surprise me." *leans back a little, returning to the boss fight*

* Diana laces her fingers together in her lap, hehing softly* Ne...well...ah...*shrugs very slightly, not enough to really disturb him* What do you wonder about the most?

<Mitch> .oO(Do you want to go see a mov-) .oO(OI! Fuck off.) .oO(It's a perfect opening.) .oO(I said-) .oO(Fucking off, sah.)

<Mitch> "How did it all start? How'd you get dragged into all the witchy-finger, reality-hopping shit?"

<Diana> I was in high't have many friends to speak of...none, really...the only ones who were nice to me were too afraid to be mean...demo...I was between classes, going to my locker to get my lunch...a man appeared out of no where...

<Mitch> *nods slowly, listening and scoring a five-hit combo on the tangle*

<Diana> Time just...froze...he had some kind of strange soon as he pulled that out the halls cleared, of course...*shrugs lightly* He shot me with it...the next thing I knew, I was lying in a sewer...very sick...

<Mitch> *shivers slightly... bad, migraine-inducing memories of sewers* "Who was he?"

<Diana> He was a slave of someone called the Dark Master... *sighs a bit* Ne...that thing was the first deamon I was ever faced with in this life...

<Mitch> .oO(As opposed to the Light Master?) .oO(Hush.)

* Diana shrugs* The slave made a mistake in the settings of the gun...that's why I ended up where I did and not directly in the demon's hands...

<Mitch> *the tangle tries a grab, but he reverses and gets in a freeze-uppercut combo* " was some kinda reality, umm, pusher?"

<Diana> Hai...sort of...I was transfered to the right reality, just the wrong location IN that reality... *sniggers a little* At that point, I came face to face with the Ninja Turtles of all things...

<Mitch> *blinks* "The what?"

<Mitch> Clueless Mitch strikes again.

* the match fizzles*

* Diana chuckles* Ne...Ninja TUrtles...old cartoon and comic from the '80s... *shrugs a bit* Humanoid turtles taught ninjitsu by a humanoid rat...

<Mitch> *carefully* "And you didn't hit your head?"

* Diana chuckles deep in her throat* Ne...that's what I thought at first...apparently not...that rat actually was the one who reunited me with my sword...which is...another story in and of itself...

* Puddles plods along the hall, splunking*

<Mitch> "Reunited?" *slips past the knot's guard and hooks a finger around the lynchpin... DUN DAN DUNNNN... left right up block+low kick+high kick... MITCH WINS. FATALITY!*

* HappyLittleMoron 's uhhhhhhhhhhhh...nah...don't feel like playing HLM...hmm...Nox? 'Eh...why not...NOX is keeping track of the kids in the nursery while HLM's at work...door's open a bit..

<Diana> Hai...I had it in a past sort of...reincarnated me...

* Puddles noses his way in...tilting his head up at Nox*

<Mitch> *nods slowly, running his fingers through the hair gently before snagging the comb and having at*

* Nox looks over and smiles, holding a hand out to Puddles*

* Puddles plods over, sitting about a foot from her hand as if to say "No, you come to me"*

* Diana closes her eyes breifly, smiling a little before opening them again* Ne...anyway...the Dark Master...he did eventually end up capturing me...heh...torture...rape...he wanted me to have his children so THEY could rule...

* Nox smirks and drops her hand, folding it neatly with the other in her lap and just...watching him <G>*

* Puddles...whines a little...scoots forward an inch or two*

* Nox arches a brow, smirking lightly*

<Mitch> *works the hair, drawing it over a forearm and running the comb through... quietly* "What happened?"

* Puddles scooches on his ass over towards her s'more...barely in reach now*

* Nox still doesn't put her hand out...waiting and watching*

* Puddles seems to sigh, heading over and putting his head in her lap*

* Nox scritches his ears with a soft chuckle*

* Puddles face scrunches up, hind leg going*

<Diana> <q> the middle of one of the rapes...the guys busted me away from him...

<Mitch> "The turtles?"

* Diana nods* Hai...they got me out of the room anyway...seemed like we ran forever before we finally had to fight...I had my sword again...the minute I touched it once I was away from him, my armor appeared for the first time...I faught, and killed him...

* Diana smirks a little* Ne...then I had to leave...the sword was pulling at me...

<Mitch> *basically finished with the hair... keeps combing it though 'cos he's not quite sure how to stop* <q> "Where to?"

* Diana shrugs a little* Different reality...*furrows her brow in thought...* I...think that one was already dead when I got there...a lot of them I don't remember...I know there were several that were already sucked dry or torn apart by war...

* Nox chuckles softly as she strokes Puddles' coat...smirking when the girls come over to join her*

* Puddles gets spoiled <G>*

<Mitch> *nods slowly* "The one you're mapping?"

<Diana> Ne...that one isn't quite torn apart yet...I'm mapping it to try figuring out how one of the leaders thinks...there's word he has an eye on this one...and proof that he has broken the rules from time to time...the trick now is finding him

<Mitch> "Follow the smoke?"

* Diana chuckles softly* Tried that...didn't work...

<Mitch> "Are you... is it, y'know, for your job?"

* Diana nods...*'m not going out before I'm healed, tomodachi...honest...

* HappyLittleMoron can go with them today! <G>

<Mitch> *lets out his breath* "I just don't want you hurt... and... hell, there's nothing I can do to help... but..." *shakes his head*

* Diana reaches back to still his hands with one of hers, before turning to face him* <q> Hai...I understand...demo, I'm doing none of the leg work on this...I just have...experience in the different realities...

*picking up from yesterday*

* HappyLittleMoron nods to Klork

* Correy growls, then heads into the trophy room .. where his father liked to hang out

* Klork smirks, pops his knuckles, and steps through the portal

* Diana curls her fingers around the comb* Domo...

* Rica is following hesitantly

* HappyLittleMoron steps through too, wicked grin in her eyes

* trophy room is empty as well...but the gun off the wall is missing*

* Klork looks around and whistles slightly

<Klork> Wow...big ass place..

<HappyLittleMoron> to be a maid here...

* Rica steps in and looks around, getting a little courage and heading up the stairs..looking for where the hell Correy went..

<Klork> No chit..

* Correy notices the gun missing and frowns, turning and looking behind him, then blinks

<Correy> Where's Rica...?

* Klork blinks..points up the stairs...

* Rica blinks and leans over the railing* Up here..

* HappyLittleMoron looks around...then erks a lil'

* Correy looks up, then hurries up next to her

<Correy> His gun's missin'... but there was no one there..

* muffled scream from.....below?*

* Rica chews her lip..then blinks* ...what was that...?

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs lightly...follows...then pauses and turns towards the scream

* Klork blinks....oO(Dude, you ever get the feeling you're in a haunted house..??)

<HappyLittleMoron> a basement in this overdone dump?

* Rica shrugs and looks to Correy*

* Correy blinks, then nods, quickly heading towards the basement door

* HappyLittleMoron follows! Is good at that...yepyep

* Klork follows too....Rica taking up the rear

* Correy opens it up, slowing down as he goes down the stairs quietly

* Klork follows all stealth..

* HappyLittleMoron goes Neenja-Moron

* Rica slowly inches down behind everybody, holding the gun..*

* Muffled struggling can be heard in one of the rooms in the basement..*

* womans voice* Damni-Daniel what the hell are you doing-*mphs*

* Correy tenses, then comes down the stairs and walks into plain sight, hoping the others won't

<Correy> Evenin' Dad. Why doncha let Mom go'n deal with me, 'stead?

* they're in a different room in the basement...there are five're in the hall......*

* the muffled struggle pauses for a moment*

* Correy then walks into the HALL..wishing he knew the layout of his house <G>

<Correy> DAD!! Let'er outta this. She don't needta be stuck with you, y'ass hole!

* Silence...then* Anne: Corre-!*Mphf*

* It's easily told what room they're in now*

* Correy hurries to where he THINKS they are, throwing the door open

<Correy> Dad, let'er go.

* Daniel McCarthey looks up, sneering...Anne's tied up, obviously recently silenced with a sock that is obviously missing from Daniel's foot* Fuck'n get out y'worthless piece of shit.

* Klork inches around to the side of the door that Correy's gone in..outta sight..

* Rica ...glances up at HLM..*

* Correy makes a face, looking up at his 'dad'

<Correy> Jesus.. y'could'a picked sumthin' ya weren't WEARIN'. God knows y'kin afford it.

* Correy heads over, aiming to just walk over to his mother, ignoring his father almost completley

* Daniel presses the barrels of his rifle up to Anne's head* STOP.

* Anne winces*

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw, looks to Rica, squeezing her arm lightly...uhm...stickin' with her...but keeping an eye on the room...all quiet 'n shit

* Rica heads down behind Klork...chewing her lip...nodding to HLM*

* Correy blinkblinks, then stops cold

<Correy> <q> Dad...don't bring'er inta this.. It ain't her fault..

<Daniel> I tell you what, boy. You drop Rica, come back'n live the way *I* deem worthy, an this whole shit'mess will end.

* Correy furrows his brow

<Correy> <q> What d'you got 'gainst Rica?

* FWL_MeRc walks into the asylum, dried blood patches on his fur and some poorly bandaged cuts grumbling

<Daniel> She ain't right-she ain't yer destiny. You jes' come back n' marry th' girl you screwed over years ago..put m'damn name to rest..

* Correy narrows his eyes

<Correy> I tol' ya before. I didn't TOUCH'er. I couldn't STAN' 'er, Dad.

<FWL_MeRc> and thus another GREAT day ends

<Correy> YER the one who keeps fuckin' up yer name. Y'won't let it DIE, n' keep diggin' it back up!

* nobody's at the asylum ;)*

<FWL_MeRc> anyhow*

* Daniel jams the barrel against Anne's back* Bull-shit!

* Correy winces

<FWL_MeRc> fecking wanna be. IT WAS MY KILL. THEIF EVEN FUCKED MY GUN!!! *snarls tosseing the assult shotgun to the ground, the barrel shot through

<Correy> <q> Dad...I swear t'you.. I ain't touched her. Ya, seems t'look kinda look me, but it AIN'T MINE!

* Daniel grits his teeth* Ain't matter do as I say and all this ends.

<FWL_MeRc> maybe i should hunt him down like the dog he is *smirks* yea... hunt him down , tie him down and suck his brains out through his nose

* Correy growls

<Correy> Y'CAN'T end it by keepin' her away from me, y'dumb fu--*cuts himself off, glancing at the gun against his mother's back and twitches slightly* <q> Look..M'guess is the damn kid's YOURS, n' y'jes wanna clear the name. Too fuckin' bad, Dad.. I ain't takin' the wrap fer you.

* HappyLittleMoron 'll just hang out in the shadows by Rica still <G> jaw clenched..

* Daniel snorts* Keep diggin' deeper Cor'...n' she dies.

* FWL_MeRc glares arond "And where IS everyone?

* Diana...just stays up in her room 'n all that <G>*

* Correy belatedly wishes that someone would just open a portal and shoot his dad in the back of the head through it <G>, but sighs, shaking his head

<Correy> <q> Dad... I ain't brought m'gun. Let'er go, n' we kin fight like REAL men. I kin whoop you that way.

* Correy grins at him, but it isn't by any means pleasant

* Daniel grits his teeth* Do it, swear you'll stay--aint no way I'm droppin' m' way or no way.

<FWL_MeRc> people and they're lives *snorts and sits on the couch*

* Correy pulls his hat down over his eyes, something he does when he's thinking

<Correy> .......y'promise t'leave Rica alone fer good if I stay here. Y'don't give m'that, then I'll find a way t'kill you.

* Rica edges up and taps Klork on the shoulder gently, whispering something into his ear*

* Klork nods..

<Correy> Promise t'leave J n' Col alone fer good. T'drop Jason permanently.

* Daniel snorts* Only if you stay n' forget about em'.

* Correy looks out from the shadow of his hat, eyes glaring

* HappyLittleMoron looks at 'em, tilting her head a little before returning her gaze to the two guys

<Correy> <q> I'll stay....but I won't ferget 'em, Dad. Even YOU can't make m'do that.

* Correy sighs, looking over at his mother

* Daniels smirks* Ye'll forget or-RG! *pales, gun having dropped from his hands in surprise*

* Rica ..outside the door between Klork & Mo..has put a gun through a lovely portal..*

<Correy> <q> N' let Mom go--*blinks, but takes the oppertunity to dive for his mother, quickly trying to untie her and keep himself between mom and dad

* Anne gets knocked over in the chair with the dive, but yeah, sure, gets untied*

* Daniel grits his teeth, putting his hands above his head*

* Rica motions for HLM to go in and help if she'd like*

* Correy pulls the sock out first and formost, whispering an apology to her as he helps her up

* Correy looks up at his dad and sighs

<Correy> Y'didn't think I'd come alone, did'ya?

* HappyLittleMoron heads in, snags the gun his dad dropped and manafests...DUCT TAPE@

* Anne gets up, leaning on Correy...she's actually in pretty good condition*

* Rica pushes through the portal, making Daniel walk forward with the rifle to his back* See how you like it jackass.

* Correy frowns, just letting her lean, looking at his dad

<Correy> Why couldn't y'jes believe me...? Y'KNOW I wasn't ever intersted in'er. YOU were the one tha'was always tryin' t'pitch us t'gether.

* Daniel growls..*

<Daniel> I knew what was good for you, ain't know nothin' along them lines

<Correy> What was good fer me was t'keep dyin' because you were killin' m'wife?!

* Correy growls

* HappyLittleMoron eyes Daniel, then looks to Rica...gaze clearly asking if she caaaaaaan duct tape him to the chaaaaaair?? Or if there's there something else planned...

<Correy> Y'got some messed up sense'a what's good.

* Rica nods* Go for it, Mo....Ah, Mr McCarthey? I'd like you to meet a friend of ours..

* HappyLittleMoron grins WICKEDLY, eyes flashing as light glints off her fangs

* Correy sighs, looking over his mother quickly

<Correy> <q> Y'okay, Mom??

* Anne nods, sighing shakily* <q> Let's...I want out of this house..

<HappyLittleMoron> *perky, altogether too cheerful voice* Have a seat! *cocks the gun she holds and holds it to him too, all happy-like*

* Correy sighs

<Correy> Y'kin go on up, Mom...I got some things I wanna hear, first..

* Daniel grits his teeth, putting his hands behind his head and sits, glaring at HLM*

* Anne slowly shakes her head* No..I'll wait here.

* HappyLittleMoron smiles sweetly and goes about duct taping his hands together...and then him to the chair...not being gentle in the least...checking for knives as she goes

* Daniel was armed with just the gun*

<Correy> Don't tape'is mouth, though.. I got some things I wanna know.

* Klork comes in, arms crossed as he watches

* Correy glances at HLM, brow furrowed slightly

* HappyLittleMoron just duct tapes then, he matches Jason now! She nods, not taping his mouth...standing back, by Klork

<Correy> How many circles were y'plannin' on killin' us, Dad?

* Rica keeps the rifle leveled with Daniel, stepping back by HLM & Klork as well*

* Daniel snorts* EVery one til' I could get you here.

* Correy frowns...

<Correy> N' why'dya want m'here so badly? Why wouldn't y'stop when I was killed? Why'd y'throw J n' Col into the damn thing, too?

* Daniel shrugs, eyes narrowed* J and COllan were Jason's doing, ask him

* Correy growls

<Correy> N' why'd you bring JASON in on it?! Wh'the HELL'S he got t'do with anything?!

* Daniel shrugs again* He wanted a job.

* Correy blinks

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows

* Correy .... then just glares, not knowing what the hell else to say ... glaring over at his dad before he just snarls, turning his back

<Correy> Rica, y'kin shoot'im now... But don't kill 'im. He's goin' t'jail for attempted murder. Same's Jason.

* Rica shakes her head*

* Correy glances at Mo.

* Rica blinks*

<Correy> But y'kin flay the both of 'em. I don't care if they've got skin left when they go t'jail.

* Rica chews her lip...stares at the gun..then looks up at Correy*'re going to show him to the authorities after he's been shot...?

* Correy waves a hand slightl

* HappyLittleMoron sniggers* I'll just spread a few rumors about kiddie porn around the jails they're goin' ta...that'll be punishment 'nuff

<Correy> Don't fuss over details right now..I'm jes wanna see 'im shot.

* Rica grimaces...then shakes her head*<q> Then you shoot him..*looks ill as it is*

* HappyLittleMoron flips the gun she holds around and offers it to Correy

* HappyLittleMoron uhm..uncocked it first so she doesn't end up shooting herself or somethin' tho <G>

* Correy sighs .... then looks over at his mother

* Correy then swears under his breath .. quickly followed by an apology .. and drops the gun to the floor instead

<Correy> <vq> ......Sumbody jes call the damn cops....please....

<Daniel> Chicken shit..

* Correy glares at him

* Anne grits her teeth and goes over, snagging the gun and turning to shoot Daniel in the leg* Damnit, if you won't..

<Correy> No, I'm mo've a man than y'a---MOM!

* Anne shoots!*

* Correy .. just blinks

* Daniel writheess*

<HappyLittleMoron> You go girl... *heads to the phone to call the cops*

* Anne grits her teeth* Cheating no good BASTARD..

* Klork follows HLM

* Rica stares..*

* HappyLittleMoron ...calls? Comes up with...a story that uh...sounds true and feesible? Don't ask the controller, she don't know <G>

* Correy .. just looks at his mother .. blinking

<Correy> Mom.....?

* Anne tosses the gun down after cleaning her fingerprints off* So where do you live now?

* Correy ..sputters for a while, then clears his throat

<Correy> N'York...

* Anne wipes back a bit of graying hair from her brow* Good, I've always wanted to see New York.

<Correy> I uh.. *clears his throat* Jason up there.. eh..same shape dad's, ac'tully.

* HappyLittleMoron comes back* Cops're on their way...

* Correy sighs

<Correy> He shot me.. figgerd it was his due.

* Klork nods....opens a portal..

<Klork> I can bring Jason here if ya want..

* Correy blinks .. then nods

<Correy> Please?

* HappyLittleMoron sticks her hands in her back pockets

* Correy .. somehow remembers to be polite during this whole ordeal.. Probably because Mom's right there

* Klork nods, heads through and few moments later tosses Jason in

* Anne dusts off, then goes over to talk with Rica all....mother-in-law ...ish*

* Correy sighs .. then looks up as he sees sirens

* Correy looks down at Dad n' Jason

<Correy> Y'two are in fer life, y'know. I'll see t'it.

* Correy looks up at his mother

<Klork> We should get outta here...leave these two to the cops...

* Correy shakes his head

<HappyLittleMoron> Ait...*nods to Klork...*

<Correy> I'm gonna stay here..make SURE they go t'jail fer good. But I do suggest the rest of y'goin'.

* Anne looks over at Correy* Believe me, I'll see to it too. SHall we go? *pleasant plump woman in her 50's, smiling like she just made cookies or something*

* Anne tilts her head* I'm staying as well.

<Correy> 'Side's. Who's gonna believe they were duct taped by a lovely lady with fangs. *winks at Rica, then tips his hat in thanks to HLM*

* Rica furrows her brow..going to protest before getting shooed through the portal by Klork*

* HappyLittleMoron grins and bows hammily* Hasta...see yas on the flip side..*heads on through, whisteling Dixi*

* Klork nods and follows, the portal going clear...they can use it when the police are gone

* HappyLittleMoron waffles to Merc (if he's still there) and...uhm...does stuff?

* Klork does stuff too!

* Rica settles on the couch and waits restlessly*

* HappyLittleMoron 's so romantic <G>

* Correy deals with the police n' stuff, yep yep.. explaining things with his mother's help .. his dad and Jason don't look too happy, and since his dad's mouth isn't taped, I'm sure there's a bit of arguing .. then they're dragged off to jail and he comes back to the asylum with mom

<HappyLittleMoron> 'Sall good?

* Anne ... helps! and comse with*

* Correy nods, sighing once he comes in

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Ait...

<Correy> Yup.. although.. I'm gonna hafta testify. 'Bout Diane n' her baby bein' dad's, n' all..

* Correy glances at his mother, then winces

<Correy> S'rry, Mom..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, face turned sympathetic

* Anne nods, squeezes his hand* <q> It's fine..

* Rica watches, brows furrowed*

* HappyLittleMoron slips her hand into Klork's..

* Correy sighs, just kinda shaking his head .... then heads up to his and Rica's room, just looking like he needs to think things over for a bit

* Klork squeezes it...

* HappyLittleMoron laces her fingers with his and squeezes back

* Rica blinks...chews her lip and stands to follow him...Anne .. uh.......goes to a phone book and starts looking up stuff for apartments*

* Klork tugs her close, hugs her etc

* HappyLittleMoron rests her head against his shoulder, arms wrapped around 'im 'n all

* Correy gets up to the door to their room, then just takes his hat off and leans his head on it

* Klork purrrrrrs

* Rica blinks* <q> Correy...?

* HappyLittleMoron closes her eyes, cuddled close

* Correy blinks, straightening and looking at her

<Correy> ..Y'okay?

* Rica nods...*

* Correy sighs .. sliding his hat 'round and 'round through his fingers

<Correy> <q> .........Didn't know he hated m's'much..

* Rica hesitates...heads over* <q> Hey....your mother loves you though...doesn't that count?

* Correy doesn't seem to hear her, just .. kinda talking to himself

* Mitch slipped out of Diana's room along the line to try and shake the feel of her hair running through his fingers by going out and getting that bracelet pawned... yeah...

<Correy> <q> ...Jason..I coulda understood.. if it really had been...Jealousy n' all...but why'd ...??

* Rica puts her hand on his shoulder* <q> Why dwell on it..?

* Diana' up on the map...that she went back to when Mitch left...and heads downstairs*

* Correy furrows his brow, looking at her

<Correy> <q> ...I always thought he loved m'mom... Knew he wasn't too proud of me...but...

* Rica sighs...squeezing his shoulder* <q> Don't dwell on it can never really know what goes on in the mind of a murderer....

* Correy sighs .. then opens their door, heading inside

* Rica follows*

<Correy> <q> ..But I've got some'v'it in me, don't I? I was there las'night... When I was beatin' on Jason...

* Diana kinda looks still all nice 'n smooth 'n stuff, she settles in a chair*

* Rica furrows her brow* Oh don't even go compar--Correy, you've also got a lot of your mother in you.

* Correy sighs, just sitting on the bed and holding his head in his hands ... just thinking about things

* Rica wraps her arm around him...and sits with*

* Correy just stays like that for a while .. just thinking

* Rica stays with!*

* Correy .. falls asleep that way

Session Close: Thu Aug 22 00:00:00 2002

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