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Session Start: Wed Feb 20 11:28:53 2002

* The city was dark.

* A pale moon moved nervously through the shallow night sky

* Stars huddled together in nervous packs.....

* And SOMEONE appeared at the door of the Asylum.

<MysteriouseWoman> "Avon calling!"

* a sniper from a nearby rooftop takes aim...the silenced shot sailing through the cold night air towards the evil Avon lady*

* AriaStormsinger glances down and notices her black dress -- glances up at the sound of a shot and a shriek, shrugs

<AriaStormsinger> .o0(Erk... Javier gave me this dress. Wonder where that other curtain-skirt went to...)

* HappyLittleMoron takes a peice of chalk and makes another mark in the ledger* 'Nother one bites the dust...*demented cackle*

* HappyLittleMoron goes back to paperwork as if nothing out of the ordinary happened...' didn't <G>

* AriaStormsinger comes downstairs with the second skirt on over her dress.

<AriaStormsinger> Happy morning, HLM!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and looks up* Heyas, Aria! How ya doin'?

<AriaStormsinger> Fine! I want to get rid of this dress. But I still need a top.

<AriaStormsinger> Know where I can get a top?

<HappyLittleMoron> Hn...could take you out shopping...there's a good will store not far from here...

<AriaStormsinger> I need a will?

* AriaStormsinger glances around with alarm

* Jaerlani makes her way to the kitchen, yawning as she goes.

* AriaStormsinger jumps a little, then gives a tiny wave

* Jaerlani takes a jolt soda from the fridge and heads to the sparring room.

* HappyLittleMoron wavels to Jae, lil' belatedly

* AriaStormsinger kinda stares after the chick, shakes self and looks back

<HappyLittleMoron> 'eh?

* Jaerlani yawns as she cracks open the soda, downs it, and crunches the can in her hand with a grin.

<AriaStormsinger> Um. I saw a television show that showed people shopping, but they had to pay for items.

* AriaStormsinger perches on the corner of the table and grins

<AriaStormsinger> I don't think I have any of that

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a little* I can get you a few things, if ya's not too expensive...*grins and lifts Brenna, who was, uhm...sure...coloring <G>* I need a few new shirts too...

<AriaStormsinger> That would be wonderufl.

* AriaStormsinger tickles Brenna's nose

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* OOoh hang on a second...suitacse of money just kinda..m.ysteriously showed up...*eyes Aria with a smirk as Brenna sneezes*

<AriaStormsinger> Hmm?

* AriaStormsinger goes to tickle Brenna's nose again and suddenly yipes backwards as a visible arc of electricity jumps between her nose and Aria's finger

<AriaStormsinger> Ow!!

* Brenna blinkblinks* I sowwy...

<AriaStormsinger> You okay, Brenna??

* AriaStormsinger sucks her finger

* Brenna nodsnods* You?

<AriaStormsinger> I think so

* Diana's sitting by the fire, staring into it <G>*

* Jaerlani stands in the middle of the sparring room, eyes closed, hands pressed together in front of her chest.

<AriaStormsinger> A suitcase of money just appears? New York really is an amazing city...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* I guess so!

* Jaerlani opens her eyes and makes a gesture with her right hand, whispering a syllable.

* Jaerlani makes a pinching gesture with her fingers upturned and draws her hand down, ending in a bow.

* AriaStormsinger hands Brenna her coat, staying just out of contact distance

<AriaStormsinger> Hi Klork. Happy morning.

* Klork blinks, looking up from coming down the stairs

<AriaStormsinger> I think your daughter zapped me.

* Brenna smiles and puts it on with her mom's help* Thank you..

* Jaerlani stands upright and traces a finger over the palm of her other hand, whispering with her eyes closed.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and wavels

<Klork> EH? Oh, heya *smirks* Zapped..?? *blinks, looking at Brenna*

<Klork> You zap somebody?

* AriaStormsinger drops to her haunches and grins at the girl

* Brenna wrinkles her brows a lil'* I didn't meen to...she touched my'...I sneezed...

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> That, I at least know, is from my side *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and smooths Brenna's hair* Yeppers..

<AriaStormsinger> Heh. And we're going shopping now. Want to come along?

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods* Was just about to ask that...

* Jaerlani stands bolt upright, taking a deep breath lifting her arms a little as she does.

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> works fer' me...*smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and tugs on her own jacket* Okies..

* Klork tucks his coat on, chuckles

* AriaStormsinger steps out the door and winces

* HappyLittleMoron goes with, blinking a lil'* you ok?

<AriaStormsinger> Oww...streetlights...hurt my eyes

<AriaStormsinger> Part of this weird headache...

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows

* Klork follows, plucking his sunglasses out and hands em' to her

<AriaStormsinger> Feels like...something to do with Shingami...

<Klork> these'll work hopefully..

* AriaStormsinger accepts, humming softly and then standing straighter

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little, hefting Brenna a little more comfortably on her hip

* AriaStormsinger sneakily shoots out a finger from her side and tickles the girl's ear

* Jaerlani comes out of her reverie and goes looking for Shingami.

* Brenna eeps and giggles, grabbing at Aria's finger*

* Klork smirks

<Klork> Want me to carry her, Mo?

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure...*smirks lightly* back is killing me...

* AriaStormsinger grins and looks at the pretty buildings we pass, with all the colorful art on their sides

<AriaStormsinger> How are the little ones?

* Jaerlani passes the living room, stops, and goes back inside it.

<HappyLittleMoron> Good...

* Klork nods, heftin brenna up onto his shoulders with a smirk

<Klork> UP ya go!

* Diana just...stares into the fire..."no one home" look in her eyes*

* Brenna laughs* I tall! *grins*

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her belly lightly* Growin'...

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> You sure are!

<AriaStormsinger> And growlin'!

<AriaStormsinger> What kind of shirt is good for this city?

* Brenna giggles, resting her hands on Klork's hiar*

<AriaStormsinger> Obviously, something warm, right?

* Jaerlani searches the TV briefly, raises an eyebrow, and presses the button labeled "power."

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...depends on the season...yeah...

<Klork> Shirt? Eh *shrugs* Somethin warm for this time of year, yeah..

* AriaStormsinger tucks the borrowed jacket around her shoulders tighter

* Jaerlani jumps back as the TV suddenly comes to life with sound and light, shielding her face with an arm.

<AriaStormsinger> Maybe something that makes it look like I have boobs?

* Diana blinks and half-looks at Jae*

* AriaStormsinger points at HLM's, looking at Klork

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and laughs

* Klork blinks, shrugging a little

<Klork> Erf, not my area to judge..

* Jaerlani looks over at Diana, back at the TV, Diana, and the TV again.

* Jaerlani raises an eyebrow.

* Diana now just faces Jae's direction...staring into space...*

* Jaerlani shrugs and sits down on couch opposite Diana, watching Jerry Springer.

* Chick on Jerry* I sleepin' wit' yo man, ma, and there ain't NUTTIN' you c'n do about it!

* Jaerlani smirks to herself at the antics of the people on the TV.

* Jaerlani mutters something about speaking the language of the humans better than the humans.

* Kevley comes down the stairs, rubbing at the back of his neck, just wearing his white leather pants, boots, and shirt with gold trim

* Diana smiles very slightly, turning her blank gaze back to the fire*

* Jaerlani looks around the room and picks up the remote from the endtable.

* Diana sits there...duh*

* Klork stretches, still holding Brenna up on his shoulders as he walks

* AriaStormsinger takes a peek down an alley we pass

* HappyLittleMoron walks along, as Brenna looks around from Klork's shoulders

* Jaerlani aims the remote at the television and starts channel-surfing like a professional.

<Shingami> {{.. jello shooters hurt...}}

<Klork> So where are we shoppin' at?

<AriaStormsinger> {What are those?}

<HappyLittleMoron> Goodwill store..

* Klork nods

<AriaStormsinger> Something called a will -- right.

<Klork> Sounds good..

<AriaStormsinger> How far is it? Brenna, you want to fly there?

* AriaStormsinger kicks up a couple inches off the ground and grins at her

<HappyLittleMoron> Should be this next building...heh! Uhm...Aria...wanna keep the powers to a dull roar?

* Kevley stretches, having just barely woken up, hair still down, to his hips about as he peers over Jae's shoulders at the tv

<Kevley> Eh...Human entertainment..

<Shingami> {{jello and vodka....}}

* Klork looks up

* Klork nods

<AriaStormsinger> Dull...roar. *makes a fake lion roar at Brenna

<Klork> Er, down...Aria..

* Jaerlani bites her lip.

* Brenna giggles softly*

<AriaStormsinger> Ooh.

* AriaStormsinger drops.* Right...

* Kevley shakes his head, heading into the kitchen

<Klork> Sorry 'bout that *smirks* Daylight n' all..

* HappyLittleMoron noddles, getting the door for them

* AriaStormsinger glances down an alley next to the store and her eyes go wide, before following the others in

<HappyLittleMoron> Hn?

* Klork lifts Brenna off his shoulders and props her on his hip as he goes in the door, returning her to his shoulders once they're through

<AriaStormsinger> {{Shin, What are jello shooters?}}

<AriaStormsinger> Thought I...saw something. <shrug>

* Klork nods, glancing at the door

<Klork> I'll keep an eye..

<AriaStormsinger> {{Can I buy you something to help you feel better while we're out?}}

<AriaStormsinger> Oooh, look at it all!!!!

* AriaStormsinger runs a few steps forward with excitement

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, running a hand through her hair

* Jaerlani stops flipping channels at MTV, cocking her head to one side as she watches.

* Kevley comes out of the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal dry, not really knowing you have to put milk in it..

* Kevley sits on the arm of the couch, watching

* Diana rubs her brow lightly and shakes her head, her right hand in more of a brace than a cast now*

* AriaStormsinger darts down an aisle and pulls out first a red Hawaiian shirt, then some green corduroy pants, then a brown hat with an entire stuffed blue chicken on the brim

* Klork blinks

* AriaStormsinger holds up the hat and poses

<Klork> Now that's fashion sense..*blinks again*

<AriaStormsinger> How am I EVER going to choose from all this stuff??

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and shakes her head slowly

* Klork leans a little to whisper to HLM* <vqw> Isn't she supposed to be trying to um, avoid being easily spotted out?

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Agh...yeah...but then...this is NYC...

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> <vqw> But not Chinatown...!

* AriaStormsinger ducks behind a long rack of coats

* AriaStormsinger peeks out underneath at Brenna

* Brenna giggles softly*

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> Allo' Aria..

* AriaStormsinger jumps at Klork's voice

* Jaerlani sits watching the TV while a Back Street Boys video finishes, to be followed by a Mountain Dew ad.

* Klork smirks

* Kevley makes a face

* Jaerlani shakes her head.

<Jaerlani> I see why the others went out.

* AriaStormsinger stands up wearing green vertical striped soccer shirt, a yellow turban and a plaid skort. How'd you find me?

<Kevley> Why do they always make their singers look "pretty" ? Doesnt that say something about their masculinity?

* Klork blinks

* Jaerlani shrugs.

<Klork> I opened my eyes..

<Jaerlani> I guess they aspire to the stronger sex.

* Kevley snorts

<Kevley> Riiight.

* Diana blinkblinks and wrinkles her nose a little, standing* does...pre-teens like it however...*shrugs* Ask me not why...*smirks thinly and heads for the kitchen*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* I know this really new to you but...relaaaaaaax Aria...

<AriaStormsinger> Hmm. I like these colors...but something's just not quite right.

* AriaStormsinger hands HLM a four-foot-high stack of clothes

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Um, Mo? I'm gonna get some stuff for wanna help her out?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...*sets it down* Let's look through this and sort through it, hm? *nodding to Klork* (You think it's that easy, Klorkie?)

<AriaStormsinger> Ok! *plunks down

* Klork totes Brenna towards the toy section

* Brenna oooohhhhhs*

* Klork sets her down, letting her run amuck in the toy section

* Brenna starts playin' with some random turtle <G>*

<AriaStormsinger> HLM, I think I know what's wrong

<HappyLittleMoron> Wha?

* AriaStormsinger smiles softly

<AriaStormsinger> The first woman I ever saw -- after the hospital --

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh huh...?

* Klork kneels, watching her

<Klork> LIke that one?

* Kevley stretches

* Brenna nods and holds it up to him* Wha' is it?

<AriaStormsinger> She wore a shirt like this -- {{*white cotton blouse, low front, big sleeves*}

<AriaStormsinger> None of these looks like that.

<Kevley> What is this stuff? Cap En Crunch? *squints* Do you people seriously eat this stuff...?

* Klork smirks

<Klork> It's a Ninja Turtle ... cartoon show n' comic from when I was a kid..*smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a little* You want one like that...? There might be one around here...

<AriaStormsinger> And these colors are great, but none like this: {*vivid traditional native skirts and blankets*}

<AriaStormsinger> Okay!

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'...

<Brenna> Oohh...*examines it* Is...plas-tic...? *tilts her head, looking up at him* Why he green?

* AriaStormsinger swings by Klork and Brenna as we search

<AriaStormsinger> Oh, I've seen one of those.

* Klork looks up, then nods

<Klork> He's a turtle *smirks, waving to Aria*

* Jaerlani tries to change the channel, just as a Britney Spears video comes on. The just-deceased batteries won't change the channel.

* Jaerlani mutters to herself, pressing button after button.

* Kevley twitches

<Kevley> What is that...?

* Jaerlani gives up on the remote, searching the TV for the power button.

<Kevley> Can't you just kill it?

<Jaerlani> *looks at Kevley* How does one make it stop?

<Kevley> I have a sword you can use..

* Kevley shrugs

<Jaerlani> Ok.

* Diana wanders out...flips the TV off...and wanders back into the kitchen*

* Kevley pulls his sword out, holding it hilt-first to her

* Kevley blinks

<Kevley> that's how it is done..

* Kevley eyes his sword n' takes it back

* Jaerlani pulls a foot and a half blade from under her cloak, driving it into the screen which explodes, sending Jaerlani flying across the room.

* Diana's not quite all there...just enough to get rid of the evil spear britney*

* Diana grimaces and covers her eyes*

* Kevley looks up from behind the couch..

* Jaerlani lies dazed on the floor as the TV burns on the table it sits on.

<Kevley> I do believe you've killed it.

* Shingami is standign in te door way to th eliving room.. shakes her head

<Shingami> i kne hang overs were weird but never this weird

* Diana looks over...sighs a little...summons her own sword and dowses the fire with her water stone*

* Kevley blinks, looks at Shin, then points at Jae* She did it.

* Klork hms, pulling out a Thunder Cats toy of Liono

<Klork> Hmm, how' bout this one? *smirks*

<Shingami> ...ive noticed..

* HappyLittleMoron pulls a shirt out a lot like the one Aria showed her* This look good....?

* Kevley slowly stands, coughing

* Brenna ooooohhhhs* Kitty...

* Klork pauses, looking over at the scarves..then blinks, tugging a orange/green tye-dyed sarong from them

* AriaStormsinger 's mouth opens a little, her eyes lit up, then her face softens into a happy smile of memory

<AriaStormsinger> Yes.

<Klork> Hey...*hands Brenna the Liono toy*

<Klork> Yo! Mo'!

<AriaStormsinger> Thank you. How do for it?

* HappyLittleMoron looks over* hn?

* Brenna plays with the turtle and thundercat*

* Klork holds the sarong up, it's almost as long in length as he is tall..

* Jaerlani blinks a little bit, lifting her head to look at the burning TV.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooh...hey Aria...whatcha think?

<Klork> I think I found one of those ... thingies ... that wraps around, skirt kinda dress...things.

* Diana's dowsing the flames*

* Kevley watches, brow arched

<AriaStormsinger> I think it's the best sarong in the world. Klork's gonna look great in it.

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Agh, not for meee!

* Diana lets her sword fade away and shakes her head lightly*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!

<Klork> For you, Aria!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<Klork> aghh..

<AriaStormsinger> Oh!

* Klork mutters, picking Brenna up onto his shoulders, letting her still hold the toys

* AriaStormsinger looks at it again.* Could I get...both?

* Klork then tosses her the sarong

<Jaerlani> You could have told me it would explode, Kevley.

* Brenna wheeeeeees*

<Kevley> What, You think I'd have known that?

* Kevley blinks, shaking his head

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure...*grins a lil'*

* Jaerlani rolls her eyes.

<Kevley> I do not even know what it is.

* Kevley looks at her ... then coughs, trying not to laugh

<Kevley> It seems to have charred you, however..

* Diana mutters to herself in Japanese as she heasd back for the kitchen and her abandoned salad*

<Kevley> Does your hair naturally stand on end like that?

* ``Mitch , in the guest room - next to the ice machine - twists back and forth, muttering something in his sleep... his movements grow more violent, until suddenly he bolts upright, clutching at his chest with a strangled gasp

* Klork shrugs a bit, bouncing Brenna

* Jaerlani narrows her eyes.

* Jaerlani picks herself up off the floor and dusts herself off.

* Kevley 's mouth twitches, holding in a laugh

<Jaerlani> Laugh it out, elf.

* Kevley shrugs, smirking

<Kevley> If you insist.

* Kevley laughs <G>

<AriaStormsinger> Um, HLM? The clerk's looking at you.

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a little, paying 'n stuff...looking kinda tired 'n stuff..

<Klork> Eh? *looks up, immediately handing HLM the sarong* I am so not gonna be seen with that ...scarf..dress...thingie..

* Klork glances at the Clerk

* Kevley takes a few deep breaths then grins

<Clerk> So you gonna put the piles over there back?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, keeping her eyes downcast

<Kevley> That was quite funny, actually.

* Jaerlani stalks out of the room.

<Klork> Eh? What piles? *blinks*

* Kevley sits, laughing harder

* Jaerlani turns to face Kevley slowly, one eyebrow raised just at the edge of the room.

<Clerk> Your girlfriends pulled out a bunch of donated clothes, mister. HOw about donating some time to put em back?

* Kevley looks up at her, straight faced, then dies laughing at the expression

* Kevley holds his sides

* Klork arches a brow

<Klork> I seriously doubt that they're the only ones that have done such before...

* Jaerlani observes the elf for a bit, her arms folded across her chest.

<Klork> And besides, you get paid to do something, don't you? *smirks coyly*

<Jaerlani> Very well, elf ... very well.

* Kevley sighs, wiping his eyes and standing, going to the kitchen to put the bowl of cereal back

* Clerk leans forward on her propped up elbows, twirling a jangly green bracelet with a sharp pink nail.

* ``Mitch swallows hard, and gingerly feels his chest, staring myopically down at himself and muttering something under his breath

<Kevley> Yes, you *looks at Jae...laughs again* Gods if you could see yourself!!

<Clerk> Not enough to put up with freaks like you three.

* Clerk glances at Brenna.* "Those people feeding you right?"

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow and looks up at her, eyes flashing lightly* Oh?

<Klork> Eh heh. Right. Freaks that together earn more salary in a day than you do in a year.

* Brenna blinkblinks and tilts her head at the lady*

<Clerk> "Bet they don't let YOU leave your clothes lying all over the place. Bet they don't like having to pick up after YOU all day long."

* Klork quirks a brow, settling Brenna down by HLM

* Jaerlani rolls her eyes and leaves, headed for the bathroom.

* AriaStormsinger backs away, red-afced, hurrying to pick up the clothes

* ``Mitch then focuses far enough to see his anterior arms bared... quietly, to himself* "Shit."

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw, stepping aside and lifting a confused Brenna into her arms

<Klork> Yeah, but ya know what, M'am. *leans on the counter, eyes flashing as he looks down at her* She isn't paid. Neither are we. So I suggest you do your job.

<HappyLittleMoron> Aria...c'mon back here

<Klork> Unless you want to lose your less-than-minimum wage job.

<Klork> Because I can easily have this place flattened and one of my pizza parlors put right where it's rubble is.

<Klork> Understand?

* AriaStormsinger pauses, eyebrows up, glancing between the clerk and HLM

<Clerk> "Out of my store. Freak."

* Klork smirks, crossing his arms

<Klork> I don't see a sign that says you have the right to refuse service.

* HappyLittleMoron holds a hand out to Aria* C'mon...there are such things as prejudice sutes you know.

* Kevley sits on the couch, chuckling to himself..

* Diana knocks lightly on Mitch's door...*

<Clerk> *puts her glasses up on her thin red waved hair* I don't need a sign to know who doesn't deserve to be with REAL people.

* Klork hmms, nodding

<Clerk> By the way, the police will be here shortly thanks to our automatic alarm system. Let me cut to the chase: What's your name and address?

<Klork> True...true...*smirks, eyes doin' that spark thing* DId you know, that a good majority of fires started are started electrically..?

* Jaerlani looks at herself in the mirror in the bathroom, seeing for the first time her frazzled hair, burn marks on her already black skin, and singed cloak.

* Brenna furrows her brows, shying close to her mom

* Klork tilts his head to the side

* Jaerlani rolls her eyes, muttering something about elves and their ideas of humor.

* ``Mitch flinches at the knock, and whips the hem of his undershirt up - his lower arms fold up with almost prenatural speed, hands lacing together, as the upper tug the shirt over it, hiding the second arms admirably well... he stares about himself nearsightedly, and slowly pulls himself off the bed.

<Klork> Hm..*opens a portal, motioning for HLM n' the others to go through* I don't believe I have any need to tell you that.

<AriaStormsinger> {{Klork, HLM, please let's just leave}}

* HappyLittleMoron heads through

* Klork tosses a five on the counter

* AriaStormsinger tosses the shirt an sarong down, then comes to stand behind Klork, shaking her head

<Klork> THat's for the outfit n' toys.

* Klork frowns, picking up the shirt n' sarong

<Clerk> Don't you threaten me! Don't you dare! I don't have to serve you freaks!

<``Mitch> *coughs, clearing his throat, and speaks with a distinct Bronx accent* "H- hello?"

* Clerk snatches the bill and balls it up, tossing it at you

<Klork> <q> Go through the portal, Aria..

* Klork catches it, burning it easily in his hands

<Diana> Are you decent...?

<Klork> Oh, so it's a donation? Thanks *smirks*

* Klork tosses the burning bill back to her

* HappyLittleMoron reaches through to tug Aria through..

* AriaStormsinger steps forward.* "You don't have to be afraid of us. We weren't going to hurt anything!"

<Klork> Aria..some people are fearful of themselves ... so they naturally fear things they don't understand.

<Klork> <q> Go..

<``Mitch> "I'm dressed..." *He double-checks that, yes, dressed.*

<HappyLittleMoron> Aria...c'mon...this idiot can't see past her ugly little nose to see that....c'mon through..

<Clerk> I'm not afraid. You're the ones who should be scared to bother normal people.

* ``Mitch looks around himself, trying to get his bearings.

<Clerk> You take the jobs of the ones who need what we sell here!

* Diana peeks in* Ah...gomen for interrupting anything...simply seeing how you are feeling...*smiles thinly*

<Clerk> You're the ones behind all the fear around here!

* Klork leans over the counter, eyes flashing and glowing, electricity snapping between his eyes

<AriaStormsinger> THat's not true!

<Klork> I seriously doubt you know what fear is.

<``Mitch> "How long have I been here? What's the date?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Aria! *pulls her through the portal*

* AriaStormsinger bows her head, fighting back tears, and her wings start to appear a little -- too late!

<Diana> Febuary 20th..

<Klork> Until you have your parents killed before you, or until you're hunted because of who you are, then maybe you'll know fear.

<AriaStormsinger> HLM, he'll kill her!

* ``Mitch tries to focus on her, squinting, then blinks.* "...2002?"

<HappyLittleMoron> No he won't...!

<Clerk> They must have deserved it!

* Diana nods* Hai...

* Klork growls, hands fisting as they spark

<AriaStormsinger> Ok -- but I could have helped, I was just about to calm them...I was going to try...

<Klork> No less than YOU do.

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her jaw* C'mon...honey...! Just let the idiot be..!

* Klork then smirks

<``Mitch> "That's not..." He touches his chest, the hole over his sternum. "That's not possible..."

<Clerk> At least I'm DOING something about you freaks

<Clerk> You're dangerous!

<Klork> It's just a pity nobody's done anything about you..

<HappyLittleMoron> And you'll pay dearly for it when our lawyers call.

* Klork hmms, glancing over, clothing flies off the racks a random places, leaving a huge mess

<Manager> *walks over from somewhere* What's going on here?

* The clerk spits at you

* Klork watches it hit his sheild..dripping down

<Klork> Hn. Bad aim.

<Klork> It's a shame your parents didn't get an abortion.

* Klork smirks, heading through the portal and disappearing

* The Clerk backs away a bit, blanching.

* ``Mitch shakes his head slowly, touching his eyes and rubbing them.* "Where am I?"

<Clerk> Oh, Mr. Blake, it was awful!!!

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, kissing Brenna's brow

<Manager> You there. *looking at the clerk* What is going on here?

* Diana smirks a little* You're at the Asylum...

* Klork closes the portal behind him, fists clenched

* AriaStormsinger stands, head bowed, shoulders shaking a little

* Klork points

<Diana> You're were healed..

<Klork> We're behind the Asylum, let's go inside...

* HappyLittleMoron heads in, shaking her head tiredly

* Klork heads in, shoulders rigid, walking past the living room and straight up the stairs

* Kevley blinks, watchin him go by

<Kevley> Eh?

<Clerk> Mr. Blake, those people came in and started tossing the merchandise all over the place!

<``Mitch> "I'm in a sanitarium?" *He stares at the Diana-shaped blob.* "Tell me... how long has it been February? For you?"

<Clerk> I tried to stop them, but...oh, they were terrible.

<Manager> I think it's time to call the police.

<HappyLittleMoron> Excuse us...*lets Nox ttake Brenna and follows Klork*

<Manager> You remember what they all looked like?

* Diana comes in* Ah...a haven more's been Febuary 20 days...

* Keelin nearly gets trampled as Klork goes by, blinking as she slowly comes down the stairs*

* Keelin glances at Kevley, then mutters, looking around* What happened that ticked him off??

<AriaStormsinger> Oh! They're already on the way! And -- *face changes* Absolutely. I know what they look like, down to every...last...ugly detail.

* Kevley shrugs, not even looking up at her

<AriaStormsinger> {{HLM...I'm so sorry.}}

<Manager> Good. You stay here, I'll go call. *Walks off to the phone*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{It's ok, Aria...don't worry about it...}}

* Klork sits at the ledge of the roof, glaring at the ground below, yet seems to be smiling for some unknown reason none the less

* ``Mitch gives up on this one - obviously nutters.* "It must have been a few months... dragged me to an asylum. Why? A normal hospital could treat a... that son of a bitch SHOT-" *He clamps his lips shut, and lets out a long sigh, supporting himself against the side of the bed.*

* HappyLittleMoron stands by him* You ok, love...?

* Klork doesn't move or respond, slowly holding up a tape recorder

* AriaStormsinger hunts for Shin

<Diana> fell into our pool...

<Klork> Quite.

* HappyLittleMoron grins slowly and nods

* Klork smirks, straddling the ledge and looking up at her

<``Mitch> *He looks up, lips twitching into a small half-smile.* "I don't suppose you've seen a pair of round wire-rim glasses around... what did you say your name was?"

<Klork> I was doing interviews for workers today .. *smirks* I always tape record the interviewees ..

* HappyLittleMoron folds her wings against her back, sitting opposite him

* Shingami is... wandering around random parts of the asylum, atteacted by the sounds... diana's voice

<Diana> Gomen...I have not...I'm Diana, by tthe way...*starts to offer her right hand before wincing and just bowing*

* Klork smirks a bit, shaking his head

<HappyLittleMoron> Mmm...I see...enough tape to record all that?

* AriaStormsinger catches a glimpse of Shin up ahead

<Klork> That and I noted the video cameras were watching us at the store, count five exactly.

<AriaStormsinger> Shin!! Hello!

* Klork nods, rewinding it and playing it..

<Klork> Yep.

<``Mitch> "Mitch... Mitch Williams. Very nearsighted, too, so please forgive me if I don't shake your hand - I can't see it."

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, smirking lightly

* AriaStormsinger runs to her.* How is your head? What are jello shooters?

* Keelin sighs, shaking her head and goes out to get the mail etc*

* Shingami humps spinign aorund

* Diana chuckles* Hai...probably better you don't anyway...ah...are you hungry at all?

<Shingami> Aria!... hi...

<``Mitch> "I-" *His mouth, about to speak, is firmly overrode by his stomach.* "Yes. Yes."

* AriaStormsinger lays a hand gently on the side of Shin's head.

<Shingami> my head is better i took soem pain killers and a jello shooter is a gelatinous sweet drink that has very concentrated alchahol...>

<``Mitch> "I, umm..." Brain reasserts. "I don't have any cash on me - I can't pay..."

* Diana chuckles softly*'s alright...come, I'll get you something to eat...*reaches over to touch one of his hands with her left one*

<AriaStormsinger> Alcohol...yes! I know about that. Ugly stuff.

<AriaStormsinger> Where did you get alcohol? Last time I saw you, you weren't even conscious.

* Kevley stands, going over and leaning against the window, blinking..

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her belly a little and shakes her head* That place must have changed management...

* Keelin comes back inside, brows arched* All right .. does anybody want to know why a cop just questioned me at the mail box...??? *blinks*

<``Mitch> "If you're sure... who runs this, ah, haven?"

* Klork nods, pocketing the recorder, then blinks

<Shingami> I woke up.. the holes fille dup and i went to a bar.. made $500... but got wasted...

<Diana> My friend and I do...

<Klork> Yeah, must've..*blinks at the cops going down the street away from the asylum* Hn..

* ``Mitch cocks his head.* "You run this... right. I see..."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a lil'

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brows

<Klork> That was quick even for the NYPD..

<Kevley> No clue, Kee, what'd you tell em?

* Diana leads him by the hand, slowly of course towards the kitchen* Ah...hai...

* Keelin shakes her head* That i had no clue what they spoke of so they .. just went on.

<AriaStormsinger> A whole $500! Good for you! How so?

* Jaerlani comes up to where Mitch and the others are, having recovered from her previous episode.

<``Mitch> "Where are we? Are we still in Manhattan?"

<Shingami> Drinking contest...

* Klork sighs

<Klork> Shall we head inside?

<AriaStormsinger> Ohh.

<AriaStormsinger> You won?

<Shingami> no one can out drink me...sept Rune... but he drinks very very hard stuff

* ``Mitch 's ears twitch as other voices echo throughout the building

* Diana nods* Hai...ah...I...suppose Asylum was the wrong word...this is a safe haven for mutants and others "not human"...

<AriaStormsinger> Isn't that difficult?

* Keelin shakes her hed* Mail's on the table .. I'm going back to my room...

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<Jaerlani> Who's the new one?

* AriaStormsinger imagines trying to drink something extremely a brick.

<Diana> Mitch...

* Kevley nods, standing, heading to his room as well

<``Mitch> "...mutants. Right." *His mouth twitches into a wry smile.*

<Shingami> not that hard Aria...

<Shingami> soemthing thats stronger

* Klork heads down the stairs, rubbing at th eback of his neck, blinking at the crowd in the hall way

* Diana chuckles softly, leading him a chair*

<Klork> Eh? What's goin' on?

* HappyLittleMoron goes with, shrugging...

* AriaStormsinger wavels to Klork* {{You ok?}}

* ``Mitch gets a hold of the chair and nods in thanks, trying to dig into his limited repertoire of foreign languages. "Domo arigato, uh..." .oO(Mr. Roboto?) "...Diana."

* Diana smiles wryly* Anything in particular you'd like to eat?

<``Mitch> "I don't know - whatever other people are having... what time is it?"

* Klork nods to Aria* {{Yeah, will be just fine..}}

<Jaerlani> Has anyone seen Shingami lateley?

* Diana shrugs a little and warms up some stirfry...turning on a few more lights in case that would help him see* Evening some time...around nine...

* Myrae pokes her head out the door, light lavendar hair twisted back in a half-pony tail, looking groggy

<Myrae> Eh..? What's going on out here..?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Rae and wavels a lil'* Damned if I know...

* Uhm...Nox has put Brenna to bed..*

* Klork shrugs to Rae, rubbing at the back of his neck

<Klork> Is our new guest awake or something?

<Jaerlani> Well ... if you see Shingami, let her know I am looking for her.

<AriaStormsinger> I just saw Shin...

* AriaStormsinger eyes Jaerlani

<AriaStormsinger> all right?

* Jaerlani looks at Aria.* 'Where?'

* Myrae yawns, coming out, a few strand of hair in her eyes, pretty much shorter than a majority of the ppl there

<AriaStormsinger> First, are you all right?

<``Mitch> *looks up and around as people start congregating

<Myrae> Helloooo...s'cuse me, need to get by..*tries to inch by the ppl*

* Shingami is.. in the....attic.. sure..

* AriaStormsinger steps aside for Myrae

<AriaStormsinger> {{Shin, do you know this person? {8image of Jaer*}}}

* Myrae smiles, looking up at Aria

<Myrae> Thanks..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ah...I...think I'm going to go lie down...*smiles a little and heads to her and Klork's room*

<Jaerlani> He doesn't look all that alright to me.

* Klork nods

* AriaStormsinger squeezes her shoulder absently, watching Jaer

<Klork> K...

* Myrae blinks

* ``Mitch concentrates on the stir fry, downing it with a seemingly-endless appetite

<AriaStormsinger> {{See you soon HLM}}

<Myrae> Who doesn't look all right? *blinks again, lost*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Yeah..}}

<AriaStormsinger> Who's 'he', Jaer?

<Shingami> {{yeah}}

* Myrae shakes her head, slowly heading down the stairs

<Myrae> Agh...getting crowded here ..

<AriaStormsinger> {{She's looking for you, should I send her up?}}

* Myrae sighs poking her head into the kitchen

<Myrae> Hm? ANybody here?

<Jaerlani> This new person. And ... have we met?

* Diana sits by him* So...ah...what exactly happened?

<Shingami> {{sure just no lights}}

* AriaStormsinger smiles at Shin's reply, then turns to Jaer with a smile

<AriaStormsinger> My name's Aria. *steps forwrad, offers a hand.

<AriaStormsinger> Shin's upstairs.

* Jaerlani takes Aria's hand, meeting Aria's eyes with a cold smile.

* AriaStormsinger 's smile falters

<AriaStormsinger> uhh... your... name? <small voice>

<Jaerlani> I am Jaerlani.

<AriaStormsinger> I... see.

* AriaStormsinger points upstairs and slips off

<Jaerlani> Thank you, Aria.

* AriaStormsinger tries to hide a shiver

* Jaerlani calls after Aria* 'Where upstairs?'

* Myrae looks a Jae, her entire nature seeming timid, silver eyes lost

* ``Mitch swallows his mouthful. "Well, I was on the janitorial night shift for the upper levels of some offices... someone broke in, and I don't know what they wanted, but apparently they didn't want me as a witness..." He spears some veggies. "So... I got shot. The last thing I remember is... well, falling."

<AriaStormsinger> The attic -- third door on your left

<Jaerlani> Thank you.

* Diana arches a brow lightly* You often work with a ski-mask on?

* Jaerlani leaves for the attic.

* Myrae watches, still a bit lost, hands rested on her swolen abodmen...then looks at Aria

<Myrae> Who was that...?

<AriaStormsinger> Someone I don't think I like.

<AriaStormsinger> I saw her here earlier, and Shin says sshe knows her.

<``Mitch> "They turn the air conditioning off at night - after all, the bigwigs have gone home, and that leaves just us blue-collar workers. So I have to keep myself warm somehow."

* Klork heads down the stairs, moving outta the way of Jae as he heads down

<Klork> S'cuse me..

* Myrae nods, brows furrowed

* Jaerlani nods to Klork curtly.

<AriaStormsinger> Come on...I think I know who he was talking about -- do you feel up to a little healing?

* Klork passes her, heading for the sparring room

* Diana nods a little, massaging her temple* Ahh...alright...I take it the company you work for know of your extra limbs?

* Myrae blinks

* Myrae shrugs

* AriaStormsinger joins Diana and MItch in the kitchen, leading Myrae

<Myrae> I don't know .. I healed some one with four arms last night..*pauses, looking into the kitchen* Ah, um, him. *blinks* I passed out since ..

* ``Mitch briefly considers denying it, but settles for looking around quickly. "Quiet! Please... no, they don't, and the fewer do the better..."

* Myrae follows, blinking, still puzzled

* Jaerlani opens the attic and walks inside, her red eyes glowing brightly as she moves through the darkness, negotiating the boxes and clutter as easily as a nimble human would in bright daylight.

<AriaStormsinger> Oh geez. Neat.

* Diana chuckles softly* need not worry...all of us are "different" in one way or another...

<``Mitch> *glances down, then up again* "I've grown used to keeping them... under wraps, as it were. No need to advertise."

* Shingami is sitting in a corner enjoying the dark

* Myrae sits at the table by all of them, blinking

<Myrae> Am I intruding..? *delicately furrows her brow, looking fragile as is*

* AriaStormsinger finds a few oranges and passes them out

* Myrae blinks up at Aria, then smiles a small one in thanks

<``Mitch> He hesitates, as if reminding himself of how to be polite. "It's very good, by the way, the food... thank you."

<Jaerlani> Shingami?

* Jaerlani walks over to Shingami, her eyes causing a faint reddish cast on Shingami's form.

<AriaStormsinger> Happy morning, Diana. And...*turns to Mitch* my name's Aria, what's yours?

* Myrae looks over at Mitch

* Diana shakes her head* Iie, Rae...of course not...*furrows her brows* Ah...should you be up..? *blinks a little and looks back to Mitch* Thank probably needed it...

* Jaerlani smiles at Shingami. 'Are you well, friend?'

* Myrae blinks, shrugging* I cannot stay in bed alll of the time. *smiles a little* How are you healing? *looks at Mitch*

<Shingami> headaches goin away

<Jaerlani> Good.

* ``Mitch turns around in his chair, working out who spoke. "Williams, Mitch Williams-" He glances in Myrae's direction. "Surprisingly well... I must have been here for some time..."

* Myrae folds her hands on the table, then blinks

<Jaerlani> I was hoping you would be willing to come out again tonight, but if you are not well, I understand.

* Diana shakes her head and smirks* You were I said before.

<Myrae> Ah, only since last night when I healed you...

<``Mitch> "I... see. I take it you're a regular at this Asylum?"

* Myrae nods, brows wrinkling a bit

* AriaStormsinger sits next to Myrae, peering at her orange. *Pokes at it with her forefinger

<Myrae> Mhmm, for a while..

<Shingami> dont really feel like goin out...

* Myrae blinks, then reaches over, starting peeling it for Aria before idly peeling at hers again

* Jaerlani nods to Shingami.

* AriaStormsinger 's eyes light up

* Myrae smiles

<Myrae> I live here.

<Jaerlani> Very well. Shall I leave you to relax in peace?

<AriaStormsinger> Oh! Thanks Myrae. *finishes peeling, obviously enjoying, first taking it off in little chunks

* Diana catches herself spacing and winces lightly, shaking her head* Ah...gomen...if you'll excuse me...*stands*

<``Mitch> *nods to himself* "All right, that explains that..."

<Shingami> if you want to... *streches wings shifting to get mroe comfey* do whatever

* ``Mitch glances to Diana and nods. "Of course... thank you for your help, Diana..."

* Myrae furrows her brow, watching Diana

<Myrae> Do you need to be healed as well? *blinks*

* AriaStormsinger gets squirted with orange juice in the eye and claps a hand over it.

<AriaStormsinger> Ouch!!

* Jaerlani nods. 'Alright. Don't hide away too long.' Jaerlani smiles and places her best comforting hand on Shingami's shoulder before she turns to leave.

* ``Mitch returns to filling his stomach

* Diana nods* Of...course...*looks to Rae and shakes her head, trying to keep herself from getting lost in the mental battle* Iie...domo...*heads out...then up to the roof, leaning on the ledge and holding her head in her left hand*

* Myrae chuckles quietly

<AriaStormsinger> {{Myrae, HLM says she's too hurt, it would be too much for a healer.}}

* Myrae furrows her brow

<Myrae> {{I cannot even try..??}} *looks lost at that*

<AriaStormsinger> It's really frustrating, isn't it?

<AriaStormsinger> Just don't let her go wandering off alone is all we can do.

<Shingami> keep outta trouble

<AriaStormsinger> So Mitch, where are you from?

* Myrae nods..

<Myrae> Um, she just did..*blinks*

* Jaerlani pauses to nod back at Shingami and slips out the door.

* AriaStormsinger grins and winks at Myrae.

<AriaStormsinger> <q> yes, Myrae, she did.

* ``Mitch clears the place rapidly and leans back, grating out a belch - has the grace to look embarassed afterwards, however, muttering an "...excuse me..."

* AriaStormsinger nudges Myrae with her elbow

<AriaStormsinger> Not bad!

<AriaStormsinger> I remember the boys competing with those.

<``Mitch> He glances around. "Well, I'm a Manhattanite... lived in the boroughs all along."

<AriaStormsinger> Um -- two boys I knew, that is.

<AriaStormsinger> Burrows? You mean the storm drains?

* Myrae blinks, watching, still peeling her orange...

<``Mitch> *blinks* "The... I've lived on this island. Manhattan? In the city."

* Myrae finishes, pulling the slices apart and slowly nibbling, standing a bit shakily before heading out to the living roomt o sit

* Klork goes about beatin' up the punching bag

<``Mitch> "Tell me..." *blanks on her name for a moment, then snaps mental fingers* "-Aria... is there anyone in charge of this place? Someone I can speak to?"

* Jaerlani returns to the living room, gathers as much as she can of the remains of the destroyed television, and takes it to her room.

* Myrae looks up from the couch

<Myrae> Diana and HLM are..! *says that so they can hear, sitting and eating..blinking and watching Jae take the TV remains*

<AriaStormsinger> Well, you already were. Diana is one of the founders, with HLM.

<AriaStormsinger> HLM's pregnant, tho, and lying down.

<``Mitch> "Ache Ell Emm?"

* Jaerlani winks and smiles at Myrae as she leaves.

* AriaStormsinger grins.* THat's what I used to call her!

* Myrae watches, blinking

* Klork sighs, coming out of the sparring room, blinking

<AriaStormsinger> Yep. Short for HappyLittleMoron.

<Klork> I hear m' wife's name? *looks in the kitchen*

<AriaStormsinger> {Klork, someone's down here looking for someone in charge}

<``Mitch> Carefully. "Happy... Little... Moron."

<AriaStormsinger> {Wow, you're quick.}

* Klork chuckles

<AriaStormsinger> You wearing red slippers, Mitch?

<Klork> I'm a cat, of course I'm quick! *winks* Eh, well, sorta..*sits, wiping his brow from the workout* What's up?

* AriaStormsinger offers Klork half her orange

<Klork> Eh, her real name's thanks Aria..

<AriaStormsinger> {{Careful, these things bite your eyes.}}

* ``Mitch rubs his neck as he leans back. "Not unless one of the doctor's been playing silly buggers."

<Klork> but HLM or "Mo' are some f her nicknames..

* AriaStormsinger shrugs and munches

* Myrae sighs, watching the fire as she eats her orange, staying quiet

* ``Mitch glances at the Klork-blob.* "Eloise... do you know when she'll be up and around?"

* Klork shrug

* AriaStormsinger watches Klork out of the corner of her eye, chewing quietly

* Kern comes down the stairs a pair of jeans, blinking a little and going to sit by Rae* <q> Evening, love...

<AriaStormsinger> Is there anything we can help you with unitl then, Mitch?

<Klork> When she's not tired...pregnancy doesn't do well on one's energy. 'Specially with twins..

<Klork> I could probably help ya n' whatnot, know the jist of things..whatcha need?

<``Mitch> "Well... if any of you have seen a pair of round wire-rim glasses around... thick lenses..."

* Myrae looks up, smiling a bit

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Might wanna check the pool where you landed last night .. they might still be there..

* AriaStormsinger blinks hard and glances away suddenly. *puts down the orange, face falling...

* Jaerlani arranges the pieces of the television on the floor of her room, looking each bit over, studying its shape and make-up.

* Kern wraps a gentle arm around her* <q> How're you feeling..?

* Myrae smiles, closing her eyes

<Myrae> <q> Tired...

<``Mitch> "Last n-" He sighs, and rubs his forehead, muttering something under his breath. "Of course, last night. Could you show me the pool?"

<AriaStormsinger> .o0(Dave used to wear glasses like he's describing)

* Klork nods, standing and opening a portal

<AriaStormsinger> We have a pool?

<Klork> A' is easier..and yep, Aria...spent this mornin' cleanin' it..

* Kern nods a little, stroking her shoulder gently* <q> Aye...I can imagine...*rests his other hand gently on her belly*

* HappyLittleMoron helped of course ;)

* Myrae smiles, closing her eyes

<AriaStormsinger> Nice.

* ``Mitch stumbles through, blinking. "The hell... you have a pool attached to the kitchen?"

* Jaerlani plugs in the television, blowing a fuse and knocking out the electricity to her room and all others on the same circuit.

<Klork> C'mon...*moves things outta Mitch's way so he wont hit em' towards the portal* *goes through and follows, keeping it open

* Myrae blinks as the lights flicker

<Myrae> Eh..?

* AriaStormsinger jumps and darts into the living room

* Diana 's standing there, her back to them both, leaning against the ledge 'n stuff*

<``Mitch> "Was the architect another graduate of this fine establishment?"

* Jaerlani rolls her eyes.

<AriaStormsinger> You guys okay??

* Kern blinks a little* Hm..?

<AriaStormsinger> {{Everyone okay?? What happened?? Are we being attacked??}}

<Klork> Eh, no. I used a portal *smirks,

<Klork> Um, graduate? This isnt a school ... I just used a short cut to get here .. we're on the roof..

* Klork looks around, waving to Diana

<Myrae> {{Um, I do not know ... the electricity just .. blinked?}}

* Jaerlani rips open the body of the TV and begins to study the wiring inside.

<``Mitch> Slowly, as if speaking to a ten-year-old. "This portal doesn't happen to be blocked by something suspiciously rectangular and solid, with a round knob that turns?"

* Diana doesn't seem to notice them...not-here's-ville again <G>*

<Klork> Um, nope Mitch.

* Klork leans to the side, brow arched

* AriaStormsinger frowns

<Klork> I take it you aren't used to magic-users and those with 6th sense capabilities..

* AriaStormsinger starts for the stairs and starts moving slowly, sensing and listening

* ``Mitch just shakes his head, squeezing his eyes. "Sure I am. They're generally on soapboxes and smell horrible... is the debris still around somewhere?"

* Klork looks around* Um, Stay there, don't want ya fallin' in the pool if your sights doin' that bad..

* Jaerlani pulls a small tool out of a pouch at her belt and uses it to systematically disect the TV.

<Klork> It's mostly swept aside...over there..hold on *heads over to the pile, digging through* Ok, what do these glasses look like again? *calls that over his shoulder*

<``Mitch> "Be careful with that!" *isn't sure why they'd keep it for however long he's been there, but won't argue* "Round rims - circular... thick lenses..."

* Klork nods, tossin' garbage aside and pulls them out, holding them up to the light of the moon to see if ther are any serious scratches

* Diana hnns softly half hearing them, lifting her head lightly before spacing out again*

<Klork> Hm...think I found em'...*squints* No scratches...just a little smeared...may want to clean em'...

* Klork heads over, putting them in his hands

<Klork> Lucky they didn't shatter with the fall you took..

<``Mitch> "Yes!" He pumps his free fist, before carefully buffing the glass on his shirt. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name..."

* AriaStormsinger pauses outside Jaer's room

<Klork> Klork ... I'm "Ache Ell Ehms" husband *smirks*

* Jaerlani continues to tinker with the television.

<Klork>, your name?

* AriaStormsinger puts out a hand and very cautiously opens it

* ``Mitch glances up at him. "You're her husband." Pause for effect. "And you call her 'Happy Little Moron'."

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> actually, I call her 'Mo or Eloise.

* Klork shrugs

* AriaStormsinger scowls.

* AriaStormsinger sniffs the air, and confirms the scent of smoke and ozone

* Jaerlani tinkers away while Aria sniffs around outside.

<AriaStormsinger> Hel-lo? she asks, knocking lightly

* Klork pockets his hands in his jeans pockets, rolling his shoulders to loosen the muscles there

* Jaerlani lifts an eyebrow.* (looking upt) Hmm? Who's there?

<``Mitch> "This joint is a sitcom waitin' to happen." He finally pushes the glasses up on his nose, and stares for a moment, letting his eyes acculture themselves to the custom-fit lenses once more.

<Klork> Better?

* Myrae has fallen asleep curled against Ker'...still exhausted from the previos nights healing

* ``Mitch glances up at the building, far above... softly, "Bastard..." Then he frowns, tilting his head to one side and switching focal lengths. "How long have you left the roof like that?"

* Kern holds her, gently stroking her shoulder*

* AriaStormsinger blinks. "It's Aria. I smelled smoke."

<``Mitch> He holds up a hand. "Oh, of course. Since last night. Question withdrawn."

<Jaerlani> Oh ... well ... everything is fine here.

<Klork> Eh? Like what? We cleaned the pool so it's not blood filled..

<Klork>, yeah.

<Klork> I take it you don't believe it was only last night...

<Lana> *Knocks on the main door to the Asylum...*

* Myrae hns...opening her eyes and looking up at the door

<Myrae> Hn..?

* Diana blinks, jumping a little and turning to face them* Iie...doesn't look like he does...

* Klork blinks, looking up at Di

<AriaStormsinger> Can I come in?

<Klork> Ah, she lives! *smirks*

* Kern kisses her brow* Rest, love...I'll get it...*stands and heads over to the door*

<Jaerlani> Of course. Just a moment.

<Klork> He at it again, Sis?

* ``Mitch shakes his head, nudging through the glass with his foot, almost absentmindedly looking for the pistol he figures isn't going to be there.

* Diana smirks* Hai...though I'm wishing more and more I did not..*nods* Hai...he is...

<``Mitch> "Let's just say I have reason to doubt, ne?"

* Jaerlani gets up, opens the lock, and opens the door.

* Kern opens the door* ..yes?

<Klork> If you think you need anything else it'll probably be in that pile *motions to it on the corner of the roof*

* AriaStormsinger blinks, tries a smile, and peeks over Jaer's shoulder

<Klork> Eh, yeah, I guess you do. Seems you won't believe us til you see Rae or Kev' heal somebody again..

* ``Mitch glances between Klork and Diana, then sighs and shakes his head. "No, I'm good..."

<AriaStormsinger> Nice room.

* Myrae watches, kinda tiredly

* The room is very dark, though not pitch. Pieces of the TV ar strewn everywhere, the pieces much smaller and more numerous than they were originally.

<Lana> "Ermm... Might you have a.. room, available?" *Her eyes are a bit wide, and she's shivering. Damned sandles.. letting in all the snow.*

* Diana nods a little, massaging her temple* Or perhaps one of the other powers show up...

* The plug of the TV is still in the wall.*

<AriaStormsinger> Do you always keep it so dark?

* ``Mitch bites back a cutting response, and chooses his words carefully. "I think I'll remain skeptical for some time to come."

<Jaerlani> Yes.

<Jaerlani> I find it more comfortable in the dark.

* Kern blinks a little and opens the door a littllle more* Ah...I believe we may...come in out of the cold...? I'll get one of the caretttakers...

<Klork> Powers? *pauses, then grins, conjuring up two balls of blue electricity and juggling them

* ``Mitch looks around, for the kitchen entrance, then back at Klork...

* Diana chuckles softly*

<AriaStormsinger> Why?

<Klork> It won't take long to scare the skeptisism outta ya *smirks* Trust me, lotsa weird things happen here...

* ``Mitch flicks off his glasses, deadpan, rubs them against his shirt, and puts them on again

<Klork> And ya know..Evy ... tho I rarely see her around, has four arms too *smirks*

* A flaming pink piano sails out of the sky and KERSPLASHES in the pool*

* ``Mitch slowly stares

* Klork continues to juggle em'

* Jaerlani shrugs with one shoulder.

<Lana> *She quickly grabs her small black carying case, and a red suitcase, and rolls them inside...* "Thank you.. It's bloody cold out there..." *She's got one'a those sexy british accents too..*

* Klork blinks, taking a step back

<Klork> Um...great, why are so many things fallin' into the damn pool? I just CLEANED it!

<Jaerlani> I see more easily.

* ``Mitch 's eyes widen, and he takes a strangled gasp before bolting for the door

<Voice of God> Sorry, Klork, it was such a great set-up line. I culdn't resist.

* Diana blinks and ducks her head a little bit* ...I'm filing a complaint damnit...

* Klork blinks

<AriaStormsinger> *pink piano vanishes*

<Klork> Thanks, GOD. *mutters, turning and opening a portal for the inside* C'mon, Di, come inside?

* Klork glances around

* Diana nods a little, heading through*

<Klork> Um, Mitch? You wanna take the portal? It's faster...

* ``Mitch yanks the door open and scrambles down the stairs, taking them two or three at a time, running like a bitch

<Jaerlani> Was there something you wanted, Aria?

<AriaStormsinger> Most people don't like the dark...

* Kern nods, blinking and almost bumping into Diana* AH! Diana...*steps back and motions to Lana*

<AriaStormsinger> Oh -- yes...

<Klork> Mitch..? *blinks* Hm...*shrugs, going inside, coming into the living room*

* Jaerlani shrugs. 'To each their own.'

* Myrae watches Lana n' Ker, kinda still sitting on the couch

* Diana blinks a little* Heh...hai...*heads over to Lana* Konbonwa...? You need a room...?

* Myrae blinks

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