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Session Start: Sat Feb 16 13:06:34 2002

* Logan nods, poppin' his claws* Want me ta bring 'im back 'ere or jus' wear 'im out?

<Darien> ... *looks out the window then looks to the odd red tattoo on his wrist*.... bring him back...

* Logan nods and hops out advancing on Merc* Hey! Smurf!

* FWL_MeRc turns glareing at logan* "well my favourite pincoshion!" *eyes flash red*

* Logan smirks and leaps at him, claws first*

* FWL_MeRc smirks a green dust forming infront of logan, assumeing the same density as a brick wall

* Logan arches a brow, slicing at the dust, seeing as adamantium is the hardest substance on the face of the planet ;P*

Session Close: Sat Feb 16 17:03:29 2002
Session Start: Sat Feb 16 19:59:00 2002

* HappyLittleMoron watches the fire as she sips her tea.....

* Shingami falls off the back of the couch due to the hmm

<Shingami> *thud*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* HappyLittleMoron looks over

<HappyLittleMoron> You ok?

* Shingami gives a thumbs up

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and reaches over to offer a hand up* How've you been doin'?

<Shingami> *takes offered hand* doing good...

* HappyLittleMoron helps her up* Goodgood

* Red's lounging in the hottub, enjoying the heat

* Diana comes slowly down the ssstairs, covering a slight yawn*

<Shingami> mornin diana

<Diana> Ohiy...*looks at the clock and blinks a little, shaking her head* Ah...konbonwa, I mean...or...*shrugs helplessly and just settles onto a chair, bandaged up and whatnot, looking pale*

<Shingami> you ok?

<Diana> Iie...but...I will be...

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow lightly and drapes a blanket over Diana

<Shingami> I hope so

* Diana nods a little to Shin, curling a little more under the blanket, eyes seeming to fasten on the fire*

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...

<Shingami> what ahve you two been up to?

<HappyLittleMoron> more work...*smirks, curling her wings around herself*

<Diana> <q> Ah...trying to recover...*trails off*

* HappyLittleMoron rubs Diana's shoulder lightly

<Shingami> getting better is always good

* Diana nods a little, very quiet, eyes having gone distant, brows slightly knit*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a lil'

<Shingami> whatcha thinking Diana?

* Diana doesn't seem to hear her...just staring into the distance*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...Diana...? *waves her hands in front of her eyes, she doesn't even blink*

<Shingami> {{Diana?}}

* Diana doesn't answere...almost as if blocked off in a private conversation...ehehehe...the line's busy ;P*

* HappyLittleMoron looks between the two, arching a brow lightly

* Shingami shrugs

<Shingami> {{shes entered the twilight zone}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Oooooohkie...}}

* Diana frowns, bright eyes turning hard as she forcibly cuts the link, glaring at the fire as if she could douse it with the look*

<Shingami> Diana

* Diana blinks a little and looks to Shin* Ah...hai?

<Shingami> what are you thinking?

* Diana shifts a little with a slight wince* Just...murderouse thoughts...why?

<Shingami> youve told me a million times if i needed someoen to talk to you woul dbe there for me.... im returning th favor

* Diana sighs a little and bows her head, murmering softly* Heh...I suppose I should begin talking about this to more people...

<Shingami> just one helps... maybe we can helo.. never know

<Diana> hai..but...well...*takes a deep breath and leans back, looking to Shin* While Klork, Dev and I were ccaptured by Teirnan...Teirnan...raped me...*looks down, tracing patterns on her cast, brows furrowed* And impregnated me...the child is not doing well...and he wants to take me from here...

<Shingami> . it probably isnt doign well outside of sorry we didnt get there fast enough diana

* Diana shakes her head a little, still examining her hands in her lap as HLM lightly rubs her hands* <q> It's alright...things...happen...*shakes her head a little* But...I don't think being outside of Underhill has much to do with the child's physical state...

<Shingami> is it your wounds.. or soemthgn else

<Diana> Partially my wounds...the ones that were directly affecting the baby were healed...just...I...suppose...that part of my body is very unstable at the moment...

* Diana doesn't raise her eyes or her voice, firey curls curtaining her face*

* Shingami gets up putting a hand on the side of her face

* Diana looks up at Shin, eyes pained, sad and worn*

<Shingami> your a strong woman... the strongest ive ever met. You will make it though this

* Diana nods a little* <q> Domo...I know I will...*smirks a little* So long as I can recover a little more before being forced into another fight...

<Shingami> if a fight brakes out gimme a call... despite the remnence of this damn bayne im more then happy to kick a little ass

* Diana chuckles softly* Hai...I will keep that in mind...

<Shingami> Good because if it hapens again ill be forced to bitch you out and you seriously dont want that...

* Diana chuckles softly with a wince* Of course...though, I'm planning on taking HLM and Klork up on their offer to let me use their house in Japan for a while...just want to ask Mondo if he wishes to come with me...

<Shingami> He better go... i still ahve family out there i think youd like my human cousin Senji...

<Diana> Simply need to get ahold of him...*tilts her head a little* Senji? Where does he live...?

<Shingami> Senji lives in Sendai... though he's kind fo the family Ronin

* Diana nods a little, tilting her head slightly as she listens, eyes curiouse*

<Shingami> Hes all ainu and about 24 years old.. Wing and he used to go swimmign together when he lived in Japan... before eh came to find me..

<Diana> Ahh...I'd like to meeet him..

<Shingami> Hes cool.. a ladies man though but personaly i think ehs gay... jus tmy observation anyway ive only talekd ot him over the phone..

<HappyLittleMoron> *Diana laughs softly* Well...hopefully he is...wouldn't want Mondo yo feel threatened

<Shingami> Senji is kind of quiet though.. very focused. ehs 3 time kendo champ too

* Diana blinkblinks* Is he?? *pauses, then almost seems to pout* A shame I'm so injured...he'd be a challenge in a spar...

<Shingami> He also practices andcient forms of herbal healing

<Diana> Ahh...

<Diana> Does he have a phone..?

<Shingami> .. yeah a cell..

<Shingami> wanna call him?

<Diana> Perhaps when I know for sure when I'm going to be in Japan, so we could sset up a time and place to meet...

<Diana> Does he speak English at all?

<Shingami> Better then wing does

<Wing>.. nee chan hiidoii...

* Shingami eeps

* Shingami glares at wing

<Shingami> dont DO that...

* Diana laughs, then cringes* Heh! Konbonwa, Wing...

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* Turning ninja on us, are ya?

<Wing>.. in the 18th century i was

<Shingami> pickey pickey pickie

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* You sure know how to ruin a girl's fun, don't ya, bird-boy? *winks with a smirk, Diana just shaking her head slowly*

<Wing>.. my sister's fun yes...

<Wing> it usualy gets her in trouble

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her belly lightly with a smirk* Especially when involving sharp objects, 'eh?

<Wing> hai

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* How've you been? Haven't seen ya around much...

<Wing> working..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* Understand that...

* Diana smiles slightly at them, excusing herself and slowly heading for the bathroom, lotsa pain in her movements*


<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...yeah...she's...not doing too good...

<Shingami> oh boy Hero-boy's got the 'im must help' itis

<HappyLittleMoron> ohboy...

<Wing>.. i do not..

* Diana returns a little later, curling back up in her chair as best she can*

<Shingami> yes you do your an overgrown boyscout

<Diana> ...nani...?

<Diana> Superman? Where?

* Shingami points to her glaring brother

<Diana> I...see...*holds her hands up* ...peace?

<Wing> *puts a hand on diana's shoulder touch easing soem pain*

* Diana blinks a little and looks up at Wing, resting her good hand over his, some of the pain going, she holds a good bit of it back* <w> Domo

<Wing>.. let me try and get intouch with Senji...

<Wing> then i'll see if i han help yu physicaly any more

* Diana nods a little, bowing her head* Ganbatte...there's a lot of damage...

<Shingami> hes stubborn...

<Wing>*sits odwn beside the chair takign diana's hand letting comfort seep into diana*

* Diana nods with a lil' smirk, then blinks and sorta sinks a little, relaxing a little more into othe chair*

<Shingami> boyscout

<Wing> plushie...

<Shingami> -_-

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<HappyLittleMoron> Botha you...chibis *grins lopsidedly*

<Shingami> ... am not


* HappyLittleMoron streatches her legs out and chuckles softly, Diana just kinda sitting there, more relaxed than she has been in a while, lines of pain still etched into her countanence

* Diana suddenly grimaces, her good hand going to her abdomen*

<Wing> whats wrong?

<Diana> I...*grimaces* itai...*closes her eyes and swallows* <vqw> I...think...the baby's dying...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and sits up, brows furrowing

<Wing>*stops what hes doing*

* HappyLittleMoron heads over and kneels by Diana's chair, opposite Wing* <w> Hey...*rests her hand on Diana's knee, brows furrowed* Anything we can do...?

* Diana shakes her head a little, tears running down from her eyes*

<Wing>*rests a warm hand on her belly... concentratign energies som thigns inside...* soem of yoru internal organs are very damaged... this might burn a bit...

* Diana nods a little, leaning back and wincing* <vqw> alright...

<Wing>*hand glows a faint purplish color the light seepign into diana workign to repair whats damaged*

* Diana grimaces, biting back a whimper...there being a great deal of damage there, and weakness...he can get a lot of it, just not all...*

<Wing>*stops after a few minutes breathign ahrd*.. thats all i can do

* Diana nods a little, shifting up with a tired, weak sigh, squeezing his hand gently with her good one* <w> Domo arigato gozaimas, Wing-san...if there's ever...anything I can do...

<Wing> rest

* Diana nods a little as HLM stands*

* HappyLittleMoron heads over and rests her hands on Wing's shoulders* You need it too, bed with you...

<Wing>. ano...

<Shingami> go niichan

<Wing>*sighs nodding getting up a bit wabbly* hai

* HappyLittleMoron reaches out to steady him

<HappyLittleMoron> I'll help you as far as your room, ok?

<Wing>.. arigato

<HappyLittleMoron> No problem...c'mon...*helps him to and up the stairs*

<Wing>*goes with HLM*

* Shingami gives diana's hand a squeeze

<Shingami> you gunna be ok?

* Diana nods a little, very tired, still sad* <w> tired still...your brother did more cramps...domo...

* HappyLittleMoron puts Wing to bed, all motherly 'n stuff

<Shingami> told you hes a boyscout.. how bout bed for you too?

<Wing>.. no story?

* Diana nods a little* <w> Sounds good...*tries to get up...fails miserbaly, her brows furrow* Or...I could just stay here...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Aww...I'm not good at telling stories...a lullaby maybe? *grins lopsidedly*

* Shingami grins picking diana up carefuly

<Shingami> did i for get to mention im Burley?

* Diana blinkblinks and hehs* Hai...that you did...gomen...*smirks* My hero...

<Shingami> always ar yoru service m'lady

* Diana chuckles tiredly* Thank you..

* Shingami takes diana up to her room tuckign her in

* HappyLittleMoron sings Wing a soft lullaby...that the controller's not smart enough to think words up for

<Diana> <q> Thank you again, shin...take care...

<Wing>*doesnt mind passes right out lookin all cute*

<Shingami> you too Diana...oyasumi

<Diana> Oyasumi..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles very softly, gently tucking him in and heading out silently, closing the door behind her

* Diana zonks*

* Shingami leaves silently as she can turnign out the light and shuttign the door

* HappyLittleMoron streatches a little when she's out in the hallway, flairing her wings behind her

<Shingami> shoulda told you he ahs a thign for bed time stories...

* HappyLittleMoron smirks looking up at Shin* I'll have to keep one of Brenna's books handy for the next time I haveta tuck him in...*winks with a smirk* He didn't mind the lullaby, though...

<HappyLittleMoron> Diana restin'?

<Shingami> you ahve a sweet voice... yeah she is...

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and flushes a little* Eh...naah...but thanks anyway...and good...

<Shingami> *nods*

Session Close: Sun Feb 17 01:47:54 2002

