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Session Start: Fri Feb 15 13:53:18 2002

* Diana sits in the kitchen, sipping tea, holding the mug in her good hand*

* FWL_MeRc walks into the asylum slamming the door

* Diana blinks and looks up* ...nani?

* FWL_MeRc makes his way to is room grabbing a large claymore making his way back out

* Diana peeks out, brows furrowed* ...Merc?

<FWL_MeRc> who WHAT!?

* Diana arches a brow, crossing her arms over her chest* ...lovely to see you too

* FWL_MeRc eyes flash red* "shut UP!"

* Diana narrows her eyes* What's wrong with you?

<FWL_MeRc> what part of SHUT up don't you UNDERSTAND! *raises the claymore*

* Diana summons her own sword to her* What is your problem? You're seriously quickly on your way out of a place to live.

* FWL_MeRc raises the sword then brings it down with immense force

* Diana slips to the side, barely missing his blade, drawing her own along the front of his body, thouugh if she connects, she wouldn't kill him*

* FWL_MeRc snarls as the sword cleanly slices him but the wound heals up just as quick* .oO (ARG! STOP! STOP! NOT HER!)

* Diana steps back, sword still held up, watching him, brows furrowed*

* FWL_MeRc glares sending a sideward slash toward her, useing the sword as if it was a katana

* Diana ducks down, slicing at his knees, gritting her teeth as a few stitches in her legs tear, moving around behind him to slice again at him* Merc! What're you doing??

* FWL_MeRc lets the blade strike making no effort to block them, contuine to slice at her with the bulky blade

* Diana dodges as best she can...a few of the slices getting through her guard, continuing to return his slices blow for blow, her body gradually beginning to weaken as the fight wears on*

* FWL_MeRc smirks raising the blade for the finishing blow.... but oddly stalling

* Diana gasps softly as she looks up at him, bright eyes angry and confused, powering up to dissapear if she needs to...*

* FWL_MeRc suddenly drops the blade and falls to his knees, letting out loud painful snarls

* Diana grits her teeth and forces herself into a kneeling position, bleeding pretty badly, looking over at him* What's...wrong with you...?

* FWL_MeRc doesn't seem to know shes theres then suddenly roars "NO!" getting up and running out the door

* Diana watches, confused as all hell...shaking her head slowly, and forcing herself up, stumbling badly as she tries making her way to the first aid kit...being the only one home*

* Diana bandages herself up as quickly as she can before finding his card and dialing with trembling hands (Hheh...or hand <G>), sagging against the counter*

* DianaManashevitz leans against the counter, bandaged up with red already starting to show through the bandages, trying to get through to someone on the phone....

* DianaManashevitz 's right hand is completely bandaged up...she's pale, exhausted and depressed lookin' too

* Mondo comes up behind* ..Diana??

* DianaManashevitz jumps a little, turning to him* M...Mondo...??

<Mondo> ..yea...Diana! ok you babe??

<DianaManashevitz> I...gods...I've...been better...oh...*catches herself on the counter, as she loses her balance, dropping the phone in the process*

* Mondo reaches out and grabs her to stable her*

<DianaManashevitz> Domo...*kinda leans against him weakly, looking up at him* Merc's lost it...

<Mondo> ..yea ..I was here for round one...what happened babe??

* DianaManashevitz 's still got the phone off the hook...dialed 'n stuff...shoooooooould be ringing at Darien's place...she's just...distracted and about raedy to pass out* He...came home...slamming doors...yelled at me when I asked what's wrong...then attacked...

<Darien> Hello?

* Mondo scowls deeply and rubs her back, keeping his arms around her to hold her steady

<DianaManashevitz> I...*grabs the phone* Mr. Fox...?

<Darien> Hello!?

* DianaManashevitz smiles a lil' at Mondo, her voice starting to sound feint* I..this is Diana...from...the Asylum...Merc was just here...

<Darien> yes?

<Darien> ... I'll be RIGHT there hold on

* Darien hangs up the phone

<DianaManashevitz> Hai...*hangs up and sags against Mondo* <q> I'm sorry you come home to this...there's a lot going on...

<Mondo> ..hey. It's ok...*he lifts her up easily into his arms and carries her to the couch in the livingroom*

* DianaManashevitz takes a shakey breath, leaning against him* <q> Domo...

* Mondo nods and runs his hand over her hair* Just relax ok? I can take care of it..

* DianaManashevitz nods a lil' and swallows* <w> There's...a lot I need to tell you...about..what happened in Underhill...

* Mondo nods and sits down on the couch* ..we got the time I think

* DianaManashevitz nods slightly, curling gingerly into him, bandages getting more and more red* <w> I....the...guy who captured us...raped me...I...I'm pregnant with his child...but...*looks down and closes her eyes* <vqw> It's...not going to survive, though...hurt too bad...

* Mondo blinks...his eyes glazing over a bit..

<Mondo> uhh......jesus.....

<Mondo> Diana...god......*he leans down and wraps his arms tightly around her*

* DianaManashevitz nods a little, swallowing hard and curling into him, trembling hard

<DianaManashevitz> *after a few moments, feintly*'ve you been?

* Mondo smirks* ..can't complain.......

<DianaManashevitz> <q> That's good...*sighs a lil' shakily*

* Mondo frowns and then starts to rub her back slowly, trying to calm her down

* DianaManashevitz slowly relaxes into his hands, eyes kinda drooping..

* Darien knocks on the door

* Mondo gets up* ..wait there..I'll get it

* DianaManashevitz looks up* Ah...*nods* Ok...domo...

* he goes to the door and opens it a bit, peeking out incase it's Merc come to beat the crap outta more ppl

* DianaManashevitz leans back, closing her eyes, brows lightly wrinkled

<Mondo> heeeeelooooooo?

* Darien walks in* "heylo"

* Mondo puts his arm across the door not letting him in*

<Mondo> Freeze

* DianaManashevitz opens her eyes, slightly, just settled bonelessly into the couch, exhausted beyond belief* It's ok, koibito...that's Darien looking for Merc...maybe...he can help...

<Darien> ... whooo... hospitality galore... what happened here?

* Mondo lets him in, taking his arm down*

* DianaManashevitz closes her eyes again* Gomen...Merc came back breifly...he's...gone insain....

<FWL_MeRc> ... i actually worked out whats wrong with him

<DianaManashevitz> ...what is it...? *looks weakly over at him...*

* Mondo leans against the wall*

<Darien> ... well

<Darien> you know if you contuine to charge energy into a point... eventually it'll jump to another earth

* DianaManashevitz nods very slightly...* <q> method...hai...

* Mondo looks confused*

* DianaManashevitz pats the cusion by her, looking over at Mondo* Going between realities...

<Darien> well...

<Darien> thats what happenening to him... he's over "charged" and his nanobots are sending minute amounts to eachother... this interfearing with his whole mind

* Mondo nods a bit, but still doesn't get it*

* DianaManashevitz blinks, brows furrowing...* So...he's...sending and recieving little parts of himself to and from an alternate him...?

* DianaManashevitz takes a shakey breath, pressing her hand to one of the gashes she got from Underhill that broke open again during the fight

<Darien> yea...

<Darien> bascially its making him insane...

* DianaManashevitz sighs shakily* How...can we stop it...? I...can travel...between realities...

<Mondo> ohhh! no way Diana! you gotta rest babe!

<Darien> ... from what i heard... he just need to discharge energy...

* DianaManashevitz looks up at Mondo, biting her lip, then looks at Fox and nods a little* Ok...good...I...*sighs a little* Mondo's right...*sorta sinks back a little, closing her eyes briefly before looking over at the guys again* How do we do that...? Or...get him to do that...

<Darien> ... you need someone who can take one HELL of a beating

* DianaManashevitz smirks...* I'll sit THIS one out, it is, I need stitches...again...*furrows her brows in thought*

* Mondo looks around* ..uhh.

<Mondo> ...people used to beat the snot outta me all the time

<Darien> ... did you not see what he done to those people?

* Mondo shrugs a bit* ..I move faster than any human dude

* Diana reaches a shaking hand out to Mondo* Love...I....don't want to see you hurt...

* Mondo squeezes her hand* hey babe...he trashed my girl...I deserve a chance at this ok?

* DianaManashevitz chews her lippp a little, brows wrinkled* <w> need careful...*swallows, fighting to keep sudden tears back*

* Mondo kneels downa and cups her cheeks, and leans in, kissing

<Darien> ...

<Darien> mondo as noble as it is... it ain't safe

* DianaManashevitz kisses back, resting her left hand against his cheek lighhtly...

* Mondo looks over* ..yea well..I havn't exactly lived a safe life

<FWL_MeRc> ... he TORE them apart look at here! *massive chunks out of the floor where the sword hit

<Mondo> ..I told you dude..I just know I can handle it

* DianaManashevitz chews her lip quietly, sorta feeling herself start to fade..

<Darien> ... and what would you do in the .5 seconds he'll give you after he grabs you?

* Mondo closes his eyes and makes fists...and soon crackling electricity is running all over his body and getting faster and faster*

* DianaManashevitz blinkblinks, eyes wideninng as she watches* ...woah...

* it slows down and comes to a stop*

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Darien> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> I been practicing

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Darien> fighting fire with fire

<DianaManashevitz> Hai...I...see...

<Mondo_Gecko> I told you guys...I can handle it

<Darien> and if you can't?

<DianaManashevitz> We can find him back-up...

<DianaManashevitz> We can talk to old friend of HLM's...he seems very tough...something about...metal coated bones...and a healing factor...

<Darien> mmm... thats sounds good

<Mondo_Gecko> ..sounsd good

<Darien> better than you risking your hide

* Mondo_Gecko smirks* ..hay hide isn't that valuable..

<Darien> i dunno... could make a nice pair of boots

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...Mondo boots..

<FWL_MeRc> yea

* DianaManashevitz comes to for passing out breifly* Hn?

* Mondo is kneeling infront of her* Diana??

<DianaManashevitz> ...hai...? *brings her good hand to her forehead, brows furrowing*

<Mondo> you ok babe?

<Darien> ...

<DianaManashevitz> tired...hurts...*starts going out again*

<Mondo> ..we gotta get her to a hospital man

<DianaManashevitz> Hnn...*starts slumping again...*

<Darien> ...

<Darien> sure

* Mondo reaches down and picks up Diana into his arms* an ambulence.

* DianaManashevitz lies limply...out cold

<Darien> ...

* Darien primpt picks up the phone dialing

* hospital picks up 'n stuff...gets info...etcetc*

* Darien waits for the ambulance

* after a few minutes, it comes screamin' down the street, medics knocking on the door shortly, by now Diana's bandages are soaked all the way through with blood*

* Darien gets up and opens the door* "in here quick!"

* medics hurry in, with a streatcher 'n all* 

<Medic1> What happened..??? *examine her, etcetc as the load her up*

* Darien makes up sum sad story

* Medic nods...* Got room for one of you to ride with us to get her history...we're headed to St. Patrick's.

<FWL_MeRc> ... mondo you go

* Medics load Diana up...letting whoever's going with her in the passanger seat*

* Mondo climbs in

* zoom off to the hospital 'n all that...bring Diana into the ER...stitch her up 'n stuff...*

* doc comes out after a while, heading over to Mondo (and Darien if he followed)* You brought in Ms. Manashevitz?

* Mondo nods, he's been pacing, looking very worried*

* Doc nods* She'll be alright with do know about the child, right...?

* Mondo nods a little* it ok?

<Doc> Ah...for the moment...though if she's not careful, she'll lose it is, it doesn't look very promising...her hand is also not looking good...

<Mondo> her hand?

* Doc nods* The one in the cast...yes...there's a great deal of nerve and muscle damage...but.....we don't know how damaged it is...

* Mondo scowls*

<Doc> I'm sorry...she should be coming to soon...she's safe to be visited...

* Mondo nods: much dammage do you think that baby received? healthy would it be?

<Doc> If the baby would be extremely's early enough in her pregnancy that some of the development could be hindered...the pregnancy itself will be extremely difficult because of the bloodloss she's gone through...

* Mondo nods a bit* ..metal and physical defects?

<Doc> Physical at this's too early to tell the mental...

* Mondo takes a deep breath* thanks

* Doc nods, patting his shoulder* I'm sorry...

<Mondo> it's cool.....

* Doc nods a little* Would you like to see her...?

<Mondo> yea..if I could

* Doc nods, leading him to the room Diana's in, she's lying in the hospital bed, slowly coming to*

* Mondo stands over her* ..hey babe..

* Diana slowly opens her eyes, a soft smile coming over her lips, druuuuuuuuuugged outa her mind* Am...I dreaming....?

<Mondo> are not..hehe

<Mondo> I got you to the hospital

* Diana grins a lil'* Ohh...? Wha' happened...? *glazed eyes, whole works...*

<Mondo> Merc went a little'll be ok though

<Mondo> just gotta rest a bit

<Diana> Oohh...heh...ok...*moves her head a little and oohhs...* Dizzy...painmeds...what the doctor say...?

* Mondo and Diana just head home, then...

* HappyLittleMoron comes in with Brenna in her arms, Nox right behind her, leading Iris by the hand...

* Klork pokes his head in the front door

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies* Moron sense...tingling...

* Brenna giggles* Hi daddie!

* Klork blinks, then smirks, winking to Brenna before disappearing through a portal

* HappyLittleMoron turns and blinkblinks

* HappyLittleMoron mutters and ruffles Brenna's hair

* Klork looks down at Brenna from above, head sticking out of a portal, some hair hanging down

<Klork> <vqw> psst!

* Brenna blinkies and looks up*

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow and follows her daughter's gaze, smirking

* Klork smirks

<Klork> Heya!

<Brenna> How you get up dere...?

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Well, heya, hon! Having fun? <G>

<Klork> veddy carefully..*winks, pulling into the portal and disappearing

* HappyLittleMoron snickers and shifts Brenna to her other hip

* Klork comes out behind them and squishes them in a huge hug

* HappyLittleMoron EEPS and laughs, leaning back against him as Brenna giggles

* Klork smirks

<Klork> so how is today?

<HappyLittleMoron> Goodgood...long...*looks up at him with a grin, in her work cloths* Nox took the kids out all day today...met me at work and heeeeere we are...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yours?

* Klork nods

<Klork> Sweet .. went pretty good, busy ut well

* HappyLittleMoron nods with a light smirk, Brenna purring softly* Goodgood...

* Diana wanders down the stairs, looking exhausted, half drugged...a few new bandages present as she curls into a chair, spacin' on and off, after waveling to them*

* Klork purrs, chuckling, then looks up

<Klork> Di..?? What's ...yu ok?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, furrowing her brow

<Diana> Merc...came back earlier...*closes her eyes as she sorta sinks into the chair more* He's...going crazy...faught him...then went to the hospital...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little, biting her lip and heading over, brushing curls from her friend's eyes* <q> Man...

* Diana nods a little, kinda drifting...*

* Klork furrows his brow, pulling a blanket over her

<Klork> ~let her rest..~

* HappyLittleMoron nods, stepping back, frowning a little and leading towards the kitchen* <q> Man...she needs to get away from here...way too much happening to her...

* Klork nods

<Klork> Yeah .. but at the same time ... I worry, ya know? She could have somebody after her--Teirnan for example ... *sighs* She'd be easy pray away from us..

* Brenna rests her head on her mom's shoulder, listening quietly*

* HappyLittleMoron nods and sighs* Yeah...*sits down, settling Brenna on her slowly dissapearing lap* Need body guards or somethin'...

* HappyLittleMoron 's comin' down the stiars from putting Brenna down for the night...Diana's still curled up in that chair, drifting in her still-drugged sleep

* Klork looks up from eating something, smirking

<Klork> She restin'?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and smirks a little, snagging an apple* Which she? <G>

<Klork> Ah, Brenna..*points* I can see Diana *grins*

* Ladon's sitting on the couch, rubbing at his bruised shoulder

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and sits by him, nodding* Yep...she's out like a light...

<Klork> Goodgood *smirks, wrapping an arm around her* So ... hows my beautiful wife?

* HappyLittleMoron wavels a lil' to Ladon, grinning up at Klork and scooting a lil' closer* Goodgood...and my stunning husband?

* Ladon smiles and wavs back

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> Studly as ever *winks* Tired to be honest..a bit hungry too..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and streatches her legs out* Mmm...I know that feeling...whatcha hungry for?

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> DUnno, anything really, just hven't eaten in a few hours..

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm...*kisses his brow and stands, folding her wings against her back* Chicken salad sannich sound good...? *blinks a lil' and looks up to Ladon* You want anything?

<Klork> Oh, sounds good enough to me *purrs* biiirrd

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* It's all your fault I'm craving it, you know...

<Klork> MY fault? Naahh..*winks*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and heads into the kitchen* Yeeees...your fault...*grins and winks back, calling as she makes the food* LAST time it was hot-sauce!

* Klork laughs

<Klork> this one causes less heart burn I bet!

<Klork> and gas I'd wager *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs as she comes back, giving him his sannich and sitting by him, starting in on hers* Didn't have any the first time, either...*winks* I love my healing factor

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Crude..

* Klork cackles, munching, winking to her

<Klork> thanks, i try *winks again* And thank for the foods

* Diana yawns a little, slowly sitting up with a grimace* ...that's Mondo's department...bodily functions..*smirks a lil' groggily*

<HappyLittleMoron> Noooo problem, love...*grins and wavels to Diana*

* Klork laughs, shaking his head

<Klork> Oh this is true..

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* How is that lizard-man of yours anyway?

<Diana> He's well...*smirks a little and leans back, pulling the blanket up around herself a little more* How are you two?

<Klork> Not so hungry any more *smirks, polishing off the food* Busy and tired otherwise tho.

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods her agreement

* Diana nods* Good to hear...

* Red walks down the stairs and into the kitchen

* Klork waves, eating still

* HappyLittleMoron wavels too, munching..Diana as well with a very small smile

* Red bows to Klork and HLM

* Klork would bow, but is sitting..doesn't wanna kiss own knees

* HappyLittleMoron understand that...hard to bow with the growing belly anyway, in her case

* Diana just feels ignored*

* Red nods to Diana

* Diana feels better now <G> She nods back a little*

* Klork chuckles

* Diana smirks slightly, folding her arms around herself*

<Klork> You cold, Di? Need any foodages....??

* Red's in a very good mood today, a big hammy girn and all* "How is everyone?"

<Diana> Mm...perhaps some yogurt...? I'm just...extremely tired...hurting...*sighs a little and looks down at the floor*

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...ok...yuo look like you're doin' well, Red

* Red nosnods* "Just got off the phone with my family, they're delighted that they're gonna be grandparents."

* Klork stands, nodding and getting some oh, lets say strawberry banana yogurt..bringing it to her with a spoon

<HappyLittleMoron> Good to hear...

* Diana smiles a little to him, and accepts* Domo....*munchies 'n stuffs*

* Klork nods, going and sitting again

* HappyLittleMoron and Diana do that old eye-meeting-staring-contest thing...HLM just blinks and sorta stares a moment, eyes glowing slightly, brows wrinkled, before Diana silently looks back down to her yogurt as she slowly eats

* Klork furrows his brows, watching...

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, setting her plate aside and going over to kneel by Diana's chair, giving her a hug and just kinda holding her

* Red sits down at the table

* HappyLittleMoron pulls back after a few moments and rubs Diana's shoulder lightly

* Klork watches, brows furrowed ..

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little and stands, nodding a little to Diana and heading over to Klork, taking one of his hands and motioning to the stairs* C'mon...gotta tell ya something...

* Klork blinks, then gets up, brows furrowed as he follows..

* HappyLittleMoron heads up to their room (listen in)

* Devnet finally comes down the stairs...

* Keelin follows <G>

* Dev grins, keeping himself steady as he looks around, just happy to be able to move again*

* Keelin follows, obviously being very careful that he doesn't fall n' whatnot

* Dev sits on the couch, huffing a little* Hn...need a little more practice before I go too far...

* Keelin chuckles, rubbing his shoulders

<Keelin> it would seem such..

* Dev smiles, leaning back into her hands* Aye...though everything is easier with you near, my love...

* Keelin smiles

<Keelin> I'm glad to hear it..*grins, settling beside him*

* Dev smiles and wraps an arm around her, gently pulling her close*

* Diana chuckles softly* Wonderful to see you on your feet Devnet...and to see you smile, Keelin.

* Keelin blinks, then chuckles quietly

<Keelin> Glad to have reason to, Diana..

* Diana nods a little* Hai...

* Dev grins a little, stroking Keelin's hair* (An explination to the madness below)

* Keelin smiles, wrapping her arms around him and settling her eyes slowly shut

* Dev smiles softly as he holds her close*

* Keelin shifts, watching Devnet, brows furrowed

* Dev looks down at her, tracing her cheek gently*

* Keelin smiles a bit, but her face stays worried even so, leaning into his hand lightly

* Dev furrows his brow lightly, kissing hers gently*

* Keelin closes her eyes

* Keelin blinks, brows furrowed...

* Dev strokes her hair gently, just watching her*

* Keelin chews at her lip, resting her head lightly against his shoulder

* Keelin chuckles quietly

* Dev smirks lightly, holding her*

* Keelin closes her eyes again, just curling close

* Dev blinks and arches a brow, tightening his grip gently on her*

* Keelin looks up at him, brows furrowing once more

* Dev meets her gaze, stroking her hair*

* Keelin blinks

* Dev smiles lightly, eyes seriouse*

* Keelin smiles, eyes goin' somewhat teary

* Dev chuckles softly, gently stroking her cheek*

* Dev winks*

* Keelin practically tackles him in a hug, quite uncharacteristic for her

* Dev laughs and winces a little, wrapping his arms around her*

* Keelin grimaces, going a bit gentler

* Diana blinks, and chuckles softly*

<Keelin> Err...I apologize for that ..

* Keelin laughs

* Dev chuckles* Ah...'tis alright...*strokes her hair*

<Keelin> "Yes M'am"??? *shakes her head*

* Keelin sniggers quietly

* Dev mock solutes*

* Keelin quirks her brow

<Keelin> Oh dont get just recall who's the injured soldier and who the nurse is..

* Dev chuckles* My apologies, lovely one...a little play could not hurt, I'm sure...

* Keelin smirks

<Keelin> Don't be so certain..*winks*

* Dev arches a brow, grin tugging his lips* Oh...? Now who's being coy?

* Keelin smiles, tapping his chin with her index finger

<Keelin> ah, but who is injured here, hmm?

* Dev chuckles softly, catching her hand and kissing her fingertips* You simply like turning that back on me, don't you.

* Keelin grins, flushing slightly as she watches

<Keelin> Ah, indeed. *Smirks*

* Dev smiles at her, eyes sparkling*

* Keelin tilts her head to the side, curious smirk on her lips

<Keelin> what's with the smile..?

<Dev> Hmmm? *turns seriouse, save the twitching at the corner of his mouth* What smile?

* Keelin quirks a brow

<Keelin> the one you are masking..

* Dev pretends to look shocked* What...? Me...? Whyever would I do such a thing?

* Keelin chuckles

<Keelin> Because you are avoiding why I asked you were doings uch, that is why...

* Dev chuckles and reaches out to pull her close* I am simply happy..

* Keelin grins

<Keelin> always good to hear..

* Dev smiles and kisses her* Aye...

* Keelin smiles, closing her eyes

Session Close: Sat Feb 16 00:58:46 2002

