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Session Start: Thu Feb 14 22:34:22 2002

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs

* Red's sitting on the couch, kissing TN

* Klork comes in..then blinks

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow* ...they're stealing our trick, love!

<Klork> Aw c'mon get a room!! *winks, tossing a blanket over em before going into the kitchen*

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, following him...

* VertigoFox is sitting on the roof as usual sipping from a steaming cup-o-noodle ramen just watching the sky...

* TN giggles and pokes her head out.


<Klork> Hey, anybody eat yet?

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...

* Klork blinks

<Red> "Nope."

<Klork> You dunno if you've eaten??

<MeiouCharon> Not me either.

<Klork> Gads, Mo' this the effects of pregnancy or what? *winks at Mo, mockingly feeling her brow*

<Klork> A'right lesse...I'm in a cooking mood .. didn't hafta ALL day so..umm...Japanese dinner sound good?

* HappyLittleMoron smirks and gingerly tickles him* Nervouse twitch...*pretends she has one before laughing* Japanese sounds veeeeeeeddy good...

* Shingami sneeeeeeeeeeeeeeks up behind vertigo on the roof

<Shingami> *sneek sneek sneeek*

* Klork pulls his coat off, then goes about fixing a full huge meal up

* Red smiles and nuzzles TN before standing ad popping is bback >As best he can with a shell<

<VertigoFox> ::just sips his cup-o-noodle humming softly between slurps:: ^_^

* HappyLittleMoron makes...tea? <G>

<Shingami> Hey Vert..

* TN shudders a bit.

<TN> Oooh.....hon, nasty... :P

* Red chuckles and leans over for a kiss

* Klork puts a platter of sushi out

<VertigoFox> ::jumps slightly and turns with a wide smile on his face to Shingami slight bags under his eyes revealing lack of sleep lately:: Hello there Shingami. How are you tonight? ^_^

<Klork> First course!

* TN kisses back and then snifs the air.

<TN> Is that....sushi I smell?

<Shingami> Im doin good.. though you look beat...*sits beside him* Got soemthin for ya

* Red smiles and offers her his hand

* TN accepts and stands.

<Klork> Yep! eateat! *munches on a california roll as he works on the rest*

<VertigoFox> ::ears perk up:: really? What for? o-o

<Shingami> Its valentine's day...

* Klork puts out sake, ocha, and milk ..

<Shingami> a day when you give peopel stuff because you care about them...

* TN nibbles on some kappa maki.

<VertigoFox> Oh yes... I knew that. Please excuse me, I havn't been sleeping very well... ^^;;

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and munches

<TN> Mm....oishii.....

* Shingami pulls a little card from a pocket handing it to vert

* Red smiles as he eats

<Shingami> Dozo

<VertigoFox> ::smiles as he opens the card and begins to read::

<Shingami> "Happy Valentines Day.. you sly and super Fox you... Luv Shin^_^v>>>>>o<"*as a lolly pop inside too*

<VertigoFox> ::his smile widens as a small tear falls from his eye:: Shingami, it's beautiful... and I havn't a thing to give to you... ::hugs:: Thank you ~^_^~

<Shingami> You jsut gave it to me..*hugs back* glad you liek it...*grins* drew it myself...

<VertigoFox> ::he pulls back his eyes widening and his ears perking once more... wait... I just might have -something-... do you like stories?

* Klork cookes etc etc

* HappyLittleMoron ...helps...

<Shingami> yeah i do.. youd otn ahve to get me anythin.. the look on your face was enough

<TN>'re a good sushi chef, Klork.

* Klork puffs up

<Klork> goodgood.

* Red nodnodnods

<VertigoFox> ::smiles:: let me tell you a story... the same story that my parents used to tell me when I was young. ::he slowly turns around and circles a spot far in the sky::

* Klork then puts out a large bowl of Miso Soup

* Klork puts out little bowls & spoons by it

<Klork> eat up!

* Red dishes some out for him and TN

<TN> Ohhhh....miso! :9

* HappyLittleMoron helps herself 'n stuff...*'re teaching the little ones the finer points of cooking when they get old enough *winks at Klork*

* TN giggles.

* Klork laughs

* Red smiles and gives TN hers

<Klork> I think Kame would have more fun at that tho *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* You both can...then when we're old and geriatric, we'll be very well fed <G>

<TN> Arigatou. :)

* Klork then puts a salad bowl out, a soy/vinegrette sorta dressing on it, putting bowls etc with it

* TN laughs!

* Klork laughs

<Klork> Amen to that!

<Klork> Hai.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehehehe

* TN eats the miso and then looks hungrily at the salad, the turtle in her craving veggies. :P

* Red smiles and gets her some salad

* TN giggles.

<TN> Thanks hon. *kisses him on the cheek*

* Klork fixes etc..

<Klork> Who wants prawns and who wants Veggie tempura?

* Klork gets out the deep fryer, firin' it up

* Red smiles and returns the kiss

<TN> Ooh...tempura....mmm......

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmmm...prawns sound suprisingly good, hon....*pauses in the munching to clean up the dishes he won't need anymore as he's cooking*

<Klork> ER, they both are tempura, sorry if that was confusing..

<HappyLittleMoron> heehee

<TN> Ok, what are prawns again?

<Klork> Prawns? Kinda like large shrimp ...

* Diana kinda limps down the stairs*

* TN slobbers.

<TN> Oh man...shrimp.....mmmm.....

* HappyLittleMoron tosses TN a napkin <G>

* TN laughs and wipes her mouth.

<TN> And I'm eating for at least two....

* Red laughs

* Klork starts fixin' some Prawn Tempura for HLM...glances at TN* Prawn Tempura for you then too? How about you, Red? veggie or prawn?

<Red> "Prawn please."

* TN nods.

<TN> Yeah....prawn tempura.....

<TN> Already had my veggies in the salad. :P

* Klork puts more in...* Di? You want any tempura??

* Klork smirks, having heard her

<Klork> {{Any food for those on the rooftop?}}

* TN looks up.

<TN> Diana?

* Diana blinks and smirks* Cats...*shakes her head a little and leans against the doorfraim* Hai...*shrugs a little* Not picky what kind...

* Diana blinks* Hai?

* Diana's right hand iss completely casted, she moves as if it hurts to do so*

<Klork> Veggie or Prawn

<Diana> Ahh...Veggie sounds wonderful...

<Shingami> {{ not really klork.. sorry Vert's tellin me a story}}

<TN> Whoa...what happened?

* Diana blinks a little* Ah...kidnapping in Underhill...*shrugs slightly and sits down gingerly*

* Red nods

<TN> Erf...hope that gets better, hun.

* Red nods

* Diana smiles a little and drops her eyes, shoulders almost seeming to slouch* We shall find out, ne...?

* MeiouCharon nods.

* Red to TN* {{You wanna tell Diana aor shall I?}}

* Klork puts the plate of prawn tempura out..

* Klork puts tempura sauce out as well <G>

<TN> {{You hon. I told the others. :)}}

* Klork then goes about making squash & zuccini tempura

<Red> "I have some good news Diana."

* Diana looks up* Oh?

* Klork glances at HLM before going about making the steamed rice

* Red smiles and patpats TN's stomach

* HappyLittleMoron hmms? looking up at him...

<Red> "TN's expecting."

<Klork> {{*belatedly to The ppl on the roof* Ok, I'll set some aside for you guys for later}}

* Diana smiles slightly* Congradulations...I'm sure the little one will be lovely...

* Red Smiles and nods

* MeiouCharon blushes.

<MeiouCharon> Thanks.

* Diana nods* You're welcome...

* MeiouCharon eats a few prawns and sips some tea.

<MeiouCharon> Mmm....

* Klork puts out a smaller plate of veggie tempura for Diana

* Red kisses TN before he starts eating

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little and sorta...slowly sits down... (why she do that?)

* Klork then puts out a large bowl of rice before sitting with his plate & HLM's beside her, draping an arm around her...

<VertigoFox> ::recites the story and circles three formations opposit each other::

* Diana nods to Klork with a small smile as she heads over to start munching*

<VertigoFox> ::pointing to the one on the left:: There is the magition, casting his spells on our lives.

<VertigoFox> ::pointing to the one on the right:: there is the Archer, fighting some unknown deamon...

* HappyLittleMoron sorta leans against Klork for a moment before straitening up to munch a little, offering Diana a smile

<VertigoFox> ::and points to one in the center:: And there is the maiden... showing the way to peace between the two.

<Shingami> ...thats a very cool story Vert...

* Shingami hugs vert

<Shingami> thank you

<VertigoFox> is an old folk tail... but it is something I've always kept with me. I like to come up here and watch the stars in the sky... it makes me feel even more at home...the stars did lead me here, so the legend must mean something... ::smiles and hugsback:: It is my pleasure. Happy Valentines Day. ^_^

<Shingami> *smiles* i love watchign the stars... though i havent for a while

<VertigoFox> Yes.. they are very interesting. For ages people have looked upon the stars and seen some sort of guidance or god. Every culture devising it's own interpretation on what they mean... but they end up much the same. Orion the hunter for example, shown as if attempting to slay taurus the bull, are very common, and very close constilations to my own culture's ledgends. We have a pack of hunters hunting the night's feast. ^_^

<Shingami> sugoii...

* Klork finishes eating, watching HLM

<VertigoFox> ::turns to shin and smiles:: Do you have a favorite constilation?

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip a little, leaning over too kiss Klork's cheek* That was wonderful, hon...

* Klork smirks

<Shingami> mine.... *points* Draco..

<Klork> good, I aim to please now and then *winks*

* Red nods* "You're a very good cook Klork."

* Klork puffs up

<Klork> I learn it from mah' sister..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, ruffling her hair, then looking over to Diana...seeming to have that stairing match signaling a mental conversation...

* Kameko pops her head in, arching a brow

<Kameko> WHAT ... did you learn from me??

* Kameko is carrying a LARGE box .. almost can't see around it

<Klork> Cooking!

<Kameko> OH! ..Heh, well that's okay, then.

* Kameko tries to see where she's going

<TN> Sushi! :9

<Klork> Got's dinner here, you want some? Sushi, tempura, rice, salad, miso..

* Klork blinks, getting up to help

<Klork> What'cha got here?

* Angelo follows close behind*

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little to Diana, standing as well and gently squeezing her shoulder, a sympathetic looking her eyes, before heading over to help too

<Shingami> Vert wahts your favorite constilation?

<VertigoFox> ::smiles:: Well, I'd have to say that of the Sorceror... though, I am more fond of a single star...

<Shingami> the hub of the sky wheel...... sorry the nroth star?

<HappyLittleMoron> So...big box for a reason...?

<VertigoFox> ::laughs a bit then smiles:: No, the fox star... for obvious reasons... ^_~

<Klork> So what'cha got here, Kame??

* Kameko looks around for a place to set the box, unable to see

<Kameko> Stuffs...

<Shingami> *giggles* silly me

<Klork> want me to pick it up..?

* HappyLittleMoron clears off a spot for it

* `Angelo` plucks it from Kame's hands, carrying it there with a smirk

* HappyLittleMoron smirks as she watches* You guys're juuuuust gonna keep us in suspense aren't ya...

* Diana watches quietly from the kitchen*

* Kameko slowly lowers it down, pulling out individual goodie bags for everyone, all not really cookie bags, but chinese take-out boxes decorated with Valentine's Day decor

<MeiouCharon> Oh pretty Kame!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Aww...

* someone knocks at the asylum door

* Klork stands back, rubbing at the back of his neck

<Klork> Nice nice..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and heads over to the door, opening it a crack...* ...yes?

* Klork glances up, watching HLM at the door cautiously

<Delivery guy> "Yeah, I got a shipment of flowers for a 'TurtleNinja'. She live here?"

* Kameko starts pullin' them out one at a time, handing everyone theirs -- all done with their names on them -- some remaining in the box for those who aren't there

<HappyLittleMoron> Eh...yeah...I'll get 'er...

* the guy waits

* Klork ruffles Kame's hair

<Klork> Whasthis?

* HappyLittleMoron heads over* for ya...*points her thumb over her shoulder at the door before going over to Kame 'n co*

* Kameko acks, then mutters

* TN blinks and stands.

* Red smiles and sips some tea when he hears this

<TN> Thanks HLM...*heads over to the door*

<TN> Hai?

<Kameko> Japanese goodies..home made.. but I thought the decorative take-out boxes were fitting.

* Kameko smirks

<Guy> "You TN?"

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Oh, Kame...that's so sweet!

<Klork> Ooooohh, sweet! *opens it, then purrs* Fooodagesss...

* Kameko chuckles

<Kameko> Thought I would do something different than the everyday chocolates. <G>

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> works well enough ..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* Better'n everyday chocolates *winks*

* Kameko smirks

<Kameko> Oh..and 'Mo..

<HappyLittleMoron> Hm...?

* `Angelo` leans against the doorframe, wondering if Kames gonna realize he's there or not..

* The guy hands TN a clp board with a form on it.* "Sign here. And here. Initial there. And there."

* Kameko digs in for another goodie for her .. this being a tray with fresh strawberries and chocolate fondu

<Kameko> This..I decided to give you just..cuz. <G>

<VertigoFox> ::sighs and yawns trying to smile at Shingami:: I should grab some rest... all these nights up here are starting to get to me. I hope we can talk like this again ::hugs:: Thanks again for your wonderful gift. ~^_^~

* Kameko is giving out gifts and can't see him!!

<Shingami> its not a problem Vert.. sleep well...

* Diana looks up at Angelo with a him a look like "go tickle her or somethin', goof.."*

* TN nods and signs and initials and signs again.

<HappyLittleMoron> Aww...Kame! Thank you!

<TN> Thanks. *smiles and takes the flowers*

<TN> Happy Valentine's Day. :)

* Guy turns around* "Bring'm in!"

<VertigoFox> ::slowly retires to his room where he undresses and slips under the covers of his bed falling asleep almost instantly::

<Kameko> No prob!

* Kameko grins

* `Angelo` scratches his chin..

* Draconigeno the door opens and some delivery guys wheel in big boquettes of flowers."

<Kameko> There's a box in there for Brenna, too..

* the door opens and some delivery guys wheel in big boquettes of flowers.

* Shingami leans back and continues watching the stars

<Kameko> I figured that I would give it to you, so you could eh..control the intake valve..

* Klork chuckles..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Of course...thanks again...*grins and blinks at the massive influx of flowers*

* Klork blinks

<TN> Holy....*eyes widen*

* The Delivery guys leave

<Klork> Wow, somebody went overkill....

<Kameko> Whoa..

* Red smiles as he stands and hugs TN

* Kameko turns and then blinks, smirking

<Kameko> Heya, tenshi! When'd you get there?

<HappyLittleMoron> Here's hopin' no one's allergic..

<TN> Great Megami-sama.....*turns and looks at Red* Oh honey.....*HUGS HIM TIGHT!* Arigatou!

* Kameko picks up another one of the boxes, carrying it over to him

<Kameko> There's more where this came from at home..but this is for now.

* Red smiles and nuzzles* "Subtilty is not my strong point."

* Kameko smirks

* `Angelo` blinks

<`Angelo`> Ah, been here *smirks* What's this?

* TN chuckles and nuzzles Red.

<Kameko> Home made Japanes candies.

* Red smiles and nuzzles back* "I love you Koibito."

<`Angelo`> OoOOoOoooo

* Kameko smirks, standing on tiptoe to kiss him on the chin

<`Angelo`> food...

<Kameko> Happy Valentine's Day, tenshi!

<TN> I love you too, sweetie....thank you so much....*nuzzles* I have your present upstair.

* Red smiles and nuzzles her

<`Angelo`> thanks! *smirks, kissing her brow* I've eh, got something for you too *smirks a bit*

* Kameko blinks, cocking her head to the side

* TN looks at the flowers.

<Kameko> Eh..? You didn't have to do that. *grins*

<TN> Heh...maybe we should take these upstairs.....

* Red smiles and nods, gathering up and armfull

* TN picks up the rest, heading upstairs to their room.

* Red smiles and fallows

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and leans up to kiss Klork

* Klork purrs, kissing her back

<Klork> You do realize we still have the mistletoe up from christmas..

<HappyLittleMoron> Oohh...we should keep it up year round *grins lopsidedly*

* Klork laughs quietly

<Klork> I've got somethin' for ya...c'mere..*heads for the stairs*

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies and follows* Okies...

* Kameko arches a brow, tapping his forhead

<Kameko> You still in there?

* Kameko grisn

* `Angelo` shifts...

<`Angelo`> Yeah..

* Kameko grins, too

* `Angelo` pouts

* Diana chuckles softly, carefully sitting down again*

* Kameko blinks, furrowing her brow

<Kameko> Sorry..didn't mean to offend you..

* Kameko chews at her lip

* Klork heads up stairs

* HappyLittleMoron goes with Klork, all curiouse 'n whatnot

* `Angelo` holds a finger up after searching his pockets

<`Angelo`> Hm uh, moment mal..*runs outside to his car*

* Kameko blinkblinks, arching a brow, looking over her shoulder

<Kameko> Uhmm..anyone have any idea what's up with Angelo??

<Diana> I think he's looking for your present, Kame...

* Klork goes into their bedroom, pointing to a framed picture covered in cloth above Brenna's crib

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and heads over with an arched brow...Brenna still sleeping soundly...

* Kameko furrows her brow

<Kameko> He didn't have to get me anything, though..

* Klork pulls the cloth off gently, a pic of Brenna sleeping all in pencils and charcoal (as well as white charcoal) ..

* Kameko peeks her head out the door

* `Angelo` erfs..almost running into her on his way in


* HappyLittleMoron blinks and smiles, heading over the him and wrapping her arms around him* {{Oh's beautiful....}}

* Kameko acks, grabbing out for anything so she doesn't stumble backwards as she tries to avoid being run into

* `Angelo` erks, catching her quickly

<`Angelo`> Gyah, heh! sorry..!

* Klork smirks, pulling her close

<Klork> Happy Valentine's day..*smiles*

* Kameko chuckles, blowing her bangs out of her face

<Kameko> S'ok! Thought maybe I'd have to go follow you er something. <G>

<Kameko> You gonna stay inside now? Where it's warm?

<`Angelo`> Oh, that'd spoil it tho..*smirks*

<`Angelo`> Heh, yes I am *grins*

* Kameko grins

<Kameko> Good! I don't wanna go back outside! *whines*

<Kameko> S'too damn cold.

* Kameko pouts

* `Angelo` pulls out a large looking cake box, putting it on the table..

<`Angelo`> Happy Valentine's..

* Kameko blinkblinks, looking up at him with a "holy shit" look on her face

<Kameko> Don't tell me you expect me to eat something that big..?

* HappyLittleMoron kisses him*, too...I love it...yours hasn't come in the mail yet...*smiles apologetically at him*

* `Angelo` smirks

<`Angelo`> Open it...

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Mail..? *shrugs, kissing her brow* I'm not worried *grins*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, ruffling his hair* Ok...

* Kameko arches a brow at him, then shrugs a bit, going and bending over, tossing her hair over her shoulder before she opens it

* `Angelo` watches, chewing his lip

<Kameko> Ooh! Cho---.......*goes silent before straightening...*

* Kameko then tackles him in a huge hug, jumping up to wrap her legs around him


* `Angelo` furrows his brow, then erks, falling backwards

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks at the yesyesyesyes from downstairs...

* Klork blinks..

<`Angelo`> You-aghh! *laughs loudly* Really?!

* Klork laughs

<Klork> damn, about time!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and nods* Nooooooo kidding...

* Kameko pulls back, trying to get a straight face

* `Angelo` tilts his head to the side

<`Angelo`> You..better look at it again..

<Kameko> No.. I was just saying that to make you feel better. I don't want to marry you. DUH! *kisses him deeply before he can respond to that*

* Kameko mutters, pulling back slowly and pouting

* `Angelo` mpphs

<Kameko> Aw...I have to stop..fine..

* Kameko climbs down slowly

* `Angelo` grins a bit, watching her

* `Angelo` peers over her shoulder, waiting for her to see it

* Kameko smirks, turning to look at it .. then blinks, reaching in and slowly and pulling the gold ring with light pink ruby out of the cookie

* Klork heads down the stairs

<Kameko> <q> Oh jesus...tenshi...

<Klork> Now I'm curious..he had to have used chocolate or coffee to get her to respond that well *smirks*

* `Angelo` smirks a bit sheepishly

<`Angelo`> It's not much ... took quite a bit of my was worth it..

* HappyLittleMoron laughs..* Let's find out then, hm? *winks*

* Kameko holds it out to him

<Kameko> You gotta do yer part now, don't you?

* Klork chuckles, heading down there

* Kameko smirks

<Klork> Either that or bacon..hmm..

* `Angelo` blinks, then grins, kneeling and sliding it onto her finger

<`Angelo`> It fit....?

* HappyLittleMoron goes with...then laughs* romantic...

* Klork cackles

* Kameko nodnods, chewing on her lip before she just tackles him again, sniffling into his collar, blaming it on being pregnant as she mutters

<HappyLittleMoron> ehehehe

<Klork> So somebody got balls finally, eh? How many months have you been waitin' to do that?

* `Angelo` blinks, holding her close..then thpppting at Klork

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and winks* Many congradulations, you two!

* Kameko shoots a brief glare at Klork

<Kameko> No, he's had those for QUITE some time, bub..

<Klork> Yeah! Congratti n' all that whatnot .. dang, *winks at Kame* All in good fun..*smirks*

* Kameko smirks, then just gets huggled

* HappyLittleMoron coughs and laughs again

* `Angelo` hugglifies her n' what not <G>

* Klork takes a picture while it lasts..

* `_Evan_` mutters, coming in and carrying a bottle of burbon with him, all bleery eyed but smilin'

* Klork blinks

* Kameko snuggles, then looks up at him, poking him lightly

* Diana blinks and looks up* Konbonwa, Evan...

<Kameko> Didn't think you'd ever ask.. Was getting worried..

* Kameko smirks

<Klork> {{Oh boy..}} Yo' Ev'..

* `Angelo` smirks

* `_Evan_` looks up, then grins

<`Angelo`> I..had to choose the right time..

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Man...}} *wavels*

<`_Evan_`> G'day, lovely! Er..evenin' now, ain'it?

* `_Evan_` reels, then grabs the door frame so he can close the door behind him

* Klork slowly shakes his head

<`_Evan_`> Ah hate t'day, mate.. Ah hope ye like it mor'n Ah do..

* `Angelo` quirks a brow* {{Who's the drunk?}}

* Diana blinks and stands, walking slowly over to offer help with her good hand* Hai...have a seat....lil' tipsy there...

* `_Evan_` holds his burbon close to him, as if it's his only love

<Klork> Ah, probably ....

<`_Evan_`> Ain't got n'body..'n mah burbon..

* Kameko chuckles

<Kameko> {{Evan.. good guy, but almost always drunk.}}

<`Angelo`> {{Ahh...gotcha..}}

<Diana> You have friends though, ne...?

* HappyLittleMoron rests her head on Klork's shoulder

* Klork smirks a bit, kissing her brow

<Klork> wanna hav a sit?

<HappyLittleMoron> You gonna sit with me? *grins lopsidedly*

<Klork> Of course! *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron grins and heads over to the couch..if it's unoccupied, to sit with him

* Klork sits with her, using electrical abilities to start a fire in the fireplace (AKA, he cheated <G>)

* HappyLittleMoron snuggles up to him, chuckling softly

* Klork purrs

* `Angelo` stands there ... hugging where Kame perma-pause til' she gets back <G>

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, chuckling softly as her belly purrs in return

* Klork grins

<HappyLittleMoron> Hehehe...happy beebees...

* `Angelo` pulls back from the hug

<`Angelo`> So..

* HappyLittleMoron wraps her wings around Klork, just watching the fire...

* Kameko looks up at Angelo

<Kameko> Thank you..

* `Angelo` grins..

<`Angelo`> Wha..? Nono..thank you..*smirks*

* Diana settles into a chair, then, watching the fire quietly*

* HappyLittleMoron kinda semi-dozes, belly purrrrrrrring away

* Klork curls up to her, purring

* Diana smiles slightly at the two of them before heading up the stairs to the roof*

* Diana shivers as a sudden wind picks up, lifting her hair from her neck, as a sparkle of magic to her side turns into Teirnan*

<Teirnan> Hello, death walker...

* Diana blinks and steps away from him, fisting her good hand* ...get the hell away from me, Teirnan...

<Teirnan> Come now, Diana...a lady such as you need not speak so roughly...

* Diana tries summoning her sword and armor, clenching her jaw when she finds that field around her* Coward...what do you want?

* Kevley fades in behind Teirnan, arrowtip pressed to the back of his skull* That is enough ...

* Teirnan smiles chillingly* You humans are suprisingly fertile, you realize that, don't y...*frowns deeply, and freezes*

<Kevley> Put the field around her down,

* Teirnan does so....Diana emediatly transforming into her armor, sword in her left hand...* 

<Teirnan> Who are you?

* Kevley chuckles

<Kevley> That is not important. be rid of any weapons you have, now.

<Teirnan> *smirks, a sheild flashing up around himself, designed to push anyone back from him...

* Kevley blinks as it snaps his arrow in half...eyes narrowing, putting a sheild up around Diana as soon as he can

* Red and TN come out onto the roof, hugging each other

* TN looks over.

* Teirnan grins and flashes a hand out at TN and Red, unleashing a massive burst of energy at them, seeing as they're unsheilded...*

* Red shoves TN down, covering her

* Kevley blinks, then takes the opportunity to mutter a spell of reflection back at him..trying to get his own energy back at him

<MeiouCharon> SHIELD! *attempts to throw a sheild up*

* Teirnan reabsorbs his energy and looks to Diana* I will conduct my bussiness with you when there are fewer innvolved. Farewell. *vanishes*

* Kevley blinks, then growls..

<Kevley> Damnit..

* Diana goes weak at the knees...her armor fading back into her street cloths as she kinda just...sinks to the roof*

* TN tries to get up.

<TN> Who the hell....

* Red lets TN up

* Kevley closes his eyes, trying to focus on where Teirnan went to..

<TN> Are you guys ok?!

* Kevley mutters, spitting..

<Kevley> Lost him...

* Kevley glances over

* Diana's eyes have gone distant, her body trembling*

* TN hurries over.

<Kevley> I don't get injured.

<TN> Diana....

* Kevley pauses...then sighs, frowning

* Diana shakes her head, forcibly calms herself down and stands with a deep breath* I'm alright...domo...*looks to Kevley* Ah...thank you...

* TN nods and looks around.

<TN> Man....

* Kevley nods...staring at her for a minute...

* Red looks around* "Whom the hell was that?"

* Diana blinkblinks* Ah...hai...?

<Kevley> Why was he after yo...oh gods...this isn't good..

* Diana furrows her brows, watching him* ...nani...?

* TN furrows her brow.

<TN> Uh...yeah, what she said.

* Kevley shifts...frowning a bit..

<Kevley> You aren't ... working with or for him are you??

* Diana slowly shakes her head, frowning deeply* Iie...I would never do such a thing...

* Kevley frowns..

<Kevley> I see ... um...may I speak to you privately??

<Diana> I...what is it..? Ah...hai...? *heads over with a slightly confused smile to TN and Red...* Ah...we can go to my room...*leads the way inside* are...?

* Kevley blinks, then ohs'..

<Kevley> My name is Kevley ... I believe you might know my younger sister, Keelin?

* Red rotats his onearm, having gotten grazed beforethe sheild went up

* TN looks at Red.

<TN> You ok?

* Kevley is 6'3, lean, long blonde hair tied back and navy blue eyes

* Diana nods* Ahh...hai...a pleasure...I'm Diana...thank you for the assist...

* Kevley nods, following her (here be where they go)

* Red nods* "Just grazed me a bit, would've done worse had you not thrown the sheild up love."

* TN nods and heads towards the inside.

<TN> Need any bandages, hon?

* Red shakes his head* "No, it'll be gone in the morning. Shoulder's really stiff though."

<TN> Perhaps a quick healing?

* Red smiles* "Tat or perhaps a masage or soak."

<TN> Perhaps a healing....wanna make sure everyone's ok.

* Red nods as he sits on the steps

* TN rubs her hands together and holds them over his shoulder, working the healing.

* Red closes his eyes as she heals him

<TN> better?

* Red rotates his shoulder* "Very."

* TN nods.

<TN> C'mon...let's go see if everything's ok inside...

* Klork is leant backwards, snuggled into HLM, snoring quietly with a light purr, mouth wide open

* Red nods and heads in

<TN> Well....HLM and Klork look to be ok....doesn't look like anything's been disturbed.

* HappyLittleMoron 's nuzzled close, snoozing in Klork's arms...

* Red nods

* TN looks around the Asylum a bit.

* Klork , for lack of better things to do, drools a bit

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks, coming to a little and ewwwwwwws...whiping drool away...

* Klork drools more! bwahahah! *droooolpurr*

* Klork 's just a drool machine!

* HappyLittleMoron ...gets a bucket <G>

* Klork will fill it!...oh, is it inflatable?

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods!

* Klork drools in it gladly then <G>

* HappyLittleMoron ponders how to re-cuddle up to him without disturbing the droolbucket set up...

* Klork stops drooling, that work? ;)

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods and curls close again, draping a wing over them both...she's just a biiiiig ol' feather duster

* Klork purrrrrrrrrsnoozes

* Diana heads down the stairs, head bowed slightly*

* TN looks up from nibbling on a slice of cheese in the kitchen.

* Draconigeno Red nods to Diana.* "You okay?"

* Diana nods a little* I..hai..

* TN furrows her brow.

<TN> You look a bit down...

* Red nods

* Diana gingerly sits in a chair and shrugs slightly* I'm fine...

<TN> Ok. Can we get you anything?

* Diana shakes her head* Iie...domo, though...*smiles slightly at them*

* TN nods.

* Diana stares into the fire quietly, curled up as best she can be*

* Red hugs TN tight

Session Close: Fri Feb 15 02:34:47 2002

