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Session Start: Wed Feb 13 12:43:54 2002

* HappyLittleMoron sits curled on the couch, kinda half-dozing

* Klork is flopped on the floor, purring <G>

* Shingami comes down stairs, carefuly however...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks blinks a lil' and looks up at Shin, waveling a lil'...

* Shingami waves back comin into the livinroom

<HappyLittleMoron> You ok..?

<Shingami> side is a little sore...

* Klork waves, still on the floor

<Shingami> feelin better klork?

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Klork, arching a brow a little and patting the couch cusion by her

* Klork nods

<Klork> doing well ish...knees are good..but otherwise..*shrug*

<HappyLittleMoron> What's up with your side, Shin...?

<Shingami> when i go to underhill i was attacked... and wounded by a bayne.. a curse and poison kinda thing.... its cured save for the infection.. wich is goin away

<HappyLittleMoron> sorry...

<Shingami> its ok.. itll heal soon

* Klork slowly gets up, sprawling by HLM....half-zonking

* HappyLittleMoron strokes Klork's hair gently, motioning for Shin to have a seat, too

* Shingami sits down on the couch

* Klork purrs, closing his eyes

* HappyLittleMoron continues running her fingers along his hair* How's yer day been?

<HappyLittleMoron> *she asks botha 'em <G>*

* Klork purrs

<Klork> busy, but good..

<HappyLittleMoron> This is good..

<Shingami> long... tried to sleep couldnt... i've been working on some stories since 5 am...

<HappyLittleMoron> You write, Shin..?

<Shingami> when the mood strikes me

<Klork> OooooOOoOoOOoo

<Shingami> i figured i better start writin down all the crazy stuff thats happend lately

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh...very cool...

* Klork nods

<Klork> sounds cool

<Shingami> im hopin so

* Logan wanders down the stairs, streatching and yawning*

<HappyLittleMoron> Trying to get published...?

<Shingami> no just trying to get the voices to shut the hell up

<HappyLittleMoron> ooh...

<Logan> Damn voices...mebbe I should try that...*wanders into the kitchen, running a hand through his wild hair*

* Shingami sighs leaning back

<Shingami> I hope Keir is ok...

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> Who's Keir?

<HappyLittleMoron> I was about to ask the same thing...

* Logan comes out of the kitchen, munching on an apple* Tha guy who helped us...

<Shingami> Keir was the one wo foudn me after i got to underhill... hes jsut a kid.. a nice oen too.. he helped us out too


<Shingami> hes like 15 if he were human.. all alone

<Klork> Ah..

<Shingami> hes got a lot of skill though...

<HappyLittleMoron> Geeze...and he's got no one there for him....?

<Shingami> nope.. well hopefuly the oens who held bring us to klork and diana

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yah...

* Shingami sighs... brief whistful look in her eyes

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow* Dost the moron sense a crush?

* Klork chuckles quietly

<Shingami> eh?.. wha.. no.. not on keir hes kind of annpying in the little brother sence

<HappyLittleMoron> Oohh...? *grins lopsidedly, waggling her brows* Who's the lucky guy?

* Klork stretches

* Logan listens quietly, sprawled in a chair*

<Shingami> ... your nto going to stop pesterin me bout it are ya?

<HappyLittleMoron> What me? *innocent smile*

<Shingami> yeah you

<HappyLittleMoron> don't HAAAAAAAAAVEta tell me...

<Shingami> but youll beug me untill i crack i know you

<HappyLittleMoron> You know me too well *grins*

<Shingami> *sighs*.. i actualy regret leaving underhill almost...if you ignroe the orcs and dryders adn the freaky elf bad guy

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh huh...?

* HappyLittleMoron starts giving him a light massage..

* Klork purrrrrrs

<Klork> I love youuuuuu

<HappyLittleMoron> love you toooooooooo

* Klork purrrs

* HappyLittleMoron keeps workin' his muscles, over the uninjured skin...Logan watching with a soft grin

* Keelin comes down the stairs slowly, looking around*

* Logan looks up and lifts a hand to Keelin in greeting*

* Keelin waves, rubbing at her jaw idly* I...don't believe we have met..

<Logan> I'm Logan, darlin'...old friend a' HLM's...*gives her that smirk that matches HLM's*

* Keelin quirks a brow, tilting her head to the side* Are you certain you are not related...?

* Logan shrugs* Don' think so anyway...we don' know her fam'ly history, as it were, tho...

* Keelin nods, brows furrowed* You have the same smirk..

<Logan> Y'know...yer not the first we heard that from...*grins charmingly* You are..?

* Keelin smiles, holding a hand out* Keelin .. Ah, I'm not normally from here, I am an elf.

* Logan shakes hands with her* Nice ta meetcha...thought yer scent was a lil' dif'rent from what I'm usedta..

* Keelin chuckles* It would explain a lot them, hm?

<Logan> That it would...y' been stayin' here long?

* Keelin shrugs* A few weeks tops ... not much longer than that..

* Logan nods* Gotcha..

* Keelin rummages around, pulling out a thing of frozen dinners*

* Logan streatches his legs out* Know how ta fix that, darlin'?

* Keelin twists her mouth to the side* Eloise demonstrated yesterday ... I can only hope I remember..

* Logan heads over* I'll help ya if ya need it

* Keelin nods, pulling out a thing of turkey, fumbling with it*

* Logan watches, not saying anything more, just there in case she asks for help*

* Red and TN walk down the stairs, snuggling

* TN snuggles back, looking very happy.

* HappyLittleMoron 's kinda dozed w/ Klork...

* Klork is too

* Red smiles at HLM and Klork

* Keelin mutters, getting it unwrapped ... not sure how to set the buttons..

* Logan shows her...*

* Keelin watches, shaking her head* I still must say I prefer open fire..

<Red> "HLM? Klork?"

* Klork yawns drowsily, brow furrowiing

<Klork> No wanna..go'

* Red smiles and nudges them

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmmm? *blinks a little and looks up* Y'got choc'late fer us????

<TN> Well, heh, I s'pose I could find some chocolate. *chuckles*

* Red Raises a brow then laughs* "No, but we gt a spot of good news."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Good news...good...*yawns and runs her fingers through Klork's hair again*

* Red smiles and nudges TN

* TN blushes.

<TN> Um...heh...I'm, ah...*blush* pregnant....

* Red smiles broadly

<Klork> Ah, congrats!

<TN> Thanks. Heheheh.

<HappyLittleMoron> Congradulations!

<Red> "Thanks."

<TN> So how have you two been?

* HappyLittleMoron yawns a lil'...* Stressed..

<Klork> Beat up...broken ... stressed, overworked ... ready for a vacation.

<Red> "What happened?"

* HappyLittleMoron kisses Klork's brow, then blinks at Red

<HappyLittleMoron> ...where've you been for the past four months???

* Klork looks up, brows furrowed, stitches crossing his cheek bone

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head, furrows her brows and hugs Klork gently

* Red nods* "Oh that...well I do have an extra pair of passes to a romantic retreat in the mountains, how's that for a vactation?"

* Klork shrugs, looking drowsy

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...covering a slight yawn

<TN> How are the little ones doing?

<HappyLittleMoron> Good...*smiles a little* Wearing their mama out...

* TN chuckles.

* Red walks off for a moment, returning with two passes* "ere you go."

<TN> Purring and happy though?

* Klork blinks, brows furrowing

<Klork> We'll use em' when we can ... currently really busy with work tho...

<Klork> But thanks, Red

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Same here...yeah...thank you very much...*smiles*

* Red smiles and bows slightly* "No problem."

* TN stretches a bit.

* Red smiles to HLM* "So, how're you holding up?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...very tired....

* HappyLittleMoron stands and streatches* Night you two...congradulations!

* Red smiles and hugs HLM lightly* "Thanks."

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and hugs back, heading upstairs

Session Close: Thu Feb 14 00:59:59 2002

