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Session Start: Tue Feb 12 11:59:39 2002

* Darien, invisable, sneaks into the asylum

* Diana lies curled up on the couch, her right hand completely covered in a cast, bandages peaking out from under her tank top, wearing jeans...*

* HappyLittleMoron 's in the workout room, playing with Brenna

<Darien> .oO (well this is a lovly sight... must be another of that blue things victiums... now lets see if i can find anything out about him) *silently walks past Diana looking in at HLM and Brenna

* HappyLittleMoron grins, four monnths pregnant with twins, obviously showing...she gently flips her giggling daughter over her shoulder

<Darien> .oO (... how can they be so happy?... did they actually know this monster?) *hears the TV playing the same broadcast about the incident*

* Diana hmms? a little and sits up slightly, running her good hand through her hair, looking to the TV with sleepy eyes, murmering something in Japanese*

* Darien looks over at diana .oO (whats she speaking? chinese?)

* Diana yawns slightly, laying back down and watching the TV* Ne...HLM?? Is this what you were telling me about...?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and comes out of the workout room, Brenna on her shoulders* Yeah...stupid FOH...what'd they 'spect 'im to do? *shakes her head* What a waste of life...that whole organization...

<Darien> .oO (mmm looks like I'm on to something)

<Darien> .oO (FoH?... thought they were a street gang... not the FoH)

* HappyLittleMoron stands behind the couch, looking down at her friend* How ya feelin'...? Hungry at all...?

<Diana> Iie...just...tired...domo...*streatches her legs out a little and winces* That baka, Teirnan, really did a number on us...I hope Merc's ok, though...

* Darien suddenly appears, shards of quicksilver falling off his clothes and body

<Darien> alright... tell me what you guys know

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and turns, eyes flashing* .....who are you?!

* HappyLittleMoron lets Diana take Brenna, standing and fully facing him

<Darien> whoa whoa relax there

* HappyLittleMoron narrows her eyes* Some strange guy just appears out of no where in my living room, demanding we tell him what we know about something and you want me to relax?

<Darien> ok your right... its not exality a decent approach...

* HappyLittleMoron crosses her arms over her chest, folding her wings slightly around herself* ...who are you?

<Darien> Darien Fox

* Diana adjusts Brenna slightly on her lap to get her off of some of the bandaged gashes and burns*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok, Darien...what are you doing here?

<Darien> trying to find... eh... MeRc?

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow, leaning back* ...why?

<Darien> hey don't ask me... some friends of the agency want him and i don't get i next shot if i don't get the guy

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> What agency? *furrows her brow*

<Darien> THE agency

* HappyLittleMoron gives him a blank look...

<Darien> ... yea ok...

* Diana shakes her head a little and shifts up* Gomen...we've never heard of it...are you a bounty hunter or some such?

<Darien> ... I'm a spy ok?

<Darien> actually I'm an ex con

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little with a slight smirk, resting her hands on her belly* Heh...government?

<Darien> yea

<HappyLittleMoron> Gotcha...millitary, too...*guard's still up, looking as if she mistrusts him even more*

<Diana> Eh...HLM...mayhaps you should take Brenna and go upstairs, ne? I've seen enough blood in the last week to last a liftime...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, taking her daughter, giving him a cold look* She's knows just as much as I do..'scuse me...*makes for the stairs*

<Darien> ... okay

<Darien> ... look if your looking for a fight i ain't game

* HappyLittleMoron dissapears upstairs without another wood

<Diana> Gomen, Mr. Fox...*goes to stand, then grimaces and just sits back down* Have a seat...she does not trust government for...reasons of her own...

<Darien> i know the feeling... *sits down*

* Diana nods a little* do did you wish to know...? Ah...I am Diana...that was HLM and her daughter Brenna...there has been a great deal of strife over the past few months...we are all a bit tense...

* Darien nods* "I want to know about this merc?"

<Diana> Hn...well...he's...a nice guy...would never fight unless he absolutely had to...I count myself lucky to have him on my side...*arches a brow slightly* What else...?

<Darien> ... well we seen the tape...

<Darien> we know the girl was lieing... but if he's such a nice guy... why did he hunt them down?...

<Diana> Sir...have you ever been up against the FoH?

<Darien> nope

<Diana> Then you perhaps wouldn't understand as well as one who has. These people no doubt attacked him...or an innocent...and even if they didn't...*her eyes go frighteningly hard, as her voice does cold* They still deserved it.

<Darien> ... really?

<Darien> well... i have a question... why did he kill again?

* Diana nods a little, then arches a brow* Nani kore...? What do you mean "again"?

<Darien> ... he has killed two more people... innocents this time.... apparently people asking if hes alright....

<Darien> the agency is keeping a lid on it

* Diana frowns* ...tell me more? I have been...ah...away...for a while *unconsiously rests her left hand on her casted right*...I haven't seen him for a bit...who did he kill...?

<Darien> i have no idea of names... but apparently some big cheeses are after him... someonething to so with Nanotechnoglie

<Darien> And i want him cause I'm hopeing his nano's can be used to remove the gland from my head

<Diana> Ahh...that...I'm afraid I cannot help you with...I only just returned last night...ah...if I may be so bold...what gland?

<Darien> ... i was facing life inpriosionment and my brother wanted a guinea pig to test this sysnetic gland that secreates this stuff called quicksilver which bends light... but he was murdered before he could remove it... and he was the only one who knew how to remove it

* Diana cringes* Ah...gomen ne...*shakes her head slightly* And this is why you are with this...angency?

<Darien> no...

<Darien> ... quicksilver in the blood stream causes insanity... called "Quicksilver madness"... i need a special seram to counteract the quicksilver...

* Diana tilts her head slightly, grimacing lightly as that causes a few stitches to pull, bright eyes curiouse*

<Diana> Ahh...

<Darien> THATS why i work for the angancy

<Darien> to get those shots

<Diana> Hai...understandable...and if you do not find Merc, you do not get the next shot...*furrows her brow lightly*

* Darien nods

<Darien> great huh?

<Diana> Heh...hai...indeed...*frowns lightly* Demo...what will they do to him if you are able to capture him?

<Darien> ... i have no idea

<Diana> I...see...*eyes go a bit distant as she absently brushes a curl from them* Perhaps there is a way to decieve them...he does not deserve torture...

<Darien> ... i don't know... *hands her a card* if you see him... tell me...

* Diana nods slightly, taking the card in her good hand* Hai...but...find out what they have planned for him? We do not give our friends up to be killed...they're too preciouse to lose...

<Darien> no can do... they never tell me anything

* Diana shakes her head and hands the card back* Gomen for your situation then...

<Darien> ... alright... thanks

* Darien makes his way out* "thanks for your time"

* Diana nodds a little with a soft sigh* Dou itashimashite.

* VertigoFox myawns and slowly rolls out of bed landing with a thud as he missjudges and lands on the floor face first...

* Diana blinks and looks up at the *thud**

<VertigoFox> ::sits up:: oww oww oww oww oww! ::cringes and rubbs his nose::

* FWL_MeRc is curled up in the allyway shivering

* Diana chuckles very softly and gets up slowly with a cringe...her right hand is in a cast, bandages peeking out from under her tank top...wearing jeans and a pair of socks, as she heads for the kitchen...*

* Kern's walking down the street from work, groceries in his arms, in Merc's vicinity*

<VertigoFox> ::wraps himself in a bathrobe and starts to walk downstairs tieing it up nice and tight yawning::

* FWL_MeRc sniffs smelling food

<VertigoFox> ::reaches downstairs myawning and walks into the kitchen looking around:: Good afternoon Diana... how are we this lovely afternoon? ^_^

* Diana chuckles softly as she one-handedly makes soup* Konichiwa, VF...better than I have been in a

<VertigoFox> ::smiles and leans back a bit on the wall:: I'm rather well, would you like some help with that? ^_^

<Diana> Ah...hai, actually...*smiles sheepishly* It's a bit painful to stand for too long...

* FWL_MeRc gets up and begins to stalk toward the scent

* Kern oh-so-cluelessly continues on...big oaf that he is*

<VertigoFox> ::smiles and steps in for Diana:: It would be my pleasure.. I really need to start doing more around here besides just hanging out on the roof all night ^_~ ::he begins making the soup::

* FWL_MeRc comes out behind kern snarling heavily* "drop the food"

<Diana> Domo...*chuckles and sits down slowly, grimacing lightly*

* Kern blinks and stops, barely recognizing the voice* ...Merc?

<VertigoFox> ::stirs it slowly:: How do you like it seasoned? ::smiles:: It's a little known fact that I love to cook, I don't often get the pleasure, however...

* Diana chuckles* Your more than welcome to cook whenever you want to here...Kern should be on his way home with more food soon...ah...however you like...*shrugs slightly* I'm not pickey

<FWL_MeRc> I said drop the food

* Kern puts the food down, brows furrowed...* What is the matter...?

<VertigoFox> ::smiles and Stirs slowly adding a dash of salt as he looks around the kitchen:: might I ask where you keep your spices?

<Diana> Uhm...cubbord to your left..

* FWL_MeRc doesn't seem to know who kern is, grabbing the food and walking off

* Kern watches with a blinks* Merc, why not simply return to the asylum with me??

<VertigoFox> ::walks over to the cubbord and grabs a selection of spices peprica some pepper spices as well as a small pouch from his pocket:: Excuse me for a bit ::he leaves the soup to simmer and takes out a small napkin which he begins arranging the spices on::

<VertigoFox> ::he makes a small pile of eache spice on the napkin as well as a small pile of a small grey powdery substance from his pouch and mixes them together removing some of the spices::

<VertigoFox> ::he then folds the packet up like a small napkin and shakes it then rips it open over the soup and watches it melt into the pot begining to stir::

<VertigoFox> ::pulls the soup off and pours it steaming into a bowl handing it and a spoon to Diana:: I hope it is satisfactory... it's been long since I've done this. ::smiles and sits down::

* FWL_MeRc snarls his eyes flashing red* "you want to live?"

* Diana takes it with a slight bow* Domo...*tries it..* mm...

* Kern arches a brow and just holds his hands up, staying right where he is*

<VertigoFox> ::smiles as he watches Diana eat:: If you're wondering, the grey spice is a mixture I aquired before I returned while visiting a friend of mine origionally from the congo... he has the most amazing spices.

* FWL_MeRc walks away, disappearing into the darkness of the alleys

* Kern just shakes his head...turning around to go back to the grocery*

<Diana> Ahh...hai...that I was wondering...*smiles* It is very good...

<VertigoFox> I'm glad. ^_^ I was a bit worried that I had added too much spice.

<Diana>'s wonderful...

* Kern...walks back towards home, brows furrowed*

* Kern heads into the asylum, closing and locking the door behind himself, face troubled as he walks into the kitchen* Hello, all..

<VertigoFox> ::looks up at Kern:: Hello there. ^_^

* Kern starts putting the foods away* How are you two doing? Feeling better at all, Diana?

<Diana> Konichiwa, and hai...domo...

* Klork comes down the stairs, walking gingerly .. healed, just a bit weak

* Kameko glances up, brow furrowed

<Kameko> Hey... you okay, Klork?

* Kameko is sipping some more soup .. sounds good. <G>

<Klork> hm? Yeah ... legs are a bit weak ... could be broken..

* Kameko blinkblinks

<Kameko> Broken..? I..what the heck happened..?

<Klork> Got kidnapped *looks sheepish* Guy broke both of my knees with a hot poker ...Rae healed em' last year..

* Kameko blinkblinks again

<Kameko> Last...year??

* Kameko looks incredibly confused

* Kameko then grimaces

<Kameko> And..a HOT poker??

<Klork> er...night!

<Klork> last night .. and yeah, hot poker..sucked ... had a nasty whip thing that he slashed my stomach and face with too *lifts his shirt to point to the stitches, then to the stitches crossing his cheekbone on the left side*

* Kameko looks like she could cry

<Kameko> Oh Klork...I..I wish I could have helped...

* Kameko looks helplessly down at her now swelling abdomen

* Klork goes over, scooping her in a big hug

<Klork> After all that's happened, Kame, I'm glad to see YOU ok ... and if ya wanna help ... I'm STARVED...*winks*

* Kameko hrmms.. then holds out her barely started soup bowl

<Kameko> Uhm...start with this? I was just snackin'..

<Kameko> Uh..what do you want...?

* Klork frowns

<Klork> I can't eat your food that's..well..your food *winks* Um..oh gods, anything filling...haven't eaten decently for almost a week now...

<Kameko> Kay..hold on to that for me, then.

* Klork nods, holding it...watching

* Kameko smiles, then blips out, coming back a few minutes later with a plate of sushi, fixin's for chicken alfredo in her hand

<Kameko> This work?

* Kameko smiles, then heads to the kitchen

<Klork> OOooh..*follows* Biiirrd

* Klork munchies on the sushi, watching

* Kameko starts the noodles going, fixing the bird up

<Kameko> So..what all happened? Were you successful?

<Klork> Ah, well, not as successful as I wished to be...Teirnan's still alive

<Klork> but successful in escaping is a yes.

<Klork> He basically trapped me, Keelin, Dev & Diana...

<Kameko> Still he can come after you guys again?

<Klork> Unfortunately..yeah..*munches, brows furrowing* THat guys' given me more scars than you did when we used to spar..

* Kameko frowns visably, kinda slaughtering the chicken as she slices it up into little pieces

* Kameko flinches, going really quiet at that

* Klork blinks..

<Klork> I was tryin' to lighten things up...what, we were 6? younger?

* Klork smiles a bit shakily

<Klork> Most of those scars are gone any way..or are pretty tiny..

* Kameko nods slowly, keeping herself turned away from him as she puts the chicken in a pan to cook

* Klork pokes his head around her shoulder

<Klork> hey, why so quiet..?

* Kameko quickly wipes at her eyes

<Kameko> Just..wish I could have helped.. maybe you wouldn't have so many injuries.... maybe...

* Kameko starts on the home made alfredo sauce

* Klork frowns, tugging her close slightly, so as to not get in her way, however

<Klork> They wouldn'tve let you ... *frowns a bit* No matter how much you could have done ... they shooed HLM and Myrae into not coming as well..

<Kameko> I know.. I saw them.. down in the basement. remember..? You kept telling me to stay there..

* Klork nods

* Kameko sniffles a little

<Kameko> I..just ..want to help.

<Klork> I didn't know what sort of danger I was in ... and I didn't know what he might've done...heeeyy..*wipes at her eyes* I cryin'...*gets a goofy expression* S'not allowed.

* Kameko just gives him a look

<Kameko> I'm pregnant.. wanna try telling me that again?

* Klork hmmms...

Session Close: Tue Feb 12 23:51:10 2002
Session Start: Wed Feb 13 00:50:50 2002

* Klork is in de' kitchen, sittin' n' talkin' with Kame <G>

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs in PJ bottoms and a biig t-shirt, streatching a lil' and yawning

* Klork looks up

<Klork> want some chicken alfredo, babe?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and ooooooohhhhhhhhs...* Sounds great, handsome...*grins lopsidedly and wavles to Kame after kissing Klork's uninjured cheek*

* Kameko smiles, waving back

<Kameko> He made me make it. Help yourself.

* Klork blinks

<Klork> oh sure, make it sound like I'm some sorta slave driver..

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and helps herself, sitting by him to munch* Yeah...honestly...making your wife expand like this *pats her belly* Then making your just as expanded sister do your cooking.. *winks with a smirk*

* Klork blinkblinks

<Klork> Oh geeze, now you're teamin' up on me..

<HappyLittleMoron> Only 'cause we love you...

* Kameko chuckles

* Klork snifflepouts

<Kameko> Actually, he said he was starving. Can't let the injured man starve..

* Kameko smiles, spooning up the rest of her soup and smiling

* Diana blinks, kinda limping in* The voices....

* Klork pauses, then grins cheesily

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Klork blinks, looking up

<Klork> Heya, Di..

<Diana> Konbonwa...*grins a little* Private party?

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> hardly..

<Klork> have a seat?

* Diana nods a little and sits down slowly*'re you all doing?

* Klork nods

<Klork> good enough *smiles* You?

* Diana leans back, covering a slight yawn* The same...*smirks* Fell asleep on the couch...

* Klork smirks

<Klork> At least you got some rest, right?

* Diana nods* Hai...very true...I just can't turn my head a certain way...*smirks lightly, folding her left hand over her casted right*

* Klork nods...

<Klork> It's head gets pretty bad tobbing aches now and then..

* Diana nods* Hai...*shrugs slightly as she leans back*

* Klork watches

<Klork> you need anything?

<HappyLittleMoron> *Diana shakes her head a little* Iie...domo...still a bit on the tired side is all

* Klork nods

<Klork> just thought I'd check..

<Diana> Thank you...*smiles* Just good to be home...

* Klork nods

<Klork> amen to that...

* HappyLittleMoron grins to them* Great to have you guys back...

* Klork nods

<Klork> Danke

* HappyLittleMoron reaches over to squeezee on of his hands gently

* Klork smirks, watching Mo'

* HappyLittleMoron grins at him, having finished already, soft purr comin' from her belly

* Klork kneels, putting his ear to her belly..purring in return

* HappyLittleMoron smiles as the twins up the volume...the purr gets stronger as they do..

* Klork grins

<Klork> good to hear they're healthy..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, nodding* Very...ehe...Brenna's getting excited too...

* Klork ooohs

<Klork> awesome ...*grins*

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods with a smile* Yepyep...

* Klork sits up

* Diana watches them with a soft grin on her face, arms crossed lightly over her stomach*

* Klork glances upward, then flops onto his back to stretch

<Klork> ahh, good to be home.

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Diana nods with a smile*

* HappyLittleMoron reaches her hands out, offering to help Klork up* Bed...?

* Klork nods, taking her hands and lifting, then picks her up with a smirk

<Klork> Bed is good

* HappyLittleMoron eeps and chuckles, wrapping her arms around his neck* Hehe...niiiiighters Kame...Diana.....

<Kameko> G'night guys!

* Klork ruffles her hair, then goes up towards the bed..yeah..bed <G>

* HappyLittleMoron grins and gets carried away

Session Close: Wed Feb 13 01:46:13 2002

