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Session Start: Mon Feb 11 20:24:13 2002

* HappyLittleMoron 's comin' down the stairs from putting Brenna to bed, looking downright exhausted

* HappyLittleMoron eyes the couch...debating...

* Keelin comes down the stairs, heading for the kitchen* How are you faring, HLM?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up*

* Keelin smiles a small one* Tired as well, but better knowing all are safe ... I only hope the rescue group that was sent out can be brought back in time

<HappyLittleMoron> Me too...*follows her into the kitchen, wings and shoulders slumped*

* Keelin furrows her brows a bit, pulling a chair out

<Keelin> I'm going to attempt making some food...sit? Would you like anything?

<HappyLittleMoron> I...uhm...*chuckles weakly as she sits down* So long as you don't blow the place up...chicken something....?

* Keelin hmms..nodding

<Keelin> All right ... will try..*heads over, picking through the frozen dinners .. this not one of her high talents

* HappyLittleMoron can't help ssmirking a little

* Keelin pulls out a meal thing of chicken alfredo, one of Steak and vegetables, and one of turkey & gravy

<Keelin> will ... these work? *blinks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and stands* Heh...the chicken alfredo looks good...know how to fix 'em...?

* Keelin chews her lip

<Keelin> Ah um .. actually ... *smiles sheepishly* No...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and pats her shoulder* 'Sokay...I'll show you how to work the you want one...?

* Keelin blinks

<Keelin> I think ... the turkey will do um...or did you mean do I want a Microwave? *blinks*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little* Well...a dinner...*smirks a little and goes about fixing hers first*

* Keelin watches, brows furrowed as she tries to understand what the heck she's doing

<Keelin> How can you cook these ... without a fire?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...well...*pops the lil' box thingie in the microwave* This box heats the food up...kinda...invisible fire, I guess...

* Keelin furrows her brow as she leans back against the counter

<Keelin> I see ... ... well, I do not see, but I will take your word for it.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* 'Sokay...guess all ya have to know is that it works...*sits back down*

* Keelin smiles

<Keelin> I'm going to take the steak one up to Devnet...he should eat...

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Think he'll be able to, though...? He was hurt pretty bad...

* Keelin furrows her brow

<Keelin> I can help him ... I know I can ... but he does need nourishment to heal properly..

<HappyLittleMoron> True...I meant though...something a little softer might go down easier...sorry...*massages her temple before she takes the steak one out and stirs it, replacing it with the chicken one* Lil' scatter brained...

* Keelin smiles

<Keelin> it's quite all right ... I'll chop it up a bit ... perhaps some milk to soothe, would that work?

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* I think's pretty hot...careful with it...

* Keelin nods, picking up the turkey & steak one

<Keelin> I will...*pours some milk, putting all of this stuff on a tray and heading out* Be well?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles a little* I'll do my best...take care...

* Keelin nods, heading up the stairs to their room again, opening it* <q> Dev ... are you awake?

* Dev hmms...? coming too* Uh huh...*opens his eyes slowly and grins groggily at her*

* Keelin chuckles quietly

<Keelin> Hungry?

* Keelin kneels, setting the tray down and slicing the steak to smaller pieces

* Dev shifts up slowly, nodding a little* Aye...very...*smirks as his belly rumbles a little*

* Keelin chuckles quietly, propping him up with pillows

<Keelin> steak sound ok?

<Dev> Thank you...*smiles a lil' weakly* Sounds very good...

* Keelin then sits beside him, settling the tray over his lap

<Keelin> It's .. microwaved .. so, it's not over the fire...*smiles* But it smells good enough..

* Dev starts in on it and smirks a little as he slowly munches* It is good...have you eaten...?

* Keelin points to the turkey one on there picking up her fork* I will be..*smiles, starting in*

* Dev chuckles a little as he eats* So...what have I missed...?

* Keelin shrugs brow furrowing* Not much .. Klork and Diana are safe ... we just have to stop the rescue party from going after them ... they don't know that they've escaped

* Dev nods* we know where they are...ah...both the rescue party and Klork and Diana?

<Keelin> I believe that they are with Aiden .. the rescue party .. I am unsure of

* Dev nods...* Aiden will have taken care of notifying the rescue party then...he has scouts all over the place...*pauses and smirks a little* As you know as well as I...

* Keelin nods, chuckling quietly as she eats* True enough...Hopefully they find them before Teirnan does..

<Dev> do I...

* Keelin sighs, sobering at that thought before starting in on food again

* Dev munches slowly*

* Dev slowly finishes his meal*

* HappyLittleMoron 's at the desk...doing paperwork, having finished her fewd

* Keelin offers him his milk, finishing her food as well

* Dev takes it with a smile and a nod* Thank you, beautiful one

* Keelin chuckles

<Keelin> flatterer, *stands, taking the food downstairs* I'll be back.

* Dev chuckles and nods*

* HappyLittleMoron leans back, running a hand through her hair...

* Keelin comes down with a smal smile, washing the tray & cups, throwing the garbage away

<Keelin> feel better now that you're full, HLM?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yeah...thanks...*grins* I take it your bard is doing better?

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> well fed too *winks* Thank you for your help...

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* problem...wouldn't want anyone under this roof starving...

* Keelin chuckles

<Keelin> Much appreciated...

<HappyLittleMoron> My're you holdin' up...?

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> well ... just a constant headache from magic Teirnan used

<HappyLittleMoron> Hn...would painkillers help you at all?

* Keelin shakes her head

<Keelin> Afraid not ... but I will be well in time. I've dealt with him many times before..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...*smirks a little, rubbing her temples*

<JavierQuinonez> *lurks

* Keelin furrows her brow

<Keelin> are you faring well?

* HappyLittleMoron nods*'re not the only one with a headache...*smirks lightly*

<Keelin> Would painkillers help? *winks, sitting momentarily*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs softly* Nope...never have, doubt they ever will...

* Keelin smiles faintly

<Keelin> I know the feeling..

<HappyLittleMoron> Fun, ain't it...

* Police siren outside...getting close to the asylum

* Keelin chuckles..then blinks, looking up

<JavierQuinonez> *probably doesn't help your headaches :)

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up

<HappyLittleMoron> ...what the...

* You see a couple blue light flashes over the walls

<Keelin> Ah um..*stands* Perhaps I should go change if they're approaching this place ...

<Keelin> if not hide my ears....*hurries upstairs*

* Siren slides by... a couple more approach

* Then they too pass.

* Keelin pauses at the top of the stairs, then calls down

<Keelin> They go by?

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah..

<HappyLittleMoron> orr...stay up there, Kee...

* Care to follow the universal impulse to run to the window and see what's going on? :D

<Keelin> Ah um...all right...

* HappyLittleMoron peeks out the window, massaging her temple

* A scruffy looking guy in a leather jacket peeks up over a car parked across the street, looks around really quick, then dashes for the next car and slides underneath it

* Keelin changes, looking quite awkward in the attire (of jeans & a t-shirt, bandanna covering her ears) she's wearing, coming down

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!

* Keelin comes down...brow furrowing as she goes up next to HLM

<Keelin> what's goin on?

* Two wide little eyes peek out at the street

* Keelin furrows her brow

<HappyLittleMoron> There's a guy under a car over there...*furrows her brows, eyes glowing dimly, trying to catch his energy patterns*

* Keelin squints...sliding over to lock the front door for precaution

<Keelin> I wonder ...

* HLM, you sense a bunch of frenetic energies, a little scrambled, a lot scared

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Keelin squints...

<Keelin> What is it...?

<HappyLittleMoron> He's terrified...*narrows her eyes, trying to pertain guilt or whatever...*

* He believes he's innocent and running for his life

* Keelin furrows her brow, glancing over at HLM

<Keelin> What do you pick up from him otherwise? Should I go to get him..?

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows* He's innocent...running for his life...

* One of the cruisers does a slow track thru the 'hood

* HappyLittleMoron looks over to her* Be careful...?

* Keelin nods, slowly stepping back from the window by instinct..

<Keelin> I will..

* HappyLittleMoron shies back from the window as well

* Keelin pulls on a black hoody...dunno whose, from the coat rack

* Keelin makes sure her ears are covered, going to the door, watching for the cruiser to pass..

* You see its taillights slowly vanish around the corner

* Keelin heads out, brows furrowed, going about as if to pick up the mail from the box, glancing over directly at the man, navy eyes thoughtful..* {{How should I go about this, Eloise...?}}

* The guy shrinks back a little, then scrambles out from under the car and runs at you, wild-eyed

<Shink> "You gotta help me, you gotta help me!"

* Keelin blinkblinks, taking a step back

<Keelin> Shh!

* Keelin holds her hand up, murmuring a silencing spell

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!* {{'Eh...I guess that works...}}

<Shink> For god's sake -- erk

<Keelin> <q> Shh! Get inside, before you draw attention to yourself!

* Keelin shoos him towards the door

* Keelin drops the spell

* HappyLittleMoron opens the door

* Shink runs for it

* Keelin follows, looking around

* Keelin closes the door after they're in

* HappyLittleMoron looks over at Shink and arches a brow

* The guy hops around, jittering, looking around all over the place, tugging at the finger-less gloves he's wearing

<Keelin> It might be a wise idea to go somewhere with no windows..

* Keelin points to the sparring room

* HappyLittleMoron nods, smirking a little and leading there* You read my mind...

<Shink> "Wha? Where -- Oh! Ok, lezgo!"

* Keelin follows, pulling the hoody off, still wearing the bandanna

<Shink> Oh my god nice digs I mean shit this place is hot. You got anythin' to eat? YAH! (startles at random thing on wall)

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

* Keelin sighs, murmuring a soothing spell, brows furrowed as she tries to calm him down..

<Keelin> {{My god, is he on drugs?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Sheeze...*eyes him a little for drug use*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{I have NO idea...}}

* Keelin slowly shakes her head* {{I believe we should knock him out for a moment. Or at least clear his system..}}

* His bloodshot eyes clear a bit for a few seconds as he focuses on his rescuers

<Shink> Whoa, of all the frickin' luck! Babes!

* Keelin quirks a brow, glancing at HLM

<Shink> Here, hide these! *shoves a handful of plastic bags at HLM's cleavage

* Keelin blinkblinks, snatching them

<Shink> Dunno what the heck I got but it's sure makin' me pop-you-lair!!

<Keelin> Hm. *glances at Shink* And what are 'these'?

<HappyLittleMoron> ACK

* HappyLittleMoron takes them and clenches her jaw* Oh HELL no...

<Shink> Here, you wanna try some? haven't had a chance yet, the fuzz hit before the contact even paid

* Keelin glances over

* HappyLittleMoron glares at Shink, eyes flashing* Where you get these?

* Shink grins, revealin' yellow, cracked teeth.

<Shink> Buddy o' mine.

* Shink shuffles quickly

<Shink> My name's SHink. Pleeeeez ta meetcha

<Shink> I can getcha anythin' anywhere no questions assssssed. :D

<Shink> Ah hah...what's this buddy's name?

* Keelin frowns

<Keelin> I'm afraid we are not interested...

<Shink> Ah, seein as issss so rel-o-vent... Shazzy. I'm theenkin' he set me up. So's I'm just gonna have to go find him again before he finds me, y'know what I'm sayin'?

* Shink's eyes narrow suddenly and he snatches at the bags. Gimme them! Careful.

* Keelin frowns, looking at HLM, brow arched, then blinks, snatching his arm with quick relfexes* Relax.

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow, stepping back* What is it? Coke? Angel dust? Somethin' new?

* Shink giggles and tries to look wise. It's not a pleasant effect.

* HappyLittleMoron rolls her eyes

<Shink> Mmm, mmm, juss a lil' somethin' new

* Keelin sighs, getting a little impatient with him, navy eyes narrowed slightly

* Shink crouches back, cringing

* Keelin lets go of his hand, brows furrowed

<Shink> I dunno about it, really! Just took it and the lights started and Shink ran, real fast, dodgin' BULLETS like Superman, whoosh whoosh! *flaps arms and sways like dodging*

* Keelin mutters a silencing spell, eyes narrowed..

<Shink> Not my fault! Shazzy, he say it's stuff from the bigwig hisself, come up all the way from frickin' Bra-zeel

<Shink> He gonna make us all rich!

<HappyLittleMoron> You'll be dodging something else if you don't start giving us strait answeres...*delliberately flashes her fangs* Who's the bigwig?

* Keelin pauses

<Keelin> Brazil...*glances to HLM*

<Shink> shrieks a little and whimpers, shrinking back

<Shink> omygod another bad trip chicks with FANGS man

* HappyLittleMoron lowwers her voice to something like a growl* Answere me.

* Keelin rubs at her temples

<Shink> IdunnoIdunno! What do you wanna know? Bigwig? Guy? Mr. Q. Tha's all I know babe pleeeeease don' bite me so it hurts.

* Keelin mutters

<Keelin> {{I assume this is the man that has Aria?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Looks like it}}

* HappyLittleMoron unsheeths her claws and steps closer to him* <q> Where is this Mr. Q? If you don't know...who does?

* Keelin shifts, brows furrowing and going behind him quietly* {{If you cannot get answers yet .. I can knock him out until he sobers..}}

* Shink kinda leers down at HLM, shoving his chest out

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Might be a good idea...if the withdrawl isn't that bad..}}

*(he's a lil' smelly)

<Shink> Iiiiiiiiii know what youuuuuuuuu want

<Shink> You wanna cut right by good ol' Shink never messed with anybody

* HappyLittleMoron brings her claws up under his chin, pressing hard enough to just barely puncture the skin* <q> No...I want his blood.

<Shink> Eeee

* Keelin splays her fingers out, murmuring quietly...starting on a spell to knock Shink out

<Shink> Hey, you don't know how big this guy is!

<Shink> You mess with him...get in...real......trubble......

* Shink shakes his head woozily

* Keelin continues, voice getting a little louder

<Shink> He gonna eat you girls aliiiiiiiiiive. *collapses

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, stepping back and getting rid of the drugs...manafesting them away

* Keelin blinks

* Keelin smiles, folding her hands in front of her

<Keelin> that worked well.

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* Yuck...lessay we tie him up somewhere...?

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> preferably somewhere ... where he wont stink up the place..

<HappyLittleMoron> hn...

<Keelin> Basement?

<Keelin> Or does this stench rise?

<HappyLittleMoron> Basement would work...but...would you be able to handle all the steel down there?

* Keelin shifts

<Keelin> Ah um...more than likely not ...

<Keelin> I could try for a portal to get down there if you'd like tho...

<HappyLittleMoron> That would help...

* Shink shifts and cries a little

* HappyLittleMoron manafests rope and ties him quickly...seeming like she has at least a little practice

* Shink just moans, eyes flutter

* Keelin frowns a bit, kneeling

* Shink starts bleeding at the mouth

* Keelin blinks* Ah..perhaps I should get Myrae...??

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Yeah...good idea.a..*checks his vitals...*

* Keelin runs upstairs

* lessee...controller knowing nothing about appropriate symptoms...shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat?

* Myrae comes down with her shortly after, brows furrowed* What's going on? I-who's ...oh..

* Myrae heads over, kneeling....shimmering a moment before her entire body goes to water form, placing her hands on him to try and heal anything she can*

* Shink relaxes a little as his internal chemicals are adjusted and regulated a little better

* Myrae looks over for any more injuries*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head and stands slowly, rubbing her back as Kern comes in...

* Nothin' -- for a junkie dealer, Rae, he's in pretty good shape

* Myrae shimmers, then solidifies, leaning back exhaustedly on her haunches* Ugh..he should be well..

* Kern furrows his brows* What's going on...?

* Rae looks up* Not sure..somebody just needed healing is all

* Keelin sighs

<HappyLittleMoron> Druggy goin' through withdrawl or something...*crosses her arms over her chest, glaring down at the guy..* Gotta get him to the basement...

<Keelin> We have an escapee from the police...

* Keelin nods, opening the portal

* Kern kneels and picks the hog-tied guy up...carrying him through..*

* Keelin watches, brows furrowed

* Shink's eyes open and his head turns briefly to HLM, he gives her a lewd grin before slumping back

* Keelin makes a face

<Keelin> disgusting.

<Keelin> I would choose this moment to insult mortal males .. but I would be the pot calling the kettle black considering I'm with one..

* HappyLittleMoron flips Skink off

* HappyLittleMoron smirks and nods...

<HappyLittleMoron> He's just a nasty one

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> I've noted..

<Keelin> *closes the portal* Can we close and lock the door?

* Kern rolls his eyes as he sets the guy in the basement, being sure there isn't anything he could use to escape in his vicinity before heading back upstairs, closing and locking the door*

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> good ..

* Barking is heard faintly outside.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little*

* Keelin shifts, glancing ver

<Keelin> Oh now what?

* Kern peeks out one of the windows...*

* Oh, there's about, say, four cruisers and a bunch of guys in blue uniforms surrounding a couple of German Shepherds, tracking towards your door.

* Keelin groans

<Keelin> Great ... somebody put a sheild up around the basement? *pauses* Oh..wait, I can do that..*puts it up, muttering*

* Myrae shifts* I should..*frowns* tired..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little

* Loud banging on the front door

* Keelin looks up...

<Cop's voice> "Open up! Police!!"

* Keelin heads over

<Keelin> I'll get it..

* Keelin opens the door, brows furrowed

<Keelin> May we help you, officers?

* Dogs both go into classic "point" position

* Kern sits on the couch, looking over as if there's nothing out of the ordinary going on*

* Keelin shifts, blinking..

<Police dude> "Ma'am, I'm afraid there's a suspect on teh loose and his trail leads to this house. Have you seen anyone suspicious in the last half hour??"

* Keelin has her ears covered, hair trailing all the way down to her hips, tilting her head to the side

<Keelin> I did see the cruisers pass by ... but I'm afraid I haven't seen anything else...*frowns* I wish I could be of more help..

<Officer> (loudly) Okay, please step aside. We're going to have to search the premesis.

* Keelin frowns

<Keelin> Do you have a warrant?

* Hands you a warrant

* Keelin quirks a brow, looking it over

* "James Pedone, 27, 367 Yurt St.

<Keelin> I find it hard to believe that you've attained it so quickly ... but, *hands it back and steps aside* If you insist.

* Kern arches his brows, nodding a little*

* "Wanted for possession of Class A drug, possession of drug paraphenalia, operating a motor vehicle without a license, operating a stolen vehicle, six counts of burglary, four counts of illegal handgun possession, etc. etc. etc."

* Keelin furrows her brow* A search warrant..?

<Officer> sighs, scribbles out a search warrant

* Keelin quirks a brow

<Keelin> Don't you have to run that through your headquarters?

<Officer> He's stalling. Cuff him.

* Keelin blinks

<Keelin> I' am a SHE, and you have no right to arrest me without a warrant or cause.

<Officer> And call that in to headquarters.

* Keelin crosses her arms

* Dude hands back the search warrant sheet to the next guy

<Keelin> I'll be sure to call YOU into headquarters. Officers, I am more than willing to let you in if you get that certified.

* HappyLittleMoron comes in from the kitchen* Ahh...what's the problem out here? *arches a brow lightly*

<Officer> Look, I'm impressed with your knowledge of your civil rights, but we got a serious offender loose in this neighborhood and we'd LIKE to be able to CATCH him before he does any more damage!

* Keelin frowns

* Officer 2 steps forward and shows you a photo of Shink.* "Do you recognize this'am?" *pointedly*

* Officer one rolls his eyes

<Keelin> I appreciate what you are doing, but I have every right. And threatening me with arrest when I am upholding my rights is unconstitutional.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Yeah...he ran past here a lil' while ago...headin' towards the mall...*shakes her head and wrinkles her nosee* Smelt him 'fore I saw 'im...

* First officer mutters and stomps off, telling the others to form a perimeter around the place and make sure nobody outside moves without permission

* Keelin shakes her head, brows arched, glancing at the second officer

<Officer 2> All right, thanks. We still may need to do that search... *indicates the dogs*

<Keelin> I wouldn't know, I've been upstairs mostly. *nods to the officer* Feel free to do so when you have the warrant.

<Officer 2> That's fine.

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her belly a little* Man...think he dumped somethin' on my property somewhere?? We've got kids livin' here..! Little two year old sleeping upstairs...*gives the angry-mother-from-hell glair* I'm suprised she's still asleep...

* Keelin nods

<Officer 2> That's why we want to find him -- before he can hurt or disturb anyone else.

* Suddenly teh dogs wheel around and start BARKING madly and trying to drag the officers on their leashes down the street

* Keelin blinkblnks...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and smirks a little, crossing her arms over her chest, blinking when Brenna starts crying* Uhm...scuse me...

* HappyLittleMoron heads upstairs...

* You guys see Shink go running down the street

* Keelin blinkblinks

<Keelin> Wha...?

* Kern blinks*

* Keelin points, muttering

<JavierQuinonez> *Keelin hears a voice...{{Just call me your friendly eye in the sky...}}

<Keelin> See, I told you that we werent holding hi--*trails off, brows furrowing* {{Who the hell...?}}

* And it sounds an awful lot like the guy you tangled with trying to protect HLM the other day

* All the officers hurry off after him, looks like an arrest takes place...within half an hour they're all gone

* HappyLittleMoron comes back down, carrying Brenna, brows furrowed* So much for that idea...*blinks at Keelin* 'Sup?

<Shink> (from the basement, while the officers are still chasing him outside) Hey! You can't just leave me down here!

<Shink> Who ARE you guys!?

* Keelin furrows her brow, shaking her head

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!

* HappyLittleMoron turns towards the basement

<Keelin> Who was the man that was trying to take over your mental conversation last night, Eloise?

<HappyLittleMoron> Javier Quinonez...the guy who killed david and who kidnapped Aria...two of our friends...

* Keelin frowns..

<Keelin> He ... *points..then frowns* He was watching us...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...I...sonova...*sighss*

* Keelin furrows her brow

<Keelin> Apparently he put a decoy out on the streets ..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little* Oh...kay...

* Keelin sighs

* HappyLittleMoron kisses Brenna's brow* Behave for Uncle Kern...? Mama has something she needs to do...

<Keelin> I don't much like this guy ..

<HappyLittleMoron> Me neither...*lets Kern take brenna and sit with her on the couch*

* Kameko bouncies in

* HappyLittleMoron leads the way to the basement, unsheething her claws, very pissed and dangerouse looking

* Keelin glances at HLM, then blinkblinks, stepping back from the door

<Keelin> I..hello Kameko..*blinks*

* Kameko blinkblinks, stopping quickly so she doesn't run into her and grins sheepishly

<Kameko> Heh...hi. Sorry.. had coffee!

* Kameko pauses, then shakes her head

<Kameko> NO! You didn't hear me say that!

* Keelin closes the door behind her, blinking

<Keelin> I'll ... take your word for it? Is there something wrong with coffee?

* Kameko pats her abdomen, grinning sheepishly

<Kameko> Caffiene is bad for the baby. <G>

* Kameko grins sheepishly

* Kern blinks and looks up* Heh...?

<Kameko> I only had a little bit! I promise!

* Kameko whines, looking guilty

<Keelin> Ah...all right...*chuckles, locking the door* It's quite all right. We've just had a bit of a mess tonight. Eloise is taking care of it currently..

* HappyLittleMoron opens the door to the basement...light filtering through the dust...her dark outline visible...eyes glowing a bright green in the darkness as she stalks towards Shink...

* Kameko blinkblinks, brow furrowing

<Kameko> Uh-oh...more trouble?

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> afraid so..

<Keelin> New trouble...drug lord apparently ...

* HappyLittleMoron kneels in front of Shink, brining the claws up under his chin, her voice a low growl* <q> Now...about those questions.

<Kameko> Drug...lord??

* Kameko blinkblinks

* Keelin shrug

* Shink is...wide-eyed

<Keelin> it is all new to me as well. Are you hungry at all?

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> This Mr. Q, where can I find him??

* Shink whimpers.

<Shink> don't hurt me

* Kameko grins a little sheepishly

<Kameko> I'm pregnant. When AREN'T I hungry..?

* HappyLittleMoron backhands him* <q> Answere my question.

* Keelin heads to the kitchen

<Keelin> Um..

* Keelin looks blank

<Keelin> Do you know how to cook?

* Kameko grins widely

<Kameko> Kinda..

* Shink erks.* "Dunno, dunno! er.."

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow, crouching before him, gargoilike* <q> Not very convincing.

<Kameko> Have anything in mind that you want?

<Kameko> I can give it a whirl.

<Keelin> Ah, no ... I've eaten, I was looking for food for you..

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes flash, baring her fangs and smacking him again* <q> Tell me all you know of him.

* Kameko frowns a little, looking a bit crestfallen

<Kameko> Oohh.. well, I have, too..but I don't wanna eat by myself. So nevermind..

* Keelin frowns

<Keelin> I um...can eat more .. I suppose ..*pauses* Ker, have you eaten?

<Keelin> Brenna?

* Kern looks up and grins* Me? I'm always hungry...*smirks a little* Brenna's fallen asleep...

* Shink leans back and bares his teeth, like a cornered dog. "He's gonna set us up! He's gonna make those cops squeal like the pigs they are! He'll make you squeal, you don't leave me alone!"

* Keelin points, as if saying "Ah HAH!", actually looking a bit childish for her* See?! Ah um, they're hungry! *smiles*

* Shink jerks forward, trying to hit you with his head

* Kern chuckles*

* or bite you or something

* Kameko chuckles

<Kameko> Anything in particular you want that I can give a shot at?

* Kameko looks over at Kern

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, the bite healing visibly, punching him* I can handle him. I can ALSO take care of you...*lowers her voice* Slowly...and...painfully...TELL me how to find him.

* Shink winces and squirms.

<Shink> He'll not be happy 'bout this...

<Shink> Can take you! Can take you! Leave me alone!

* HappyLittleMoron growls softly and slams an elbow into his side* <q> Not until you give me what i want.

<Shink> Ow ow ow! Thass all I know

* Shink whimpers and tries to smile ingratiatingly

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Who's your boss? The one who'd know where he is?

<Kameko> Kern? Anything in particular? Or just whatever?

* Kameko peeks her head around the corner, lookin' at him

* Kern smiles* Anything you wish to prepare the best food I have ever tasted...

<Shink> Shazzy's a big guy...good luck scarin' him

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Where is he?

* Kameko blinks .. flushing a little, then disappears into the kitchen, starting up something she likes to make that's fairly light

* A large portal opens in the living room, Leila (an elf chick), practically dragging an unconscious Logan through*

* Keelin blinks...

* Kern blinks, looking up and getting up to help...brenna still sleeping*

<Shink> <softly> The Rez...

* Diana's helping Klork through...Nox Syan...*

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> What's he look like?

<Shink> Big black dude, got a tattoo of a -- whatchacallit -- lion with wings...

* Klork comes in, being toted n' whatnot, both legs in casts

<Shink> Now lemme go?

* Shingami comes though into da livin room

* HappyLittleMoron nods, lifting a hand, looking like she's about to plunge her claws into his back, but instead cuts the ropes and hauls him to his feet, roughly jerking his arm behind his back in a painful lock* If I let you live, I better not see you ANYWHERE near this place EVER again.

<Shink> Aw, I knew you were a cool babe!

* Shink stumbles forward

* Syan comes in w/ the help of Nox, stomach wrapped*

* HappyLittleMoron narrows her eyes and yanks on his arm more before shoving him forward, not letting go, until they get to the back door, opening it and thrusting him out

* Shingami is still leanign heavily agsint a staff, dresed like a sorcures in a green tanktop necklase and bandages .. still no shoes..

* Syan, decides to go to bed...glances at Nox to come with then?

* Shink stumbles to his knees, shakes his head, looks around, then scrambles off, mumbling to himself gleefully

* Nox goes with...*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head and goes into the main room...freezing before heading over to help with Klork, tears in her eyes

* Kameko comes out of the kitchen, carrying a bowl of tomato soup with seashell pasta noodles in it, cinnamon and sugar toast on a plate beside it in her other hand, and blinks

<Kameko> I...shoul I make more food?

<Wing>*lays klork on the couch*

<Wing> taidima...

* Klork waves, kinda outta it...getting laid down ...

* Kameko goes to hand those to Kern, wondering if she should give it to him..?

* Brenna...makes room for her dad <G> Curling close and purrrrrrring, HLM just kneeling by the two*

* 'em? <G>*

* Keelin blinks

<Keelin> You're back ..?

* Kameko heads back into the kitchen

<Kameko> Anyone else want some??

<Kameko> I made plenty.

* Keelin shrugs

* Diana nods tiredly before cringing and doubling over, left hand on her stomach* <q> Agh...

<Keelin> a small amount ... I'm still rather full..

* Keelin blinks

<Shingami> {{ please kame}}

<Keelin> Diana..???

<Shingami> {{ im staaaaaaaaaaaaaaarved}}

* Kameko goes and gets some for Shingami* {{Where you be at?}}

<Shingami> {{ cominto tha kitchen}

* Diana takes deep breaths, cringing and shaking her head a little, going down on one knee*

* Shingami makes her way to the kitchen.. Wing kneeling beside Diana

* Klork looks around groggily, half out of it due to medication...

* Kameko hands some to Keelin and Diana .. and Klork anyone else who wants some <G>

* Keelin sips, thanking her

<Keelin> oh...this is very good..

<Wing> lets get you upstairs

* Diana nods a little, breaathing raggedly with pain*

* Klork murmurs, almost incoherantly* Shs' got...cramps,'thong you cando 'bout itt..

<Wing> doesnt mean she shouldnt lay down rather then be crumpled in the living room..

* Shingami sits down takign a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a little, stroking Klork's hair before going over to Diana, who's still doubled over* I...yeah...uhm...need help getting her upstairs...?

<Shingami> man that smells good

<Klork> s'truee...*looks dizzy* C'nsomebody heal m'legs..wanna wallk...*is totally outta it*

* Brenna looks up at him, brows wrinkled as she reaches up to scritch behind one of his ears*

* Klork trails off with his mumbling, purring quietly

<Klork> Hiii

<Brenna> Hi daddie...*smiles up at him*

* Klork smiles, groggily, down at Brenna* How's m' baby grll?

* Keelin finishes with the soup

<Keelin> Thank you, Kameko *smiles* it's delicious

<Brenna> I daddie...?

* Kern eats, nodding his agreement*

<Klork> Good ... *smiles* A'least now.

* Myrae comes down the stairs, then blinks* What happened here..??

<HappyLittleMoron> *looks up, tears in her eyes* They came home...

* Myrae blinks* Ah..oh wow..

* Kameko chuckles, spooning her own slowly

* Diana still kneels there, doubled over in pain...*

* Myrae looks around* Can I help anybody?

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip a little* Uhm...Klork's pretty drugged...

<HappyLittleMoron> Diana here's...hurting....

* Myrae nods,going over to Diana and kneeling* Can I try..?

* Diana passes out just as she gets there*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ern...I...guess?

* Myrae blinks...going to water form and placing her hand son her, trying to heal what she can*

* Diana's internal stuffs get healed...hand is more or less a lost cause, it'll take a looooong time to get all that damage...pretty much it foor her....she just sleeps now...*

* Kern bows to Kame after bringing his plates back* That was very good...I thank you...*smiles*

* Myrae then glides over to Klork, kneeling..healing his knees at least...that being as far as she can get before shimmering and solidifying, sliding to herknees*

* Klork nns...wiggling hsis toes, outta it

* Kern erks...heading over to Rae...HLM coming back from helping Diana upstairs <G>*

* HappyLittleMoron goes over to the group by Klork, kneeling down and blinking a little

* `Puddles whuffles a snore into his tail

<Kern> Rae...? Are you alright....?

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Thank you, Rae...*kisses Klork's brow, stroking his hair*

* Rae nods, groaning* I'm well..*nods to HLM* You're welcome..

<Rae> His legs..are healed...

* HappyLittleMoron smiles at her, Kern supporting her gently

* Klork yawns drowsily, opening his eyes

<Wing>*after helping diana upstairs goes abck down to put his sister to bed before crashing himself*

<Rae> You can ... remove his casts..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles tearfully, Brenna curled up, sleeping...

* Rae..passes out, exhausted*

* Kern lifts Rae...carrying her to their room*

* HappyLittleMoron strokes Klork's hair, unable to take her eyes from him

* `Puddles hears Kern going by, streeeeeeeeeetches, flicks an ear and curls up in the other direction

* Klork smiles up at her, still groggy, watching her quietly

<Klork> ~heya ... ~

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Hi...*smiles*

* Klork shifts, slowly reaching down to pull the make-shift casts off

* HappyLittleMoron goes to help him

<Klork> <vqw> oh God. you have no clue how good it feels to move my legs again..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and nods, putting the casts to the side* <vqw> I can only imagine...gods...I've missed you...

* HappyLittleMoron sits by him and leans over for a kiss

* Klork purrs, kissing her back with a purr, bending his knees

* HappyLittleMoron grins, helping him sit up if he wants it, also taking Brenna so she's not in the way

* Klork helps, smirking and watching her

<Klork> I'm glad to see you're safe...both of you

* HappyLittleMoron nods with a grin, sitting by him* Yeah...we're safe...we were so worried for you, though...! Missed you...

* Klork smiles, pulling her close, careful of his stomach wounds

* HappyLittleMoron gazes up at him with a soft smile, being very ginger as she rests an arm around him

* Klork smiles, kissing her brow

<Klork> <w> How have things been here?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles up at him* <w> Lil' just missed one of the little dealers working for the guy who has Aria...but besides that....alright...nothing magical has happened...

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Who has Aria...??

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip* Know tthat guy who broke our connection when we were talking telepathicaly...?

* Klork nods..then ahs

<Klork> Him eh?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yeah...he's one I'd love to see dead...but...*shakes her head a little* That's not important now...all that matters is you're are the others...

* Klork sighs

<Klork> Yeah...*kisses her brow*

<Klork> Has Brenna been good?

* HappyLittleMoron reaches up to stroke his jaw, nodding* Yep...little angel...the bath thing needs work though...*smirks* She gets your hiding skills, y'know...

* Klork grins, chuckling

<Klork> I betcha I could find her *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, smoothing Brenna's hair and shaking her head* Oh probably...tho, I dunno...she fits in places neither of us would be able to...

* Brenna purrs softly, nuzzling close to both her parents*

* Klork chuckles, kissing Brennas brow this time

<Klork> True, but I could smell her out *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* True...*smirks* She's learned somewhere how to hide her energies...*shakes her head and looks up at him* It'll be interesting when the other two are born..

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> Amazingly so..*smiles* I can't wait ya know?

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Oh..?

* Klork nods, smiling

<Klork> Seriously..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, eyes sparkling* Me neither...five more months if everything goes well...

* Klork nods, purring quietly

<Klork> Yep .. *yawns a little* Ack..*smiles* Sure will be nice to go to bed in our bed for a change..

* HappyLittleMoron nods and stands, holding Brenna in one arm, offering her free hand to him* It'll be nice to have you by me...

* Klork grins, slowly standing

<Klork> amen to that..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, gently wrapping her arm around his middle

* Klork grins, heading upstairs with her help, knees weak, but healed

* HappyLittleMoron helps him up the stairs and then to bed after settling Brenna in hers...

* Klork then helps her put Brenna to bed, curling up in their bed soon after

* HappyLittleMoron curls ith him...sleeepin'

Session Close: Tue Feb 12 00:53:22 2002

