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Session Start: Sun Feb 10 12:59:32 2002
* HappyLittleMoron sits curled on the couch, watching Brenna color

* FWL_MeRc walks out of his room looking tired

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Merc, face weary and sad...she lifts a hand to wave to him...

<FWL_MeRc> morning... afternoon... whatever it is

* HappyLittleMoron looks at the clock*'s it goin'?

* Mondo_Gecko pokes his nose around the door

<Mondo_Gecko> ...helllloooo?

* Brenna looks up at Merc and runs over to him*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up* Heh! Heyas Mondo...c'mon in

* FWL_MeRc kneels down and hugs brenna* "bey breni!"

<Mondo_Gecko> what's up?

* Mondo_Gecko slips in

* Brenna smiles brightly and huggles Merc, putting her arms around his neck to be picked up* Hihi Unca Merc! *looks over at Mondo* Hihi Unca Mondo!!

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...same ol' same ol'...most of the Asylum's in Underhill...

* FWL_MeRc picks her up smiling* "how is my fave little niece?"

<Mondo_Gecko> Underhill?

<Mondo_Gecko> hey Brenna!

<Brenna> Good *smiles*

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...Wing, Nox, Logan and Syan went to rescue Shin...heh...I think they found her...and then off to get Klork, Diana and Keelin from the baddie who's tormenting us...Devnet's upstairs...out cold...*sighs a little* I'm sorry...

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Brenna> You..?

<FWL_MeRc> ... I could be better but i have been worse

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Diana's in trouble..

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head a bit

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, resting her hands on her rounded belly as she seems to shrink a little, nodding slightly.......

* FWL_MeRc looks over at moron* "what wrong with diana?"

<Mondo_Gecko> that's pretty fucked up..I've been having all these weird dreams and shit about that

* Brenna nods, cuddling close with a little purr* Things get better...

<Mondo_Gecko> but there was nothing I could do..I was off in California

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...haven't been in contact with either her or Klork...oh jeeze Mondo...*sighs a little* Well...I dunno...what were you doin' in Cali?

<FWL_MeRc> ... well true things get better... but... this is gonna get alot worse *smiles*

* Brenna blinkies* I sorry...

<FWL_MeRc> ahhh its not your fault breni I'll be much better in a few days

<Brenna> Okie!

* FWL_MeRc smiles setting brenna down

* Mondo_Gecko gives a faint whine

* Brenna grins up at him, then blinks and gives Mondo's leg a hug...*

<FWL_MeRc> ... mo... i have to leave for a few days

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Ok...'sup?

* Mondo_Gecko looks down

<Mondo_Gecko> ...hey kid..*faint smile forced on his face*

<Mondo_Gecko> sup?

* Brenna looks up at Mondo* Auntie Diana be ok...saw her in a dream...wit' daddie...dey comin' home soon as dey can...

* Brenna smiles, icey eyes convinced in this*

<FWL_MeRc> ... i need to go... no one is safe now

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..I saw her too..I know she'll be ok...but I wish she was here

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows and stands, folding her wings against her back* Anything I can do to help...?

<Mondo_Gecko> was all like..dreaming about her and ran myself ragged trying to get back home..and then she's not here

* Mondo_Gecko pouts

* Brenna nods, small face saddening a little* Me, too...she be back soon doe...same wit' daddie...

* FWL_MeRc is more serious than he usually is "see ya in a few days"

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows* Uhm...ok...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...take care...?

<Brenna> hey...mebbe you c'n talk to her...?? your head...?

* Mondo_Gecko picks up Brenna

<Mondo_Gecko> my head? ...what? like..telepathy?

* Brenna puts her arms around his neck, purring very lightly and nodding* Uh huh...

* Mondo_Gecko gets a very confused look on his face..

<Mondo_Gecko> can you do that?

* Brenna looks a lil' sheepish* A lil'...mama and daddie can better...

* Mondo_Gecko looks over to HLM

<Mondo_Gecko> got telepathy??

* Mondo_Gecko 's eyes get a bit bigger

<FWL_MeRc> bye Brenna! I'm going to go for a few days

<Brenna> Aww.... *pouts at Merc* Whyyyy....?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and nods...* Yeah...

<FWL_MeRc> ... i need too

<Brenna> I miss you....

* FWL_MeRc pats her head* "you be good"

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll see you man

<FWL_MeRc> see ya mondo...

<Brenna> Otay...I pwomise...

<FWL_MeRc> I promise to bring you back a present

<Mondo_Gecko> ..bring me one too!

* Mondo_Gecko dances on the spot, bouncing Brenna

* Brenna giggles* Yay!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* FWL_MeRc makes his way to the door

<HappyLittleMoron> Take care, Merc...

<FWL_MeRc> you too

<FWL_MeRc> *exits

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Mondo with a soft sigh, sitting back down* So...uh...'sup...?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..not a whole helluva lot..

<Mondo_Gecko> just got back from California.

* Mondo_Gecko looks really tried...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'..* I heard...heh...sit down before you fall over...*pats the couch by her* What were you doin' there?

* Mondo_Gecko sits down on the couch and streaches out, letting his tail flop

<Mondo_Gecko> I had a gig actually...I's cool I music band, it's finnaly taking off

<Mondo_Gecko> but like...I dunno what's wrong with me.

<HappyLittleMoron> Congrats there...*arches a brow a lil'* How so...?

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe it's too much drugs..too much beer

<Mondo_Gecko> too many late nights and waking up and not remembering the night before

* Brenna slips from his lap, the cat in her coming out, as she goes back to coloring*

<HappyLittleMoron> Gah...nadda good, Mondo...

<Mondo_Gecko> yea I the fast life is fun but it takes So much outta you

<HappyLittleMoron> True...shows ya gotttta slow down a little...tone down on the beer and drugs...that'll destroy you...

<Mondo_Gecko> yea...I dunno..sometimes life feels like a dream..ya know?

<Mondo_Gecko> and it's goes so fast..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, keeping an eye on Brenna as she listens* Yeah...

<Mondo_Gecko> so fast that it doesn't seem real...

<Mondo_Gecko> so it doesn't feel real..nothing does

* Mondo_Gecko rubs his face

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...*leans back and streatches her legs out, curling her wings around herself a little* True...but...ya gotta do what you can to live it fully...kick the bad habits and replace 'em with good

* Mondo_Gecko nods..

<Mondo_Gecko>'s just....when I think about..where I was a year ago this time..

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* Mondo_Gecko takes a deep breath, letting his eyes relax, not looking at any one thing in particular

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe it's just..too much change too fast

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno what to do with all of it

<Mondo_Gecko> and there's no safe place in the world to go and just think.. just rest and catch up with yourself..

<HappyLittleMoron> True...

<HappyLittleMoron> Sounds like you need to take a vacation...someplace where no one will bug ya...

<Mondo_Gecko> yea...I need to someplace to write

<Mondo_Gecko> that's the main thing..I need someplace to write music

<Mondo_Gecko> you can't do that when your on the road

<HappyLittleMoron> Very are always welcome here...

<HappyLittleMoron> When do you out again?

<Mondo_Gecko> huh?

* FWL_MeRc theres is a blinding flash followed by distant gunshots

* Mondo_Gecko jumps

<Mondo_Gecko> ..holy shit!

* HappyLittleMoron jumps and brings a suddenly crying Brenna close

<HappyLittleMoron> ...what the hell...?? *looks out the window as Kern comes down the stairs, Iris at his heals*

* Mondo_Gecko gets to his feet

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I'll go check it out

* FWL_MeRc gunshots fade and soon sirens are heard

<Kern> What in the world...I'll go with you...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

* Mondo_Gecko heads out the front door, his hair fanning out as soon as he hits the streets

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, gathering Iris close, too...retreating away from the main part of the house with the children* Be careful you two

* Kern follows, his daggar sheathed and hidden at his side*

<Mondo_Gecko> We'll be ok..don't worry about us

<Mondo_Gecko> ..just keep yourself and those kids safe

<HappyLittleMoron> I will...

* Mondo_Gecko heads down the street

* HappyLittleMoron ducks down someplace safe, Kern looking around warily...

* when they arrive at the schene there are 50 or so human bodys. some with weapons such as hand guns and machitites the bodys are badly burnt bones broken and limbs torn off

* Kern's eyes widen* <q> By the gods...

* Mondo_Gecko stands stock still..

* police begin to tape the area off and the paramedics begin to cover the bodys with sheets, homeicide are there trying to figure out what happened, a crowd now gathering

* Kern stands back, brows furrowing as he watches this...*

<Mondo_Gecko> what the hell is this?!

* the police are talking to a woman whom is in shock... saying something about a "blue monster"

* Mondo_Gecko perks, listening to the womans words, but finding it difficult to move his legs

* Kern blinks, listening in, while just trying to look like an innocent bystander, reaching out to steady Mondo, if he needs it*

<girl> we saw this ... mutant coming up to us... we armed ourselves but he tore everyone apart... oh my god...

* Kern shakes his head a little...*

* Mondo_Gecko cocks his head ina very ..lizardlike way ;)

<girl>... he had these... glowing red eyes... like a demons! he was a light blue colour... and dreads things down to his just below his shoulders...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(Merc!)

* Kern furrows his brows, thinking much the same as Mondo* <vqw> *almost in audible to even Mondo* ...why would he do such a thing...

* Mondo_Gecko watches the woman's eyes as she talks....watching her body language

* Mondo_Gecko narrows his eyes

* the girl breaks out into tears as paramedics take her to the ambulance, but it was clear she was making up the story about merc comeing up to them

* Kern shakes his head a little aggain, looking back at the crime scene*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* she's lying..

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail lashes in anger

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* it's a cover up

<Kern> <vqw> Aye...

<Kern> <w> If anything...he would have been defending himself...*furrows his brows*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* and she's lying and I wanna know shy

* Mondo_Gecko has a very ferce look on his face and he goes closer to the ambulence

<Kern> <w> Perhaps she is one of them? *nods slightly towards the bodies, then shrugs slightly as he follows Mondo*

* FWL_MeRc paramedics climb into the ambulence and turn on the engine

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I wanna get her alone

* Mondo_Gecko leaps and soundlessly lands ontop of the ambulence, clinging to the top and flattening himself down

* Kern stops someone and askes which hospital the ambulance is going to...*

* Kern would leave a pretty big dent if he tried the stunt Mondo pulled ;)*

* oddly... no one notices as the ambulence begins to drive off to...St.Marys Hospital for sick children

* Kern nods in thanks and heads off in that direction...*

* paramedics drive trough some quiet empty streets which would be quicker than useing the main roads

* Kern 'eh...runs? Yeah...he runs...that's it...*

* ambunlance into St.marys and the girl is brought into the hospital and to a ward to be treated for shock

* Mondo_Gecko leaps off the top of the ambulence and slides down the side into the shadows

* Kern heads in, doing his best to blend in with the crowd, good at the plain sight hiding, watching for the girl, Mondo 'n stuff*

* girl is resting in the empty ward

* Mondo_Gecko moves along into to the hospital..and even though he doesn't know he's doing it..he uses a type of psychic talent making ppl ignore his presence..making him hard to detect

* Mondo_Gecko keeps his eyes peeled for the girl, spotting her after about 5 minutes of wander the wards

* girl contuines to rest... while in an office on the other side of NY man1: Project uber feist d-200 is becomming a problem again... Man2: eh? prject whatsit? man3: project to make to perfect sholder... prolly one of these robot things

* Mondo_Gecko gives a dark kind of grin and slips into the room where she is resting, closing the door behind him and locking it

<Mondo_Gecko> boo

* Kern serves as a destraction to keep people out of the girl's room while Mondo's in there with her...basically acting like a clueless hottie looking for someone or another*

<Man 2> ahh those robot things Man: Fox, Albert i want you two to aquire this individial... Fox: another walk in the park. Albert: damns traight kiddo... we in the agency also get the baby sitting jobs

* girl gasps stareing at mondo the fear building quickly as she freezes

* Mondo_Gecko flashes a scary grin at the girl, his eyes fading to white..little threads of blue electricity moving up and down his arms

<Mondo_Gecko> bad things happen to little girls who tell lies

* girl shrieks and jumps out of her bed trying to make for the door

* Mondo_Gecko whips his tail back and forth and then leaps forward and snatches her , grabbing both her upper arms and like a hunting raptor throws all his weight on her to slam her back against the ground and pin her there with his body

* Kern gose about keeping people from the room even more...uhm...yeah <G>*

* girl shrieks again squirming trying to get away from mondo* "HELP!!! GET OFFA ME!"

* Mondo_Gecko covers her mouth and whipped a dagger from his back pocket and holds it to her throat

<Mondo_Gecko> Be quiet and no one gets hurt kid

* girl eyes the dagger tears forming in her eyes

* Mondo_Gecko narrows his cold angry eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> Now I want you to start talking

* girl looks up at him scared

<Mondo_Gecko> I mean it

* Mondo_Gecko stands and grabs her roughly by the wrists, the knife still to her throat

<girl> OW!

* Mondo_Gecko pulls her to the bathroom

<Mondo_Gecko> get moving

* girl is pulled into the bath room

* Mondo_Gecko locks the door behind him and stands infront of it, brandishing the dagger

<Mondo_Gecko> ...ok kid

<Mondo_Gecko> talk

<Mondo_Gecko> Who are you working for

<girl> ... the FoH

* Mondo_Gecko narrows his eyes

<Mondo_Gecko> I want names

<Mondo_Gecko> adresses

<girl> i don't know!

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Bullshit!

* Mondo_Gecko whips his tail

<girl> I SWEAR I DON'T KNOW! *sobs in fear*

* Mondo_Gecko flashes another mean grin....almost enjoying this...

<Mondo_Gecko> who put you up to it then

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I want you to tell me everything

<Mondo_Gecko> everything you know

<girl> we just saw him walking down the street

<girl> ... so we went to to kill him... but suddenly there was this bright flash and he was tearing everyone apart

<girl> i swear thats all i know!

<Mondo_Gecko>'s little whores like you that make me sick.. people like you that cause the world to be in the state it is

<Mondo_Gecko> spineless...

<girl> please... don't kill me

<Mondo_Gecko> why shouldn't I?

* girl gets on her knees sobbing "please!"

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> know...

<Mondo_Gecko> I used to be human

<Mondo_Gecko> ..doesn't matter though....doesn't matter that who I am never changed

<Mondo_Gecko> all people like you can see the outside

* girl sobs looking at his feet

* Mondo_Gecko reaches down and grabs the girl by her collar and pulls her up to her feet

<Mondo_Gecko> Jesus H christ'

<Mondo_Gecko> grow a backbone

<Mondo_Gecko> if I thought someone was gonna kill me..I'd wanna go standing up with my face helt high

* girl doesn't reply just sobs pathetically

* Mondo_Gecko snorts

<Mondo_Gecko> if I was as pathetic as you..I'd wanna be dead by now

<Mondo_Gecko> get yourself togetehr!

<Mondo_Gecko> now your comming with me

<girl> NO!

<Mondo_Gecko> and your gonna introduce me to your friends

<Mondo_Gecko> ...oh yes you are

<Mondo_Gecko> either thator you tell me where I can find them

<girl> what does it matter they're all dead now...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...all of them?

* Mondo_Gecko watches her eyes to cheak if she's lying

<girl> ... yes... we ere just a small faction of the foh...

* girl isn't lying

<Mondo_Gecko> ...can I ask you something

<girl> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> what on earth possessed you to get involved with terrorists?

<girl> ... to rid this city of things like you...

* Mondo_Gecko snorts

* Kern...keeps up the innocent, clueless act...HLM has Brenna and Iris practicing their Aikido in the workout room, just to keep them calm...*

* Mondo_Gecko slides the knife under her throat

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* things like me?

<girl> yes

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* Well I have to respect your balls...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* atleast you look in the face of possible death not a liar

* Mondo_Gecko slaps her face hard

* Kern...finds himself glad a particularly loud patient comes in at juuuuust that moment <G>*

* girl ows and turns her head glareing at mondo... then with her new found courage, grabs him and raises her knee to his groin

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> see....there you go

<Mondo_Gecko> now maybe if you had that kinda bravery to face the world without bigotry you'd relaly be getting somewhere

* girl glares it him

* Mondo_Gecko whips his tail around hard at the back of her knees to cause her crumple

* girl acks falling to the ground

* Mondo_Gecko turns without a word and walks off and leaves the hospital room

* Mondo_Gecko goes up to Kern

<Mondo_Gecko> ...she said all her FOH pals are dead

<Kern> Ready to go?

<Mondo_Gecko> I say we get the hell outta here

* Kern nods with a frown...heading out...*

* Mondo_Gecko follows after him

<Kern> Aye...*sticks his hands in his pockets* There are no doubt more, however...I hear this is a nation-wide group...

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> terrorists

* Mondo_Gecko sighs heavily

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* sometimes I hate myself

* Kern nods with a frown, then blinks* <q> Why?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* because part of me would have loved to see her blood on my hands

* Kern shakes his head* <q> 'Tis a simple part of nature, my friend...I have felt the same way many a time...

* Mondo_Gecko gives a huge sigh

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I suppose your right

* Kern pats his back with a little nod before sticking his hand back into his pocket* Do you wish to return to the Asylum, or did you have something else you wanted to do?

* Mondo_Gecko looks thoughtful..

<Mondo_Gecko> if it was up to me I'd be drowning my sorrows in a bottle of JD by noon

<Mondo_Gecko> but...we'd better get back to HLM

* Kern nods* Aye...she would probably appreciate knowing we're still alive...*smirks slightly, bit of worried sadness in his eyes*

<Mondo_Gecko> ok?

* Kern nods a little* Yes...simply worried for her...she had a bit of an...adventure yesterday as well...lost two more we may be able to recover...the other...*shakes his head slowly...*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

* Kern opens the asylum door for him*

* Mondo_Gecko slips inside

<Mondo_Gecko> Hello?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and stands* Guys! *goes to hug 'em both* Everything ok??

* HappyLittleMoron left Iris and Brenna trying to puzzle out a technique they've been workin' on

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..I'm fine

<Mondo_Gecko> it was the FOH...they tried to attack merc

<Mondo_Gecko> but..he apperently lost it and blew the lot of them to hell

* HappyLittleMoron sinks a little and nods* Oh...well........damn...didn't see him around did you...?

<Mondo_Gecko> some little whorebitch was lying through her teeth, so I followed her to the hospital and forced her to talk

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head

* HappyLittleMoron nods, brows furrowing as she listens

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Mondo_Gecko goes and flops down on the couch

* Iris comes out of the workout room...sees Mondo...and tackle hugs him*

<Mondo_Gecko> whoa!

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey iris!

* Mondo_Gecko hugs her

* Kern blinks and chuckles as Brenna toddles out after her...he bends down to pick her up and tickle her, making the little girl giggle and purr*

* Iris smiles* Hi!!! I missed you, lizard-man!

<Mondo_Gecko> I missed you too iris!

* Mondo_Gecko pets her hair

<Mondo_Gecko> what's shakin?

* Iris grins, her eyes swirling rainbows, a slightly confused look coming over her face* Shakin'...?

<Mondo_Gecko>'s a slang means what's goin on

<Iris> Ohh...*grins* Shakin'...hehe...Diana been teaching Brenna and! What's...shakin'...with you? *smiles and puffs up, all proud of using her new words*

<Mondo_Gecko> um..not much really

<Mondo_Gecko> just got back from the hospital

<Mondo_Gecko> was trying to find out what made the loud boom

* Iris blinks* Ohhh...*nods* Monsters...? *seems to shrink a little*

* Mondo_Gecko rubs her back

<Mondo_Gecko> no no..not monsters

<Mondo_Gecko> ..some one just startled Merc

* Iris nods, relaxing a little* Ohh...ok...he ok...?

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm sure it's fine

* Iris nodsnods* Okay...

<HappyLittleMoron> Hn...anyone hungry at all?

* Mondo_Gecko looks over

<Mondo_Gecko> Yea..I am

<HappyLittleMoron>'s chicken sound? *grins lopsidedly*

* Brenna purrrrrrrrs from Kern's arms* Biiiiiiiiiiird...

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> Chicken sounds cool

<HappyLittleMoron> Right on...chicken it is...*goes about fixing foods...chicken...uhm...lasagne...just 'cause the controller likes that word <G>*

* Iris tries imitating the purr....wrinkling her nose when she can't get it*

* Mondo_Gecko makes a kind of reptilian purr...sounds more like a high pitched trill

* Iris blinkblinks and tilts her head, listening before giggling softly*

* HappyLittleMoron ...through the magic of RP...finishes!* Food's up!

* Kern heads into the kitchen...setting Brenna in her high chair and y'know...helpin' himself...HLM giving Brenna hers before munchin', herself*

* Mondo_Gecko picks Iris up and carries her into the kichen

* Iris gets carried away.....wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*

* HappyLittleMoron motions to the plates she got out for them* Help yerselves...

<Mondo_Gecko> there a high chair for her?

<Iris> I don't need a high chair...I'm a big girl!

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* Booster seat...*winks witth a smirk*

* HappyLittleMoron pulls Iris's chair out, has one of the booster seats in it...

* Mondo_Gecko sets her down carefully in it

<Iris> Thank you...

<Mondo_Gecko> your welcome

<Mondo_Gecko> these days..such manners :)

<Mondo_Gecko> I never said that when I was a kid..I just threw peas on everything

* Iris giggles!!!!* Really? Nox always told me to behave or we'd be discovered...

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Mondo_Gecko> well.. I was already discovered so it wasn't a problem

* Iris nods* You got to have fun...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> ...not really sweetie..

* Iris blinks, brows furrowing...*

<Iris> Sorry...

<Mondo_Gecko>'s didn't do anything hunny

* Iris nods a lil'* Okay...*smiles*

<HappyLittleMoron> *from what sounds like a great distance...* Diana: {{...Mondo...?}}

* Mondo's eyes get wide* .oO(Diana?!)

<Diana> {{...can you hear me...? Ah...kind of...think at me...if you can...}}

<Mondo> .oO( that you??)

* He grips the edge of the table, seemingly trying to concentrate very hard

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

<HappyLittleMoron> ok?

<Mondo> *w* Diana..

<Diana> *makes a connection...* {{I heard you...can you do it again...?}}

<Diana>{{'s me...}}

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, biting her lip

* Mondo concentrates* {{Diana? can hear me?}}

* he narrows his eyes on concentration*

<Diana> {{I can hear you! Oh gods...*sounds almost as if she's about to cry with releif*}}

* Mondo covers his mouth, tears glinting in his eyes* {{Diana?! where are you!? are you ok?!}}

<Diana> {{I...I'm....hurt...but alright...I'm safe...I'm in Underhill still...}}

<Mondo> ..can you get out?

<Diana> {{We're trying to figure out how to get back...we're both still too hurt to do much...}}

<Mondo> {{ there a way I can get to you?}}

<Diana> {{I...don't you know if Devnet's awake yet...? I...I'm sure he'd be able to open a ok over there?? There haven't been any more attacks have there???}}

<Mondo> {{Attacks?..what kind?}}

<Diana> {{Magical...?}}

<Mondo> {{I don't think so..I dunno...I'm gonna go too for Devnet ok?}}

<Diana> {{O..ok...I've missed you so much...}}

<Mondo> {{I missed you much..I kept dreaming about you...}}

<Diana> {{Dreaming of you too...beach-side...}}

* Mondo takes in a deep breath and looks up at HLM* where can I find Devnet?

<HappyLittleMoron> He's upstairs...*furrows her brows* I...he's not awake though...he needs to sleep...hurt too badly still...

* Mondo frowns a bit* {{he's too badly hurt...he can't do it}}

<Mondo> {{..god...this is such a tease...}}

<Diana> {{Gods...hai...*shuddering breath* We' back as soon as we can...I promise...what have we missed...?}}

<Mondo> {{I don't exactly know.. something happened this afternoon though..some FOH attacked Merc..I followed this girl to the hospital..she lied and said he started attacking ppl outta no where but I knew it wasn't true..I got her to talk}}

<Diana> {{Oh man...that's not good at all...are you ok...? Everyone else...?}}

<Mondo> {{just alot of dead FOH}}

<Mondo> {{I'm just fine babe..I can handle myself}}

<Mondo> {{everyone's ok from what I can tell}}

<Diana> {{Ok...good to hear...we've been worried....}}

<Mondo> {{yea...I've been worried about you}}

<Mondo> {{how long do you think it'll be?}}

<Diana> {{I don't know...Klork can't walk...broken knees...and I can't use my right hand at all...we both hurt to move too much...but...we're looking into finding ways home...}}




* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs, running a hand through her hair, resting her other hand on her belly..

* Myrae looks up from eating sushi smirking* Hi...??

<HappyLittleMoron> Heyas, rae...'sup?

* Kern's...uhm...nearby...y'know...being all...watchful 'n stuff...*

* HappyLittleMoron sits in a chair, massaging her temples

* Myrae glances over* Are you all right?

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh? oh...yeah...just...a lot on my mind...

* Myrae nods, finishing off her sushi

* something hits the front door *drumrollpleas!**

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and heads over to open the doooor...

* HappyLittleMoron wonders where the damn drumroll's coming from...

* Keelin stumbles in when it's opened, warily getting to her feet, rubbing at her if quite a large gust of wind blew her in*

<HappyLittleMoron> Woah...*closes the door and kinda kneels to help her* Are you ok???

* Keelin furrows her brow,looking up, then grimacing with a nod* As well as I need be ...

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip* How'd you escape...??

<HappyLittleMoron> Devnet's upstairs...sleeping still...

* Keelin blinks* Devnet' did he..?? *stares, brows furrowing* I...that does not make any sense to me. Lord Teirnan told me he would KILL him and the others were I not to bring back ..ah..*sinks, frowning*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* He...he's back...Diana also made contact with Mondo earlier...says she and Klork are safe now, too...wha...?

* Keelin sinks with relief* Oh thank the heavens...

* Rae watches, brows furrowing*

* Kern furrows his brow as he watches, listens*

* Keelin shakes her head* He wanted me to bring back the children ... I do not wish to, and I will not do so knowing all are safe. He was going to kill them...torture them each day I did not bring him a child...*lowers her head* Forgive me..

* HappyLittleMoron nods...then cringes...pulling her into a hug1 It's ok....

* Keelin hugs her in return, then pulling back slowly* You said he is upstairs? How does he fare?

<HappyLittleMoron> He hasn't woken up since he dropped into our laps...*stands, helping her* Do you wanna see 'im?

* Keelin nods, standing quickly* I-Of course!

* HappyLittleMoron nods, leading her upstairs to where Dev's lying, in his and Keelin's room...he's bandaged 'n whatnot in places...out cold

* Keelin grimaces* He's worse off than when I left ... did he only get here recently?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...the day before yesterday he got here...

* Keelin sighs shakily* That means that he more than likely caused harm to Klork and Diana...this is my fault..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* How so...?

* Keelin sighs* Had I not offered to do anything for their safety ... he would not have tried for that bargain.

<HappyLittleMoron>*lightly rubs her shoulder* If anything you bought them time...he probably would have killed you all on the spot if you hadn't...

* Keelin glances over, closing her eyes and nodding slightly* <q> You are probably right ...

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a lil', squeezing her shoulder* C'mon...hungry?

* HappyLittleMoron BLINKS

* HappyLittleMoron sorta freezes...closing her eyes, brows furrowing as she concentraits (listen in 'n stuff)

* Keelin blinks* Eloise..?

<HappyLittleMoron> <vqw> ...Klork...I...just heard him...*furrows her brow, going silent*

* Keelin furrows her brow..then smiles a bit* I see ... let him know Devnet and I are safe...*smiles, heading over to Devnet* I am sure he is as worried for us as I was for him and Diana...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...

* Keelin kneels by Devnet, resting her palm to his brow* <vqw> You have no idea how thankful I am that you are alive, Devnet....

* Dev's lips kinda twitch a little...his face still staying peaceful in sleep...*

<JavierQuinonez> {{Are you sure that was Klork, HLM?}}

* Keelin smiles thankfully, resting her cheek against his arm* For a stubborn human, you certainly have grown on me quite a bit..

* HappyLittleMoron falls the bed, eyes wide* {{Wha'...Quinonez...OUT OF MY HEAD!!!}}

<JavierQuinonez> {{(mocking laughter) And I was so hoping for a warm welcome}}

* HappyLittleMoron clenches her teeth and growls a little, trying to put up a block* {{Like hell...get out of my head...!}}

* HappyLittleMoron brings her hands to her temples...trying to keep the connection with Klork open...not able to shut the connection to the baddie down completely...

<JavierQuinonez> {{Here, let me help you two with that.}}

* HLM and Klork suddenly feel a VERY strong connection for their mental chat

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes widen and she kinda falls back against the bed a little..

* Keelin blinks, tucking her arm around her* Eloise?

<JavierQuinonez> {{My, how tender your friend is. Yet she would have stolen your children away. Tut tut. Sure you can trust her?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> I...I...*shakes her head a little, eyes distant*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{None of your damn business!}}

* Keelin blinks, then narrows her eyes a bit, closing her eyes and chanting a blocking spell quietly, attempting to block out Javiebaby*

* HappyLittleMoron cringes a little...knowing Klork's in pain...

<JavierQuinonez> {{heh... good -- friends indeed, you have...HLM...}} (straining to handle an additional, very forceful will)

* HappyLittleMoron joins Keelin in trying to block him out, face strained...

* Keelin continues, eyes closed in concentration, chanting the spell loudly now*

<JavierQuinonez> {{Better...say buh-bye to -- cat boy!}}

* JavierQuinonez breaks off the connection boost for Klork and HLM, ripping at it to break it down as he goes

* Keelin growls, almost hollering the spell loudly now, repeating it over and over again*

<HappyLittleMoron> NO..! *falls back, breaking down completely, holding her fisted hands to her temples*

<Aria> {{HLM! ((Image of a train station, a feeling of health and well-being but fear))}}

* Keelin kneels with her, still chanting*

* HappyLittleMoron huddles, seeing the image, curling around herself before just kinda...passing out...waaaaaay too much for her

* Keelin sighs shakily, lifting her up and carrying her to her room* Such stress should not be on your shoulders..*sighs, settling her on her bed* Rest...

* Kern erm...hurried up the stairs at the shouting, looking at them all beffudled like, Brenna's crying...*

* HappyLittleMoron ...sleeps...not able to do much more <G>

* Meanwhile, in a private waiting room at Union Station, a good-looking Hispanic man in his late 40s backhands a blue-haired girl in a a black dress

* Keelin goes over to Brenna, brows furrowed* All is well, child..*smiles faintly* Your mother is resting...

* Brenna looks up at Keelin, face tearstained* Wha's goin' on...?

* Keelin sighs, wiping her eyes gently* She took all of her energy to talk to your father ... they are well, just very tired..

<AriaStormsinger> Couldn't hold onto all of us at once, eh? (spits)

* Brenna nods a little*

* Brenna sniffles* They be ok, then...?

* Keelin smiles gently, nodding* They will be fine.

* Brenna nods a little, looking sleepy* Otay...

* Keelin smiles, settling her down, tracing a hand over her brow* As you should rest..

* Brenna nods and yawns, cuddling her cat doll close as she slowly dozes off, muttering in Elvish* <IE> ...hope...mama an' daddie...get better....

* Keelin grins, speaking back to her* <ie> They will, child....they will

* Brenna nods a little and dozes off with a ssmall yawn...*

* Keelin smiles, tucking her in befor heading down to her & Devs room*

* Javier stands over Aria, fists clenched and eyes black with rage. "Defy me again and I'll break you both!"

<AriaStormsinger> *winces at the mental blow he sends, but manages to deflect some

* Devnet moans very softly..*

<AriaStormsinger> {{They know where I am. They'll hunt you down. I knwo what I was sent for, now. To make sure YOU are destroyed!}}

* Keelin sighs quietly, sitting beside him, resting a cool cloth on his brow*

* Devnet hnns a little, eyes opening to slits, grimacing as massive pain hits*

* Keelin chants a spell to relieve his pain, uncertain how to heal*

* Dev gasps softly, relaxing, trying to focus on her*

* Keelin trails off when it takes effect, smiling very small down at her* How do you feel?

* Dev grins a little, weakly lifting a hand to bring hers to his lips, kissing it gently* <w> Now that you are here...wonderful...

* Keelin smiles* How did you escape...?

<Dev> <w> I...don't know, truthfully...

* Keelin furrows her brow* Strange...

* Dev nods a little* <w> I...remember a massive pain...electric...then nothing...

* Keelin blinks* Electric..? Ah!...perhaps Klork portalled you out of there....??

<Dev> <w> Perhaps...Teirnan was torturing both him and Diana...

* Keelin nods* Perhaps ... but I've word that they are both safe now ..

* Dev relaxes a little more* <w> Good...thank the gods...

* Keelin smiles, tilting her head to the side* Are you well rested?

* Dev nods a little and shifts up* Aye...

* Keelin frowns* Rest back...? You have some rather ... severe injuries...

* Dev furrows his brows and leans back* is going to sound stupid but...what ARE my injuries...?

* Keelin chuckles quietly, resting a hand on his shoulder* You're stitched up from a lot of whip and cut marks .. some electrical burn...*squints* And some internal damage not critical ... it just will need healing..

* Dev blinks, looking honestly suprised* ...maybe...sleep is in order, heh?

* Keelin nods, looking a bit exhausted herself* Indeed ... I will sleep on th efloor if you need your room..

* Dev shakes his head slightly and pulls her down by him with suprising strength* Nay...I will heal better with the one I love by my side...*smiles charmingly, if not weakly at her*

* Keelin blinks, then chuckles, crawling in* Persistant, persuasive, and stubborn mortal, you are. But I'm afraid I cannot argue with one in a condition such as your reasoning will have to satisfy *smirks*

* Dev chuckles weakly, wrapping an arm around her* Ahh....good good...sleep well, m'lady...

* Keelin smiles, curling into his side* With you here, I will sleep better than I have in a while..*smiles, closing her eyes and resting*

* Dev smiles as he drifts off*

* AriaStormsinger goes a little blank-eyed

<Javier> Walk.

* AriaStormsinger and Javier and a couple of big guys leave the waiting room and cross to a private car on a train

* HappyLittleMoron sleeeeeeeps...Kern just...watching over the silent Asylum

* Train stops just north of the city, and a private car takes them to an old castle-like residence set apart on a hill

* AriaStormsinger says thickly: "Where'd you...get the money...for this one? All the...junkies you strung out...peasants back home...?"

<Javier> Wise investments, dear. Wise investments. Like you. And your friends.

<Javier> *clamps back down.

Session Close: Mon Feb 11 00:45:02 2002

